NORTH CAROLINA PORTFOLIO 1 1 i v : VOL. XL NO. 1800.! : t ; ; ' yj'li ' .t;' ' - -- . - CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1865. TKHn: T Daily 15 u, let in. Tri-Weekly Bulletin. at.wba Journal, 3 month:;, 1 month, 3 months, 6 monti -. 3 $20 8 15 ' 15 S fyyf Ou advertising rates an . 5.00 per square, of 1 J lines or leas, for each insertion mm ' t AUCTION FIRM AND BROKERAGE, CBA RLO TTE. N. C. O. F. HARRIS A CO. LOST VALUABLES. ' 1HREE GOLD WATCHED AND OTHElt valuables, were stolen from the resi dence of Mrs. John P. Bell, Fairfield, S. C by the Yankees. The thieves were after wards killed and the stolen pro petty which they had in their possession, recaptured. These stoleu articles have been in the possession uf some of our soldiers, This advertisement i therefore inserted, in the hope thai it may meet the eye of whvev er may have them m pobsofcfcu. One ot the Watches is of large size, parked in ihc in side case ".lane A. lojd" ; attached to thi is a hair chitin, marked ou one end " M. 13. C.,' on the other end "J. B. !..'' lo .which 1. is suspended a medallion with two liheuess- as (a young lady muU a boy), a seal marked ( destroy cottoti, tobacco, military and "J. IT. B., ' and a key wiib a white sione. stores, or bther property of any kind .luoiucr is a suiau size iauy s ) i;ticu. wnn We will buy and sell on consignment und nammhninn COTTON, - TOBACCO, ' NBGBOBS, (.OLD, BAAK BILLS, STATU CONFBDEKATE BONDS, A C, JcC g-Orders from a distance are respect fully solicited. C F. HARRIS. Concord, N. C. A. W. BURTON, Lincolnton, N. C. W. SLOAN, Charlotte, N C. Rsfbrc, Wm. Johnston, EjpfJ. Presi dent C. A 8 C. R R. ; B. W. Onion, Super intendent W. C. A R. R. R ; L. .ates, Superintendent Southern Express Com pany ; E. H Britton, late editor Time ; lirucker A Heilbrun, J. J. Blackwood, President Bank of Charlotte ;T. W. Dewey, Cashier Bank N. C, at Charlotte. N. C.,8. A. Harris. May ar of Charlotte, R. W. Johnstojt, Columbia. 8. C, and L. Cohn Augu-ta, Ga. fpggr Wihtninglon Journal, and Car olinian. Augusta Constitutionalist, Col umbia Guardian and Raleigh Confederate copy 3 times and send bill tq Bulletin office, jo B,'06-dtf ' KEGl'LAR AUCTlOji ALI UAYS1 rililE PUBLIC AND OUR PATRONS ARE X informed that Wednesday and Friday of each week re our regular Auction Sale days. Parties having articles to sell at Auction, will please bring them in the day beore. CHA8. F. HARRIS i CO., Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Brokers, feb 8,'66-dtf gold chain attached, suspended to which is a medallion coutaimng a gentleman's am brotype, a watch key with mosaic unit, und a cross. The other Watch is of medium aiie, double case. To thit-; is attached a gen titAjan's gold chain, 'fno orfler stolen prop erty consists ot one silver cup or mug, marked "L Jl. BU,M 1 doz. silver forks, marked "J. J. B.," aud 1 "do., tabic spoons and l'dox. tea spoons (all silver), marked "3. H. C." Two handsome cameo setts of jewelry were also taken at the same time. Any one leaving these articles with Jas. . Houston, Greensboro, N. C; Charles h. Bell, Pine'ville, N. C,; James Hemphill, Chester S. C. or Wm. Caldwell, HazMwood, Chester District, S. C, will receive the price asked for them. Surely our brave defenders are willing to return the property thus cajHured, which is endeared to the ladies from wuom it was stolen by associations of the happy past, and which oan only be valued by others for the money it will bring, and that the ladies' are p erfectly willing to give. mil 28, 'Go dot ' REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECT fully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has removed his stock of Goods to his house, on the opposite corner from the building known' as the "Crystal Palace." .The stock consists in part of Bleached and Brown Shirtiflgs, Irish Linen, Hosiery of all kinds, Belt Ribbons, Gents' Crava;s and Meek-Ties, Ladies' Gaiters, Dress Goods of Various Fabrics, Gent's Ready Made Summer Clothing, Cotton Yarns, assorted numbers, Shot, and various other articles loo numerous to mention. Country Produce of ail kinds taken in ex change or barter. mh 28,'$6-dtf 11. E. MORSE. PIANO FOR SALE, BY ComiaLwlou Merchants and Broker-. feb 12,'6e-tf THIS niPT KOW PREVAILING IN J community, the undersigned give voTlce to their patrons aud the public, that tbeir House has again resumed business, and acil on Commission, at Auction or 0tker- a, oil consignments entrusted ' them. C&AS. F. HARRIS: CO., Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Brokers. tahl4. &5f HT(L,SBORO, N. C M1L.I- TAHi ACADKJIlf. rHE SEVENTH ACADEMIC YEAR OF 1 this Insulation will begin ou Wednes- Febvttarr 1st, ieo. auvhvu, admission must be made prior to December . a n tm ww i 11 n S j a w BC C L felSl AliTI t'AL NOTIC E, t C' lONCORD PRESBYTERY MEETS AT J Prov.dence Church on Wednesday be fore the fourth Sabbath of April, (19th,) at 11 a. m. Members who may come to Char lotte on the trains, will find conveyances to the Church on Wednesday, at 7 o'clock a. m., by callingat Hutchison's corner. . R. Z. JOHNSTON, mh 28,'boltwtd Pastof. youiiu GENERAL ORDERS, NO. 1. Adjutant anu Isp'r Gkxkbal's Ofpick, 1 mchmond, February 8,'ibb5. CJMMANDEilS OF ARMIES, DE partmcuts or 'districts, will enforce the following Act of Congress in ali'sections in which the enemy may be advancing. They will hold subordinate oflicers, charged with the duty of carrying out Its provisions, responsible fr its proper execution : ' An Art lo mjxlut? the Destruction oj Prop rrty uninr Military Necrsfity, and lo pro vide for Inty whit y thereof. -"Suction i The. Cougress of the Con i federate Statfs of America do enact, That j the military authorities of the Confederate i army are herfby authorised and directed to natal what ever, wliiou mj aid 'the enemy in tue pros ecuiion of tha war, when necessary to pre vent tne saiOe, or any part thereof, from falling 'into the hands of the enemy.'' j- , Approvod jlarch 17, IStili- j II. Oflicers will be calm and considerate in the performance' of the duty enjoined by these ordeas. They will not be justified In the destruction ofpvoperty, unless the ne cessity therefor be reasonably established. III. As far at practicable, notice ox the approach of dangci1 should be given owners of property, and every precaution for its removal that circumstances will permit should .be taken. By order : . 8. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General. Persons having cotton stored in Char lotte, will act in accordance with tee above order. . WM. J. HOKE, Colonel Commanding Post, mh 8,'66-dtf $20 THREE MONTHS. C, 1 1864. r . Dissolution. ' n HO ROUGH, N. December 5th, rilHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE S existing between Cyrus P. Menden- Col. h. P. Jo ue:s and Grafton Gardner, under the name and style of Mendenhall, Jones and Gardner, is this day dissolved by mutual consent of the parties. C: P. MENDENHALL, E. P. JONES, ' GRAF ION GARDNER B p. NOTICE. ERS0N6 IN THIS NEIGHBOR- hood who have in their possession Ori nee Property of any kind belonging to th Government, are required to turn it over to the Post Commandant. And as equipments -for a large number of men will be required in a few days, citizens are earnestly requested to contribute their private weapons, which will be appraised and receipted for. W. J. HOKE. CoL Commanding Post . mh 22,'65-dtf WASTED IMMEDIATELY, 100D TRACK HANDS AND W00i Rewers, to work on the rebuilding of the Charlotte and Sonth Carolina Railroad, from Blackstock to Columbia. Rations fur nished by the Government. Apply at Engineer's Office, Rock Island Mills Store, or, if along the line of the road, to Capt. Rhodes, track-master at Chester ville, S. C. ' C. SHALER SMITH, , Capt. and Engineer in Charge. inn ioveo- uur AIISEST tVl'ITIOLT LEAVE, 111 NEGRO CJIKL CALL1E, AGED JjfM about 18 years, very likely, and has some scars on her lace ana neck caused by . ... , , t i . a burn; one waiaeu on ou aunuay morn ing, 12th inst., and is supposed to be lurk ing about this town, or perhaps is trying lo make -her way to Richmond, Va., as her father and mother live in that ciry. 1 wid aive a liberal reward for her appre hension, or confinement in any jail so that 1 cau get her. mh LV&4tf J- N1CK HUNTER. hieh time toe. terms wi Address, Mai. WM. Al. GORDON, eept a5w'64-dtf Superintendent. 16th, about made knowm E. A THOMPSOM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. Q orrios OFwrsxma, n tm core vmy 1 r - Ot , Wil-. CHAlt. & R. R. R. -N and after Thursday, tho 1st December, 3 1864. the paasenger train of the West ern Division will leave Charlotte goiM west at 7:80 A. M. Lineolnton at 10.26 A. M. and arrive a CherryvUle at 11.10? A. M. Returning, wiU leave Cherryville at 12 Lineolnton 1.06 P.M., aad arrive at Cnarlotte 4 P' M B. 8. GUION, Jinf . A Pupt-, W. Div. W. C. A R. R. R. Co. nov 2y64-dtf i gOVTHBBN BXPBBW COMPANY. , Chabjotts, N. C, Nov. 21, 1804. AND AFTER THIS DATE ALL BOXES if which are securely fastened and strip ooataining stored for the North Carolina Geops in the field, marked to the care 6f nation General Warren, Raleigh, will be forwarded withbut expense to either shipper or consignee, and will have prefcrenoe over in freight, excepting that . of th aame class from other itatee. L. F. BATES, 2V64-atf Assistant Sup't. " h NOTICE. OnicrC. A 8- C. "oA;t Charlotte, Feb. 20, 1806 rwwjlE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY UOTIFIED 1 that servants wHl not be aUowed to travel over this road, unless vouched for by some rteponaible person. fUllT PRESIDENT A GOOD PLANTATION, OF 260 ACRES, or more, in a good neighborhood. Con federats money ohd merchantable good will be gim m PVtJt. ppjr to .fu C. t. HAKKIfilk CO., 1VE NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS, WHO have bought Goods and left them at their House and have not paid tor tnem, that they will be re sold at the lots of the first purchaser. mh 14,'bo-dtt WANTED, IUR THE ENU 1MSH.K O IJJir AJtl Al-fcrt J , jO a suitable moe in Charlotte. Apply at Young, Wtiston & Orr s. JOHN MoCRADY, ' Major and Acting Chief Engineer, mh 12,'66-dtf tlOO REWARD. 06T, ON THE 19TH INST., IN THE vicinity of Charlotte, a fine Double- Cased Lady's Watch. The above reward will be paid for its de livery at the mh 22,'o6-dtf tfOOK if TORE. MARGINALIA. NEW AND LARGE SUPPLY OF THIS highly entertaining work by Per- soune," just received at the f4,h 16. oottf BOOK. STORE. A D IVIES' ABITHMKTIC ANB MITCH ELL'S OEOGKAPUV. A FEW COPIES OF EACH OF THE above, Bocond hand,) on sale at the jan ia, '5-dtf BOOKSTORE. VLB30 INK POI MANUFACTURED BY ARNOLD A CO., "dl London, ior ialc i to jan 7.06-dtf BOOK STORE. IHOTHBB GOOSE'S HtJLOaIKS. CINDIRELLA, BLUE BEARD, ALLAD din, and Little Red Riding Hood. For Hi, t the BOK STORE . Janl04-dtf . T .MEALS FURNISHED AT THE RESTAURANT FROM 7 A. M., until 10P. M. . mh 26 '66-dtf BETHUNE A CO. FINE CARPET. ffMAPESTRY CABPET'FOR SALE BY C. F HARRIS A CO. feb 19,'06-dtf A fsW I.T!loaTAM FACTS IN REGARD TO THE "SOUTHERN HEPATIC PIULS." ITHEy are prepared from the best qual- ity of medicines, by the discoverer, now an aged Minister of the Gospel, and are safe. 2. They have been known for years and tested by thousands. 3. Five hundred pcrsuns are known to have been cured, by rliem. 4. They are not recommended by the pro prietor for everything, but only for diseases which ar6e from disordered livers. 5. Directions and certificates accompany each box, and These certificates are from well known and most respectable individuals 6. Correspondents recommend them as good for Liver Disease, Chills and Fevers, Pneumonia Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Billions Fevers, Biilious Rheumatism, Worms, Plu risy, Bronchitis, &o. . - 7. Several gentlemen state that the use of these Pills has been to them an annual sav ing of from $100 to $00 ; they are the best plantation medicine ever offered to the publio. 8. Some physicians of the highest stand ing prescribe them' to their patients, and hundreds of boxes have been sold to regular practitioners. 9. During the last quarter 2,880 boxes have been sold to two Druggists, one in South Carolina, and one in North Carolina, and some time ago 3, 700 boxes were ordered by Druggists in one town in Virginia. jfy-Price $5 a box. For $50, a dozen boxes will be sent to any address. $450 per gross. A verj- liberal discount to Druggists and oountry dealers. Cash (new currenoy) to accompany Orders. Address GEORGE W. DEEMS,' Goldsboro', N. C- For sale in Charlotte by Dr. Soarr and by Dr. Hutchison , in Lincoiaton by S. P. Sher riU ; in Shelby by R. Fronebarger in Con cord by 1 . Reid ; and by druggists gener ally. nov 23,'64-d&cj3m " j . . OKKKJiSBOROUUn, N. C, I " .'.' December oth, 1864. .rrWlE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existiug bween E. P. Jones, Cyrus P. Mendenhall and Thos. D. Carter, iinder the name and style of Jones, Mendenhall and Carter, is day dissolved by njutual consent of the parties. . E. P. JONES, .C. P. MENDENHALL, THOS. D. CARTER. ap 2,'tio-dSt IMPORTANT INFORMATION-! E1NG POSSESSED 0 THE ART OF Writing Invisibly, whereby private communication caa be earried on with friends going in or who may be left within the enemy's lines, er with friends and rela tives atj home without fear of detection, I. will furnish enough Invisible Ink to write one hundred letters for Oje Hundred Dollars. Entire satisfaction guarajite'ed. The mat riat will be sent to any rBrt of the Confed eracy free of charge. BU References among citizens . of Sa vaniih, Ga. Addios ROBT. fl. TATEM, P. O. Box 600, ap l,:65-d4t Macon, Ga. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE. 1 large lot English Eerseys, a fine article for suits. 6 dox- English tip Skins A few moue pieces of fine White and. Red Flannels, t' Call soon. J. S. PHILLIPS ap i,'65-d6t tIbiXuJb: graphic REPORTS OP HIE PRESS ASSOCIATION. Entered according t J. S. T HKASHili. b. th' the Confederate Stated for jforthern District of Georgia viers. s umce oi ine uiBmSOl Jourt u' SPECTACLES TO SUIT ACJES, AND DRESS BUTTONS, TOILET SOAPS, AND STAFF For sale by ap 1,'65-dtf COOKING SODA, H. E. MORSE. NEGROES WANTED. 1W1SH TO HIRE FIFTY NEGROES FOR Section Hands on theW. N. C. Rail road. 1 will hire them by the. month or lor the remainder of fhe year. Any one havine neerroes to dispose of will do well to call on me at Col. L. S. Wil liams' store in Charlotte, or address me at Ihis place. If not in town myself, S. A. Harris will hine for me. 1 wijl give liberal wages and t he negroes shall be well clothed, well fed and kiniiy treated. SAM. P CALDWELL, ap l,'05-d6t Agent W. N. C. R. R. , From Mobile. x Mouii,E April 1. The enemy invested Spanish Fort on the east, and erected a heavy battery south of, the Fort, on Thurs day night, from which he, kept up a steady fire on Mlnette, cutting off communication with the fort by steamer from the city. Baticries'Huger and Tracy opened on it, and with the aid of another battery, relieved it this moruing. The enemy .t.-day- moved upTo wards Blakely, ia expected he will attack the place to-morroW At sunset yesterday Cap'v Wataon, of Gen. Gitson's staff and Lieut. A. C. Newton, of the 4th Louisiana, headed a sortie of fifteen men from Spanish Fort, and succeeded in driving back the ene my s advance, killing several, capturing one captain and 21 men. ' - The cannohada has been very heavy all the week. Tho enemy has made no impress ion en our wovts. A fine" morale prevails among oar troops. Our losses slight; that of the enemy heavy. We having the advantage of posi tion, all things are going on well. Northern News. RichMoho, April U The,. Herald of the 30th received. Its situation article says . it is now believed that th visit of the Presi dent to the army on the James is of more importance than is generally considered. Since be has been there a council of war has been held, m ' which Linooln, Grant, Sherman, Mead, Ord, Sheridan and other military chiefs participated. After it broke up, general movements in frout of Rich mond began. A Washington telegram to the ieralcf says Lee has renewed the re quest .for a military convention to settle the matter and agree upon terms' fer a cessation of, hostilities and the establishment of peace.- Best informed officers here regard imme diate peace as almost beyond a doubt. A ra- raor of apother peace conference has receiv ed additional confirmation from the faot t hat Seward has gone to James river to join Lincoln. . WINE WANTED FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. A FAIR PRICE WILL BE PAID IN Gold, Silver, Confederate money, Sugar, Iron, Salt, Yarn or Coffee for a few gallons of Domestic Grape, Madeira or Sherry Wine. Apply -at the ap l,'65-d3t v BOOK STORE. SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT Charlotte, N. Cv March 39, 1865 , rijHOSE OF THE PEOPLE OF TjfE JL counties' of Unifp, Mecklenburg, Gas ton, Lincoln, .Cleaveland and Rutherford, who are willing to ' contribute by donation, sale, loan or exchange, to the subsistence of Gen Lee's army, in conformity to the plan suggested by Governor Vance, are earnestly appealed to, to bring forward their supplies as rapidly as possible. The Committees in the different Captains' Dis tncts of the above named oounties are re quested to visit all persons in their respec tive Districts-, and urge them to render every possible assistance iu their power, assuring them that no portion of the sacrifice which they are called upon to make is unneces sary. JB. M.. LOWE, Maj. and Diet. Comm'sy, 3d Dist. N. C. mh30,'65-d8t&cj2t AT 'WHOLESALE, iiirk B0XE8 "CAROLINA BELL" 1UU Snuff. Apply to J. W. BURROWS, .feb 19,'65-dtf Charlotte, N. CL f MfmxL, notice! nnHE TOWN TAX LISTS WILL BE KEPT JL open for ten days from thra date for returns. Parlies' failing to make returns within that time, will positively be charged double Tax.. T. W. DEWEY, ap l,'65-d6t ' ' Town Clerk. LARGE POUND, CAMEO SET, BELONGING to a breastpin. The owner oan get it by calling at the Quartermaster's office, and paying for this advertisement. feb 19,'65-dtf STALLION FOR SALE. THOROUGH-BRED STALLION, OF the celebrated Morgan stock, seven I Years .old, is offered for sale. He may be ami INC W1Y. ENGLISH MANUFACTURE, FOB ia mn. v I I ui. at the BOOK 8T01B. 7 P"1 t - mm t ' - ' . T - NOTICE. ALL PERSONS TO WHOM' THE UNDER signed is indebted for Subsistence sold the Government under the recent ad dress of Gov. Vance, wilL please present their'olaims at once for settlement. E. M. LOWE, Maj. and Dist. Comm'sy, 3d J)ist. N. C. ap l,'65-d3t PLOUGH LlUflfeS. r t BUNCHES COTTON ROPE, SUIT OUvf able for Plough Lines, on sale a .the BOOKSTORE. feb 7, '66-dtf THB STOL3SN MASK, A STORY FOR fL CHRISTMAS FIRE side, by Wilkie Collins. For sale t the BOOK STORE ian l.'tt5-dtf GARDEN SEED. AN AS8QRTMENT NOW ON HAND, IN cluding Cabbage, Beet, Radish, Let-, tuce, Squast, Parsnip, Oarrot, Qelery, Bean, Red Pepper, Pea, Cantelope, Early Corn, Okra, &c, at the x mh 29,'65-dtf BOOK STORE. o DR. R. A. GHOLSON. FFICE AT HIS HOUSE, FORMER residence of A. C. Steele, deceased. feb 7.'65-odAcj8n t TURNER'S N. C. ALMANAC SALE AT THE ai,'w-4tf . BOOK STORE. ews from Mosby. We are inform ed by citizens from upper Virginia; that uu oaturuay or dunaay, the 18th or Wth, Mosby, with about two hundred, men, fell upon the' 8th Illinois cavalry, nejir Hamilton, in Loudon county; and pun ished them very severely. The Yankees broke under his charge, and for several miles it was a running fight, intil they gained the support f two infantry regi mente, when Mosby drew off his men. The lcjss of the Federals is stated at 104, in killed, wouncled and captured. Among the killed, it is reported, their were one lieutenant eolonel nd two cap tains. Mosby 's loss was two killed and lour wounded, and was sustained from the Yankee infantry. Private Keith, of Mayiand, was one of the killed, A ftw days previous a scouting party of the enemy came upon Waller, of Mos by 's command, and killed him as he was attempting to make his escape. ; . . Sentinel. FIELD HAND WANTED. GOOD PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR a good Field Hand for the balance of the year. Fer particulars, enquire" of ap 2,'o5-d2tj . 8. A. HARRIS. NOTICE, OUND'NEAR THE RAILROAD. A lady's Bonnet Box, containing a Black Dress, Black Bonnet, and other articles of clothing marked '-MoClung, Staunton, VaJ' on one side; on the other "Bettie Lyle. Staunton Va," ' The owner cftn get r it by cailing at this office and paying for advertisement. WM. Jt HOKE, . ap 2'65-d3t CoL Commanding Post. SALISBURY ARSENAL, wvu, Auyu. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE public that Castings ef everv dsirii. tionrill be made and jobbing work done in exenange lor rrovisions, on reasonable terms. , Old files re-cut upen .the same terms. A. G. BBENIZER, Capt. Artillery, Commanding ap 2,'66-dtf , noURNIK PAPEB AND ENVBL-OFJBS, SMALL LOT OF EACH ON SALE at the, BOOK STORE. jan 16,'65-dtf RAGS TfrAJfTRl). LEAN WHITE RAGS are wanted at this office. may 12,'64-dtf T powr,EB A GOOD "ARTICLE OF RIFLE POWDER -Cm. for sale by mh 29,'65-dtf C. M. QUERY. 8 THE C,UMRL4 PHOENIX, INGLE C)PIER FOR