7 . , . . " ' '. '" , t . ' ' -; . 'k " ' - "' . , it. " .... i . - - 'w . ' . . . . t i . t . - - - .... " j .... ; i i CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY, MAY. 16, 1863. C$6 PER' ANNUM VOL. VLLHO. 124-9. J " 1 ? ,, ... - - BY TELEGRAPH. . tciATEO fress.J rEl.kaAfHED FOETUS ASS From Illclimoud. from PaPtenirvrs P-p1 "hat Urge volumes of tmoke was seen this morning in the di rection ot the Yankee camps. . The a?0r-gate number of wounded .,nht t,r Mince the 1st May. is eeven of which three thousand have since returned to duty.. The retaliation resolutions adopted by Congress provides that every commission- 4 nrr.r U.V n vh.ill command any negroes ! in military service asainat X Con.ede , rati States, or aid. them in finy military enterprise in said service, shall, if captur 4 ed.be put to-death, aid that ' negroes, hen captured in arms against the Con federal States, shall bo dealt with accord ing to the preeent or future laws of any State. The .Montgomery Advertiser, in peak ins ot the crop proepeci in that State, ays : "We have it from coed au'bcriiy that in tome portions of Alabama and we pre urne the same is true in regard to other States the breadth of land in wheat is so great, that the lew inhabitants left in those sections of country will not be able to save the entire crop. The importance of this subject would justify the Government in detailing men from ihe army to assist fn the work of harvesting; but this will not b necessary if the planters in the c unties formerly devoted to the culture of cotton will send some of their surplus hands to aid their neighbors. - If tl.ey will do this, thy wiil thereby be enabled to procure a apply of wheat for themselves, benefit those portions of the country which have "been drained ot their laborers by the war and render a lasting service to the country and the cause.,? Pinters in every section of our country should lend each other a helping hand when necessary. The Traitors. It is reported that about two hundred of the enemy recently cap tured near Rome, Georgia, by Gen. For " rest, are Alabama traitors. They have deserted the cause of th? Confederacyt proved false to their own State, and turned their backa upon their homes to join the inva2r oS thm South. No punishment is , too great for such wretches. They are ut terly abandoned and degraded, and if jus tice has her own they will speedily grace the gallow. Mean and despicable as the plundering Yankees are, they are angels of light as compared with the craven scoun drels who have turned against their own mother, and engaged, in the work of rob bery and outrage on their neighbors. The troops from the North should be paroled, butthe tories should bo turned over to the civil courts of the Confederacy, to Be tried irMinn. Thev have forfeited their lives and should be made to pay' the pen alty of their crime. Montgomery Adver ti$tr. Response to Lincoln's Fast. The good Book siys the prayers of the wicked are an abomination, etc., and the Savannah Republican thinks it has never been more strikingly illustrated than by recent events. Lincoln ordered a forward movement in Virginia, and simultaneous ly. but to precede, a day .of na ional hu miliation, fasting and prayer. The papers inform us that. the religious appointment was rtligiously observed especially in the Abolition caoitol. . The armies ot the North then moved forward, and we" have Heaven's response in the late glorious vie tcxy for the Confederate arms. It follows, that Lincoln must be brought to doubt either the efficacy of prayer or the righteousness of his cause. We should take it that he is staggered, for the more he prays and .'fpega away," the worse be is whipped. - m - Whz at CEOrs.We have just conversed with a gentleman direct from . Alabama who informs us that the wheat in the por tions of that 'State which he visited, is now in 'dough,' and that it does not need any more rain to ripen it. In two or three - weeks at furtherest it will be ready for harvesting. lie further states that the yield will be anprecedently large. This is cheering news to many'who have oeen living on a short allowance of flour. The wheat crops down the M. &. W. R. R. are fine. They are not quiie so for Aa iUo.. v tnnV o f in A!aK". . wa.w . bat they will soon be beyona tne rcacn oi the casualties to which a wheat crop is sub jeet. It will not be six weeks before flour "wUlbaas plentiful in. this, country as it was ever known to be. And then what a fall in prices ! Atlanta Intelligtrutr. A CHArLAUf'a Badoe. The Chaplains et th. army in Tenne.iee have adopted a. a bad, tha Maltese C.r- -k0t abo'A winch in diameter, worn as Ji star on the collar; on eack side. They us. alao th. Staff button, and r.y e oth with black lacing, and trimmings. 1. Snr- fons. ' Tha N.w'orl.an's'jM report. c.p- mr.: 1. ' ff Miscellaneous ThrM doors of Vallandtgham's house 4 l.had to be broken open' before he wa ta ken. , .' The Washington Chronicle says that the 'preparations fof. the enforcement of the ! Enrollment Bill are nearly complete. nvIr 'Parks, a Catholic priest, has i been arrested at Parkersburg, West Vir ginia, charged with being in commumca-. tion with the enemy. - The War Department has ordered that no extracts from rebel papers which con tain news unf avorably to the" Union cause Ehall be telegraphed from Washington. . Rev. Mr Martin, a Maryland Copper head, residing roposite Alexandria, has ben arrested for treasonable practices, andr with his whole family, sent across the lines. - The Supreme Court of Minnesota has decided that the law passed by the Legis lature of that State, suspending the priv ilege of all persons who are aiding the re- bellion, prosecuting and defending actions in 8ny of the courts . as unconstitutional and void. The ship Punjaub, from Calcutta, reaeh J ed London April 26th. SheVas captured March Hth in lat. 9. long. 31 W..Ty the Alabama, but the cargo being British pro perty, was released, and the ; vessel bonded in the sum of $85,000. " The Democrats of Maine will hold their State Convention to nominate a. candidate for Governor, at Portland, on th 18th of June. The Copperheads having been silenced, to a great extent, in that State, a wir Democrat will probably be nominated on whom the party will unite. - 1 A correspondent of ther Herald, describ ing the Yankee trip to Port Royal, Vir ginia, says: "Negro slaves who w,ere of fered their freedom, relused to come over with our trooDS- One .small store was broken open by the boys, who confiscated about a hundred dollars of Confederate monev. ladies' shoes', pocket combs and fancy goods." Gen. Forrest. The Atlanta papers sav this intrepid chieftain is again in the saddle in another chase after the Yankees It is said that he has mounted the 5th Geor gia and othor reinforcements on the cap tured horses, and gone towards Talladega in pursuit of another raid. SUPERIOR , WRITING INK, MAN C 1TAAJ i'Uie.u bi DANIEL & THOS. LED WELL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. TMKTE ABE MANCFGTURINO INK IN LA&U1C QUANTITIES aud ol a supe rior qui lty. it mav t round ior me at me xLx.i.ria uucc. I'rtmpt attentisn glrea to all ord-ra addressed - Tiinuia T.pnwKix. May 15, '63 f Cbarlotte, li. O. STEMIOUSE dc MACATJLAY, WhoUtaU Groc6rtand Commission 2ferchante, a T their, old 'stand, on Trade Street, keep con fik. ttADtlv on hand a well selected stock of FAMILY tiitOCERIES. Orders for Flour, Corn, Bacon, A: proraftly and carefully filled. xun. Cotton la lots, suitable for factories; 700 boxts Totaccovvarloas grades. . J. B. 8TKNIIOCSE, Miy 15, M dly. ALLEN MACAULAY. riiilclVKMtOLLINGOFFICB, 8 tti i nucrestlonal I)larlctf SALISBUHY, N. O'., aiAT ie, iswa. .TOTICE n hereby given to all whom it may concern, that all exempUons graoted to o n rrinta. belot cinsr t the sth Congressional Ds trict, engaged in the manufacture of salt are here by t evoked All such persons will promptly re port themselves la person to Colonel Peter Mal- lett. Commandant Conscripts, N. C, at Camp Holmes, near Ralelch, cr they wul be adyertised and treated as deserters. ' Also, all conscripts of t-.e 6th Congressional District, for whom applica tions for detail or exemption have been filed, as laborers in making alt, especially the employees or H. O. PpriDgs, (Mecklenburg Bait Compsny, operating in 8. C.,)nd of J. K. Harrison, (la liorry District, S. C ,) must ba promptly returned to Camp Holmes, near Raleigh, or they will be ad vertised and treated as deserters. Lieut. JESSE R. McLEAN, En. Officer, 8th Cod. Dlflt. Chief EsrollUiG Orric,8iH Cok. Dibtrict. ... Balisbury, May 18,1563. nnBE attention of a'l Militia Officers in the 8th H Ccngressional District, is respectfully called to the above, and they are hereby aiQcssisn to collect and return to csmp without delay, all corscripts whoa they .may know to be iecgaged in making salt, wherever they may be, except those employed by th State alt Commissioner, Lieut. JESSE R. MCLEAN, EnrolliDg Officer Con jre&slonal District. inty U'3-d6 V - ON and after Wednesday May J8, 1863, pas senger trains making close connections with adjoining roads will run as follows : . jAu'Z Train through from StattstiU to Col umbia, Dnily. LeaTe States villa at ,'..5.00 A. M. Arrive CLarlctte," 8.8ff " Leave Charlotte, 222 Arrive Columbia, .....;........."...- .5-00 P. M Lava Columbia, , ) A. M. irrlr. Charlotte. " X. Oi. Leave Cfcarlotte," Arrive talevili." ....8.50 ' it r Accomodation Train, from Charlott to Col- . W&ta. Daily. w . .jr Charlotte. at . 5.10 A. M .......... ai t Arrire Columbia, Leave Columbia, 'g.jo.A.M. Axriye Charlotte thosVL UAS?. ? : . May 18'68-d'f General SuperlnU ndant. HOUSES STOIEN. the tut eoljj ; p0 a rewardiof TITTY eennv tnr ,m.r Xa4A i ava-aw aoa. DOLL A ks ror 'Be C. A: S. C. AND A. T & O It. It. rta-n of J!tS5Kr y w laformf Sy'aSS!11' izitEltLMAY. " SHOE PECS I SHOE PEGS 1 1 TnB undersigned, as agent, for the turr, keep eoerantly 00 hand a Ujre wck Kf fchM Pe.s of s4l th. various sisei, which we ders solicited. BIATT 8TAiT 0. BUSINESS DiaECTOlTY j OF THE - Olf'of Charlotte, N . - r. v - ooarcDSaATa oovEaaxvrr omcis aso orriCEBS. Commandant Naval Station Catesby Ap.B. Jone; office aS Navy Yard, south side Trade street, corner A and Trade streets. Acting Executive OfficerJohn Owens ;office at wavy xara. . . Pymas er John Johnson:- office atConfederate States Mint, south side Trade street. . Surg'on-!-CharIes 1L Williamson : office at Na val Store, south side Tryon street. Chief iHnsrtneer u. Ashton Ramsay; office at tN'avy Yard. ... Kaval stor? Keeper wm. a. reters; store south side Tryn street. , Quartermaster Uonrederats states Army R. J. Echols, A. Q. M.; omce south side North Carolina Railrjoad depot. Comnjlssary Ciomeaeraie oiaiei Army uapu E. M- Lowe, A. C. 8.; office east side Trade street. Transportation Officer Kev. . M. Evernarat; office at Qqrtermaster'a Department. Medical Purveyor jame x. jonnson; omceai North Carolina Miutry msutuie, souin eiae Town, j ' Confederate states uepository a. j. naiaoi- n . - f St . IIam.a .t.Adf son, v. o. u;.cmce ia uourt uumc, nw nn.i Trai una unurcn streets. Government Cotton uuyer--Li. d. niaams, . , n C. B : 'face east side Trade street, Miween iryon and College streets. f CfTO. CORPQRATJOH OPTICSHS. Mayor Robt. F. Davidion; ofilce south side Tryon street. . . Clerk vouncu ana iovn irea-urrr iu. i. Dewev: offije at Branch liaax oi im jrm aroi'n. Town luartnai auu iujl vuucwi " 8tn; office at iiayor-s omce. J POWDKB WORKS. North Carolina Powder Manufacturing Co. S. W. Davis, Pre sHent; offl e nmn side Tryon su, coraer-of Tryon and Ala stre.ts. .HOTELS. Mansion House 5out" bide Tryon etreet.' Ktrr'a UoteJ 3-u.h ile Try ju street, lerres Ilotel Opposite Nsjrth Carolina Bail- road depot. I . . . Ackermm's Eaunjr Kaloon 3oum- stae roim Carolina Rai road dep6t. ' N. a. -Hosnital. No 1 0 Located southern Dart of town, on grouaas cf North Carolina Institute:;' R. K. tirexory, M. M , Surgeon in cnarge. j ' 8JUIKaS ASdOCIATIOS. Soldiers Aid Soc'ety Office north rHe Tryoa street; Mrs.iM. A. Osborne, President; Miss M. A. Alexander, Becretatary ana Treasurer. . RAILROADS. Charlotte A South Carolina RaHrosd Depot sau'h rtd of town. Leaves for Co'umbla at v a. m., ai d 7.15 p.m., daiiy; arriv.s at a.m., and 3.8u p m. AtnU ic, Tennessea una u.no uauroan xepi south ;eod of town. Leaves e.&U p; m.; arrives 8.80 a4 m , daily. oith Carolina Central KUlroau JJ'pu souin end or town. Leaves 6 20 a. m., and 5.4 J p.m. dai!y;rarrives5J5 a. m., and 5.15 p. m; Hutniogton, Charlo-ta & Rathsrfordtou Rail-road-f Depot eatt end of Tryoa street. Leaves S a. roL, daily; a-rlvei S.15.p..m. . 'i MISCELLASKO'CS. Express Ollice-Office north side of Tryon street; L. F. Bites, resident Asst. Supennteadcn ; T. D. Gillespie, Aent; J. C. Burroughs,' Moaty Cierk; Th s. jW. D'Wry, AsstCierk. ' .-s, lei -graph OliiOi A office of Express Compa ny; Otas. Beardjiey, Chief Operator; George E. Deiiby, AcstOeratur. Posj Office l has. O Arm an, P. M.; office, north Ij e Try on street. Upeu at 9 a. m.; ctoeat2X P m ; 'open aaia at 4 p. m ; close at 5 p. m.; oen at 6ik . m ; c oac at l)k p. m. Sundays'. gV"prniMWciae III" TJT" p. IftT ' "ru jrr,c sA ciosesi at S a. m.; Nurtnern Alavt closes at 4 p. m.;l Western Rail o her Mails at 7 a. m. C urt iiousi; Kaat side Tr4.de street, corner of Trad a and Church streets. Jail N r h slie Tryon street, corner Tryon and 6th s reels M.n't Corner Trade and Mint Streets. Cnarlotte Female Academy kast siie of town, on College street. Fair Grounds and Buildings Southern end of town.! Treloar' Hall North side of Tryon street. ' CHCRCHKS. EphcuyiH Chirch-Bev. G. M. Everhardt, Pas tor; norm side of Tryon street, corner oT Tryon aud 7th streets. Presbyterian Church Rev. J. L. Kirkpatrick, acting Pastor; east side Trade street, corner of Trade and Church streets. Methodist Church Rev. Dennis. J. Simmons, Pastor; north side Tryon strett, corner Tryon and 6in streets. ' Baptist Church Rev. R. W. Griffith, Pastor; B street, corner B and 7th streets. Lutheran Church Kev. G. D. Bernhelm.' Pas" tor; east side Jth street, corner 7, th and College 1 streets. St. Peter's (Catholic) Church Re ?. Dr. Joseph O'Concell, Pastpr; s:uihslde Tryon street, corner Tryon and 8d streets. ' w8pafm orricks. Daiy Bulletia Office north side Tryon street. ' Catawba Journal Office north side Tryon it. - Western Democrat Office, west side Trade St., second' fioor. North Carolina Wfcig Office east side Trade street, corner Trade and College streets, second floor -i f : j BANKS. , ' Branch Bank North Carolina. Norm side Tryon street; Jas. it. Carson, President; Thos W. Dewey. Cash er; S. L. Ridd'.e, lelter. ; Bnk of Jaariotte, soiitasiae tryon street: j. J. Blackwood, Pre.-ident; . Cashier; W. A. Williams, Teller. . ISSURASCE orricEs. . North Cvolina Mutnal Insurance Co. Thos. W Dewey, Agenf; office Branch, Baak Norlh Caro lina. I North CaYoiina Mutual Fire Insurance Co,; Greensboro1" Mutual Fire Insurance Co-.; Fayctte- viile Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; Ashviile Mutual Fire Insurance Co.: charlotte Mutual Fire Insu rance Company, iitcck In surana. L 91s chburg, Va., iiose and Fire insurance yo., ueorgia iiome Insurance Co.; Alabama Insurance 00.; insu rar.es Co. Valley of Virginia; Insurance Co. State of Virginia; Southern Insurance Co.t Savannan, Ga ; Florida lume lasuranes vumauj, Co.: Petersburg Savings and Insurance C '.; Gulf State Insurance Co.; Mer chants' In6nraL3 Co., Richmond; FiremeLh'aod Mrrhant' Insurance uo., retei sourC Nye UuthisjD.AKeht; office corner Tryon and Trae streets, f. . ', Ttif ' Office of secretary n oowuui nn Davlison Collage; ilecklenbarg Sa-t Co.; Ayr Co.; corner Tryon and Traue streets; Hutcbiaon, Agent and tiecretory. - ."j." rocKoaiES, Ao. Government Naval WorkWsoutii side Trade street. corner.Trade and A streets. , Charlotte Fo vndry Sootii side CoUege strett. . - sah. D6or and B ind Factory S rath side vol- lexe street, corner College and tth streets. r..T . U. (Tut ci.il. nth ana WUceb. Jicur um ctA" wi A streets. " tJoany Acvonear S. A. Harris. - i . .- CO.PPEBAS. fWtATXOB A A 8 BURY are now prepared to sj furnish Ly the ton or otherwi-e, a fine arti cle of Copperas, superior to any Eogl sh. offered ia markei. 'Dugilsts and Apothecaries supplied with a chemfcady pure arti le. Adrt ss "? I , TAYLOS A AEBDKT, Mv-2, '63 dtf .C a lotte,I.C. t3J The Charleston Courier, Savanh News, Auguta C rstituiionatifct,M.a gomjry Mall,Rlch Liond Enquirer snd Columbia GuarJi uj will copy once each week for two months, and forward bills, to dvertiier,with copy of paper containing ad vertisem'nt. , I. BONES, BONES. ' WANTED At the "Badls-ll Q-:liMlne,wa 1-rge quantiry of oses, for which the Mgriest market price will be paid. All si'sed lots taken, j : May 9.6S-dlm ! OIL FOB SALE. -IT UBBI0ATLSO, Pinlai, and Tanners OTL. 11 a made of refine 1 rosin ill a superior arilcle, Ipay 10 J0H2I HUTCHINSON, i Coajpaay fiiorii N. C, HayT.ltew-ia . SPINrnSK-WANTED. The highest wages will be paid a first class Mule Spinnef , on application through thia office.- . . March, 17 '63 dtf. inmsciiAivr .TAitoiiiNO. . His ucdenigned having located two ioo'rs Sonth of the MANSION HODS . Charlotte, N. O., 1 prepared to-fill aU orders in his line of business, such as Military and Cftisens Clothing, Cara, Lace, Buttons, Ac., Ac. A liberal share of the patronage of the public i respectfully solicited, as all orders entrusted to my care will .be promptly and faithfully filled. I have competent workmen, and can compete wi'h may other establishment In giving a "good fit," and I warrant my work to give entire satisfac tion, j - . - - r, ..... , Mr. R. M. EOBINSOU, an experienced cutter. Is engaged in" this establishment, and be win br pleased to wait upon his friends. ' . J. A. CALDWELL. March l&.lSi8 d . TO STOCK RAISERS. BLACK HAWK MORGAN. Any person wishing to raise fine 'stock will rind this HORSE, during the Spring seasoiuat the stable of A. B. Davidson, Esq., Mondays, Tuesdays and .Wednes days, and the remainder of the week at the stible bi the subscriber, in Gaston Co. Season commencing 9th March v Pkic!e $15 a leap $20 per season. Insurance $30. Mares will be kept at 50c. per day. - -v All cara will be taker, to prevent acci dents, but the -subscriber will not.be res ponsible for them. All persons parting with mares will be held responsible! for the Insurance. : I J. S. DAVIDSON. Mch. 12;'G3-tf . - ' . ; NORTH CAROLINA POWDElt 8 MANUFACTURING . COMPANY. The Mills of this Company, located 12 miles West of Charlotte upon the Catawba River, are now in full operation with a good supply of material. All orders from auy secuori ot the Southern -Confederacy for fine rifle and sporting Powder, as also orders from Rail Road Contractors, Miners and others lor Blasting Powder will be promptly filled Address Charlotte, N C, , 'i S. W. DAVIS, Prest, March 10,1863 dti ; SUBSTITUTES WANTED. ' Two able bodied men, over Conscript age, who may be able to enter the service, are wanted and will be employed by gen tlemen not liable, but who are desirous to contribute in the defence oi their country and Its institutions. For particulars apply to the Editor ot the "Bulletin," Who has been authorized to negotiate. xMHrch 3, 1863 tJ I inOltE NEW GOODS. 1 50 dozen Linen Cambric HANKER CHIEFS just received and for sale at KAtlN VVE1LEK. & 13RO. . gy at t qq .f , : , BliACK AliPACGA. A splendid article, ju8t to hand at ' KAHN VVEILER & BRCK- Feb 27, 1863 tf TANTEU. ; Immediate employment, will be given. to eight or ten good, sober and industrious hands to work in the North Carolina Pow der Mills. S. W. DAVIS, Fres. Feb 26, '63-tf , ' ATLANTIC, TENN. & OHIO IS. R. Prepay ment must be made on all Freights going up this Road at this point, when not paid south of this. , JAS. DANIEL, Agent. Feb 181863 tf A W- ALEXANDER : DENTIST. . I Oilers his professional ser vices to the public. He is prepared to execute all oper ations beloneine to Dentistry. Office opposite Kerr's Hotel, in Brawly Building, 2d floor, North corner room. Office Hours. From 9 a. m, to 12 m. and from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. I take pleasure in recommending Dr. Alexander, to my patrons. Having con fidence in his skill, I have authorized him to operate on the teeth; of my own Family. Feb. 20-dtf,-. E.H.ANDREWS. "III AliLOTTE & S. C. BAILROAD WANTED to hire, FIVE SLAVES for the Charlotte & S; C. Railroad Company. . . A. H. MARTIN, Agent. : Feb. 18." 1863 tf v : TO COTTON PLANTERS. HAVE BEKN APPOINTED BY THE 8ECRE-. TAB.Y of the Treasury, Chief Agent for the V-ohase of Cotton for the Confederal Govern ment within the State of North Carolina, aad will nay for the same in 7 per cent. Bonds or Cash. Sub-Agents Visiting tbe different parts of the State, buying In my name, wiil have written cer tificates of appointment. x - By order of the "Secretary of the Treasury." all Cotton purchased by myself, or iny Agents, on and after ihe ISth day of March, 1S6 will be paid for In 7 per cent. Bonds or Gash, and not S per cent. Bondslas stated in a former advertise ment. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent. Bonus will be furnished as stated. Patriotic citizens are now offerei an opportu nity to aid the Government by selling -to it their Cotton rather than to private capitalists. I La. WIS S. WILLIAMS. " Charlotte, March 20, 186S tf 37 The Charlotte Democrat, Fayetteville Ob server, Wadesboro Argus, Raleigh Register and he Goidsboro Tribune are requested to copy the above usUl forbid. 8 TOCK. FOIL SALE. 25 SHARES of Atlantic. Tennessee & Ohio R. R. Stock for sale. : Apply to : M. L. WRISTON." Oct. 8. f62-dti, Treasurer. FOB CENTLE3XEN. SOWN EngUsh HALT HOiE, Extra QuaUty. I " At : . KAHNWEILELB A BOO. Msrch 28 '63-dtf. - , . 8 A M'L J. Attorn ey LOWRIE a t Is a w , CH ABLOTTE, iN C. jv Office In Brawley Building, opposite Kern Hotel. res. i TTTANTEJD. II or0 is, good SOAP, for which theeaah faotorw. Tul M poCii taUU U O Charlotte er at th. JOTICE. 1 On account of age and infir- , mitv, I wUl sell ray HOTEL in the Town of Monroe, Union county, N. CK ; Also. tha fur niture an J. fixtures, stables, offices, ice., all of which are new and in complete "order. The Wilmington and Rutherford ton RaH Road runs through the town and this is the only Hotel in the place. Also three twn lots besides, lying near the Hotel. Also a good plantation, haying 75 acres ot fresh open land, joining the" tpwn. Any person desirous of pur chasing will find me at any time ready, to show the property and willing to dispose of it on very favorable terms. . -... . JAMES BICKET. .. Monroe), N. C. Feb 12. 1863 twtf. . . - NOTICE, i All persons ; indebted to Fulling & Springs, by note or account, are hereby notified to call upon Wm. M. Grier, Ex Sheriff, and make immediate settlement. J. M. SPRINGS. - an 29. 1863-r-tf V ' FOR SALE. The Toll House and Lot on the States ville. Plank Road, near the property of Jno, J. Black weod, Esq.. Apply to - : . - WM. JOHNSTON. January 23, 183 tf IRXPERIAL. TEA, . ,. " A small quantity of this mos t delicious Green Tea tor sale by the single pound at Jani 17-dtf ; THEBOQKr STORK. Charlotte Foundry And Miachiiie Sliop. S RATING purchaaed from J. A. Vox. the above MM. establishment, the undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the public to the 'fact that he Is new ready to fill every , order for makiE Steam Engines, Cotton and Tobacco Presses, and every description of Machinery, Ail kinds of Cas tings In Iron, Btzss and otir metals made atort -notice and reducoJ prices. . Particular attention given w . the Eiaklng and repairing of Threshing Machinee, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill Works and Agricultural Work cf all kinds. Elacktxalth tag, Job, Wagon Work, aud iicrse-Shoeing doc with dUp&tch. Old Iron, Br&.u &nd Copper Cst insfs bcagtt at ths'Fosuidry or ker! Is fxchanj' for Jcb wcrk. A15 Sttods of Wood Turning also 4ont I e'tS tt -fhlTV U SOWT1, JJIO KENT. That handsomely fitted up Store.known as China Hall, one ot tne best locations in Charlotte may be rented the .ensuing year. For termsj &c, apply to Ur. xlAz o. Dec. 25, '62 tt. , . ' . WILLIAMS & 0ATES have this day associated with therh in th Mcrchatitile and Commission lusiness, . t, LEWIS W. 8ANDERS. The style of the ' firm will hereafter " be ; WILLIAMS OATES & Co. ' All persons indebted to the late firm ol Williams &, O&tes - will please call and settle up, as we wish to close our old busi- Dec. 2tf. ' - ::- '- ' - r. WIRING-CON, AULOTT15 KIXl.JtAMA' aa.v, ; mma pn r 4"N and after the 10th of November, the Pas Train will be run on this Road (Wes- tern.Divisldn) dally (Sundays excepted; as follows: ' GOING WEST. aaiva, 8.43 A. M. 9.23 " 9,54 W.5i3 1105 i : AjtSXTB , Lbavb 8.00-A. M; 8.61 9.2S , 9&9 100 " Charlotte Tuskaseege Brevard . Sharon -- Lincolnton Oherryville -G0INQIAST. LlAVB lM. 12.55 P. M 1.34- 1.63 8.23 Cherrynue, 13.45 P.M. Lincolnton 1.19 Sharon 1.5Q Brevard 2 05 ; Tuskaseege 8.15 " Charlotte Passengers ' are required in -all oases, without exception, to purchase tickets, wherever there are ticket agents, and also to furnish the right change, as the Company cannot procure change for every one. "An omission to do either subjects the party to an extra charge of 25 cents, which the conduc tor is strictly required to collect. By Order, V. A. McBX, Acting Master of.TranBinatkn. 'Uanotnton.Oet- '. 1- ' ; FAMILY FLOUIl FOB SALE. AT the Charlotte flouring Mills can be bad W amliy, 8aperflns and one ILOUB, 81 OOND8, 8HORT3 and BRAN. ELEGANT SHOES FOB. SALE. Very neat French Calf BOOTEES for Ladies. ' ,. . . Pegged Calf Bootees-, (light) for Ladies. Pegged Goat Skin Bootees for Ladies. Gent's High Cut Scotch, neatly .made. Elegant pegged and sewed BROGANS, double sole. A fresh arrival of Shoe PEGS, to sell by the quart, sizes 4-8, 5-8, 6-8 and 7-8, Also, a lot of SHOE KNIVES. . JNO.F. BL'TT, Mint Street, Charlotte, N: G. Feb 18, 1863dtfc J. S. PHILLIPS. -L- 7VTTg!la.a,aa.-t Tailor. AYINGr located in Charlott reepect- fully solicits a share of public patron age. Aeomniete assortment of Cloths, Cassi- mersand V eatings always on hand, which will be made to order at the shortest notice, after the latest fashion.; Shop three doors South of the Mansion Iloe, - sPt.19 i " . : l.v FLO C it raiLL FOlt SALE. ine subscriber having entered into a contract for building the Rail Road from Danville to Greensboro, is desirous of de voting his whole time to that work, and of fere his STEAM MILL for sale. Th firBperty is situated in the town of Char otte, on the North Carolina Rail Road, has six run of Mill Stones and the Flour manufactured has a high reputation throughout the Southern Confederacy. It has also a Barrel Factory, with im proved Machinery, and Cooper shops at tached, which will be sold with the Mill or separately. . . JOHN. WILKES. August 28, '62 tf. -WHEAT AND COIW WAXJ), THE planting community w -take notice that their WHaat and Corn Crops will be porched at the , CJilotte Bteaa flooring Mill, at I market priees. Those having Wheat ad Corn for sale may find it to their advantage to call at the ttUl befort elasinc a sale. . : . , '. tLuJi IIOUSE. f, CUAELOTir, N. 0. THIS well known and popo- k jT tCX " - lar House has been lea- ,ZJ- w-? ed by the undersigned, whe kas 1 . " commenced putting It in mm.L j i' mer eonditieo, and Is new prepared to accouuap . date transient or permanent boarders npoa -M liberal terms as the times will admit. . His larder Is well supplied, a4 all other com- . forts, conveniences or neoesslUes are In ampre' ' abundance and heflaUers himself that eijUre satisfaction will be fiven to all thefe who may ' , favor him with, their patronafe. -His larre experience Is a sufficient ruarantet of his quallncaUons as a. host and caterer for the ap petite of the poello. - wam A.n omniDur wiu, snwayr roans 10 waiting on the arrivals of the several trains to convey passencers to this Couse or eUewhere la the" city. WM.P. MOOKK. June o liv-dlm ' Removals fTtHlI subscriber bejrs to Inform thermbDe tha JL he has removed bis Bhop.to No 4 GRAN1TS wt wnere ne is prepare wiui a full stock GOODS L70K Itl WEAlt, To supply all who iay favor him with ealL Having secured the ervtecs cr one of the best Cutters In the Booth, he feels aatUned that ht tan pleato the most fajtiduous, oot.9-tf , ; j. a. pHiLLira. CHAatorrx, AprU 24th, ISf 8. IpUEuudersigced wo!d respectfully call the 1L ' attention t all 'concerned to the follow- Inr extract from "Order No. 8 iisoed' by Col. Peter MslleU, Commandant Conscripts, N. C. '1V. Appllciilons.for thedetsll of employees of QUARIEft MA3TJCKS, C0MMISAR1L., and SURGEONS must be made to the LUKEAU cf CONSCRIPTION through the bum of their re spec live DEHHTMISTi-" . lt. jjbk e. Mclean, p. a. c. . En. Off. e to. Con, Dut. April 25,1 06 ).-d6. , . P 8 My addresli BalUbary, N. C. VW Balisbury Watchman, a.d Western Demo crai copy one time. : : 1 . COJIIFOIIT. E are manufacturing to ordrrfor Gentle- . men wear the eguUr "CONGRESS GAI- TtR;' a'so a beautlfnl at.cle of 0itcrs for La dies, te most comfortable and elegant Uhoe lor Summer now worn, at WILLI AM 3 Jt GRAY'S. e 3T One "Fine Shoe Msker" wateU. 'March 26, 1663 tf. . - a - f ... ' LAST NOTICE ! SAVE COSTS ! A LLrersons due me by note or secenn -wi 111 settle the same, BY UA&li,,on or be ori (he ' Itiu day'oC May. I aia obliged to haye the cssh, ano these ailing to c mply will fid their notes in the bands of an officer ior colleo 1 n.- ihcse having claims against me will prisent them ior BtttieiucnU W. IRE 1. (JAR. m'tiS d3. - - . , N OTICE. All Freight charges '.not advanced wlthlo the last two months, will be increased 25 per centum on the Charlotte A South Carolina and Atlantic, Tennessee A Ohio Rail Roads en and after the 6th : Instant. All Agents will act accord I ugly. ' . WM. JOHNSTON, Prest. OcV . 1S62 tf. CHARL0TXE DRUG STORE. E. HYE ' HUTCHISON & Go Opium, Morphine, Quinine, French Brandy, Old Port Wine and Castor Oil, (by the gallon,) Indigo, Castile Soap, Sup. Carb Soda, (by the keg,) Calomel and Nitrate ol (perfectly dry) for which' 50 cents a poun will be paid'by i - E. NYE HUTCHISON & Co., ' Cnarlotte. June-3tt " Drttirirjt. : Office Charlotte & S. C. R. B. Co, Charlottx, Dec. 8, 1862. The semi-annual dividend of thia Com pany will be paid on application at this office. The Coupons and Bonds due Jan uary next will also be paid on presentation to the undersigned. A. II. MARTIN, Agent. . Decf, ltI tf i "RANTED, :- J- f At the North Carolina Powder 11 ills, 10,000 White Oak and Chesnut STAVES of the following dimentions; 42 inches wide by 3 inches thick and 36 inches Ibng. .. S. W. DAVIS, Pres. Charlotte, N. C, Not 17, 1161 -tf , . ; . 1 gUPEBIOB 8EWIJNtt.:SILIt. The subscriber has just received an in voice of the yery best ITALIAN SEW ING SILK, which he offers to the public at 12i centa per skein. . J. S. PHILLIPS. Feb 14, 1863 dtt . IIOUSE AND LOT FOItSALli. TUE undersigned will sell at public auction, on the first Tnurs- day in-April, 1863, the property known as Montamcsna Fcmale Sexixabt, in Mt. Pleasant, N.C., consisting ot dwel ling house with ten large rooms and other out-buildings. Also, one of Chfckering Pianos, Carpeting, and other School Fur niture. Terms made known on day ol sale. Stockholders especially, requested: to attend the sale. L.G. IIEILIG, ) PAUL MILLElt, V Committee. - A. FOIL, J a .March 41863 10t ' ' PIUXTXBS' ITTS. MAHUTACTTJBSD ' - ' BY ". r B. A. BAlSfUAUD. MARIETTA, GEORGIA. BOOK, NEWS AND COLOItED INK.S, of an excellent quality, aad war ranted equai to the best Jlorthern make. BOOK INK at eenu to $4 per B. NEVvaiNHL at 13 eenu per B. " ' t CQLOKEDINKS atfl.to 3 per ft., In half pound and pound eans., . ZZf Avery paper inserting this advertisement for one month and sending me a copy of their pa per, wiil recelre pay for ths same upon purchas-.' ing three times the amount of their bill troo mv Mareh 26, lS63lm p. A. JU " PLANT SUGAU CANE. '.:." '. !,.,, una m w.twj April 85 'CS dim . , TEAS TEA I TEA X A6PLHUDLO AST1CLC OF TOUNO JIISON la any quantity, from half pound to full Chests, at $0 per k March ai. l86S-tf CZANSION T.s!sa ! 25 DOLL All? ItEWAllD. :, -rrft ANAWAY' from the subecrbers rn 9l. " wtT tboMltb Inst- their Boy N ELS0N. If? gaid . Nesra aged about S3 years, dart complectlon, nottU buts.lm bnl'.i. lie is Vr supposed o.ee lurking la t'e vteHty or perhaps has made hii way towards Fayetteville. - The above reward wik'be paid If confired la aayjaii, or dtUrertd safely tins. - . .AntMi v-.nM' - f y charlottt flaw UDl-