leatiiir- oriP!^ c' . irifli'^^; Villi ?i‘ he 11c- ir.' nfiiii**''.'' ainl nieflH'S atci’. tipss nof! Ills puf' lion, h'’ clcvil- VOL. I ] ciLiitLorrE, js\ c. Tuesday, mcEMBEU 14, 1824. [XO. 11. PI IM.lHlim W i;t'.KLY BvLK.MLEI. BINCiir VAl, Xillll^K UOLLVIIS A TKAU, PAID IN ADVAKCE. » J» ](j ]vi]ur w ill l)c disrontimic'd, \inlcss at the L r«lion of llic editor, until all urrcurag'cs arc t.l. ViivEiiTisTMtvTs will hc Insortccl at the usual I'ersons seiu-ling in advertisements, are (.(.'lostcd to note on the inarg-in the number of li.urtitiiis, or they will be continued until forbid; cluirgcd accordingly. [^V^^V «OOttS,for CMU. nilE subscribers having entered into part- lu rsiiip in tlic Mercantile Business, under [,e iinn ol' Swilh & Carson, cspoctfiilly intbrui the public, that they will ifiive from tiie 1st to the 15tli of tliis montli, I gciicrul iissoi’lnient of jiiicv aiul Seasonable Goods, lliicli tiu y will sell low for cash or produce k„|v. it IS expected one of us wiH be u consid- p;irt of the year in the markets of New- folk, rliiiiidelpliia’or Charleston: bythis means L e\ptit to be const Mitly supplied witha g'en- |r,il a-iortnii.iit of new and seasonblc goods, jii-'il it tliL- 'uWfst cash prices, o'iir '■tnck of (.KOCElilES will he large and If the bisl itaaiitv. >VM. SMI'l'll, . ' WM. CAUSON. • Xur. 1, I’ix ki'ts I'lU* l*liilH(icl|)liia. jiilb', s'l'jscriber having established a '> i l.iMi' ot PACKETS between Fhila- .1 ynd ihuington, N.C. takes tliismethod piibhc,tliut a vessel will leave M il- ..uti n, N. t’, (.-ry iudays. Produce intended rihisc'oiu L;.,ancv, will be receivedandfcwward- f(l ii\ n\iiK-ali Ttiompsoiv, F.sq. ol' Fayetteville, 1.1 Mt SM's. Stow U h.ttier, of \\ ilniington, til' Jowost r.itcsuf freight, and least expanse Having- tiiree ^uod vessels in the tratU', I u 1»\ careful taptail)S, well acqtiainted ;(i tl’.v-1 oast, and cubnis W*. II lifted for tlu: ao Liiiiiind;it 0:1 uf passeng rs, liv trusts to meet J. F. ^ .TOHN L1PI>ITT, Whoh’sale (h’ocevs, Hav-STUEET, rATF.TTKVM.LF., N. C. OFFKP. Fnn SALE FOR CA.SH OU PHODUCE, 15 hhds. > oTTf-in 35 bbls. 5 SUGAR, 10 do Loaf do 65 bags Cott'ee, 20 bags Pepper, Alspice and Ginger, 20 hhds. Molasses, 25 bbls. N, E, Hum, 10 do Northern liin, 5 do Malaga Wine, [40rf. 200 kegs Cut Nails & Brads, assorted, 4rf. to 30 toBs Swedes Iron, assorted, 1500 do Hoop do 2000 do Sheet do 1000 do (ierman Steel, 1350 do Blistered do 250 do east do 2500 Share Moulds, 1500 bushels Liverpool Salt, 700 do. Souml Salt, 40 boxes No. 10 Cotton Cards, "■ 10 do No. 6 Wool do 30 do 8 by 10 > 10 do 10 by 12 5 100 reams Wrapping Paper, 25 do Writing PHj)er, 50 kegs FFF iMipont’s Pow'der, 3 do Shot, assorted, - 2 do Bar Lead, 10 bbls. Tannei-s’ Oil, 20 do and 20 half bbls. Mackcrel, 8 eratcs Stone Jugs, assorted, 1500 lbs. Salt Petre, 5U0 do Alum, ' 500 do Rrinistone, Bagging, Bale Hope and Twine j WITH an AHSOllTMENT t»F Pamfs, Oil and l)ye Shijfft, Al.sO, A conr.tioit supply of .N.«e\\\\\fc i'ariXs. 28, 1S2L 8tl3 Bt/ the Steam Boat Cohimhia^, ’i^OW’ within twelve miles of Cheraw, on her in passage up, will be received most of the following GOODS ; the residue will be receiv ed in eight or tea-days: Crockery, Glass and Stone Ware, Smith’s Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Hammers, Screw plates, fdes, S:c. FAYETJ EYILLE. Dry Goods, Hard W^are, Cutlery, H(^llow Ware, Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, Bt Hows, Mill, Pitt, and Cross cut Sawsi M ire and Hair Sifters, [assorted Saddles, Hridles, Martingales and Saddlery Mackerel, Shad, Codfish, Mess aod Prime Beef, I/mseedviUid Tanners’ Oil, Panit.s, Putty, Glass, Cotton Bagging, Buie Hope, baggingand scin 'I'wini-; ■ Lead, Patent and Buck Shot, Dupont's FF I’owdtr, Iron and Steel, assorted sizes and qualities; Plough Mou!tl.s, ‘Nixon’s’ Patent Ploughs, superior to any other. ALSO, Whittemore's Cotton an'> Wool Cards, Blaek and white Huts, from th ■ inst Manufac tories, and of the newi st fusliions; A UEMiltAl, .\SS(lliT' 1. 'T or Boots, Shoes. Leghorn k strctw Gypsey Bonnets; Fancy and common Clunr.s, Northern ( liccse ; Together with a generu] assortment of (iRO(E«lES, C0>S18TI>0 1> I'UiT OF Sugar, Cognac Brundy, Cofiee, Holland Gin, Maderia, "N ColniHiiar, t 'l enenlf, and r M.ilaga, 5 Jamaica, 'W eSt India, and , New-F.ngland, ^lolasses. Northern Gin and Whiskey, London Port(-r, Pepper, Pimento, Ginger, Nutmegs, Salt Petrc, Copperas, Bottles, CorkM, &c. is.c Shoe Rtore and Grocery^ *rlt M^Quay’s old at and^ below Mrs. VuiPs Tavern. ir^HE subscriber has just J. ojiened a small assort ment of SHOES, HATS (.HOCEHIES, selected in l uy ettevilk exprcs.sly for retailing piirposes, and which he now off ers for sale low, fur Cash, The following articles comprise mttst of his pre sent stock ; SHOF.S, assortel sizes anil qualities. Morocco, >\ ool and Water Proof llATSj I.oaf and Brown Sugar, Jama ca and St. Domingo Coffee,, New-F.ngland and Jamaica liuin. First quality Molasses, Northern (.in, Cogniac lirandy, Malaga Wine, « I'rime Northern Cheese* No. 3 Mackerel, Hy^on Tea and Chocolate, Muscatel Waisins, Spiinish Segars, .Maccoboy Snuffy Dupont’s FFF Powder,, Bar I.ead and Shot, Cut Nails and C'otton Cards, M;iniituctured Tobacco, ShuA ing and Bar Soap, Fayett( vilK.- Mould CandlcB, Beiigul Iiid'go, Madder, Jkc. Gig Whips, Dog Skin Glovc3» Ba^ket Si.lt, Copperas, Liquid Blacking, Bottle and Corks, CONFKC'l lONAHIF.S, &c. JOHN If. NOHMENT. Charhiffe, Aor. 25, 18^U.—3tll WZWMU. Kobcrt JaftVav Co. t Have reccivod ihcir Fall Imporiution of DliV G(wm. lUi >. .ifoaraguiH 111. Philadelphia, w :th its en-' England and New-York. Their as- Pt-om the'aboTe ^e-n^ extensive assort- ir.jiis, t)eoo:iie so grea a manu .u uiing soitment includes almost-e\ ery article needed (U ale-s in eoods can bo furnished with-il- u--, i;,;it lolton can be sold to some e.\tent, ■ , ^ gt'‘>'lscan he tuimslied witn .ii- I ulvi-»Ill th ow.ici's tlie coiisuniution if' . most every, article in their line. I hese goods iiir iVijre-sciit ahont twentv thousaiul bales ^ ' responsible dealers to come |,avc been ;)i.ircliased at the New-YorU Auctions, i-iliniuin -iiid vil'l IK) doubt i’)e sooiV Kre-iter f I'h^^al terms ot credit as are giv- i,,,porter', and best ston-s, With great care, and u annum, and ill ne. dou.t oe soon ^.reattr. i ,„,p„rter ,n the- United Slates. 1 vantage for buymg cheup ; and will be Otiier houses in this ti.wn ha\e inijw>rted so sold to .Merchants Dy li'/iolf“‘ule i'ur at pri- I largely this se ason, that the amiunU ot tuiods ces as favoraiilc, as they can be bought of regu- I here, at presnit, far exceeds tiiat ol any ioriner dealers in any southern town or city, adding JAMES PATTO.N, .inn. Ciiiniii s-siim Mrrclitinf, No. *j, N’orth Fro,it-st. Philadelphia. Rpjifeiiiht r o'), 1 —jmtl4 I time in our exper i-nce. ! , 'I he stock of GHv.CEUlES is equally exten sive. Country dealers, therefore, have many mnre uountry dealers, tncretore, nave many mnre other produce, advantages now, than heretofore, in this market.! ( „tton and all kinds of produce received and Fu.ijetUril/t, ‘25th Oct. 1824.—8tl.l forw arded by the Steam Boat Columbia, on the a. wua^vaaVAV, 'Joarh, *SVir/?. //oj/.vf 4* Oniaoiental " IMIM EI?, E TURNS h s tliaiiks to his friends a+.d the ' ■i )) iljlic, fur the liberal encourugeinent which j Ic lius alr^aiix received, and ixspectfully sohcits ] f;oi4inu;.i,ee of patronage. He is prepared- d'o all kinds of Painting in his line ; amicus- bnui-s may depend on havii.g their work neat- executed, and with despatch. Painting in the country will be done on ht-i’* notice. N. H. Old chairs re-painted and re-guilt. ('Iiiirljtlc, October 4, 1824.—Itt VAV^^avi\ V»vi>\v»ou, ^hn t Iron, Brass. Copper^ and Tin Ware Manufacturn'j ^ market, nETUKVS his most sincere thanks to his from the country are respectfully invited to call fri; lids and customers, Ibr the liberal en- and examine the goods and prices. aiiragv-iiK nt which he has received in his line F,. K. LEV\ IS. Ini„ness, and solicits a continuance of their FcyctleviUe, Oct. ^2%, 1834.—Ctll ■ire jKirticularly at this season of tlie 1 extra e.xjjcnsi s, Cash paid for Cotton. (ij (!ash and Goods advanced on Cotton and iyettivi 16G Paokajrcs of Dry Goods, JUST received »>y the last airivals, and arc ollered at H'/tukmle and Jiilail, at a small advance from cost. ALSO, 25 cases Straw' Bonnets, 100 nests Band Boxes, 5 trunks Shell, Ivory and Imitation Combs, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wool Hati, Jkc. &c. most favorulile terms. Merchants, Planters and others, arc invited to call and examine the abo\e goods. BEEKS, BLNNLLL CO, CItcrau', Xuv. 8, 1824.—4tll :ir, ulii n a strong opposition blows a heu\y ^.ll fi-oiii our nortin rn brethren. 1 iiave a good | loHiniiit of 1'in Ware on hand at this tin.e,.' kii^i-itiii!,'-of tiie fo!l(:\i iiig articles, viz r—tups, fuiii e Pans, liiiekets, l.aiuhorns, Meus- Sciile s anil \Vi.ights, Wash How is, liiow fonis, ( MiKlle Moulds, Batter Pans, of t \ei-y :;)l'on, Hearts, Diamwnds, Seollops, Si(-. iSiC. ;t tr\v cli-iruiit Strei t Gl;iss Laiilhonis, of tllv/. s; all of wiiich I v. ill Sell on muueratv: ti'Ki' tor eaiih or jirodnee ; hut no cixht. H. I !i-uc a few Notes and .‘Vc.coiinti; on , -viliicli liiiy lie taken up iii liie course of Ji ii'i il aaii'l a lii-jiippUiiittne lit t,u Mr- 'I'um i iIARl)>V.V«K \ C UTLEUY. I'Siviil B CiaiH* ^5 Co. Have just received their fall importation of llardmu'c and Culkrij, direct from England. 'I'heir present as«ortment consi.sts of alnicst every article usually kept in a ccnntt-y stoi-v, anl is much hirger tiuiii usual ; which the> of-j fir, lit w hole--.alc, to responsible coUntiy dealers, on a libi I’al cn ilit. I'aijtttU'dk, Oct. 1_821.—BtlJ i; aaii'l a ili-ji.ppu.iitineiil/.(y .*/)■. io;/n I >^11 r.T. iv. in a fe w davs a considrrahle Has just receiv. d by the lasl arrh .d, from New- of Till IM ite- a!id Slit >-t Iron. lihu’- \ ori: and I’hiL.eu iphia, P > w li hi g:\i 1, for (lid ('oj)|ji r, F'.i-a-i.s aiul | Out Hundred I'dfhui^es «Kt. _ i;i,VVAI!i) M.UKON.r.N. ! |{„|,u :|I»I Ml.jc widl selected lor this ni ivkrt. ivUVvWW-iV^S .tAN’ WV.W frnnsth'’ sulisri-'! rr, on Sund-.iv • 'I 'Ailhoilt ;ili_\ jtint e.iu-ii-, tun li- 'T- -.1 lit I I Ijnv 'i, Jnhn and Me- I Ih !• t-i:n r, li.u'd Mcl.un-, l v s m-ur 'I'd, co.ii;'v, v.hitliir it u liki ly n d r cl lip ,r course. Aiiv pf Vson u ho II t ii-:r'.'i me u n il -■ii-ii iiiforniati'.ii.a'i w ill en- !!!'• lo ill 1 li(,\(,r ,!1 |(i-.;i-e them ‘ s(, 11,,',- I c.iii lilt III, silull be iialid- V, I ;.i;il ;il! i-xpnisrs ! i!o uIsM hi i- i)_\ fi.r, 'ini il|i ii- (atlur, •’■ly pi-r-.oii, fVoni i iii|;lo\iie.^- fu- ha'.'Ixjr- -I I il as till y may .spt it to he ilealt I -'S illi.' lii'A’ il.l'i’el.s,- . w\i. in ni.'iLL. ' u;?'i — ol‘ Nurtii-('artslina. 'I I' K ! I.N ».■ 'i ('i'iiloi:, ) Hi Kit x'l r. !•. or |.-r • (triginal AttTelinu'ut. i '•» '-'u i.-'uTn tlif proper- ot tl.i- ill t ii'hiiit. ■> 'ii" e'.-iir'+. tli.it iiilxertiqi'tri’nt 1' r 1',.!- ii.(ii|t’tis Ml l!v.- f '(iti.-ii-lI, 'o '1-^ ik'. r. to ;in;.(■;.!• at tiu- Fe- "i c.i.'ii-i, in 1 .1, iui'l t!i( rr I" I'll .1.1 !') 'ss I.-, (i-J.. rwi.ie judgnu iii i: !i.>iy t!T '-'i e-iUi n ,1 ; ,,.^1 I''A AC Al,r.\ -pnvc i*dv ^i. 'J'est, nr.i?. Auftion Commission h?tore Jt F.iYETTEVILLE, N C. The subscribers have generally on hand a large supply of I Grorcrics, Dry Goods, Cutlery, uoi IIUIJ, oi.e. (xe. , . ... . The follow Ing articles are at present in Store, The above Goods are well selected for this they ofTer for sale at reduced priccs:- M-ket, and adapted to the season. Merchants . siiperio/ Cogniac Brandy, 5 hhds. and 15 bbls. N. E. Hum, 72 do. Surinam Molasses, 4 do. prime Muscovado Sugar, 15 bbls. country Gin, 5 do. Copperas, 54 do. Loaf Sugar, 3.5 do. excellent Brown Sugar, 7 qr. casks Sweet Wine, lU boxes Maderia and Sherry Wine, - lU casks (Jheese, 2 do. Sad Irons, f'j bugs (.'ollV-e, 20 lo. Pepper, 5 lo. Pinu'iito, [Glass LiO bo.xcs and half boxes R by 10 Window 50 do. do. 10 by 12 do. 2.» do. Fancy (ilass. Tumblers Sc Decuntcrs, 25 do. Faye tteville Mould Caniiles, 1(J do. Pifir Soap, do, Club A\es, 5 ,lo. Mustard, 6 do. \\ liittinum- Cards, .-tI do. Anil r'.can ('ijcars, 10 tons assorti d Swedes and Ji-rscy Tron. .Mso, a I,-nn-al assciitinent of DUV (.OOIi.s, Cl ri.r.liv, w ii i.KiM.s i:^' co. y. ('. Oct. 12,. 1 4* ‘S, 100 do7,. I’ocki t Hooks uiul Wallet*, 20 do. (lOMt >k'iiis, 1.) do. (-oloiiied M«>roeco Skins, 12 ilo. I.ining Skins, 5;) rv-anis \\ i-.iing Pain r, lu ciisks \\ i)i‘l Ihils, assu;ted, 2U do/.. Morocco Hats, 4U boxes Muse-.iti'l I’aisins, k''. S:C. 'rill.- abo\ e are ode red ;it v. hoii s; Wiudsivv CAvaiv fluking LIM'OI.NTuy, N. C. The .subscriber continues to carry on the above business, in all its various branclie.s, j ajid is constantly prepared to fill any orders, , With neatness and despatch. He feels grateful STEAM BOATS Tee I>ee Co\\i\ula\af TO RUN BETWEEN Cheraw and Georfretoicn. jiT\HE owners of these Boats have respective^ ly' put them in the best order; they are now.ijn^ing their first trips, and will hereafter, as far IkC is practicable, leave the above places regularly and alternately : a Boat to arrive at, and one to leave each place every three to fire days. Each Boat will render to the other, in case of need, every aid to ensure expedition and safety. Experience- has sanctioned the max im, that'“ no business is worth pursuing, that w'lll not pay insui ng.” To add Siifety to expedition. Insurance, Agen- cies and Policies have been procurcl at New- Y'ork, the benefits of which are oHered to ship«r pers by these Boats, on the i'ollowing terms : Fre-'ght of Cotton per bag, 75 cents, include ing insurance. In case of loss, the cotton to be \ alucd ait the price current of the day of ship ment, at Cheraw. Up Ireights will be insured at one fourth of one per cent.'on th( ir value. 'Fhe freights of measurement goods are reduced one foui ih fri.m old pric'es, and considertdde reduct-oiis are made on many others. A new ])rinted list Will show the regular Uates. Cotton and other freight will be received and forwarded b> these boat's, to any agent or factor, free of any other charges than storage and ex penses actually paid out. No pains will be spared to insure expedition, safi t\ and-satisfaction, andthereijv tom r t pub- l.c putran. go. Application to be n;ade to the sabbcnbers at Chi i-aw. liLEUS, BUNNEL t'' CO. . iiirut.'' for Cohimbia, HENHV N. MILLFU, .n^enff Cheraw Striim Boat i'Qii.pany, Cheraw, Nov. G, 1821.—Jtll .VOVVCV'.. ILL be exposed to sale, in the town of Charlotte, on Wednesd-iy, the. .Hh ihy o* neaeiiess am. eie»,,.ee.i "e .ee.s ^nue.u. i belonging to the i°[■: : Wf Bra or t-.’e Vau , ol . large ‘ and degant Wment househourand kite part, snal- be useil to n.erit a contiminnee,- j.^^rn tnre, among which are one larg. Side Chairs will he sent to anv of the neighbcnng Dining Tables, one Set of Card counties witliin a reasonable distance, without Tables, all of the finest any additional expense to purchasers. • most fashionable mechanism N. B. G gs, (. .iiauiges, Sic. repaired and paint- niahogany cased eight day ed, on short notice. phifeR I London Clocks, one pair of large gilt framed 19 1801 I parlour Looking Glasses; about twenty-five 12, 18^4. .5tl2 beds, bedsteads and fiuTiiture, composed of the finest anil best materials; several sets of Wind sor Chairs, and a variety of tea ware and table furniture. All kinds of kitchen furniture in common use, a good Horse, two Milch Cows, MARTIN 0. PHIFER. 6tl2 Valua1»le Lands for "^ale ■^Y virtue of sundry de- iJO crees from the Court of Equity, bearing date 13th November instant,. the quantity (>f corn, hay and fodder, that may ' ther be on hai jnd, together with a nuniber of olli- there will bo7okiratT*ubTic "Auction^ at the ^ er articles too tedious to mention. Court-House in Charlotte, on the first day of 1 he sale will be on a credit of tw-elve months. Jumiury nc‘\t, the following valuable L|lcls, viz : flonds and appro\ed security \vill be required. One tract of 200 acres, more or less* on Steel sums over five dollars; for purchases un» Creek, divised by John Uinkins the elder to der that amount, Cas/i John Dinkins, jun. now deceased ALSO, Another tract of 300 acres, lying on the wa ters of Sugar Creek, 3 miles from Charlotte, on the road leading to the Old Nation Ford, Cam den, &c. A credit will be given on the above sales for one and two years, the purchasers giving bond and approved security. ALSO, JAMES COW AN, Siirvtring Partner of the firm of Cotvan ii Vail. N. B. The Sale will continue from day to ilay until all is sold. At Private Sale. THAT valuable and well known j? House and l.ot in the town of Char- ’|K lotte, occupied for the last six year* -’bv Cowan & Vail, as a hfiuse of en- A tract of twenty-six aercs, lying on Waxhaw tertainment. Its rentral eituation in the town Creek, containing a and vicinity to the Court-House; its complete Valuable Grist an,! Saw Mill, knov n by Walkup’s Mil!.^. Tn this ease a cred- eapacious, well trinii.d, two stn*ied stable ; its it of 12 and 18 ny>nths W’ill be given, and boml, highly improved garden; it^s neat and convenient and sufiicient security required. ; two i-'iorlod kitchen; its secure framed smoke ^[ so house and lumber room, with its large cellar. One otlier tract, Iving ’on the w.iters of the -'ecurc and dry at all sea-:ous of the yi-a'r, togeth- Catawba River, containing 1G4 acre.s, formerly i " ' v, 111 of exce llent water, the property of John M'ilson, now decea.si-d.- convenient to the house and kitehen, wid atiord On this a credit of 12 months will be given, on I a piddic house aehanta- \iuui\ Vm* SuAvi. /U III' si:!'sc!-ilu-r oiVcrs for s:ile a tract of land, ccr.t,.ii, 1: ^4 ccr.t .iiiiii,^' .ii)0 iieres, upon the waters ot Sii:i-;ir 'i'l I I', .'oiniiig I)r. .lolinson's. It will hi ^olil eiili- r li\ lot's of 12'J acTe-s i ;ie!i, oi- the w lu«!e, iisllif |)iirehysi r nui_\ iie ineliin'd. Those dr'-d' -I sn'-dl i i^liiii;.: to piirelui.si . eiiii apply to the siibsr'riher. advaiire Iro'ii I'D'.t. .\Ureli;inis Iruiu tin.- co ..i- try are- n-^pi f iftilly iinitedto e.dl and i-xaiuine till- i^oods and pi-’Ct s. J-II I// ll! rillr, Oct. 2i), 1H.21.- Ynt k\i!l(‘ Hook rifMl*ry. /I Ml I'. siib>cv:iu r he^rs ieiivi- to inform tlie nn'i- 1 I c in gi iK Pal, th.it he eari'ie-. on tIu Jinul.- liindini, in all its vui'ioii... bruiielii s. Iliniii^; 'upplied hiiiif.i If with the- hi h' ol' li at> r;:il^, he will c\e-nite work in the iiea'.esf nianm r and on tin- siHirti st not i-c. N. H. All ordi rs for rihtnk and Copy liooks will be Jjuiietuall'.' iitti iided to. utf .lOII.N H. nr, CAUTI'IMVl^ 3li!irary As.«oriation. ^ i^HOSF. pirson-^ intensted in fo.mi 'i;- an Tn- iti-pi ndi nt i nlo'i/ti fr ('ti/'iiJiDi 1/ in tirs p' lee, -ire ru(|ne^tid to luei t at the- C'')'vi-jjoui', at 1 1 o’clock, on .Sitlurd.1-., the lotli Deeeinber ,1 xt. ■ ."'11 I Cli.irUtto, N. C. Novenibtr or to un\ ol'the iiei^hboi-b adjoininj; tiu land. .IO!l\ DOW. .'ir,rl-!'iihtrf: ('n. X:r. 22, IS,'!.—‘.Mf If tin abo\r iaiii! is .o! ,soM Ik lore I'ebruary I'n Miix ( oiiit !'v |»n\all-Sidi, it w dl I.e sidd at pubr-i- aiRtion, on .Monda_», the first day of the I ei.iMt. I). Vw’ivWr S'.Ai*. ON Tliur-.'.liy, the loth dav -!'I)( f'c-m'u r, will III' e\pos>.-d to jdili! e 'i;i’c, :it tii' l.;t' ilw I 1 l.n,;--iiooof ('atli. 1'n>- S.i'inioii::. all t'le jilOjHrU li >1:011 d'.-C,aril, Wi U ii : — two \e- i,-''; -hM-si att: and || .g -., Cdrn. ( 'it’-'li, and Iddiler, with lionsv ho.il .iiid kit.-in n I'lv.i;- t n-i-, t.uiiilng iite ii-.il-', Due a'tc iil 've V. li be j'^ni'ii by nii-, aiul a rc.-.soiiabli- credit,— The .'ii'K- w ill corninciK-c at 11 (.V i v-k. A. DK.\i{MO.\l), .h/pir. Nov. 1S2}-.— condition of bond ynd good security. .-Vll the above lantls are s-iid t-i i»e vr-.hiablo. and are sold for the b- T'cfit of di," leg iti-i s. 1). U. DUN LAI', ’. J/. i:. . Xov. 16, 1821.—7tl;. W iWlic ON Thursday, loth Deeen-.b.-'r, 1C2-4, at the late dw’fdiingdionse of lili-un >\'ar:ire, di-c’d. about fourteen or fifteen n.ih-s north e e-i of ( harlotti-, on lh»" wuV rs of ('lark’-; ere.-k, the foilo'.i iiu' pr' per’.y, ‘.»wil; the plaiitai;o;i on w hich In- li\ed, oi' (i\ e iiiind:ed am! live •, ut a credit of (»ni-, two ;iiid th''e- vear-^, e'l'i d payments. The- land is of a good (ioaiity, Vviili a )‘-ood d .VI l!i'i;;-dum ;u an-.l lu-'.-n, and othi r in-- ce-'-^ar} iniijiliiij-:, with a \icli iii th.- yard, and a (rood i;ii :ui'".- of about .f. i ot- six af'v.-^. \h.o, liie tdjio-A'iiv;- projii civ, ai a (-relit f t' 12 niontlis:—one nr.ur.i hoy, and. the -toc-k of lio,-- s.i’S, hoj^'i, eov.-s, .uid slin j). .'1^0, a ii iai'^ii' o} corn and fodiK r. At'.i udance \ d! I'e- (fiveii bv MATTIir.W W M.I.Af K, , ,M.\ I I HKV, j;. ’WAI.L VCi:, i ‘ Niiventljir 29, lH2i.— )il2 ges not sur|.aNse-d by any '.n the ^ta^e. Any per son wi,lung to ]ui;-rhasr, is n (|iu-.'ttd to view the prenii-e.s, that tliey iray speak for them- selvj«^. Al'O, .'diout forty acres of-A aluable land ad- joiiiM.g the t«)\.n lands, thirty of which are in- elo‘.,(i .ind w ell adapteil lo the culture of-all the pr.'dii'-ts f.-f t!ie country. I am d.FpoM'd to si II the above preinisi-s upon rci.i'Onahie and aceonimodati!,;,^ terms, w hieh can he kiiown'oj !*ppl\iiigto .loliii Irv in, inci-chaiit, Ilf ( hariotli-, or Tir'iuas I.. Cuwan, of Siilisbiiry. .1 \Mi:S CUWAN. C/inrh 'ti, l'(c. o, isn —5t 1 !■ ’ } Till- (-il'tor 11’I ii \''' '>tu-ii,C’;j-i ’iiiian will ^'i\e’th'.'abo\e ihri i- iiH' ti.msin his paprr, und f. rwa:d his account to thi -. ofiic;.-. 15i-s. M'Kinzic' Ha VI ; dis-.olved thiirri).])artner.«hip in the pr.-ietiee ot l’hy!,ir-, ivtiirn tlu-ir Ihimks to till- puidic for the |) itronage wli:cli they havi re('i ivi d., and r-s]u ettnlly reiiut st tliose indebi- 1 ‘ id to Uietii t I eoiiii- f(/rward ainl make tcUle-1 imiit lithi r ii_\ e.i:-h i.r by note. ( hurlntlt, Si i'. 1''^, l'‘^2 l.—Stf N. it. .\'> I intuid shortly to move ont of thi'i conotx, all those wlio an- iii'lehtfd lo me niJi- vldnaHij, ar.' also sidii .te d to s ' ‘ h the ir aeeonnts as soon as c.o;n enieiit. UOnr.UT M’Kf\7dH. •Vur\ev.'. I 'T KTTKIJS of Kdmiiii.-^lraiiim V 1>US\‘A^>\V"S’ WtwvuuVii, r.'" at this 0'Tl*’e. - w^re grant . (I il i totlie s'disirioer, at Novi mber'I'l-rin, 1K2-J, of M'-ckh i.hii:u'lii t\, upon the estate ot' Dr. ti,-' i;i U .|i e. ;',M il, lati- ol the slate of \ r;-;'iiia. ,\'l pu'son.. hw\ii;;' elaitns, ar(- r.- d to ]jresv nt tluni w iili.n the time pi-c sefiiK’d bv h'.w', Ot' this in ' ee will bt- plead in bar of a rt en'. ry ; -u. I n'l ind'i tid, are re quest' d to nl:d^e pa' nu 'it oi nu-d':'.t» l\. s.\\:i FI. Hi,'.! I'.K.-sU’.', dJi.-i’r. Qhurbti , Du. 1, :T'\N M^tnlay, 1jn- '.’Odi of Dv.-•.■:nhi r lu xt, will he ‘-'dd at l’’i 'l.c !-ah-, at thi-l.iti dwelhiig- honse of l iviler'ek Di'iki’is, dei.'ast d, ten ir iv(; v;d-i-i!'!e (men -uid woim n,) , a '.ioiig.st w hi h are a j^ooit !ihu-k';ni'.t!i, two slioe- niaki w. iMidaWi a'er, Al u, all tie.- crnp of corn, fndiier and oats, a luiiiilii r ( f ho -'-i. s, lu gs, aiul co\\ i, 1o[^e tlu r \. it.h all tin- liou-a. hold fm-ii- iure, whith is \ dii .bli-. Sale tii eontinui- frcin day today, im! 1 all is sold. .A!-'U, ;ii till- s:mir tonr ainl plaOe, w ill In- Sidd, f'lii- Negroc;:, a liors', brdh and sadidi, and ir pmner^N, iu lmi., i.g >'>tls- i ^tate oi'.loliu Dinkins, jr. dee’d., ami al tl.e ( lose ot tm ‘./.lie, will be lit the land an l o L^.r ?' s. t'lU- (,iii >ea)*, i'eloii^-iiij^ to till he irs('t' 1 rr.h r:ek DinkoiS, di-'-’d. Due atti ndance and a ri-.soiialih; ci-^i.it will !>•.■ giv III, ,3a2 J.\Mr.S Dl.\KI\S, .hln'r. Till-.'-ditor of the estern Carolini'iii will .g \ e- th- ahoM- two iii'iertiops in h s [rapi r, anel tin-ward. his i.m'inil to this oii:et fur p y iiient. (jj X ’cHls '^’\7'H I. I'l- forappr h' ndinu'n runaway ajiprchiii-i-, naiiii .i ,l>-hn .Maw. il, anil d h\irin>; h )ii to ilii subseribir; bi,' uu -l ai'- s juiil. Al! p' l-sons m-i f rl-id haitier.ng or einiiloving liiiii, undir j). ..nii\ t!i lav.. Ai.i.j.N n \i \,y> IX. ' ('hiirh,*t'\ Deeds lui* fciiiU', III lliia