- . '.'.;'- V:v.;v &;?:$sZf 'a? . . -- .' -Jy fk -iy0t;i-u3.-. . ?..- v - -v---v.---- . r fJ - ' - ' . r v - " " - - - - " - - . v. - ' ... t r VOL. VI.NO. 905. CHARLOTTE C., SATUliDY, MAY 10,. 1862 86 PER ANNU3I. 1 : I - f THE BULLETIN; BV KDWAKD II. IIItlTTON. ri('K... NO. 16 TRTOX STREET, -T.- on the ttaond JIoo. , tik3 roB riPKK : . 'THSHMLY BULLETIN' wi'.l hfiriUerfM -IT T-.-LLAUS a.rrnar. irf ADVANCE c" IVKTRrWEVKLY BULLETIN will tm , ; . r-rr if, ThurJir SMnrfay moirintf, , . i f .f ft r pff annvri.Ta V1 in '1vsnt. TELEGRAPH G From the 2dEdition i AnotlirBattle I r. :.Ai-f .h-J Kxi rt Af'y f-r the BaUet'.n.J 111" l.'at't!" Pt WHIiVnkbars.oa Mon Jay N -v be oat. of the fiercest of the war. U!a i: lasted. The charge of Stu uta Cafalry is rcpre "entpd as fearful, niowine'down ihe Hcb- . '.T.f LV i-corrs. t;14 Ir.si r,f iIkj inemv in killed and a.i s::dd. U very heavy, 'tlfn. Earlv. of Virginia, is badly wound- . t: Ceu. Anderson, of South Carolina, it n -'.rjed killed. . , ; - No oHlcialor detailed account of the bat a ye' rcccirtd. ' Th-' i 'y to day is much excited in con . aet" of reportsi that another terriffic f:.zht occurred nt Barhamsville, yesterday, .,, Mc!i the Confederates are uald to be fh- Yankees were repulsed, .ri'r:'i ' ad aa ::nrne: ?e t'auzhter took place. L ICillT ON Ti;i!MJECT. 1 tantlv on hand and for r ' ,uao.- m;ii unto mt civ rrsinenrr nmr uieiram .nr.!v nf- TMRKREXE OIL? This Olli'rot '..nit so expensive andisequal- v as cood 'he Kencene Vn. All tnai C n-,k ltr it If a fair trial, also some LAMPS and CHF.MUKVS. MaT .t. I. rsLK&U. RANTED. . .",; 'lVV hundred MIXES and HORSES for piv rnTt?m. . Call al - lilIOWN .V WADS WORTH'S . Livery Stable. IT ricitAi: for tiii: camps. rernreij this morning, from the ' . K:no T.-o'h Combs, all izcs ; U'AH.W.'T'.ILEIt & bros; ij-r:t J- OXIF: TIJOOI'SFOItTIIU Var. I . . . . r i -t tin lir the war. I want an t Intmtrv. two Com !r:.rv. A bounty of ONE. HUNDRED ,'M!.L KS wilt he paid to each soldier v "..;..:, :.!- n!ltinenl. Cavalry are required ia tjrr.ish their own horses, for which the 4-wr:ir.u-ii! wi'.l pay them forty cents per i.iy. srd their full value it kilhd in battle. Thr b'-vt arms and eaniproei;f to be hd in th iVntedfraev will be furnished. vRe rr iuf ill br-rt-ceitt-d binary or by com ram". Turn. cHt, and kt's make short we'k with ALf. Addre-a '-me " for the present at - - . Z. D. VANCE. v'.!..Com!i 2ith Re. N. C. T. ;',ir -rtpvil'.e Ohsrrver, Greensboro Pat n f. Chhrlo'tcuHetin. Salem Preps and -iHe News, i-Ur-e ropy tour time. April 2i. i:-it ' .-. ' v; T : 1 0 35 A S W. ii'ADCIilFF E. AtTEl SHiS OF THIS DR17I, RICHARDSON STREET, IHF NOitTH-EAST C0UNLR OF RICHARDSON AND PLAIN STREET? 110. 1G6, , Importer and Icaler in Fine WATCUrS, CLOCKS, JEWELKY, SIL VER WAKE, GUNS, MILITARY 'fit FANCY GOODS. rr-vrT-.. ir.l Jiviut repaired by skillful J . , r -need worimea. u kiuu 01 "IUik-Woek trade to cder.aa , 27.1S&Mf. ."'". " '' Wanteds :uK: MEN. for ehppng a:i a tr''iJlt A.a-.iv cri'KK.xixtt wim:. 'us lor tunv.iv use. for saie ai KAHNV.'EILER & BROS. I r it- - 1 riio rOTTOX I'L,A.NT1?IIS. JL rt t ivoil a I a lot of Bng?ing. KAHNWEILER BROS. J. rb.-i.yn?wi ... - - . THOItlPSON & BABNES, WHOLESALE.. OltCCKRS flND MERCHANTS,' 11 ;07I JION STKEETv Yir ORLEAZS, :i rdcr for Stignr, Molasses &.C. S"Ucit d - - v Witrt an ejp'iince oi twenty years t'trconfident nf givinjj -satisfaction. IS .WIT.T.TAMS &. OATES, Xj1mh SJer, Grocers A: Produce Dealer, T AU OFiOERS PROMPTLY'FILLHO.' pniLLirs, ivTorolant rr.llor. w s-eKti in Ovarlott - rosjct- tie patron- j J V.s, Ci- -i-w 1 of CU 1... r. n,i VfM'in.i : its on band,. hlch wilt b n i l- t. r !r m.1 in shortest co tier, aft-er tR S-iop three do rs !?nth er lis itansioa Pouss. St. l-tf " ; STENIIOUSE MACAUIjJLY," Commission Merchants. At tbelr Old Stand, Trade Street. . Ketp constantly on hand a well selected Stock ot Family Groceries. ' All ordera for flour, Corn, Bacon, &c, promptly and carefally filled. - Factories supplied rith Cotton, on com miJion oi ou cems per Die. J. E. STENHOUSE,' v ALLEN MAC AULA Y. Charlotte, N. C.t May 3, 1S62 ly - - -. a -V; A CAItr. ' ,- , - - . :To Ovk Fkiixds : For the purpose o aettlinr our out standing business to. this date.. Our firm-' will change its style on the 1st day'of January lfi62; to: Williams Oites. who will continue the business at the old stand of the subscribers. We earnestly request our cu.oiriers to .come forwH ard scttlr tlkir tndcLtcdiiesa,"as bu?incs. cannot be carried 4n "without L money. ' -- '..' The ready zeal wuh which both part ners have volunteered io serve their coum try is a claim upon you which should not be overlooked nor should, you by withhold-J in their just Ju cause a iotal sacrifice of their boVines.-- Oates it Williams: Wanted ! . Volnnteers ! ! - ONE HTJNDBZD DOLLAHS BOUNTY: The undersigned have . been authorized by Col. Z B. Vascp to raiean Infantry Company.-to be attached to his Lepiont which he is now orzanizinsr under author- Jty from the Secretary of War.-We want twenty-five men to fill up 'the Company, and to all enlisting before the 15th inst., 8100 bounty will be paid. ; ..l . "Applv to th? undersigned at the Drug Store of E. Nve Hcthison &l Co. , ', WM, B. LYNCH, .' - J. B. BURWELL. May 3, 1652 tf - " ' . N OTICE. Hereafter our. store will be closed at 4 o'clock, P. M. . WILLIAMS &, OATES. March 18, 1SC2 tl inn rinfi hcwikls.op cot-- IUUjUUUTO SEED Wanted at the St. Catherine Mills for the Ayr Oil Company.' " A fair price will be paid. . April 18, 1862 lm .- .- ; " a : Take; Notice ITtROM TIIIS DATE, out- Books are pteitively . close-i to alL . Csh will, in every Instance, be required, without distinction of persons. -' We are compelled to buy for Cash ourselves and must therefore have money.. PpC 34 . 't . . ELI AS k C0HE . " Save Your Ashes. : " THE Charlotte Chemical f & M. Co.. will pay 12i cents per; bushel for good clean - - - -' ' : f, ; . .. Alt persona havingr any to sell, wtfl ph asc give notice at the Drug ".Store.-of-E.". Nye Hutchinson Ji Co.- f - - CHARLOTTE C.-& JM. Co. Feb 28 tf . . L . T. LEVIN,. : - C o in m i ss i o n NLe r c li a u t , SELLS ALL- KINDS OF CCl'XTRV TRODUCE. coLiJiriniA, s. c, - March 14, 16o tttantei, .! ; ' ; ' - ... . 1000 cords TAN BARK for. Which the highest cash price will be paid, - - . KARL AAllX4WlUlL.t;iC . april V$2 cj 18t.-.- " -. Dallas, N. C.' IN PI1 J ' III - ' - 111 . -" ' ' J. 0. WILKINSON C0,j WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKRS IS : : FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER -.';"", .AND-r- a; ' HP lato ci. x o GHAELOTTE, 2L C . . JOTICE. . . . -; t rfJ.;"' The destitute FAMILIES ol VOLUN TEERS for the) War, from Mecklenburg county, on bringing me a certificate from the Town Marshall that they ifre'sucb will be furnished with clothine at "my, expense, as far as I am able. Calf on "Dr.- E. Nye IIvtc!iiso in my absence. - t lli - J. A. FOX. April 13, 18fT3 lm :V - :1 A TTENTION IIATTAI.ION. Just received a Patent Combination Stool and Cot- for camp .use. -Also, an -assort-f ment of heavy Army Undershirts, Drawers, India Rubber Overcoats and Pants, Enami eled Oil Cloth Coats. . : For sale at - k . KAHNWEILER & BROS. January 25, lS62tf V "filUilh Flonr fnr- A T the Charlotte Flouring' Mills can be had JL' Family, Sanerfine and fine FLOUR SE CONDS, SnORTS and BRAN." ". - ' ' . Also, MEAL and GRIST." . - - ' . . JOHN WILXE3, ' : auglj lS60-1y .' Charlotte Flobr MUU?. - S HOES, SHOES, SHOES.. Received a 0d aftsrtment or women Leatpr Shoeo. (.tie 3 to S, selUnifvery fat at $3 00 a ptr." Fine Kid Morocco Boots, Wt 1 to A. -: v - For sale at K ADNWEILEB A BROS. March 12. lS62tf . . - - . - . v..'." , ' ' : ' i , s ' ::.;;JohnT;;'R Prartiel Wats-h and Clwi; Jfiter, Jeweller ALL work done la tb establishmoui. warrented. for . . .. . .-.A - " JTWEL'E ' IflONTIIS. -. ?J . Fine Watches, Clocks' and Jewelrv of everv dei criptlon repaired and warranted for twelve mouths.' J y Jan. U, 1561 iy.e ; - --; - . T - Ilats "bsstt A aOBdoa.V : -". Comxnission Merchanty;". - V No. G2 EAST BAY , l" I' 1 ' : ciiAiii.ESTOJi, s. cJi . . ratlcuUr Atttvr.tlon girn to the sal vt , ; . V1IKJLT. FLiOUIUCOItN , AO And froju tot tour experience Tin 'the buslnesa, 1 ftret eannaeut of plTWgausiacu'm.- . - . -- . :o:- ;B EF E R Z2I C E S . U V C M. rorman. Esa.. Pr. Bank of S C- t. C '.. Main Mtrtft, Charlotte,'!.-17., opvite Kerr' IIoUl,iaUr in Jtne Wtlfies, Cleir, JefceJry, .Watch Material, dte. '-,- a . ? fmilh, Eh4 President Union Bank., O. Ewlng Esq, tlaahvUle, Tenn, Hon. John JP.. Kla$(,-Augusta. Ga.,Hcn. M A. Cooper. Ecowa, 0a. ; MsjlO,lSCl-Cc . - ..." - " Y'-'.-'' "'" -' 'VWiNT.E D J, .:- .V -. . .. j. - . ... 1. Qf J . A A. . : IOTEPEIIDEHx' SXIEIlISHEESr Permission has been granted Capri VVM.-f LEE DA VlDfeON to raif el he above corps. General Eaxsom desirc9 such anorganizav tion attached to his Brigade' ,Z - Threft Companies of theabave 'descrip tion are more effective than one whole regi ment of regulars.. ?ll ia the same mode erf J warfare ibat was. carried pn m ihe-revolu-tiorr.. Let us harass and annoy jhe enemy in jhe rear -'.One more appeal is made ttr old -Alecklenbur? --and .the snrrounding Couuires. The- Conscription-act requiring ail men between; 1"8 and 35-yeara of. age, to enter the service, has pa.sl the Conleder- a.teuCpngresy.Tbe laifappeal Lj made to all .within thas afea to-jr-mptly. respond io-thia .cJUM;?;r -oc-cwn-Uiar county let It beeaid "MariV have done well, but thou excellesf them all r :.Qt ganize immediately, elect your own ofhcers arm with shot gung and to the. ncUL " AprU 1862 ' r :-'Vf-;;- tL'- I" A i . ai h, ill ' - A 1RQ3ST "WORKS. . 7;GOLlJ.aiBM KC.". . i ESTABLISHED, AJ:bMDCCdLi; ? JYILmitrLAZE : TWJ ANUPACTUREE "STEAM" ENGINES, IWn fmn lA.tA CA Uv... Has... KTTrl A H MILLS of evry-style cow In uae, Mill Work ot every dlscrlptipn. Alo, Iron Rauiae,-with every dlscriptlon of Iron Sad Brass Castinw. ,' . . . 2 would call attention to Iron Casting in the way of enclosing . Public 'Build Intra. - Dwellings, Cast Steps, Balestro Railing, and all kind of enclosures tor vemeuury lout . - : " r . Having a first rate Boiler maker with Us, -wt are prepared tor manofacture BoDers, or' repair fhem, aV short notice Will send toiler maker to anv part of the State. Our 8Um -.Engine will-fee found, when compared with those made at North ern establishments, to.be from twenty-five to forty-! per ceni larger loone same Horsepower, a - These Works have teen In successful operatlos for sev ral years, with an Increase of patronaere from alLparta of the 8outhera country, for which tne Fropnetor returns n.'s thanks to his numerous friends. and patrons, and-beg to assure them that no pains or expense will be snared tn merit a con- Unu&cce of thlr favor..' . r.-"' - may lT-tC.-..- - ---; -- Ant i-D y s e n t e r. i o St Anti-D y s p ep tic BITTERS. - : PREPARED BY B. 'KOOFMan: . " CHARLOTTE, N. C; ; " .. f unrivalled Bitters possess peculiar cu- fl.. ratlve properties in. all AffeclioDS of; the Bowels.' They will be found effectual in the cure of Dvncntrv. TM.rrin. TTr.-vrnI . Sunr Rtnmiofi fDd all those -palDful' and troublesome diseases arising rrom a. derangement of the digestive or gans and Irregular action of the functions of the stomach and intestines: Thev will also be found a SAFE REMEDT.F0R CHILLS AND FEVERS. -x These Bllters are prepared fronv. Roita brougni . from Germany, and for over a ceptury have been found effectual iu that country for the pertnaniit cure of the diseases enumerated, abovs. -,.They contain no .deleterious drug, but Ar compounded ntlrfly from roots, aod. are perfectly Safe at ali times. ..." . A simple trial Is aft thai is skt$t m ' a euvvi will' particu'r Uie.se. - a ' a '- - .Tney are manufacturer ly . B.,liopman, miar-. Ictte, N. CM and for SAle by. " - . . - X00PMAN A PHELPS. , AUo, for sale at F, Srarr's and E. Nve. HstcWn on k Go's Drug Store.- feb 26.1 y - Notice to Merchants. ' FORWARDING OFFICE '" . - . S. O.K R. Co. . ' . - : ChjIRLKstos, March 16r18L THE South Carolina Railroad Company having determined to discontinue this department of the Service, the undersigned, who has been the for-; warding Aprent of tlie Company for the last four or five years, has associated with him the Chief Clerk In thedemrtment, and, under the name of GANTT A STONYi will continue to. RECEIVE' and FOR-, WARD such articles as may be consigned to Ms care. He trusts, by strict personal attention, to retain a very liberal share of thebusintss of;the department. - . . --- . :- . ';.--"-.-. Parties are reminded that nil good now reach Ice this port from yointat Jbeyond the Conferiernje Flates of America, must be entered at the Custom-' Uoust, and that duties are payable on such as are not purchased oh or before the 2Sth February last, and todtti on $hipboard on or before- the- lbth Harzh instant, aave such as are on .the free list." It is. therefere uecessary that remittances be made to pay the duties where duties are payable jljjd ix 111 cases to covsh thB' kxpknsb xf Cobtom HocsK Bsrar, wnsxHBB thk ooous ark fresor sot. Prompt compliance will prevent delay and . ex panse, as all articles-not. entered and permitted will be stored by the Custom House officers. -The, South Carolina Railroad Company will advance, as heretofore, tho charpes of freight, drayapre jtod warfasre, but 7io Vnexjentes connected yiith tbe-nt-tom ilou-be. ' t ; Rates of charges .for forwarding "will-b reiy' moderate nd may be " had. thr application to GANTT A STONY, to Whom all budiaeas icommn- I tucations should be addressed. . - '- ' - -- The undersigmed refers to the. officers "of the South "Carolina Railroad Company, to tlie custom-' ers of the" Forwarding Department, .and -to all .merchants of standing in the. city of Charleston, and respectfully solicits a liberal share of patron-, age. - - ..' .JAMES L. GANTT, a T T . - t : . . a rt t r - ' i r-!- ' if- -: I'rorci their Prolessipiis -'- -.tT',.."--'-r. '-aN- ? '" S QUAmaOTATONOE . ' ir epared to returrfwheit 'grim visaaed war Jias smoothed hia wrinkled front,' ' .I "PTJAJ&surric business-. - ... -' -; :AprU 4,isr,2 -j v ; ; iriiitiTEKX,tiLi.irEnY Sprln-jAtraw and.yeopolltan Bonnets, Drab and Black Straw Bonnett , Boys and Aliases Straw ,aad LeKhorn llalsi Also, new Springs Artificials and Ribbons, just received and f ar sa'eat- ;:Marcl 12,JS63-tf ; . - - ," v J . . - -. - - '.' ' " r " K MARTIiN,:TANiSTAIi J" Succeasorato. M. MARTIN, SON A Co.4', ' Grocers Commission Merchants,' PETE USB tJUGV VA.:::, WAtTl IClMCAIlTIN & Co L - (Sneuesavrs to N. M, MARTIN, 80N ACo.) 1 0 ITI IT! I S S I O N JI E IT CII A PTT5, EslloYi ttVoVi rl XT.ixz"; -R, A. Mart ix, formerly of nranviUe OK' C. "' R. Tassakiix, former! v of Edgecombe C0..N. C, - 'Aalvkb- K. Mutnsrof Riehroond, YaT " ' '. N. M. MAATtx.of Richmond; V K. 11. CrjiyisaHAU Jr,. 'SlIiVJitTJift-olttV e norrnswni?AT 1 --rirttr rTT'r . VTnENn. AND FFLLOW-CITI- T C ISO Til concerns -will tt J TOBACCO and -CORN. " NeHher eonoemwilt buy any of th above named article, either on Com- I - U3c.vvn, Epeouiauon or lherwif e, as- the! nessio produce ts-.cwnfin4-to S ELLIN Q ' their' busi f 4XQ e0,tt f p FiA-t reft : PrAianttj Ti'wiA WirT - t Dr. W.J. OisiiKdi Pres't R. & Gaston RalLRoSU. fRaUroadSr Goldf Copper Lea3, IroaBd Coal IoiuW.- N. Edwaju), Warren County, N. C. ' -1 ntle 3l6utataf BpfSns; s; a.M het fJeWs and JiMLJ M. Bcixock, EsqM Granville County. 2. iFlowerS. iVf,..;-'1. ,5 - '. - - C. . Fhkk, Cashier Exchange BankTpetersbur If want -tniOLDEN new la th tyy P, BaTtxe, Eq Kallrlv f. c. 1 - - - -i time. Map- seven feet by.ve. Border-yiews ot ,, J5Br; Via rrpeafaily call the atter.tfoo of Cotton the gtate Heuse, Inaana Aylum, C:aptnill, riamers w aeiweni i eTeriurg as tcirg one of the best Cotton Markets la the Sout h, having both a jcooT home d foreigu demand, aad we arc oleased to hear that eCWrta ar now being- made uv ret the freight through from 3harlott to Peters-. br& redaerdt About JS-Atvih?, - J - mchl.lSW-Sm;.. . - r ; - 1 Cbarlotfc & SC.f RMIroad Co'. ; . . .a , -A' I a - v 'jj, a f ' "1 I. . re -l I . m - ; " s CoLusrisTArMarih 31. 1862 A PASSENGERTR AI $ m leave Col- A -urabia lor vn3rioire nri atrernoon at 6. and'arrive in Columbia at 5 . m.: . . T.1 J . IS UMNER" ' ' 1 r nr aTItenienH n.--April , 4o - " - ;t-rSr" - -raiseNorth Carolina's quota-ot troops wilt rii- ' o :n H ' Vjilnot be paid to them, as the law;- does trot Cuan0tie;-i t :; KaiIr0ad. j allowC The Companies- soj tendered i THE Passenger Traits oatb,ijt Road will leave and arrive; bc-Waftnt, as follows LsvaVjiarintte tff- ' l a' a Xt' aJZJIIS?: -M, f Leave Xlumbia At Jaw a;M i--: -e4 --Vi-; A-"V;-iv'r.rA.V-Af-- 4 Aoy 8 T.TfMAUtOTTE and; 0. CA.ItCfi T The Coupons due oa the lat et jaiiciry nexfc ea the Bonds of thlj Company will beipaJ& whenever - m . r - - --. pre sen tea &i my omee At vn iepf t. - 4 - -.flee 2 6V; c t H- MATTS. Agmt. ltIahtic;Tenii& 0: ftailroadl - T EAS.-0 ffice A, & 0 .41. R. CcC, J ; :.r" y Charlotte, March 17, 1862. -1' ;As the last installment of -.Stock-" sub scribed in Mecklenburg -county jsMiue-on ihe 21st of April, all StockiioWersii arrears are reqijested to make immediateDavment. - Contractors,' have:; faithfuHyi performed theif dutios,ctf muttbe paiaU -The amount is due from Stockljolders.' Corrie forward; PAY UP and get your certificates. . . .: M. L. :WIST0N, TWa.. " 'j2tr Whig copy lour weeks. - - ' X Mareh-17, 16762-rd2w ; Wilniingtoii;: Cfaarlottetaad -Rutherford Eail Road, r r TBAKSP6srAiios;Orrjd,Ay, OJT and -after.Monday th: 15th Instant tlie Pas secsrer and Mail Train will.be mn ki. this Koad dajlyXSspdays excepted) as folk) ws : .;VC,'a- . GOING WESTU rr iBAf-!.-'iir-" 7.0QA.Mi T.45 . ' : a Asaiva. " Charlotte . Toskaseege'" Brevard - . ; Sharon' ,' Llncolnton " GOING EAST, 8.15- . - . 8.40 J,-j. ' 9.00- Leavb 11.00 A. M :v.AaaiTje. J. V" Lin coin ton 11.23 - a 5 Sharon v. a- 1 .-. ."';il.45'-: ; " Brevard . 11.45--v' -Tuskaseege ; " -12.15 P. M, - Charlotte r 1.00 a-v: 12,17. ,'- . 7. . ' " . '. ; r By Order, , - ,' . - j I , fT - ":V ' ' "' ; !V.'Ai McBEE, Acting Master of Transportation, i tiacolnton. April 4thl$61. , - r Allaniic, Teiii; ifc O.ft'rR; wnera there are no Agents. All ach freights will he delivered at said Stations at'tio: owners rlslu-k" --..,:, A Jii. ilARTIN,, - - 1 a. - - freight Agent, - "-' Jftnoar :2rlS62tf r .' : 7 Charlotte. ' 'PRIKTEES IKK MANUrACTITEED -BV" - 13, & CO., MARIETTA, GEOHGIA7 'j -- .- o " " " '; OOK. "NEWS AND COI.OIIKD ' Of; an excellent q uality a warranto.! equal to the b.esJSort'her$.-ti ke. a 4 peftt;,in- cans of 1 to 10 pOurtda. :. i JSKVVS INK, fiiTe) at"30-ieuts per IU,V for all ordefs of'lOO pounds ;id;upwards ' NEWS INK, (very fine) atJWO cents per id. , mKjaoii; ana-ouponais. . COLfJREDINKS at Si rJ$8 per lb in half sound and nbund'canf - - . w r ... .. Every paper insertinilthis adver tisement for one month and, t nding!us a copy of their paper, will reJiye pay or tho same uoon purchasing trrtle - times Ihe amount of their bill from u? . mch22 '62-lm.- v A; IL' l. & CO. . rstHR nfMW.ribr tees to Inform nubH that X . ne has removed hia Shop to Hch GRAXZJTJBi RGftVt where Jle is 4repared-with ifoll atock . of i G OOOS IVOR MENS Af EAR, To auDDlvalTwbo.may favor himvith a callJ I Having secured the services ' of of the beat Cutters I& the Jouth, he fils satlsfiff tltat he an pleasd the mostXastiduous,!, . : " a r Oct. 9 tf v - ''-' '. - . ' J. fPHIIiIPS. ; INK MANUFAlTf )RY. : fwIlE Subscriber has commence' the magufac- JS t ure of pk beautiful . , - " - - ' " r-v RI.ACK;WlliTiiPjG lNBUr . -It la made from an English rewe; and is t- niarkablefpr its brilliancy. of coioi and freedom frotu all Sediments or drugs. - " - , I'-ti-'; rthrJers from, dealers will be filler With prompt-" ness, and at asj&oderate prices as IheyJa&ve been -purchasing for from northern m&dbfactnrers. ' - Orders solicrtedf ancLsamples seni wherever Je quested. -Address W. B. JOHNSTON, ' SI. 1 an 20-tf - . - . , . -. v CoJtmbia. S. O. TjSliiE Copar UierjsWp; Lefetore existing under XL the name of. ALEXANDER JIcDyUGALL, it this day dissolved fey muiaiU coawtcfe' 'Henry Alexander is alone aut-horhied to settle the busi- f ness of the late fiTm. '. - - y f- ' '" . V" p ; - t- - v-HENRT AltEX&XV&K - f - ... " t". .malcqlm i;cDOtaALt;r j Hjum. 2t 1S61 tf. "" -C- - '-::-- 43 tfTB "NOW IS THB TIMfE" TO SDBi t!&5 scribrportie great soc therV weekltithe best .talent OF thip. wnrrTn la WRITING FOR IT. I The Southern . Field -and' Fireside; at Augusts. " O .AC- Lknowledsedto be-th& .' Or 'aer n &wtftVnnta4ns in acht-sue. ig .pagea (forty columns) of - j--v . " ,"v a-. Clio ice Ucadlne flatter. .. . devoted to the Instruction and amusement of the- -: - ; . - . frlendsof SoutIertf- . 'a" "iltERATURE, AG RICDLTCRE, and ART, - ig& Subscribers' re oreeented seeii-annually with an INDEX, or Table of Contenta. ja - VC- " r; TBR--TW0bOIAASA FV ASTUJC.; a V- C-AddrJAME8 (jA RDN EB, Ae guaia. a; ."'', 111. ZENS,. will tou. buy. thT4HM TATE of NORTH CAROLINA t If ao, send to the aubscrl. bera, or subs,eribe.to the County 'Agent, for this h4w4'liarsei and jaenlflceit JTXap mri pAi wHl t the" Vls!e Sf ber 'BIvent . iept.-&a' ji4p -- fc Sf"slBjaLy- skMBa D.- SSm.- Wanted'. r! Us:r,:' ;;inilsb6'ro N. C., 1859 1 A" experienced COOK, f f f ftv!, I ' I AGENTS WANTED for every - Ctuty jn. th I Xa, n" oisviewejuiuw.. 1 I v e c.r." v-tM. hivavai ppIv as abov.- ; " I throucn this Qm. 1 ' --fc - e . ' " v I .r--v- . .f Jan. - . r " Executlire Departmciit: " North Carolina7!p T ADJUTANT OEN'LS OFFICE M KleiTli. March 22d, 1862. J; GfseSial Order. ! -' edes, ? all: 'new companiesof; n. f!." Vnlnnreere must be tendered direciryto f. the Stated otherwise the-bounty authorized : by the ordinance - of; the Convention : to f wilt be organized -into ,K.eimeiws Dy ine t elect their field officers. The-- bountf will i be paid each Cornpany ae goon as possible J after their arrival iirXmp - 1 1 i IL No 'organizatiojrof JRegiments of Batialiona wll be recoenrzsd unless fameisone byauthotuy of the btatend I tt nf J-?M,ttA-Prr.-hji'ftel lot- im. I . rooos f mediate field senriee slrouldJiayeno-more f baggage than each maa can t carry in his . KnansacK. it is oeBirautu.. mai '.cayi ion brincr a blanket fif- he can: furnisfc it,I any additional articles rids! necessarily be lost' if brought. i:J'.r. t'''."r - IV. AH communications on Miiitary- ;inattesmustbe sent 16 this Omce. ltrno other "way. will they receive 'immediate. at-s teutio'n'. ly-Z?' 'X - uy praer of uoyernor wabk'- i . 5 - n J' G.: MARTIN, ' mch 27d4 w4t.: : - Adjutant General ---V J -OJ THK i niLLSBOROliiJil OUTia;AblClrt DENNIS HEABT.T -. hiiasborocgh; k, ov i t 'f KTTTITH thtireiient volume the RECORDER W -commenced the fortieth year-sbf-JiS exis-. tence, the first number ha vinsr beea.issuea tne lucn of February, 1S20 j during all which time wff bave labored to make our "piper interesting nd ciefulr and we hope thaFln these particulars we Kay e -not bee altogether , tmsuccesful;- Jt lia been our vsdsh to.make the RFCORDER a;good Family-Pa per, cTeveted to -Polities," -AgrioultureIlsceUany, General Newst Ac. with a view io tL . entertain ment &nd Improvement of the farmers And citi sens of ler circle Int. wtiicb it is distributed V Our Agricultural department rwe endeavor to fill ,tvith the best gel ectissfr we .can make. ffm all source?; idvins reference to Such a-WiH be of .practical , use io ui i aruier aoa cuuhsht . tieular we hope jto make: .the RECORPTU as vaW4 able to'' the. agriculturists 8.4' any periodical,' of si" purely agricultural character. Jin -our Miscella neous department;.' vfe shall contiue to be, s.V' have alwaya been, careful rto pelect Such articles a will have a. tendency sot oniv to amuse, oa to , Imorovothe mind and heart," -While we shall be thankful to receive well-wiritten" articles to airm our columns, wa.are.not so-ambitious of .originality u ntWnrf(- iu4eted mattor of sunerior uierit to loosely-written and Ill-digested articles, though 4 nmamentfld at the: ton. witn tne'eoyerea wwu- "Written .eipressly for the RECORDER- Itf'onr News department w snau skv especiai,j?aiua present to our readers latest,inteliigoe4nd to enable us to do so we- have faciatles equal Jo those enjoyed irr any portion of the St te, except those favored with .telegraphic eoromunicatloa. 5 Asingle copy;. one year,.. -J? i .w.-f. " Si eopiesi-0B year.v;.j.-v'10-- " Ten eop!es:olieyear-,i-;. iiVi 'JLS.W y Payment always in advance. . J aucu vt a w . - - - - , , a ..- 11 M..VAMtVAa rVt A -arm nVf oin flVA a,- ' ...'- subscribers andaend ns- thMhVshsIlJrec t - July 18. tub Bcmaifi'cISfai . JoqniaU rfi HE subscriber will commence on or KboxaZr,? S.. 1st of September, 15(60, the- publication of A monthly jouraal in Tarbore, to. be devoted to the plantation, and. rural hitere'irts of -North- Carolina in particular, and. of the South generally." " ' '- '-' j Edgecombe having loAgsinoe been-ackTiowiedg-' ed as.the model farming county of North Carolina, we feel, that thre is no 4ocalitr better auited. and noueniore justly entitledi.ta the sourceof publi cation, of a urfct class agriculturar paper than Tar-. boro;r It is to be called r - ". ' - : " a -cv V:; The ICdeebmbe Farm .Journal,'? And will "contain priglaal and selecteS articles up-: on Agriculture, BoriiculturevJ'lQticult ure, House hold Arts. Rural ArchiWcture. Z0oJdgy. Ac.4Ac. . -'It '-wilLbe published -wj0ewCtq;"ud-;toMff' as to place the pubiloation with;fcn fJJver' one.,.,, v. - v 'f.- Ct, Onecopy ona year, -i -a .V Seven co la - jrg Jt- t 8 00 M.:, 5 GO'. vtitO u-opies one yer, 10 00 ks:?-Jjn ter ent unles na.ld fr in advance. - - WILLIAM B. SMITH,' -Ai' Editor and -proprietorTvi-oro','!. ?, iuly S0-tf - -V 0F THE " STATB . JOUEXfAL,j. -gr tr AMNG becyma Ihe proprietor of the JJemo . H-H v;.i&t' 7 5 I have -merared that-paper Into- the State JorajfAU , which wiiL b?. published' Rnml.WftpkLy and Weekly. 1 -"r-- - Tho Statk' Jonas AX wiUviulvocate: Democratic principles in the broadest sense, and will-support and defend Democratic measures and .tnteif , aavo--cates as they are-presented,'and as occasiX)n.-JBar: reauire.. In othe essentials it iU be . my aim to. nw- hat its 'name "denotes , a State ilia tve ajia- a-'v i-"? T " ' - - . . ' jftnrnAl-eschewrae' U Sectional-oonsweratioiis,. and-working for. the entire State and het common Interests. 1, C ' " - - ;., - i:!:-l.vi'4iiihn 1 oabec shall. b ; re-modeled and printed with new tvperon good paper, and in a superiormaarir As soon as arrangemen;"i c ui.uv, 1 ded to in its various branches, and wlttsptakf or it self. Neither labor nor expense :wifl be spaced n KrSra tie Estate Jnuroal - will be asfol; j em lWeekly, per annute- r: f- TonA m Weekly . . ..... . -i-4:- "iJ" ; xrrt : BBmA will ber-nut noon fee list BUTOIi. 'v - ..... without themoney, and W'S'SIX. no other footing can any newspaper. hope to sue-J L Advertisements of a proper character win be Inserted at the following rates i-.-.r- One scuarefirst. nMrtloow ,9 ; Each suosequentinsertion..i - "'v ..25Knts A liberal deduction on these rates for yearly ad vertisers la the Semi-Weekly,- In the Weekly edi tion the lull rate.vwill be charged, j -. . . ,- . . f i'' J01IS SPELMAN . . - HbV,jTIS60.; :i':X&ditorrnd Proprietor A NORTE CABOLINA. PAPER, ; I iarseMght-rage Weekly, pubiuhed mOreenshoro. law! yarr$I.f six months.,; tut. ti M FA contains weekly forty columns of H choice matter, specially adapted to the family: eirclci Mtls neither SectarjaffnorpolHIcalnut by'l Ljcburteous to aU sects snd parties.it the f - r .,U1chsn- trt rffnt- In- ita constant aiu m ..."f..-- , columns wbatevertnay elevate the people and en rich the State, tThe pubfisnera would earnestly anneal te the fatiiilleoTNorU Carolina to, givC It be not as well to patronise homepapera, as those, h , .KmiJjt bnildjim home,laterestanda . tm .Kro.ad ; to- buildnpt home,Anterestsanjd ct.i. mrt.. &nd to scatter ouf sobstanC&'and our Energies among strangers -Give ssk Inrra a trial and tuen lent aiana pai(wi. -r- - ' WHAT I SAJJ VJf AJfta.- . 1'nteard as.Mie-very -firs -of-nur ';.t..ra-T.ftM4.rw Weeidies." Rev, C. JP. Deemi. f ; I know of no Weekly papasxieq 1 JtWAJ-A - - - , . la so deserving of jou Paxrone m.:xj "There is no pandering to a yiUatd tasie--eve-j: rv article Is" of s moraf tendency And calculated both Wamose and instruct"- WUmisgto Herald ' OBeor the handaomest weekly papers published a r-inn Poirit f the Age. - T: Letth peopU of Norto Caarolina .eneonrage their own newspapers.-"Jr Uld WHVlUi a V tinned at tne expirAuun oi wic um i t " 7-'. . -. - . . v - - - 1. THE SOTjtjjeott guardlatt ' OI UlflD I A, SO. OA. J B,Y CDARLES P, PELJtAiL s i Daily. ri. 11.;-. 00 per annum Tri-,Weeklyrt.:w ',,....4 00 ' Weekly : 2 00 - " - Payment m advane Invariably. Post-'w.tAi- endlnr ns fire datlV subscribers," with t30 00, or five trl-wekly subscribers, wlUi t20 09 f (enclosed Jn regerel jetws,) wiu tn'juea o a extr,opyj or tfilieu of that 20 per sent, of th sums thus remitted, pTiaea me oraer is ror- mny as tlve copies, -Tea per cent, will be "allow ed far- amount remitted for single subscriptlons. ; ' t AviTiBanwT -V" Inserted at the following rates In the Pally and Tri-Weekly: .)' --:--v- t' -a:" h One squareldi tinea or less) one Insertion , . .5Q ets Each. subsequent Insertion.. v...t.i..."-- a-. -When ft ftdvertisemenf Is Inserted In tha Week iy, or but once a, week .In the Dally M 50 ests . a squ are for each Insertion. " . -' " -.' . r - w ntrr ta n.dvrtUern the. Indueemect of tend ing their favor to b read by a numerous and In- VUu.i vutes 4 auci vj . U. " -T ; try. The Southern Guardlatt present great ad Vantre a an advertteintt medium r Its-, elrenta L tion IS large, and U dally rapldjy extending,-- -particularly jn tna mwaid aaa upper -c ?j the State --ri4 - -v rVr J '! - V - ' ' SroBrarsTisra. . ."- . The Job Offlcefs thoroughly ppolnted in Alt respects, and fiUed for: every description of Job Wor k. In' connection -with It li a Bindery, , , a. -'i . " The Southern GuafdlAn iadevoted to the, main tenance of the rights, honor and interests of the South under the CnslHuttoj.y WM1 lt.ftr. Filling to ju stain the Democratic party .whenever Its cours e shall command approval by -its justice, H yet more CftnfldentlY apd distinctly -rUies upon , the v6opt r Vhm Hnnfli V-itiiI an the ty?st Drenaratlon .for- .tne I contest which iavert now npon tw,:lt wi eealous-" ly labttr to-efTect union oprauoii,amongsr ourselves,- '.'rJ'r!--- ? JJS ' v Vr ' production of every class oruewS from all parts f the world, the iessonstot-yiru uu- mwrnui-jr,. Interests bf educatlAn agriculture, commerqejna raanufacttre3,4ii-wia be kept promiDenuy view, and no effort will be soared to nw.ite xwva -au-Tes .Vt.iAta.ttr SAIBrttttVilA KrltlA VlftltO 5 c""-'f - i We send eur Dally to nearly au mmj n e- . . . ' Tf-.t- iy newspapers or tne Mate wui wey, ration of, fiM advantages Wndljr the bove nifoteetii faw ttasertfima. v i JtD" ' Tlei titer aryaper of vthe Soutli' KYteRlPAMtiT SHOTrttD feEA0 VHh 2!Z7 LARGEST t ' TZTE'CrEAPKSTt rTH& BEST ILLUSTRA TED SQUTJTPRJPi'Air fWljE TIMES 1 neither politicsJiior sectarian, ' j . .but. is the constant aim tf tlie .Editors' to fill its coiunrns ; wiih-the. cholsest uvstorical, uterary and Family reading.' an4. with largeselection ct, all the new; of 'the day, botli fgrelgn.and domes-; The sfth volnme comm enees.with the new year. 1560. Ehgageraents haye been made to make t! the most brilliant year in" the. Mstory o(kTHB TI!VfES. It will commence with-A v ' '; . ' ; . J Th t ce I tenti 1 1 f UA JPrlxe stonesii j Its ftluata-atlons will oS Increased; and. Itstypo- grah1cati: appearance-will be Improved by a still. keep pace WifJt the Improvwnenta of the-age: thole motto l "PROGRESSION,", and as the circulation of THE TIMES enlarees each year, they are de- termiired add new , attractions " to its, eoltfmns and make it the literary paperor ine rouin. w iiq these-v inducements tjhe Pub.l5shers oonfldeolly ,e peetse'veiral thousand increase Jtrcrrcalation. ' Biit'aa additional bicentives to the friends of the SSrttVth a 'PTiiranrAflrAthplr ownUterarv and. family " . ; : . . . - "... 3 - -. ii.i t i... 1? papery jn wuicn tney wui nna none w xum, and jmmotal reamng-Wbton flometimesAi.ney-jre froni;abroad, the Publishers of THE TIMES .offer i. -.-: ?,Q VU aA-AfcAVJAAJi'A. 7 For ubicifiber-to eommerree with the new Volume and thenew yeaK ;.TJIKTIMES.,fs-rnted Weeniy a.f. s COLE A ALBRIGHT.' ."r-:-.' pov, '-Ci Greensboro, N. C, TCHE ClIilTOlHERClM ' PCUTICAL. COMflSEnClstrAKlil;; - - -; . - ; Nf W S P.A PAvTn2Xr,y nnilE MsiPBV tyejjpgjj a- Chariegton; J- ini anommerce in the leading seaw and of Charlestd Weekly Prices. Current ports of ,thon maen eare. and from- the most ls taiadeireea,r xts cbnnecUon with the "Assot rP liA . , .Ua l.At.f ntalHr.cn. TtP -.l tH-Aarl1eatnews bv Stearoersfroni Barope. . It has an-able and accomplished Corj respondent ln iionaon a genuemau uujvw with the editorlAl sUlf of the London Times.) and; regular Correspondents in New York. Washington, Key West nd Havana, The monthly NewTork Fashion tetters and weekly 'letter on Llf in WasMngton are additipnal attractions in Tavor of Its lady readers. Vita literary 'notices, from the pen of a gentleman who occupies perhaps the highest pQsittttnj6njlhe: literary-mea-- of the geuth. areiscriBaiasting and comprehensive.-ff Attention is paid to alimatters of general concerrn espeeialiythose to reference to the Planting and Agricultural lateresW and to the current new of the day.v Great car i taken that notLing shatj appeavdn.lt columns -which should be excladsd from the family Circle,;' y " a 1 4 -- -, "The political creed of the Mi&aT. consists In the principles of the . Democratic Party, ss laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1J98 and 1799 the Sovereignty of the' States; a jtrict eonstrtjctlon of the Federal Constitution by the General Government, the agent of the States ; Free Trade, and an economical: Administration of the Government.' Its policy is tho Union- of the Southern States in mAintaining-their rights '5 J . Terinw Payable in Advance, ': DAILY, per nnnum. .'-i . ,$ .taV.-' if- Clubs vlIilFnrnlshedafolIowii: wive Copies of the DAILY for .... . . ; f 40.0t. -tdt wvpttt v r- "s. "4)o on rive vpp'ea ' . . A, ; V 1 entered on Tn.Cvbookv .unless the payment of the lubscriDtion be madejn advance Nor will orders 1 from without tne city to publish -Advertisements, v.k.. Nntifles. or Obi tuariesbo attended to. unless the cash; or an acceptabla City reference, I accomdany the- oraer , money my ajwsjt. R forwarded at our risk in registered letters. r " t PosTMASTARS are authorised to act as onr Agents In- obtaining'.' subscribers : and forwarding the moliey ; and by sending ns. Dailt subscrl bersVw1th $5-enclosed or 'Fvc Ti-Whxt subscribers, with $25 enclosed, will be entitled to tKnhh.anl In lieu of the extra paper. Out of South Carolina, no, person whatever 1 authorised to , collect debts ''alrfadydue to the unmiiT.; ' - k'-r' VL--.V.' -f;A .C-.t"--: '- . in the State Mr. Samusl E. BcaQKSS Is our leg j ulur Agent to make eollecuons ana procure new tul0ess and subscriptions,' - v-T-'. ' -v'-- In Charlestbn,Mr.' James Bcdds, connected with the offiee, Is our regular authorised collector Who has full power to receipt for money .now due tbepftper and to contract for future business; . f -- Subscribers and other.in debt to a, are urgent. My requested to send in our dues by mail At the earliest period. By so . doingv they wiR .asve. us twenty oer cent, aa, amount equivalent to a prior; f cipal portion of thA profita..- - "; - PpT JUHTOwi . lu Vtc duiw; uv kuvuiuuuiwc South, who receive oar ;-Tbj-Wxxit for ; their Wsxaxv, arereapectiaiiy reqneetea w compensate ng. for the difference la; value by inserting- this prospecusy c ; ; J: ' K. B. RHETT, Jm. ; 1 i Jfo.i. jBrMd Streets Charleto XHK FARMER AilJTtANTER REMOYED TO COfc TJ 3III TA ft. (T ;&a i -ftf AY1NG purchased of Maj. Geo. seaborn tras 1 lot popular journal, I have removed its place of publieauon to vommota, aso. wiu aeresiter iaub i from this city at regular stated period. - m- r . TeeBiie esnfident tht such a journal s greatly "needed In this Stater and believing that lt.will.be. tnstalned, U locates at the capitoiortne ctate ana 'wacted with spirit and abinty.l havedetermla- aaz- theventure, and call upon every Farmer and Planter In South Carolina to encourage the enternrise by teelr patronage. - -. -- n-; '.. It will be printed la ths finest style ef Typogra phy, with-new type, on line paper,-handsomely embeUished, and eight pages added to J t former size Prie. onlyrtss Doa"pnnnnw always j 4" A nrr. nf th bent nTAf.tlrai and scientlfle Agri cultural writershavebeen se'mred, and its Editorial partment' will be-' under the cars of one of tat Ths Cash system will be rigidly adhered to, and 1 i nama wiil be entered oa our bosks nntfl the rub-1 ' ' .. " A",'.:... J.To the People of -NortliCarolina.-. vt; At ihe recfuest of President Davitf. I have ' ; undertaken to collect of the arms now, mi inenanaaot private citizens ot our.c5iaf' ror'that. purpose I have been lowsted With . authority to borrow, Durchaee.of, if weces-, sary, to impress them. I am satisfied that itrwill never be nccessary to resot to the use of the last named power. Patriots of North Carolina, our -soil i invaded, and ; though we have maj enough to fcpel tho invaders, our men are- useless unless ihey have "arm. ; Upwards of 20,000 stand oi arms are now lying useless in our houses i these arms should be collected' and pheed itt the hands pf our noble defenders. Nona", "but a craven or disloyal citizen will refuse Id corn ply -witll this requisition. -1 will im- "mediaiely appoint; suitable-., agents"-to go "through every county in thctat,empQw-. Vered to borrow, jurchBr rrrJrTtves.jar3, impress arms ; imt in tne rneantimo ict ma s entreat, all true patriots to, fend in all oi their muskets", rifles and double barrel shot , gun (good, bad or indifTerent,') to the sher , lffs ot .the different counties, whom I d . -hereby nuthorize to receive and pay for , thera agreeably:to the Attached schedule ol prices arid draw on 'me for the. o mount ne ccssarj.'I -.. . ' ' . For good rifles, and! muskets, 813 and 850 eachr according. -id value'; good double-v. ; barre"hot guns from, $13 to 533, accord--Jng to value y other arms and parts ol jirmi according, to. valuation.., , . : ''. 'I hayealso; been requester to purchase oIf .scrap. lyonwhethe'r cast or wrought, jand of airwelffbts. lo which I wiu.ray. tor Jattea nt.?. , "W. ."B. ASHE. ' . ir:Aprilr3, 1S62 3t,- V - a f ine paper in yu"., oimu timefJarid 8end"bills tyMaj. V . . Aeha. ' Richmond, -.-V ' A' ; - ; ?yi?6bk:an(l JobPrintiugr a Neatly Executed, at. this oflce.'. TOT AVING procured a - larks, amount of sxcel-' LrU lent material, and added lo this establish ment suitable fat PRSESi-we takeMbU epvor. tunlty to Inform onr-frlnUs--od the- suMe, that we "are full prepare to ecute ; wori, of ST 'at short-notice; 'an At priaes .Tar ' below tho nsuaUy paid In this section; of sountry.' are prepared t. print tn. the latest and-toof.pproved atvle. .v .... ,- -.. t- -'.,-r . . - . - c Alios. '- INVITATIOrVS." .mrwwyj -m. . -m t A AS.3. -' chkcuS'' NIIOW-IlIIiIiSf lifxiris."' . a I. AAV IILANICS. U 1- V V XTU ' A 1 AJ AH J and atiynthei' style oi:. printing UAUally, rstled for... fof touch less than the same class of work caa ls a -executed thl Jd i NeW York' - - ' EIIi-'BniTTOft . f PRESERVE OURTEKTir, -;A W; ALTJX ANDEli, . . . . L K2 OTlATjpATB OP1 THtt pAI.Tri0ft H.twTS V nJ- ";fH-.vxv.;x'xsdi::.; -' ... '.Wf.rtiLVX -PRBPAKEJ TO DO AXT. JPTAl. . li Work in the) latetnoitoveasTy:s.JMii "m-"-, ... "!"!. J A.. .rTiiM..UAi at oizmi -w-ri)nsTe vmr-rrenwin oeror . t.i-.,,fw'wiJi a. . . aesmng' wort, a one tasirig tiw at t'-bar- obllge him vary, jnucb- , - . T lotte, N. Cv ii WA RRATrHtu. i' " tSTZ OJlCe, opponlte Kerr'i lUotfTr; - . r Brown's building, np-tir.- NOTICE.. : -All 'persons indebted lb ti by buok ai counlwill please call and settle the same, as our books -must be 'closed, i OnA of u mav always be touhd at the offiCs n Dr. ; p q, sc j:w; icalpwell; -"'Feb 7-tf ''"-'.--'' a T' .',i' ';';;..i.; '-. f, u' ;aM.D,..v - 1 E are Pleased to advertlss the frienfls ana .t.ron of this establishment that w coja- mence the publication of the second volume .if tt.s flsst iamed vJourn8j;:tbJsv-d-syi';.Rdjer th? .faost ' The 'circulation of th abov$ named prer Sa rspldly increaslog, and iu influenc! Sr an advsy. Using medium is being felt and appreciate b patrons, having- access, to almost every neighbor , bood lathis and adjoining Counties, a w'i . the adjoining District in South Carolina. , v ' r; TIII5 CATAWBA JO I.' itN-AlV One'of the largest papers now; published In the" State.ro&iIedfor tl.00 per annum, made ojvfroia y the- columns of the Dailt Bcixrns, has not oDbr become a pepular aper, but it affords greaf d vantages to those who wish t use its- ounrjf ai anadvertising.medium.i . - - ? Specimen copiea win be sent to any ectloa tt.ey By be orderedfree of -postage. , '', nov.lt-tf I -' J: ' --. , - -':--'-, - ' , S Cotton ' .."; . t ''. and - - ,.."., ;- A::c5ouNTRy PRODUCE, ; r r of ail kind, for which the V, ?. ' ; HfGHEST MARKET PR ICE. IN CASH ViUe p'ald:v;. ':; - "''' - Just received a large lot of j . - 1 J - '; and a complete supply "of G R O CE R I E s '.ioV C1 twimos.'r E. A C. BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE: ;rniisnFQ:v852:" CHABTtRlO e&4': LOCATID 4 . isrnr of Baltimore and Charles h-At , rniHK Largest a most Egantiy orusnea aJJ. Commercial Ctllege to the United f Ule. J. Eyery young man should write tmmed lately for one -of ' those-large and beautlfdly orn&n:tBtd- Circular, -representing the-, esteriuc anJ iniriir. YJew oH-be IiAi.TiMOB Cojmraciai, Cotttoa- , Penmanship,' Ac., which will be sent, by return rktM fret of cfmrger with Catalogue contain! r List of Student, Terms of TutUon, Opmloi. of t Press otShh1 New System of BookKtcp$g, co.-..-.. - -.. .y . i',' -.- AAOQtlTu' . . E, K. Losrsa, Principal Lcctartf on'the clepc,' of Accounts, Business, Customs, ftc. , r J. M. PHii4JrS Professor of Book-itA-lng K1 commercial vicuiAnM . nH. Da vixs, Associate Prof, of naok-IIerrlft . N C JoHao, Professor of PenmADiVp-. t?-.'- . g..T. WnxiAM. Eq MercaoUls Lftt - . ..' jLar.JC Y. Rsrax.D.DOommerciAj EtUc r; ' V : if X -'' "" '-'- C : ' ! Hon John PKennsdy.- j.' BoaJosJ.ua WV . Jloa Thomas Swann, , Wm JMigr, E- q ., ? Jaeob Trust, Esq-. 1 - Win anAbe, zaj, . , - - Th tfioe niually required to, eompleu th- faij mK-nrn frOHL 8 tO H Week. -" ..(' I . V !;lSSuawar4ed to a?l Qradeat?-r ' Circulars aad Catalogues Btvla tertf Aalsect by tosil fru cf charge . .:' i. -1 - jifvj,.:' . -"-Co --orep if .1 Xliouse on "Main -street near the Pes . UOBX. . JA.V lAJS.M "A -A... .... ,r. . ; ;-.. . , ' c5 c- fc i., -1 V A-' v ' t . i i.

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