LOWERS COIIECTIOK i. ' 1 ".! CHARLOTTE, N. C , TUESDAY MARCH 24, 1863. $G PER ANNUM. VOL. VII. NO. 1204J IP 1 i i j . i THE BULLETIN: MY liltWAUD If. HKITTOnT FIRST EDITION. ."Monday Afternoon, March 23, 'C3. rfc.r..tiRAriiF.D iortue associated rKtsa.J From Vickshurg. " Tfie ffartforJ kiul Alonungahela passed Warrcnton about (i. o'clock, this even ni, alur cannonading half an hour, Incfi wa distinctly heard at this place. They are now anchored below at .Smedca toint. Congressional. Richmond. March 21. The Senate was not session today. The Iluuse raed Senate bill to increase the efficiency of heavy artillery, for coast defence. The Hour went into secret session on the.Ta bill. From Charleston. Ch ari.esto.h, March 22. .The enemy has been shelling the wreck ol the Georglana Which still lies off Long . Island beach. .Otherwise all quiet. Character of Napoleon III. Ilhia intellect was of a 'poorer quality thin men supposed it to be at the time of th Aiiijlo-Krcnch alliance, it " was much alove the Iowguige which people used to assign to it in the earlier period,' which began in 1S36 and ended at the close of Itx"l. That which had so long veiled his rfuverncsj irum the knowledge of man kind was the repulsive nature of the sci ence at which he labored. Many men be fore him had suffered themselves to brinjr craft to polities. .Many more, toin'ng in humbler. trader, had applied their cunning and skill to the conflicts which engage courts of law; but no living man, perhaps, ' except Prince Loui Bonaparte, p-ased the huur of a studious youth rid the prime oi a thoughtful mnhood-in contriving how to apply stratagem to the science of juris prudence, it wa-i njt, perjtapa, from na tural . basenc53 that hia mind took this 1-vit. The t tcfin.itioF.' to sit and sit. pian ist tr the aturimcnt of some object of ?le-Lc this, ind:?J, was h'i 'nature, but the inclination to labor at 'ie trkof niac in:; law aa engine of dec .it, this did not une, perforce, with hij blood. Vet it came with his parcntcje. . ' for years the Prince pursued m strange cnUioz; and by the time his studies were over he had become highly skilled. Long Itetore the moment had come for bringing 'tis crooked science i ito use, he had learn- .1 how to frame a conetitutign which would seem to e.tac: one t nil really enact another. He knew how to put the word "jury" in hwj which robbed m?n of their free dom. IIccou!dset the snare called "universal suffrage hmw to strangle a nation in te which he He knw night time ilh the thins he called a " Titbit -He.' It is believed that men do him wronj who apeak of him as void of all ideas of truth He understood truth, and in conversation ho habitua'ly , preferred it t.i fa'iehood, but hi truthfulness though . i.it perhaps contrived for such an end, sometimes became a means ot deception, because, after generating confidence, it would saiiealy brea'c .down under the pressure of a strong j motive. He could maintain friendly relations with' a man, and rpeak frankly and truthfully to him (-r seven years, a id then suddenly deceive htm. Ofcoarso nun iind-ng themselves en. .viared by what had appeared to be hon est ltl h3 character, were naturally in clined that every jenblance of a good quality va8 a ruask &at it is more con sistent with he principles of human . na ture tobclievehat a truthfulness continue ing seven years .vaa a ge.iume remnant o( virtue, than that it waaa mOr preparation tor falsehood. His doubting a.d undecid ed nature was a help to conceaInu"al I .for men gat so wearied in following the .'cil Iiations of his mind, that their, euspicia i i time went to Test; and then, perhaps,' when he saw that they were quite tired of predicating he would do a thing, he gen tly;ole out and did it. Kingslake. A Solexn WAtsisu xo Wives A cor respondent of the Sclma Reporter relates a story "which should serve aa a solemn warning to the wives of soldiers. He says a few weeks ago a soldier wu tried and convicted of the crime of desertion, and sentenced to be shot. The day for the ex ecution arrived and at the appointed hour this brave man, who had fought many bat tles and endured every kind of hardship, lelt a bloody corpse at the hands of his comrades. Upon inquiry it was ascertained hewaas true aa steel to our cause, and that it was on account of hi wife that he dt-seried. He received a tetter from her full of complaints. Looking alone , upon the dark side of the picture, she had mag nified her troubles and sufferings and 4arn erftly rntreated her lTusband to return home. He became re.tlejs, discontented, unhappy. He ceased to take any interest in th dis charge of his military duties, and thought only of how be could get lurat.. Hia soU ?mn oath never to desert troubled him much and he well knew the crime of de union bad btcomo so frequent in th ar- my it would be punished with death. Jn this state of perplexity he drew his wife letter from hia b eoni and read it again, and shutting bts eyes to the consequences, he deserted.' and tor his crime he suffered a bloody and ignominious' death. His wife." now a. widow, knows no peace ot mind, but is constantly haunted with the thought that her exaggerated representa tions oh her trials and sufferings caused her husbaand's death. Let this case be a lesson to all wives and mothers. When you write to the soldiers Epeak words of encouragement; cheer their hearts, hre their souls, aud arouse their patriotism. Say nothing that will embitter their thoughts, or swerve them from the path of patriotic tTuty." The Yankees at Jacksonville We learn from Jacksonville that the Yan kee black and white troops at that place keep very close to their quarters since their recent drubbing by General Finegan'a boys. They very seldom show themselves in the'outskirts of the town, and their pic kets have been drawn close in. We un derstand that there' are about fifteen hun dred negro troops with white officers at the place. These "American citizens of African descent" were sent down from Port Royal, and report that others were soon to follow them. It has been ascer tained by persons who resided in Jackson ville that in the recent fight the Yankees lelt fifteen negroes tand one white officer dead on the field, but succeeded in carry ing off their wounded. Very few of the citizens remain in the place, which is rep resented to have become a perfect negro den. Provisions are very scarce. The whites and negroes freely mingle, and the Yankee officers are extremely immoral and dissipated. At all hours of the day some of 'them may be seen reeling drunk in the streets. It is not probable that they will be allowed to remain in possession of Jacksonville very long certatn'y they will not be permitted to penetrate the interior. Savannah iVetrj. . The Movement towards Newxekn. There w?s no attempt after all to take Newbern. Gen. II-M has retired with his troops. His object was, we suppose, to drive in the enemy and bring out supplies of corn and bacon. We learn that a goodly quantity of the "staff of life" was secured. It was much needed Raleigh Standards . -t . A letter f om a gentleman in Lee's army thinks n wrong for any of the South ern papers to talk about peace. - He says lt "ibat ts'not the way to bring acow ardly foe to bs senses, and the feeling in the army adverse to anything that looksM like timidity or a w- it of f'th in the suc cess oi the cause." sT" The Mbile Register says : The printer? ! the Confederacy have heard no news since ihu bcginn;jg ot the war that gives them more satisfaction than that of the resignation ol Gen. .Siael, Sigle.Siegel, Siegle, Seigcl, Se;le. Seagull or what ever his name may be. They re rid of him now, and why they ere glad of it is easy to guess. - NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. TBE TWO TOWN BEAT?, take notice and ftl ead at tbe Court Houte, on Monday the 2JJ, 2-Uh mud 25tb, and make your returns of j our Lands and Lots, .th combers and squares oTa&d Loll, and your Negroes, v 1th ages and sex, cctte Uw win be enforced aealntkjoo. . U, W. A .CXANDE3.J, P. J, S. MEaNS. J.T. T. II. BRIM, 1 f- t iirviicnrD S. A. 11AKRI3, f loarJ of Aessri. . W. F. DAVIDSON, J . ixraicr rno tux reviscu law, 16 CO. Sec IS". If any person aba'l refuse to famish the IHt required above, or to take the oath pre scribed in the preceding tectum, he shall ba gui?;y ef a misdemeanor, and the justices of the peace of said board shall bind Km over to appear at the next term of toe Superior Court of the county to answer the charge, and on cenvict'on or submls slwa, he shall be flaed at the discretion of the Coart. March 2?, 1S6C-31 . . j GST" Democrat and Wig will please copy cne Ume, .tacit. : OAM'L J. L O W R I E Attorney at Law, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office In Crawley Building, opposite Kern llottL feb. 18, 1S63 ly TO COTTON PLANTERS, BATE BEEN APPOINTED BY THE SECHE- I TAJti of tbe Treasury, Chief Airent for the porcnase or Uotton lor tha Canredera.'e rovern cient within the State of North Carolina, aad will pay for the same in 7 .per cent. Bonds or Cash. ab-AgenU Tisitlng the different parts of the Sixie, fcuy'.og In my name, wUl hav written cer t'neawts of appointment. - i?y order ol the "Secretary of the Treasury," Cotton purchased by myself, r my Agents, on aJ"u ia day or Marca, 156 Jt w.ll be paid U.r la Pr cjnt. bonds or Cash, and sot S per ce3U Uondu as stated in a former advertise went. Up J lLt time, hiwever, the 9 per cent. Bonos wul be' tarclsh' 1 aj sUted. Patriotic citix Kit erenow offerelaa epsorta- aity to aid the OoTernent by ttUmg to it their Cotton rather than i pnr'e capitalists. L?;yiS b. WILLIAMS. ChriotUi, March 20, :f 13T The Charlotte LeuiocraC. I'ayettevllle Ob server , Wadeabjro Argui, RalelgO oegiater and he Goldsboro Tribune are requested to copy the above uutll forbid. CORN ! CORN 1 1 FLAXSlillUl FLAXSEED! We will exchange CORN lor FLAX SEED will give two bushels ol Corn for one bushel ot Flax Seed, iu any quantity, both to be delivered at State ville. Or, we will pay the highest market price lor Flax Seed, in money. Bring on yoj Flax Seed and get corn or money lor them. Persons having large parcels to sell, will let ua know. E. . DRAKE- & SON, Feb 27 d3cw2m Stateaviile, N. C 7 QOTTON SCIIKW, An person cxrihpetent to Erect a Cotton Screw can get immediate employment by calling on . WILLIAMS, OATES & Co. March 9 ,63 cj3t, JZT'Dcmoaat and. lVhig copy 2 times. RECEIVER'S SALE. WILL BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC SALE the following tracts cr parc-ls of land, be longing; to alien enemies, now decreed and con demned by the Confederate Court, to the use of the Confederate States or America, a. the following times &r-d places, to wit : , At the Court-houai iu tfaliabury, on the 4th day of May next, it bcini County Oourl week, FIVE TKACT8 in Rowan Coun'y, containing about 526 acres, t hi p-oper'y of .hrles llartmaa, Jesse Hartman, Mary Arn llartman, Malinda Hattman and three other bro-fcer aod girls named, Nancy Hartman, and Ca hanne Hheltn, (alien enemies) and given in by Lei Treal r.. ' AL0, at t e same t!me and place, two tracts near Gold Bl 1 c nt In n acres, the pro perty of R. F. 8tockton an alien enemy. At the Coart-hcuse ia Lexington, Davidson County, on tbe 15th day of April next, three tracts, one containing 45 acres, belonging to Ahton Gob ble ; one tract containing &4 acres, belonging to the wife of Jos. Brown,' of Indiana; and one other tract containing 26 acrea, belonging to Susan Lookabee ; two tracts well known as the Conrad (iold AT net, will also bs exposed to public sale to gether with a large, first rate Engine, at the Mine on the 14th April next. At the Court-house in Winston, Forsth County, on the 17th day of April next one tract contain iog 126 acres, te'onging to J. W. Folp and wife. JOHN I. SHAVER, Receiver. , March 20, 186 J dlw - TOWN TAXES, . A persons residing in the town of Charlotte, or owning property therein, on the first day of February, are hereby notified to make returns of their taxable property to the Town Clerk during this month of March. . " ' Aesidents of the Town are required to give in the number and location of their lots, number of taxable polls, white, slaves and free negroes on their lots, or in their employ; amount ot nett interest, dividend, &.C., received or due during the year end ing February 1 ; value of gold and silver plate and watches ; value, of pianos and carriages ; amount of goods, wares and merchandize, of any description, brought into the Town for sale ; number of dogs owned or on their lots, and all other taxa ble items as specified in the Town Charter. Commission Merchants and ..Transient Traders are required to return and pay on amount of merchanuize of every uescrip tion brought into the Town for sale. Persons failing to make their returns by the last day of March will be liable to double tax. Returns received at the office of the Clerk at the Branch Bank of North Carolina from 9, a. m., to 2, p.m., from this date to March 31, 1863. TH08. V. DEWEY, March 5, '63 tf Town Clerk, as Whig and Democrat copy till close of the month. NORTH CAROLINA POWDER JflANUFACTtKINO COMPANY, The Mills of this Company, located 12 miles West of Charlotte upon the Catawba River, are now in lull operation with a good supply of mac'ial. All orders from any section ot tne oouuiern Lonicderacy for fine rifle and sporting Powder, as also' orders from Kail Koad Contractors, Miners and others for Blasting Powder will be promptly filled. . Address Charlotte, N. C, f S. VV. DAVIS, Prest. .March 10, 1So3 U jf The following papers will please copy the above advertisement for one month and send bills io this office :. Fayetteville Observer, Greensboro Pa triot, Asheville News, Peiersburg Express, Lynchburg Republican, Knoxville Regis ter, Chattanooga Rebel, "Augusta Coristi- tuuontsi, ilontgomery Mail, Mobile Ad vertiser & Register, Daily Southern Crisis, I Columbia Carolinian, Charleston Courier. PROSPECTUS OP TUE RALEIGH STATE JOURNAL. ON and after the 1st day of Norember next, the 8TATK JOURNAL win be published DAILY, TEIWEEKLY AND WEEKLY. The DAILY STATE JOURNAL will contain alt the news received up to the latent hoar hefore maiUnfr, and will consist of TWO EDITIONS DAILY. The MORNING EDITION will contain tbe news by the evening mail, and all TELE GRAPHIC NEWS up to 10 o'clock the previous night, and wiU be supplied to city tubsc riser and sent by the malls North and East; the EVENING EDITION will be printed at 8 o't ock, p. m.. and will contain the additional cews by Telegraph op to 3 o'clock, p. m., and will be ten. to subsciibers by the trains West and y t'ie Fyee ville man. Thus subscribers, no matter in what direction they may live, will Lave the cews up to tbe departure of the mails. Arrangements have been made to procure TEL EGRAPH NEWS TKOM ALL PARTS Otf THE CONFEDKDACY, expressly for the Stats Journal. GENEKAL NEWS BY MAIL will be promptly published. The MARKETS will be fully reported RELIABLE CORRESPONDENTS will be secured, In the Army and elaewliere. The LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS will be reported daily by compe teat Reporters. The Stats Jocbjul will be essen tially a NEWSPAPER. TEEMS; for the DAILY 12 mouths, $6: 6 months, t8.Kh slm- mfcifo2:12 monUls' 6 monts I mnnthi. 9- 1 m.mill. Stl. ror the WLB. vt months, w, b monUn, $1X0. ADVERTISING RATES. 1 square, 1 rta.v $t.'J 1 square, 5 days,.. $1.50 J . do 2 daA,,...l.70 1 square, 1 week, ...1.75 1 do 8 days,...1.0U II do 2 weeks,. .8.00 1 do '4 days,... 1.25 l do 1 month,.. 8.00' Ten lines make a square., ' Adverliaeinenu for the Daily jwjll be Ih serted in the Tri- Wet kljr rasx or chakq. This is an Inducement which cannot fall to attract the attention of Advertisers. . . The above rates apply only to the duly paper. Advertisements will be inserted in the Weekly paper at the ususl regular. rM.es, vie: One dollar per square for th first insertion, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent Insertion. Address, JNO. SPtkLLMAN, , Editor ml Propr'-stor, Oct II, l'i--4f B.-'fii., N TO T11JE JLA11&:. NEW PABI3 STYLES 1 ! NEW PABIS STYLES!!! WE would call the particular attention ol the Ladies to our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT, which is presenting a great varity of attractive styles. Our Bonnet Frames are of the latest and most approved Patis styles, Our Own Importa tion. Our stock ot Materials is the largest and best assorted and selected in the Con. federacy. i The whole department is under the im mediate supervision of our Head Milliner, Mi.a IT.rr la to nf C,h rlpfcf nn . n laiiv nt make an addition to our lorce oi xuuiinera and we have been most fortunate in tne selection of Misa Hosan also oi Charles- ton liavmnow.such a fine' stock and iA.1 .,UP vuauivu w uu suy orucr wiui uufjaicu. i KA11NVVEILEK ot CRO. Charlotte, Nov: 'IS 'h'2-dil. J. S. PHILLIPS. ivioroiaivn.t Tailor. MAYING located la Charlott fully soudts a ahare of publlo - patron. AeosnpleU aasortment of Qotha, r'- ' ' y mers ana Vesting always on band, which will b made to order at tho ahortest notice, afUr the fUertfathlQA, nop uuee aoort Benin or the Mansion Sou. rtpWUHf NOTICE. ! Head Quarters, 48th N. C. Rest., ) Pocbtaligo. S. C, March 4th, 1$63. J ' Relatives of- Soldiers deceased, in this Regiment, are4 notified that the necessary papers have been adjusted and forwarded to W. II. S. Taylor, Second Auditor C. S. Treasury ( Richmond, Va., Who will forward the. amount due by mail to the claimant who will forward "to him by mail the proper papers to prove in each case that he claimaat is the legal representative of the deceased. , ' By command of Col. R. C. Hill, J.R.WINCHESTER. 1st Lt. and Act'g Adj't. March 7.IS53 dlOt ; v The Iredell Express and Raleigh Standard co?f 10 times and forward bills to CapL. !. ftIIanes. A. Q. M., 48th N C Regt. JJJIX1INEUY GOODS. Received per Steamer from Ladies English STRAW BONNETS. Donstable and Split Straw Hats. Misses and Ladies Nymph Hats.' Misses and Ladies Isabella Hats. Misses and Ladies Catharine Hats. Misses and Ladies Sylph Hats. Misses and Ladies Westend riding Hats. : Misses and Ladies Jockey and Zouave Hats. Buys English Straw Hats. . . . Just received and for sale at the fashions able Bazaar of : KAHNWEILER & BROS, August 23, '62 tf Removal. f 1HE subscriber begs to Inform thelptrWic tha JL he has removed bis Shop to No 4 GRANITE BO W, where he la prepared with a fall stock o GOODS FOR MENS WEAR,. to supply ail -who may favor him with a call. ' Having secured the services of one of thd best Cutters in the South, he feels satisfied th bo ean pleso the moi fAotiduoua. vt. tf J. g. flll(,UPH. Information for Jewellers. A practical Jewefter and Watchmaker, lrom Geneva, Switzerland, established 6iuce two years, but now short of material, and wishing to go lurther South, would enter into some arrangements with a per son in .need of an experienced and reliable partner. References offered. Address ED. F., (Jeweller,) Henderson, Granville county, N. C. . March 7, 1863 6f ' : TO STOCK RAISERS. BLACK HAWK MORGAN. Any person wishing to raise fine stock win find this HORSE, during the Spring season, at the stable of A. B. Davidson, Esq., Mondays; Tuesdays and -Wednesdays, and the remainder of the week ,at the stable oi the subscriber, in Gaston Co. Season commencing 9th March. Price $15 a leap; $20 per season. 1 Insurance S?0. . ' Mares will be kept at 50c per day. AH care will be taken to prevent acci dents, but the subscriber will not be res- piMII'H fam I ' j-T--i -r - -. " . . All persons purling with mares will be held responsible for tUQ insurance. , , J..S. DAVIDSON Mch, li, '63-tf jjg Democrat please copy. ATLANTIC, TENN. A: OHIO BAIL ROAD- pZKin saf yClIijL fllHE TRAINS on this Koad ri", oa and after Creek, rbead of JL Monday next, leave 8rd Road,) at 5:39. A. II., and return to that Station 10 minutes later than at present. E. H URLBERT, Gen'I SupU Oct.S,IS62-tf f - , . JjlAIlJTl HANDS WANTED. Two able bodied NEGR O MEN, accus tomed to farming, are wanted tor the bal ance of the year. Apply at this olfice. March 10-d6t. , ; . NOTICE. GuuiaA Station, Va Feb. 14, 1863. SICK and Wounded members of Coma pany -l,"-14th Regiment N. C. T., will bearinmindthat.no one save" Army Sur geons have a right to extend furloughs. By order of T1IOS. C, BEALL, i cb 23 ISt Cant. Co. . PAME3 G. BAILIE & BR0. FFES FOR SALE AT THEIR CARPET AND OIL CLOTH 20B BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GAt, A full assortment of the following: Goods : ENGLISH, VELVET & MEDAL- LIflN CARPET1NGS, ENGLISH BRUSSELS AND TA- Pmm ciRPETINGS. INGS, HEARTH MGS, DOOR MATS, CARPET BiKBLXGS. . OAKi'ET TACKS, STAIR OARPETlGS AUD . STAIR RODS. COCOA MAITIjSGS AND HASSOCKS , WHITE & RED CHECK'D lJSJUlAiilAllliNtj WIJSIJUW bliAJJii; in all I sizds, ana iKlMMlNGS. FLOOR UIL ULUIHS, irom 3 to 18 feet wide. CURTAIN DAMASKS aud SATIN DELAINES r imo VnVo: I L-J&OJ Jj)jd, 1iOoijLO Ulilir. ' WAT pAPEK, BOHDEKS MkF llVi&H T FrU ntr3'iSfi Oult - tilxi u " r rv ui LUiil I TJUIinUS AN WATKD mini YvT'O Fourteen- ilnB Pianos n ' Chiciweriiig- Hasseltins, -inkrrV tups' Nuns fc Clajk, and other r pj v, , good Makers. PORJSALE LY : JAMES G. BAILIE 6& BRO., PC, 26l 3m AuguittG. CONCORD CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC CONCORD. S. FKOXTIS, Jr., SC H OOL, N . C . Principal. 1 TIIHIS SCHOOL will be open for the re ception of pupils on Monday, 9th of March, 1863. RATES OF TUITION PER TERM OF 2! WEEKS I Entrliah course with 1st. 2nd and 3rd Arithmetics, $ 16-00 . Scientific course with Algebra and French, 20 00 Classical couse with higher math ematics, ; 25 00 Incidental-Tax, (each.pupil,) .. . . 2 QQ For further particulars address the Prin cipal, Concord, N. C. - ' March 2, 1863 6t -: ' ' A. W. ALEXANDER, ' DENTIST. . . . Offers his professional ser vices to the public He is prepared to execute all oper- ations belonfftnff to Dentistry. Office opposite Kerr's, Hotel, in'Brawly Building, 2d floor, North cornerroom. I take pleasure in recommending Dr. Alexahder, to my patrons. Having con fidence ir his skilI have authorized him' to operate on the teeth of my own Family . Feb. 20-dtf. L E..II, ANDREWS. ; MOKE 'NEW GOODS. 7 50 dozen Linen Cambric HANKER CHIEFS just received and for sale at KAIINWE1LER &, BRO. Feb 27, 1863 tf ; : , - . ; 1ILACK ALFACCA. A splendid article, just to hand at KAtliN WijlLrjK At xlUU, Feb27, 1863 tf - JJEiW GOODS. j The undersigned have just received and opened a new and beautiful assortment of Spring and Summer Prints of the latest styles. Also BLACK AND WHITE CALICOES i r AUD " . i :' Mourning Moiislin. Also a few dozens " - Pure Olive Oil, Call and purchase at ' KAHNWEILER & BROS. Feb 23, 1863 tt 1 coirjrjriERCiAii. The trading community will find with us all the articles in the GROCERY ousi ness now in the market , ' 1 We are also manufacturing by the case SHOES of superior quality and workman ship, and being in the regular Commission Business all matters entrusted to us shall be promptly attended to. ! - WILLIAMS & GRAY., Charlotte Feb 18, 1S63 tf i , r- r j Immediate employment -vriii be civen to i cjgnt or ten gooa, sooer ana industrious hands to work in the North Carolina row der Mills. S. W. DAVIS, Pres. , Feb 26, '63-tf : . AIPEAL TO THE ' ' CIIAKIlABLC. The funds for-the support of the Charlotte Wayside Hospital are exhausted. Theln stitution has been sustained during the past year under the supervision of the Board, ot Commissioners of the Town by dona tions from our citizens. During this time many sick and wounded soldiers have been taken care of and it is the desire of the Board still to offer aid to our suffering sol diers if our community will aid- ; - Contributions for the Hospital will , be received at the Branch Bank. THOS. W. DEWEY, lJanl, 1862 ti Town Treas. JgLACK AliPACCA. ; Just received a superior lot of the above desirable Goods lor ladies dresses, which will be sold at a very small advance on cost. J, S. PHILLIPS. Feb 16, '63 dim NEW! GOODS. JUST RECEIVED AND WILL BE ": ' - - I : made ,w mm :- -j OR - SOLD BY THE YAItJD Super.West of England Black ttoths, Satin Finished Black Doeskin Cassimeres, 1 , English Grey Cloths, a fine Article for Confederate - ALSO, Confederate', Staff Buttons. . J. S. FXUX.LIPS. Feb 14. 1863 dtw28tw4t ' L. T. LEVIN, Commission Merchant, SELLS ALL XIHBS; OF COUNTRY PRODUCE. COLUMBIA, 8. C. March H, '1862 frf, -V ly The Daily Evening Gazette. PROSPECTUS. gS MONDAY, the second day of March, the J undersigned will commence the above nauud paper, to be issued every afteraoon, (Sunday ex- cepted,) at 5 o'elocr. It wUl contain four pges Sg'co graphic ConAnicatlou, Summary of War New,, Wty Items and L.iterary uouiriDuuoBg, c, c. ! Our object In iutroJucirg another daily i to supply the grea srreit demand, so long felt, for a me dium oi news ior ua eveuu's. ' Advertisements per iuare if! 00 . Each subsequent insertion. . .i, ..... ,60 gubscriptionj, per annum . ....... .10 00 - six months.'.. 6 00 three iaonth..., ,.i4 00 " one month.... 1 50 Dealer supplied at a reasonable discount. - All communicatiorji addreal to M. A. MA.LS BY,' Biehmond, Ya.' ; - v "Office corner of Main and 14th street, over B. A. Myers jewelry store. SyAll paper desiring to exchange will plea rorwara tneu au areas w ut proprietor or vne tr ELEGANT SHOES FOR SALE. Tery neat French Calf BOOTEES for Lcdies. .?. , - Pegged Calf Bootees, (light) for Ladies Pegged Goat Skin Bootees for Ladies. - r Gent's Hiah Cut Scotch, neatly made. " Elegant pegged and sewed BROGANS, double sole. ' A fresh arrival of Shoe PEGS, to sell by the quart, sizes 4-8, 5-8, 68 and 7-8, . Also, a lot of SHOE KNIVES. JNO. F. BUTT, Mint Street, Charlotte, N. C. Feb 18, 1S63 dtfc ,- QIIAIILOTTE 6c S. C. RAILROAD WANTED to hire, FIVE SLAVES for the Charlotte S. C. Railroad Company A. II. MARTIN, Agent. Feb. 18. 1863 tf IiriPERlAIi TEA. ; A small guantity of this, most delicious Green Tea for sale "by the single pound at Jan. 17-dtf. THE BOOK S I i.'KK. Atlantic, Tenn. & 0. R. K Prepayment must be made on all Freights going up this Road at this point, when not paid south of this. . i JAS. DANIEL, Agent. ! Feb 18- 1863 tf . ' .NOTICE. . -" All persons indebted i to! Fullings i& Springs, by note or account, are hereby notified to call upon Wm- M.,Grier, Ex S her iff, and make immediate settlement. . J. M. SPRINGS. 1 Jan 29, 1863 tf .. ; - ; ' T PKIVATB SAIiE. Two large Store-rooms and one Dwell ing Horse with five rooms, all located near the centre of the town. ; pply at the Branch Bank of North Camiina. : ; ' J?ept. 13. fit dtf. SXENIIOUSE & MACAUIiAY, i Commission Merchants, At tliclr Old Sand, Trade Street. ' Keep constantly on hand a well selected Stock ot family Groceries. : All orders for Fioar Corn, Bacon, &c, promptly and carefully filled. : Factories supplied with Cotton, on com mission oi 50 cents per bale. j. . STENIIOUSE, ALLEN MACAULAY. Charlotte, C, fay 3. 1868 1 TJ0 BENT. That handsomely fitted up Store.kjiown as China Hail, one ot the best locations in Charlotte may be rented the ensuing year. For terms, &c, apply to Dr. II AYS. Dec. 25, '62 tl. FLO UR MILL The subscriber having entered into a contract for building the Rail Road from Danville to Greensboro, is desirous of de VQiing his whole time to that work and of fers his STEAM MILL for sale. The property isrwntated In The "town of Char lotte, on the North Carolina Rail Road, has six run of Mill Stones and the flour manufactured has a high reputation throughout the Southern Confederacy. It has also a Barrel Factory, with im proved, Machinery, and Copper shops at tached, which will be sold with tho Mill or separately. JOHN WILKES. August28, '62 tf. v : ..- Wheat and Corn Wanted. rHgHE planting cJlnmwitT-w, ftake - S . nouce that their vt?t and Corn Crops flyill be purebred at the! uxiarioe eixam- jj our icy aiih, at market prices. Xhcta having Wheat and Corn for tile may find it to their advantage to call at the Mill before closing a sale. v : Caarlotte Flour Mill aug 1, lS60-ly ; "XET ANTED. IT a or sooo lbs. good son SOAP, for which the cash will be poid, eithei n uoarictte or at the rao&ory. ... Ort t 'f 4 w v T. 1CTAT. N OTI1I1S.. All .Freight charges not advanced with! a the last two months, will be increased 25 per centum on the Charlotte South Carolina and Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Hall Roads oa and after the 6tb Instant. All Agents wul act accordingly. r , WM. JOHNSTON, PresH. UCt. tf, ISOZ EI ' rjlOWN LOTS VOli SALE. FOUR LOTS on Church street,; Two of, them improved. Terras reasonable, They bring good rent and are' convenient to business. Apply soon to SAML. P. SMITH. :. Feb 24, 18631 m : guPEKioit Jewing siLkt . ; The subscriber has just received an in voice ot the very best ITALIAN SUW- ING SILK, which he offers to the public at 12i cents per skein. J.S. PHILLIPS. . Feb 14, 1863 dtl y" WANTEI) At the- North Carolina rowder Mills, 10,000 White Oak and Chesnut STAVES ol the following dimentions: 4 inches wide by 2 inches thick and 36, inches long. ... S. VV. DAVIS, Prea. Charlotte, N. C, No 17, ltd J if JgONDS FOK SALE, ,V ' North Carolina 6 per cent, and Confedi erate 8 per ceni, Sonds for sale at the Bank of Charlotte. ' - Feb. 7, 1863 dtf Family Floor lor Sale. AT the Charlotte Flouring Mill can be had Family, Superfine and fine . FL0U2, BE CONDS, 8H.OitTa and BHifl. 4io, M SAL and QS18T. - - J01IS WILXM, Anti-Dyg entorio ft A&nrDygpeptio ! 33 X -i.JLjbj Jbv o PREPARED "BY B. KOOTMAN. CHAllLOTTIS, N. C. . ... : r HESE unrivalled Bitters posses peculiar ca rative properties in all Affections of ihe Bowel. They will be found efectaal In the cure . of Dysentery, JLharrnoaa, iTyapepna, sour stomach and ail loose paiaiui trouotesome disease arialne from a derangement of tho digestive or gans and irregular action of the function of the storaach and intestines. They will also be found a SAFE REMEDY FOK C HULLS AND FEVEKS. ' These Bitter are prepared from EojIs brought from Germany, and lor over a century have been foond-effc'tuai in that ccuntry for the permanent cam of; the disease enumeraiea above, xney nnntain no deleterious drug, but are compounded entirely from roots, and are perfectly safe at all times.. - . ..' , A simple trial is all that Is asked, as a cure wil naturally follow and that 13 the best certificate of their superiority over every other remedy fox those narticular diseases. ' i They aire manufactured by; B. Soopmaa, CZiu lotte. Si. Un Qu "r we oj &UOFMAM A FEim All's for ; t Y. leux&nd 1. Vjt Hetchl. oa m wt vrsi snores. (rt D-Jj r i 1 AtuA PBIUTILRS' INK MAKUFACTURKD B. A. RANDALL & CIO.. MARIETTA, GEORGIA.' "DOOK. NEWS AND COLIIICl A-P INKS, '. Of an excellent quality, and warranted equal to the best Northern make. . BOOK INK at 50 cents to H.pcr it., in cans of 1 to 10 pounds. -, ' NEWSLINK, (fine) at 30 cents (wr lb. for all orders of 100 pounds and upwards. NEWS INK, (very fine) at 40 emm per lb., in kegs of 25 and 50 pounds. l COLORED INKS at $1 to $8 pef lb., in half pound and pound cans, f figj Every paper inserting this adver tisement for one month nd sending us copy of their paper, will receive pay lr the same upon piirbasiny three timestbs mount Ot their. WU rfn racb II -f6J-lm - A U V . A, C.n -TANTE1 XO IIIUE. rive andi to work on 8UtsvlIl RsJlroa.1 an it tc 'or the C A 8. 0. Kail Krom4 tor thre ' months or longer. WM. JOtliiOTOW, f rM . 8ept. 15. 1863 tf. CHARLOTTE DRUG STORIC; E. HT HUTCHISON & Co, RETAIL DEALERS IN FOEXION AND DO MXST10 DRUGS, Medicines, Ohmlol Perfumery, Taney Articles, Oils, Paints, Varnlshe Window Glass, Putty, Dye &tuffs, TorpenUnr Burning Vlaid, Alcohol, Pare Llqori,Oauun T ' uavuK ciocen our oooss, we uiMna ut sen net sttr for cash. - (Mar 4, IW.tr ATIjANXICTENN. Sc OHIO UAIL I(OAI. At a meetloe of the Directors of the Atlantic. 1 Tenneaee A Ohio Rail Road Company on tbe l'Jt? instant, the following resolutions were adopted : Jitsowea, That all subscriptions of stock here tofore made to the Atlantic, Tennessee -A Ohl Rail Road Company, on which three or more lo' st ailments have b.n paid,, and on which def iu has been made to pay the balance due, are here by, declared forfeited to tbe use and benefit of tin.' Company, inoludlng all payments made on the same, according to the provisions of the Charter, provided all arrearages on said Stock are. Dot paid by tne loin or ucioDer next. liewlvecL That suit be instituted against all other solvent and delinquent Stockholders failing to make payment by the 1st of October next. i Zssotvea, That the reduoed rates for pasatn gers returning same dav are hereby abolished, i . M. U WUI8TON, Treasurer. Sept. 16, 18flO- tf Charlotte Foundry -A.nd Mlaohme Shop. a trrkrn i a a a a MAVinupurcoasea irom j. a. wqx me ator. establishment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the publlo to the fact that he la now ready to nil every order for makln Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses, aa J every description of Machinery. All kinds of Can tings in Iron, Brass and other metals made at ihoi i notice and reduced prices. Particular attention Even to we making ana repairing or Threshlu? acblnea, liorie Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Work i and Agricultural Work of all kinds. Blacksmith -lag7 Job Wagon Work, and XIorse-8hoelcg done with, dispatch. Old Iron, Brass and Copper (0ait lngi bocght at the Voondry or taken in exoha& for Job work. All Mud. of Wood Turning aUo eleelf-M JOtTW at. HOW I . NOTICE. . . oyyiCK of n. c. r. r. co., i : CoaranY Saors, Sept. '14, lt6S. Notictj is hereby given to shippers and others interested that the tariff of freight rates on this Road will be raised twenty-five per cent, and the rates on passengers to five cents per mile, on and after the. first day of October, , . . T. J. SUMNER, Sngr k Snpt. 8ept 26, 1S62 dlf PALMETTO ' IRON WORKS. COLUMBIA, S. C. VVILLIAT OI.AZE, Proprietor. GEORGE A, SHIELD Poreman. MANUFACTURES STEAM ENQINEs r by poorer desired, for Mill and Plantation purposes, at short notice, having at all Uiut on hand some finished, or lo a forward state. I o con nection ith our Mill and Enjrlne Work, have secured the service of Mr. JOiiN CUABTKa'K, who is one of the beat Millwrights in the So nth, to superintend the putting up of Mills and JCnglnes. CORN MILLS. I am agent for one of the best PORT! B Lie MILLS now In use, and can furnish any slao wanted. Persons wishing the MiiUt are Invited to call at the Work, and witness tot operation of the ne now la use. The Mill-rack, which Is the veryl best, is procured from Edgefield, st. C. and U. Mills are built complete at our Establishment. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS. Atl deftcriotions of BRASS and IRON OASTI NdH executed In the very best manner, and at shoit notice, as we cast every day in the week. Our r stock of pattern 1 very large, having recently purchased all those formerly owned by ti. W. Wright, which being added- to those . made at lay Establishment for the past five years, make tl. assortment more full than any other Uk esUtIUb ment In the 8tte. J ' x c.rcular saws. . am aeent for R. Hoe A Oo'a celebrated OIK CULA& HAWS, and also for a manu'actarer of tb same art'.cle in . KIchmond, Va. A mil supply of these SA Vt ti, or all sires, always on hand. rron wishing them, will do well to call on me, as I mat o charge for fitting them to the mandrels. OLD SAWS RE-T00THED. I have a GUMMING MACHINE on hand, and am prepared to re-tooth old saws, making tht aa M good a new. . . , Wire Bailing. I am agent for one of the largest Wire Railing Companies at the North, and wul foralsh WIN DOW GUARDS, GALLERIES, VERANDAHS, BEDSTEADS, or any description of Wire Work, at the book price of the manufaotnrcr, which ean be een at my omce. d 11, U-tf WILLIAM ULAZI. PROSPECTUS 1 . or the ' . STATE JOURNAL: M AVI& G become the pi oprletor of the Z?no crauc jrete. l nave merged Inst paper Uitothe Stat JouuiAn, 1 which will be pobllilieJ iVn-J-Wetily and, weekly. . , . Therara jovxjll wui advocate Democratic priocipltsln the broadest cense, and will support and defend L smocratlc measures and their auvo- eate as they are prtented, and as occasion may require. In other essentials lt will be my aim U make th paper, what lt nam denoUii, a State Jo arns- eschewing all sectional consideration and working for the enure State and Let common Interest. - A soon aa arrangement can b made, the whole nsoer at ill be re-modeled and printed with new type, on good paper, and in a superior manner. The Editorial department will be properly atten. ded to in Its varioua branches, and will apeak for It self. Neither labor nor expense will be snarel in the management of the paper. -, The form of the state Journal will be as fol- ow: -. ..-.... , j eml-Weekly, per annum v?. .... J $401 Weekly .200 These term wiu ne insisted upon inariallv in advance. Ho . name will be put upon the list without the money, and all paper will be discon tinued at the expiration of the time for which they have been paid, unless the subscription b renewed I am satisfied, from year of experience, that apon no other footing can any newspaper hop to suc ceed. . ... Advertisement of a proper cnaraowr win be inserted nt the following ratec : ' One square, first Insertion..... fiuo Each ubeqent Insertion . . . i Ii5 cents. A liberal deduction on these rates for yearly ad 1-the Sl-Weekly. lathe Weekly edl. tioa th fail rate will b charged. M9w.it,lM. CfWret frpprHkyr C c j