" "' " ". . ' , i . - ''... i. .-a..- . i 1 1 1 1 IV 1 1 1 1 1 - .f 1 u ; '" ' 1 - VjonbiTirlV " from Mill.' No President, Cashier, fir V PrOcIariatioD. ..T -r -nrntV. out as one man, ani"-? ,arknd ' Treaiarer of any corporation in which, the A Proclamation by' the President la the peo T HE BU IiLETIjN I we ought. j- tf ..'interest, shall be eligible to pi. o.Ae 7of.ere.s Stale, 4" ..hoor independent on Toundaiionapiaie i m QUSe-5aZ4irv TacA-. . The termination of the Provisional Gov- "bTeDWASD H.IBBITTOkT caQDOl be .baken. if 1 u ,eitheHott6.nf a fiiang;oca8ion again ;jo TCRxa roE rirs tver annum,) -TKLWEEKXYEVli1 iUr annum) UW r.TtK " TSRMS T0B. APVEBTIStSe ! qnare (10 da do do do do d di S otbi. 3 dor: dft.' 4 d .menUP-bllshedfflfor 'i? roKafS each ecntUB.nc Ui v dlacoant made on rati to Trnous drtrxUAnz by cootracC a ark jJk iFlinil the United States, . We can hardly suppose that the atten tion of Lyons has been directed to a custom prevailing in the Federal States of com neiline British'sttbjects, making temporary 1 tm. I ." -..'....' i jura." - i.iu 8 .. 1.5 J :...T. li d 4.P0 1 month 70 10.00 1&00 I visits there, to pledge allegiance to the tt:.- A rase of this kind has been -brought; 'under our -notice. " A reioectable reaident of this city, went n mml tw Mn'it St. Louis, and he a.kr w v m - - w&4 only allowed to return to Canada on . ali?ninir the fallowing declaration, which binds him to bear allegiance to the United ' S?ate, and not, under any circumstance, to take up arms against tbem ; OrficE or Provost Marshall, 1 j ;Sr.Locis, Dec. 2, 1861. f DESCSirTIO or person. . - Name i Age " j pjlor of evca . ? Nativity j - -1 -r Residence, Upper Canada 7T I hereby acknowledge that" I accept this pus upon my word of honor,f solemnly pledged, that I will ever bear true faith and allegiance to the United States pf America, and that I w'Jl consider such al legiance as paramount to that due to any other Power, Sovereigntyf or State what ever ; that I will never take, anna against the United States or those acting under its authority, or give aid, information or comfort to its enemies, and that 1 will do all in my power as a "citizen to discourage the wesent rebellion and ' preserve the Foderal Union. - Judging fronrthe tinmbo of this cer tifteate, which figures up over 75,ooo this practice is being carried into effect upon a tirviicrinn9 scale. We are chantable en- t uush to suppose that a large proportion ot those from whom this pledge isexacted are not British subjects, but Americans travelling from one part of the States to another. The case before us, however, hows that British subjects are' not -ex emptcd from this degrading ordeal. , It might not be f unreasonable to demand from all nersons travelling in the States I heir parole d"honntur that they would not take part in this contest with the Southern States. "But to compel British subjects. resident in Canada, ami icmpormrily ins the State, to subscribe such a declara- tion as the above, is an outrage that de- mands .the intervention of the imperial authorities. We trust, the fact may not 'escape the attention of the British Em bassador at Washington, in order that the matter may be properly represented ir the . right quarter. v TToront Loader, The News. From the N. O. Creicent. - There are two points in the Confede. rate Slates which, so'Iong as they remain in our possession, will render all the eon qucsts of the Lincolnites barren . of re, suits. Those points are' Columbus arid er Orleans. Oar own Beauregard com mands at Columbus, and . Gen. 'Lo veil at New Orleans. Upon those two men there is a mighty responsibility resting, and if tbey successfully defend the great river and its dependent valley, the. glory , they will achieve will last for" all time. : ' As lon'g as the enemy is kept out of the valley of the Mississippi, theSouthern Confede racy will be as sale as it ever was, even. if . w J , the enemy occupied every principal city on . our teaborad, and if even it should be wrested from our control? the . end of the war would be the same, althoagb it might be more disastrous and protracted. ' We see no reason for despondency.evea it ; Fort Donelson has been surrendered and Nathville occupied by the, enemy. When the facts reach us we predict.it will be found that the armament of, the 'gunboats of the enemy rendered the fort" -untenable. The enemy can defeat us everywhere on water, but there is great consolation in knowing that the time must shortly come when they will be obliged Wtnake their appearance on dry land a sufficient dis tance beyond the protecting guns, of their ships to enable our troops to fighi them on eaual terms.- Let us await the opportuni ty that will be shortly vouchsafed us with Datient hoDe and unfaltering, coqfidejice. We are glad to note that - the disasters instead of .dispiriting .our people, ,hve f aroused them to the highest pitch of war like excitement. Our whole population are eager lor the fray, and all tbey want is a leader and arms. They are "resolved ro defend their glorioosly beautiful; land to the last, and will do so, The same spirit, we are sure, animates the entire people of the Confederate States,' and when they turn out en moist, as they shortly will, the '""enemy will find aa unconquerable , foe to m-ounter. The possession of leading twints will not give . them .the country.-. The occupation of the principal , cities of . the South will eventuate in no lasting ad :"ata-;e to them. - ' Our peoW will retire 4nto the interior, . and in their mountain and swamp ihsy will maintain a warfare which-mautt ulti mately prove auccessfuL The. great ;I poleon held, tStrongh his magnificent ar mies, every leading city' ia Spain, for. number ot years, yet the country ras by: 1 no means conquered. The guerilla' war ' the Spaniards waged against &lm was nothing ia comparison to the war we can wage. '. ' : ' J " , Therefore, let none be downcast; We I mutt expect revtrses. War U. pot child's ; pUy. : Wc cannot reasenably lookt for aes,allthctlmt, But, Jf we. il turn. c.rAuTD.-A-Quartermaater xn Lincoln' army, formerly otMemphia, was arrested in this city, lie waa prcicnu.B to be engaged in smuggling good from St. Louis, but was really sent here, probably from some point on the Tennessee river. ia mrut other things advantageous io the Federals. We have no "doubt there are otoer persons hereabouts engaged in the same business. Look, out tor them. Nashville- Patriot, CArrvas or Secissiox Flaos ii Balti- more. From the Clipper of the 20ihinst.f ...... fMlnw?nr . . . Yesterday morning a squad of policemen vUitedtbeMsrylandClub House, No, 72 North Calvert Street, and seized twoseces- I sion flags which for the past three months occupied prominent positions overthe windows. They were taken to the have front tthft Provost Marshall and con- signed to the tomb of the Capuleu QUA.Il31.OTTE. WEDNESDAY,-FEBRUARY 26, 1862. The New Cabinet. .. Passengers by he North Carolina Road, direct from Richmond, informed us yester day morning that it was currently reported in Richmond on Sunday that President Davis had determined to invite Gen. Flotd to take charge ot the War Department.... We sincerely hope the report is correct, for we believe it would be the best appoint ment His Excellency could make it would be the right man 'in the right place. The War would be prosecuted with vigor, and result in brilliant victories and a speedy establishment of .peace altogether advan tageous to the Confederate Stales. JXesolutlou 111 11 elation to the . Mints. . ..The following Resolution, in relation o the Mints or a Assay officsia the South ern Confederacy, was unanimously passed and ratified in open Convention on Ihe 6th day orFebruaryl662,'at RaTeigbT, inorth Carolina; : .Resolved, That in .the opinion of this Convention, it is of the highest importance to the interests ot the Confederate States, that the Mints, situated within their limits, should be placed in operation at the earliest practicable period, and' that the Senators and Representatives in Congress be re quested to use their tt exertions to attain that object. "' " T - .1 -1 , .Correspondence. . Mocntain Island, N. C, February. 21, 1862. y Mas. Dewey -Enclosed vlease find flOO.'OO, which apply to .the Soldiers.Aid SocietT. of which voa are Secretary and Treasurer, .and oblige, Yours, &.c, . Jos.Ttz- CHAaLOTTK, N. a, Feb. 22, 1862. ; Editor Bulletin .The Treasurer of the Soldiers Aid Society takes pleasure in ac knowledging the above handsome donation of one hundred' dollars, from Mr, Johx Tatb; of Mountain Island, for benefit ofour Society. .. . Mrs, B. L. Devce, ec'y & Treas. " . . Tle Next Great Rattle. It is now-conceded by ali, says the 8af folk Sun", that the next grand battle will be fouehtin the vicinity of Suffolk.. Xene- my will attempt to cut oflTforfoIk by tak ing the railroad aj'this point. . We admdn iab mltx( keep cool, and be deTermrnd to defend their homes to the last, There has, thus far, been no panic here. "."I I We repeat what we said Iastweek, that we. see no impropriety iA the; leaving of women and children for a point less liable' Iq be attacked, but not" a single man should leave wno is a me 10 use a gun, a uue, u 1 axe or a spade. " " , . t It is not necessary or proper that we ranged for by. the -Stated, or Confederate sbouldreport the strengtU ofour foYcesor Government. '1: w' T any thing about our means of defence, but The force that: -may thus be called out we may say to friends at a distantthateve- maybe lacJ-ingiheiaxirdi'iIl and camp ry thmg,u in mdonj'and we shall be pre- duty, but; brougbt'-into action, either be pared for a strong defence,' r hind .batteries, ia' ambuahbr rifle 'pit, they ; t Our disasters at other points; should, not make lie dnsfMniiinar here. .The tide ma V tr r.rtW .t iM rMnt: Let ua I00V ta the Lord for help and relying ipon His" strong arm'detehnlhelo dboutWhole daty; ; t ', ; ; - Dafenceat of New Orltana, - forming combination ot defence against deserving of the most unqualified praise and that, .constructed asthey have been ander the superintending care and direction 1 of General Lovell, General Duncart, and Major Smith, the worka aiaoruch acbar- actern ereT -particular, asiorate the strongest confidenea of ahecitueas uuthe impregnability of the citypif the people do but -discharge their duty faithfully la Its delence-- : - r i - - , V - "5- - " . - - L Mon Wiiliam'A Graham- rfChauman.of theLegislaiive Committee ot .this- body, has submitted a report," which TOakes.aome yery important amenaments to tne con - imuupaoi lUBouic.AB ucxcwyure,t nio Legulamre wui consist ol two houses 4 but insisadlof House of tmraonsVit 'will b called ''House of Represent atives; The" election of members is to be hlennial, but Legislature will meet every -year, the memDcj - u (CCWT6 pay ior orer, nj- Jfw.days. rThe Senate to be composed of fafty members, and the House of one hun dred and twenty. No person "eligible to the'Senate nder 25 years' of age, and must.be worth a freehold .of. tho' value of JOCO, and have been a1, resident of the State three years, "and one -year id 'Ih'a district preceding the 'election.- t or tne xiousevcousi be Zl years ot agt,-a resident ofthe StateT fo ye art, landurtba coontyone yer preceeaing me iectioa .t . and possess a freehold eat&te of 500. : Gergymen ineligible a tow, and no per- aoa who Jias heen a 7r"eAsurer or receiver J he new yxietnsjricayuRe, reierring to planters few ,to forbeaf planang, wttnde the defenses of that city, aaya they are all termined is the tnattor oi kockadeu " It is such as, of 'theraselvcr .severally,: and- as not improbable thif "this' reason ;majf be of nublic monies In the past or future br T sent back U that city or oroer-oi wm. i Company, is doe and payable orVednes lf?!ZlVL .?:r,?!,,:5r Wool. The caroaasigned for this xnove da- the 5th of Marchnext. at the Branch couct"t. - vr bic until ii9 ui&it have luuy accounted to? . ' 3Ljr 1 -vi 1 Dreseni ourselves in numuiau"t r-r From tlie Wel Ifollln JMeet. TheNashville Baptist ayi that the last iafely conducted ns throngtt the first year j..Mf ..fftn4t for the nreservation-of Iftf miT Nktinniilerimiencei- We have been UWLI , t - x w NsshvUle, trom. present appearances wfln enableo!';vto;;iay;iBewfoandation of free be made-upon line of fortifications withl3OTerint;and to repel the efpwts of our per, OI tniS aay weea, aja v - from an eutuejytrnstworthj " sburce," lhat Com. Ilbllioswith the Mannassa and a fleet of twelve-irondad gunboats,, are oar their way to Cairo, having already passed MeniDhis; - Besides, tnefleet :.a ' force of fourtecn ihoussnd men is also on, its way toCoiarobus from New Orleans, as a rein- Pr - . i .t.- .r.Jann there.. 1 ' ' 1 ; - womnewvn - . - urleajis, reu.. Newa ronj tbftRio Grande to the 7th inst.;atates that a British steamer, loaded with at Matamoros by British mer- chants, was seized at . the . mouth of the line of nations, as wU as maiviauais. -u: nLrtA k : thm Federal war steamer Our faith and perseverance must be tes Portsmouth, and sent to Key West or New I Vnrk in eharee of a' Prize crew, a ne i nmanAor r the Portsmouth declared I that he would seize any vessel leaving the vwu.iw. . - ..-jj-. I Rio Grande with cotton. From SAVAKHAH-Passengers by the Savannah railroad-train yesterday afternoon-' report that the heavy firing heard in that direction on Saturday was the firing from the enemy's gunboats orr one of Com modore Tatnall's steamers whilst making a trip to Fort Pulaski. , " The blockadersoffthe coast fired salute on :Satturday In honor of Washington's birthday. - - A reirjwUlauIaUoii oh Friday that a skirmish had occurred at Gardner s ' . . . . I Corner.- We eoui? not tearn particular. ; . . ' J'-" ." Charleston Courier, Btitish Officers. The Mercury of yesterday says : Aiepori was punc.v u -u? . A , ...-a AM Va' otAM a tofiCa terdav that four British officers had arrived in Savannah and tendered their services to General Lee. :t , Aid for Ifloblle-from he Interior. 1 'The Mobile' Register and- Advertiser ot Saturday says": A depatation has reached this city bear ing offers and proofs of a generous sympa thy and fraternity froin the city of Mont- nmp, t thA r?tv of Mobile. What they 6"'"" , J . - are we are not at liberty to say'al present. eat v aAa Ant They are snch, however, as to be most graiiying to. :.Gen Bragg, to whom the overturesaremade for the defense of the cityand .such as to illustrate the prompt and patriotic liberality of 'out fellow-citi- ene ot tne cipitoi. i neir gooo eaecxs win soon be visible. . " ' Besideshese offers of practical and sub stantial 8ympathy-,we are not restrained of the pleasure of announcing that a full com- a( uikat lrn- taikasaeaJL- A' men of Montgomery have offered their services to' the commanding general to aid in repelling the attacks of the enemy upon Mobile, ; Gen. Fragg has accepted their services; and they will be down in a few days,?one, hundred strong, self-equipped and sell armed with the best double-barreled guns. Our old friend and fellow eitiren, CoL.T B Bethea is the bearer of the tender in behalf of the corps "tb' which he belongs. :; v x:-7 "The Advertiser and -Register also'pub- liflheYah extract from a letter Train the in terior, saying ": ' 1 I have the authority for saying that any reasonable nnmber of men can be collected fcere at very, short notice. ' Jn sections con tiffuou to Mobile, both in 'Mississippi and Alabama, twenty or unrty tnousana men of the truergrit, may be concentrated here vtiaiat ween, ux .oijr iuwuu ihat transporfatioft abd subsistence are ar- I wiH never succumb to the Lincolnites.' To -PlAMT . CTTOH OaCHOX5". XO.PiASX.- The Concordia Jnitllipnctr remarks I Taernble of comingto anumirstand J Ing in jelationto. the piaming;of . a -new j cW arises chiefly from the i factthat jnnr weighty enough to prevent a general union oC actCoB,espite aU argument ,u jpppose it. There has been ho general actlofr tak en by the cotton interest. - j " Wadoa'f raee - wliy. one planter, should wait for another ln deciding what. he will do, Peace. or no peace, blockade or no blockade . no one can lose anything, by falsing a large crop of corn and- -pork. There wjll be. a. good, market farfevery- thing of'the sort. i , .. .e- - . r i Kims t ellows. -in a rensacoia letter oi f the 12th, to the Mobile IV6aef ve find the rtblfowing:'-. ".V I Thismorning a beat was seen plying froo Fort Pickens wharf to a wharf , op- 1 8ite their hospital, otfthe north aide ef the i uland east ot tne tort wneaoneoA our oat- teries seat the compliments of the Captain OTeff accompanied by a teiinuvh shell, and ; asked: $emf & atpp.itC t Thef , :liiev-. good nd obedient fellows did so immediately. witHout returning their coniplimenta at all. Rude, were nt tneyr- - - f A Wslcostv-Itsm or Itelliceiic.--The fpllowjo paragraph gives us just the right kind of iniormauon; - th; iae.i ;V0ur gunboau being built IeTe, saya , vur . - vertiser jxLRegister are now nearly ready for laxrnxhlngrand I hope soon to see them tiaciaz their tonne in mr watera. . One of 1 tbem will be a yery fine and yaluable es- I . ' . r. I ael --f r. I i.it- Norfolk -on Thursdar in the - flag I truce steamer lor Old Point, were on i n I ras, that they were the crtw; oi ins g in i gay, vhich ran lha hiQciiao f omo urns Dresent and thanksgiving before that God who has ," " ' 1 , ; . wucis. icigucu. 9ujMuii j . . eat "wide spread lira its ;4 : personal Ubertv and private rights nave been dulf honored.- . j j ' A love ofhonest piety has pervaded our peppferand the one hundred, victories pb talned over our enemies have been jusuy ascribed to Jlimwho roleUi the universe. We ha'd hoped that the year would have closed upon scene cicontinuea prospers ty, but it has pleased.the supreme aisposer of events to order it otnerwise. We are not permit ed ;to 'furnish an ex- ception to the rule oi Divine Government, which has prescribedlffliction asthe dwcip- ted, and thechastenink which seemeth grie- vous wui, 11 rigK.iijri,6 appropriate fruits. s - - - ....... i r . I . It is meet and rigntr tnereiore, inai w should repair to ineomy giver u i torv. and bumble ourselves before Him, and pray that He may strengthen our confidence in His mighty power, and righteous judge ment. Then may one surely trust in Him that He will perform His promises and en compass us as with a shield in this trust, and to this end. i I. Jefferson Davi, President of these Confederate States ff. America do hereby set aDart Friday, thi 28th day ot February instant, as a day ot fasting, nunuuaiwn Prajerf and I do tf f thege Cnfedej r i hereby invite the peo- rate States to repair to their respective plapes of public worshfp to humble themselves1 before Almighty God in prayer for" his protection andjavor to pur beloved country, aid that we may be saved from our enemies, ind from all that hate us. .1 -. i . i i ' e. uv mw uU nrl the seal bf the ."T-u a' .k; Confederate- Stales, at Richmond, this twentieth day of February, A. D-, J1862. signed, JEFFERSON DAVIS. Br xhk Pkesioekt , . - Wm. M.'BRowy, Secretary, of State, ad interium. '' v", - OCR COUNTRY IN DANGER. rrnr Tt -RAP.K" "TTVlllTR.tjr- I JL MM i.ijMv----- " - 1 - 7, " IRONSIDES. All persons who are willing to volunteer their services to defend their country from invasion and Subjugation, and wish to en list in a -: ; ,. . - QUIET AND STEAD Y COMPANY, will receive ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS bounty money. Those wishing to enlist will please apply to H. C. REID, of Sharon, N. C, or the undersigned atWhrte Hall, N. C. - : S. W. REID. fTlO THE LADIES. I would like to engage 25 ladies to make- Caps for the State. For good nanus, iiDe ral wages will be paid. 39SS For information call at FRAN- KENTHALL & CO'S. Store. Feb 25 3t : - ' . TTORSE AND DUOGY FOR SAIiE One fine GENTLE HORSE and TOP BUGGY for sale. Applyto ' T. J. BURROWS, v Feb. 22, 1862 tf V ' -; ATTENTIONl BEAT MO 1. Alt persons liable to Militia duty.in this Beat, embracing Wards No; 2, and hJ 3, are hereby ordered to appear at the Til Court Houseon Saturday, March 1st, lj at 2 o'clock, armed and equipped as the law directs for insnection and drill.f Re turned Volunteers are required to peTlorm this duty ; those . residing in Beaf No.. I, will -appear as above.' Persons engaged in the service of the State, by reason of con tract, and their employees, are subject 'to- drill once in every three montns ana wm report for duty as above, - ' T r By order of ' v- ;: .' ' Capt. J. H. STEVENS. J. H. Wilson, Jr...O. S. v : Feb. 25. 1862 5t-; ; YQLPNT1SEBS WANTED. I tie ttev. j. s. R.UO SELLand C. B, BOYCE proposes '. to .. organize a CompaByi'to serve under the" Confederate Flag in defence of, oar homes, In etitutions and rights.. r ' Those who desire to sea-. list will apply forthwith to the un dersigned. :" -'t . I J. C. RUSSELIi. C.B. BOYCE.. Feb. 25, 1862 3t , ' A REOOIEIVT ; - roa the CONFEDERATE STATES I SP.hl?:- .-r-r --v--1 j . a ne unaersignea, navmg - been . author- ized to raise a Regiment fdr the Confeder- ate States army, takes. this method of -in forming persons who are now -engaged in rait Using companies, that thia ia the first otn portunity offered for joining a Regiment to go directly into the Confederate serviced Rank Of officers and mv'tnnffiMrs anii soldiera will becinVith their enrollment, t u k rJrTY DOLLARS and j ff1" .Pf al A DOunty oi FTFTV nOT.I.ARS .nd Arms and full equipments or the best I aaar oe iurmshed to the companies. Terms of service TIHIEE YCAJ18 OU THE WAR. For further particulars, addiess the sub scriber immediately. - - - , M. D. CRATON, . Lt. Col. 35th Regt. N. C. Troops. Newbern, N.U.Feb. 18, 62. J TTEKTION VOLUNTEEU8. : I have, on .hand i,t of mf, r.T.nTF? C?.ArTS :.flso Oil X3orh by nhe yaroV wnirn T will . -ii wnicn i wiu.elItres8on.Me price,. CM next Lotore. i . . V .w: . T'- '.. AUKiS. Fehl9. 18624dlmci2m . -feTOIlTU . CAROLINA POWDEtt - ID-ANUFACrUIlIIf O COMPANY. The 5th, 6th, 7th and 6th instaltments of of I fiTe oer cent, on ts .w- of Stock in th j North Carolini -rPowder Manufacturini. - 1 jjeju. 0t North Carolina; $100.00- -iVOLUNTEEBS WANTED. . . j llfaviris" received authority from the Gov ernor of North Carolina to er list men lor th war, all 4 hose desirous of entering the service would do iwelj, to call upon jneat my office- andsig the roll. During my absence from town, A. C. Williamson, Esq., will act for me. A bounty ot $ lOU.ou will K naid td each man when the Com- Danv is completed and enters a Regiment. : - A-i v : z - - K -J A. FOX. feb. -13;;1862-Altf - V ' - -i, ' : : -. 2 tlOO OO OOTJNTY, ..HfP.r.Trf.RNRlJRG HORNETS I propose to r organize this trtne-Ji 1.. w . i . . Ill honored Company, and wish to do so as soon as possible, in order to get "into, the Old Bethel Regiment now in- the process of reorganization at Raleigh ; 'this Regi ment wdl receive the "tfetnei, flag." All who join 'roe will? receive the above bounty when mustered into service. -Applv toV i JNO. Y. BRYCE. Eeb20'62-d . . . For tlie War. I am authorrzed to receive and muster into Service a Battalion of Infantry, . von. DUTY Iff THE FIELD. Officers who are raising Companies are in vited to communicate with me here, l am nrepared to receive men singly orhy squads, o?t!SSpanie.. Subsistane, clothing and comfortable quarters will be furnished and bounty money pdd at the time of joining Othcers raising companies ior tn inn wilt save themselves much expense by w -a-M-B-Bi B-k-n 1 sending their men here as fast as they are Anrollcd.- Thev will not be required to perform guard duty at, this post but will be ; drilled daily. At least five Companies are wanted. - GEO. C.IBBS, Major, C. S..A Salisbury, N. C, Feb. 20. 1862 lOt " A STRAIT HORSE. - A srnall IRON-GRAY HORSE his been taken up and left at our Stables. The owner, will come forward, prove property, nay expense and lake him away. P V fiROWN & WADS WORTH. feb'17. 1862 d3. ,. - - T ' -CONFEDERATE UNIFORMS. Tuat rorpivH s. snnerior a uality of; Gold Lace for ornamenting sleeves and Confed erate caps. For sale at l ;' : - KAHNWEILER & BROfe. - Feb. 45, 1862 it : . . - gWOUD, SASH AND PELT t A handsome Silver Case Sword, "for Captain or Commissioned Officers, with a, red Silk Sash ami Belt, For ssie at t KAHNWEILER &. BROS. Feb. 15, 1862 tf ; f T O COTTON PLANTERS.. Just received a lot of Bagging. 1 For sale low at KAHNWEILER & BROS: Feb. 15 1862 tf . ' T30PE FOR SALE. 1 , , I -a A lare Quantity ot the Dest quamy ROPE from one and a half to four inches in diameter. - -. . The ROPE has been used some but it is in good condition. , 1 , - For particulars apply at Bulletin office, or to ' RICHARD ALLENi Feb. 10-2U r . - AGS I ItAGS ! I CASH paid for RAGS a. the Envelope IV! nnn inrtoTv oDoosite the Post Office. J. H. STEVENS & CO. T-OTICE. All persons indebted to; us by book ac count will please call and settle thosam as our books must De cioseo .u may always be-found .at the office,, of, ,Dr. G.W. Caldwell. v , "l,. i P. C. & J. W. CALDWELL. Feb7-tf- ' : ; ;'. " ' S TEAM SAW irill.1. FOR. SALE. We have a steam SAW M1L.L. ot lour horse power in good order and nearly new, with all the fixtures tor . two circular saws, whieh we will sell low with or without the fiiiiMmxr. Ji MYEKS C BUN , W 0 j . .... . - . -KT tl feb. 6' 62 Im wasningion, Stop the Thief. mAKEN from my Livery. Stable, and huffffv. Said horse has the. "scratches" in- the left nind tool, very bad, so touch so " that he is lamed ; and he .'is spavined in one, of his hind -legs, but which is noi , recollected.---The man is a small, hick-set man,- with fair akin and black hair, rather long; He OOrf.. . - , ;- . . -f had a black suit of clothes, wen f worn, mnA Innkeciaa if he had been a' .fireman or dollars reward, ior me uiiynuauun Feb5-.'fi21mv VALUABLE MACHINERY-1 ?6?Thur8da to the highest hidder fot 'fof CASHi at the Confederate States Military JPrisona In Salisbury a large lot ot 3 - Valuaoie Macnincry fermerused in the -Rowan Cotton tory," ccmsisUng of - Fae- Looms; Shaftings, PuUeys.j ; I V RftiUra Cvlinders Shaft'Jiangefs RoIUr8CirUmle"r ?nTT?. Cog-wheels; Shuttles; Bobbins. . Sale lo commence at -iq.'p'clecki- - Capt. and A. Q 'M., C S.-Army ..reb. 1-ria w-4w pOIt BENT. mi in . : U.. md Ware- 1 lie oiurcj wm.dw , 1 e , Aonnoied oy- Also the M.rt; nroker & Heiinurn. Residenceover the e;joHNSTON. ' Jan y 13th. J1 - jusTBEciavEP -o;MfJl A supply ofrajn-- edl DER-SH1 K. Ao w '7 c pHIl-Aurs and fbrsale by ; - : ; - deolVl-jtL: ; ; . , JcHALI i 5V.Jiort U Wlhorfxed u i11.1!1.:. !. dissoivea uj i : rt at llxlM uiiu - having laim tvsnaihle for set : present them M JJJ, debted- iirpleaae ftlement,;andytbas;Aw .'T'l. come forwara BURROWS. ; , ,.I.A.PASCHALL. nariottem jaa .IV j jpiilaitorTxjf e Coupons Won the yKitSsaSJS rTt? W w WSSci tit '- : ,----vfiasa . TO ARMS !, TO; ARMS ! ' . Mr. Editor In the face . pt the troubles that environ our beloved State-p now that the enemy has 'invaded our bor- ders. Xwiabto raise a company y of gentlc- meaof grit, forthe War i-Who among the vnany that are fattening off the mis fortunes that; surround us, will come for ward to joint Skulks and land pirates I don't expect to Volunteer (they will be whether Inris high or low, rich or poor, f will cheerfully tespond, bow that a neces . i K 1 sity appeals, I have no doubt. - ' ,. . I don't want tribe Captain, or hold any office in said Company, but I want you fellow citizens, to come forward-and wipe out the taunt that, North Carolina -is a "atripof land between two States." .1 am ready, and can. be found at the store of Mr. Moody opposite the Court House from day to day until the Company is raised. . 'J- - ----- H. M. Peixchabd, i j Febja-.-i..--.; -. . ; A CARD. ' .To Ovr FaiEKP8 : For .the purpose.of 8ettinj: our out standing business to this . :-LZ itu date. Our firmwul chanits style -on . the 1st day of January ,1862 to Williams & 0 axes, who will continue the business, .t tha od atand of the subscribers. , We auDscrioers. , w -' " earnestly request our cusiomcrs forward and settle their indebtedness, as business cannot :.be carried, on without money, . The ready zeal with which both paf" have volunteered to Berve thejr couht try is a claim upon you which should not be overlooked nor should yoa by withhold ing their just due cause a total sacrifice 01 their business. . A O ates &. Wu4:tA3is. Dec;3d; v? -3 tf. -Olf Afa-AS iwrr a--. - -750 Bags Choice Cuba Coffee, cargo oi schr. t trom Nyrtpha, - " H Eldorado. - 5 bags Coffee, 5? 11"" ' M 90 ' " ' 20 " '2 ' u gV4 . 20 " . . " . 50 " '35 V , " 20 " 30 M ' " ' 61 ' SO '-' " 20 " , 40 - ;: 15Q M - 30 ' . " S ' ' ", x Hermitage, W - Valparaiso, - F ' Nympha - JNvo Nympha, Perla, ' LB;. Pinal, :1B . Cruz, . v. N, - LB Belia Vista, Nva Nympha, " M1M ; Caracolello, - M2M . M3M ' Proserpina . - M4M Ri';:. .. 'M5M. I yY, F Nvmnhs. Just roceived and for sale by ' . x- KAHNWEILER & BROS. January.25, 1862 tf -. -; ;" TVTIl'ITARir BUTTONS, &c. JJJL- Received rier Steamer Isabef, Gold Ep- pauietsforComroissione.d Officers, Military Jiuttons, Uold Lace, ristois,- cue. - v v Call soon AIIJj Wg jLER l&' BROS, , Jan. 25. 1862 tf ; , ;, ' a? ft. , ENGLISH GOODS. . r---. - :- - - ----- --' A "splendid assortment of Printfi'Striped Osnaburg, Plaid and Striped English Cotton jUOOUS, per OllUiic uwm-aa, s For sale at ; - '. KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25, 1862 tt . - riOTTON 1.ACIES, - ,- ; e are selling off our splendid stock of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves and CollarsFrench and English worked Bands, Edging and Jnsertyigrixread, Linen and Cotton iaces, aausuai- tow pnuca. , . Celling very-fast atrtMXmy,) S? KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 251662 tL..j.i t - - oi CUFERNONG TTINE. t.. kUo fnpfamilv nse. rorsale at t , , v KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jrn. 25,a1862 tf vv TTa-If TIQIf BATTALION; Jiist received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot for camp' use. - Als, an :assort- ment of heavy Army Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and fasts, Eam led Oil Cloih; Coats. For sale at T . -; KAHNWEILER & BROS. January, 25, 1863-rtL v r..t : T; X 8 there jdH be change ttt. our firm. oaT ens JiX tomers will do us aereav favor by calling and settling then accounts and notes. - Our terms hereafter ara strictly cm-. -Am 'Augf 11 861--tf it.4'4R I-. "": ' Td?bo"Bentef. next, at the residence oil U nru wti .anW. deceased 1 ' THEWHlTE SULPHUR SPRINGS wit h the improvements , Jfi MAd the iornitureof the.house, , W tTnti well known property is t wo miles east ot Shelby, Cleveland county, N.C. -r . Sr Tebjis . will . be madef known . on I lie ur v " o-. . . f . t mi n iV). WHEAT - ' ' , ji cv '-.OATS-f i'i" : i'.--"" 7 ". . and FODDER. ' T a O. WILSON,7f - -:' . S.I A. WILSON, vEi'rs. , v . . E. VVItS0N.,oJ : . Feb -j i - " - w ooDrrtiui7PaL -; . Now on hand and for sale 100 PAIR OP WOOD 8HBSUPS. feh l, d3t-w3w. . S.$if H0.W.E13. . . 'r 1 I ! , n,. i , i, , j , -t . ' ' ' ' . V CAQD; 1 JjL - - - - i The undersigned begs- leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he is prepared to give private Jessonsi at tW residences of the pupils on theP Gni tar, Violin and Meiodeorf,od t in drawing and the modern languages: Terms mode rate. ' ' R. F.HUNT: Professor at the Charlotte Femv Col, " .iaB'61-28-dtt .. - . .j- - A GdolinndiSTbher Wanted. AN xpcria-eed COQX, Wash er and Irtmer !wf ; haar of apleee, fltoatloa en appUowloa thrnnxh V-Uoass . . . -j TT SUGiUt AND MOLASSKS. 150 UIID?" 8DOAK, . Common, "8 ct. Fair 11 " 8trtctl Fair, 12 to 13 H. : 40Obbl. N. O. IT10L.ASliJ, 65 eta. per Gallon. The i-rieea are to oromDtlr atModed to. Merchants onljr. Orders jaii.. 7 1862. - . " W1LUAM3 A OATES, Wheal and Corn Wanted. TjllE planUns oommanlty vUl take ' H notice" UiAt thdr Wheat and F OJwwkut sxxmm rioarinir t mih, at and Oora tdt tale may.find it to their mrri prices. .nose narififf nnttt i . i . . advantage te can at th Mill before doting a aAle. -v- JOHN WILSLKS CO, ' Charlott Flour MiU. aug 1, 1860-tv j Family Flour for Sale. Ay. the CbarlotU Flooring Mill can be baa Family, Sdperflne and fin FLOUR, 8K OONDfl, 8UORTS and BRAN. . Also, MIAL-and UR1ST. . j, 1 JOUN WILKKS, aua 1. l50-ly Charlotte Floar Mills. BlibbXL COHN WANTED. Aisrge lot of BROOM CORN is wan ted at the Broom Manufactory connected with the North Carolina Institution lor the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind at the Deal and Uumb and tne . Raleigh for which the highest maraet m u paid. V V, : Farmers in North Carolina - are urged to raise a crop of BROOM CORN thtf present - xr.' 4-7 be iriven unon applies- ywV 4U,ui V,V4"r" ..X jr9 Ar-IVS-VA S.T Will M WJ I V m I UIIU11 BK J U s on Q undeTaigned. " WILLI!-J. Ailwctv jan 31, dlw wlm. frtacipof. JOTICE. . Office N. C. R. R. Co., Company Shops-Jan. 17, 1862. . All persons having notes or accounts against this' Company are hereby requested to present them without delay at this Office for settlement. All running accounts must be sent in at the close of each year ; in no case will such - accounts be considered as entitled to Interest. - ' i - JOHN H. BRYAN, Jr., bee' y. Jan. 27, 1862 1 m ' Military Academy. TIHS INSTITUTION will be re opened, under efficient .management On WEDNESDAY, March 5th. The servi cesVof officers having -been permanently secured, no further interruption of duties need be apprehended. aet-P'or circulars stating new terms .Sec, address "oupennienaeni n.. iy." Feb 1 law6w NORTH CAROLINA jrOUNDEY & HACHIirE WOEKS, SALISBURY, N. nO-. . FRERCKSit ItEADKU, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOYD EN k SON, MANUFACTURERS OF AGRICULTURAL HflPLEiriENTS Cultivators, Plows, -Corn-ShelleSr ' . . ..: . r Seed-Sowers HorsenPowers &, Thraahers, ' THE CELEBRATED . TELEGRAPH CUTTING MACHINE, For Fodder, Hay, Stalks, Oats and Shucks, Being the first Premium Machine of the ' ' Fairs of North and South Carolina, " CIDER & STJGAE 1IILLS. SHIFTING AND MACHINERY- Tor Grist, Circular & Vertical BaW Mills, Gold Copper Jc Silver JTIlnea. L .Manufacturers of and Agents for tri E. . O. Elliott's PATENT MULAYISAW . MILL and WATER WHEELS. ; j j Plantation and County Rights ior snle o'l W: T.? & C. E. STUART'S PATENT DOUBLEACTING HAY OR COTTON PRESS. ' . . . i. r - . Iron .and Brass Casting, Forgings, snil "Finished Work of every Description.. 1 TOBACCO PEESSES AND FIXTURES, And other" Kinds of Machinery Tepaired at short notice. ' june 18, 1861-1 y . .. 1 ' 1 1 " 1 'y , -i ' Dissolution. . finilK Copartnership heretofore eidtlnii nfiJer il the name of ALEXANDER it MoDOUOALL, Is thla t dlssotved Jy mutual consent. Henry Aiexanaer is ione authorised lo seuie iue Dull ness of the late firm. - . , . . HENK A.LEXANDEE. 1 MALCOLM MexOUQALL. Jnn 7, 1881 tf. , MECKLENBURG IROX WORKS. ; HENRY ALlNDER.; "'.f tr- CHARLOTTE, N. C, ' v.' : THE underaisned bee to Inform the citizen! of Charlotte and Tlclnlty, and the public gen- COMMENCED BUSINESS '. - - - at the above ';-. , EiiTABliISHItlElVT Otroot) JkdjoLnlne the North Carolina Rail Road, and op -poiite JOHN WILKES Steam Flout Mill. ' Tney are pew prepareu nut una uuu, wi Maolaiiiery, !S At hort noUoe, and bn reasonable Urms. STEAM. ENGINES . , JEOM 8 to 80 HORSE PQWER, ; , yr or ja o-dlio o i-ato. 6 - and ; .: . . .)'! . 3LACK8irilTIIS TTOIIK '- . . or all xurns. Tt "R -P. A I R S r- hf- iin M-oniDtlr atuoded to. Their TOUIf i twomptir DAT te tn rull ojejaUon, and . . Cast Eegularly twice a Wssk, j , . . - ' Wedneedajs and eatoraajre.. ' Tbey are prepared to furnish all kinds af CASTIlfGS tff IlTOPr, URASS, dee. AoooaiMSO to oanaa., ' . 8AVAUD GRIST HILL 0EAEII70, ; 3IN WHEELS, : ' SAW, D UST' BURNERS, ANTI-ESICTIOM fLATJ3 AND BAX-U FOR t . COTTON PRESSES. i CAST IRON BAILING, . Jer Qarden'Eaclaarea,' ' t ; ' DvaUing ileaaes, - 1 , PnbUo Bolldings,. - ' ? " ' ' ' Portlcoes,'V ' ' -' . Csmeterv Lota.!A. Their imriihiirujTTS .1 3 For carrying on the boelnees to" an Its Lrin-f- hayabscn BtXECTXD "WITU Q&XAT CARE, and axe provided with ail the . a inpRGviitJxmmi '" Repaired to do their work In a FIRST HATE IMANNEII. Acents, for Dr. E. O. Elliott.- fr wi.u.i. Fateai MoUj Saw Mill, which has the ad rant-. aloDg with many others, ef doing at least c aa ach ' work, and doing U better and doing u better. a any other lflltln naa it can be re bI I "J oai, water -- r liorse Fewer. The "r?y n at the Ehn or atanyUme. v tiKi AJl-X ANDER. .V.B. Old Ironi Brass., oopper. ., boerhi iikenln trade.- . r. v IlcrioTal. nrHE subscriber begs to inform the egsto inform the pnbUe o... td Shop te No dnA2fiTm prepared with a tall ewek 7. JL he has remoTed HO Wt where he Is prepared wun a tnu ewek . . goods fou lacris weaii, M To spp!y all who may favor Mm with a eaiL, iXmyvcm aevW4 km bvithiw v. vu we eeet Cauars ia the fcuih,hs feeUttttafied that h ta please th- nejfavU4aew. ' . .v-- 1- t' A' ; '1 i, I -V". 1 'v-

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