-\l CUdliLOTTE, A\ C. TUESD.m imCEMfiEJl 1821. Yoikville 13ook l>ml(‘r\ SM Kl l)Ol.LA(lS A il.V!*, 1\ AUVANCE. .,1 ;vr will !■»- cl'vcuntiiiiTfl, nul'-ss :it tlif . :i uf tliv; c./lor, until iill r.VfL'iiragcs aiv vrr.Ti'Jr’;! > i \vi!l lic i;i'cvt('(1 sit tlie iisiuil IV ;Nons si niliii”- ill aih (.•'.■tistp.K. nls, art- il to iiiitf ( I) t'f. inuri^in t!ic lusinbi r of :>u y w ill !'• ci-iitii iUMl n.itil torbiil, .\V,\V llVHn'.A, i\.v CASH. , '1111' Mibscrilji'vs lia\iri;.' • into inirl;- J. IK ill tiic ML iTaiitili Utisiiuo.s, luidtr nil of Smith Cr Ciivfiou, ctfiilly iiifor.iii llic* I'uhlii. tli;’.t linn- ; iViiii ilii- 1st lo tin; kUh lif tliia laontli, , \\A iissorlnic ill ot‘ |':iiirv '.nul (^.ofxls. j Vli tiny \vill n'll low for ciisli or pnuliu e H out- of us \m!! ■(.■ a consid- o].' (if tlu VI uv ill tin: niavkvls ot Ni W- I iirk, Ipliia or iliarli st«.-n : by this nu ,nis , I \‘Hft I'l Iji- const .!Uly w'.lii :i im'; ■ .."ini' nt of utw and biasouljlc pyuoils, oiL'ii* ; i li:'' li\V(.st cu.ili prici- s. f r.lIOCUIULS w ill.bc and (i ir' r iiiL idi'\. M. SMI I }l, \VM. CAUbOX. raintH^ Oil aud .t}\fc Stuffs. A constiint supply of *N\weAA\u\i Vuvv\s. VcfnbrrZii, 18J4. StlJ t(ik‘ 7T«ni’ s'l’v.wiiu V established a 1 I, !., of l'A( Kivrs bi'lween iMiila- W liinir.;;'’.!'!!, N. lakes lliisiiK tliod '.:.vpi.i.ii''.(b:.t a \l’'m I\villli.:ivc M d- ! ,\.t . M v I'fdiys. l’ri)diicc iiitfUiK (1 > ■ I w ill bt vecc'ivfdainlforuard- (i ’. I '1 bompsoii, Ks(|. t>f I'ayeUeville, Mow i; W li.ttier, of \\ iluiin.-'toii, ;.)V. ("t rates ot fr cij^lit, and Ica^f expeii.ie ll:iviii;',- three jjoud vessels in tin: trade, i;:.U 1 i)\ lan i'iil euptains, well aciiuaiiited CO 1-.1, and eabins \vi II fitted for iiic ac- ::ir.oii of pasiiviij^ers, he trusts to nieet luoiit. i-’iiiladclphla, w ii li its eii- h;. !.. c()uie so };reat # niaimfaet'ii iiit^ dirort from Kng-land and New-York •M'.t i'.,:t;iii cun be sold to sonu' extent. J. F. JOHN LIPPITT, hohftnie Gi'ovem^ IUy-stmkkt, Fatettevilli;, N. C. QFFF.K FOR SALE FOll CASH OK rilOUUC£, 15 hlids. ^ 35 bbls. S 10 do l.oaf do CiJ bagfs f’otl'co, bajfs I’i-pj)er, Alsplcc and Giiitjcr, 20 lihds. Molasses, 25 bbls. N. K. iiuin, 10 do Northern i;in, 5 do M.dai^a V in‘, [40(^ 200 kej>'s Cut Nails Hinds, rssorted, 4t/. to oO tons Swedes Iron, assorted, 15iJ0 do Hoop do 2000 do Slioi t do « 1000- do (ierinan Steel, loiO do Blistered do 250 do Cast do 2500 Share Moulds, 1500 bushels l.iverpool Salt, “00 do Sound Salt, 40 boxes No. lU C(.ttnn CanU, 10 do No. 6 M ool do ."0 do 8 bv 10 ? „ . , , 10 do 10 by 12^ M ludow (.lass, 100 reams Wrappins^ Paper, 25 ilo Wr'ilint,'' I’api r, 50 kec,’s 11!' lnij)ont'M I’owder, ;> do Shot, a>-M)rled, 2 do H:tr Lead, 10 l)bl-. 'I'aniu rs’ f)il, 2u (!•) and-20 half bbls. Markerel, flairs Mone •Iuj''s, assorUd, 15'I0 llss. Salt I'etre, ' 5w'0 do .M’lm, •500 (‘o J?aj^-!nn;,-. 1! ib' Hope niid Tuint ; « n II \ \ \ .Sii'i I'M 1ST Oi 7?y f/ie Sleitin Boat Cohimbidy T^OW within twelve miles of Cberaw, on her 1 j passage up, will be received most of the followint’- i()OI)S; the residue will be receiv ed in ei^ht or ten days Crockery, (ilass and Stone 'Ware, Smith’s Bellows, Anvils, Vices, lluinmcrs, Scn-w plates, files. Sec. FAyKIIKVILlJ:. KoIkm’I JjillVjiv Have received their Full linporiuiion of miY GOODS, Tlu ir a^ sortiiient inchuks alnio^st every article needed ■ tu the uwiK-rs, the coiisMiii|it on in a country fetovc. sjiit :.boi;t twt ntv t’lonsand i): li si 'I'hty invite idl responsible dealers to come lid Vi ill no doiilit be soon rjrehter. ! and buy on aslibeial terivis of credit ii JAMKS I’ATTON, jmi. Dry lioods. Hard are, (Hitlery, Hollow Ware, Andirons, Shovels and Ton^s^s, llellows, Mill, I'itt, and Cross cut Saws, >\ ire and Hair Sifters, [assorted; Saddles, Hriilh s. Martingales and Saddlery Maektrel. Sliad, Codlish, Mi'ss and I’rinie Heef, Linseed and ’I'anners’ Oi^, Paints, Putty, (Hass, Cotton Hagjj'iiijj, Uale Hope, hag-^jin,^ and seln 'I'wine; r.end. Patent and Buck Shot, * Dupont’s rr. l*ov. lU r. Iron and Pttel, assorteil si/.es and qualities ; Plough Moulds, ‘Nixcui’s’ Patent Ploughs, superior, to an\ other. ALSO, Whitteniore’s Cotton anti Wool Cards, lilaek and white Hats, from tiu' best Manufac tories, and of the newest fashions ; A liKNhllAI. ASSIIKT'IKNT III' IJools, Shoes, I.ei"horn &, Straw (.iypsey Bonnets I'ancy anti common Chairs, Northern Cheese; 'I'ogether w ith a grneral assortment tjf iiiiorKUiKs, ro.Nsisii.Nu i: I'MiT OP Siipfar, Ctigiiac Prandy, Cotl'ee, Holland (lin, Maderia, ('olinaiiar, 'I ••ncrill, and Malaga, .lamaiia, fst liiilia, ami -- New-I'.ii^'Iand, j Molasses, Northern (lin and U hiskt y, l.ondoii Porter, Pi pper, Pimento, (iing-er, Nutiiu^j.s, Salt IMre, (kipperas, Bt.ttles, (’orks, if^e. ic. , I'rom the above general and e\t( osive assort ment, dealt rs in gooJs can be furnisbul witli al most cvei v article in their.line. . 'I'hese ^ood ('omm'ss'on Muclunil, Xuith l'roiit-4. I'hiladelphiu. - ,;u, is:-!.—.Imtli a VS \\^v;\aV^\\, ( //, Jlouse Oniuinciitul bis thanks to his friends aiul tiie vii'l.r, 1'nr the l.beral eiu oiiriii^e'iieiit which :i!n aly reci- ivcd, an-.l respectliilly s()l;-,it‘» ' I, I,.mi- of patron.ig’e. He is |>ri pai'etl i'll kinds of J’aintinj;' in liis line ; aiuleus- is iiia', (Upend on having iheir work neut- . c'ltv. 1, an.i V. ;th despatch. have l>et n piirrbased at the New-York Auctions ' j iinporlers, and be.st sttires, witli great care, ami , • . . • .1 . • I , , . * everv athaiilage for buying c//^f//; aiitl will be tn by aiiv Importt r in the I nited Stales. Mc rt bants bv ]\’l,ul»^ak for cn.sh, al pri- Other hmuit s in this nyi. have imp.;rtt d | of ivgu- ■ason, that tlie amount ..t «.ootls .^nxXhcvn to« n or eiU, addu.g lit. tar ( xceeds t.iai ot any former expenses, I F, su!)scriber begs leave to inform the pub- li r.c in general, tliat he can’ies on the Btmi:- Bhu/tri/, in all its various braiicht.^s. Having iUppiied himself with the best of niateri«.ls, he will execute work in the neatest manner and on the shortest notice. N. U. All orders for Blank and Copy Books will be punctually attended to. 9tf JOHN H. 1)K CABTKKET. IMIlitnry AssociHtioii. J W HOSE persons Interested in forming an ///- ^ drpiuiitnt roJvntefr ('ompuny in this j>lace, arc rejtiuested to meet at the Court-House, at 12 o’clock, on Saturday, the 18th December next. otll (;lmrlottc, N. C. November 50. 1824. Luinh(*r lor Sjilc. rO, IIK siib.scriber lias the lumber complete for v/i a house eighteen by thirty feet, two stor'.es high, of good lieiirt, which he will sell at a re- duceil price for cash or on a short credit. t;. MORSE. • Cfinrloltr, Nov. 26, 1824.—2tl0 li?VlAi\ l\iv /WJIF, subscriber offers for sale a tract of land, containing o60 acres, upon the waters of Sugar Creek, joining Hr. .(ohnson's. H will be sold either by lots of 120 acres each, or the whole, as the pureliiiiser max be incliir.tl. ’I'hose wishing to ptu'cb;tse, c j.'i ajiply to ibe subscriber, or to any of the ncighboKs adjoining tlie land. JOHN DOW. Mchhnhi'"^ Cn. Aov. 22,iB2l.—'Jlf ■ ■ If the iibt.ve land is not sold before February County Court by private sale, it v. iM be sold at public auction, on Montlny, ihe first 'b.^y of the coiiit. .1. I>. ON 'rhursdav, the IGtb ilay of Dcccniber, will lie exposed to public sale, at Ihc late dwell n^-hoiise of Catliarine Siniinons, all the lire.perly of said tb ceas d, to wit ;—two Ne groes, llorses, Callle, ami Hogs, Corn, (;t)tU)ii, aiitl I'tiilder, v ilh household and kilcben ttinii- tiire, farming iitr iisils, &c. Oiie avteiulaiice will be given by me, and a tVnsonable credit.— The sale w ill conmu uce at 11 o’elork. A. HEARMONU, .>lclmr Nov. 2r>tl, 1824,—.;t 11. laigtly this season here, at jir^ time ill t)iir I xjH i'.enee. Tlie block of (.UCCI'UILS sive. Ountry b'a’ois, tbercfore, advant /'((//' is efj'ially exten- have manv more 1G6 rackniics of Dry Goods, JrsT receivt'tl hy the last aiTival.s, sml are olFered at Iflm/eoule and liituiL at a small ri'a.nt.ng in t;ic country w;u ne tione on „j,a„cc,Vom co^t. iiotee. Cash paiil for Cotton. fl^^'Cash and (ioods atlvanccd on Cotton and other produce. , , * Cotton and all kinds of tiroduce receiveil and agt s iH.v t han >'' fa..lore ni tins market. the'^^K ain lioat Columbia, on t!ie , (A-/. 18.1._otL> most favorable terms. Merchants, Planters anti others, are invited to call and examine the above gootls. BP.P.PS, Bl NNELL iiH'A). ■ C/nrnU', Nor. 8, 1824.^ttll M. Old chair.s re-painled and re-guilt. uwliiU, (h'h)li'r A, ItS- l.—Ilf VU\w 1X111 V»vuurt\v»s \hnl Iron, Jh'us.H^ L'oftlnr, and Tin 11 "(trr Mdnnfdctun r, pr. fi UN'S his most sincere thanks to his i ‘"K iidi a’ld custonu r», for tlie bberal en- il,. Ml wliicli he lias received in liis line l)i(',iu ->r,, and stjlicits a ctjutniuance ol tin ir i i.iu-.-e |KiriiCularIy ill this season of tlie v.iieii a strong oppc i'.ii'ii blows a heavy . {Vom f.iir r.ortiu rii br«. tbreii. 1 iiaveagood I t Tin \\ aiv on li v.nl at t!i:s tmif, i',;.;.ofti,i follow ing article-, vi/.;—Cup ., | I’l'i -, I'.u's, liuelii ts, f .aiilboriis, .Meas- V ai;d \Vi .;vii'. i!o\\l.s, liiov.' i„ r'aii lle .M-aill ’ I5..1t. r i'ans.-»>f evei-y ri|jttoii, lie;.:-!-., Dianioiuls, Seoili>ps, tvC.Uc. ■ ■ a few t b -'ant street (duss Lantlioni.-^, of ::ll «f wir.(.b 1 will sell'(,11 U.odenUt. l..r e;isli i/r |.i',duee ; I,III un ci iii.'f. 1!. I li:i . a I. w Notes and Aceouuts on V.' I 11 lii.iS !;i t;:ki n lip ill t^e course ot u d; •.! iiiei.l In Mr. .',.'1 Tie. Wr- (e w* di'. ,*1 riiii''..!’ '-al'! • ■ ;■> -n Ii ;M:,U ;.,id Sli-‘> i l!. I,. \ I,:;, r . . • ^..11 Ik j,;m 1, i^.r (,M r,,:.|V m-. :.ii.: i.DW .Vb'i) ALSO. 25 casks Straw Bonnets, 100 nests Baiul P.oxes, 5 trunks Shell, Ivory and Imitation Combs, Cotton and \V ool Carils, WoolHals, Ke. ivc. The abo\'' (iot,ds are well selected for this marke t, and adaptetl to the sitison. Merchants from the c'.miitry are resjiectfiilly invited to call and examinc'ilie j^'oods and price.«. K. l\. I.KWIS. Fnurllevilh, Oct. 28, 1821.—6111 ~n \iVinVVi;i; t j ij:ky.~^ /’ r Sn'lr. a! i \ 'I i,:ir- cx' I'-.. rl.ll, Au. I, Coil .]■ 1 II, t'l. - • > e;i!‘,l, b.,i IK,!;- l^nvid is ( Ian(‘ Co. Have just received their fall ii;i])i;itation of Ifnrdv'arv and Cutlvrij^ direct f.t iii Kngland. • Their piviieiil a.-.sortinent, consists of almost every article usually bept in a country ston, ;'4id is ;iiueti lar.mr than u-iial ;.wb!eb llu v of- |i r, at w l;;le:,aie, to r oil a liiii r.il ereibl. I ’l'i/dt' fill msiil.le counti v iLealer.- • lil. ■ ‘ :hf/i (ht. i«:i-.~!’n,', !l is lust r Aiiflion ('oinmissioii Stori* ,it r.iYKTiTr/Lij:, n. r. The subscribers have gi nerally on hand a large supply of (Jrocf rics, JJn/ Goods, Cntbry^ ^'C. I'he folbjwing articles are at present in Store, w hich they oiler for sale at reduet tl jirices: — .1 ])ip'es superior Cogniac Jiramiy, 5 lilids. aiitl tj bbls. N. I'- Uum, 72 tlo. Surinam .Molasses, 4 tlo. prime Mii.scovado Sugar, 15 bbls. country (lin, 5 do. Ct»))pe ras, .“'.4 tlo. Loaf Sugar, 35 b). exci lleiit iirown Sugar, 7 rp’. casks Sw .-et W ;ie, 10 boxes .Maderia and ;dierry Wine, 1(J casks Cliifsi, 2 do. Sad Irtjiis, i.V bags 'eti'ee, '.'0 do. I’t l>pt r, 5 t!o. PiiiKitto, ' ((.lass, I5;J bo.\es and half boxes S bv 10 M imbiw li. m;!.von. ( ■ iv(d l>v tbe l:i't .irr’.vals from New- \ I'.rk au.l Ij'li'a, I (hr Hr l ire:! toi)l.-i :in! rH aei.tt' (! !'!.• tbi.s m-rl.el. • At.-(>, };/) d')/, Parkit i’ti(k.saiid Wallets, ..’■I (.-;!• sl.liS, Ij d.i, ( -ed .'.ii'rocco‘^kiiis, 1 (Ic. Skill'-., . :| r. : ;i.s y, i-iiiiig P:.pt r, 1>) i \ti.(.l llat^, assorted, '.'•I .1 I/. ^'‘li■0(■(•O Il-.ts, .;•) I,.. . ■■ \!e ';i!el 1,‘a :.M1s. f.c, Lc. ■j ’i • a' 've an ' .!e. i d at v. b.ob sale, at a small i\i;t!!;i t" t. iviiai'.ts fr.Mli tile roilll- ^ are I'- •')ee',tiillv invited lo call anil examine do. U» by 1 2 Fanc_\ \ .l.iss,Tiini!>ii ! •>: > ! I'avi tt\ ville Mtaiid C; i; il; liar Soap, lull Axi s, MH-,t:;l-,!. W i,it!;iii(^;-e C.ir’ . .\nu riean (' ■ .'r". a.^sorii tl ,Sw I lb > aiid I'si \)l^ ::s, is:;.-cm >rKiii>'ic k ()!• II. ih‘. or \ V . T 1 AVl.^(.d;.■ _^ 1 i ■1 l\ etl their eo-p.iitnersbip in tbe ' I. r !*hy.-ie. ri tuiii tie ir thanks te aiiil lit',' ( '■ i .i. 1 ['.atrt.iiage w bleb they ha\e • 1 t;'eil\ ret]Ue-t iboye. intli bt- s, W i.l '.ill e li i I»» t i; Hi W I (■ Miie itirwanl and make sellle- 11.( ■ ':•!' V e.e 11 or bv ntite. ' . 1 ■ .le. ,. IS. 1 -.J.l.—'.uf 11, .11 ', II. .\. i b, li.i 'li'>i'tl% tl) inovt out rtf lb’s i.- V bo'.‘ire intb'bte'l to me i-ic'i- ■ 'ii. //,/, a: 1 "..lie tl >1 to settle their acei.unts !’(>[U'b'T_M'ivj\/jr. ' V \ S\V \\V V‘.\u\ s ^ ) ;• a!.', a’ iM.- Oili'.-. .\Jso, a general as.-iOi't iiieiil 4 l)i!N (.(I'lll' ( ( n.r.ix'N, i.e. wII.I.KIM. :m *- .\ ('. (H. 1.’, l: •X v>\ \c . ■^TlHOSF, ill'll bled to tin l ilt firms t.i' H«v ;i i SUN C \>'riii. Iv rt tpn OF the personal prope rty of William Pavk^, tb »:M., is postpoiieil until Thursday, ‘Jtli December.—Sale oil same' te rins. I,. H. .U,i:\.\NDF,n, Novenibt r 2.>, IS'J l. 3tlU VjilHiil»l(‘ Lniids ior rOH THK CATAWBA JOCKXAl, To Michael M’Leary, Thomas C;. Polk and Matl thew liain, Esqrs. Kepresentalivts Iroin the county of Mecklenburg. (JcnUemen: Wht;n wc arc surroiimied i)y the I)Ics‘.in?;s which attend the firc- doni of that engine of information, the Pi-css,—by thiit security for ourselves and j)ro]/i‘ity,'which is the rc5.ull of whole some und well executed laws ; wlicu culm peace sheds her henign inilMence over our country, we would reasonably expect some improvement in education, which can u- ione raise us to that height ot moral and ])olitical grimtleui' to which we niuy just ly aspire. liiit in vain have the tiilz.cn3 (if Noi'th-Carolina looked to the meeting; of every legisUiture with an eye ol hope, that soi’ncihing wou-ld le done to improve our system of education; in vain ha.-; the exectui’..c repei'.tfdly rerommended it; in vain is the example of other stales set be- ft;re our eyes still our legislators have p:.sse;d it by as % subject not\vorihy their attention. Such being the ease, I am induced to addrt.ss you, as servants of the people, on this impoilant subject. I'hat partof our sy.stcm of education, if system it can be r.’alk'd, mof.t si'.sccptible of improvement, is our common schools'. 1st. /rhe«c an^ not sulTiciently numer- otis to allowcv.!i-y parent a cotivenienl ojjportuniy of scn.litig his childi-en to school,- cunseqiu'utly a great nmiibcr !>ro\y up without evtti knowing hov,- to read. 2i!. Persons tiiat generally have the care of our common schools, arc not epial- ilifd for that importiini ollire. eitlier us to morals or capacil}-. The reaiion d tliis ^)(M‘sons who are able, Ri iul llteiv iTldren to a neighboring town for the purjiObC of education, kituwin.g that the! habits of such leaciieis ds are ln‘i|ucnlly employed in the nnmlry schools, have ? blighting inllnencc jn tlu* futun: charac ter of their cliildreii, and that their iniel- lectual (inaliHcations are too often deli- eietit. 'I'ho consequence of this is, th.al the poor people in the neigliboihood are. not able to raist? a stirVu ieiit salary fjr l. competent tcucher. atul have either lo uc- cepi i)f persons who are too lazy lo f )lb>w» anv oilirr occui)uiio:t, aud too igunrunt to teucii, but who have accpiired :.cnse o- noiigh to doceive the honest but igiioranL ^Y virtue of sundry de- crees from the (’ourt of F.tpiitv, beariirg tlatc l.jt!i Noveni!)er instant, tin I'e- wiil iie sol.l, at Public Auc'ion, at the Court-Hou.se in Charlotte, on the first day of veotnanry ; or what is Still worse, sillier .laimary next, the Ibllowing valuable 1 .ands. viz : ' lo groW' up in ignorance. One tnwt of 200 acres, more or less, on skcd si.uemcnt too highly colored ? ('reek, tbvised bv .lohn Dinkins the tkiei to - , , , , , ,, ,• John Dinkins, jun. now deceased. 1 No! Although there are excepUons, thr.v are few indeed, compareil wiih tho.so ol Anotlu'r tract of 300 acres, lying on the wa-. the other class, ters of Siig.'er Creek, 2 mill's from Charlotte, on ' The only remedy for this (langero;i'.i the road leaehngto the Old Nalion ForJ, Cain- j^,^d rrj-ovving evil, is the esliiidishment Jif ‘It'u. , , , n 'public schotds in c\eiv neii-hborhood, A credit will be given on the above sales for one anti two \ears, the purchasers giviii;^ bond . . . , , ‘ ,u,.lnl.|,ro.cj..c,;ri.v, ' I‘>"‘1 unpos.tK.U ..I M.d, u 1:,^ c;„ , property ot thc^se \.iio reside v. iihin llie ^ tract .,f U.cnU-i,xZ"l. lvi„R cn M »xhaw “ " >'1 '’‘j “ Millkic.t sul,„ y to ck, -.mt»i,,i,-,B-» ■ ““I'P"' 1 » ora|.rto„t, ;,ml mural I.n-. I't/mM' arkl umt S,m M/I, I ' kn„«v„ l,v H,lk„,,'» Mills. In ll.is ra,. , a-nl.' ? salalv, as ..tl.y U'i ho 'h""*'’’ " '''''"'j it of 12 and 18 months will be given, and bond , HI the ncigliboi'hood, whether ib.e sche;ol aiiel suHicieiit seeunty requireel. I be lar;',e or small ; and ilius [',ei soii:i who /(i^so, I lire too poor to pay the present j.i ii-e f.»r One other tract, lying on.the waters of the j schooling, w ill have an opportiinily of Catawki River, riniiainiiig 161 acres, formerly t/nin'v their chi!dreii such an-i d'lcaliuti tlu propert;, ( f .Idbii U ;ls(.11, Ij.^ elect aseil. as'w ill ensure them a I es|lect SUiUd- ()ntbisacn.lit..ri2 nim>ths^l begiven, tm ^ cotulition of boii'I and good s/cTlri!\. ^ i . . .. r nd good 'aiids’ are suid to be valuable, ibe lu'iv fit cf tbe lef^'iU es. I), i:. Di NLAi’, r. M. Kf,r. K., 1824.—rtl l. coiulltion .Ml’lilt :'!>o'. ,vnil an sold .1.. ami c \ ••I'l:! I irpes'iv rt tpu :,ti 4 to s Hie till at or bl tt;re our next Coimiv ( mii;. ( commence the foiirtb Mi.ida\ iii 111 xt,) as longe r iiululgeiice « ani’t t One (.r oilier of the sfibseribt rs w '.M in Cbarlotti, ivailv to maki s>. tiU i,r. li’-.. (•ootl Ciition, at tile current ])i'i.-e, will be te ceivetl in paviiii nl. I*. C.\ Ml’Kl.I.i., .[* ■ .1. i;i.\Ki',. dwa |^lMl(‘ ol’ N (U'l !l-( JIIHiliHlU "I reKI.F,Mil lui t (Il \TV. Vi illiams ainl Cliiiton, ) ■/•.V. J. Ori.';inul Attaebim nt. Sterling Russel. J Retuninl levietl on one tu ;;-roman, ti.e prtiper- ■ ty (4" tbe tb ii iiil.-iit. J'F is er.leretl by t!ie court, lb,.* .'e’vt rti.i‘'ment be ni;'.le for three i!i(ui:b . in tb, ('■■'rii'f.n .liilii 'hil, for tile deielidaht to appe: r at 1 lie l i - bi i'M v It nu of tbis eoert. in 1 isaii.l tii.-re to I’l j)b w .'lii l pb ad tt) i'.-iie, (jiie ruiai jui'.j,: lelit w i'll be t hleli tl a',;-ains; llilli Ft ,1. Is \r Al.l,\.'.\!)i:i.’, ( : ,,ii 1 riii ...iv. ' 1 \V: \VV\VV\>1)V ' UV.IV UM X. r. "I'HIV, sub .rtll.'er coiitiiiiu s to e.irry en fbo 1 aliov" 1)U-.'m,i'•s, ill ;dl it' va'-'ous liraiulies, I'.tl is eon .ia'i Iv jirepaied Itt till ar.\ ordtrs, utb iii.tiiu '.■ all-1 e.i •'paleb. lb.' tee I- gra.letiil i.r tlie ( .,('i',r:iL;’eiiu !,t wh.fb be has :.iu;',d_\ re- >. tib ■nil] [•"u'i''-e-i|«at every exei'iop, on his ) r, 'i.al! be ii'ii I to nu i’'t a ei iiiiiiii.uiee.— I'airs will be si lit to aiiy of't be lleigbboi'i lig ' iiiiuit Viiiliiii a reasonable tbstaiiee, v\ itlidUi !,\ .eb'i;ii'n.il e Nj.'eii.se to pureliasers.' ■\. 1',. isj. rip.'iireil ai. 1 liut- •1, oil slioi-' lie! i'.'e. M \r.T::c c. iMMrnu. r.ti 2 A I I. p- ^ 1 I'l-.r.r tbe four'b u> ilO ie.i !:.t l.iU.k li ;i . iiiii Iiti d r|-(‘ ! 10 Ibe s.lbr-.;b.l t'. d to et.ii'e i«»r\\ -ir. Oil. !;iitl make J a_\'m ■ ' '.'11 be g'M H. persons ill ihiii counii y, wIid nKi.%e u-e (-1 eonmion indiistr), '.iio ai e le to scii'.xd their f.hil'lienj uiid th..i.by lliis means, I.()n'st ;.e .' up|M-.'t- |ing-llie r liil.h’eirtd prwMi,',.; e--. li.il i' is ja b.w naUire .mhI id'li.id. Uiai tli 'V' [who d'j no.I'u.tm shall n;i ;’,;;!Vi r [n.iiish- I :eiit ; thetefore, i’. wou'd :/'• '-.rMi,': li'.c.t j child.on should li'-i in i;.;n -i' ' . bet ai. t i their jiii.rt’nts were hw'v or ;:;ie:ii,;'“ra'.e. 1 X'ur is this nteiciy lie- \.ui U ri' iiiUigt- i nalion ; I'tr insia’iee s of otlu :' s^iites a: t“' j placr d !;■ It le us as a iiiodel u!;.! e \- enii)h- ol' the beiu lestilvs of the su[>- porl id' public seli'iols. ('()•,ni •■■'licul il a .s’.a'.e c« K'';!\,‘e.l f.)r (be 1,1'U ;:ii'.'. of iis iid-.ibi'./’i’•. iiud o'l' V. iii' h a rt'speCuIjlf v, i in r ;. . . “ \ liiii si l'.;r !»■; rni:.., ] .’ev.iils a’iii ’v,- ;.!1 r:il.Ks t.i’ peopb' in lii'.*'i.tu!*'. .VMii’o ;.i)ii!i'.'- men mi C’:.r!ie'-ri' 'n, in pruporilnH t tilu ii- luiin- I! r, r i\e a piLliliv.-. e(liu ;n'. »i'. ib. in ; ;> V l.f I' oi ibe s! ■ i l.u' 1 . l! -• e loii; Ke,V. .’.a, \y 1. Vv\U\iV j AN I'eni'li .ii 111 ;bt V\ .lii'l ,t df,'*' d M’lUri !itb i) V t'Iu e. 1), ( due ) • il e rt ei tin I 11' \rili fir h'sii i:ie wi'.i; -u'- .mb nil ■ to obt ibl s^iid il !!i ai.'.' j a4, so tbat 1e m s'llll' i\ rev."I ti ; '1.: ■ ■ ‘■i.b ,.'i i.' r. ( n 1 II s' 'ill 'i' h' 1' 1 o:he till! !i .,’'.1 and useb and ben i ill ' riiiiul i.'i i,;e ■iiat M" 11 is p’ni' ss ne:iii.n iii ■ yoit e’.:.;u!i r HI I S'f tbe I Ik p- e p''e^ l.iT'Te \ ti I . ; I f \

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