l.A l AVl.Tl K'S WELCOME. Hxtrart iVo ji tin (1 ml ion pronouii 'cd bo- luiT tliO IMii lli'ia K.^ppa, at th»’ aniiiuil cuinnicnrcimMii of Har\ arc! L tiivcrsh v. Au!^. 27. 1R21, ])v ProlVssov KtCief/. (Cicn. La F(n/ft ( In iiJL’: pirs/Mtt.) “ Ypr, niy IVicnd.s, sr.ch is the exhorta tion \vlii( li calls (Ml us lo oxen our pow ers, lo employ our time, lo coftser.i at' otir labors, in the cuiisc of oui' ni'.liNC land. "When \vc on^aui' in that solemn ste.dy, the history ot'ouv raco ; uht-n wo s(u v«'y tlie proj^^i-f'ss of man. fi f)ni his ( radh- i»i t)ie l'2a>>t to tiirsf la-'.t limit.s of his waii- clci'in'4:: when uo hchoK'i liim 1’orcvt'l’lly- nvul Yoil.tovn have rallcn, before the orily loo they could not nirot. Above ull, the lirst of heroes and of men, the friend of your youth, the more than friend of his country, rests in the bosom of the soil he redeemed. On the lianks of his Poto mac'. he lies in glory and in ])eaci‘. You will revisit the hospilal)lo sluulesof Mount Vernon, but him whom you venerated as we, did, you will not niect at hs door, llis voice r>f consolation which reached you in th*- Austrian duni^eons, cannot novv break its silencr, to bid you wclcoim; in his n inn . Welcome,thrice welcome, lo oiir shores ; and whitluM'Soe\cr ’.hi’o’- nit till' linjiis of tlie continent youi- course shall take you, the earth th.at beari you shsill bless yoM, the e\e thas sees you sl\;;ll iiear wilness lo )(>u. and every loiif«;ue exclaim, with heartl’t It joy, W'el- v'y.iie, welcome La I’avettc 1” INTKIJ.ICKNt :K. THOM ULLIM.VN’s JOl Vot. 8, Tit). C. in{^ weni’.taid Irom civil and religicnis thraldc'in, hearlni^- his hous(‘huM t^ods 1 f over nji-iii'.tains and seas, secki’in; ' findiuL;- none, but still lairsuini; the ilyinj^ Dre.mijul vjj^rU of an Kvcemve i(se. bow oi j)romise, to the I'lil'verin.^- hills ' vhich it spans ill 1 l'‘sn* riati climes '^e cannot but ex hiim iih liisijoj) ll»i kel the i>:enei’ous prelate of I'.ni^land, n ho lx‘- stoMed his benefactions, us well as bles sings, on ourcouniry, ■>Vcst\\ ;tnl tlir Star otT.nipir'’ tu'kes it way ; 'I'hc lii'st arts Jsh'i.idy past, The fifth hliail close ttn .h‘»ma witlitlie tlay; 'J'inic’s nol.'lo.'-t Dli'spfing' is t|'c |a?it. ‘*Jn thal hi,n;Ii romiov e. it' romance it K>e, in which flic i^real minds of ai'tl'piily hketclu-d thi' tot lunes of the iii^-es to come, they pic tilled to tliemsehes u favored re gion beyoiul the ocean, a land of etjual iiiws Jiiid hap[)V men. 'I'he j)riinitive po- *'is !)eheld it in the islaiuls of th* blest the Doric l-ai'ds siir\eyed il in the Jlyper- borean re,i(iuus ; the saii-e ot ihe acnd(my placed il in the lust .\t!:inlis; ajul c\en the s!ei-ncf s|)ir't of Seiu'cu ould discern iil'aiiei- abode of luinjauitv, ia dislunt re- f:ions then unknow n. W e look buck up on these intinspiK'd predictions, and al most recoil fitjm the ohlii^ations they im ply. iJy us ninsL these fair vi.si(ms be re alized—l>y usinu’.it be I'ulhlled ihe: e liij^h aasp.ices, nhic!' ijurst in tr\i;it^ hour^ iVtjin the loui4inij hearts of the cham pions of iriith. 'rhei'C ai e no more con tinents or wui Ids r.o be revealed : AtLn- tis hath risen from th'* ocean—the Carthe M Thule is re;i'jhed—there are no moic re- Ireais beyond the sea—no moic (ii>co\e- lics—no nioi-e hoj)es. Mere, .lliert, a mighty v.oik is lo be fiilfdled, or never, by ihe race ol mortal-). 1 he iridn, who looks with tetHleriicss on ihe sidh riuKs of good men in oilier times ; ilie dcsait- !tin( i>l’ the pil;,i ints, who chei i.s'ies the iiieiiiory (jf his iai iiers ; the jfj/iti to/, who I’.lI.j an honest glow at the majesty of the ^yslem of whith he is a menihi-r ; Uie aelivlftr, who Ijcliohls \\i>h ratitire the long sealed Ikm>k of iinijrejn-liccd li ulh «‘\punded to all to i-ead : ihr.se la’O lhe\ by whom these uiispice*. iirt> lo Ije a'ci(in- j,li->hed. ^ es. hrclhreii, ii is l>y the nUel- 1( ct of tl’.r coMiiiry iliat the might) mass is lo l>e inspired ; that its pans are to ccmmunicaie atu! svinp;ti.!iise, its hrighl progrc: s loheadoiiied with becoming re finements, its strong sense utteied, its character rellected, its leelings interpre ted lo its ov.n children, to oUier rej^ions, and to af*erages. IMeuntime, the years are passing away, and gathering imjxn iance in their course. A\’ith the piesetu year will be completed the hali'centur) from that most iinport- unt ei'a in huiir.in history, the comnicnce- nu nlofthe KeA oliii ionary W ar. Tlie ju bilee of our nalionul existence is at hanu. The space td' time that has elanseo from that momeniousdale, has laid down in the dust, w hirh the biooi! oi' many of Them had alreadv hallowed, most of the freat men to w hum. under i'’-o\ icieiue, ive owe OUI national e\i ;li nee and pri\ i- leges. A few still survive ar.i'jng us, to reaj) the ricli iVuit of iheii Ll'ors and suf- I’e' ings : and One has \ielded to the uni ted \oice ol tlie people, -.ind reHiriied. in llis .ige, to receive ihe gralilud'- «)f tl'e TuiiioM to whom he d- voted his \oi;lh. li is recoided on ihe pages of A)uericaii bi>t(w>, thul, wiien this frieiul lo oui ri;uiili y ai)j)!ied to t^ur oini)usr,i(j|iei s ai i\ti'is, in ii'vr.. I'oi- a passage if t!ie ti’s; ship ihvV slioiild desjjalch lo Anierioa. they V. eie obliged t(^ answer him, ^'•■o low tind abject as then oui' deai’ ii.iii \ e land tlu;t they p'lsics nd nol llieiiieuhs ufii'llu ii'cdit suil'r lent for ],»ro\id mg a siiejv vesse l in all llu: jXii'ts of 1 laine. ‘'i'heii,' rxclaiuied the yj'.itld’id hero, ‘1 will p:o- vkI'' my own I’ and il is a» lil* ial I’at i, thas, w heti ail Aii'C! if.a w as too poo!- to i'ei' him so ihiu h ;ts a ])as^ag'‘ 'o ii' r ^l ores, he leii, in his umltf ;.ou'ii, llie bosoiii of heme, ol 'iapi/i'n'ss, ol sve.Jih. of 1 lo plunge ill ilie 'lust and bluoil of OH!’ in:iMS]-)lci(jus Mi ui,^gle. “ I onie, fiii nd of /'ir falhers. lo ♦)ur sl’.ores 1 1 itipp\ ai e ur e\es i hat be hold tli' ^e venei'al’le leaUues. l.n)oy a triumph, such as m \ei oinpieror' jr jnonaich enjoyed, the a^'suiaiice ’hat.- ibi 'jiigttoul Aiii'M ica, liiere i.i nor a Ixjs jiii v.lii'jh does not bt a'. '.\ilh j(;\ and ^lati- t’ld'. at the soiiiid of liame. \ ou haM.' airead) mel and sul'iie l. or w ill stxiii Jiieei, the few that lemaiti of the aidr.Mi jiairi Jls, pi’Miienl coiinselloi^, .uid VaJriois. with w liom \ou were ^ssocial- etl 111 iiiiucring our bjbci ti. li.il )ou ha'e lofAed round in \aiii fur the race:-> (;i nians, vIhj wcmiIiI lut'e lived uI pli i-sui'c on iuiu) ilki' tins, wiDi their old ( oiiijiaiii'ui in ;.rms aiid broliiei in peril. 1 Mil olii, ai.ii f.ieeri,and kno\, an.l liaiii- il'.SvUt ; tiii- iKi'oes of bui uio^a ] of Suljtkur Professor Olmsted, in a _2;eological ex cursion ill the eoimty of W ake, iSoi lh Carolinii, met with the f)tlo\»iii" I'uef, whirh w»; juesont in his ou n u onjs ; “At.Mr-'. 'I'hoinpsou’s', where I dined, I saw a fellow erentiirc u liosc siiliei inp made nn*. truly thankful even for my own imjiCilVet fiealfli. Jle was a son of i\Irs. 'r. and nearly lii’ty years oi' When I eaine into thti poreii, 1k‘ u'3s sittinji; before the enir.inee in an el bow ehair, surrounded with piilons, with no eiol.hint^ hut a frock of linen, that eamo half \vay down his kees: The “liastly iniajie ol tlealh was imprinted on evei'v |iait. oi’ liis emaeia^efl liaiue. 'I’lu; boiu of I.is arms aiuriejis were hai tlly eo\cred u itli He‘'h, and the joints ol’ llu; knees, and the Idi iiTst joints of the lin^'eiN, were increased to an enor- nioMs size. Ills knees were drawn to- jjjether heyond the power of separation, shoi teniii*; the left leg so tliat nodiin;- hut the toes reaeheti the iloor. The hands u-ere forcibly and irremovably lixed lo the hreast, the distm ted fingers being bent backwards, formitif^ an arch o\(.-r the swollen ihouikI at the joints. A little motion with the ends of the lin- was all the siitierer could produce; and I was much itn])ressed witli the in sensibility of man to his orcHnary bles- siiio's, when I saw this poor invalid call sevej'al times for a servant to come afid brush oil a lly that was bitinii; his le^; uiimolested. On his back was a large running sore, which his fi ieiuls were I . eei tain wlu'ther to a-'Cril.'e to disease, Ol’ to tl’iA • '’tr'is of lying so loi'sr iii a hot i/ontaJ imiiio\ ab)e jxjsture. The daily dressing of this sore, which was j)eri’ornied wiiih,* I was present, gave iiiiii so gr»;at pain, that he was unable to sit uj)a moment ai’ti r it was conij>let- ed. '1 hree ^ervants took him up with all j)ossiLiIe care, and laid him on the bed ; wliile the excruciating misery wliich this gentle movement produced, filled the mouth of the siill'erer with groans and entreaties. Jlere he lay, bewailing his lot in a hollow’, piti-ons tone, and ciying “ Oh that thou wouldst hide me in the grave, that thou wouhKf ke^’j) me secri>i, until thy wrath he past!” On en(|uiring the cause of his sulleiings, 1 Nw'i'i lolil tliat, three years ago, being alllicietl with rheumatism, Ik? took the ad\ i e of a (juack to allemj)t its cure by enortnous doses of suii/iiur. With this View , he mixed a pound of sulphui with live (jiiarts of water, and stirring it ti]), took half a pint three times a ilay, until lie had taken six j)ounds of s>ulj>liur. Soon td’ter, commencid the pain aiul istortion of his limb‘d, uhiclihad suh- jci’tcd him to increasing ajid e.\ti Jciat- ing siiiii i ings ever since. jnnit vFxt?—.\ short lime sincc, an r^t-'inrdi- nar\ opcfation was pcHorintil at tin. Kent aini ( -iiiit rlmiy liospital, upon a riiaii vlmsc scunid rliit'ii !.o!k was cut and an old i.! ca}ciJ l)()j;e ,\f r:K led. ’I'liis luaii is now so nincli rc- L '.\ rri (l us to be w alk'iig about tin,' t>tri els i>) 'a’i'c:i)Vir.. \'. c liaM.- uuw lo rcronl oiu: ahi.ost as «-,\traori.uii:'ry and v hicli has bcvu alU iuicd V. iili tin lia[ |) i sl rehiill. A patient was ccci\- cl at tlic liosjiital M)int tiiiic since, witli a \e- r. uisi-asi tl liver. Af'ti r soiite time, tlie case as sumed till.- wi.rst |>ossiljlc aj)]narance, md it w .IS ii ..ol\v d, ;is tlic oii!_\ (.biiiice of pn sen iiig- lii«', to liiji the (inr. '1 lic o])iratioii was pi iibr- mrd L) It. l sinior sargton, hi pri sLiictol' olhi'f liilt ot tlu- hicui's coiini ct (I \vitli til' I.^t.^llll^!lJllen’. I’p'M) tlie livt r 111 luj loiich- vd, uji'Aai'ds of fi\(. pints ot ihscasi d nia'Ur uhiipi (lia'i 1\ tl'e.Mi! t'roni tht wound. .\ ti:!>e nim ii'cln ^ in li ngtli was thm iiiiiiHinxdlaiilyt- Uti'Kii II, thr nuKiii/, Ihi'oiij'li which a pint of the s.iinc fbiid was dail\ LVacualt'd lor .1 wifk. 'I'iic jjooi m.iu js k^'.ttinj,^ (luilc will.—Jxint Ikrald. '1 lie distai'.rc and tonnulity which prc\ailcil ’.'t-liM II tile nil tubers ot'tlii.- difllrent tullegeb la till. two^Tcat Eiig-ii.sli iiiiiVt rsiiies, were ndi- eiil-d ill a eariealuri wlu(.li repi’ciciilcd a t an- i ..I iiriiH uiid anotlui t-ou iisniun s:aiuling on tiic bi'iiik ot'liic river I xelainaiiy—*“ ()b that 1 bad llie botioiir of bung inirodvici,.' to that n ..a, tlia’ 1 iiiij^ht take tlie hbi rtj of savinv;' him." National Quzctk, FROM I.NC.I.AND. The packet shij) Leeds. Ca|)t. StnrtTtard, arri\C(l:At New’-Y«n k in .54 days I’rtjin Liv- ci pool, bring>inj|j J.ondon pap.-rs of the 22(1, and T.iverpool of the 2Uii ult. but they contain no news. No latt'r adviccs can, of course, he expected from the con- tiiietit, than those by the Florian. The following items we copy from the Com- meri ial Atlvertiser.—Lelti'rs from Paris, however, say, that llie renew al of the cen sorship of the press had cxcited general disple.isnre, ancl w as likely to render the Miinisiry of V'illcle of short duration.— The ultra joiiMuds, llis said, hav»; sufl'ci’- cd more ih in the liberal. I’he censors,” says the 'I’raveUer, “have lixed 7 o’clock in the evening as tlie latest hour at which ihey wiii receive articles for examination.” In cottsecjuetice of this regulation, a the- atiical report of a new tragedy had been jirevnted from appearing in the Quoti- dicniie. Some objectionable matter had also been struck out of one of ils c*jlumns, and in its place appears, not a blank, as ill the immediately preceding number, but a black spot, as if, according to a phrase of tl)i; l.ondon compositors, the poor (^\!o;idienne had been compelled to go to press with a bnfk-hat. But it should seem that eveii the dumb show of com plaint o{ hlani: or hlark spaces is not to b(,‘ l)ermit'ed to the Parisian editors. “Th»‘ n\i;ifnv^" savs the (.'oustiiiitionnel, “ of the ccnsor.ship is established ; as the blank places in jesierday’s Cnnsiitutiomicl prove; but these blanks 7nii'it not be vm- linwd. As we cauiiot i.ay all that ve M ish, we must say all that we are allow ed to say. Our readers will make uj) for the insutlitieni y of our language.” I'h' same paper copies an article fiom the J(jurn:d de Paris, in d( fence of the cen sorship, and ironically recommeiids it lo till' ,'ieim of ils readei-s. i.isbon advices lo the 8lh of August keej) up the farce of an expedition lo liia- zil, and appointments for that pui pose are announced in the Lisbon Ciazelte. The damage sustained by the lecent in undations ill lioheniia, amount, it is said, in only thice of the circles of that king dom, to 1,080,000 ilorins. A large district of Sw'ili,erland, had also sutVered by a hail storm. The Atjstrian Observer confirms, tho’ rehicfanMy, i he drfection of OmaJ’ Virc-iii. It ctmlaitis also, an article from Constan tinople, of the 15th ull. which ascribes all the delays that had taken jdace in the 'I’urkish operations in Kasteni (.irecce to the not to say trmchtrous con duct of that commar.der. It\ disregard of oiders, which he had two months be- fori received, to march upon Athens with K>,ooo men, he remained in Albania, and fori ibiy sent aw ay the governors of Pie- vesa atul Aria, who, il is hinted, had been ordered to w atch him j and the I’acha of Scutari would not venture to iiiake aii\ movement whilst Umar dccluicd advanc ing from Albania. It is again asserted that the Captain Pacha had sustained great loss in an ac tion with the (Jreek iicei, after the de struction of Ijisara, and that the Dervish Pacha had lost the whole of his vanguard in an unsuccessful attempt to cross the puss of 'I’hermopylae. 'I’Ik.* following is an exlt'act of a letter f' om 'I'rieste, dated the 1th of August,— ‘‘’I'he successor the 'I'tirks against Ipsa- ra has caused the greatest consternation in the Archi|)clago ; and as treachery is supjiosc'd to have aided them in the at- liii.k, we are apprelwnsive they will raj)- i'lly j)rocced against the other islands, wlictethey no doubt have man\ secret friends. 'I'he (ireeks appear cpiite dis- ma\ed by the fall of Ijisara.” It is ct.tifidenily rumored, says the Tra veller of the 21st, that the IJra/ilian and Portuguese Commissioners .appointed lo co:>( hide a treaty between the tw o coun- trie.s, held I heirlinal deliberation in Dow n- ing-strcel some duvs :*.go, at which ^ir. ('anning a?id Pi-ince l'.steriiazy atieiidcd. The terms, it i*i suiJ, received tlie appro- batioti oflhose di'-tine-uislu'd diplt,inat- ists, and wel l', in eousecjueuce, lorv\ arded to Lisijon for his Most i'aill.ful AL.jesty's consideration. I’roclamatioiis and addressesfrf>m Sj)ain w(‘re circulating among the refugees at (.il)i altar on the .id of August, calling ujjon them to join their couiitrvtneii in arms for the re-estal.)lishment oi’ the Con- slituti(jn. It was riimore.d that there were sev eral .guerillas in the mountains of Pon- da, and that a still mrn'r formidable in surrection had broken out in the Sit'rra Morena. (icn. (.)’l)jiinell, it is said, had addressed a remonslrani e to 1 ,(.rd Chat ham (HI the jirotection alVorded to ihe ex iles, who were engaged in ... plot to dis turb the irampiilit) oi' Spain. From tlie Niw-Vork American. Exfrnrt IJ a hfftr, dutid Ltctrjmol, Jiifyf/sf 2". “ 1 be annexed liicular will give you busituss details—simc it was issued, the demand for cotton has been better. The sales on Saturday vu-re 1500, and there is a good demand to-day. Our import up to this date is I Ju,700 bag'-s less I’rom the I'nited .Slates than it was al the satiie pe riod in 18:.’., but there has been an in crease of '.J5,l00 fiom other parts, thus leav ing a dehcieticy d iiG.TiOt) bags in our total import. As. however, w »■ have a lari^e slot k on haii-u^ we (h/ not antici|)ate any iiii^i eiueni of luonieuij Crt nothing bnt spcculatloT) will help us, and spocit lators will not come into the market in the facc of such good accounts of the next “The demand for cotton was limited during last week—the sah’s w'ere 7200 bags, at the prices of the preceding week There has bet n a better demand for two days past, but at no l)ctter rates ; nor do we anticipate any material improvement. Xotwithstanding that our import from the United States is 127,000 bags less than it was of'the same i)criod last year, there has been an increase of ‘J.i,l00 bags from other parts, tiius le.y ing a deficiency in our total imports of 95,600, but as our stocks on hand are large, and the at count of next year's crop favot able, speculators are afraid to come in, atul w ithoul their aid, there is not much j)rospect of an ad vance.” DOMESTIC. rnoc.itE.ss of la favetth. PHILAnKLPlII.^, 8F-rT. 29. The man “whose glory it is to have been, and to be, ecptally an object of ha tred to tyrants of all ilescri|)iions, and of love to every freeman and Iriend of I'ree- dom,” made his entrance into this city yesterday in ai\ianner that gave universal satisfaction, and with circumstances of which it would be vain to attempt a full account and description. His progress from Trenton to our .Mansion House Ho tel WHS one spleiided triumph, as remark able for ils moral as pliysical churacter. 'I'he road and the river swarmed with ea ger and afl’eciionate spectators ; it seem ed as If the whole j)Oj)iilaiion of the coun try, from many miles back, on every side, had repaired to his route in their best attire and ia the highest cxcitement of cnrios;,ty and veneration. He was re ceived at I’rankforti, four niiles from Philadel])hia, on Monday evening, by a great ass;mbla:>-e, consisting principally of our citizens, and was comfortably lodged for the night at the Arsenal near that place, whose iii’.iahitants expt'essed their sensibility in the most becoming and commendable deportmeut and lan- guage. • Between seven and eight o’clock yes terday morning, the CJeneral set out lor this city, with an immense escort, and about ten o’clock the cheers of the mul titude w ho lined the turnpike, announced his approach to the military parade ground near the first gate. He entered the field under a salute of sixty guns, atul at half past ten began, on fool, the review of the numerous body of troops, accom panied by Ciov. Shnlze and Maj. (ien. Cadwalader and their aids. They were forty minutes in j»assing from the right to the left of the division, which was drawn up in line, making a splendid ap pearance, and going through ils exercises with admirable readiness and precisitjii. (ieorge Washington La Tayelte, the son of the General, lumself an experienced and distinguished ofiicer, rt'marked that it might be taken for a line of regulars. The spectacle of so many thousand citi- :rn soldiers had in il every thing which il could possess of attrai tion and mei it. Ciov. AVilliamson, of New Jeisey, and suite, and Cien. lirovvn, were present. The borders of the field wei-e deej)Iy thronged, and every neighboring tree and eminence covered with spectators, whose reiterated acclamations heightened the animation, w ithout disturbing the order of the scene. The number of persons as sembled for the occasion beyond ihe first turnpike gate, may be estimated at nearly thirty thousand. The venerable Judge Peters rode in the magnificent barouche with Lafayette, from Frankfort to the parade ground, where he gave place to Governor Shulze, as commander in chief of the militia of the commonwealth. As soon as the ba rouche left the field, the judgii resumed his seat, while the governor returned to his own vehicle,accompanied by his aids, anti the secretary of the commonwealth. 'I'he (ivic procos.sion was formed near the Slone brid'.;e, on tlie I'rankfort road, and there united v\ iUi the miiitary ; and they entered the city, accorditu;- to the dirc - lions whi', hwe luivt; already piiijlished. .\bouttwo o’cloci;, or somewhat sooner, the van ajjpeared in Arch street, in w Inch a vast bofly of speclator.s, (listrii)uted in the dwellings, atul on the inivenients, hail been collected from nine o'clock in the morning. 'J'be witulovvs were filled vviih fi.'males, for the most part dressed as ibr a ball, and waving their white handker chiefs as liie (jeneriil passed. His ba rouche, flrawn by six cream-.olorcd hor ses, with j)osii!liotis ric hly habited in the same coior, was preceded by the Major General and suiu-, several mounted mili tia oi1ic*-rs, the (,oi,iily-cav ah'y, at.d the lirst brigade commaiuied by (Jen. Robert Patterson ; it was follovvetl by the (iover- nor’s barouche, three w agons carrj ing re volutionary veterans of the Northern Lib erties, the secf>nd brigade conimanderl hy (ieneral Casltjf, with the troops from a distance, and the civic prt)cession, con- sistin.g ot the v ai'ious mechanical jjrofes- sions with their painted banners. If an} part of the procession flivided the public sensation with the (Jiiest, it was the griLUpe of Rt'voluliotiary veterans, IVom thirty to i'orty in I'ach wagon. 'The sight of them drew U'ar^j from both st'xes. 'i'he countenance of the General, whose hat was oil'tbrotighoiu, iuilicated tlie live liest satisfai lion, and what gave at least eouid pleasure, the best of hcaltli. We were stntck with the excencnit quipment and port of the troops, and can venture to affirm, from personal observa. tion, that few military exhibitions of tlit kind in any country could be superior on the whole. Thi; procession consumed about a»i hour and a quarter in passing the house in which we were, with a step by no means slow’, in platoons froiri eight to sixteen in open order. Its length may have exceeded three miles. About ^ quarter before 6 o’clock the end of it reached the State lIou.sf, where, from under the beautiiul y\rch ojiposite, the General, having alighted, w'alked to tiu*, hall in which the National Independence was declared, and w'hich had been sump, tuously furtiished as a saloon for his use. He was welcomed m it by the city author* itie.s, and heard the address of the Mayor, which, together with his appropriate an. svver, we expect to lay before our readeri cither to-day or to-inorrow. 'I'hence he went to the lodgin.gs prepared for him at the ^Vashington Iloti'l in Third street, where he diticd with a party of about se* venty. 'Lo relate what occurred in the other streets through which the processiorj moved, would be only to repeat what we have said as to the Arch. Every posi- ti(»ii from which it could be seen was § crowded w’iih well-dressed people. The ^ array of beauty, decorated so as to pro duce the most picturesque and vivid ef fect, has never heen surpassed in the Uni ted States. W'e may compute the actors aiul gazers, including strangers, could not altogether have fallen short of one huti- dred thousand. lietter order than was universally pre. served might be deemed impossible. I'.very one si'omed to know and keep his place, without anxiety or inconvenience. On no side was there the least conl’usioii, disorder, or pressure, with the host of all ages and classes. A printin.g pres> tftrew oH’from the ranks of the gentlemen of tlie typo, countless copies of the fine ode w ritten for them by James N. Paker, K.sq. The victuallers made a fine display wi'h their accoutrements and horses. The most dazzling anti elaborate part of the gala and jubilee remains to he men- tioticd ; we mean tlie gencHal illumina tion, w hich began a!)out a quarter past 5 in the evening, and vvas nearly complete by 7. No spectacle of the kind so varieil, brilliant, and extensive, had ever beeu vvitni ssed in this hemisphere. It dri'w into the streets a large jjortion of the pop ulation, male and female, whom the sit!'! pavements were InsuHicient to contain in Chesmit, Aich, ^Valnut, Second, 'I’hird, and Kourth, and who, as they poured iheinselvfs along, behaved towards each other like the most courteous guests in a drawing room. Of all the crowds in which we havi'cver ioiiml ourselves, tho^jC of the main streets thatue visited were the least tumultuary and irksome. 'I'lierc was no lack of vivui ity in their spirili and evolutions, but there was no jostliii;,' or clamor. .Xcciuaintances conkl distin guish each other al (jnce by the stream of light from almost every dwelling. 'I'lie numerous arches shone w ith small lamps; the public eililices, the Universitv, the Masonic Hall, 'riieatre, C'listom House, CoiVee House, See. were adoi ned with ele gant transparencies. 'I'liese abounded at private windows, also, and the burden of them was generally ihe Nation's (iiiost, and his ado])led father, ihe lather of tho nation. Most families used their fan^y lamps, besides tlie comnvon tapers; aiui fiowers, natural and artificial, either ar* ranged in alabaster ui ns, or suspendt'd in chaplets and fe ,toons, bor«' testimony tu the zeal and taste of the ladies of a grciit many mansions, ^^’hert“ the green lious- es, attached lo some, were emptied of their contents to embellish the froiit>. the fairy bowers of whit h we read wt ie brought lo mornorv. You saw, in tin*, majority of instatices, the handsome fur niture of tlie parlors ; mii'iors and pic tures and silk curtains reHeciing the ra)3 anti mixed lines. 'I’he num!)er of troops paraded, as re ported to the Inspector (ieneral, was tc:i thousand. In line, two deep, they extend ed two miles and a (piarter. We are informed that the public com- millees have left (ien. Lafa\etle lo dis- pf)se of his own time us he shall please. '1 heir object is to make him as coinfurtd' hit as they can, and to this end it is reiiiii- site that he slu)ukl be as free i’rom res traint as possible. iVt//. Gaz. At flie present term of the J5;tltimo’ii Court now ill sessitHi, two iu*i;ro slave''. Georgf; and llcnrv, were eonvieted, Oii ihc elcari,‘.st testimony, of e.omniittiim' raj)e on a very tit cent anti respt'elaM'^ young vvt>man, tlaughle-r of a witjovv I;h!'' ill the ef>iinly, whom they atlaekeil (':> her way to market at the early hour iti two o’l lock ill the, niorning, on the Yuil' turnpike road, draggt'il her from In horse, ami, aeeomjiaiiieti with olrciin.' stances of peculiar haibarity, pei'petru* tod the liorritl crime. On Friday nioi • ning the Ciilprits wrTt; brought to I5arto rceeive, the awful sentcnei', of ll"' law, whieii wis pi'onoiineed in the feeliiig niaiuier by Chief Juilge Archer- It is eonfidcntly htdievcd, that out of the s('.rr)i/i/-/fro f/iousand rnlcs of s iehiisetts, ntit /if^ i/tousf/nd 'vill be ijivcii ill oppotjfieu to Joltn Qain'’>' Adams.