.A f - 4 1 : VOL. VI. NO. 84G.J THE BULLETIN: It Y liHU'AllO Jf. ISRITTON. . OITICE. NoTlS TRTO-TSTRIET, r Ckirux frill, on IK tcond .jtoor'J terms tor rirca : . TllK DAILY UULLETIN wt befaraUfettf at . . r f 1 w- u. ...nn TV ni'lMlr Tl:tK TUI-WEKK.LY BULLETIN wUlU-.ub ; ,j -l tiny TnlaT. I UtirM.ay n.i tsiomay mornnvu a 1 1 irJ-'u-l for 0-1 perAnnvm, imyatle In advance. BY TELEGRAM1 . I, - - i thr SmtAem Expres Com pony fatten rd pact-'' , age by Pttnger Train and N.tr, n W lfpatcht Telegraph, to alt part if 6k . t wn try. , . ,. ( , .: L From iremnhis. I liwjrlTtd t Telegraph Office, Tab. 26 1 at BalietiD Offlce, 12:10 p. m. ) Mem this, Feb. 24. The Federal hate not yet occupied NaahTille. , Ruells array of Federal .scouts appeared on the north side of Cumberland River pre- paratorr to an adfvance of the main column. tlcnerala Price andMcCullough are pre '. paring for battle. The former is on this side of Fayetteville, Ark.. and the latter at Boe ton Mountain. ' . ' : It in reported that nine Federal Gun .Boat and fifteen Transports were seen on Sunday evening at Mayfield. No iramc diate attack is expected. ' -' Memphis, Feb. 25i The town of Fav etteville, Ark. , was burnt to the ground by order of Gen. McCQlIoufih1. 1 The military . stores were first burnt. " " . -The'ConfeoVraie army at Boston Moun tain are preparing for battle. " ' jLate advices from Knozville srate that the Confederates at Cumberland Gap have been largely reinforced. The Federals are frci"ueniy a sight of our camp and a fight there is regarded i-i0ent. From Richmond. ! -':--"-' i K. cc I red t Tekirraph Office Feb.2, J I " at UulleUa Offlce4 p. m- . lliciiJiOND, Feb. 25. A high wind has been prevailing here all day. About one. hundred feet of the upper structure of .the shifting of the Petersburg rail way bridge over James river, has been blown ofT. j It will bet restored in a few days. Several houses have been unroofed, and trees and fences blown dawn. , v There has been no Cabinet appointments ytJ - Both Houses of Congress is ia secret session, evidently in consequence, of jhe ' larjre rushing crowd of outsiders in atten 'dance at the session, thereby preventing business. '.-.- . MESSAGE. Prcsident JEFFERSON DAVIS. Received at Telegraph Office, Teh. 2C, 1SC2. i Received at Bulletin Office, 5:00 p. J Richmond, Feb. 25." The President has cpnt his Messare to Congress. - He says since the delivery of the last Message events have demonstrated that the Gov- ernment attempted more than it had the power successfully to achieve, hence in its cfTor. to protect the'whoie temiory bum seaboard, inland, it has ben so uonle as recently to encouncer serious disasters. At the forw-on; f Government, we great in extent, but destitute in the means of prosecuting the war on so gigan tic scale as that .'attained. Wrk shops r weremeiolf found North and our first otr ject was to establish necessary manufac tares, and in the mean time purchase in Europe as far ft practicable, whatever was required for 'he public defence, f . . . ; In April last, active military preparations in Europe interposed many obstacles to the 1 procurement of arms'. -TJ ; He saysiie ha no ofiicial report of the .discomfitures at Roanoke and Fort Donel- son. Enough known of the surrender tt Roanoke to make us feel deeply humiliated, however imperfect may nave been the means of defence, he still enteruined hope. Our reported loss at Fort Doneisoa wa greatly exaggerated. "In-as-much 'as We were not only unwilling bat unable to be lieve that a large armj of our people would surrender without; desperate ef fort to cut their way through investing forces, whatever may have been their num ber, and endeavor to make a Junctlou with other divisions of the army. But, in the absence of official reports, Aprematufe statements were accredited. In ihe mean time strenuous efforts were raade to lor-' Ward reinforcements to the array at posi tions threatened, and I cannot- doubt that bitter Hiannointment we have borne 'i moving the people to still greater exer tions, will speedily secure results "more" accordant with our position and as favor able to oar cau.se as those which marked earlier periods of the war. ' He says the reports Secretaries of -War and Navy, ex hibits resources to conduct the war hare accumulated, notwithstanding serious dif ficulties, against which we have contended, fully equal meet futurewanta. . He con demns the policy of short enlistioeata, and 4 considers that it partly contributed td the . lecent tevcrses. J T When the war broke put the general - I in many instances to go 'home and make i . frthpir families durinz their ! trraiigementa iprUieiriainuxeaaorins; protractis abaence : " Q0otaa( oew .Regiment, lorthe war i .U he State. r in raP.d progr-a. t Qrgunixltioa. - The 'whole' iny - ,IavUa and re-nn;mentf wu.,,, be ready in 50dayi. Tbi im wt a lb ttli U fo or hundred tatotry - cpinion was in favor of abort enlistment, j g. Sr. a Ga."n RaiHtW 1 hence' the people were nalurallj averse to B-Baiw.o.PretBaakatTarboro,N.O. ! loniT enWtmeul Now tU yVwiir ASJin a bably continue through a merfre of Vers1 C. F. Fmaaa, Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg and ourhigh apirited nl gallini Uiera, ( Kt'Szi$a J while generally re enlisting are cot pelled j "MSat Ktf and 1 Artillery, notwithstanding great difficulties- have been encountered. . ' The rcpdrt ofhe Secretary of the N,avy exhibit a Satisfactory completion of ves els of a number class, on which may Herein consequence of a storm, the operations on the line ceased, and we were 'compelled to close for, oar first :edition. 'Editor Bulletin. . .THOMPSON. & BAENES; - WHOLESALE ! GROCERS AND MERCniNTS, " 23 Ac 25 COTIMO STItEirr, " ' N W OR LEANS; LA. jrTf- Orders for Sugar,. Molasses, Sec, - VVith'an experience o twenty years we feel confident of giving satisfaction. ' jan 18 '62-d3m ; ' J. G. WILKINSON & CO., WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALERS FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY. SILVER - - . - AND '3Plfttod-Wa.ro. - CHABLOTTE, y. C. ' vnLiJAma &. oates; - TUDI StBUT, Cotton iluyersf Grocers Jt Iroduc Dealers, Afftnt or . KettlewW Manipulated Guano and Lor-tf Lumber. .ALL OPiOERS PROMPTLY FILLED. John T. Butler, - Practical WiUch and Clock lfaktry Jeweller e.t Mains street, Charlotte, jV. C.t vppoaite. Kerr's UoUl, -duller in Jlns WatcAes, Clacks, Jevelry, Watch Materials, Jtc. . 4 LL work done In th egUbllshment warren ted t0T TtVRLVR MONTHS. Tin Vftche. Clocks and Jewelry of every de- cHj.llon repaired aud warranted for twelv months.- Jaa.ll,l!5l ly.c H. U. ALEXANDER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law . AULOTTE, N. C. tWm OInoo in RruUu Bunnma. ' " - febC-tf PRESERVE YOUR TEETH. A. W. ALEXANDER, SURGEON. DSWTiST. 6RADCATE OF THE BALTIMORE DSSTAL COLr- LEGE. " r S FULLY PREPARED TO DO ALL DKXTAU Work In the latest ImoroTed styles, and will be at his office two weeks In" each month dating frna the tint Monday (of the montB) and will appro priate the remainder of his time to au persons desiring; work done at their residences, who will oblige Mot very much by addressing him at ChAr; Oillce, opposite Kerr's llotell. Brown's building, op-ttairs. apnlli lMl-tf , j. y: bryce & co, DIALS S3 I Cotton' and All Kinds of Prod ace, Til ADR STUECT, CHARLOTTE, N. C. f-f All on!ert attended t with dispatch, april ft-tf - ' . CflARLOTTE - DRUG 5T0RE. E. UYE HTTCHISOK & Ca KETAI& DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DO iii.SH O DRCGS, Medicines, Chemical!, Perfumery; Fany Articles, Oils, Paints, Tarnishes, Window GIass, Putty, Dye Staffs Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Pure Liquors, Canton Teas, Field and Garden eVds, e., Ac. - c- . Uarlns: closed our books, we Intend to sell here after for cash. May 4, l41-tf ILATS RBBTT A BOBSOW.J Commission lYIercliaht, j ' ' - No. 62 EAST BAY, CIIAIILESTON, C. ' Particular itttentlon given to the sate ef- , ? ' WHEAT, Ff-OUIt, . CORN, 4cC. And from my long experience in ths business, I , feel confident of glTintt satufaclon. :o: . . fr M. IMrman. Esq.. Pres.- Bank ef SC, W. B. Smith Esa . President Union Bank., O. Ewlnf IMi, kSSStSS.-Bu John P. King, Augusta. Qa., Hon. M. A. Cooper, Etowa, Oa-, . . May 10, IS61-6m ' ' V THOMAS W. RADCLIFFE. SIGN OP THE PKPItlt-' EICHAEDSON . STBEET, THE NORTfl-EAflT CORNER OT RICHARDSON : ho. 166,'-.- - - 4 y Importer and iieaierin "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWJiAvtti, dia- 6UNS, MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. srk -.- HAia-Woax made to order., M ARTlN , TANN A HILL & Co., '- (Successors to N. M. MARTIK.S0N A CoO ' Groers &V Commission Merchants, PETEttSDCnO, VAk - WALTER K. MARTIN&.O0 sn-.rt to N. M. MABUn. BU" v. kJtV"Wv - coaxitiissioN JllSlLi; AS An x "J - . . ... t flrnnville Co..N. C tAmHiTof Edgecombe Co., N. O Waltsb K. Msavia, of Richmond, Va. ' W.-U Mautw. of KletaoysT, Vs. R. Ui CcssrsosAii Jr.. ot Kichmond, Va. . m itTii eoncerne will give faithful personal at- lrS unUoato turn sals of COTTON, WHEAT TOBACCO and VSOKTk t fivher, concern will bay MTOftbeaboTe named articles, either on' Cotn milioo. Speculation or otherwise, as thlr busi- ixetsiA produce u Cunaoed to SELLING exetu- . mTj r. r 1 1 . ... .. . ively. ai fc rwM Toreisll demand, and we are ' pleased to hear thai 2orts art now belnx soadete freight, through from ChartoSwFeurs- I Surf redaeeji to about 3 a bale. j jnchl.iMl-Sm. 01 f00D p 1 Cord Stayes, Hoorr Poles and with a proportional force of Cavalry THE LABQEST CIBCtTLATIOlf , TEBH NOBIH CAEOLINA . THE' -A 0 A T A V B 4i ' J 0 U k N A L , THE DAILY BULLETIK, . r - pesutoiKO st,1. . . . - E : H . B KIT J. U JN rilARLOTTE. N. 7 THESE Paper (embracing the -Tai-WKKXl- Brixms ) established .iu the town of Charlotte, N. C, affords unusual adranUge to Advertiser both at home and abroad, as the editions, weekly , I now exceed ' . . r SIXTHOUSAND COPIES, which we have no 'doubt are read by at leaet . ' TWENTY THO USAND persons each week, a large proportion i i-whom are I Planters and their jamuie. : . . XM-n inemxiBTsulvtrtisinVe reTBoafldec Wist .jreat advantages can b obtained through this es tablishment, henoe we embrace Ahis opportunity to inform our friends and the Mercantile eommu. nitles on the Seaboard, (Charleston and Wlhning lon,) thai our facilities for circulating the? bubhiera Notices throughout Western North Caiclina and the adjoining DistricUin South Carclina are ex tensive and complete. Our terms are liberal and a large dedaetfrn wd be made on the bills of Contract Advertisers, v . Spt. 27,' 1S61..V'. ' " Take Notice. . : "A- LL persons indebted to. the subscriber INANY' " ' - ' 1 "TVILL FLEASS i V 0 Af K F 0 R W A K 1) V- V- J lj L y X..l'- . 1 and pay up - IMMEDIATELY! as longer Indulgence cannot hs f1 geDpHILL1P3. I woufd also notify those fawant of goods that from and after this date all gooi3 will be sold low jown fr ash or its t-auivaUiit. .y , Jan.10 tf.'' ; - , 1 : ' ".J - a !'"-7 ' CA T AW.B A JOURNAL FfllllK BULLETIN i pabUshed. dally In the town B of Charlotte, at $6 per annum, invariably In advance. - ' The CATAWBA JOURNAL Is published weekly In the town of Charlotte, at $1.00 per annum, tn Tariabiy in d vaoce.- " PROSPECTUS THE CRAitLESTO MERCURY A POUTiCAL, COtt!StRClALj AND LITE3ART PUBLISHED DAJLY AUP TILT -,WEEKL Y fxyUE L'kscury gives daily reports of the Mar . JL ket and Marine Intelligence ia Charleston, and of Charleatoa commerce In the leading sea ports of the world. The Weekly" Prices Current is made up with much care, and from the most reliable sources. Its connection with the 44 Asso ciated Press" insures the latest intelligence by Telegraph and the earliest news by Steamers from Zuropev It has an able and accomplished Cor rsnondent in London (a xentlemaa connected with the editorial aUff ot the London Times.) and Fashion Letters and weekly j letters on Life ia Washington are additional attractions in favor of Its lady readers.. Ita literary notices, from the ten of a gentleman who occupies perhaps. the hijraest position . among the literary men pf the South, art discriminating and comprehensive. Attention Is paid to all matters or general concern, esvedallr ose in reierence to lhe.Planting and Affricuituxal interest, and to the -current news of gnciiinu .trw .v.ot Toihifiv .hall the day. wreaii cro u " appear tn Its columns which should be excluded from the family circle. . '. ! . The poUtical creed. of the, MaaCCBY conslsls in the principles of the Democratic Party, as laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1198 and 1T99 the Sovereignty of the States ; a strict construction of tin Federal ConstUutidn by the General Government, th agent of the States ; Free Trade, and an economical Administration ot the Government. Its polley Is the Union of.the Southern States ia maintaining their rights. Terms-payable In Advance DAILY, per annum. . . . TlU-WfcJiKLY $10.00 SiJ 1 SAO Clubs will be Furuislied as follows: rive Copies of the DAILY for. I 40.(X . . . t mi.r l . L' I.' I - XT lift lUi five uoytes oi uxe xivx-n .x.a.ju& ....... The name of no person out ut Charleston will be .nttrtxl ou our books, unless the pavuent of ttte subscription be made in advance. &or will orders from without the city to publish Advertisements, Marriage Kouees, or, voiuienes, oe attenaea to, unless the cash, or an acceptable City reference, accompany the order Money .may always be forwards! at our risx in registered letters. PosTXASTSas are auinonsea to act as our Agents in obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money ; and oy sending as jtvs vajlx suoscn ters, with. $50 enclosed or Jfivt T&i-'Wkssxt subscribcts, with $25 enclosed, will be entitled to sd estfra copy ; orai pieierrea, uey may-retain Twenty per cent, of the pre-payments, for their trouble and in lieu or the extra papers 'Out Of iSouth Carolina, no person whatever is authorised to. ieolleet debt already.' due to the MKaovar. . In the State Mr. Sac. . Bcaotss i our reg ulur Agent tft make collections and procure w basiaess and subscriptions. j In Charleston, Mr. JamssD. Bcpss, connected with the offioe, ts r regular authorised coUector whe has full power to receipt for money now due the naper and to contract ff future Business. ; Bnbscribers and others, in debt tons, are urgeo Ur requested to send in our does by mad at the !r.4... w.d. Brio doinjr. they will save ua twenty pVr cent, an amount equivalent to a prin HTial uortion ot vh profits. rSiTOas lai State and throughout the South, who receive our - Tai-WssxiT. for. their Wnilr. are respectf ully requested to compensate P P.4.)W Street CAartetto. S. V . NOWiU THE TIME TO SUB- 1 SOiS SCRIBK FOK THE GREAT SOU JA. J , -u P , KV.ST TALENT OF m. sl rv au i m. skasu , j-ncuc .'"J ;r. V. Vr,.Zil2, Patter in CT'ontaTIn eigM' pages (forty columns) of --.1 " M-lter. liftS instruction and .amusement of the cevoww friends of Southern . LITKEATOKJC. AGRICULTURE, and Alii. rcritSs are presented .emi-annuall, witifao INDEX, or Table of Contents. . va " - . millta HI li . l " . Ma rRnXKR. Auira., Ga. A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER - THE TIMIiSi t. BubUehed in Greensboro. X lftSri veai it'" r Bix ninths.: mnr TIMES contains .weeaij wv nHHK ."irV adanied to the family JL ewe "Vuhlr sectarian nor political, but by '-iiJeo wlESeS U parties, Jt - is the S?f the publishers to .present in 4ts constant aim 01 uw p u lM eople ui en. fSSLmSTM plwlher. would 'ear otly rich the State, x no y, rwroUoa. te; rive appeal to ; me 'h for rix months, to see if THTTtIMES Kntee come papers 'as those It anot as wett to patronae o rnteTes and A from asraa ; -r - Knhct.RC . lad then let itsUnd upon 1Wa iV tL Ti-reVard aa th. very first our fioathern Literary 1 Weeklies." Rev. a eems "I know no Wi reekly puhnsnea anywaerc, t!Tw!a iatrenare as tbe Times." U se deserving of public patrons ge Rev. J. Kdwaxos. 1 . . -There is ne paaderisg to a TltiAtedtasTe- ry article is otasaorai tenoeney. ZZXa both to asouss and lnstnict.M--Wlliningtoa Herald Ke ot the handsomest weekly papers published lathe Cnic--epiritetihe Age. . : . ''Let tbe people ot North Caaroitna encourage . Aiuress, .u . H,1?101?',, wu rum The &$taaa. FieTI and Fireside, asoffl KitnrniT. m aimuii,., v., w- x. rerwu, j o ntunua. n i ' I IlllilWill 1 PEBMAlfEST 7E2HIIEITT " i Coiifeder5ite?scAn OF MISgl 3IPPI ., VV :. ' : . VICE-PE - DENT l-V - of geo :tGiA.v-a -; . .: : CAP I BT!;i? FIX) ? R 8 S KKCEETAKV v? STAT, HUNTE-m 'Of Virginia, ... 8 BETRETAaT OK TS FT TREASURY, n'-mwirffiiilNGii :,ofS. CaFoIIna. V W iUi." , ..... -"sKCBlTABTOFjT !ff SAVT,- S, JL III ALLOBY.O Florida. , - . . , t. flVCKKTAB 1 ' war., WAbafcUiti Alabama. JOHN II. UEA6AX5 ot Tex... - ITTORKKT OS5KSAL, j. p. BENJAMIN, fjioulslana. ' -A CONGRESS Alabama. -Senators- Messrs. VTlHam L. Yan-- TfiblS of ihe noe-Messn E L D P ChiltoD, Jsmes L Pugh, JIM Ca"7A Smith, John P Rawls,.Thoma8 JFosfr, D Clopton L ABfcIssls.r-Senators Mears Robert "W Joho- sob, Cha-les B MitchelL :z ',. Members of the HouseMessrs Felix J Batson, Grandison D Royster, Augustus H Garland, Tho mas B Hanly. ' . . - t Flobida. Senators Election returns not re- ceived'l I' ' " Members of the Houae Messrs James B Deskins, GBOBQiA.-Senators Mtssrs B II Hill, Robert TtfombS. . '- jrr' ' Mmsr. nfthf TTouse Messrs- A ttKeenan, Hloes Holt, A B Wright, Jrfien Hart ridge, Lucius Tartrpi. Wm W Clark. Robert P Trippe, David J GartreU, Wm W Clark, W Lewis, C J Munnalym, W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Strickland; - LocistASA. Senators Jiessrs awaru cpwiuwi T JSemmes.' ; i . Members of the ; House-Messrs D F Kenner, Chas Vlllers, John Perkihs, Jt, C .W ..Conrad, Henry Marshall Lucien Iupose. r : M I98ISSIW. Senators Messrs AlbertJJ Brown- Members of the Hoose Messrs John J IcRae, J IX Clupp, Eeubiri Davit, Israel Welch, H CChan fcers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale. . v MissorRi; Senators Messrs John B Clark, it S Y Peyton. ' - f i r ' . Members of the Houss Messrs Jehn Hyer, Caspar W Bell, "George Q Vest, A H Conrow, W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman,. T'oomas A Harris. North Cabolisa Senators Messrs George Da vis, WmS Dortch. .. ' Members of the " House Mrs W N H 8mHh,, Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenan, J D McDowell ThctmAs S Ashe, Archibd Arrington, Robert Mc Lean, WiUiatri Lander, 1 S Garther, A S David , SooTH Ca'bolina. Senltors Messrs R- Barn-, well; James L Orr. ; . ' ' Members 6t the HouseMessrs W W Bpyce, W. Porcher Miles, M L Boiham, John McQueen, L MAyer, James Farrow. Tbnnksskk. Senator Messrs Langdon . o HayneSy'Gustav A Henry. - f. . Members of the House Messrs D M Carrin. J DC AtklDS, H E Foster, Thomas Meneesj George W Jones, M.P Gentry. W G Swann, W H Tibbs, E L Gardner,-T J HeiskeU - ' ; Tbxas. Senators-Messrs. Louis T. wigfall, ; S. Oldham. ' .V v t Members of the Houses-Messrs. John A;-YH-cox Peter W. Graham, 0 tt Herbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, S: B. F. Sexton. . . ,ViB6iHiA-Senators--Not elected. - Members of the House Messrs. John E. Cham- A Pryor, Thomas HLZioeock, John Goode, Jr., James P HolcombeAD 0 Dejarnette, WuUam Smith, A R Boteler, Jdjin B Baldwin, W R Sta ples, Walter Preston, aiQ Jenkins, Robert John son, Charles II. Russell Kkntpckt. Senators Messsrs. H 0 Burnett, William E Simms. ' Members of the House Messrs Daniel P White, ThcmasB Monroe, J H Ford, John J Thomas, T D Burre.1, George W Iwing, George B Hodges, Thomas Johnson. , , . r.oVEflNMENT OF NORTH CAR- " OlilNA. H.T. Clark, of E4geombe,Governor, salary per annum, $8,000, and the use ot a iurnisnea nouse Turn prnircll J An liar V 1. 1861. - G. A. Daves, of Craven, Secretary to the Gover nor, salary $800, "exclusive f fees. . , k . RnfiiM if. Pacre. of Wake. Secretary of State, sal- a rv snrt exclusive of fees. S - s Daniel v. courts, i xmciuiikiiiu, "woumi salary $2,000. ; Curtis H. Brogden, of Wayne, Comptroller, sal " The General Assembly-commences its session, on- the third Monday or JMovemoer every anernate tar. The next elections for members of the Sen- n.tf ar.fl llousft of Commons, and for Governor, will be held on the first Thursday of August, I860. Literary Board xne iioara oi uieraiare vi North Carolina is comDosed as follows: Hia Ex cellency. John W. Ellis. Presidents ex. oMcio; h A. Daves, Secretary. Internal Improvement Board The Internal Im Drovement Board is eomnosed as follows ; His Ex cellencv. John W. Ellis. President, ex officio : G A. Daves, Secretary. SUte Librarian Oliver H, Perry, of Raleigh. GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF Nw CAR0LlNAr ifSHBKHB ELECT, TO TBS LKGISLATUBB. Of 1860-1. (0. for Opposition D. for Democrat.) , Senate. ; ' DlST.' . . . ir' 1. Pasquotank and Perquimans, S S Whedbee, O a. vamaen ana Currituck, B r Simmons, Al. . e. trates asa Uhowan, Mitts H Eure, O. 4. Hyde and TyrreU, Jones 8pencer, O. 0. Northampton, J M S Rogers, D.. Hertford, Joseph B Slaughter, O. 8. Martin and Washington, J R Siubbs, O. 9. Halifax,- M O Whitaker, D. - s-. 10. Edgecombe, H T Clark. D. 11. Pitt, E J Blount, 0 . . l'5!fufo1rV,ederlckQri8t,o-'. i. vitcu,h a cireet, D. ' U. Carteret and Jones M L F Arndlel, 0 - 15. Gretce and LenoirJames P Speight, D.. , , 16. New Hanover, EU W HaU, D. IT. Duplin, James Dickinson, D. -18. Onslow, L. W. Humphrey, D. 19i.B1d5nA Branwick and- Columbus, John p 20. Cumberland and HarnettDuncan Bhaw, D. 21. Sampson, Thos. 1 Faiaon.D. fci. Wayne, W. K. Lane, p. 28. Johnston, J W B Watson. D 24. Wake, M A Bledsoe. D. V ; . r. isx nasn, a tayior, D 80. Orange, Josiah Turner. , ti 81. Alamance and Randolph, j Worth O 83. Chatham, W G Harris, D. ' ' 83. Moore and Montgomery, n w, Tji wfl rt ' 84. Richmond and Robeson, Alfred DockeVv O. 85Anaon and Union, 3 H Walkno O - 86, Guilford, John M Morehead. o' ST. Caswell, Bedford Brown, D. ' . 83. Rockingham, F L Simpson, D ' 89. Mecklenburg John Walker, D - - 40. (bsjrrusMdSUnly,Tc Wriflf"So 41. Rowan and Davie, J G Ramsav tfT - 43. Davidson, John W Thomas, X). v' ' , 43. Stokes And Forsyt, Jesse A Waugh, DA i . 44. Ashe, Surry, Watauga and Yadkin, Josepn I a, Iredell. Wilkes and Alexander. r. na. r 46 Burke, McDoweU A CaldweU, W W Averv D 4 Lincoln. Gaston and Catawh. J. 43. ttouwrioiU) vieaveiand, A W Bar s.m Ts ' ton. D. 49. Buncombe nenuewn, Madison and Tancev Marcus Erwin, D. . .... Pemocrats, i uppojeaon, 1. Democratic majortty 1 ru-umocT.ts 82 ; Op- 3r. Talce Notice. lrSBffta.wBss K. mnolred. Without distinction of nmAna " We are compelled to buy for Cash ourselves and must therefore have money. . . .t . . . Z0 TO? ASK FOR credit: - ' gep.W ' ELlAgA-QQHiar . All claims against the Saddlery and Harness establishment of- the subscriber will be settled by Mr. S. Shaw I and all indebted to tbe same will vieaae make payment to&m, aa It ia necessary to eloaa bp the eutstandln j ' : MWMWMP MM H :7';,"::. " iALMKrro. v" ' yi riiR03sr works: , - WHLIAM QLAZE, v MANtTFACTDRER OF i 4TXAM - EIGiNES, from 10 to 80 Hon Power; SUGAR MILLS of every atyle now In use. Mill Work of every discription. Also, Iron Railing, with ' every inscription of Iron and Brass Castings. 1 I would call attention Uxlron Casting in the way cf enclosing Public Buildings, Dwellings, Cast Steps, BalQrtro Sailing, and all kind of enclosures for Cemetary lots. : Having a first rate Boiler maker with us, we are prepared te manaXacturs Boilers, or repair them at short notice. Will send boiler maker to any part of the State.' Oar Steam Engines will b found, when compared with those made at North ern establishments, to be from twenty-five to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. , - These Works have been in successful operation for sev ral years, with an Increase of patronage from all parts of the Southern country, far which the Proprietor" retarafi his thank his nimerust friends and patrons, ana egs to assure taem. was no pains er expense will be spared to merit con ttnuanoe of their favors. maylT-tf . y- ' ' THE BinLsL ETIW TOE CATAWBA JOURNAL. WE are pleased to advertise the friends and patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of the second volume of the flsst named Journal, Uia day? under the most favorable auspices. ' The circulation of the above named paper is rapidly increasing, and its influence as an adver tialng medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as wf'l as the adjoining Districts in . South Carolina. THE CATAWBA JOlillNAL, One of the largest papers now .published in the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Dailt Bcxlbtis, has not only become a popular-papers, but it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use its columns ar an advertising medium. . s ' . 1 ' Specimen copies will be sent to any section they my be ordered, free of postage. .f - ' . ' - ? tax terms, Ac, we refer the reader to our ira-d- int. -K. H. BRITTON nov.n-,tf .-. . - -- . ' 7 - -y Tine Uterary Paper ot the Sou tn "EVERY FAMILY SHOULD READ IX THE LARGEST I THE CHEAPEST! THE Jinan 1LiJj C5 1 iim. AiU oJ u jl xjx.jml rlLY PAPER 1 . . !- - f ' f jrHE TIMES is neither political nor sectarian, H but is the constant aim of the Editors to fill its columns with the choisest Historical, Literary and Faioily Reading, am with a large selection ei all the jiew of the day, both ror eign ana aomes- The fifth volume commences with the new year I860. Engagements have been made to make tta the most brilliant- year in the history, or tub TIMES. It will Commence with TUreo Oeautlrai rrue stones. - Its Illustrations will be increased ; and. its typo-! graphical appearance will be improved ny a stiu neater uress. - rne; jtuohbijci a 'Meucwjimuou w keep pace with the improvements of the age; their motto is PROGRESSION," and as the circulation of THE TIMES , enlarges each year, they-are de termined to add new attractions; to its eolumns, and make it the literary paper of the South. WKh these inducements the Publishers ipnndently ex nect several thousand increase In '-ircutatian. South to enconr age their own literary and. family k . . . ft J St iV.l lHHH..MA paper, in wnicn mey wiu una uonc o from abroad, the Publishers or mis. AiJJiJio oner $2,500 IN PKEITXIUiriS For subscribers to commence with the new volume,-! and the new year. THE times is pnntea weekly on eight large pages, fine paper, at $2 .a year, in advance. For specimen numbers and circulars address the Publishers. - ' ; . .; A .. , COLE ft ALBRIGHT. .. v. nov. 8-tf "" Greensboro; N. C. : "prospectus V. ) ; : .' ' or THX ' " . HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER, y " ":. bsvoTsn'TO POLITKS, AGRlCULT'nE. M13CELLAKY, GENERAL MEWS. DENNIS HEARTT. , HILLSBOROUGH, N. 0. - " WITH the present volume the RECORDER ' commenced the fortieth year of its exis tence, the first number-having been issued the 10th of February, 1820 ; uring all which time we have labored to make our paper Interesting and useful, ' and we hope that in these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessfuL It has been .our ,rth n make the RFCORDER a good Family Pa per, devotedo Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, General News. e., wun a view vu uie cuvcj m.nt and improvement of the farmers and eiti sens of the circle in which it is distributed. Our A or! cultural department we endeavor to fill with ihe best selections we can make from all sources, giving preference to such as will be ef practical use to the farmer and cultivator ; and in this par ticular we hone to make the RECORDER as valu AhiA the- arlcnlturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural character. In our Miscella neous department, we shall eontlue to be, as w have alwavs been, careful to seieet Such articles as will have a tendency hot only to amuse, but to Improve toe mind and heart. , While we shall be thankful to receive wen-written articles to arn our columns, w are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer seiectea matter oi superior merit, to loosely-written and ill-digested, articles, though n.n.Tv.ntMl HA the too with the coveted words 'Written -expressly far the RECORDER. In our News department ws shall take especial pains to nresent to our readers the latest intelligence; and Xa enable uStoe so we have faculties equal to those enjoyed in any portion of. the State, except those favered with telegraphic oonununication. Asinsepyioneyear,......v.i...t .00 - Six copies, one year . . ... . f . . . , ..a0.00 t Ten copies; one year v.w t 1 . Payment always to advanee -t . tjj f-J Any of our old subscribers who will obtain fiva subscribers and send us ' the esh shall reeelye their own paper, free ef charge. -rX-i" July 18. - . - .- " , THE SOTJTHEBU GUAEDIAH ISPCSUSVC0 At t . cifitJOTDA SO. OA. r-BY CHARLES P. PELHAM. -1 ...f.t-.. ' .... OOper annum Dally . am- Tri-Weekly.......-" ' m ... ,iSrs sending ua Ave dsy sscriberwith M 00 or five tri-weekly subscribers, with $20 00, din retered letters,) will be enJUed to Sexcopy.orin lieu of that 80 per cent, of the Snsttu. ?Stted, provided the order U for , as ' ii- nnfp Ten ner cent, will be allow- ed fr rmouuts TenTitted for single bscription.. ,i Inserted at the following rates in the Dally , and SJ-&'i or less) on.lnsertion...M ctj 2, 1. v...nt InwrtfAR ... ...... 1 . . .3t CIS . inSuMrt inserted in the Week wbutoncea week in the Daily. 5a. cento square for each insertion. Marst sow rsi ti uisi . . sr irar ia advertisers-the inuucemens ei Ine their favors to be reaupy a numerou - mm v w " . . . ? . M in. fluentia! cUsa of readers, both in own ano a. snha HAninprn itiuiiauw rM ww"" ear" vintages as an advertising medjem; ito circular Uon large, and is daily and rapidly n&racuiuii ui 1 . the SUte. f . . - . -. is- thoreaghly appoutea m au mvmw - -- . . . , The Job Office e !.,. t- .n.ntAn Hh it ts a Binderv. I "":Vfl"anVin U devoted te the main :rjrTHtirhonor and interests of the Constitution- While It is willing to sustain the Democratic party whenever its course shall command approval ny lie Hsuce, 1 irssT.?. ruies wpon toe wq xL.u;mi. , : In the management of this journal, tie early production of every class of news from aU parUof fjT i j .u. imam nf virtna and raoralltv. aW i rrlmltnT.enitiBMre, and and no effort wCl be snared to maks i it, in .nnfstifrM. win do aepprw" j pecf. an aceeptaWe M" tt.Jv. 3- We send our Daily to nearly all tfe Week- ry newspapers ef J "rCertain Corfc (or JFIux Certain Cure for Flux I Certain Cure for Flux 1 ' ' ' - - Certain Our for Flux! . , ? . Certain Cure for Flux I '-- ; KOOPMANN'3 DIABRHCB A MIXTURE ! K00PMANN3 DIARRHOEA MIXTURE I " K80PM ANN'S DI ARRUUIA MIXTURE I KOOPM ANN'S DIARRHCEA MIXTURE! Will cure the most obstinate i Will cure the moat obstinate Will core the most obstinate ' ' - - ... . Wm Cure the most obstinate ; 'j ' Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux . Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux 'i Cases of Diarrhoea and Flux i Cases of Diarrhcea and Fra If taken in time., . . . 1 ; If token in time, v If taken in time. . . J if taken in time.. v or sale at KOOPMANN i PHELPS' And at the Drug Stores, Charlotte. , .; may i't - .-.- -, . . . - . I' ' - j TaAHSPOBTATioir Orrios, Vf . D. ON and after .Monday the lfcth insUnt the Pas senger and Mail Train will, be run on this Road daily .(Sundays excepted) as follows GOING WEST. lS AS ' 7.00 A. M; 1A& Z Aaarvs 8.10 - 8.8T 9.00 Charlotte Tuskaseege Brevard Sharon . Lincolnton $.15 8.40 S-:5" GOING EAST: LcAVB 11100 A. M. 11.23 . ; - 11.50 12,tT Aaaivs. " Linoolnton Sharon . 11.45.. ' Brevard ' ' 11.45 Tuskaseege . 13.15 P. M. r Chariotte , . 1.00 v. . f ByjDrder, , , .. vl :-' ' - V A. McBEE, '. ' f Acting Master1 ofTransporUtion. Lincomtou, April 4tht1861. 1 j Atlantic, Tenn- & 0. R. fflHE charges en this Road must be prepaid on I all Freignts going te Stations on this Road where there are no Agents. All such freights will be delivered at said Stations at the owners risk. . jv :. - A. M. .MARTIN, .. : : . " v. ' - , .Freight Agent, . " January i 1 862 tf . . Qharlotte ' 'Charlotte Foundry M4?A I rMSgfjsli ' I Aoid 3aaah.ine Shop. i"" " " , I MAYING purchased irom j. a. sox we t.blishment. the undersigned begs leave to call, the attention of the public to the fact tha he is now1 .ready tonu every oraer ior m.uK Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobaceo Prassea, and everydescription of Machinery. All kinds of Cas -n Tmn. Ktslh and other metals made at short and rdiKKl nriees. ' Particular attentioa eiven to the niamng ana icyi img Vi "'""'"j rr . nxi v.l. Maehtnes, uorse rowen,wwu rui, uu " ,i AfrriAnitm-al Work of all kinds. Blacksmith- in Th Wiimn Work, anu ttorse-Bnoeinjr aonc with dispatch. Old Iron4 Brass and Copper Cast ir,ra Kmnrht u.t the Foundry or taken hi exchauL, , r.. jnh wrkfir .au.kiduidi . uvvj " " . . . . . TIT I .UA MEM dec 86-tf jj jJOHN M. HOWIE, The Edgecombe Farm Journals THE subscriber will commence' on or about the 1st of September, I860, the publication ef a monthly journal in xarooro-, u ueyofccu m plantation and rural interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. JGdgecomoe naving long since uccu au&uuwiouH ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel ths-t there Is no. locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to 4he 'source of publi cation of a firtt class agricultural paper wan i ar boro'. It is tone called 5 y - ' . J' "' 1 tTlie Edgecombe Fsltixa Journal, And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, F.onculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ap. It will be pubushea with new yp and clear white paper, in a neat quarto form. 'The price of -subscription has been made so low as to place the. publication within, reach of every one. ' . ' ' ' y terms: One eopy one year.. , ...$0 50 Seven copies one y ear j ..... 8 W , Twelve copies onayear..:.i..... "- w Twrntv-flv conies one vear . . . . . ...... .10 00 No oaner sen umees paia ior m u ,uyo. V. F WILLIAM B. SMITH. M l J Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro, N. O., july 80Ttf BALTIMORE COMHEHCIAL COLLEGE - -V:. .- U f 0 U 1 0 E 0 862. - CDAtTEIED tit UM1ATKD ; Oorn& ofJiatUtnort an Charles Streets BALtaoai,'KO. . .' rtltHK Larcest and most Elegantly JFurnished II rir.iai nnilMr in the United States. . rery young man should write immediately for -V i.rr .nil bAutifnIlv ornamented UUQ VI, auvp a - w - Circulars, representing the exterior and interior Penmanship, Ac, which will be sent by retura maliyWs of charge, with Catalogue containing TJt Xf Students. Terms of Tuition, Opinions of the Wimr nf tn. n I.TTHOS.M UOHSUOUI. VUiW Press en eor New System erooseutenng, cve liODLTIi . - ' . aC it. lV)aai,TPrinclpaI--LecturfcY on the Selene . . .jnnti. RiiBineoa. CaJtoms. et - -'" - J, M. Pnuiirs, Professor, or, . leox-Aeepmg syne Commercial Calculations.' H. H. Davos, Associate Prof, f Book-Keepref -N. CL JoHXSOsr. Professor of Penmanship g.JT.-vtnjjAmf Eso; Mercantile Law. r , Bay s. t. Rsaeaa. V B commercial awucs. fiDsrn. Bon JoW P Kennedr. Hon Hob Thomas svuw, ' 1 " ; Jacob Trust, Esq., .Wm Knabe,Esq. The time usually required to complete tne -IWl eoorte, from 8 to 18 weeks. -j- - ' ; A. DmxMA is awaxueo o u Trr Circulars and Catalogues stating terms. Ac, sent by msMfres ofcXara. - f , Address '- JaalT-tf SaUimorspM PROSPECT trs . i - - OF THE. s STATE JOURNAL. MAYING ecemewie prvpriewr ' erotic Pre. X nave merged that paper Into the BTATa joimam " r - Semi-Weekly and Weekly. ,f 1 if. t k broadest sense, and win support Llddelend Democratic measures and their aao thev are presented, and as occasion my 1 h-;,- - . . t its name denotes, aUxe rnmuci . c.. 1 r,," Shewing all sectional consMierauois S wssa wsw U1SS wvvi - . . . . king the entire State and m.n 1 . a . - . in n as arrangements cata be made, the wHole ermaU be re-modeled and printed with r.ew ... UTO e in -l I . n rM maa woa. suii n - - ded to In its various brshes,said wm speak for it - m turn dmnncDi wm e pniueiu self. Neither laoor jaor expense wui - .u mam vMnent of tits paper.' U1C o . .t .-r i in The term 01 ue dww jobth .w. ' z . . 1 fol- ?ellweekly;perani....l. wJOJ These terms win te Insisted upon invariably in adooev No name wm d pu f Siieon- jvs&vriis: l a am atirtea,rrf-; B-TOaper hope to so it be T.rtlmenta of a proper chArce Ingerted at the following rates . - m One square, ftrst insertion.. '",85tfanta. Each iubseuuent Insertionj. . . , ,r yemrly ad- (ersinthe Ssml-Wsekly. totne r,e iU be oharsred. .. k AKberai oeaucr-.- ekiy edl I WOB - JOHN r 1 , S6 RER ANNUM. QOTTON BUYERS. So will purchs X .COTTON, GRAIN, FLOUR, 1 " . . . i ' " j.:-- - AND i ' . V.- , COUNTRY PRODUQE, . . of aU kinds, for which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE LN CASH win e paid. - . !." '-'.'' Just received a' large lot of , . T' BAGGING I i . ROPING, and a complete supply of 1 . GRO C E R I E S .... . . no 4 '61-tw2moi t E. 4 C ; INK MANUFACTORY. THE Subscriber has commenced the mannfac- ture of a toeanttful . It(s madfrom an Kngflsh rsclpe, and is re markable for 1U brilliancy of color and frtedora from alt sediments or drugs. Orders front dealers will be fi'led with prompt ness, and at as moderate prices as they have been purchasing for from Northern manufacturers. , Orders solicited, ana samples sent wherever re quested. Address , W. B. J0UN8T0N, aug20-tf Columbia, 8. C. ?ATivrRTTO IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA, S..C. ! WILLIAITI OLaZC, Proprietor. GEORGE SIIIEID Foremsu. M ANUFACTDRES STEAM ENGINES of any power desired, for Mills - and nantation urnoses. at short notice, having at all times on hand some finished, or in a forward state. ' In con nection with our Mill and Engine Work, we have secured the services of Mr. JOHN CUABTREE, who is one of the best Millwrights in the South, to superintend Jthe putting up of Mills and Engines. v. CORN MILLS. ' I am ageut for ene of the best PORTIBLE MILLS now in use, and can furnish aoy size wanted. Persons wishing the Mill are Invited to call at the Works, and witness the operation of the jmenow in use. The Mill-rack, which is the very best, is procured from Edgefield, 8. C and th Mills are built complete at our Establishment. BRASS AND WON CASTINGS. All dirfptlons of BRASS and IRON CASTINGS -..,tMi in the verv best manner, and at short w rant everv.dav in the week. X3nr utnrv of natterns is very, large, bavin nurchased all those formerly owned by O. W. . Wright, which being added to those made at my M i.. 1.11.1 Establishment for the past five years, makes the assortment more full than any other llkestabllsh ment in the State. . - - " W 1AU XVtiAAXXl. 7 V .i .o.t. for nn of. the lareest Wire Railing Companies at tbe North, and will lhWJN. ZC1..V r.y . t.rxa nillVRira VITRANDAll. BEDSTEADS or any aesenpuon oi mre the book prices of the manufacturer, which can b seen at my omce. . ' IRON RAILING. 1 t wnni.1 call attention to this branch of our bus iness, having a great variety of patterns, for pub lic and private grounds, cemeteries, Ac, and win keep band; and cast any style wanted, at prices asiowas the same can De bouicnt st inenonn. - CIRCULAR SAWS. t a m crnt for. R. Hoe A Co-s celebrated Clh- CULAR SAWS, and also for a manufacturer tf tho v ... . . ... i a . ..ill .... same article in lucnmouu, . n. iu murv-j these SAWS, or All sizes, always on hand. Arsons wishing them, will do wtll to call en me, as I make no charge for fitting- them -to the mandrels. OLD SAWS BE-T00THKD. Tht GUMMlnii AlAUtiirtb on nana,, anu am prepared td re-tooth old saws, making thcra i aoodas new. nee li, ioh-w WILLIAM GLAZE. Notice to Merchants. FORWARDING OFFICE 8. C. R R. Co. V CHABXSSTOJf. Marcb 16, ISfil. J THE South Carolina Railroad Company having ritrmlnoJ to discontinue this deprtmerit of the service; Ui anderslgned, who has btn the for,- . warding Agent er the Uwmpany ror me tasi tour cr Sua vi&n. has asso elated with hloa the Chief Herk- 4a thedepartment,aid, under the 1 name of A N TT AiRTONT. wm continue vo ixcv.i 1 e ui iun-- . .. . . 1 ..... .I I a I U . WARD such articles as mj u ""n"1" " " eare He trusU, by strict personal. aUeutln, to retain a very lioerai snare ui u wuiuv v Parties are reminaea wi " . tor this port from points beyond the ConrVltrnt States 01. America, nuv u " Heoae. and Uiat au'ies are pjr not pirchased on or before tbe 9ih February fa.t, and laden on shipboard on or before the 1 -A March instant, save such as are on the free list. It is therefore necewary that remltUncrs be ma to pay the duties where duties sre payable, asd w iu. OABsa to oovsa ths sxriSHs or Cdstom Hocas aTT, wBaratk ths goods ass rasa oa sot. Prompt compliance will prevent delay and ex panseV as all articles not enrered pern.lt.ed win be stored by the Custom Hoose Beers. The sSta CaroUn Railroad Company -will advance, a. h.Ctofo?e, the charge . oi ' htae and wa? 5 f A T!iC ofchtrges for forwarding will -be very wSite! and may be had on application to SaNTTA 8T0NY, to whom all BosineM commu nications should be addressed. ... ' 'TbTanderaliMd refers to the offleers of the sCaronna RaUroad Company, to the custom- 23: sssstfsrs&'si&z Late jTorwardiPg Agent & ?. R. B. Co. . BooJk and Job Printing ; OF EVERY. CLASS . AHD STYLE, Ifeatlr Executed at tbla oClce. HA VINO procurea a larse amount oi ecci lent material, and added to this establish ment suitable fast PRE88ES, we take this oppor tunity to Inform our menus .anu wis puuui, that we are fully prepared to execute work of very class, in ' at short notice, ana a prices iar www uiv BMuily paid in this section of country. We are prepared to print in the latest and most approved style, ; " ' " ' CAIIDS, UsVITATIOJIS, LAW JtLAPtlXS, III I A.-II At. A AJ9y i IIi-CIJE.AliS( CIIRCtlH, j HIIOW'UILLS, UOOIa.Sf and any other style ef printing usuaUy caUed for, for much less than the same Class of work can executed this side of YpnrrTON. ,1 THE rAKMER AND PLANTER j . ( REMOVED TO coilvxiBiA s. o;-' Feeling confident thatj njftg that it will be needed in this Jifthe Capitol of ths SUU and sustained. "iSplrlt and ability, 1 have determin eondn, the venture, and call upon every. nntfaad Pianut In South carouna to encourage enterprise by their petronare. lwmls printed In ihe finest style ef TypogTa phy.wUH new type, en fine PP". dsomey , imbelilshed, and eight pages added id ix former ( "Priee only On tjoixA per annum, always department will be under the ear of eat olthe CAtS rigioly adhared to, a4 ; BoW!wl5WSured oa our beaks until th.isb - i V 5

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