4 J 1 :v. lit v. f I "v . IT I VOL. VL NO. 8 60 J CHARLOTTE, N. C., MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1S&2. $6 PER ANNUM. ' ' 1 r - , . . - ..;-.r..'V ;Vf II ft jj itt i I 1' i I- I 1 THE BULLETIN; II V KDWAim IF. IIIIITTON. .NO. 16 TRYOS STREET, trr (l.im.t H tll, on A second floo. . . TEKXS FOR FA TEH t rTJlK OAILY BULLETIN' wnibefurnVbedat SIX ILI..KS f-rnnrum. IX ADVANCE , t& TiiK TKI WEKKLY BULLETIN will be pub iWtt nry Tum-Ut, ThurUr and JtunUj" mcrn!i. an 1 :ipi.1a-.J for t i per xnn-im. pavaf.Ip Id advaiic. BY TELEGRAPIL rkt Sul. er- Eprm V"i pa m y fii rd hc act a tv l'uuar Train m and Steamer, and lpaUk44 ly Ttltyaph, to all part of the ' i'mintry. j ' 0rWe received nothiucr hy Telegraph up to the hour of putting our first Kdition to press. From Arkansas. Memphis, March 12. j A dispatch froiq Fort Smith ?ays Capt. Rodgers arrived in charge of the ammuni tion trainj and the official account of the battle at Elkhorn. The fighting was ter rible. .The Confederates were mostly armed with rifles and shot-guns. They charged the enemy again and again, club bing theirj guna and driving them back from their first position. : The enemy had taken a second and stronger position. When it became known to his troops that Gen. McCuIIoch had fallen,, they were frantic with rage fighting like demons charging and putting to flight five times their number. Fearful that McCuIloch's troops would be disorganized. Van Dorn deemed it ad visable to withdraw. He renewed the at tack next day, and retired in splendid order, under cover of his arjillery, . The attack was considered a brilliant manoeuvred ' - " -Mcintosh, at the head of his command, fell early ; jalso Herbert. -. Prisoners report the Federal loss at six thousand. The Confederates attacked the on all sides, passing around them. enemy Van Horn says he is not whipped and cannot be, with reinforcements. I We will soon have the Confederate train on Boston Mountain, out of the reach of the enemy. . . TiU ?" lrtrfs rcr , YLirSG. Mrs. A. iW. STEVENSON, of Char lotte, N. C. embraces this mode of inform ing the public that she she is prepared to Dye in black all garments or cloth com muted to her charge for that purpose. - Apply at residence immediately opposite that of Dr. Wayt, on Tryon atreet. March 141&3 ATTENTION! MEN OF MECKLENBURG. WE ARE RAISING A COMPANY FOR THE War, an I Will relieve yoa of the Draft by enlisting with us. ONE HTJ1TDRED DOTiT. A RS BOUNTY will be paid, and clothing furnished before leaving1 the County, j COME FORWARD - " j A.1D ENLIST, arid let not' history record a draft In eld Mecklea- b"r2" I -J. II. WHITE, S. E. BELK, J. M. SPRING. Charlotte, March 14, 1S62 tf PHING goods: C I SPUING GOODS! Just received a large assortment or Spring Drees Goods, comprising Gray Paptlog, English Barages, Ch allies, FouQard 8ilks, Barage DeUlnes, Figured Barages, Organdies, Lawne and Spring Silks, which are selUaZ very rapidly at . sc j B.AHNWEILER k BEOS. March U, 1S63 tf gllOES, SHOES, SHOES. Received a .fine assortment of women Leather Shoes, siies 8 to S, selling very fast at $3.00 a pair. Tin Kid Morocco Boots, sixes 1 to 6, Forsaleatl KAHNWEILER A BEOS. ' March 13, S62tf 'rgEfllEBS, ZKPIIEH8. Whole and: split Zephers of all shades. Also, Shetlands Wool for knltticg Shawls and Scarfs. For sale at t KAU VEILEH A EROS. March 12, jS62-tf s PIIING SHAWLS, RMIrfi a- large variety of si k Mantels and km!. For sale at I KAHNWEILER A BB03. March 12, JS62-tf .TtflLLINEUY; JIILLIXEHY. tpring Straw and NeopoUtan Bonnets, Drab and Black straw Bonnet, Boys and Misses Straw and Leghorn Hats; Also, new Spring Artificial and Kibbens, jurt received and for s'e at . i . i . KAUNWEILkR k BROS. March 12.'l?62-tf MOLJ11NING GOODS, j .tlOlKMNG GOODS. ! Plain lUcii ChaUies, Barages all wool, and Plain Bombaalnesi Alpacca, Black Figured Paplins, plain Mourning Shawls, Black Crape Setts, and KM Gloves; lor USWE1LER 4 BB0S; i March 12, lso2-tf ; . L'. T. LEVIN, Commission Merchant, aELL AiL rSDS OF COOTET PKODCCE. IcOIiUMBIA, S. C, f Match H.lSo3 . - . ly L READ THIS I iTHE SOLDIERS' RELIEF. Having Closed our basineae In tha town of Char lotte, I hereby give you due notice that roar notes . and aceoanu tor 1 Sol la ready for settlement. I ' shall expect all persona (except the soldier In the ! army.) to com forward immediately and pay up, , as I am compelled to have snooty or suffsr. Any , man that win keep money In bis pocket whan It is Jusuy due his fellow man. la doing Injustice to blm aelf and Ms country, therefor I ask 70a to com ! forward aad pat yoar .Knniier to tha wheel. Any I want tredit hsraaftw. . ut. SCHOOL NOTICE., I ball rraame the dotles of toy school od the 6tA of Jacaftryia the North Carolina Military Ioatl tut. TERMS PER FESSION QF FIVJC MONTHS. For tutlon In Primary stodles and Elementary ' Ari'.hmetle, S12.O0 rrcncu Auuiiaeue wiuiuol- lateral stadlea $16,00 " "Classical gtadiea. f 20,00 S. B. No deduction after entering ichool ez cei l 10 case 01 proiraciea sicaneas dec.Sl-lSdllt y. K.H. GEIFFITUi iNoticc to Merchants. FORWARDING OFFICS Chabxestos. March 16, 1861. rilHK South Carolina Railroad Company having JL determined to discontinue this department of the service, the undersigned, who has been the for warding A gent of the Company for the last four or five years, has associated with him the Chief Clerk in thedepartment, and, under the name of GANTT STONY, will continue to RECEIVE and FOR WARD such articles as may be consigned to his care. lie trusts, by strict personal attention, to retain a very liberal share of the business of the department. Parties are reminded that all good now reach It this port from points beyond the Confederate States of America, must be entered at the Custom House, and that duties are payable on such as are not purchased on or before the iSth February last, ana ladtn on chipboard on or beore tto lbtA MarcA tnMtut save such as are ou the free list. It Is therefore necessary that remittances be made to pay the duties where duties are payable, asd IX ALL CASKS TO COT KB THS OF CUSTOM liocsi KSTav, wmraiE the goods Aai razsoaaoT. Prompt compliance will prevent delay and ex panse, as aU articles not entered and permitted will be stored by the Custom House officers. The South Carolina RaUroad Company wlU advance, as heretofore, the cnarres of freight, drayacre and warfage, but not L4 expense connected with the . ivaies oi cnarges ior iorwaraing wtu oe rery moderate, and may be bad on application to GANTT ETON" V, to whom ail business commu nications should b addressed. The undersigned refers to the officers of the South Carolina Railroad Company, to the custom ers of the Forwarding Department, and to all merchant of standing in the city of Charleston, ana respecuuiiy solicits a liberal snare or patron age. JAMES Lb GANTT. Late Forwarding Agent S. C. R. R. Co. 31 1 LIT A II V OUDI2I!. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT N. . civ ICE, Adjutant General's Office Raleigh, February 13th, 1862 FIVE REGIMENTS OF VOLUN TEERS for the war are wanted to make up North Carolina's Quota of the Army of the Confederate States, to whom a bounty of fifteen dollars per man will be paid by the State and fifty dollars pervaan by the. Con federate btates. 'This number is expected to be raised with as little delay. as possible, and Com panies at present organizing will report to this Office with as little delay as possible. They will be received by Companies or in dividuals, and when a full Company is ten dered, four officers will be commissioned ; with a less number appointments will be fiven as follows : A Captain for forty men ; 'irst Lieutenant for twenty-five men; Second Lieutenant for fifteen, r u u k jr , auu lj u -.i t eotucao, can suit avail themselves of this opportunity of getting into the volunteer service, and the number so doing will be credited to their respective counties. 1 By order of the Governor,' J. G. .MAR.TJN, Adjutant General. All .the papers in the State copy lour times. feb 17. 1SG2 4t - I "Uetliel Iles'l to be Reoraiiized. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF N. C. Adjutant General's Office, ) Raleigh, Jan. 27th IS62. j THE FIRST REGIMENT N. C. VOL unteers being disbanded, a Regiment of Volunteers ior the war will be formed to take its place. All the Companies of the old Regiment about to re-organize for the war, are requested to report to this Office without delay, with the view ot going into this Regiment, which will receive the "Bethel Flag." Additional Volunteer Companies for the war will be accepted, to whom a bounty of filteen dollars per man will be paid by the Slate, and fifty by the Confederate States. When a full Company is tendered four officers will be commissioned ; with a less number, appointments will be given ae follows : a Captain for forty men. First Lieutenant for twenty-five, Second Lieu tenant for fifteen. The Militia who have been ordered on duty and to be in readiness, can still avail themselves of this opportunity of getting into the Volunteer service, and the number so doing will be credited to their respective Counties. Bf order of Governor II. T. Clarx. J. G. MARTIN, , . Adjutant General. jr All the papers in the State copy four times. jan 30 1861 4t. The old North State, Forever. fl" OOK HEEK, FEIENDS AND FELLOW-CITI-JLi ZENS, will you buy the noble STATE of NORTH CAROLINA T If so, send to the subscri bers, or subscribe to the County Agent, for this - New, Large and IHaenlflcent Flap, And yon will get tha whols Bute, with her Elvers, Railroads, Gold, Copper, Lead, Iron and Coal Mln, and all the Cities, Towns and Villages, her nobl Mountains tor fiping, and her Fields and Flowers. If you want this GOLDEN RIZE, now is the time. Map seven feet by five, ttorder views ef the State Hsuse, Insane Asylum, 0:apel Hill, Male and Female Colleges, Ac, Ac, one of the cheapest "Vnd & Maps ever published. PEAECE A BEST, Hillsboro, N. Q.,1S59. AGENTS WANTED for every County in the Bute. Terms liberal. Apply as above. sept. 18-6ro INK MANUFACTORY. T I YllK Subscriber has commenced the manufac ture of a beautiful II LACK. WRITING INK. It is made from an English recipe, and is re markable for its brilliancy of color and freedom from all sediments or drugs. Orders from dealers will be fitted with prompt ness, and at as aoderate prices as they hare been purchasing for from Northern manufacturers. ' Orders solicited, and samples sent wherever re quested. Address W. B. JOHNSTON, . aag 80 -tf ' Columbia, S. O. THE FARMER AND PLANTER REMOVED TO COLUMBIA, S, C HAVING purchased of MaJ. Geo. 8eaborn this popular journal, I have removed its place of publication to Colombia, and will hereafter issue it from this city at regular stated periods. Feeling confident that such a Journal is greatly needed In this State, and believing that It will be sustained, if located at the Capitol of the State and nndneted with spirit and ability, I have determin ed ea making the venture, and call upon every Parmer aad Planter in South Carolina to encourage the enterprise by their patronage. It will be printed la the finest style ef Typogra phy, with new type, on fine paper, handsomely embclUahed, and elf ht paces added to ltt former else. - Prloe only Ova Doit-a per ana am, always 1 advance. corps of the best practical and scientific Agri- nltaxal writers have bees secured, and lu Editorial department will be under the care of eieofthe best Jaraers In the land. Tha Cash tyitea will be rigidly adhered to, as bo BVtat wfil e entered oar beekjinUlCitittb. . PESHAUEirr . GOVEaSHEUT , or THBJ Confederate States of America. H H i ... , PRE3IDENT : . JEFFEES0U DAVIS, OF MISSISSIPPI. : . - VICE-PRESIDENT: AUX H. STEPHENS, OF GEORGIA: - CABINET OFFICERS: 8KCKET1KT OF STATE, . IX. M. T. II U IN Tim, of Virginia. SBCBrrAarr-OfcTBKTKXASCST, -- C. G.ITIBiriaiINGEK,ors. Carolina. I. 8ECRSTAKT OF THE KAVT, , 8.R. iTIALLOUY.of Florida. 8BCKETABY OF WAR, It. P. WA Lit Kit, or Alabama. POSTHASTES GESERAL, JOHN II. REAGANi of Texas. ATTORHST GE5ER1L, XP. DEXJA.TIIX, of Louisiana. 'CONGRESS: Alabama. Senators Messrs. William L.Yan cev. C C Clav. Members of the House Messrs E L Dargan, W P Chilton, James L Pugh, J L M Curry, W R Smith, John P Rawls, Thomas J Foster, D Clopton L F Lvon. . Arkassas. Senators Messrs Robert W John son. Charles B Mitchell.. Members of the House Messrs Felix J Batson, Grandison D Royster, Augustus H Garland, Tho mas B Hanly. ! Florida. senators iLlecuon returns not re ceived! Members of the House Messrs James B Deskins, Hilton. ' Georgia. Senators Messrs E H Hill, Robert Toombs. Members of the House Messrs A H Keenan, nines Holt, A'R Wright, Julien Hartrldge, Lucius J Gartrell, Wm W Clark, Robert P Trippe, David W Lewis, C J Munnalym, Hardy Strickland. Locisiara, senators Messrs r award sparrow,' T Jsemmes. , Members of the House Messrs D V Eenner, Chas Tillers, John Perkins, Jr., O W Conrad Henry Marshall, Lucien Dupose. Mississippi. senators Messrs Albert U Brown. James PheUn. Members of the House Messrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Eeubin Davit, Israel Welch, U 0 Cham bers, O R Singleton, E Barksdale. Missouri. senators Messrs John B Cr&rk, R SY Peyten. Members of the House Messrs Jehn Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George G Vest, A H Conrow, W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman, Thomas A Harris. North Caroliha senators Messrs George Da vis, WmS Dortch. Members of the House Messrs W N H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenan, J D McDowell- Thomas 8 Ashe, Archibald Arlington, Robert Mc Lean, William Lander, R S Garther, A S David, son. , South Carolisa. Senators Messrs R W Barn well, James L Orr. Members of the House Messrs W W Boyce, v Pordher Miles, M L Bonham, John McQueen, L M Ayer, James Farrow. ." Teesrseee. Senators Messrs Lacgdon C Haynes, Gustavus A Henry. Member's of the House Messrs D M Carrin, J D 0 Atkins, U E FosUr, Thomas Menees, George W Jones, M P Gentry, W G Swann, W U Tibbs, E L Gardner, TJUeiskeU, - texas. senators Aiessrs. aouis a. mgiau, y. S. Oldham. , Members of the House Messrs. John A; Wil- 4UO (VU1-AXU1 AlUj fcJ -. CCA aA M r Viroikia. Senators Notelecttu. Members of the Uonse Messrs. John E. Cham bliss, Muscoe E. II. Garriett, John Tyler, Eoger A Pryor, Thomas K Bocock, John Goode, Jr., James P Holcombe, D C Dejarnette, William Smith, A R Boteler, John B Baldwin, W R Sta ples, Walter Preston, A G Jenkins, Robert John son, Charles II. RusselL Kbntuckt. Senators-Messsrs. II C Burnett, William E Simms. Members of the House Messrs Daniel P White, Thcmas B Monroe, J H Ford, John J Thomas, T D BurreJ, George W Ewlng, George B Hodges, Thomas Johnson. JJOTTON DU ITERS. will purchase GRAIN, FLOUR, , COTTON, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, of all kinds, for which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH will be paid. .; Just received a large lot of BAGGING , AN I , ROPING, and a complete supply of GROCERIES. nor 4 61-tw2mos E. A C KOOPMAH'S An ti-D y enter left Anti-Dy spept io BITTERS. PREPARED BY E. KOOPMAN. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ywHESE unrivalled Bitters possess peculiar cu- O rative ' properties In all Affections of the Bowels. They will be found effectual in the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhoea; Dyspepsia, Soar Stomach and all those painful and troublesome diseases arising from a derangement of the digestive or gans and irregular action of the functions of the stomach and intestines. They will also be found a SAFK REMEDY FOR CHILLS AND FEVERS. . These Bitters are prepared from Routs brought from Germany, and for over a century have been found effectual in that country for the permanent cure of tha diseases enumerated above. They contain no deleterious drug, but are compounded entirely from roots, and are perfectly safe at all times. ' A simple trial is all that Is asked, as a care will naturally follow, and that is the best certificate of their superiority over every other remedy for those particular diseases. They are manufactured by B. Koopman, Char lotte, N. and for ssie by, KOOPMAN k PHELPS. Also, for sale at T. Scarr's and E. Nye Hatchin sod k Go's Drag Stores. , ' feb S5-ly NOTICE. To the Sheriffs of the different Covntit of North Carolina. , A LL BLANKETS AND CLOTHING WHICH may be received by you can be sent directly to the several Companies which went from your county and when your own Companies are sup plied, you will then forward any balance on hand to the Quartermaster in Raleigh. You will put up all articles intended for your Companies in strong boxes, directed to the Quartermaster In Raleigh with the Company and the Regiment plainly mar ked on them ; and you will hare the contents of each box marked on it. Whenever the Companies are on duty In your neighborhood, yon are anthemed to deliver the articles to them, taking the receipt of the Captain for them, which receipt you will forward to this ofiice. ' J. DEVEEEUX, A. Q. M. 00.4,1861. 86 t. Quartermaster's Office, OcToaaa 8d, 1861. ANY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MAY BE Desirous of taking Contracts for making Clothes for the Army of North-Carolina, can ob tain ' terms, Ac, on application at this office Goods will be issued to any responsible parties, in quantities sufficient to clothe single Companies which can be made up in their own neighborhoods, and the money will be paid to the parties recelv Ing the Goods, on the return of the manufactured articles. Parties may furnish the Cloth, which win be paid for by the flute. . v -a . J Dasra, A. Q. M. October 46t. . THE ASSEHRLY HOUSE, One Bqaare oest of the Poet-O&tct Plain etreet COLUMBIA, 8. 0. -rrnH18 well known establishment has bsen-thor JL oughly re-fitted and Improved, and la now permanenUy opened for the accommodation of the public, Xvery attention will be given to sup ply the want tad comforts ef patrons Bates moderate. G, I, MASON, THE LASQEST CIECTTLATION IU 'WES- TEES' N0ET3I CAB0LH7A. . THE - ' C A T A W B A 1 0 UltNAL, THE DAILT BULLETI1T, . E . H . B H T T O N , V CHABLOTTK, N. c. THESE Papers (embracing the Tri-Weeext Buixsm ) estabKshed in ie town of Charlotte,' S. C, affords unusual advantages to Advertisers both at home and ..abroad, the editions, weekly, SIX XIIOTJSAND COPIES, which we have no doubt are read by at least TWENTY THOUSAND persons each week, a large proportion of whom are Planters and their families. As a means of Advertising we are confident that great, advantages can be obtained through this es tablishment, hence we embrace this opportunity to inform our friends and tie Mercantile commu nities on the Seaboard, (Charleston and Wilming ton,) that onr facilities for circulating their business Notices throughout Westers North Carolina and the adjoining Districts in Smith Carolina are ex pensive and complete. ' ! ' Our terms are liberal and a large deduction wil be made on the bills of Contract Advertisers. Sept. 27, 1S61. ' ' ' ' mnrmu mivvinni (. n Jl.ilillil, jLAliJUlLiLi Oi UU. ' i ' (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON A Co.) Grocers & Commission Merchants, PETEUSBUKG, VA. WALTER K. MARTIN &, Co (Successors to N. M. MARTIN. SON & Co.) COITIiniSSION MERCHANTS, R. A. Martik, formerly of Granville Co.,N. C. R. Tansahill, formerly of Edgecombe Co., N. 0 Walter K. M artiit, of Richmond, Ya. N. M. Martin, of Kichnjcn'l, Ya. ' R. U. Cussikgham Jr.. of Eichmohd, Va. SOTU concerns will gile faithful personal at tention to thd sales k COTTON, WHEAT. TOBACCO and CORN. Ndther concern will buy any of the above named articles, either on Com mission, Speculation or otherwise, as their busi ness in produce is confine! to SELLING exclu sively. Refer to - j C. F. Fisher, Esq., Presldeit N. U Rail Road. Dr. W. J. Hawkins, Pres't A. & Gaston Rail Road. K. E. Bridoers, sq Pres't iilank at Tarboro, N. C- Hon." W. N. Edwakds, Warn County, N. 0. James M. Buixock, JCsq., Granville County, N; C. C. F. Fisher, Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg Kemp P. Battle, Esq., Ealeigb, N. C. We respectfully call the attention of Cotton Planters and dealers to Petersburg as being one of the best uotton Aiarxets in tne soutn, caving both a good heme and foreign demand, and we are pleased to hear that eltorts are now being made to get the freight through from Charlotte to Peters burg reduced to about $3 a bale. men 1, isoi-om. . , " PROSPECTUS OF THE CHARLESTON MERCURY A POLITICAL. CQMiKiEanAL, AND LITERARY , Nfc WXFIPtK ,1 JUL ket and Marine iiriligence in Charleston, and of Charleston coiuaierce in the leading sea ports of the world. The Weekly Prices Current is made up with much care, and from the most reliable sources. Its connection with the "Assor ciated Press" insures the latest intelligence by Telegraph and the earliest news by Steamers from Europe. It has an able and accomplished Cor respondent in London (a gentleman connected with the editorial staff ot the London Times,) and regular Correspondents in New York, Washington, Key West and Havana. The monthly New York Fashion Letters and weekly letters on Life in Washington are additional attractions in favor of Its lady readers. Its literary notices, from the pen of a gentleman who occupies perhaps the highest position among tha. literary men of the South, are discriminating and comprehensive. Attention is paid to ail matters of general concern, especially those In reference to the Planting and Agricultural interest, and to the current news of the day. Great care is taken that nothing shall appear In Its columns which should be excluded from the family circle. The political creed of the Mkrocht consists in the principles of the Democratic Party, as laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 the Sovereignty of the States ; a strict construction of the Federal Constitution by the General Government, the agent of the States ; Free Trade, and an economical Administration of the Government. Its policy is the Union of the Southern States in maintaining their rights. ' Terms Payable in Advance, DAILY, per annum. -. $10.00 TRI-WEJjY.. 6.00 Clubs will be Furnished a folio wax Five Copies of the DAILY for..... ,'...$40.(K Five Copies of the TR1-WEEKLY 20.00 The name of no person out of Charleston will be entered on our books, unless the payment of the subscription be made in advance. Nor will orders from without the city to publish Advertisements," Marriage Notices, or Obituaries, be attended to, unless the cash, or an acceptable City reference, accompany the order. Money 'may always be forwarded at our risk in registered letters. POdTXABTRRS are authorised to act as our Agents In obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money ; and by sending us Five Daily subscri bers, with $50 enclosed or Five Tki-Wrxklt. subscribers, with $25 enclosed, will be entitled to ad extra copy ; or if preferred, they may retain Twenty per cent, of the pre-payments, for their trouble and in. lieu of the extra paper. Out of South Carolina, no person whatever is authorised to collect debts already due to the MutooaT. . ' In the State Mr. Sahurl E. Bcrgrss is our reg ulur Agent to make collections and procure new business and subscriptions. . In Charleston, Mr. Jamrs D. Bpdds, connected with the office, is our regular authorized collector who has full power to receipt for money now due tha paper and to contract for future business. Subscribers and others, In debt to us, are urgen tly requested to send in our dues by mail at the earliest period. By so doing, they will save us twenty per cent, an amount equivalent to a prin cipal portion olth profits. Editors In the State and throughout the South, who receive our Tri-Wrxbxt for their Wxxxlt, are respectfully requested to compensate us for the difference in value by inserting this Prospectus. E. B. RHETT, Jr. No. 4. Broad Street, Charleston. S. C A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER THE TIMES; A large MghUPage Weekly, published in Greensboro. fi.OO a year ; $l.uv for six months.. THE TIMES contains weekly forty columnsfof choice matter, specially adapted to the family circle. It is neither sectarian nor political, but by being courteous to all sects and parties, it is the constant aim of the publishers to present in its columns whatever may elevate the people and en rich the Bute. The publishers would earnestly appeal to the families of North Carolina to giro THE TIMES a trial ; try it for six months, to see if it be not as well to patronize home papers, as those from abroad ; to build up home interests and a State pride, and to scatter our substance and our energies among strangers. Give thx Tdxks a trial and then let it stand upon its merits. WHAT ISSAID Or THR TIMES. "The Times I regard as the very first of our Southern Literary Weeklies." Rev. C. F. Deems. "1 know of no Weekly published anywhere, that is so deserving of public patronage as the Times." Eev. J. E. Edwards. "There is no pandering to a yitiated taste eve ry article is of a moral tendency, and calculated both to amuse and instruct." Wilmington Herald "One of the handsomest weekly papers puhnsnea In the Union-" Spirit of the Age. "Let the people of North Caarolina enooorage their own newpapera.-Blet 'Standard.. Address, rT - Vi , j Greensboro, N. O. JJAILT BDIiliETIN CATAWBA journal THE BULLETIN is published daily In the town of Charlotte, at $6 per annum, InvarUbljla Th?0AIAW51 JOURNAL la puWbaecl weekly la the town ef Charlotte, at ti-QO pel anaus, i& TrtblytaaTaee PA LME FTOr iroist wmRKs. ESTABLISHED. A. :D. MDCCCLL , WIJJIAM. GLAE, MANUFACTURER OF iJIIAil ENGlNIS, from 10 to 80 Horse Power; SUGAR MILLS of everr stvle now In-nae . -Mill Wnrk f every diseription. Also; Iron Railing, with every discription of Iron and Brass Castings. J-: I would call attention to Iron Casting In the way of enclosing Public Buildings, Twellings, Cast Steps, Balestro Bailing, and all klnd-of Enclosures for Cemstary lots. V ' Having a first rate Boiler maker wiv ns, we are prepared to manufacture Boilers, of repair them, -fct-jUwrk naiUgMd.bcer.xnaker tony part of the iUv Our Steau Enrinea will - b found, when compared with those made at North-' ern establishments, to be from twenty-live to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. These Works have been, in successful operation forsev ral years, with an increase of patronage from all parts of the Southern country, for which the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no pains r expense will be spared to merit a con tinuance of their favors. , may lT-tf THE BlJIiliETIIV THE CATAWBA JOURNAL. WE are pleased to advertise the friends and patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of the Becond volume of the fisst named journal, this I day, under the most iavoraoie auspices. ine circulation of the above named paper is rapidly increasing, and its Influence as an adver Using medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as we'd as the ujuuuug jsisu-icus in coutn waronna. THE CATAWB1JOTJHNA1, une or tne largest papers now published in the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Daily Buiaktih, has not only become a popular papers, but it affords great ad vantages to those who .wish to use its columns ar an advertising medium. Specimen copies will be sent to any section they um y 10 urucreu, iree 01 postage. or terms, Ac, we refer the reader to our im P'lnt. . H. BRITTON nov.lT-tf ; " Tlie Literary Paper of tne Soutn "EVERY FAMILY SHOULD READ IT" THE LARGEST 1 THE CHEAPEST I THE BEST I ILL VSTBA TED SO UTHERN FAM ILY PAPER i 1 1HE TIMES is neither, political nor sectarian, but is the constant aim of the Editors to fill its columns with the choisest Historical, Literary and Family reading, and with a large selection of all the new of the day, both foreign and domes tic. The fifth volume commences with the new year I860. . Engagements have been made to make this the most brilliant year in the- history of THE TIMES. It will commence with Xliree Beautiful Prize Stories. Its illustrations will be increased ; and its typo graphical appearance will be improved by a still neater dress. The Publishers are determined to keep pace with the improvements of the age: their motto is "PROGEESSION," and as the circulation of THE TIMES enlarges each year, they are de termined to add hew attractions to its eolumns, and make it the literary paper of the South. With these Inducements the Publishers confidently ex eoUw to tneo itS'ijii 4 pect several moaMaa mum... paper, ih which they will find none of that impure and immoral reading which sometimes they get from abroad, the Publishers of THE TIMES offer $2,500 IN PREMIUMS For subscribers to commence with the new volume and 'the new year. THE TIMES is printed weekly on eight large pages, fine paper, at $2 a year, in advance. For specimen numbers and circulars address the Publishers. , COLE k ALBBIGHT. nov. 8-tf Greensboro, N. 0. PROSPECTUS . OF THS HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER, i DKVOTKD TO POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, MISCELLANY, GENERAL NEWS. ; PUBLISHED BY DENNIS HE ARTT. HILLSBOROUGH, N. 0. WITH the present volume the RECORDER commenced the fortieth year of its exis tence, the first number having been issued the 10th of February, 1820 ; during all which time we have labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and we hope that In these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful. It has been our wish to make the RFC0RDER a good Family a- 8er, devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, -eneral News, &c, with a view to the entertain ment and improvement of the farmers and citi sens of the circle in which it is distributed. Our Agricultural department we endeavor to fill with the best selections we can make from all sources, giving preference to such as will be of practical use to the farmer and cultivator : and in this par ticular we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural character. , In our Miscella neous department, we shall contiue to be, as we have always been, careful to select such articles as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to improve the mind and heart. While we shall be thankful to receive well-written articles o adorn our columns, w are not so ambitious of originality aa not to Drefer selected matter of suDerior nierit. to loosely-written and Hi-digested articles, thoughV ornamented at the top witn tne coveted words 'Written expressly for the RECORDER." In our News department we shall take especial pains to present to our readers the latest Intelligence ; and to enable us to do so we have facilities equal to those enjoyed in any portion of the State, except those favored with telegraphlo communication. A single copy; one year,.... ...9 2.00 . Six copies, one year............ .10.00 ,. , Ten copies; one year..... ......15.00 - Payment always in advance. Any of our old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and send us the cash, snail receive their own paper free of charge. July 18. ." ' THE SOUTHERN GUARDIAN IS rCBLISHRD AT ' COLUMBIA, SO. OA. BY CHARLES P. PELHAAL TRAMS i ' ' Dally .......$6 00 per annum Tri-Weekly...... 4 00 " t Weekly : .............. 2 00 - ff Payment in advance Invariably. Post masters sending tts five daily subscribers, with $80 00, or five tri-weekly subscribers, with 1 20 00, (enclosed in registered letters,) wiU be entitied to an extra copy, or in Ueu of that 20 per cent, of the urns thus remitted, provided the order is for as many as ftve copies. Ten per cent, will be allow ed for amounts rejnltted for single subscriptions. AbVRRTIBRMRXrS f" Inserted at the following rates In the Daily and Tri-Weekly : ; , One squarelO lines or less) one Insertion. . .50 cts Each subsequent insertion. .. .... When an advertisement is Inserted in the Week 7 of but once a week in the Daily, 50 cents a differ rrCtS the Inducement of nd ln(Ttbelr favors to be read by a numerous and in Sfential class of readers, both in town and eoun fry The Southern Guardian presents great ad SugMMsn advertising medium ; Its circula lb large, and Is daily and rapidly extending, PculaVlJiii the middle and upper strict- ef the State. rurTIra ' The Job Office is thoroughly appointed to aU rJnects.and fitted for every description ef Job Wox! In connection with It Is a Bindery. Tha" Southern Guardian is devoted to the main tnince of the rights, honor and Interests of the iSS ider toe institution While It is willing to sustain the Democratic party whenever its course Sail command approval by 1U justice, It yet more confidently and distinctly rUies upon the people of the South ; and aa the best preparation far the contest which Is even now upon us, it will x salons ly labor to effect union and oo-operation amongst 0m$elvee ; . . i- In the management of this journal, tie early production of every class of news from all parts of the world, the lessons ef virtue and morality, the Interests of education, agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, will be kept prominently In view, and no effort will be spared to make it, in aa res pacts, an acceptable fire-aide visitor. C3 Wa seitd ouy Dallj to nearly aHtaev7te U newipaperi of tha Elate. WIU they, ta eontU eraUon ef this tdviauge, kdis rttt Vt aboTi Wilmington, . Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road. 5 .Mv,- zr,Lii Trarsportattoh Orrioc, W. D. ON and after Monday the loth Instant the Pas senger and Mail Train will be ran on this Road daily.(Sundays excepted) as foUows: GOING WEST. .' Lear 7.00 A. Hi 745 8.15 8.40 Arrive 1.43 8.10 .00 Charlotte . Tuskaseege Brevard . ' Sharon . Lincolnton GOING EAST, Leavb ll.-flO A. If, 11.23 11.60 12,17 Arritr. llncolnton Sharon Brevard Tuskaseege Charlotte 11.45 1L45 13.15 P. M. 1.00 I 1 By Order, " I,- V. A McBEE, Acting Master of Transportation. Llncolnton, April 4th, 1861. ; . Atlantic, Tenn. & 0. R. R. 5ll THE charges on this Eoad must be prepaid on all Freights going to Stations on -this Road where there are no Agents; All sush freights will be delivered at said Stations at the owners risk. . A. H. MARTIN, Freight Agent, January 22,1862 tf Charlotte. Charlotte Foundry 2UCU! A nd HVa,ch ine Sliop. MAYING purchased from J. A Fox the above establishment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that he Is now ready to fill every order for making Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses,' and every description of Machinery.- All kinds of Cas tings in Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice and reduced prices. Particular attention given to the making and repairing of Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural Work of all kinds. Blacksmith Ing, Job, Wagon Work, and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper Cast ings bought at the Foundry or taken in exchan for job work.. AH kinds ot Wood Turning aU done, i - - - dec26-tf . JOHN M. HOWIE. The Edgecombe Farm Journal. THE subscriber will commence on or about the 1st of September, I860, the publication of a monthly journal in Tarboro', to be devoted to the plantation and rural interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. . Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled. to the source of publi cation or a nrtt ciass agricultural paper than Tar boro'. It Is to be called 'The Edgecombe Farm Journal.') And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House- hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac. Ac It will be published with new type and clear m viPpiaee uio-puU6uoa wKflln reach of every one. ,. TERMS: One copy one year. ........"............10 50 1 Seven copies one year 8 00 Twelve copies one year... .... 5 00 ' Twenty-five copies one year . . .... . . ... .10 00 Ejy No paper sent unless paid for In advance. WILLIAM B. SMITH, Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro', N. C. july 80-tf , BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. FOUNDED 852, CHARTERED'! 654 lOOATKD- ' Comer of Baltimore and Charles Streets, : liLIIHOBl, MD. HE Largest and most Elegantly Furnished Commercial College in the United States. Every .young man should write immediately for one of those large ana neauuruuy ornamenteu Circulars, representing the exterior and interior View of the Baltihorr Commercial Collsqs. Penmanship, Ac, which will be sent by return mail res of charge, with Catalogue containing List of Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions of the Press on eur New System of Book-Keeping, cto. riOULTT., .. . E. K. LosntR, Principal Lecturer on the flclenoe of Accounts, Business, Customs, eto. J. M. Phillips, Professor of Book-Keeping and Commercial caicuiauons. H. H. Da vise, Associate Prof, of Book-Keeping. N. 0. Johrsor, Professor of Penmanship. : S. T. Williams, Esq., Mercantile Law. , Rrv. K. T. Rrxsx, D. D Commercial Ethics. fiDiriii. ' Hon John P Kennedy, I Hon Joshua Vanaant, Hon Thomas iwanh, I Wm H Kelghler, Esq.i Jacob Trust, Esq., Wm' Knabe, Esq. The time usually required to complete the fall course, from 8 to 12 weeks. A Dcloma is awarded to all Graduates. Large Circulars .and Catalogues stating terms fto.,sent by mall r4 ofcharg. Address K. LOSIER, , fan lT-tf ' Baltimore pjf PROSPECTUS . !. or the -yvx cm a rri-o TATTTJ Tvr A X. 0JkJL&a UVUAUL1XUU! HAVING become the proprietor of the Demo cratic Press. I have merged that paper into the Stats Joursal, which will be published Semi-Weekly and Weekly. 1 The Statr Joursal will advooate Democratic principles in the broadest sense, and will support and defend Democratic measures and their aavo cates as they are presented, and as occasion may require. In other essential, it will y mlm to make the paper what its name denotes, a State Tt..,,i .rhwW all sectional considerations and working for the entire State and her. common As soon as arrangements can be made, the whole oaier shall be re-modeled and printed with new tv6e. on good paper, and In a superior manner. Se-Editorial department will be properly atten ded to in its various branches, and will speak for it self. Neither labor nor expense will be spared In the management of the paper. The terms of the State Journal will be as fol- ows: 7 . em i-Weekly, per annum . ....... $400 L....1.-.2U0 Weekly.. ..' J'.'wuYb insisted unon invariably in advance. No name will be put upon he list without the money, and all papers will be discon tinued at the expiration of the time for which they have been paid .unless the subscription be renewed. I am satisfied, from years of experience, that upon no other footing can any newspaper hope to suc- 6eAdvertisements of a proper character will be Inserted at the following rates : - One square, first insertion. . . 100 Each subsequent Insertion.. ............. .25 cents. A liberal deduction on these rates fory early ad Yertisers in the Semi-Weekly. In the Weekly edi tion the full rates will be charged. JOHN SPELMAN, Nov. ST; I860. Editor and Proprietor ATJsTD NOW 13 THE TIME TO 8UB 190 SCRIBE FOR THE GREAT SOU THEBN WEEKLY 1 THE BEST TALENT OF THS SOUTH 13 WRITING FOR IT. - Tte Soutiiern Field and Fireside, Pnbllshed every Saturday, at Augusta, G. ac knowledged to be Mtoe best Family Paper in the South" contains In each issue, .eight pages (forty eolumns) of - Cliolee Ilestdlns Matter, devoted to the Instruction ana amusement of the friends of Southern i . IJTEBATURE, AGRICULTURE, and AET. ry Subsoribers are presented semi-anna aH with an INDEX, or Table of Contents. . TWwii f wwr- wn awwpm Address JAMES GARDNER, Anyuita, Ga. A Cook and Washer Wanted. AH experienced C00S, Waher and Ironerwa aVof a plewcaut fttnatton en tpplloaUoa through tiitC?t ' - ; .I Willi lllilliil Of BY TELEGRAPH. 1 . FRIVAT DISPATCH. ... v . . From Newborn. "?: XW are indebted to a friend! ibrthe ds of the following diPtch. - Gqldsboro, March . 16. Tha eoemr twenty-two .thaaabrL and rotiirr oar forces, five thousand stronjr.iia mieeW. rable- disgrace. ..'..') Gen. Branch has rallied at Kingston. and is being reinforced. I , . TbVloss in killed and wounded on both sides is small. ( " k I - Vance has reached Kingston with four companies. He thinks that his other-companies are safe. - - . : ' From Lynchburg. ; Telegraphed Expressly for the Bulletin, L.YLCHBURQ, j March 15. The Post master at Cumberland Gap writes that the . enemy, on the 12th, were in eight of that place, and that a fight was expected next day,. -' : - ' s . ' : '.''.;' ' From Richmond; r ... .: Telegraphed Expressly"for the Bulletin. Richmond, March 16. Last , week a Bkirmish took place near New Creek, ' Hampsire, County, ,Va. -The Aehby Cavalry attacked the eperriy and took fifty, prisoners ; our loss is t o killed and one wounded. ; '' Both Houses of Congress have passed a ' resolution advising that no cotton should . be planted this year. . r . ' "i War News. - c (;... Telegraphed Expressly for the Bulletin. . . 1 . Richmond, March J6. A despatch re- ceived by 'telegraph to the Tennessee delegation states that on Friday last two Federals passed Cumberland Mountain, and captured two Companies of our Caval- I. ry.-. ' :,-; '. , ; A dispatch received this m6rning says . that ajcourier who arrived from Knbxville! reports that the enemy from four' to six thousand strong, were twentyrfiye miles ' from Khoxville, and Were advancing. XI1L, XO aaaaai rr Sarc Your Ashes. THE Charlotte Chemical SL At'. C,o.. will pay ; 12J cents per. bushel for good clean ; .' ' .-. ; ' .3sr.- All persons having any to sell, will please give notice at the, Drvrg Store of E Nye Hutchinson & Co. CHARLOTTE Feb 28 tf - C. &. M. Co. To the Public. The subscribers embrace this opportunity at the commencement of the New Year, to In form1 their friends that they have discontinued filling orders; unless accompanied with the CAfs. r Those indebted are earnestly requested to close their accounts as soon as possible. Jan 1-tf. 1 KOOPMAN k PHELPS. . H AUNB88 AMD sillOlixlIAItlilll Cand find work at good prices by calling on ' M, B. TAYLOR; - feb 6'62-6t, Book and Job Printing OF EVERY CLASS AND STYLE, Neatly Executed at. this office. HATING procured a large amount of excel lent material, abd added to this establish, ment sai table fast PRESSES, we take this oppor tunlty to inform our friends and the pubiir that we are fuliv nrepared to execute work o! every class, in ' 2P I N T X N G- , at short netice, and at prices far below those usually paid in this section of couatry. We are prepared to print In the latest and most approved styie. CARDS. INVITATIONS, NOTKS, I AW 1BL.ANKS, AAMPAI LISAS, dill-iieads, ihcdlaun, ciil: ilm, siiou-uills, IIOOK8, , and any other style of printing usually called for, for much less than the same ejass of work can be executed this side of New York, . " " PALMETTO IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA. 8. C. 1 WIL.L.IAITI GLAZtt, Proprietor. OEOllOE A, SIIIKIiOS, Foreman ' MANUfACTUBES STEAM ENGINES of any power desired, for Mills and Plantation purposes, at short notice, havlog at all tifues on - hand some finished, or in a forward state. In con nection with our Mill and Engine Work, we have secured the services or Mr. JUUK CKABTKKE, who is one of the best Millwrights In the Bootn.'.te superintend the putting up of Mills and K"gints. CORN MILLS. - I am agent for one of the best PORTIBLI MILLS now in use, and can furnish any slse wanted. Persons wishing the Mill are Invited to call at the Works, and witness the operation of the ne now In use. The Mill-rack, which is the very best, is procured from Edgefield, 8. CL, and the Mills are built complete at our Establishment. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS. AU descriptions of BRASS and ICON CASTINGS executed in the very best" manner, and at short, notice, as we cast every day In the week. Par stock of patterns is very large, having recently purchased all those formerly owned by G. W. Wright, which- being added to those made at my Establishment for the vast live vears. makes the assortment more full than any other like establish ment in the State. Wir o Bailing. I am agent for one of the largest Wire Balling Companies at the North, and will furnish WIN DOW GUARDS, GALLERIES, TERANDAHS, BEDSTEADS, or any description of Wire Work, at the book prices of the manufacturer, which caa be seen at my offloe. CIRCULAR CAWO. I invagent for R Hoe k Co's JebrJd5! GULAB SAWS, and also for a manuracturer of the iamTartlcle In Richmond, Va. ' IJlLal hI HAWS, of all sixes, always on hand. ProM &g t irW do well to call " Bocharge for fitting them to the 0LD 8A7S EE-T00THJSD. v t.1. a GUMMING MACHINE on hand, and I have a uuwufl" awa.maklnk thia at am prepereq w rwvvi - , . I- !. 'I ! , .1 ir o if

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