-: ' I ' ' . ' ' - - ' : ':v f - . -.. ' - - - . -' V -. . . . . .. i -T". 4 . -. ' I ' l- " : , ..... T7" . : : : rz " . ;;Vu,.,-'--;,; t. , fc-.v;. v Cfv : ' - f o .;r.;-"' 'r- i;,.J' V v3" - -V. : :. . 7 .- ;jVOL. YI.NO. 873J 1 -86 rpEK'-ANNUM. a,. 3 . m - VJ'.., ...v. : r flIE BULLETIN: IrV F.DIVAHD II. ItUITTON. rm'K.....'. ......NO. 16 TUTOM 8TEEKT, I TESMS FOR TXTZRt jr THE 1AILT BULLETIX wtl! WrumnDdi 1 r. ': ... t'i-L'i v win i s-t i v m.k BY-TELEGRAPH. Couficressional, TelfgrieJ Lspresilj for the BalleUu.J f Richmond, Match 30. . In ibe House of UepresentaUtta a reso lution hai been adopted appointinff a fpe rial Commitiee of 13 to prepare a Bill for carrying out a system of conscription, aa recommended by the President. Also, to develop the general resources of tho Confederacy. . : even traitors Were brought to this city on Saturday from Mathias county, Va. The President has proclaimed martial law; oTer (Jreenbrier, Pocahontas, Bath, Aleghany, Monroe, Mercer, Raleigh, Kay eu, Nicholas aoU Randolph counties, Va. Gen. Heath to execute the law. ? ' From Florida. , Baldwix, ;Fla., March 25. A party of men just arrived from below, report that a small detachment of our troops stole on the Yankee picket guard at Jack sonville, killing 4 and capturing 3. One of vur-men Lieut. Strangeofjhe 3d Florida Volunteers, was wounded ia the fight, and it is Icarcd mortally. . , Save Yoar.lshes. THK Charlotte Chemical &. will pay" 121 cents per bushel ckan '." M. for Co.. good All persons having any to sell, will please give notice at the Drug Store of E. Nye Hutchinson &. Co." CHARLOTTE C. &. M. Co. Feb 23tf 1 Take Notice. LI. yerion IqdebteJ to the subscriber WILL PLKASK C 0 aM E F 0 Jt.W A R 1) ana pay op IMMEDIATELY I as longer Indulgence cannot be given. J. S-PHILLIPS. 1 would als 3 notify those in want of goods that from ami after this dale all goods will be sold low down for cash or its eqtilvalent. ' Jan. 10 tf. . " ' A TfENTIOir VOLtXTKUtlL si 1 havq on hand a lot of OIL CLOTH COATJ; aU, Oil Cloth by the yard. Which I wiirsell at reasonable prices. Call at the stored Messrs. Hilkkk &. Kccks, jicxt dr to Euas Ctss GroceTY Feb 1 'J. 1 S62 d I mcj2m Book and Job Printing class: mm snLK, patlr Rxecnted at tlil ofxlee. M.M. icu ;,.VJim m,m t&k this ODPOf- . . i r w w v - and the public, ti: m Inform oar mena that we are tally preped to execute work oi very 1am, la T TW T TNT "3L -A J. w- y tllliL-llAVAUSi INVITATIONS, NOT LAW BLANKS C'llliClltS, S1IOW-1HL.LS, a AJUPIII- . nintll, edited for. ...i .nv other siyic - - "dmuch less th 01 rk "n be UTtsxtd.of NewTork. ea K. II. DllITTOJf. Certain Cure for Fiux Certain Core for Flax I Certain Cars for FlnB t i Certain Cure for FluB I Certain Cu re f or Flux 1 KOOPMANS'S DIARRUUJA MIXTURE! koOPMANN'S DIARRHOEA MIXTCRJCI KOOPMANN'3 DIARKUQiA MIXTURE I KOOPM ANN'S DIARRHOiA MIXTURE! Ut cars the most oUUnate Will cure the moat obstinate WlU cur the most obstinate , Will cure the most obstinate Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax Cases of Diarrhoea and Flax Cases of Dlarrhcea sod Flax Casrs of Diarrhoea and Flux If taken in time, If takenlatiie. If taken in time. If taken In time. for sale at K. inn Ml a ;s;m ruaL.ra- ana a ue iDntg Stores, Charlotte. may V-c . INK MANUFACTORY. 1 THE Subscriber has commenceU the manaiac tare of a LeanUTul II LACK. WIllTINC INK. ItUmadfr m aa Engtlsh recipe, aud is re markable for lu brllltancy. of color and freedom from aa se-hiimuta or dru,;. . Orders from dealers wLU be tUed with prompt t., t as moderate prices as they have been ptLTChafinit for Iroia aoruwrn mBuiaciurci. Orders solicited, and samples sent wherever rr- onti. Address W. a- JUiwm v-t Colombia, S. C. rr ii v ? HATFR A Nl) PIaANTER I REMOVEIX TO M S A W WW I- HAVING purchased of Ma. Geo. Seaborn this popoiar journal, I have removed its placsof iTinTio Cotumbta,and will hereafter tssns It ff1 II I. I .TI KB. SI a s. c rroo this city at regular stated periods needed I ' aajtained. " . .v;n. Lh vantar. and call apon every TrmeTaadPlanUr In South Carolina to enewrags inlj 0.1 Doixim ft tuitm, iltv"! Jiffll&S abseeaxsd.aad lU Editorial iSSSent will he un4er ths ears of eaecftht J''JfftV rigidly adherW to, and Ths Cash .fTV l " wlakimntil thanb. o name wiu " 7 , gcrlpuoai. S. tf. STOXZS, IllL, TO Illllli. Feeling codbu.t. . - dt a ... asnn & mnmaj u rrrasiy at. at lathlS cvave, u. T if locatea aw - mm mwmm m "for ptriicaUn WUt run 9n Atlantic, Tenn. & 0. ILiilroad TasAS. Orrics A. T. O. R. R. Co.,-) v Charlotte, March 17, 1862. j A the lapt installment of. Stock aub- Fcrxbed ia dlecklanburg county, ia due on me xifci oi April, all Stockholders in arrears are requested tojmak immediate payment f Contractors hae taithfully performed mur auuo, ana mutt be vaid. The amount is due from Stockholders. Come forward, PAY UP.and eet your certificates.-. M. l VVRISTON, Treat. Zt Whig copy lour weeks. March 17, 1862 d2w -' ATTENTION ! -MEN OF MECKLENBURG. WE ABE RAIDING A COMPANY FORjTIIE War, ani will relieve you of the Draft by enlisting with us. : , ' ONE HUNDRED DOT.T.ARS O U ONT T "5T. f T ' 111 be paU, and clotting fornlsbed before leaving the County. . " COME FORWARD AKD . , . ' E3STLIST, and let not history record a draft in old Mecklen barr. -. . J. II. WHITE, . - S. E. BELK, . . J. M. SPRING, Charlotte, March 11, 1863 tf ; Ca(ch the Deserter. . . rjTUlKTY DOLLARS REWAHD, ..WILL be given for the apprehension and delivery ot David Reid, who deserted Company L., 34th Regiment, North Caro lina Troops, at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, N. C. 13th January. 1862. Said Reid ia supposed to be thirty-seven yeara oi age, five feet eleven inches high, sandy hair, blue eyes, red complexion and down look, nothing promising indicated in his appearance. Said Reid's residence is Caldwell county, N. C, where he is sup posed to be lurking. Bring him in and re ceive the money. JOlfN F. HILL, Captain. Per W. O. Harrelso, O. S. Hamilton, N. C.,-March 7th, 1862. . 'march 22'62-btf ' .. 7 I, t. levin; Commission Merc haut, SELL8 ALL OF Cor.NTRY PRODUCE. COLlHrXDIA, S. March 14, 1862 wissolullon oi t'opartnersliip. THE FIRM OF BURROWS &. PAS -CIIALL is this day dissolved by mutual . T T T I . I I . - consent. T. J. Burrows is authorized to close up all outstanding accounts. Persons having claims against this firm will please present them aa soon as ponsible for set tlement, and those indebted will please come forward and soul. , -r. w, rH'J v I. A. PASCH ALL. Charlotte, Jan. 12, 1862. jan 14 '6?-d it . : " " pONFEDEKATR UMFOItJIS. Just received a superior quality of f!old Lace for ornamenting sleeves and Confed erate cap9. For sale at . KAILNWEILER &. BROS. Feb. 15, 1862 tl gwou. SASH , AND iltiLX, A. handsome Silver Case Sword, for Captain or Commissioned Officers, with a red Silk Sash and Belt. For sale at KAHNWEILER &. BROS. Feb. 15, 1862 tf ' fllO COTTON lLANTISltS. Just received a lot of Bagging. For sale low at KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb. 15, 1862 tt M1 LITAllY I1UTTON8, Received per - Steamer Isabel, Gold Ep- pauleta for Commissioned Officers, Military Huttons, Gold Lace, Pistols, &c. Call soon at KAHNWEILER &. BROS. Jan. 25. 18G2 tf QOTTON LACRSic. We are selling off our splendid stock of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves and Collars, French and English worked Bands, Edging and Inserting! Thread, Linen and Cotton Laces, as usual, low prices. ' t Selhug yery fast at ' - . KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25, 1663 ti . . A TTENTION UAXTALION. - Just received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot Jfot camp use. Alsp, an 'assort ment of heavy Army Underslurts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, En am eled Oil Cloth Coats. For sale at - KAUNWEILER & BROS. January 25, 1862 tf S CUPK11NONO WINK. v - Superior articles of Scupernong WINE, In bottles for family use. For sale at . t . KAHNWEILER & BROS. . Jrn. 25, 1862 tf TustTieckived. A supply of extra fine MERINO UN DER-SHIRTS have just been received and for sale by J. S. PHILLIPS : decl2,'6l-dtf. IttlHTAItV. OIlDJBR. , EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT N. a, . ADJtrrinr GtJfSRAL'fl Office, Raleigh, February 13th, 1862. v- riVE REGIMENTS OF VOLUN- TEERS for the war are wanted to make up mmt :onfederate States, to whom a bounty oi f;ftpn dollars rer man will be paid by the State and fifty dollars per man by the Con federate States - . This number ia expected to be raised with as little delay aa possible, and Com panies at present organizing will report to this Office with as little delay as possible. Thev will be received by Companiea or in dividuals," and when a full Company is ten dered, lour omcera win oe commissioned wirK a la-number aDDointmenta will be ?'ven as follows : A Captain lor forty man ; irst Lieutenant for twenty. five men; Second Lieutenant for fifteen, - . The Militia who have been ordered on duty, and to be in readiness, can still avail themselves oi this opportunity ot; getting into the volunteer service, and the number so doing will be credited to their respective, counties. - -., - - r ... '-,-, J3y order of the Governor, ' , , J. G. MARTIN, Adjutant General.; All the pipera in the Sute copj lour TERHAJTERT GOVZEHHENT .or THK Confederate States of America J -r " - jeffeesoit::davis, - - ----- OF MISSISSIPPI.- -- ' V " " yiCE-PRESIDZNT: ' ALEX. H. STEPHENS, , . . ur.tit;UKUlA. i . . k CABINET OPyiCKRSl SKcamar or state. IT. Itl T. HUNTEU, of Vlrfflula. SBCBCTABT OB THK TKKASCST. - C. G. ITIKimiIIrKIt,of8. Carolina '"' " SCCBBTART Or THB MATT. " S.JJL .-nALLOILV, of Florida. , . SBCRrrAar or WAX. WALUEIL of Alabama. . , roancASTu aimii. : . . . - JOIINII.XlBACAN.orrexas. vATTOUKT CEXKBAL, JT.p: IJENJAITIIN, of Louisiana- r C ONOKE88: 'Alabama. Senators Messrs. WUllm,Tj; Yan cey, C C Clay.. - r Mem ben or ue liease aleasrt J5 L, Dargan, W P Chilton, , James L Pusrb. J L M Curry, W R ITlon11" ? Thomas J Foster", D Clopton Abc abbas.' Senators Messrs Robert W John- ton, Charles B MitehelL- - -, . - j. .iwy t Grandlson D Royster, Aagustns H Garland, Tho mas B Uanly. . Florida. aenator rejection returns not re- celred-1 - . v- - .s Members oitheuoose juessrs jajnesii Aeuuna, Hilton. CrxoaoiA. Senators Messrs B H Hill, . Robert Toombs. Members of the House Messrs A H Keen&n, Hia UolL A R Wrleht. Jaiien II art rid ire, Lucius J Gartrell. Wo W Clark, Robert P Trippe, David. W Lewis, U J Munnalym, Hardy stncxiana. Looisiasa. Senators Messrs i award sparrow, - Members of the House Messrs D F Kenner, Chas Tillers, John Perkins, Jr.0 W Conrad, Henry Marshall, Lucien Dupose. - -. j Middiasirri. Senators Messrs Albert G Brown. James PheUo. . , - Members of the House Messrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Reubin Davis, Israel tyelch, U C Cham bers, O R Singleton, Barksdale. ' M issorjBJ. Senators Messrs John. B Clark, R 8 Y Pevteu. - .Members of. the. Uoase Messrs John Hyer, Caspar W Bell, George G Vest, A H Oonrow, W W Cook, Thomas W Freeman, Thomas A Harris, j Nobth Carolina -Senators Messrs George Da--vU, Wm S Dortch. Members of the House Messrs W N H Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R ' Keenaa, J D McDowell. Thomas 8 Ashe, Archibald Arlington, Robert Mc Lean, William Lander, R 8 Gartner, A S David, son.. -- , . - - : . South Cakouka. Senators Messrs R W Barn' well, James L Orr. - - ' r- Members of the House Messrs W- W Boyoe, W Porcher. Miles, M. L Bonham, John McQueen, L MAyer, James Farrow. ' . " TusBssfiB. senators Messrs Langdon" C Haynes, Gostarus A lienry. Members or the House Messrs DM Carrln, J D C Atkins, U E Fosur, Thomas Menees, George W Jones, M P Gentry. W G Swann, W H Tlbbs, E L Gardner, T J Helskell Txxas. Senators Messrs. Louis T. Wigfall, W. S. Oldham;, Members of the House Messrs.. John A. Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, 0 C Uerbett, W B Wright, Malcolm P Graham, S. B. F. Sexton. " ViaaisiA. Senators Not elected. , , -,.,. Members of the House Messrs. John R. Cham bliss, Muscoe R..U. GarneU, John Tylr, Roger A Pryor, Thomas E Bocock, John Goode, Jr., James P Uoloombe, D C Dejarnette, William Smith, A R Boteler, John B Baldwin, Vf R Sta. PtMtm. A. At JeulLiJa Alekcri Joha, g7tlinrti U. KiimcII. ' j" .- KaTvoxr. Seaators Messsrs. 41 0 , Burnett, William E Blmms. " s Members of the llouia Mem 4W.lo.wuu, Thcmas B Monroe, J U Ford, John J Thomas, T D BurreJ, George W K-ving, George B Hodges, Thomas Johnson. TTON U V If IS US. 3 will parcbase GRAIN, FLOUR, COTTON, , , -- ' . AND ' t " . ..- - COUNTRY PRODUCE, - -of all kinds, for which the : , - ' HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH will be paid. ' Just received a large lot of " - BAGGING v ; Ana-; .;: roping, - and a complete supply of . G ROCERIES. V" , nor 'tl-twimos - - K. A a XOOPHAN 'S. . , Anti-Dysenteric & Anti-Dyspept ie JC CI? rJL? JEiv fc3 ;- PREPARED BY B.r KO 0PJS1AN. GUARLOrXK, N. C. Fprv,HESE anrivalled Bitters possess peculiar cu ll raUve properties in all Affections of the Bowels.' They will be found effectual in the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Soar Stomach and all those painful . and troublesome diseases arising from a derangement of the digestive or gans and Irregular action of the functions of the stomach and Intestines. They will also be found a SAFE REM ED I FOR CHILLS AND FEVERS. -These Bitters are prepared from Roots brought from Germany, and for over a century have been found effectual in that country lor the permanent core of the diseases enumerated above. They contain no deleterious drug, bat are compounded entirely from roots, and are perfectly salt at ail times. ' :- s -v .,'..'.. . v.. r ..- ' '' A simple trial Is ail that is asked, as a cure will naturally follow, and that ia the best certificate of their superiority over every other remedy for those particular diseases.- - . w,-. They are manufactured by B. Roopman, Char lotte, N. C-, and for sale by, Also, for sale at t, Searr's and E. Nye Hutchin son 4 Co's Drug 8 tores. . , . , ffeb 5-ly ; ; NOTICE. : TO fl Sheriff ft4 dijvrtt OowntUa of North 4 U, BLANKETS AND CLOTHING WHICH " A may be received by you can be sent directly to the several Companies which went from your county and when your own Companies are sup plied, you will then forward any balance on hand to the Quartermaster in Raleigh. . Tout will put np ail article intended for your Companies in, strong boxes, directed to the Quartermaster in Raleigh wiOi the Company and the Regiment plainly mar ked oa then ; and yon will have the contents ot each box, marked on it. " - Wb4uver the Companies are on duty in' your neighborhood, you axe autherlxed to ueliver - the articles to them, taking the receipt of the Captain for them, which receipt you will forward te this" office, v.- -"- ; , -r-rj. DETERIUX A. Q. Jf. Oct. 4,1861. v-. - - - ' 8S 6V - "j. ' - ; . ; v ; -i , - Quarterniaster; OiUce, n ' ,t. . :' ocTosBsoVifi.; ANY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MAT BR . Desirous of taking Contracts for making Clothes for the Army of - North-Carolina, can ob tain terms, Ac, on application at this office Geods will be issued to any responsible parties. In quantities sufficient to clothe single. Companies which can be made up in Uieir awn neighborhoods, and the money will be paid to ths parties receiv ing the Goods, oa ths retara of the manufactured articles. Parties may furnish the Cloth, which wiilbevaidfor by ths State. - . . . V. ; . J. DETERECX,. Q. JfV , October 4-6C . ; . - . : TUB ASSEMBLY HOUSE, .. On SqHr cs of tX Fort-Oficm riain tirit - , - COLUMBIA, 8. a . THIS well known estabtUhment has been -tho r onghlyre-atted and improved, and Is now permanently opened for the accommodation of the public Evtry attention will be given to sup nly ths wants a&4 eomforts f patrans. Rates Jutdareta, G. V,MAS0N, Vtil1t?ll rrvpfltVv?! . w hi - v- t-1- ' w a a - a a v .t wb- . -"-. --.-.---.. - . . ' " -i - 1 . r- -I 1 --5-- Jt III 1 I 1 ft ni.i 1 I.Aff liV ' - - AKD - THE DAILY: BVJJTIB e. h. brittok; " ''THESE Papers (embrating tte f TM-WatttT BuixxTia y established- In the town of Charlotte, N. C, affords anosual adraotasa to Advertiaefs both at borne anl abroad, ias Uie editions, weekly f bow exceed ' . 'C' r ' ' t six TnocsAwp copiEsr- which we hare no' doubt are -read ly ?at' Veils ' s - TWXNTT TITO VSArNiy w V persons each week, large proportion ot whom are Plasters and their fainllies.-.ivv -'itA Am a means f Adrertkjjti wej"ar soofideni thai gre&t advantages can be obtained through this es tabllohmenti hence we embrace this opportunity to Inform our friends and the Mercantile eommu nlUea on the Seaboard, (Charleston and Winning' ton,) that our facilities for circulating their business Notices throughout Western North Carolina and the adjoining Districts in South Carolina are ex- and complet; Our terms are liberal and a large deduction wil' be .made on Uie bills of Contract Advertisers.-- '. Sept. 47;--2SS1 W . . .t: JWRT1N, T1NMHILL & (Jo., . (Successors to N. M. MARTIN. SON A Co.V -mmvwmu w UUUIUUUOIUU luvivuuuivr PETBHSBURGy VA 'f TTT tm TT III! II . -mm j m I W LAj A JCiJCI. JX. iXLLXi, A A Jl CL UO (Successors to N. M. MARTIN SON A Co.) I COMMISSION MERCHANTS. R. A. Mabtis, formerly of Granville Co.,N. C.v ' K. TASHAHtLL. formerlv of EdteRnmh fin . W. 1 ' Waltxb KMaetib, of Richmond, Va.. . N. M. Mabtis, 0 Richmond, Va. " R. H. CuSNraaHAM Jr- of Richmond, Va.- BOTH concerns will give faithful personal at tention to the sales of COTTON. WHEAT. TOBACCO and CORN.- Neither concern will bur any of the above named articles, either on Com mission, Speculation or otherwise, as their bus!-. oess in produce la cvnfined to SELLING . exclu sively. Refer to , C. F. Fisher, Jfisq., President N. C, Rail Road. : Dr. W. J. Hawkjns, Pres't R. A Gaston Rail Road. tt. R. BainoBKS, Esq- Pres't Bank at Tarboro. N. C lion. w. JbDWABDs, warren vounty. ri. u. : Jambs U. Bdixocx, Esq., Granville County, N. C. V. jr. r iaHKK, uasnier xcnange Bank, Petersburg Kemi P. Battle, Esq., Raleigh, N. 0 . ; We respectfully call the attention of Cotton Planters and dealers to Petersburg as beine one of the best Cotton Markets in the South, having both a rood home sad foreign demand, and we are pleased to hear that efforts are now being made to get the freight through from Charlotte to Peters- ; uui ituwv. vv awui wj m iwc ... - ' PROSPECTUS . THE CHARLESTON MERCURY A POLITICAL; COMMERCIALS!) UTtRARY .. . . NtWiPAPtl - ,- F U BUSHED VAIL Y AND TJtl- WSEKL Y r ft 1UE Mkbcubt gives daily reports of the Mar M. ket and Marine Intelligence- in Charleston, and of Charleston commerce in the leading sea ports of the world. The Weekly Prices Current is made up with much care, and from the most rtUt.o oweos. IM somwauoa With, toe " Asso- xeicgrspa ttiiu we wiuramsw, ujr o reamers Iroia Europe. At nas an aoie ana ocotu pushed Cor respondent in London (a gentIemaneonnected regular Correspondents in New York, Washington, Key West and Havana. The monthly New York II II. mmwm mrm w AWOU". - '"wjrmmm Faslilon Aeuers aau weeaiy leners on -lAie in Washington are additional attractions In favor of its lady readers, its literary nouces, from the. pen of a gentleman who occupies perhaps the highest position among the literary men ofthe Swuth. are discriminating and comprehensive. . m Am M k . Attention U paia to aii mabbers oi general concern. especially those in reference to the Planting and Agricultural interest, and to the current news of the day. Great care Is taken that nothing shall appear in its columns which should be excluded from the family circle. ' .. The political creed -of - the1 Mebocbt consists lu the principles of the , Democratic:. Party, as laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 179S and 1799 the Sovereignty of the. States; a strict co us traction of the Federal Constitution by the General Government, the agent of the States ; Free Trade, and an economical Administration of the Government. Its policy is the Union of the Southeru States in maintalnuig Uieir rights. Termst JPAyable In Advancer DAILY, per annum.. .... . . ..V:. $10.00 TRi- WEEKLY. ........................ . . . . .6,00 Clubs will b Furulsliedaa follows: Five Copies of the DAILY for. ........ i ...$40JX Five Copies of the TRI-WEEKLY... 20.00 The name of ho person bat of Charleston" will be entered on our books, unless the payment of the subscription be made in advance. Nor will order? from without the City to publish Advertisements, Marriage Notices, or Obituaries, be .attended to, unless the cash, or an acceptable City reference, accompany the' order. Money may 'always be forwarded at our risk in registered letters. . Postmasters are authorised to act as our Agents In .obtaining subscribers and .forwarding the money ; and by sending us Jfvve Daily subscri bers, with $60 enclosed or Fin Tbi-Weexlt subscribers, with $25 enclosed, will be entitled to ad tra copy ; or if preferred, they may retain Twenty per cent, of the pre-payments, -for their trouble and in lieu of the extra paper. ?. ; Oa. of South Carolina, no person whatever is authorised to collect debts already due to the AlKaoOBT. . v..,. ...... ;i In the SUte Mr: Sax tnu. E. Baaoass Is our reg ular Agent to make collections and procure new business and subscriptions.-' v . , In Charleston, Mr. Jakes D." Btods, connected with the office, is our regular authorised collector who has full power to receipt for money now due the paper ana to contract for future business. ' , . Subscribers and ethers, in debt to us, are urgen tly requested to send in our dues by mail at the earnest period. : By so doing, they will save us twenty per cent, an amount equivalent tor a prin cipal portion of th profits. tST" Esrroas in tho State and throughout the Sauth, ,wbo . receive our, Tw-WsaEi.v,fbr their WKKXX.T, are respectfully requested to compensate as for the difference in value by inserting this Prospectus. R.B. RHETT,Ja. " JVo. Am BroacTIStrett, CharUkU. S. G : v A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER . ,; , THE XIES; . A loroe Eight-rage Weekly piotfsAed in Greensboro, . a.oo a year ; mjw mot sax bjobuu.. fllHE TIMES contains weekly forty columns of - IL choice matter, specially adapted to the family . circle. - It is neither sectarian nor political, but by being courteous to aa sects ana parues, it is tne constant aim of the publishers to present in its eolumns whatever may elevate the people and en rich the State. . The publishers would earnestly appeal to the families of North Carolina to give THE TIMES a trial ; try it lor six months, to see if It be not as well to patronize home papers, as those from abroad ; to build up-home interests and a gtate pride, and to scatter our substance and our energies among strangers. Give the Times a trial and then let u stand upon its menus. -. - WHAT 18 SAID OV TBS TIMJLJ, t I ' "The Times I regard as the' Very first' of our Southern Literary Weeklies," Rev. C. F. Deems. UI know of.no Weekly published anywhere, that Is so deserving of public patronage as the Times," Rev. J.E, Edwards, - - '.-. "There is no pandering to vitiated taste eve ry article is of a moral tendency, and calculated both to amuse and instruct. Wilmington Herald 'One ot the handsomest weekly papers published In the Onion-" Spirit of the Age. ' j "Let the .people of .North Caaroiina encourage their own newspapers. Raleigh Standard. ; "Aoarai, .uajs m JtxjsiuuiiT, , i Greensboro, N. C ; r- ti . . 1 r DAILY DULL ETITf OAT A VTDAJ OUIIN A Is nnHX BULLETIN Is published dally in the town JL ' of Charlotte, at i per annum, invariably la advance. ' . - .. The CATAWBA JOURNAL ! publihsd Weekly la ibe Uwa tf Charh?tt) ti f 1.0 per wwmt i? nritWjti4TtA9ti ITA froin 10 to rso , Horse Power ; SUOAK MILLS f every style now In ose,Min Work.of Cigi ijibiwu. mm mtw'J . O I J dlscrlDUon or iron ana Air ass v&swngs... -rir - l would call attenuon to iron vasung 10 me way of enclosinjrPub'nV BuUdfnjrs.D welfingsTGasr .Steps.-Balestro Raijijig, and ail kfed of nciosnres; for OTttetarv i&ta. . . i - , . Hkving a first rate Boilermaker with as, we aire prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair them; at short notice.. Wilt send boiler maker to any part of the State. . Our Steam Engines will be found, when-compared-with, those made at North: era establishment, to he from twenty-five to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. 4 : These -'Worka have been in successful operation for pas- rad years, with an increase of patronage ;m all parts of the Sonthern country, for which the Proprietor returns his thanks to his numerona friends and patrons, and bega to assure them that no pains or expense will be spared to merit a con Unuance of their favors. . - j ,xnayl7-tf 1 - - - 4:'ifrCyJf-- Z ' -5 THE BSJliL,ETir 1 THE CATAWBA , JpURNAL. WE are pleased to advertise the friends and patrons of Oils establishment that we com. mence the publication of the second volume of the fisst named jqnrnal, this day, under the .most favorable auspices. r-."r The circulation of the above named, paper is rapidly increasing, and its influence as an adver tising medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access to almost every neighbo r hood in this and adjoining Counties, as w?U as the' adjoining Districts ut South Carolina."' - rsn sr sr wnv ts m rsi At vvrva si mr w . tm. w . . - . sir tvAuu id.Aaijta:juiJttfliAJit One of the largest papers now.; published in4 the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made . up from the columns of the Daily BnxLBwavhas not only become a popular papers, but it affords great ad F vantages to those who wish to use its columns ar an advertising medium. - .-, -. i Specimen copies will be sent to any section they my jr be ordered, free of postage. . . J rbr terms, Ac, we . refer the reader to our loi- p. to.' n E. H. BRITTON nov.l7-tf -,; .. . TTlie I,iterary JPaper of tlie South "EVERY. FAMILY SHOULD READ IT' THVI33S; 5 I THE LARGEST l f THE .'CUE A PEST ! TUli BEST I ILLUSTRATED SOUTHERN F AM r'ILY PAPER -: f J v'-' 1.-..- rgHE TIMES is neither poUtical nor sectarian,' JL but is the constant aim of the Editors to fill iU columns with the choisest Historical, Literary and Family reading, and with a large - selection of all the new of the day, both foreign and domes tic"; - - . ' - ' : '-. : . ' The' fifth volume commences with the new year 1860. Engagements have been made to make this the most brilliant year in the history of THE; TIMES. It will commence with . Tlireo ISeautlful Of rlke Stories. Its illustrations will be increased ; and its typographical- appearance will hev improved by a stilT neater dress. The Publishers are determined to keep pace with the improvements of the age: their motto is PROGRESSION," and as the circulation of THE TIMES enlarges each year, they' are de termined to add new attractions to its eolumns, and make it the literary paper of the South. With, these-, inducements the Publishers confidently ex pect several thousand increase in circulation. -But as aadiuonal incentives to the friends of the' South to enconrage their own literary and family paper, In which they will find none of that impure and immoral reading which, sometimes- they get from abroad. u publishers of .THK i'iMEa, : - 82.500 IN l?IkKv"I?Mr TpT'lJscribers'to comfnence with the new volume and she new year. - THE TIMES is printed weekly on eight large pages, fine paper, at J$2 a year, in adva3ceL'JFor' specimen 'numbers and circular " , r6itfPitMim.X: : hov. 8-tf 'r" J 5 ' Greensboro, N. ; i " OF THS ' H1LLSB0RQUUU RECORDER, " ". "' SBVOTBB TO ' ''. ;. " ' '- POLITICS, AGR1CULTDRE, MISCELLANY. 6EnERAL NEW$; DENNIS HEARTT;-; - , HILLSBOROUGH, N..0. . -i ITii the' present volume the RECORDER commenced the fortieth year of its exis-- tence, the first number having ees issued the 10th of February, 1820 ; aunng ail wmcn time we,nave labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and.we hope that in these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful. It has been our wish to make the RECORDER a good Family' Pa- per, devoted to Politics; Agriculfaire, : Miscellany, General News,' Ac.i with a view to the' entertain raent and improvement of the farmers and citi aens ot the circle in which it is distributed. .Our" Agricultural department we endeavor to fill with the best selections we can make from all sources, giving preference to such as will be of practical use to the farmer and cultivator ;' and in this par ticnlar we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able ta the agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural character. - In our Miscella neous department, we shall contiue to be, as we" have always been, careful to Belect such articles as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to Improve the mind and heart.' 'While we shall be thankful to receive well-written articles to adorn mr columns, ws are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer selected matter of superior merit, to loosely-written and ill-digested articles, though ornamented at the top: with the coveted words "Written expressly for the RECORDER.? . In our Hews department we shall take especial pains to present to our readers the latest intelligence ; and to enable us to do so we have facilities equal to those enjoyed in any portion of the State, excepj those favored witn teiegrapnio wbuiuiumuvb,- A Single copy; one year, . . . ? Six copies, one year; I . a .i t 2.00 Ten copies; ono year . . ... Payment always in advance. ' W Any of our old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and send us. the cash, shall receive their own- paper tree or charge. July 18. THE SOTHEEH I MABMAX: o:.i5-" IB FDBU3HKS AT' . ! vBY CHARLES P. PKLHAMV - f njiy.-l,.i. fci.ivi.f 600 per snnnin .Tee,...7yv J 2i Weeiciy ...... ......j. ...... yv - gBT Payment ia l advance invariably Post masters sending' ua five daily subscribers, with 34 oo, or five tri-weekly Sabrlberr, with $20 00, (enclosed In registered letters,) will . be entitled to an extra copy, or in lieu of that 29 per cent, of the sums thus remitted, provided the order Is for? as many as five copies. Tan per cent will be allow ed for amounts remitted for single subscriptions. .k-.--s.?v-.i? "AnvaanBsatBaiTfl - - Inserted at the folio wing rates in the Daily and Tri-Weekly: !-"' ' ". ' , , One sq.uare,(10 lines or less) one insertion. C60 eta Each subsequent insertion, ji. .. . . . . . M , 35 cts " When aii advertisement Is inserted in the Week' jr. or but once a -week in tne uauy, oe cents a square ior eacu inseruoo. s : ,.v- -' We offer to advertisers the inducement of send-' lne their favors to be read by a numerous and in fluential class oi f eaaers, sow in town ana coun try. . he Southern Guardian presents great ad-' vantages as an advertising medium; its .circula tion is large, and is daily and rapidly extending, particularly in ths middle' and mppev strictjof r. , 'JOB rBXBTISG. ' v 5 - The Job Office is thoroughly appointed 'in all respects, and fitted for , every description .of Job Work. - In eoaneetion with It is a Bindery. . t y The Southern wuardian is devoted to' the 1 main' tenance of the rights, honor and-interests of the South under the Constitution. . While It is willing . , .1.. tl- . 4.. 'i rt:ZrW-.T0vti briu htiit.t a a awsrain i in jt niuci KiiAtj ara w w w aaciisv kb Atanwaaas r mwm NWwrw.rr -- .- ' .V I eenndenily and oisuncuy ruies upon, uie people of the South'; and as the best preparation for the rnntnt which is even now apon us, it will sealons- ly labor to effect onioa anA co-operation amongst In the management of this journal, tie earhr producaon of every olaas ot news from all parts of the world, the lessons of virtue and morality the interests oi aucuu, rttttivuxr, commerce, ana jBanuraexures, wui pp. xep prominently in view, and no effort wui be tpareato make it, in au res pacts, an aeceptawe are-noa vaitoi7-r ? - , , tZf yt lend ear Daily (e nearly, all ft Week, ry ntwipapera of the Etate, , WUI ihey( la eooiid tratlaa ef this aavasUje. klntlly riva ths ahova j I yratpfu a fan fnasrUQBt, - ta ad after MondAT , I5tk inatAr M .fS?111 rr will be ron-on'thl I OMuJr.anJrf excepted Y as follows: G0lNG WEST.1; Xeab- Aidurn l.W M, Charlot0 7 fiflft . s WS--V ... . -.-.. . m. . -.' Leave ' r-i--..:' :-y AaarvaT 11 .00 A. III-.-,, . Lincolnton l0-r V Brerafr ii 't tv..a , , Tuskaseege -1 r18.13P. m; " . -Charlotte , r , 1.00 ; . . . - ' .By Order,- - ( 4 '"' !T ' ;;v:- ':V-"-McBEE, t- it 'ir : . S1? Mer fTransporUtida Llocolnton, April 4th, 1361." 1 .. : SSOalllsllJ r iius charges on this Road1 must be prepaid On' JL an Freights going te Stations on this Road where there are no Agents. All sueb- freights will vc ucuyerea at sata Btattona at the owners jnski A. H. MARTIN, January vt i80a - Charlotte.: . . tvv 3 ri"5 O.J , . 't ;-rV ran. :v"Z And MachjLiie Sliop. TTf AVING purchasedf from J. A Fox the above ALAi. establishment, , tne unUersigned begs leave to call the attention of the publlo to the fact that he is now ready Jto fill every order for making steam .engines, ittcton ana xooaceo Fresses, and every description of Machinery.- Aii kinds of Cas-! tings m Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice -and reduced prices, : Particular attention given to. the making, and repairing of 'Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agric ultural Work of all kinds. Blacksmith lng.Job, Wagon Work,, and Horse-Shoeing, done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brajs and Copper Cast ings nought at the Foundry or taken In exchaB ' forilob work. All kinds of- wood Turning. also done; - - ' dec 26-tf ' JOHN M. HOWIE. The Edgecombe Farm Journal. rgftHE subscriber will commence on or about the M. 1st of September, 1860, the publication of a monthly journal in Tarborg', to be devoted to the plantatiftn and rural interests of North Carolina ja particular, and of tiie South generally. ; . ' Edgecombe having long sinoe been acknowledg- d as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no leeality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a firt class agricultural paper than Tar boro'. It is to be called , 1 I "The Edgecombe Farm Journal," And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture,' Floriculture, House-, hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac ; It will be published with aew type and clear white paper, in a neat quarto formal .,--.-: r - " The price of . subscription has been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every lone. '-?.t.. '-k.w-j ?.. f'Wi : '":';r' wcire copies oae jar.... .....-- " - mi i It. iui T wenty- ve oopies one year , . . ......... iv yv . Bio nauer seniuniesa paw wr WILLIAM B. SMITH, BALTIMORE COMMtllClAL CULLEGK. JU 10 ED 8 52,v-i CHAflTI B Eft;854 Cbrner of Baltimore m& Charlet Streets, -' RE. .Largest and most Elegantly; Furnished Commercial College in the United States. Every young manr should write immediately for one of those .urge ana oeauuXully ornamented Circulars, representing the exterior and interior YieW Of tllS bAiTIMOBB COlTSBBOTAX OOUiBOB. - ' Penmanship, Ac., which will be sent by return mailres1 oeAfWa, with " Catalogue contining List of Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions of ths Tress on eur New System of Book-Keeptag, etc. ' ...-rt-.i ;,f AOV'tTTi' v -'I E. JR. Losixa, Principal Lecturer on lhe Seleses of Accounts, Business, Customs, ete. J. M . Phtixifs, Professor of , Book-Reeplng and -: - UQiamercias waicuiauons. 5. v -c, I-T ; H. H. Daviks, Associate Prof, of Book-Keeping. f N. C- JOBXsoa, Professor of Penmanship. - - : -8. T. WnxiAJis, Esq., Mercantile Law---- -Jij'.fJ'-, Rbv. E. Y. Raaaa, D. D., Commercial Ethics. ', r' ;-;.-& a e s v si a a : - ry Bon John. P Kennedy,- Hon Joshua. Yaasaat, Hon Thomas Swans, , J Wm H Reighler, Esq. Jacob Trust, Esq.; v ' Win Knabe, Esq." " . ' The time usually required to complete the' fall course, from 8 to 13 weeks, . ..,,1,,V:V4 T - A DirtoMA is awaraea to an Graduates. . r- .Large Circulars .and Catalogues stating -tents' Ao.,eat by mail free of charge.- ; v -: ' Address" 1 r r K.L0SIER, ',7,; jan H-tf I BdUimorgipM STATB'JOyRNaWLKT MAYING oecome the proprietor of the. Demo emtio JVeaw I have - merged that paper into the Btaxb Jocrbal- which will be published Semi-Weekly sjI Weekly. - ' The Biatb JooaitAt. will advocate. Democratic principles In the broadest sense, and will support and defend'Democratio, measures and their aevo cates as they are presented, and as occasion may require. -In other essentials it will be' my aim' to make. the paper, what . its name d enetes, a State Journal eschewing all sectional considerations and workln&Ior the entire State and her eommon Interests. ' -rxi' .;, ' -' As soon as arrangements can be made, tho wnole paper-shall -be r-modelecL' and printed with new type, on good paper, and in superior manner. - Th Editorial department wilt be properly atten ded to in its various branches, and will peak for it self. Neltheriabornor expense will be spared in I the management of the paper. - v . -f'-! - The terms ot the State Journal will be as fol- ' em i-Weekly , per annum . f $400 Weekly: ..:; ;." .V. .. ,209 t -These terms will be insisted upon invariably in advance.. No. name will be put. upon , the list without the money, and all papers will be discon tinued at the expiration of the time for which they have been paid, unless the subscription be renewed. I am satisaed, from years of experience, that upon no other fpotjigean. aoj newspaper, hope to suo- ceed. . ..-".v. '' 'Z-L.it c : Advertisements ef a - proper character will be inserted at the following rates : .'3m-7 One squara,' first inserUon.. ...... . . $100 - -. Each aabsequentinsertion..iii .'; .S5 cents. A liberal deduction on these rates fory early ad vertisers in the Semi-Weekly. In the Weekly edi tion the full rates will be charged. . t K - - c . JOHN SPELMAN, bVST,'l860.i:?-:AWord Proprietor -ft o f AT' SOW I8- TH E-TlsiE-O 6UB iLQOsi SCRIBE IOR THK GREAT SOU THERN I TtiJfi BMJiT TALENT OF TURSOTJTR IS WRITING TOR IT.- a . " The Soutliern . Field- and 'Fireside, Published every Saturday, at- Augusta,-. G., ae BJflBUKUWU9 ; JPIH fUW W l - - - la4 r. ' L-'hmaN. DiiMU J rwsot'ontains meacn issue, . . . . . . . eight pages fa, (ferty columns) of -'.n j : - - " tlltolee rLea&lnsr ITXsitter. '. . I devoted to the instruction and amusement ef ' tne tnends of Southern r : UTSATCB.Er AGRICULTURE, and AET. - . . d7 .Subscribers are presented seroj-anncaHj with aa INDEX or fable of Contents, ; j ;w , $ mfi- r:., ,.a , mi 1 p ii in 'i in 1 m ' . . - Address JAME3 GARDNILS, Augusta, ,Ga, ; t iCooli andWioslieri Wanted. A Jf experienced C00K Washer and Iroperrll A tear of a pieaaeaat sltuatlen a applleauoa Ihroub ttuteflee" t t-- ' . . ' rbTnrDEY 6iiiAcmirE wobks, SUCCESSORS TO N. B0YDEN 4 8QfT, i AGUICULTCItAL. iPLKTIENTS Cultfvafora, "Plove - r J , l -vW -.Corn-SUellersr- ' ; rri: v .. -Cr. V- : Seed-Sowera - fc IIorsePowrs ic.Tlirashcrs' -- THE CELEB RiT ED . UTELEGSAPH CTJITIHQ UACHUTE, ... . ' For Fodder; Hay, Stalks, Oats and Shack, Being the first Premium Machine of the . . Fairs of North, and South Carolina, 1 CIDER & STJ0aE UILLS. ! SHAFTING AND mCUIINEUY For Oriit, Circular & Vertical Saw Hills, Gold Copper Sc Silver ITllnes. -. Manulactdrera 61" and Agents for Dr. K. O. Elliott' a PATENT MULAY SAW MILL end AVATERYVHEELS. Plantation and County Rights for sale oi ,W,.T. E. STUART'S PATENT DOUBLE ACTING 11 AY OR COTTON PRESS. v .1 Iron and BraasXasting:, ForgiriKs, and rinisnea worn oi every inscription. TOBACCO PRESSES AND FIXTTIRES, And other Kinds of Machinery reoaired a Wnwl" VtatvsA -'m--' V ' "' .' f in ma 10 lOfl 1. ouvt eevsrsrv . ll UUU A O A OO IB 1 r IXetbeI Itesc to be Reoreaulzed EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF N. C. ijtTAiT General's Office, ) RaleIsh, Jan. 2th 1862. j rTHE FIRST REGIMENT N. C. VOL anteera being disbanded, a Regiment of Volunteers lor the war will be formed to take its plate." All the Companies of the old Regiment about to re-organize for the war, are requested tb report to this Oflice without delay, with tho view of going into this Regiment, which will receive the "Bethel Flair Additional Volunteer Companies for the war will be accepted, to whom a bounty ol filteen .dollars per man will be paid by the State, 'and fifty' by the Coniederate States. .Whea a full Company is tendered. four officers will be commissioned : with a less number, appointments will be given as y ' r t a 1 follows : a uaptam ior tony men, rirst , Lieutenant lor twenty-five, Second Lieu. : tenant for fifteen. - ; ' The Militia who- have been ordered on duty and to be in readiness! can still avail ihemselvee of this opportunity of getting into the Volunteer service, and the number, so doing-will be credited to their respective Counties. , ... i : ..... " By order of Governor II. T. Clark. . . H J. G. MARTIN, . ..! , -u.-.u- -. Aaiatant uenerai. , JST All the papers in the State copy our times. i . . . jan JO ltibi 4t. , - MCKLESBORG IKON WOKKS. liiEundersigaedtegtoIhfotm- the citizens of - Charlotte and nitinity, and the public gen erally vnanoey nave '''COMAJEtfGEti BUSINESS -.rr:"'-;' at tfie above J - E S MB tUI OT JE IV 't : rtt: I.Booroy - ' - iUTxriayrfLo' ?3troot, -' Adjoining the Nertfi Carolina Rail Read, and ot posite JOHN W1LKE81 Steam riour MlUs. . They are n6w prepared to-furnish all kinds ef- A.j. t-.-, --. -t . ? . At short notice, and on reaeonabU terms. . '."STEAM ENGINES ,- A-r!WMM'? 10 60 UORSB POWER, . , oTsse-Olaoolaa. c ".v, ' . . AND . . . ... . lE E' t A.I'R S In their line promptly attended to. Their FOUN DRY is ta full operation, and . ; 4- Cast Regularly twice a Week, - ;..- i;; Wednesdays and Saturdays. '. ,v They are prepared ito furnish all kinds of ;' CASTINGS 11 IKON, It ASM, Ac. v '. - 'A.... AoooaniHo to obdbb. : S AW AKD GBI8X WILL OARtrTO, :-: GIN WHEELS, I SA W I) UST URNEUSy ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR ' I -V COTTON PRESSES. - CAST IKON RAILINQ Tor Garden Enclosures, - r iDwsiung Houses, : . : - , PubUc BuUdings, ' :- ';:? ,-t ' -Portlcofi. ' ' - ; -'. -U'v-U '! - :-,t Ceioetery LoU, A . Their" - i... V llrgT.TTTrTKNTS, For carrying on the business in all Its branches, have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and are provided wfth all the : Required to do their work In a 7 FIRST RATfi NlNHER. Agents, for Dr." E. O. Eixiott, foir Winter's Pateat Atulay Saw AHU, which has the advantage, along with many others, of doing at least twice as much -work, asvd doing H better, than any other Mill In use It can be run by Steam, Water or Horse Power. Tb.MuUy may be aeen at the Shoe at any time. HENRY ALEXANDER, I N.B. Old Iron! Brass, Copper, Aobosght or takealn trade. " : oet,J3,1860-ti;,:. - Notice to .' Merchants. ' ' FORWARDING OFFICE -3.. f.. ., a O. Bi R. Co. V;; CHABxaSToa, March 16, 1W1. fTtHE South Carolina Railroad Comnanv bavins' JL -determined to discontinue this department of the service, the undersigned, who has been the for-' warding Agent of the Company or ths last four or five years,has associated with him the Chief Cleck In thedepartment, and, under the name of GANTT A STONY, will continue to RECEIVE and FOR-. WARD such articles as may be consigned to Ms eare.. lie trusts, by strict personal attention, to . retain a very liberal share of the business of the department. a -.; --- Parties are reminded that aii goode now reach leg this port from points beyond the Confederals States of America, must be entered at the Custom House, and that duties are payable on such as are not purchased 00 or before the 83th February last, ; (tiutladei vn eMpboard on or before tKe IMA March vrutant, save such . as are on the free list. It is therefore necessary that remittances be madt to pay the duties where duties are payable, abd nr all casus- o oovaa raa sxraxsa or Ccsto Hoeaa bbtbt, wsaTHaa raa coons ass raxa oa sot. Prompt compliance will prevent delay "d "J pans, as all articles aot entered and P"'" ; will be stored by the Custom House efflcers. xne wVrfr tSSSi 'Sm? altbaslneomma. . rundathe effleer. eMJ. hantoel sUaSVufe elty of Charitoa, ! mershantt 01 awoa ,harsof patrftai, and respestfttUy a yfim u 0 iNtr." r Jovtf mvf!1