THE BULLETIN: TJL'RXS FOR PAPERS: pailt bciatis: Fr one month, two " ' three " - V.'i" 4 SlX " R one year, TU'TMtir icLLtni: Tor three month. . six 44 one ytr, ! CATAW8A JOCHSAL WEKXLT : For one year T . l.Tft .... on .... 8.25 .... .00 .. .11.30 .... -0 ... 4.00 ...$1.00 Frotq Tccneite( &c. A correspond at of the Mobile Adver tiser writing from Tennessee, says that the Federal on their foraging expedition take away everything that they can carry, and thrndes'roy the balance. They ad mit that they cm norer conquer us by J.nre of arm, and have now determined, aj a last rrf irt. on the "Satanic policy of epreadms? ruin in their pathway, and by dcvasun? n i wamrgour fields and stores, Iriu? In to trrma of -c ubmission by means of starvation." In Tnns the FeoVraU frequently iive up warm work in Iront ot oar picket. lines, in their foraging expedition", and tatelr their visits have been more frequent" m and bold than usual. Their forage trains are always attended by a large force of in Uutry, artillery and cavalry ; but notwith standing our great discrepancy in number, we of son .drive them back without their accomplishing their plundering purposes ; and sometimes our dashes upon them have been to sudden and irresist able -that, al though largely superior to us in force, they have been compelled to cut loose their teams and leave their wagons to our un disputed po?e?aion. Very recently a, foraging party of the Federals, escorted by a command ot cav alry, visited the premises of Mr. Anthony, iu Williamson county. The Colonel, Ma-" or and other officers entered the house ami indulged in the usual freedom and li cense. At the same time they encouraged a number of negro teamsters to commit tue most infamous outrages upon the da-.ighters of Mr. Anthony. Their mother 'nought the protection of the officers, bat ;hee brutal men only cursed her. saying that they understood that the husbands ot Upt daughters were in the Confederate ervir. and they were being served prop erly thus to tc ii ltraged by a race they .iadenslavd. We have no comment to make upon ihi. It is a saddening, sick "i-ning picture of tli condition, to which so ciety is reduced wherever the vandals of th North pollate our joi!. Hut it is. only the cxectfti m ot ih thrrnt which Gen. Uowncran'r. mad threw month ago, when h a turned command of the army of the C'uiniH riaud. He then threatened to de vastate the country with tire and pword, and hi underlings arc faithfully executing his birharcus order, (iod help every ec ti n mi" n'ir stfU-ziine and bleeding coun rythat mv & ftihj-rt to the worse shati 5ivit:f!; a!:d flvd praM that our mothers and daughters may noon be re lieved from the contaniinatins present- ol thw demon- in human shape. " . Kmisnalluu or Col, Jour . 'i h lth Regiment nf Sonth Carolina. ' t.i'r a-3 orgaaurd in A'tlgust, JS1 , j i.V ei c toii Vt R I. .M. Duriovant, ol i:i;t'ti!d. "i? Co'on; Dixon irne. of Lancas; r,l.:ueriBat; Cd. Jones, of Voik.M.ijt.r. Colon-! Ou;iovant resign d a ?iort time afer, when the command devolved on Colonel Darucs, who was -wouuded in the battle of Sharpaburg, -Alaryland, fr'a the cficcu ol whtJi he !d -':or!y rtfr Tl Itcgiinent was ! i r-,.n r-I- u y C'liit i Jou with l a;:.a i McL ;rlc, ot i ork, as Licuteu'" Cj.v..t, h..j 0i:am Miller, aJo ot I ork, .;aj.'T. LieutciiWMt Coloacl illcCoralc i .-'jncJ. tiug to ill health, a short time and now wi. learn the resignation of Livncl June, irum ihe ttniue cause, leav n n:ii . ... . 4.i .'iinci, striuur Uutcer, ill cw.i in a : id . .Y uiAtra (J irdian. tiM iul Bar. fkt wtea tight aud uicc u'c.oik lai etcuiug very tieavy tiring was heard out ui a. iSothe" twenty-live or u.trty heavy gua were discharged. A tit-g(apmc dtpacih from Fcrt Sumter ta:t-d that the blckaders were tiring oil via 'Fa Ci;jt:nrl, vu .Mad uppotd to lt a vt3j-. ca Jcavi.Ujj :o rua iu through iiif lii.c3kaue. .Via uie tuur last night ! We rr lutormi-a iini a steamer had run in. i Mitt ait.ti aifiy i:iiUe, wnicn, no il 'iii-i, wa Liu c ac l.1 iue tiring iiouced atjr.--c' intston L virter of ynterd iy. isirrJay iairiii.i6 tariy iii ieainer t'a" Mad a: tier whan ui Llkaritalon, iiiaku. i-jtir skiditicrB wuicii have arnvej at ittai pr'lruii .Ni?ruu siae Sunday ii.-i, i'.u a;uic c.igiH ol mercuaii ui?'. Sotwtuiiaikd.ii the blockade our ptci t it v t at I'rccnt in the riijoyment t a iartr dwt'ci toieigu uaue tuau he vtr had lariure. Four su-amers la as many Uf IsM-k. iie btialuCAS. Savannah .Vrirs. I.n m&AT ax the iiArri.k or MrtrRitu. Pok. Aii tsictnud Ineud has handed ha tue todowiiig tetter mating an incident in tuia baiue jhiL yrl ubtuhed. whica we ueeiluiiy put in print: ".During the tight nil on Wt-duefUay evening, our sliarp thooicr wtrecompclietl to lallback, when uiH- sergt-aul Murpuy coming along the bank, ol scone's river, accidentally came upoit a Vaukee Lieutenant Colonel and tour uiea. Quick as though:, he brought hi gun to hut anoutUer and 'demanded the isurrender ot tlie party. The Lieutenant Colonel here upon ordered his men to fire upon ice rebei; bat unfortunately lor them, their guns had been discharged. The Col onel then'dxew his sabre, dashing it over his head tail he would never surrender to a rebel, words were no sooner said than the sharp crack of the rebel ride raused the Yankee Colonel to lie lifeless at his feet. The Sergeant then drew his revolver and march the lour men into caiup. This man has. been recommended to the "War Department for promotion, to which be t well deserving. iVafcArs Courier, r iJ-The Herald sayn, editorially, that the object ol the attack on Fort Mc 4Jliater waa no: to take it,.but to test the qualities ol tht iron cltdi enrt ?ed. , CHARLOTTE. ITIondy ITIornlns, ITIarcli 23, 63. A Irlnter Wanted. A first cln$ Printer (Compositor,) will find employment, permanently, on appli cation at this office Later from Texas. . We have before as files of the Houston (Texas) News to the 11th ult. The News pubhshss part ot an extra from the Houston Telegraph in regard to Missouri affairs, which will be new to our reader. The Telegraph saya that the Msxiri militia, under Gen. Harney, have rebelled against the Lincoln authority, re tained the arms put into their hands by the Abolitionists and seized upon every town of. importance on the Missouri river, to gether with a vast amount of supplies, arms and ammunition. The writer says Upon the reception of this important new by Gen. JJindman, at Lou'sburg, he dbbatched immediately Generals Marma- duke and Shelby, with 10,000 cvalry and j infantry to their relief, until his main force could bf broaght up. ft was also said that Gen. Ilindman himself has gone into Mis souri to confer with Harney and perfect their combinations! God grant it may all be true or even one half of it. -Lot the Poor Soldier. ' "Upon the bloody battle-field When drooped the setting sun, When the foe was fleeing wildly And the, battle fought and won; A young and gallant soldier ' Lying there amidst the slain. Poured out his young life's current, ' On Virginia's classic plain. e 'I am dying, comrade, dying Far Irom friends and home away; Ob! then hearken, comrade, hearken To the words I have to say : I have a mother, comrade. Would to God that she were near ! To bathe my burning tsmples And to hear my dying prayer I 'Cut alone, alone I'm dying, And my spirit soon will flee, . And that angel-hearted mother I shall never, never see! And ray black-eyed darling sister, Oh ! sAe loved me, loved me so But the chill ot death is on me, I shall see her never more ! Such has been the glorious death ol many, a true son of the South, since the inauguration of the bloody Lincoln the execrable wretch who riots amid the wails end suf&rinxs of a bleeding people. We had hoped in the beginning, that there would have been found enough of human sympathy in' the bosom of every one, to have softened and assuaged the sorrows and griefs of the mothers and wives and sifrtersat least, of the noble men.who might lall in this terrible strife. But, in blush. ing shame for some ot our species, our hearts have srown sick at the recital of soma instances of brutal insensibility to ward the relatives of tiie noble dead, and siianiel indignity toward their poor dumb corpses. A traveler informs vs thai ah untortun- a ate grief-stricken mother or wile, who had gone to Virginia to recover the remains ot her soldier-husband or son, after having exhausted, nearly, her little stock of funds in getting to a certain point in North Caro lina, on her return, was refused further transportation for her sad charge, because of the reduced condition of her purse, she offering all she had ! And that in almost every instance of shipping and re-shipping upon the trains, the poor friends of the dead aro subjected to the most villianous impositions by the common iauda. belong ing to the roads. Ve hope it is not so. Wa rut it will not be our ungrateful duty to refer to this painful subject again ; but if we are forced tn.' we shall take es pecial pains to bu more particular, and to hold up to the indignation and loathing of outraged humanity, the guilty parties. . Road the lines we have quoted above, and if they don't move your heart in this connection, you are inhuman, and the d 1 will some day roast you as a cook does a gobbler, and as he should do. The Yankee Prisoners. Some twelve hundred of the blue bellies, captured by Van Dorn, reached Knozville. Tennessee, on Saturday 14th instant, most of whom were sent on in the afternoon to Virginia. Another batch as expected next day. Parties who visited them say that the In dianians mostly expressed themselves de- tertciaeckto light no more for "the nigger," while ihe Wisconsin men were particular ly fierce in their devotion to "tht govern ment." They were a pretty hard looking set generally, and complained greatly that Brag hai taaen-their overcoats from them. Our men who were captured in Kentucky, were stripped of overcoats, blankets, and everything but enough to barely hide their nakedness, besides being robbed of then money and starved on their route to Balti more. If General Bragg deprived them of their overcoats, it was a mild retaliation. The Copperhead party" is the elegant appellation given by the Abolitionists to all opposed to the usurpation of Abe Lin coln. For instance, Clement L. Valandig ham is stigmatised by Harper's Weekly as the chief of copperheads. The peace Democrats are caricatured under the sem blaace ot copperhead snakes with ' human heads and Quaker hats, making an. attack on a lank-looking female, innocent of crinoline, supposed to represent Columbia, h.) holds out a shield marked "Union." To ahow the animm of Harper, we shall extract a short paragraph from an edito rial article headed Copperheadiam," as follows : We shall not waste time in arguing with the copperheads. Men who are ca pable ot justifying the rebels and eepoua ing their cause wnen the blood of some member of almost every Northern family reddens Southern soil, and the bones of Northern soldier are worn as ornaments by Southern women, are not likely to bo convinced by argument, or to be previous to anything short ot a bayonet thrust. This is rich, especially the style of fe male ornaments prevalent at the South. And yet this stuff will have its believers, aays the Wilmington Journal, although. I of course, its writer is not to be cluicd uaoog them. Propositions for an Arml,ee Feriando Woo Under this heading- the "Herald" publishes the following: To th Edifr of tht Evening rt: i At a meeting held at Stanford, Conn , on Tuesday'eTening last, I said ,'that pro positions for an armistice, or peace, . had been submitted to the President on the ' 12th of December last, which, had they been accepted,, would have terminated this war by the 1st of April, upon a basis sat isfactory to the people, North and South. In referring to this statement you ask : "Who macle these propositions for an armistice or peace, the adoption of - which Mr Wood pretends to believe 'would have settled the matter' by-all fool's day. If so, how does Mr, Wood know anything about them ? Has he been in secret cor respondence with the enemy ? Or were they made by some of the anti-war men hero? If so, who authorized them; 'and what are the terms of the propositions fiorn which Mr Wood hopes so much f If they are honorable to the nation, if they are such as patriotic Americans .ought to favor, why not make them public at once." f o which I say, in reply, that the state ment referred to by me was made deliber ately, with a full and personal knowledge of the facts, andlhat I am constrained from the public'.iy of them only by the re quest of one of the principal officers of the government. When this interdiction shall be withdrawn I willjcheerfully gratify your curiosity. Very respectfully, ' Fernando Wood!; March 11,1863. Gallant Fkat Yankee Captors CaW tcred. We are indebted to members ol General Wood's Staff for an account of a very gallant feat performed last week, by James 8. Irvine, a member of a Coahoma Missicsippi, Company, and Thomas Kirk man, a volunteer Aid - of General Law, both of Florence Alabama, and a Tennes seean, named Harris. Coming up to Flor ence from Mississippi, they' were captured by four Yankees, and. placed in charge 61 two of them Irvine's horse was jaken and he was put n a mule. Ktrkman seized an opportunity to propose to Irvine to cap ture their guard, but he replied "not yet." Afterwards, while passing through deep mud, Irvine offered the guard.vidmg by his side, a drink liquor from his can teen. He accepted, and while dringing Irvine seized him w th both hands and they tumbled into the mud together - Simultaneously, Irvine called to Kirkman "Now's your lime," and K seized the the other guard. Harris rushed lo Irvine's aid, but he, being stout and athletic, said, "I can manage my man; help Tom"- who fs a much smaller man. Harris did so, and both Yankees were secured, with their horses, guns, revolvers and accoutre ments, taken to Florence and lodged in iai!. Hurrah for our Confederate heroes ! Their deeds ate romantic in their knight ly gallantry. Iluntsville Confederate. The MfcKCEPiTA.r The New York IIr.r aid announces the arrival at Philadelphia of tho screw steamer Merceditu, and gives the following account of her condition : The Merccdita requires repairs to her engine and hull caused by damages rom collision with the ram PaImo State, off 1 Charleston. About thirty.feel of her side will hav to be taken out. At Port Roy al she underwent such repairs as were' ne cessary before bringing her North. Seven planka and too timbers were stove in by the ram's prow, making a hole hve leet vertically and three feet horizontally. A shell jf one hundred pound, weight passed through the"ship, cutting one man iu two, and by going through the steam chimney three men were scalded to death, three others badly scalded, and a number slightly. It paased out the port side, de stroying six planks and two timbers, mak ing a clear hole three feet by two and a half feet, and shattering the planks eight or nine feet further. It exploded as it went out. ' Retaliation asd Hiuh Pricks. It is said that, in retaliation for the order of Gen. Pemberton stopping supplies from being sent to Mobile by railroad from this State, Gen. Buckner has issued a similar order in regard to supplies from his department coming in this direction. Hence we learn that fljuradvacned in this city yesterday to $110 per barrel. Had not these military rulers . of the people bttter make a treaty ot ' amity and com tnerce,60 that their subjects may be grant ed the privilege of buying provisions to aeep themselves and the families of the men who are in arms in the field from star ving i Probably if the people would meet in council (white yet they have the ; privi lege,) and "humbly petition" ; their mil itary excellencies, something might be ac complish ed. Jack ion Mitsissippian." D:var3iox. A eon of Erin, working in an establishment in this city, hearing that a company was being raised tor service at Charleston, for and during the attack, ask ed leave ot his employers to enrol his name; which was not acceded to, as his labor was more important to the govern ment at home than in the army. Erin did not so view it, and replied: "Here I've been working for twenty months, and its d d hard I can't have a little divartion. Columbia Guardian. John Broughman's l,Tread light, for' my ueart is under your feet, love," is more than equaled by a lover who thus goes skating on his lady's heart: "Her heart U like a frozen lake, On whose cold brink I stand; Oh, buckle on my spirit's skate, And take me by the hand; And lead thou loving saint, the way To where the ice is thin, . That it may break beneath my lect, And let a lover la." FOR GENTLEMEN. -TTtK0WN EAx'dta HALF H03EKxtra Jaalitr. 0 REWARD. ' i RUNAWAY fromUteautseribe-IiT'ixg ?n York District cn the 1st f-Janu-ary as. his boy Rando), about IS 5&rs old, e pper couipltxion, low set, weighs 180 lbs. When last heard from he was en quiring his way to Char otte, he . will attempt to pass aa a free boy, an. wili refuse to tell his. owrer name. I will pay the above reward for his confinement ;n any jil so that I can ret him. J. K. WALL4.CE. March 23-cj8t. Yoikvule, S. C. IRON AND PL, AN It FOR SALE. 1-2 TO 4 INCH BAR IRON (Round andSquarc) AND .: , ' ' ' 1-3 TO 3-4 INCH SEASONED POPLAR PLANK.. ABOUT 25 BAES IRON of aive sixes, and S00 feet PO PL A R PL AN K, season ed 3 years lor sale low by P. A. FRERCKH. 1 Salisbury N. C. March $3-j6t. - SPRING AND SinritTXEEl GOODS. GALL and look at oar new styles. 4-4 Light, 8mall Figured Percale. Prints. BaU ol Fiirored LAWNS, ' Plaid DeBEQES. (very thin for TravelDg Dres- tea,) . B 'nit R.IBB0X3 (just through Blockafe,) 5-4 Bleasiied SHIFTING, at KiHNWEILEK BttU March 3 '63-dtf. SMOKERS ATTEiVflO'. FIPE3, a variety of Styles, ( Cheao) . At' ' tt i nwmrtf va X- TT A i anna iruuua v. March 23 '63-dt'. CHEAP HOOP SKIRTS. ' At , . - . s KAHNtt'jT-k Sc BRO. March 23 '63-dtf. POCKET BOOK. L.OST. WAS lost In Charlotte yesteiday, a very large POCKET BOOK, containing about t&Q. In the book was, as well as remembered, two $50 bills, the balance beirg in $16 and $20 bills; also some "hospital due bills,!' only food tor loaves or bread at Fort Caswell, n. C, tie number sot re collected. A liberal reward will be paid the finder by leaving the book with its contents at this office. March 81, 1SP3 d4U . , TEA ! TEA ! TEA ! A8PLHNDID ARTICLE OF YOUNG HYSON in any jua.t:ty, from half pound to foil Cnettfl, at fiu per ouna. ilAIINWEILER St BRO. March 21, 1S63 tf FOR1'- KENT. A GOOD HOUJE, containing eight rooms, with all necessary out-buildlDgi, and three acres of land attached. Enquire Immediately or WILLIAM8, OATE3& CO. March 21, 1SC8 5t SCALES WANTED. FAIRBANK'S manufacture of a small class SCALES, is . wanted. Second hand and in good order will not be objected to. Apply at this Office. Mrh 20, 1S63 St NOTICE TO 'TAX i'AYEUS. !iK TWO T WN BEATS, take notice and st tend at the Court House, on Monday the Sb-1, 24th and 25th, and miks your returns of our Lands and Lots, lrith numbers ana squares of uiJ Lots, and your Negroes, with ages and sex, or trie law will be enforced against yon. B, W. AuEXANDEBjJ. P J, S. MEANd. J. P. T. 11. BREM, - 1 T C, T. ALEXANDER, ! P. A. HARRIS,! ,' Bear! ot Assessors. . W. r. DAYIPSON," j ) '. Y. I STRICT FROM THK RKVEMTE vlA W, ,:6l Sko. 13. If any person .-shall refuse to furnish the list required above, or to take the oath pre scribed in the preceding Bectton, nesaa'i os guilty of a misdemeanor, and the justices of the peace of said board shall bind him over to appear at the next term of tc superior Court of the county to answtr ihe charge, and on canvscuon or suDmis elW'i, :.c shall le lined at tie discretion of the Court. March 80. 1S63 St 3?r" Democrat and Whig kill please copy cue time, each KECEIVEIl'S SALE. ILL BE OFTERED AT PtTBLIC SALE the Jollowirijr tracts r pure is of land. demiicTl by The cWf derate Cour' n the use of the (..nninD. l i nlion nmlw. r eft 1 A.UCI tot Coafedviac Sta'ea of li"M a" '-'",J"1" tlirv'aa a' i iiltfrpc. f r vi'J . At he Cour-;L3 1 i -tYnUaiy. on the 41 h day Ma,.- rcJU it b:iu County Ouufi week, FIVH tAUTS in Kowan Counly, containing about 526 acres, the property of churie liartmaa Jes e Hartman, Mary Ann Hartraan, Malinda Hartman and three other brother, and girls namtd, Nancy Hartman, and Catharine Wilheloj, (alkn enemies) and eiven In by Levi Treii r ALSO, at tbe same time and pla?, two tracts near Gold Hl!l c-ntla'n" 1 1 i acrt-F,. the pro- neitv of li. F. Stockton an alien enemy At the Court-hcuse in Lexington, Davidson Countv. on the 15th day of April next, three tracts one containing 45 acres, belonging to Alston Gob b e : one tract containing 54 acres, belonging to the wife of Jos. Brown, ot Indiana; and one other traet containing 28 acres, belonging to Susan Lookabee ; wo traMa well known as the Conrad Gold, li net. will also us exposeu to puouc saia wj gether with a large, first rate Engine, at the Mine on the 14th April next. At the Court-house In V iaston, Forsyth County, on the 17th day of April next one tract contain ing 120 acree, belonging to J. w. iruip ana wue. JOHN I. SHAVER. Receiver. March 20, 1S6S dlw ' TO COTTON PLANTERS. HAVE BEEN APPOINTED BY THE SECRE TARY of the Treasury, Chief Agent for the Durchase of Cotton for the Confederate ttavern ment within the State of North Carol na, aad will n v for tbe same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sab-Agents visiting the different parts of the State, tuylng in my name, win nave wniien cer tiflcaus f appointment. Bv order of tbe "Secretary of the Treasury,' all Cotton purchased by myself, or my Agents, on and after the ibtn day or aiarcn, J.30J, wat, De naid for in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash, and not a rur rest. Bonds as stated in a former advertise ment; Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent. Bonds will be lurnisnei as swiea. Patriotic citizens are now oHerelfea opportu nity to aid tha Government by selling to it their -1 j. .Va ..I-, ta it rrl it k f iQ ni.aliaf VOitoa raiaici jjua cv a - w- LKWI8 S. WILLIAMS. Oharictte, March 20, 1S63 tf tST- The Charlotte Democra, Fayetteville Ob server, Wadesbiro Argus, Raleigh Register and the Goldsboro Tribune are requested to copy the above uuvll forbid. . . -MERCHANT TAILORING. THK undersigned having located two doors South of th MANSION HOUSE, Charlotte, N. C, is. prepa'e to fi 1 all orders in his line of business, such as Miutary ana citizens Olothlnir. Ca s. Lace, Bcttons, ac, Ac. 'i ! . ' A liberal share of the prtronage of the public is rpectfu'uy sollcite J, as all o. ders entrusted to my care will be promptly and faithfully fil'ed. I have competent workmen, and ran compete with anv other establishment in giving a -good at," and I warrant my work to.j. entire satisfac tion . Mr. R. M. EOBINSON, an exrerlenced cutter, Is engaged in this establishment, and he will be p eased to wait upon bis menda. J. A. CALDWELL March 18, 1863 d WILLIAMS & 0ATES j have this day associated with them in th Merchantile and Commission business, '- LEWIS W. SANDERS , The style of the firm will hereafter be WILLIAMS OATKo oi oo. All persona indebted to the late firm of William a & (Jatea will Dlease can ana settle up, as we wish to close our old bnsi ncss. ' WILLIAMS & OATES. Dec. St, J. S. PHILLIPS, IVCorolia.xxt Tailor. A YING located In CharloU respect- jt fully solicits a share of public pauon- fra A cosapleta assortment of Cloths. Caasi- m i gaers and Yeatings always on hand, which will be made to order at tbe shortest notice, arter nr kteas faahlon. Shop three doors touth ttftbe Manpn Hon, tent, ta r WANTED. Wanted, at the Medical Purveyor's Of fice, Charlotte, a large quantity of BOT TLES and VAALo, lor which the nignesi pncea will be pud. . ! JAS. T, JOHNSON, - Jw Z4-tf Surg, c Med. Far, AUCTION SALES. BY W. B. GRIFFIN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, -a.UGTJT-a., Or -A- VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. The., Property known as the PLANTER'S HOTEL, FOR A DIVISION. ON THURSDAY.Sth of April, at 12 o'clock, M., In front of our Store, will be sohl, for. a division. That valuab'e property, in th City or Augusta, on 'he corner or Broad and Macartan street, known as the Planner's Hotel. Th lot fronts on B oad Street 90 feet, and extends back, of same width, to Jones' Street. It has all the conve niences of afi'st class Hotel, wi(h accommoda tions tor a largenumbef of guests. Tbe property is so well known a further des crlption is deemed unnecessary. It may be trat- . . . . i i j . i ed ror at pnvaie aie uuui saie aay. Terms. At purcnasers option, casn or one nair cash, ballance in equal payments at one and two yenra, with interest and mortgage on th proper ty, tbe buildings to be insured and pojlcy assign ed.' Purchaser to pay for papers. March 21, 16-J ' Car q Sale of the Steamer Brittania. BY JAS. H. TAYLOR. On WEDNESDAY, the 1st April, at 11 olock, in my Store, 131 ITIEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C Will be sold, the ENTIRE CARGO of the STEAMER BRITTANIA, II .- - CONSISTING OF CASES OF BRANDY esses of Soan . . .. - - - ; Cases of Candles . . Cases of Drugs ; Cases of Letter and Cap Paper Cases of bnvelopes - Cases of Pens and Pencils Cases of Pins and Needles Cases of Thread j Linen and Cotton Cjtsea of Prints and Ginghams Cases of Linen Checks Cases of Irish Linens Cases ot Bleached Shirtings Cases of Mosquito Nettings . Cases of Linen Sheetings Cases of Linen Demaeks and Towelling Cases of Huckaback Diapers Cases of Towelling i Cases of Shirts and Fronts Cases of Tapes and Bindings Cases ot Grey Swansdown Cases of Toilet Quilts Cases of Madopalans Cases of Hosiery and Gloves Cases of Linen C. Handkerchiefs " Cases ot Cotton Handkerchiefs Cases of Ladies' Hoop Skirts Cases of Black Lasting Cases of Drills and Gambropns Cases of Ladies' English' and French Shoes . . '. ' Cases of Children's Shoes' Cases of Men's Boots and Shoes . Cases "of Cotton Cards v Cuses'of Printed Muslins ' Bales of Linen and Couon Duck Cases of Newspaper, different sizes -Cases of Printing Paper ; . ; ; Cases of Tea, &c, &c. Conditions cash. Particulars in detail in future advertise ment, v ' March 20 '63 tw6t. "NOTICE, A' f PLICATION will be made at the expiration of ninetv davs from this date, for the lasae . of a certificate for two shares of Stock in the Charlotte & soutn uaroi na kji itoao, in we ninie ft a. II. Moss & Ga., the original certificate ttiere'er li.tving been lost or mislaid. Ma-ch 20, '63 Si A. H. MOS3. . JOTICK.-;.; " ; . ; ; . Qv Saturday next, at 12 o'clock, 1 5viH sell a very raluabla Negro Woman (Good Cook, Ironer and. Washelr) 3 years cH, aiid has two Children, four and sir years old, very likely. V - S. A. HABBIS, AaC. . March 19-dSt ,. The. nigh-bred Horse Medly. WILL stand at Lexington and.Lin- ood, (Jersey's.) Daridjon county, N.C. For beauty, symmetry and jtrengtn unexcelled; for grace and docility in harness nn ecual'ed, and one of the few with a clip of the old Medley bknd. i ' TaiCE $26 the Season ; f 30 Insurance. ' Blares from a dls ance furBishel with excellent pastures at both placts, gratis. W. R. HOLT. Lexington, March Id, lS63-tw24t - - BONDS FOR SAJLE. CONFED IRATE and other B0ND3 for Sale at the Bank or Charlotte. March 19, 1S63 dtf ;. . . , , CO DNT BONDS FOB SALE. Tl Cl .44sTt MECE LLN BUR Q JL t3m3nJPC0VmY BONDS. wUI be aotd ai, Auotion on fuollo Square li. UDartone on dATUauai next. Mch 17-6t j 8. A, HARRIS, Auctioneer; . SPIN NEB WANTED. ; The highest wages will be paid af first class Mule Spinner, on application through this office. . March, 17 '63-dtf. Execntive Department N. j .rADJDTAHi GKSKBAts Orrrca, (MUitia,) V Raleigh, March 9th, 1SC3. ) GgNXaAL Ordibs I f No. 2. f jfi ENERAL Order No. 1, current . series, is HJThereoy revoxtd. Br order of Governor Vance : . S J. G. MARTIN, Mch18-d3tcj3t I Adjutant General. ON CONSIGNMENT & FOB SALE 100 Kegs Hails, 8s, ior i2s. : ALSO ON CONSIGNMENT AND FOR. SALE Sugar in Bags, . r For Family nee. WILLIAMS, OATES & CO. March 16, 1863 6t LOST. : W n?TTi 1 V K fihrk fnat . A lnrcr R!7aH PAP, T Aflria KrkttAm nrt t.hA hftnrllpft nrTv torn nff. containing SMrta, Drawers, Vests, Pocset Hand kerchlefs, and other articles of Clothing, together with a good many papers and letters marked in w . . . i l t . 1 1 1 . fcW try r am?, xi me person wn hslb ii wui you su my pa: eis iati an India Rubber &nvelope, which ws in tne carpet bay, and place it somewhere that I can get them he may keep the elothln?, or I will rive a liberal reward for the whole if left at the Mansion Home in Charlotte. The papers are of no poeelble value ta any one but myself. A. W. BURTON. Charlotte. N. C., March 11, 1863 LOST. : On Thursday , night last, the subscriber lost hia Pocket J Book in Charlotte, with the following notes and papers : L. S. Williams1 note $2y; John Howie, $65, do $53; Robt &. John Howie, 155, credit $56; Stephen It. Turner,- $99; G. W. Caldwell, $119, credit $60; Dr. H. M. Pritchard, $28U cr. $100 ; Harvey Baxn hill, $900, with (three or tour credits, the amounts not remembered. Also, two note books, containing accounts, with various other notes on different persons, dates or amounts not 'remembered. : All persons are warned against trading for said notes. All the money in the pock et book and Ten Dollars addition will be given to any person returning the papers to the Bulletin office. I JAS, J, MA$WLL, NEW STORE. THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. The subscriber having purchased the stock of Groceries, &c, &.c, lately owned by B B . SMITH & C ., Spring's Corner, takes this method to inform his trienda and the public at large that he w.ll be prepared to supply them with as' much-asthey rray need in the way ot family t-uj ph'es He is prepared to purchase country pro duce and sell on commissions, and asks a share of the patronage of the public. . W. M. MATHEWS. March 9, 1863 6t . . . ' ' FOR KENT, A desirable family residence may be rented for the r balance of the year. The House is pleasantly situated, containing eight good rooms, and necessary out buildings. For further par ticulars apply at TejrresV Hotel to EVTERRES. March 9 dtt. NOTICE. " On Tuesday the 31st of March instant, at the residence of the late Henry Propst, dec d, five miles east of Concord, Cabarrus county, N. C, I will expose to public sale 23 very LIKELY NEGROES, a quan- thy ol Cotton, some twenty barrels Flour, a quantity of Wheat, Corn, Farming Uten sils, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, House hold and Kitchen Furniture ; also a quan tity of Bscon and a great variety of other property.- , , , 1 Sale to continue from dayjio day until all Is sold. Terms made known "on day of sale. DAVID BARRIER, Atty for Wm. Propst and E. A. Propst, Executors of Henry Propst. March. 9 ts ' . -' QONFEDE11ATE 8 PER JiJJJ For sale at the Branch Bank of Nort,h Carolina, Charlotte. , THOS. W; DEWEY. Jan 9, 1863 tf . t . Cashier. JpOB GENTIiEIflEPf . Just received a lot of Paris macd fine sott HATS at ., ' " ' I ; ; , KAHNWE1LER & BROS. : December 11, 1862 tf ;-.-- - JEW BONNET RIBBONS. New styles and assorted colors just re ceived at ' KAHNWEILER vt BROS. December 11, 1862 tf jf , - AGU1CIILTURAL Trv.riTV.j AND : ; ' .IIHPI.EIENTS.' Two horse, one borse and subsoil Plows, of approved patterns and complete in every respect ; also,' unfinished Horse-powers. Straw Cutters and corn aneuers, logemer with a large lot ol wood and iron work for Plows, &c, from the late establishment oi Frercks &. Itaeder for sale. Apply to . P. A. r KKKUlvS, Salisbury, N. C. March 4, 1863 12t t ' Office Charlotte S; g. R. R. Co. Charlotte,' Dec. 8, 1862. i ; The semi- annual dividend of this Com pany will be paid on application at this office. The Coupons and Bonds due J an uary next will also be paid on presentation to the undersigned. A. H.-MAK i m,Ant. le tf. . ' ' . . On account ot age and ;nlir- mitv, 1 mil sell my liu l tuu in the Town of Monroe, Union cyuuty,- N.'C. ; , Also the fur niture and fixtures, stables, Ot&CCS, 3i-c., all of vrhich now and' in comDlete order. 1 he Wilminston and Rutherlordton Rail Road runaqhrouh the town and this is the only Hotel in the place. Also three towij lots besides, lying near the Hotel. Also a good plantation, having 75 acres pi fresh open land, joining the town. Any person desirous of pur chasing will find me at any time ready to show the property and willing to dispose of it on very favorable terms. ' JAMES BICKET. Monroe, N.C, Feb .12. 1863 twtf ' JJIfSSOIiUTION. i The copartnership heretofore existing under the name and style ot STEVENS, SCIIUTT & McLEAN, in the general Cabinet business, is this day dissolved by the . withdrawal of . I. A. McLean. The business will be continued at the same stand by the undersigned, who respectfully solicit a portion of public patronage. J. II. STEVENS & CO. I. January 2G,J 863 tf . OTOCK FOR SAIiE K- 25 -SHARES of Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio R. R. Stock for sale . I Apply to M. L. WRISTON. Oct. 8. '62-dtf. . Treasurer. ' Olt SALE. The Toll House and Lot on the States- ville Plank Road, near the property of Jno. J. Blackwood, Esq. Apply to - WM. JOHNSTON. : January 28, 1,8 1 " tf -TIFE INSURANCE. ; ; . The North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance 'Company, the oldest and most relia ble company ; in, "the State, insures White persons to the extent of $5,000 and Slaves 4or two-third3 their market value. . Persons - desiring to insure their own lives or "their slaves will make application to the Agent at the Branch Bank, Charlotte. . ' THOS. iW. DEWEY, Agent, j - Jan 11863 4m ' ! SUUSTITUTES WANTED. .'; f Two able bodied men, over Conscript age, who may be able to enter the servicei are wanted and will be employed by gen tlemen not liable, but who are desirous to contribute in the defence of their country and its institutions. For particulars apply to the Editor of the "Bulletin," who has been authorized to negotiate. March 3, 1863 tf jrjBPGS, EIKPICINES, Ac. Opium, Morphine, Quinine,, rench Brandy, Old Port Wine and Castor Oil, (by thegalionJindigo, CastUe Soap, Sup. Carb Soda, (by theieg,) Calomel and Nitrate ol Silver, (Lunar Caustic;) just received, ik. WANTED, 150poands Red Rose Leaf e (perfectly dry) for which 50 cents a poun will he naid bv ' . E. NYfi HLTTCHISON &. Co , ; Cuarlotta, June 3 tf . Drugut. AGONS FOIL SALE, jffo six horse .Wagons for sale. Apply to E. Ai E. Chambers at btices fahoala, Cleaveland county, N. C, five miles South of Shelby. - - - ' March 2, 1863 cjlm . ' Notice. .. .4 .'fsggmffisJ&A OjriCE Charlottk &. S. C.'R. R. Co.: I p Columbia, Nov. 15, 1862. ' 1 The Through . Passenger Fare on this Road, on and after the 18th inst., will be SIX DOLLARS, and the local rates cor responding. E. JIULBERT.. VlT.lWWtj v Gfa'lS.p'J icii,??'?3 pit fZZBpc ! IIO ITS E AND LOT FOR SAL It. M THE undersigned will 'aell at public auction. 'n the rirst .Tours day in April, 1863, the properly known as Montamsena Fsma le SEMiNAfty, in Mt. Pleasant, N.C, consisting ot dwel ling house with-ten. large rooms and other out-buildings. Also, one ol Checkering Pianos, Carpeting, and other School Fur nitur?. Terms made known on day ol salt, Sioctiholdtrs "?; ciaily nqurutttl to attend the sale. L.G. HEILIG, V v PAUL MILLER, Committee. A. FOIL, : j March 4. 1863 lot -x . ' llonble Daily Trains. ' ' - - ar l w v -1 r CflARLOTTK 4 SOUTH CAROLINA RA1LB.0 D. D( ODBLK DAILY TRAINS, are mo ovrr thu Koad as folio vs : Leave Columbia A r ri ve Ch ar lot te, Leave Charlotte, Arrive Columbia, 't 8.00 A. M. 6.10 P. M. ' 3.30 P. M. 2.00 A. M. 9.00 A. M. 9.15 P. M. 4.5U P. M, 5.00 A-. M . The Trains connect at Charlotte with the North Carolina Railroad, forming a double daily con nection with Richmond, and at Colombia with the South Carolina Railrcad and the Grcesv.Ue aiU Columbia Railroad trains. E. HULBKRT, ; October 11, '6 tf Qenwrn.1 tupTintcpl-nt Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Kail Road. , ; f O1 N laid fter h tu i Novrabrr, the P- sensrer Train will be run on inU Road (Wti- Jrn.DlvialOD) daily (gandays exoepted) as folio wi: 1. : Arsitk ; 8.48 A. M. 9fii M 19.28 " 11.15 L 8.011 A. M. B1 . t$f - ; I.M 10.8ft Charlotte Tukaaeege Brevard . Sharon ' Lineolnton Cherry ville G01NQ KABT AaaiTR. Lkats 123 P. M. IJSH 1.C3 8.3S " Cherry viue, 12:45 P. M. Lineolnton 149 " Sharon ' . . , 1.50 44 Brevard 2,26 44 .Trxskasocge . 8.15 ..." .' Charlotte Passengers are required La all eases, without ciceptlop, to purchase tickets, wherever there are ticket igfents, and also to farnlAh the right change, as the.Ocmpny cannot procure change for every one. An omission to do either subjects the party to an extra caarge of 25 cents, which the conduc tor Is strictly required to collect. ; ' By Order, : V. A. MoBRlt, . Acting Master of Traospotinin. LincolotoB, Oct. 1S62. - Charlotte & S. C Rail Road. Stockholders desiring heir stock, divi dend will leave their original cir tinea tts with me. The . coupons duo upon the Bonds o ithis Company.-on the 1st of July wili be paid on presentation to the under signed. 1 A. II. MARTIN, Agent. lune z, too tf ATTENTION, 40 BARRELS TANNER OIL, For sale by the undersigned at Statcsvillc, N: C. '.: . ' L' 7 J. RINTFLS Sc CO. March 4, 1S63 dl2t ' i gCItAP IKON WANTED. ! The highest prices yvill be paid for old Castings or Scrap Iron at the Government Foundry in Salisbury. Persona having any witl please send it at once, or notity, me where they can deliver it. A B.SHEPFERSON, Superintendent. March 4, 1863 12t - PROSPECTUS THE IflARiKSTOiN ilERCUUV ... f POLITICAL, CCSTiXERClAL. AND LI TtfiARY REWSPAPER PUBLISHED DAIL Y AND JTRI- WSEKL X rspHK Mfaocar gives dally reports ot tbe Mar-. Ji. ket and Marine Intelligence In Charleston, and of Charleston commerce In the leading tra portaof the world. The Weekly Trlcee Curreuk is made up with much care, and from Utr motl reliable sources. Its connection with tbe "Amu elated Press" insures the latest intelligence by Telegraph and the earliest news bj Steamers from Europe. It has an able and accomplished Cor respondent in London (a gentleman connected -with the editorial staff of the London Times,) azd regular Correspondents in New York, Washington, v Key West and Havana. Tbe month! Mew York. V..KU. T x.t t Ai-. . n wklv t tr-m aa . f Jf ft. Washington are tidditional attractions fayor of Its lady readers. Its literary notices, from the Eea of a gentleman who occupies perhaps tbe lghest position aiaog the literary men of . tbe 8utlr, are discriminating and coraprehenstTe. Attention b paid W all mautrs of general concern, especially those in rtfereocrto the JPlanlliig and Agricultural interest, and to the current news of the day. Great care is taken tbat nothing shall appear In its columns which should be excluded from tu family circle. Tne political creed of tho Maaovar consists lo the principles of the Democratic Tarty, as lal . down in tbe Virginia and Kentucky Jtesolations of 17SW and 1799 the Sovereignly of the Elates ; a . strict construction of t&ef ederal Constitution ty the General Government, the agent of the States ; free Trade, and an economical Administration of the Government. Ita policy is tbe Union of tbe Uotithera tftates ia maintaining Otlr rights. . 'i'erms-Payable lu Advance, DAILY, per annum , 110.0, T&I-WtfcKLY ... w . p.00 Clubs will be PurniihedaaiollowtH Five Copies of the OAJLLY ror.. 140.00 Tv OoDlea of th Tiil-WIKKLY . . .' J : . A . . .WJ.Oa Tbe name of no person out of Charleston will be entered on our books unleas the payment of W subscription be made la advance. Mor will orders from without the city to ' polish AdTerUssmsnts, Marriage Notices, or O binaries, be attended to, unless the cash, or an acceptable dereference. aceompany the order. Money may always forwarded at our risk in registered letters. i Postmastkss ar autbozised to act as oar Agents la obtaining-subscribers and forwarding tha money ; and by sending ct JPint JJiar suoscrl bers, wltJi, $W enclosed or Fin Tai-Waaatv subscriben, with enclosed,' will be entitled to ad mtra copy ; or If preferred, taey may retain Tu3fUv V . of ln pre-pay meats, for their trouble and in lieu of the extra paper. Out of Sooth Carolina, no person whatever is authorised to collect debt already due to thf Mjcaouar. ' 1 An the State Mr. SaMcax E. Baaaaas Is our reg ular Agent to make collections aad procure new business and subscriptions. ' i In Charleston, Mr. JajIxs D. Bctx, connected irith the office, Is our regular authorised collector who baa full power to receipt for money now du the paper and ta contract for future business. - Subscribers and others, in debt to us, are urgen tly requested to sand labour duet by mail at the earliest period. By so doing, they will tare us twenty per cent, an amount equivalent to a prin-' cipal portion of th proflta. , , g33T Drfoaa in the State and throughot the South, who receive our- Tu-.Wuur for their WaauT, axe respectfully requested to compensau us for tha dlnereQca ya valne by inserung this Profpeetoj. ( !LB.lUlfTT, Ja. Na. 4. Broad StriL, CMarlstton. A C THE BUI-IETIIV THE CiTiVBi j JOVRUL The ciroulaUon of the above named paper Is rapidly increasing, and its influence as an adve tUung medium Is being felt and appreciated by it patrons, having aocess to almost every neighbor hood in this and adjoining Counties, as will as lh adjoining Districts la Boulh Crolina. XII 15 CATAWBA JO V ANAL, Ona of the largest papers now published In th State, mailed for $1.00 per aim am, made up from the columns of the Darxr Btjixsma, has not only beoom a popular, paper, bat It affords treat ad vantages to those who wlah to oia lu oolamni as an advertorial nadlaa. f pocimen aopUa will b Mat to aaj lootlca thty . may bo or dared, frso of scuro. rat tenet, o t raiar ths reader to er u i

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