t - , .V I. ' .,,t Mgiiiiwiiv:iij.j.uiiiiwiiwiriiiiiiiiiin.iTJi " ii i nK i ! iwii ! imimi r in if iTfijw iaiaHnialnim.ara Mj""5Pf " -. ,'' ... 'II . ! 1 i i t 5 ' jl . v ujj. A:, yiir pyo.j C$6 PEI V Vf (I . 1 . " .. V . . Ill i v i ; i . i : i ii i .it V I l; ri; a.ij.ti - i i p. u !1 T 1 1 E B1 LLETIN: If V H?.rnr. i t r to nTetr eet. on it'! t PAPEK : . t'-MLT E' T5CLLETIX wMt v ij l aJ.-..v ir.ori.u.2. - t I t (4 mm, taxable In alriuc'. Faniily.Tlfnr Tor Sale." " A T tl, r 'irl',u 11;rir.f Milif cxn be hal ' ..f.;:v-. Sa,rjt i Cc FUiCtl, St- ,7 JOHN WILKF- L I-rr uiicJttf-' 1 tbesabscrlbtr ..'.:. - ' I.2SJ"3f WAY 3 v- T I -t 1 1 1 1 YY A il'li I MM ED ATELY! be clvea. J. 8. PILLIPS. , 3 VKl.t Of grulM tfUtl r jo ls wi'.I be "tJ la a .est. frita .r: l after Jf. 'Iowa f -r cv, lu Ja.i.u it. . , ! -S M Vie ;a'.li irijted 'He Secret b ryot War a legion f tie war. i want aa H' n I ar "ibI n gitaeoi 4 niantry, two Com- lrar ?, oi iavairy a 4 ir.e 1 fiilt --v. A bounty f DOLLARS viil 1' pud up'.ri ilia erslls'tmen; ! Cavi 0: Cavairy a 4 ine company of Ar- to each soldier 'c " i- r.ii.omicji 1 . vaiau r sic icuuuru I ir..i;. li.eir i3 Jrsos, tor uhich the Covers. iTit iit will f.c-tfj' r.i forty cents per -i iy, :. tiK-ir lull ? Th lt-t rir.ni and. If it k 1 lit a in battle. ; traipments to be had in tlui Cunlt leracy VI Le furnished Re- L-ruits will ie recti tidj ainirry or by com I 'nit's. Turn out..r Ioi'b make short v- rk with Abo. I, - Add re sa rr 1 the r-rejenl at Kuiiou, . C. B. VANCE, - Co!. Com'j Lfh Re. X. C i'ayrtteville Obs- M 'jGreenaboro riot, Cj3r!ott3 Bull ii fcalem - Pre; . T. . boro Pat- ?3 and fopy tour times-. Apni JI. 4 THOMAS W.'WADISLIFFE, mc;.n .of vaii HICHAIlDSiM Till. Mi!- TH-KAST CK j(iR STREET, OF RICHARDSON ASI PLA AfeTEEETP, ' 1 ub, : in porter auu I-jaler In Fine. VATCHE3, C10C:!lJE7ELKY, SIL- GUNS, MILlTARi Wfancy GOODS. "rr""WTv:is and Jt.ltt repaired by skillful - .1 ;trlenced Wjiilei:. AU kinds of n.-,.as ta'Jrii order. -S3 . s -" ' '" I - KOOP 'S AutirDysoxxterit 4Anti-Dy spep t ic i'UF.rAKED J5J V. KOOPMAN. T M'. u: rivallM 1 jtet po5!a i ci-uliar cu- rtiU.i rji-ril, - n.tU AlTcctloi.a of the f'...eU. i ' y id be t au I vffrrtual in the cure . f l-t :.ry, l;arrhoca Dji;cps!a, Sour Stomach a::-t .!! t', j aloful 1 ndf troublesome diseases ( -.s: i r '! deranptpel of the Ulges'-ive or r.. t irricular acU 1 c Uis. tuuctlos- 0 tho f r.-i ! i"teCincs. JThey will aho be found a i- tl- K KKMUiV FOR eilCLS AM) FEVE1S. r.. ? l'..it-.T$ are pr-eftev from Kata brought rr. u li.n a::, and for f ef a century have been ' -.a J t " i.iai ia that r.try for the penuarent . ,;r- t-t U.c -dieasts ca?raU-d above. They r t.in i d- '.eterious 1 sj:, bat are Compounded . .t r. ty t T rs ro t, an jare pel -ftrctly Bife at all tiri.-s. i 4 tri A U all t: a U asked, as a care IU 'n.ttHrarv f w, and tUt li tl.e best certificate of !S .-n.r y Tvr e ry ;her remedy for those irt:culr d:s-.-.ea. , , ;. itiinufactur i by P.. Koewnan. Char- tt.. . N". C. i.i.lfjn!. DO lM AN P1IFLP5. .e at F. Pnt ttor.-4 ind L Nre UotcMn- n a (fcbiS-ly (jiAuljUiTlJ DkUG STORE. E. 21 YE HU Tins OK & Co r 3 FT All EALXRJ 1 VOKEION AND DO- :.U.-5ru- UULO ; l-sllcines. ChemicikU. Fx fu-..t rv. Fancy ariiv! J.Js, Pal Painj, Varnishes, Hsiui.W .: Putty j p::vj c s:u , Alcohol, J Lw,uo dcnfVeu.-JI c s, Turpenune. t'-irr.i,v rlu 1, uors,CuU)ii Teit. H iv,-c; ! our rv : e intend ti aU her May 4, rtI-tl rr-r j, r . T my tti.my iriei.u i Charlotte and iht 'vi.-iiijty, l ifg leavt V0I.UNIEEREI tate, that havinir S THE WAR. - t Hi". Iv. ?ary - tor I I wind np itmue- i i.oe wn,i I.ovi: Tin: . nv, i tinnk 1 act disci lit- i i us .i. nee w in txposing my Jro.v. IllCli tOR WAKD SQIXARIISTG AT ONCE. a pir' : aen ' enm Yisaaed n xr :n-M.ur vrmkltd Iront, h .., i.i rt.-..ie ta k&. - ." : - ; ' ' T IV WILKINSON. A? i;i 4. jj ,'lw ir p.i sm-tiMiica s wrmklfd Iront J -j A -mau ?.!pIyot,in,,ner l:Tir Paptr juit j4Ted, rcial, No:e and and for sale cniv ai rt'ia.. jj ;j. u. , . . U VEXS&Co., thePost-Otiice. April I - !So2-4t., RECItUi -LifiVrr A NTED!; lOU BOLL.Ir.1 HOllSTV. - 'Viil: undtriisned i,Aa a company ia : - camp at Unied i fUV x-,nt fi.,mn TA. f cnii:s tor it aid ihaJfih fount on i i.strnent ot g xd 1 - "i its. I I C Ci'lLOWRIE. hVASCUALL. uiinovrn. i : nrri! 1 It in. - SLUING C.OODM ! J rccrirr 1 1 Urre 1 r u i;lotof S.rln Drm Goods C .m;.r .,gOra, p , i, EnfYh Uarages. Chklhr,, F-.ttllard 3 ..,e are D-Ivn-ii. Fizure-J are fccsiis very rapiU.vSi KAH.fWiULEiri X1ZOS. i r l -r.-r i:. 1 March l?,?2-tf ! Notice to Merchants. FORWARDUi'G OFFICE . , ICR. R-Co;: ' Cauu.Ebtojf. Mai-ch 16, 1561. I' TTVIE Sooth Carolina Railroad Companr havlair ; Uit lervlce, the underriCTied, who has been the for ! warding A cent ot the Company for thelaatfouror j fiTe year, La &5ocIaJed wlA lilnj the CMef Cerk . j i u.i i , .wu ronuane 10 nit tn t tsa iUli j'Ut. j auch articles as may he consigned tor bla. f- rie. u iruaia, oy airici proaai aueauon.to retain a Tery liberal aharetof the buaineea of the i ?j$r i 5't'8 of k House, & are reminded that all now reach- porwrwm polr.fa beyond the Confederate f America, must be eoterei atihe Cuatom ad tht daties are payable on such as are not pan-hased en or before tfce 2Sth i'ebruarv lt- ' 'i lidn (rii. bhlpLoanl on or bevre ti JfarcA. irutant, aare anch as are on tf: free list. It Is therefore necessary that remittances be made to pay the duties where dutlea are payable, aD !! AIL C4i3 TO COVEK THK KirsSK OF CCSTOM llocsa Esrar, hitthik thk goops hi rai oa ot, Protart comjjllance will prerent delay and ex pxnt", ; articles not-en'ered and pcrraiUed will be stored by the Custom House officers. The Sotjtij Carolina RaMroad Company mill aIraoce, as heretofore, the charge of Xrlpht, d ravage and warfare, lutnt thtsrpeiten connected tciik the Custom Ifvue. - M1" cnarges inr rorwarJi: i moderate, r.d may be had on ; OAXTT A STONV , to whom a!1 h KAiti or criarsres mr rortrar-JiDi? wiu . Be err &ifheation to huslness commi- ua'Joiu flhouH be sddrfised. r The uudersined refera to -the officers of the South Carolina Railroad Company, to the custom en of the Forwarding Department, and to a!I merchants of atand'.Di In the. city of Charleston, and respectfully soUcita a liberal share of patron aej JAM3 L. GANTT. - ' Late Forwardinsr ARent S. 0. R. R. Co " - A CAISD TO XII E PUUL1C, , " . "-" THE SEWSERy ... ..-rV-- Daily and Weekly Progress. IT IS A I-1 V. A OY KN OWN TO T1IK lL'15LiIC that the unceremonious eatrascof lurnalde Into Newbern on Friday lasthaj compelled the temporary su?pens!on of the PROGRESS.. This was a barbarous and yll lanlous proceeding of old Baruside, InasfRuch ai It h&s deprived the public f the a lrantajrescf a good paver, besides the inconveulence to the cltl- ! aera of Nebern. - . By the dlrcomiture cf our arraj at N"ewbern, I" hare loit ererytt.injf I had In the world presses, type, and atoclt and other office materisl and rur- but itm I hope to be able to make arrangements at aa early day to lue the PROGRESS at some polntnotvery remote front the eld stand : this will depend however upon the extent to which Burr.s:de is able to penetrate the bowel of the land. ' Having lost all I have, I Biust urge all who are indebted to the PI.QGRE23 office to make Imme diate settlement. Though In the army my address will be for the present, G-oIdsborO, N. C. f5 Papers In the S'ate that receive the PRO GRESS in exchange will please copy or notice this ant. J. L. BENNINGTON. Gcldsbdro, March IT. 3S6. - ", .Catch the Deserter. mniitTY' DOLL, vits hewaiid, WILL be given for the apprehension and delivcrv.ot David Reid, who deserted Company E., 21th Regiment, North Caro lina Troops, at Camp Mangtim, near Raloiah, N. C., 13;h . January, .1862. Said Reid'is supposed to be "thirty-seven years of age, five feet eleven inches high, sandy hair, blue eyes, red complexion and down look, nothing promising indicated in his appearance Said Reid's residence is Caldwell county, N.C-, where he, is. sup posed to be lurking. Bring him in and re. ceive the money. ' JO HN F. II ILL, Captain. - Per W. O. IIakkelsov, O. S. 2Ii&RmV TANNAIIILL & Co., (Sucex-ssors to N.i. MARTIN, SON . Co.) Pf ocers Commission Merchants, . l'ETERSRUKC, VA. ' WALTBR K. lYDVRTm Si Co (Successors to N. M. MARTIN, SON & Co.) COMMISSION .HEIICHANTS, 3Lo1- -rh ondf' "Va. R. A. Marttk, formerly" of Granville Co.,N. C. K. TASSAmix, formerly of Kdcocre Co., N. C Walter K. M irtis, of Rlcl.na'.nd, Va. N. M. Martk, of Richmond, Va. U. H. Ccxxisgham Jr.. of Richmond, Ya," pOTH concerna will give faithful personal at Ob tfetitlon to the aals of COTTON, WHEAT, TOBACCO and CORN. Neither concern will buy any cf the above named articles, either on Com niUlcn, Speculation or otherwise, as their busi ness In produce Is con tin d to SELLING cxclu alve'y. Refer to ' " . C. Fishkr, F.sq., President N. ft. Rail Road. Dr. W. J. Hawkins, Pres't R. d: Gaston Rail Road. R. 11. ItsinoKiu, Esq Tres't Bank at Tarboro, N. C. Hon. VT. N. Kdwards, Warren County, N. C. , Jamks M. Bcxlocs. Esq., Granville County, N. C. O. . FiSHkR, Cashier Exchange Bank, Petersburg; Krvr P. Battlk, Km., Raloiirh, N. C. 53y AVe respectful.y call the attention of Cotton-I Planrers and dealers to Petersburg ad being one of the best Odton Markets in the South, having both it good home and foreign .demand, and we are pleaded to hear that eu"oi is are now Wing made to get the frdbt through from- Charlotte to Tetera burjr reduced to ab.ut S3 a Kale. - - ., mch 1,1MI-Sm. John T. Butler, .1; Prdclirjtl Watch and Clock IJfuker, JeioeUtr in e vtreet, Charlotte, JVT. (7., ojfirvile . Kerr' U-tl,dtiiler in fine Watches, Clock, Jciretry, TTafA JInteriaU, ,fc. , : , ' A. LL work done ia ths establiaLment warranted x5L' fwr-'- .... . - . ; .. . TWELVE PIONTJIS. f "ine Wa't'," Clocks and Jewelry of every des cription rep.Ttedand warranted Tor twelve mc-mta. Jan. 11,1551 lyx ' ' (LA1X SUETT A KOasOK,) - Commission lilercliaut, : So! 62 EAST DAY, . ; - ciiAKLKvro.V, f. . . . . Partidalar atttution given to the sale of - V I IK AT, FLO U12, - CO UN, .tC. - And from roy long experience In th b'.islne, I' - fret confident ufjdring salisfacon. ::. ; REFERENCES. . C. M. Furman, Fq., Pres. Rank of S. C; W. B. Fmitb, Vjhi President Union Bok., O: Ewlog Cj-j, Nashville, Teun Hon. John. P. RLJt Aag;aa. tia.,iion. m. a. voojer, turn a, ua. - May l.lST,l-6m ' . - ; ; "ta lme it( . ' lEON. AVORKS: COIiVTIKIA' S. C, ;. - . - nSTAILlSIiHI3, A. D. ilDCCCU. - ' ' WILLIAM GLAZE, : : : .ELS AN UFACTCRJER Of TEAM . ENGINE3. 'A ii from 1 i) to SO Horse Power: - SUGAR MILLS of every style, now in use. Mill Work of every dlript ioa. Also, Iron RaiMug, with, every inscription of Iron aud Brass Caatinrs. I would call attention Iron Coating In the way of enclosing Public Buildings, lweilings, - Caat Step, Balesiro EaiUng, and all kind of enclosures for Cemttary lots. Having a first rate Boiler maker with us, we are prepare! to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, k buui auutc. dim k:iu uoiter maaervo any nv ! par 01 laec.axe. uor steam taglnea will 8e louni, when compared with those raade at Ncrti t erneaiauianmeau, to tf irocxtweuty-ive to forty i siKu ,vt nuCia'i3cjufr. - These Works have been la successful operation frsev ral years, with an lucrease ef patronage from all rta of the HouU.ern eoantry, for -which the Proprietor returns Lis thajika to his numerocs it .. iti i . r tinaance - I their favors. maylT-tf lAlxid jNtaiic bind Shop: M AVISO porchaaed from J. A. Pnx1 the abore e5taM58'imex!t; the car3ralirn?d bez! leT v t.' i.ip jiircnHon 01 ne powic to Uie tact tnat ha la nw readv Wfll mnr order for maklnr ciam t.ngines. Cotton 'pl Tnbtnci Pr-'; and eTer Taicrtptinn of Machinery. v All kinds cf Caa t?ncs Jn Iron, Prae'and other metals made atsborf notice and rednetd prlrs. -Partlcnl.tr attention, eiven to Jbn roaVtnir and rer-alrlnar f T!rrsMnjr V vMn; IIor. Poyera, Cotton Oina. Mill Worka and A rrieHtBr-it Work of all kinds. BUckamiib- inz, Jo:. Waon wir-,.aid llerse-Shoefnr done with dinpatch. for job done. - droii ' NORTn CAROLINA - ". rouifDiiy :& hachikb works; :' S A SB XJ RY. , r N P . i - IIC5':KCKS.&REAIEU. StrrTFsinpe Tn' XT nnVnr.'x'" t. ortxr 1 MANUFACTURERS QFC -i A G II I C IJXTTJI1 A I. 1 MJPJJK.'Tr C NTS : Cultivators, Plows, -' - " ' '-:-- - : Corn-Shellersr:, ": -1 ; : ' -v-' Seed -Sowers ' tr- j r IlorsesPowers & Thrashers, - x r- THE CELEBRATED TELEGB AP5 CTJTTIH G ACHI JTE, For Fodder, flay. Stalks,. Oats and Shucks. . Beine the fTrst'Premium' Machine of the . C Fairs xfJN"orth and South Carolina ! A CIDER & SUGAR MILLS; SHAFTING AND MACHINERY Tor Grist, Circular & Vertical Sa? Mills. Clold. Copper &' Sllye'r Jtllnen.--r Manufactufers of and Affentg for Dri E. O. Elliott r PATENT-MIX AY- SAW MILL, and ABATER1 WHEELS. ; - v Plantation arid Coiintv Riehls for sale oi W. T. ".& C. E. STIJARTtS PATENT DOUBLE ACTING HAY OR COTTON PRESS. - ' . ... Iron and. Brass Cflatiwrr Foffrino-s .t and ',?,sed Work Of every Description;, , rnTlk'niih 'P-nWtiT'ei alCr-n YVrTTt'ic, T02ACC0 PSESSES AND PIXTUR2S, And other Kinds of Machinery repaired - ai. short notice. v "'june 18, 186Ily: : ; ' ;' " ." ! " - - i.- rriFT vxnim n td nv nrniivc - - HENRY ALEXA NBER. - CflAISXOTXJG, N. C. y''i'. TITR underslcned be? to Inform the citizens of . Charlotte and f riclnlty, and the public jren. erauy, inai iney nave . . - ,; - - ; , ' COMMENCED BUSINESS jy . r """ at the" above --i'''T: E"S T A IS I I SJS ITI E IV T , - . .. . V "FOOTOF . . - ", .'-"-. .' '-"'-JX,xr.ca.c3.. Stroot, - Ailjf.Wnsr the NTorth Carolina Unit Rod, and op- pomie juuiN .njxaty tioara ftour JM-lls. They are now prparei to.furnish.aH kinds of ; : IVTaoliinery - At short notice, and on rennnnafil terms. . STEAM ENC3INES. from stb 90 rronsE powff, . - ; . X3T o t- m -r? - ST. Jri o o ijai- :. ' .. Vv ?' :.. 'Ai:o .-" ''".;''': . ' liLACKS UITli'S WORK - R E IP A I TR S Their. FOUN Ifi their ilri nromptlv attended to DRY Is in full operation, and - ; Cast Regularly twice a Week, i -, - Wednesdsjs and Satnrdaya.: They are prepared to furrish' all kinds of ; - -CASTINfiS IN IRON, BRASS, Ac. f ACOORDISQ TO ORnKn7 '- ""- " SAW AKD GRIST MILL GEABLNO, GIN WHEELS, . SA W JQUST BURNERS, ANTI-FRICTION PLATES AND BALLS FOR - COTTON PRESSES. - CAST IRON RAILING, For Garden Enclosures, " . -i Dwcllt'.r.lfojoptf, Public Buildings, - . Porticoes-, - ' ; - Cemetery Tot, A Their . ' - , '- . -J;. For carrylrsr on tho bnolnps in nil Ha branchAn, have been. SELECTED WJ.TII GREAT CARE, and are provided with nil the . -c y IIVIPROVEIVIENTS e V Reo.'iired to do their work In at ' i -c FIRST' RATE JlANNEtt-J Aeenfs, or Dr. E. O. - Eu.ioTTr for WInteVa Faleit Mnlay Saw Mill, which baa.the advantage, along with many others of doing at leaat twice a much work, and doing it better, than any other Mill in nser-it can be run by Steam, : Water or uors l ower, - tneajoiavmavte "Hnat the ?hrp at any line. ; . ItENRY ALEXANDER, -N. B, Old Irtn,Brass,v Copper, 4c., bonght or takaln trade. ' - - . . . .- ' .oct.23,lS60-tL. . . - v . .- v T, ,r - ..... r...... , ; 2 ;.piiiTo";' IRON WORKS, : r:;, c o lutb i a; :s c ; W I iiiIA?l Cth AZ Et i?r op r i elVr v G K O It C51? A . S 1 1 1 E L IJ S, For em an . ' "jn ?T ANUFACTITRE3 &TEAM- ENGINFS of any If power desired, for Mills - and Plantation, pnrposes, at sVrt .notice, bavin?; at all times on hand some finished, or in a forward state. In con nection xvilh our Mill and Engine Work; we hare secured the servtcea or ?jr.. JOHN . CRAIiTREK ho U one of the bet MMwrtehta In. the South, to aupertntend thcputting-Mef M'Us oi Kpgineer v,T am. agent for one of the beat PORT! RLE MILLS -row In nse, and can furnish ary size wanted.. Trsona wlshjntr the Mills are Invited tn. call at the Worki, and witness the operation of the ne now In use The Mill-rack, which la the very I t-H Mwi-uini ino .F.ociicia, A Uk anil Uie Mill arj built complete at our Establishment, - rBRASRAND IRON CASTING . All descriptions of BRASS and IRON CASTINGS executed In the very best manner, and at s?rt notice, aw we cast t very "day In the week. ,Onr stock of patterns is; very large, having, recently inirptiaacu. oji uiosb lormeny owned.bv.G. W. Wriht, wliicb being added to those ;made at iny. Establishment for the past fl ve' years, makes the "assortment more full than any other like establish ment in the State.; " , . I am agent for one of the largest Wire Billing' Comtn1es at the North, and wiil furnish." WIN DOW GUARDS, GALLERIES,. VERANDAH,- ir.u:-1 ca or any aescnpiion oi v ire Work, at the Look prices of the raanufactorer, which can be ieen at my ofSce.'" ";' . '-' CIHCUUAR"SAWS;; , "Jam awot for R. Hoe A Cos rek-brated CL& CULAR SAWS, and also for a manofactarer of the same arttcre m liicnmona, va A fall ant.niv of J oac,oi n sizes, aiwaya on Hand. Persons wishing them, will do well to call on me. as I make nocnareeioi no cnarze ior niimf tneca to the mnnrirMa ny -rj CATTq TIV TnnTTT!7T. ; . UIaJJ OaWS Jttii-AUUAiiJvU. I have a GUMMING MACHINE 6n hand, aod-4 t-am prejrti to re-joio oiii saws, mavtn? them at good as new -dec 11, ISoO-tf l- WILLIA SI Old ZE. wood. Anulv at this oific OH Iron. Braw and Corner Cart I tJlariUI IU iW Oi ; V IttSSI UttU t i-sr i affords nhasujl -idv&ntai'ef? to Adtirfestrs. ht at the ' Pottndnr or takn in exehatti .' L: ' '- ----J '--JLm,7-S. mum, " K . .. - , ...v.- ' l.u....- ' - - ' . . - -i mtTT? r : m-i- w j rn- r rrx vr .: .' , -T-r . '.- s Charloftc & S. C Railroad Co. 4 " PAS3ENG ER',TR AIN'xv'Ill Jeave Cols umbia for Cbarlotte each nfiernoan 3t 6, ami arrive in-.Columbia 5 a." m. vl.-'tTvJ.'SUMNER: " ' .. Engineer and Superintendent. -1 April 4,; 1ST)?; - - , . - , . . tf - ; . v .'- " fTIIiEPaBsenffer Trains -on this. Jif &: leave" auiaxriye",'herf after, as follows: Leave Charlotte, ati '-v 'k flO A.MJ .-Arrive'ai Charlotte;4; I-';''? V-3-'-'' P".M; Leave Columbia; nt . v " 8.-r A .M:. Amve.at Columbian . 4:50 P.IVL- ' i "NOV 8 C1 IX A It it OTTE and! SO. . A'iltsli'. -. The Coupon due on the 1st of "Jawi'sry next on. Ihe Bond of tto fiomnafiY vUT be paid whenevr prese9tel at my oSoo at the1).t. ' ' -". , -. . do '6Li r - A. " H.) MARTI!?. AQ.' Atlantic enii. O.R a ilroad. ;;4;'"5As;pmci'5vTvl5 ' -.tf Ii Charlottes Marclvjw .186V4'n - Aa the; last iastailmeTvt of 'Stock - sub PAY UP and cret vonr certtScafes .. 'ST'-Vhtft copyj lotir weeki VVilminstonCIiarimtfi Rutherford Rail lioacl; -1 .... . TRASSPORtiTlOS Cr-Ftcn, W." !).. , N and after Monday the" 15tfiiistant the Pas"--sensrer and Mall Train will be. run .on. this. Road dallyXSurtdays excepted) aa f dlows :.' .' . ':C :"A going west.5! vj-.l-V"- AKRrvE T.00 A. MV ' ..ChartotUl-' 7.45 "; - VTuskaseege " ; . 5 . Brevard ; . 8.15 V 8.40 Bharon ; ; - ; Llncojinton ; , - V GOING EAST, v 8.87. - - 9.00 Lbavs 11.00 A. M 11.23 : 11.51V'.. 12,17 ' ; . v ; Arbivk "... - - .. '. ; - 1L45 I 12.15 Pj M.. 1.00 v . " ; Lincolntos. -Sharon ' '.-'' "; Brevard -- v " " Tuskaseege ; . Charlotte Sl ; - ". . Et Order. V, A. McBEE, - . . ' - Actlnir Master of Transportation . Llncolnton, April-4th, 1S51. '-- -". AtlnnticrTniir 1 TBIHE charges on thi3 lioad must be prepaid od' fl. all -Freights going to Stations on this Road where there are no Agents. All such, freights will ,ie ali vmrl st said St.ati.-.nft; he oypers risk. ' - ' - Freight Agent, . Janunry 22, 1852 tf , 11 . ' Charlojte.-- , . , ; ; ' rprt - , PHINTEES',. INKMANTJFACTUEEI) - 13. A. RANDALL & CO, , ' MARIETTA, GEORGIA BOOK, NEWS INKS. . . ' " AND COI.OItKf . Of an excellent quality, and warranted equal to the be3t.Northern make. w - BOOK INK at .50 cents to 84 perJt. in cans of 1 to 10 pounds." . . :; -"'" . .NEWS INK,-(fine) at 30 cents per lb., for all orders of 100 pounds . 4nd upwards.' "JSTEVS INK, (very fine) a .40 cents 'pi r .lb.," ih kes'of 25 and 50 pounds. " v COLCllED.'lNKS at 81 to $8 licrlb:, iu half pound 'and jiband cans, v ""-. ; "S Evefy"paper inserting this adver" fisenient for one n.onth and sending ns- a ; cdny of their paper, will receive '.psy; tor the same upon purchasing three times.! be mel'22 ?te-lmy A: B. R. T&r COt; 'V "; r Removal. fTIHE subscriber begs to inforin the public that . J. ' he has removed his Shop to No 4 GRANITE liif v, where he is preiarea with a run stock,., of COOBS EOJt MESS IFEARp . iTo supply all vho-ta ay favor him with a -call. v '-Hainff secured the services; of. one -of the best Cutters In the South: he feels satisfied that he cam 1 please the most fastiduousi " c V - '- Oct.9-tf - :V' -'- .'- "') PHILLIPS.-n . . INRIiIANUFAK'ORYv i g fHIIB Subscriber has commended the tiiahufac-' ' jL ture of a beantiful -r ,-w'Vt;- -!-5--" ';.. :; is .vK- "iviiiTiNcT" lNiif ;- It Is ixtade from" an Fnglish- recipej" and "ia re markable for it brilliancy1 of "color, and .'freedom from altsedinients;6r'drngsi..;.";-:--.--V''-- 4. 't Orders, from, dealers; will be fii lei." with; prompt-; nes, and at as tnoderM.e prices as they have been purchasing, for 'fro in .Northern manufacturers : Orders solicited, and samplea sen wherever rei fjuejled-. .Address ' W. B.' JOHNSTON, au'Sitt.f , -Columbia 8.C DfesoIutlOii JT31HE CopartoerDnp heretofore existing under;, JL1 the naraeor ALEXANDER. McDODGALL, fa tMa day diggolvedvly-io.ntual conent Heijry Alexauueris aloDf aothorized to setUe. the bufl--seatt of Ui late firm." r. i ; t. -; ' - ;-. 's-. HENRY A L EXA.N KR. i ' : .y. ;,;- -.r MALCOLM-MODeALL. - -;junr sr. isci-u.-..-.4 . .-;.- H 8 NOW IS THE1 Tli E ITQ SUB- J.CyMa -SCRIBB FOR THE fiREAT SOU- THW1N .WEUKLY! TlliJ BEST! ,TALSNT. OF The Southern :K!(J fdireside,: Published every Saturday', -at-' Aaguita,-;G--.a( j KnowibJ-eato be "lAe otst jamug J'aper in the Southf coc.tfi.lcj in each laane,' elgkt pages farty colnnros) ttt" - f , s v: - .. '" Clsolcc Iteadf ii Matter, C devoted to the instructfop anu amuieroent of the ; -1- - .' . friendsof Southern '1 ' v LITERATORE, AGRICCLTORS, and AUT." . ,tfSSnbscr1ber8 are presented aemi-anpually witan.INTEXj or Table of Contents f r -? - V "vTiaisTwi douaits ' imvoai s''--str v UddfeaJAiiFA nABNUS. ABOTstArOa.' ? Tlift bid North Statc.rFircTci5 berSj, or anhscribe. AotijerCounty, Agent, for this New, Lar?e and irjagxildcent jnap, - And you wt3 get Uie whola Stale, with her Rivers, RailroaGS, Gold, tapper, lead,' iron and Coal Mines, and all the Cities, Towns and VIUa?es. he: noble Mountains a at Sjprings, and her Fields and 'Flowers. "--- i-r-f ' " ' .. - j. - ; V- - If. you want . Ws GOLDEN :f-RTZS, now ia the fiEP, Map seven feet by five. ; Border 'views o I the State Huse, Insane Asylum, Oc rl Hilt, Mate lilt, Mate fjheapf.Pi ; and rcmate-jollt-gcs,-Ae.,-Ac, one of the 1.'-. . - ' PEA CCE A BP?r. I - - t.i . , tia 1 ix I asstMicrr i rinns -uii mis. aiu wui i uibihc oiAprri, an .otutBWety.iu arretsi. P8LU ICS, AER!CULT08E;J1SCEI EAST, iiESEnAL KEKS; interests of eduf1n arrlcultnre,'commerce. and a re requested td make- immediate paym'enL -'?'.:-v;?'?tnjLiBr-i ;;vt1j'..: :jiiifftcttir.ii, wiri ik8fktrdxalneniT':n .-lew,-Contractors" : have' faithfully! performed '',T$ TsTNTTl -TT-1rYA"TT,-T'.'' .'.aCnftftwil! be anafed to mfc it, in alt. res- thdu.io.-ihounf mMnsmm js due from bfoCfchoiaera. Cotpo torwara. it. 2---i;'jr;-'i:.-;f.v--r.Aifi't' .rvs.i a fi4r win in-ft,i.u- o 2 . iS-ZENS, will vou bay .the noble STATE of Sithern Lirar . ..r4''St8Aes.ATetiBs Aiberal. Apply. itbaVa. . j sept. 13r6m " j THE LARGEST CIHC TJLATIOlJ IH WE Si 4 AW. if - h . j JJuixBTH ) eetahlkho'd in.- the town of rCharlottf-, rrbich wej ha,ve n doubt are read by . at Jeatt TWSTST perBona each weK. a larsre propnrtionnt .vhota.ars! Planters and their faniille$. J Ad aineansof Advertlsinsr wa are cnSdent thfit fffeat ad'rai.taxejs can ie ohtaVned thfouffU tJilis'e!-; tabllghment,'tence; wren to inform oul-Trieri.Js and theliji.Ueifltamit1:wW niuee n toe aeapoarq, UQarieetoni-ana vviunins ton.) that our facllitieVf or emulating tiielrbusine Notlces,tljroorhout Western Korth-Crohna.an the adjoining Districts ta'-Sonti CwcoIiDti' are :vjtT: tensive and eomV'e. . ' .jjar'rerm are liberal and a laree deduction wih je made on tue bUis"0f"CQ3tract Aclvertisers. J SeptrgTSSl: - ''fVff''irtAI - '! UiLijJBUnVJUH IiEJtViliJiit; commenced the fertlfcth. Tyear or Its Vxls- rtenoe. the first number havte been Issasd thai Oth'- of Februarr. 13204 during an wBica time we-naye labored to make our pa?.ir intereatiog.and nsefal. 'and,vre hope that in-these particulars we haver not wish to tnake;tn mrounva va gooa mny.ra- . per. devoted to PollUcs,: Agrlcalture., Mlsfeei5ariy,r General New iih ff.yiaw; td 'ibe- entert&lnr mT.t anrilrnni'ovementrof the farmers and cifl- ienk of the ctrclft la; which Tit Is ' dlstribii'-; Oar Agrlcultuyardepa,rtmen .weendeayor to fill with' the best setecuons we can ,mas? wja ii Bources, trivln preference "to-such a" will be - of . practical 'i'aie to the farmer and cultJVat fd in this par.'- tJcular we hobetoimake the RECORDICR 3 valu able to .the "agriculturist aft; any periodica! -of a. nurelv agricultural character. ; m onr Miscella neous departoentV'we- shiill contlue"to be, -as we Tia ve al wavs been,' carefor to r Reiect" anch articles. aa'wlll have: a tendericv not only to amuse, bat to Improve the mind "and heart.--While we shall be thankful to receive : well-written articles to. adr'rn our columns, ;?r are not so ambitiousbf originality' as potto prefer selected matter bT superior nerit, to IboselV-written e,nd Ill-digested articlefiv though -ornaiaented at the Top with the covtea words "Written exnresslv for the RECORDER." -rln oai "Xewi department. w. -shall vt-ke esjwci;d paiTfS to present td our readers tne latest inTnigence ; sro to enable ns to do so we Irave facilities ioia! to thos'e enioved in' ony portion: ;.of the State, except .those favored with.telegraphic cotnmuDlcaion. .; . ' liAslngle copy; one year...... .uu v I v'Stx copies', one year .. . -JT.T. 10 00"'. ; l Ten" copies; "one year,.. ...... 15.00, Payment always la advance. - v- Atiy of our oldjubscriberff who will obtain five subscribers and send .sthe cash, sball receive their owVi paper free of charge. - - - -July 13. V .: - " Tii EdgcpittbcairRS Journal i y-nHE aubscriber will commeuce on or about the - 1st of SertemberV:lS60, tire publication- of & monthlyjourpalin Tafboro-'to te devoted to the. ad'mmT irfcfst of North Uarobn a. Ed irecombe bavin? lonr since been acinoivled?- "ed as the model farming couotjr of North Carolina, we feel that there is ho l -cal'.ry" better suited, and none uiore- -3af tly entitled to the-Jqure of .ubli- "tKro'. It is to'be called , . iv'!:. 'kTJieEdWcoinle Farm Journal." And will contain .Otiglaal and selected ari teles up-, bu Agricidtnre, Uorticuitore, F'oriculturc,- House-, hiaArts7"JnfarArcldtcta . It witt pe pubUsQsd witjbjUewtypsand clear, white 'paprfti incat qaarto fprm. - . ; " The once or-Subscription ha belS made so low .as -to"- place the -'publicatjott within reach T.'eyery ono- v - "' '""- - ' ; , .- H -' v ' :,&Z v.- One copy oiie year,;". . . Jil's.:',. . h f0.30 : 'Seven cciyes oceyet-i .';V s i. ft 00; Twelve ofviie-s oue ytja.-. . . . '.; :.... A 00 - T'weoty-five 0jpea onear . .,10,00 l'i No. paper sent unless :iaid I r mijv.anee,. -y-w :,.rviJfILLlAM Bi;SMITH,--"..',.'.A Editor :'n.d Proprietor, Tarorv, N. C i'1 OF. the" SS' ..'. " ; ' V'i '' r, " -V ti - ' :T rf 'j j- -.a l"vv.-J--S '3 fJ. n'fT.V ii-'a YiNG oeeQiiic tlie prttwersi"'ftfe- paper iutO th fTATB J6CRSAL, WhlCU WJil be popiisliea SemiAVe'eklv and V eekly. - ;" ' ! : ....The SlATB "JecasAi. wiii adv6catevI)emocratic. nrincinles in tlie. broadest sense, and wiiLupport and, defend l)emocr4ttc measures And th.'.i?.' aavo ates as they ar presented and as occasion may reomre. Another essentiaiait wat oe my aim to matt the papfer. what ita name denotes, a -Slate .1 on rnal eschewing alL Sectional : CAjnslaerations Tand working for the entiretStat and her common LiDterestsv-; .-;-;A.t-:' 4 As soon as arrangements can Demaae,uie wie paper shall b re-modeled and printed wjthnew tvne. on good paper,' and ina aapenor manner. J The' Editorial department will be properly atten ded.to in Its Various branches, and wilt spekkor it self. .Neither labor nor expense .will be spared in the management of the.paperr -. - ; -frr , -- The term of the' State Journal will Tie as fol- n 1-Wftf.fclv. nor annftra.i. .. , . ... . , . . . ...f l'Jv rv'Thes& terms will be Insisted uponr5c;a. t adtance. No name will pe put upon, the cat 'without the money.' and all papers rwru bectiscon- tinued at the expiration, of the time tor wtacn tney Tiavo been naid. unless the subscription oe renewed. I am satisfied,. irom jearsor expemnce.ina.npoor nowaw iwmo npujr , rr: " : deed; -. - .'- - . r : -, . ;?, i.- ..; . -. r .- .Advertisements of as proper caaractej.-yn.ps l Ons so aarertirst insertion, , . . c $100 -; " tbirh srabeouentinSerjoh.. . ;;.'; , -. , .25,oents,' 't2A liberal deduction un these ira'tei for yearly ad- T.ertiaers ia tae bean vWeeKiy in tne u eeitiy jeat tion the foU. r atei wili be cCa'rged. ' "'- i?, w -- ---.-i - JOHN ;PLMAN,V r; Nov gfqa&ro'.ftRttfr-? ndv.rrepritor;. ?" ' f A N QKTH AKULJta' A", wia S"r. . - - -TV ? 'P -Vr-57. . ' ' A orts Eishi-Fage rfeckly, 'pubUihtd 'in Gr6ertb6rp i'llE TIMES contains weekly Corty coIudids of ..choice matter, speciauj aua.pieu k tne tjunily ! rci.?. j It Is neHner sectarian nor pouuear; pat by b.eiag coartepBS to ail sedis andparaes, it. Iajh-A Af.natanraim oi.tnepuiiiiaAir ureeent in its Columns whatever may elev&t the people and en i.h f RtAte. : The -dabiishera "troold; earaestlv anneal-tO -the famiilea of North i?arolina- togive- THIS lljslfco a trial; iij i i-v ujwis,iji see u tt ht nt a wellto itatronize homfe paperg.-aa those frnry, nhroai f to- build up home interests and a I 4Ma TrUTfri to seauer .our Eaostanca ani oar 1 ." ... . , . - , . . I T,r amonc atrSnsrers-tiiYAiTaa Traiss atrial f and then let itstnnd jjpon:ita merits a : - "." . . 1 . 7. :. ) .-I v what isaio or ran pxxfr: -s leXimes J regard as the; verjrfirst 0 our -r Weeklies." Ki-y. C. F. ITeiSms? Weekly pttbliijhed any where, that ta it deserving of public, patronage as the Tiaies.n -JUv-.-J; E. Edwards."- ' ..-fS 'V ?i "There Is no pandering to rritiate.d taste eTe-- ry article is ot a mnu . wwAcimj , iviiu tia-icuta-icu boih to amuse and tnstrtcttWilniingtQn Herald " "One drthehandsoxaest weekly pa perr published i a the Utdoir.'-Spuit of tf-e AiPV'. .-ri. ..-s r , "Let the people of ,Nert5Caarcitca .encourage tbrr own newspapers. -Raleighlitatidajrd. ,??y.r. vAddres,. u" - wac. Aiuiuutii-,,. . j . ?.'- a -c. Gveerusbcro',' N. J. Cook 'and .'Washer .Wanted; j a T-u-i i . .i fin. "iiIji n--i 1 t v.i r-inM-1 -i .ii through this.0hce; .Jau. 27 TEE, SOUTHERN GUARDIAH. :A'v,;- f . ; T pnrU3HFI AT - -t. - cr r nr.TrKiTiTA, o. cam ; -"-j BY CHARLFSP. PELIIAM,' ( . Dailv. .'.t .. ; t w per annnro Tri-weesiy. , " - WeVlv.-.t ' " 2 00 " " ' -Bf? Payment In advance tnvarlably.1- pfit 'masters sendlnsr Tnd five dally Sbacrlbers,. with $30 t,r five trf-weeily fubscrlbers.Trlth f 20 Oi), (enclosed 1n reeistered letters,! will ba entitled to an ext ra copy; or tn llerr of thai 20"p ceot. of the ums trnjs remiwea.'-proviaea neorciee tor vr? 'manvas 8ve copies. Ton per.cent.'. will he allow ed for amounts remitted for snnjrle unaenptinasv Inserted at the folio wlre rate In the"DaHv and One qaare,(10 Unes or less) one insertion. . Sects' . J?ach flubseqnent ioeertlan.. i ets J Wlieo an advertisement la tnarted In the Week. ly, or Unt once a week In' the Daily, 60 cents 8 0ti&re for each insertion. S ' -"We-offer-to. advertisers the Inducement of send- Inp thelf jfavors to be-rend by a"Bumerous and In--J tiuerti clans or reader, ootntn town ana -conn- try.. - The Southern GnArd'an; presenWu Jtlreat ad- vantasrea an adVertiiftnS' eiiBm ; u. circnia- tionia laree, and ia dTyandranldfyextmllnjf,--tn'themiddfeTind fcj&tCftrtcta ;of job ,. , rurwriBo, . J it;. The Jb.Ofno" Is thoTouehly appolnid.ln 1 MH rpets, and-fittd for every deseripUon of Job; Work.- In connection, with it in a Bindery : I ThVSontijeni' (Snardlan ia devoted to the m aJo inanref tHeJihtf nor and Intereptg of the South Hndr.the Confstltullon.' -WhHe t1 wlllUg to suataln thi Demoerfftlo party whenever Itacouraa shaVVcomnijknd anproval by-ttii jnstlee, i yet more eohndentty and distinctly relies upon the fopl of the Sonth : and-as thebest preparation-for the contest which is eyen iiow upon a, it wiir eaious tvla"or,to4ffect uhtoaBd feoMBperation- amonirat lathe man aeemeht -'of this foumal, t.e early production of every class nfiOewa from all parts of the-lesaora of virtoe and tnorailty.vthe eratlon of- tJ ay a.t3.ir ldndly-igrvw th? abo proiMRnetnj' jrw .t-nentot. nne T . SVERT FAMILY SHOULD, READ IT" jT&ES.LAuaesrtrfiTn vincAPflSTf rir& PiHE TIMESla neither political cor ieetarlan, l .'but is the constant alnrnf the Editors to 11U 4t eolnmns-- with the -; cholsest Historical, IAterary and Family readingand.wlth a lame selection ;of air tUe new bf the day, both foreign and donjes- tic- i ' ";-'.?yy?-&.': " -I The fifth volume - commences with the new year -I860, Engagements have been made to nake tM- tbe mostbrlllint f year In - tbe dilstorjr, of. THE 'TIMES.! It will eomroenca'wtth - . f- , . I vTIiredHeamtlfnl Prize Storlesj. f Its illustrations will, beincreaaed;. and Us typo graphical appsarance will be Improved by a still peter drsq. The Publishers " are determined to keen pace with Me-!mrrovemenSs of the age: their motto U "PROGRESSION" and as.the circulation of THE TIME?- enlarges- each year they are de- ttrriniried to add new attractions -to Its. eolumns, and waVo it theliferary paner of the South.- With these inducements the Pnblmhers confidently ex pect several thohsand increase Jr ".ircutatloo. ...j : : -But as additional incepfives to the friends of the South, to nconrage their .own literary and family, paper,' in which-theypvlU ftnd. none of thaUm pure and lmmoraF-f eadinff "which sometimes -they ret from' abroad, the Pnblishers of THJ!.TIME8 offer 3,500 in PaXEiniijiTis ,'-; For subscribers to commence with the hewvoluihe and the new'year. - THE TIMES n prt nt ed weekly, on eight lre paes, fine paper, at $2 a year in advance. For specimen numbers and circulars address the PubHhers. - - ' - ' ' ' '-.- V - . - j., COLE A ALBRIGHT. . nov. y-t.T . ; ... . . wreensooro, w. v PROSPEOTXJSj OF"; A PJJUTlCALVniWWEPClAl AND, LlTERaRY ' It P UBLTSHED DAILY, AND TRI WEEKLY rTJHE 2-fERCUKV gives daily reports , of the Mar M. ket and Marine Intelligence in Charleston, and of. Charleston .commerce In the leading sea- ports of , the worlds -The Weekly Brices Carrent lr-made apwith mach" care, and from" the most" reliabls'sonrces ; Its connection .; with be "Asso cia.ted. Press", irisarea the. latest intelligence by Telegraph and the earliest newa by Steamerafrom Europe, xt; has an able and accompnsneo cor respondent in London, (a gentleman connected with the editorial staff otTthe London Times,) and regular Correspondents in New York, WashinvtOn, Key-W est and Havana-. The monthly New York Fashion Letters "and - weekly letters on Life' In Washington are additional attractions In favor of ita lady, readers. . Its- litejary notices, from- th Den of gentleman who occuplesperhaps the highestpdsitioa among the; literary men , of . the Sonth,ire discriminating and comprehensive- Attention Is paldtb allmafters qtgeperalconoern, 'eapecially,. ithose in reference t the Plantlog and Agriculrural lnterest,. and to, the current news f the day ; Jrea are taken that nothing" shall appear Inr w? columns which should be excluded from the fatpily circle. v'- t ' 't V j i' The political creed of-the JJkkockt' consists m the principles r the- Democratic Party, as laid dwii in thi Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1708 and 5T99 the. Sovereignty of the State ; a strict censtruct.on 'of the Federal Cohstltatioo by the Genwal Government, the agent of the States ; Free Trader aid an economical. Administration of the Government. - Its- policy ia the Union of the Southern Statos in. mairitainlnghelr rlghtRi.!; : TermiPayable in Advance, :-;v TJAtLYi per anhnmi -.'. r"..'.--.'..'.-; $10.00" RI-WEEKLY; VIA . U .'iZ.i'.ii, , , y..6P0 CIubi.tvill fee Furnlslied a follows Five doolesdf ths'DAtLY'for '1 . .."b.l.t40.0t. Five Copies of the TRI-WEEKLY : . : . . . V. 20.00 The namelof no person, out of Charleston will be enered; on 'onr hooka, unless the'payraent of. the subscription: pe tnada in adyance. .. Kor.wlll ortlerg from without the qlty, to publish 'Advertisements, Marrtaee Notieesorj ObUnarles, be attended to, unless the cash, or aa. acceptable . City reference, accompany fha order. -1 Money may always be forwarde?! at our risk in registered letters. --;' ' . SJrOsTMABTSKa are aniuruteu m bo uvnr adm in" ' obtain Iru? . subscribers .and forwardinsr. tha money : and by sending - us Five Dailt sabscri- . . . . v . . . , - . ry .' m . nr . bers.- wun sau r, encioseu or - jc vo ai- rr xkkxt subscribers with $25 enclosed, will he entitled to ad extra, copy ; or If preferred they, may retain lDejLtype,r cent.- of the pre-payments, for their t.ronbie acd iti-uatt or tne extra paner, - .1 ' Out of gduth Carolina, novperaon whatever la 'authorised eoIlfcct.4ebt4. al,ready.-dae to the In the SUte Mr. camckl JG. utmoKSa is oar reg- ulnr Agent to make collections aud procure tew 'WntM and snVmeriotlonS.: ": v' - v. f- 'r.: " .- I ' .' '-.In. Charleston, Jin Jakks D. Btodb, connected with the ofiice, is our-.regalar authorised ' collector whohasfnlliKJwerto receipt for money now due the oanerand to contract for: future business. t - - Subscriber auiLotheri, In debt So us, are argen- Uy rwjuested to send in our dues by -mail at the earliest neriua: iiy so aomgi jney ,wm. Java us twenty per cent, an amount, eqaivaient to a prin- cipgl portion of th profit. '"' . 'js ' " v T&, tDjoaa in tae J5iat ana inroucnpiu tne 8th, .who; receive -our ,y Tai-Wassxr for .their Wreei-v. are rcaDectfaUy reauested to com pensate us " for .tiie difference Jn! value x by inserting this Prooetns. - - - , ' XS At. KBe.A r.Ja- -. -. ,-. jidt i.jirowi csxrecL,-uaarivwyn ft. u . 1 THifFARMER AN1KPMNTER v-. ;-- --Biovx'TyA..;-..-cV.''.? - . CO Ia UM II IA Sf" C tttt a V lAt purcnasea 01 iuai, eo, ceaoora una . , . ... f v. ' 0 . 1 . 111. Bl2 ,'tioonlar iournal, I have removed ts place of ... 1 . . . 7i-i vi. . . j v ..... n.. (... It from this city at regular stated pertoas. , FeeliaK COnoaent n sucn journatia r eai.jy "pjHlcd in this SUte, and bellaving that It will be sustained. If located at the Capitol of the State and conducteu wrta spirit anatDiuj, a nayeueienaui id on makine'.thventore and caU upon . every Farmer and Planter in couth Carolina to encourage thoenterpria ty their patronage., - h -i : IfcMil be printed la the finest style of Typogra phy, with netv type, on fine paper, handsomely. embellished Jhd eight .pages Added to Its former C Price only 0 DoitAji per anftum, always f advance. "-; : '' .- - -iv; y: ' jl orr,a of the best practical and scientific Agri initural writers have been secured, and its Editorial doartment will be-udder'. the. care of oneofthe- it-Farmers) in the land..J' ;,.' -i'': -i-' lii i 1 1 1 1 i 'M adiwl n-i j r'paul8paid.- ; Jo the Peopk' i -Torth Carolina. At ibe request! resident Datis, I have undertaken to e( in the handaofp -For that purpose ail of the arm now h citizens of our Siste. e beil invented' with j anthoriiy to born Purchase, 4K neces- ?aryr to impress ) it will never be Zuae.of the Iflft cj .North' Carolina, j though we have f InVaders,' our mo have, arms. Up 'trniiaire now'Iyi 8.- .1 am saliflieu inm feaarv to resort to the power, ratriois-oi oil, u invadtd, ano . 1 . t. - - enougn to repei "JT3 us'.'lta uim- i'13 cf CO.COO stand ot aeit!ts in our mur-. I these arms fchoul 4i collet tid and placed. iif the: haiidfl' of 01 bur a craven' Or d to ccfroplv with i mediately appok through every co ered to borrow, f impress arms j -hx-entreat all true ) their muskets, ri Me defenders! . iNoue &al ciiiien will rtuo l-quisitibn. I will im- l.tabie ngems .10 ;v irrtha'State.cnipow- base, cf, it necet.fijf ibe rneantime.Jet m iots to send in an . nddoub!ebarrcUtioi guni (good, baa o l iffi.'of --.the"; dilTer I hereby; authorize gum' (good; oad d JiiTtxf .it,).tothe slier-.. counties, wnom " irii'v and cav tor them agreeably t prfces, and drawt cessary. 1 i Attached schedule of a .8A Te tor tlic (imoHui . r or cood rinea 1 1 ,,nab ri i.uekfJs,$13aldo eath acoordi mirf fyal.t- pood aouoit-' barrel shot gu una 1 J 1 to 3. a to-value 0th according to vald in. -1 have also -be equc fed io purchase sier c Vst or w-Tounht, Ir Vfh'zh I will pay lor old scrap irbn,- and of all weight tne lorrner 14. a -per pound : fr the y. S. ASHE. latter 4 cents. ' , April 3, 1862 . All.thepapers he "State copy thrfw time and fend bij it b !Iajf Wf .8. Ahe, Richmoftd, V a. Book an OF-SVERY- Ss-4iiD style; :Neatjr XSxeci TrrrAViNGprocurl 8 at tlI onice. large amount' -. - . of encel- Aii lent material.' $1 added H this est menfc saitabl fast PI MeS, weake this o abllah. ppor lends and tha public, hat we-ar fully t "ey-i-yjalasa, In -. :, rtd U ixeCute wCrk of at short notice. An usually paid Jn this prepared to print in style, - - 'T- CATlIaS. - ' i v! prices far below those ton of country. We ar? VitWt add m(st approved ,i.'.t . '; i'iirt.ij-ii'E. its, INVITATIONS NOTES, ' . h IAW II LAN Kl -PAITIPIIIKTS, "and any'other ayle 4 KVKS MV-IJIIX, psiially called (or, i of wuik tati he t iHITIO. ntT. for. much less than th fne c executed thjs side PRESERVE) - i v. . J 1 .'TEETH'. S5JB6EO jjK APrjATE "OF TUB l;R penta r. 1:01.- IS FULLY PRKPA" Work in the IMti at hie ofllce two. .we ; )() ,Aldi f ulyles, Oionth d Aldi DENTAL and will If dailr.k: f-n,i iria urai. oionusy vu k prlate Ihe ren?alndei ) anl. will aj .i j me to oil pers'.i ldence, wlm ylU Ving hlrn at Chnr. - .-. ! 1 ! desiring work . douef oblige htm very muc ..... rt . i MT ALLVOR itRAI. tF.D. ' ' ' ' ' posltf K'-rr'a M.te!l. u AiJri'a ln ..A)rip, m..f-i1t I- . april 12 lS61-tf I All personB ind CQunt will please i as bur books muff may always- be ' If . j .UB by i book, un settle the flam;. Bed. One of ua be ofiico ot Dr. aldwell. ix.v W." uaidweii.f 'v'i," P. C'&i'i eb7-tf 1 THE 1 ; . : , .'' .' x - v t If TilEiCATA 11' JOURNAL. -'. . . ? ,"ti7S7'B'ro" ploaae'f Vy, patroni pft mence the nubUcatiO. dvertU the friends and ablishment that r rm. he Kffood'volumvvf the jlsat named : journi! I !is daf, uudrr the favorable anspicea. ,1 I .JTha-circulation J J V. ' ' '., . . , a! e named rarer U rapiaiy increasing, a s sin lenci-m aa adror ht rr i apr.rt. laie-l h It patrotjliaving acv hood in this and adjc Adjoining Districts lit V; XIIE CATA1 One of the largest' I State, mailed tot fl J the columns of theff become a popular r vantages to those wl an advertising medle : Specimen copies w a a.t ities, as.w.I h the i!;'i fohna. SO Di pol m, n fojina. . - CNAI.; bliahed i'l made ui. from r j , is' tKTiir, has not .nlv t affords great ad put Its columns a le. f any section they fay be ordered, fret .. . or terms, Ac, w r 1 t-r t : : tl reader t our lui' HJBRITTON ptinu. . .. -1 , novilT-tf 0OTTON III ! cotton AND - I ' . .." grain,;flou - 7 'countj m'liopucE, if alt kinds, ioy.ht rirnTrr'am A il iTritlCE lN CAfill; will bepsJd.' ! j , I ' . Just received sv la rxBAGGINC and a complete supj Pt ef . AND ROPING. - ' G R O R no 4 6I-tw2mos BALTIMORE CO r roVjl"DED'! .8 5 2 y. --..;. v.; ," - OjwW cf 'Balldi. 1 5..'.-;,.-.' ,.' ai. f RIB ST Largest' an JL. Commercial Cv ; Every young man ens of those large Circulars, represent tiew of the BAinno Penmanship. Ac, t mall free of chargt list of StadeotsTer Press on ear New f y --- -.. "i 'v w K,: K. Losiss, Princ' v' . of Accounts, Bu; J. -M Pbduufs, Pre ' Commercial Ca! It". H-Daviss, Aaec N. C JoaTSHOSiProf 8. T. William, It Bit; E. T. Rsiois, D, ''.-,: .r'- Hon John P lTenneI Hon Thomas F-wanr Jacob Trust, Esq -j vr; Th time asuall y course, from ft to. 12 S54 4 TID ? W - Sat ... r""' t oat 1 'vamiy Furnlahed United States. mnidlately for iniily ornamented rior and interior 5ial CoLttos, ; . he Sent by return siogue . contalnlnij Opinutli of th IBTeeplng.ctc. Jtt on 'th'gclMic nas, etc. 'Ock-Keeplng an! tf Book-Keeplng. imabship. 2e Law. ' . ; In V ild v . beai rhe e ' jOMM V, n. S" Xh C f Tu'. ft L -Lec " S.C-; (.r t : ,!- S.Pr r of rc: -tCc- rc!al Ethics. . . Joshua Vansant, H KelrMer. Eaq., ' Knabe, Esq. fo complels the fuM t A DntoatA Js aw- Large Circulars I Ae.tseutbymaU fr -,-- Address r-. 19 IT-tf, 'i-- . I Graduates. ! - Jguea, staung tents K. OSIER, Baltivurtx pM TP 'l c' . " . ..- A bouse on r'cet, near the Post j 2 I' I 1 . . - .1 'PAL COLLEIif. Ii kU i . AJi riAVID. AVIDSON,- Jfnf." 1 i i I.' rr'rd- . .1 ' J i 'I' ir -J f r if. V7- I aa7'C2-dtf ; - . tr Adlress "K.-TJrgT0SE3, J '- 'i j -