nail - ' tw.n.,,.... s..; ,.--- .V" . , 'v I . - -'W . v...- I - . --T -III : , - 11411 J I 1 . -v " .11(51 ., - "V. i. I I I .. I I 1 - X V- j' . K;-i-; ' n fT ' vDTJ I 1 11 rni I 1 1 -J I'u Wn KAi v. . ii mi t J i k ill aw . - , x riv r xv. . J v v l . ;i .. -t. rcm w ...... i ... -4 VOL. VI.-NO. 893. CHARLOTTE, N. C;, SATURDAY, xVPRIL 26, 1862. $6 PER ANNUM. THE BU LLETIN: ii v KDVTAUD XI. MUITXON NO. 1 TRYOS STREET, HK.MS FOR FAPEK : .rr T'(ilv. l aursayjr ami - 1,-1 f. r oo t-t :.n'itn, ravftbS Id mm. telegeaphig; From the 2dEdition. From the Peninsula, &c. T,.f.ri.t1 cxjrfi'.y fr the Bulimia. Richmond, April 21. - . . ft 1 Z n ana a prii who were here There Col. Crocker and New York regiment. - . Vorktown. armed are no r.giw yet of a battle on the No f arther news from Fredericksburg or the Blue Rid? Valley. ' TKAYED OR STOkliN, the ct PiTHPRTN'S C'.-rlotte. on thf mgm o "w a tall Msck nv'uou it seven yenrs cM. Any one returrunz or taking him no so xnai shall be rwardd. AYR OIL COMPANY. Notice to Merchants. ' rORWARDIXO OFFICE - - a. c: R.E.CO. CaARtssTO. March 16, 1S6L THE South Carolina Railroad Company having drtclntd to disconilmie thli department of - - . w the nerrlce, the un Jersifrnea, wno n oetn vne ur wardlnR Afrett or the Company for the last four or five year, ba associated wU him tb Oilef Clerk In thedrnartmenwand, under the name of OANTT it STOXY, will continue to RECEIVB and FOR WARD tttcb, articles as may be contfsmed to hi care. lie truflt., by ttrlst pnional attention, to retain a very liberal thare of the busiiresi af the deirtmeni. . . . Parties are rt-njn W that all qooo now reach It r thia port from poifita beyond the Confederate StMes cf America, mu. be entered at the Cm torn How, and thM dot In are fay able on ucn a are not imrohaaed on or before the 88th February tart. ami laden on thijjwd on or Itor VU IMA JareA intantt iaTe auch as are on the free list. It is therefore necessary that remittances be made to pay the dat!es where duties are payable, asd ! ALL CAirS COTIm TK BXPsa CF CC6T0JI H0C? KSIJtV, WHTHKa THE GOODS Prompt compliance will prevent Oeiay ana ex panse, as all articles not entered and permitted will be stored by the Custom Uouse offic ers. The Sooth Carolina Railroad Company will advance, as heretofore, Wie rhariresof freight, drayaa and warf e, hut not Vierpene amntcUd tcith Vts Custom UU44. , ' . , . m Rates ofeharjrw for forwardlnj? will ' Ttry moiemte, ami may be bad on application to CANTT A STONY, to whom ail business commu nications should ha addressed. . tw. nn.4.rd,nM refers to the officers Of the South Carolina Railroad Company, to the cuAtoin r.r iK- rnri.rdln'E Deoartment, and to au m-Kt. ftf .tanJlni in the city of Charleston,- aad respectfuUy solicits a Kjaral ahare of patron- Lato yorwarding Asrent 3. 0. R- R- Co. A CARD TO Til K PDBLICt Tnt NEWBERN Daily and Weekly Progress. rr , mi?lfiY KNOWJf TO I fs'sw3;'itl.IO-thattiie unceremonious . tnto Xewbern on l'riday . ..m.i iMnnnrtrr snsTeniion o: s-PRHfiai. is. This was a barbarous and vll- tli,,. ..fArlicrof old Eurnslde, Inasmuch as I?. a .v.1 rt th- Adrantares of a liEHi'tpii' ruv , . ,K..,i, . i Kt! ,h ir.pnnvenieace to. the cm- gVOU pl'Cl . NOTKETOTHEPCnUC. In conaonupnce of the very high price of a?r and other material used m the rub .1 ,,r w have determined not apply the BcrxtTtN to peraona ordering , m s for 1 c-tr' VI i! tmn me luuwwtwfc " -,tk for on yer to aauy ...... t Hlrt1tl8 to ' .. one year for Trl-we fitly 6 month " . " " Fho Jovrnal. our weekty publication. forwarded lw,r a less iern ...00 ... ... 2.00 ... .o ... ... 10 U r.o: be Tno-c who send U3 r,- months snhscriDtlOn .u,.- Kv rlltnf at our office. I ' I r I i u ii -j " - fifty centa by mail can witnaraw rnR'-TTE, March 1, 1C2. 1 ti i of A CARD Oi:r Kkjends: For the purpose vr our out ttandir? business to th:s O ir Hrin will chans it" ty! on of Janiary to W illiams th rt. IV Ol J a iiuiy nh will continue .. t i i ' i utanu ' nrv.Mtly request our husmess We tin- stibscribers. customers to coiut t!icir indebtedness, as carried on without be t", ward and settle Si-n,e5- cannot rti.ey. rs have voMnfrrri x.. - a claim uPnn you whici. snou.u , . nr.r should you oy wi.w." which both part- , u.nn'itnr cf our arms at rewbern, l yi tn.t vrrhinir I the world prewes, . i ctfiee material anl fur r,r, . ti'tv of all Vinds, Is all gone but still X hope M U able to nft-r arranisenieBU th PROGRESS at some tolnt not very reiuoto ffcin ttM old stand ; this wi l depend however cn the extent to which , i. ,v- .nfrtti t!ie bowels or tne jiurxiii-ic j - " i' i . '-.' t.t n t ,v I must urtre all who are t K,i .v th. PROr.lik:S3 ofBce to in&Ve Imme diate settlement. Though In the arrr.y my addresi in k tnr tw nrMf-nL Goldsboro, C rw Papers in the State that receive the PUO ORKSSla exchange will plea-e cony or notice this 7j7 J. L Pt.NMui- GoUiboro, March 17. . Catch the Deserter. nilllRTY DOLLARS REWARD, umi t n;vn fcr th anDrehension i n.iif1 Reid. who deserted Comnanv E., 34th Regiment, xNorth Caro ls- fronn. at Camo Mangum, near ri,:!, v r. 13th January, icb2. ennnrd to be thirty-seven ot age, five tcet eleven mcnea iui. ana - Charlotte Foundry Ad Machine Sliop. HAYING purchased from J. A. Jox ihe above esUMlshment, te unjendirned be leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that be is now readr to fill everv order for m akin Steam Engine,' Otton and Tobacco Prowes, an every d-criptlon of Machinery- All annas oi tins Jn Tron, Crass and other metals made atshort note and reduced prices. ParUcular attention riven to the ttLJclnjr and repairing or xrrejiainF Uachln, florae -5wera, Cotton Rms, n Works and Affrienltttral WoVfr.-of all Wnd. Blacksmlth Int:, Jb. Wagop Work, "d Hone-heln done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper Cast- Inzi bourttat the Joandrj or tven in f.c.i, for Job work. AtP kinds of Wood Turnlnp also done." . ' ' , NORTH CAROLINA FOUKDEY & MACHIHE "WOSKS, SALTSBUR7. N. O. FUCCEWORS'.TO'Ni BOYD EN SON,, ; at Anukactjirers of- AGRICULTURAL irrTPLIUXKNTS CuUitatora, Plows, s . .' j : . . Cotn-Shellera. - Seed-Sowers Horsepowers St. Thraahers, THE CELEBRATED -. " TELEGRAPH CTJTTKIO MACHINE, For Fodder. Hay. Stalks, Oats and Shuck: Bfine the hrst premium acnine oi .mp Fairs of North and South Carolina CIDER &: SUGAS M1XLS.: S SHAFTING AND MACHINERY Tor Grist, Circular Sc Vertical SawMilla. Gold Copper & Silver Klines. Manufacturers ot and Affnts for Dr. E. O. Elliott PATENT Ml. lay &aw MILL and'WATERVVIIEELS. ; Plantation and Connty Rights for sale oi W. T.'iV, C. E. STUAKT' rAir i DOUBLE ACTING HAY OR COTTUIN PRESS. ' , ; : , Imp and Brass Castinsr, tortnnsn, ana Finished Work of every Description. - TOBACCO PRESSES AND FIXTURES, And other Kinds of Machinery repaired at short notice. fjime 18., 1861.1 y Chariot & S. C. Kailroad Co. ... 5 Coli'Mbia, March Ji, ith A PASSENGER TRAIN willVave Cot umbia f?r Charlotte each afternoon at ; Engineer and Superintendenf. ApriU,,JgC2 f - ,;".;-;;;j..v- - " Charlfjtf3 & S. C Ilailroad r irr p.cuTKTpr Trains on this Koaa will I leaveV- od'aiTive, hereafter, as follows: ' . sk -. . ' Leave Chai)tre, at Arrie'at Charlotte, ; LeavJ Columbia at Ar'rtv'e kwCoIumbia," Not 8 '- . - 8:30 A.M. 3:50J.M. 8:00 A.M. 4:30" P.M. ".. tf... NTfinrrATTE aild SO. CA.R. R. ' Zt. ''. "si, h- let rtf Janaarv next n r'r.mrnr be paid whenever presented at ray office at the Dep"- . . 1 dee ei. - -A. tr. martxm. y-, Atlantic, Tenn. & 0. Railroad trn ri u:- t.i vpa rd comDiexion down look, nothing promising indicated in his appearance. Said Reid's residence is Caldwell county, N. C.. where he is sup- him in ana re- H liirkinsr. Bring ccivo the monefix r Per W, O- Harrslsov O. S Hamiluxi. N. C, March ah, 1S6.. mr-h eef-Mf ' 1 he overlooked nrr s trcir ju?t shfir basin Pre- V), 'b' . , :r.. duo cause a total saci . wW OaTF.s 3C ILLIAl. ol lO COTTON a TC'iveu a a!.. low at I'li.lNTEUS. lot of Baggin?. K11NVEILERBIU)N. IS, ti Ac. .....TVUV RIITTONN, i (;,,.mfr Isabel, Gold Ep- r! SiS omcer . Military r.old Lace. Pistols. &c. t:au ,"nNWr.iLKRnnos. tf ' ' Jan. - V MARTIN, TANNAD1LL & Co., (Successors to N. 31. MARTHI, SON A Co.) Grocers Si Commission Merchants, PETERSBURG. VA. W ALTER K. 1YCARTIN &. Co (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, su COJIIHISSION MERCHANTS, R. A. MARTI5. formerly S'""? V'c R. T a s s hill, formerly of E-Igecombe Co., N. U Walter K. M rtim, of Richmond, . N.M.MAartx, of Richmond. . K. II. Ct;sjitgha Jr of Richmond, a, iSoTU concern, will give "r?"aJAti it tentlonto th .al of COTTON. W 11 EAT, TOUACCO and CORN. Neither concern wiJ buy InVof the above named arUcls, cither on Com- ness in produce ts na-1 to SLLilNli exciu- fi'wFi wra!Vso . President N. C. Rail Road. v- J. HAWtiNa. Pres't It. Gaton Hail uo. MECKLENBURG IRONWORKS. ; HENRY ALEXANDER. CHARLOTTE, N. C. TriEnndenrtirned bear to inform the citlsens of Charlotte anI vicinity, and the public gen erally, that they have ', . , .-" COMMENCED BUSINESS .at the above EST AB 11 S M I?IE IV T FOOT OP Tracio Street, dic.lolne the North Carolina Rail Road, and op pote JOHN WILKFS' Steam Flour Mills. They are now prspared to furnish all kinds of IVTacliiiiery, At short notice, and on reannabU Urma. . STEAM ENGINES . FROM 6 to SO HORSE POWER,. . - . . X o o - Sho ol tx ? AND . 'BtACKSmTH'S WORK . . pr ALJ. KTSDS . - T T A I Tl S It their line promptly attended to. DRY is in full operation, ana Cast Regularly twice a "Week, Wednesdays and Saturdays.- They are prepared'to furoish all kinds of HASTINGS IN IRON, BRASS, iocoBDma vo okbk. SAW AND GRIST MILL GEARING, GIN WHEELS, SAW D UST B UB2TERS, ANTI-FRiCTION PLATES AN1 BALLS FOR COTTON PRF-&5ES.' . CAST IRON RAILING, For Garden Enclosures, . . DwelUnr Houses Public Bnltdlnes, Porticoes, " ! Cemetery Lot, A - Trea. Office A. l & u. rv. iwu As the Uftt installment of Stock aub .ruA ?rt Mc.klenburff county, is due on the 21stof April, all Stockholders in; arrears are requested to make immediate Pnt; , nttrtrW have ' faithfully- performed their d utios. and must be peids The amount j..- r-, f,lrholdrai Com forward, PAY UP and et your certificates. ; M. L.'WRISTON. TVeo, ES- irt copy four weeks. , ' March 17, 1863-d2w : . : Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Rail Road. rv 1Y TKassportatiow Orrics, W. D. . , K and after Mndav the 15th Instant the Pa THE IlEGEST CISCTJXATIOir IN WEST CATAWBA JOURNA L ,E t'vCIlAlltOTTE, v virpow tna fetnbracicfirt the Tai-WgattT Braianx J established in the towrf ofCbarlotie, w r?: affords unusual advantages to Advertisers both at: home and abroad, as ! "edmoyeekiy , now exceed '. ; ; - -A ? - .- ; - Srx TITOITSANR 'Coriiis, wbich we bare no .ootid are .c. -t TWISTY THO USAJXJS fc ' - person each week, a largeproportior. ot whom are Planters and their famUles- , : i." , A- a means of Advertlalng we areeonnaeni mai rr adTantaiea'caaba obtained, through this es- tabl'isWent, h wee :Ve embracV this opportunity tn tnfofra ourmenas ana we janvu" , hities on the Seaboard; (Charleston and wllming- trt that oax facilltiea ior arcujuojs ... - -..v-,. ixr.atm. Kortb Carolina and t-twr norottftmr DailV.'-. and - r.n Tfln .will 'be run on at;iiKci . ... Road dailyXSundajs excepted) as rouows , GpiNQ WEST.) -"t-" rfHTa .re ey tensive ana oomiucw:. - - , ' . Our terms are VUfertT2rr be made, on the bills of Contract Advertisers. , aeuW27,'lS61. , ' . 1 P ROSPECTXTS. . , niLLSBORQUGfl' RECORDER, ...v " "-'.'"r' dktotkd to - . . POLITICS, ASROtTUHP. WCEl LWt, KHESAt KEWS. Dennis heartt. ' , . ; TTTT.'LSBOROnGH, N. 0. ' . 4,4.Tmtx:. rnt' volume the RECORDER YAA . " rnHoth Tear of Hs exls . v be issued the 10th UboiSta Salte our paper interesting iM . taatf jU and w hope that In these! particulars .we have not w"" -i,ar nnocceful. It has been our 'rrcrrK- iTfrnRDTfR a eood Family fa W1Sn JrJLA mu-a A ffrl culture, M'scany per, "t - " LV " Vrw . ta the entert General ewa, :w-- ;; r and cUi nwnt iruv u" ,. distributed. Onr uaarto -tne wmr IL' ntcnoRDER as valu- at ...1b wa nnnp mi iuabq w,v . OT & cot U 'in H I A r 0;f BY CHARLES T. FJtXUAaa. : ed for amounts nron i , ... - . nrlTTRKlT8 f .. Inserted at the following rates In the Daily Trwweewy r : - .;-W : ' so ets One sqttarelO Unes or less; km -r-; 'i- ct. When an advenisemei., ta - ly, or hut onee a - wee ra w .""r 7 -"f WoSSTOSSSIS-lh. tndueetnentof ,ngtel flaent al class oi reaer, try. Southern Goardlan ZZto as an adTertlslnmed urn ;J Uonls lare, audi. daw ana -H'of partlralarly la mm Buaojc m .-rr- t- -the Statev ; . '. . "' . .. ..,4. ,- r t- -' .i.A.nrVi. anrjolntad m au wLkH, ia fitted for ererv description at Jo SSTTra VoWneetloB with It la a Blnderr- J Vi..i ta devoted 0 tne mam iHiinti nnnnr n" .tlKePeBcrattcpaHwb SITl command approval by Us justice, Hyet "onfidenUy and distinctly n.Ues of the Bonth : and as the boat Preoaratton for eontestwrWch ts even now rponus. H will ly lanlw to effect union and cpeoa mong twtsbM ,u lAHnail -tk earlv In tne manasremeuj v i . ' production of every l7JriiTlb the woVld, the lessons of vMue tnteretta of education, agriculture, eommevoe, ana SatuftturwiU be kept prominently in wgr. and no effort will be starei to m - p Mria. an acceptable fire-aide . -I We send our Dairy o tartv all thaw ee; iratioB .f tbi- advaia. kindly tr tha ajore nunMtoii a frw trtln. : -' , Of tht Tlte To the People of North Carolina. At the request of Preaident Davis, I have nndftrtaken to collect all of the arms now irt the hands of private citizens of our State. For that purpose 1 nave oeen mvesiea who ButhoritT to borrow, purchase, er. if ncces- sarr,' to impress them. I am satisfied thnl it will never be necessary to resort to ihe use of the last . named power, ratnota of North Carolina, .our soil is invaded, and k )i,vA. nfnnanf h to rerel tn invaders, our men are useless unless they hlri.- Upwwdtof 20.000 stand o arm. are xiovr lyng useless u -, these atms should m whus,.u .l- f.i.nnh a defenders. Ionp mA;tlw anDOint sunaoie oei-f p- 60 Lkab 7.00 A. 7.45 8.15 8.40 ABBiVK Mi. Leave . 11.00 A. M. 11.S3 . 11.50 ; 12,17 Charlotte fuskaseege Brevard . Sharon Lincolnton B0ING EAST. j Lincolctoa I Rharon ! Brevard . Tuskaseege Charlotte , Bv Order, .V. A. --. I as - AaaivB. . ' i 11.45 .1111.45 12.15 P. M. 1.00 rD l " . v,.Vi this, tlcuiar we nupejv ---r - , wriodical have always been, oaremi .mn. but to win have a tenaenvj .,.,, be ireprove the mind ana ner- ajorn thankful to revive JjSBttSjrijflnaWy onr "?K!?X8SisSer of superior merit, s 4wri hougb Z&eVL the P - ..Writteir expressly fo the RECOUue News' 4,,ffiffie; and present to our r"jr Ufta , to .? M r. " Wtion' Of the Statefexoept tnose enjyy x"..-"-- -- r,.nTt,mnT,5r.ation. 7.4 9.10 8.87 9.00 of the South SVBRX FAMILY SHOULD READ IT' U fUcrf . Trnr MTKA PKSSTJ TEH. ily PAPER ! .-;f;f;,-,. ,;i- vn ij. .is-Kaw tmi t.i i t i nor ci wiihi K T1M w . u.. - - u. MAlkmna with the cnojww. ":,'T 't w w . a. k Tavna I PrVlOU Jrai LrtT k fo-r rind doW, AH l!W IK" ui " -r. 7 . t' tie. j" ' "- - .1 u'v 4Vi now vear .Tha nfth volume - mmnw -1860. j Engagements have been the most or.muv .tw " - i TIMra It W'll commence wtth . Its rTlrtstrations will be ncr.ased I; and It. typo- Kace with the imn to its edumns. through everVcountyJn the State pow. cred to boirow, purchase, or, if necessarj , entreat all tme patriots to -spd it i U J their muaketa. rifles and qouuie-uii-. guns (good, bad or indirTerent.) to t he aherj fffs ot the .difient counties. "lf4 hereby' ruthorife to Teceive k themagreeJbly tothe attached scheduled . prices, and draw on me for the amounj ne- CeFoarr good rifles ana musket,, $13 and 620 --i- ZAAtfUaa,ta-value: good double balllSafrom Ifi.lo SIS, accorfl ing to" value; other arms i and parts ot arms according to valuation. I have also been requested to purchase old scrap iron, whether cast or; and of all weights', tor:which I will pay tor lh former H cents per pouna ; '" . latter 4 cents. v- - April 3, 1862-3t. . All the pipers in the State copy ihrea times and send bills to Maj. W. S. Ashe, Richmond, Va. :j . : " 5 Book and Job Printing OF EVERY CLASS AH D STYLE, Naatly I2xe.cted at tbU ofiJce. m- tttvto .rA ft irira amount or excri A VTVfl nracured lent material, ano anara m this establUh- men saitable fast FREFSfS, we take tH. .Pi tunityto lnrorrn our t"" JJ," that we are fuUy prepared to eaccute work or every alass, la at short, notice, and at prices tr el T tho oauallv naid in this section of country, we are Spared to print in the latest and, most approved tvle. ; . . . -' ' t" ' flinn. 7 .11II.I1IKAIS- 1NVITATIONS, ciiicrri.ARS, ClffF.CKS. siiow.nfi-LS, THE TIMES enlarpes ench ,, lhr termibed to add new. - With X" Publishers TJY veral thousand increase ! p -Jrcti tatb n. . aa additional incentives to the MoBEE, Aetinir Master of Transportation. Uncolpton, April 4th, 186U 2.00 .........10.00 ,'...... :15.00 Atlantic, Tenn. & 0. R. R. those favored with telerraphic : . ; A single copy; one jw,. Fix copies, one - - ' Ten copies; one year i Payment aiw,M-'::f;ft btain five A. ?rouriarrr'; cash, shall receive suMcnoers auocu - .... . their own paper tree of charge. , . . . Julv 13. , -' - v --v ' '-i: . jind niiali it Die 1 theei i Bpct severs . .... :Bu as aomtionai . V,,'': d rmJh .utM.M.eneonratneirowu pane, m whten . they; SStSoK the" Sishers of THE TIMES offer s2450o in PREifiirins . ., Sr r. wtih the new volume For aubscnoers va v"'"'" Wrfnted weekly fine paper, av ana circuit LAW RIANbXS, PAltTPItLETS. and any other style of printing usually ''y!p; r7r much less than the same class of work can he m executed this sid, of JMUWTTyy. PRESERvOillR TEETH A. W: ALEXANDER, fiUBteOW-OEiaTIST nn.tbrATR or TltK BAI.T1.MOKE r it UK. . PENTAL roi, thla Road wust be prepaid on ITelcht Agent, Gharlotte. Their FOUN- &C. IIELT, j . ilvrr Ca- Sword, for Ciotiin or Conniioned Offcers. witn a Captain , f, lt r or snle at rea m. y j IN V i. T L K 11 & BROS. I'tz. '1LLIM:KV, IlE.a.lais-- raw an 1 NVp-d tan Doonets, Drab and f.w ... . .t . M :. fctraw and Artificials receive-4 BR03. Marrhti, . w ii a - u TvKnrn Hon. W. N. tDWARi, Warre .n c ountv, C rwi,, .v riau i ia Vvr t N.c. Their nvrp r . M M!n i.!K:r. CF.Fil. Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg irP Battlb, lq- Kale!h, N. C. rTVe respectfully call the attention of Cotton tr. lptr:hur? as ueias one ui For carrying on W J Aalara ' "'n Markm in the South, having both a rood home and forelcn demand, and we are Z Z tn hear th-it efforu are now bvio made to tM& Charlotte to Peters burg rednct-d to about J a bale. rarh 1. lSCl-3ra. . St and John T. Butler, S 11 irtc . O GOODS I tof Sprtnc Dress KnsrVsh BaraRP. VuV.arfr.s. Baraite Dalnes. Figure', n-an and Silas, wun ff.-el, 'Itoltr tnjtne nu-, vw( 4"titcA jntertais, arc. Jn.- rereWtsl a lire .M.r':.w .mrin-i O-ay PP log - . F "'KAUNWElLEa A DD03. M irch 1, !'"2 tf HOFS SIIOKS S1IOISS. i K-'. I M rocco F.-I- !- at r-.sirrt of ran -ear very ft l vJ v ' K AUNWULKK A BBOS. it . . . . 1 ALL work done la the estsoasnmci. wICu.- for TWELVE ?IONTIIS. ' Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every des cripSon repalvedani warranted for twelvemonths. Jac. 11,1561 ly.o . ' (latk aaicTT A.aocoV.) Coi-unission Merpliant, No. 62 EAST BAY. :o: the bnWns in all tt nranrnes. ' - H.Ti.rr T 1 n I Tiff . .. J have been tEL.Fcriau aaxi jrn.A. . are provided with all the J IlIPROVIiMENTa Required to do their work In a FIRST RATS? 7IANNKR. Anta. for Dr. E. O. Kiaiott. for Winter's Patent Mnlay Saw Mill, which has the advantage, along with many other, of doing at least twice as much work, and doing it better, than any other Mill In use At can be run by Steam, Water or TT.M Power TheMnlavmay be seen at th Shop XaT.timeC.r- 7 HENRY ALEXANDER, JN.B. Old Iron, Brass, Copper, Ac, bought or taken In trade. Oct.S3,lS60-t. . . . PALMBTO IRON WORKS, COLUMBIA. S C. , WI-.14IA7I GLAZE, lroprieior GEORGE A. SIIIEI.13S, Foreman.' -,-ANCFACTDRE3 STEAM ENGINES of any- YB twin-pr des red. for Mills ana i-iamaiion at Bhort notice, having at. all times on. . . w, . t n A.a.l .lot. Tnnn. baud some nnisnen, ox iu i im.wt w tr,n with onr Mill and Enc1nevWpkT-e have secured the services of Mr. .JOnN CRABTREE, mho is one of the best Millwright tn the South, to ..nrlntrnd thf PPtVPg W 01 MlilS angrnnnr. January 22,1 8o3tf. PKI1TTERS' INK MANUFACTURED bv i r f .V ; 13. A. BANDALL & CO., ; MARIETTA, GEORGIA. . f BOOK, NEW?" AND COLORED Of an excellent quality, and warranted equal to the best Northern, make; - BOOK INK at 50 cents to 4 per ft., -in cans of 1 to 10 pounds. , , NEWS INK, (fine) at 30 .cents per lb., for all orders of 100 pounds and upwards. NEWS' INK, (very nne; ai w'P' lb., in kegs ot 25 ana pouuus. r.or.ORED INKS at 1 to $3 per in half pound and pound cans. .--MP- l-'lvprv naDer inserting this adver tiarnftht for one month and sending us Wmir of their paper, will receive pay the same upon purchasing three ..times the amount ot their bill from us. ... - . mrh 22 'G2-lm. A. B. R. & CO. Removal. . t A.! v... Korro tn tnfnrm th nubile that I he has removed his Shop to No 4 GRANITE. () TP, where he is prepared with a full stock ot GOODS FOR MENS WEAR, To supply all who may favor him with ' caj. the services of one of tne jes Th ft Edp-ecoinbe Farm Journal .. "tii Jt.aVi.a nh or about the monthly journal in Tarboro . DeN Carolina Edgecombe having onj eorth Carclina7 l paper than Tar boro. It is to be called - Tbe Edsecomlbe Farm Journal," And will contain original and selected articles up Igrlculture, Horticulture, Floriculture House hol4 Arte, Rural Architecture Zoobgy, Ac., Ac .It will be puDiisneu;. "j:. . .. . rnf 'IT. nil 7LI luiiii. The price of subscript joi m to place the.publicatior fh new vSHr. . . n a wor twciroeu """'" address the J-uonsner.. r iTi1ll,,OHT, now. 8-tf . Greensboro. N. TSfULLY PREPARED TO DO A"'. Serondao. - VV?J!S?JX iSTdSei. who win 0. . 1 PROSPECTUS THE CHAHLESTON MERCURY lA T2LIT1CAL. CCWMRCIAL. JNO LITERARY f , rUStlSHED DAILY AN J TRl-WKEKLY obUgeTlr lotte1N..q. , . v-n j&T- Al vtu ppo-lta Kerr's Uotelt. - Brown's building, up-tlrs. rpTti wwi . ' : . jaTOTIOK. ' . ', All nersofis indebted to US by HE ITkboubt gives dally reports of the Mar- count will pL,aBe call and settle 1 Marin intfiiiizenco in Lr -rhrleston commerce in the leading; sea and or -caaneswrn '"," . . o. ri,rrnt r,rt. of the worm, ibb .nwi . v. TTeffi ol subscrion has been made so low .J,.?W-Snbltcatlon-.wlthlii reach of every TERild: " oue. Oae copy on year.... . Seven copies one year.. Torpive coiies one year. Twenty-five copies one year. .$0 50 . 3 00 . 5 00 .....10 00 lb-, a for . Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro', N. C. july 80-tf PROSPECTUS" ;' ri OF THE A Current la made up with much care, and rrom tne mos llisahiA sources. Its connect ori with the "Asso ffiDiSi Om: latest intelligenoe by Telegiaph and the earliest news by Steamers from. TnrMM ' It has an able and accomplished Cor. rlsnZdent in London (a gentlemaneonnected Luh the editorial staff of the London Times,) and SSlar rrendents In New York, Washington, KeV West and Havana. The monthly New York yv,Jf TpJtira and weekly letters on-Life In wISSkS1 auraction. In favor of W9adv readers. It literary notices, from the lis iaay f'",' n.Mn t iurhsni tbe -aouth are discnminaunK : 1" Atnv those n refrrence to the FUntlogl appear in us cuiuuo r --...-- ..;-.) book a c the satn, aa our book! must be closed. une on . may always be found at the office ot Dr. G. W. Caldwell. t - ,,. . P. C, &. J. W, CALDWELL. Feb 7-tf ' '- - - ' :' an rr .YU Weed that paper wmv;u t- . ' . . ; .. advocate Democratic Mmccbt eonsisis lo the Pernio- v f amilv circle " "'I ;.T. v r th- MoraT cc The pouucai erc m v-riTirlrleB of tne uemocrawc xrii.j, - lrtK vireinia and Kentucky ResoluMon. of Semi-Weekly and Weekly, The STATB JOU-"" "T of the States ; a irtroettoiTof the Federal Constltlrtton jj. 1798 and 1799-tHe 8overelgny ...?rZf-; hroadest1 sense, ana wiu suppuru Kefe"rD7mocratic measures and thoir; Cutters & the South, he feels satisfied that he can Plfffifm0at fa8tiiU0U8- J. a. PHILLIPS. TT; INK MANUFACTORY. THE Subscriber has commenced the manufac ture of a beautiful 4 - - ft T. AT It WRITING IN IV. It Is made from an English recipe, and is re markable for its brilliancy of eolor and freedom from All sedlruenfj or drugs. . . ' : ' ; Orders from dealers will be aUed with prompt ness, and at as moderate prices as they have been nnrRhasine for from Northern manufacturers. , -1 . e m,m . wherever re Address - , n. z. juuwoiv-, aavo- AtH and as occasion may cates as Xr easentials it will be tuy aim to rrS a Je? whi? iM name denotes, a State ?aVle?cwtog aV sectional considerations Journal escnewius u.u inii hcreommon and working for tne uuc . , . , Interests .rn2nts can be made, "the whole ,ter Su b" ?mSd and printed with new paper s&au D superior manner. . rrtSdPUntw Weekly, per annum.,.. . ,-. VV Weekly. . Ynsisted upon invariably M These tern win lusawa up quested ug 20-tf Columbia, B. FUERS, -ZEFIIKRS. all shades ri n. n t Si'll ?hetln is Wvd for For sle at . March 12. 1"" .Also. Partloular attuntlou "given to the le of FLOUR, CORN, ia the business, I rl con&aeai oi Firing WHK.lT, And from my long experience I am MILLS wactel - A W 11 TTT WR .gent for one of e resi ruftucu now In use, nd can furnish any sixa Persons wishing tne aiuia are ictucu j Dissolution. .nu nnn.rtnsnhin heretofore existing under f a narne of ALEXANDER A MoDOUGALL, ii.f ab "-"dwd bv mutual congent. Henrs cess cf the late firm. HENRY ALEXANDER. ; . : MALCOLM MoDOUGALL. June 27, 1661 tf. ; ' " '' - " ' xjnw Tf4 THE T1M6 1U CJ- :o:- s PRIMS SlIAaVIS. cf Pi'k Nnve liEFEBENCES and . 1 .1 p w.-.1 a Urn -.Arieij Sal. fr :c at KAUNWEILER A BROS. March V ' KOOPHAN'S Aati.Dy.entericAnti-Dysp.ptie BlTTEKS. . aitl.OTTE. N . . - , . r0 Pres. T-aDk of S. C., C. M. 'urant,ln Bank., O. twng L?q, Bndth.F., President Lnn Bauk.,, a 8 nirA:Cor;aUwa,Ga. PREPARED .. , ri.... Miwi neeullar cu- rTnHt?r:nL, b VrA:t!.ftn. of the H rnI5 rTKrf.nnd effectual In the cure inry onr Stomach r. Dlarrniea, - - - ....... ' , . i crnahlesome .! .eases Bf'S. rwenterv. Pd ail tuo t- f dlestie cr Vltrrur a uon f th e functions of the aVh iMMtinea They -VrP BrFRF.MEDY rOR CHILLS AND FLYERS. P The Vuersar prepared from Root, brought from Gemvaoy, ad for om a century have been wo v j ountrv lor the permanent touqj . . . . 1 .w TS.v . -uj-a of te u ara rcoiutrMw I ootila i' 1lrtrrUs drug, but are cwmpounJe.1 , ..-.., fr,.n ri..aui arb unfcily safe at au trui 1 all that U asked, as a cure will anew, an i 'a a w ue w ccimjiw May 10, lST.l-om TALKIE no. V UROIST WOE1JS.- COI.ITMRIA S. C., ESTABLISHED. A. D. MDCCCLL WILLIAM GUZE, -..vrrirrrSEIl OF 3TEA5I ENGINES, r1 Wi pSS? BuSdTngs, Dwellings, Cart &B3JSnZ. d aU kW of enclosures tor Cemetary lot- wUh us, we are t .hort noUce. t.nrnM -m . of tneataw. r:.iNrth. .Arn Vll.l LiH'r ui.u . wsuir'i. . . . t- - , - ., v ca" .T ,,ri The Mill-raak. which is therery "fl cVTripr FOR THE GREAT SOU ttjis procured from Edgefield, 8. C.7 and the KLY lTHB ET TALEST 0F THB SOUTH 18 WRITING ua . - Tke Southern -Field and Fireside, n-vii.w .TTPi-r Saturday, at AUgnsia. u-., c- f rJ. .Ki " tAa o Family Fa, elgkt MUls are bui:i comrieie BKASS: AND IRON CASTINGS. AU descriptions of BRASS and IRON CASTLNU-n . . ! . hMt manner. .and at snort execuiea m w ? - - . notice, as we cast every uj i . Et if pattens is very large, having recentlv Durchased a.t uiose iormeij . Wriarht. which belnz added - to those made at my .-.Arnv-.t for the iast five years, makes the ortment more run wian muj nci m. ment In the St.te. ; Wixo Bailiiig. I am agent for one of the Wra i Railing r,-..U at theNonn, ana -win lunmn ..a. Comoanies a ' ..a ttvtj a vrA hs DOW GU Alius, WAitir.ivi-, " " 7 BEDSTEADS, or any description of Wire Work, at S.e book prices of the mannfaeturer, which can br geea at ray office. CIRCULAR SAWS. t m ni .nt for R- Uoe A Cos eelebratea t,i- v - . ,-v. triii hit iiuu hwvu withoutthe money, and aUpers wbwhthAy tinned at e.ejuf?J.3cription be renewed, have, been .SixpSiBce, that upon 1 8afiSyanv newspaper hope to sue- nO OWtt 1WWWM. .q - -7 . ; . . . ceed. . ' " . -' "' . ' j i,rftn,r character A.dvertisemenvs mi inserted at the foUowlng fates - im r tiiUBeuuw " .. . . T &u- heral deducUon ou tuese r-tr to the Semi-W eeiuy. - - rates wUlbecd.pE:i ""aNORTII CAROLINA PAl'i. p .; ; " ' t H K f f 1 3TI ES ; '";. -utzw: vublithed in Greensboro. a tars XM- ".ii"! ikv for sU montns. . , All! . , w . , ' vr Trade, and an economical f-"r " Ta' nnltr.V IB J UI""" ' la maintaining Uir right., j , . Terms-PayaWe in AdTance, DAILY, per annum. . ... - - .; r 5 TRI-WEEKXY.. ClabwUllc Forni-hed a. follow.: FivCooles of the AILY for . .V; .' . . .-. . . tg.0l Fiv Copies tj?J-Z Tb name 01 no perauu " v r - T Vntered our books, unless the payment of the Ascription be madeln advanee. - Nor will brders 'rorSSt the city to publish AdTertoaasenU, MawiVge Notices, or Obituaries, be attended to, unless the cash, or air acceptable jnty- alwava be ...niinT ins uruci. " - t hhtainlne snDcriuci AAA J " r: .THE ETI1V . TflE CATAWBA JOURNAL. WE are pleased to adverse tlie friends au! patrons of this establishment that we com mence the publication of the second volume rf the ES named journal, this day, under the wost? fTn?"lrcula'ofve named paperv MnidlT incraasing. aaifits influence as an adver JSSOTelB felt and Matrons, havlag access to almost eT.rr Hf ' hood In this and adjoining Count es, as w.l as the dtlninir Districts in South Carolina. 7TnE CATAWRA JODltNAL, One of the largest papers now published in the fHate mailed for fl.00 per annum, made up from Sac wTumnsof tie DaVlt Bcixst.s, has not o,l v bwome a0Pttlar papers, but lt affords great ad , 'yaSagVtTthosewho wUhtouselt. columns a, 55S b. sent to any section they J?r2.lE: iMeader to our im- wot wu, -v., BRITTOH forwarded 'at our risk In registered letters. 1 foaI!!! u JtlQ - rj authorised to act as our Agents ruB1. --' . . . nrwurdini? the CASH i o u .onAinir HI AT175 LfAILT OMCn PJ..r-M Vnclosed-or Tai-WiT ocrsk T.V-Vok ia4. wiUbe entltl -etaln .Jr. ,7th 25 enclosed, will be TT If nreferred, they may .1 T""L of the ore-payments, for their. will be j -Prised to .collect aeow airej r Msaouar. andsubscriptlon. IU Charleston, -nthorUed eoUector with tne onio, - zei-t for money now t.mD.' Bddds. connectea now duo will purchase f COTTON gHAIN, FLOUR, k v V v COUNTRY PRODUCFi, of all Vlndi," for which the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN wfil bo paid. . '. '. Just received-a large lot of I :" BAGGING - v ;": ' v,-:: ROPING aadli oomplete supply of - a no CERIES. BALTIMORE UliiilhULIAL LOLLlGK-T CHARTEnEO 654 uur"v'.....fnr future thA bacer and w cou ,"-.aKt . eekly forty columns of part STbtta-UTw V. from twenty-f I ve to forty Thf-ae forsev ralyea.-s. with an frnm all iart ot the South .rntlarrerfcrthe same horse poer. .- Pe15'5.1 wTJ h beeuln successful operation increase 01 pmii outhern country, for whlcft nil nttmeru. Sid. and patron w? , a? as.ur. them that IOOPAHATHtt.PfL I no oallll or fcipenst ioti?mw' Alo, vt salt at Y. Scaxrs and E. Nya H.tchln- I uauanco cf tholr favorl elti"V"' -' J ' ' 1 -!1 jrUoular aa. v w tL"" ri.tor retuvn. hi-ttav.k. to are iBAQUiaciuicu j . vuai ' v r -- - - rr LA R SAWS, and also for a manufacturer or the fame article in Richmond, Ya. A full-supply of these SAWS, or all sizes, alwayson hand. Persons -..Mn, them, will do weU to callon me, as I make !.!,! . Haiti . no charge ror niuns . OLD SAWS KE-T00THED.1 : I have a GUMMING MACHINE on hand, and am prepared to re-tooth old saws, making them aj ""Si?! ?tsVtf I.".: - WILLIAM Q LAZE. good strong " NEGRO 'MEN for ohopplnr HU wood. Apply ataxia office : janTC-dtf - . ' 7a7awsA.--contains In each iaue,' elgat pages (ferty colmnn.) o f,, -f' : : deTotedtoAJtte Instruction and amusement of the devotea .we friends of Southern I - -, LITtBATTJRE, AGRICULTURE, aad AST. pay- Subscribers are presented semi-annually withan INDEX, or Table of Content.;,.. . TSKHS rwoDOiXABsrait Aaatm.. Address JAMES GARDNER. Augusta, Ga. . The old North State, ForeYer. : - nnk HERE. FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITI-ffi ?ENS wU? vou buy the noble STATE of THAR0LII?V If ' ao, send to the subscri bers; or subscribe to the County Agent, for this . ; w.w, Lar-c and Masnificent ITIap, . n m t the whole State, with her Rivers, 5 Jfinid Conwer, Lead, Iron and Coal Railroads, Gol d. Coppe r. u . villages, her M?ott want this GOLDEN RIZE, now taj tte ind Female CoUegea; erf Ac., one oftheMP : 1,vsf Map ever published. ; - peaku zrw .co - ' . ...rr fVimitV 10 DV rrerms UDeraL Apply a-abov- - , rlUJTIMePriw T to the famUy ,: jL aoicemter, .i p0Utical, but by circle, "cT :n sects and t&"ie8 ' 13 Te being courteous ' "fga to P""nt 10 its constant aim of the PuP"e tbe pe0ple and en StfumaawySSiffi.iW earnestly rich. the Stat f;f;.p0f North CaroUna to give appeal to the famul ear o see If Tl!1! TIMES -SU papers, as , tto.. it be not aa weU to ' Pf"06 home mteresu and a Rom abroad ; to ttS our substance and our State pride, and W scatter . tja ta atrial .energies fm it meUa. , ;-v.. . andthn let dt stand p by IH, n-. . . f nnr I reearaaa "'n v Deems. "Sre is no wodency, ad calculated - .rtfcleis of a MWilmicgton Herald . iv n m.muse ad oaper. published ?trXi encoorage W.t the Pleigb Standard . . k .vr own nPrfc toLJS A ALBRIGHT,' . raUMDEO 852, . ' . IMATKD - ." CinMr cMaiUmore and Charlil. Strtett, ... , BilTlHOll, MD.V T lit Largest and most Elegantly Furnl.hed Commercial OoUege in the United States. Every young man should write Jmmed.ately for one oZtnoseJargs aneautifully ;jjajjj . I IrlVMIlari. TFUrCOCUMVK v ;mectfully reqoested to compensate 1 t baltimosb Commikcial Collboi. r S la v. brtayerftaf this panThlp, Ao., which will be sent by return LW it dentsTTerro. of Tuition, Oplojon, , of th e paper ana w "I ,n debt to us, are urgen oivX.wa and others, in oeofc ' ... .,,.. to send in ajrj-ej - earnest Perl: lount equivalent to a prin- quivalent I .... - cipal portion oiuj v" throoghout the y vsr r- -oar ti-wsxt AJ ( VT Was-T,are B. B. RHETT.Ja. .v- j;wrence ns ior Prospectus.' au.jt CiarUtto. 3. V - HO. v sgEARMERAND PLANTER AV1?,w r urtTl. Ihavo removed itaplaeaof .hi, citv at regular stated periods. ; - ndenTthat such a journal is greatly ff', ;;VT 0. and believing taat lt wiu oe eeded in this B1 f" . - f h Rtatji and Wlocaa ,naucw -r- nd all nnon averr Vie TCU""1 . r Al rf fl I till " - t - IfrKCUBWl VW " will be nefedeo 2! ifrJr dlanter in South Carolina to encourage uToWtoVnest rtyioef TTPOgTA J 'th new type,-on flno paper, handsomely femsInlght. pages added to its former '""price only 0 Dollaa . pet annum, always 1 advance. , j -. - M,.-?"'1 .dentine Agri- List of Students, I?""' 7,2.' Press on ear Wtw eysvenioi m.v'"r--T B. Loersm, Principal-Lecturer onthe Sclocf J-TA 2 n; JnMSOS.Profear of Penmanship. T ' wSmS Mercantile Law . . v :tTRb.I- D., Commercial EUJes. . "''."a.'' w-iv i Hon Joshi Vansant. ; Hon John P Kemiedyi won ge'ghler, Esq., Hon Thomas Swann, Wm n J ; Jacob Trust, tsq., " , . .. time usuallv required to compleunho fuU ee, from ft to W weeks. raduaUi. eTntbymaUA-:irR, Address fnUitnor. pit tan lT-tf r l00a tkAi ut s-r nd Ironer, wll Arofa pleaSWtion oa application jSough tids 1 office.. - - tf L. vVbediW rfi , t Liril m he under the care of on. of the JL department will be under the c heat sarmer. h.r.4 to. ana ;The CMnrfiwmV'rVfttutt. b nme wiu oe snwi . v aflrlpttonispaid. . . - . vf. BT0SES. 1 111 1 osaa . ... - - r.:- .ret. near the Post a t..,. on iiaiu - fficflROBTA! DAVIDSON. Agtnt. April, 186241. Jan.8T t : i- f; "i I. I v. . ata A Co'kl)rcX evoraa. ixij 1 may I