L-i ii i mm "" " " ' "ur ' "' ' "" """l,"liri '"""iiii'i"!! i - . . ... . ' -i . - v. . h ! - 1 t . V ,t i. - ..." r, ;? 11 ivrr 1 I) - V )I ,yii.-r.NO 1102.1 .. - - , ,- 5 " " at-". . ; THE BTJJjL'ETIN: r rnrutlou of IT IflAuiifaeiurers 7 - u4 Kr TraIoAocIatlou oftlie rBrlerafc tale." I . -. Acwum,' Sa., Not. ' -H AiMBtacmreni arnlfteeTrade A--iatiaa, pursuant to ib"caTll the Pret ci et if lasontc Hal) in this citf t6 'r. ' "'-"; ' . ' "... i a nation, the name of the organixa .-ti was changed to Manufacturer' A4oetion o! the Confederate States of " America. (TUV:former Secretary bewig " al.antf E Staadujao waa appointed Scre ''J.,'.: y-ft-a:;reri"f The following dIe-; ' 4ftanawered to their names: . W Gregg, of Graniterille, SC. W: Gregg Jr, Granniteyille, SC.- J J Gregg, Granniieville, S C. W tr Jackson. Augusta, Ga. JC Be man, .Troupe Factory, Ga. . . iaacPowelt, High Shoalt, Ga.- JI P Ilaramett,-liateaville, S C. B Steadman, LaurencfcTille, Ga. - White, Athena, Ga. ( Cannon, Fingerville, S C UFXester; Buena Vista, S C " A V Braraby," New Manchester, Ga.. W J Russell, Ner Manchester, Ga. John N Grady, McBean. S C J McDonald, Concord Factory . Geo II Camy, Roswell Mills. John Thompson Hopewell Factory. John E Oldan, Rockford. Tenn. The President then called upon dele- gates for their estimates of the cost of production of cotton goods. After full diacusaion, the President on motion, ap pointed a committee of three with inetrut tiona to report upon the estimates present- ed by the various Factories in regard to th art uaf cost of the production of cotton .ffood. ' The Committee consisted ol W E Jackson, Geo Harop. and A V Brum by.to the Committee was added the Pre Tha association adiourned to meet at 3J o'clock, p. m. ? Aftejikoos Session, 31 o'clock, p. m. - The AasFociation met according to ad- inurnment. The committee on cost of , production, through their chairman, sub muted as their, report the following pre amble and resolution, which was on mo tion adopted t . Whereaa, -the'Manu.'dcturers' C"nren i tion, after comptring notes as to the im t menee advance upon every article in use T pertaining to the cost of producing goods, ' vis: Cotton, labor, oil alcohol, arnish, gums, leather in . its various uses, card clothing and hand cars for stripping cylin ders, ateel. iron, files, hardware, shuttles, bobbins, reeds, ateel travellers, steel spin dles, tin, Babbet's metal solder, nails, screws and a thousand other articles large ly in use, moat of which has increased over T 1,000 per cent, in value, and some extend " t tu i be fabulous advance of 10,000 per cen; Therefore be it ' 1 - i;f$alvd, That the "Manufacturers' Convention consider, front Actual esti- mates presented, the present cost of pro ductioii of cotton goods to be equal to 50 cnta per pound, and deem it unsafe to bargain with government at any fixed price to extend beyond one month, without the establishment of a" sliding scale by which the price may be varied from month to month,' as the cost of production may advance' ;V.E. Jacssox, V Geo. f J. Camf, Committee, A. V. Brumby, J Alter receiving the report, on motion of (, Garmon, the Association adjourned to met at Columbia, S. C. the time (subject to the pleasure of the President, .who is requested to issue a circular giving manu facturers notice of the time appointed and 1 utge their general attendance. , W1IXIAM GREGG. Sr.. Pres. K. Stz dm a.r, Secretary. - ' ' ?-.- - Wllmihgtbnf Charlotte - and Rutherford Rail Road. A N and after th 10U of November, the Pas- Q 9 uartr Train wUl mnyen thU Read (WeS- ra D4t1od) dally (Sandajs excepted) as foRows: : - - GOING WEST. Lkivb SJ30 A. M. SM -9 2S - Charlotte -N. -- Tossaseege . - Brerard M 8naron Ltneolnton ' ' Cherr jxllle- G01MQKA8T. 8.43- A. f.xa 1I.W Aaaiva. Laara , M. liA P. M. i.aa " " CherrjTitU, LlneoUtoa ' Sharoo , Brevard' 4 Toakaseeje Charlotte 11.C4 P. U. l.l 1.00 .S.1S - . P...nMn ara rf a aired la all cases, without exception, to purchase uckeU, w hewer there are - ticxet areata, and also to furnish the right change, aa the esapny caaaot procure change for everj one, Aa omission to do either subjects the party to an extra charge of 25 cants, which the conduc- . .... a - tar l stneuy rra.ure uv. , By Order. Acting Vaster of Transportation. U9e!ata, Oct. 81. . COLTJSIDIAV 8. C. '" rOlNIKlT Or XIHtUCX7J if prepared to fill orders to any 'extent, in XGRA VINO FSINTING V 33 UV 2g- X3 O T 33 13 ". 11X3 OF EXCHAHG&r&ci; Enkrainncw iipoa. Steel or Stone. Large supplies ot BANK - NOTE and other paper will be kept . " -N ' - : 21. l2 9t. - v ' - iS Tht Charlottt Whteand tne Pern- TTTwHl ajvirtlie tke above to tht amount JAMES G. BAILIK & BUO. o TYEZS FOtt BALK AT THEIR . CAEPET ?AHD OIL CLOTH t& xi. n. o c iva; Si 205 BROAD STREET , AUGUSTA, GA,,-' A full artment of the followinj Goods : - ENGLISH VELVET CARPCT- INGS, . . BRUSSELS CiRPETINGS, VENETIAN CARPETING, HEARTH HUGS, . DOOIi MATS, ' CARPET BINDINGS,;' " . STAIR CARPETINGS: AND ' STAIR 410DS, .: . COCOA MATTINGS '' AND.; . HASSOCKS, ; -' AVIUTE AND RED CHECK MAT11NGS, -WINDOW SHADES, i" all sizes, and TRIMMINGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, one - aud two yards wide, HEAVY SHEET D0.r 12 feet and 18 feet wide. . - WORSTED DAMASKS and - SATIN DELAINES, : LACE AND MUSLIN CURTANS, CORNICES, LOOPS,; TASSELS, G1MSEYS; &C, , WALL PAPER, RORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, STRAW BROOMS - AND TACKS. Seven Fine;Pianos in Cliickerins:, Dunham, Stod- ard3ana riscners POR SALE BV - ; - JAMES -G. BAILIE & BRO., Sept '11 V,2-4in J Augusta, Ga. ATIjAM'ICTKNN. A: OHIO BAIL HO A I). - r- - At a meetlnp tf the Directors of the Atlantic, Tenneaee A Oiiso !til Roa Company on the liUx InaUnt, the following resilQUoiu were adopted : Hesolved, That all iubscriptions of Bteck here tofore made to the Atlantic, Tennewee A Ohio Kail Eoad Company, ou which three or more In UUmeote hare been paid, and on which defaut k.. KMtn mad to Dtr the balance due, are here- h. J-!rv1 rnrfulted 16 the nee and beaea ofab Company, lneladlnjr all payment made on the ame, according to the provisions of the Charter, provided all arrearages on said Stock are not paid by the 15th ft October next.-; - ? r Revolted, That suit be instituted against all other solvent aud dwueat Stockholders failing to make payment by iie m ox ucwwr nwi. Raoivd, That the reduced rates for paseeo rexs returning me l iy are hereby abolished- 1 - . - M. XL' WEI3T0N, Treasurer.- Bept.15, tf . " , . - - Brandy 2 'Brandy! 2,000 gHil.tn Pure l'acn ana Appiy Brandv. AUo h lew barrels Old Whiskey. For U hv ALUR1GHT & BROWN, Nil 1571 tranara, ii. v-r. -j -- r Exchange Notice, No 3. i -V Richmond, Nov 11, 1862. t All Hnntederate Officers and Men, hn cantured and paroled in Virs n i nr. Marviand. at any time irora t saw - w " a- . -M- ; " ... ... - i&r' U62 he been du S xchanged November, 1862, havepeenauiyexcnangea nri are hereDv so aeciarea. 2. All Confederate Officers and Men who have been delivered at Aiken'a Land incr. on James River, at any time previous to the 11th of November, 1662, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby bo declartd. 3. AH uomeaeraie uracera sua uu who have been delivered at Vickaburg, MisitDni. previous to the 1st of Novem ber, 1662, and including said date, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby ao rWLred. ROBERT OULD, ' Nov 14 6t Agent of Exchange. TyOTICE. . All ttersnna ha vine claims azalnst the Building Committee ol the. Methodist Church, in Charlotte, will present them immediatelv to Rev. F.M. Kennedy. T. H. BREM, ) Con ' a - E. 11. ANDREWS, )0C1 . Oct. 23. '62c;t. . - ' gUBSTITUTE WANTED. ' A libera! price will be paid to a man over 45 vears of aee, to serve during the .war, fwith privilege of selecting his company.) Address . , . tunowiri,n Greensboro; N. C Oct. 11, 62- mtwf-lm TOTICE. - Cedsteda and Matrasses tor bale, at tne Store of WILLIAMS & UKAi. NOV. 4 tf. - - - ' - " s TOCK FOH SALE. 25 SHARES of Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio R. R- Stock for sale. - - AdpIv to M.l,. WRISTON. Oct.SVetf; Treasurer. JAND POK SALE. By order of the Court of Equity for Lin coln county. I am authorized to sell two valuable, tracts of LAND in said county, oeionging to toe luou estate. Anv per son wishing to purchase can see the land by calling on Caleb Motz, W. II: Motz, or myself at Lincolnton. - One tract contains 725, the other coo acres. ' . - wivi. j. tiutt.rj,i;. & ivi.e. Nov, 13. 1S62 4t - , - Persons holding claims against this Department for Medicinal Herbs, Barks mad Roots, deUrered n r hrnra Aarast 2nd.lS2, will present them for pajmaat befors 8ept.-th, 1862, or otherwise ; . ' , aaiMadlcaJPurvsjerr . j Medio al PurvtrorV Odea, Charlotte, N. C. "- lepW SV. if. ' r' V :" ' R ?NCLIS1I GOODS.; -1 Receiveder Southern ExDress. Gentle men and Youths Cassimare Suits West End Collars. Dailf expecting Wh?te and ' w- 1 ra. . . w -' jf ancy coic-r Ctmrts. : For sale at Vk CHARLOTTEr Na, M()NDAlVyOVE:aBKli.24 Shoes for Ladies. I TAKE this , method td( informing the citizens of Charlotte tbaU am, now pre pared nd anv manufactarjner . )t , r S5 ZEHE Q J3 ; - OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ' OF THE Besf Material and Workmanship. Particular attention paid to LADIES' shoes. ' t,;,.: ' All REPAIRLN'G doiie with neatness and dispatch. - - J. J.SiNEAD. 7 Next door to the Barber Shop. j Nov 5 lm " ' 'y ' - totics.,,. ' . , -. , : ' ; , r . I will sell at the late residence 01 rainca J. Lowrie, dee'd, on. Wednesday the 26th instant, the personal property of said dec reased; consisting in part of Household and Kitchen Funutnre,' Beds & Bedsteads, Table Ware, Crockery, Cooking Utensils, A'c. - Also, one cood One-horse, Wagon ni'Uarnes,ABd -ihe balance of Ws atock of Books." v ' " :' ' ' The f louse and Lot of aaid deceased will be rented, at the same time and place,; un til 1st January, ido.- . - v ' - Terms made known on day of sale. LOUISA J. LO WR1K, Ex'trix; Nov. 4ta.- -.. '.'.- -:' - . Sale postponed to 25tk November. JOTICE.-1 KECJBIVEU'S SALE. By virtue ol Decrees of tne Confederate Court. I will sell at the Court House in Monroe.Union county, on Tuesday the 25th j ol November next, the following Lands and I Personal ProDertv. viz: 325 acres Land in Union county, adjoin ing the lands of J. R. Hudson, T. N. Lew is and others,, the property of J. $1, Lisle. 500 acres Land in Union county, adjoin ing the lands of Lewis Conder, Phillip Con der and others, the property of Thomas Bv Tappan. " r ." ' "? SeveralTracts of Land in Union county,' containing 18,444 acres, on the waters of Twelve Mile creek, Crooked creek, Stump creek, Lick creek, Chinquepin creek, Stew art's Fork creek, , Bear Skin creek; Rich ardaon creek, and Linch'screek, adjoining the lands ot R.'F. Stockton, H. M. Hous ton,' Nihemah Tindal, Calvin Laney, Jas. McLoud, Joseph Starnes, the heirs of Da vid Phifer, Wm. Houston, Francis Poor, Marcus Auiton,-Jac6b Secrest, John Cro well, Michael Osborn Ezekiel Hellems,"1 Sam'l Lewis, Jacob Tomlin. Alfred Price, Isaac Simpson, Thomas Kesiah, Daniel Hellema, Culpeper Auston, John Medlin, Robert Fowler, " Jas. R. Winchester, Eze kiel Yirby William Bibb, -George Wolf; Elisha Starrcil, Geo. W. Winchester, and others the property of ,Wm. Redmond; Isaac Bronson, and F.. Randal, Trustees of Ward, Hoyt & Ward.' - " ,! ' 150 acres Land in Union aounty, known as the Fox Hill Tract adjoining the lands of F. Stephens, the heirs of hilip Conder, and others. : ' " 25 acres Land in Union county adjoining ,Thomas Ilamby,.. WashiiigtonRitch, and others. ' . . t lOacrcs Land in Union county, known as the Starnes' Gold Mine, adjoining Jos. StarnesF.'SHHweIl, and others, r The. one-half ot 6i acres of Liana 111 Jnibn countv. adjoining the lands of J. W, Williamson James Smith, and others, the property ot . Wm. Frazier, Trustee of Wm.; A. Shepherd.- - - The one-half interest in a Tract of Land in Union county, on the waters of. Oroose creek; adjoining the Marion Mine Tract, "Thorn's i.1'5'' Five-eights pt a rract ot L.ana m union cnnntv nn thn waters of Duck creek, ad ioinine the lands oi Jacob Long, containing . 1 . : 00 acres; tne mineral inieresi m oweo of Land, the Jacob Long & Muse Tracts, adjoining the above tract, the property oi Thnmiii t;. uurant. . Fi ft v. five-one, hundredths ol a 1 ract oi f.ahd in Union county, on the waters ol Goose creek, adjoining the lands oi xne Stawart Gold Mine Tract, Franklin and Samuel Stephens, the lands of Eli Stewart, rnntininBr .700 acres, the Dro- perty of Charles Judson, Wm. D. Judson, George Utpiey, uerry r . i-ee, ivoDen x. Snow, Robt. Taylor, and Thomas C. Du rant. - . . - 5108 shares Stock in the Stewart Alining Company, the property oi waranau nm. Thos. B. Green, and others. - . Lot of Carpenters V tflacfcsmitn, -na Minine Tools, and a lot ot old Iron, the property ol John M. Lisle. - - Sale to De continued uuin uay w u till all is sold. ' ) .- C. N. WHlTti, rteceiver. Oct. 4,' 162. 20t Double Daily Trains. 1 CHARLOTTE A SOUTH CAROLtNA BAILRQAD. OCTOaxa 11, 182, DOUBLE DAILY TRAILS are run over this ' Road as followt ; ' Leave Columbia S.00 A. M. 6.10 P. M. Arrive Charlotte, 3.30 P. M. 2.00 A. M, Leave Charlotte, 9 00 A: M. 9.15 P. M. Arrive Columbia. ' 4.50 r. Al d.w a. m. Th. Trains oonnect at Charlotte with the ftorth Carolina Railroad, formiDg .a double dauycon nsctlcn with Richmond, and at Columbia with the South Carolina RaUroaa ana me ureenTJue '" Columbia Kaurosd trains. - . , October 11, '62 tf ' General Superintendent lUvintr sdmmisterca on me r.siaiu ui Stephen D Smith, those indebted to him wUl please come forward and make settle ment and those havin claims against him will present them immediately, or this no tice will be plead in bar ol their recovery. Nov 15,1862 3t. NOTICE. . ' - x : '... ;-- -The annual mceung ot tne oiocbuouco. in the Charlotte Gas . Light ' Co. will, ne held at the Branch Bank of N. C. on the 4th Wednesday of November mst. -A full attendance is requestea as dusi neas of importance will be. before the meet ing. -v . -fv- JAS. H. CARSON , rres.r. Kov.' 6'dl8r;-, v . ' - Application will be. made to the-LegisIa- ture at Us next Session to ; incorporate a x ou onage, near vastaia? rord.- tiaston county,- n. u. . - - . v.- - . ' - i - rCALEB RHODES. T7ALTJADLE 1TEAX. ESTATE ; T .... a ' ' r - - ' - : FOR 8A.Z.E. '.The brick STORE, 30 by-104 feet, and the 3 adjoining building LOTS, I will sell for cash or exchange .tor. young - negroes. The above property vraa formerly ;owned w ."aA IM .t - r!t , "" ! OFFICBOFN.aR-R.Cp, f i ; Com pah t Shops, Sept. 24, 18b2. f r Notice" Is hereby. l?iven to "shippers and others interested that the trlff 0t XreigH rates on thw Eoad will be raised twenty-five per cent, and tne rates on passengers to five cents per mile, on ftntT after the first day of October. . . T. J. SUMNER, Eng'r A Supt. , Sept , 186a dtf r .' , ATLANTIC 'riiNNi & OHIO UAiL mm TDlTKR hn tkt Rna.4 wl'il. OH tnj after 1 Mondar rext, leave 8rd Cretkr (held ef V Road,) at 5:i A. M , and -jretarn V) that awuen U minutes later than at present. - .- , UURLBKaT, Gen'J Supt "Pot. 3, 186S tf. U - : v : ' " . f WANTED, - ; - --f.C 1r . 2 or SCm lb. good soft SOAP, fr which the cash wi l b poid, eihf 4 In Charlotte or at the Factory. . , T. R.TATE. ; . Oct.3'G2-d w.tf, -r; ' . ; NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED Proposals will be received by the undersigned at the Company's Office in the City of Raleigh until noon. Saturday November 1, 1862, v ' t - For the Graduation and Masonry of :lhe middle division, extending from Page's hr Lockvillc, (23 miles.) . j Profile and Specification, showing about the aggregate amount ot work required. will be exhibited tor one weeK prior to mat date, at the Engineer's Office in Haywood, Chatham county, and Company's Office in Rftleioh. Printfid nronosals will be furnished Con- trantnn inr tVinJr fillinor 11 n anrl fii trna tHrfiS-H KEMP P, BATTLE, President. Ell wood Morris, Chief Engineer. Raleigh; Oct. 10, 1862. j .. , , October 13. 6t S IIEETING AND BICE,. V 10 Bales, 4-4 Bro. Sheeting. ' 10 Tierces superior Rice. For sale by THOS. L. MITCHELL. Graham, N. C, OctMl,-'62 mwf.lm . poll 11111K. .. .. 20 .Valuable negro Women and Girls, amongst whom are some good field hands, house servants . and one , extraordiharly good nurse for children. . .. Apply to .J. F. BUTT. - Oct. 10 '62-dtf. ' ' - ' : : 3 : v- . Medical Pitrveyor's Ofkice, C.S.A., J Charlotte. Oct. 10 1862. v WANTED. 130 feet HEMP ROPE, one inch in diameter." ; s r M, HOWARD, Surgeon , v ' bet 10, '52-tf ' & Med. Purveyor. s HOES FOR SALE. .; 'We, are noir - manufacturing 'elegant high cut SHOES in large quantities, y We have a considerable number of pairs now on hand. Any order for them will .be. ; Mint Street, Charlotte, N. C. , Oct.f9, '62 dtf .1, , YOUNG NEGRO MAN j FOB; - - . ".- .: -; ":- SAIiKj. Very Taluable, sonnd,' active and strong. In qolre at the Charlotte Bank. - " ' , October 18, 1862 tf - . ..- :- STENHOUSB Sc MACAULAT, , ' Commission Merchants, At their Old Stand, Trade Street. Keep' constantly on hand a well selected Stock oi Family. Groceries. " - . .r- . AH orders for Flour, Torn, Baeon, &c, promptly and carefully filled, i. - Factories supplied with Cotton, on com mission of 50 cents per bale:; : ; : , . 1 J. E. STEN HOUSE, 7 ALLEN MACAULAY. Charlotte. N. C. May 3, 1862 ly The subscriber having entered into a contract for building the Rail' Road from Danville to Greensboro, is desirous of de voting his whole time to that work, and of fers his STEAM MILL for sale. The (roperty is situated in the town ot Ghar otte, on the North Carolina Rail, Road, has six run ot Mill stones and the flour manufactured , has a high reputation throughout the Southern Confederacy It has also a Barrel Factory t-with im proved Machinery, and Cooper shops at tached, which will be sold with the MilLor separately. ' -t- I - - . v - JOHN WILKES. : August 28, '62 tf . I ' : ; . : Charleston Mercury and Courier, Au gusta Constitutionalist, Columbia Guar dian and Carolinian, Richmond Enquirer, Raleieh Standard, will advertise for one "jnonth and send bills to thU oiEca. 4, Charlotte Foundry V A.nd ; M!aoliiiie Shop. HAVING purchased from J. A. Fox the abore establlahment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that he Is now ready to flJl every order for making flta.m Enrines. Cotton and Tobacco Presses, and every description of Machinery. AH kinds of Cas- CTCl I uv.Vi iv- . w- - . " - tings m iron. Brass ana oiDermeumup auui, notice anareauccu pnvco. --'"rj;r given to the making and repairing of Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural Work of all kinds. Blacksmlth Ing, Job, Wagon Work, and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper Cast, tugs bought at the Foundry or taken In exehaac for jod . worsr. . bi -o d(S 6tf : y 't-JOHN M. HOWIE. jTUHRAlT FOR THE CAMPS. . Just- received this -morning,' from the blockade, Fine Tooth Combs, all sizes also English Dressing Combs., : ; .. - For sale at - - ; ' T " " - . - , KAHNWEILER & BROS, TAptil 30, -186Zr-tf : : - ' f ' "p.-v"-. 1 r " ; T T".- TTRlilNC PAPBB, &C. - Confederate Writing Paper and Envel nnAi- Wltn .iUUiiary iv, , .w Paper, Steel Pens and Holders. 'a HNWEILER BROS; :'r 'iJl ah. lfifil tf - "t " -- - piNE TVOOD. l . ? Proposaia will be received at thloflca Mtll SaSrSaTttriWl i'Sf VidIId A Workshops In this cityof TWO HMED AND ulT.wa December next, when tna wnoi s"11 rw - The wood must'be I te4 5ty.r- ?ropOIl ! will. lUtataayriee parcwd. ' -"....j. I Ur-- - ; - - V 87BA&K0N, 0aa.n.i, FLOUB MILL fTlCE. ; MroiEai. Pc'avavoii'B Oiwck, Ti ;, X. ' t Chariottei Bcft. sb, J ViSDl!rtrI-,",f?l- .'u,"4r - r - X -tannUan. : Horsemint, , - . .f-jf Set,, 'alnas, Ceii!aiuy,'-' i . and plant, - . f Jamesttwn weed leaves ? "ar;; 1. ; :l:iap, : r- . j .... lit"? "icuV-h'jtYt, - r Juv-tuic leaves St cetsd, Sassafras Pith. Scotch Broom, Spearmint, m llwvu t Aawt. - .,1 -'....Ol. the remaining articles in former alvertier t men- the prices fcf the followinjr wUl be chauged: -. f-Jn- .rura VirMe American Hellebore t- l oo ' j; I - v 80 cts. per Mm j tJiixniantMacaafum CrtMiesblll, ' U " -"'I rk from root,; ' " r 50 cts. per. lb. Lo c. Inttata-r-lndianr Tobacco : - - 5 r Xav 1. .xyton iVaxiacamPrlckly - - - . Afe Bark, -f i i-t r ? SO'ctslieP lb. 1'ni.acya Pubenfi birlt, "- yu v"; 1 r N. B.--These 'articles" moat ;ve clean and per ?tc 1 1 7 dry. These prices will be paid i or the above nan.d articles and Jhey togctlijr wKU such arjt ti,:. H former adveitisement the, reception of wt.i -fr hasit been advertised to cease will be r.- y -t at Ce Nt C. Institute, Charlotte N. O., J.&r;iIfiVARD Surgeon, i.ieatvi Purveyor,- September 29, 162 tf -XISSOIilTTION. , i ,' " r' THE FIRM--OF KAHNVVEILER& BROS;, is this day dissolved . by mut ial consent.5 ' All persons indetted 1o the late firm are earnestly requested tp ;ome for ward and settle their indebtedness by Cash ... . . . 0? lote. v t - . . .' 5- - ,K & Brosi return their sincere thanks to their friends and patrons, for past favprS, and asked: continuance of same for- their successors '7. - :-:L'--. - i-" t David Kahnweiler and Daniel Kahnweil er only are authorized to settle up the busi ness of the late firm. ' - - DAVID KAI1NWEILER. . ' ? DANIEL KAI1NWEILER. , JACOB KAHNWEILER. Chariot te, N, C, Oct. 14,1802. tf QO-PAKXNEKSII1P NO J ICIS. . Th nr.Hersipned have this day formed a. nfwnarfiiershin 'iinder the name and style of KAHNWEILER & BROTHER, for th trrfsactiort of the STAPLE AJXU FANHV D R Y GOODS BUSIN ESS, The- patrons . of the late . firm, and the nnh hri crfineta lv . are invitea to icaii aim examiiiH their stock. . 4 ':jw7' i DAVID KAHNWEILER, -f DANIEL KAHNWEILER. V CitaVrotte: N. C., Oct 14. '62 tt . S UOI5 MAKERS ,WANTB0.-;A Good wages t and "steady employment will bo, given to two orxnree goou r ROOT makers. . For particulars - en- quire at me ouueiiu. "imr., . . w JA4ifA27.:,r-tt ' - " - ;TiiIJl? MASS,. RLtB OTASSj;,. (Warranted pure and equal to any import- ' T nm nAw mnnufacturiner Blue iviass in nrtties hv machinerv.' and can . fill It can be sent by express to almost, anjr place in the Conlederacy ! . OnlirH r.ari also be sent fa KeiifT Paine7. & C'o Richmond Vai . ' - ' - . R. B.SAUNDERS. -.-' .v Chapel Hill, N. C. July 2i862-tawlm-;; '' - Faniilv Flours forx Sale. the Charlotte Flouring MUls . can be had ramlly, Saperflne . and fine FLOUR, SE CONDS, SHORTS and BRAN. - -.Hy.:. ' Also, MEAL and GRIST.' ; V - VJOHKWILKIES, , nit 1, 1860-ly Charlotte Floor MHJs. Wheat and Corn Wanted. rBKE planting community will take rUst a kmIm t.h.t their . Wheat and eSS'V Corn Crops will be purchased at the i Charlotte Steam Flouring "Mill, at market prices. ThoBe hanng wneat . and Corn for sale may find it to their advantage to cat) at the Mill before . ; ' ; r ' " : ' ;. , : . Charlotte Flour Mill . ao-n 1. lSSO-tv - " - -.-J : '-. "' ' KUN THE BLOCKADB - Ladies English Hoop Skirts, all qualities Brown and Black English Long Cloth. French. Kid Gloves, light and dark col French '" Gambroon, Men's and Boys Summer wear. :': Gents English Shirts, direct importation, also new styles Gents.Collar for sale by : KAIliN w cjIIjcjIv m u uuo. : june 13 '62dtlc: , . , - TE JILLINEKY GOODS. Received ver Steamt. r from -Ladies English STRAW BONNETS. Donstable and Split Straw Hats. Misses and Ladies Nymph Hats., Misses and Ladies Isabella Hats. Misses and Ladies Catharine Hats. ' an A Ladies Svlnh Hats., Misses and Ladies Westeftd riding Hats. Misses and Ladies Jockey and Zouave : - Hals."'''-' r:';r-;-.'T,v' ' : U,,o bTnrrliah FitMW HatS and for sale at the fashions August 23, '6211 A email rair!fiwf. iu tlio town of Char- lotti . in fiasv distance Ol the Post Office. Any person having such for rent for . the nnit vpafran hnd a nermanent ana DUIlCiUdi J . .... r- . - .. - tenant by leaving lniormauon at in i-'aAty I Bulletin offiCei V; ' : . . Oct. 28 '63-d3t. "W'OTICE.' v All Frelcht chartres not advanced withla the last two montha- wilt h increased 25 per centum on ttie Charlotte A South Carolina and Atlantic, Tennessee 4 Ohio Kail Roads on and after the 6th lnst.rn.nt. All Inmtt will m.at a.RCArdln(Tlr. '"- - v f o WM. JOHNSTON, Pres'fc r ' Oct. 8, 186a tt - . rilOBACCO. - I have on hand at.": my factory 7 mues eastf Yanceyville, N. C, ajeneral as 8ortment of manufactured TOBACCO, consisting of all grades. - Persons wishing to purchase would do well to come and see my stock before buying T-1: 1 - - ' 1 D JLONG,; ..; ? Yanceyville, Caawelli'Cp.i - Sept 27. '62dlm -;: I - IM- C. ANN II AL COfEIlENCEJgV 'tfHE NEXTrSESSION 6fTHE North-CaroIiDa Annual Conferenceroi jthe ISL E. Church will convene in this pUce on Wednesday the 3d of December next, RaleighvOct: 15, 1862-dtt. - ; -j-systate papers will please notice. - The Wgneat niarsiev " r--- for BROOM ORl .oa applicaUon;toh 5 - ; --'"iw Momv ntit v 10 ' UAILIIP'VP CONTItACXQItS' . PROPOSALS! iavitcd for teVgraif- ig of -1 hat portion of the ;W.e8tern KatN road bcwccn thc Uulf.and Ore jflUUn Chatham coiintytmhdalstf fo? .the masonry. made to the subscriber," Gulf-' Post Office?., - rki.t. w. ' f -w. - - - oeow asiungton. Ocf. ic.'C-dlm: DESERTBOi; $80 X3SX7tTJaat3 ' . , ChahLoti 8 lksf ital, Sept. 25th, i . ... ERIVATE- LORENZO D. MURPHY, uompany -13,l&th C Keglmenmlcsoited from the Charlotte Hospital on the-lSth ult,' Bald man Is barking arotmd Charlotte or surrounding country pretending be enlisting recruits.:. When he .left he had on a grey Infantry uniform" He is about si - foet- n at two Inches' AiCti. black hair, and dark. omnlexlofl. and stoops a little when waJilng;. 'ho ; above reward will be pald-Jor his appre- I benMon ieuvry a ne vurwue wm. 'i'ct. Assf. Surgeon, C. S.:Avitteharge 'Se'pt 36, '62 U 1 : Charlotte Hospital: tfatxaft tjverfc ttt'oe" JProAVtc AgtnU for- SettUwelPs Manipulate: Gvnno and Zorio'a Lumber v. : ,- - ' , MX mm PROMPTLY FILLED. A SUBSTITUTE , - , ; - . " -- v v w Cani bei had : by application to vv . v . Woodel, who is a good able-bodied man and will go as a sharp snooter, or any oiner way and clear of all conscripts.- ; - sept,li)r- . v if -vv v . uuyii. WNTBDTOHIHIS. Five hands to wort on ijtatesvme naiiroaa ana ten -for the C. . U. itan nroaa ior mice months or longer. - " : j ' ' Sept . 15, lS62tf. -r-. : V- ,.'" : -t" . "Notice is hewbT iyea that application will be made to; the next Legislature of North .Carolina for amendments to the Charter of the North Car-" oiina Powder tM anufaqturing t ompauy. . , ;. ; Septi 10 V2-iitr. ' , - . WIL.; fit aRLOTTJJ VU OfFICB Or THB PRESIDKS? iKD DlBaCTOM. THE next annual meet ing of Ihls Company will be held at Wacolnttxn on Wednesday, the 5!d day of October next.TJ-alns for the accom modation of the Stockhwlders will leave Charlotte aad Cherryville on the morning or in si aay. . From and after the . '1 et Instant, the Transfer Books will be closed. "V a, - ..r : . ' JAS. 1. IHOUAW-UiHi ore jr.; . Sept. 22,lS6'2f-1m , , .iv . V V . ? . Oil, CARK. v; , AAt AVrOU Companya Miu, yu vase perlUUlbs. !-,' 'J?-"1"-:'' ' ,,. ept 4, v. - . . . BIO THIS liADIbS. K J f Owing to theill healtn ouuis orown, the cause.of her leaving heref we. have ' the pleasure to announce that we have engaged jVllaa , .Kerrvnrom Lnanesion, wuji wm -be happy to wait iipon our customers ana endeavor to please an in gr -"ng-fiic wicdi styles of jTashion. Wv'nnnc.'" HOUSE Al LOT fUK saiiii. -The subsciber offers for sale,, a very desirable HOUSE and L0X in the village of GrahanvN. C. Th Hfcuse contains six large roomsT; and on the lot are all necessary outbuildlBRS, with an ex cellent weU of water, and a lot oi nne vegeiauies. or farther particulars appiy io Sept 6,6id2V; Graham, N. 0. I riULLOW ! 'f ALLOW! 5.000 lbs. extra article wnit TALLOW fnr nalft hv r. ; - " "--t '62tt. o -f,-v: ; fiWOUD. SASH AND BELT, A handsome silver ase owuru, wi Captain or Corhrnissioned Officers, with a rv4 Silk 5?nsh and Belt. For sale at : Feb: 15. 1862 tt Riin.thA RInrkade l&W dozen best QUall tv Whittimore, No 8. 9, 10, Cotton Cards torbaieat - Janej7, '6-rtlr-.'.,rv. I T3BA R UT OU I PEA UT OIL ! "Powinnrft harrfilfi extra OUalitV PEA NUT OIL just received and tor saieoy - KAIliN vv naiVEiiv at- xiwo. June 23, '63 tl. ; -. X"-"''- aC UPEliWONG VIffl k- ttfIMC Superior articles pi ocupcruuus m in bott es lor lamuyuse r or eo " T - KAHNWEILER & BROS. . Jm. 25, 1862 tt -.. ,r COTTON . I. ACE5 fCC. : . - . v ' - t i- i ... l. l - We arc selling on our spienuia biuu. Wrtrfc r-nmnrisini? .;Sleeve8 and Collars . French and fngiisu worea diuu.. Edging and Inserting, Thread, Linen and Cotton JLiaces, as uuum, wv "SVCfflwEILER&BROS: J au. 25, 1662 tl ; , - 1 ":TarticuIar Attention! a inhere will be a change In our firm, our cas tomers wiU do us a great- fayor by , calling andsettllng their accounts and notes. fr terms hereafter are strictly cash. -terms nere a.hjj WEI LES A BB0'J. Aug. II, iovi - . . . - - -i -- - HOES, SHOES. SHOES. ; . Mi.ived a floe assortment hfwdmen .Leather Shoes, siies a to o, se.g yr , -y - r- i Mine kiu.... rir. iiuwtfii.VB A n(?rtfl. For sale at ,- - MarclLia, 1862 tf ,; : ; . nr -Steamer Isabel, fJold Lp pauletefcrf Commissioned Officers, MUitary Buttons, Oold lace, xiBioie, . -iKAMU WEiLER &! BROSI ; JanV 25.1862 tf V--'.-':--; ': nOWPEPEllATE REOPf ATION8 iTGoli Stars, Gold .Gimp for Pants, Gold t r siv and Collars, Military Bat- jjiiib aua aiivw . - April 30, 1863 tv v v;;.- ' tv x VIDSON . COI.I.EOEt Tl4 exercises of this Institution will te resumed j . . aV . ARiv a Atm j. - w 1 at the regular vim, via 1 wie jwui cx cpniDcr, -tn Edition to the usual ituJiej and elaiiM, a preparatory sshool irillba opcae4 andar the p j eaal eara and laatraQtloa ef. members 9t W J June 8 $6 PER ANNUIJ HUES I SUOUUSf 1 . ' 1 V.. ' 1. . "" . . mmf rati- C iildren, Misses and Ladies ti.nui-" ,rT Ladies Lasting; liaucra, ze to , . vLdiea tJoat Laiher Iuakins,"'-r; v -Have .arrived and for sale at ; - : KAIIN VVBILERS & BROS. ; ' August 23 ;62-Hf, i.'., . -yyiET n uusE was Tisp. : : - i V. A VVet Nurse, white or eolbred, without a child and well qualified to fill the position , trt a JUighly rcicctaMe.lamily, can obtain . a situation m applicai ton through this ol ' Ucev-r ' . -- ii-AugSa. I8ti-Hf -'7 v '"r- ': v : : . '. . - PC H Sit' Pit I NTs..- v ; -v , . . j: . Beautiful " ats rttnent ; r. small hgured ; Bvancy Prilas, :Mturiimg PrinU,;, Black . , ' French Meritto, BI6achrd Shirting and'. Linens. For sale at 'iC' Ao : v KAHNWEILER & BROS. y August 1, 13tl. rv f-v--:- : V-l r : -1, , T . ITU V I IT :: C onim issibti 'Merc h a n t ; ..- - ... - ';..',' :'. -, , IEXL8 ALL )C1MD 0? COCKTRY .'FRODUCE.- Merck 141& . v ' ',' ly : CHARLOTTE DRD STOUKe E. HYE HUTCHIS02! & ICo v jrn CT AIL DEALERS IN F0ESSIQN AJID DO Jttt, MESTIO DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals Perfumfrr, Fancy ArUoes,UsiPaUU, Varnlshee . Winded !. Putty, Dye Stuffs, Turpentine. , Burainsjjriuld; Alcohol, I'ure Liquors, Canton Teas Field and Garden Seeds, i e., c. ' - - Having closed our books, we intend to sell here after f..r.caah. . : (May 4, l&Sl-tf , J. 6. W WILKLNSON : & CO,., ,- WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL DBA LESS 1 ' " FINE WATCHES! JEWELRY, SILVKIl i x ; ,cHABL0TTg; ,y. c. ; , -, J S ; Pll I L L I P S AVLNQ lodatedln cuanou . respecv- . 4 fully solicits a share of public patron X a niBiTlettt aMortnicnt of Cloths, Cassl- i L mers and Veetings always on hand, whloh wUl be uiaJe to order at the shortest aotloa, after the htesWashlon.j '" -.' ! . - -. ' Shop three, do.iraittth of the Mansion Hoais. . it. til t r.- r -- -,- "',-?-; - ' jpRfJGS, MKUICINESr Ac. . ' Opium, Morphine; ' Quinine, French Brandy; Old Port Wine and Castor Oil, (by the gallon,) IndigeCastjle Soap. Sup, Carb Soda, (by the keg,) Calomel and Nitrate ot Silver, (Lunar Uausticj just receivea. ( WAN TiSL,150pounas rcea ttose Leaves (perfectly dry) lor which 50 cents a pound will be paid by . v1. . - . Charlotte, J une 3 tl ; " Druggist. W ANTED I": Twertty handa can find immediate era ploymeht by. applying . at . the Envelope xvianuiaciory to - . . , , J. H; STEVENS fc CO., r ' '- - Oppoeite Post OHice. May 28'62iV ; r V. ; Charlotie A 8. IV Kail Road. Stockhofde'rs desiring their stock-divi dend will leave their original cirtificates , with me1. The coupons-- due upon the Bonds o uhis Company on the 1st of July will be paid on presentation to the under- r. . m. m t f rw m. V a . signed. A. 11. MArvi isit Agent.- June z. iiibz u r- - - TXttJPOllTANT NOTICE. t TO Tlfi MANDFACTURFR8 OF THB SOUTH I have a Eecelot to make a liquid to mix Jtf and v with any kind of 011 (except pure LardV) which Is equal to Sparm Oil for Machinery. ThU liquid can be made at a cost oi nye uoiiars per oarrei oi 86 gallons. It can be made In 20 minutes and be . . MILL IIS A . A - ready for use in noun, xius vu wui aot create any gam, out wui ou away au sjum wi u. u.cu created by other Oils.' It li better than Sparm Oil for Machinery of quick motion. It is the very article for Cotton ana Jfaper suus.. mj one u wants the receipt can address me at this plaet and I will give any Information eonceralai H, prtoet AC, AC ,-si; ;'.:,.; J '.';-"'' . : Afloireis H k. BiltlT,'?.7i Buffalo Paper Mills, CleaveUnd Oo N. 0. 4; ; 'y JMay 8,1866nv TIa.I.INEKy, MILL! . . RnHni Rtraw and NeonollUn Bonnets, Drahand Black Straw Bonnets, Boys, and Mlsies Straw and Leghorn Hats Also, new Spring Arttflclalt and lilbbow, Jail receif ed and fot sale at , 77 KAHNWEILEft 4 BROS. : March 18. lS2-tf , 2EPIIEItS,3gEIHBlt8.SZnr3J . Whole and ' splirZephers of all', shades. Also, Shetland! Wool for knitting Shawls and Scarfs For sale at ' KAHN WHILES liKOB. March 12, IWa-tf 1 - - - ' ' . " ' AII.S! NAII I All ei.bfa kt iV." ' ) IT UVUfPII PU Jt. tlllll. June 17, 1862tl : - 'y " , SALT, 8AI.T,'- --... Several hundred bdshels of SALT, ex pecting dail v. For saler at , jone7, '61tf . SPItlNti cooustx vSPHlNU OOODSl : Just received a large assortment of Spring Ihress . Goods, compriblng Gray Papllng, EngUsh parages, j Challits, Fouiurd eiixs, parage veiawea, sixurea Barazes. Organdies, Lawns and Spring Silks, which are selling -ry.rapidt- BBOS. March 14. IfiStf C . -1 . ' " - PBIKTZES!, IKK lIANUrACTUBZD - air ; ' -' .'. J. B, A; RAND ALL & CO., A- t" ' MARIETTAS GEORGIA. I.-' ' -0 - OOU. MEWS AND COIiOIIEO Of an excellent quality, and -warranted eaual to the best Northern make. . KOUKIIXA atou cenia 10 9 per a.j in ' caiisof 1. to 10 pounds. . ., " : ",; NEWS IflK, (line) at 30 cerits per lb. for all orders of. lOO pounds, and upwards. NEWS ixmk, ury nnej at 40 cents per, in kgs of 25 and pounds." -COLORED INKS at $1 to 88 Der lb.. irV half pound and pound cans.',. . i -y JJverjr paper; Inserting this adver tiseraent for one month and sending us a copy of. their 'paper, , will receive pay for the same upon purchasing three times the amount ol their bill from us. .n. tnch22 '62-lm. ' 'A. u. Ki ot vv. XTOTICE. I persons are ereb . warned against adinrfor a note given, by me to Alsx- trading anderWg lor forty dollars in PWtPr; J AAraa honffht from him. th horsenot being what he. was rffrssente4 in-m: 4 1 will not pay the note unlsss com u.iijl tn iiao bv &iro. ' ' ' ' m WJli w M-Mr- -vV i.- . Z t t: W i - ; J 4 '