( . . . - . ', " i -v.;- " . '. ,V' .' ' . : 1 -!'- - I . --O - ... v : ' '. . !' - : ' V : ' '.-..:'v ' " ,- " --.' . i- ; "V . " - ;l ','' : ' 1 PER' ANNUM. CHARLOTTEPN;CC. VOL. VL NO: V82J T II EB U LLETIN: i ; v 1 ; i w a it n i jm ji m xros.. '' .....No. lo Tit VON TiUXT, r I ?;,( .,V, t, f. c. I gff. i TIKMS FOR KXTLK:- BY TELEGRAPH. From Savanuali. ' T'tT S.tJ tifreMlt for th Ba'letln.J ' - Sitatab, April 10. 'I tu- r..?i.ib rdzneni commrnccd "about 7 mirninj. Heavy ami rapid ciano.5u. iurin ihe forenoon Irom the cn;ija bu:-rics. The firing slackened ii ihr al:tr:iK:i. asi'l cta?ed aloui aevcn ro-r.ii.t. Tlie crrij'on returned the fire vl. I: 'ra: !y. Th.erc is n ronununioiion wiih the i!rf, niti i: 13 n.tt knnvv:n hcther it has sustained anv ir.jjirjr. - ? V:5! c uiH l? : cm f ff ihc fort frrm Ml Lut cer.id t take no part in the The fort camrrindcd by Col. Charles II. !m5'c?k!. v.r.h Vcarri.-on f;veliMnJrcd iVtrony, auu. it is 'LcIicvcd tlilt they tan m;;!;- a pritrar!c.i reiTacanre. C. " ; : f czc o rtsPATra.) SATA?.rr, April 10, A. M. The fni'myjfo a';a;n opened on the forf, firinj at iir.orvin of abc .t I'alf an hour. It U P,jiyi!-i5cd ihey intend to prevent our I -titer from Corinth. Telrrrj.:. I cspresi! for the naliPtin. . Mv,;;ile, April 10. r Th: latent intelligence froru Corinth saya tiV Yrt!ri were badly whipped. "Our o in killed anJ woumled is Ics tTjan -n (Iiou'inj, . AVe t- k nrar thrrr thodsand prisorfers. Hut three '.irJjat3 prevented a complete victory. " A d: va'ch lft ri?,'11 -"y3 !nat hn !rd j.I ar ravefry attacked the IVderal?, kiUhic ii any, and capturing furty-eight pri-v:: f.-. ' "' -' ' Pa-'srnt rs by the train, arrived here tlii-? -morning. t.iy Gen. Daeli waj killed .I arinrr the rnagenient. A i tru.-e wai interchanged, and it h.i artcd that a cessation of hostilities .-hoald he rcprM-c:cd during two daysin urdr f ii afTord time to bury ihc dead and au n! to the wotinJid. TIi entrny attacked our forces when Tthey were reinforced, but on tver advance they were wh.pped back under tiio cover of , thc'.r cur.boat.-i. ; ; lien. Trentiss told Gen. Beauregard he had sixty-live thousand the flower of the Fi b r.l army but" he could not whip one hundred and twenty-five thouaud Confed erate?. ; Hc.Ttre?ard replie!, he had in the fijjht tnlv !litrty-ei?lit thousand, and could vhip '-The rYderuN tiirec to one, on a fair field. . The JUi Alabfinn regiment covered itself th-.ah all behaved .nobly. wtiu T; ir r!nrej were irrebnbl: Loomts. . The jMeiTimac Tet zr? i-tuT pre!y for the HoSeUs. , f r NorroLrr. April 10. " " The Xrrrtrtae nd other steamers of the Confederate fct left tbe hcrfor at half pat six this morr.ing. No fmn! heard as late- as lc o'clock by the fleet. . 12 o'clcck, p. m." Two br-.r, enc heavy leaded, and a j,rhori-r h ive 1 ten captured by oar fiectt and ar ;vw corr.i? up to our harbor. No firing he ird here yet. ., . Tha I'irei.iii Mt this morning at 6 o'clock, tnJ went to Sewcll's Point. The M'i'vr is "afraid of the Virginia tnd keepa wtlrun2er the guns of Fortress Moo roe. O jr xr-zscl have captured three prizes two t-ri9 ad a schooner. No re:.uTir action ) ct cli ia ood 6p;rits not a i;.m fred. Latf nl irv.m CorlutU Auotber tie to te Fnlit. , . . CiirrAN't .t, April '.. By passengers on the train this morning from towards CYrinth, we learn that on Monday Gen. Huell. wiih an overwhelming force, com-pes-cd partly! fresh troop and rrtly of th-?e w!so had fd m dismay a nd disorder before o'"r trorp-. on Sunday, and vvhlch he hi suAeejed ia rallying, attacked Cen. lieia jard in lis new fines, iu advance of the luitle-eround of Sunday. The two arm iouSht desperately, with'beary Io on" Ihj.U ide, yesierday and to-Ur, wih short ihtcrvals of rest. , . . . . Cen. Dcaurcgard, pressed by vastly -so. - . . . . 1 1 f.-.rrrvT til K'll . i ,-.;. I in nnsierlr style and DaCA. .'Uioi j . . n rood order, to form his position, w hicU 4 is cat'irany irus - - E.all 'wa expected to renew the attack to day at the head of U tho.forces . under his command.- .-" - - ':" Th- ex;itcnent here is very great, hoi cvervb Kiy U buoyant; cifldentty Uhey 'u.i: tuLt,a!to..i:a the enemy vastly cut n.nnvtrs us. such is the pmt wh-.cH .btu mate i-r iutle army, and auch the. coon dence retted in ite leader, aed the subor dtoate .ii;c, the enemy. will-be driTen back v.iih grtat loss, and the battle willre-l-ilt in a great, gloriocs and decisire tic- tory. """ . " "" , , ,, ; FRtvaT Di ratca. C!-iHihooa, H' 7; On fie reception ct tbe news of the battle of i?:i:Ioh Jt Nashville, great conster nation sfeTa.Ud amonj tbe Federal otn tills. Vi ey ie't, racking a "atrakht ahixt tail" for IQus;vil!e. Andy Johnson, Maynari, Cihrldc, and.the Postmaster, n their harrF Ic,; bZ$Z Uhind. SMilTLNV TANN.iniLL .& to.r (:cre.r u. N. i- HA"". Grocers & rmraissfon Mercirants, WAIiTER K. 3MCARTm A. Co - PuccesM.r t K. t; jrARTIN, PCy Co.) " M 31 FT I S H 1 0 N 71 13 ,11 C Jt A N TS , R. A. Lti, formtrjj ef Grviua Crt.,5. C. Wjltir K. Mimjr, of JMchnvixJ, V.- " -. N. M. Mirrx, of JUchmond, V. - . R. If. CcsjaoM,Jrof WchtoomWVa. XTOTa concernt will fire faithful prvonU at-, C rtlon to tl.e talrtcf COTTON, WHEAT, TOBACCO an 1 CORN; riifer concern wll bny any of the above earned- anJcW, either on Com ntstion, Fpcul Uioo it ctherwiie, as their- btuu bcM Ld proUuce U cvrtfixuMl. to tilLLINU exelu lv;. ftef. r to - , , , C. F. rt?H ra," E-q". Prtli!ent C. RaH Roafl . Dr. W.J. Hawecss, Pre't R.'AGnM Ri't Roa.1. Had. W.N. utiu, VVarroo CocDtr,J. (2. .. , Jixav M. DcUjock, q.iriJvIUc Cuoty, 5. C, C. F. FtBCta, CasMer Ejchanje Bank.PeUrbarg KnrP. Hrrn, K-hj iUlt;s., N. C. -- rpeetfu!ly call Uieatientioo of Cotton Plaalra and itieri to PtKrfcarg u beitw one of tli icst QutUb UrkeU in tt S julh, tavl&x LoU. a jjjod Iit,r i.J forties d.rr.aud, an.l w are tli! toheur that eSrts are now beinjr nadeto get tii e freight llirwajrh from Char lot to' to Petera tnrjr redal to 6ut 3 a bale. - . mzh l.l6t-5m. . " ; -: , : , - -.-. - jjjjojjo ; Xilitary vcadertiv. THIS INSTITUTION" will ;te re opened under efrieienl : mangreraent on WEDNIDAV, iMarch 5th. The servi ces ft oflicers having been permanently ccureJ, no farther interruption of daties need be apprehended. ' - :C.if For circulars ain3 new term A.C., address SuLH-inteiiient II. M. A." ' IlilUboTo, N. C. I'eb 1 lswCw Xi. T. LEVIN, . . C o m in is s i on it e r c li a ii t , fcEr.LS ar.LEi.vts or coVstky-troducb. . COLTI?iniA, S. C, '' March 14, 1802 . ' " ly " THOMPSON & BAKNES, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND MERCHANTS, 23 Sc 25 CO?I3ION STltEET, , XEW OKLEAXS, LA. ' fr- Orders for Sugar, Molasses &,c. solicited. ; : ' - ' '' . AViih -an eiperience of twenty years, we feel confident of giving satisfaction. . -jan 18 b-d3m I - . Joliii T, Butler, rrnctu-sl KVkA a?ul "Clock 2 fiher JewtVer ?., 21aine e'.rtet, Charlotte, -V. C t opposite Kerr'' UoUl, l.LUr in Jina Wntcfus, Clvckz, Jv.e:ry K'uteA MoUruiU, fce. -A LL work done la thy establlahrueat warranted for ' ' TlTIIIiVK JIONTIIS. f Tine Watehea, C!octs and Jewelry of every des cription reraircdand warranted fr twelve mootljs. i Jan. 11,1 S 11 jr.c ' .. WTLI.IAMS &. OATES, ' rtnuu i?TEitr, Cottou linjerw, Cirocers A JL'roduee Agent fT 'A' ra:nri u jhw rjuww and riio, Lumber. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. may 17-tf, - '' , . - ' . ' " - J. S. PHILLIPS, 5fH AVI Ny located In Charlott respect BLR. fallj soliciu a atiareof publle paa-on-. fS A complete asrrtment"of Ooths, Casi- . M mors aai Vetting alwajr on band, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. after thr faahloo. ''' ; '' S"ik thre Joori Sou'ii of the Mansion House. i-pUta-tf .j .r .- J.".y."'JIUYOE-CO, - -:- T)iiRsi3i , . "... '., I. Cotton an- All KilIs. of Trodaci?, TXtAUS STUEKX, , . MHAliL 0 TTB, N. C. 53iy- Alt orders ateD-lecl y with aipatch, prU-tf . . ...... TIIOJIAS Vr.: I!A1)CLIFFK. AT TBI ' " SIGN OF THE DUUJI," ': RICHARDSOIi STREET, THE X0Rin-EA8T CORNER. OF RICHARDSON AND PLAIN STREETS, ' ' " 270.168, - - v- , '" Importer anil Dealer InPlne'.' WATCHES, - CLOCZS JTEWELBT, SIL- GUNS, MILITARY &FANCy;. GOODS. yjGH Watch is and JxwKLa.ir rapalred. by ItUlXol - and experienced Woisiueo. All kinds of - -: HAia-Woax jnada to order. . ',.- it. i:,i3-m -. . : Commission - Merchant, No. o2 East bay; i CIIAItLETON, S. C. . v Particar attSatir-a fiven to the sale of TV JIISAT, FLOUlti COUN, &C. Axdliora c:y experience la the biulnaai, X feel confident "t giving Bttisfac'loa.. . . , ' - "EE? e"eE3T C E S . : v' y j ' C. M. Furman, Esq ', Pri Psrjc cf S. C, W. E. Smith, Fjq., Trrkident Uelon Bar.k.,0. Ewiog rqj NaahTiLe, Tenn lloo. 3aha I. Klcf, Augvutu. Oa., lion. M. A. Copper, a'towa, Ga. MtylU,l?ol-a. - IRONWORKS. coi.tr.TU5f a; s. c, f . t : ESTABLibllED A.' 1). ilTCCClX J '.iLijBqjtK A ffANCFACTUiijbt Or" TA1I FJGINrS, i?L frora 10 to S4 . Urae Fower SUGAR J1ILLS of every atyla now in.ttse, Atill Work of very i!crlption. Alo, Iroo Rauinf , with- every ujcrlption of Irouand Brftaa Caatinxi. I would caU atUntioo to Iron Casting la the way of cccloatn; rablie UoUJicn, Dwellinfa, Cast fi-ps, Ualeauo Raillof , aod aU kicd of eacloaarea far Ctdetaxy lot. . -". - - - . . . .... . llavlog a tint rate Holier maker rnHti ca. we are renared to riaaufacturaBoilen, or repair then, . lTrt notice. Will aead. 1k11?c aaaertoanv oart cf the Su'-e. Oar Stiuia -Endnaa wia ke Load, when compared wila thoae mada at North ern et-linBieBU 10 Itom ,reQy'ST iortJ oer eeat Urzer for he taaie horse power. The-e Wcriihar beeala aecceasfoloperatloa ri vftira.wiUi aa Locreaw oTpa'J-onaa fcra all parU of the Sonthera roaatry, for , which Frorrirto- rttora Lis thaaka to hia Baamu 1 rtron. aad Hn to aimre tkem thai 1 yaa4aci tiu;virT"' maj 1T-U fhArfolte foirudrfL . KAVnfO r.Qrchaea frora J- A. Fox the atuTe 'etabBtment tbe en terBtgned -begs leave to- call tlie i;ntion of Ui iobUc W the fao tbat IOI he ia now ready to fin crrv- order-f-r nakln?; Etean J&nf-Juee, Cotton nd Tobaeeo Prrsje, and ! rtry l.:scr4)-cAjn of MaciihifcT. All kJndaof Cas ' tic in- Jram, Kra and o;feer metals made zt ihrt bouce aa l le icnl priefei.. Farticiar attention rlrert to lJe matin and rtpTTmr Ttrtfrah'.ng Machioes, Dona P.owers, Cotton Gisa, Mill w rk a d Agricultural Wotk of.ajt kiu is. BUUiaiUi- lnjr, Jo',Ks?ja Work, niL4Ior9e-Sh!eiaK doue , vim mspaicn. ui't Arn, lira ana t;fppr uairi Ingi bought at 'the "Flmndryor takea la exchar, for job work. Alt kla-U of Wood Turning kUo doite. - dec26-if. ' J01IN.M.- UOWIB. "FOUNDRY & 2IA03IHE -WORKS, sA'n.sBURYV n:c. . . . &IJCCEii50iiS;T0 N. UOITDEN jQX,. i i ;V .MANUFACTUllERS -1 ' AGRICCLV CJRAZ.'" I Ml'L E itlTSN TS Clttraor, Plow, -' -.-r.- - Corn-ShellersV ' - ; : " .--fi -. Seed So were : .,-VU"?e.Power8 & Thrashera, : t t" --.i , THE CELEBRATED . - , ; -TELEGEAPH CUTTIHO MACHINE, For Fodder, Ifay, Stalks, Oats and SlmekB Being the rim PrVmiura Machine of the ' Fairs of North and South Carolina . , CIDER, & SUGAR MILLS. SniFTLVG AND MACIILSEHY Jot Grist," Circular & Vertical Savr Hills, Gold,; topper Ai SUvef aiiiics' V Manufacturers" of ar.d Agents lor Dr. E. O. Exuott's 'PATENT MtLAY JSAW MILltand WATER WHEELS.- : ' Plantation -and Cottnty Rights for sale oi Ww.T. & C. E.-.STUART'S PATENT DOUfiLE ACTING HAY OK COTTON PRESS. . ; t- Iron'-Ano'BrafiB Casting-,, Forcings, n4 Finished Work -ef every Description. TOBACCO PSESSES ANDFIxfUiiS, And other Kinds of Machiuery repaired av 'short nQtiee. Jjhne 18, ISofmly - MECKLpBURG IROf WORKSP ; IIEK ilY Alex AN DE li. J . CII AIltOTTE, N."C,' T rn'KK undersigned beg to lnrorm tlie citb.ens ot q Chrt t.c uad vicinity, and.Ute public gen erally, that they have ; ,r COMMENCED BUSINESS .. ; - : ; : it the above 1 TABL I fi5 ill E ., FOOT OF J" TCara-cio- Qtxoet Adjoining the Norti Carolina Rail Koad, and op posite JOHN WILK l' Stenm Flour Mills. They axe now prepared, to furnish all kinds of -r-Macliiiiery - - !; At short notice, aod on reasonubU terms. STEAM. ENGINES 4 FKOM 3 to SO ilORSH J0WKK, ,;..,. EX C r c - S22 o xx., s , , , AND . t; " ULACKKUXH'S 1 OKK . of au. awes. Iu their line promptly attended t-i. Their FOUN DItV i3 iu lull operation, o:id . Cast Regularly twice a Week, . ' '. Vedneeday9 and &rturday. .. . They .are prepared to furnish sul kinds of.; " CASTINfiS IN IKON BIIASS, Arc. (a ; :: , Accoannto, to o,RDEa."' -, -' SAW ATfD GMST HILL GEARING, gin w heels; --. SA W. J UST B UHNERS, " ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR - ' COTTON TRESSE?. - (JAST'lHOiV HAILING, , For Gard ia Euclosores, . Dwelilue Houae, ; , publio BaUdinf , i , ;-; Porticoes, . .. --i ' , . :,Cwetery Lot, ' Their ,r ' - " For carrying on the business in all it branch, nave been fctLECTED WITH GREAT OAltE, wvX are provUed.iVb ail the -. . - -a - -E.'IPROVEllXNTS -j - Required to do their work !a ' ' - . ' FIIISX JltAXJE ittANNISIt. -A feats; for Dr. 'li- 0. EixioTT.for Winter's Patcat Malay uw HI, which has the ayantage, along with miay others, of dolDjr at lta?t tice ii each work, and doiag U better, than any other illU la.' use it cs-a run" by Xtimi Vier or liorsa Power. The Mtilar ma y be seea at the Shop atacy time. - UCN Ex ALEXANDER, . VN.J. OH Iron, Brass, f Copper, 4c, bought or taken ir trade, - ; . -.K ' ' , t ort.J8,eo-tt ; . ; ;V Jv- .v-r PALMBTO . iRONiWiOKKS, COLUMBIA; ,S . - C ) i,IAJ tiJLAfi,A'Ol re tor. CKOl&GlS A. Sill KljiiSf Foreman' MAN CFACTUliFS STEAM LNGlNKS of any power desired for Muls aod' Fiaotatlgu parrosea, at short notice, ha vla af air tlities oa nat.d some unlsNed, or In a forward tate.v Iu' lon nection'with out Mill and Enfcine Work, We have aecured the service Df air. JOUN ORABTREE, who la one of the beet Mill wriytaa jp tbe Sot' a, to iuperlnterm the puttiuf ap bt Mills and Lngiaes., COKN MIX. IIS. 1 ao agent for 6ne-of -the1 tent FOltriBLE MTl-'-, cvv4n. ue,'.arid. eau mxich -any wanted. Persons wUhirr the Alula areanviied to call at ih"Wwrkyaul itdesa Ue operation of the. rpe now In use. Th Mill-rack, winch is the very best, is procured free. l-Jfecheld, 5. C, at d the Mlila are bulit compieta at our tavablkWent. Ail aecriptiou vl liliASb auti IUOi CATLS Gd tiecwrved ji Um very bert manaer, au4 at .H.or i notice, aa we a evcrjf - day in He week. . Oar Block, of patUrt-s ia very lare, having recently purcbad ail Uxoioraerir- owned toy farw.-W. Wright, wich beicg-added: to those laadaatjsy LbtabuabmcJit for Uie last fire yetura, makes tne saoruaeat more luU than any theriike csubUsa meat la the State: , v f ..; " -I axa agtsut for One'ef tue-largm. Wirt Railing Companies at the North, aud . wul farniih WIN DOW" GUARlXJ.-OALi.LRlE, VERANDAHS, BEDSTEADS, er any dcseriptloo ofWire "Work.-at tbe book prices ef tne manufacturer, which canb seen at my o3ice. . v . -.. w j - v - X arri aglni TorlL Iloe A Co'b celebrated CIlu CULAR bAW, and-alsa forn ftsuctaeturer of the same artlele in Richmond, Va. - A- full suppry of toesv SAWS, ef art sues, always ra hand. Pcrsess -wisM-Bf tbemr ui u wtU to JI ov me', as I mat noeaarge loritunf there to'tbe raandrels. - - OLD SAS;-T00THED..;- I utvt a OCMMING ilACUlSE fn harxl; aii tua prepared to re-tooth old aawa,tnaklaf them aa fJOOd aa sew. t - vrv a, .. -- dee IU 16o-tt W1LLIM GLAZE. . t - Varilcd. ', ; . ; good ktrong NEOKO . MEN for Kppisf 0J d ': App'y atthiictBte, ' I - - J vVar - ? . ' ' I - '-' -''- -- " ' ' ..-.. " iDharloU&:Se::ILiiIroa(I (Do; '"Va--f CLVtlf Bf a March 3186a.- PASSENOEItTKA will leave Col- umbia for Charlotte each afLernoon at ti, and, arrive in Colcmbsafat 5 a. m. . . ,-TJ.SUMNERre ' Engineer dnd&upcrjintendent. ' , April 4? " :, "' - tf. (Jharlofte & Sr .r Railrond, Villi K FascngcV Trains on this Road will ( J eave andarfive7 hereafter, as.foilbw: licavc Charlotte, at' ' J Arriveat Charlotte ' ' lave Columbia a k 4 Arrive at Co'unibia, . Nov's ' "' 8:?0 A.M. 3; 50 P.M. .SiOOA.aL : 4;30 IV M. ' - tf- Ttie Conion3 due tm th& 1st or jaouary next on presented at my office at theDepo. . -; : -... I .deo''ei.- , , Il -H ARTtprgf.: f Ailaic, Tciiui: O.Hailroad:; " Treas. Office A. T. & 0 R- R. Co.; K - ' Chariot ie, March 171862. J Aa the - Ia?f in?rallBient of S rock sub scribed in Meekienbarg county, isdae oa, th 21t of April, all Stogkiiolders in arrears nxe requested to make immediate payment; " Contractors -have" faithfully' performed theirdutiosi and mttslbe paid. The amount ia due, 'from Stockholders,. Come forward, PAY UP and ct. your, certificates. , s " '"". L. VIiIS J. OJ, Ireas. Whiz copy four veeics. March 17, lSoCdSsv WilmingtoK, liiarjottc and Rutherford Kail Koad. - TbasspoiO'Atiox Omca, W. J. ON and after .Monday the 15th Instant the Pas senger 3 nd Mall Train will be ran., on this Road daily .(Sundays excepted) as follows -V'J ; ' "GOING WKST.r "''. ' 7.0O A. M. ... 7.45 3.15 ' 8.40 .'Charlotte Tuskaiseec'e . . Brevard r ' M.aron . Lincolntin GOUx'G EAST, 7.& 8.S7 9.00 Lkavk 11. UU A 11.23 11.50 12,17 Arbive. Mj ' . JilocolQtda , . Sharon - 11.45 " - " Brevard ' 11.40 - TuskTi.-eege 12.15 P.M. ' r- Charlotte 1.00 ' ' By Order, - ' ' ' V. A. McttEK, . v. ' Aeting Mailer of. Transportiitlon. LI ri col nton, April 4th, 1301..-' . r - -- Atlantic, Tcnn.r&' 0. R. 11. TflHKchprges on thM Uad laust he. prepaid on iv: all Freigut-3 goin'J; t. Stations on tius Road wuere' there are no Ajrenta AU such freights St ill be delivered at aaid eitiona at the ov-ners lisit. ... - "4 ."' ' ' -A. JLAIARINj PAINTERS' Hfii MAliUirAUAUjwsiii Ij. A. RANDALL & CO ' I ARIETTA, GEORCUA' ' BOOK, NEVSAN1 COLOUKD Of an excellent 'quality; and warranted equal to the best Northern make. ' .. UOOlI XiSK at :0 cent a. to 1 .per in cans of 1 to lu pounds. ., '-' t NEWS INK, (fine) at. 30 cents per To., for sir order of lOOpounds and upwards". NEWSiiK, (very line) at -40 cents per lb.j-in'kctrs ol Ho and-'-0 pounds. : . , COiiOUED iNlvS at to per lb'.h in' half "pound andpouod cans. .-v?;ifr- -Every paper inserting this adver tisement for one month and sending us a copy . of iheir paper, vriil , receivo pa: or the same upon purchasing three times the amount bt their bill from, us. . inch 22 ' 62-1 m . - - A. B.' R, &rCOi Reoaval. rijTHfc subscriber ss to inlorciihe public that i he fcas removed his ghop.to 3No 4 UUAlilTH HO t?- where he ia prepared with -a. full stock ot . lioOJUS FOK ITIES WUAIi, , To supply all who raay favor iiha with a call. "' 'Havii.g secured the services of one of the best Cuwers iu the bouth, he feels .satisfied, that he can pleaso the moat tasudous. , f . . is f 'AXilY. SuVxjcriber has commenceOTte laanufac. jp tare of a beautiful- " , "' " " .. II LACK WUITINO INK. It is mHde from an tcglish recipe, and is re mark afc.e Ir its brilliancy; of color and freedom from ail segments or drugs. .... " , ; , . . - -Grders from dealer win be fileJ wita prompt-, ness, and at as tic delate prices as they have been purchasing for from Nortnern maa'afacturers. . Orders bollated, aad samples .sent wherever jr, - au -iO-tf " CPumoU,8.0. L Disoiutiou., r 5 iUE Coparwiurship heretoiore existing andrtf JL tneia-oeuf ALtXANDER MgDOLGALL, U uiia day didslved by mutual cOoaeutilsnry AWxaiieria aloae aiiUioriaed. to settle the Oosi nes, of the late - " 5 .. " ' ".. KlALCOLAl AicDOUUALL. . Janr '27, 1S61 -r"-1 ' ' V4riT NOW IS THE TIME TO STJB S oiW SCRIBE FOR TlltS OKEAT fiOU iuERlTVtfeK LY Jf-THE BEST TALENT- OS TUB SODTU Ia WR1HNG iOR lT.-HTvV:-i,-i The - Soatlieni Field and Fireside, Fubmel'cvery 8atriL4yrvA knowledgedtoba ? till bbiljfamily Paper in Uu otV cottaiaa La-eaoh. iafiue, eight pages (forty columns) of I . V-v v- .-' v - devoted to tbe instruction aua amusement of the friends of SowUtena'' - -rti .. r iterators. AGMUULTLRE, and ABT.- - "-tiubc,-ibfr are prsaemed , semi-aaauaUy j : A"3jriaJj AMBi OARDNKR. Amait,; OOK HEKE, FI-iENDS AND rELLOV-ClTT-iLi ZENS, will yoa bay'the noble, STAT1J! NOKTil CAROLLNAt. If so, send to theaubseri bffa: or si)seribe to the County AgtmVforthi, New. larse and la-nlllcent i!Iap, And you will gt tne wnoie etaie, wiu. ir a v-ih taUroPds, Ooid, Ccner, iad, Iron and . Coal coble MeuntaiM apange, and her fieuia and FII?yea want'' tlds (?0Ldn- fJOZE, now iith'e tlmr ilP seven feet-by Ave." . oider-views ef the Stat Hsas. lasagne Ayrum, Ccanei Male and Fbiasie f5oRe?esJ c. ie.ae of Lleptit -I1?-- " t V HiHahero', . a,lS5S A HUNTS WANTSD ;tqx. eTery .Oc aaty In . itc Ctat. Termattberaj-Appty as a'cote. - , THE LAEGESX.CIECTJLATI021IK WES TESN ROEIH CAROLINA, i J -7 -r-TIIE Jk: C AT A AVBA JOUIliVALV; THE DiSjLT, BDLLET1H, i : C1IARJ.OTTK, N" hG " C THES Papers--s?aiacing thfr-Tbi .Vkekit BcixKna ) estahfisbed; In jlhe towo of CharlntuV N. C, affords uhasuat advantages to Advertisers both at horereand 'aorbadias the editions, weekly , now exceed--. . t--v . , SIXCIIOlISA? COlIES r ;; which we have no doiiVt -are "read by at least persons each week, a iarge propoTtlan ot whoniire Planters and their faaiiiiea. E t -cT Asa xaeahs of Advertising we are ooafident thai great advaBtageaxan bs iobtained through thi es tablishment, iisnce -we embrace this opportunity lo inform oar frietidf and the Menoantjle comniQ nities oa the Sea.board(CharIeston.and Wilnwng- ton,) that our facilities ir cirealating their bns.ihesa Carouna and .. "n ..,, f , ,..- theadjoimi Dli'l-llU 'BuaW- Ut..ul tensive arxl complete. Our'terms are fibera! and a lare deduction wii be iiiadij on" thebllla. of Contract Advextisera. ; , Sept. gy lb6i.-v f. j HlLlBOROUGHRECpRDERj DEVUTtO TO fQUTICS, A&3'iCUiTUM, MiSCLlA5i, G'HRA. NWS. r JSNaSf IS EfiASTT. ;V rjTM Jhe; present volume, the RECORDER " eonuneaced the fortieths year,of its exia- tAnce. rnelirsir numoer naviuK irecu uraueu ":uui oJl FeDTUaryrlSl) ; jduring aU. which time. we have labored tamajce our paper iuteresiii.g anu oieiui, and. we hope that ih4hes particulars we haviTaot hK aitrtuether , unsuccessfuL. . It iiaa "been pur. wish to make the RFCoRUKR good Family Pa- per, tfevOWd to routres Agricuiiure, ot.isaKiia.ayr iinerai NeaStsc- ,wUJa a .view to the eutertaUi- im4t and improvement of the farmers and ciu- zens-of the cire4e in wtaca. it w tustriouteu. uur 'Agricultural department we,. endeavor io till with the best selections we can makefrora aU'Bource, giving preference to- uch as will "bo... of prafitieal use to the farmer, anl.cultivator andih this par ticulare hope to make the RE00-R11K as valu- able tovlhe agriculturist as any periodical of a purely agijcultural character. lu our Miscella neoaa department, we ahall conttue to' be, as we ' hftva always been, carelul to seiect such articles - as will have a tendency not only to amuse, but to improve the mind and heart- W'hile'we shall be thankful to. receive weUrwritten .articles to, a4orn our eclurans, w are not so ambitious of originality as not to prefer; selected matter of eopeiior merit, to looselywritten and ili-digested articles, though ornameiited at the top with the coveted words o written expressly for fhc'KECORDKR." la our, News departmeht wa shall take especial pains to present to our readers the latest niteiliy;nce ; and; to enable ua to do so we have facilities eq'al.to those enjoyed in any 'portion of 'the State," except those favored witu teiegrapliic commuuicatiou Asiuglecopy; one car,.-... 3.00 4 w Six copies, oae year. :i. ......10.0U - Tea copies; one. year .. . .... . . . ' : ,5.uo , - Payment always in advance. i-.. F Any of our old subscribers who- will obtain five subscribers and send ua the cjCiL, shaU receive their owa'paper free of charge. , ? - ; July 18. --v - ' " ' - " " ' ' Tlie EdgecombiB Farsi JoiiriialV ua nil K subscribtr will cotnmeace'bn or about the U i .t of September, I860, the publi(?atioa of a, monthly jourhil ia Taxpvro', to be devoted, to the. planttttin and rural interests of . North Carouua in particular, and of the South generally. - ' m p! thatihere is no locahty better malted, "-md"fr -CrFlfrt h5 i none more justly eutitlea, to uie source ot puou catiou Of a firtit class agricultural paper than Tar- boro'. It ia to oecauea ; - - "riae acom tws ITa mt Journal," And will coatain original and selected, artielct. up on Agrioultur e, lloraculture, I'ioricuUure, iXouae hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac. Ac It will be published with new - type and clear white paper, in a neat quarto iermr . ' 1 y- The price of ubscriptiott has been made so low as ta place tha putollcaTion withha.reach of every f;."A'. : TERMS: --K .-i.. One copy on year ' v v Seven copies one year . .'. . -. : . . 1 ... 8 00 ?7 - Twelve copiw one yeX;5i-..'. . . .. . . 5 ct) -- Twenty-live copies one year,... 10 f- paper eent unless pala for in advance. WU-liXAt jj;-.8asil,iit.- f ' &Utor and Proprietor, Taxboro, WZD. ' joly SU-tf '- - ," " " ' ' "r" OF THE;. , . . v V , -i- tS A.VING bewme the proprietor of . the Vemd H. critic-Prts I have .merged that paper, iut i the 'Statb JotuESAl,' which wid be p.ablished Seuii.WeelUyandrWeekiy.-v .. " :T"ue TATa Jotfaaji...wUl advocate Democratic principles ia the- broad&rt sensed' tend will - eapport aud a if tad Ceaiocratic -measures and taeir avof cates aa they are oiesented, and aa occasion may; rerfuire. 'ln otheir 1 essential's it will T-my alnf-9' make tha paper, wh, its .name, deuotes a : State Journal eschewing-'all sectional considerations and'Vorking for the entire State and her cotahioa Interests. -ff: y , . As Boon as arrangements can. be made,, the whole paper shall be re-inodeled aEd printed with new type; on goodpaperatid fn:a superior maaneT. - The Editorial department will fcs properly atten-r ded td ln iti v arioua'branches, and will speak for ifi-I seiC- Neither labor nor" eipease win be, spared in; the management pf the paper.. . j - , T hs terms of the ; State Journal -will be akf fot- ova : p M:. it's ,iH .5'?; v. em i-Weekly, per annum .r. ...... .vyi-ii-t y40''- WeeLly . .. . .v; : , ; v. .... ti ... . .sou . '.These terK wlU be insisted upoji tspa-al?if in advance, io namj will be pnt upon tne ust without the raoney,"ud alt papersr.wTn ie aiscon-, tluued at ihe exration of. the time for which they? tiave been paid, unless -the subscription be reaewfeu. I am satisftec, ita y eartfof experitee, that upon no other footing can any newsnapet .hope to . sue? . k." 'r ' ' . (-..-'..,-. - -.. - - CeecL. i. Adveremenfs of afrceper character will "be Inserted at the Sottowln rates : . . - - . On square, hi'st iniertib............iCn . Each sub8equen.insertion.-v .i A - jjents. a. liberal reduction on these rates foryearly ad 'tertlsersinlae tion the full rate "wilPbe charged. v j , s y Uonl?,? . - JOHN J?PELJdAN, ," NovrUgW. -.?-, f- Eddi u4 J'rprietor . s? jC NORTir OAROLINA- PAPEK wT 2 law Eit-Puye WfekU, putiihf;l in GreaorQu 't'S.TT:.. V.W' t.iiu Tar i i mnnthif. ' - a t -y..- . bmna eourteouato an km k1 i i - ine constant aim of lie jubUshera to preaent fa. its cilumns wbatevet'Taay eleTStte the people ahd eu- rieh the tot-Jl;"Ill-ft-iWr aooeal ta the families ot North Carolina to give ItiE TIMES 4 tnaf j try 1 fof stx taonfua.-W aeelf itbeaot aa, weilJf patronize home papi,a4 those from abroad ; to buiid up home interests and a State pride, and to sclatter our substance and our energies amcstrantge--a-. Oivexaa Trass a trial and taen let it stand Upon its merits. . . . - . --s. WHAT IS SAID' OFTHaiffitsa. -i?-' - ' ' .The Times I regard -aa, Abe very first ,ef oar cr,t.m LUerarv'Weekhes." Rev. O. 9. Deem - taow of nb.Weeirty published Anywhere, that. a M aoservi&g objuujwu. juuu6b as loe. iunea,' .-wThereia no panderintf o vifcatedtaste---eT" 4-y arttcie iaof noral tendeoty, rji4 calculated botitdAmuse aaa uuiruc. ' miuegxan Herald. 1.Oa efthe handsome twfctkly papers pobnabed lu lCnlon-,,---apirii of tna; Age. r ? Let the "people ef North Caarolina encourage their owu newtpapers. i-ucign suuiaara. -ddrs, COLK A AiKRIGllT, IQHT,j: & Cook-aiid Washer Wantdi experienced COOK, Washer and LroneriwiH near or a piaaeaut situtioq. ee appueattoa. h th'a ae. -"- r aroagh.thi o?5ce. r jrHJfi TIMJQS eoatalnS -eey-foreowmn3 of -i JPchoice n-itterspeclally adapted to-the family it la neimer ieciiou iw. (umau, itui u. THESOXTTHEEK QTJABDIAIT. s v c o i2 u jti is i a, ' so.fcJA,;; - - v..v BY CHAKUCS P. - rELUAU , - - i . 'xaaata: ' t-r-i.- Paayrti-.-i-f--.-'6 00 per.aanum Tri-Weekly ...... 'r Weekly 2, ,tH r- ' rjf Payment in advance Invariaoly, Post master sendha w five aally- aubscrilera, with $30 00, or five tri-weekly subscribers, rith (encloaed In registered lelters wiU be erVJUed to an extra copy, or tn lieu o that So per eent. of the sums jhus remitted, provided ihe many as liTe eoples. Tener cen twlTt s allow ed for amourrta remitted for single luhacrlpttona. . jlDVESTISKSrSST , ; i inserteil at the foflowlng f atejt In. the Dally anj Tri-'Weekly J -va ''k nM-'J T.'iS ' OneatinarelOUnes or less one Insertion., .50 cts EacH aubsequent insertion. -."ir.r,...:: "o eta 's When aaa4verisiaeritls lnsarted ia the Weekr ly"! or but once a week in the Daily 50- cents a aqWre for' eacl Insertion: tf' ' J. ; r. i We offer to advertlaera the Inducement of send. Uig their favors to be read by a numerous and. In fluential elhss of raaders, both It town and eocn try. The Southern Goanliaa- pre sent great, ad. a.ntaeres as an . advertisineJ medium ; Its clr'cula- ioa la largeyand Is daily aDdrardlyeatendlnp,-- pa artiaolarlv In tie middle and upper . strict W the State. job' ranmiro. Th 4 Job Office, la- tlMfouirldy appointed ia"U respects, and fitted for; ery . description of .Job "Work. Ih coanectlon with His a Bindery. " , The fiottthern Guardian ia devoted, to the ' main tenance of the rights, honor and interest of the fouurunaer h!utttUou it is wi'ne to sustain the Democratic party whenever Its course 4 ahaQ command approval by its justUJe, it yet more oonfidently and distinctly rUiea vpon the pevpu of the South tand as h best preparation for th vnr.st shlch 5a pVfn nOV BOQn US. it will KealOUS ,ly labor to effect naiea aaa. co-operation amongst : Tn the vmanaeement "bf this joornai.tke early production f every elas of news from all parts of Jieworio, inejessons ri virmc auu nioruy, .u Interests of educatlwn. agriculture; commerce an J maaufactttres,r-wili be. kept prominently in -view, and no effort will be spared to make It, In-all rea pec, ab aoceptable fire-aide vfeiter. - :i ir ..' tW We send our Dally to nearly all the Week ly newspapers of the BtatevWin they, In consld eratiuh l taia-advaatage kindly gT.th; abovf :prope.Ho fw ijterHoos.. ; jnoe f ' . ;w r..-.iw. j . .-.'.- f '" . ..;."i j". Trie JLiterarr Paper of the SoutU- '. EVEEr FAMILY SIIOIILD READ IT' " I ; jrjyrsscjES 3uX!M 33 O - - "TEE LMiQ&i TL THE. CHEAPEST! . TJIL. i BEST I ILL USTRA TED SO UTMERNFA M- f jfiHE TiaEfti neither politlcainor settarian, ; la. , . but ia Xhi wastaat aim of the luditor to nil its columns itn me cnoisest uisioricaH juiwiai j iaiid, family reading-, and with a large sle-Jtioaiof' lall the new? of the day both foreign aud domes Are. '.:irr -i..-.' 'v:-i C JrJ-" t. The fifth volume commences with- the hew year i fi!o ' Kno vfmenta have been made' to make tfcls the moat brUUant;.year in thv history, of TUK ; LLMIij - Xt Will tuiAJuicuvc; niwi - v i iXlireo BeautHul'VrLr Storleai- n ' Its iUustratlous wUt be lncreased ; aud. its. typo graphical appearance will be- improved y a still neater dress.- The " Publishers are. determined: to keen Dace with the improvements of the age; their raotto is 'PROGliK&SldN.'J aud As the circulation -of . THE TlMica enlarges each y earr they.areae; 4termined to add new attractions QtowaAumMt andmake It the literary paper of thS6uthi these - inducemeota the jijubiisfaera confidentU. ex pect several thousand fhcrease in."wrcttlaMoiv - Bat as additional iueBtlve to taefrieadsfthe fiouth to encourage. their own. nterary and fanniy paper.lh whictt tney wUl find none of that ahdlnWorat.readiag :"iT?0gi from aDroad, tUe Publishers 4X; 1H Tllta ofler $2,500 JIN PHEMIfJMS. ".,.; For Subscribers to commence wvtfi the new volume and the new year.- TUB TIMES la printed weekly en-eight largi; pages, hue paper, at . J 2 a year, in advance, r'or speciuied numbers ana circulars .address the Jubhshera iZ, v -, ;, COLE & ALBSIGIIT. - ' oovT'Saif'' " Xlieeaaboro. W. 0." r THE CHARLESTON J1ERCURY PDBUSUEO PAIL lK AJO-: Till WEE EL F ruilfc MJiacuBT gives daily ttporte of the Uar. ket and. Marine Intelligeuce in Ctiarlesioh, J n,l of Charleston commerce io ih leading sea ports of. the world. The Weekly Prices Current la made up wi'th much care; and from the most reliable sources. Its connection with the Asso ciated P'ress".-insures tlie latest, ipteliigence by , Telegraph ahd the eajliest news by fcteamers from jSurope.:iil- has a aiu and "accotoplished. . Cor Ltntlon fa ercntleDian connected 'wilntne editorial staff ot- the Loudon TmeS,) ahd r . . . i . e m . v . . regular vorresponueuia ui k., i Mtiuugbvu 'Key West and Havana. The monthly New York fashion" Letters' and weekly let ters on Life An Washington are additional attractions in favor of -lla lady "readers. i Hi literary "notices, from the 'pen of a1 gentlenian who oocupl perhaps the " luchest position aiaong. the, literary men oX the Seuihi are discriminating and comprehensive. Attention is pai.d to all matters of geueral coocernr especially tlrose in rclerence to ltrePiantlng ,and Agricultural interest, and to the current news of the day. Great care is taken that nothing shall appear in ita cofuuns which sbould b excluded frutu the family circle:- "'' '" JZhc uoliticai creed 'of the JVisaccay consists fa the pnucipfes of tiie Democratic Party, as lati ,inwn in tne Ylrxinia aud Kentucky' Resolutions of "1138 and 1799 -the Sovereignty of the states; a strict oonatraoUon ot tne reuera vonsuwAony th General (toveraxacnt, the agent the States ; free Trade, arid an economical "Administration ot the tie ? erruaeat. ,M policy - the ?. Union of. the Southerntatea io maintaining ;their rights. . TlAILriBnuni.;f.i;vi;n,. ...;$ie.0O TRi-WEEKLY ,i .; vAM Club will be FuraisLved aa lollo w: ;Five Cocies of the DAILY, for.. ...j . . . ...40.k Five Coyle of fhe TRI-WEEKLY 540.00 ?The namebf no person out of Charleston will be entered -oa our books, uojess the, payment of jne nbscriotloa be made in advanoe. rcr will orders from without the ctty tot-punnsn Auvencstmeuis, -Marriage Notice, or .Obituaries. e attenaea to, aeeomnany-the order. Money may always bs fofwardea a.1 our Hsk iu registered letter . - PobtmaStkas are aaxrrorisea to set as our Agenw in obtaining subscribers- and - forwarding , the -nnnev : ana j eaiujt' B jr rve uauux Huoaon- bersr "with : odencldsed or "Jf'ivi Tai-WSsiar 'subscribers fcA:4 enclosed wiJ4 be entitled to d ucvrl copy , or u jjrcierreo, aey may retain TunnWV-the prc-pay meats,"' Tor their troafe ud in lieu.pl the etra paper. .-. 5 .f..; n Out of bouth Carolina, no -"person whatever la autnorised to oHect-" dabtfs already due to the - -.V 'i" i - In the State 2ftr. SA3i-i. x.. ucaaais is our reg nlur Agent to make eollecttons'and; procure new buainese and suhseriptlons. .V r T rr . In oharleston, air. jaues v. iicacafc conrweteo with the office, is eur regularatitfiorlad coil ictor who haaiall power ti receipt foreaoneyne-rdue ithe paper and to, cpntraef for future busiaew. - TSabScriDers ana owners, in ueos o us, arts urgen tly leaaes&ed te set4 in our dues, by sasal at .the earliest period. - By so uoiag. they will Bave us twenty per cent, aa anxouni equivaien. vo a prin cipal poruon ottn- proww . -r- . 3rlT KniTQk. iu State and throughout the South," who receive .our 'Tat-WKEkT for" their WSKKurare respectfully requested 1o compensate us Jor the ifufcrence, in t value -by. lnsertiagthis Prbepectus'.! BJ RHETT, Jfc " THE FARlxlERBJMTER - - KEMOTED TO 7 '' c 6Itj irf rASi ' MATIN (i purchased of Maj. iieo. ttea!jora tins "popular journal, I have removed its place of tmbllcatlon to voiumbta,ana will hereafter issue it from this city at.regaiar stated perlodi f -reeling coanaeni. inavsucua journal ia reatiy needed in this mate, ana believing that it win te sustained, if located at the Capitol of the State and eonducteLwltn ipirlt and ability, I have determin ed on mAkW .the -v eujere and eall apon every f 'Farmer aad piaeUr iaftouUi CoiHia,jto:ancourarfs -the enterprise by tnear patronage w . - It will be printed in tbe finest style of Typogra phy, with new type, oa fine paper, bMdsomeJy : embeUUted. aid eight pages added its fo?ief i i4lce only DoiLAA per-anBB7,y, ;, f . A corps of the best practice: Vnd iu WltoriaJ f departtneniKWiii p -,""t - -.- vt. ifarmera la the land. jv.I to. and 4 ThejOaarxsysten.il) i W e'k75nUl thesav- .a nam will l enwv v.w - ecr1UF. TELEGliAl'HlO iFrom tlie 2diEditioii. i - -Frotri Savanualu - - . 4 ' -.. -.. 's,- J'.. BAT3XE AT TQET PULASKI. TelegTg'phed Expressly. tot Ihq Ballelln.1 ' ' rvTA,-, --'-. '- :: Sa'nanxaii, April Iflf. fThe battle continued witli unabated firy nritii night,-batr closed -wholly 11 about 75 ocik.7 ";' .7. ' . iNp inlormatjfn a' regards the result nna beea'receiyed, except that tlie flag-atati on the Fort was chbt pfT, all. communication V A rneisenervi-t underground Rail Road, is look . for tbriiifiht. K Rook jind Job Printing irJF 3 VEilY CLASS Md STY LK, Neatly ILrecuted at llile ofUce. , HAVING procured a large amount of exceK lent material, and added to this establish men6 8BlUbie fast PJUESiE?, we take this oppor-' tunity to inform our friends and th puhbe, that we are fully prepared to execute work it every elaaaji-v- -- Y.'-'-r-.'. - . - ? X.X-XXST.X XX O , '. ,t short aotltft, and at prices far. below those (usually paid in this aectioa of country. We are prepared itvprlnt In the latest and moat approved JIILL-IIKAIIS, 1JIICCI71.AU, CllliC'Itf, SltOV-ltIL.L.S, INVrrATIONS, ' JLAW ISf-APiTCS, A'AITXl'lI EiJU'AS, nooiks, and any other ityte of prlntlna; aa'ually called for, for much leas than tlie eaoie class of .work cau be PRESERVER YOUR i; TEETH. ; . .A.-W.-ALEXAKDER, ISUBSSOyilBSWTlST. OBADUATE OF.jm BAI.T1M0R fv Mondav fof the -month) and wlll-apprp- . .. . VI. rfnna i 'DTiatethe rervaiuder t hit time to all persona desiring, work done at their residences, Who wtiJ Oblige tiim very much by addreaslirg Mm at Char- lALli WORK WARRANTED. 1 " ' . TV'.- Omce, opposite Kerr's Ilotell, . 4 Brown's building, upsiairs. r aprd!2 lS81-(f v ... i -. All persons indebted to m$ by book ac count will pleaee call ana settle tne same, las our books must be closed. .One of. us may always be found at the office of Dr. G. VY. Caldwell. ' V ,7P, C & J. W. CALDWELL. . ,Feb7-tlV ; f - : AND THE C1TAWC1 JOURNAL. are pleased to advert'se the frluds and naLrons of thlis establlshraent that we coro- m.nM the oubircatUa of the second volume 3f the ftsst named Joumali this day, under the most - Ttte clrMMUoa .r k.bD snrd paper 'is rapidly increasing, and its Influence as an dvr Using medium is being felt and appreciated by It patrons, haviDj access to almost every neighbor hoed in tills and adjoining Counties, aa wfU as the -adjoining Districts ip outh Carolina. . - -rillfi CATAWBA JOfJUNAL, One of the largest papers n6vr 'published In the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Dault Bullstis, haa not only become a popular papers, but it anoruj great ad 'vantages to those "who wish to use its eOtumns a n advertising medium. specimen copies wul be sect to any section tney may bii ordered, fret of postage, ? - or terms, Ae wt refer the reader to our Its ViinU - E.U. URITTON " nov.l7-tr ' f - '" . " : 15 lO'lTOJN MKTVKItS. will purchase . .-'. lmJ ! '" . ; COTTON, .GRAIN," FLOUR, ?."'.-:- ;. AND ' ' ? v COUNTRY PRODUCE, of an kindv for which the '.' I '1. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH will be paid. . . .;. '.'.' Just received a largje lot of ,t ; ' BAGGING . . ; . - , .rr ANB '' ' ' '.' : ?y - J '::: ROPING, h 'aod s ejs'mplete supply ef ' . j - t-G. R. OXE R I BS'. rlov 4 .'6i-tw?oaos e. a a BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. fOuHDEO tS4 Crr of Bo&vrwrt and CharUs Stret4, i . f - AX.inoa, o. . rinKS"' Largest and most EleganUy- JarLlsbed - JL Cosomercial College ia the United Butcs. Jfivery young man ahould write immediately for pnej'-'ef those large' and beaudfully ornamented fMr.-niara. nreaentlBK the exterior and interior v View of the lUiriMoaa ComiaaciAi. Coixaos. ' " Penmanhlp, Ac, wnlcii win ne sent cy maiJre of, charge with CaUlogue, contalnlnf tilrt of Student; Terms of Tuition, Opinions of the Press en ear New System of Book-Keeping, etc. , S. K. Ix)Sia, ln nci pal -Jbec tur fcr on tne ocicnca - at AccAunta. ttualneas. Customs, etc. - J. M. Panxira, Professor -of Book-Keeplng sad . s Commercial Calculations. H. H. Davws Associate Prof, bf Book-Keep Ing. N. 0. JOHJiaoa, Professor of Penmanship. , ' 1 Bl T. WruJAMS, Esq., Mercantile Law. Krr. E. T. KcsaavD. Di Oommerciai jeuucs. dn John 1 Kennedy: I noa Joshua Taoaant, , - w M iff T M m m Jion Thoma Srwann, , . Wra H Kelghier, aq. Ja,eob TrastXaq . 1. wra n-naoe, ;''Tli'e ttmoBSuaIly required to complete tbe foil jceurseUron.8lel2weeks. - - ' - . . ) A. Mmu IS awarded to aU Gr.at.. . , . Large Circulars ana vs-wuguw - ;-- Acaenty mail fr4 ofckarg " 1 - A house on Maih.atreet, near the Post rODlVION, ApriM.lBb To ilie Public. - 7 : ... hric this epportanlty at nrh !r;eoent of th. New Year, to In JA w 2"?t:'a. Lhat they have -dlsconUnued 'orm t"", ecompanled with the Cajh. - tetr aeoonu- koopmaN A PntT.M'. L Jan I-". T . ... . LIEUT. W. E. STIT.T, of Company fi. 43d Regiment,' N. C. State Troops, is nov? in Charlotte, ; Recruiting foy Capt. R. P. WARING'S COMPANY, i ..Tiioio wha desire to volunteer will call upon LicuU' StnTi t Keks HoUl whsr he will r Va FtJLtt PREPlRtOTO D6 ALL DENTAL 11 -Workin th latest Improved atyles, and will be rfvi. ffl, two weeks tu each month dating from 'f'- .- ": : ;' ' ' ' ! j ' . ' ' , v 'r' ". ' - ' P ' '' " ." - . ' v . ' . "': ' '' ,. . . ' 7 ' ' -. ;. . -." i-- ' ' !-'- . - ; 5 -:t t . .'.-.I v .. . - -.-- ' ' . . ... 1

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