- '- x . - ; V" r ' '- ' 4 r. : f-v - : v - ... - . - - t. : X ".. . - ... - . . - ... v.-. . -: ';-- i ... . -(.-"'-''- - . ' . " . ' -r-.-nrr .'T--- .- r . -. -C'-.. ....-.. ,..--.- .".j --,.v.''. - . . . .... -r.r- ..... . - . -.. . . . , , , . fc l 9 "GHARliOTTE, N. P., THURSp::, e??lTST 14?l862f CS6 PEIi AiyiS'TJM. VOL: VlI.iN O. 1010. I If. IKUTTOX. r;r iiowaico . -crrr V m , . TtSki for f aplr i ..fr'.1t5 PAlLi Bl'I,Ll.T! wi;ibrrT.lJiedt SlJf iLT.A3".s n4TV:ii3i.ix advance TnKTRtVrrKl.Y Btn.!.FTIX l!!U w.h ra-HM for m ox rr u.om. ryt ts dn.. Tlio Indiaua Democratic Cow Ten- j cuiatcd to enclave the white while freeing ifon Sljnlfieant peebe. , iLc black, ami insitin that New Eng The Indiana Dctnccratic CoDTenuon'a-9- iaft-i waa mfkingall the money, holding tfembled at Indianapolis on the 30;h ult. f all the comraeta. and escaped with fewer After the organization of the Convention, ! soldiers ia the field, ard lighter bordena :he Hon. Charlca A. Wicklifle, of Ken- j ol taxation, than the. West. "We are tucky, made a pcecatof "which. the fol J made their hewers and drawers of water, towinare the salient points; - i while they ntn the nigger exclnsirely., for We hate two things to d-- First to pat j money. " . ' - - down ihe rebellion, anl next to punish the .' j . kisolvtioxb iPorrED, ; . leaders. You must throw the abolitionists f . ijct 0f t0lQtiuns wer ad'optciL oter if you want to mw.. th .Lmoa Kbg .intn 'sUrkingof btcKi are Subjoin: Yiur Lorcjoye, I'niuips, and treelys, aay thy can t fight this war any longer unless 'you will arm the nigjef?: Will you ever ver consent to fCrie of "No ! -If arA rifil rt! l.i iillkN.'ilil fh Rli ,u,!u r ,h f:ovnr nt aP wn. worthy 'of beiagcalled citizens of the Uni- red States.' It" We could get abolitionism j of the Congref " arTdNjut ot the, army, m iess than'slx mohthtthe Union could oe i (.stored and 'eacs preserved. That Is what you liave got to do, and it must be clone tlirbtJijulHe ballot .box. I will lay a . J.iwnm lifi -anil-riv alt n;.-o 7c the Union rwtored. but I will not un- .l.r ih hi-h obliTstion of mr nature eser ronMnt to violate the Constitution. What right has the general Government to in- teriere with slavery in Kentucky or Vir ginia T I will not read "what our Presi .lent said about that in hi- inangtiral. tr . is familiarto you'a.. Are ytTlor a warTihat is goiug to take ie property mslavis ana eenticaie it ? ry you willing that forr tnillioa slaves -hall W set free r.Are you. I ask, lor itch a war t Do you want thee negros t tome and corapetV with your white Ia i-or. So, no ! 1 am for a white man's war aaintl Ae .llulilionist. What is to become of those nesroee when thev are stt fr t Hrtw nv ia vou MirDos! are now tid tuid fcUPDortedbv' the army ? Not lee than 30.000. M'taw. the day I left Va.;n.tnn.t:n'huiirfrr(l and flftv nepro omen andVabies, captured bv Gcnetal McDowell.yVou'kht into the city. This was the reh-of six weeks operation of McDowell's army of 60,000 men. only tl.irty-riymilea from Richmond. The policy of the Government and of our Generals has thrown us back one year in putting down this rebellion. It has com ' g out 300,000 more men. He got them un der j his former calls lor upholding the Constitution..! hope he will get, them . now. In conclusion, let me say cue word. Lay aside in thisstTug'alefthat party strife heretofore demanded7andinite"upon this - nMiwd, that this' Union and this Con ?itut:nn must be' preserved and main . 'ainrd, and let the nero take care of hiqw , el. ; ar.d, it you'want tr, done, d6n't ' jrt efd aiv more Alo1iiion memlers to "Con J ,-,--. " c v. u v r dv. .1. aalili iron.tJ. S.- Carlilc then addressed the,f Convention. We give the flowing exj. racts from Iiis speech : . v "'trca or hox The subjugation or extcrnwinaiiorf of the .South. wa impossible. A.-year .ago a largWjiott clement wai there i noa therewaa a solid sentiment of permanent dissolution; ar.d why I Because Congress br iu legislation diverts war into an unho ly aid gigantic crusade against the insti iutloaof the South. He declared the man who said slavery and the government were incompatible virtually pronounced the geerrnmcnt a faiJure," libelled the wis dom of iU"kanderst and was a traitor To it. The Republican party, now in power, undno waging'the war. had so pro nouaced throcgU its .hostile legislation to the Constitution. If slavery and the rights' of Sittmut"o down ; il at jhedicta lion of these ma ybu surrender a consti- . mtional right, and'deiiy or p take irom a State tho right, to hold slaves, "how soon may you.be called upon to surrender 6th- era I" ' They make negros competent witnesses, now in the District. ' How soon will they demand. that it be done in Indi ana I ;lf'you again give these men your confidence, and return them to Congress you will ali be made the slaves of acen tralized government, and no one will pity " or sympathize with you. CfTli!e said the interests of the Western States were with the 'South. Their was their grain market "yon. have a Northern market, the same as ever ; but your corn is rotting in. your . granaries and yoa walk on the ruins of yonr prosperit j The wicked men of the North and the South have deprived you of our market, and these Northern men .want to wage a; war 'that will forever de prive you oHtt' Freeing - negroes wonT make.ttne. ' Free the negroes, exterminate the, whites and give, th"e land to the Yankee ! Norway rau, and you'll neveriiave a market-there. . Indiana rwas more interested . ihanave.owTraoemseWes in perpetua . sihgnlavery r1a the ' South". To free four V millions black's" will be to&eenuD taxatmn JLacTcase debt,- ruiri tr?et y degrade our cuildren, ana ..maip-tru-vouniry second V.I I', . . .. Wm Aniiehardsoe.-rewtsentativaf cYari?-- -ZfZ the Reputj&aus ITsefbs. Ihor- i m I mm mm. m Am m m 9 mm i waa mm mmi Am r t wi ! Ures amuog tbem; atl, were , for dirertiug j ti.e war into abolirion. ior ariniiifir slave. and no;orly trait ore .to the Constitution, I but cowardsAnd nevr intending to wi : i ' r " .-V ? t into me arr.iy. ii idc cvepuDucaa pariT rmlnrA t nnwP, tUm ClnVfTnment if rone- rdainea in power me uoFernnmi iour lnrvr tlnlv in rooserraiiTe rata is nrr anr, fety. lie dcnmincea the . ' He- Bcbeme as cal ) , v . . i - That tve protect in the name ofoQrsel?es and of our children, and. in the name of all that we hold dear in the future of our be- j ! loved country, against the; mischievous ! measure of negro emancipaUon .in the i Dtrlct of Columbia, and the paymeut for ; such negroes out ol the national treasury; and that wc fur? her - protest against the resolution of Congress pledging the natioa to par for all cegroci ' jnhich maybe emancipated by the ' authority .of any of the Southern States; that - we ; regard . . . - .t. '-' .. J acn measures, involving as inry. uo ua Vpenditute of two thousand five hundred I millions of dollars, as measures of tran- cendent enormity, and fruitful only, of na tiona! beggary to the land we love; that we are- unalterably, and unconditionally opposed to all schemes having for their f object, immediate or remote, the taxation of the white man for the purchase , of ; ne grocs anywhere; and that we deny the constitutional right of the President or Congress to adopt a policy which taxes white labor to pad for negroes, or which would make the government or people elavojdealers a policy which if not arrest ed by the rutes of the people, will entail upon unborn generations of our kindred a i aeDl morc overwneimmg anu appaimg ! i . . t 1 t ev cursed any nation of ancient or f niodem lim. i That ia opposition to measures of ths kiud we desire to interpose the peaceful ! powerful gent tbebaUot ol a tree pec - 1 pie, and say in the language of another, "We will neither surrender. our ngnts nor forsake them." That the people of Indiana having in habited, by the State constitution and laws, the tut ranee cf free negroes and mu lattos into this State, and as th present lll.f mm mm , im.HifW m-M mitt m. m . . . bring aa d!!ux ot that population from neighboring States, we resDectuIiv ask the public authorities of Indiana to see that the constitution and laws ate properly enforced on that subject. When the peo ple of Indiana adopted the negro exclusion clause by a majority of ninetyfour thou sand votes they meant that the honest laboring white man should have no com pftgtpr.in tho black race that the soil of ! Indiana should belonsr to the white man; ! and that he alone was suited to her free ! institutions. , ' , . i-.i , i That-tbe people-justly view with alarm the reckless extruyagence which pervades evcvy deFirtment of the Federal Govern- nur.t; that a return to rigid economy -and ti.ee lataDiniy a lnaispensioie to arrest i t .... . ... ., , . . Ihcsystematic plunder of the public treas- m r j - . a ? I u.jr .a,v,Cv pium, .. startling developmsnts of frauds and cor ruptions at the. Federal mctrcpholis, show that an entire charge of Admistration is imperatively demanded. XTTAnrTED. If V A HOUSE suitable for two families qr two small ones adjoining each other. En quire at the office of the Bulletin. August2, G2 3; x COARLOTTE drug store. E. KYE HTJTCHISOH & Co ; RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN ANDD0 DRUGS. Medici ne. Chemicals, Perfumery. Fancy Articles, Oils, PalQU,"Vamisbes, wlaiow Oleea, Potty, Dye Staffs, Turpentine, Bornlax Ftaid, Alcohol, Pare Llqaors, Canton Teas, t itia ua uirata smi, ac. o. , , Harin? closed our bookl, rs intend to sell Lere afcer for eih. . May 4, lSfil-tf N JOTICK TO OSSCniPTS. CAMP HILL, Near Stxtesville, N. C July 3. J Tha Ctxab ot Instruction at this place is now reedy for the reception of conscripts. Colonels ol Militia will, as soon.after the reception of this order as pf ai'iiia.ble,onv aucT tneir conscripts to inis camp. Ofucers will .be in attendance at the Depot to direct them to the camps. ' . JAMES CilcRAE. Capt. &. A. A.'Gea'l Com. . Aog. 2 1S62 dtL - J. G.. WILKINSON & ' CO., - . UTlQLE5AikAyi XETAIL. UEALSKS IN FISrWATCHES, JEWELRY, SILYEPt V ' tv,.-. ... ; AND , ' . ... PlatotiL Waro.; : . r -, CHARLOTTE, ';: K. , C.- . - ; ' 0 omin i si i o uM ere h a u t , s&JLS ALJ. XIXPS OF COCitTM PaODUCl. ' OLtniA, 8. C. - March 14, 1862 . W r -' - ' lr " H.L. ALEXANDER. Attornev .and- Counsellor at b w r -r .... rjOFPKE, COFFEE, L Tea .ackJ wd Vklpariio COFFEE i i Vm4 tj sluing- rasi at - - 7 - VHNWEILRR A nnnst - ,V .1. : r-CturranooGA, -August 12.- go 1 r t "Four Federal couriers' i bean eg ;dPatcti es from Gn; Kelson,- at -IVIcMmnviue, 10 Geo. BuellhaW been captured and their dispatches handed - over to the military au-. thorities here. , . I V. 1 Nelsons cornplaics that ;his ; pickets habitu Confederat department ;Ciieo,- Friday Aug. 7, 182 The ram,iUngo, from Helena,- reports that on Saturday a scouting party of 75 Unionists were surprised by 590 of Hind-', man's Rebels, and tadiy cat tp, only 20 havingaved tLemselved and escaping. Forty of Jeff Thompson's i men" were captured while attempting . tj cros .the river near the town ot Austin, v The recent publication of GenPiow, How's letter to his brother, in regard io.fhe slave of the former, renders interesting ' the fact that General, Gurtis has freed all r the negroes inquestion, 2$ in number. !;. , " 1- , . 1T . -Pillow has three plantations rear Helena on which all" bis moveable property was confiscated. , ' - 'ViV; . . T-, r j rr-. " 1 3,000 slaves,-chiefly those, who worked on Forts Pillow, and Dehelson, From "-New. Orleans. V Mobile, Au. 12. A special Dispatch to the vldt't.'er Register, dated Jackson,' 0;h jinst., Bays the New Orleans IVJ'a of the 7.h inst has been received. -t t .. ..... . -. . and individuals amounting to sjrj,ib. cents, ta he applied to the -. 'support, of the ' poor of New Orleans. I Also, a tax of S2i,200"oi crdton Bro- I kers, for the same object. .. The distinguished attention paid this class of the business community is caused from their having aided the . Confederate uovernment and sdvised planter to snip no Cotton to New. Orleans. A large imount of property is nfvertis- ed to be sold for Taxes. r . The Delta claims a splendid' victory at Baton Rouge. T It-says the Confederates 1 were in force of from five to fifteen thous- an strong-tnat uenell has been killed and that Gen. . Breckinridge hA a i arm shot offr-that three cannon were cap tured and boasts of bayonet charges. . The Delta, admits a los3 of 250 killed, but says nothing of the wounded. Reinforcements had been sent up to Ba toaRc.LZfi ind stirrin2. times were-expect- I S . .-1 1.1 .1 11. l eu inat mey injena to uag tne wnole Lon I federate army. - ' r-. James Begg'shas befp en to Ship Is land. A batch of Yankee prisoner? arrived here this morning. . ' Ourpickets extend within oneand a half miles of Baton Rouge. ALUABtE SALE. PROi'EHTV FOR I will sell at Auction on the 25th inst. to the highest biddei, if nor previously sold my tiUUbfcj and JjU 1, known as. the Chris tal PaUace, Possession siven tmedia- vnitoiai m. uuuvv a woacaaivij x w fell iiiixruii lej JOHN RDlMFl 'Aug. 13 '62 dl2t. ' g 1 ; "... " - : - Jl . - . o t l : tr jv . t v uiuey naving cutreu a rewara or n PPrenenstcn oi - a negro , man vva a lvit,ur llluif ail UCiCUUO HUL to molest said p.eorro as he is mv oroDertv. and is now in my employ, the said R. D. Whitley has no legal interest in said ne gro. JUIiF. FETTUS. . Aog. 13 '62 d3t. " J. S; PHILLIPS, lVCoxroli.A33.-t Tailor. Wit A VIM Q located in Ui.arlott r?pect IVINQ located in Ui.arlott r?pect folly solicits a share pf public patron axe. - A eoaiDleto assortment of Cloth " ChrU men and Vesting always on band, which -will be made to order at the shortest notice, After thr ctteft-rasiuon.. : - . .Shop three;doers South of the Mansion Hoas. vept,l&-if . . n . , .. . . . BUCKLES, 12 CCITLES, - Buckles, to order, may be obtained at short notice, on application to" ; J.M.,HOOLV"-.' - - . - Charlotte Fouler y. ; Aug 4; '21m T , . . " :v JLJILLSIJOUO' C. . MI LI XA It V The second session of the Fourth Aca demioyear of thisIhstiiute will commence on lat ot Augist3l862.-i j ' For circulars'orlhformatirtii apply to ; - xMaj. W.'M; ORDONSu?t. ff I June 14, 1862 2m I r. v. Charlottc:&:S. C; Rail Road. - - Stockholders desiring their stockdivi dend rwill 'leave heir original cirtiBcat'es with - me. The . coupons , due" uppn the Jkndaf this Company. on thBat of July JIltlNEllY I IltlilNEBV ! .- Miss F. B&owar,whohaithe superinten dencet of our Millinery department; (and who has just arrived,) has, broughtj with her a splendid assortment ol -French ArtU ficals and a large variety of BbntJetrRib bons. Straw Bonnets of NeupoJitian 'Drab and Black Straw Bonnets, Ladies and Misses Hats, Blond Laces, Bonnet Mater ials of all shades, and plaid Silks. Roaches &c. 4, . r- ; Mias Bkown will be happy to wait upon oar customers and will endeavor to please all in siting tho latest Paris and a'la Con lnv thanks for vour na&t favors and patTOuisre besterwed 10 Vi tn we hope o hmm tha aajcifl continntncs. nUiW WEILE.R &.RR0S. nn'ftJ dtfe. any. aesert ,xo pjuimcu , ;.r ,20c Oiive;Oir- - , ? : frl-Tlf- es.ana.xrKcu- ; halt chests tinrtpo'.vaer, iea,'l?c;.v ? JOHN M. BOWilS. as deplorable, ; ; - 5-, ? C?W i W80 1 --rii-rj i-k ' inrfflTit.-trfim Arlcanc,ns r I case Manilla incJ"Q-- . . f,'- s e cbarldtte Fioortas aBila ean behd win- re paia on presentauon:io inp under- 1 signed. - ' A. H.MARTIN.Igent. .1 Jnne 12, 1862 tf i- . ' - J J BY PRLVGLD.:' On WEDNESDAY MOicKi,: . 20 k e.mmtucing at J0 ';c!c. - - Kjf a HfiS IT. TA1 . j , gROCBUIES: z BTjaCK FEPFER" j5 bags Pi.nentp . S T; G baga Cloves v. f 20 bags tAJCtiineal Soap 368 cases Brandy 29 boxes Starch 50 bb!3 Alum J t 2 cases Shoe Knives 1 case Iron Spoons 1 case Needles; s. V; cas fctipemakers Jmpiements. . - I " -3 cases Shoemakers .implements I - HOOTS. SIIOKS ANDLEATHKB. z trunks BOOTS AND SHOES t -.2 bales IndiaTlubber Deltiu : . , ,! 1 bo.xv5.00 feet XS Q 16 cilice Cloth, Htueh t '533 r;; -r-' ;; z : ;'rr L-' i"v J case, French ,Calf Skins,' 15 drfzen-: - I case : Cairsli, .JOdoxen " : I " 1 case Calf Slon v;- - . . -2 03 sea Calf 0Kiri, 23 dozen , V""; i V" STATIONERY' IS bales, 10 cases, 1 cask, containing CAP, LETTER AND NOTE PxPER V" AND ENVELOPES. - - - . F Villi ISUINCf AND CLOTHINfi 50 dozen MEN'S f WOOL FLORIDA" SHIRTS, WITH COLLARS . "10 dozen Men's Wool Gray Shirts, with. Collars, , , . - ' 4u Manassas Jackets 25 dozen Men's White Cotton Braces 30 dozen Men's Under , Shirts. Gauze Merino " 528 dozen Men's Shirt Collars 4 r'nsps Tlnsiprv 1 case White Cotton Half Hose j 436 gross assorted Coat Brass Buttons ; DRY GOODS, Jce. j 8 13 grosa "siX CORD SEWING j COT4TON 212 lbs. Sewing Silk,. - . r 57 lbs. Colored .Sewing Silk 50 lbs. SupfivBIack Machine Twit 24 dozen Black'Flax , 16 dozen Super Blue FLax 21'J dozen Black Pins, in boxes. 25 dozen Bla'cktMhjietSilk 1 - 213 great gross" Hooks and Eyes 1 case 51 ends' White Cotton Drill 4 case Farmer's Brown Linen Drill " Ases Spring Skirts 2 cases alba. Flax Thread - : 1 case Ra worth Reel Thread. 100 dozen, 500 yards eacW 1 case assorted Linen Thread V 50 pieces Table Checks. - N. B. Richmond Disfsatelv Persbtirg -Express, Wilmington Journal Charlotte Bulletin, Columbia South Carolinian, Au gusta Constitutionalist, Savannah Repub lican, Macon Telegraph, Atlanta' Confed eracy, Columbus Timesrand Montgomery Advertiser, will each insert three times, and send bills immediately to R. A. Prin gle. ' i ' Aug. 13'G2-d3i. Atlaniic Tenn. 0: It; R. m$MmfWz&& Til l charges ob litis Kt.iid-tnnst bVpreppiri cn a!i Frelgnts goiug tn Utiua9.lro tliis Koad wftere tfeere are 6o Agents. all suoti fr-eighw w'ul Xs? fieiivcred fct sul cttioas i tr.e oncers riak. . .' ' FtetgaVAgeutt .' January 22, 1663 if ' ; Charlotte. Tlfttl lbti FA FJK U! ' '';; : WfitTlNG PAFIDKS .1,800 Reams assorted buea VViU t'tNG PAl'ER on hand and lor sale by - KAHN WEtLEK. & BROS. Jnne23, '62 ti. --. The olilortli Slate, Forever. 3 00 rC HFfiE, FRIENDS AND FLL0W-0iTI-JLi ZJuisjl, s Ui uu huy .Uie nob: iTAXJC 4,1 nxjtitil UAKOLlfiiAr It ne, sen t u. tatt tipscri: bers, or subscribe vo the Cuuhty; Agent,' foi? inia N Mevp, JLarjce and iUainllicenl jTIau. And you Wiilat UjewKbltT Ukte, with her &trr, iUilro, ruiUr)F"PRP't 'LjkI Iron afcd . OosJ ;aune, and ail inj,CiUu8, Towns and 7iUtkger,,-hts hobie Mountains nd Kprins, and tier fjttcU i-aa Flowers;, r -r : If y wu tl2s GOLDEN - RXH, uow' is the time. .liAps even lent by are. . brut r view taa etarf;iuTfpikXane Asylum, Oiaipel UiU, la,e and Fenwtlei.Oollvc&,Ao ac, cno ol tLe Cteapsst Vid b&t Mips evBr?pu Wished. , , . .K t.-' pjA&C.fi i Brtv ' Uillsboro', N. 0., 159. AtiilNTn WANTED for every Comiy In, ths State. Term ilbcrtkL Apply m asoyey ' . ,. , ep XlMia . -... -..v-sf, s, '.'- ..' i.v'v. ;, WILLIAMS & OATES, . ... VBADC STSBST, ' , ' KCottoM Buyers, Grocer Sc Produce - - Aseaiersj, .; .,.v - ., y AaeaU for KetUewtPs ManinulaUt atn.iLn j . and Xorla's Lumber. - ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY flLtOr nay 17-tf vj.- . . - x; ; THOMAS W'.UiAUCLIFFE, SIGN OF THE WirM, RICHAEDSON STREETS THE NORTH-EAST CORNER OF KICnAJRION " and plain arums v ' -:" HO. 166, V . O O X XX ktL BIA, JS. C? Importer aad Healer in Fine WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 6LL . ' VER WARE,' r GUNS, MILITARY & FANCY GOODS. taWATCHss and Jbwiijit repaired by akUifol and experienced Workmen. All kinds of Uxia-Woajc made to order.J v DAILY BCWETIN v . . - . ... ' " CAT AW BA JOUB iJAL FglHB BDXLSTIN la published daily In the town JL of CharloUe,-at & per annum, inT.rtbly in ad ranee.- '" - . ia the town of Gh&rintuu &t aijOO per aannto. i. sjiHj in M vanes. " ; ' ' GOODS !pniNG coops i Just received a large assortment of Spring Dress Goods, comprising Gray PapUng, English Baragss, Cfiallies, Fouilard Silks, Baxags Delaines, fliurei Brg, Organdies, Lawns aad fipriai &iUat wMcJt mute-- ' t-'- -. v . loess ciaret wit.e. r ' ; .;.'Sve,6urAKli IV. ' i cask 50 dozen RICE UOF.S ' j w 'pX cents perbusrrngood A " ' ' ,tiS,i?U.mm.m,!tfmi ,f..m TT-ttT, i TP! ptBTtase4 IrBm'Jf.ToxsAbove to eallUiS attention of rfth public to th fact tMHiu-'io'r "ri' he if now readvo& Ter?-ordr for maktn 14 eo- lJ. ty-1 it, every deacripttonfMachlGery.": JUliindsor Ca tiu?s in Iron, Bras and other nets.1. made at short notice ai4 rVaarisd prices. ' Particular aitenUta r!ven to J,h mining and repairing of Thrshica; MSLcfiSieB, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Work nd Afrrt- "nral Work of ail kinds. JElaoksmJUj-' - v Old Iron, Brass nd Copper Cast- aaso All persons having any to sell, will" please give notice at the Drug Store of E. Nye Hutchinson & CoV . - ' - ,1 CHARLOTTE C. &, M. Co. ; STENUOLSE & MACAULAY, L- C dm mission Merc Hants; . ai Jtneir oia siuna, i raae siree. :K$ep constantly on hand a well selected otock ot ramiJy trrocenes. : Ail orders for Flour. Corn. Bacon. &c. promptly and carefully filled. Factories supplied with Cotton, on eom- mission ot 50 cents per bale. I " ; ' 7. E. STENHOTJSE, -.;V . -r' ALLEN MACAULAY. Charlotte, N. C, May 3. 1862ly Removal, flTHE Bubsoriber begs to 'inform the oublic that. JL he has removed his Shop to No 4 QRAM1TB UO W, where be-UJxepSLred with a full stock of GOODS FOU MENS WEAR; ' ! To supply all who may'favor him with a jcalL Having secured tte servicesbr'one of the best Cutters in the South, he feels satisfied, that be can please the most fastidcous. - - Oct. 9-tf - J. S. PHILLIPS. '.'-.INK MUSUFACTORy; i rgHE Subscriber has commenced the mauofac JL ture of a heantiful - ' '. . BLACK WHITING INK. , 4 It is mad.eiroip.. an' English recipe, and Is re markable, for iU; brilliancy of color and freedom from all sediments br drags. j . Orders from dealers will be filled with prompt ness, and at as moderate prices as they have been purchasing for from Northern manufacturers. . -. Orders solicited, And lamples-gent-jyherever re questecL .Address ' mWTBjQmST01ft mnuM-tt . s; wColambia.8. 0. . Wheat and Corn Wanted FN UL planting community will take ; - JL notice tbat their Wheat and i Oorn Crops will be purchased at the Gnarlotte SLeajn Flourinir Mill, at I ' mirt.tnHnM.: Thn havintr W)w&. 1) nd Uorn lor sale my una it to tneir Advantage to call at the Atill before i oloiins a sale. . ',- ; - : ' r ( JOHN WILEE8 aZo Charlotte Flour aiifli ius: 1. 1860-ty , , : -r --... : .r? lAJMKTTCJ. ! IJElOJSt WOEK8. KrtTABLlSH RD A. I). ALDUOULL : VV1LL1AAI (jLAZE, " MANDACXUlvAi4 OF OlkAM. ifiNGINES, from 10 to U Horse Power ; aim r JsxlOj8 of every style now in nae. Mill wj t An -'t iwivi uvu uauiuj iui every (ascription ol Iron and Urasa Castings. 1V - : -' i wtUdrcail attention to If on ii. of enclosing PubUc aoUdinga, dwellings, Cat .j:W,liisuo Miuag, and ad kind of enclosures Having a arst rate Boiler maker with us. we ir. prepArea to icanalfccture BUrB,or; repair them. ha" auort nuuee. w ui Sena boiler mKer lf nn pr or tae tau Our ieam finginea will be louuu, wbeacomparea witri iQose made at North. era c3wxDuniuei.i8, w Do trom twenty -fiy to for . Tbtse Works 'jave toecn in succesatul operation for s-sf ral vers, itfi dp. uxureaee of patronage froia nil pa.rta ol the Southera country, lor which tne Proprietor return lus thanaa. to tus numerous irieuda na patrons, and fcega oaiure them tnt uo ja:ns or expenut win oe spared to merit a eon- r A AltU -aO isrllliuf USJA.1C. i)aiij and wVetklj Progress; ITA'tiC ?Atf KAO kr liNO - TO t-Jl!. U AS fitO tuat Vjb ujicretnoniwus Mi.rtitie . iiUiiibiae into Nesrbera on Frktay las-WfasfjCompwlied tue temporary uspeubiiu ol the PiOG it tusS. iuu wi8 a o&4.surouj aad vii-lauiou-i r.rn;eeuicg ! old tfurnside, iuiimucb a tt uas ueprivdd tu puoiio of toe dva.itab3 of a gOoA Ppe) Ueoiviea iiit Inconvenience to tbe citl 111$ ol Ncikb.ro. J- .. . - -, v- ;JUy ihs discomfiture of our arms ati Nswbern I bawlost everjtnaig 1 had tn the worldpresses, lyt-e, aiid eu.ck and other office material 'and for uitare and 6tn.-r proprty of tul kiuds, la all gone lui sun 1 hupe to b able to make arrangements at u earl Uy to issue the PKOUttiSid at some point not very remote from thj old stand ; this will depend however upon the extent to which Burnsiue is able to penetrate the bowels of tne land.-.'- ' - :'" ' " ; . -r :. Having lost ail I ha , 1 must urge all who are indebtea to thejPUyKEga office to make imme diate settlement. Though in the army my address will be tor tne present, Uwldsooro, N. U. Cgf Papers in the titaXe that reccira the PKO- J GKWkiin exchange will please copy or notice hiS card. . J. Jj. riiNNlitUTON., . 4iMshnrn. M arch 17. lHt.9. - ' ' - i it Vi w u w t ri i t w r 0, RllAiSBOROUtrR RECOIiDEB DNNISHEARTT.' -" . uixxsBo&outtii, n. o. - STRTITB the present volume the BXCOBDEB ww commenced tne fortieth, year of its xls teaoe, the first nomoer ha ring Been issued the loth OS THK vi r eoruary, law ; auring &il which tuna we have labored to make our paper interesting and nsefuL and we hope that in these particulars we have not. peen altogether . unsuccessful. - It naa - been our Visa to injure the f UuBDK a'gooa Famifjr Pa per, devoted to Politic, Agriculture, AUscttUapy general news, c., wiu s new so tne entertain meat and improvement of" tne farmer and xitf sens of the circle in which it ia distributed. Our- Agrfcuiturat department we endearor to nil with the best selections we can make from all sources. giving preference to each a wiU be ot practtca use so the farmer ana cmuvaior ; ana in uus par ticular we hope to make the JUCODJCJS as valu able to the agriculturist as any periouieal. of m purely agricoitarai character, - la our AlisceJJa neoos deparunent, we shall contiue to be as we have always beeoV. careful to select cuch articles as will have a-oeatrency not only to amuse, bntto improve the mind and rart. While we shall be thankful w recoye -well-written axucles to aArn our columAS, wstrs not so ambitious of orfhiality as not to preier setecsea mauer.oz superior oiertt, to loosely-written and ili-dlgested axticies. though ornamented at tha top with the coveted words Written expressly for the &CODJULM In our Hews department we shall tcae especial pains to present w our rvaoeza vim weat mteiagenosj ; and to enable us to do so ws nave faculties mui ts those enjoyed Is aay portion of the state. nt Aauujie wp wa year,. f jjq Biz oc pica, ora yemr -, T , , TT.1Q Qfj ' Teacopleai ona yeaT.'..;.:.ir.:i..ifl Pajmaat always ta advaace. s . wu oar vm acsunoars waa ma oMala Ita nbjcjrlberi ana tend as tha csaIu shall NH,t a -x .liEls and BRjaN. . v- f.. -.- j clean : e :v :- lr'; y I ' t sV IlJv J U OilD, S A9.U: AND; 'Aj handsome- Silver Cate - Sword,: for Captain or Com missioned Oifice, with a red Silk Sash ahd Belt--1 For sale at KAUNW.E1LEJI &B ROS.; ' Run. the Blockade: isw Anin tir t 'li 9 . ty Whittimore No 8, 9,10, . Cotton Curtis iOfSaleat' - -. I'-fM. :-rt5,-- 1 KAHN WEILER &t BROS, f PEA IM7X Oil X PliANUTOIL t Few more barrels ex(ra ; quality PEA -NUT-OIL just received ami for sale br - lune23,,,62 tf. Superior articles of Scupernong WINE, in bottles for family use. For sale at KAHNWEILER&. BROS. : jpi TTOW LACKS, &c ? . LiMlz'z. o 3" our plefsdia tfck c f Worki compring Sieves ard Collar),' French and EnasiyvoTked Car.Ja. Edging and InsertirigPalead; Linen, and Cotton Laces, juauaJj; low prices. v - r ySelliug very fast at ' .-- "' I " A KAHNWEILER & BRO.S. Particular Atieutiou ! : S there will be a change la oar firm, oar cus tomers will do as a great favor by caulnK and settling their accounts and noiesfc t - ; Our terms hereafter are strictly cash.' " ' " 1 - v.--- KAHNWsilLKB k BRO'S.' 'Aug.lt.1861--t a : . . g tiOES, SUOES, SUOI. 1 Beceiyed a fine assort Jient of wometn Leather Shoes, sixe 9 to 8, se ling very fan at $3 00 a pair. Fine Kid Morocco Bo'ois, iz-s 1 to ; I For sale at - EAUNWKILfK A BBOS. , Marcn 1862 tf v - ; - : v jyi 1 1.ITA t. au rrow , dec Received per Steamer Isabel, Gold Ep- paulets tor Commissioned Utncers, Military Buttons;' Gold Lace, Pistols, :&c. ' , Call SOOn at' !v' v .-.-: '-' I KAHNWEILER & BROS.V,' vJan. 25. 1862 if v G ONFEOEUATE It li GUI A l lOa Gold Stars, Gold Gimp for Pants, Gold Lace for Sleeves and Collars, Military But tons, just received per express. For sale atf! KAHNWEILER & BHDS. iApril 30, 1865Mf- ! - - ' . - JJUitliAll FOB AAAli CA.iTAA'a. - ' Just received this morning, from the blockade, Fine Tooth Combs, ail sizes ; also English Dressing Combs. t or. sale at ' , v . . KAHNWEILER ot BROS. April 30, 1862 tt , J W itiriG IfAflCK, 4cc. e Confederate Writing Paper and Envel opes with Military Motto, Fine Letter Paper, Steel Peqs and Holders. por sale at . " . v , - ' KAHNWEILER & BROS. April 30, 1862 tf : PRINTERS' INK MANUFACTURED B A. BANDALL & CO., - MARIE PrA, GEORGIA. T300K, NEWS AND COLORED JJ INKS. in OC an excellent qualityf and warranted .1. L ... '..II . .... I. - equaLio tne oesi avortnern ma&e. 'dvpa' INK at. 50 cents to 4 per in ' .T a . 1 A m . -.-.. cans of i to iu pounas. NEWS INK, (tiue) at 30 cents per lb., for allorders ot 100 pounds and upwards v!r.A7w ivrir Jf i.i iirjvvo in ivt vvciy uuc; at u ccuit pel lo., tin Kfgs ol 2o and au pounds. COLORED INKS at 1 to $8 per lb., in call pound and pound cans. r !r Every paper iriseriintf this alver tistraent tor oue month and sendinff us a copjr oi their paper, will receive pay for me eo.uk upon purcnasiug inree. limes tne amount or thir bill trom us. -inch 22 '62-1 m. . Aj R. R. & CO. . : K00PMA2T:'8rv; Anti-Dysntei ic & Anti-Dyspept ie F REP AH ED BY B. KO OPJStA A. ; -.. ... ciiAUi.oTTK, rv.-i7, ; .t,;' rgvHESE uonTed,jUttejrs.VusfSS peBullar cn JH. rative prope?t5eilnv!L AifocUuns of. tu UH weispThey wui'erround -elfcVtual in the ear ot Uyseatery, inarms, Uyspepatih souf btoiua jh sua ail thitCpatcfju, K'nd troubiesom dlseaes' arUL-iX frtu a .'dejaagement of the. aigestive Or leans and nregiyarAotlofj.a4the.tuncUous of U stomach and inieitlm&t tlVev wib a.io bts found m. iAFJh. BJKDyFOiWHlLLa AND FfcVJCilB. v These Bitters are. peparddvIrom ftot brought from tier many,' and loit cW a ceator? Lave oecn found effeetaai in. that country fur the permanent cure ol thft diseases enumerated &hv fc 'TLey contain Beaeietenoas arug, nut are coojpounueu enilrely trom roots, and are perfectly sate-v. times. c.-, I''i .-'Vi , 'A simple trial is all that is asked, as a cure will nator&ilv foUow. and that ia the bfctreit'iflt:Atrto! their superiority ovefieveryo'uiet remedy Xw'r thoke narticiilae dlseaaea? - . ' v They are aahulactured by B. Koopmao, Chax- Jotte, N. C aad for ssJe by, . . - Also, for sale at . Bean's and K, ftye Hutchin son Co' Drusr Btores. - - , - ffeb itfWly , Book audi Job Printing 9. 1 Neatly ExeetUed at una pace. - M A V1NQ procured a largeamount of vxcei " lent material, and added to , (his estabush- m exit suitable-fas .fiUUSAB, we take this oppor tunily to , inlorm p our; inenaa , and:, tne.cpa that we are fully prepared to execute; ; worjjLht w every class, In - :r, f.v ; . - i-d-OsJEl,-X'ir;,Ja?-X -3?iTv.CKfXcA atsshort-notice.mnd.at nrieea fAr. below .thbse at sshort--notice. -And. at nricea far bekrw .thbse Man .itlw naiil in V Ki si mmttrrt Af nnntr )lV'i .ll if' prepared to print in thelatestand most ap'pfcottfTOS "iSf U ou,r Aithortaed c.i.u. CAUUS, INVITATIONS. RI f.L.iirii ?a Lfrthe papeS si-u,i contract iui ClttCsJS-AltS.vuttOlf JS-lSt,fVS. L.A V 11 1, AN US, SUV l-mL .$..-- MfAJXMrU m.MM.9, SAUUAASf and any outer style of printing usually called lor, ior much less than the same class of work can . . . . .( . " . . M SAW executea uis siae 01 ste wz r-. - - : - ; E. 11 UKITTjOffTT The E&zeconbQ Faro, Journal M-n llTE subscriber wCl cbrnmenes) oa or about the ii,- 1st of Beptemwer, 1860, the pubneatioa of a monthly Journal in xaroorov to oe aevotea to tne pUtBtatin and rural interests of North Carolina iapartlcuiar, and of the South generaPy. Edgecombe bavins; ong since been acknowledged-as the model farming eounty of North C&roiln, wa feel that there is no locality better suited; and none more justly entitled, to ths source of publi cation of a llrkt class agricultural paper than Tar boro'. It ia to be called ; ; ..'. v - 4 The Edreeombe Farm Journal," And will eoatala original and selected Articles up on Agriculture, Horticulture, floriculture, House hold Arts, Kara! Architecture, Zoology, Me., Ae. ' , It arlil ba ttubushea with new type sund clear whit paper, in a neat quarto form. - Ths pries of subscription lias been made so low as to place.the publication within reach ol every One, -f o.; i-ii --lCi-'" ' " Out copy one year. ... . ....... . . . . , ...$0 60 : Beveu copies one year.......... aw.. TwlvssoplesooeysAr;.t...v...': b 00 Twenty-live copies one year. ...... ... .10 00 Cf- No paper seat uaiass paid for ta Advise T," ar rr-Mrd Xo adnue the tHen.i1 tr.si mvuee AiL.Vsiloo tf the sett.o-1 !-Hh.'.-,f U., fissfc . I'smcit -Juraai, h'its y, nune; .: n5t faT0rbe aaspfse. " . . V. i - - ..Th eireulaU of ; the abjs afciael . pp ; ' rspldiy icsre&d'ujt,' and in la'Jaiic n i?er isifti? iwediata bH felt sod. aputIte J ,t 'patvo-uv LstVin acee-s';'t lno4i every ai x -!. r adjoJmn Dtiftr'cisli JKit.l Caroitn. ". T 11 E 'A TA rtA J t4 1 NA I Onaof th farsron-' ;.vir now pui'tWn: rr fitt, ro!)'-U 41.0 tett?innitn. nHi-. tr-. ii' the. cp'umei of Umt Dsn. Kuiif-ja, u,i out becotre a popoIivT'pwvers, ut It ! r.rj ;vaotites to th94.wH with.to-o. i' cot.iu'. an a4TerUalng me tiuin. -.-T : fpeeuaeo rpi-s wilt besrnt to fcty ecJ)ti t'.- mf be ordered, frr of Ktf. . . ' ' or tems, Ae., we retvr the r"der t enr .r. prtnt. r . .-v ti f-i.. DKin.tv ." TIte litterArr sper -u (li vTTfirV - s'yEitf FAMiLydiiULD ttAtir ' i THK EXGK&T! TVS CftAlT T If. - BKSTJ JLLC6 THA JSi tSOCTUXtty'MmM. . lis t t'Ai icis I , .;...... , M- f"!;!'.!!!.? ir 'neither polU'e t; jwr s'Arfii, ' ; t :U.. v uQli. -,-". vf tl.e JCdt'er .44 . i'U cc. lus.ii .v-wif.;i .Jje - c.WwtY Mitoi'h5r. LiUrry anJ Famiiy rcaoK, an! witlt I t s-.krUon ,.f" allthekew of tJ.dsy,btM4 iurvia ,. i tt, tie. V. " . v: . .4 . The fifth VOTttne cOmineneeswiih iht o.i j 1S6U. Untragum-Jita have been diiA! 4.0 uikr t si the ftiost brtltiaut rear fn Hid )ntior ui 1UK iifliti). . it Will ceruinetice witn . Tliree Iteautlful l'rtze Mortm. Iu lllusiratiuns wit) be tucr nsca : iiird its 1 1 ic graphical, appMrnec wtu be, Uuprufcd by M:i:i neater .dress. Tfie Fubiisitert are lrtermmel keep pace with the vin owtuenU n the Hie: t;ivr: .motto isPKOUUUddluN,' aqC s Utc circu'aiton of TllK TIMKi enlarges end yer, ihcy r'c it ter mined to add new atTmctiou t its u1jui'i ' and tnase it Uie literary pitper or the ckmih. v un' these inducements the Publishers utiflleitiy rx peetseveral thousnud iucreose tr .ircu'kUtn.' But s additional thCetiiv to Ui frtenU 01 the doutli to encourage their un titernry lsn.il paper, in rhlcii they' will find none of that imure and immoral reallug whicUr suu:liias they y, from abroad, the Publishers of Tut TlMfc olf-r $2,500 l. FllE.vilUls ' For subscribers to commence wlihri he new volumo and the hew year. TilfcTlMtc isinntd wifely 00 tight Urge pages, fine paper, at i f a yer, in . a trance. 1 For specimen, oumbeis aua circu rs address the PublhiriMS. ' 1 COLE I A LK EIGHT. ,nov. 8-tf - Oreeusu tu, N. C. j '... 1 i - in 1 11 11 ... 1 - t. 1 A NORTH CAROLINA PAPk'ft , J I II R TI.UK!" ' A'kirft'JSghi-Fagt Wukly, published in VrunnKorQ. a year; lw fr six mo. tin t fllUE TIMCS contains weekly trty 'columns of Jl. choice mat-er, special. y adapted to (he iami r circle. It it urdiher secUiiao hoi p.iii.icdi, iai by oeing courteous to all necU -.ud parues, 11 i tiie Constant aim ol the publishers' to .reieni u, ia Columns . 'whateter ina rleVwU the proplr s.n l eu rich thej titaie. The puh.isht-rs wmiM rar..,Ptl tppeaLWthe lamiiie-ot Nnrth Caronum- t gvt. THE flMjKS a tnal ; try ii tor .ix iu iiths. iw ret- if tt- be not a well to ptitrouise htne papers, ttue frtjm abroad ; to build up home iutem... hhu State pride; and to seane our ,ut.tanpr kn . .uf energies among stranrra .tiirc ths Tttia a and then let It stand upn its merits. " WHAT ISSSIJD of f as tiks. f ... The Times I; regard as th. rery first of. our Southern Mterary Weeklies." Kv. 0.'fV ! ri i. . t know'of no, Weetttypubllsded nj re,i fi-t la so deaervina ol public patronage ih Tut Rev.J. E. Edwards. . , There ts 00 panderinr to a rltiaWltwi.e eve- ' ry article is of a moral U-ode . j, nu cicmitd both to amuse and Instruct." Wiiiult (Ctvj IKia'J ' wOneof thehandsouiest we kl paper uotiii.ed la the Union." dpirh of .lite Aue. Let the people of No'th Cat.riiua ciH ourho thsr own vppi;rs. Rn. pii;li., (r. AdUrest, COl.K A ALHnit.i V, . - PROSPBOTU3 1 "-".'i- : - OF " ' ' THE CIIAHLEiTliN 31EKCUKY. A POLiriCAL, CJrt!.Vidl.L'. m LiTJH.KT r H W f s c ' 1 rUBUSIf&Dl UtAlLY AND TUI- WJi'Xr;? rmHK SVcacoav gives Uaily reports oi tl.e Mi' ,JL ke ana il.fiue iniKltigeuce i:i Cariet ji., and bf Chdr,euu comuerc id the leading in port of the a'orld. The Wtcki filce Cuirii t Is maue upwituirjch cafe; anti imui tht uikr reliable sources. Its couhectiou with the ciated Press Insures the latest tnt'cl.igt ooe l y Telegraph and Uie rijel oew by fctenu.;i 1 Ttlux Europe. . It has an aole and accjoipws.ieu C: r icspoudsnv ia 1 Loouori a g-ntJtmki cj uuc'citJ -itQ the ealtoriaisosfj 01 the Louden. Tl. .rf,; ;( regular OorrespouiJei'ts in AvaA'ors, H mIji; Key Heat and Uaranj.. Ihe nlouthly vuri,. ' Fashion ' Letters and wrekiy letter vn Ltfr' in Washiogton are sdiidonai auetions to f ,or vf lis uay readers. Its literary hoilceo, ir.-n-'tbe pen of a gentleman who occupies pkrhas . te oighebt position tuncng the library uieu u' il , beuth, ar diS'rindnatiug aul coa.pivhetisit. Attectton is paid to au masters ol general cuoerii, espedeily mo in ritrruoe to trie P.nntiu4 k. tl Agricdttorai iniereaW a,t 'he curreot o cf tbedrv. Oreit care I taAun that Loutiux mt m.il appear tn in columns which siu;i be eluded txtn the hmiij end.-;'. i . ' Tne prunes" creul ;f the MsactraY ronsisii 'r. the principles of tne Dmoi.iat;o Party, ,4 down In tne Virginia and Keitkucky kesulutloni o' lTb ;tnd t7W Jie toyeretrfui.y 01 t stu.s : a sirlot c-nsiuctlon ol tne Inderal Cj(H.tot n i. the general tioyruncnt, the ant el ta et Free Tildeauu an ex)noirjoai AouiiaLitrar!.;t, ,.t. thettovermnect. Its policy is' ula Cruoy of the' boaVbea elMut iz maJnutiuug rmbi. '.TerTOj-.!! fable In Advutice. DAILY, per aoiium... . aij.Lu 1 TB,-lw jti.&Lir;. 4 .. , , . t v o . Clubsvwlll b lurtiUJhed as n)iow Fins Oopiev1 WAiLX Ivr..,...; fiuti five Copies of the Thl ELKLY . . . . . . .'. . .... 0 . . The muue ot l person, tut -I t'Lrl-ou.ii !,: l ib enteriMf -on. ilur'btmkx. UlilcM the iivrti.iii r :.j subsoriptioa be iniflc iu iuvAi.ce . tst wLi oroeis from without ie,ruy to pcbua. AUuus Dirnu, ' Mkrri&tre IvUct-f. or Obtua.l.s, be attended 1 , unless the cfchh, 8or an acceptable City ieli accompany' the' order, Uuey il.h aim l rorwarueu at our rus in refnsi.-o leciers. , POBTllASTSKSare aatliorisdto tiCt khoui AnnAt In obtaining' ubg.r.nbi en.j oraavtljuR vi e money ; and by sending us -tie uajly ium.. bers, with f 5o euciosed or Jtt Tai- ksu t scbscribert, alth $15 enclosed, :a oe tiU','e 19 a etsira cofV or u pmvrrw, they may ru.a TwrUyper &nt. of thepre-pyuei.t tsr ttt.r UoubS'4udtij lieu rf -the tZiM Vt-tr.i M Oat cl. Botttn utrouna, Jto perw,uc TatcVnr U uthor1hcdwW collect debts Already .due to 1L mcBaTT? ; lntoiUlir. SAStosa, atenllio'inake cmUsc lws1WobscriUila iu. Bt aus U our r e UeCjiUbs and proc.ii? u,'" 'Andanbscnutleus. ''IntJnarieujfayM. JisLts D.BrDS, cui.r.cctei. s ;"cnwu-s.--.u uuicri, id ueut us. are kigrj-. puj equesifu vkuu "i vw uuN oy. tau at . n. rajiic. " vui(i Miejr w ui bat e wa ire'Lty per cen, an amount eqoiTaient to u prm eipaluuruoa oi pronts. ' . v CT EDiroA in th eute and throughout the JkMiu, who rvceirs our lai-WassLr for tietr Wusxv, are rpvcully requamu to eiueiuuv as ' ior tht difference la rkla by iutrui u.la Prospectus. - - 1CB. ttllAll ,Ja. - r -.. 4. Broad Strtot a;..,., (7 XliilJ JJ AjtiUiiK AxNli riAMLH -v UCM0VE1. TO -...'A..""-'-::obLOJIlll'lA.:8.' MAVlXli purchastu at Alaj. tieo.Sekborn this popular JouioaI, 1 have reioercd iu Mu. d pubiieauen to CoiumiiU, aud win hcraltr issue It from this city at regular statd periods. FeoUng eonJOdcnt that Such a ioarna.1 is trr. n. needed in uus fttats, and blieruiK that it a ill he fustained. If located at the Capitol ol the btaie L-A 4 oa aiAldii tho venture, ana can uwn farmer ad Planter in Bouth Carolina toaticoMralV the enterprise by their patronage. ' It will be printed PH' J1 4yp a Paper, LanGsuiiiiV ombsanabod, ana euat agM alu-d to .u, ?-r Pries) only Oia DoiiAa ner . . sylvaaow. - : , " . A corps of ths best pr.cuca: ani sciehUflc aT,7. -r - u lami tna SATS) Of US. lit lr m hetk f arasrt ta ths tanu. v r iX3 cash qrrtem will a rigidly idbsrtd V; tea aams rUi b anvarsd an oar ,.. nu .v. fsfwirta. ; 'r f .i: