rHE floors poitrcrojy 4 vol: yil no. iio3.j CHARLOTTE; NC TUE . . . - , . . - V ' , . ...... , . . -. - - ;. -- . . . . .,1.1. - .. - '. . . ' TIIjLLETl N: - ItV. KDIVAUD II. UltlTTO. Til K I A I LY K U LI.E I ! itl hrforn-rt.r u the rt:j-wtKii.L.y liULLKn wi;i b puu JHore iiyeclmeua of Freedom tinder L lu ro In Rule. In vorne ecticn of the North, at the I i elections, it i t a ed llitt the .ballot Uuia wrre guarded by Lincoln's o!dir, and the Abolitiontats tried to control the m at the poiat of ibe bayonet. Three - itrtmtxat loads of aoldiera were sent into rwiaware, under the command of Gen." Wool. . The Philadelphia Enquirer aaya : The ballot boxes were placed under the order of the most unscrupulous advocates .f the abolition party. In some . of the precincts the Democrats were driven away (rem the polls,, and rba moat prominent dud influential Democrats were- arrested and kept under guard until the polls were c leJ. In Dover, the Capital of the State, the soldiers made two bayonet chargr, in mere wantonness, when there was no fighting. In moat of thu precinctsDemnerats were not allowed to accompany voters to the polls, whilst Abolitionists took forcible potsssaion of all timid voters, surrounded them with soldiers, and forced them to vote their ticket. The paper here give an extract of a private letter from Dover, stating some of the scenes -in that town. The writer says Dr. Ridgely wa endeavoring to get an opportunity for two of his Irish labore r in vote, and in the melee, the soldiers were ordered to charge bayonets. They !?in the men were brought here to see that the Union men, as they call themeefve.-, had fair play and be allowed to vote ; but try- body knows that they came to intimidate and buily us in'.o their infernal Abolition iin- nut tor tne snameiui tact mar our State was degraded by the introduction -of New York soldiers, caused by our on people, we could have carried the St'c by . 1 ..00 to 2.00U. ine wonder is that we did anything. Just think of it ; at several ot the voting places soldiers forming a line at the window on each side, with pointed bayonets, through which fiec white men, who love the Constitution of, their fathers, must pass, else not vote at all i Aud this free America! Oh, how 1 blush to chronicle the fact ! 't The Philadelphia paper rebuke s uch shameful high-handed oatrages with'the frlfcii v righim of m irum pcopU, and mmym i "We have not the heart to contiuuc the catalogue of outrages on the loyal, cutistu tutional Democrats of our liulc sifter State. The object ot this military inter ference is transparent. A .desperate at tempt by the friends oi the Administration so to force the election as to impose upon . the people of the more Northern States the preposterous idea that a conservative bor- r der State supports the Administration in its emancipation and Abolition policy." S-, too, was the election in Missouri. The .iliasouri Republican, a Federal paper, admits this wnen it says : In reference to the Congressional dele gatiou, those who have a fancy for such things maf undertake to fix their political Mama. Four were really elected by the military. Tiii is certainly freedom with a ven vangeance. Lincoln seems detcrmiued to crusli out what little liberty there is left in the North., The people of the '"free" Statoa at the present time have les rights theu the Neapolitans did under the tyran nical King Bomba. Ilrtli and Cialely lit trie laiikee Cmpltol. Notwithstanding the suireriugs and mis ertes ot the country, the Yankee cr pita I is drunk with mirth and gaiety. A Wash ington correspondent ol a New York pa per ssys: 4 Washington is just uov- lively beyond ail precedent. Three theatres, two circus es, and two hybrid places of amusements known respectively at Canterbury and . Olympic Hall, besides a dozen smaller places of enjoyment, are in lull blast, and are nightlyjammed to repletion. Hacks . by the hundreds, filled with pleasure-seek iug parties, are incessantly dashing hither aud thither ; gaily dressed equestrians canter about the avenues, and deuse crowds ot happy, richly dressed pedestrians throng " the sidewalks at all hours. The skeleton in our nauonal clooet isn't suspected ol existence in this section; the gigantic war . affects people as little as ifit were being waged between the Hottentots and .Sone gambians. - - - - The Irrepressible Barnuni is . also here lecturing on Sundays, in . the" Capital 'grounds, upon temperance, and on other 'ifaya exchanging views of - Commodore Nut, Tom Thumb, grixxly bears, etc., for the quarters and halves of the citizens, in . which. transaction he, as usual, gets much the beat ot the bargain.. Just now there is a more interesting newspaper war raging between him and Nixon, the proprietor of a rival circus, in which Barnum..is, as usual, ahead, and has shown that, in the use of abase, he is by far the biggest -blackguard of the two,--- " Maggie .Mitchell, at Ford's theatre, on 'Tenth street, has drawn crowded hoases Tor fix coasecutira weeks, and. in addition kaa turned the heads oi half the spooney ahoulder-atrape in , Washington. Nightly the stage la fljodsd with boquet, and fre quently with more subitanlial evidences of tdmirationi . until ' the,- grsen - houses of Wtahinzton tod the pockttt of htr admU rtrt in iat etttllj njptf.? And ihua we f t fij aad festive ceamunilf. "' Tnt YKFts ikociad NATv.-Theiyjiungtynj Charlotte and wl ih Yankee navy: . - i Our Iron-clad navy doea norJvance an rapidly toward r.ompleiion as tho jub!ic !xucia(iun aud desire demand. In July last wo were promised tb completion some fourteen or fifteen by the 1st olOcto bfr, but so far only four or five of the new Monitors have been rainched;and none &s yt completed for service, though on the WrMtcrn waters there are nine or ten iron clad gunboats which are doing' goodber vice. When alt of this description now building are completed, there will be fifty- one ironclad steamers added ti our navy, ranging from SCO, nearly half the number being over 1,0X) tons. They are armed respectively with from IS guns down to 2, the Ironsides having the highest number ol puns of an iron-pla-ed ship in our 'ser vice. Those carrying two guns only have them of the 'greatest"" catibte gunsTsuch as no other naval war vessels carry. Twen- tyseven of these vessels are for ocean service, and thoush the navy of France ts building a much larger number, yet it Sk is doubtful if they will be of a me eflTec tive charscter than our own. As some halt a dozen of thee formidable batteries - - must be nearly completed, we may ' expect soon to hear of their active -operations against the lew fortifications on the coast still in the possession of the rebels. The forts seized. by the rebels in the early days of rebellion, still floating the flag, are those at Mobile, Charleston and Wilmington, N.C. Before the winter sets in they should atl have the stars and stripes flying over ihem, recaptured by our iron-das' navy. The Yankees ani the Neg hoes. The Fayettcville Observer mentions . an inci dent to show the love of the Yankee for the negro. Quite a party of woolly heads stole a boat and went off to one ol, the blockading fleet lying below Wilmington. They were seen to mount the sides of the bWkader. A day or two altcrwsrds, their bodies were washed ashore on the sound. The supposition is, for nothing positive is known, that the Yankees" turned them adrift because of thrir coming from where he yellow fever was prevailinsr. It is said that there were fifteen of thcin. Se.atr from (Ieohuia. JudgcCharlcs J. Jenkins, is elected Confederate States Senator, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation ol (Irn. Toombs. Since that rccignation. and to the present time, thj3 vst-aucy has been filled pro tcmpore, by Senator . Lewis.' on .the, appointment of Cov. Brown. Judge Jenkins as a politi cian, belonged to the old W hig school, and enjoyed a national "rrputation. Ife was tendered, wr believe, a position in Fill more's cabinet but declined it. As Chief Jusiicf f the (ieorgia Supreme Court, Judce Jenkins delivered its recent docision in favor if what is known as the. Conscript ; . - Brandy ! Braiidy ! 2,l00" gallons Pure I'ach and Apply Brand v. AIo a few barrets Old Whiskey. For sale by ALBRIGHT &, BROWN, Nov 15 7t Uraliam, IN. U. Exchange Notice, No 3. : -Richmosd, Nov 11, 1862. 1. All Confederate Officers and Men, who have been captured and paroled in Virginia or Maryland, at any time from the beginning: of hostilitias to the 1st of Novem ber, 15o2, have been duly exchanged and are hereby so declared. 2. All Confederate Officers and Men who have been delivered at Aiken's Land ing, on James River, at any time previous to the 11th of November, 1862, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared. 3. All Confederate, Officers and Men who have been delivered at Vicksburg, Mississippi, previous to the 1st of Novem ber, 1862, and including said date, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby bo declared, ROBERT OULD, Nov 14 6t Agent of Exchange. jotick. ; All persons having claims : against the Building Committee ol the Methodist Church, in Charlotte, will present them immediately to Rev. F. M Ke?(kdy. i II, UUia.U, I ,K. H. ANDREWS, f Oct. 23, '62-6t. JUI1ST1TUTB WANTED, Com A lilieral price will be paid to a man over 45 years of age, to serve during the war, (with privilege of selecting his company.) Address CONSCT1PT, Greensboro. N. C r Oct. 11,'62-niiwf.lm . , : "IT ALU A BLR REAL K.STATE FOR SALE. The brick STORK, 30 by 104 feet, and the 3 adjoining building LOTS, I will sell for cash or exchange lor young negroes. The above property was formerly owned by Major J. Caldwell. , WM. R.GORDON. ' Oct. 29 63 dtf. JjAND FOR SALE. " - By order of the Court ol Equity for Lin-' colniounty, I am authorized to sell two valuable, tracts of LAND in said county, belonging to the Mot estate. Any per son wishing to purchase can see the land by calling on Caleb Motz, W. II: Motx, or myself at Lincolnton. One tract contains 725, the other COO acres. WM. J. HOKE, C & M. E. Nov.w13, 1862 4t - - N OTICE, Persons holdiar daims against this SeDartment for Medicinal Herbs, Barks and Roots, delivered on or before Aurvut 2nd, 162, wilt present them for payment before Sept. 2ith, 1862, or otherwUe thej wiU aot be paid. , at. E0WAJLD, Carreoo . ' - "and Medical Purveyor, -Madleal Parvsjor'a OSes, ChaxlotU, N. 0. ;. - ' fiepC 8. tf JgNGLISM GOODS, Received per Southern Express, Genilt men and Youths Caiaimere Suits, West End Collars." Dally expecting Wh;ts and Fancy colored Shirtay. ::. . ' . For tal tt . - . -v iv .-' 5 , . KAHNWEHiKR h 'BROS,,:' r Rutherford Kail Road. f prftS jf?wH i " yHTV: ! 1 .'VtiK irr r . ... - .'. I jfXNna after th-Itrh br Notu r, the l9- f : i,iTjSim,.ujiy 8uoav. ecied; ro!!w; I- . GOING WICPT. Charlotte'; ' UrevaM LJirCOtl 1311 Ur.er-yvlite" -: GOING CAST ' Leits S.00A. M. 3 51 9 28 . 9.W Vu' '- I.SAva 1 M. 12.56 T. M 1.24 ' - u$ ; " 8.2 J ' " (Jherryvlile, Lincoln ton - Sharon Brevard - -Toskaseee - Charlotte PasseDgers are rr quired in' all eases, without exception, to pnrchaas UckeU, w herever there are ticket agents, aod also to furnish the right change, as Ihe 4 ctuptny eaonot procure change 'or every one. An omission to on eitner subjects the party to aa etm caarge orza cents vrqcAl&e canaoc., tor ts ttnctiy required to collect. ' ".. .,. . - .... .By Order, -v ' , , ' ' ' . . V. A. sIoBEE,"'- - " Actibft Master of Transportatton. Uaenlntoi, Oct. 8-. li2 : " " . - Notice. Offick Chaelotte &, S. C. R. R.Co.. ) - CoLpMBiA, Nov. 15, 1862.,' J The Through Passenger Fare on this Road, on and after the 18th inst., will be SIX DOLLARS, and the local rates cor responding." , - E. HULBERT, - "flv 7t 1862 tf " ' Gen'l Supt Shoes for Ladies. T'TAKE this method of informing the citizens ot Unarlotte that I am now pre pared and am manufacturing . v . 3E3E ; - O r.AHTi DKSCRIPTIONS, : .' . ' v-"-v of the v '.... "'" Best Material) and Workmanship. -Particular attention paid to LADIES' SHOES. ' ,-'.:S V, , All RKPAIUINO done' with' neatness and dispaii - . J, J J. J. SNEAD. " Ne.xi dour to the Barber Shop. Nov. 5 Im, . Shoes! Shoes! LESS THAN TRADE .PRICE. I AM rcady..to sell pegged, at the fol SHOES, good make, lowing prices : No. 2, per pair. ,: - $2 00 3 00 .4 00 '' v 5 00 No. 3, per' pair, No. 4, per pair, No. 5, per pair, V No. 6, per pair, No.' 7, per pair. : No.JTS.. per pair, , No.-'y, per pair, No. 10; per atr. 6 00 : ' 7 00 " 10 00 . R. ROZZLE, At Kor.zle's FerryV Nov 10 yt tcw Miiiiufacturiiig Company, (orPC91TE.C. S. NAYV WORKS,) STK V IJN S, SCII UTT A PIcLEA N, " rKOFRlETORS. . , WE arc now manufacturing by steam Dower all kinds, of BEDSTEADS. TABLES, CHAIRS, WASHSTANDS, and everything pertaining to the FURNI TURE and CABINET. BUSINESS. We are also making a verv nrettv.dura. ble and superior WTOOD CANTEEN, to which we invite the special attention of oflicers and soldiers. , Orders from the trade and public cener allv are resoectfullv solicited, as we are confident in our ability to please the most astidious. Orders promptly filled. J. II. STEVENS, W. H. SCHUTT, ' ' ' J. A. McLEAN. . . Oct 25, 1862 tf . ; JOTICE. I will sell at the late residence of Patrick 5, Lowrie, dec d, on Wednesday the 26lh instant, the personal property of said de ceased, consisting in part ot Household and Kitchen Furniture, Beds & Bedsteads, Table Ware, Crockery, Cooking Utensils, dec. Also, one good One-horse Wason and Harness, and. the balance of his stock of Books. , - . The House and Lot of said deceased will be rented, at the same time and place, un til 1st January, 1864. . ' Terms made known -on day ol sale.. . LOUISA, J. LOWRIE, Ex'trixl , NOV. 4 18 , , ... . : . ATLANTIC, TENN. ic OHIO RAIL ::.y. , ItUAD. At a meeting of ths Directors of the Atlantic, Tennesee A Ohio Rail Road Company on the tSth Instant, the following resolutions were adopted : ' JU$olv6L,Tht all subscriptions of Stock here tofore made to the .Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio Rail Boad Company, on which three or mora in stallments nave been paid, and on which defaut by declared forfeited to the use and benefit of the j VVUMII UJWUUiUg ma fJ uicu L ui.uc uu l lie same, according to the provisions of the Charter, Srovlded ail arrearages on said Stock are not paid y the 15th of October next. ItoUd, That suit be Instituted against all other solvent and delinquent Stockholders failing to make payment by the 1st of October next. Ruolvd That the reduced rates for passen gers returning lame day are hereby abolished. . - M. L. WEIST0N, Treasurer. Sept. 15, 1863 tf - jyOTICE. - Having administered on the Fstate of Stephen D. Smith, those indebted to him will please come forward and make settle ment and those having claims against him will present them immediately, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ' , R. ORMQND, Adm'r. Nov 15, 1 862 3t. " ' ; ; PJotice. r . The annual meeting of the Stockholders in the Charlotte Gas Light Co, will - be held at the Branch Bank of N. C on the .4th Wednesday of November inst. A full attendance is requested as busi ness of importance will be before the meet ing. - -.' - " -''.-"- ' JAS. H. CARSON, Prea't. " Jov. 6dl8t. . ,LV jjotice. , " j . -, Application will be made to the Legisla ture at. its next Session to incorporate a Toll Bridge, near Vestals 'Ford, Gaston County, N. C r - " -. V : . - CALEB RHODES.; Nqt 12, 1862 3t - -f v -., ... l A Coble and Washer Wanted. AaaiVK - &4&A. XI. 9.23 9fM . 11.15 " . Aaatva. 12.M P. M. 1.19 -I 1.50 " -.' -ZJi5 . 5.15 " " -NOTICE.: - - opciorNc;s. K-CO.; r - " - COMFAHT SHOPS, gfepk IS62. f . Nnttr U hrrebv mlven to'shlptra an J Others Interested 1ha the tariff of freight rates on toia Koad will be raised twenty-five per cent, ana toe rates -on passengers to five Cents per mne, on anu aner tne tint day or October. - . - - - TV J. SUMNER, Eug'r A SnpU - Sept 26, lSC3-dtf ; ; . - - M ; ATLANTIC, TENN & OHIO ItAIaV ... JtOAD- . mm TRAINS n ihti Boai wTuon . and after L Monday T.ext, leave Srd vCretk, (head of Koad.) at o:3- A. M., and return t ? that otauon iu cunates later than at present. . i - ;.; ... K HUBLBERT,' Qen'l SapU " Oct. 8, 1862 it i vt--.':---;-"; . ' TITANTRn " ..--V'J-. 'Z:'-y'-2 T 2 or SCO0 lis. rood soft SOAP, ? for which the cash will be poid, eithej la Charlotte or at the ractor y v :iv K. tats, : .Oct. 5 '63-d. w. , r IVOTIflR ,TA y fTl VTR A CTARS; SEALED Proposals wiir be received by the undersigned at the Coimpanya Office in (he City of Raleigh until noon, Saturday November-!, 1862.N . For the Graduation and Masonry of the middle division, extending from Page's to Lockville, (23 miles.) ; .. Profiles and Specificatiafit:,9hoving about the aggregate amount of work required; will be exhibited for one week prior to that date, at the Engineer's OfUce in Haywdod, Chatham county, and Company's Office in Raleigh. . - ' - : ' -" Printed proposals will be-furnished Con tractors lor their filling up, and signatures KEMP P, BATTLE, President. Ellwood Mobris, Chief Engineer. Kaleigh, Octr 10, 1862. . October 13 l, 6t IIEETING AND RICE. "10 Bales,4 Bro. 'Sheeting -L,-; -10 Tieces superior Rice. For sale by V TIIOS. L. AIITCHELL. Graham, N. C, Oct. II,4 '62 mwflm JLIOU HIKE. " v 20 Valuable negro Women and Girls, amongst whom arc some eood field hands, house servants and one extraordinarly I r. - -i j " - . guuu nurse ior eniuiren. - Apply to . J. F. BUTT. Oct. 10 '62-d tf. , .. . Medical Purveyor's Ofeice', C.S. A., ClIARfcOTTE, Oct. 10, 1862., i "T7"ANTED. 130 feet HEMP ROPE, " T T one inch in diameter. M. HOWARD, Surgeon , oct 10, '52-tf . & Med. Purveyor. gllOES FOlt SALE, y :iWe. are no w . manufacturing- elegant hiirh cut SHOES in large quantities, We have a considerable number of pairs now tn haodi --A i j u i sor " tot - bem wiILi-Uo punctually hilled. - - -s--.S: , , - JNO.'FrBUTT, Mint Street, Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 9, '62 dtf iV- yoijng NEGl MAN FO Very valuable, sound, active and strons. In. quire atthe Charlotte Bank.-J 'V. October IS, 1S62 tf . . , ... . . . . : ,. ; ' , . ; STJENHO USE & MACAU I A Y Commission Merchants, At tlieir Old Stand, Trade Street. Keep constantly on hand a well selected Stock of Family Groceries. . - - - a All orders for. ' Flour, Porn, Bacon, &c, promptly and carefully filled. Factories supplied with Cotton, on com mission of 50 cents per bale. ' -u - : : ; J. E. STENHOUSE, -ALLEN MACAULAY. Charlotte,' N. o., May 3, 1862 ly The subscriber having entered into a contract for building the Rail Road from Danville to Greensboro, is desirous of de voting his whoIeUime to that work, and of fers his STEAM MILL for sale. The iroperty is situated in the town of Char otte, on the Noxth Carolina Rail Road, has six run of Mill Stones and the Flour manufactured Bas a high ..reputation throughout the Southern Confederacy. It has also a Barrel Factory, with im proved Machinery, and Cooper shops at tached, which will be sold with the Mill or separately; " . . - - : JOHN WILKES. August 28, '62 tf. " ;. e Charleston Mercury and Courier, Au gusta Constitutionalist, Columbia Guar dian and Carolinian, Richmond Enquirer, Raleigh vStandard,"will advertise for one month and. send bills to this office. ... 111 ii ' Charlotte Foundry A. Tl fl JVLaCiXlIl CTXlOlDi HAVING purchased from J. A. fox the above establishment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the public to the fact that he is now ready to fill every order, for making Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses, and every description of Machinery. All kinds of Cas tings in Iron, Brass and other metals made at short notice and reduced prices. Particular attention given to the making and repairing of Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural Work of ail kinds. Blacksmith. lng.Job, Wagon Work, and Horse-Shoeing done with dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper CasW Lngi bought at the foundry or taken In exchanf,' for Job work. All kinds of Wood Turning also done. - , dee M-tf 7 , JOHN M. H0WIX. " H UIIRA1T FOR THE CAMPS. Just received this morning,! from the blockade, Fine , Tooth Combs, all sizes ' also English Dressing Combs. , - r ' For sale at ' - r KAHNWEILER & BROS. :- April 30, i6a tf BITING PAPER t-&e. V; Confederate VVritinw- Paper and EnvelJ opes with Military Motto, Fine Letter Paper, Steel Pent and. Holders. For sale at - - - : - KAHNWEILER rfc 'BROS, , April 30. 1862 tf " -.-V - J3INE WOOD V " Proposals will be received at this office until Saturday the 19th lost-, for the delivery at ths Workshops in this city of TWO HUNDRED AND PIPTY CORDS PINS WOOD, in 4 feet lengths. Deliveries mayeommence immediately after ths contract Is awarded; and continue l until the 1st December next, when the whols quantity must be Ths wood mait b of good quality, ropotala will ttata th prlet per cord. - ' , v. v - , - iiastriitetgw, Sim cUtlss Qf.ixb)t lis mi i. . - PL OUR MILL 7TOTicn. -k.V J, Msdicjl Pcavavoa'a Orncg, l CharloUei Sept. xo, ieo-'. ) None ortbs Rowing articles will 1e; receive.! t this Department. American Gentian-,- HorgenjlnV-"- - Anise Seed, - 1 Eone Set, ' Calamus,. V -Centamv. 1 ; '.. -. Indian Tobacco, leaves - and plant; . ' ; Jamestown weed leaves Lavender, Dandelion, " Fleabane. . - : - " Pocqoon or Blood Root, Hemlock leaves.' -j j Scotch Broom,' . . i ; iiecbane leaves k seed, Spearmint, . - ;, i Ot the remaining1 articles In former advertise meet the prices of the following will be changed: I rratrum VI ride American Hellebore I , J . ' root, "u : !: . -..'i?- - -ykr-: 5. --r SO cts, perfW Ore&niuro Maci.latnm Craneibm. to Dirospvros Vlreiniena Persimmoru bark irom root, . - - ;v SO eta. per lb. IiObelia InfiiLa Indian Tobacco seed. .' ' - ; 1,25 cts. per lb. Xanthoxvton Fraxlneum Pricklv: ' -Ash Bark. ' . ' . - SO cts. per lb. Frinkneya Pnbens bark, - r. - So Ni B. These articles most- be clean and per fectly dry. -These prices will be paid for tjia above n am ea articles ana -uiey toaretner witn sucn arii cles 3n former advertisement the 'reception of which has not been advertised to' cease wilt oe received at the N. C. Institute, Charlotte, N.C, till further notice " ... . - Ttf. HOWARI1 Riirtrprin. k September 29, 18C2 tf JJISSOI.UTION. r r ' Tim FIRM OF KAIINWEILER & BROS.,1 is thi day dissolved . by ; mpt ial consent- All persons indebted to the late firm are earnestly. requested to come for ward and settle their indebtedness by Cash or viole. - ... 1 . ;-r:: . . -v K &, Bros, return their" sincere thanks to their friends and patrons for past fa vors, and ask a continuance of same for; their successors. : ! -..-.'... ; 'c. David Kahn wetter and Daniel Kahnweil er only areauthorized to settle up Ihe busi ness ol the late firm- " - -.' ; v - DAVID KAIINWEILER.; , . 1 ; DANIEL KAIINWEILER. r - JACOB KAIINWEILER. -1 Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 14, 1862. tf C O-PARTNEBSHIPNOilCE. The undersisned have this day formed a co-partnership under the name and style Ol KAliJN WEILEK. : 15KUT11UK, tork the transaction of the STAPLE AND FANCY' DRY GO ODS BUSINESS.- ;i The patrons of the late firm, and tne public generally, are invited to call- ana examine their stock. 5 ; J . : r , DAVID KAIINWEILER,' : DANIEL KAHNWEILER. ; Charlotte. N. C..' Oct 14. '62 tt , yilOS JTIAKEUS WANTED to . . .... ' -Good wage's and " steady employment will be given ti two or three good SHOE or BOOT makers, ;For particular? en quire at the B ulletin Office. V - , .. r- ' ::Ang. 27. '611 ; . . ; - . B L 1715 MASS U1LlJXS ASS: ; Warranted pure and equal to any import ed. ' - . - -.- - - ' . . 1 am how manufacturing Blue Mass . iu large quantities by machineryKandcanJ fill orders 4br anjrquaniity. ' . f- It can be sent by . express to-almosrany ptacc tn the Gouieuerncy .' Orders solicited. , - 1 -' j Orders can also he sent to Kcntj Paine & Co, Richmond Va: 1 , -. , ; r R. B. SAUNDERS. ; -: . Chapel Hill, N, C. July 231862 3tawlm. " S Family Flour for Sale. ; T the Charlotte Flouring Mills can be had Family, Soperfine and fine FLOUR, SE CONDS, 8HORT3 and BRAN. Also, MEAL and GRIST. - . -....; JOHN WILKES, aag 1, 1860-ly y' ' Charlotte Flonr Mills. ::, Wheat and Corn. Wanted, TIHE planting community will take 2.i notice that their Wheat and Corn Orops will be purchased a the fM&l'.' t-naTiotte oieam s louring aim, . at jsk carket prices. Those having Wheat JfeSv and Corn for sale may find It to their ' V advantage to call at the Mill before ' , fi closing a sale. ; ' " - " wia'Ss JOHN WILKE1S CO " ' Charlotte Flour (Mill .;. aagl, lS60-lyv -"7- iy ; R UN THE BLOCKADE. Ladies English Hoop Skirts, all qualities. Brown and Black English Long: Cloth. French Kid : Gloves, light and dark col . ers4. . -Ti;: '-'.v. French Gambroon, , Men's and Boys Summer wear. r- Gents English Shirts, direct importation, also new styles Gents Collars for sale by ;. , KAHNWEILER & BROS. june 13 '62-dtfc- . . - r . . JtIItLINERX GOODS. , - Received per ' Steamer-from k Ladies English STRAW BONNETS.' - . Donstable and Split Straw Hats. . - Misses and Ladies Nymph Hats. Misses and Ladies Isabella Hats. " -; - Misses and Ladies Catharine Hats. Misses and Ladies Sylph Hate.' - ' Misses and Ladies Westend riding Hats. ' Misses and Ladies Jockey., and Zouave Hats. " Buys English Straw Hats. -- Just received and for sale at the fashions able Bazaar of ' ; . ,. KAHNWEILER & BROS, August 23, '62 tf - - - "y-anted. A small residence in the town of Char lotte, in easy distance of the i Post Office. Any person having such, for rent for the next year can find a permanent and punctual tenant by leaving information at the Daily nuueun omce. . . . Oct. 28 '62-d3t. . :v ' ;. :"- ' - .''"'.'I. N OTICE. All Freight charts . Tint rtvan'od nrlt.hln th last two months, will be Increased 25 per centum on. the Charlotte k South Carolina and Atlantic", Tennessee k Ohio Rail Koads on and after the Cth Instant. All Ascent wUl act according! v.- WM. JOHNSTON, Pres't. Oct. 8, lS62tf - . -- fJlOBACCO..,- I have on hand at mv factory. '7 miles east of Yanceyville, N. C, a general as- sort men t of manufactured, TOBACCO, consisting of all grades. - Persons .wishing to purchase would do well to come and see my stock before buying. --r '- i.;J ' Yanceyville, Caswell Co., N. C."' - Sept 27. ,62 dim - .. -' '-:r jpj" c.;annuai. conference, THE NEXT V SESSION OF THE North Carolina Annual XSonference, of the M. E. Church will convene in this, place on :Wednesday ihe 3d of December next. Raleign, OcC15, 1862-dtf.t 7 r .Sotte papers will please notice. '- - "DROOITI CORK WANTED, ,The hiirheat inarket riwiT:psui. for BROOM CORN on application to the trndcraigned. ' i'J TO ItAlIiROAD CONTRACTORS v t- -r'C:v-i r;vt? t PROPOSALS are invited for thr grad ing ofthat portion of -t he Western: Rail- Detween the Gu- .nd Qxe Hill ill Chatham, coiintyj and also for the masonry v. Application and ' cominifnicition9 to be msde to the subscriber,' Gulf PostjOfBee; Chatham eountyrN. C t "v -.1 r t GOAWASIUNGTON -Oct. 13;,!62-dlm. .?v K DESERTE E. :,-,li.jXO . KrCHaaLoTT HosriTL, 8ept. 5thj tSCi. , PRIVATE 1XJRENZQ D. MURPHT, PompaBy" D, 25th S." C. Regiment, deserted -from the Charlotte Hospital on the 16th ttlt. Said man fa lurking arcand Charlotte or surrounding country pretending to be enlisting recruit. - When he left he had on a grey infantry untformV He IS about six feet one or two inches aigh,' black-hair, and dark complexion, and stoops a little when waJclng K-Thc above,- reward wiU be paid for hla appre hension and delivery at the Charlotte jail. , R. Kt QBEQ0KY, icl. Asst. Surgeon, C. A inr charge. . 1 8C, '62 tf '. Charlotte Hospital. ; WTTT,T A TVTS & OATES, ot wXZu y rs, r or er & Produce Agent for: KtttUiotlVt MatUpuLtUa Ouauo ! - "2" and jLor-ic's Lwribtr, 'J4T r T A; SUBSTITUTE-. 's 'r'.f : : -Can be' had 'by application -to W. yvoodel: who is a good - able-bodied 'man and will go as a sharp shooter, or arfy other way, and cjear of all conscripts." v x . sept 15 tt vvv Wf vv uuuiuL. . ; :ntedto iiiue: Five hands to work on 8tatevide Railroad and ten for the C. & S, -C. Rail Rroad foe three months of. longer. . ' '. ' lBjep5i 1862 , . ; ; - TVfOTICE, Noticeiaiiereby 'iflVett, that application will be made to" the next Leglslatute of North Carolina for amendment, to the Charter of-the.North Car olina Powdfx . Matiafctcttsrityg lpmpany.t. ' t geptvlfi. :C?.;dtf. i ; ;.. ' V'J I.s 4JIf AIILOTTE Sd It ll la Co :" Office tr.THK PaESinisf is 6 DibsctorsV THE next annual mveting of this Company, will be held at '-Lincolnton on Wednesday, the 22d day of October next. Trains for the accom modation of the Stockholders -will leave Charlotte aad Cherryville on the morning ef th tt day. " i-From and after the " 541st instanty-tne Transfer: Books will be closed. Vs J . - . ' . ' - JAS. I. fcCALLJM, Sec'y-- Sept. 22, 1S62-lm ' v - f- , . Qiii jaie. v v ..: ' .- . At Ayr Qjl ' Company's -Milj", Oil Oske.af $f.25 per 100 lbs.. - Sept 4, 1662 tf -y ; c ' . ' ., ViO'-.:tiie.. ladies, .?tf.;:--T-.0.-- -v 0 wing ta the lit healtfi ol Miss F. Bro wn ,' 'the cause of.ber leaving here, we have the preasare to announce that we have engagedt Miss Kerr, from Charleston, who will be happy to wait upon our ' customers and endeavor to please all in gi .hig the latest styles of .fashion, , - : '. - x:r- KAHN W RILE R &r BROS. vVAu :, ..r -:' y:S-'':'-' JJOUSK AND XOT FQltwSALIi. The subsciber offers for sale, a very desirable HOUSE and LOT in the Village of Graham, N. C. The House contains six , large rooms ; and on the lot are all necessary out buitdings, with an ex cellent well of water, and a. lot of fine vegetables.: ' For further particulars apply to ; v . , V7. BEALE, Sept 6, '62 d2w ' . T Graham, N. 0. ' rjiAi.i.ow f taiuloav i . - ,y 5,000 lbs. extra article whit' T ALLO W for sale by - - -. . - - : KAHNWEILER & BROS. June 23, '62 tt. V; 'i rr : 7 ' :; , SWORD, SJ ASH AND BELT, A handsome Silver Case Sword, foi Captain or Commissioned Officers, with a red Silk Sash and Belt. For ealo at KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb. l5;i862 tf . - : , -'::' ' norroN cabds, - Run the Blockade few dozen best duali ty Whittimore No 8, 9, 10, Cotton Cards for Sale at ' ' ' ' ' - KAHNWEILER & BROS, Juna 7. '62 tt. ' ; . - . -- PEA NUT Olli I PEA NUT Oil J - XT' ;. - t . V Few more barrels extra quality ; PEA NUT. OIL just received and. for sale by ':. : KAHNWEILER & BROS, : ' June 23, '62 tf. -. " '. : CJCUPEBNONG WINE. Superior articles of Scupernong W INE, in bottles for family use." For sale at C-5 KAHNWEILER &. BROS. . - Jrn. 25, 1862 tf : ;.sv .v'.'.': 'QOTTON I.ACES, &c.-: W'U We are selling off our splendid stock" of Needle Work, comprising Sleeves' and Collars, French and Engiish worked Bands, Edging and Inserting, Thread, Linen . and Cotton Laces, as usual, low prices. t Selling very fast at ' - KAHNWEILER & BROS. .Jan. 25, 1662 tf :.. : Particular Attention ! sy AS there win be a change la our firm, our.cus : tomers will do as s great favor by calling and settling their accounts and notes. . Our terms hereafter are strictly cash. - - , KAHNWXILEK k BRO'S.. ' Aug. 11, 1861 t ' i V - , HOES, SHOES, SHOES. onntA m Kna ,uartment of women ': Leather Shoes, sizes 3 to 8, selling very fast at $3.00 a pair. Fine Kid Morocco Boots, sizes 1 to 6. ' Forsale at KAHNWEILER k BE08. ; March 12. lS63tf ; JjtTII.ITAK Y BUTTONS, &c s- Received per Steamer Isabel,' Gold hp paulets for Commissioned Officers; .Military Buttons; Gold Lace, Pistols, Ate. ; i Call oonat--: ";-v - v: JiAHNWEILxilv & istt.ua. Jan. 25. 1862 if " : . . 'r I CONFEDERATE REG UEi AXIONS . Gold Stars, Gold Gimp for Pants,. Gold Lace for Sleeves and Collars; Military But tons, just received per express. - For iale at KAHNWEILER & BROS. . ?April 30. 1862 tf :yS' ' DAVIDSON COII.EOE;t V - : : , - . r.. .- . . - ... - y. .The exercises of this Institution will be resumed aA the regular time, vis t . the 85th or Ssptember. .; - In addition to the usual studies and elasses, a preparatory school will be opestA undsr ths pcr sonai ear a4 testrttCio of members vt,i$9 laoalty. - - '-?.-. '' v "f i$-y, : gHOES t SHOES r T V - Children. Misses and Ladies ENGLISH - BOOTS. Ladies Lasting Gaiters, size 1 ie 6, Ladies Goat Leather Buskins, . Have arrived and for sale at . v ' i '. KAHNWEJLERS &. BROS. l : ; August 23. '62tf : , yET; NURSE WANTED. .; A Wet Nirse, white or tolored,' wlthout a child arid well qualified to fill ths position in a highly, respectable family, can obtain , a situatioir(on application through this ot . fice. - .' v Aug 2 Itiolitf ; JJN G ! I S 1 1 I 11 1 NTS. I . Beautiful asrrment of . small figured Fancy Prima, Mourning Prints, , Black ..I French Merino, Bleached Shirting and ,' Linens. For sale atv : . -v- . ,-. KAHNWEILER &. BROft August i, f 862 tt , . x ' , : li.; T. LEVINl V C o in m i ss i on Me reliant, Of COUNTRY FR0DUCK. 1 .'..vc'oi.uflXBiA, c, ;; --' -, . Marchl4,I8fi2 . .. J V y .; CfllRfcOTTE DRUG STORE. E. 1TYE ? HTJTCHISOH & 10 o TrSTAILDKALIR3 IN rOESIQN AND DO -JC& MEST10 oaCQS, Medicines, ChemlosU ' Pertumery, Fancy Articles, Cll,PalnU, Varnishee Window Olass, Putty, Dye Stuff, Turpentine Burning Fluid, Alcohol, Pars Liquors, Oanta.T Field and Garden Seds, Ac, Ac . Having closed our books, we Intend to Mil hers after for wswh. - . , IMay , lsl-tf X.r. WILKINSON & CO., WUOl.ESALB AND RETAIL DEALERS. IN FINK WATCHES, JEWELR.V, SILVER ; J" 1 " : ' ' ' AND ; JE IntodLw , r o Vc CHAELOTTE, IT. C. ' J. S. PRILLIPS, . Mioroliaxit Tallora MAYING located in Chariott respect- Ot fully solicits a share of publto patron- T l age.-. . - ; f 1 A complete assortment of Cloths, Cassl- V i. , tners and Vestlngs always on hand, which will bs made , to order at the snorteat no uos, after ths fetest fashion. , : r- . Shop three floors Hocth of the Mansion Hons. : D RUUS ITIEDICIIXES&C. . Opium, .Morphine, . Quinine, French Brandy, Old Port Wine and Castor Oil, (by the gallon,) Indigo, Castile Soap. Sup, Cerb, Soda, (by the keg,) Calomel and Nitrate of' bilver, (Lunar uaus,tic,j just received. WAN TED, 150 pounds lied Rose Leaves (perfectly dry) for which 50 cents a pound wm be paid by - ,r - Htm 1 lu 11U X OL VyU , T " Charlotte, June 3 tt ' Druggist. " . ANTED, ' ' '- ; 1 1.: , - " Twenty hands 'can find immediate am pioymcnt by applying at. the Envelope Manufactory to , . - J. II) STEVENS & CO., ' ' -;- , ' Opposite Post Office ''. Alay 28'62 dtf.' , , tharlotrclt S. C, Rail Road, Stockholders desiring their stock divi dend will leave their original cirtificates with me. The coupons due upon the Bonds o ithis Company on the 1st of July will, be paid on presentation to the under signed.. A. II. MARTIN, Agent. June' 2. 1862 tf - - JJflJPOlaTANT NOTICE. TO TEE MANUFA0TURKE8 OF THI SOUTH : - - . RN 00NFJCDSA07. -1 have a Eeceipt to make a liquid to mix 3tf and X with any kind of Oil (except pars Lard,) which Is equal to Spurm Oil for Machinery. This liquid can be made at a coat of' flvs dollars per barrel of 86 gallons. It can be made in 30 minutes aad be -ready for use in 4 hoars. Thli Oil will aot create any gam; bat will cat away all gum that has bten ' created by other Oils. It is better than Bparm -Oil lor Machinery of quick motion. It la ths very article for Cotton and Paper Mills. Any one that wants the receipt can address as at this place aad I will givs any information eoaceralsg It, pries,1' A0.,A0. . Address -A . T. R. BAILKT, , r. Buffalo Paper Mills, -May 8, 1862 6m Cleaveland Co., M. 0. . jaj-ILLINEKY, IttlLLl ERY. . : Spring Straw and Neopolltan BonoeU, Drab sad Slack Straw Bonnets, Boya and Misses Straw and Leghorn Hats ; Also, new Spring Artificials and BJbbons, Just received and for sale at TV ., KAHNWJCILF.R k BROS, March 12, lS6S-tf .. ' .-, fgEFHERS, gEPUEHS, ' m Whole and split Zephers of all shades. Also. Shotlands Wool for knitting Shawls and ioarfi For sale at KAHNWIILKR k BROS. March 12, 1863tf " AI Lft 1 N A I IJ1: -""S . ...All shes'at s.- .." '" ' " . " ', !; KAHNWEILER &. BRO.' ' ; June H, 1862-t-tf gAIiT, SALT. : . ' j Several hundred bushels of SALT ex pecting daily. For sale at j KAIINWEILER & BROS. June 7. 'fit-tf -t ' CPltING dOODSX IfO - " - SnilNU CiOODM! . Just received a targe assortment of Spring Dress Goods, comprising Gray Papllng, English Baragss, -ChaUles, Foollard SUks, Barage Delaines, Figured Barages, Organdies, Lawns and Spring Sliks, which , are selling very rapidly at - - AHNWEILER k UK08.- March 12. 1862 if PEIKTEES INK MANUFACTUKED B A! RANIDALL & OO,, MARIETTA, GEORGIA. V ... ( .-. . BOOK, NEWS AND COLORED INJXS, . . i --r ,..r. Of an excellent quality, and warranted equal to the best Northern make. . BOOK INK at 50 cent to $ 4 pr tb.t in cans of 1 to 10 pounds. . - ' -- NEWS INK, (fine) at 30 cenu per lb. for all orders of 100 pounds and upwards. NEWS INK, (very fine) at .40 cents per lb., in kegs of 25 and 50 pounds. COLORED INKS at tl to 8 per lb., in half pound and pound cans. ' ' 'JEST' Every paper inserting this adver. tisement for one month and sending ua a copy of their paper, will receive pay for the same upon purchasing three times the" amount ot. their bill from ua. -tnch 22 '62-lm. - A. B. R, &, CO. All persona are hereby warned again?t iraamg tor a note given by me to Alex. auuci oiS iur uriy aouars in -pari pay. ment for a ijorae bouxht 1 from himi the horea not being whit he was represented ' to roe.". I will not pay the note unlsii corn a pcuea ta aa iq by iura. KAjlV MKAOt; s (r

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