('11.111 LOTTE TUMSIMY, OCTOimn 19, 1824. [KO. 8. I n JU.ISHED WKEKtT Bv LEMUEL BINGII.VM, Lt Tduyt DotXAns a teah, paid in adtavce. I '*'9'* No pspff'A'ill be (lii-contiTiMcil, tuiless .it the d':scr«ti'jr‘ of the editor, until all ari-«‘ar:ii.3-es are puiJ. Ai'VEPtist.ments \vill ho inserted at the ii'uil ntcs. persons scn'lii-i}f in :idvo)nl-,cnK;nts, ave Tonwcstfd to note on the ni;ivg-in the Tuiiiiljcr i)f inse rtions, or they v’il! be continued until forbid, siul cliaiyed accovdinf,''ly. OHIO INAL. i! H>R THK CATAWUA JOCHNAL. T)fduration of Ivdipetulrnre^ I?v the ('itizcns of Mecklenbtirs^ Covintv, N. M:iv 20. 1775; niid by net of tlie l.eyislature cf Norih-Cui'olina, April 12, 1776. The lollnMins^ Address was dVlivcrcd in Hopeweil Clnirch, Mecklcnburi^ coun- to, N. by Doct. M. Wmshm JiU.miukr, pii v'uais lo a very appropriate ami clo- pu‘iU discourse delivered bv t?ie Hcv. John Jl illium'do/iy Pastor ot :iaid Ci*iuch, July 5, 1824. J'\II;m'-CUiz€)iR: I ha\c this (K'lVthe lion- I'r of ijein^' appointed to r ;n! tn you the l)i I larutioii ol‘ lndi‘pciul')iro. nuule bv (.’t.ii^ress on the •Ith of July, '776. Rc- foK jiroreeding lo read tliai ili^nillod and .ili important production of our govern* inciu. 1 ho])c it will not lie considered ir relevant to the business of the day, ^lor Vtpui^nant lo the feelings of n-ue patrit)i- isin, if we, the citizcns of I\lo'kienl)iirg -toujily, sl'.odld claim a more, than equal hono!- in that Iransartiou. From the sen- vil)ility V hich has latterly existed auiong.^i our members of l'ongre.'>s on this subject^ ami the excitenient which has in conse- tjui ncc heen ditiuscd thrm.gli the 1'ntli.d Slates,’ (he high honor and ieelin^; impc)i- tiuice of this event may be audu*. More correctly to e'aiimate the impor tance of lhai honor we now claim in t>r hull'of ihe citizens of this Comifii^ :(iid of this S/a/r, let its j)a>is ovci- that citcuni scribed view ^vh^ch is generally t.iken.ol tlii.s subje'. l, and devote our limitcU mo ment in tracing lheell('cts, dev. lup.-d b> those jiriticipies rculiing fi orn ilie estab lishment ot Iittifjit:uih'nvv, o;, dui'- sclves. (jii the woi Id at large,—o:* liie ^'en- trul dv'siiny of num. 1 he jjolicy of previrnis air* the riost extensive and i-elined views tr[' »•’. grvalcst pt liliciaiis of ])i-fvious nations, hu’.e iiniimited (on(p(est ; or, as a last resul t. i!uy ba\e always resohed the jieace, har- n juy, aim happiness of nations~into an equilibrium of power ;—hence the great desi.h'i alum, the grand climax of polit\ :a hui'ope, has been to establish that po litical balance on which they rest that ef- iicacy ol political order which alone pro- li'cisihem from the greatest naiioiial ca laniities'—hence the necessity of stand ing urmics—h( nre the degradation, th( Vassalage, !!,(> miser\ of mati. How un- civ ibzt'd, |\ow bai baKJus, how brutish the prir.cipie tiius to substiiute jxni'tr tin. ex( lu'-ion of the iviined and uu,re opera- ti\e pi'iiu iples of virtue, intelligence, im ♦ioiial jiisuce and e(jual !) »••'.)1mh r, as the louiulaiion of national uiiier, oi‘ le «.ipi'o^ 1,1 happimss. ^.•\n!i'i'i('a altjiii.' has re\(‘rs‘tl (!,is oi things, by e^tal)lishing a irntfiit C'oii- MiliiUon, Sum tioucd bv the /jmjik—Ijy idenlilxiny- the indiviiliial with tlie na tiouiil inlerests, and thus ))ermanently es- lablishiiig the pou('r and ciu i'gv of gov ‘•rnmeiit yn the alVrciions of thi- ciiizi n.^. -ll' iice our exam|)le and iniluenci- ar( d-e.ided by despcHs. Iluu'e the open, nn.i and (lignilied |)»jlic> pursued by t>ur 1 iesj^riit ill Ills mes.iagf lo unr j-st (’on gie.is, as to S'Miih Americiui indc- l»i')Kleiu e. and as i> »ur riiHitson tin' l*a cilic coasts, has made that league ,f I'es pois (ear and tremlile, and jus'd r\en ivussia to accwle to every principle of na Ut)ind justice and recij)i-nci[\. V'e, as a nation ihe mo»i highK fa\or- ‘’d b\ heaven, ui-,« indi pviidenl, pi«»s I'l'i'ous and hajjpy : jjlenty smiles v. ilhin 'in' Ixjrdci's peace eiu )ui|)asses out 5^ 'oi e«. ^ Ih'i’e VC en joy fire aiu' iiubias ■ 'd sunriige, ihe only p;))!.>diuiu of per ’"i'tn'iu. and correct govern JiK Ml ; by \\hi( li talents, iniegriiv, moi ?"d poliiiral e.seelleiKf, beeim.e ilie (-ual atioiis to olli( e and lecpii^iies to pr luolioi). line we are !)lessed. with ; ^‘liconirolkd lil)eriy of the press, ivt;!)!.. ^'d ulone by intelligence and \irlii( — ''11'ioi.t M iru h iiiicriy is liceniioiiMir taught by the e\periei;ce of a.^ Knowledge coiistimtes the pow.'r. '’■'-•n and ^^uluv t!,e uealth and hai.oi ol nations,—liirrarv. «ieienii!]c an* -'.'fous Iiistiuuionshave sp,ead tiu ir il As a nation we now stand exalted above our iellow-mcM. Discarding the Utopian princi))les of tlicoietic philosophy and sophisiicalpd policy, our Cabinet, "unwa vering and candid, dignified and prndetU, resting on the firm anrl impartial princi ples of national justice, of free, .Miiial, and reciprocal intereotirse, have, latterly borne the palm in all our diplomatic intercourse with foreign nations, and have written to conviction, and thus frowned to silence, very atlempt which has been made to drive us Iroiii thos»' principles which have marked our march to national preemi nence. {(() Our Navy, in 0])position lo every eflort ol visionar) policy, jjusillanimiiy and. set- tional jealousy, lias rode triumphantly over the waves of prejudice, and in every instance, on evpial terms, h:>s borne our star spangled batmer vii lorions r)ver the couchant liritish lion. Whilst by land, our patriot band of undisciplined free men, impelled by love of country, and “"‘■‘ling and am.-liorating influenre • Thus has tlie t/er of civil and religious liberty been.planted here by the most en- ligluenec! j)atriotism ind nourished by the ptirest virtue. Its fruit has b('conie the hapj)iness o‘ millions : its shade defend ing tliein from the malignant rays of an archy, jx-rsecution, bigotry, and tyranny —iloiirishiug Avith imjnortal youth, and blooming with unfading verdure—its fruit will increase with the lapse of time, and ita branches extend to the confines of the universe. \Vho would not then glory in being in- stnimentiil in originating which has led lo such all im]iortunt. such happy re sults. And who can so justly boasi of originating this happy er?u as the people of f/iis Countfj., the citizens of tfm Htutc ? Our claim is laii'ly and honestly asserted —it is our indubitable right. conformably to these regulation.s. And that every member present, of this dele gation, shall henceforth be a civil officer, viz : a Justice of the Peace, in the char acter of a “ Co>n>tii/he-mnn," to isstse pro cess, hear aiul determine all matters of controversy, according to said adopted laws, and to pre.serve peace, union and harmony in said county ;—and to tise c\- ery exertion to spread the love of country and fire of freedtnn throughout America, until a iiKire general and organized gov ernment be est;d-)Iisihed in this province. After discMssingthe foregoing resolves, and ai'ranging bye-laws and regulations for the government of a Standing Com mittee of Public Safely, who were select ed from these delegavs, the whole jiro- ceedings were iinHnimously adop‘.»d and signed. A select committee vvasih-.'M ap It was on the lyth ol >lay, 1775, that | draw a more full and deiinite a delegation ol two representatives from giatenieiit of grievauf es, and a more for- each mihtia company ol Mecklenburg deeiarati(;ii of i*id pendene.i>. 'I he I comprising the present conr.* Delegation ihen adjouraed about '2 o'clock, guided by that heroic (lenius ol undaunt-, ty of Cabarrus, met in the town of Char- a ■\j ryi-.y -,q ed patriotism and unbiassed rectitude,'lotre. You will now ' . * •* • liriJh''n ^n"7' meeting, as draw n ' dath gtoan oi expirmg iintisb g.t;ry. | and ccrtihea by then cleik, and deposited , independence, (believed o be diawn bv Dr. Kphraim lirevard, chaii- .... w./ I 4../1 ..11., ui cioiiiv XII mi c laii e l)tessed humanity of welcome asvhim of h But our national polity, erpra’iy 1 m the -safe'keej.ing of Gen. P. fi'. Davie, ons as energetic, has here sOordefl tu op-1 ii^r me ijeneiitol some iiiuue historian:—* clime, the I “ Agreeably to arrargements made by o\ery iu*vo!er,i,e. 11. (be niost respei table citizens of tlnscoun- ly, ('ol. I’hf.mas Polk issued an order lo '1 0 captains of each militia company in ilii.s couiity, directi7ig each company to alone on earth, the sons of Af>i'ahaT!;, af ter u vsssalage ol 'two thousanrl vea«s, may become citizens and ( njoy the biess- ings of civil and religious lil)erty. Here alone has been attained the full objeLt of human go\ei-nment,—the perfect if)ii «,n' civil |»IU>,—Uunv,u,!iai>ium'ss:_l,i,.pi. j„ ai„! i:o,trallv to adopt niea- IICSS LS juslic,-,-,U5tic>' 1, l.iKi-y. ..Mriculr iiu',Msdv« iVonf the it» alone has been established lho>e i ivil and 1 sroj n,. ^ ed tiieir mvalu nu'ii of aid Committee.', vvlucli v. as n- ii.uii.iio)isIV -il'iji'oved an»l s'gned ; and vv iTu ;t, together wi'h the foreivoiiig r.- solvt.'s. WHS publicly read -.iiid prorlaiiiied tVoni til! ( iHirt-1 lou.se dooi. liy Crdo.vel 'I homas t'oiV, i-. a large ii'id iipproving elect two persons, and delegLite to them j cont;oui se /i cit'/'us, w ho had convened ;)mple powers to devise w ays and means \j sa>n.ri.>’i the i> o-..- edings of their dele to aid and as'^ist their suflerin.e; brethren mot a! principles, whirlt miiL nliivnate!'; iriu to secure ununpar- le rights, j)rivilegcs and I lilKM.lie*'., lVoT)i the cioroinaiit j,iasp I linrish imj'josi'ion and.tyrr.iiny. of inlluence every age and > lime : v .ik ii v. quicken with the lapse of y-irs ; ;ij'i^;>d as they endure, and brii'hieji a.-, rh-y : In cimf^.-rmitv vO s;tid v.'rder, on the ^'*h spread, iintil they will eradjc.iie iha' spir- j dele«ratM.n met It ol civil intoleriuice. aod l,rej; rh,,sr 1 ci.arlutte, vesfd w ,th unlimited po.v- spu-itual fetters, lorge.l by s-.d>^lety and,|which time ollkial news arrived riveted by superstition, which for ages the biittle of Lexiiigton on that dav of have shrouded M the cral an^i rehgn ns, preceding month'. Every deie.ate moral and phy.sical powers ol the hu-i .an u,e value an'd importance of the prize. and the awful, and solemn crisis \\ hid. had ari^vei! : eveiy b'.som swelle l witi indiginti;'*! at tlie iiialice and insatiabie i!'(. vcnge de\e|(>jiefi ia the late ait:n is a: j I .exii;gton. The Uiiivt-rsal senliTiicnt vvas, llci. ns deliberate—let t:s c'd-.i.ilaie the i^- mind, in darkness, ign-'rance and .ip:.ri!y. To this period in the tiv toiv (d man, to those views and principles deveiopod in the establishment of oi.i Jidepv/i'ieMce, we justly attribiiic the oii'y corre:i u-i- derstanding of the er:l and rel.;;ioiis rights of nuui, and tlie conso;a; n.t joyment of civU and .-eligio is !iO't (,)n these jirincipies is here I'uum only government tliat has ev i r t:\i->lcd t)n earth, where tlie i digi'.ns has nut been I sue—ihe pro!>a:’'e i-esull.—and t’x'u let tis a', t w itb euei gv, as ;)veUiren leagi.ed v. 11 ^tne I pvescrve our propcrtv, our lives, and v» luit s Mtlll more cndeaiing, the iine^.'es >)!' -\nieitCJ. Coiii’oriuahlv io i’uj vicu, liic )lended With the civil .a.^Hiuiion- ol ,c.anized.' country, i he g) eatest i.i\iHun.s ami jdii-j losophers, atic^ tl'O imsst eroineni div ines of previous ages, havj ?i..i ? vfrii trraied 1) KI. F. C A ■ r £ S J M} r F, \ T, .1 no. M’Kmu McxaiuUr, Ak.\:i'H'vr, A d un aU \;.:i ! r, « t.uries Ale\.Miii, ", 7. i-.hi.u.s VV il-un, \> ‘tsX'li Av(M-\, lii'iij'-niiii Nt • i>ew M’t bu'c, Iv.mI snirrisf'r., lif.'tuT! Il’V'M'. i'l.’iiKik, .n, L'uval lii'tM. this subject as probiema'.ical ; but, ))le.is- ed with the illusions ol a I '.llianl istry, ami mistaking the sph nd'd delin eations of courtly conseipieui-t; and sujier- stitious rectitude for tlit benign iMiiue.ice of correct morals and i)ui e religi >n, they have universally maintained t!i it reli.gio.1 could never long exist uncorrnpted, w ab out an establishment—without ihe I'lan- date of a tyrant and the coercion of per*a! sanctions the most sevce. To America, under tlu- fosieriiig/band ! (tf a kiuil providence, has l'»*en coniideri the almost miraculous d» volopement of the fact, that a ])Ure and uncorrupted rr- liijion ean better exist w iihout th.m w ith the aicl and coercion of eivi) authority. These are tin; \rws aiul piinciples which have impressed the powers and t licited the brilliancy of the hnnuiii miiul with stub em igy, and pointed iisrxerti(in to such a pi'orua:)le and si)leiidi l »Mem, lh;'t the asioiti'.lu'd eye nf vvoiid'-r g.i/e; on the I'lil'oh’ing mysteiies of !:i'.iTliot!. und cheei'l’iilly ( oncedes tiial '.if u'.rl'ul Mkb ubin.e-couni\. do )i inventions and improve.im ii*- „t' t'-.e I: :/. | tiu- political bumU u l.i b h,i\e onuee’.-d ihirly years Iv.ive far tr:\i. ■ ■ miea ii, )se ol'j a.s to tl.c motbe!' eounii v. und heie!>y alj- any entire pi-evions centnr' - i ■; dve ourselves frinii all all^'giam e to the 'I'he knowled;re diliiisi d llirougl^oni tiie I llri'tisb crown, and abiuie all polilii ;d Thos. Polk. r.:tl>n(i: i lireV.lid, ,1. iJiucli, i'liiltr, .l;inics Wiliiain Kciia,./n, Jiil.ii l oi'd, l. ici.urd Ji'.ny, li-'-'ry l).)svns, 1 ...rra A kwMid*"*, ys dJrini (.-jMjiaia, Jtdiii Qin.-.ai'v, Atirahaiii Alexander, Abraham Alex u-de'* wp*: M.-'n eh c»ed Chinrmnn^ John M'Kiiiit Aie\ inder^ /viler a iVee and !''d! Iscnssioti oi' iV* va rious objects for vv hii ii ih- de'eg.ition had been convened, il was unanimoa.^iy or dained— l it. Ufsnlrcd. 'I'hat vvhnioever directly )r iridirertly aliened, or in any .wav. form or manner, i;onnienaut rd the un-'liarten'd and daiigeious invasion of nut iKdits, as ciainied by C«reat UiMi.iin, is an » nemvto ihis I ounlry. tu Ait». r;i t, md io ihe inhei- ent and inahenalM'e l ijdits oi' man 2d. Ji'ffio/iril, 'I'hai w-'. tie,- i llv.i ns oi (h.ssolve '.,1/.'.V pixr'ouH to thv JJcc- \ji '.tJi/ice Iji^ Coiigrr.'f.'i. of the whole proceedings • out anti attested, and C».pt. IJ sa>ii.rr.>’i ta 'l(l/ri!in?l j A full i-opy wa.-. dien-tiuuh ,!(->jirs Jurk^ of (. hai'lotte, was deputed as express tii Congies.s, then silling in I'hi;- ai'.elphij, .iccomjiaii) iiig said pnw.e.edings w ith a letter addressed to Kicbard Cus- wi il, \Vm. lIooj)er, and Joseph Jfugln s, 'MU tl'.( n repn'sentatives from this Prov- in I—enfoiiiine it on (jur said repri senta- tives U) ii>e .ill possible means to have the said ;;roceedi(,gs .'.anctioned and approve«l L;. th.: (.-tiiCi ai C.iii^'-ress. On tlie return of ( .ijit. J 'ck, the Delegation le.iined, by ;oiut 1 i.‘r from satd three rei)ceseuta- ., tl'.'i theii- proceedings were jnt4i\i- ii.div g pioveil by the meni!)ers oi’ Con- Si, t;iit that it vvas deemed preinaii;;e to i'iV ihem b»dor» the House ; recum- m- ndMjg perseva’i aiice, order, energ^v . uc. I iie Committee of Safety, of ■" hich Abri'ham Alexander was chairnia’t. liekl iheir regular and stated meetings aJier- nou'ly at Charlotte, at James Harris’s, and John Phifer’s. This was a livil court, founded on military process. P> ioithis judicature all suspicious persons were made to appear, who were formally tried, banished or bound to good behav iour. Its jurisdiction w'as unlimited as I ;rv ism, and its decrees as final as the l onlideie. ■' and patriotism of the country. Svvi ral were arrested and brought before ihi;mfiom 'I'rvon, (now Lincoln,; ilowan and the adja'-ent counties.” (/>) It is also iiighly gratifying to every cit- v.e-i ( f this state', to learn, that at oui i’l'Ok iiicial A'^sembly, Indd at Halifax, mi ;)-,e ; ?iti of April, 177(>, a law ii.iuDiiinooslij ])assi'ii the House, authorising ati! em powering our n presentatives in (.Congress to cc.neur in di claring the L niled Coloni'-s Tree and Independent—to loi ni ior’Mgn alliam es. 5>;c. 'I his was nearly l/iii'ci/muttis jnevioi's to the dei laralioJi ht Congress, and stamls the Jtrut Iri'iilo'ii'i ■jrt on the subjtt l of liuh.j)end( nee in the L'nite«l Slat's. 'i ll*’ flelegales Ironi t!.is o'iiitv ■ . •> - I m rt u'.u r oi at that tit,i‘ were J(din Phifer, Kobeil li- nmi'sly tenevirrcd ili','. win, and John M’Kniit Alexander, fr', 177^>. would not g;lory in such ancestors*—w ho would not emulate such virtue—v\'ho would not sanction such principles? Principles which have so pre-eminently distinguish- etl, and crowjied with never fading laurels of mental and moral grarulenr, those illus trious j)atriots vvho occtipy the lirightest pages in the hisiory of human gieatness. Principles which consiitute that germ of human happiness, which, depo.-iiied in its proper soil, s[>rings up to luxuriance and bears tin' bloom of bliss—its fiuit is that balm of life, which secures and perpetu ates the I’elicity of n.ian ; and its unfading vcrdurf', fanned w ith the virtuous zephyrs of civil and religious libt'ity, beautifies and ‘mbeiiisbes the scenery of life, and coolly sluttjes cju.' pilgrimng.- down this valley of toll, anxiety and tiouble, to that peac-cful bourne from whence uo travehcf reiurns. NOTK.S. (rt) It 1*5 perhaji'} iiuj);ualk ?ed in the lii.story of nuti(et:il diploiiKiey, tli;vt tv i v iiistanre, (i.ov rer.'ilk I'teii) frouitlu v.irious inipurtant se.liji cts disMisscd !>• tbt f I I ;ily ol' t.lK lit, Slid tliose iliHifidties ni isiiij*’ uik'h r i‘, toj^-t.tlu r v\ ith hII jui' .siil)snja'III coliision.s witli ^,llnllilld, ^(jaiii, i'i.iiicc :ilid Uti'-iii,-- l)n- i vi rvvlieliniur kl■^■llMl( and eori'etl. pniieipii *, us;>uiu* i. L; V- our presi ul \ceri tary of Stul*', leive proiliK'ed :ui er.tiu .e in t!lo^. povwivs to the eonect^lC■^s oi' .\iuene;»n piinci pJi s ,uui jMibej-. \l>) 'I'lie follo Ai'i'^- cCiiifiua(; Is in our posseS* siO'l, ^iz; NCU rnrAlMH.tN-A, ? 28,1775. ll(> LOI N TV ^ ’ riitst inuy ctitify, to all \vlion» it Ilia} con cern, tli.ni tile be:4ii.'’ ii n:oi’, \\ illi:iiii lit adcriion, i.s allow cU ln;r- to be a true iVieiid to labertv. anvi Ij.is si^iitrd tliL A ^soei'ilioii. Ti rtitiid by AliH’M. AI.K.N ANllKlf, Vhainncn nj the ( 'ininiitfH: of Dunn 'viid Hootli, two htwy i f. i« .'.ulmg'iii Salia- bnry, R(iv.;ii! eoenty, tuiviiij'- tiiie;Hein.d to luivc lliis delegiitioM nrresti ii iViv tn iisnii, tiu- Coiu- iiiitiee ot .S ifely l^l.';ned an uil« i lor their unest —:i gu;iVd v\ as yi nt >ii to S;disiitiry v^itli sa.ti or-* d'i'--ll»ey w I'l'e ;aTi-hl( d, f)r(iii}.''lit to Cleirh.ttr, :iiid li iiiitilii d 'o i Ii.irieslon. S (’. tic 11. (.eoige ir:dijiii, iio'A ne;ir (!ii:irl'»He, «;(•> raic of tin; giiunl w li(,i ( s(orted. llu 'ii tiH/in ( li;irl(.tte lo C.iuuImi, Mid l>_‘liveiad ilu in to ('itpt l liesmit, v!iu, III a ft vv tit)in% set o'.t. widia u ta- luiieiit uf ’h's (;ii:dr^ to oljiee tle’iii iti (Jiafli stoii. ’( li; C'iMilu-il (III iit>i la.'laii'c io ilif tinns actifdis in ('li.'riot'c, ol N! n 1‘nh uui 20tli, 177.'), by « itui. (leoi'gi; (indrini, dii.eii lli.m'iiison, .loii.'is hii'k, !>oii n litil'isim. .IdIhi sni.e.sor., (ii ..lecivit I'ljiu'i;-(. oii'ity , und of . .hiiiu s J:ii:k :iii(] the Ik" . I'l’.uii is (Junnoms. dI ilie St.ile of tn'orgia. :>s ijiii-lislieit ie i [lanii ld't, at kali -gli, ’ ill, vtinist, lio anay ;Ul lo'iuts, ui.d put all difti'.iilties to xi on tlii.s siibjt e*. " (r) As die .(oiirii:>l .if’the (Provincial \.ssenil)ly, hrld ;it /I dif:*\, \ju'i[ i, I77#i, is i'l tlie pos.seshion 'jiM ry fe>v, •!. ot lln Hcsolvc, it is presuiu- cil. Will lie :>.e i.p.ribjo:—• “ 'Die S» le t (Joniniittef 1i t.ike into coiisiile- ni'ion the iisiirpAtiotis imi v iok-Mres attt inpttrl and coTUiiiti d I)*' 'tle^ King and l*:irli;*nu“nt of Ik'itaiii n^'-ainsr. \n,e»ie.u ind'lie furdier nicus- iin s to l)e t-'keii !>r fn''!^atijijj' ibc same and for tIu beltei- defeiict; of this proiine':, renort as follov.fl, \i/. • 'he;v ♦V>ll;»„'; u nafdcuUr ard for. nial .statement ol' gri.-vunt !kc.) .\nl where as tin motlerilioM liilheJto u.i ilfusied by tlie I'liited Colimi' , and iheir s'luer.; k* si re to be rccoiu'ik(1 to Ih'; nio licj'.•'jiii>,;y on consiitu- tioiial pri.ieijiles, liavj pio'.ai-*' ! ao uiitii>;ation of llie nffin iiiid wrongs ;ind n>n: itioiis, and n'j livijii s K-niain of oblainiuj^’ le Ia-s.s by llu)se iiaiiiis idoiie. which have hit!n'.!') bc''n tned, y:)ur eoiiiiiiitice are of ori'iiion I'uil the House sluiuld eaa r into the. I'ollo.vi'ig Iksoive, viz: J{/.s,i'n:it. 'I'll:'.' t.he delcgucs ol tliir. Colony in tin; ( ontineiit 'I O.’Mg/e v. be tmpcvvered to oiiciir witli the d'd'-giiU b of 'iilier tJoiomes, ill de'jia' ing iiirt'pi ;t.nd ;"o’”''rui^ Ibreigd aliiuiicts, resen iiig to thi‘ eob'iiy die anil I lii'.ive right ot'i'o -niiii)^ ••. > un.-Mii|(itei and >awif (oi- l!iis eoloji) , a 'd )' ;'|>;)iii')liii^- dt lejfases from tiiiif to time iiindei" tie- .iiiv ctio'i ol' ,i geii« ral , r- |ji-i.s( iiialii.'ii ’hi leof. i to ne t ■ t'u; k-Ienatc(J j t.r the oilii r i oloiiiev, ,"(ii’>n'.h |)Uij)Os s as shall i)f iiiriulti r ;)oiiit'.-l ijut ” 'i ie- ilousc una>ii> 1*. gu ii. April 12, eiii. ‘ J' our hmtl. umNiuvepLoiiitVd the ability ■ tei j)i ise (jf ()[(r ' '' ;a!)!t 111 be ' lli/eii:'. to i-v, ‘'-ut and iinpruv cuieni. ne.iciui inie’. a.d vmbcliiJiti- world, in consefjueiiee of these (.uri'OCt priiK iples. has not only laid the fcninda- tioii, but lias given rise to all tiiose char itable and patriotie insiitulions which la'terly hAe done so mncli lioiior to the hum;m t h:trai ter. 'I'he energy and en- li I’prise r stilting from the-,e views, havf originated all ti;ose i'ihh , missioiiarv, (d- ue;iiion, ;;!joliiioii and o:her iusiitiitions, v\ hit h ;iie iio-\ extendint,'- liieir amelior.'i- tliig throu;.'-li evt’rv region and I iiiiie : jt.-o^ h.iming giar! liditigs of great ov . ])i ace on e.irth and ;,ootl will tovvartls inai.. When we thus view the declaration and esla!)li'dimeni of Amerii .m lndepe?idence, in all its extensive bearings, and trace those coiiseijui lu'es vhich have already resulted I'roiu it to ilie welfare and bappi- II's.-, f)f the bnmaii ruee, we are lost in ati iiliiuitaide scale of t'vents, which, from I hi il proj^ressi ve inert and .sih.'iit lapse, have perhaps not sutlicieiitly arrested the atteiitimi jf American'; : l.nit w hlrh ve must pi (niounce the most important eiioch that has ociirred sinee th'- liirth of Chi'ist, and the ctdebration fit vv hl( h ought to be h.indefl down, with reli'.i;-ioi!s veneration and evutitude, to uur j)o7rcrity. It oii^lit to be observed^ l iuu .1 tl) cVv.rV I.IW {iab!;v.d was “ Ll. th'ii the ennctinjj j tills Ic^isl'itnre, 'Ph.e boasti'd lesolve (jf the Provincial) Legislature oi' Virginia, instru' i',n;g' theirl rejireseiita'i vs in Congress to d« rlaiv. tiu- L'nited ('olonies IVee and ind' pendeni,! 'I’ln- last ColoniulCon^^re^.; Id March, 1774. vas p..-,sed the l.uh day of Aia\, 17 7'', | over one moiit.b aft'.-r the .Sorth-CaroliiKi citizens, ever) 'ndividiud of whom has de- s( fiid.efl to the sih’ul tomb:'—but these ale tlicic liv ing deeds /f jiali iotism, w hich ■ canii jI now tarnish, and which nant hrea'.li ol eiivy ilurst not conneclh)ii. conti'act, cji'association, w ith ‘tet, Irom '\ hi h it evidently ji ii'inutrd. thut nation, vvholuiM- want(,nly trampled Life of P. Henry, page ly j-l.j on our rights ;md iibn tii-s, and inhuman- j 'I'hise a>-e tiansaction- with vvhieh you, ly sIuhI the blooil ot .\merican patriots j togeiher v, ith the, eitiy . ris (;f this and th'.; at Lexington. ■ arljoinin.g coimtirs, have long been f; mil- ;](l. litooli iit, i h;it vv e do hereby de- iai-—these liav e b*en the frecpient tojiii s ckire ourselves i and independent Lif i onvei sation amongst us for nearly fif- peoph^ ; are, and ol ii,L;!it ought tu be,a!ty years—these vver«‘ the proceedings of SUM reign and •^ell gA erning .Xssncia'uoti, our father.', of «.»ur r(djtives, of our ft How under the control of no power other than tlialol our (iod and ihe general gcjvern- m lit ol ihe Coiigicss, to the mainten- am e o| wliit h iinl.-pMideiu e, we solemn ly ])ledge to e;ich other our iiuitual co opt ra’ton, oiir livi s. our fortunes, and our most siii reil honor. nil. licfiijtrril, I'luit as we now acknowl- e«lge the existence and conti’rd of no law or legal ofbcer, civil oi military, within this i.oiinty, we do herebv ordain luid adopt as a riik'id lile, all, ' acb and ev t'i y i.if oiii’ rormer law >,>—whei ein, neveithe- less, the crown of C;eat Hritain iie'ver '•.''1 be considered as holding rlglits, priv- ilei;'e immunities or a'.iihori*v thei-ein. 5th. /iVso//vv/, 'I hat it i:. fin ther dei i f id. that all, I'ach and. i v^'v military oO'u er in this rf-nnty, is here!)\ reinstated itihisfer- uicr cokiiii‘Utl yncl Iv: itcling I do ;.t M d k. \ug. 177.5. .jil i!o Ht li.t'.i'a'., .\j)iil, 1776, Con'oti'itin, which fornud oi ;• ore.'cut Coiisti- til l' lij'ifax, Ikec-nil.ier, 177*', da-,t. misfoitu th(i mail;, I'ovv assail M ho would '•elincjiiisli t!;e glory of pic- emiiienth [)artii ipating in those ir.uisae- tions, wh!‘ !i caa hereafter barely hr hifnl—wni'h Will forevrr stand linn as the eternal pi incioles of |usli( —,i model on the summit ol civil and moral gran deur, to which aii the beiiK'hted world may turn iheir e)« si'or a genial and re- ;.;enerating ligbl, untii time shall be lost in el''i'j!ity, arid this ghibe itself dissolve in-rhaos. ('ompared with siu h i harac- ters, what is the glitter of empire, wbat th.e jiagi'antry of state, or w hat are the tmpiy uiimcrirrrl titles of nobilUy. W ho ^^'illi.m1 Penn and 'I'homas Story tra- * liim^ together in Virginia., were caught a shower of rain, and unceremonious ly rihellored lln.niselves from it in a tobac co house ; the ow ner of v. lii; h happened to be within it,accostud them with “you have, a great d.eal of impud’tice to tn-s- pass on my jiremises—jam enter without le:‘ve—do you know who 1 am r” 'i'o which was answered no. “ \\ by, then I would liave you to know 1 am a justice of the peace;” to which Thomas .Story re pin'd, trnf frkwt hi re mnkts hucU t/iings (I.s ttui—tif the Uon rnor of Vi iiiwjtvania.''* I'he great man ]uickly abated his haugli- tiness. (heat Turtle.^X turtle, more than ? feet long, and weighing upw ards of eight hnndn'd pounds, has been taken ofl'Ca^)C Ann, WiU coiricd AUto Jjysi'ju.

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