-v : ' 1 square 1 time.. .e....t.'jrr7. THE BTHJLETIN : l do BY B. H. BRXTTON. OFFICE. - NO. 15 TRTO STtt,FT, ' . ...ri m. TKRMS FOR PAP Kit : rr-TICBAILT BTTLLETnf wlllUforiWUt SIX DOLLARS per annum, IN ADVANCB 4ar THE TRI-WEEKLY BULLETIN wOIW-iU ilUed every Tuesday. T orsday and Saturday saornf K. rv I sappllad far 00 per aanum, parable In Jtik. mi Va on XVtjw Comixmy farKtrJ park- , apes by Panmcntjr Train and Sletimcrm and 1 liMileh ly Ttlgrph U all JxirU of Vte - Country. . , mv . 4 A . From Fort Donejsoiu THE YANKEES Y1CT0RIQUS.: WE ARE D IDEATED. oti? ARyrrsunriEXDEREp. 15,000 CONFEDEBiraS OAFrViRKl). Colcbbu, 8. Frb. 13, . I ' K-lTed al BuUctia Office, 1:22 p. ra. J t Mr. Br 'Utan, Editor Bulletin s : , . j Furl Donelson and NahUle ar now in the hand ol the enemy. 1 " - lienerata Bactucr anJ Villow aurrtnJered "iheir entira commandj, fifteen thousand. . ' Oar troop gallantly and bravely de ' tended the Fo-t until their lat toad of am munition waa examted. . . Not hiog later. - ' Baker. f , , i . ' 1 I ' . From Kichmond. i KeccIreJ at Te!Krph Office, Frb. IS, I ! ' at BulMlo Offlce, 8.W p. in- ) jUkumoso, Feb. "l8-7-Manyw extravagant reports are, in circulation about a disaster .to tba Confederate army in Kentucky and Tenneasee.bat nothing official ia known . h,ere, nor know n by tlienewa agent, cor- , robnrating the teports. ' J From Ricbmoud. -. i Richmond, Feb. J 7. Congress to day confirmed Geo. B.Crit tenden and W, V. Leonard aa major generals. " The Hon- lloeU Cobb Diada-aleeling aud elequeiit speech 4u thecluaiug of buai- neiia in the Provisional Congress and an nounced that bixjy adjournc-d hint die. . I TUE LABGEST CIRCULATION IN WES " I - TERN NORTH CAROLINA. V I THE s dATAUBA JaUKNAL, . ...- .... 4 -.- ; THE DAILY-BULLETIN. ri'BUSB 3 ST ' K. H. BilITTONn i i llAULOrrK, N. Tli2C Filer iciobracios .the Tkl-AVsnai BcU-rn)eikuiea m U.e town I Charlotir, N. tJ,atfc.U auaaual adaft h Adfrtter bJufc hou.aul abrua t. as thf e.litlOGl,yetkiy , - bow exceed '- t I NIX THOUSAND COPIES, whUU w kav no doubt are read by at eat ifjoot racb watt, a largo KoporUowoi ol whom are rUoVcr ana tner imuncm. . . ' Am a oiaui of A.dvcrUlu wvart conflJent that "treat adota caa b tbUtoeJ Urouh Uiii ea UblUkmb hnc w embrace this opportuntty to totoria our frl-o-t and the UercanUie couuu nUiea oa kb Seaboard, tCt'l40 dJ Uol) tua or faciat!et for cUculaiu.g tbeir buu olka throul.ooiWcurn iru uaruo. Uic aUjoUilti liuicUia Uoutb Carolina are x tMtT and cooipUi. 4 Z wa ax Ubral and a Urje d.dclin wil I mad on the Mils of Couiract AdTCTtUrro. HpU , 1 ' . . . EXECUTIVE CEFARTMENT OF N. C. f Adjctakt Genebau's UHriCE. I V I RaiKiU, J- . J ; fiuifc: Husr ta:t;iMi:NT.N.c. vol- A unteera bctng disbanded, a Kegtment ot ! Vuluuteera lor the war will be lorined to take its place. All the Companies ol .the old Kegtment about to reorganize tort he war. are requeued to report to this UHice without aeiay, t-. ----- tnis Kegiment, which will receive the j "lethel Flag." ; h ? ; Additional rui rTn v ol lilieen dollars per mail. w l e State, andFfely by the Conlederate Stales. When a lull Company w tendered lour officers will be commissioned ; with a less number, appointments will.be giyeu as tollowi : a Captain lor lorty men, rirsl Lieutenant lor twenty; five, Second Lieu, tenant lor fifteen. , " S . i The Militia who. have been ordered .on duty and lo be in readiaeas, caa stilh avail theniidvea oi this opportunity, of gttting -imo the Volunteer service, and the number bo doing will be credited to t heir respecti ve 'Counties. " ,.,. r; . i-.. ! By order or Governor II. T. Ciaa Kr , J. G. 1 1 t j - Adjutant Genera!.- r r&- All the papers in the State d copy ia i : A a, four times. , jiajo.icwiji. ! SCHOOL NOTICE. - 1alalt rtaome the daUea of my achool on the Cth of January iu ine North Carolina Military ltA tute. ,. . . Li ;J 1 "TERMS rtRilO.N OF JIVE M05TUS. . For tatloa lo Prlary studies a4 Jtteeutar, i ArilamaLic i,y Practical AiIthcieMc aithCol- I lateral a todies . , i .. Clioal bUidttrt. - t ),0 N. D. No ded action alter eutejln' school ex eel t in caae or iroraceu :u. K.il.UtUFfirtl. uc.al-l-i I PALME 1TO. ., ft ( VOLUUUIA, S. C, ..... 1 1 ESTABLISUEDA. D. MDCCCLl. i j WILUAM GLAZK, , - Tl ANCFACTCRXR OF iTKAM ENGINES, 1T.H. txom 10 to bO llorae Fower SUGAR HP ! every-itjle now la aae, Kid Wsra ol every discription.' Ahw, Iron KaUlnr, with erery oiacnpUoA of iron asdraaa Casuna. . , . ; 1 would call auction to Iron Caaung in the ay ol ancloalns- FnbUo Balhiingi, Uweiiiua, Cat 1 etepa, Balestra Raluor, and all tied af aitclosajres lor Ocmetaxy k.u.- . - v 'l ' l HavUtg a am rata boiler aakr wiu a, we are prepared to aaanniaaiara MUra, r r er ha, aa short noOoa. - WUl Nua fckf mutruui tart ol tae ataie. Oar eam Eagmca will a to and, when earn pared with loot aaad at Karth era aatabuanmenta, to b from twenty -a v tw for y per cent larger far tha same bora pwer. J ' Thaaa Works av bvcnla saecaafui operaUoH fucsaff ral ywa, wtta sua laoreaae ol FNf from all parts ol the (Southern oounUy, tor vaic4 Um rropnetor raturna bis taaaks to ht ooroarouj Ineuda aud pauosa, and tegs to aef thom ihal bo pains ar ex pans'; a Ul be apareu io inm a e- uaaauca ol ihetr ravvra. asay 1T-U - . - , . . . SELLING OFF ! mtiX largeat atock of WALL rAPltt, Wt.N6V JL bUADCS, OOkVDd, TASakLa ic.'lu th fciata. Moat be told la MNaTTY DAVa M make read foe other basic aaa. All thoaa wanting bar galas, tad beUar eU. aoQ. Tboee ' iu the XraUs via do well by sajnxiioQ - J W. II. a CUD TT, SoJ yOLVNTKElIS 1TANTED. , Having received authority fromtbe Gov ernor o North Carolina to enliat men lor the war, all iho desirous of entering the service would do well to call upon me at my office and sign the roll. During my absence from town, A. C. Wir.LtAMto, Esq.. will act for me- A bounty of C5.00 will be paid to each man when the Com- pany i compietea ana cmc Snv J. A. FOX. feb. 13, 18C2 dtf , HILLSBOKO ALilitary Academy. THIS INSTITUTION wUl be re opened under efTicient management on WEDNESDAY, March 5th. The servi ces of officers having been permanently secured, no.lurther interruption oJ dutiea need be apprehended 5ar- For circulars ' stating nw terms &."c, addresA "Superintendent II. M". A , sfv t." w IIilIbortr'NCrf Feb llawGw , TALUABLEMACllbERY AT .AUCTION . f Salisbubt; S. C. . .. - -1 - - -;;Jan0ary...29, ,62. 1 ON Thursday iebr'uary 28ih " 1SG2, I will sell at. .":""':.. 11 --'public auction,:: to the highest bidder for for CASH, at the Confederate States 'Military Prisons in Salisbury, a large Jot of - . Valuable Machinefyi; s fermerly tlsed in the "Rowan1 Cotton Fac tory consisting of J V - -Iyoma, jshaltingsk Pulleys, : - - Rollars, Cylinders, Shaft-hangers, -, , . . Cog-wheels, Shuttles, Bobbins,- . Cast-iron Pipes, Old Iron, &.C. sj raie to commence ai tv o nw M. , i- v -' :' ' ' -t - r. i HENRY McCO Y, -'L .Capt.and A. QU C. S. Army. f."eb 1 la w-4w. "1 -T- ?: .f"t... AIECKLEXBUHG IRON 1 1 KNKY ALEX ANDEU. I. , I . c IIAIl LOTT1X, Ni C.-. - CBU Cuaderlned beg to Inform tha citizens of JL Charlotta and :vicialtj, aqd. U publto (en eratly. that tliy fcavt K , COMMENCED B USINESS 1 . "atoaabova v K ii T iVB L, I S UM E IV T A.Hoinlnjrtho North Carolina Rail -Ad, and op pftiu JOUN WILKES' Bam Fiow alllla. They ara now prepared to famish all kind or At abort notice, and oa reonabl4. Urtns. STEAM? ENGINES FK0M 8 to SO HORSE POWER, O X' 'or 3 Ix'o o JL XX 6 AND - - ; : i. v ,. ULCKSntTll'S WOUK ... . a 0ltX. EIHD&. " - E-A .L R' S In thar Una prouipUy aUendod to. Tbair.rOUN DRY is la fott operation, and . i . - v . Caat Regularly twice a Week, T Wednesdays and Saturdaya. fbj are prepared to furnish all kinds of CASTIN;8 1N.IUON, BR1SS, &f . AOOORDIKU TO OKOICK.; "t Tj -,-' SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING, GIN WHEELS, . JSA W' I) UST UUNERIS, ANTI FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR COTTON PRESSES. 0 A S f 1110 N RAIL INU. Tr Garden Enclosures, Dwelling liousea, 1 -. j , i - Public Buildings, , v 15 i - Porticoes. -. - Cemetery Lots, a Their -- ; nvrpLEMENTS For carnlnn on the baalnessln all lUbrascbea; harabeen 8ELECTED WITH GREAT 0A&E, and IMPROVEMENTS . Required to do their work In ' " : W "FIRST UATE HANriEIl. ' 'AgeoU, f Dr.'R O. . EuJOtri. for WlaUr's TaUat Malay Bw MU1, which has the advantage, along with many othera, of doing at least twics as much work, and doing it better, than any other Mill la uae It can be rua by Steam, W ater or Uoria Power. Tfas MuUy may be sesa at the Shop at any time. " HENRY ALEXAMJEH, , . H. 11. Old Iron, Braaa, Copper, 4o., bought or Ukenln trade. , ' oct. ga. ISoO-tf. 'X "" i . .. Dissolution. : VirtUE Copartnership heretofora exlatinj under JL thsaamaof ALkXANDltR MoDOCOALL, la this day disaolTed by mutual eoneent. Henry Alexander is alone authorised to setUe the bust neu of the lata firm. " " " - HERT ALEXANDER. r U . . majxX)LM McDODtf ALU i Junt 87,18Cltf . , ; - 4 rSOOP.ZIAU ?S - Anti-Dyaenteriock Anti-Dyaptptic Pbepaksd by b. KOOPMAN. CllJklll-OTTlSa W. C.. rstIIESt uurivalied WUers. poaseaa peculiar ca ' fl - rn trooerUea la'. mU Affections of Ve Ti-j -Tii. will b found effeetaal la the "cure and all inoae paiatu - 71. i r, . d trance oienl of the dleaUre or- ras and trmrular action of the tancUons of the iiomaclt and tntestlnea. They will also be found a ?iMfiruED rOR CUILLH AND W KVCJia. Theaa UiOer ara prepared from KoiU brought fjota uermany, ana or t m toand affpataal la that eoaatry for the permanent core ol the dlseMos- enumerated abovs They contain he deleterious drug but are compounded entirely from roots, ana axe periecu ie u , A almpU trial la all thai U aakad, as -a care will piVufauy iouow, anu vaa ta wuc km v. their saperlorlty over every other remedy for thott particular diseases. - - " They are manafactored by- At.tloopinan, Char. lotU,l.CaidfotSalaby. o Alaoflor sale al r. carr and K, Wyj SOB a U l unit pvot. . . t'" The old iNortli StatOjiKorcTcr. ff OOK UtKE, FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITI-il A ZkNSwUl'yea waytbe noble STATE ol ItOalTU OA HO LIN At U so, f end so. the subscrt krs,er subacxlbe to the Coonty Agent, for this , MsW) Aistrge suast . ffXagnl flcent. glapt Aad you win get (he whole State, wttit her Rivers. Jtsllrirr'i Gold, Oopar, La ad. Iron aad- Coal Ulaea, and au tne uues, xowae aaa ,viuagwi star noble ilovatalns.SASl.fiprlngs, and bar Fields and Flowers. - II you want this GOLDEN ; RIZR, now lathe (iaje,- Map aevta leet ty five., aorder views ef the State Uecse, Insane' Asylum, Ocapd Hill, Vials Ajod Feaaaia CoUegva, Ao4 Ao., oo of ihe tskeapeet i Aa. AlaDaavaff4 pahtUhed. ; .a " alsENTS WANTED for every Uooaiy la tthf State ave. Ttrms BberaL Apply as above. ' BMitra throaxheut the BtaU copylaa this aaTartlaemeat six aaoatas, Sd BoticJnglt edliorlalr T . . a, aa mx xk an Wm wa a CHARLOTTE, Nv T EMOVAL. 2 . . . I G.lo StaUee from our old stand, in rear of the iviansiou .Xluc. fc Stables, onpoHite the jail, where we would ie jicwv ...... " - j w.1 ..A ,n nrait on ihi nnnliC ffeneraiir. At ear new eiana we areueuei KK Vn th a nvaniaof the Dublic. h a much more convenient building than the one we were formerly in, ana being wen provided with provender. 'Weliive good lots for "the accommoda tion of drovers, being prepared to accom modate any amount of horses and ' mules, and would be pleased to wait on any drover who may give us a call. - We have. also, a good Black-smith shop in connection with our Stables, and would h nleaaed to attend to the wanls pf the people in that line. . ... "i j Give" us a Call. " , - - BROWN & WADSVVORTII, Tattersall Stables. Dec 23, 1861 i2mos. COFFEE! COFFEE! IS MANUFACTURED AT M. KELLY'S Southern Excelsior Corlee Mill, Raleigh,, and is equal to the best coflee. It. is maae Ol jconee, rye uu chickory, and is roasted Sn a,cylinaer by machinery, and therefore is better parch ed than can be done by hand. Chickory is not so well known in Dixie land, but in Europe they use it to give a superior flavor to the coffee. In Germany they call it MagoraM. and here we call it dandaliou. In . . . . a II :-.aJ K a ft England it is bo nigniy appreciaicu wai they lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings sterling per hundred weight to protect the growers of "it. We annex Professor Em mons certificate to show that there is no humbug, but it is what it is represented to be: ' v. . To MiR, Kwly, Sir.- I have tested and used the two samples of manufactured coffee the labelled Java and Laguixa. The first equal the Rio coffee of the shops, and seems to be equally good with that kind.. - t I am satisfied that they .contain nothing which is injurious to the system, aud may be economically and salely used as substitutes lor coffee. t E. Emmons. This coffee is put up jn pound papers, and packed in boxe containing thirty.six lema otherwise ordered. . All orders promptly attended to by. ad'- dressing . , . M. KELLY, jarTl8 '62Im ' Raleigh, N. C. JOTICK. " All claims agalnat the Saddlery 'and flarnesa eatabliahment of trio aubacriber will be aettled by Mr. K. Shaw; and all Indebted to the same will please make payment to him, as it la neoewaary to J, G. WILKINSON & X0.y ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, DEALERS IN FINK VA JEWKUV, S1LVEK AND ; T S 3?l,toci w a-ro. - CHARLOTTE, N. O, Morolxant Tailor. MAYING located In Ohartott respect fully sollcita a share or public patron- JKI age." . - i " if I A eoaaplete aasortment of Clothi, Caaaf- .. U A mora and VeaUnga alwaya on hand, which wUl be made to order at the ahorteet notice, after thf latest fashion. - ... . Shop three doora South of U Manaion Houae. aept. l-U ; 1L WIXiLiIAMS du O ATES, . " TSABK STSBST, Cotton lluyers), Grocers 6c JProduce V Deaiera, . AquU or . A'ittUiotir Manipulated Guano and Lotus' Lumber. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. mayl7-tf ' , - - - - John T. Butler, Practical. Watch and Clock Maker, Jeweller o.t Main trL, Charlotte N. C oppotit Ktrr't JIoUL,daUr in fin Watche, Clockt Jewelry. Watch Materials, tc. A1 LL work done In the eatabliahment warrented for TWR LVB JTXONTIIS. , - fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des cription repaired and warranted for twelve months. Jaflull,lMl--ly. TUOMAS W. KADCLIFFE, SIGN OF TUB PIlUn f ; EICHABI)S0N STREET, THafNORTH-BABT CORNER OF RICHARDSON ! AND PLAIN STREETS, r . - . K0.166, r 4 j Importer amd pealer In Flue WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 811 VER WARE, GUNS, MILITARY St FANCIT GOODS. r-gy"WATCHM aad Jswaxar repaired by akllifal and experienoed Workmen. AU kinds of iUia-Woax made to order. fij I Certain Cure for Flux Certain Cure for Flux 1 Oertain Cure for Flux ! - Oertaln Core for Flux I ; Tf'U ' U? ' Oevtaua Uore for Flax 1 1 Ml . KOOPMANN'S DIAKRUOEA. MIXTURE I - KOOPMANN'S DIAKKUOJA MIXTURE! . . . KOOPMARN'S -DIARRHOEA MIXTURE I ....... , KOOPMANIfS DIARRUCBA MIXTURE! Win oafs the most obstinate . . . .! win care the most obstinate ...... ... . Will cure the most obstinate , - Will care the most obstinate , . . -, " k " Oases of Diarrhcaa and Flux . . " Oaaes of Diarrbo3a and Flux , . Cases of DiarrboMt and Flux '. f i V : 1 Caseaof Diarrhcea and Flux If taken in time,. - ,i ' ' ; If taken in time. ... . J . , X If taken la time. -' , . UtakeaUUme. f . ;,, M1 . ' Wot aaiat auuruAnn m t a r. Drag 8Urea, Charlotta. , may t- ! - ' j ' Wllcxiiigton, Charlotte and V Rutherford Bail lioaiii tbab&pobtatioh Omcs, W. D. ATJiS and afier.Monday the 16tb Instant the raa O eir aad MaU Train win be ran oa this Road daily (Sundays excepted) as follows : . , ? " ' GOING WKST.f T " " :J ; :.' Aaaiva 1M 8.1f 8.8T T40A.il.- Charloite Tuakaseege Brevard T.45 g.15 S.40 ri 1 i it - " Sharon JAacolnton VOING EAST: ? -.v-:, -Llncolatoa haroa ---rtvaxd , Tuakaseege ... CaartoUe Aaaiva. ii .ou Ays: v ? 141- ' PV. 1U5E.M, ' ly Order, " x . A. MCBEE, - 'Attiar Mast? f Triotportation. i C WEDNESDAY, PE0VISI0NAL GOVERNHENT . Confederate Sfates of America PRESIDENT: . -' j ' ' . JIS'FEREOII DAVISj OF MISSISSIPPI. 1 TICK-PRESIDENT: ALEX. H. CTEPHEIIS, OF GEORGIA. CABINET, OFFICERS: gEcarriaT "OF STAT, K. M. T. HUNTIin, of Vlr nla. OEORKTABT OX THBTBJtASlTaT, . C. G. ini5JriMINGEIt,of S. Carolina. sacarriaT or thb katty t . aLaafllAlfliOlllf.of FlortAa. - gKCRBTAi'ST or WAR, ' w ALKBIliof Alabama. JOHN n.BEAGrt. efTexas. ATTOaJTET QBSBRAl.," X P- OENJAHIIN, of Louisiana. CONGRESS: r PresidenWHon. HOWELL jnBB, of Ga. Secretarv4U0HNS0N J?liPER, Esq., of Alabama. : " j Alabama R. W. Walker, R. H. Smith, J. L. M f-iirrv. W. P. Clillton. 8. F. Hale, Collin J. McRae, John Gill Shorter, Daniel R. Lewis, Thos. Fearn. ' -1 . , Florida J amea B. Owens, J. Pattoo Anderson, Jackson Morton. "1 . Georgia Robt. Toombs, Howell Cobb, F. s. Bartow, M. J. Crawford, E. A. Nlslxit, B. H.Hill, A. R. Wright, Thoa. R. R. Cobb,, A. H. Kenan, A. H. Stephena. ,1 , Louisiana John Perklna, Jr., A. L. DeClouet, Charles M. Conrad, D. F. Keoner, G. E, Sparrow, Henry Marshall. , , ' , MisHssippi-W. P. Harris, Walter Brooke, N. L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. 8. Barry, J. T.Har rlsoo ' South Carolina R. B. Rhett, Jr R W. Bara well, L. M. Keitt, James Chesaut, Jr., C. G. Mem minger, W. Porcher Miles, Thos. J. WUhers, W. Texas It. T. Wfgfall, J. H. Reagan, Jj Hem phUl, T. N. WanL Judge Gregg', Judge Oldham, and W. B. Ochiltree! j ' v - 8TABDIBO COMMITTBBS. t Executive Departments Stephens, Conrad, Boyce, Shorter, Brooke. jj Foreign 4tfra-Rhett, NlsbeV4 Perkins, Walker, Jleitt. ' .n. Military 4air narww, mim. Miles, Sparrow, Hanoi Affairs Conrad, Chearut;, Smith, Wrisht, Owene. I ' iiflto-Tooraba, Barnwell, Kenner, Barry, aimmerce Mejcunlnger, Crawford, DeClouet, Morton, Carry. Judiciary r-CUyton, Withers, Hale, Cobb, "pSitol-Chilton, Boyce, Hill, Harrbion, Curry. Palate Brooke, Wiiaon, Lewis, Hill, Kenner. Ttorr7rea--Che8ntttj Campbell, Marshall, Nes- bit, Fearne: . - ' - . . ! " ; Public Zantfs-Marahall, Harris, Fearne. - Indian Affairs Morton, Hale, Sparrow, Lewis, ' Keitt. PrirUing-CoW, .Harris, Miles,, Chilton, Per-ki"cscowi--Owens, Crawford Campbell, Da-ngoswnt-ShortfiU Wilson, Kenan, McRae, Bartow. . . - f": 'MEMBERS OF THE FIRST PERMA NENTCONGRESS. r We make the following list of the members elect of the First Permanent Congress that it is tp meet on the 10th of February next. The list is made from the election returns: ' ' y : A,,tAMt sinLara Mi-narg. William L. Yan cey, 0 0 Uia"-' -i '-. ' Members 01 the House Ifessrs E L Dargan, W P ChUton, James L Pugbi J L M Curry, W R Smith, John P Rawls, Thomas J Foster, D Olopton L F Lyon. f ' -. AaxAasAS. Senators-Messrs Robert W John sou: Ohai lea B Mitchell.4 ' Members of the Houae Messrs Felix J Batson, Grandiaon D lioyster, Ausustus II Garland, Tho mas B Hanly. . FLoarDA. Senators Election Tetui-ns not re-. ceived 1 ' Meuioers of the House Messrs James B Desklas, Hilton. 1. - r . - Gbokqu. Senators Messrs R H Hill, Robert Tooinba. ' Members of the House Messrs A H Keenan, Hiaes Holt, A R Wright, Juiien Hartridge, Lucius JGartrell, Wm W Clark, Robert P Trlppe, David W Lewia, C J Munnalym.rUardy-Stxickla'nd. Louisiama. Senators-7-Meaars Fd ward Sparrow, T JSemmea. " ' i ' Members of the House Messrs D F Kenner, Chas Vlilers, John .Perkins, Jr., 0 W Conrad, lienry Marshall, Luclen Dupose. J " I L Mississippi. Senators Messra Albert G Brown. James Phelan. - .- ' Members of the Houser-Messrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Reubin Davis, Israel Welch H C Cham-, bers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale. M18SOOBL Senators Messrs John B Clark, R BY Peyton.- - I ' Membera of the House Messrs John Hyer, Caspar WBell, George G Test, A H ;Oonrow,W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman, Thomas A Harris. North Caroluia Senators Messrs George Da vis, Wm B Dortch. ar.. Members of the House Messrs W N H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenan, J 0 McDowell, Thomaa 8 Aahe, Archibald Arlington, Robert Mc Lean, William Lander, R 8 Garther, A S David- son. ' : ; South Cabousa. Senators Messrs R W Barn weir, James L Orr.' . ; e " , . . Membera of the House--Messrs W W Boyce, W Porcher Mllea, M L Boaham, John McQaeen, L MAyer, James Farrow.- - Tkmhkssbb. Senators Messrs Langdon O Haynes, GusUvva A Henry. T . Members or the House Messrs D M Carrin, J D C Atkins, H E Foster, Thomas Menees, George W Jones, M P Uentry, W G Swann, W H Tibbs, E L Gardner, T J Heiskell . Tbxas. Senators Messrs? Louis T. Wlgfall, W, S. Oldham. : Members of the Houses-Messrs. John A. Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, 0 Ueirbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, S. B. F. Sexton; . f ViRGisiA.Seua.tors-r-Not elected. I Membera of the House Messrs. John R. Cham bllss, Muscoe R. H. GarnetH John .Tyler Roger A Pryor, Thonus K Boceck, John Goode, Jr., james tr uoicombe, D 0 Dejarnette, WUUam tsmita, A R Boteler, Joha B Baldwin; W R Sta ples, Walter Preston, A G Jenkins, Robert John son, Charles H. RuaaeU. - . Ksstockt. Seuatora Meassrs. HiO Burnett, WUUam E Simma. " i Members of the UaaSe-LUessrs Daniel 1 White, TbcmasB Monroe, J IT Ford, John J Thomas, T D Burre, George W Swing, George U Hodges, 1 nouaa t uuwuu. . - BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE rOOROED 852. . CHARTEIEO br a 85 ..... ' I W0ATBB -I : - Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streete, ""'Oil, MS. f lrges anu moat Elegantly Furnished JL Commercial College la the United States. Every young man should write Immediately for one ot uioao ' c na oeautifuliv? ornamented Olreulars, repreaenttng the exterior "and Interior View of the Baitmom Combueboiai. Coixbob. Peamansnip. c wuca will -..r,, mailAM of charge, wiih Catalogue coatalnlng List of Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions of the rrea on oi uoox-ivoeplnif. etc. E. K. Losibx, PrlncipaV Lecturer on the Sclaaoe of Accounts, Buaineaa, Customs, etc J. ,M. FHiixirs, Professor cf Book-Keeplng and tommercUt Calcoiatioas. . i , ' puM ' HU H. K. Da visa. Associate Profc of Bok-Kevi9K N. C JoHjmoB, Professor of Peumanshi. 8. T. WnxiAM8,Esq.f Mercantile Lwt? Rxv. IV Y Rxxsx, D. Commercial EthlcsT Hon John? Kennedy,. I Hon Joshua Yansaat, 110 xnomas owaua, , Wm a Relgfaler, Esq., Jacob Trust, Esj Wm Rnaba,Eq' The time usually required to complete the fan course, rrom iwu weeks. A DrrtoMA is awarded to aU Graduates. Largs Grcularsand Cataloguer atattnr tents tc teut by mall free cf charge. j - - Address ItOSIER, " ian LT-tf t - ; ;; rittmorp Af Ha L. ALEif AMnPn hAttoxney aii4rCouiiseUor:at; W . v . caAniaoxxxia rtvcs ' r3 03ta Inixni pTOxart, r 1 i 1 K FEB. 19, 1862, CJOVEItNITIKIHT OF NOIXX1I CAIA- 1 ' H.T. Clark, of Ed gecombe,Governor, salary per ami am, fSjOOO, and the -uae of a furnished house. Term expires .January 1, 18U1. ; .:. - -.;. G. A. Dares, of Craven, Secretary to the Gover nor, salary $300, exdustve of f eea. ' ' , Rufus H. Page, or Wake, Secretary of State, sal ary $800, exclusive of fees. Daniel W. XJourts, of Rockingham, Traasurer, salary $2)00. ' .." ; - , , , Curtis H. Brogden, of Wayne, Comptroller, sal- ary$l00 : The General Assembly commences its session oa the third Monday of November every alternate year- The next elections lor members of the Sea ate and House- of Commons, and for Governor, wUl be held on the first Thursday Of AugustTiS60. Literary Board The, Board of Literature of North Carolina is-composed aa follows : His Ex cellency, John W Elna, President, ew officio; G. A. Daves, Secretary.-. , ; Internal Improvement Board The Internal Im provement Board is composed as. follows : His Ex cellency, John W. Ellis, President, eat officio; G. A. Daves, Secretary. - . . :. i State LibrarUn-rOttver HPerryyof Raleigh. -: I GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF N. CAROLINA.' M BUB BBS BUeOT TO THB UtQISLATOBB OF 1S60-1.- (0. for Opposition D. for Democrat.) . r '' , Senate. . : 1. Pasquotank and Perquimans, S S Whedbee, O. 2. Camden and Currituck, B F Simmons, D. 8. Gates and Chowan, Mills H isure, Ji 4. Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer, fi. Northamnton. JMS Rogers, D. . Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. T. Bertie, David Outlaw, O. 8. Martin and Washington, J R Stobba.-O. 9. Halifax, MO Whitaker, D. - : 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D. Ill Pitt, E J Blount, O. 12. Beaufort, FrederlckGrlst, O. 13. Craven, N H Street, D. ' 11. Carteret and Jones. M L F Arndlel, O; 15. Gretoe and Lenoir, James PSpeigkUD. , 16, New Hanover, EU W Hall, D.' . IT. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. 18. Onslow, L. W, Humphrey, D. . , 19. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John D Taylor, D. ' " '1 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D. 21. Sampson, Thos. I Faison, D. 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. 28. Johnston, JWB Watson, D. . 24..Wake, M A Bledsoe. D. , 25. Nash, A J Taylor, D, 26. Franklin, Washington Harris, D. 2T. Warren, T J Pitchford, D. 28. GranvlUe, C H K Taylor,. 29. Person, C 8 Wlnstead, D. 80. Orange, Jcsiah Turner, jr. O. - 81. Alamance and Randolph, J Worth, O. 82. Chatham, W G Harris. D. " ,f 88. Moore and Montgomery, C W towd, O. '. 1 84. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred Dockery, O 85. Anson and Union, 8 H Walkut), O. . 86. Guilford, John M Morehead, O. 87. Caswell, Bedford BrownD. 88. Rockingham, F L Simpson, D. - 89. Mecklenburg, John Walker, D. . 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V O Barrlnger, O. 41. Rowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, O. . 42. Davidson, John W Thomas, O. . , ah atnirM &nd Porsvth. Jesse A Waueh, D. 44! Ashe, Surry, Watauga and Yadkin, Joseph TAKbAi1 TV 45. Iredell, WUkea and Alexander, L Q Sharps, O. ifi Rrv. McDowell A CaldweU. W W Avery, D at i.ini-nin. fl-aaton and Catawba. Jaaper StoweJ). as" Rntherford. Polk and Cleaveland, A W Bur ton. D. . 49. Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Yancey 1 Marcus Erwin.D. 50. Haywood, Macon, Cherokee . and -Jackson, Wm. H. Thomas. D. Democrats, 81; Opposition, 19. - Democratic majority 12. At last Session Democrats 82 ; Op position gain just one. , THE BIIETIiV T11E CAlWBA JQU WE are pleased to advertise the friends and patrons of this establishment that we com mence ihe publication pf the second volume of the nssv named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices. The circulation of the above named paper is rapidly increasing, and it influence as anadver tising medium is being felt and appreciated by H patrons, having access to almost every neighbor hood In this and adjoining Counties, as wvU as the adjoining Districts In South Carolina. THE CATAWBA JOURNAL, One of the largest papers now published in the gtate, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of .the Daily Bullbtih, has not only become a popular papers, but It affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use Its column ar ,tort1arir medium. Specimen copies will be sent to any section they mar be ordered, free of postage.- : . or terms. Ac. we refer the reader to our im- prtat. " 1 , H. BRITTON aov.lT-tf -"t " - ' - The Edgecombe Farm Journal as-nic aubacriber will commence on or about the II iat of September, I860, the publication of a DlanUtin and rural! Interests of North Carolina to Dartioular, and of the South generally. 4 Edgeoombe having long since been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there Is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a hrt class agricultural paper than Tar- boro It is to do oaueu -"The Edgecombe Farm Journal,' And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House holdLrts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac It will be published with new type and clear white paper, la a neat quarto form. v - The Drice of subscription has been made so low a to Pl ae pabllcation within reaotr of every one TERMS: - : n KA One copy ona year...... Seven copies one year ............... w Twelve copies one year Twenty-live copies one year ..... . . . . , 10 00 tio oaner sen uiucsa piu w P " WILLIAM B. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro, N. a July 8' PROSPECTUS ' OF THB .... w nnAnnfTPii Dcrnnni?!?' HJJjJjaDUAVUUaiA AbAaVVawvaiiae) , ' - ' DBVOTXD TO. ' POLITICS, AGRICULTURE. tllSCELUKY. GEKEXAL MEWS. DBNNISHEAETT. - . HILLSBOROUGH, N. 0. . 1 -. v j wttth the Dresest -volume the RECORDER W commencedutte fortieth year of Its exis tence, the first number having been Issued the 10th w-nf i! i . Hnrtn all which time we have ""'.V: rrTt interesting and useful, ,&u:iT,;v.H th narticulsrs we have not been altogether nnsuccessfuL It aw been our zyz rnrtha RFOORDklt a Rood Family Pa- wish to make .mbj-wsum .. 1 per, devoted to Politics, Agriculture, I nL Ac- with a view -to th general wewa, - jmA Mtf. a. .fS .iManrnvampiia ui bbbbb ismsum 1 the best selections we can 1 riving preference to such as will be of prac tical m t the farmer anu siutwi , . we hoS to maka the BEC0RDKB vTVV .k. rHnnitnriat aa aav periodical of a purely agrultural character. Ia oar Miscella SeW department, we shall wnttue to be, aa we havealwavs been, careful to select such articles aa" wmb tendencynot 4fth'- ri-"-.h. mnA and heart. While we shall be Sackful 6 Treelve weil-wrltUn article, to airn oar columns, w are not so ambitioaa of originality .rr!?r.,, ui-.ti matter of superior merit, .j-niiiieated at tne vop wuu m.e !J.1, fr tha RECORDER. In CUT NewrUep.rrmeSVe .hidl take eapeeial patos.to- ACTS epy,"1 . l,,x.ll!arn& and preseatwoarreaaer. ""LrnVrtion of the State, except TcZ favored wlti7telegrapblc commanicatioa. i;!,.naa?!rf:::::r,::SS (tAl B W S w w pa iwi Ten copies; one year.... payment aiwj- - ; .Kt.fn M8. aa dwa niAti. inrof oar wiaaiwuiw . '"7. .uuSrlber. aMs-, iQ-irwuiwr . Jaly 1BV Talxo Notice. . ITT n 1 TV!, aaf BOO KB W Bask taersfore havt-B0JMy,r-. S ICS 86; PER ANISTJH. illUTLN, TANIN ALUlX "U Co., (Sdcceaaora to N. if. MARTIN, SON A Oo.) Grocers. & Uomniissioa Merchaiits, - rirrxussxiiJiiG, va WAIiTER IL TVTATlTm t& Go (Sueeeaaorato M. M. MARTIN 805 A Go.) COM5IISSIOPI laEROIlAIlTS, , R. A. Martix, formerly of Graarille CoN. C R, Taxsahux, formerly of Edgecombe Co., ft. O Waltxr K. Uaarnr, of Richmond, Va. N. M. Mabtih, of Richmond. Va. . R. H. Ccbkiboham Jr.. of Richmond, Va. BOTH concerns wlQ give faithful personal at tention to the sales of COTTON, WHEAT, TOBACCO and CORN. Neither concern will -bay any of, the above named articles, either oa Com mission, Speculation or otherwise, aa their busi ness in prod oca Is euiiilned to SELLING exclu sively. Refer to a F. Fisbbb, Esq., President N. O. Rail Road. Dr. W. i. Hawxiks, Prea't R. A Gaston Rail Road. R. R. BaineBBS, Esqn Prest Bank at Tarboro, N. C. Hon. W. N. Edwards, Warren County, N. 0. Jambs M. Bcllock, Esq., GranvUle County, II. C O. F. Fish kb, Casbiar Exchange Bank, Petersburg Kxm r P. Battlb, Esq., Raleigh, N.C r9" We respectfully can the auenuon or uotton Ptantera aad dealers to Petersburg as being one of the best Cotton Markets In the South, having both, a rood heme aad foreign demand, and we are pleased to hear that efforts are now being made to gettne rrcigna uuoub iruu vumivmv wcvwiv- burg reducea 10 aoout aa a oate. . men l, lBOi-om. i- ; - JT. IV. ROBSON, . (latbrhbttA bobsobO' v, Conwiission merchant, No. 62 EAST BAY, CHAIlLSTONi 8. O. Particular atttentlon given to the aale of . WHEAT, FL.OUII, CORN, AC. And from my long experience in the business, I feel confident of giving satiafae ten. ' REFERENCES. a M. Furman. Esa.. Pres. Bank of 8. C, . B. Smith, Esq., President Union Bank., O. Swing Esq, LNashville, Tenn, Hon. John P. King, Augusta. Ga., Hon. M. A. uooper, sitowa, wa. May 10, lbbi-em PROSPECTUS OF THE STATE JOURNAIi. If WAVING become the proprietor of the Deme ilii cratio. Press. I have merged that paper intotbe Statb'Joubbal, which will be published Th.HriTi Jodrsal will advocate Democratic nrtnclDleain the broadest sense, and will support n. defend Democratic measures and their aavo ... ui rti nresented. and aa occasion may require. In other essentials It will be my aim to m t.h nanar. what Its name denotes, a. State Journal eschewing all sectional considerations and working for the entire State and her common As soon as arrangements can be made, the whole paper shall be re-modelea ana printeu wiw new tTne. on rood DBDer.. and In a auperior manner. . - The Editorial department will be properly atten ded to In its various branches, anu wiu speaa ior it self. Neither labor nor expense win oe spareu in the management of the paper. r The terms 01 the state journal wiu we aa OW8 a aa 4AA e mi-Weekly, per annum . ......... i ; . 1 400 Weekly l These' terms wiU be insisted upon invariably in advance. No name will be put upon the list without the money, aud all papers will be discon tinnMi at the exDlration of the time for which they have been paid, unless the subscription be renewed. I am satisfied, from years of experience, that upon no other footing can any newspaper hope to suc ceed. " ' - ! ' - '".',)!. .' , Advertisements of a proper character will "be Inserted at the following rates i - One square, first insertion. . .......$ 100 Each subsequent Insertion:. . . . ; 20 cents. AUberal deduction on these rates for yearly ad vertisers In the Semi-Weekly. In the Weekly edi tion the full rates will ee enargeu. 1 4 .-JOHN SPELMAN, Nov. 2T, 1860. i - Editor and Proprietor THE S0UTHEBH QTJABDIAH - 18 PUBLISH BD AT k 1 rtALDRlBlA. SO. CA BY CHARLES P. PELHAM. " . tx&ms: . n.v ' ..,..$6 00per annum TrifedV:....... 4W - nrA.irl .............. 200 . Payment In advance inyarlably. Post f... .nitn tia five dailv Subscribers, with fcfOO. or Ave tri-weekly subscribers, with $20 4W, tr r.rfatered letters.) wUl be entitled to iTextra copy, or In Ueu of that 20 per cent, of the JSnTihus remitted, provided the order U for as many as ftve copies. Ten per cent, will be .allow- ad for amounts remitted for single subscriptions. W AnTBRTISBltBBT8 Inserted at the following rates in the Dally and wtl TaVBAsTlV One squarelO lines or less) one Insertion . . .50 cts When an advertisement Is Inserted In the Week ly, or but once a week In the Dally, 50 cents 1 .. n maH Insertion. vnh mbaeuuena mseruon uwv We offer to advertiser! the inducement of. send- lnsr their favors to oe reau vj m numerous anu m fluentla! daaa of readers, both In town and coun try The Southern Guardian presents great ad vantages as an advertising meaium , hs circuia- i. lrcr and la daily and rapidly extending. r.rfoniariY la the middle and upper strict of rainiw "y . the SUte.. JOB rauiTua m.. inh ofliea is thoroughly appointed In all resDecU,aBd fitted for every description' ef Job work. n coauavwuu w ' Tha Southern -dlaata devoted to the mala aa.a Ana ni - iiiisi axaxaasBBi - . . . .ik.. Vinnnr ,na mtaraau or tna S under the CSonstltution. WWls It is wining KStalnthsDemticpa shall commaau vw ZZaZ eonfldentiy anu uiawvi - of ttsttth , and as the best preparation; for ths eoateUwhlcb is even now upon as, It trill aealous- COBaean , m. .uuuntUii' imnnnl ly labor to euect unw" -wjr -- .BV.BJ.ja!K -3 SlSSJor-wUl It. keplpromlonUX In -tIw, - a ana vat n vwa bb.ib rsBB Md ao effort wiu oe V"-;- - Mt.a an acceptable fire-aide visitor. . PrfW2Sd our Daily to nearly all the Week- r newspapers of the State. Win they, in eonsw; SattootS advaatage. kindly give the above nrogpeotas a fawiaawHom. . A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER THIS TIITAlfiSi STS praka TIMES contains weekly forty columns af Ala . tt a mfll ' II choice matter.speciaily auapiea muy beli'courteoui to aU sects and parties, It is the 1 De?Q. -im nf the publishers to present la IU 1 constant aim oi ine P"-", . nnim nfl .. i-irH. it is -neuvner "r. T: . .r jmm ... n .niitii.m.i rnr. nv imnmi whataveT mav would earnestly rich the state. m a' itnotas weU to patroxuxe home papers, aa those LmXoadMto buUd up home interest aad a SS, ride aad WacatteV oar substance and our 8u?!l.e'jSanlrers. Give thb Tjmbb a trial anu tnen le . WHAT 1SUU vm . Ttmea I reeard aa the very first of oar SoutiTeVnLlteraWeekR I know ot no recijr - '"i7m -1 deaerrinfr of pubUc patronage as the Times. Is so deserving oi puu 7 - r "rrnr to a Vitiated taste eve- hot. to amuse ana ibswuc-. ..-p---.-TTth handsomest weekly papers published .. , Bniritaf the Aee. "l-ettheieopieei x.o -- ----- their own newspapers- "COLE A ALBRIGHT, , Greensboro, . C aaorcH, rm -Tf NOW la TiixAa m. r, tIaIA int Vi-aclnS i ne uumciii r iau ouu a- u voau., I e.tnvt.v. "wiedTeV'bT at Augusta, ww sro- IA4 5ot,00 Qtalns la each issue, elgat. pf il.rt, enlnmnaS Of ' Totad to the tastmetioa and amusemsat of tas LTTSILATTJRX, AGRICULTURE, and AST. CT? iubserlberi are presented seati-aaaaaBf witham INDSSa er tablt el Conteata do do do ' do 12 : do .... Uv . .f . - t 1 BtnfV . i '4.M , t m'ths.... . I da .!".. a v - w" -tw a a 10.00 HOI L 1 do 5 jJa 11a 1 icsr ....... , T. AATrtIaemnia pubilshsdantllJorbld.wln. h eaarged 60 seats per sqaarfP of ft Bnes for the et Insertion, aad S3 eeata for eBelteoatlaaanee If not an traded for.- .- - ' rSf" A liberal jdlscount made en the above rates to persons advertising by oontracV P From. Nasliville. Received at Telegraph Oilce, Fsb. l I at Bulletin 0ffia,9: p. m. J 'AWust, Feb. 18. Dr. Eue arrive4 ber from Nashville to-night, and says that Fort Donelaon fell on Sunday morning. , John- , storr telegraphed to the . enemy. oflerinfcT to : surrender the 'city on condition .thatv they would 'repoclt.priYate property. No an- . a. . . m.!a.iI. ef t Vi A ewer waa receivtu, bui ,uajvi y - citiiena aeemed willing to give dp on these conditions. Numbers have left the city. Thirteen thousand, troops are ta Fort Donalaon, and two thousand are at clarks- vUle. . . V , The river waa rising so that the ene my's gun boata could reach the city. - A large amount of Government stores will fall into the hands of the enemy, most of the rolling stock will probably be saved. Casualties at Fort . Doiiel9on. Richmond. Feb. 18. No details ha been received in official quarters relative to J .MB ' the casualties at Fort Donelson. I ne tel egraph connecting to Nashyille has been covered With ice and .t iciclea for the past v two days, and we find great; difficulty in, transmitting messages. ' - , A diaDatch from NashTille says mat , Floyd and Pillow are there, and that, the Federal report of the number of prisoners , taken is not believed. rTherais great an . xiety here to learn the.particitts from our own men, . " a . y ;' Northern News. 7 f , Richmond, Feb. 18. : At Norfolk Northern papers of the 17th and tbe Baltimore Sun, in an -e.xtra.oC the , 16ht, 2 p. m., has been received, and from (. them we learn that Fort Donelson surren-j dered on the 16th, giving up 15000 prison ers, including Gens. Johnson, Buckhsr an Pillow. Chicago, Feb. 17. The right ;wing. commenced atorminf the Fort at noon to day, taking right wing ol the enemy's for tifications, over which the stars and stripes are now; flyng. ' The opposing forces are now almost breast to breat, and are ready to open the work of death upon each other in any quarter. . ' : . . The latest Irom. Cincinnati and . Ohio aays that Fort Donelson was taking yes- terday with 45,000-, pxiauaaaxtSTacluaing Johnston, Buckner and Pillow. It was announced iu the House of Rep resentatives at Washington, by. Col, Fox, yesterday, lie was authorized by McCUl- an to make the sutements. Jtioyu nas escaped. There ia a heavy loss on botn aides. ' V St. Louis, Feb, 16. Gen. Halleck re ceived a dispatch from Gen. Curtis, stating that Prices rear guard was overtaksn, in a pursuit from Springfield. The rebels es- caped, leaving all their waggona ana.osg- gage . V . ' c : -Noarout, Feb. 18. Six companies of the 8th New Hapshire regiment, sailed from Boston on the46th, for Sliips Island. The cotton market on Saturday was irregular, middlina being quoted at 28 29c, The latest advicea from Mexico says that the people have united in the, dstermina- v tion to resist European invaders, " f . - A large amount of Hospittal stores have J , been sent to Roanoke Islands. r The ship Macaully, of Baltimore, was boarded by the SumUr near Genoa, agd .llml trt rtrnrtmmc. A. Tfmm atiunsH r. ... The Federal steamer Frimeora waa lost At sea in a recent gale. Crew saved, a n 9th Rhode IsUnd batteries, and a portion I .nttineera( reeiroent sailed for Port i - . j , Rnval on the 17th. Slidell has arrived at Fans, i netooum . t erners in Paris think that he will soon ao. complish his missions. ; Ex-speaker Pntngton dieaon tne lain. A Paris correspondent of the mw .xorK recoinU., .nd i. initios Eg U to .c. first. It save that Palmerston is afraid to make the first move. . t; The Sumter is at Gibraldi. ; A secona trreat eonsternatioh haa been caused among, J mm 1 1 .J the American ship masters at wsrwmw,. on account of the Swnttr. -. 1 v Th American question, as affecting the. fPPlr cotton, has been debated inthe, 1 Manchester Chamber of Commerce. ,108 . ....rf that the war I s,"" . ..,!- i irrpni neuiB Am ui.iMiv. 1 . w hMterr to 1 , , 1 , MieB cf CQ close. cotton in Liverpool on the I i'- : thousand bales. Tha Ro-noke IsUnd prisoners are on e viir ' r - their way to New York. 4 . ; IO!" ,i . ck 16. Gen. Mitchell has crossed Barren river, ana iw u 3 2 mab aae aa iaFw f Rowlina! Green. 1 SORREL MARE,. 15 or 16 Viv hds hun, sUm but . wj Uornea q. dV2Si;d was stolen from h stable on her forehead, was sioien pieant. I tne revoy . 1 .A . h iinviction of the tbiei. .asJLaBsVaBaSBBjaj I I r,tTt Columbia t Arritt Col t: T V cunotts n. o. vrpi rost caca,;- Cr,,w-tf. I"