L‘'I M 'ONti!U>'' ON}> f KSSlON. Tiiesi//ii,'. Drr. \ \.—Mr. Brntnn presen ted th’ potilion (jf siindryitihuljitiirits t.f ihc staU tJ' Missouri, of. ttu' siil)j'..ct of a Trade ;iii(i iiiU-riuui-se l)rl\\ecii lluit state aiui ino imernal provinces of Mexico. Tlie |)etilion ])rayed— 1st. ’I'liat tlie ri'clit of an unmolested passai,^e for pers(;ns and pr()i)(.rly, upon a designated routi', i)eiue« i) tiic Irontiers of Missouri aiul tlie internal ]>! o\inc.es of Mexico, mii^lit he o(.'i:iii’.i d !)V ircaty sii])- ulations from tlie InriiaVis referred to. 2d. That a military p(Kit and ar Indian AceticV niii,''!it be established on ihe, Ar kansas l iver, at l!i(' poinlof the intersec tion of that rivei-, !)y the pj’oposed ronti*. L’pon itie niotiun of Mr. IJenion, l!ie pr'.itiui) was relcn-cd to the co’.nniine:: (jii Indian AfVairs. The follow ini' reoi)Knitin ofiVi-ed yc';- toi'dav bv Mr. lloliiH-, ol’M.-. -a as taken Vip and adopted, .d'trr amendin'^ it, by striking; out the word' “Eastern”: Jlr.'iiilvnl, the e(jii.iiiitfi ; on 1 inanrc !jc Jns'nu tfd to iiuiuii'c' iiitu tlic \|H(!iciu:y ot’ prcAfur tlu- iii'in- i)r(iti-ctioii cf tin ri’M-iiacs uf tilt llubtvrii IroiiUcr of tlic L'ni- tcd Stilti-s. Tlie follou in.(^ rt sohit'ons ofT’ered ycs- iprdav bv Mi. Hartoii, witc also adopted: Ji>.'■•ulrni, 'I’h it tiic comniittce on Miilttiry Al- fnirs itKjiiiri- into llic i-\i)cdn lu y of i ji fort lit SDine suiljiido point oti the e.sual tiM- diMg'route hi tuioii the stutc oi' Missouri und t'lc MfX.ic»n st;itvs, }'oi’ tlie pi'otcctloii ot liuit coruuurcc. Hfsiilrid, 'Cliiit iIm? roniniltti'c on I'lildic I.iii'iis iui|uirc inti) t!u' cxpiilii ncy of i xjxisinj^ to i)ii!>lic s:df tlic kad niinci ;iikI suliUi's ot ll»c Viiitcd Stiitcs. W’ldntsildji^ Jkr. 1/5.—On motion ()f Mr. IIa)iu‘. !l \'as ordered, that so jinuJi of th ; esicienl’s inessat';-e as relates to ina- l\in,i^ a suit;J»le pro\ ision for (iencral La J il l Itc, l)e ref(Ti-ed to a select cominit- lee. lo coiisi-,1 (d‘ii\e inend)crs. On inakiii!; this motion, IVlr. Hayne said, it was iu»t his object lha.1 the coni- iniUee sliouhl act iminediutciy upon if, but merely lo ;btuin infm niation, ijocaiise he !)clie\ed that the House of Hepreson- talises would very shorljy take tlie sub ject into consideration. IlOM^S AM) CANALS. I'hc res(du:ion, oflered yesterday by ^1r. IJrown, of Ohio, pro\ idinj,^ for the appointment of a commitlec on Koads and Canals, was taken uj), and, on the question, Will the Senate agree to this rosolutioTi ? Mr. Chandler observed, *that he wus one of those ho believed that Conp;res' had no rif^ht to leirislato on this subject ; that it was, in his opinion, unconstitu- tiuual j .'ind thei'efore, said lie, 1 havi risen barely to raise my voice aj^ainst the resolution, ami to express my determina tion to vote ai^aiust ii. Mr. Uu}j^i;les remarked, that it would l)c impos>-ibIe to pi oceed reijularly in act- iu" i,n tl'.is important subject, witliout re- I'ei' int^ it to a committee—that it was the »ini\er.sal j.raclici', unJ a vei y necessar\ one. Mr. Noide said he was son y to find the {l^eMtleman I'lop.i Maine op])osed lo the U])jji>inMncnl of a commiticc. He th(/t the i;enlleniaM's scruples would have lime eiiouj^h to ope;;ae upon his mind here- al'er. IJe alluded to th;‘ circumstance of the Presitienl's caliiuij the altenlion of C(;n;.;ress lo tl.c suljject, and «>bservc^tl, in ndation to mes-,ag‘, that thouj^^-h he had not tlie 'jieatt si cenlidetice in everv part, yet he \.\is very well satisfied ^^ith Itis ojiinion on tins important sub|eet. He should \ote fur the atloplion of the resoiu'ion, boti'on an (Mint ol’its j>;ene:’al utilUv. I'i.d !)• . ause 1h' had an e\e to the proin.riK u oi tl'f ^enei-al prosperity and veil .•••' of ih(' coimirv. '1 Iw ;uesuoii w as then put, and carried —Av. . 18. AIu>iUitjh !h‘r. 'JD.—Mr. Hayne, fi'om the ''onnr. •■r : ;;i)()inte(| on s,o niiiih of the I’lcsN!is 111 'as I'C'laies lo niakint'; a j)Pu'i'-io’i I ii’ t!i-' st r\ i( t‘s .oi (leneral L- V'.r.ci:. . i.,'pf,i t.-,l tiie foUou in-hill: /)'’ ;/ liiiutri ',!j till .\itnlv tf/iil House of lif/ntii/ii'ilirc' dj H,- ,S/tu.s i„ I'nn- f'.'f's ,1, riiat the sum of ‘Jo0,000 dollars he, .ti.d ihe s.nite Ij-. iu'rc bV ijianl- Cfl lo Mujoi- (!e:i!*,'.d l.:i in cuti'i- p'ii-.ati(>ii I'o;- In', iiiij,vr;ani s' l vice!, .itul e.x p( lulitui'is :liji I;:- ',!io Ameiic.ni liitior.. and t.i,.' I';r diis |)U!'),ose, a stock fo tli.-t i'.moiin! i.e iv.,;u'd ill his favor, daied the .lili i.s bc.ii iuj;- an an- Ijiial iiit'Misi (ji* . pn (fill, payable iju.ir- ter \(Mii\, r* dc: m.J.dc ou the 31st Deri-m!)er, 1 ’ 1. »S'r. 'J. ,’lnil //, if Jnillr.r t nnrtfil, ’I’lial i^iie compicU- a’;d c titiic Uj-.v i.sliip of !. nd be, and the same i, iieic*)). anted to the a:! .M,ii(..i ^ I ik i al 1 .a 1'a\rt ic ; ;,nd tiuit th-.' I'lesid''!!. i f In-' rnited Sla'es hi' au- •'hon/ed 'iiU'e lii- said 'I'l.-wnship lo be IocuknI on ,in\ of il>' piidic lands v.liii li lei’iain unsold, and iIkU jiatenis l>e i ^ M (1 lu (ii'iii i al 1 - 1 ,i\ cite lor the same. a)ii molion of Mi'. lluNiie, tiie bill v, as t\\ ii e I e.id, and made the order of ihe day lor lO-IUi.Tl OVN . iiorsr, OI lU'.i’ur.sr.M'\Tn i:s Tiiatldij, lki\ 11. — Mr, \\’ri-ht, of O. ofTerfdjlie loll>.” in;^ resolmitjn : lilt the ( onimitlcr' on the .Jiulici- ’•> imiuii-' ii'to till- j'V((prifl\ iiin niiliriiil or 'Vti|. v ■-n;!ricn* ot tlit L’luVtJ .■staV'^, nho sliall h*rr:iftcr onjrag:c in ■fij-liiiii;; (l!i( I, or ill eli.iJleii;.;'in}f, ussistiiii;', or i ncoiii'u- MIV othi 1 piM-soii to OIII'IL,'-. , ^h;dl foil'i i thi- dflici' by iiini so iicld, and lur i.-v( r id’u. r- \v:inls rcndin d iiu‘:ip:ihlf of hoidinj;' the lik.*.-, or :iny othiT orticc under tlie jfovv:rimieMt. A motion For consideration was made, when A!r. Poinsett moved to lay the resr)|u- lion on the table, which was net^alived, and the resolution was aqreeti tf>. Mr, I’orsyth olVc*red the lollow intr res olution, which was ordered to lie one day on the tal)le. Jlrsuhrd, 'I'liJit tlic Prc*vid'“iit Ik- dircrted to l;iv I>i fore the ^loiixo :i co[)\' of tli'inslrnrtioris iiiidi r \v hi' ii the iirticlcs f»f a tro:it\ wilhtlic (;lii rc)ki-r Indians wen' fraini.-d hy Daiiiid ^'ll)l?ll anrt K. .Ii niiin}^s, ac-tln;^ as coinniissioin rs of the I nitcd Statfs, at I t llico, on the 'J-ltli day of Jctobi r, 1H04, w itli i (i[)ics or’all tiir i-orrr.s|)on- lU nee, or otlu r dociinicnts la latiiii^ to tliat iii- .stnimcnt, in itlicr of thr K\i'cuti\c l)i paj-t- liicnts, with a stat‘iiifnt of tin* caiisi s \\ liieli pivveiited an (•arli( r (h i-i.siuii ii(ioii it, and of tlif uiotivrs tor 1 Ik-■. atificatioii oi'ii hv the I'lii- Icd Stalvs, at tliu hiM scs.si«n of .'oiiifrcss. Il’fi/uesih/t/, Ikr. 1 j.—’I'he S|)eakei’ laid before ihi* House the followinj^ commu nication iVom tlu' 'I'reasiiry Department: 1'rt;i>airy lleparttiicnL. Dec I t, 1824. SH{ : In f)bi (lienee to a Resolution ol tlie Tlouse (d‘I’epresentatives of the «th ins tant, I ha\e the honor lo submit a re- j)orl from the iirst Ccjmpiroller of the Treasury, \\ hi'jh, with the correspon dence accomi)anyini^ il, contains the in formation recjuii ed. 1 i'emain, with respect, \our most o!)»‘dienl servant, \v\i. H. ( UAwroRn. lion. Henry flay, Sptakt-r of tiic llou.si- of I{t[)re.s«. iitatives. ('I'his document refers to the tonnaf^e dii- lit's imjiosed by the United States on the Canal boat.s of the Slate of Ne\>- York.) On motion of Mr.Storrs, it was refTred to the committee oti Commerce with tin* followinj;' instructions : That the communication and the ac companying j)apers be referred lo the commillee on Comnterce, aiul that the said committee be instructed to incjuire into the expediency of so amendint^ the acts of Coni^ress ret>u!aliu!^ the com merce of Ihe United Stales, and imposini duties on tonna,i>:e, that they shall not be construed to extend to boats employed exclusively in transportation, on the in terior canals of the respective slates. Mr. New ton objected to. the commit tee l)ein;^ fettered with instructions, atul staled that if the committee was left at larji^e, it would endeavor to do justice to lioth parties. Mr. Storrs explained j after which his motion was at^i’eed lo. On motion of Mr. Storrs, the commu nication of the Ciovernor of New-York, jii the sunvj subject, wus referred to the same committee. N ortli-Cai'oliua' Lejj^islatiire. SKNATE. T/ii>rsfliii/, Dec. Ifi.—On molion of Mr. Carson, the S».-nate resolved itself into a committee of the whole, Mr. Forney in the chair, on the bill aulhorizitii^ and di- rectiiif>- the Supreme C'oiirt to be holden 111 the several j)Iaces therein direcletl, See. After some . lime spent in conuniitee, it rose and reported said bill with sundry amendments. Mr. S(>eii^ht moved for its indeiinite j)ostponenient, and called for the yeas and nays on the question, which were—Yeas 26, Nays 28. The amendments proposed in the com* mittee of ttie whole, were severally read and agreed to, Mr. NN illiams, of lieanfort, then mov ed lo amend the bill, by strikint^ there from *‘Ne\\bern,” one of the places di- sii'tiated in the bill, lor holding- the Court, and inserlinjj;' in iieu thereof, •‘•Washini'- ton,” which was not at^reed lo. Mr.Car- son moved lo erase ‘‘Statesville,” and in sert •‘?»Ior!,’-anlon,” w hich was not at;reed to. 'I'he (|ueslion then recurred on the •passaj^e of the bill the sc'cond time., which was detiMinined in the alliniiative—V-eas 2', Navs 26. Sa/i/nld//, Die. 18.—M'r. Monlq-omery, Irom the ^select t oinmillee, to whom w'as referred the resolution dirt'cliii!.^ an in- (juii'y into the salaries and fe‘s of ll.e pub lic oflicers. See. reejuesied ihal the com- iiiitlee be discharL,^ed from the i'urthei consideration of ihe subject; \vhich 'vas a;.>,-reed lo- !\/o.'i/iii/, Der. 2C>.’—\ messa.qe fi-otn the e.l'ier House, statin_L;- tin ir ai>Teeme!it to all the amendmetils made by the Senati; to the bill aulhorisini^ the uiakin;;; a turn pike road (Vom *he Saluda (Jap lo ihi- reiinessee line. -J’lie said bill was tlu-ii ordei ed lo be et’i'olled. Mr. Carson pre:,ei.ted a !)ill to r.]-,poini coiiimisstoners to I'un and tiiaikthe di\i- (liu^v litu' beiweon the roinuies of I.ir.coln aie.l Hurke ; i-.iul Mr. Mont'^omer}, a l)ill concii niiit:;; ovei-sceis of roads; vhich jiassed their iirsl i'eadin;^ Mr. l-'orney^ fr.'in the cummitti'c on In ternal Impro\emeiit, lo whmn was refer red the petition of sundry inhabit;!Mis id’ Hui ke ccjimty, rei^ortcfl a bill auth.orisini, the 15oai (I of Internal Iinprtjvi meiit to cause a survey of a road l* I'e iiui'le (Vchii Moi i^anton, across the Yellow .Moutitain, to il.e Tenne.sset'. line; which w a.s irad lilt llrsl time and passfil. JJer. .ii.—'i ii:- follow in(; bili.s IVom the other liouse were read the Iirsl tim«' and passetl bill to rt-jjeal i!k; :^CI (f ]>J22. t!'] calinj^, in an m i titled “ An act dlrcclini' the dcs^^i.ation i>f hands, ynd how tlu*y shall be coini)eil- (‘d lo work under the overseers ol roads hereafter in the counties ol Lincoln, ( o- lumbus, Ihirke and Kockinpj'ham ;” a Inll appointing cotnjiiissioners lo view and lay oil a road from Iviitherlord to Ashville : a bill to cTicoiiraije the destruction of wolves in Wilkes county ; and a bill aii- ihorisin^ the buildini^ a ciam aci oss Arra- ral river in Surry county. I'he Senate proceeded to the second readin^^ of the bill to comjjel the IJaiiks of this state to pay specie in certain ca ses; and lilt' amendment rep*)rted by ihe select commillee on the Ifjlh itislaiil, be- ir.'7 under consideration, the (iiieslion re curred on the motion, heretofore made by Mr. Spei;hl, that the bill and amendment be |)ostpoiied : which was determined in the ne^^alive—yeas 27, nays .>0. Mr. liiackwi'll then moved to amend the amendment, by addin,:^ the ioliowint;: ‘‘ Provided that no Director, not a resi dent in the county where the liank ol which he is a Director shall be located, shall he subject to be sued under the pro visions of this act;” which was a,q;reetl If). The (piestion then recurred on the amendment reported by the committee : which was agreed to. The bill was tur- iher amended, oti molion of Mr. liarrini;- er, by strikin;^^ out the words ‘‘next ensu- iii.-r,” and |)assed its second reading— \eas nays 2.1. tl'fh/r.silai/. Dee. 22.—Mr. Love, from the selei I committee, lo w hom w as refer- retl the petition of sundry inhabitants of Haywood couiilN, rei)orled a bill lo alter and amend the act of 1823, entitled “An act lor the relief of such persons as be- canu' |)urchasers of the Cherokee lands, sold under the authority of this stale;” wiiich j)assed its first reading-. The following engrossed bills passed their seconi and third readings, and were ordered to be enrolled : a bill to prevent any person from falling timber into the Tuckaseegee river,and Caney Fork there of, within Haywood county ; anti a bill directing the time and place of selling lands and slaves under execution in Bun combe county. Mr. Montgomery presented the follow ing resolution, w hich was not agreed to^ BmiltrJ, 'I'hat a sclcct committee be appoint ed to imjuire into the cxptdiency of alterinjj, (ieliniiii;-, and ti.ving' the salaries and fees of the public oflictrs of this state. A- message from the other House, pro posing that the select joint committee aj)- pointed to consider the resolutions of the Legislature of Cieorgia, proposing an a- mendment to the Constitution of the Uni ted Slates, be discharged from the con sideration thereof. Agreed to. The bill to authorise, and direct the Supreme Court to be holden in the sever al places therein named, and to advance the administration of justice on the trial of Etpiity cases, was read the third time, amended, and ordered to be engrossed— yeas 32, nays 28. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday^ Dec. 16.—Mr. Alston, from the select committee, to whom was re ferred the memorial of ihe Manumission Society, made a report recommending its iTjection. Conciirred in. On molion of Mr. Burgen, the com mittee on Internal Iiujjrovemenis were in structed to iiu|uire wlial sum will be suf- licient to repair the road fiom the Old Fort in Burke county u, the Swanano (iap, and the expediency of making such an apj>ropriati(jn. 'I’he House, according to order, resol ved itself into a eommillee of the whole, on the subject of taking from the Board of Internal Improvement the power of ap pointing an Engineer. After some de bate, the commitlec rose, and reported the bill without amendment. Mr. Iredell moved lor its indelinile postponement ; vvhii h was negatived—64 lo 61. /’/7>A/y, Der. i7.—'l’he bill to amend an act for eslablisliing a Colh'ge in the west ern ])arl of the state of North-Carolina, was read the second lime, anrl, on motion of .Mr. Doiu)ho, postponed indelinitely, 'I'he bill in relation lo the civil I'/ngl- tu'er, was read the second time, and re jected by Ihe casting vote of the Speaker. Sat Urdu Dee. la.—On molion of Mi-. Cox, the miliiary commitK'e were in- struct('d lo ii'ciuire into the expediency of f(*rmii'.g all Iree men of color between 18 end 51) yeai-^s of age ir.to a company or squad of ])ioni'e! s, to exercise as such in workitig on the publii- roails, at all limes w hen the militia meet for drill, w ithin th.e beal (d tlie Captains respicti\11 v, ihro’- out the Mate ; and that they hu\e leave to rcjiurt by bill or ollu-i w ise. •Mr. Sit-diiian presented a bill to repeal an act, jjas.sed in lsi‘.», to i reau- u I'und fur Internal 1 inprovciiieiits, ami to iistablish a Board lor the iiiaiiai;eniinl ihereoft— whk h w::.. read and oi dered to lie on the table. Monday, Der. 2 )—'I’Ik' following b’lls, li-oiM the Sen;*.!.', we’e read tiu' t-rst lime and pavsrd : 'I'iu' bill to authorise iht- Boani (li Internal Ii.-ipro\einenl to i uiise a .siir\i y am! I'cpoj t to hi' made of a j)art ol tlie^road leadiii”; Irom Columbia to (>'1111 \(ck, in Tyrrell couritv ; tiu- bill the tissenl of North-Can.lina to, I t r.hiri ii'L’’ in this state, certain acts |)i Ihc ] ■■■;>isia’.rr(-(,| Tennessee, iclali\e ‘he ritiioky .^i()lult.un 'i'lirnpike Com- i'/iuy, i.nd iiulhoiising a subscription on ti"-" pan ol tliis Mate, to Ihe stock of said I. ''!u;v;tiy ; and the bilKo authorise the A me ^‘’oni tiie Si'iiate^ proposin g to ballot lo-morrow morning for Counsel lors of *State for the ensuing year, anc statin;- that William Davidson, Ldmund Jones" Thomas Wynns, Gideon Alston, Theophihis Lacy, William Blackleilge atid David (.illaspie, are nominateil ior the appointments, 'i'he proposition was agreed to, and the names of (.Jeorge U . ji-iVries atul John AFDonell were added to the nomination. On molion of Mr. Ashe, a select com mittee, consisting of Messrs. Ashe, Shep- pei-d, Seott, W'ebb and Ballew, were ap pointed, to prepare and report a bill more eirectually to suppress the practice ot treating with ardent spirits, (>r using any undue means, by candidates tor any pub lic appointment whatever. Mr. Williamson presented the follow ing resolution, which was lejecied : Ihsnlved, That the coniinlttcc of l-’inanco be instnictrd to iiujuire into the expt-tlieiu y ot re ducing- the tax on Billiai’il 'I'iiblcs, so a.s to pro duce a ri.\ciiuc- to the state. Mr. J. A. Hill, from the conimittee on Internal lmpro\eineni, to whom was re ferred the resolution diretiing them to inquire into the expediency of reducing the Board of Internal Improvement from six to three members, reported a bill to amend the act of IS 19, entitled “An act to create a fund forlnternal improvement, and to establish a Board for the inanuge- ment thereof,” so as to reduce the Board to three members; which bill passed its first reading. Mr. Polk, from the commitlec of Pro positions and Cirievances, to whom was referred the petition of several of the in habitants of Camden county and the ad joining counties, on the subject of a road and bridge, rej)orled a bill l’a\orable to the prayer of the petitioners; w hich pass ed its lirstreadiiig. Mr. Polk, from the committee on Mil itary AH’airs, to whom was refei-re.d the resolution directing them to inquire, into the expediency of amending the militia laws relative to the cavalry, reporied a bill lo amend the act of 1823, entitled “ An act to amend the militia laws of this state relative to the cavalry;” which pass ed its first reading. Tuesdai/^ Dec. 21.—The follow ing bills, from the Senate,* were read the first time and passed : The bill to exempt the Se cretary of Slate, Public 'I'reasurer, and Comptroller from serving as jurors and overseers of roads ; and the bill to detach the company of militia, now command ed by Capt. Stephen Monson, in Meck- lenbv’.rg county, from the 2d regiment, and attach il to the 1st regiment. Ml-. Lamb presented the following res olutions, wdiich were ordered to lie on the table, and be j)rinled: Whereas it is believed by many of the good people of this slate that the several incorporated Banks thereof have tran scended the powers granted to them by law, and thereby violated their charters as a body corporate. And whereas it is deemed expedient, as well for the purpo ses of future legislation, as to (juiet the apprehensions of the community, that the fact should be judicially ascertained ; 7?f // therpfurc rcxolveJ, I5y t!ie CJcncral .-V.sscm- bly of the state of North-Carolina, that the Go- vcrner l)o, and he is hereby required to instruct the Attorney General of this state forthwith to flic and |)ro.st‘cute, in his name, as relator, and on behalf of the state, an information in tiic na ture of a quo warranto, in suth manner that a legal isslif* may he made iip between the state, and the said bodies corporate, or any or either of them, in order to try the fact by a jury of the country, accordin.^ to law. Jnd be it further reaulvcd. That the Governor be, and he is hereby required and directed, to employ other coun.stl, learned in the law, to aid and assist the Attorney’ Gemral in such prose cution, and to issue his warrant to the Treasurer for all reasonable expenses that may be incurred thereon. IVcdnenday^ Dec. 22.—Mr. Ramsay pre sented the petition of sundry inhabiianlsof the counties of Orange, Chatham, Guil ford and Randolph, praying for the erec tion of a new county out of the said coun ties. Ordered lo lie on the lalile until the 1st of March next. iMr. Shipp presented a bill, fixing cer tain tees of the Clerks of the County and Superior Courts ; which passed its'first reading. Mr. Gary, from the committee on' A- gricuhure, to whom was referred that part of the Governor’s nu ssage r-lali\e lo the subject, together with the Idler of the Public 1 reasurer, reported a bill to ccm'.inne in force the provisions of the acts ot 18 22 and 1823, lo promt pie agi icultui e and f.miily domestic manufactim-s with in this slate. 1 he rt'porl as concurred in, and the bill read and ordereil to lie on the table. Mr. IV'lk jM'eseiited a bill to extend thi' provisions and ])enalties (d’the act of 1819, entitled ‘.\n act more enectiially lo pun- l^h the making, ’passing or attenipiing to pass counterfeit bank notes w hich jiass- ed its fii-st reading. Mr. J..\.llili ptcsenled a rer;-)liifion, au- ihoriMiig 111,- Board .;f Intornal Improve- nu'iit ti) piir'-hasi', lor llie u.se of the state, a dredging or mud machine, for (U-epen- iMgthe channel of ihe Cap* Fear liver below A\ ilmingioti, ai„l el.sewhere ns muv be necessary ; \,hich wa;. laid on the *a- ble. ( ommodore Rodgers, liaving previons- V resigned his phice as President of the Hoard of Navy Commissioners, has h-ft N\ ashington City to enter upon the com mand ol the new and elegm’ I'ne rf y rnRSDAY. .lANUAUY 4. 1S25.- Natio.val IfoAi).—We are requesTeJtT^ tiiat a public meeting w ill be held, at the Cour Mouse in Charlotte, on Satunlay, the 8th ii, for the purpose of petitioning the Presidiht the suhj( ct of the National Koad which u govenunent contemplates ealablishihing- fjjJ Washington to New-Orleans. The subjcct ' an important one ; and it is hoped that the cii i/.ens of the county generally, as far as convci ient, w ill attend. Another object, of no sm 'j importance to this piartcr of the state, will^i wise be submitted to the con.sideratioii of the lueetiiig, in order to take the necessary steps», insure its accomplishment. A new Poit-Office has been established a Kirksville, in this county, and Janies Kirk, Es.i a])’’)(jinted Postmaster. ScpnEMK Cornr.—The hill I)cfore the Icgis. lature, directing the Supreme Court to be htl{ at Statesville, Italeig’i and Newbern, for purpose of facilitating tlie administration of ju.,, tice in the trial of F.quity causes, has passed the Senate by a vote of 33 to 28. It has likcwis- passed its first reading in the House by a major, ity of two to on- ; .ind letters from Hak-ighcs. press very little doubt of its becoming alaw.- Should the bill pass, two terms of the Supromu ('ourt will be held each year, at cach of the ])laces above mentioned. The advantajjos to be derivcil from this arrangement, nurst be appa-. ent to every one ; and as it involves no adi!:- tional expensf, and will relieve the people from the burden of interminable suits in f'.quitv, no fear of the loss of ptipidur favor, can operate cn any member to oppose it. PUi:SII)ENTIAL ELECTION. Louisiana.—From returns received from this stale, the question is settled between Crawford and Clay—the former goes in to the House. 'I'he votes of this slate have been divided between Jackson aui Adams, though in what proportion we are unable to say, as the statements in thr. New-Orleans papers differ. One account says, that two of the electors are for .\d- ams, and Mreffor Jackson ; another, ihn. only one is for Adams ; it is of no impor tancc, however, one way or the other.— Returns from all the state:> having becti received, the following is the l esult, al lowing Adams two votes in Louisiana: Jackson, 99 Adams, 84 Crawford, -4 1 Clay, Gen. La Fayette has postponed hiitour through the southern states until spring. He will remain at YVashington to wiiiicis the inaugeration of the next President; and will start from that j)lace on the fix'! of March, for Haleigh. The Mccklen- burg volunteers need not regret this delay; as they will then, probably, be favored with better roads and finer weather. The determination of La Fayette todt- fer his visit until spring, it is stated in a letter from Washington to the editor of the nillsboi'oiigh Hecorder, was made 03 the assurances of the southern members of Congress, that the delay, under all the circumstances, would not be received ur- kindly by the people. It will l)e seen by the procecdiugs cf Congress, that that body is about to pay, in j)art, i!ie debt of gratitude which this country owes to La Fayette. This vete ran, who entered into the service of this country rich, is now poor^ and invohodi'i debt to ihe amount of 60,000 dollars: aiii all in conseipience of his uniform aiiln^' rence to j)rinciples, and devoledncss t(> the cause of freedom. Will a sin;i;le vo'.rf, then, be raiseil against an appropi'iatit^t> liy Congress, to biighten his few reimi-" ing years, and render his old age h-U'P)'' as hi', youth was glorious r e h^^P^ not. 'I’hat Republics are not ungr*!’-' ful, lei La Fayette be a bright, and las'.i:ir evide’KC. Conc^resH.—For the pror.eeilitit,'5 ol tli:- body, we arc imle!)led lo the XntionnlJo'-i'f' Jinl; and as our extracts will hereat’ier 1>(- made Irom ihc same paper, wc mention this, in order to .save a weekly reiietiti'"' TIk' repoi is for the' ./wnjfz/, both as t'' correcinc:/; and aliility, arc t iiual ta of either of tlie olh.i'r jiapers at ashi'i? ton ; and the tulenl w ith which it is • iucted, iin \arious and judiciuu'i lions, u nder it at all times a hi;;hly luable and interesting pajicr. who may wish to reci'ive a papi r ilie r,eat of go\(>rnmetit, tViencMy to t.i- iidiuiiiiblration and lo its coiii’se ol ro!di'len»'y