IIVMX TO HiK >,rAU>. [Tltr fi'lltiv. i.ir Hfaiitir.il [mh i.i, h jjji^ ,.ri il in llic iiuiii'ji :■ .t till' (Jhri'^uun J.-.uitiiii'-r. N\ he - tiu-r )i ig-in;il nr si. lecU J, u c utv ni.t inli'nticd ] Aye, tlii-rc \ c «!ii!;t', :u‘ 1 liiLre lia\c ihcnie In one cli-riUil ‘ ‘loiif (ji' prin’. r,n li nli'in.-, 'i h(>iinIK:s.s sp ico ;inil ro'mvlv'ss liiv.t Ayr, tlii'iv \ sliinc—liic jvolilcii di us tl.i' rciilins I _v sfiapljs ti-ucl ; — Tlx'n- thiun';li } C'n rfln.iir^; vault itillu:,c Tin; son,j^ nf cliovil worMs to OiaI. Tc visililo ‘jiii-ils ! bnpht or::t n’h hL’lhni^l.t s:»\v vf ‘’lir.c On tii! li' v fl(uv’rs-:vii(l roiin.taiiis tirst, s|)ui kliii;^ fpoin tlic Yes, britflil xs t!n ni ye smil’ii td tuU li 'I’lif imiiic of a split rc sc* fair, ‘if liolil iiiiiiioita.' Wat-1, Anil };-ir(L )oiir (;oU*s pavilion ilu rr, C'lold ircts tc» vhist,—yet tlit're yo arc ; 'I'iUif rots ilic iruinic.MnU—iIvmv \c rinl, In ])iinial li}>-liL, as it' «-ach ,st;U’ EnJinnM an evcrlastint,'- soul'— Ami ilo they not—since yon hri^-lit thi'cmj^s (>n«- An-ciiJiglit’iiing Spirit own, tliere l»\ pure sidereal tonj;ue8, fAenial, ylori(Hus, blest, ainl iuai Cnu’.cl man t)ut see wliat yc have seen, . ViiCold awhile the sliroudcd past, I'ron) all that i.s, to what has btt.n, 'I'lic j;-lance hou' vicL, tiio rangt how Viit' 1 h'j biith ('f time—the rise, tlie J.tll, if emj)ires mx i'iads, agi s Hown, ‘Xliioiiis, cities, tonj^ias, arts, worships,—all 'I'he things whose cthut.s aax' not j;one. \e suv’^apt Zoroaster send liis scf^'l into vdiir mjbtic reipn; Yr saw ailoriiifT Sahian Ih n.l— 'I'hc hvin},'- liills his mijjhty ♦■iiie ! Bi ni-ath his blue and li.eainin;,^ sky , He worshippM at your lofty sl.rinr. And deem’d he saw, with gii'ted e_\e, 'I'hc (iudhead in his works divine. And there ve shine, as if to t (x.k 'I’he children of a mortal h re ; 1 Ik storm, thi; bolt, the f anhcpiake’s shock, '1 iic red volcano’s cataract lire, Droiii^-lit, ramuie, plai;’tie, and Hood, and fl;imo. All nature’s ills, (and l.iti-’s worse uocs,) A.ie iioun'ht to you—_\e smiU: the same, Aiki set»rn alike their dawn :indtli;ie. A>e, there ye roil—emhkiiis siiMiine ■■ o; Him \»lio;jf hpirit i>‘cr us jiiovc ri' ViUid till- ilouds of f;rii f ;in,| eriiiic, Mill sli’.i.iirij on tite world he l.\is,— ^sur i.von- St eiie to mortals givi n, 'I'hat iiiore di> ides the soul an 1 sod, Thau yon jjroiid heraldry ot luaM n— ^On burnir,g' !i!azonry of Ciod ! (/r, CdluDiUij lu'fjultfd. illOM rUL NOUJll AMtdH A.v lllMtW. ((.uNTi,Nr» r ^ our rcatl','i\'t)u snfi‘.r;(ctioii fjf Si.-.n' (•(,‘iUuiily ktiuu ii;;;, fluU 1 !n't-jHiiii- \rrl_\ llevicvvci' cnjiiys tlu- pli-iMH*; of I'f'imr the only iii;ui of r(.‘s[»«‘ct;tl)i!i) v in I'Dirland, wlio jttl'ccts f t tiic t.x- istciirc of sliivff} It") a icjiro ich on Amt'r- ie;i, wt ul.'-o subjoin ilie Ir.llon inj.^ m;in- ly expn-isiotis ol'Mr. f';iin|d)( 11, in q,li |/i- r.u;e to .1 vt>luinc ol tlic iStw ^lontlily .Muii-.izinc. ‘'J'l'.cvorst lliiii;;; iire;'c| nri'uTt Arnrric'i is li rr,’ si'O slavi ly.u thciiii: iio(loii:ii torthcj^v fi- eral pUil.uilhn.pist, but not for ilie r,nj.;-|isliiiim, a- p’oiind of uiKpialiiiijd nation.d \aml\.— ShiMs faiuiot, bri.-iilic m Knj;-|.ind. VLS,’|)ut 1hi _\ .U' ufiMi'u.. in ii” h;ui;lish Wist lndii.s, and iieav H !• ;;ro,ius, It i;, s.iii,th.ui ill A- im rif a. A'ld v, e iM i.lit by t!us slavery, luid we ]).iv la.\t s to maiiit. Ml it. I hr U't^ro, lioui-vi-r, is til ', tl.i iiiohi'Ii'-ri acl,; s our sliores. And oulii III iia'li Muni UK ill asur. , we nu'^^lit IIk ii boi si iba' w' t'okilu- I l.aiiis iVmu Ins liiiiijs and !)ou -m! i!'cni ' oui'ilM-. heai t [tut be cannot ronie osc:-m i: .. An (,ll•cil^ll Miiil'u r Voul.d III Iji ti) kilj I'lni It be rti-,1 |ns bbi rt\ , TUid th. main pi.ui I- (bat c. iTesIiiiul^ Kiirli^ii. fv.o\v tli( pii a, u liii b o'lr ow II .liie^c lor pos'es>in;;-:,ho is t,, ce-s'l\, an 1 ui iitlu r Admit or r> ii ' t tliw ;.b a. If w e a');.ol\i. The I S. In liaii. v.e I'aiiiiMt coiiilt iiiii tin- Sim ri- ',in. It w I d .'lou'ici tiu ni i)i)ib a-. t\I'lUl'. It is f Ira! Ill ot till' ’vv (., w I a’ r ino'.l Hf.arlv and |.v„, (ii-.div i-oh-I uhli otir f’ il.iw Mil'iu r'.s ri'tbe V\ t st Inc'K s. It v\ i c.an iusfilX oi- palbat' Ibor si'.u-_\. It t ll^ iiiiki ail.iw.UKk- for that t.f VmiM'ii a. And if nr eaiHK i justifv n, thi ii, i)( fore u e j;r .11 !i tlu. i ui.mi 'iji-.'.lnn of s! i\ i s to :jnut!ii r ( inpiji, w e s!;( ul.l IIjm i iiorts to iitcompbsii tlial «. iiraj/oipa'id;, ,m our u\^ i'.’ !i;i\t aiii .'!y diu:' ‘iir piojilr ol T’njrl!>'i'i l!n..' '.•'•('till lo !)( Ill re. ill,, ( bl^.clri'ly 1m\u \\cc is !(',■ ll|;^ tii’if t!;c C'i.!y oiii .iiiiijii'i 1 l.cni. ill) :ilifc( \ io casi :i 1( jil'i.r li lijji/.. Alii' i ira i(i|' liif f'ir'f (d s!,i\fi \. \\ ^‘ lia\c tiic 'i' Ale. r;iDi[,>).•!; ir' iifii.ii', Ji'ii! l.'lf. i’i't we, ;irc 1i In if- /f;if;l iiic ;nii| li il tji* (>irli( r r It IS nut true, tli.-'t l In* i.i-jxi o is iVcf, tin UK HIM lit he 1 i .M II'". tlifit '.}](),'•''S. J II* is lrc'_‘o'i) \ (n'l ;i "in;*]) /v//y7 ut lln ii'sliorcs. ll IS nil) t!)(; ' I'u/o/t/ '>'/s i.'iilvul who liuJ'.l 'I’Ik ; aie held and nwnr'il hy Knglislimpn ; liyllio clinmpi- Dii-' (d' iilii'rty. by the pilhifs oi llu- itiroiK'. ^VhoIh(;r this Ix? •so or not, the l^l;ll lei ly l{evif'viT.ni:n' Sir Ocorpjo i.’.isc, who sp(^k> ill ParliiiiiHMit oi'one n| iiis \V(‘s| lii.li;i clinics ('oiiluiniiis; at Ie:is{ ;vst» ltiindi-(;(l rtnd (oitv sl.ivos oi a puhisiiaitlc ; or hi‘ Ttuiy risk t\lty tlic cnliuiitcncl u;'phcAv oi’ Fov iinth assiini- od the ill >in(. iiotl n;imf ol (i ;■ .'.ok-iriii If)ill, lliiil. nii)i.i‘ tncn ar(; at this nioin{'“Ht held in slavery hy l''n;rli‘^li pdwu, and Kiiii-li'h la\vs, than by all th' I'C'd of lh world lO'^rlhcf. 'I’his wotdii Ilf' nearly truf, were \v(> to nn- 'h;rsland vhu('r\ in iltf' iiit:r.d sense ol' the word. \\ itcn uc c.vIi.mhI rarther, and. in.ikr il inelndc n(>l inerely IIk'con- dilion ol Ijcinc;' hotiirhl and sold, hut al- '(t till; l)i*in!r li privf(| fd* ;.li Ihi- ri>:;lit>. V hich itiakc li’x'ci v woi ■ ii havint^, ami in this conni\iitn i. ll'cl nitho lirilt.sh (':ii|«ic»; in ihc l-'.ast, ii >vili a|)pear ineon- Ustildy, tiial l,!ii- Mitiiii^h cr-’ion It issin- ni'd iind i.s .sinninj: dr. ply .ii;‘'unst tiu' caiisc of hiiinan irccclnin, as iiic. rm.s( lu iiiitu's dt'sji'i!isni, of i\ iiirii |!k' tncino- ry cM's's. 'Ph.s saPii' ininiht r id’ the Iv I't'vivw, a.s if to uiih il.i- derpi .shauK' liie li'Mdlcr ol Ami'i i- a. ('.'Hitains, in the ;ftici(' j>n Vt ntrai /mlai, an ineident.dr( !i'!i\e to till: r'ondition in ^vhi^h iho Mri^hsh y;ov- (•innifiil has plat’ed th.tt eoniitrv, which a'\ .i!v(‘iis i’cfditii!;' of li'.'Vror al ti.e uiiscry il itnplirs, and d' p'calt r liwiiur at ihti truly profane inditVercaci? and .seeiiiing luicunseiou.Mifs^. wiihwhiclilt isuUercl, .‘Onp r.f t}i>- n'r’ ite>it nvacl;cnH//.«r,^(/-c,’ '•..‘iv's th s cool person, ‘ \v I a't. Ue h.ive \' t mrub. in Ind.a, u :i> tbe iiii'vti* Ui. ii ' f i plaie'ilde *! .n v for ..n ancii-nt u-aije, ;ii t ikln^ tlic i.'hk* thnii tbe Hi, Is, its n^btt'id and oeiaVvrint,^ i on the /(/,/j;i'/(OS the li'r.abl.iry iol]-('^rs of li;e r'l XIM1U-., nnd,r ilo- s[u. cions pyitivl of creating' I !w,dy .,f toumry j^i ntlenx a, \» ho u ouf I iiu- proM tbe propirty, and secure ti> O.e ^o\eni- II-iit a jj.'rmaiuntly iiv.rd lent. 'I !ic JiJal ft-.ls ol this well iiilentioii:.l but t!l adv;sed ni.'.isure, were soou i.pp-.imit ty tb.c ram of tiio'it il was nuaiit to enricl., by 'ii'^oniirvssion aii'l i)iisery of ihe 3(u-Kut •■c-uju';rs, jtnU ibt *!• inos’. total neg-kt,tot'ai;riculiur..’ A Idtmdcr indeed ! An empirf!, whoi-fc nnny of the aits of civih/ed life have lieen cultivated for a^cs hi'vond th.e :ea('h of hist.oiy, sixty or oiirhty luillioiis (d't)i(Mi «lisfranclused, redticcd Iruni (iWn- er- in fee simple to teiiatii s, to tiieir «in n ()j>pressioii and misery, the nnu uftin'ir l.iudlordsi, and the almost total ne;>,lcct of aojrii'tiltiirL'; and fur the purpose of ‘s^. eurinii; to the government a penji.inently li.ietl rentthnt i.*;, eririoiniic; .t tfvv li- ilcd favorites, and a host of niilil:vry arid civil adventurers fiotn the anhpodes; oml all this onl\ of thr trrtvttesl pr.ic- tii‘;d hhiiiders ! Jf this he otdv >',)(■ uf tiie hlundirs. '.vliat must he the f.irrnp- lioH'.', the tyranny, the cuines? \\ (' may now beliuve th(! assertion (-f Lord ('(e-n\vallis, tiiat a third of the Cf)inpa- ny's pos.'sfssions ha\e been rr'Iaced to a jiinc;h.- for wild heasts. India is far otV, hlile known, littlo fared lor, hy tiiC ))o- iitic d ilK^ui^^r; and the i'ale of her un- rcsistinc; and timid millions is hut iin- perfeetly imdcrstucd. From the iid'or- niatioii, however, that i.s heforo tiie world, \v«* have no .scruple in assert ins;, tiiat the liritish adniimstr:itinn «if-that fjiiaiiei' d the ^lohe has heen jrniltv, e\ery year of its existence, of more op pression, fraud, tyi’anny, ■ I'ohlterv, anil innrder, than can he laid to tlie char«:e f'l Ho.iaparte in his whoh; rarecr. And yet we are ii'it only surfeiUul with tiie praises of wliat Knuland has dono fur hl)crty, lull oiirs(d\'t s o\-»'r\\ iiehnvd v\ ith ahtisr, he.cansc it is ini])Mssih|,* io ihi'iw «,ilfth(' slaver}, which th.-y i;n'o.li;,i up on ns. Hut to return to f.u’mer K.anv, Av'io?n wt; had neai Iv' lur^'»tlen. Wi* r.roposeil to notiee hut \-ery few td* his t.ihi ic:i- tiiuis, aiul sliall. out of ri'a;:i.'d to ou!'- selves as \vell as our reaih'rs, kec |) oui word. We mu‘'^t c;ive thviu, iiowever. a spiM.iinen id this ‘honest man’s' oii- servations. I’aije 1"», he vi.sits P.itriek huncaii, 1-Nip (Ml till' twenlv fillh td' April, whoiniK' find.s ll\ in'>: in a u:a!'ilen ol the ciioici d llo.vei's and li^uits, hreak- inixdoun tlie trcfs with tlieir v,ci;ht. In another phu *, (p. 10,».) he ennnicr- ales tilt; Intils in this o-ardmi, as In ini^ "iMn^,'-s, lin;s, sui^ar f;iiu“, .mmI pome- litanat' s. 'j'fu- twenty liitii id’ ,\ pul u 'i rfainly \f>ry early for th' ^e liuii'to he hre'ikiii_2; (h.u n the trees ! On pap* ;>7, tlu^ Farmer sa\^, ‘it is lu* unusual thinp: I’or [)eoplcof ihi- coun- Iry, (New Mn^'l.-uid, | on troiii”; to !'.l li‘'*lon, to take ////'//“ ll’ei; nei;roes wiln thcin, a!ii| sell them lor slaves, hv wa\ ol luruin'j; a penny, or, as Ihevsay, ol tua Uin;; a 4ihh1 Ay/( v. (d II, ’ 'I'lie Far- im r loi ;:'ot, w hih-1 onli i vinu; tliis dcvire, that there was a small eoiilrailietion in b'l iiis h-,d v\ Ol n 1 he words ; that he minht I,lid, it 111llienll to I Vplain wliat he means •///(’//’! i ce negroes. ’ On the same p;'f.';e, he sa\s, ‘■|’u o \>hite e ntlemrm, I w.is told, determin- ed on a j)lan lo benefit themsi'h s and cbe.it -■lb. jdanler or skue bu\er^ fdackene.l his i'a* r ai:d boily and In came a iiejjro ; the other u .i> hi.-i o>\ m r and saliMiian, and ,,old his frii inl lu Uic idualcr for tij^-hl liuiiui'wd UelUr., but in tliar llirco he rctnrnril a white fr;c nian a;.i’:'.in, l(> d)> i.le the «poil, nor was the iiii- position e'er iliscoverMl to pr*.secution ’ The fahri('atoi of thissfull is the per- ,son, of whom tl-HM^iiarterly IJeviewer ha.s th(^ face ti» say, Mhot Air. Faiiv is an honest m.m oh! telN tlu“ truth t(» tiie best of Ins knowledae and b‘Ii('f, we cannot for a inonunt pei/nit onr- stdvcs to o »ubt: indeed, there is scarce ly a wonl or fact in his book, lor which ho does not )>ro(luce his authority ’ ’riu're; is no need of mincing a matter like this, aiul ne pronounce this (|ualiii- calion of l*'aux to !)(“ false. So far fi'om producii)'' authority l't)r almost e\ t*ry w(»rd and fact, the j’-reatcst j)ai 1 of his !)00k is the merest hear.say, like that \\e have just (pudcd. ‘I was told,’ is his main aiitliority. As to the tale we at*e now rotisiderins:, ihat a planter should [),‘v eieht iuie.drod tiullar.-. ft)r a blacken- od \\ ftiu' person i.s so prej)osterous as to dis.irtii dnr an«;fr, and almost satisfy us that .Mr. l-'aux is n^ore ft.'o! than knavt^; and tell into the h:ind> of some desperate .tiT, ^v ho discovered that he was wruini; 1 ijook nhi.iiit Arnerif.i. and wa.s icsolvetl* it should hf well seasoned. Mt' v l-;t,’ snys “‘be honest man,” ‘.i wrijT- ^oner, on tbe dav i»f the I'resulent's 'ntrv info this t ii\, uas coinmaniU'I by thn nnlivirv to ^/nove oi!V of tbe road toj>':ve pl-j e to tbe om- in>4'sbnv. “ Tiay,” said he, “by wiiai an’bnri- t\ do 3'.)u st,,j> nic !* Iv IS more than tiie I'u si. dent dare do. Slio'v me your a.itiunit* . Ifvou I had civilly isk(.d me, I womd ha> c dh\eii lulo the ditcli to obidgti yoa.’ ’* to flm pncirsnr the QnnrfrrU*. ^Thcvc are one hundred and tv.'enty five stu dents in the nii?versit\ here, who are very disorderlv, frctpu'ntly disturhinij coni;res?ations on the Sunday, hecati.se the itead, Dr. Max'\ell, is too idle to prt'ach, anti thereb’i keep them.togjcth- (M.’ fn the next sentence, the Ro\ iew- er says, ‘'I’lu' once notorious .lost>pli Lancaster expected to njake a fovtuiK' in this fret* ami ihdepeiidr*nt republic, whtM't'no questions woultl be asked hini on the score of ndi«;ion, ’ Afji;ain, ‘Mr. Faux, being; bron2;ht up in seri(»us ha bits, seldom failed to .ittend, w•h(•re^e’• he was, at st>nie jdact' orother fvf rtd(>;i- otis worship ; he appears, hotvet t-r, to entt'rtain a very humble opinion butli Httal error in tlic oon^tifutlon ; tliat tl ,| want ofa national reli;j;ion ivS the reos(j.| id the,vicious anti heartless conduct j the Amei icans ; and that it ‘ has niai I the bulk of the people infnlels anti fa:' lies.’ Hut is the J{eviev^er so i"nor.ir of onr institutions, as to suppose tn.J are all derivetl from the federal eor.'.* tuUon ? 'That Instilutitiii bas littlemoi- to do with the so«-ial, moral, and rcl 2,ious institutions t)f Amenca; than t!, treaty of .Vmiens had ^\ ith thost; instit j lions ill France and F'ngland. hertjre and lou^ after the eonstilutji was Irajiied, some of the states of tjJ I'nitMi had preci'ely that estahiishnioi; of rtdiuion, whieli archdeacon Pale\ , .J w I'iter wh'uii this l{evie>ver ha.s oecasio;! of the [ireachinji' and practict* of /// the jo defend in Iht; vei y articli' numerous so'Ms, in thus land id' ‘ lib.-ial i sitieriiii!;,' iiiKdes as a more u e are cor. |ii(des as a more perfect ar. iiiht itutions." StMin: of tluMii he fouiul I ianu,eni('nt than that of J^niiland. Nav cold, others fanatic, and tl.e m»'ie di”;-jit nould seem that the iJc.itnver ii'illl nilied Iime set \ inj.4''iuaily, it i' s.iid, | in his ijU.dity of editor in this uumbir by this candiil Reviewer, tow aid the enti of his article. bt'en at war with liiiiiself as a v\iiter, I'or i?i ; snl)se(}i!ent artiele on Fjcclc.siasticti^, Ix’crt'iiin'.s, the account w hich l)i . Fran];, lin |;ave of the laws for the support c! ridi^ion in some of the American states i is (pKded Mo ctHitirni the opinion j". hich w e enlertain on this po*int,’ vjy, tlial the tytlu's are. merely a servitude jtipoii a jiai't t)f ih! real estate of tl- ' CflllUt I V . It iloes not appt'ar, bnwever, that the ofieiuled >vaiii;^oner tell to throwin"; stuiies into the; President’s can ia|i;e, or hoidii'^ at iiiiii, the conii)lunent fic- tjuently bt^stnwed on sotue ol tlieir pre sent i;r,icii,>us mnjestie.s ot iht? dd world, when tliey appear het’ore the eyes of ihetr hi-MVcd .suhjeots. Ft is anilis/t’f*; immLVnus rnomimental recouls of th to see Mr. Faux italicising;as ' vuii^ar; a pKuuinci.'Xtiuo almost univer sal in l'’i!'i;l.'u\tl the last ceutiu-)- ; and he liiinsi'll lium a country, where nokt.ew ti 'lialLct of KnsH.sh is spok;n ; where ‘ \Vc .ire very mueb inclinod to .'t.'srrib.e tbe vicious and heart!-ss conduet of the AnnrHans, with which every pa,y,-e of Mr. i.inx's book t>. eins, 'I) the total disrec^a.rd ol ri. li;;'ion on the part of (he jidvi rnnient. 'I'iiis tatal iniNtake 1’'nminj'tlicir constitution h.-xs in-eii |)rodnctin ot tile most in_|Urious eon.sei[uences to .be mor als ot the p o]-,le ; for to e\pi'i t tliat ni. n will C’.dtivato virtue and morabtv and ii ei reli- pon is to know very little of human nature. I be Want of an established national reli";i«'n has j Hut it the Want of a national reli“‘ic!! madetheb.dk of the people titb.'r inti'lels or j |,c a falal error in America, VNhat'V’ fanatics. “bonK-,” “ savs one of th.-ir w i I’u fs, . n •. i “l.'U-adthe sufficiency of n.atural reii;.ion, and ’ Britain, that the natlOJial re! i if r*'\ elatiotj as unnecessary and fabulous;!?'^'’' lMi..^la'ul itsell is protested and many, we havi reason to In lieve, have s"t j v,’:tiiis| hy half of {hti population, that m mi 111.,, here and there, a f'-.intic sectari;u> bolds , , .i ■ i i ^ ' forth in a hovf}, or under a tree; and in the old (‘''"’■ fHneii Hiillk, a schi-matieai and lu. stales no kindly associations are cfnuiei'terl 'vith reiic.il Comnionion is the established k, the gloomy and lu artli s:. pi rformance of reli gions worship. The vilhifje rhorch with its spiry .stei.ph>, its belts, its clock, the w til fcnceii Cliiircb} .ird, \k ith ii.s undent yew tree and its (!''al, are here utterly unknown. Kven the tonil> of Wasb- uiiTton is so totally iieR'kcted, that “ it nng-lit be nnstaken.” >h. Faux -,ays, “for a doj^ ken nel, or » mound much resembling- a potato i^rave in l.nirland, the dooi rottmg' away, such :is wouii discrrace an Eng-lish pijf stye.” An Aintu'- ii-aii apolof^’ist tor this neglect admitted tliat n- t hev talk of ‘ arse/ and -uUU’’ of H o.uk-.si or ttus ne^^u-ct aumitte.l that «- . , , , . , , ^ his countrymen, the corpse w;es no sooner il/y, rnn/C, ^ and sa/iu't/iui/ic, ol ‘ a tung j laid in the earth, than it appeared to be for^^ot- whiic,,’ ol ‘the bi/cs (f»'»y.s) and the hand and a tiionsai.d otfier tiunW, nhi'.’h. fur i »'-idu-r - - ‘ I svv.ird under winch the friend. bedews nor decorgtcs the fu,-. ,1 . 1 uiiiier wiuuu ihc friend, the parent, the tu. ineic Ln^u.5h icatler. lOijUiie aver- r. lative nposts.” “it is in vain to look into 'be burial ^'■ronnds of this country, for the pcn- Oo the pncT last f|Ur;^ed, 0^'’nr! the du* melancholv willow, the vir- followino- sentence. W hich tVrm. r fH-'r departed lover, 11 „ Itlic inother han_^ui;.f over tbe p.’ave ol h« r diir- would us by tran^Iotinir out. oi 1 Imy chiM. No llowir blcoms ..eiUnved with I he Soniersetshire into I'le KllsH'^b. ( ^’♦’^^^’'•ttion. All is waste, and dn ar>, ‘'J'his }Hi>rniiio; presented a pOMr telUnv I dead, the sunken );raM' over wliirh you ‘ ... .pass; ami a ti-w stoii'. s, Oil ^vhich are en^'raved t.iie name an.l a^'e ot the deceased, are all diat remains to manifest th>. aHi ctions of the bvini^ to tho.^e who h.ive p.'issed a'.^ay and are u'o more.’'^ p. oG9. lyini; uU until nine a. m. in tin strot t ill a hoi bvoUniif sxnu iltV-* hv the thermometer.’ From this speciij- calinii td' a j)cr.son, presented by the muriiini!; as ly inti;all night in a hot broil- i!i,2; sun, we should a}*]>relu nd him to i;e one of those unlbriun.n.t'. perstuis. im- mortali/('d in ihe well ktiown and ]>a- thetic exclam.tlioii, To ri,!'ht*s the dav, f .5p.",k it .nv sojtow, 'I hat wcw cre all to hav^; been bun;^ lo-moriow'. But the farnKr proceed.s ; ‘ Me was round nearly m'trdered. hn\in5.; bis le;,'-s both broken, aivl (iffin-irisi t' n-iblv Orvwil about his bead and brf.st, and robbed'of all he h'ad, fifteen d(dla:'s. 'Jo ttu diiK’^'i'f'' of the nig-btly vMch and city si t.tini Is, and to the open day biniiaiioy of ijie ei'i/ens, here vas h- sulb red tf> He saturated with J>f'stilenlial dew, and in 'lit day b f't to roast and be 'len.uri d b\ tlies, until an obi Prussian Coioni i offer, d -i dol lar to have him removed, as a nuis.inc. tor) dis- et'slinij to dibcate nerves and Sensibibt.ts. .Mr. Hn,w II, a landii,)rd in (Jhiin b .street, then .ulUil jut to two biack men, “ liere, ,bme and .liil\' come and assist, and tell Au>vnhl to help \ nu.”’’ Thus so-,I;,, p,iown and straii^lit- way the\ jno\. -I. Incipiunt iua;;ni ]>ro- eedere'///(■'},Vi'v. 'I’he F.iriner f.ici tiou-.Iv .'uld--;. tliat but lor t!i>‘ Id.ielv men, .!nno, .lul\ , and ■Aui^'UsI, tin- poor b.)'-,.!l^cii s-uliVrei-wdiiM /ih ral/ii have bd.en /•';/7v />ion//i\- \ov\'- l c! his I • mo\ al. 'I'hi'' too is (jnoted by Ih. t^iioMeiiy li’eviewer, and (hat f.'-aii- 'hdenlly; lor tlie ridtenhuis iianii's of tiie servanl", •■iiotiih of tliem-elves to ihrovv lidicule on flic wliole tale, are oniitleiL, ;uid the w hole i.s put into Fli;z;- li'fi, which alone is a cruel satire on tlu; I’aritier. \\/lat inlerence-, a”;ainbt the .\iiiei ican I'haracter mi^ht he aulhori/ed l)_\ this oc' iicreuce, v.cri! it true, mav be jud-vd of by ;( parallel case, which He u;ive as we ilnd it, in lire number of the \V (“d miiisler K''"Vi“w;dready (pioteil. I'aux s ad V eriltire I'.anpened in ‘fhrec years h.ivc uoie clapMil,’ sa\s the writer in tin \\. simiiuter ‘siiue an ai'-. d pauper in the middle ofthi-. im trojiolls ,t l.ondoii was thrust troiii i)ari.-.h to jijin.-b, from olbi er to oflicer, each coniestinj- tb.- habduv to .■ubniinster relu f. till the Iasi, (ii, « liose b.iiids be was thrown, left him fami'.ti;i,^- witii cold and hunu-' i-, in the opi o slnet>. 'I be wretche.l unalde to ci'iiul faril.er, laid biiiisi If ni,if!ii in a pnbiie lliorou:.;'lifare near * Tbousiiid-, pa..-i d in him . . riie ne\t mor- in'in'^lie \vi‘- toiind a slilli uid (,,,|n[ ^ ( tie r’s jury broil-!,1 in a xenbeiol “diedbv sl.irv alii'ii.’’ ’ p, c ha\'e siitne doubt wlioihei- the Qu.trlerly Ueviewcr will liertMl'ter re- \ivetlie story id Mr. J aux's siillerer in the slretds (d ( barlesion. On occiLsion ol his \ Isit lo Columliia. S. C. F. \\ e have (junlcl these lew p.'s'sa^ct for the sake ol’ .sliowin;' more lul!\ to i,i a (hii'd j.>;i(m, so that we have the spectacle most exit;iordinary, and to the lovi.i^ (d'national r»dia;ions :i little scandaloin. Ilf did'erent, mutually inconsistent ders oi tlivine things pronounced by i[,e same national l;iw to be authorised i)j reason ait'l Scripture, rxi Ihe two siilu ot the I'tveed • \vbll'! in Ireland au;ajn, tbouiih till' Kuiillsh reliiiion i.s e't.d)li\. txl by law, \ye have Iht' spet taele't more peyj)lexiii2; to our j)oor transatl.i.. ti(! irr»*lii^ious eyes (>f six .sevenths.! the [)eop!o not merely not Jiieinbei«, l)!it bitter foes of the national churil:. \\ ishin^ to b(; set rii2;ht in a point o; lireat concernment, we rio ]uay ti» Quarterly Reviewer to t II us, seti'j the conseiiiiences to a naiiv’U (d jiot ina; a national reliu;ion are fatal, what thecomlitioii of an emj)ire consistint: three realms, but i:;ovemed by tbt'san”' -sovcreif:;ij anti the .sanm ])arli;nneut, nio Jia\ inji; a national reli:;loii rt jected ly half the ])Oj)ulation in one of the kiin:- loins, hv six sev.‘rdhs in another, w!i t siibevir, (bn\ n a! Inury I,am , ube r. t^'ardli.'ss ot bis il\iiiL’,''.;'i oa oul' readt'i'N, what kind of ribahlry ma\ iintl admittance into themost extensive ly circuiatet! literary journal in tbe \\ or/d. anti to what rut hless b,inds is com- mitted the impottanl dut^■ oi iiifluenc- ii),i>- t!ie .j-njblic Icelina; i!i* Kn,iclaiid to ward,-, this c!)untry. \\ e proceed to a tew- remarks on the separate jioints in these ipiotaiions. First, we wotdd .speak of tbe indecency, witii which thf‘Re viewer cpiotes F;iux's ijrr'f.'d in.solence toward persons, w horn lu; calls by name. as the Reviewer so well coinmeed of the coi rectness r.f Faux's statement rela tive to the learned anti ies|)ectable Dr. Ma\c\. (to wliom he refers under the name of Maxwell.) that he felt it safe to ct>py a liliel aptinsthim, to acctise him of m'iilectinu;, throu;h idleness, to oreatdi m the Sabbath, and in consefjueiiee per- inittiii;; the stiiticnis, o\ ( r \\ honi he ju t*- sided, to rviam the sirt;ets, ;nid dislurli the peace of tlie tlay ? Fun:; arrive'l in I'ol'umbia on ’I’iiursday .ind left it on I'tiday; his inforrnation, therei’oie, as to uiiat Dr. .Maxcy, or 1 he .stndents did, or iie'j;lected to do, was hul iieai sK , ;uid ! he does- not intimatf; the nalnrt; id' his ;.uth(M-ity. 'I’ht! (Quarterly l{e ii, wei' knows that his jonnial is repi inled iik Au;( rica. and must tliM-eforc have ,sup- ])Osed, tli;it. this ^ravt^ cliai:^e ;ip;,iinst a man in :t respectahie station tvoiiid mee| the eyes oi the individual conct;i ned, of bislriemis, ;nid tifthe public. Was it, uiitler these ciiiiiiustances, either pru- tli’iil. or lai I to ipiote this ;ii)iise of a nmn. t\ ho \vas, periiaps, entilh'd to iKdlmi;:; but rc'spei't ? As l;u' as it was calcubit- ed lo wound personal feelings, this libel has tailed of it> aim. \\'e li;ive no eer- taiii knowiedM;e of the private or olilc.d character of the late Dr. Maxcy ; btif iiis bi^h station, his well known reputalion .'IS a pulpit orator, ami the tj ibiiles of iX'spect fohis memory ;d)uiidantlv satis fy 11'^. that the (^laiterly Revieivi r is, in tliisca^e, irulliy of wanton defama tion. proceed next to tiie ncconnt, whitdi tlie Reviewer i^ives of ihe siatt (d reli;;-ion in Aitierica. jjeife we an it'tie to say, that tor pharisaical c» nsi^- liousiit'^ss, aiul lor unautb'.i'ised (udii-jf nic* it oi tjthf.'i’ tin n s cou'ciences, w( ' a dis^eniina; ^cct is by Lv. the established church ? Rut our ‘ :::overnment totdly tiisi'o- partis reli;;ioii —and wliat kind ofrr- ;;ard should the ;-overnjnent, as disti'u; iroin th(^ ct/iistilution nnd laws, pa} I.’ )'eli;rion ? Does I he (ibiarlerU R’evinv er think it an exeelh nt thiii'j; h i i (pieen to have ;i minister of relir:'': “whi.'.tle the woi-.| id’(rod ihroiii^h iltt keyhole of her dre ^^in!;’ rot)iti, w li.! she cb;mu;( s h*'r li/ien or is be edil.' witii Ihe scand ll lU i sjj(.,.|;,, |e ,f praV ers if 1 he 1 ItJiisP ol (,'ommons. 11.'- strant;er, '.vh'j is pi’i sent ;d tin; ojx'iiii: ol the daily sess)fms of the (.'onjj;ress i. .Vuierica, th.it irielit;ious ami j>;t)dli'i l.mtl, will b'Nir a solemn prayer j)n- tiounced To the niaio;-ity of the i^ietnl)i:' re'. erentiy siantiin-- in ll.eir setils. V halt crow n tvill no! In i!)e the dotu' Kc' ;- er ol the j louse ol ( 'omnu)iis, to aihi. .t si ranine 1-, w.bile pt.iyeis art; hurri' i.»\ er by the cli.vpliiMi ; hecausi- it is n 1 tlnncL;hl ’.,\eil to have it publiidy knosM. limt l!ie .speaker and rlerk are the oi::y aiidiiors. • I'\tanlisi|i'd reii”;ioM,' i '■ "'Hith, wilh luie bisho]), boastiir.^ hi.' Dr. ^\ at>ou- that he in^ver \-i.^i'-iM ' s( e, because it w ;is ]»oor : or anotln 'i li\i:’j^ al .\iple-, lor vears to retrein‘1. becai!''!',jL ji),()00 a vearwuuld not k''^ bini (nit (u debi al li'une ; or like iu.e thiT lloiior.ilde anti Ri^lit. lieterci.i I'atli'T in (lod, a nobleiii.in, ;i prel^'i > driven trom bis church, ft»r crim'' wliii h cannot : lhide lo. \'.'e hi\'' :t riu!if to make ihi> retort. \N'e :i;v atmui;; tiie last per'Oiis who would in'* p;:ss ;iLr;iii,.,t ;ii)y ('t)uiles\, national indi\idii.'iL Rur this Reviewer ch irp’ t!ie whole American nation with irrii" ii’ioii. and calls iudii idu.ds by naiiif', !''' peaTinu: ‘be oibijiis liii. Is. w !iicb an ib!’‘ ei;iiit miscreant has utteied au^aiii'' them, J^el him bee.are in tiitiire. H'' ha VI his scarct* t-ver ‘tatements. He >■ m\ thiuir (' I'.e-- ui a i;'las> house. 'The .\ inei'ic''- i i:,'o\einineiit may be exrerdin'j; irreli;: ' ous, ;md in eoiisecjiiem'e exceedinj; i'i' nuual. but the inlamoiis vices ot •’ memliers, we thank lleitven, lnve»" yet iiecouK' the sc:ui(lal of tim civili/"^ world ; and the .\merici)ii peojjlc not tdiliLCed, on their alle:;iance, to b''" (iw e\'ery imposing; naint; of (Ir.ace Majesfv, ami bow the knee to vcfini'' ^ ^ ^ 1^'''* '“ who, if they wer(>_iiot the pity, W'-:i. ^kaci,, wlucU h .'.ulhlullv WcaaJ ,vaut of »u c.iabLu-U cl4h Cr. „