i1 - - . '. . .A.-';. . . v -. " . --:' ft.,; : . !" v Vol. vii.-yo. o4.j c:'-::'Miftfi " . $6 per annum. I. I THE BULLETIN: HV KDWAIID II. IiniTTON. n r ...NO. 1 TRYON STREET, aA on itori foo. TERMS FOR FATER : .TIIE DAILY BULLETIN will MfurnUiLetliU : v imLLAKS pr annam, IX ADVANCE . theTRI-WEEKLY BULLETIN will be rob ---.-n- Tuf.tr. Thiimlay aaJ Siurtly rooming. ' !'.' :.i-l fr 4 Ou per annum. iayable ia advance. TELEGRAPH. From Richmond, . Ricumo.vp, July 7. .Nothinr of intT! lts transpired .hre today. It is rcporied that tbere was fighting to day between the Confederates and Yankees in Charles City County, but nothing ia known ot the engagement (if any took place,) at the War Department. The weather-was extremely nor io-ny " Kail Road Collision. . I Trlsraril'1 Exi-rcly fr tLe BuUetln. ' ' Atlanta, July 7, An upward and downward train col lide J on Yeeteaday at or near Johnson, ?n the Wetru Atlantic Railroad, y which'thc Kngineer and Fireman to gether 'with several other persons a j -iruber of horses were killed. Our Killed and Wounded . Wc-rc indebted to our highly esteemed frit.id Capt. J. L. Davis for the annexed Ii;patch by Telegraph, from Richmond, 'i reference to the number of killed, and wounded from Macklcnburg, in his com lany, viz : h'llhd. Lieut," Damett and Private John Ferce. of Ot. F. 49th Regt. N. C. Troops. - - ?rgt EUiOttwaa slightly wounded. Corporal Manson in arm and heel. Privates S. R. Neel inarm. " Reid, in eyes and foreheod. Jno. Alexander, in abdomen. r Keenan, in leg, severely. Warrick, in foot. . Kligat Phifer, in shoulder. - Bonnet, in hand. ' Stenson, in arm. 0 Ashley is . missing. J. L. Davis, Capt. Co. I . N. C. T. To J. M. HvTciiitio.v, Esq., we are placed andr obligations for the annexed dispatch from Richmond : Ind you a list ni the killed and wound ed from Mecklenburg. . Killed. Ll Darnett. Sidney Todd, Al ner Hood. A F Heel. Ja.s .Miltou.- TVoundtil. John XV. Hunter, Henry Cathay, Ll torment, the two Todds, J Phillips, XVm Stephenson, X m Jewell, Keli≤ T S Dulin, J XV Wolf and L fajnasson. Most ot them are slightly . wounded and doing1 well. Vour . JM.. H. Important News.; I:.-r4phei ereiilj for the Bultftin. , Richmond. July C. i n- tiLtrrf h.is "received Daltimore ' y.i?T of the 4th instant. The Washington correspondent ol the ;Vw York Herald eayn the Federal (iov -i.-imfnt has ben notified by Ministers of rwo f the leading Kuropeah Powers that i.-e War muf't be immediately closed. Ti; N. V. Etenipg rost says Lincoln .,? luei a Proclamation calling for three ri.rndred thousand more Troops. Thf' Times says there is now no room ; doubt that the Fedfral army has nr.et with a periouj reverse and is in a condition vi imminent peril. Stocks took a downward surge in New York on Wednesday. The gold market excited and $101j iqs freely bid. Kxchange on London is quoted at 9131. From ltersburg. rsraj-heJ Errcs$tv for the Balletiu, Petersburg, July 6, The Yankees have buried oyer 500 at nirle!5 and lelt over 100 wounded, who . !I ino oar hands on Saturday morning. Oar pickets now occupy b'hirley. Nine more prioners hae been brought io Petersburg. They report that McCIel Un occupies a strong positiou at Berkley and ihat he had b:cn reinforced by he ro, is Division, that he now has from ik to 10.i men and will give battle. Our Ualloon went up yesterday and N-diy, and the a nnaut reports that ihe Wagon train ot the enemy is still visibla and that the tents ot the enemy dm the country lor miles. A member of Sickles' Urigade gays out of five thousand men in the Brigade who weut into Hattle not five hundred were lett." r ANTED. I want to hire hva IS LUKU MLiX ty the month ; I will pay liberal prices. Apply to F 1 L. S. WILLIAMS. July?. It MECKLENIILHG PAimZAN Kobtrt A. Davidson, Wo. a. Prather, Jno. b Wylie, XV. L. Kirkpatrick, J. M. VVfaue and J. if. Henderson, ara appoint ed recruiting officers tor the above named company, which will receive names until tie Conscription Act goea into etfect. The company having organised and elected a Captain, will meet in" Charlotte at the Court House on Wednesday the 5th and Wednesday the ICth of July. M. N. HART, Capt. July S, 1662 ti rTUJIELV WAUNISU The M-leal Accou&U of the late firm of FOX A WUITE, and also the Individual AcoounU or C J. FOX, are placed lathe bands of A. C. WIL LIAMSON fr Immediate settlement and coUee. Con. Uc Is aavhorUed to five a reasonable ln :roeeto aa who wia promptly settle by Note m vniiri bos, nascr ii pienty ana ut time yfrH0M tw fayiag flebM. MsllUvim: To Voters of JlecJcIcnbnrg: Some weeks ago my triends announced me as a Candidate for the Legislature, but not feeling that it was conrenie.nt f6r roe to enter the contest,' I last week; published a card declining.'. On reflection, Tand at;tbe solicitation of numerous iriends, I have roncluded to become a - Candidate, and" therefore announce myself-as a Candidate; for a seat in the (louse of Commons of the next General Assembly of North Carolina. In order that my position may be under stood. I will state that I am for Col. Win; Johnston for Gorernor, and in faror .'ofr prosecuting the war until our independence.-;. . is established. If ray ielJow-citizens, ot. Mecklenburc see DroDer to elect me I will i serve them to the best of my ability. . R. L. DeARMONvL July 5, 1862 , . . r - JHIINEItY, MILLIWEIIY., Spring Straw and KecpoIIUn Bonnets, Drab and, Black Straw Bonnet, Boys and Misses Straw and Leghorn tuts ; Also, new Spring- Artificials and Bibboca, iist recclrod and far sa'e at . KAUNWEILKR & BR08. f March H, lS6J-tf . r y S IIOK.S, SHOES, SHOES. Roceived a fins assortment of women Leather Shoes, sizes 8 to S, aeUlngvery fast at $3.00 a pair. Fine Kid Morocco Boots, sizes lto 6. For sale at KAUNWEILKR A BE0P. March 12, 1562 tf s PItING 81IAWLS. . Received a Urg9 variety of Silk Manteld and KAHNWEILER BEOS. March 12, 16W-U SPUING GOODS! SPUING, GOODS I Just received a large assortment of Spring Drees Goods, comprising Gray PapUng, English Barages, Ch allies, Foollard Silks, Barage Delaines, Figured Barages, Organdies, Lawns and Spring Silks, which are selling very rapidly at KAHNWEILER A BE08. March 12, 1S62 tf MOUKN1NG GOODS, . .lOUUMNG GOODS Plain black Cballles, Barages all wool, and PI aha Bombaxineo, Alpaocas, Black Figured Paplins, Plain Moarnlng Shawls, Black Crape Setts, an4 Kid Gloves. or sale at - ... - KA1INWELLLU A BROS. March 12, 15fi2-lf SWOI1D, SASII AND UELT.r A handsome Silver Case Sword, , for Captain or Commissioned Officers, with a red biik faash and iielt. r or sale at' KAHNWEILER &. BROS. Feb. 15, 1664 tf - : . QONFEDERATE UNIFOIIM8. Just received a superior quality of Gold Lace for ornamenting sleeves and Con fed eratecaps. For sale at ' - KAHNWEILER &. BROS.. Feb. 15, 1862 ttr -. . T COTTON PLANTERS. Just received a lot of Bagging. " tor sale low at . KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb. 15, 1662 tf T .JNGLISII GOODS. - A splendid a5?80rtment of Print.", Suiped Osnaburg, Piaid and Striped English Cotton troods, p?r .teamer Herniuda." For sale at - KAHNWEILER BROS. Jan. 25, 1862 tf . ' if : - -i-v.-'T M ILITAHV IlfJTTONf, &c Keceived per Steamer Isabel, Gold Kp paulets for Commissioned.Ofiicers, Military buttons, Gold Lace, Pistols, &.c. Call soon at " , - KAHNWEILER & BROS. ' Jan. 26. 1862 tf " " lOTTON LACEN, Ac. Weare selling off our pplendid stock of Needle - Work, comprising " Sleeves' and Collars, French and English worked Bands, Edging and Inserting, Thread, Linen and Cotton Laces, as usual, low prices. .. - Selling very fast at ' ' - KAHNWEILER & BROS. Jan. 25, 1662 tt S , 'gC IJPUIINONG WINE. ; - Superior articles of Scupernong : WINE,: in bottles for family use. Forsale at KAHNWEILER & BROS, Jrn.25, 1662 tf ' - ! AOA,uv . 'Yv-';: - The undersigned begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally that he is prepared to give private , lessons, at the residences of the pupils, on the Piano, Gui tar, Violin and Melodoqn, and in drawing and the modern languages. Terms mode rate. : . R.F.HUNT. V Professor at the Charlotte Fem. CoLA jan'61-28-dtt ' ' . .y ST. MARY'S; SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. O. Rt. Ke v. T.Atkinson, D.D.L.L.D., Visitor Ile-r, Albert Smedes, D.D., Hector. The forty-tlrst term of this School will commence on the eleventh day of J uly, 1862. The charge for tuition in all the branches nii'u u-ill remain hrtoffirft 1 I ill t V DiUU J , ... . w..u....vw ..... ...w-v. w J - - - during the coutinuance of tho present high prices, an additional charge will be made tor board and wasning, ot si.o per wee. I-or circular, containing full particulars, apply to tne ivecior. a . a r . June ZJ, is62 ji HELLSBORO jMlilitarv Acadom . THIS INSTITUTION . will .bo-re opened under efficient management on WEDNESDAY, March 5ih. The servi ces of officers having been permanently secured, no turther interruption of duties need be apprehended. ,J For circulars stating-new terms kc.. address "Superintendent H. M. AJ . llill.kn.n' TJ r -V ttlUCUVI V A., v Feb 1 law6ve ' .i '. 5 REWARD (Z iO O -LV JJJ V V UK JL. Jl 0 IfXOROCCO UAVEUSACIa . Lost on the train on Thursday, the 2otbr froni Raleigh and after leaving- the Com-.v pany Shops, a BLACK MOROCCO HAVERSACK, with brass lock, contain ing official papers ol iaiportaace. Any one rinding the same will leave it at the S,oath-: em Express Compan's Office. ' I V XV. VENCENT, - ! June 2S2i . , CoIC-S. &. - COMPANY TFANTEDV ;; One Comrany is still wanted to com? nlete a Battalion which I am authorized to raisa for local and special service in guard-J in? the nnsoners of war in this btate.- The usual bounty will be giren. l.'v v - ' Apply to .-. . .. MajorA. C GODWIN, j : Comdic2 C. S. Military Prison, Salisbury, l r . XI,NI)S Or COr.VTRY TRODUCF WATCfiESiJEiyELRyi SILVER ,' C1URL0TTB DRUG STORE. X. XI Xli iiuxUiUSOIT - & COr - TT ET AIL DEALERS lIOEEIGl'ANr&0 , r ,QO . "' PIU25, Turpentine, Burnlnj: Jluld, Alcohol Pare Liquor Canton TeaiT Keld and OajrdeaSeMt , Ac, Ac. - Z ' - T - Having closed, Drbookswe intend to sell here- M L. A L E X A N P. E R , V Atforney andp QourXsellor- af?;u CUAliLOTTE, .2f.;- CjVJ. OlSoe lh Bumjctib Bcilimio. 1' Bpilwo. ,.r ..A -r' tWITiTJ'A TYTS &rO ATES; . t ; p a I foil if u y era, ; G rocerw A J?ro d n ce Agent or' iCeUieweWa Manipulated Guano" ; ALL OROERS: PROMPTLY FILLED. v f o - r n i Lt it 1 r o , : ; IVIoroliaxLt Tallor.o irjfAVINQ located In ' Charlott rcspecU JliL folly solicit a share of public patron- : aKe. . .. v .'V'--..- ' ; - . ' -r''-' A complele assortment uf Cloths; Casi-', mers and. Vostiags always on hand; which will be made to order at the shortest .notice, after the latest fashion.,: . . . ". - .;, Shop thrje doors South of the Mansion House - sept. 19-tf ? , . . s . 74 v : ; THOMAS W. RADCLIFFE. " ' vv ; - ' atthk "Tv;"-. -) . , 1 SIGN OP THE DRUM, i MCHARDSON STREET, THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OF RICHARDSON ' AND PLAIN 6TEEET8, . V r:K0.i66,':.vv..s:i;';,, ' O O Xi XT JUL SIA , SI.' O , . Importer and Dealer lix Flue ; WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELBYr SIL- :' VES WARE, - GUNS, MILITARY A- FANCY GOODS rjTWiTCHiii and JeVelbv repaired by skillful ana expenencea workmen. All kinds of . Uair-Wobx made to order. oct. 27,lS60-tL Charlotte Foundry And MacHine Slaop. TTTT AVING purchased, from J. A. Fox the above jaja, establishment, the- underaigned .begs leave to call the attentn of th rublia tA Uka he Is now ready to nil every order ror making Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses, and every description of Machinery. All kinds of Cas tings in Iron, Brass and other metali made at short notice and reduced prices. Particular attention gtvento the making and repairing of Threshing Machines, liorse rowers, Uotton wins, MUl works and Agricultural Work of all kinds. Blaoksmlth- lag, Joi, Wagon Work, and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Uopper Cast ings bought at the Foundry or taken in exchanj, - for Job work. All kinds of Wood Turning also done. . ' , - .' .- y derio-tf - - JOHN M . HO W1E. STKNHO.USE Sc MAC AULA Y, Commission Merchants, At their Old Stand, Trade Street. : Keep constantly on hand a well selected Stock ot r amily. urocenes. AfLoruers for r lour, Corn. Bacon, &c, promptly and carefully tilled. . . . ' factories supplied witn lxtton, on com mission .0150 cents per bale. -w. V J.E. STENHOUSE, ' . ALLEN MAC AULA Y. Charlotte, N C, Alay 3, 1862 ly - i Save Your Ishes: ; THE Charlotte : Chemical 4& M.. Co.. will pay 12i cents per bushel for good cieao.. . , ; . -s. t - -. , . All persons having aaytb sell, will please give notice at tfry-Diiig Store of E. Nye Hutchinson & Co v ' 1 Feb 28 tf ;-v i ' 5,- ; -' i m VtaiUVaiV s& A JU S Jy 'AS w Family Flour for ; Sale. T the Charlotte Flouring Mills 'can" be had JtVL Family, 8aperflne and fine .FLOUR, SE CONDS, ammT3 ana unm. - , Also, MEAL and GRIST, - f -: - . r7- - ". : JOHN WILKE8, ' : ang 1. lSeVV-ly v' Charlotte Flour MlUf. j Wliat and Corn Wanted ; :. ww a a a. t .1 l J 1.. Ji. noUce that thelr-.Wheat andt) 5 Corn Crops will be purchased- at the 5r u f r t . a . "I cin L - Jua,-at t i lngWheat-at P lt to their f f ill before, "ffj ' - mi. . a d'i. 'k. . I t a . maraei prices. - auoso aavmg and Corn lor .sale may find advantage to call at the Mitt, cioilnff a sale. --. -. .. ' ' . ! -1 JOHN W1LKE1S A CO - c - - - ;.-. - CharloUe'FIour Mill....-: z aug 1, lS60-ly . J . . j " i , item.b?alti;vi-: fTtBE sabscriher begs Co inform the - public JL he baa removed his Shop to No-4 GRAJfl TJC HO W, where he is -prepared with a full atoc ' GOODS FOIl .ilCJfS tl'EAll, To supply all wlomay favor him with a. cal. laving seoured-the services of 'one efthe-best Cutters in the South; he feels satisfied that he, ean pieaso uie uivit iuuhuduii, - . - Oci.-tI . ,. - iJ- J: 8, PHILLIPS INK r 3I1NUFACT0RY.- -. fTTXHE Subscriber has commenced themanutac-; Jl. tore of aheanuial . " ------ "'t' L RLAClt; WHITING iKH. ) Itumaderrom an xsnguan recipe, ana is-re- markable for ita brilliancy of color and freedom' f 1 , , V r.i - " " I " "7J T.. , : . v " , n r r - I TarchaaLaz for from Northern manufAcfurers. ; Orders solicited, and sample sent wherever re- a m m .- tr W VAfl VnTAy quested... Address . B.. JOUNSTpN ; . aug 20-tf i : ?, j: ...-.Columbia, 8.-q.. i -A 43 sT9 aT " NOW IS THE TIME TO-BCB- JL C3 X3Ad SCRIBE FOR THE GREAT-SOU THERN WEEJLLY I THE. -BEST JALENT. OF TUI SOUTH IS WRITING FOR IT. - r , . , - ; The Southern Jield ; and Fireside, Pahllshed everrSaturdayi at Augusta G.i-ac- Anowledgedto be tths beitTamily Paper in tie cmV'--ci)ntaiBs m each issue, e:gat pages (forty eolamns) of - ;. u . -o Cliolc Ilcadlrie-Matter. ;- i - devoted to the Instruction and amusement ef the - " -Jriends ox Boutnsrn - r LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, and AST. : -rrr" fiabicribers are presented semi-annually . with aa XNDKXt or Table of Contents. , . . .-; . - TZUf0OUAajmAJqrvv-, L Aiirth JAlTZS OAMNTADrta, 0 -4 JUL jWrTr t). vet- if i' iv i v:L t - - f - "Coltoib; March 31,1862; ' - A AooJtiN Gluti TKAltt wiU leave tJol i umbia for Charlpjte ech, afiemoon at 6, artd arrive in Columbia at 5 a. m,' :w. C J ' " ; -T. J.-SUM'NERr vvf , ! :EagineeV and Superintendent. : April 4, 1862:. . tf- Charlotte & S. C. Railroad; 1: rflHE Passenger-Trains on this Road will 1 JL- leave and arrive; hereafter, as follows! Leare Charlotte, at - " " 8; 30. AIM, ! -Arrive at Charlotte," " " : 3:50 P.M. Leave Uolumbia at 'v . . osPOA'.Mc Arrive at Columbia,' .'. 4:30 P.M. ;Nov8 I' . ; tf . HAIdTTS and SO. CA.B. B. - The Coaoona nil th 1st of Jaimarv iext ort the Bonds of this Company will be pai4 whenever pitttuuteu i my oaiceAt me Depot. 1 r.': , .1. t . : - WAJRTTW-lfl'eKt; ;? -Wilmiiigtoii Charlotte nd Ratherford Rail Road TaiKSPojsTATios Oifrics,' W. D.J: i (ThU. and after Monday the 15th instant "the Pas- jr sender ana Ai&ii, Trad wiU be'run on this Road dailyundays excepted) as follows: j- t-, . ' 'GOING WEStV- -' Lka Abbivb" : . -T.43 ; S.10 . 8.8T . 9A0 T.0OAV&I; ' . . Charlotte' f" .?-. I v Juskaseege 8.15 - r t vv Brevard t Brevard 8.40? Sharon , : : LIncolnton aOINQEASt. .Arsivb' 11.00 A. M.i . Lincoln toa " Sharon ; "--.: - Brevard.' 'v . j j Tuskaseege - Charlotte 11.23: 11. 45 ' ' 11.45 12.15 P.M. 1.00 ' t ' ; n.60 ,:, 12,17 J By Order, ;-- .-, ' . ;. , y. A. MoBEE,", . Acting Master of rransDortatlon LIncolnton, April 4th, 1861. - J r.- ...-cJ T Atlantic, Tehn. & 0. R; R; nnilE charges on this Bead must be prepaid on JB anirreignts going to ctattoqa on tms-Jtoad where there are no Agents. , All such freights will be delivered at said stations at tbe owners risk. I."-. - - A. IL MARTIN, - i - - " . Freight Agent, January 22, 1862 tf , , Charlotte.' . T ' A CARD TO THE PUBLIC, "' "- The wewbern . Daily and Weekly Prepress. TT IS ALREADY KNON TO JL T1IE PU1IL1C that tne eionlous eutr&nce or iturnside into Newbern on Friday last has compelled the temporary suspension of tne nwuKtsa. . TDls was a caroarous and vil- laxuonf proceeding or old isurnsiae, inasmuoh as it nas deprived tne public or tne advantages of a good paper, besides the Inconvenience to the cltl- aens of Newborn. ... .. By the discomfiture of our arms at Newborn, 1 bare lost everything I bad in the world presses, type, and stock and other office material and fur niture and ether property of all kinds, is all gone --but still I hope to be able to make arrangements at an early day to Issue the PR00RE33 at some point no very- remote rrom tne old stands this wilt depend nowever upon tne extent to which' Burnside is able to penetrate the bowels tf tbe land. Having lost all I have, I must urge all who are indeoted to the PROGRESS office to make imme diate settlement. Though in the army my address wiu do ror tne present, uvidsooro, . ;. - - Papers in the tfiate that receive the PRO- GRfcSln exchange 'will please copy or notice this card. J. i. xKNMNurTON. Goldsboro, March 17. 1562. PRINXEBS' INK MANUFACTURED : ' -i ' .' by . . ' : .1 B,A.KADALL &0O MARIETTA, GEORGIA. I ' o ' TJOOK, NEWS " AND COLORED jlp inks,- - . Of aa excellent quality, and warranted equal tQ the best Northexn make. tiUUK. INK at 90 cents to 4 per lb., in cans ot 1 to 10 pounds.-. - -JfEWSINK, (ftne) at 30 'centsiaer lb., for all orders ot 100 pounds and-upwards. NEWS INK, tery hnei at 40 cents per lb., inkPga otUo and 50 pounds. -COLORED liNKS at 1 to $8 per. lb., in halt pound and pound cans. .ef.ljvery paper inserting, this adver tisement tor one montn .and sending us a copy oi ineir paper, wm receive pay tor f . i i . f the same upon purchasing three times the amount ot their bill irom us. i y. ' mch 22 lm,.:-. A. R. R. & COf -; r v . PALME jTTO. . : - iiiOisr WORKS. n . COLUMBIA, S. -OmVc v itaBliiled, a. d. mdcccu: M,fT ANUJACTUEER OF STEAM -J5NGINES, xv AL irom iu vo w iiorse rower: SUGAR MILLS of every style now ia use, Mill Work of every discnptlon.- Also, Iron Railing, with every discripuon or iron and .Brass Castings.: -1 . I would call attention to Iron Casting in the way of enclosing , Public Buildings, Dwellings. Cast Steps, Balestroj Railing, and all kind ot enclosures for cemetary iota. '. ...... - Having a first rate Boiler maker with us, we are prepared, to manufacture Boilers, or repair them, at snort. notice, -mu sena oouer maaertoanv part of the tstate. oar steam -Engines will be found, wnen comparea wiin tnose made at north ern establishments, to be from twenty-live to forty per cen larger ioi uie iame norse power,. - i. - - These Works have been in successful operation for sev ral years, with an increase of natronaee from all pans of the Southern country, for . which -the Proprietor returns his thanks to -his numerous friends and patrons, and begs to assure them that no pains or expense win oe spared to merit a con. Unuaace ef their favors. v maylT-tf -!..:' - -.1 V-- v Tlie old North Slate.-Forever. , T- OOK HEBE, FRIENDS AND FELLO W-ClTi-JLi . IENS,-wia you buy 'the noble STATE of" ftUfiiu uaauuiKA r li so, send to the subscri bers, or eubcrib to the County. Agent, for this- . Ptew, Larffe and MasnLflcent"inai. And you win get the whole SUte, with her Rivers. ttauroaa, uoiu, yepper, A,caa, iron and coir Mines, and all the Cities, Towns and Villages, her. f notue Mountains ua Sprtnej,; and her Fieidj and i mrt . in wp.n : - - - i 9 If yen want "this GOLDEN RIZE, new is the . time Map seven feet by five. Border view of the State House, Insane Asylum; Ox2apeI HU1, Male and Female Colleges, Ao Ac, one of the cheapest Vid best Maps ever published. - ; ' . t riJLKCE A BEST, t - .L V mUaboroVN. CLl lSSSSv -AGENTS WANTED tax every County In the State. Terms liberal- Apply as above. .- - Mp MWin - , '.v v DAILY Jf- - L "-- BULLETIN CATAWBA J O U R tH AL, ' fTHHE BULLETIN ia published dally In the town Al. -of uiarioHe, at aa per annum, invariably in tfvaace.; -ilu Z, ' TheCATAwaa jwuwisa ispacashed veekjhr ta the town of Caarum, at fj,oo per irtacm. In, firltWxla4TtaM. - : ,.. ... -.1 sJv- .i";"' :'-'tr n'no it k it o Aati-Dyienteric Antn-iiysppt ic B I 1 OD lE t-z 'Z- nARLo,rUii f IJ IHKSiLdnri vailed Bitters possess peculiar ca- JJ. .'yatlve -properties in aR ASfeetJons of -the Bowels. They will be found effeetnar In the cure of Dysentery, Diarrhcei, Dyspepsia; oair Stomach and. &n those painful . and troublesome disease arLdntrfrom 4 deranpement of the" digestive or- 1 gans and irregular actloD of therfun6tlons- of the -stomacb ana Intestines.'- They win so pe fotma a SAFE REMEDY FOR CHILL8 AND, FKTEKS. - ' ,These31tters are prepared -from Rovts brought from (Jermny,and for over a eenturr -have been fonndffeotual in that 'country -for the permanent core of the" diseases, .enumerated a,biye '.They contain no deleterious drugr, btlfare compounded entirely from, roots, and jure perfectly safe at all times. V"; -:-9:-r' i Q "is-- " A simple trial is all that Is asked, as -a euro win naarUy follow," and that Is the best-certiflcate f their superiortty over ityery other remedy; for those particular dlseasea.x .1 '.v; " - They areinannfactarea by' B. Koopman, Char lotte, N. C and for. sale by.;.- r nv k : - ICOOPMAK PHELPS. Alio-, for sale at P. Scarr's.a.ndT EVye. HtiUMflrf on fJos.Drugr Stores; V t; ; : . If eb S5-ly s Vi -."r?"' lOTTON "If VV - vrtU purchase-' CVOTTON? v v rcOLTNTR Y, PRODUCEi of alt klhdB,' for which the' - . -C-';5 .. -VjJ HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH I wift-ha nAlii-'iti-" '.i't i'h: v., -iff. H T' J ust" received' a large'lot of . -.-BAGGING ,v ! ! : AND : i ROPING, and a complete supply tfv ; : -J GR OC E R I E S nov 4 '61-tw2mqs E. A C, WlLLIAIJlVfLAZlilPrbp GEORGE A. SHIELDS, ForeiMan.Ll. MANUFACTURES STEAM ENGINES of-any -power desired," for Mills, and Plantation purposes, at short-notice having' at all times on hand some j&hlahed, or in a forward state. In con nection with our Mill and Engine Work we have secured the services of Mr. JOHN CRABTREE, Who Is one of the beat Millwrights, in the South, to superintend the putting up of Mills and Engines. ";o6rmi - I anv agent, tor one of. the best PORTIBLE MILLS-now in use", and; can furnish any sbe wanted. Persons wishing the Miun are invited to call at the Wcrka, and witness the operation of the one now in use. The Mill-rack, which ia the very, best, Is procured from. Edgefield, S. C.', and .the wi 1 1 ... tiflf .Ainnlatii f A.ir Fat.&Kllflhm An ... BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS.; All descriptions of BRASS and IRON CASTINGS executedVin the very best manner, and at short notice, as we cast every,' day in the , week. Our stock of patterns is very large, having recently purchased all 'tnose . rorraeriy owned oy w. Wright, which being added to those made at my Establishment for the past five years,' makes the assortment more, full than any other like establish ment In the State. I am agent for one of the largest Wire Railing Companies at the North, and will furnish WIN DOW GUARDS, GALLERIES, VERANDAHS, BEDSTEADS, or any description of Wire Work, at the book prices of the manufacturer, which can be seen at my onice. , . '. ' r: . i - ':-.-v ; " am agent for R. Hoe A.Co's celebrated CIlU CULAR SAWS, and also for a manufacturer of the same article in Richmond, Ya. A full supply of these SAWS, of all sizes, always on hand. Persons wishing them, wiu do well to call on me. as I make no charge for fitting them to the mandrels. OLD SAWS EE-TOOmRD.; I' have a GUMMING MACHINE on hand, and am prepared.to re-tooth old saws, making them as good as new. ' ; , i . ; ddC ll,.iOU-U - .VV1UL.IAM ULAsypv 1,,., ; ... . .- i li .- r . i , -i p i - i . BALTIMORE COMMERCIAL COLLEGE; FOtlR.OEO - 852. CHAR TE BE D , 854 ' - - LOOA.TKD . Corner ofBaUimore and Charles Streets. rwiHE Largest-and -most Elegahtiy Furnished H Commercial College in the United States.'.- " Every young man should write Immediately for one of tnose large ana oeauuruuy -ornamented Circulars, representing the exterior and interior View of the Baatimobb Conk saoui. Oolleok. .y- Penman8hip, e.; wnicn win ne senv-ty return" -mailrse qf charge, with Catalogue containing List of students, Terms oiiuiuon, upinions of the Press on our.New System or iiook-&eeplng, cte. - 'fAOCLtT. -- - vk:-. E. SLosixa, Principal Lecturer- on the Scienrcs "v - A .oianrita- Hilainpna. fhintlTnu. f ty" T - Pbtlups, Professer of BookKeepIng and H; H. DAvri8, Associate Prof. o( Book-Keep lng. N. O. Johhsoh, Professor or Penmanship, v r ?' B. 'T. iWBLLiAMa, Esq., Mercantile Law. -f- - Bjt. E.T. Rasas, D.D., Commercial Ethics. - Hon John P Kennedy, I Hon Joshua Vansant, ' ' Hon Thomas Swann, . : Wm H Kelghler, Esq., Jacob Trust, Esq., .: r. ' Wm Enabe, Esq. '-'The ."time usually required to complete the full ooursej from 8 to 12 weeks. V. cro -. . - . A Diploma is awarded so au uraauaiet. . Laree Circulars and Oatalogdea stating term 4c,fentby maUA of charge tj - Aoaress . . ik. juvcijs-js, v . jin lT-tf ; ; BaUimor , pif OF THE STATE e JOTJRN ATi. TOfAvTNG become the proprietor, of the xemo- fill . orotic Press. - i nave - merged thai paper Into the Statx JotraSAEf - which wlU be puhiished Semi-Weekly and Weekly . " ? V -The Statb JotraiTAi will-avocate'i Democratic principles in the broadest sense, -and wiU, support and deiend uemocran (neaeures anu xiieir aaro cates as they are presented, and as occasion "may reoulre. In other essentials It will be my arm tcr make tner paper, rnai, its name aenoces, a .owe Joumar-eache wing all sectional -considerations and working for the entire State and her common Interests-. "; - v-"- ; :":"-vr .--, As soon aa arrangementsan be made, the whole baner shali -be re-modeled and printed with new type, on gopd paper, and in.a superior manaeti The EditoriahdepartmentwlU be properly atteh ded to in its various branches, and wia apeak for it self. - Neither labor nor expense- will he spared In the management of this paper. ' . The terms of tne state journar vwui be as Jol- emIWeekIy,per annum.;....'. . ..Y.'J.l. .;$400 -These terms wui oe insisieq upon vnvaratiy in aavanc.r, wonanje: wm oe . pn upon, me - list without the njoney, and all papers wiU; be dlscon- ti mua at the expiration of the time for .-which, ih hare been 'pald, unlass the subscription be renewed.' I am satisfied, from years of experience, that upon no other footing caff any newspaper ; hope W sue- seed." - ...-. Advertisements of a proper character will be inserted at the rouowing rates i -- - - ' One square,ujrst lnsertion,v.,:i;V.."..$l00-. Each subsequent Insertion.;.. ...:v: ... s .25 cents. A liberal deduction on these rates for vert a. vertisers la the Semi-Weekly. ; In tha Weekly edi. tlonthe foil rates -TrUT be charged. : : - . . - V JOHN'SPELM AKi cv Not. e-JOitoK and JPropriiior -1 TTTAWTJBI; .IT - .'Lwant. to purchase LEATHER, in th. Vnn orVi - -Tan nAra w?bKiti fA iliVnn. . stock, without the trouble finishing', can Iww."dooatfiirpriceB: Cvi-JXiv:,, r'-5t. : i Rook and Job Printin l or OFBBaYCLASSAND STYLE, Neatly Executed at thla offlceT IT "rTAvTNd procured a laree amount of eicel- "JOi.-". lent material, and added to this establish ment suitable fast PRESSES, we take this oppor tunlty to ' Inform our friends " and the public, that-we are fully prepared to execute work or every last in f '----v;f' ?tE? TtC- 3B", X JRT-ca- f , ' at short, notice, and. at prices far below those ttamtfiy paid in this section of country. We are prepared to print in the latest and most approved stvie, J- f n ill-heads, CI It C U L. AltS, CHECKS, SIIOW-IIILLS, INVITATIONS, NOT15S, -TiAW IJLATVKS. sr aju trmm mM ao, -. . t uwai? ;. and any other style of printing usually called for, a'AKlXfll LIS13, UUUilSl for much less than the same class of work can be executed this side of New York. - r , v k. ii. nnrrTON. TOE CATAWBA : JOURNAlu "UlSTIE are pleased to advertise the friends and - V v , patrons of this establishment that we com menoe the publication of the second volume of the fissti. named journal, this day, under the most favorable auspices. " : xae 'circuutuon oi. we aoovo uaara paper is rapidly increasing, and its Influence as an adver Using medium Is being felt and appreciated by it j-patrons, having access to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as we U as the adjoinins' Districts in South Carolina. - . ; - THE CATAWUA JOHINAL, One of the largest papers now published in the State, mailed for $1.00 per annum, made up from the columns of the Daut Bdixxtih, has not only become a popular papers, but' it affords great ad vantages to those who wish to use its oolumns as ah advertising medium. Specimen copies will be sent to any section they ms y be ordered, free of postage. - " r' or terms, Ac, we refer the reader tq. our lav print, '-y . ic"xi. BMTToy H jNotiee to Merchants. TORWARDING OFPICE :- ' f.., . - v v ' V . - S. C. R R.CO. V -':.-; . - Chabxestost, March 16, 186L. J" THE South Carolina Railroad Company having determined to discontinue this department of the service, theundersigned, who has been the for warding Agent of the Company for the last four or five years, nas associated witn mm tne umeruiers in thedepartment, and, under the name of GANTT AS'rONr.-"wUIcoDtIhueto REOEIVB and FOR- 'WARD such: articles m&y be consigned to bis care, He trustsrby strict personal attention, to retain a very liberal shafe of the business ot the departanent. -'- S- - vv Parties are reminded that ull goodk now reach ing this port from points beyond the Confederate States of America, must fee entered at the Custom House, and. that duties are payable bn such as are not purchased on ot before the 28th February last, andladsn on shinboar on or before tce lLVt "March instanii save such &s are on the free list. it is therefore necessary that remittances be made to-pay the duties where duties are payableVaan IS - ALL CABK3 TO C0VEB THK &XPBNSS O? CuSTOSTv tlOUSK ESTJtT, WHBTHBa THB GOODS ARB FEBS OR K0T. Prompt Compliance will prevent! delay and ex panse; as all articles not entered and permitted, will be stored by-the Custom House officers.: The South Carolina Railroad Company will advance, as heretofore, the charges of freight, drayage and 'warfage, b-ut not the expanse connected with the Custom, House;. -. - , - - Rates of charges for forwarding wlll.Tae very moderate, "and may be had on application to GANTT 4 STONY, sto whom all business commu nications should be addressed. . The undersigned refers to" the officers of the South Carolina Railroad. Company, to the Custom ers of the i Forwarding Department, and to all merchants of standing in the city of Charleston, and respectfully solicits a liberal share of patron- Late Forwarding Agent 8. O. R. So. VJ "r- ' or TBS :' ; ' '. HILLSBOROUGH RECORDER, l - .i. .-. ; ";, - DSV 0TKD TO "' POLITICS, AGRICULTURE. MIoCElLAnY, GENERAL KEWS. ; . : - .HILLSBOROUGH, Ni O. - - V " 'A - WITH the present -volume the RECORDER commenced the fortieth year of its exis tence, therst numoer having been issued the loth of. February, 18'iU; during all whiqh tim we have labored to make our paper interesting and useful, and we hope that in these particulars have not been altogether unsuccessful. It has been our. wish to make the RFCuRDER a good Family Pa per, devoted to Politic, Agriculture-, Misoellauy, General News, Ac, with a view to the eutertaln ment and improvement ef the farmers and cltl- sens of the circle in which it la distributed. Cur. Agricultural department we endeavor to fill with the best selections we canVnake from all sources, giving preference to such as will be ef -practical use to the larraer and cultivator ;' and in tnis par ticular we hope to make the KOOKiER as valu-' able to the -Hgricultorist as -any pcriouical of a purely agricultural character. ; in our Miacclla neous depirunent, we, shall contiue to e, as we have always- been, careiul to- seiect suCh articles as will have . a tendency not only to amuse," but to improve the mind and- heart. . While; we shall be thaukful to receive, well-written articles to aJora our colamB8, w are-cot so ambitious of originality as not to preier . selected matter of superior merit, to lobsely.-writtea and illrillgested articlestbough ornamented at the top with the coveted words Wrttten jexpressiy for the RECORDER.' In our News, department we: shall taae especial pains to present to Our readers the latest Intelligence : and to enable us" te-. do so we have' facilities eoual to those enjoyed in any portion' of the State, except those favored with telegraphic communication. ' .-.'"A single copyj one. year,.. 2.00"'" - 8ix copies, one year r............ .10.00 Tenxopies; one year; ..,...mlbM) " Payment always in advance. - - ' : Any of our old subscribers who will obtain five subscribers and send us the cash, shall receive their own paper free of charge.' . , July 18v A. ' .. -y '" The Edgecombe Farm Journal. rBHsutecrlber will commence on or about the i JL-" 1st Pf Septem ur, I06O, the publication st a monthly Journal In Tarboro, to be devoted to the plaatatien-and rural interests of North Carolina in particular, and of the South generally. - . ;i Edgecombe having long since been acknowledg ed as- the, model farming county of North Carolina ,v ieci ui Misi c iiw iwuij uekter suited, and none more justly entitled, to the source of publi cation of a nrt class agricultural paper than Tar boro'. It is to be.caUed . - - " The Edgecombe Farm Journal,'' And will contain original and selected articles up on" Agriculture, Horticulture, Floriculture, House hold Arts, Rural Architecture, Zoology, Ac., Ac. - It will be published with new type and clear wmie papvr, ia m ucm wano zona. - - - The price 01 suDscnpuon nas been made so low as to place the publication within reach of every one. f TIRMB: One copy one year......... ...... f 0 50 f Seven copies one year.'.,. ........ ...... 8 00 ' Twelve oopies one year. . 6 00 . Twenty-five copies one year...... ...... 10 00 EST" No paper sent unless paid for In advance. i j 1 WILLIAM B. SMITH. Editor and Proprietor, Tarboro', N. a " 'Jnly0-tf . ; - .t . 7 V' A NORTH CAROLINA PAPER . THIS TIMES A iarge light-Page Weekly, published in Greensboro. i $2.00 a year; $1.W tor six months. yifHifi TIMES contains weekly forty columns of JL Choice matter, specially adapted to the family circle). ' It Is neither sectarian nor political, but by "being courteous to all sects and parties, It ia the .Constant aim of the publishers to present in its columns whatever may elevate the people and en rich -the State. The publishers would appeal to the families of North Carodna to rive TiLE TIMES a trial ; try it for six months, to see If it be not as well to patronize bomejtapers, a those from abroad ; to build up home Interests and a State pride, and to scatter our substance and our energies among strangers. Give Tea Tnrxs a trial andAhen. let lt stand upon ita merits. -.. - " " WHAT IB SAID OT THTOfS8. "TheTunee I regard as tne very first of our Southern Literary Weeklies." Rev. O. F. Deems. :' .ui know ef no Weekly published anywhere, that - Is so- deserving f pubUc patronage a the Times. ReTJ.E, Edward. Tbereis no panaenng w iiiir--T- V article ia ola moral tendency, and calculated SthS njedistruck'-Wlhnington Herald r . . . . THE SOUTHEBHGUAKDIAH - is rcsusasD av COHJ.tini A, SO. . OA . BY CHA RLES P. PELHAM. txaaa: i Dally............... ..fg 00 per annum Tri. Weekly.. .....4 00 " WeekTyt....;-.;. . 00 . - E5TPayment In advance invariably. Fot masters sending ua five ially sutscrlbrs, wlih $80 00, or five tri-weekly subscrlbrrs, with f 20 00, (enclosed In registered letters.) will be en'Jtlfd to an extra copy, or In lieu of that SO per cent, of the urns thus remitted, provided the order li for as many as five copies. Ten per cent, will he allow ed for amounts remitted for slntle subscriptions. - -" aovuTtsBMixra : Inserted at the following rates la the Dally aed Tri-Weekly One square.(10 lines or lev) one insertion. .. W et Each subsequent insertion... .,...13 cU Wben an advertisement Is inserted In the Week. ly, or but once a week In the Dally, to eoU a square for each Insertion. - - We offer to advertiser the Inducement of tend ing their favors to be read by a numerous and In nuentui class or readers, both In town and coon'. try. -The Southern Guardian present great ad vantages as any advertising medium; Its cireols. tlon Is larre. and Is dally and rapldlv extndtn particularly in the middle and upper strlru of tbe State. - - wa raijrrixo. . The Job Oftee Is thoroughly appointed In all respects, and fitted for every j decrlptloo of Joo Work. In coaoection'wlth It l a Blodery. 1 ' Tbe Southern Guardian Is devoted to the tnsta tenance of the rights, honor ant) Interest f tl South under the Constitution. While lt I willh g to sustain tbe Democratic party whenever It cour shall command approval by Its Justice, It yet mo-e eonfldently and distinctly rvlles upon tbe psjs of the South i and as the bjst preparation f r Ui contest which Is even now opon ns. It will sealoi . ly labor to effect union and co-operation amon -ourselves. ' In the management of this Journal, O eary production of every class of news from aH prts i f the world, the lessons of virtue and morality, t) Interests of education, agriculture, commerce, at d manufactures, will be kept prominently In vie and no effort will be spared to make lt, in all re? pecta, an acceptable fire-side visitor, tST" We send our Dally to nearly ail the Week ly newspapers of tbe State. Will they. In eorniiV eration of this adtare, kindly give tht prospectus a few loMtrtlons. Jno T Tlie Literary Paper or the HoutU "EVERT FAMILY 81I0CLD READ IT" TI2VI3IIS. THE LARGEST I TnB CHEAPEST t- TBR BEST! ILLUSTRATED 80 DTE SMI FAM ILY PAPER t fipHE TIMES Is neither political nor sectarian, ' Jl", but is the constant aim of the Editor to fid Its columns with the cnolaeat Historical, Literary 1 and Family reading, and with a larxe - Selection of all the new of tbe day, both foreign and domes-. Uc.-.w ' -... . .... - ': The fifth volume commences with the nsw year I860. Engagements have been made to make tt3 . the most, brilliant year In the history ef TUX TIMES. It will commence with Three Beautiful Prize Storlaa. -. ii tuiuviauvu, nut u, iuviihw ( uu iba ypwy graphical appearance will be Improved by a itlll neater dress. The Publishers are determined to keep pace with the Improvement of the age: thlr, motto ts "PROGRESSION," anc as the circulation of THE TIMES enlarges each year, they are de termined to add.new attractions to Its columns and make lt the literary paper of the South. With these Inducements the Publishers onfldeotly as pect Beveral thousand Increase In vlrcuiatloo But as additional incentives to tne frlsnda of the South to enconrage their own literary and famlJj paper, In which they will find none of that Impure and Immoral reading which sometimes they -cot from abroad, the Publishers of THE TIMES tcW . k $2,500 IN PKEIIOIS . For subscribers to commence with tbe n voiame and the new year. THE TIMEd 1 printed weekly ' on eight large pages, fine paper, at f 3 a rear, la advance. For specimen numbers and circulars address the Publishers. ' COLE A ALBRIGHT, nov. 8-tf ( Grecnabwro, N. C. T , : PROSPECTUS ' Of THE CHARLESTON MERCURl .' - A POLITICAL. C3MERC1AL AN 3 LITWAsY jP UBUSHED. DAIL 7 AND TBI. WKEXL f THE Msaccay fdvea daily report of the Mar ked ahd Mariee Intelligence' In Carltton, and of .Charleston commerce In the leading ea- Eortsof the world. The Weekly Prices Curreot j 1 made up. with much care, and from the matt' reliable sources. Its connection with the "Asso-l elated Press" Insures the latest Intelligence by Telegraph and the earliest news by bteamers from Europe. ;- It has an able and accompilitied Cor respondent la London (a gentleman connected with the editorial staff ot the London Timt-t",) sod. regular Correspondents In New york, Washir.Kton? Key West and Havana., The monthly Ne York Fashion Letters and weekly letters on Life la Washington are additional attraction In favor of. It lady readers. Its literary .-notice,, Trom the pen of a gentiemau who occupies perhaps ib highest position among the- llterarjrixien ot the Senth; are discriminating and comprtbsiitlvs. Attention is paid to all matters of general concern, especially those In reference to the Planting and Agricultural Interest, and to the current news of the day. Great care is taken that nothing thall appear In it columns which should bs excluded from the family circle. r j The political creed of the Miaocaf cooslits la the principles of the Democratic Party, a laid down in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 the Sovereignty of the States ; a strict construction of the Federal Conitltutlun Ly ' the General Government, the agent of the State : Free Trade, and an economical Administration of the Government. Its policy Is the Colon of the Southern States in maintaining their rights..: 1 Terma Payable In Advance, DAILY, per annum. , . . . . tri-week:ly ...,..10.00 . ...6.00 Clubs will be Purnlabedaa folio was " Five Copies of the DAILY far iO.Ov. Five Copies of the TRI-WEEKLY........... 20.00 - The name of no person out of Charleston alll be entered on our books, unless the paymrbt of the . subscription be made In advance. Nor a 111 orders from without the city to publish Advertisements, Marriage Notices, or Obituaries, be attended to, unless the dash, or an acceptable City reference, , accompany the order. Money may always bs forwarded at our risk In registered letters. PosTifa 8T saB are authorised to act as our axts in obtaining subscribers and forwardloLfUi money ; and by sending us Pius Do.r subicr!? bers, with $50 enclosed or Five Tai-Wsxxti subscribers, with $25 enclosed, will be entitled to ad extra copy , or if preferred, they may retain Twenty pen cent, of the pre-paymebta, for tLlr trouble and in lieu of the extra paper. Out of south Carolina, no perion whatever li authorised to. eollect debts already due to lbs MaaonaT. - J In the State Mr. Saaoax E. Baaoa&s Is our reg ulur Agent to make collections and procure new business and subscriptions. In Charleston, MJj. Jaasa D. BtmhS, connected with the office, is Our regular authorised collector who has fuD power to receipt for mot.ey pow due the paper and to contract for future business. - Subscribers and otners, in debt to us, are urgen tly requested to send In our dues by mail at the earliest period. .By so doing, they wi.l asve uS twenty per cent, an amount equivalent to a prin cipal portion of th 1 profits. c ' tsr Ebitors Inth- btat and thronr boot tin South, who receive our Tai-WistLr for their Wbxixt, are respectfully Tequeated to compensate us for the difference in value by Intertlog this Prospectus. - . R. B. RHETT, Ja. . No. 4. Broad Street, ChorUto. 8. C THE FAKMEK AND PLANTER REMOVED TO A en O E. TJ M B I A S . C HAVING purchased of Maj. Geo. Seaborn this popular Journal, I have removed lt place of publication to Columbia; apd wid hereafter issue tt from this city at regular stated periods. - l-eelinar confident that ucb a Journal I grtij needldilthU Stat and believing that It will be 8USSe Uloeated at the Capitol of tbe 8tate and inducted with spirit and ability, I have determln- on making the venture, and call upon every wtrmerand Planter ia South Carodna to cnecarage fh ritrTrle by their patronage. nbprlnUd in tL. finest style ef Tjpogra. hV with new type, on fine paper, handomety SbiSahed, and7 eight pages added to lis former Prlce only Ojra Dotua oar aanom alwayt advanee. v ..-mi... '' . . . . A Corp OI WO vwmm Jlvub. uw auwu, SLSJTf jmitaral writers have been secured, and Its Editorial department will be under the cart of one of the best Farmers in the land. - The Cash system wid be rigidly adhered to, isd ae aams will be aatart4 oa obt bcokjanta theiae terlptioalt.paid. - . - w , . i ! i '-.i . ! i A '. ' f r ( V, i -- 4 -V

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