' . ' ' . . - -5. , - - TrJroa.ADYdTisiiro. l'sqw-l tlm...A.,. 4 ..$ . 1. d f timw i ' . T5 ' . . s .......... t .......... .. . i 4. 1X0-.: . . ......... ....... .0 1 - 5 .r.. J 15 2 !u""1- ....... "7.8ft , . V V ' 4 i ifW-fQ nirf :;..i..;:.'i.o t" AdvsrtUetneots poblIh4 uata forbid, in THE BULLETIN : BY 23. IL MUTTON. orricx..., . vN0-u 1R STlklt, . Our China JTall, on the eecon i Jloo. i . , TERXS FOR PAFR : -v ' nrUt DAILY BUXLTTEl wl!tbfaiT,1Lii 'SIX DOLLARS per aaaum. EX ADVANCE " " TIIETBLWXSKLY CULLXTI wii; !ib. Ii.hel eery Tuesday, ThurdT and JUwrCif enri4!n JP tc cusrgcu y ccuw fi ara oi nnM lor tc Brst Insertion 85 cents for. each eonllnaapra If nt eentraeted for ; ,( . CHARLOTTE, FJEB;.22,i 1862: $6;.PEK; ANNUM. VOL. VI. NO.' 842.3 A . liberal- dlooant made o the above rates to persons advertising by contract. . ; - - v ' 'MBMBMBaBaMSSSSmseSSMeeennSSeM . ... ' , .' . ' f 'fcirf " ilY TIS APIS. ifi fuJHmvjr Tmin anl Steamer, and 1'ejtp.tu-A by TtlfQntpkto all part of tXt TDE HERO PRICE, ' : A BRILLIANT VICTORY. RfehrfJ t Telfrph 0Oe Feb. 21 I : , , at Ballftla oSe, 8:4a p. m. f RiCHMoxn. Feb. 21. Official intcHi . gence here ttatea that Gen. Trice recently fought t Battle near tl Arkansas line, mhen he killed TOO of the cnemf and lost nnljr 100 Confederates. Jt is reported a a brilliant victory. From Fort Donalson. Inielliieiice through a prirate source. Kecdrt4 at TeUgrsph Office Feb. tl, 1S3 I At aUUo ace, 3.40 p. so. f Arstrr, Feb.' 21.r-Livit. DsquecroV, oT the 14th Missiwlppl. who was in the hattU at Foit Doiielsop, arrived bera last night "and gives the following account: The enemy opened ihe fight on the Fort. . Oar lorccs were from 13,000 to 15,000, embracing one or twoRegimeniaol CavaN ry and tour field battetiea. On Wednesday "morning tha sharp shooting I the etjemy . 0encd fira in connection with their Ar tillery, on our left", and continued through the day. Thursday and Friday they con tinued, but ir waa little more "than ah'Ar- tillcry drill, with fight between skirmish ers little los on our, side. - ' On Friday the Gun Boats opened a tremendous fire and the Fort which. con tinued without intermission 'through the ' day. - ' : : On Saturday-rooming he Confedsrate Arm r was ordered out -at 3 o'clock and formed in line of battle. . The fight run from the center to the left and soon be come general. A great battle ensued," and wc took seven or eight cannon and two or three hundred prisoners. , The latter were not recaptured. Our success continued through the day, uninterrupted. One of the enemy taken prisoner re poried that the Federals were 50,000 strong and tbll they had been reinforced' 30,000 On the strength of which report Buckner raised a white flajf and proposed to capitu late, but as the fighting was resumed it was supposed our terms were not accepted. , Our loos ta killed is estimated at from 3 to 500 ; wounded, 12 to 15,000, which were removed to Dover.- " , "Y The Con federatea were commanded by " Pillow, Floyd .Buckner and Bushford John ston, all of" whom exhibited the greatest ' gallantryJ .JJ The reported capture of 15,000 prisoners it is supposed is greatly exaggerated; as straglerain squads, companies and battal ions escaped during Saturday night under the cover ol darkness. . In this way nearly a third of Floyd's Brigade escaped. . . Buck . wr is reported to have escaped also. . The rnemy-fought very desperately. .now, to the deplh of 3 inches, and sleet, wi falling during the battle. Our informant was wounded on Satur- day afrrrnoon during the engagement. 8100.00 iioortxY. VOLtlNTEKKS WANTED.. Having received authority from the Gov rrnornl North Carolina to enlist men lor the war, all those desirous of entering the service would do well to call upon me at my uliicc and sign the roll. During ray absence from town, A4.-C. Wicmamsox, Lq., will act forme. A bounty of $100.00 will be paid to each man when the Com pany is completed and enters a Regiment. , . -J. A. FOX. feb;13, 1SC2 dtf Take Notice, " . LI. pcreooa Indebted to thiabcrlbr 'in jajsty va. y WILL PLCASX 'CO ME 'F Oil WARD T i and pay up IMMEDIATELY! - as longer kfOlgence cannot be f..,--, . I wnold also notify those In want of goods that from and after this date all goods will be sold low : dawn ror cash or Its equivalent. " Jan.10 tf. 1 ' - RAGS! RAGS -CASH paid lor RAGS at the Envelope Manulactory opposite the Post Office. J. II. STEVENS &. CO; Feb I2-btf ' . NOllTIl CAUOLINA FOUHDEY & HACHINE WORKS; SALISBURY, N. O. rilEUCKS & READER, SUCCESSORS TON. BOYD EN A SON, MANUFACTURERS' OF ACUICUI-TUIaAl- IIalfclJIE?S, Cultivators, Plowa, . " ; , . - Corn-S hellers, Seed-Sowera IIorse.Powers cc Thrashers, . THE CELEBRATED ' TELUGSAPH CT7TTI50 HACHIinE, - - For Fodder, Hay, Stalks, Oata and Shucks, Iking: the first Premium Machine of the Fairs of North and South Carolina, CH)EB & SUGAR IHLLS. SHAFTLNG AND MACHINERY er Grist, Circular &. Vertical Saw Mills, Gold Copper & SllTr imueaw.' . Manufacturers ot and Agents for Dr. E. O Elott's PATENT MULAY SAW MILLfanYwATER WHEELS. . PUnon and DOUBLE ACTWO HAY OR C0TTPN PRESS -" ' . - Ireland Brass Caatine, ForginfcTa, and FwUhed Work, of evsry Description. T0BACC0 PBSSSXJ AND nXTTJSZSr Ana other Kinds Machinery repilnd . ml ,hortxie. fSi?W Dissolution. firillE OpartnermWp heretofore exUtinc nader Si the name of ALEXANDER A SloDOUOaLL, U tUi daj rfUsolred by nataal content. Henry Alexander U aPme authorized to settle the bui mrm of the late firm. ' . 1IENRT AL1TXANDCH. . 1 MALCOLM McDOUOALU .' Jan t7. 1S81 tf. j VALUABLE aiACfllNERY AT AUCTION. Salisbury, N. C. ) -, m January, 29, C2. J , ON Thursday February 23ih 1862, I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, v to the hiehest bidder for for CASH, at the Confederate States Mijitary Prisons in Salisbury, a large lot ol ' Valnable lYTachincry, fercierly used in the "Rowan Cotton Fac tory,' consisting of ; - - -i J Looms Shaitings, Fullers, . ,., tgrwueeis, onottiea, uoooius, - Cast-iron Pipes, O ld Iron, &.c. Sale to commence, at " 10 o'clock, A. M. ' v - , HENRY. McCOY, Capt. and A, Q. M., C, S. Army. Feb 1 la w-4w. becklhbdrgiroxayork; HENRY ALBXANDEU. CIIAItLOrTEi N. C ' .: rBXUK aoderilgnM beg to lnlorsa tao cuuein or JUL Charlotte and vicinity, ana lb public gen erallji that tby have COMMEXC ED B -at the above ELXABLISHIttElVT roofor- Trado JStroot, Adjoining the North' Carolina Rail ad, and p- posile JOHN .WILKES' team now mil, THey are now prepared to furnish all kinds of V Alach i n ery At abort notice, and on ra$nabl term. STEAM- ENGINES. JllOM 8 to SO UOKJBK rOWILR, m AND . -. . - . HL.ACHLSJIITII WOKli. . - oriuKOiaa. ' . R E PA IE S In their Un promptly attended to. Their FOUN DRY I la full operation, and f Caat JtegnlArlj twice a Week, w -e ' Wednesdays and Satardajs. They are prepared to furnish all kinds ef CASTINGS IN. inPN, BRASS, &e. aoooaoiaa to ocoaa. -SAW A1TO GSIST 2CfXL G EASING, GIN WHEELS, 1 XA ir DUST BUXINE1ZS, ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR . COTTON PJl ESSES. OAS T IltON-HA llAHj ; Fer Garden Enalowee, Dwelling House ; Public BuilJlnga, - Porticos, . Cemetery Lots, A Their . " ITjITIjEMENTS Tot carrying on-the busineas In'all IU Lranchta, have been hfcLKCTICD W1TU G&KArCA&E, and are provided with aU the IMPROVEMENTS ' Reuolred to doHhelr work In a . FIIISX ItATK JIANNEU. AgenU, for Dr. K. d. Eujott, for Winter' Paleat Malay Saw Mill, which has the advantage, aloog with many others, of doing at least twice as much work, and doing Jt better, tha any other Mill In use it can be run by Steam Water or ilorae Power. TheMulay may be seen at the Fhop at anytime. UfcNRY ALEXANDER, V-N.. Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Ac, bought or takenta trade. . oct. a8, li6-tf. v rALMKrro. IJbiCXN "WORKS. ESTABUbUED. A. I. MDCCCLL' - WILLIAM GLAZE, m.H ANCFACTURER OF dTKAM NUINES, lYil from- 10 to HO Horse Power: gUQAR MILLS of every' style now rn ase, Mill Work of every dlscrtption. Also, iron nailing, wiw every discrlptlon ef Iron aadOirass uaeungs. I wuuld call attenUon to Iron Casiing In the way of enclosing Public Buildings, Dwellings, Caat Steps, Baieswo Railing, and all kind ef enclosures for Cemetary lota. . - ' Having a tlrst rate Boiler maker with as, ws are prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair, them, at short notice. Will send boiler maker te any part of the Stale. Our Steam Engines will be found, when compared with. those made at North ern eevabUshmenu, to be irom cweniy-nve to roriy per cent larger for the same horse power. - These Works have beenrln successful operation for ser ral years, with an Increase ef patronage from all parts of the Southern country, for which t the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerous friends ana patrons ana aogs to assure um uai no pains or expense will be spared to merit a con tinuance of their favors. , . , - , , may lT-U - - ' ' , . . v. ' - i TJie lilterary Paper. oC tlie ttoatla "EVERT FAUILTHOULD JilAD IT' TEE LARGEST l THE CnXAPESTt TBk BEST I JLLCSTRA TED SO CTHERNFAM , JLY PAPER . rWlTETIIES Is neither poDUcal cor sectaYian, tl . bih is the comutot aim of the Editors Co Oil 1 Its oolumna with the choiaest liistortcal, Literary and Family reading; and with a large selecttoa ef all the new of the day, both foreign and domes tic. The fifth volume commences with the new year 1S60. Engagements have been mad to make ttl the meet brilliant year la the history or THH TIMES. It will commence with . Tlire Besmtlftal JPrfxe Stories.- Its Illustrations will be increased; and Its typo graphical appearance will be Improved by a still neater dress. The Publishers are determined to keep paoa with the Improvements of the age: their motto la P&0GRi&lONln and as the circulation of THE TIMES enlarges each year, they are de termined to add new attractions to Its eoramns, and make it the literary papertf the South. With these Inducement the Publishers confidently ex pect several thousand increase is circulation. But as additional Incentives to the friends of the South to enconrage their own literary and family paper. In which they will find none of that Impure and Immoral reading which soeaetimee they get from abroad; the Publishers of THE TIMES offer, f 2,$00 IN PIXEJtXXUXS ., Tor subscribers to commence with the new volume and the new yeac TILE TIMES is printed weekly , on eight large pages, fine paper, at $3 a year, fat advance. For specimen n ambers and circulars address the Publishers. - - COLE A ALBRIGHT. . aor.a-if . - ' Greensboro, N. CL To the Public. . 'm flfhe subscribers sabraea this opportunity at JL the commencement of the New Tear, to In form their friends thai they have discontinued filling orders, unless accompanied with toe Casa. Taoee Indebted are earnestly requested te does sir accounts as sous as possible.. Jaa 1-tt - ' J, " roOPUAN 4 PHELPt, nAULOTTB na o, ca.iu a; - f ha OouDcasrdaa on tha 1st ef ianmary nexVaa tbf of UJi Ccopcay wia ba nail wttaaevsr li.TIOVAL,. We have removed our Livery and Sal Stahlea from ourold stand, in rear of the Mansion House, to the " Tattersali . Stables, opposite the jail, where we would be pleased to wait on the public generally. At our new stand, we are better prepared, to attend to the wants of the pfiblic, having a much more convenient building than the one we were formerly in, andKbeing well provided with provender. We hive-good lots lor th accommoda tion ot drovers, being prepared to accom modate any amount of horses and mules, and would be pleased to wait on any drover who may give us a call. I - We have, also, a good Black-smith shop in connection with." our Stables, and would be pleased to attend to the wants of the people in that line. ; : : Give era a' call. . , BROWN oV WADS WORTH,; . . Tattertall Stablee. I3ec 23, 186l-d2mosI , . v COEPEE!-COro TVS CUANflKAflTlJIlED AT .'31. JL KELLY'S Southern Excelsior Coliee Mill, Raleigh, and is . equal to the" best coffee. It is made of coffee, rye and chickofy, and is roasted in 'a cylinder by machinery.' and therefore is better parch-r ed than can be done by hand. Chickory is not so 1 well known in ;Dixie land, but in Europe they use it to give a superior flavor to the coffee. In Germany they call it sagsraA, and here we call it dandalion .In England it is so highly appreciated that they lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings sterling per hundred weight to project the growers of it. ' We annex Professor Em mons' certificate to show that there is no humbug, but it is what it is represented to be: To Mir. Keixt, jStr ; I have tested and used the two samples of manufactured coffee the labelled Java and Laguixa. The first equals theilio coffee of the abopSj and seems to be equally good with that kind. -, i .1 am satisfied that they contain nothing which is injurious to the system, and may bo- economically ' and safely used as substitutes for coffee. E. Em mows. - Tbis coffee is put up in pound papers, and packed in boxes containing thirtysix pounds, unless otherwise ordered. - . ?' All orderspromptly attended to bv ad dressing. . . - f -; .M.KELLY, . jan 18 62-lin Raleigh. N. C. NOT Ail claims against the Saddlery and Harness establishment of tne subscriber wiU be settled by Mr. K. Shaw; and all indebted to the same will please make payment to him, as it is necessary to close up the outstanding business. nov. 27, '6l-dl54 . U. M. PKITCHARD. J. G. WIlftUNSQN & CO., - WUOf.ES ALE ABTO RETAIL PKALERS IPT USE WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER I V AND ' r Plated . CHABLOTTE, h. c; -J. 8. FHILLIPSi MAVLNQ located lo Charlotf respect- a fully soliclU a share of public patron- jpJ age. . -v '""' wit A complete assortment of Cloths, Casal-w UUj mere and V eatings always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice, after thr latestfashion.' ' Stoop, three doors tiouta or the Mansion House. swpu l-U . . ' - - WTT.T.TAMS & OATES, V BADS STKSfT, Cotlou Mayers, CJrocera A Produce Dealers, Agent or A'etlUvieWe Manipulated Guano v and Zoric'a Lumber. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. mayl7-tf f - , John T.' Batter, - Practical Watch and Clock mJfakerf Jeweller dta. Main street, Charlotte, JT. a, opposite. Kerr JIoUL,-deaUr in fine Watches, Ciocke, Jewelry, Watch Materials, dbo. , ALL work done in. the establishment warrented for ' - . TWELVE iriONXIIS. -Fme Watches, Clocks and Jewelry .of every des cription repaired and warranted fortwelve months. Jaa.tl,iaei ly.c " THOMAS .w; llAUGLIFFE. AT TBS i SIGN OF THE BItUin, RICHARDSON STREET, THE NORTH-EAST. CORNER OF RICHARDSON AND PLAIN STREETS, V.. -2T0.166, -.. O O Xi TJ M S I AV S, O. importer and Dealer In Fine -WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELBY, 8IL YEBWABE, GUNS,' MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. Car Watches and JSwsutr repaired by skillful -. and. experienced. Workmen. All kinds of . .. W . UAia-Woax made to order. " oct.8T,18UL. r ... ... . j Certain Core for Flux, Certain Oare for Ttxxx I " " . .. Certain (Jure for Flax 1 Certain Cure for JTluzl Certain Car for Flux t . -v - ; i! KOOPMANN'3 DIAKftlKKA MIXTURE! ' - - K OO I'M AN Nd DlARKUtXA MIXTURE! " KOOPMANN'd DlARKUiKA MIXTURE I : KOOPMANN'S D1ARRUCKA MIXTUKE1 Win cure the most obsUaate . , - Will cure the raoat obstinate Will cure the most obstinate t - " WU1 cure the most obstinate . Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax ' ' Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax .i Cases of Diarrheas and Flax If taken in time. - ' . " If taken in time. i " If taken In time. If taken in time. . - - . ,.- . For sale at K OOPM ANN k PHELPS' and at the Drug Stores, Charlotte. . . ,. - , may f- , ' Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road.- TaASsroaTATioa Orrics, W. D- ON and afterf onday the 15th Instant the Pas senger and Mail Train will be run on this Road daUy.CSotrf?1 exoepted) as follows : -- . 'i . OOINO WEST.f Lxaa T OO A. 11. T.45 S.15 Aaarva 8.1 8.87 .00 i ; - . Aaaivs, u.45 " . aU3P. M. .'LOO, , Charlotte Tuakaseege Brevard Sharon . Llncolnton GOINULA8T. 8.40 Laava - , , - . - - 11.WA.JAV: , Uncolntoa .M -A-ZiL'lZ Bbaron-;:f.., UAO Brsvard 12,11 , Toakaseega '". Charlotte By Order, V. jl'mcbee. I . . AeUar Master of Iraarportatlon. . R 2 v'.jatpyisio: Coriftilerat: v.i.df Anericae' JEFFBI .-. OF J "DAVIOi- 51PPI. r- v.t. -; VIC" DPHEITS, - Jl A.. . -y - : OABIKEV . 'skcr ; n. W. t. nur. IK31JX I. '"'V-'','SBCRETAl s.u.irxAi4i.oi: , ; ' BKCP WAI.KX1; ? '- ' fWTMA- jonrfiTixE : ";. -ATT'"'': F F I C E RS t. or virnlan'.:- TKVsrar, -, - .?' , i t;. Carolina z natt, ; ; " ; 'i -.-. t. - r rr ; .... : ;jioL'': - ' Secretary J0JLHS0N'J? XlOOi, ' of Alabama:. r "J"s:y "----V- - -. . EMBsas."v--ir '-v .Alabama R. W. Walker, K. JT. Smith, J. 1 M. CurJ-y, W. P. Chllton, Hale, Collin J. McRae; Jolin GH1 Shorter, DialelK. Lewis, Thos. fearo. " '. : ' . - - " - : FlorlddJimtM B. OwensT. ration Anderson, Jackson -Morton. . J . V - ." - '. Georgia Robt. Toombs, flowell Cobb, F. S. Bartow, M. J. Crawford J-WL 4-' Nlsbet,'B. H. HUI, A. B Wright, Thos. K. &. Colb, A. HKenai. A. H. Stephens. - ; - " : ' " m " ; LmUziaua JoJin Pei-kins.Jr., A, I. DeClouet, Charles M. Conradi D. F. Kenier, O. B. Sparrow, Henry Marshall." ' - ' ' ' k Mli8ippiW. P. Harris! Walter Brooke, N. L. Wilson, A. M. Clayton, W. ft. JJarry, J. x.iar rison. .Rhelt, A?iA. Carolina R. B W'Jr R. W. Barn- wn T.. M. Keitt. James Chestot, Jf- CQ. Mem- nringer, WtPorcher Alilfcs.TVot. J, Withers, W f w. Boyce. -' s .t ;Jr ' r I , TtsMA-u. T. Wigfall, J- if - Keagan, j.nem phill, T. N.Wanl, Judge 3riggt Judgt Oldham, and W. B. Ochiltree. v t . . STABDISO COMMIrSJtS. . Executive xwti kephens, Boyce, Shorter, Brooke.- I Foreign 4afrs--Rhett, Nlsbet, Wnlkpr. Keitt. '. f t " Conrad, Perkins, " Military .airs Bartoh' Miles,- Sparrow, Keuan, Andersorw. i , Jfaval 4airs-Conrad, Wriiiht.)wens. Chesnat, v - 1 ; Smith, -Finance Toombs, 'Barowftl, - Kenijerf Barry j- McRae. . - , , zpwsmarc-emmlnger, Morton. Cnrrri": '", twford .DeCloqet, Judiciary ClhjtAB, Witiers, Hale, Cobb, Harris.' - I . . . - ' ioa-ChlIton Boyce, HH; Harrison, Outry. ' Patents Brooke, Wilson, Iiwta, HlllJ Kenner. 1 TerritorieCheti9i, Cam dell, Marshall, Nes bitjFearne". , ?- - J- - - - - i- Public Xanrfs MarshalU'Tarris, Feaxne. Indian A fair Morton, lrfiparrow, Lewis, Keitt. "; ' ' ' ' r . ' ' Printlng-Oohbx Harris files, Chilton, Per kins, . j, ; .1. - . '"' Accounts Owens. Crawford, camphell, Joe- Clouet, Smith. ngro8mefit Shorter, Bartow.-,. .' ' ... on,Xenan, Maef MEMBERS OF THE EST PEEMA t . . ITENT CONG: We make the following list nf the First Permanent Consjriss that it is to meet tha members elect on the roth of Febraary next. The. flat is made- from, the election returns : - . t - 1 Alabama. aeiators-7-Messn. William U Yan ey, O ii lay.-. ' - , Members of the House Messrs E L 'Dargan, W P" Chilton," James IV Pngh,' J V M Curry, W R BmUh, John P Raw is, Thomas; Fef D Clopton Is W Lyon. . i' Abkansas. Senators Messrs Robert W John son, Charles B Mitchell. - - ' Members of the Bouse Messrs Felix J Batsonr Grandison DRoyater, Augustas H. Garland, Tho mas B llanly. Florida. Senators Election returns' not re-( celved- ' " ' Members of the House--Messrs James B Deakiua, Hilton. . ;: Gkorqia. Senators Messrs R H HUIi "Robert Toombs. . . r ..- j. Members of the House-Messrs A H Keenan, Hipes Holt, A R Wright, JulTen' Hart ridge, iiucius J CrartreU, Wm W Clark, Robert P Trlppo, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Strickland. ' , Louisias a. Senators Messrs Fd ward Sparrow, T J Semmes. -. 1 Members of the House Messrs D F Kenner, Chas ViUers.John Perkins, Jr., 0 W Oonrad, Henry MarshalT, Locien Dupoief MusiSi&sippi. Senators Messrs Albert O Browa. James Phelan. -T Members of the House Messrs John J McRae, J W Qapp, Renbin Davis, Israel -Welch, H O Cliam bers, 0 K SingletonE Barksdae. ; ....'--- Miasocai. Senators Me&scs JohnB Clark, & 8 Y Peyton. , 'U' v Members of the . House Messrs John! Hyer, Caspar WUell, Oeorge (4 Vest, A H . Conrow, W W Cook, Tnomas W Freeman, Thomas A Harris. ! North Carolisa Senators-Messrs George Da vis, WmS Dortch. - - T. K ' r " '- N Members of the House Messrs W N 11 Smithr Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenan, J D McDowell, Thomas S Ashe, Archibald Arringtoa, Robert Mc Lean, William Lander, R SGarther, A S David son. Sooth Carousa. Senators Messrs R W Barn well, James L OlY." J - " Members of the House Messrs W W Boyce, W Porcher Miles, M L Bonhara, John. ' McQaeen, L MAyer, James Farrow. , T&HKKsssa. Senators Messrs Langdon Haynes, Gostavus A Henry. ' ' '." Members of the House Messrs D M TJarrin, J DO Atkins, HIS Foster, Thomas Menees, George W Jones, M P Uentry,-W G Swann, W H Tibbs, Jfi L Gardner, T J HeiskeU . - Tkxas. Senators Messrs. louis T.' WlgfaU, W. S.Oidiiam. - .v-4 - Members of the House Messrs. John' A. Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, 0 0 Herbeti, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, S. B. F. Sexton. VutaiHiA. Senators Not elected. Members of the House Messrs. John . Cham- 4 bliss, Moscoe R. H. Garnett, John iTyler, .Roger APryor, Thomas Bocock, John Goods, Jr., James P Uolcombe, D C Dejarnette, William Smith, A R Boteler, John ' B Baldwin, W R Sta ples, Walter Prestonr A G Jenkins, Robert John son, Charles U. RusselL- " - - Kkht0ckt. -Seuators--Mes&sr8. H 0 Burnett, William Simms. . j ' ' - . Members of the House-OIessrS Daniel P White, Thomas B Monroe, J U Ford, John J Thomas, T D BarreJ, George W wing, George B Hodges, Thomas Johnson. . ... j. , . . e , , BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE fOUIOED 852. eAlTEED 54 . LOCATXB Corner 0 Baltimore and Char te Streets, , BALTiMoaa, 10; i fipHK Largest aud most Elegantly Furnished JL Commercial College In the United States. a-very young man ahonldJwrite Immediately for one or these... large and beautifully ornamented Circulars, representing the exterior and interior View of the Baltimobji Commercial CoLiioa. Penmanship, Acwhieh will be sent by return mtilfre of charge, with Catalogue containing List of Students, Term of Tuition, Opinions of the Press en ear New System of Book-Keeping, etc B. K. Xoaiaa, PrlpaMectau oa t Sciene of Acceuuta, Business, Custom, ete - ' J. M. PaiLura, Professor ot Beok-Keeplng and Commercial CalculaUons " TT H. H. Datiss, Associate Prof, of Boot-Keping.-N. O. JoHxaos, Professor of PanmamUUp. V -WrxAq Mercantile Law. v Hav. . Y.Raaaa, D. D., Commercial XtMea. Hon John P Kennedy, j , Hon Joshua tansant, 7 Jacob Trust, Esq Wa KnabeTtoq. Tb. ? ' K complete the fan course, from 8 to 12 weeks. A DirWMA Is awarded to ail Graduate Larxa pxularradCaUlogues sUttngtersa IcslbyinaHHspcAarffa. TT? . , -Alraw : ; K. LOSTEX, . ; fan lT-f eUHmort pit He U- ALEXANDER - Attoriiey Tand Coiuiseljor at ' Law V. X7 OSct Sriwrna; twunaa, Tl EE 1 1 m 11 u.. Nashvilleiis ,DQubtfulAt ' Augusta; FebV20.-A prirate dispatch received Mere, toniglufro-Chattanooga saya inatNashvillA.IsJiQW no tnejpbsaes-. sion of lha Federals, i " RicnnpNt; Feb. 20. The latest Nofih ern accounts of the battle of Fort Donelson, admit that the Federal army was- terribly ent to pieces; and . the dead lay in heaps. The scent of the battle beSrs description", , . 1 were thickly strewn across the held by tie Confederates to a fearful effect. A great portion of the prisoners wereent to Chi cago, and the ballance to Springfield and Indianapolb. v ' . " ' Information "Via received from North ' Carolina this evening that three Federal gun boats ascended the Chowart to Win ton and wereensrasred bv the Confederates, who y '"?"r X auftces were jJiumny icjjuidcu anu wpid compelled to retire to their hoatSj'which were in a damaged condition. .' Confederate. "Cdnffress. " . ' '. - . . Richmond, Febuaryi-Zpsw Fopte, of Tennessee, introduced a resolution, resolving that whatever propriety there may ' be in the original adoption of . what.- is known as the defensive policyin conrection with the prosecution of the pending war for Southern independence. Recent events clearly demonstrate the expediency, .of abandoning that policy henceforth and for ever, and that it be the duty of the Govern ment to impart all possiblaLaetivitf tp oar militarjr forces to assail the forces of the enemy,, wherever they may be ,fonnd, either on the land or on water, with the view of obtaining the most ample indemnity for the past, and' most complete, security for the future. ; V The resolution, was opposed by Jenkins, of Virginia. j f , . It was advocated in a powerful speech by Foote, consuming aU the session. , . Foote moved his resolution be laid on the.table. ' x House. adjourned. i' l . v. A Proclamation. J7, 1 S-RfcHMOJtn, Feb. 20. A Proclamation by the President to tke peo- pie of the Confederate States of America : The tef minatioa of the Provisional Got ernment offers a fitting., occasion again to present ourselves in humiliation,, prayer and thanksgiving before that God who haa safely conducted, us through the first year of our National existence We have been enabled to lay 9 newfonndation of free Government, and to repel the efforts of our enemies Jp destroyus. His law haa every where reigned supreme, and throughout our wide spread limits. . , .' ; . . . t , Personal liberty and private rights have been duly honored. . ',v,, . s . x A love of honest : piety has pervaded cur people, and the one , hundred, victories ob tained over our enemies hare been justly ascribed to Him who ruleth the universe. , We had hoped that the year would have closed upon a scene of continued prosper-. ; ty, but it has pleased the supreme disposer " of events to order itotherwise. . . , We are not permitted tojurniah an ex ception to the rule of Divine Government, which has prescribed.af3iction as thejdiscip Une of natipas, aa well as individuala. - Our faith and perse verance, most be tes ted, and thechastening which seemeth grie vous will, if rightly received, bring forth its appropriate fruits; j ' ' - It is meet and right, therefore, that , we should Irepair to the only giver of. all ,yicV Cory, and humble ourselves before Ilim.and pray that He may strengthen our confidence in His might? powerr and righteous judge ment. Then may one surely trust m Him that He will" perform Hia promises and en compass us as with a shield in this trust, 4nd to this end. I, Jenerson Davis,' President of these Confederate "States of America do hereby set apartFriday, the 28th day of February, instant' as a day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer", and I do' hereBy invite the peo ple of these Confederate States to repair to their respective places of puhlic worship to humble themselves hefore Almighty God in prayer for his protection and favor fo our beloved country, and that we may be saved from bur enemies, and from all that hate us. Given urider my hand and the seal of the Confederate States, at Richmond, this twentieth day of February, A. D., 1862. BY THE lTSSlDSJtT : ' ' signed, ' JEFFERSON DAVIS. Wm. M. BB.owmT Scrttyrtf ' of State, ad interium. . ; - -rl . . . Northern News. - Caicaeo, Feb". 18.There is no founda tion for the rumor that,Prices army 'has been captured. Busbrad Johnsoo, efTennessee, and not A. Sidney, was captured at Fort Donelaon. Among the'other prisoners are Colonels Ganes, Voorhees, Crown, ForestandAber oathy. t -t Oh the night of theth a great Eght was seen In the direction of CUrksville, and it is .apposed the rebelihad burned the town and steamers. ' ' - Sr Lwns;Fb, 18. It i impoaiihlo to 6tat tht preciat Otchtf ' thptBTp i m i reotrated every available soldier at Nash-, vllle, and wiirtnalte a -desperate attempt to retrieve his misfortunes at Fort Donelson. A rebel .surgeon states that between three and four bond red were -killed and eight hundred. wounded. . p' . . The steamer Stars and Strip, and tke schooner Extrtim sailed on the 19th The Barnside fleet steamers TkSwtat Jef. fersen and the Baltimore , haa- gone te Iattera.s.' K. ;". -;.tLoujs Feb. l9.Granthas ordered seventy different forward movements. - Richmond, Feb. 2CK-i--The Norfolk tele graph fine was dowrr: 6it Wednesday;. .Saraliel Smith, of Gales county, reached Suffolk this forenoon. Zlle says that three gun boats went hp Chowan r river to . wards WihtotJ, Hertford county. lie soon after heard heavy and long continued firing in that direction, and conclude5? thVt the f nopy r r."lif1 ;! y were, y r i- ' ;,lT'.t( f ' firing commenced in tU.iwc..j . t ttoni" wSicVwas' plainly heard at Suffolk.';' The New YofkileraZd'of the , 1 St h' pub lished an impudent correspondence between Grant and Buckner relative 10 the surfen. der of Donelson, which occurred early on Sunday last, while the flag, was displayed from the fort The correspondence is as follows - Buckner7 said that oh eonsidera ment affairs af this' station, 1 propose to 1 the' commanding officer of the . Federal forces to' appoint commissioners to argua terms" 'oY cttpltulaiion. in that view t suggest an armistice until 12 Jto-day. Grant replied thjit no ' terms except the unconditional and immediate surrender, can be accepted I propose to move im mediately on your works " ' Buckner' replied : ; The distr nction of forces under my command, incident to ton unexpected change of commanders and an overwhelming force under your command, compel me, notwithstanding the brilliant success of the Confederate armies, to ae cept the ungenerous and unchivalrous. terms you proposer '." , , , V'J . , .. To a' question by an. officer, as regards tnenumber of prisioners, Buckner said, you " have all out of 2,000,. who were. not killed, Or di$ jiptescape,- v Norfolav. Feb. '"2L-f The .New, York Herald, of the 18th," has been received. -' -It says that , the victory at Fort Donejson is complete Fifteen thousand troops, with an, immenee amount of war Tnateriala were captured., Pillow-; Johnston, Buckner and Jloyd left , Saturday ..night with five thousand men. The Fort , surrendered early Sundayjnorning. , The loss on both stdes were ,very heavy It. says that two thousandrebels were killed and wounded. Foote though wounded, would attack Clarksville, which is held by a large- rebel force, and is strongly fortified. - v - It also says that four hundred. Federals were killed and eight hundred were woun ded at the battle of Fort. DonelsonV A per centage of the x)i5icers ia large. The Confederates lost , fortyeight field pieces, andj seventeen 'heavy guns, with twenty thousand stand of arms, and a large quantity of commissary stores. - . , Eighty-thousand Federal- jroopa were expected at . Cumberland river by tha 19th. The. Herald says it has information from Fortress Monroe of heavy fighting neat Savannah, the city being reported as captured by the idncoln troops. - There- is intense excitement at Wash ington, cau9ed;hythe news above; .Thecomraoa voice was jubilant at ths North on ihe receipt of the Federal victo jies, which were to be celebrated t Phila delphia and other Yankee. cities. ' . Tha . preparations. Jor a .CbngressioiQal celebration was being made on a grand scale. r - -. ' , - --, Gens. Floyd and Pillow has escaped from Fort Donelson,. - . --; . v: 1 : Northern - aceounts acknowledge the slaughter pftbeir troops as terribly severe. , . The North is frantic with joy. A special dispateh to the -Philadelphia Inquirer, from ..Washiagton, dated Febru ary 17, p nv, saya that the Navy Depart ment received dispatches -abating that the stars and atripes were waving over Savannah.- - v . y':-rH' : . f ' - I : A double-attack was made by eleven gun .boats, withight thousand troops. Burnsides-forces were largely increased. Exaggerated accounts of the affair at Savannah go to Europe to-day by the steamer America. - V: - . . Senator Chandler said , in Congress, to" day during a discussion of the' treasury notes -bill, that there was but one obstical in the way for the suppression of the rebel ion and that is George B. McClelland, the Commander-in-chief. k His removal is imperatively demanded hy judges of military operations. " It is supposed that srparty ot the Koan oke'pTisbnera were at Fort Warren" antt a part on Go vef riors Island. ' '.., -' ' Five thousand negroes were reported aa in possession "of the " Yankees at " Port RoyaJ. ' f ,. . , . i ' J The telegraph line is completed from Wilmington, Dale ware, to cape Hatteras. A submarine cable is. to be laid acroas the bay from Fortress Monroe; to; cape Charles The cable ; arrived at Fortreas Monroe on the 16th, It will beaunk in a few days. . . - r' : . It will connect Washington and other Northern cities withi Old Point. ' , Stantooi expected at. Qld Point. '-. From Europe. " 'Norfolk Feb. .Northern papert of theloth. ; received herVaayi that the iteam hid Kangaroo hit urrtvedm literpobl. Needles steaming with fall speed down the channel. "She haa paseed the Tutcarora in Co we Roads on tha 4th. ' '. The allied armies have determined to march oh the Mexican Capitol next month The Arch Duke of Maxemillea wilF be tendered the throne of Mexico. ; The Queen, in her speech, said that the relations to all European jpowecs were friendly, and satisfactorially settled, there fore the -friendly relations of 'Amefifa is . unimpaired, f . - ' Paris Bourse closed dull at sevetUy-one forty. ' ' - . .'. . The steamer 'Elehurg with Liverpool dates ol the 5th has .also arrived. ' I he Obterver aaya'thar the American Government is anxious for tHejenewal of the 'effort to lay the aosfatlsiitic.'caLle,4' and ofieWto furnish'the; means, If Kurope Will do the same. u (V. A i TmLiUlGE3TCII.CJLAIIu:.T II. f;v Tjant ijonTn caholhia: CATAWBA JOURNAi;, ' ' . and . THE DAILY BULLETIN, E. H. B R I T T P N , CIUnLOTTli, N. C. THESE Papers (embracing; the Tai-Wassti Boixms ) esUbllShed In the town of Charlotte, tf. C, affords ooosaal advantages to idycrtlsers betb at home and abroad, as the editions, weekly , aw exoeed '. " ' . t IXXlIOFJSAD COPIED, which we have no doubt are read by at least ' TWENTY THO USA ND persons each week, a Urje proportion ! whom are Planters and their famines. ' . - As ataesu of Advertising we are confident that great advantages caa,be obtained tbrongh'thls es tablUhmej.t,Jience we embrace thla opportunity to Inform our friends and the Mercantile commu nities on the Seaboard, (Charleston and WlUnlog tqnjtbat ear facilities for cLrcalatlng their business Notices throughout Western North Carolina and . the adjoining Districts in South Carolina are ex tensive and complete, j . j Our terms are liberal and a large deduotlon wit fee made on the bills of Contract Advertisers. I BcpCS7, 1861.- - 4;,' f ' ' ' '.'. pSTBAY ORSTOtEPr. , A!S0RREL;MARE,"15 or 16 sl handa hich, slim but well formed animal, about 9 years old, a Scar on her forehead, was stolen from the stable of J. H. MISENHIMER, Mount Pleasant, N. C, n Wednesday night-last, J Twenty dollars reward will be given for( the recovery or the animal and prooi lead ing to the. conviction of the thief. . The Edgecombe Farm Journal. THE subscriber will commence en or about the 1st of September, I860, the 'publication or a. monthly journal in Tarboro. to be devoted to the lantatlen and rural Interests ef North Carolina n particular, and of the South generally. , Edgecombe having long since' been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a first class agricultural paper than Tar boro. It is to be called ; ! j "The Edsecembe Farm Jourrisv,," And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture House hold Arts, Ears! Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac i It will be pueusaea wiin new type anu ciear white paper, In a nea quarto form. Tha price 01 sunscnpuoB dh dmo tow. . as te place tha publication wlthia reach of every one- One copy one year....!-... '..... $0 fiO. Seven copies one year............ Twelve copies one year........... f .... 0 00 Twenty-five copies on year ... .10 00 1 No paper sent unless paid for in advance. . " r WILLIAM B. 8MITII, - ' Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro, N. C . July 80-tf , ' ; PROSPECTUS . - or raa v . fllLLSBOROUGU RECORDER, DKVOTBD TO j' POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, RISCaiM.EEl.ERn JEWS. 'DENNIS HEARTCT. H1LL8B0SQUGU, n. 0. , WITH the present volume the RECORDER . commenced the fortieth year of Its exis tence, the first number having been issued the loth of February, 1820 ; during all which time we have labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and we hope that in these particulars we have not been altogether- unsuccessful. It has -been our wish to make the RFC0RDER a food Family Fa- per, devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, Ac, with a view to the ment and improvement Jof the farmers and cltl ns etfik elrrte to which it is .Mt. Our ArricultT-j-al department we endeavor to fill with the best selections we can make from all sources, airing preference to such as will be -el, practical nse to tiie farmer and cultivator: and In tbls par. S"l we hope to make the RkAoRDKR a- valu .hi the arriculturlst as any periodical of a purely agricultural eharaeter. In our MlM'li- ; neoos department, -we shall contiue to be, as ir have always been, earerul to select such artlcWT will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to , Improve the mind and heart. While we shall be thajuuui to reoeire wi-"" " our columns, wa are not so ambitious Of originality aa notte prefer ' selected matter of superior n.erlt, to loosely-written and Ill-digested articles though Arnamentea a we wirwiui w. .i. wiu. MWrittinVxpressly felt the RECORDER. In our News department we snau mvvimi ytuou.w present to our readers the latest intniKenoe ; and SSble us to do so wa nave fiUUee eqnal to om enjoyed b anvportion ( ofth. Buu escep those f avorea wivu mri mat A single copy; one yeafj. ..e.a.w , 81 X copies, one yer . w .......... Ten ewples; one y ear -1.00, Pa vment always In advance. Aav of oar old subscribers who will obtah fl re .iVtwiM and send ns us easn, snau recetve their own paper free of ebarrt. siy ... l ' , -. . ... TDE CITAWBi JOURNAL. wryry, are pleased to advertise ui rnenos and V -patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of the second volume ef the fiaat namea journal, mis any, wnacr we nor favorable auspices. I . .- Tba . circulation of - the above named paper Is rapidly increasing, and It Influence as an adver tuans; meaiam is pews; itnt ua yptw;iwu i natrons, bavina aoeeas to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, aa wt J as tbf adjoining DtftHetaln Boat Carolina TTXU ClTAvfuA AOUnilJLlst Oma of taa larrest apers now published hi the Stata, mailed lor $1.00 per annum, made up front the eotoauu ef the Dajlt Boxurrnr, has not ouly i id'nai a popular papers, aat.lt affords great ad vantages to those who wish te as Its olamnj at ' 1 t4vcrt!sii.( saeCltxisu . ' fpecimen sorles wiU be tent taf aay ttcttoa .they av be arderad, frea ef fostara. V cvt-rmsttiHVt ?cf tbA fver a tan 4 ,1. . 4X r ' -. 1 V 'ft - ,.-:'! ;i