... t .,rO C;' . VOL. VI.NO. S7GJ CHARLOTTE, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 4,;1862. $6 PER ANNUM. ,7 - - .. , , I " ' ' ' I ' " J mmmm ' ' " 1 " . 1 ' ' . ' -'T" I I I . M HJ - - . M I in , M -.II. i , , ) 1 , , , 1- 1 - 1 'II THE BULLETIN: IIV i:i)VAUI) II. IireiTTON. 'rHt,K NO. 1 TRYON STREET, vrr riX, cm (A tecond floor. TkftMS FOR PAFKR: . IfTIIK I ATLY BULLETIN will bfi muted l MX (x'LI.ARS winBum, IX AUVANCK Tit K Till WEEKLY BULLETIN wul be pb r .rt-rv TnMiar. ThitnhltT and SatunlAf atorning, 'ii.;i4 ! l w vr annum, payable In lvrxr. BY TELEGRAPH. Fight INear Savannah. Sava.h.Vaii, April 1. 1 . Thr-e companies of the 13th Georgia Regiment went on an expedition to Wil minjton Iilsr.d, below this city, yesterday, and mt the enemy, when an engagement ensued, resulting in the loss to the Fed erals of one killed? thre wounded, and fif-. teo taken prisoners, and a barge with a -sU-pounder captured. Our loss was one aded, it is (eared mortally; The prisoners are now in the barracks in this city, and the barge and six-pounder are ,at Cau "ten's Bluff. Thf Military DeapotUm . North. ', or 1U The New York TIVIJ. an ablo Repub- liran nrvin 'thus sneaks of the Utttrt dt " SJ r cachet, which, for a number ol months hae been issued ly the Lincoln Govern ment. It says : - Patiently as the people had submitted to the summary procedures of the State De partment, in arresting on mere suspicions 1 treason, and confining for weeks and . months without trial, they still felt it to be a deep public misfortune. It was in direct conflict with the guarantees of the consti tution, and a moat dangerous precedent for future; times, and was taken by the powera l.ri9.1 an a. virtual acknowledgment that the constitution of the republic was not adequate to its own protection ; and as a uroof of the desperate condition ol the Federal cause. The 7e ffers de cachet were an unheard of thing in any country not ruled by a despot. Never before aincc the Barons exacted Magna Charta at Runnymede, did the An- glo-Saion race submit to such an aasutnp- lion of power. The fact, extraordinary as it is. is incontrovertible that the American Secretary of State has exercised the power in immuring the American citizens without ; judicial warrant or trial, which Charles I. or James 11., in the utmost stretch of hts royal prerogative, never durst, attempt, though the one did arbitrary which cost . him his throne. - .--- Tut N A3Uvii.LE Ladies. In further con. -.' Croiatiunct the rlaal ot the Nashville 1 diea to renewed acquaintance with Fede ral officers who have sought the privilege " of visiting them, we copy from the Atlanta ,CVJrac the following extract from a private letter from one of the roost charm- g, intelligent and fascinating belies ot inai in city to a lady friend in Atlanta. She writes Nasuviixe, Alarcli 1j, ico.. Th Yankees are thick as blackbirds in May brMow. t could annihilate them, .oul 'and body ! Thank heaven there are no Union men here, and the Yankees are very sorry to see bow bitter every one is. The iadiea, especially give it to them tight and UH. They have the audacity to call upon me. and I have the independence to .end them word that 1 am a rebtl, and hate no dtsire to tee Vandal : When we meet them on the street we invariably cross overl lower our veils and hurrah for the Southern Confederacy. Gov. Andy Johnson is now here. You should have seen the reception I gave to the arch liend and traitor when k BtttmDted to speak to me yesterday. that his friend of lie qUUMJ v... iwo years ago, and the person then before him' were quite diherent persons Save Your Ashes. THE Charlotte Chemical Jo M. Co.. will pay 1-1 cents per bushel for good clean All oersons Having any to sell, will please give notice at the Drug More oi r. ye f lARLOTTB C. Jt"M. Co. cVarlotik drug store. ! E. NYE HUTCHISON & Co WfcCTAlUDEALKItS IN FOLEIQN AND DO UV, MESTlO DKUUS, SJedlcinea, Chemicals, wrfumery, Fancy Artlclea.OUs, PalnU'srniahea, Window Glaai. Patty. ljs Staffs, Trirpentlne. Burnlaf Fluid, Alcohol, Por Lto,uor,Caaton Tea, riU and Oardn 6dtt Ao, Ac. . w&rinf closed oar books, we Intend to kU here fJieI?fSaah: tMy 4. lol-tf iTrENTlOX VOLtlNTEEUS. 1 have on handTloTof OIL CLOTJI rlVTS; aUo, Oil Cloth by the yard; which I will sell l reasonable prices.- Call Tt the store of Messrs. Hilxer & Li. oor to Euas & Cohens Grocery next door to y All REN S. btore. , ,mr.;.ym . Feb 19, ioo Take Notice. LL person indebted to the subscriber COME TOWARD IMMEDIATELY! J. S. PDILL1PS, vWviso located la Cbarlott roped- vlt MfI!j?oU a soars or pubno patron- SrJ ticuce. aiier the Sgjisj ? rh ' Atlantic,-Tenn. & 0. Railroad. " Tkcas. Office A. T. Sc. O.R.R.Co., I; J ' Charlotte. March 17, 1862. f f As the last installment of Stock sub scribed in Mecklenburg county, is doe on the 21st of April, all Stockholders in arrears are requested to make immediate payment. Contractors have faithfully periormed theirdutto8,aJmuf&epaif. The amount is due from Stockholders. Come forward, PAY UP and get your certificates. ' . M. L. WRISTQN,-JVe?. Kir Vhig copy four weeks. -March 17, 1862 d2w ATTENTION!' '- , JIEiV OF MECKLENBURG. ARC EAI5INO A COMPANY FOiyTni: sod will relfereyoa of the Draft by enlisting with oj. - - ' . JjQimHTJNTmElllin O.TT untt; win t paid, adI clothing furnished before leaving Uve County. ' -. --"! C O M E O R W AR D 252STX.IST, I and let not Llstorj reer4 a draft la old Mecklen banr. - - -' ; r- - .. . J. II. WHITE, . S. LV BELK, . - - J. M. SPRING. CharlotteMarch 14, 1862 tf " Ca(ch;he,Descr(er rjlUIUTY DOLLARS II 15 W A It D, WILL bo given for the apprehension and delivery, of David Reid, who deserted Company E., 31th Regiment, North Caro lina Troops,, at Camp Mangum, .near Raleigh. N. ,C, 13th i. January 1862. Said Keid is supposed to be thirty-seven years of age, five feet eleven inches high, sandy hair, blue eyes, red complexion and down look, nothing promising indicated in hia appearance. Said Reid's residence is Caldwell county, N. Cohere he is sup posed to be lurking. Bring him in and res ccive the money. - . " -, JOHN F. HILL, Captain.- Per W. O. IlARRELSO.V, (J. i. Hamilton, N. C, March 7th, 1862. march 22 '62-btf . . L. T. LEVIN, . Commission Me reliant, SELU ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. COLITJIIIIA, s. March 14, 16oJ iy Dissolution of Copartnership. THE FIRM OF BURROWS & PAS- CIIALL is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ' I.J. liUKaowa is authorized to close np all outstanding-accounts. Persons having claims against this firm will please present them as soon as ponsibtc tor set tiement, and those indebted will please tmm fnrwarJ a ul settle. P. jnuntrioTrOi-- - . . I. A. PASCIIALL. Chariot te, Jan.-12, 162. " jan 14 'tia-d if -' riONFEDEUATK UNIPOKIUS. 4 -Just received a superior quality "of Gold Lace for ornamenting sleeves and Conled- cratecape. - f or saw at KAILNW tlL.K 5C WKUS. -Feb. 15, 1862 tt SWOltV, a.ia An a uu.aa :' ' " - . A handsome Stiver Case bworu, tor Captain or Commissioned Officers, with a red Silk Sash and Belt. or sale at KAHNWEILER St BROS. Feb. 15, 1862 tf " COTTON PL.AMT15US. . Just received a lot of Bagging. For sale low at KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb. 15, 1662 ti - jJIi.ITAltY MUTTONS) &C. Received per- Steamer Isabel, Gold Ep Eaulets for Commissioned Officers, Military luttons, Gold Lace, Pistols, &c. Call soon at - KAHNWEILER At BROS. Jan. 25.' 1862 tf. , . QOTTON IjACES, &C. We are selling off our splendid stock of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves and Collars, French and English worked Bands. Edging and Inserting, Thread, Linen and Cotton Laces, as usual, low prices, . Selling very fast at KAHNWEILER &. BROS. Jan. 25, 1662 tf TTENTION BATTALION. .-- Just received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot for camp use. Also, an 'assort ment of heavy Army Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, Eqam eled Oil Cloth Coats. For sale at . KAHNWEILER &. BROS.' January 25, 1862 tf CfJJPUIlNONG WINE. . Superior articles of Scupemong WINE, In bottles for family use. For sale at- KAHNWEILER &HKOS. Jrn. 25, 1862 tf , JUSTItKCEIVEU. . 5V A supply-of extra fane MERINO. UN DER-SillRTS have jat been received and for sale by J. 3. PHILLIPS, - dec 12,'61-dti. . . t jiilitaky'ordeu EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT N. . C..V rcE, ADJCTAxr General's Offic Raleigh, February 13thf 1862 FIVE REGIMENTS OF .VOLUN TEERS for the war are wanted to make up North Carolina's Quota of the Army of the Confederate States, to whom a bounty of fifteen dollars per man will be paid by the State and fifty dollars per man by the Con federate States. - - - - This number is expected to be raised with as little delay as possible, and Com panies at present organizing will report to this Office with as little delay as possible. They will be received by Companies or in dividuals, and when a fall Company ia ten dered, four officers will be commissioned ; with a less number., appointments will be given as follows t A Captain for forty men j First Lieutenant for twenty.five men; Second Lieutenant for fifteen. The Militia, who -have, been ordered on dutyi and to be in readiness,' can still avail themselves of iuV opportunity ol getting into the volunteer service and the number so doing will be credited to their respective counties. JJy order of the Governor, - - J. G. MARTIN. Adjutant General. : r All th paper In the State copy four times.- . - - 7-trr-r PEEMAJfEITT -GOVEBNUEirr ; 4r tbs Confederate States of America. ; PRESIDENT: JEFFERSON DAVIS, OF MISSISSIPPI. TICK-PRESIDENT: ALEX. H. STEPHENS, OF GEORGIA. CABINET OFF I C ESS: SKcarrAKT or stitb, ft. in. T. HUNTER, of Virginia. 8ECam RT OS TBS TKX1SCKT, c. c. TTlETi.TilNGEirofS. Carolina. " BSCKKTABT OF THB HAW, S.H-1TIAL1LOIlY,ori'lorlda. - BacarrasT of war, I.. P. AVALItElttOf Alabama, ; POiTMieTEH ORSKR1L, ' JO 11? II. It KAfi AN, of Texas. - - ' arroRsrv ontut, -J. P. nENJAHl.V, of Louisiana. ALaBAHA Senators Messrs. William I. Tan- cer. O O Clav Members of the House Measrs K L Dargan, W P CbUton. Jamea L Pojrh, J L .ll Corrv, W B Bmlth, John P Rawls, Tbomaa i Poster, D Cloptoo L f Lyon.' r; : AsKAKaAS.-Senators Messrs Robert "W John son. Charles B MitcbelL Members of the House :Messrs Pellx J Batson,' CrrandisoD D Royster, Aagastos H Garland, Tho- maa B lianly. rxo&iw. senators I ElecUon returns not re- AffQbraof the llouse Messrs James B Desklna, Hilton. Gcorgia. Senators Messrs R U XIllL Robert Toombs. '" Members of the Uoasc Measrs A H Keenab, Hiaa Uolt, A R Wright, J alien llartrldge, Lucius J Uartreil, Wm w Clark, Kobert P Trlppe, Darld W Lewis, U i Munnalrm, Uarjv Strtcklaod: - LocnsjARA. Senators Messrs Fd ward Sparrow, T JBemme. Members' of the 'House Messrs DP Ktnner, Chas VlQera, John Perkins, Jr., C W Conrad, tleorr Marshall, Laden Dupose. , MtiKisoiPH. SeuaWrs Messrs Albert O Brown. Jamea Phe Ian.' . Members of the House Measrs John J McRae, J W Clapp, Keubla Darts, Israel Welch, 11 0 Cham bers, u a Siogletoo, AlarkadaJe. MiSdODBJ. Senators Messrs John B Clark, R. BY Peyton. x Members of the Hoase Messrs Jehn- Hyer, Caspar W tlell, Ueorife U Vest, A U Oonrow, W W Cook, Thomas W i'reeman, Taemas A Harris. ' North Cahulha Senators Messrs George Da' vis, WmSDortch. .Members of the House Messrs W N II Smith, Robert Bridges, Owen R Keenao.J D McDowell- Thomas S Ashe, Archibald Arlington, Robert Mc Lean, WUIIau Lander, RS GarUter, AS David, son. 8otmr GasoUxa. Senators Messrs R W Barn- well, James L Orr. .. ' Members of the House Messrs W W Boyce, W Porcher Miles, M L Bonham, John' McQueen, L M Aver, James Parrow. . Teuxbssbb. Senators Messrs Langdon C Uavnesj Gustavus A Henry. ' Members of the House Messrs D M Can-in, J 0 0 Atklna, U E Poster, Tbomaa Menees, George W Jones, M P Gentry, W G Swann, W U Tibbs, E L Gardner, T J Heiskell , TtXA8 Senators Messrs. Louis T. Wlgfall, W, 8. Oldham. - . Members of the House Messrs. Jolin A. Wil cox, Peter W. Graham, O C Her belt, W Wright, Malcolm P Urahatn, S. li. F. Bex ton. . Virouiia. Senators Not elected. Members of the House Messrs. John li. Cham bliss, Moscoe JC H. Garoett, John Tyler, Roger A Pryor, Thomas E liocock,-John Goode, Jr., James. P Helcombe, D 0 Dejarnette, William Smith, A R Bottler, John B Baldwin, W R Sta- pies, v alter Prestou, A u Jenkins, Kebert jonn- Mdtrs. "It -C Waruett, WilUam E Bimms. Members of the House Messrs Daniel P White, Thomas B Monroe, J H Ford, John J Thomas, T DBarre.I, George W Ewlng, George B Hodges, Thomas Johnson; " ' - TiOTTON UV VEILS. ElsX A8 c& 0OCX3lr will Durcnase '- . . CPTTON, GRAIN, FLOUR, ." COUNTRY PRODUCE, of all kinds, for which the - HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH wlU be paid. Y , . , - Just received a large lot of BAGGING AN ROPING, and a complete supply of GROCERIES nov4 6l-tw2mos E. k 0. K00PHAN 'S Anti-Dysenteric & Anti-Dyspflpt io PREPARED BY B. KOOPMAN. CHARLOTTE, N. C. f flHESE unrivalled Bitters possess peculiar cu- II, ratlve properties In all Affections of the Bowels. Tfcey will be found effectual la the cure ol Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Soar Stomach and all those painful and troublesome diseases arising from a derangement of the digestive or gans and Irregular action of the functions of the stomach and intestines. . They will also be found a SAFE REMEDY FOR CHILLS AND FEVERS. These Bitters ars prepared from Roots brought from Germany, and for over a century have been found effectual in that country for the permanent cure of the diseases enumerated above. - They contain no deleterious drug, but are compounded entirely from roots, and are perfectly safe at all times. ' A simple trial is ail that is asked, as a cure will naturally foUow, and that la the best certificate of their superiority over every other remedy for those particular diseases. They are manufactured by B. Koopman, Char lotte,N. and for sale by, - AUUsMUAN PHELPS. Also, for sale at F. Ucarr's and E. Nye Hatchin soa Oo's Drug Stores. . - - feb 25-ly . ... NOTICE. To (A ifreriff oUu different ConUe olforih , - ' Carolina.' . ALL BLANKETS AND CLOTHING WHICH may be received by you can be sent directly to the several Companies whleh went from your ,A.,ni and when your own Companies are sup- lled7you will thea forward any balance on hand. boxes, directed to the Quartermaster In Raleigh with the Company and the Regiment plainly mar ked on them ; and you will have the contents of each box marked oo H. : . . - - Whenever the Companies are on duty in your neighborhood, you are antherixed to deliver the .t?M to them, taking the receipt of the Captain for them, which receipt you, will forward.to ; taia office - . n : - Octa.lSfll. I - ;?- ' Qaarterniaster'iJ Ollice, - ; . " Octobrr 3dr 1861.- ANY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MAY BE Desirtras of Using Contracts for making Clothes for the Army of North-Carolina, can ob tain terms, Ac on - application' at this office Goods will be Issued to any responsible parties, in quantities sufficient to cloth single Companies which can b mad up In their own. neighborhoods, and the money will be paid to the parties receiv ing the Goods, an the return of the manufactured articles. - Parties - may furnish the Cloth,' which will b paid for by the State. . - J. DEYERETJX, JL Q. IT. " x October " - THIS ASSEMBLY HOUSE, One Sqaare wee of tU Poet-QOce Plain etreet Columbia, arc.-. . - THIS well known establishment has been -thor oughly re-fitted and improved, and Is now penaansaUy Opened fgr Vh accommodation of ths public, Every attention wUl be given to sup ply the wants an4 comforts f patrons. - Eatea tasrat. 0, X, MASON, . ,MJ r -- --t. ?TPl1rtri THE LABGEST CIECTJLATION IN WES-. TERN NORTH CAT.OIINA. A , - THE . : CATAWBA JOUIlNlii - T . and' - THE DAILY , BXJLLIiTnr, Vf. E. H. B R I V O INT V J CIIAliLOTTI- "ci"; THESE Papers (embracing l: a JTrx-Wbeiiv Bmjjrfra ) e?UbUsbed,lnthe.t a of. Charlotte, N. .C. affords unusual advanUi to Advertisers both at home and abroad,' is He e I itioms, weekly, now exceed" -" v v7 : SIX THOUSANl OIfES, wi.lrh wa hara no doubt are read by at least ; r TWENTY THOpslKD ; persons each week, a large proportion ol whom are Planners and their, famlliea.: ; ''K ' As a means of Advertising we are cohfident that great advantages can is oWiir$d tbf ougb tiis es tablishment, hence we emtrr"? i.u opportunity tn lnfrn " " ' J r-vin: nlUeaon. thee&board. (dirltyton and- Wiaalng- ton,) that our XacilitJes for dreolang their business Notices throughout Western North Carolina an the adjoining Districts in South Carolina are ei- tenstrtf&od complete. :' Our terms are liberal and a large deduction wiU bemadeon the bifls of Contract Advertisers . Sept.2T, 1S61. . ' . ' ', ' .,' . lUARTIN, TANNAHILL & Co., (Successors to N: M. MARTIN, SON Co.) Grocers & ComMssion Mercliants, PETERSBURG, VA. . WALTERS. MARTIN & Co (Successors to N. M. MARTIN SON A- Co.) c o.in mission in e u ciian t s , " " 3FC.XQ ri m ond, "Tk7"a., R. A. Martut, formerly of Granville Co.,N. 0. R. Takkahiix, formerly of Edgecombe Co., N. C Walter K. Mabtih, of Richmond, Va. N. M. Marti, of Richmond, JTa. R. U. CrasiHQHAM Jr.. of Richmond, Va. BOTH concerns will give faithful personal at tention to the sales of COTTON, WHEAT. TOBACCO and CORN. Neither concern will bify any of the above named articles, either on Com mission, Speculation or otherwise, as their busi ness In produce Is confined to SELLING exclu sively. Refer to - - C P. Fisbkr, Esq., President N. C. Rail Road, t Dr. W. J. Hawkins, Pres't R. A Gaston Rail Road, it. R. BRlDasas, sq Pres't Bank at Tarboro, N. C Hon. W. N. Ld wards, Warren County, N. C. Jamks M. Bullock, Ksq., Granville County, N. C. C. r. Fishkr, casnier &xcnange isana, Petersburg Ktsr P. Battlb, Esq., Raleigh, N. C. SST We respectfully call the attention of Cotton Planters and dealers to Petersburg as being one of the beat Uotton markets In the South, having both a good home and foreign 'demand, and we are pleased to hear that efforts are now being made to get the. freight through from Charlotte to Peters burg reduced to about f 3 a bale. . - - - nich l, lBOi-am. prospecttus OF THE CHARLESTON MERCURY A POUTICAL. COMfKEBCIAL, AND LITERARY KtWPAPtS PUBLISHED DA1L Y AND TRI- WKE&L Y raUG Mkuoubv gives daily reports of the Mar fl ket and Marine Intelligence In Onarleston. and of Charleston commerce tit the leading sea ports of the world. The Weekly Prices Current is made np with much care, and from ,the most reliable sources. Its connection with the "Asso ciated Press . Insures the. latest intelligence by kur'c 'SVrvft? earliest pews by Steamers from respondent in iUlJr Tr2S!i?lea ViT' with the editorial staff oftraXoTSTOnTrmeTTCnTr reeular Correspondents in new xoric, Washington, Key West and Havana. The monthly New York Fashion .betters ana weejvijr letiera on juiie in Washington are additional attractions in favor of iu lady readers. Its literary notices, irom tne i.Q of a erentleinan Who occupies perhaps the highest position among the literary men of the .Suutn, are discriminating ana comprenensive. Attention is paia to au maimers 01 general concern, especially those In reference to the Planting and Agricultural interest, and to the current news of the day.' Great care Is tas.cn tnat nothing shall appear in its columns which should be excluded from the family circle. The political creed or the mkbccbt consists In the principles of the Democratic Party, as laid down In the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1TV8 and 1799 the Sovereignty of the States ; a strict construction of the Federal Constitution by the General Government, tne agent or tne Mates; Free Trade, and an economical -Administration 01 the Government. Its policy is th Union of the Southern SUtes in maintaining their rhibta. Terma-rrayable in Advance, DAILY, per Annum $10.00 TRI-WEEKLY ..6.00 Clubs will be F ur olahed a follows: Five Copies of the DAILY for.'. . ..S40.0V Five Copies of the TRI-WEEKLY ........... 80,00 The name or no person out 01 vnaneston will be entered on our. books, unless the payment of the subscription be made In advance. " Nor will orders from without the city to publish Advertisements, Marriage Notices, or Obituaries, be attended to, unless the Cash, or an acceptable City reference, accompany the order. Money may always. be forwarded at our risk in registered letters. - Postmasters are autnorued to act as our Agents In obtaining subscribers and forwarding the money ; and by sending us Fine Daily subscri bers, with $50 enclosed or Fine Tsj-Wssklt subscribers, with. $25 enclosed, will be entitled to ad extra copy ; or If preferred, taey may retain Twenty per cent, or tne pre-paymeats xor tneir trouble and In lieu of the extra paper. -.' Out of South Carolina, no person, whatever is authorised to. collect debts already due to the ataaooar. ' . , - - . ' : Iq the State Mr. Sahubl Hi. kdbobss is our reg- ulur Agent to piake eoUecuons ana. procure new business and subscriptions. ' La Charleston, Mr. Jamks D. Bddds, connected with the office, is our regular authorised collector hn f nil nower to receipt for money now due the paper and to contract for future business. J -Subscribers and others, in debt to us, are urgen tly requested to send in our dues by mail at the .,nt nHnrt Bvso dolnz. they win save us twenty per cent, an amount equivalent to a prln clpal portion of th profits. ''' . South, who receive dbj 'iu:wssu.i.r neir Wksbxt, are respectfully requested to compensate ns for the difference. In. value, by inserting this Prospectus. , r-K-itsL. a' A A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER j THB TIHB8! large tight-Page Weekly, published in Greensboro. $l.i)0 a year; $1.00 for six months. THE TIMES contains weexiy iony columns of choice matter, specially adapted to the famiry circle. - It is neither sectarian nor political, but by being courteous to all sects and parties, It ia the constant aim of the publishers to present in its eolumns whatever may elevate the people and en rich the State. The publishers would earnestly appeal to the families of North Carolina. to give THE TIMES a trial; try It for six months, to see if It be net as- well to patronixe home papers, as those from abroad ; to Duua up come interests and a State pride, and to scatter our substance and our energies among strangers, wye tbx xucxs a trial and then let ft stand upon its merita." . WHAT IS BAU) PW TUB TUtXS. . The Times I regard as the very first of an Seuthera Literary Weeklies." Rev. j3. p. Deems. I know of no weeaiy puoilshed an v where. tha.t U so deserving of publie patronage as the Times." Rev. J. E. Edwards. - . "There is no panaenng to a -ritlated taste eve ry article Is of a moral tendency, and calculated both to amuse and Instruct." Wilmington Herald On enne nanusomea wetxiy papers published In the Union." Spirit of the Age. - - z ' , . r4 the seopie of North Caarolina MlAnnnin .their own newspapers. Raleigh Standard. . - Address, . : . . v.uas, ALBRIGHT, ; - . ' Greensboro. N. C. j AJra, . - -f x ' ' OATA WB A - JOURA All - rrriHE BULLETIN Is published dailvln th. tnvn II -of Charlotte, at $1 per annum, invariabr la I advance. ' T . . T - Th e UAT A we p uuxtAL is pas&ibad weekly iarlAfcljia,4'M . - : i'ALMErro. -lROISr WOEK8. - - coluitiijia, s. c, V, ESTABLISHED, A D.i MDCCCLI. W11LIAM GIAZ ; M" ANTJPACTURER OF STEAM ENGINES, from 10 to SO Horse Pdwer : SUGAR MILLS of every style now In use. Mill Work of every cuscnpuon. AJso, Iron Railing, with every inscription of Iron and Brass Castings. , . would call attention to Iron Casting In the way of enclosing Public Buildings, Dwellings, Qt pteps,0aiestro itaiiing, and all alcd or enclosures for Cemetary lots. Having a first rate Boiler maker with as, we are prepared to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, at short notice. Will send boiler maker to any part of the State. Our Steam Engines will be found, when compared with those mads at North--Tern establishments, to be from twenty-five to forty per cent larger for the same horse power. - " These Works bare been In successful operation for ser ral years, -with an increase of patronage from ail parts of the Southern country, for which the Proprietor returns his thanks to Lis numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no pains or expense will be spared to merit a con tiauance of their favors. THE CiTAWBl JOURNAL WE are"pleased to advertise ihe friends and patrons ol this establishment that we com mence the publication of the second volume of the fisst named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices. " - .The circulation of the above named DRDer Is rapidly Increasing, and its influence as . an adver Using medium is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having access to almost every neighbo r hood in this and adjoining Counties, as wU as the adjoining Districts in South Carolina. V TJXE CATAWJJA JOlJAXNAt,, One- of the largest "papers now published in the State, mailed for 1.00 per annum, made up -from the ' columns of the Daily Bcluktin, has not only become a popular papers, but it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use its columns ar an advertising medium. Specimen copies will be sent to any section they ma y be ordered, free of postage. ' or terms, Ac, we refer the reader to our Ira- pi int. E. H. BRIXTON nov.H-tf ' ; Tlie Literary Paper.ol' tne South 'JEVERY' FAMILY SHOULD READ IT' : - THE LAEOEST1 THB CHEAPEST J TH& BESTl ILLUSTRATED SOUTHERN FAM ILY PAPER 1 . - , HE TIMES la -neither pohUcat nor sectarian, put is the constant aim of the Editors to fill its columns with the choisest Historical, Literary and Family reading, and with a large ' selection of all the new of the day, both foreign and domes tic. The fifth volume commences with the new year i860. Engagements have been made to make this the most brilliant year in the history of THE TIMES.. It will commence with - ' ' Tliree lleautiful Jtrize Stories. Its illustrations will be increased;' and Its typo graphical appearance will be improved by a still neater dress.-- The Publishers are determined to keep pace with the improvements of the age: their motto Is "PROGRESSION," and as the circulation of THE TIMES enlarges each year, they are de termined to . add new attractions to its eolumns, and make it the literary paper f the South. With these , inducements the Publishers confidently ex pect several thousand increase is circulation. ' , But as additional incentives to the friends of the South to enconrage their own literary and family paper, In which they will find none of -that impure and Immoral reading which sometimes they get from abroad, the Publishers of THE TIMES otter $2,500 IN PREMIUMS For subscribers to commence with the new volume and the new year TiiE TIMES is printed weekly on eight large pages, fine paper, at $2 a year. In ad H P ft r flTiPrU"u;n,Jft9mlerg and circulars COLfl inCLBRTGHT-.- nov. S-tf . Greensboro, N. C . PROSPECTUS ' ; Of THB HILLSBOROUGH 11EC0R0ER, POLITICS, AGRICULTURE, MISCELLANY, GENERAL NEWS. . DENNIS HEABTT HILLSBOROUGH, N. ITH the present volume the RECORDER commenced the loruetu year of its exis tence, the first number having been issued the 10th, of February, 1&40 ; during all which time we have labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and tfe hope that in these particulars we have not been altogether unsuccessful. It has been our wish to make the RECORDER, a good Family Pa per, devoted to Politics, Agriculture, Miscellany, General News, Ac, with a view to the entertain ment and Improvement of the farmers and citl sens of the circle in which it Is distributed. Our Agricultural department we endeavor to fill with .the best selection we can, make from all sources, giving preference to 'such as will be of practical use to the farmer and cultivator ; and in this par tlcular we hope to make the RECORDER as valu able to the agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agricultural character; In our Miscella neous department, we shall contiue to be, a we have always been, careful to select such articles as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to. improve the mind and heart. . While we shall be thankful to receive well-written articles to aiorn our columns, wa are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer selected matter of superior merit, to loosely-written and ill-digested articles, though ornamented at the top with the' coveted words Written -expressly for the RECORDER." In our News department w shall take especial pains to present to our readers the latest Intelligence ; and to enable ns to do so we have facilities equal to those enjoyed in any portion of the State, except those favored with telegraphic communication. -Asingleoopy; one year,. $,2.00 , . ' Six copies, one year J ...H).t)0 - -Ten copies; one year.,... v.. 15.00 - Payment always In advance. Any of our old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and send us the cash, shall receive their own paper free of charge. ... July 18. " ' THE SOUTHEBN GUARDIAN 19 PUBLISH KD AT COLUMBIA, SO, OA, ; 1 BY. CHARLES P. PELHAM. ' ' " Txaics: . ; -.j : Dally..... ..:.....$( 00 per annum Tri'Weekly .., 4 00. Weekly ........ 2 00 - f3P Payment in advance' invariably, " post masters sending us five dally subscribers, with, $30 00, or five tri-weekly subscribers, with $20 00, (enclosed In registered letters,) wiU be entitled to an extra copy, or In lieu of that 20 per cent, of the sums thus remitted, provided the order ia for as many as five copies. Ten per cent, will be allow ed for amounts remitted lor single Subscriptions. -: f ADvaETraasuorrs - - , Inserted aVlbe following rates Is the Dally and Tri-Weekly ; . " . . - t-.- Out squarelO lines or less) One Insertion. . .50 cts Each subsequent inseruon ....... ;n . x . . 35 eta When an advertisement is Inserted in the Week ly, or but once a week In the Daily, SO cents a square for each insertion. .-. i, , We offer to advertisers the inducement of send ing their favors to be read by & numerous and in fluential class of readers, both in town and -country. The Southern Guardian presents great ad vantages as an advertising- medium f Its circula tion Is large, and is dairy And rapidly extending. particularly In the middle and upper strict of the state. . . , r ... r j . job LraurriHo. .-. . The Job Office. Is thoroughly appointed in all respects, ana nttea ior every description ef Job Work. In coanection'with H Is -Bindery "' Th Southern Guardian is tlevoted te the jnsin tenance of the rights, honor ana interests of the r South under the Constitution-. While, it is -willing to'justain th Democratic party whenever its cquts hall commanc approval by its justice, It yet more. eenfldenuy ana aisanciry ruies apos the tte&Dle of the South ; and as (he best preparation for the contest which la even now upon us, it will sealoua ly labor to effect onion and -eo-operatloa amongst OMrttt. . - In the aanagement of this' journal,-tie earlv production of every class of news from all parts of the world, tne lessons or virtue and .morality, the interests of education, agriculture, commerce, and manufactures will be kept prominently jn view, ana no cuort wui ipsrea vo bhu it, in ail res neeta, an acceptable-flr-ld e visitor. 37" We send our Daily to nearly u th Week Jy newspapers of the State. Will tbey.ia conild rsAlea of this advaatage, tXnUj f t taa aaora prnpectar fiiiernj, : J -r pvxf - Wilmington, ; Charlotte arid Rutherlbrd Kail Road; , , t :J traxsportatioh Omoi, W. D. iTKN and after jMonday the 15th Instant the Pas- mjf seneer and Mall Tram will De run on. thU Road daily.(Sundays excepted) as follows: GOING WEST. tkA. Arrive . -7. .8.10 8.87 7.00 A.M. 7.45 8.15 8.40 Charlotte-- TuBkaseege Brevard . Sharon Lincolnton GOING EAST. . 9.0O r Lravr 11.00 A.M. 1L23 u 110 12,17 Arritr.' Llncolnton ' ' 'jr Sharon 1 . 11.45 v: Brevard 11.45 Tuskaaeege - . i . 12J5P. M. Charlotte J 1.00 , - By Order, '",.- , - - t, V. A." MCBEE, Acting Master of Transportation Uncolnton, April 4tb, 1S61. ' t f MaifticmE R.? f ft IHE charges on this Road must be trcnald on JL all Freighta going to Stations on. this Road wnere tnere are no Agent. AU sucn rreights will be delivered at said Stations at the owners risk. w.;-: - A. Hi MARTIN, ; v , " s ' - freight Agents January 22, lSiJtf . Charlotte. Charlotte Foundry Vt - We;8 Iril -MtAitTiahmAnt. thn uhderatmiBd hon Ipkvk to call the attention of the publio to the fact that he ia now ready to fill every order for making Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Prssses, and every description of Machinery. - All kinds of Cas tings in' Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice and reduced' prices: Particular attention given to the making and repairing of Threshing Machines, Horse Powers,' Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural Work of. all kinds. Blacksmith ing, Job, Wagon Work,; and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brajs and Copper Cast ings bought at the .Foundry or taken iu dxohanl for job work. ' A 11. kinds of . Wood Turning also done. ' -dec U-tt JOHN M. HOWIE. TiieEdgecoiiibeFariuJourn f IfHE subscriber will commence on or about the JL 1st of September, 1S60, the publication of a monthly journal in Tarboro', to be devoted to the plantation and rural interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. , ' Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed as the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel that there is no locality better suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of.a hrt class agricultural paper than Tar boro'. It is to be called "The Edgecombe Farm Journal," And will contain original and selected articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac, Ac . It ; wills be published with new type and clear white paper, in a neat quarto form. ' z The price of subscription has been made so low as to . place tne publication, witnln reach of eyery one. --'--. TERMS: - -.. . . One copy ne year... -..".,... ....,.,.$0 60 ' Seven copies one year . . .'. . . .. .". ... . 8 00 Twelve copies one year; ...... ..... .... .5 00 Twenty-five oopies on year ............ 10 00 no paper sent unless paid for In advance. , WILLIAM B. SMITH, lEg1SUif and Pitaprtetor,.Tar 00 N. C. 6ALTIMUKC0iElClALCULLEIii FOUNDED 852v. CHARTEHEft ' 54 v Corner of BaUUaor and. Char lei Streets t -V ' - - AtTiHOaa SJIlHE Largest and most Elegantly Furnished JL- Commercial College in the united States. . - tivery young man -should write immediately for one of- those, large 'and beautifully- ornamented Circulars, representing the exterior and Interior 'View' of the BaItimoam Commkxoial ColLkok. Penmanship, Ac, which . will sent by return mail free of charge, with Catalogue containing List ef Students, Terms of Tuition, Opinions of th Press on eur New System of Book-Keeplng, cto.: E. K. Louis, Principal Lecturer on the Sclenes of Accounts, Business, Customs, eto. : - - -J. M. Phillips, Professor of Book-Keepiag and . Gommercial Calculations. H. HI Davus, Associate Prof, of Book-Eeeping. W. v. johmsoh, rroiessor 01 renmansoip. -. 8. X. Wuxiams, Esq., Mercantile Law Rav. E. . Rgass, D D Commercial Ethics. ' .v , auBf aas. ': Hon John P Kennedy, J Hon Joshua Tansant, Hon Thomas Swann, J Win H Kelghler, Esq., Jacob Trust, Esq., - I Wm Knabe, Esq.-- .The time usually required to complet the full bourse, frotn 8 to 12 weeks. V ,. . - A DiTbOMA is awarded to all Graduates; Large Circulars .and Catalogues stating Ural Ao,,sent by mall free ofohargei .. - Address -: - ' ' K. LOSIER, " ' -Jaa lT-tf : Baltimore, pJf , j PROSPECTUS ; . STATE JOURNAI.. TTTTAViNG become the proprietor of the Detno-l tl U erotic Press, x bare merged that paper into the Statb Jeoajux, - which .will, be published Semi-Weekly and Weekly. , v ' The Sai' JocBSAir' will advocate Democratic principles In the broadest sense, and will support and defend Democratic measures and their advo cates as they are presented; and as occasion may require. . In ether essentials it will be my aim - to make the paper, what its name denotes, a State Journal eschewing all" sectional ' considerations and working for the entire State and her common interests. - ; : - - As soon as arrangements can be made,' the whole paper shall be re-modeled and printed with new type, on good paper, and In a superior manner. . The Editorial department will be properly atten ded to In its various branches, and will speak for 1W self.' Neither labor nbr expense will be spared in the management of the paper. - - Th tertne of the State. Journal wiU be as fol- ows" C: ; - ; . eml-Weekly, per annum ..Vii.'.: .;..... $400 Weekly. r.200 These terms will be Insisted upon iwoaridbln in advance-. No name will. be put npon- the list without the money, and all papers rwiH be dlscoo tinned at the expiration of the time for which they have been paid, unless the subscrlption.be renewed. I am satisfied, from years of experience, that upon no other footing can any newspaper hope to suc ceed. ; ' : . ' Advertisement of a proper character wiU be Inserted at the following rates ; ' On square, first Insertion.. ...$100 f " Each subsequent insertion..'..., v. ....... .25 cent. A liberal deduction on these rates for yearly ad vertisers in the Semi-Weekly." In the. Weekly edi tlonthe full rates will be charged. - -- ; -r V ' JOHN SPEIiMAlT, NovST, lS60, - ; . Editor and Proprietor 1862 IHERN WSJCJ THE SOUTH II 'WOW.IS THE TIME TO SUB SCRIBE FOR THE GREAT SOU THERN WKJsaiLY I THB BEST TALENT OF THE SOUTH 18 WRITING FOR IT. Tiiei Southern KeW and Fireside, Published every Saturday, at 'Augusta, ' G.y ac knowledged to be "tie best Family Paper in 14 SorfA,M contains in each Issue,- elgkt pages (ferty eolumns) of . J . . Cliolce Readlxtaj ITJattep. . devoted to thfr instruction and amusement of th friends of Southern ....... v LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, and ART. g2f" Subscribers are presented semi-annually with an INJj,otc Table of Contents - , ' TXjjVoi)OiJuwraA ' AddresiViMIS QARPNIB, Augusta-Ga. V A Cook and WaslierlWaDted. . AW experienced COOK, Washeraad foa47 J3TeM of a pleaseant sltuatlen ea appUcaUoa TELEGRAPHIC SEQOISrD EDITIQISr : ; CongressionaL - Telegraphed Expressly for -".the Bulletin.) . ' Richmond, April 3. 1862. . On yesterday the Senate pasaeU a bill increasing the, namberof depositories lor the Public Treasury, to be located by the Secretary. ' ' - . -, ' .- i The House passed a bill to admit, duty frety all imports, except from tit Unit J States. . ' i Nothing ol interest to-day iu either House. , All quiet. here. Nothing new from lbs valley of the Potomac nor th Peninsula . The enemy ia not advancing. Ho A bouse on JVlain- street, near the Puat Office. - Artply :to ' April 4, 162 4t. JypJfE$ WANTED. One hundred weir broke and serviceaLU MULES, to be used in transporting army supplies are wanted immediately. Apply to V HROYYN& WADS WORTH, , Aprii l4t,. ' Charlotte, N.i C. FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS .. SAIlI8B,U RYf N. o. s ",, SUCCESSORS TO N. BOYD EN A SON, . MANUFACTURERS OF : ACItlCUIriJUAL, lITllJLEniENTS. Cultivators, flows, Corn-Shellers, ( '" V ' ' ,"" JSeed-Sowers . I" . llorsesPowers &, Tlirasbers, ; - a - THE CELEBRATED . . ' TELEQBAPH CUtTINO MACHINE, For Fodder, flay, StaJka, Oats and Shucks, . Being the first Premium Machine ot the Fairs of North and South Carolina CIDER & BUGAB MILLS. SHAFTING AND MACUINEUY For Oriat, Circular & Vertical Siw Mills , Gold Copper& Silver JTilue. Manufacturers of and Agents for Dr. E. O. Elliott's PATENT MULAY SAW MILL and WATER WHEELS. Plantation and County Rights ior ssle 01 W. T. At C, E. STUART'S PATENT DOUULE ACTING HAY OR COTTON PRESS. Iron and Brass Caatine. Foririnirs and Finished ! Work of every Description. - TOBACCO PRESSES AND FIXTURES, And other Kinds of Machinery repaired at short notice. fjune 18, ItiGlaly MECKLENBURG IRON WORKS, v HENRY ALEXANDER. '" - - . " . ynUE uuucrwgucj PvyroinTOi ta 'tflS'timrni DTt U Charlotte and vicloJtv, and th nubiia ran.. - erallj, that they hav , : i COMMENCED BUSINESS . at lh abuve E S TAB ill S irjfl E IV T TXAdaO CltX-OOt, Adjoining tlie North Carolina Rail Road, and op posite JOHN WILKES Steam FJour Mills. . Tbey are now prepared to furnish all kinds f At abort i notice, and 0)3, reasonable term. STEAM ENGINES . - J BOM 8to 80 HORSE POWER, Horoo-aiiooln c' - . . ' AND. . : 'j f ' ' oIiAciijtiitii's' wonic ! . ' ' or au. sans. ' ! . i R El jP A I R 8 In their UneprompUy attended to. Their F0CN- i DRY la ra full operation, and ' i Cast Regularly twice a Wesk, Wednesdays and Saturdays. ; j y ars prepared to furnish all kinds of CASTINGS IN IRON, UUAS8. Ac.v ' A.0COADIX0 TO OS-DSa. ' SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING, ' . ' QIN wheels; 8 A W - D UST B UHKMS ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR ' - COTTON PRESSES. CAST IKON BAILING, -'For Garden Enclosures, 1 -, , Dwelling UoiTtes, v Publio Buildings, i V i ' . . : r Portlooe, M 1 . - tr Cemvtery Lots, j .'.Their' - , .. - , . IlVlPT.TnvrENT8 For carrying on the business in all Its braoohu, hare been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and are provided with all the . . v' mtPUOVEHElTTS Required to do their work in a J FIUST RATE MAN NEK. "Agent, for Dr. E. 0 Elliott, for WtaUr's Patent Mulay Saw Mill which has the ad van tag, along with jnany others, of doing at least twle as much work, and doing U better, than any other Mill in use It ean be run by Steam, Water or Horse Power. The Mulay may be seen at th Shop at any time. ' HENR ALEXANDER, . N.B. Old Iron, Brass, Copper Ae., bought cf taken la trade. ' , oet. t8,18fl0-tf. . - ' . ' ;; "V ? Wanted. . OA good strong NEGRO f MEN for chpplof Ov wood. Apply at this office. . janT 'Ca-dtf - ' i TTAUNES3 AMP MlIOEJlAKEKa Cand find work at good prices by calling on . M. if. TAYLOR. . ieb662-6t. s L Particular Attention I ffr- ' A S ther wiU b a chanr In oar firm, our cus jV tomerS will do us a great favor by calling and settling their accounts and notes. . . r.. KwOl j lAng. 11, 1S81 tf . - -' I -f SCHOOL-NOTICE. ' ImhmU' resume wi "hooJ on tbe.oth of January la th North Carolina MRiter lastly ' rtrRMS PES SESSION 0F IIYZ MOITTHS. rv tatloir la Primary 'studies and Elmntary ror sauy ArithmeUe. . - . U,v0 .M practical Arithmetic. wlthOol- . UUral studlM. , 116,0ft . . aasalcl.Stadls. , ' . IM.W ft. B. No dedaxUoa after tntertog fthel ts Ivrt5t1i iKatn,a SMBBBSliMBMSJSBJBjBjBJSJBjBj 1 1 . A'- t -