r IK NORTH CARCNJNA PORTFOLIO 3j . f. 4. i.. J. . .-- . - J- - . ' , -nr'-il - 1 - ' 1 4 -if. '! .' " iis J t i. M A 1 ". OL. XL NO. 1793. ( HAKLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 18(55. $20 THREE MONTHS. lily Bui' : month. 1 month. S month?. $2 8 IS 10 I .i.u.lv Bulletin ttawb Jonrutl. 6 mom! Br (Hi advertising rtes I'vr Wre t 1 lines or less, for eah Insertion AUCTION FIR M AND ' ROKEHAGE. t HAHI OTTK. .V. .. r. barsjb & co. e will buy and n consignment and Mpaon io. K.f.KOKN. I. l l. It. A PKW DtPOBTAH FACT IN EE..4tU To THE "SOUTHERN HHP ATI G IML1." 1THEY are prepared from l lie bent qul . ity vt medicines, by the tisoo ei or, now an agd Miniver of tlie GoapaL. aul rp i safe. 2. They have been known for year and tested by thousands. , 3. Five .hundred pefstfus me knwu to have been cured by (hem. ; 4. Tbey are not reoonimeutU vi by ihepra prietor tor every thing, but only for disease which arise from disordered hvcww. .'. Directions and certificate atn.mioiu each bo.anl hVtqrriiteatc-ml-Hum well known ud mosi rypccti4de indivnJim.s ii. Corrcq Htiri recoiumaud ta,eii. : - good fr Liver Dint --. 'l.tT- ml l.-veis. Pneumonia, jaundice, Dyspepsia, BillioUs Fever.-. 1'dlliorfs RheMtmjgiani, Wotum I'if- risj , bronckliia, A. T. lcvui jcuilfuun st.iic thai ihtiaeoj thei-e rill.- ti t- been lo them an annual aa-v- j , tug ot frjom l)lf u S2W:' they are thi le.- j ' plnntt on medicine ever offered t the public VAIiCTAKLiKS LOST. UNDERSIGNED HAVING HAli ok . ' il.. .. .. I. 1 TiMlli HoME.r KJ) ! EtS Vv IU. LM- j B .-tolen from him, in Columbia. C, 9 1. injdiniely o o eedif vifil the dib'ei- ' ht, oi' valuable Jewelry inchtdmgWaiche, em counties o4 their respective District fr Silver IMate, a credent ' .Breast-piuv set in the nuruoae of exaniiiniu; all tKMKons cUun- .-ilver- embracina; mauv articles .with the ing exemption on eceoiini of physical uis- bili v. j, The Do.ud t..r the First District will brat. name 'Von tow inscribed upon each, wilt liberally reward. tbe finder or discoverer of any of the articles. Any information in tnveite at. Jafksun. thaufor the Second Dis- relation thereto i. itiVjfed through the'Edi ii i'.u field, t iti( for the Tbivd at .(rolds- i tor ot the Bulletin. - ' trict horn . thai I'ujr cite Fourth at Fayetu ville, ' thai loi ilie Kil'th at fUluigh. fbut. for i .ie Sixth at ttroeitboro. thai for the Seventh si j Lexington, that for -the Eigbtb at ClKirlotte. ! tb,;r tor the KiinU' Murg-iQton, that for the Tenths i AshevWle. Intrnctlftn5 from ttoft orbee will be forwarded to these poifit. EDW AE D W ARE EN, Surgeon General N. C. mil 12.'C? rlj,t 1 1 w. ;r.M-:R.ii. okii:ks, f. itn. i.i't ano ImsP'h i ::V:a a i.'h Ovri, Kiohmond, Sept. 11, in'i. j" ; THj FOLLOWING At ToF 0O& uros i.s published for the intor FtiAlv WINTHUtH', Trustee l:l (l ffBfrdijj lit. k ; t. BANK BILLS. tartFIDKBATK rcnpei!- U W . J... . . ..! : i .. - 1 .11. . 11. ! "I .Ml 1 I !! Umm nner4c Lhau to their uatieiu.s and ' Every pciMm, no. MibjCft to th rUlS o r -r- - - , , , i regular hundred." oi hxr u.ive i-r.tc; iu yM. r been sold ii KrOidera from ik-di-i ni'-e ar 1-oliCl.eU. C r. 1 1 A I It I . t uncora. is. -v. A. W. BUUTOX. Lineolnio.u N. C. W. S.LOAN. t'barlotie. N. t' ; tKNOi 4. W J. Jmstou, t- t-- lrc?t- ir AS. . u-K.; tf. r. wumu. ruei L..Jt w r .v K. K. K. : t. Lrintendcn- Sonthern Exprcs- R H Button, late editor 1 ' A Menhrun. J J ui Bank of Charlotta Ii. Duriug the last ijuarte Z.SoO hoses have been sold lot wo Druggists, one in South Caroliua. and one in North t'aioiiua, and fcoiue tfme ago i7ts) t.oxea were .ordered ly Druists au one town in Virgiuin. Price 6 a box. For o0, a dozen boxes will be seut to any address. i50 ner g"?s. A very liberal Uiaoo.unt to ItBuggi-t and country dealers, f'adh incw crren- i la iice.onipany orders. Address' GEORGE W. DEEMS. Goldshoro, N. C. For Mle in rharlotte bv Dr? Stjarr and by T. W. Dewey, 1 lr. Hutohie-n , in Lincoluton by 6. P. Sher- ,-t.. i . S. A. i rill i in Snelbv bv R. Fronebarter ; in Con- F. Et.-s, t'om- Ttmt : Rlackwood, ami arycle I w;ir, who slinlt ptocttre V)i entice a soldier of the Coufodarate States t deaert, or who .siuii! uttfthtutt froBj any st'' ilier hi.-1 arms, uinonn. cl'ilhlng, ot any thtrtoj. .shall, upop legiti conviction, be fined j af the dicreton of the court having cogn. . 1 zaiic.o of the same, in any sum not exeee I ing three hundred dollar, and be imprison ed not. exceeding one year. By order of the Secretary of W:ir. Signed H. OOOPKR. Adjutant and Inspector den":. VATED, ! A SITUATION AS . TEACHER .IN V .TL private family by a youns: lady com-' pefent to teacJi PVfOtev, flSusfc anf EugJisU branches. References given required, Address lj. A., : mh 1 ji.'o.'. dlfH f'l.Hrlon . N.i'. j . i ., j ... k II ..vr w ithoi t i.i ; A ' f NEGRO CIRb r.ALT.IK. AGED v 1 about. IS years, very Rkcly. ;md has laome soars on her face and neck caused by a burn. She' walked off ou Sunday morn ing, d 2 ! h inst, aud is supposed to be lurk ing about th; town, or perhaps is trying ir ninke ner way. to Richmond, Vfc.j nf-bei father nd mother live in that city; I wjl! give it liberal reward for her appre- Ihoiibion, or I can get her jortfincTuent in any jail so that mn l -d: t j. NICK HCNTER. 1IAKKIS Ov CO., lliicr BankN.t' ..a C Larlotte. t -i. rui ; m .ueioy oy i. rnru4iSw L, Mayor of Chatlotte, R. W .lohnson. era by T. Reid ; and by druggists gener iuiubia. 5. and L. Conn, August.. G. l ally. VlZ- wiimiBgion Joul, and Car- onv 23. fi4-dAcjam dan. AueuatJ. :pnsiiiutionui. . t oi- Lbia Guardian and Kajeigh federate v times aud send bill to Build-in amce. bK.MiltAL (IRDI US, Xtl. 4, Vnyi r! lx.ir'R Ghxcbal's OrrtoE, Riohmoud. February 8. 1 8G5. 1C iMMANl'kKS OF ARMIES. Dfc- partmeuts or districts, will enforce hllE PUBLIC AND OUR l'.TKNS ARE j the following Act of Congress in all sections . :t . ! aid! thai W'fdntsUayx uao tndayt m wincii tue enemy may , ne auvanctng. They vm aoia Minorumate oi:iccrs, cnargeo il I . V U X l TION SA1.I DA: each week ire our rtyr Auctiou Sale ; fp .rties havyig articles io fesll at Auction.. U l lease bring them io ihe dv wor. .CUAd. F. HARRIS & Icionecr. tomonssion Mcrcbuts us IroKeis. feb S.'ttf-dtf WlMtD. GOOD PLANTATION. OF 250 ACRES, a mnr. in a ood Dc;ehborbood. ton- leraie money and merchantable goods 11 be given in payment. Apply io ii 'fta-di Charlotte. i"" PIANO POK MLR, C. f. HARMS & U, urttoneera. Cossjstarion Merchants and Broker. feb 12,'65-dtf h SV. tAnrtil IXAPESTR.- CABVET FOR SALK Bt II DDM. . . I'll . . ... i . r- ieb VJ, no-ati CAPl.lt MAK1 Xi. IMIE UUBSCRIBKJIS ARE MANUFAL- toring a irat rate article ot i apping ... j r xy .1. ..I wilt umm raper ana oinaers oiu.d, i ready to IU orders aiso iok h nt,n Rook and Writing Paper. Raw, cotton waste, tallow, and other pro ice purohassd or tax en in cw.uu6c faper at market pness. UttAUl UiiiJUDioaa w., Long Shoal Paper Mill, feb 12,'66-dlm Lincolntoa, x. j. AT WHOLESALE, - . . i n T T V L Bit I" I UU 8u Apply to J. F- BUitttunff, feb 19,'66-dtf Charlotte, N. C. . a mj Ba m WTrf U ELL dKOCUhAPHm . raw noUSi OF EACH OF THB with the duty of carrying out its provision, respousilde tor it - proper execution : I .4a Art to regulate the Destruction oj Jroj , ertif under Military XtctstVy, and to ro- rtdjar Indetnmiy thtrcof. 5;tCTio5 1. The Congress of the Con- federate States of America do enact, That j the military authorities of the Confederate army are hereby authorized and direct ci to dettroy cotfbn, tobacco, military and naval stores, or other property of any kjnd what ever, which may aid the enemy iu the pros ecutiou of the war, when necessary to pro vent i he same, or any part I hereof, from falling iuto the hands of thecnemv .' w a . j Approved March li, lbo2.J (1. Officers aill be calm ami considerate in the performance of the duty enjoined by these orders.. The will not be jhsiihcd iu the destruction of property, unless the ne cessity therefor bv. reasonably established. HI. Aw far as. practicable, notice of fh api'ioicj of anger should be given owners ot properly, ana every precaution for its removal tlial circumstances . will permit should be mkeu By order : Hk oyiTARTKHS R.USKEVK, N. C. RnUih, Feb. JO, 18oo. Official: .(NO. VS. HI,'SDAIE, feb lo,T6-d7t A A. General. I . . . . i IIO'tlKS ARMJKS OP THE P. s.. February lltb, Hti Genera! Ofd$fm, A'. rpHE DISCIPLINE AND EFF1C1KNCV "I of th ariiiy bive been greatly im paired bv men leavihg their proper com- : mauds i-o join other, in which they find service Tiinre ' ccib. This pi aeiiep, almost as injurioutsin- its consequences as the crime of desertfon, by the An teles of War, exposes ihe offender to aVimilar punihmeir, and subjeets the oi ftcr receiving him to dismissal from the army. It is ihorofoi-e declared I hat the provis ions o General Ordjr No-2 of this date, army headquai ;ci , apply to such men as hvo 1,-fi their prope commnnds and joined el tiers without being regularly transferred. ", , iy will receive the pardon promised in that order upon complying with its condi ii .t;, or .-offer the eouBeiueuces attached to negietiug it The names nt such abentet s will be forth with reported to these neadquarf ern by the officers with whom they are serving, and immediate measures taken to return (hem to i heir proper commands.. 9 loon as practicable an inspection will be made, aod charges will be preferred against those who neglec to errfoive this oi"der. ' 1- E- LEE, feb jO.AlTli w.tcjhi . A'cneral. i . P. Uyjfc NOTICE T(J ALL PEBSONS, WHO S h,-4 ve bouuht Goods and left them uf ' their ilouse and have not paid for them, j tlfad they will be re at the loss of the j 'jt'ret fmt chaser. . ' ; j i mh l4,"oo-dtf , f v AM'fo, 7V)R THE ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT, JT a suitable Office in Charlotte." Apply at T out; g, Wristou & 0rr"s. JOHjN McCRADY, Major and Acting' Chief Engineer, mh U.'oo-dtf t. COOPER. a L nbsTts k-d.) ;, t-Uie ian 1. Vdtf " ItKU IM P" m v am. IX u. f f ?TUPACTURED UI ABJiUUU a Lf 1 of London, for ale at the ian T. iUt-dif it h h m mi- ( AHDEN HERD VOB SALE. n mm n -v r A SMALL LOT OF GARDEN SEf.ua L". for sale at the . feb lTJi-dtf BOOK. STOIU!.. f TIOTUKB ooosrs melodies. 'LNDIRXLLA, BLUB BEARD, ALLAD J din, and Little Red Riding Hood. For ale at ths BOOK STORE. fan lM-dtf . - . r PLOn.H LINES. r rhl BUNCHES COTTON ROPE. SUIT OUU abla far flough Unes, on sals t the BOOK STORE., feb 17,'66-dtf AttTORY FOR A CHRlflTMAS FIRE ide. bv Wilkie Collins, b r sale at the 1 'ftA.Htf . j BOOK STvRE SEALING WAX, IjTkW ERG LIB it MAN Or ACT U KB, U J m1 at th BtK)R 8TOHR. )an.T.Mtf Q DR. R. A. UHQLSOK, mCl AT Hip house, roRjum of A, Q. otsfja, osceaMa m . aw i mm 1LJL S Ti Aajtttant and inspector General. Parsons having eottou stofed m Char lotte, will act in accordance with the above order. VYAl. j. HQKE. Colonel Commanding Post. mh 8, d6-dtf ' OUTHBRN BXPRESs'ronPAM. CAwm, N. C, Nov. 21, 1804. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL BOXES which are securely fastened and strap ped, containing stores for the North Carolina Troops in the fieli, marked to the care of Surgeon General Warren, Raleigh, will be forwarded without expense to either shipper or oonsignee, and will have preference over all other freight, excepting that of the same class from other States, L. F. BATES, , nov 24,'bl-dtf Assistant Sup't. W1X. C H AU. A R. it. R. ON and after Thursday, ths 1st December, 1864, the passenger train of the West ern Division will leave Charlotte going west at 7:80 A. M. Linoolnton at 10.5 A. M. ami arrive at Cherry viile at 11. Iu, A. M. Returning, will leave Chetryville at 12 M., Liacolnton 1.05 P.M , and arrlveal Charlotte at 4 P. M B. S. OUION, Eng. Aupt., W. Div. W. C A R. R. R. Co. nov 294-dtf lillL,SJHlcO, M. CJ. MILI TARY ACADEMY. ralHE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR OF JL this Institution will begin on Wednes day, February 1st, 1865. Applications for admission must be made prior to December lath, about which time the terms will be made known. Address. Maj. WM. M. GORDON, ept 25,'64-dtf ' Superintendent. NBOBOE8 FOB SAL. P. THIRTY LIKELY NEGROES WILL BE sold at moderate prices. They are not offered for sale in consequence of faults, but simply because the owneT Uvea where he cannot employ them to profit. They will only be sold in families. Enquire for de scrip ton and price at this office, jan 7,'66-dtf' E. A. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. omoi v tfAXMt n tsi eonj iqbsi. BBirMv II EAlXiUAKTEKS, It liSKK VES, N. C. Al)l"TAT GlNKRAL's Of J'ICK, Raleigh, Feb. 13, 18o". tlenfsitl Orders No, 4. 1 MAJOR C. 8. STRINGFELLOW, .AS . sistant Adjutant C. S. P. A., will re lieve Capt. Johu W. lliusdale, Assistant Adjutant General of Reserves of North Car olina, and the latter officer will proceed to join the 'Ad regiment Resorves of North Carolina, as its Colonel, he having been duly elected to that office oh the 3d ot Jan uaiy, 1856. The Lieutenant General Commanding, in taking leave of Col. Hinsdale, tenders his warm congratulations' on his promotion, and earnestly hopes that the intelligence, seal and gallantry, which has characterized his service as a staff officer, may he matured by experience into greater usefulness in Mb new and more extended sphere. Signed T. H. HOLMES, Ljeut. Gen.. Commanding. Official: . Chas. S. SinmarBLLow, Major and A. A. General, feb 16,'oo-dtw&oj6t I - . . in., .1 lil'n I ItTUli VT ' i . a i a y v i. net ahi.uc.i i, ... vp AuJtTANa Genkbal's Orncs, Raleigh, March 17, ISfiS Gknkral 0rijcs, ' No. G. . 1ALL MILITIA 0FFKEKS, AN 0 oF- licers of the Guard for Home Defence, of whatever grade, except the Officers of Ihe 2nd Class of the Guard for Home De fence, residing in the Counties of Stokes, fadkin, Davio, Rowan, Cabarrus, Mecklen burg, Lincoln, Gaston and Cleveland, and In all the Counties East of said Counties, -will repair to this city wiihout delay and report to this Omoe prepared tor sixty aays service in the field. This order includes all Ofic rs who claim oxemption under the act of the Legislature, ratified Feb. 7tb. 185, and all officers ex- f empted by the II Paragraph j General Orders No. 1, present series. II. The election of all persons of the 1st Class to Ofice in the 2d Class of the Guard for Home Defence, is declared void. All such "persons will join then- proper Com panies in the 1st Class without delay. By order of Gov. Vance: ; R. C. GATLIN, mh 21,'66-dlt Adjutant General. NOTICE. OrricnC. & S. C Railroad, "I Charlotte, Feb. 20, 1865. rpHE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED X that servants will not be allowed to travel over this road, unless vouched for by soma rtepoMiblt ptri. IOO REW ARD, GST, ON THE 10TII INST., IN THE vicinity of Charlotte, a tine Double- Cased Lady's Watch. The above reward will be paid for its de livery at the mh li'-.'tjo-dif BOOK STORE. F.lllIVli liOuordi'-l? t ct Of t 'fti'Tpai lpt.lipvnr ISt i.. .!. 1 tousHFB. iu i trk'a (Mb: ot the District Court or ii tWta-ans Stattv :; N'octtftm Di-trict of Geonria. Northern News. R ichmomi, March 24-Northern papers Of the gist received. Private intelligence received al New" York from Nanshee, (?) re ports a rebel pirate,- name understood to bo the. Confederate States, laying off the har bor ou the 1 5th irist, haying been refused admhoou bv th authoritfes. She is 800 I Ions burthen, bsll-imn riwc i huK t-arr. '.,.. and t ..- WAJrJT nei" ano i wo propellers. " If Whs reposed t..New Orleans on the 13th GcTJ. 'i indfcouo. v.'iii'e en route for MX-, i' . - ! t in vome person unknown. i. ii ivjee- I ront North Carolina, reports Sis.- tu.:mi my uiarohingonGoldsboro. The iii.nion'wiii Soi.otield had not taken place. A meeting o) the citizens of Wilmington wag 'ne'.o on the .1 i.li, ai the theater, which t dopteil resolution;, recognizing the authpr ity of the V . S, government. The stage was decked with American flags. The may or and others made speeches in favor of sub mission to. the national authority. The issue of passes to visit Grant' army has been suspended. ' The government of San Salvador has re leased Bradshaw, the ring leader, and two of the tnen supposed to be implicated in the rebel plans, disclosed some time ago, to cap ture the Yankee-steamer Salvador.. The Herald bky n there was intense excite ment in the gold room and stock exchange (in Tuesday, 21st. Gold closed at 157. Vio lent fluctuations of gold portend a general crash among the mercantile public. The approaching storm has been heralded by several failures. I . . ; 131 TOBACCO FOR SALE. BOXES OF TOBACCO, OF VARI OUS irrades, re offered for sale. Enquire at mh 24,'65-d3t ; THIS OFFICE. o LOST,- N MONDA Y EVEN! N J , BETWEEN the Episcopal Church and Mansion House, a Mouruing Veil? witli crape folds. A liberal reward will be paid by leaving it at the Book Store ov mh 24, o5-dtf MANSION HOUSE. A WANTED. FEMALE TEACHER", IN A PRIVATE family, competent, to teach French, Music, Latin, and- the English branches. Address box 36, Charlotte, N. C, with terms. inh 23,'bo-dtf . TURNER'S N. C NOR SALE AT THE . mh 23,'66-dtf ALMANAC BOOK STORE. CRANBERRIES! a FEW BUSHELS HAVE BEEN LEFT ifL mh le at'tJie S5-dtf BOOK STORE TO RENT, ' 1WO LARGE ROOMS IN THE THIRD story of the Carson Building. Pos- sesBiou given immediately. Apply to A. C. Williamson, or mh iy,'65-dtf A. BETHUNE, T WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 00D TRACK HANDS AND WOOD Hewers, to work on the rebuilding of the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad from Blackstock to Columbia. Rations fur nished by the Government. Apply at Engineer's Office, "Rock Island Mills Store, or, if along the line of the road, t Capt. Rhodes, Iraok-master at Chest er ville, S. C. C. SHALE R SMITH, . Capt. and Engineer in Charge. mhiO.'fio-dtf . SOLDIERS' CLAIMS. rtMlk UNDER8IGNED HAVING BEEN JL appointed Commissioner to investi gate, collect and distribute Claims of De ceased Soldiers," gives notice that after the 20th inst., he will be prepared to furnish blanks whereby the wives, children, execu tors or administrators of deceased soldiers may have their claims , placed in proper form to be filed in the - Auditor's office in Richmond, and will useevery effort in his power to have the same promptly paid. Persons applying for blanks must for ward a 20 cent postage stamp (or two 10 cent billB) to prepay the postage on the same. " ' ' A Register of all claims will be kept, and at any tune the state of a claim may be as certained. HENRY E. COLTON, feb 22,'65-df Fayetteville, N. C. European News. Richmond, March 24. European advices of the 9th are at hand. Marquis de Mon tholon, the French minister to Mexico, is appointed minister to Washington. The address of the Legislative Chambers of France to Napoleon, approves of his for eign policy. Business was -uspended at Bombay and Calcutta, on the receipt of the news of the American peace conference. Liverpool cot. on market, fiat on the 9th. From Petersburg. Pkturshi r;; March 24. The enemy is believed to be making preparations to move, but nothing has transpired to indicate in what direction. Great activity has been ob- . u; l?. ...... . .. it i .. . . . j ' . fci icu ucat urn iiucs iui uie lasi. atlj Or IWO. It is reported that a column is moving out on the Jerusalem plank road. Otherwise all quiet- T IOOO REWARD. , HE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID for the apprehension of my bov Wil- bert, who ran away from my place last Oc tober. Said boy is about 5 feet 6 inches high, weighs about 140 pounds, very pleasant when spoten to. tie is perhaps in York District, S. C, about A. BY or R. A. Springs, as he has relatives there. .J. .SPRINGS DAVIDSON, mh lSbo-dfitJ ' i NOTICE. UIET NOW PREVAILING IN THIS community, the undersigned give notice to their patrons and the public, that their House has again resumed business, and sell on Commission, at Auction or other wise, all consignments entrusted to them. CHAS. F, HARRIS & CO.. Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Brokers. . mh 14,'65-dtf NOTICE. IN THIS NEIGHBOR- FOUND, i i A LARGE CAMEO SET, mm. to a breastpin. The owner it by calling at the Quartermaster's office, and paying tor this advertisement, feb 19.'ofi-d,f B WANTED, r Y A YOUNG LADY COMPETENT TO teach Music, French, and the English branches, a situation as Teacher in a pri vate family . References given and required. Address M. L. M., mh 1865-dlOt Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE. BALES OF COTTON FOR SALE at the Depot. - A. H. MARTIN, mh 18,'65-d6t ' Agent. MARGINALIA. A .NEW AND LARGE SUPPLY OF THIS I XX gy tnttrtaininc work by "Per ioni, ju rtcei'veu at mt 100 ERSONS hood who have in their, possession' Ort nee Property of any kind belohging to tb ' Oovernment, are required to turn it over to 4he Post Commandant. And as equipments for a large number of men will be required in a few days, citizens are earnestly requested to. contribute their private weapons, which will be appraised and receipted ftr. -W. J. HOKE, Col. Commanding Post. mh 22,'65-dtf BELONGING can get ENVEL' MOURNING PAPER AND OPES SMALL LOT OF EACH ON SALE at the . BOOKSTORE. jan 16,66-dtf NOTICE. PERSONS HAVING SPECIAL DEP0S its in the Bank of Charlotte, are re quested to call for them. , JNO. J. BLACKWOOD, . N mh 14,'6o-2taw4t, President. SALEM ALMANACS. PRMERS' AND PLANTERS' ALMA' naos for 1866, published by Blum & Son, Salem. For sale by ths grots, doisn. or single oopy th 1 ftOQlK

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