prUI.ISIlED WEEKLY Bv LEi^lUEL BIXGIIAM, ^„„EE dollars a tear, PAID IN ADVANCE. •J» >'o paper will be discontinued, unless at the 51-rvtioa of the editor, until ull arrtarajjcs are lid. Autehtisemevts will be inserted at the usual tcs. Pi rson» sending’ in advertisements, arc jucstcd to note on the margin the number ot ertions,orthcy will be continued until forbid, id charged accordingly. VOL. I ] (ILUiLOTTE, .V. C. TlESVJll, SOVEMHEU I8S4. [NO. 6. L UNTIC O CAXAI, l.OTl'EUY. FUntTJ/J^LM'.'b'. A. M’LNTYUK, MANAGER. wvw^vvvvw bt;iiKN»F:. FHIZE »>F {f3U0U 1 5 6 6 6 13» cyo 6ur2 2o00 lU'JO 500 34U 50 lU 5 fSOOO lovUU buoO oOOO 2ul() O'JOO 6VV0 30360 pRizKs. 'I 17.550 C l()/)2() ULANKS. s TIfKKI>. ? 'l liii is !i Lotttr\ Ibrnicd l>y a tcriiai'y combi tion and pL-riniitiitioii t)t J7 niinibvrs. 'Hit- drawing will take ])liirt_- on 'J /irrsilin/. c 25th dav »)t .\iu-i inl/cr, tir M a nnii'h arlicv \, if the sale of l;cki.-ls will witirant il. Tn KKTS and Smiakls ma\ be had on applica on at the j■ ()s r-0FrIc 1', FAYi:t'i i:V11.1.i% li rc cxj)lanatioiis of this Sciicnn- and l.ot1 ry, 1(1 int'ormatioii gcncrailx, may bi- hail lli.LE 'I'URET ^5 OU I (il AiiTi.llS {^1 1J5 VLF '2 5U I I’.ickagrs of 9 tickcts, wan-antcd to draw at Its-, the 15 per cent., may aKo he had r 45 dollar.-. —Itl— I'sickt t^ tor IMiilaih^lpliiii. /l*lir, ^ut>-.cril)i r ha\ing established a ?7U,2U(J J. IIEriJlROX\s Medical Slemn Vapor JUtlhs. No. 74 riiL’iif ii-sT. C’hahlestov. is g-i nerally acknowledged br writers o: t!ie subject, and expcnenrt- corroborati ^ the fact, that the 'J’ur Ftiiiilisaliim !>w ivs tin pulse, renderscoujrhs li'ss troiibk somi, and pro duces very salutary cfl'ects in the ridnioiiarj system ; and it is r«. niarkablc that persons eng:.- gi d u) rope mamifactorics si ldoui labor uiukr consumptions, and that a rc sidince on cedar or pine barrens iluriiig the summer, has l>een efli- cacious in pulnjonar\ cases. Ample testimoiiiaU can l>e given, tliat tlie new mode of treating liiscascs b\ the Jmnes nf ml- and other substanccs, particularly the iii- huli.lhm of the f umes of tar in consun.j)tivt dis- oreU rs, ininndiati. ly by tlf fauces and lungs, has been emiuently successthl. 1‘rofcssor Ciui'- MAN, of I’luladelphia, one of the highest au thorities in tliis couiitr\, niont n goutly in Ins lectures imj)resses on the nilnds of liis stiidruts, the effirary ami success e>f this moile of tr^at- meiit in various ili^cases, st:iiiiig ai'^o tli:it l>r. ('iiiniToN, |)li\sician to the ( oiii t of St. I’eters- Ijurgli, ti-eatcd .scMTai consumpln e casc-s in this manm r, w 1th the most triumpliaut sun-css. Doctor .Iavkm oil'* of tlu; I'rcsi- d'.ii's of the Mo_\al Mrdical and Physical Sorie- ties at Kilmhurgh, highly reccmmenils, in his very olahcn'ate treatise on ]udnionary eiinsump- t.on, (p. lol) the utility and etllcacx oi iu/iolin^ certain Mibstauces, to jiromoie tlu recuveiy uf ulcerated lungs. And in I{i,.-.sia, several patli lit.-., labouring nudi r puliuonar_\ con.iun.ptioii, v Iiom- ir«es Wire (le>[)aiied of by tlu n.ost i uiineiit ptix su;iau-> of ibat country, have been cured Iiy inhaling atf)ios|)licnc air w itli the I'tipour uj nndtr tin: direelion of Doelurs Ui.i hm and \'a> Ivoii., Inileed, so succcs-.ful iias. thi-j PlantiitioiN Stock, Neg;roes, For Sale, at Vublic JJuction. N 'I hursday, 2nd of December next, the ^ subscriber will sell, at Public Auction, his \alu- I'lantation, consisting of 240 acres, lying on the I,awyers’ road, 3^ niiles east from Cliar- lotte. The soil is good, and w ell adapted to \>esu\tovy AN lHiUrnKS IN MISSDI UI. Thf fulluwiiij^ iiotico ol’sonic inscribrcl rocks in the* towiisltip of lii'lU'vuo, (in the minei al county of Washington) is from tiiL* pen of Dr. Kclniimd Janu's, of the the culture of corn cotton, &c^^^ U. S. Ai mv, v'ho made a short visit to tlie hirui IS tine meadow land, T here is a good ' ’ dwelling-house on the plantation, barn, ami oth er necessary out-houses; an excellent spring, and a good well con\enient to the burn lot.— that part of the state. “ Near tlio snnimit of one of those con- Ile will also sell, at thesametime and place, all .side'ral)l' hills whiclt (livick* tiu‘ waters ol his corn, hav, fodder; ! •!... "vi ♦„ «i,.. tV/.m HOKSF.S, and stock of all kind.i; a'lil four likely Ne-SF5|i«^^ gioes, viz. two fellows, a wench and her child. the Meri'iniac to tlu* Northwest from t JOSS* on tht; St. l-’rancis on the South-, and iihont ci!;-ht mih’s froni Mine an I’urloti, the ('\])OS('d surface of tin- limestone, \vhiri\ is lh» re tht? prevailing- rock, ])rescnts se\eral fu'iiirs conniiotdy heliexed to be ii/ii/ri’s.sions of human Jcf t. 'IMu'ir ri:si nihlaiu:e to biici> ^n^pre^..''ilns is sti'onj^, atid il v. as not until after a se cond visit, av.d caiiliil examination, that il CLiuld disco\er sutlieient 'videncc to I overlhrow tin common and erroneous I)e- wiiicli prcNails respecting the oriijiii of these and other similar fiijnies hercio- foie discoveiT(i in various |)arts ol‘Mis- scMu i. Sevc'ral of these nuni e.s are deep I’ersons desirous of obtaining a valuable posses sion, and of making good bargains, w ill do well to attend. 'I'trms will be made known on the dav of sale. JACOH Jl-’LIEN. Orfohtr 22, 6t9 TttiuR V Jl to take charge of a Tan Yard, and one or | two hands to leain the trade. Liberal eneour- iigement w ill be given to a person that w II come well reci.mimended. A man with a suiall family would be pri f'erri il, as there is a good d\\ (lling- house on the premises. J. >\ ILSON. .'>t7 'H()SI', indebted to the late firms of DaviI'- 1' and hold and deiineKicd A\ith surprising aeiinacy. On appljingniy naked foot to them, tliey :iMp'‘ar k llule witler across j tlu- t(jes, hut this circunistanro was leadi-1 of general preserver of the peace and good order of society. Speakitig of the insti tution of justices of the peace, lord Coke says, ‘It is such a form of subordinate government for the trantpiillity and quiet of the reahn, as tio part of the Christian world hath the like, if the samf be duly pxeruted.’ A magistrate of such power, and so important in the regulation of civ ilized society, otight to be well ver.sed in the (hities of his olTu e. He should un- (h-rstand the nature of crimes, the law of evidence, the statutes regulating punish ments, the forms of proceeding, and the rights of the citizen. His ignorance on any of these subjects may occasion much injustice and oppression. ^\nd it may e- ven Ih' a (juesiion, when w'e take into view the vast mnuber of cases in which th«*y ai'e remired to act, whether the iniskil- fuhipss of justices nught not produce a. greater amount of injury and vexation, than could arise from the want of know ledge in higher judicial ofticer.s. A^utth Jlmerkan Review. THE CAMERA OBSCIHJA. A visiter happening to l)e ex.amining, with great intciesl, the. various li\ely and ev(M-shifting figures which were pour- tra\(‘d upon the white tablet of a Camera Ob'srura, during tiie exhibition, when he i)ehchl with uniazemiMil the appearance; one man picking aiunher’s pocket. ly exphiined by supposing llu'm to have 1‘erlectly aware oi the reality ol this ap- ^ , i been the feel (>f savages, v\ hich are usu-1 pearaitce, he t*j)ened the door, and rccog- lnst,iutii)iis, ha\e been erecteil ihrongiiout P.u- i (.i,n,Vsiir ivquested to settle- thi ir actounts | ulh w ider in t.iiat part tliKU ihose of men nixing the culprit at a hliort distance, rope tuidir tlu- direction of the most emiiKnt! ('oniit> Court, (w hich w ill 1 .,0( usu-mcd to the use (»f shoes. On ran up and seized him in the very act oj |)h\.sieiaMS. 'I he m)st uiiqiii -tionahle saiK-tii.n I J.,,,,,,,Monday in November , 1 perceived depredation. Londonpnptr. also, IS givi n to this new inodt-of ifcatiiK nt, b) ’ .,s longer inelulgeuce eanm.l be gi\en. ■ J me ol P.\rKF/I S between Phila- ,)h:aaiul Wilmii gtoii, N. (takes this method laeijii.i.iit tlu pul he,triat a % esse I w ill leaAe Wil- Li'^tnn,N. I-’. e\ir_v luil;t_\s. I’rodiice intendrd ■ Uii.'iI uiive_\aiice, w III be ri ci i\ed aniiforward- kl bv liuucaii '! nun.pswii, I'.si). of I a_\ i tteville, kid 'Mes^lN. >to\\ U, of ilniiii},toii, the lowest rates ot freight, ar.d least ’Xpen>e lossijile. Having thi te good \esseN in the tiade, jiiiinaiuled b\ earetui eaptains. w ell acipiainted L;li till coast, and cabins well filti d for the ae- tiiiiinodjtiou ot passe iigers, he trusts to meet filli I lu'oiiragi'nient. I'hdadelplua, w iUi itsen- |iriiiK, iia-. Iieeoine s> gTeat a inanufaetiii'ing' that cotton can be sold to some extent, |iid ;nUaiita,^i to the owiurs, the consiin.jitiini !iig at present about tweiit\ tlu)usanil l>.»Ks ^cfaiuuun, and w ill no doul.t 01 si)on .ri aler. JA.\n> I'A I rON. jirn.- i 'iiiiiiiiis.sii’ii .!/(/ r'lont, Nw.2:l, Nortii Froiit-st. l’hil.iueljjhla. 18Ji.—,>iiitl4 LL who are indebted to the ‘subscribers, for work, either by note or luiok aeeoiifit, are the M. ihcal r. ix.rts from the h.gli. st author tiis ; „tlu r of the subscribers w ill al\va\.> be of l.omhm, Dublin, Kehubnruli, Pari-., St. I’e-; (:|i;„.l„tte, readv to make settle mi nts, tersbiirgh, and l.ermanv. ’Che undersign, d, | ai the current price, will !>e re* tlifrefore, hopes t’lal Mi.-h lesluuoi y from men ' payment. 1). t.'AMPHF.l.l., of sni)eriOV li-iruing and e\perieiu-e, (w hirh ,1.11. lU.AKl'. testimony is iu)w in hi'^ possession, i'nd is op' n to the inspection of every enquirer,) w iilatoneel e radicate an\ unfa\orabf.; inipresslon.-> that may | liV I lU v aiv • have remained in the public mind. Proviil* nee ' "!\/Xrn.L he sold, iorcasii, a( the ( onrt-Houso has blessed his endeavors so far, tiuit many per-; v '? in Charlotte, on Monday, the .?-;d d:i\ ot sons atfiicteil with ('"imhi/, Jliliovi-, jStrioiit'', November next, the following tracts of l.uui, Jjitcrinitfeiif Ftrtr, Jiliruniiiti.s/ii, Palf^t/, (ionf, ' iz; Ih/sfKjj.siot Srrtfnla, liu- mrlotin himh' nf Krvp- A tract of land, the property fif S:'ine,( i ,1. tmm, Mirciiriul iJi's^i’xts, ('uiiMiniftiom, Ihitcheson, containing two liiindr. d aeiv.., >i. .tuthnias, and Sore 'J'/nvu{.-, have been , wh ch he now lives, adjoining W ilham I»:i-. i-|s(«n . iin d by diileient and Imiai in« niid others, to satisfy three cxecutiou\ one ;i. I’nTiis. Per'jons uii.- blo to wi.Hr, and brought favor of Thomas (•. Polk, l.uariLan ; oiv. in la- iiiAehieles to the I5aih, have bi;en able ufur a vor ot William Carson; and one in (nor 01 t.w applications to wdk himie. I'l these in- Ihui mit, against said llutcliesOn. ^ '■lance', ai tions speak lonil> ;• tlnn words.— -\'so, a tract ol land, the property of .1 > ,:i ^ome of our most vvortlu and vesj)ectatde cili-1 Connaiy, adjoinitig .fames I). I.u-as and o he rs, /.ens can testdv to the truth o^ tlie above slate- to satisfy an execution in fave-r of 1* on. k .lolui- „i, ‘ . son, against said Connalv and Jann 1.1.1 .s. Keferenccs of a nature not to be doubted, can Also, a tract of land, the pro|H '.-iv ot .In h li ' be given; and tiie utmost salist..ciion w.ll be h^'v of l>aaclieaty, deceased, adjoiiM',:': Mo read Ivaliordedtoanv person v. i,o ^^111 take the ses Heaty and others, to satisfy an cAient.i.n troid.le to call oil ' J. Ill.l!.l.U(»N. , in favor of Thomas Hoyd F.sci. , ' ,Uso, a tract of land, the property ot \\ ilh-in. *■’ Hargrove, to s;it,st\ an execution in f.ivor ol I). 'I hompson. - . I Also, a tract of land, containing tw I ntv acres, ( opi/ of n ( crtijicntf in rni/ po'^ession. ! pr„pertv (,f 'S\ altir Fa.rus, and inti re-.t ^\e, the suhscr.Wirs, having ina-le u^,c ot the the undivided lands of .lohn Wilson, deeeasM, steaui Haths ci>ni!ucted by ,1. lleill)ron. No. 4 jn favor of .loseph I’eed. olliei iiguies iuti-ailed to represciit various iiibirunu tils : otie mucli like a iish-gig, ai\/tliei- like a gnilai', but very few in any i\'sp,eri i('st')nbln)g the rude sketches iniidt by the Ituiians of the present day. PnOM THE KEW-IonK AMEHICAW. Tt ap])ears by the Court Calender of the British Empire, (182 ^,) thattlieir ar my contains no less 7 Field Marshals, 'i'lio en!';ravings must have been originally I 92 (U-nerals, 222 Lieutenant (ienerals, %ery (U ep, as. fhoui-h much defaced by | oc,^ Major Cenerals—making 587 Ciener- time. ilu'ir-iTutlines ttre still distinct and I onicers, besides those who have local some of them are more than half an inch | j,, colonies, (ireat Hritain is deep. '1 hey are not all eijually well exe-1 enabletl to snp|)ort this great number of cuted. son\e having all the toes nearly of | honor, by the following sys- ihe same si/e, and inserted itUo the foot • ollirer receives half pay lor any or lour higher rank than that of l/ieut. Colonel. iieai ly on the same straight liiu', in a line, and tin* fifth at right Jingles, j j(“ actually i;iiiployrd as a (!eneral, he re- SoiPt; of the ‘nr.dlci'figures, inlend( d to | proper full pay of his rank; and most of them are C^olonds of Hegi- 'I'iie siibsfriber also attends the liatiis groes, where he h;i.s a paitl'.'uhir ai'artmeiit. quested to make p;umi i.t |)revious to the luth ! Church-st. Charleston, S. C. and liaving n ee ived November ne.vt, or tlie\ w .11 tiiul tneir note s aiui i;couiits in the hands of an attornev lor eol- tciiun, as no longer iiuhilgeiice c.m Oe- j^Im n. bTKULI.Nt. .V ( 01 i;i f.K. N. B. The abov e eo-parinerslii[) ot SUrttu^ ij ^uvhir dissolve s on tiiat diiy. We also make known to those who have in ki)3.^'.ssion l)orroweit tools, tin- propi it_\ ot said Itirliiig Si Coulter, if tlie\ are not n ttuiu d bv kie oUlh October, they vsill b. eonsniered as del, and if not paiel for, sued tor :is aliove. ;itri \uluiit»ic lious* and liOt Foii sall:. JAVINti a desire to remove to m_\ farm, I will sell in_\ valuable pos- ' sessions in the town of ( h.irloHe, vi/ : la tioiit and back lot on the soulli side of , and im the west side of I'rvoii situated 111 ;ir tlie juiblic squari, coiita.ii- oiie acre of ground, ;ui excellent dw ill:n;;', lore, and all in -e'iary oiudiouM s, ;iiid is a ile- li.ibie- Situation tor a prlv ile t'ainii}, aiiJl an e x II. Ill sland tor a slori ; al>o, a I'e'ir tailiui;' I 11 ot' w at( r, I ijiial to ,.ii\ in t 'ic tow 11 . a c>''d irui n ; and.on the ii;u k !(/ a fine elo\ er Jiali h ; H 111 good order aial re;)ai:\ I w 111 sell ioM , lor fasii; or I will take ti.ree dr tiiiir n I’lo lo\ s, tw e( n the age of 1 J ;ind \ i ars, m. pait j)u\ [lent, ol‘ good noU > on .leni.ii d. '1 he urii e eall known to anv person who mav \ i'!i to pur- asr, b} a])pl\ iiii; to the 'iilii " in i o i Hu pve- Pn-ex ■ ■ ' SAM‘]>. M'i.f',\ill. 11, IHJ.l.—.Ilf Also, :i tract of land, the prop' ity ot W ilhani llartt, at 15ea1tle’s l ord, to salisfs an execution in of IJobert lUaek. Alsi, a tract, of land of fifty aeres, joln'ng nrlnkiv IJichardson, on Cane ereek, the pioper- the utmost benelit troin llie sa’iie, elo Uere by re- eon.ineiiil tlieio to tne pu!)lic. hiigiied by 1, (id,III,If Comnus.sioii Alercluuit ami Hroker, nro'u!-sl. J. inirt'cMr..iiliii/, Merehant, Chnivh-st. f). (icDi'i'f ( fi'xiihii, ]v. Fat tor, l.'hisolm'b v\ harf. 4. hcar^c Phili, llriii of MoiUgomerv &. Platt, Coiimii.‘.sion Mi reliant. 5. Uniri/ Pi./litr, Chureh-st. 0. Jlir. J‘. Jini'is, Architect, Meeting'-st. 7. ,\ihnul -l/i A't//, of the firm of ]5radtord &. McNeil, S. 15,ty. H. ./. II. ('liiiborne, son-in-law of Kershaw Si Luis, I’lanler. 77.'. ('• (iiliitiiii, nt .lohn Fn/er ft Co. 10. 'I'lnjnni.s ruiUuug, C;q)L. e*t tl Pre^ivleiit. ^ I in jiivorol .tolin M'Ccn Jt. II. Piilii'Jr, brother to IJev. Dr. Palmtr. j Also, a Iraet of land, tlie | Jiii'Kn ,1. Jliniruvli. I Dtn.n, :idjoiniiig Andri.-w 1 .- v.'i.:';' aiiil other DuVtd J'nKsfl(//, (lueen-st, | satistV two exeeiit im'^, oiw in |j%or ot .lohii ' Ih/rii! Clinil'iii, I■incolntoii, N. C. (.iiainiin, and om in favor (;f I .iwson .N.’Coy. I Jiohirt A iiL'ht. Merehiuit. ^ j A'so, twu traet■; (d land, lhi p'-op'rl\ ot'F.vell 1 ^ * tlinvfi Su'/fii ii>i, Plaiiler, l.disto Island. | (,ne of two ortiirie ia.inl”' d a'i\ ]>oint ii-pn;sent the feet of i.Iiildien, have but ihice I'jcs, and th.'se by far too large, and „„.,its, situations which, on an average, iiu drawn. A cit'cinn.^tance, also,. p,.(Hlure about lOOOl. per annum, (1,44 i 4 t w hicli cannot esc ; ],e observation, is, that I dulhirs.) of ten or tv.elve li|;iiros only one would I ^rmv there are the fol- app-.'ar to i>e made by the leit toot. I ,.^.^i,„ents : 2 life guaids, I horse There are tiiany marks supposed to bC| - dragoon guards, \H dragoons, impr( ssu;ns ol the leet ol tui keys ; these j >.3 foot, making a total of consist ol thre'c straight or slightly ‘'ur- ko j ,.t.gimenis. liesides tKese, are the v.‘d hues, sometimes fo'ar or live inches | uagon train, East lon.,% meeting in a point many oljuT rniliiia. See. Of the 123 ligures, to which the neighboring ,.,.^,^,1^,. ,.e^rlnient.s, but verv few are com- seitlers have assigned no prototypes, and i,y ollicers of so low a rank as w hi. h 1 shall nut attempt to exjilain. ' „ne by a Colonel.— Mos. of the lignres ol hiinuui b et have i.K-utenant Col- the toes tow aids the West, i^i'd ,.egituenls, leceiving the pay, one appears to have beeti artiulU i vvlthout doing much dutv as such, how- ved to represent the impression ol the There are 2;.,? t olonels, 840 Lieu- foot of a person who had slipped in nin-■ Cohn. h, and 041 Majors, rnakinp: nlni;-. 'liie\ are foumi in asmuilpraine, ^ ofVicers; all ty of hlie red Jones, to satisfy an execution in lavor of \\ ilhani M’Necly. Also, a tract of land, containing 15i» acres the as it is considcM'd by the neigiii)oring in- (,f \v hom are more or less supiiortetl by jpropeitv of vyilliiun .lolin.sou, on \\hieh he now l)ut which is more probably a t|w. (Jovernment. ' ' cleared field that has remained much in j,, there are .'ifi Admirals, fit : 'ANo,atractof,thepropertvorAliAan-;ii^ present situation smce the departure Admirals, 73 Hear der |{ol)ison, M(l|oining .las. .Msxwell and otiiers, ol that forgotte!! rac(.“ r)l nu n who l^'ll' su]MTannuated Admi- to sat.!,f\ an e.xecutioii in lave>r of .lames M. llu-j iheir emblematic in rrii'dioiis to com-1 have rank and pav, but ran ne- Also, a tract (,f land, the j)roperty of Sanniel l.iiie Ship , adjoii’iiig W iiliain P.rown, to s;itisl'y an e.x- ^ me:noraie some event in their history j V\>v I* for sjIi i;i\ l!ou«e aiul F.'U", situateil in llie low r, ui' ('lia. li.ile. •\. C. On ihi preiii,.--es ihi re is a good »IW0 4,t0r\ lloU''e, u 1th a:i I \'-i II hi Cel- a Kilehen, Smoke House, .">a')U'', It'iv. and |v I Ty otiu'i'ni'Ces .ar\'ont biilidiiig'. ,V!\ nn’i\i' or Si 11)11^ is to tr-'e ms .11 i.r' tU l-t ; and. tlio^e ,* Jldelilcd to Uie-, I llin r h\ note or nook ;ii'i'oi,iit, ill please call and relle\c tiieiiiK Iv e ■> of v\ liat 'b‘’y stand indebted to F. M, iU{'>N.-)i)N. 'b:u'lolle, N. C. Oet. 2^, i 1: 1 : 14 I.-. If) 17. T. 1 .iverpoi'l IS, Ihe Hev. Dr pliia “ 'I'heir own heroic dceJs, and liapless full,” lerty of Andrew ! jjnd the conmie'JireuK'iit of their llight to tiie W est before the bai bai ians w lio have e\iei :ninated llieir arts and their lemem ver command—22.1 Admirals. Of these, only 9 are in actual military command : all receive half pay, and many have gov ernments and political bituations to sup port them. \'erv few of the Biirish n(d)ility en- for wiar, (■ajitain of ship Jasper U'ltliiiiii Jloiian, I’liiiadtl on vhieh he now lives, a'ljfin 1 v.i II A. \VV\\^VA*V.\l, ^oac/t. Sign. J/m.'sr (S' (huuimcntal l.T I HXS Ills tlianks to his tVlends and the pnl.'tle, for the hlu ral eilCOiilagiMuent V\ hleti -‘ has alre ady ren 1m d, and la spectI'ullv sohe.t-. continuance of patronag'e. lie is jjn pan d do all kinds of Fainting in his line ; ami eu-.- oiners may I'.epend on having their work neat- ‘•■"ted, and with despateh. u.j'Fainting in the eountrv will ! c uoiie 'Ui mrt nolice. ■ ' _ (Mvb-r I.MFFdUACF. 'I'll the I’ev. Dr. Uhcan, Fhiladelpliia. .(lUiN FiM7.Kit \ t;o. (,hai'lesloii li i»iui; I’l. V T l'. do. 'I (iiiv.\s Cm lilt.vN, elo. S.» M ^le.\ 111, do, Jol! N 't . I'll II •• ', do, . 1’. l$\so\, do, D.wiii Cl. niN, I.i'ieolnton. X. 1)a\iii Ui.iMiAHi’T, P. .M. I.incohiton, N*. C. ‘It7 ^jJt‘ilC‘|• t\ McFl’ill. 1] i .\N IN«- laiily t n'ii-ed in^o a -la J Co-partiii rshlji In the C\i!- ni.u!K M\kim. ;iiid IIi.m' s- ini' I*.i■ sI N |>S. iiiloMli til! ir frii nds al tiK pubi e, tli.d lii'.'v w llliavi 0,1 h;ind. in .1 \i - 1 i\ short inii'-, twoorthrie W ;igo|i'^, ]il.un ( .ar- i i.uv' s, and a'Di.Hst 1 ver;. i iher kind (A M lrele iio\, in use. ami will warrant tin ir v ovKto be lnii-.hi. d equal in st\leto a!iV m:id' al the .North, :is it has!)i "ii their study tor .M>mi ihonths !).i k to sepplv themselves v.iilithe best mat.rials; ■i!!il'he_\ will hi readv tosiipplv theircusii n ers v ith v'. 'irk on as sliov notice, and eiiuai!} ;'s dur- i .'dll'- as :in\ In the S'.:di . j \. I! (ilil work rej)a'r(d veWh matne’ss and I de-j'.ati It. The\ will constai.ll_\ ki • |) I'li ii nd ' a lari;e (ji'. ii.tilV of Ilor>. Slrx s, I0 pn vent tin jdel;i\ of the travi Her. All orde rs tioin pidihe 'daces of the \illage and eountrv, will be str.ct- 1\ ;itten'h l to. ■ ’ A ft w tirst lal-e AXi'S, w:irrantf d Cast Steel, on hand,, and w iii he; sold h w for cash, if applied fdrs-oon, ISAVC I’FACFW, 'I ill itPOWK Ml WWILL tha;l«tte, N. C OeV 7‘J, iyj4.—3tG iind others, and one 4 011c hnndui] aei joining’ Stains liartls, to an 1 I in fa\or of .lohn IJohison, ‘>aiil Me.xander, Ste|)hcn AlexaniU r and .e I), A lleii. S.X.MT.. M'( >'■',•■.;// if J/V I'lw liiii' ^ I Ill’ll!y. A few miles »*aslward of this ■ coiintei’the hardships ol the ocean. Oc la.n.i—i aeris unon(‘ of the hi aticlu's of the St. I Casionall) a youngei- son goes into the 1M'\ i'rani is, are tlie remains of an old town, 1 servic, and comes in tin.e to the family SluM’ifV Snl(‘. 7T11IF, following- tracts oi" l.oul \e'l! he sold for j St. Louis. now buried in a deep and tangled iorest, ’ blit sliou ing nMjre appearatice of regulari- ! l\ in tbt‘ l>uildings tlian is usually seen in ! tiie I ('Cent Indian villages. I Tiie limestone in this district is im- !])ii!-e and llinty, and (.rien jjasses into I sandstone; it has also, in luany instances, 1 a crystalline si riK tui e, like that around It is not verv distinctly sti-ati- fied, i^iit appeal s. to h‘ nearly horizontal, , chequi ri-d, and divle'ed by niiinercyus per- 1 pendieniar seitins and iissui'es, olien cross- I ing eai II ot!i«‘r in such a ruanner as to idi\iil(‘ till' masses into ilumil)ic tVag- |men!s. '1 I'.e exposed surface bei omes 11'Migli ami black, li’e rccenl sni-iV.ce is ■j } M'Coid, di eeased, not lir,i d f or ] ^! \ I'llow ish Ol- jM-«enisji white, ami some- '1 ].',^;ieres, rctnriudlv (.eorge Nn.iiohon, lor l niottled V illi i)l'ow ii. No extrane ous fo.ssiis ha\ t- l)eeii I'onnd in il. J -ash, at the (''onr’-lloiise in harloiu tlie fourlli >tonda; in No\i nii)er, to salislv the taxis due for l^SiJ and 182.'> ;— In ('i.philn Ihirismvi'-K ('ontju'ny. f)6 acres, returned liy Alidei-'^on Hiaty, l.)4 ;i.:n ,s, n turned iiy .Vndi’ew Dim, .'loO ;ieres, returned, bv .lohn , King, ISJ >. t .iOai l-es, belonging- tollie hi if' of Kobel’t higl has a 18J... JUO acres, less or more, belt I’giiig to tin In irs of I.’oIm rt ,\le xandi r, (U ev it. not hsted for I ♦ 1S2J nor I A .ICS'I'U 1- MF 'I IIF. IT. VfE. in (1,1 Inin lilitr/i irnr>i/'s f’i:r>:?irniy. Tiu‘ oiiii'C ol' a .Inslice is (d‘ the rS a 1-1 s, w ill non \taii!,.i l,n,\. n '-ow lives, ] the public. He not I’siid tor 1.S2J nor 1-. I. ' ^,.fv e.\lcnsi\r and summarv jurisdiction ;V acres, beloiiJ-inL'-to SaiiiUt 1 11. l.lliott, t'T • l::.;and lHJ.5,not I'ted. . ] U- h.s pov. er to an e 5(‘ ;iere.s. f ss or more-, the prnp* ’.-ty of Sar.'li of his i> :i >w citizens. Oiven-., for 1KJ2 ;*nd 1S2.1, not listed. I ..O acn , lessor more, bi lot giti.^ to the bei!' ot Fraiifis I.ewis, deeeuscd, for IS.^J and 1H2. not listed. PAMl'KI, M‘( (»MH, S/.n-iff. Til/A. CFAUK, l*i},vt^’.'yUi'jj". n, 1. 12, 1821. Is. l^iilrv 'Takprs’ V\ tiriuul.' honors, by the tlei.’h of a brother. Ibir the .\imy is the favorite ser\ieO of the nobles. A few' Siidih Lords, who are gen‘rally needy, ar-e in the* Navy, though most of tl.e naval lords are crealicuis.— Tiieie are S2.1 C!aptains, .SIO Command ers, r),70H Lieuteiiaiits, and 5.t,} Masters. Probably th»-y have j(J') sail of .‘.ea-\vorlhy \essels. Of tlu'..-H-, perhaps K;i) sail of good shi[)s of the line mighl be employ ed. ' In I'ngland, there are 19 Dukes, lf» Mar(iuesses, 105 l,arls,21 \'iscounts, and 1 l.j IJarons—making a total of .304 peers of (ireat Britain. 'I'o these must be ad ded the If) elective I'eers of Scotland, and 2M for Ireland, and 9 jieerages which are at present hehl by femaie!—atul it gives atolalof 357; tlie whole number of which the House of Lords ran consist, w ithout new cieations. Not a fifth of this mini' her ordinal iiy attend, many very seldom, and some nev er. In Scotland, there are .9 Dukes, (all F.n- giish Peers but (ne, ' 3 Martpiesses, (one an I'nglish peer,) 38 Laris, (16 Liuvlisli peers.) 4 \ iseounts, (2 English peers,) 2 1 liaiuns, (2 Lnglish peers,) and 4 Coun tesses in their ow n rights, 2 of whom are married to Knglish ju'ers, and haNe chil* fur trial, and either rel'uses or regulates j dren. Total, 85 Scotch jieorages—to the bail, at his o v. n discretion, 'i hc 1 tiiese may be added five (jr t;i,v recent res- cases in V. hich he is re(]uiied to-act are toiations. numberless: he is daily and houily called j In Ireland, there is one Dnlo, who io U'.'on t.o ci.'hv,inis'cr ;ustir;c. Uv i^t!:''''*n LnijllsU pe‘;r, 12 Mivy',icbt:js, (S E;;- t aiul inijii'ison an\ In cases of small er olVences he regulate-, the punisliment; iti comjilain'.s for higher crimes lu‘ ex amines tlie circumstances of the case, flisf barges tlie accused, or commits him