Ij 111 F! 55p) -. $?' .f urn TO VOL. IX.---NO. 1315; CHARLOTTE, N.C WEDNEBDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 0, 1863.. $12 PER ANNUM. THE BULLETIN : ryY2. ii; . rritton. i TLRM3 FOR SUBSCRIPTION' 1 D.iiLV. BCLiirrix : j For six months. .. . ......... .. . " nn.y?ir, ... t ... :,. . TRl-WV.-M-T PCU.XT1!:. . For six mi;u?lis . . ,.. .. ' one year, ... - ...--.. . T.Ol) .12.(h ! 5.1 0 , $.)"- For one year.. . ...... ' ..J;..! 3.00 An Act to Amend ait Act "JilIiIa j Entitled SECTION 1. Be it further enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolina, and 'it is here by. enacted ly he authority of die same, That during ihe war the Governor local and temporary service, all able-bodied men between the aes ot eighteen ''and forty-five year?, or such portion thereof in. the whole State or any part ol . the State "as he may deem necessary forthe public defence. He shall cause the men so called . "out from each regimental district, as is now established by law to be formed into . companies of nut less than sixty or more i , i 4 ;f ok-n lct the company officerf; whenever any of-eaid district3 shall furnish a smaller number than a company, or there shall bs a; residue after the formation of one or .tn6Te companies, such mailer' number may be attached to any adjoining district and the companies so formed, may be or ganized into battallions and regiments, in which .case the commissioned officers of companies shall eleqt the -field officers; the same nuniber of staff officers for each regira'ant as are provided for in the militia .law shall ba appointed, and' the Governer shall commission all officers during the war, and no looser. I v Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted; That the officers and men shilt be subjected to the rulcs'and articles of war of the Confederate States,' and shall' receive the same pay, rations and allowances whi?p in actual ser vice as tho?e ot like grade in the Confede rate State' Bervice. . , ' Sec.'3. Be it further enacted. That ther shall be exQmpted'lrom service under this 'art iK following, to wit.: The officers of the State, with their clerks and Secreta- i ' g. . i . . i ries : members ana omcers oi ine general Q.nr...'tg zcdl Stste courts; the af crney general, solici tors of the several judical circuits,clerks o; courts of record, marshals and sheriffs, jail ors, reabters, county trustees and Jieepel-s rittSA nnnr : one salt commissioner of each county, two blacksmiths who have estab lished shops if) each captiapfs district ; one miller for each public miil';1 regular minis ters of the gospel ; the ofiice'rs and neces- j tary employees of the insane asylum, and I institute for the deaf, dumb, and blind, j with their inrr.aies'an.d'pupils: physicians ! who have been habitually engaged in the practice of their profession for four years immediately before tnis day i the president, superintendent, treasurer, f secretary; an axjent for each depot, ad a reasonable number of engineers, runners, conductors, and mechanics of each railroad company ; one editor and the necessary number of compositors for each newspaper ; the presi dent professors and stewards ot. colleges ; the principal and teachers of academies; the principal and a reasonable numbers of employees 'or manufacturer's .of cotton and woolen 'goods, iron, 'leather, shoes, and ..ih.r nTtiolra manufactured of leather, who Ul.lLl ...v.. -- - . ' are working uncer contracts wun tne con federate or State Government, or who have brought themselves within the terms ot the act of. Congress, by agreeing to. take j no more than seveatyrfive per cent, profit j upon their manufactures; but in every case j it shall be maae to appear . 10 im; cuurt satisfaction .to such oiLcer as the Govern , ment may appoint, iuai suui tuuuati ur agreement v.'as bona fide, and not entered into or pretended merely to escape military Axitv and that the Governor shall have power in special and extraordinary cases 1 IO eXCIIipi any "' r....... r 4 Be tt further enucted, I hat in .1 .,tiha Cnvnrrinr ia mnnv. 1 ,aay be necessary and hemay appoin a 9UitaDie nuyiuer w " I rank acd pay of junior sctond lieutenants, j Skc. 5. Be tl furmer enaciea, i nai whenever "the Governor shall deem it ex pedient to raise secretly in places .where it cannot be done publicly under this act, .nmnnnies tor special service? he may com mission officers for that purpose, with authority to raise such companies to con eist of as many me ind officers as he may determine, who when in actual scrviee shall be entitled to the same pay and under the same rules as the torce herein authori zed except as to the appointment of offi cer?, which shall be made-by the Gover- nSEC. 6. Be it further enacted. That the Governor shall have power to appoint field officers to command any force raised under the 5th section that - be may think proper "szcbTu further enacted, Tht ail laws and clauses of laws coming in con flict with this act are hereby repealed, and thU act shall be in force and take effect from and after, t" ratification. IUtid tat 10U i1 1 ftlfW 16,-J IfVUIW UOVEKNOa OFNOR7H CAROLINA. S . " 'A PKQCLAMATWN ' f iiiUEAs, a number of public meetings have recently been held in various -portions ! of the .-jiff's iu some of Which threats have ! befin tnuuu vi combined resistance, to the ; execution of the laws of Congress, in re gard to- conscription- and the collection" of taxes, thereby endangering the, public peace a.d tranquility as well as the com mon cause o! .independence, wfcneh we have so .soiernnlv engaged to defend: And whereas, it is my sworn duty to see ell thev laws of the land faithfully executed and . quiet ar.d order maintained within our bor tiers , . ' , . t , ! Now. xhere'fore, I, ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of the State of North .Carolina, do issue this my Proclamation, commanding all such persons to renounce Mich evil 'intentions, and warning them to beware, of the criminal and fatal conse-.' quences of carrying such threats into exe cution. . 'U'- ' The iaalienabfe and 'invaluable right of the people to assem bio together and con sult for tho. common good, together wjth it rTeccssary concomitants, the Jreedfqm of speech and the press, are secured to you, my coiiatrymen, by the most sacred com.-, pactsi They shall never find a disturber in'rae. Yet you will remember that the same instruments which guarantee these great rights, also limit .you to the exercise of them, within'the bounds of law, and im pose upon, me the solemn duty of seeing that these bounds be not transgressed. The Constitif tion of the Confederate States, and ail laws passed' in pursuance thereof, are the supreme law ot - the land ; resist ance to them by combination 'is treason, and without combination, m a high crime against the laws ot your country. Let no one be deceived. Sj long as these laws remain upon the statue book they shall be executed. Sorely, my countrymen,- you would not reek to cure - the evils of one revolution by plunging the country into another. You wiii not knowingly, to the present desolating wax with the common enemy, add horrors ointernal strife and entire subversion ol law and civil authority ! You must not forget the enviabie charac ter which you have always maintained, as a sober, conservative and law-abiding peo- 1'la.Hw wnn'd I .have yxxn toataMxi plain, easy and constitutional metiioxt of Te dressing your grievances. Aleet and de nounce any existing, laws, if you think -proper you have that right and instruct your representatives in Congress or the State Legislature, as the case. may. be, to repeal them. Your own chosen servants made those obnoxious laws they can re peal thera, it such are yqur instructions, if you regard them as unconstitutional, our Supreme Court f-its ready, to decide upon all cases properlybrouahtbelor8.it. Its .decisions are final in the State ot North, Carolina, and shall be executed while he power remains in your Executive to en force any law made, but can be most bene ficially elfected in the way our farthers marked out by the ballot - box, andjlhe oth er constitutionally appointed rpjeans. ,In times of great public sensibility .like the present, any departure from this legal channel is revolutionary and dangerous, and tends to the division and destruction of our people. A It is my great desire, and, 1'hope, that of all good citizens, that our people should remain-united, befall us what may. Should we triumph in the great strnggl Si r inde pendence, let no leelings ot revenge, no bitterness, mar the 'rejoicing of that glori ous day. Should we ;raii, and come short of that great object idr vhich we hare struggled so long and bled so freely, let not our strifes and domestic feuds aad to the bitterness of defeat, Attemp.t suddenly to chang5 the existing crder of things would only result in blood shed and ruin. I therefore implore you, my countrymen, of all shades of political opinion, to abstain from assembling to- j gether for the purpose ot denouncing each i other, whether at home or in the army, aim IO avoiU CiilUg any reiutuy ior lUtJ and to avoid seeking any remedy for the ties wj ebarked -n the est of all causes vhich can stir- the hearts of patriots the cause of liberty and inde pendence. We' are committed to it by every tie that can bind and honorable peo ple. Multitudes of our bravest and best have already sealed it with' tneir. blood, whilst others, giving up all earthly possea sions, are either languishing in dungeons or are homeless wandering through the land, and all have felt, in a greater or less degree, the iron hand of war: A great and glorious nation is struggling to be born aad wondering Ipngdoras and distant empires are stilled with listening hopd and admiration, watching this greatest of hu man events. Let them not, I pray you, be shocked with the spectacle of domestic strife and petty, malignant feuds. Let not our enemy be rejoiced to behold our strong arms and stronger devotion which have of 4 ten made him trenble, turned against ourselves.- Let us rather show that the God of Liberty is in Ills Holy Temple the hearts of freemen and bid all the petty bickering of earth keep silence before Him. In i lead or engaging in this unholy and unpatriotic strife and titwitfer.in2 to '-resist tbe laws of. the iaad ct-l-sndagffering'the:. . peacoi socieur; let us prepare diligently. Heatitm has , bhisaedr Vis .withv abundant crop's bat thousands of knir poor are iina ble to purchase. Let -m Isegia in. time ami use every c Sort to - pi-f idei fo'r.iiiem and secure them against suffering, And Jet us exert ourselves to the inmost to return, to duty tha many brave Mt.raisguided inert who have left their; coifttry's flag in tha iiour of dangen, ar?d Gi d Will yet .bless us aud. onr children, trnd Vur. children's chil dren will 'thank u' fo iior despairing of the Republic in its, .darkes? Jiours of disaster, and still more for'adh'fitiQg to and preserv-' ing, amd the fiery triads or war, conserva tive' sentiments and tho; rights and civil liberties of .the young Confederacy. r- f n witnedSi' lereo't Zebulox H. L, S. Vance, out Governor, Captain - rT General ? - andj- jCommander-in Chief, hath signed thesV presents and caus ed the Great Seal of the State to be affixed. . Done at the-tjity cf Jtaleigh, this 7th day cf September. A. D., 1363, and in the year of American Independence the 88th. Z: B. VANCE. By the Governor :' i R. H. Battle, jr., ' f , Private' Secretary, pept 9 dlw&cj2.w, - ; ; , FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, &C JAfiES G. AILIE & BR0.: A RE now offering for s?!e. the foUowing ffeoda &. to which th?y waolct respectfully call the attention of the public: 4-4 ft-4 an! 6-4 White Canton Mattlne : ' i -4 and 6-4 R d Chect Cantrip Mattiasr : i ' crass aiauing ciapies, nor aiatung.) . FLOOlt OILCLOTHS. Three feet and tlx. feet F'cr Oil Cloth; '. Heavy Sheet Floor Oil C:dth, j ; ; r;.f -r CARPETINGrS, English Royal Vol vet CAF.VSTING, EDgsh Wire BrnsseU C: CURTAIN GOODS. Curtain Damasks ; Lase Curtalas;; Muslin Curtains; Curtain Musiins, by the piece or 12 y.-rdf ; I Nottingham Laee Curtaios; Centre Tassels, Curtain Loops, Curtain Gimps, Curtain Bands, and a general assortment of CORNICES, embracing many new patterns. Picture Tassels, Picture NaHs ani Picture Cord. WMDDf SHADES In 6, 7, S, 9 and 16 feet lengths, with all neiessary Trimmings. 1 ( Door Mats, for.outsi ?e uses; Lhen Druggets, 16-4 wi ie, for Crumb Cloths; Fine Cloth Table and Piano C3vrs: ' " .100 dczen fine Southern mace Wire Bound Straw : Brooms.. j WOODKN BUCKETS, ,of thj st Southern make, always on hand; j Carpet Tacks, with Leather, ii 12, 14 and 16 czs.; Carpet Tacks, without; Leather, In 4, 6, 3, 10, 12, afd 14 czs. j WANGS, ; : Always on ham!, a good st ick of he above in struments, of, Cite best make. James G. Bailie .& Bro. -205 Broad Street, A VU IJSTA, OA. July I IS63 4oj 8 AM ' L J. t - UOWRIE at' Law At t orn - T- fSr Offi e in Brarrlty Building, opposite Kerra H...;,;l. ' . Feb. 13 .. iy , PAPER. Office O. g, Oed., Works, " Salisbubt, N. C. June 24 1S63. f Th s article is bdog manu'actired largely at va riuos points in the Confederacy but the scarcity of rags bids fair to Interfere setioosly with the man ufacture, j In th; manufacture of Catridge paper msell in the fabrication of aaamuni ion, raw cotton can be" used if a certain propsrlion of hemp be mixed, with it, : j 7 I am aathorized by ! the Ordnance Hepartmfnt t purchase material for the purpose, and I take this method of appealing to tne people t3 as3itt me hi coiiecting old rags, bagging, waste cordage Ac, or any of Old heaap. : A good price wul be paid for the above material varying from 10 to 25 cents per pound according ti condition, locality Ac I wi3 also pay 40 cents per pound for old ecap lead delivered at the works. f A. G. BRSNIZER, Jane 2&, '63 dtf j ' Capt. Artillery. SOMETHING !ENTIBiY NEW. OUR New Style HATS, the "ESilERALDA,1' for Ladies and iHsses, are just open, ad attracting general admiration, also other new . and handsome styles at KAUNWEILEK A BRO. April 27, '63-tf NORTH CAROLINA POWDER JL l1iperior BUsting ?owd,r Charlotte & S.s C, Hail Road - . : ,';. : AND I'. ' ' ' -- 1 T and after Tafsday. Septeranber lit, 1568. PAsseuxer Tr&im maklnsr eloe Connectibni wisn adjoining Jio&dj w ll run a rollows : . - -r-' Leave Charlotte for Cola mbla, dally at T, a. 50. ad 6p.;m. - - 1 . . e Xave Colombia for Charlotte, (?&i!y at 8, a. m, and 6 p, ra. - - - : ' - .- . . . - - ; Lear 3i atesviUe for Charlotte, daUjr (except Sandays) at 7 a. a. - , , - . , "Leave Charlotte for Stat-eaviile, ; daily . (except Sunday's) at .3 p. m. V . - .... ' v? , , . TH03. R. 8HARP, . :.Aog 81-tf ' . V ' , gnpertntndat- ' . It UFO lIJJItAlL.il OA i, OX5 ON . and after MOSDAT, the 25th of Mayi 1S63, the Passenger Trains will ran on the Western Dirision of this Road daily, Qa&dsys ex cepted, as follows: " -" - -f Aaaivji ' 8.15 aI m. : 8.65 -9,25 " laoa.-'";.' W.45 ; " Aaarva. : Lalva 7.83 A. Mi i Charlotte' , . " ToBkaseege Brevard; . v . Sharon -: LlacolntOQ ; . Cherrjrviile .? . K)IIia2AJBT. t 8.20 9.00 9.80 10.(5 M Cherrynue, 11.80 AM. 13.15 P. M. 12.50 " 1.20 13 LtncointoTj 12.5 P. M Sharon A2&5 ; Brevard., L2i " Tuakaaege , 2;00 Charlotte -V. .' -. ' 2.43 A freight train leaves Cherrvvllle for Charlotte. at 7 o'clock, A. on Mondays, and-returns the same day., - ;'. - . - . . . For, Passenger Tralna transporting' freight, 50 per cent, to the Tariff ratea of freight will be ad ded.?:.'; '- ; i.': ::.r . : " ;.r ; - : Fare 6 centa per xnlle. Sokiiers going td and returning from the army, half fare. ' Pasaengera are required to make the proper change, as the Ticket -.Agent cannot furuish change for every one. : - V. A. McBXSV ; "ActUJff Maxtor ntTracaportaticsu . Uncolnton, May. 18, 1863 tf ; ;.-. EIGHTEISNTIX DIVIDEND: k CHARLOTTE & '-S. ,C. 'RULROAD COMPANY. . :..: Colfkbia, June 18, 1SC8.. ; KMIANNCAiDrvrpEND-will be paid In hroVDLe FITT3T Stockholders resident as heretofore will be paid at Charlotte, Chester, Winnsboro and this office. Those whose extra stock dividends for May, V62, have net been paid, must auply here. A .Transfers closed until 5th July. C. BODKNIGHT, June 27 tf Secretary and Treasurer. laiVATE freights consigned to this Road and forbidden by the Governors proclamation from exportation are requested to be 'taken from, tt e Depot or storage wi'.l be charged upon them. A. 11. MARTIN, .May 25'68-dtf: . Agent. OFFICE N. C. ItAlLUOAD CU, . COMPANY SHOPS, Mat 12th, 1603. 4 3m. "TDkTOTICE Xs given to masters -and owners of XNl slaves, that no slave wll be Allowed to travel on the trains of tLis road unlesa accom panied hV their master, or agent authorized In writing, and for whom a ticket must be purchased of the railroau agent before entering the cars T. J.bOMNEK, may 15, '63 dim . Engineer ano gupt WHEAT AND COISN "WANTED. rSEJHE planting cbmmunity w take - O notif.a that their Wh3at and A: Com Crops will be purchiacd at the --mi i a a. oi -ctt i . arm a 'i wnanote cieam iiuaricg iim, at market pricea. Those having Wheat and Corn for sale may find it to their advastac-s to call &; the Mill before closing sale. JOHN WXLKZI8 -..!: . C'larlotte Floor MM; ao 1. IMO-It 1 ' IIIIiLSBORO' MILITARY ACAD ExTIY, IIIIiI.SBORO N. C. HE secondaession of the fifth, academic year of this institution wui commence on me iei of July next. For circulars and information apply to Major WILLIAM W. UOROON, may 27,'63--3m Superintendent. SIIOJ3P1SGS. HE subscriber offers Jor aali at bis establish- m.ut at High Point. . . SHOE PEGS , . of all sizes and- quantities, manufacture! at the PiedmoDt Valley Works. E.B.KING. - July 15-dlm. - . , FOR OKN'riAKJXKiX. UST Imported a finer Silk Elastic French SUSPENDER of a superior quality. Call soon at KAHft WEILKR A BRO. aug 19. lS61-tf KEEP COOL AND ECONOJIIZK WE have just received and opened a lot of Fine Wide Bro. Linens, suitable tor Csats' Pants, Ve?'.a or Shlils, aQ1 cheaper than Blea. Shirting. C'l sooa. (Especially adapted for children's -.".) 'A'l ... KAHNWEILER A BRO. Jnnc S, ISftWtf FAMILY FLOUR FOR SALE. AT the Chariot Flooring Mills can be had. Family, cerflne and iae FLOUR, 82 COND&, SHORTS and BRAN. , ; ilfOtaClALaad 6&ZT. JOHN WICKES. . Jfoo v WILI11US b OHES ' have this day associated with them in tf Merchayiilc and Commission business f LEWIS X7. ; . .The atyle of the.firm wiii hereafter o WILLIAMS OATJES & Co. All persona indebted to the lato firm ol Williams Sc. Oates will pleaso call and settle up, as we wish to closa our old busi ness. - I WILLIAMS & OATES. . Dec. ttf, l'lKDHONT SPUING 8 . ' - ; BURKE COUNTT, N. C, THESE Springa are altaated la Vstvn No'ta Carolinla, about Fifteea raUa trom Mr-. ganton, in a mounUineou, beaottf al and rnmatle country The waters, f ULV11UR aad CIULT BCATk, are said to be equal to any la- the coun try. Deer, Bear andpheasant abound in iht moantalna. The Company has aacceedel 1p ob.alnngt2ier viceS of an experinced gn'Iemc and ldy ta take charge of the Urate, and trtu bs ready for the re ception of visitors the 1st JULY. Board per day..; ...... 13.00 Board per week:..'. .... .I................ 2,(A Board per mon'h ......W00 Hacks will ltava Morganton for Ue fprlngt. Tae-rday, Tharsiay aad fcatur!ay: 'C20n fourtli of-tb!s. prov-erty with Tht Hundred acres of land ttac'hd would be ao d to . a person competent ta take charge of the property. 1 PlEDMONl'SPKl.NGSCO. Joo9 25,,C3-dtf . ; i -ii-i tr ! ! i- i iii i ' STJENIIOUSU t ITIACAULA V, . WwUsaU Grocers and CdmmLUmJIrchant4, AT their old stand, on Trade Street, kep con stantly on h&od a well selected stock of FAMILY GK00KRI&3. Orders for Hour, Corn, Bacon, Ac, promptly and care.ully filled. Also, Cotton la lots, suitable fgr factories; TOO' boxei Tobacco, various grades. ' ' . - - J. R 8TEN HOUSE, ' May 15, '(dly, y ' ALLKN MACAULAY. - . 1 WAN'l'bl). bTAYZa AT THE a P. DIB- tiller (formerly owned br fti. A a:, Myers) at eausbury. nt, C. aa fclUn a : A , Myers) at eal l a be or White Oak tiujoer, citr of sap. .. STAVES S4 inches IjD.froui 4 to C iucbca wld and t Inch tulck,. - . HEADINd 24 iachet )oDg, fr. m S to 10 Inches wde, and X iachea th ck. ...... ; 700 staves ani00 heading t a thotmifJ. - Higheetmarkei prlco w 1. bepa(d. Address, " v ; JA3. T.JOHNSoN, ! - Med. Purveyor O. S. A. . July eCa gtf.- tharl tte N. C. W ; v IlOIJSt FORItKNT. "nrfTOUSS and LOT la a gaod nelgbborh-vJd, fe L renUlaf-tiut-bUECe or tbe ye.r. ,Po-a-' irarU aoGh"aan-Jy trpvtr-wliH-vryksi-ju1. A ," corlr, ironer and washer can be hired) cn tarn terms. Apply at ihisoffi.e. . . July 2,'C&-dtf - i a suii rriru re vy a. j e n. JfSr ANTED a substitute ia4meJ lately. tot JLu- V v r wmcn a uuerai i rice win bo quire of V,t Kuitor of tbe UuileUn. June 8'6!idtf. aid. ItlERCIIANT ' TAILOR I IS it HK urdenlgned having located two ivcm f outa or the m a i o N uutit jUhariovte, . u., is prepa e i to tu an orders ta hia line ot busings, aucn aa JLUUry ai?J tlUaeas Clothing, Cats, Lace, dutius, ac, a a. ' A liberal share oi tho pairouage o. ih public i respectfully solicltei, as auorderj entrusted to my care will be promptly aM fj.thfally filed, l have competent woixmen, n 1 cia compete wl a anyjother establishment in Kiviiii; a "good fit,' and I warrant my wrk to give catlre stUi- tlon. 1 , . Mr. R. M. ROBINSON, an exierienosi cotter, la engaged In this efctj&bnsbment, and he aiu b pleased to wait upQU bin friends. J. A. CALDWELL. lfarchl8,lftU d TO COTTON PLANTERS. f HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LY THK tECRE Jtt. TARYofthe Treasury, ChieT Agent for iht purchase of Cotton for tne Confederate Govern ment witMn the State of .North Oaroliha, aad will pay for the same in 7 per ct-t. Bonds or Cash. bub-Agents visiting Vo different parts of the ftate, buying in my catae, wui have written cer-' uflcatta of tppolitmeuU By order of the "Secjretary fI tha Treasury," all Cotton purchased by myself, or my AgeuU, on and after the lath day of tlarch, lboJ, will b paid for in 7 per cent. Bjuds or Gash, and not S per cent. Bonds as stated in a former advertise ment. Up to that time, however, the 8 per cent. Bonds will be furnished as staled. . Patriotic citizens are now oiferelaa opportu nity to aid the Government by selling t n detr Cotton rather than to pr.va'e capitaiuts. - l LtWIS t. WILUAMS. Charlotte, March 20, l!6 tf r The Charlotte Dtjnocrat, Faycttevllle Oa server, Wadesboro Argus, RaieiU lteguter and he Goldsboro IribaLe are requea-sd io copy the above uutil forbid. - . SIIOE'POIt SALE. WE are now manufacturlog to oracr, aii all ordera filled pcmptly. Ladiea calf akin Booteea and U-itera. Geuta do . " ' Gents Scotch bottom double aole Sh'oea. Thick Birbgana aad aervanta shoes all sizes and kinds wished. Have some, very ' Urife sixes on" haod, JOHNF. BCtr. Mint Street, CnarloUe N. C. July 24,'&3 tfc - LATEST IMPORTATION. GOOD quality of Blaca ALPACCA GOODi Debeges, assorted colors : 1 Rrcnco Lawns, equally aa vhcap aa Calio Black and White Bwne Buttosa; ; Military Gill Buttons; Tooth Brashes and Hair Brashes, ' at . KaHaWEILLR A BEOl. July 8,lSCa-tf IIACON WANTED. rinHE Charlotte A S. C. EalUoad Compaoy d Ji. ilrrs 20J0lba of BACON .or lu hands aad wui pay cash cr cotton If desired. C-ll at ihii r i . V f '

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