V - - . . . - - -1,. : --: ' 0 ij0 - - -.7 ." 1 .-:.- , .. .. - . " . . ... , . . . 1, 1 . ... . . A "I TEHHSrOB ADVEETISIKO. dO ,, do . .,.. . Ur'UHIi.ttiJKH ! mUi,,..... . d.. 1 -..ntV - 4.0 ,7M . OrriCE 50. 1ITXT0M BT&KKT, ...... ..i 0 do .....iifi. w year v... - wiuw inw" a. .'... . - . .-- ' 'I ,1 r ; - - , .-.... TXRXSrOZPArfR: . ET"T1 DAILY BUiXXTDJ 1U Wrant4ll "IX POLLARS per maun, t2V ADTAM2E 4 THC TiU-TrXXKL'T BULXXTLK triu bi ii. &ml spcUicd fbr M 00 per toaim, yrAlito la tdnaor. RY TGLBGEMPSfl: . .Vxtttrrw rAOetm pony fanoard paci ng ly fdMdir TWiiiMimJ iVmdmt, iiu . Rc1t1 4t Balletlo 00c Teh. 01. Richmond, Feb. 22. Boch lldpsej.iook a rccei tbi morning lo attend tb loi furation. , .;- , r r ". In IIoa.'e,ubequrcDtlj', Mr. 'Footer in trodacetl rtolulka appoifHing, a .com. mitteeofone fron each Stated ta requeal-j th Secretary of War tofamUh tlre falleat and minute particulars in wefecce to the condition of .the arraica in-be TId tha aboard and river delenceaort elsewhere, and report, with a Wewflc nthJetionress to r.'.casarci : fairly, ta rtLIii'S -oar national Inu'cpenJtnco. and sense of oar wearily peace and tafety. Tereulon J waa lacuca lor iae wjwuu . . . , Senate, basincas i unimportant. ; . - From Memphis " KJrtd at TeWrmph Office, Fek. 23 ? at BaUUn OQiee, 11:30 a, n. J .Mmruis, Feb, 20. Governor Ilanb haa issued a Troclamation calling out. the uli tia. Tennesaee haa 7 Regimenta in jlhe field but the Confederate Gorernment calls (or 32 more. .. " . The Tennessee LegisJaturejneetf !i here to-day. ! An attack is expected at Columbue dally. Beauregard will 'defend it at all hazards. Gun Boats are reportfd at Clarkatille this morning, en route to Naahv ille. , It ia reponed, bat doubted, that if a suf- firint torea can be collected in time to de fend Jitsbville there will be a fight in thst rieinity shortly. ( The latest adices state that Col. Her bert is at Tratta store and the Federals aro between him and the Kirkville Telegrsph Roads. They have been reinforced, mk ; in 20,000 in all. . - r Heary firing was heard in Fayette? ilia, Arkansas, on the 17th inst. Generals Price and McCulloch are falling back before a superior force, and on the 18th were at Boston Mountain. The same day a fight occurred at Pratte Store. Ale Rca's, McNairy s and Herbert'e regi ments were engaged. The enemy were repulsed. I 7 ' Our loss at the Fort Donelson fight of . four days, was 1,600. The enemy's lose was 4,000. . ' : Late Saturday night a council of war was held at Fort Donelson, when it waa deters mined to surrender. " Cen, Bvckner was left to makf it known to Gen. Pillow and staff. Gen. Floyd and 800 of his brigade went to Clarksville on. Sunday morning. Buckner remained. Our army of 12,000 men capitalated on Sunday. - f- It is believed that Nashville a as 'been evacuated and the" array haa fallen back, but to what point is not known. Latest frobr tlie North. . Norfolk, Feb. 21. A flag of truce arrived to-dajr from For tns Monroe, which brought Northern papers to the 20ih Instant. " ; The New York Herald, of yesterday, says that the rebel agents in Paris declare that the seceded States will approve of the construction of an monarchy in the South, U it can be attempted with any proepect ol success. " ( . - - , - In the Federal, Senate a pctitwnwas urcsentcd from citizens of New York, ask ing that the name of South Carolina shall be "expunged from the list "of States, and its territory divided between Georgia and North -Carolina. Io'thellouscrcsolutions wcre offered by Mr. Hirkriian of Pa., directing the-Judiciary Committee to inquire, into the al legations against Mr". Vallandighara for fc alleged disloyalty. Mr. y." vehentently deuied tber accusation.. The resolutions were withdrawn. " ! The culture of cotton waa disappearing Irom Dutch Guinea. ; ! The New York Hermld appears de lighted at the Queen's speech, and-says that it extinguishes the last glimmering ol intervention ; and closes by urging the Southern people to rise in general revolu tion and pot down rebellion. The resolution of thanks lo Commo dore Wilkes haa been indefinitely poat- "poned in the Federal Senate. k Washington city will be illuminated on the night of the 22d February, at the ex pense of. the Government. . -The capture ol Gen. Price was. anooun ced in the ;lIouse .of Representativea and created uproarous spplaose. '"7,. A The fire reported on the Cumberland river was caused by the burning el-the, Tennessee Roiling Mills by the. Federals. According' to the Yankee account, there were 12,000 stand ot arras taken at' Fort Donelson ; alsori,20Q boxes or beef and other stores. - - 1 - " ' There was a treat number of dead on- W V f . I o. t. . - . buried at fori uonwsoo w m iou um. pispatches from Cairo on the 19tb,nd fr rjkrrilie and St.- Louia en the same daw, etate that Capt. Stobba had captured Gen. Price, CoJ. Uoraey, COL Cass, and Capt. Judge, of Price's staff. The companies under hetr command ee : .7 - y - - " : The myraida of Northern fanatics , who became mad with excttemeni ana joy- j the fail of Fort Donelson, are slowlf re -eovering their senses, after bearing of the great slanghter ot the Ysnaees. Secretary Stanton ' recommends tha speedy execution of Col. Amtaogel od the charge by Gen'. Lander of cowardice. Lucius II. Chandler haa been appointed Consul at MaUmoraa. - The Gen. Price reported aa having been taken prisoner is not Sterling Price, the great Coni ad irate leader in Missouri. - - ' -Three batteries' of artillery-left St. Louis on the 19lh inst., for the Camber land river, -'.. - ' Tha ttttcklnj lerce STiBnh U VOL. VI. NO. 843. v MESSAGE - 7 President JEFFERSON DAVIS, DKLI Y EKED A T IticilMOND FEB- C-jpled fro thaPoath CarpUnlan. . Richmond, Feb. 22." ' 'There has becna continuous rain atf day. The Inaugural was delivered "from, the Washington Monument. The President said: We have assembled to usher ino rxistcncea Permanent Government, which we hope" will be perpetual, upon principles inaugurated by due. revolutionary fathers, and with mingled-feelings of humility and pride, I appear .to take-in tberesence.of. these ' people and ".before IIeaven,the oath prescribed for'the exalted station to whit"h the 7 unanimous" voice of the people uaaH called roc V ; .' - - -v7 " ' - ' f lie reterred to the long course and class of legislation which haa been aggrandizing the North and culminating in a warfare upon the institutions of the South, threat ening to destroy State sovereignty, when six ot t,hbse States withdrew from the Union, the better to secure the liberties for which that Union was established. What' ever hopes may have been entertained that a returning sense of justice would remove the danger, threatening our rights and pre serve the' Union, have been dispelled by the malignity and barbarities of the North in the prosecution of the existing war. In proof of our sincerity to maintain our ancient institutions, we point to' ihe Con stitution of the Confederacy and tLe lawa enacted and to back that, through all the necessity of an unequal struggle, no act . on our part has impaired personal liberty or freedom of speech,, thought or the press. Every right of peaceful citizens has been maintained as securely aa it a war ot in vasion, did not disturb the land. The people of the States now confederated be came convinced, that the United States had fallen into the hands of a sectional ma jority, which would destroy every right which was pledged to protect them. They therefore determined to sever the bonds and 'establish a new confederacy homogenous in interests, policy and feel ing. . " 1 , True to our traditions of peace and love of justice, we sent Commissioners to the United States, to propose a fair and ami cable settlement of all questions of public debt or property which might be disputed. The Government at Washington denied the right of self-government, and refused to listen to proposals of peaceful sepa'ra- .tf- ,"', ,Wi ..A' y' . .. ,,, - ") tion. . - , The first year of our history is eventful. A new Government has been established over seven hundred thousand square miles.! Our Confederacy has grown from six to eleven States, and Maryland, when able to speak with undemed voice, will unite her destinies with the South. Our people ral lied with an unexampled and unanimous support of the great principles of Constitu tional Government, and with - firm resolve will perpetuate by arms the rights they could not peacefully secure. A million men are now standing in' hostile array, waging a war along .the frontiers for thousands of miles. Battles have been fought and seiges conducted, and although the contest is not ended, and the tide for a moment is against us, the final result in our favor is not doubt ful. He says the period is near at hand when our1 foes must sink nnder the load of debt incurred ; we have had our trials and difhculiies, but ay;sacrifice will be cheap as the price, of success. - Pobably, by( ah ordination ofFrovidence'e maybe taught the value of 'our liberties "by the price in curred, and the recollections ot the great contest will be a bond of harmony and en dearing affection, producing unity in policy, fraternity in sentiment and joint . effort in war. -. ' Our Dast sacrifices, in consequence of the blockade of Our ports','' are'developing the resources of a self-supporting, inde pendent people. It affords gratification to know that we have maintained the war by our unaided exertions, and have neither asked nor obtained assistance from any quarter. In conclusion, he invoked .the blessings of Heaven upon our efforts and cause. Nothing from ; Nashville. Ricbxo.nd, February 21. No Nashville m ail has "been received here for the past seven days 'andjio dis patches from Nashville for. the.pasr two days. 4t is stated here in' telegraphic cir cles that 'the telesraph office at 'Nashville Ws been closed. The public must draw their own inferences. , : : V From SsLTSinnst,, f ! "The steamer Ida, CabtICifcopely, (says the iWaps of the 22d inst.',) started .ester 3ay morning at ten o'clock to go to Cos tart's DlafL - Aa she passed Wo Sf - Au gustine Creefc she was" fired tipon from the enemy s floating battery and Jthree .vessels in Mud river. Six shot and. shell, were directed at the little steamer, none of which took effect. The Ida passed on to Tbun. der bolt. On her return to the city, the weather being foggy, she, was not red on hy the enemy, owing, probably, to the fact tbafahe could not be seen from the ene my's batteries. .7 " . Cant. Circopely reports two vessels in WriFht'i river, "and four in Mud river back of Venus Point, and near, the fl-iat ingbauerfl c w ( r . - Faox Sxidaway, Oh - Friday morning there were twenty Federal v-saela off Skid- away. They vrcre striking their tents at Great Warsaw Island, and a- large- vol ume of smoks was .teen on the "Island. There w5 videntlj (jme raovemtnT in - Tiia ? Yakkek Pkiso5Es. We learft that, on Friday night thirteen Yans.ee prisoners lett our prison without the knowN edge of the for aeniinels on duty there. . Our ciuaens have for some iime been distrustful ' of their safe keeping, and re peated complaints have been made that, the uomberVf the guard pndnty was insuffir cienJt, but their complaints have not been heeded. .. -. , 7 , T7, - It the. scamps ba remained a week longer they would -have been Bent home at Ihe expense of nhe Government, as an or der has- bem issued bj" he War Depart ment xS send for exchange ome 3,000 in our hands. ' As it is. they risk being.shot I wherever found, as our cinzenwm cer tainly watch forihese Join Brown mein and destrtff- ihem if jfoundV -as they most 1 kely will be-.-r-CoIunbia Carolinian. ' "Uetliel IXe'sH to.be Ueorgatilied." EXECUTIVE DEPABTMENT OF N. C.. , Adjctaut Geheral's Office, .Raleigh, Jan. 27th 1862. J a' IHE FIRST REGIMENT N. C. VOL- unieers being disbanded, a -Regiment of Volunteers lor the war will be formed ta take its place. All the Companies ot the old Regiment about loreorganize lor the war, are requested to report to this Office without delay,' with the view ot going: into this Regiment.-.j.which .will receive. J Ee Bethel Flag." Additional Volunteer Companies for the war will be accepted, to whom a bounty of rilteeii dollars per man will paid by the State, and fifty by the Coniederate States. Whew a lult.CQrupafay is tendered lour orficere will be commissioned ; wiih.a less number appointments will be given as follows : a Capiaiu for forty men; First Lieutenant lor twenty five, Second Lieu tenant for fifteen; l , - ,'l he Militia who have been ordered on duty and to be in readiness, cau still avaal themselves ot this opportunity- ol getting into the Volunteer service and the number so doing will be cretlited to their respeciive Counties. . Bv order of Governor II. w . Giaek, . J. G. MARTIN, "Adjutant General. " jpT All the papers iu the State copy four times. jan 30 1861 4t. XJOIST VVOBK8. v 4JOJUUA1UIA a. c, iTABlllSllld), A. D.MDCUCLl. WILLIAM GLAZE, MANUFACTURER GT TEA&f tNUlNKy, from 10 to be Horse Fower; tfUOAU of ever atvle now in use, Mill Work of every discriptlon. Also, Iron Hailing, with every diacriplkm of Iron ami Braaa Castings. 1 would call aUeauou to irnuaunriu Uie way at encloainr Fablio. ikiildiairf VwwlUntfS. JUAdt 6tej0, U&lesiro Kailing, aud ail fclcd of eacjocures f tnr namotirv Intl. ' . I UaviDg a tirat rate Boiler in alter -witfi us, we are prepared to manufactare Boilera, or repair them, at ahn mto.-W1U tHud tiraker any park of Uie Stake, uur oieaia i-ugLuca wui e Found, when compared with those made at North ern establiahmenu, to be from twenty-rive to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. - These Works have been In successful operation forsev ral years, with an increase of patronage rrom all parta of the Southern country, lor- whieh the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure then that no pains er expense win oe spareu wmwu cu Unaance of their favora. ma j 11-tf '- - ' - Xlie Literary raper oi - a a. KTKRY-FAMILY SHOULD READ IT TUK LARQXST! TUB- CUKAFKST1 TUB. JSJCUTI ILL US 1 HA. TCJJ &V U i UA&J p B : but Is the constant aim of the .Editors to fill iu columns with the choisesV Historical, Literary and Family reading, ana wiin a large. seKjcuua oi an the new of the day, both foreign and domes tic -. -.1 . "-- ' - ' The fifth volume commences witn uie new y&r 1SW, .EngAgements have been maae to mane uus the- inost brtlUant year in the chistory of ) UB TIMES. It will commence with Xliree iseautiiui A'rize scones. Iu iUustrationa wilt be increased ; ' and Its typo graphical appearance wul be improved by a stm neater uresau- me ituoimuiois - uc un wuicu w keep pace with the improvements of tliae; their motto is "PKOGRJCSSlON! and as the circulation of TUK TIMES j enlarges each year," they are de termined to add new attractious to its columns, and make it the literary paper of the South. -With these inducements the fublishers eonftdeutly .ex pecs several thousand Jiicrease io circulation.' lint as additional incentives to the friends of the South to enconrage their own literary and family paper, in whicn tney wit nna dom oi ma impure and immoral reading which sometimes they get from abroad, the PabUiherg of l'HJC TIMES otter S2.500 IN 1'llEMITJitlS For subscribers to commence with thenew volume nd tha new vear. THE TIMES is printed weeaiy on eight large pages, one japer, at a year, w &iva.nee. For suecimen numbers aud .curealars address tha publishers. . ' - nov. 8tf . - ' - Greensboro, N. 0. NOltTII CAUOIilN A FOTIKDEY & MACHINE W0EKS, .SALISBU RY, JST , O .... FBEUCKS A:ItEADEU, . 8UOCE550RS TO N. BOYDEN k SON, ' MANUFACTURERS OF ' AG RIC V f-TUll AI "I JXPtEIENTS Cultivators, Plows, r . , ; , ' Corn-bnellers, . . ' Seed-Sowers llorsePowers &. Thrashers, THtf CELEBRATED TELEGRAPH CUTTING MACHINE, For Fodder, Hay, Stalks, Oats and Sfiiicks, Being lJietrstTremium fllacnine ot tne ; ; Fairs of North and. South Carolina, CIDER & SUGAB. ZULLS. - SHAFTING JLND MACHINERY 1 For flriit, Circular &, Vertical Saw MUls, Gold Copper & Silver HUoes Mnrmfjirtnrprs of and Asrents for Dr. E. .O.Elliott's PATENT MLLAi &aw MILL and WATER VVllL., Plantationland County Rights for saleoi W' T7 C. LVSTUAKT'S, rAl Lfl I DOUBLE ACTlNUilA I uwji iwai Castincr. Forffins, and FinishedrWorki)Cevery:Deseription. TOBACCO PRESSES AND FIXTUBES, : And other "Kinds of Machinery repaired al short notice.- - ' - - Dune 18, lBbiaiy SCHOOL NOTICE. ' fn shail resume the. dalles of myAlD s chool on the 6th of January in i t Morta, Carolina MlUtary , InsU-,, , J tba tata..- TIRMS PEJl SESSION OF FIT MONTHS. For tation In Primary studies and Elementary .Arithmetic $11,00 m m Fraeueai automeuo wKhuol lateral atudiee - . , S1J . 7. Classical atadles. . - - $30,00 ' N. B, So i eduction alter entertag ichoo! ex pt to east of protricttfl ii?kneM. ' ? r- 1 . : . R IS.TIOVAL. r Ave. tv "arid Sale , Wehuve removeU StabIes7iron our old Mansion IIoae, to Stables,' opposite the be pleased to wait or . fix eur new stanii to attend to the wat. -a much more con vc: one we were form id, ' i riiVof'the wu;".e.W!6 would pub'icl'generaJlyj r -e bett?r prepared the rTub!!c, having . bui:t?io' thai the in, andJbgJrXeH r theVccommoda- rpnaredto accom- provided with prove e have good io tion of dovers, be;, modaie any amount and would bepka? who may give as a We havealso. a in connection, with be 'dleased to nltc: -people iu that li.it-. , ' Give us a call; ' DROW v horses and jnules,. wait onany drover 7-75- -f'-H; I Dlack-smitVsbop :. tablesV,and -wo'uld :o the "wants' of the I s WORTH, 7 ,. -. :---r-r- .t r.;- t tiers Dec 23, 18G1 d2mos., -; au Jatauie. " COFEEEt COFFEE! IS lUANOFACTUBKDAtt KELLY'S Southern ExceWr Coffee Mill, Raleigh, and is equal to the best coffee. It is made of coffee,, rye' and chickory, and is roasted in a cylinder Ty machinery, and therefore is better parch- d than can be done by hand. Chickory is nnt sr well known in Dixie land, but in Europe they use it to give a superior flavor to tbecoliee. In liermany iney sagorah, and here we call it dandalion. In England it is so highly appreciated that they lay a duty of two pounds ten shillings sterling per hundred weight to protectthe growers of 'it. We annex8 Professor Em mons' certificate to sho that there is no humbug, but it is; what it is represented to be : ' :--, ' V , To MR. Kelly, Sir .- have tested and used the two samples of manufactured colfeethe labelled Java and Laguita. The first equals the Rio coffee of the shops, and seems to be equally good with that kind. i I am satisfied that they contain noihing which is injurious to the system, land may be economically and safely 4ised as substitutes for coffee. - - E. Emmons. This coffee is put up in pound papers, and packed in boxes containing thirty-six pounds, unless otherwise ordered. All orders promptly attended to by .ad dressing , " M, KELLY, :' j an 18 '62-lm ' Rateigh, N. C. AH claims against th Saddlery ' and Harness establishment of the subicriber will be settled by Mr. Ii. Shaw; and all Indebted to the same will please make payment to him, as it is necessary to close up the outstanding business. - . i . nov. 27, '6r-dlz u. ai- rttiix.ii a Jiw J. G. WILKINSON & CO. ' WHOLESALE AND RET A. it DEALERS IN FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY, SI AND .- CHARLOTTE, AVING located in Charlott respect fully solicits a share of public patron- autt. - - a mmnlete assortment of Cloths, Cassi- mrs and Ve6ttng always on hand, which will be made to order, at the shortest notice, alter we latest fashion. ' '. ,!- ' Shop three doors South of the Mansion liouse. . W7T.T.TATVTS& OATES, vaADi stbkjit,?". Cotton Buyers, Grocers tProduce -Dealers, . . ; , Agmt for KttUeweZC Manipulated- Guano and Lorie'8 Lumber. , ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.. may 17-tf , . :- John T. Butler, Practidal Watch' and Clock "Maker, Jeweller . y- r i . - - 1 .. .r r . . Kerr's Hotel, dealer injine Watches, Clocks, . Jewelry, Watch Materials, &c. " ALL work done in the establislunent warrented for r ; : - 0 ;-!.--- TWELVB MONTHS. , ir Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des cription repaired and warranted for twelvemonths. -an4iiSti--iy.c - : - l THOMAS W. M.CLIFEE, v AT THE . ' " ' RICHARDSON STREET; THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OF RICHARDSON .7. . , AND PLAIN STREETS, ,N -V, 7. ' " N0.166, ' rjoXjUMBIiJL. Q. O. tJi- importer and Healer In Fine watches; clocks, jewelby, sil VEBWABE,"-" : 1 GUNSMlUTARY &FANCY GOODS. " j 1 . -1-111 T tayWATCHKS and JSWSLax repaireu oy skillful . ; anaexpenenoeu iiornucu, All kinds of ilAia-WOKK oct. 27,lS60-tf.i made to order., Certain Cure tor Flux Certain Cure for Flux I . , -- -7 -Oertain Cure for Fla I . Certain Cure for Fluxt.- 2 Certain Cure far Fluit , - KOOPM ANN'S DIARRHOEA. MIXTURE! ' KOOPMANNS DIAKSHCEA MIXTURE 1 KdOPMANN'S DIARRHUfcA MIXTURE I - - KOOPMANN'S DIARRtlCBA ftUXTyKlI Will cure the most obstinate ': - . ' Will care the moat obstinate - Will cure the most oosunate -Willxure the most obstinate - - Cases of Diarrhoea andTFiux -"V" . Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux - . Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux v' ' " Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax It taken In time. - If taken in time. If taken in time. If taken in time. For saleal K00PMANN Drug Stores, Charlotte. may 9-c '' It PHELPS and at the Wilmington Cliarlotte -and Kutnencyu itau ivoau- ? ' '-t TKsspoirfATio Oriicaj Vt7 D. v -r, .nr lloBday the 15th instant the Pas U D mnA Ms.il Train will .be. ran , on this UId dauy j(3undys excepted) as foijewa , GOING WEST.! UiV.V 7.tjoa.1mV T.45 , 8.15 ' 8.40 ... ': t t A AKRIVk Charfottr lit TustaseegC Brevard ... ; 8.19 87 9.90 ' Sharon , Iincolntoa GOING EAST, AaxiVx.i Lbav 11.00 A. M. 11 AO , 14T;- -,i LlncoltAoB Sharon l.Brevard.7 'Tasiasee: Charlotte.-- ' " li.43 11.43 T -;12.15P. M - -""- ? ' 7r By Order, Vta.mcbek; Acttof Master of Transportatlea.; 1 ' --a aa . - Jb aoverner.'saJary'per Term expires January l.SU- V n' O. A. Daves, or Craven, tsecrtj I nor, salary ,c.7 gtate. K JtoTOs 11. rage, oi r v. i arVSOO. exclaslve of -feeji .Ti-,. . ; nietw. CourU. of Bocaingna, Treasurer, SlLBVogdeo, ef W.yae, ComptreUer, sal- n 1 M rX General Assembly commeuwc- u rd Midday of November ery-aiurnate ShCnS 7leeaob. M nvember. jreaiv ate and House wmeiHI ni the first Tnursaay T fuow. B1SX- p7ov7Bird is composed a. ellency. JobnJv-. Kills, President, a officio, Q. bnSuverry, HNEIUIASS3BLT OF . CAROLINA, ' " mkmbbrs sxbct TOraa UBaisLSTtjas orle-i " (p. for Opposition--!), for Democrat.) . . i . -.. .. . . - - - . . -C- i D.untJinV iind Perauimans. 8 8 Whedbee, O. 2. Camden and Currituck, B F Simmons, D. 5. Gates and Chowan, anus n i!ure, v. 4 Hyde and Tyrrell, Jones Spencer, O. 6. Northampton, J M S Rogers, - . 6. Hertford, JosephB Slaughter, O. 7. Bertie, David Outlaw O.i . 8. Martin and WashingtonJ R Stubbs, O. 9. HaUfaxi M U Whilaker, . r 7 ' 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark, D. 1 1 Pitt. E J Blount. O. 12. Beaufort, Frederick Grist, O. - 7 13. Craven, N H Street, D. - 14. Carteret and Jones, M I F. Arndlel, 0- . v 16. Gretne and Lenoir, James P Speight, D. 16. New Hanover, EU W Hall, D. ! ; 17. Duplin, James DickinsoOvD. - .. ... - -18Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D. " ' - -1. Bladen, Brunswick and Columbus, John U Tayfer,D. '.' . 20. Cumberland and Harnett, Duncan Shaw, D. 81. Sampson, Thos. 1 Faison, D. - 22. Wayne, W. K. Lane, D. , . . , 23. Johnston, J W B Watson, D. 24. Wake, AC A Bledsbe. D- ' s " 5J5, Nash, A J Taylor, D. . . ' 2i. Franklin, Washington Harris," D. - ST. WarrenvT J Pitchford, D. " . . 28. GraavUle,OH KTaylor.D. 7 29. Person.-OB Winstead, D. ' -- ' ' v ' ' 80. Orange, J osiah Turner, jr. O. . 1 81. Alamance and-Randolph, J Worth, O- 82. Chatham, W Harris, D. ' 83. Moore and Montgomery,. C W Dowd, O. -r -', 84. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred. Dockery, O. ' 85. Anson and Union, 8 H Walkub, 0. 36. Guilford, John M Moreh'ead, O. . 7 ; 87. CaswelL Bedford BrownD. i - 88. Rockingham, F L Simpson, D. ; Mecklenburg, John vyalker, v. - 40. Cabarrus and Stanly, V C BarriDger, O. 41.1iowan and Davie, J G Ramsay, O. . 42. Davidson, John W Thomas, O. 43. SWkes and Forsyth, Jesse A Waugh, D. 44. Ashe, Surry, j Watauga and Yadkin, Joseph Dobson, D. 1 . 45. IredeU, Wilkes and Alexander, L Q Sharps, o. 461 Burke. McDowell A Caldwell, W W Avery, D. 47. Lincoln, Gaston and Catawba, Jasper Stowe.D. 48. Rutherford, folk ana uieaveiana, a t but- inn. 1). . 49. Buncombej'litnderson, 'Madison 'and "Yancey Marcus KrwinJtf-. . v-t 60, Haywood, Macon, Cherokee and Jackson, -. Wm.il. Thomas; . , Democrats, 81: Opposition, 19. Democratic najority 12. At last Beaslon Democtato 82 up- posltlon gain just ene. The Edgecombe Farm Journal. frHB subscriber wni commence on or about the 11 1st of September, I860, the publication of a. monthly journal in TarDorov aevotea w xne pl&otsf ana rwrM-wterestsCk noxtn varouna ha particular, and of the South gener&iy. -.J . jcagecomDe aaving long since wen acxnewieag- ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of pobn cation of a first class agricultural paper than Tar boro. it BMW cauea. w ((Tim Kdsreeomoe Farm Journal," And will contain original and selected artlclef up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Sural Architecture Zoology, Ac, c. It will bepnbusnea witn new lype ana ciear white paper, in. a neat quarto form. -i . i urtca of subscription has been made so low as to place the publication within: reach of every neK:-r - ;7 4nnin. :"--: 17.. . . . ' J. Ik f i S? i r.6iiieopyeM year. :7.7. . .0J0r Seven copies one year..... ............. if 00? Twelve copies one year, r; ... . . . .'. 00 Twenty-five copies one year . . . . . . . , . . 10. DO No paper sent unless paid for In advance. WILLIAM B. SMITH, I . 1 -' ' ' Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro, II CL jnly8-tf ' "7 PROSPECTUS OF THB - . H1LL5B0ROUGII, RECORDERj POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, MISCELLANY, EtKERALHEWS. 7 DENNIS HEARTX. v, v -jjillSBOROUGH, N. 0." ' ' ' wwVjth the present - volume the RECORDER V w commeneea me mrueui jrcsr 01 is exis tence, the first numiber having been issued ihe 10th of February, 1820 ; 4oring all which time we have labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and we hope that in. these particulars we have not hPn altoitether unsuccessful. It has been our ishidmake the RFCORDER a good Fanuly Pa Der. devoted ta Politics Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, c, with a view to the entertain ment and improvement of the farmers and citi zens ofthe clrde in which it is distributed. Our A trricultural department we endeavor to fin with the best selections we. can make rrom au sources, irivinr preference te auch a will be ef practical uis to the farmer and Cultivator ' and in this par ticular we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist as any periodical. f a nurely agricultural character. In our Miscella neous department, we shall contiue to be, as tre have always been, careful to select such articles as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to taprore the 'mind and- heartTVuUe wesHalt be thankful to receive well-written articles to aiorn our columns, waare aotse ambltieus of orlglnaUty as not to prefer selected matter of superior merit, to looseiy-written and iilrdigested articles, though, amamentedatthe top with the coveted words 'Written expressly for the RECORDER." . In oar News department we shall take especial palns.to nresent to oar readers Ue latest intelligence ; aad te enable ua to do so we have facilities. equal :to those enjoyed In any portion of the State, except those favored with telegraphic communication. Asmgleeopy;oneyes4,,.........v..tfJO . Six copies, one year.-. i . ...-.10.00 Ten copies; one year.... .....15.00 Payment always In advance 4 . ; ' Any of our old subscrfberi wlio wul obtain five subscribers and send ns the cash, shall receive their own paper free of charge. --July 18-1 - ' -'7 C ; 7j j THE VUIiBXAlV THE CATAWBA . JOURNAL. WE are pleased to advertise the friends and patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of the second, volume of the fisst named journal" this, day, 'under, jhe most favorable auspices. " . 7 7" 4 The circulation of the above named paper b rapidly increasing, and its infiaesee as an ad ver tiaing medium is being felt and appreciated, by it patrons, having access to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as w'J aa the adjolninur Districts in South Carolina. 1 . THE CAXAWIlitOIJiflTf AIM One of the largest! papers now published In the State; mailed for 11.00 per annum, made tn from the columns of the Daily BiTLLara. haa not onhvT j- pecome popular .papers, vus.u aooras great ad W . . . L - .L- 1 . m . . a. - . - Tuwjn wow in wulu w use iu columns a an advertising medium. .. . , , . - - - Specimen copies will be sent to any section they may be ordered, free of postage.- '- l - . or terms, c we refer the reader to our lea pt tot. : , . 1 -i E.- H. BRITTOI " Take Notice. ' - TSOH THIS DATE, ear Books -we ipoeMV A? closed to aU. Cash will, in every Instance, be required, without distinction of Pf Ws are oompeUed to bay for Cash oaelTet aa4 nrt therefore have money. , .t - Suet. El .7 ft ,vWf w : . l-.-J - ' i 4 7 (Siiceessor i r. s. trt"? v. i- Grocers, &i Connission, Merchants, PETcnsorjiiG, va: V 7 ' WAlVEBItIL EIARTOT& Co - Saocesaora to If. iL 1IARTIN, EON CoJ o Kf At HAatai formerly of Granville VO. R,rTsAHttx, formerly f Edgecombe Oon jr. 0 ' fWAlrxa K. Mati. ef Richmond, y . -i ..LltAaTXa,of Rictongnd, f---" ITSOTH concerns will give faithful personal at IHi JSttoLto the salea Of "'COTTON, WHEAT. JrT. . .n i padv Nlihr.oiM!era. wUl bar Tt h- &bAv named articles, either on Com-. Cr:.ti Hrwtatiott-er otherwlsei as their basi- toTr- canned K BJXLINO excla- tttaSJ Presldenf N, O. Rail Road. . -tor aTalwik Pres'k R- A R&U Road. 'hlBn Pre-t Bank at Tarboro, N. C nanlWiH. Kdwasds, Warren County, N. 0. - jll Bnaocx, Esq,, OranvUle ConnN. a O F FfflHU, Cashier Exchange riank, Petersburg M"I- P. BATTUt, W.LJv" "Planters and dealers to Petersburg as beinff oueof the best Cotton aiariteis in sue oouuit ""J8 a eood heme and -foreign demand, and we are pleased to hear that efforts are now being made to tth Treiffht tbrougb from Charlotte to PeUrs- burg reduced to about $3 a bale. . . mch I, lsoi-om. : . y. . 7 J. N. ROBSON, LATBamsTT A aoBSO,) 7 Commission Hercliaiit, j No. 62 ;BAST !py, 7 CII-UaisBSXON, s. c. . . " - :o: .. ' . " Particular atttentioit given to the ialeof WliKAT FliOUB, COItN, AC. . And from my long experience in. the business, 1 feel confident of giving satisfaction. ' " - . SEFEBENCES. - 1 C M. Furman Eso., Pres. Bank of S. C, W. B Smith, Esq., President Union Bank., O. Ewlng Esq, Nashvitle, Tenn Hon. John V. King, Augusta. Oa., Hon. M. A. Cooper, Etowa, Ga. . May 10, 186r-6ifa i ; PKGSPKCTlS OF THE STATJE JOXJRNAIj. MAYING become the proprietor of the Demo- erotic Press. 1 have , merged that paper iututheJSTATlcJotJHSAL, which will be pubiisled Semi-Weekly and Weekly. ' 7 The Staib JookNAt. wlU advocate Democratic principles in the broadest sense, and will support and defend Democratic nieasores and their aavo cates as they are presented, and as occasion tnay require. In other essentials it will be my aim to make the paper, what IIS name denotes, a State Journal eschewing aU sectional considerations and working Tor tue, entire . owiw; "M 'uluu,uu Intere&U. " . ' 1 ' ' " . ' , '. . . As soon as arrangements can be made, the wnoie paper shall be re-inodeled and printed With new tyve, on good paper, and In a superior manner. The Editorial department will be'properly atten ded to in its various branches, and will speak for It self.' Neither labor nor expense wity be spared iq the management of the paper. ," , , The terms of the State Journal will be as . fol- emi-Weekly, per annuto .........,:.. i . Weekly i ... .zuu Thesrferms wiU be insisted upon invariably in advance. Ho name will be" pat upon the list without the money, aud all papers will be discon tinued at the expiration of tne time for winch Uwy k. u.n nii - nolens the subscription berene wed. I am satisfied, from jears 01 exprinoc, m uyvu w - . . . . - nnnthRrftMiUnire&n an v newspaper hope to sua- AivKrtiaements of a Drober character will be Irurted-at ta fofiowing .rates sn.A.fx ..vt nn. uiiMn. nrat inseruon. iuu KiiiiMaaent insertion... v .......... ..V55 cents. .Attperal deduction oa these rates for yearly ad vertisers in the Semi-weexiy. . An tne neeaiy ca tion the full rates will be eharged. - 7777 , i :, ; '7 JOHH SPELMAN,; Nov. T, 1S60. Editor and llroprietor TSfTSOTrrHERll (1UAI?;DIA1I IB PCBLISHfeD AT " ;-'- 7-;' U) rtTBLISHfeD AT OQLUMD1A, JSO OA . BY, CHARLES P..PELHAM,, . 7 r.-i ' vinMai' r . Daily .". ' w. i. , t 00 per annum An-Vf eesjj r - i wvi:... - .......... A 00 - " rT" Payment iln advance Invariably. . Post- TTm aondintr us five dally subscribers,- with nt nr five tri-weeklv subscribers, with $20 IKT, i77i.-f. in rftiristered letters will be entitled te an exUa copy, or in lieu of that 20 per cent, of the than Remitted, provided the order la for as many as five copies. Ten per cent, will be allow ed for amounts remitted for single subscriptions. T.-i- iVjb- - AvvstansBiaaTa - - "A Inserted at the following rates In the Dally and Tri-Weekly : . One squarelO lines or less) one insertion. -SO cU Kar.h aunseauent inseruon o v . When an adverUaement is Inserted in the Week i. At but once a week" in the Dailv. DO -cents a niM for ach Insertion. . We offer to advertisers the Inducement of send lag their favors to be read Jty a numerous and in fluential class 01, reaaers, ootn in town anu coun trv. The Southern Guardian presents great ad T.ntares as an advertising medium : Its circula Hon is laree. and ia daily and rapidly extending, naxticularlv in the middle' and upper strleta- of the State. . 7 , , t job raiKTiao. he Job Office is thoroughly appointed 'In aJl respects, and fitted for every description ef Job Work, in coanecuon witn it is a iHnaery. ; - The Southern ttuafdian ia devoted to the wain tenance of the rights, honor and Interests of the South under the Constitution While it is "willing se sustain the Democratic party wnenever its eoarse shall command approval by its justice, it yet more confidently and distinctly ruica npon tne people of the South v and aa tha best preparation for the contest which is even now upon ns, it will sealoas ly labor to effect union and co-operation amongst ourselves. - - ' . . . In the management of this journal, ike early production of every class ef news from all parts of tha world, the lessons ef virtue and morality, , tha interests of education, agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, will be kept prominently in view, and no effort will be spared to make it, in all. res' pects, an acceptable ure-siae visitor. . EST" We send our Dally to nearly all the Week ly newspapers of the State. WUl they, in consid eration of this advaatage, kindly give the above prospectus a ew4nserttons- - - - .iuae 1. ' ? A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER " -. J . TOE XIOTB8 . . 7 A large Eight-f 'age Weekly, published in Greensboro, $'2.00 a year; for six months. FYfWHE TIMES contains weekly forty columns of li choice matter, specially adapted to the family circle.' It is neither sectarian nor political, but by beiag courteous to all secta and; parties, it is the constant aim of the publishers to present in. its columns whatever may elevate the people and en rich the State. The publishers would earnestly appeal to the families of North Carolina, to give THE TIMES a trial ; try tt f Or six months, to see if it behotas well to patronise homepapers, as those from abroad ; to build up home interests and a State pride, an4 to scatter bur aubstanee and our energies among strangers. . Give iaJ Tutaa a trial and then let it stand upon its merits. what usais-ov ran nsita. "The Times I regard as the very first of. ur Southern literary Weeklies." Rev. C. P. Deems. - I know ef no Weekly published any where that ii so deserving of public patronage as (he Times. Rev. J. E. Edwards. , ' . X ' . "There is no panderiifg to a vitiated taste eve ry article is jol a moral- tendency, and calculated both to amuse and instruct.'' Wilmington Herald "One (bt thehandsomest weexly papers published In the Dnion.M-i-8pirit otthe Age. - . - "Let the people ef North Caarottna encourage tfieir own nwspapera.-t-RaIelgi Standard. -Address w; . - COLE ALBRIGHT, . Greensboro, N. 0. NOW U Ills TIME TO BUtt- ll&MJ-d 8CRIB&PO& THE GREAT 80U THEKN ;W&JtKLYl THE. BEST TALENT OF THE SOUTH IS WRITING POR IT. - ' WSoTitfce and Fireside, Published every Saturday,' at Augusta, G. ac knowledasd to pe ."XA best Family Sapee in t4 k?wt, contains in each Issue, elgt pages tU ffsrty columns) or . . rnAf a 1 devoted, to the instruction and am-j-remeate, ' Trtends of Bontr-rr?-. LTrtSATURlV ORlTcatedJijiy wlthanrIa-rw r, f Address JAUrj Q ARDfT AerwU. Qk IT n .Mtfeontbuanra ratip"". b, contra. JjQttSIS AND BpfjQy VOJX s ALB. One fine GENTLE Hfp ap tp BUGGY for sale. " - "7 .'Apply to Feb. 22, 1862 tf T. J, BURUOVVS. THE LABQEST CIECUXATION IH WES, ' T . TEEH irOETH CABOLITJa. . . THE - 7'-' CATAWBA JOCUNAL i -. --'-"? - AND -' " : THE DAILY BULLETIN, r : 1 7 rnusno bt " . . ' v . -E. H; BRITTON, CnARLOTTU, N. fJ. ( THESE Papers (embracing the Tar-WkKsn Bdxlctii.) established in the town of CharKtt N. C affords unusual advantages to Advertuvrs .both at home and abroad, as tlieeUUons Weekly, now exceed ' 1 . '''-. ' SIX TIIOfJSAIND COPll, s which we nave ho doubt 'are read by -at Kmi . " .7 1 TWENTY THOUSAND, , persons each week,a larpe roporUonof wliom are Planters and their families. j- ',. , .7, - As a means of AdverUslng we are confident that rgreat advantages tan be obtained through this es tablishment, henoe we embrace this opportanity ' to inform our friends and the Mercantile coiuibu- ' ni ties on the Seaboard, (Charleston and Wlljulna-', ton,) that our facilities for circulating their bus! , Notices throughout Western North Carolina ami the adjoining Districts in 'South Carolina arc ex tensive and complete. .' Our terms are liberal and a large deduction m be made on the bills of Contract Advertisers. Sept. 27, 1861. . P ATiTVIgTTO " IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA, S. C. O WlIiLlAIfl GLAZE, Proprietor. GKOItK A. SIIIKI.DS, Foreman. . MANUFACTURES STEAM ENGINES of any power desired; for Mi Us aud PlanUllon purposes, at short notice, having at alUlrass hand some finished, or in a forward state, in con nection with our Mill and f Wort; we have secured the services of -Mr.; JOHN CLAlJlKfc.L, who is one of the best Millwrights iu the South, to. superintend the putting up of Mills and Engmes, lam agent for one of the best PORTIBI MILLS now In use and can furnish any sise wanted. Persons wishing: the Mills are invited to call at the Works, and witness the operation orahe .ne now in use. The MUl-rack, ( which , is the very best, is procured from Edgefle d, fl. O., and thr Milts are built eemplete at our Establishment, BRASS AND IKON CASTINGS. - AH descriptions of BRASS and IRON CASTINGS executed in the very best manner, ana s stock of patterns Is very large, having recently v.rut verv aay 10 mo wc. vui purchased an uiose lormcrijr wwmw i Wright, which being added to those made at my va..Kii.Kmwnt for tha wast five I ears, makes M i assortment more lull than any other like establish ment In the State. . Wire Bailing t m.aent far one of the larger. Wire Rslllng Companies at the North, and wUl furnish WIN- DOW QUiliDO, UAUibttlUI, , r.rw 1 ukusteaDS. or any description of Wire Woik, at the book prices of the manufacturer, which can be seen at my omce. 1 wuU esll attention to this branch of our bus- . iness, having a great variety of patterns, for imb ue and private gFutt4s-ceaijim, w. ana win keep on hand; and east any siyw wanjuxi. prices . U low as Uie i&iue cm uumtui. , uio $i vi . CIRCULAR 8AWB. ' T m.m irnt for R. Hoe A Co's cekbrated Clh- CULAR SAWS, and also for a manufacturer of the same article in tuenmona, va. a iuu suppiy 01 these SAWS, of ' slses, always on nana, rersons wishing them, wUl ae weu to cau on me, as a iukc no charge for fitting them to, the mandrels. -rt flkTfro T T? rrAA-TTTT'-n . "I have a G0MMING MACHINE on band, and am prepared te re-tooth old saws, making them, as . rood as new.' ... . r 1 dee 11, 1860-tf 7 WILLI A M G LAZE, c Notice to Merchants. FORWARDING OFFICE f .8.0, R.R. Co. ' - Cha'bij-sto, March 16, 1861 THE South CaroUna Railroad Company having ; determined to discontinue this department of the service, the undersigned, who haa been the for- 1 warding Agent of the OcmpwywrMi last lour or . five years, nas associaiea -wita nun vuki vm . in thedepirtment, and, under ; Uie natue ot (J A N TT ASTONx1, wUl continue to RKCKIVE and FOR- f WARD such articles as may be consigned to bis"" care. He trusts, by strict personal atteuUon. to ; retain a very liberal share of tne business of the : susHJasi arA reminded that all aoods no wtreach-i ina-this port from points beyond the Confederate States of America, must be entered at the Custom House, and that duties are payable on sach as are not purchased on or before the 2Sth Pebrusry last , and laden on shipooara on or oejore March instant, save such as are on the free list. It is therefore necessary that remittances be maue 4 to pay the duties where 'duties are payable, abd IS ALL CASKS TO OOVSB THB XXfASSS V LUliTOa. HOOSB EMiaT, WHXTHXB TUS GOODS AXE VRKS OK MOT. Prompt compliance will prevent delay aud j-! panse, as aU articles not entered and ierm!tutd will be stored by the Custom House officers. The ; South Carolina. Railroad Company will advance, as heretofore, the charge of flight, dravsge and warfage, butnoX the expenses connected with tne Custom House. I . , ' - 1 , Rates of charges. for forwarding will be! very; moderate, and may be had on application to GANTT A STONY, to whom ail business cotnuju nlcations should be addressed. , The undersigned refers to' the officers of the 'South Carolina Railroad Company, to the custom ers of the Forwarding Department, and to aM merchants of standing In the city of Charleston, and respectfully solicits liberal share of patron age. .1 JAMES L. GANTT. Late Forwacdiag Agent 8. Q. R. R..C0. 7 Book and Job Printing OF fiVERY CLAS AHD NAatlv KxMDted tit this ofHre. Tf-fV AVING procured a lr- amount of excel JUL lent material, and added to this estaoinn- suent suitable fast PRESSES, we take this oppor tunityto Inform our friends Two?k S that we are fuUy prepared to execute work of d 'thslattand most.pproved style. I1IL.L-IIEAU', CIICCUE.AUH,.- CHECKS, . XIIOW-lilLLS, INViriTIONS- JL.AW If LANKSIv- 71 0 mwwml I.KTS. . IIOUIAS, execoted this side of jturTTOn, . TRrFARS) FLAKIER. C Ot UJ0L JU I Aj yurn thlsi TfVf AVING purchased of owed tu place ot U KalSta ciV Vregul'r Is great om "- .Atim. that seen " r ...... m,n jeeung rrzzi .nd beus 7---nded in this JJtatf. .-" Capitol of the Bute and anitalned, n l9mT7ZA bUlty. navs '"""- determln- ou .u tha venture, r" , .n.nrm.. tne ven- - ..oiins te enesurars Far-nor ' their ooa" hV. with newW r ddad to Its former Ad UBS r-r 4-i Lsi- O0 lM mMUi, WW.;. of the best practice ana iw-nuao Agri- I &azn will be nnder the cart of one of the I i-T..r. in t 'P.r.PB In the land. ft"2.: rTh sratem will be riiidly adhered lo. and - 7a wiUbe entered on on peeks ntU tfjs sab 7 . V v ! 'f.i- iBWttmm . . . .7 it !

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