CIUniOTTE, ,V. C. TUESn.iy, TKIIIIV.IRY i, 1825. PVIIMSITF.D wkkklt LKMITKI. HINCUIAM, I T TIintK UOLLAHS A TKAH, I'AII) IS ADVAVrr. p^per AviH I>e discoiitinnrd, unless at the»tlon of the editor, until all arrearages are Vdvj.ktisemkvts will be inserted at tlto usual Ir.iV'i sendinjf in advertisements, are Lqiiciteil to note on the marfrin tiie number of -rtions, or they will be continued until forbid, liiJ cliurt'ed accurdin^My^ riiblic Sale. JN Thursday, 27th instant, will be e>:po- seJ to public sale, at Haye’s Mills, nil niy f'ock of CaUle, Sheep, Hof^s, (;orn, \Micat, rjmir, l.umber, lloiisi'hold and Kitclten Furiii- t in-, Vanning: t’tensils, he. &.c. Also, two forty or fifty Still vessi ls. Tcrni^ will be made known on the dav of l,v IJKNMA. JOHNSON. "•The above Sale is postponed until 'I'hurs- L\^the lOlli of I’l bniary next. at PlMVATI'i SALE, A tract nf ;b(Mit. 100 acrt s of land, lately Iho iirn]H'itv of the heirs of Mosfs llaye«, rlecVl. lnii.1-011 t!ic north-wi!)t side of I’aw Crock, l>e- IwciMi tlie Ciiavlotle and Steri Crei k roads, on Tiihichisii pretty p;ood dwi Hi!)),^-hniise, barn, kr. ■v!''''. !' ' f.'^ewn acres of !nead»w land, .• on tiu' same en-t Ic, a lltth- below the a!)0\e Ifn>it |1k‘ ;iliovf sulc, it will be oiicrrd publicly \i)V .cnie uT rctt. 41 ly Qt AXTICO CANAL LO [ TERY. or VIUGINIA.—i-7/’77/ CLJSS. 'To he drawn the eighth day of Fihruary, 1825. A. M’lNTMJE, MANAGEK. 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 1.T6 312 4C>« 7800 SCIir-MK. PRIZE OF ?10,000 6,000 - ■ 4,000 3,000 - - 2,000 - - 1,538 - - 1,000 - - 500 - - 200 - - 21 • - 12 - • . 8 ■ - 4 8760 Pnrzr.R. 15600 BLANKS. ^79,170 Sl.lf'') TIC'KF.TS. 'I'liis is a Lottery formed by a ternary combi nation and i)ennulati()ii of 3(5 numbers. Orders for Tickkts and Shaufs received at the P () S T- OI • FI (’ i;, 1 • A Y F/r T L M r. I, E. Whole TiCkkt 00 I QuAUTbus §1 00 Ha IF 2 00 I Packa{!^es of ten tickets, embrnrinf' the 30 Nos."of tlie ],(ittery, whicii nmst of lu rcssity draw at h .ist ^ 13 60, nt tt, w ith so nian\ chances lispusrd of previous to tlie dav of f^'pit.ds ; or shares of packages may be had ' - I ut the same, rate. I’rizi's in anv of the Lottnries of \ew-York, New-.lersey, l'ennsyh;mia, Marxland, and \ ir- g-inia, will be received in payment. jM:enil/fr 6, 1.S24. A. W\\E\^\iViVV, Coach, Sif()u JFoffSf’^' Ornaumital IVMN'PEI?, bis ibiinks to his friends and the Ll 1 iMiblir, for tlie liberal eneoura}-t-ment which 1 ie aln ady reci ivcd, and res|)ectfully solicits , continuance of j)atnv(»i>-e. lie is prepared io (!o all kinds of I’aintin;' in his line ; and cus- Innurs inav de]iend on liavin;^ t'leir work neat- l\ i xccuted, and w ith despatch. I Fainting in the country will be done on Ihort notice. N. 15- Old elnir? re-painted and re-gtiilts ('hurl,He, 0,'tobtr 1, 1624.—Itf A Barjijain. A NY person desirous to settle in the village of (rharlotte, band save the trouble and expcnst- |of building, will do well to call on ■ subscribir, who otlers for ^^Ic liis bouse J)r. ll. T. CaUhvi'll, WISHES to inform his frii nds, that he has moved his Medicines to the store-house belonging to the estate of Wm. Allison, ihceased, which he now occupies a» a shop. A dissolution of the partnership between Dr. Me- Kenxie and himself having taken ])lace, he no»v ollVrs his services, in his individual capacity, to the citizens (if Charlotte and its contiguous country, in the difl'erent departments of bis pro fession, and proinist-s tiiat his n.ost faitiiful ex ertions shall l)C extended to all who may choose tf) em])lo\ him. ^’harloite, .Ian. 1. 1825.—.5118 ruTrrdu kox P'SPECTFri.LY solicits those Indebted to him, to call imnu-diati ly and make scttle- nicnt. I’>eing undei- the nei'ess’ly of attending For the boicfit (tnd enconrai'ancnt of >IK( HAMSM in the 'Western part of North-Carolina. ri'^ME following scheme is the result of a 1 nieeting of the (.'harlotte ItenevoK ut Me chanical Society, fo" the ])urpose of de\ising ways and means to exchange the labor alreadj expended in tnanufaeturing, for another .stock of materials, that they may continue clu erfiilh in the exercise of their ocetipation, by wbicii alone they have been instructed to make a sub sistence. 'I’he great want of vent for the labor ot the vcr\' lirniteil manufactories of the west ern part of North-Carolina, is .severi ly felt by those who have been tauglit to relv on thi .r profession alone for the support of thrir fami lies ; and such indigence will doubtless keep every branch of mechanism that lalxirs under it, in an awkward and erampi-d coiulitlon, that must retard that encrj;;'etic spirit, without which it is imj)ossible for the art to flourish. The society feels sanguine i:) the hope, that gen'lemon who are not in the habit of embark ing in lottery sr.benu s generally, will be inllii- eneed by charitable motives to encourage mech anism at their doors, and thereby have an op- poTtunity of j)roJiting- themseUes for in ad\ance, and aflording their countenance for the ncouragenient of the best interest of the w estern part of the state. And for the se curity of those who may embark in this scheme, the socii ty propose a])pointing suvtral disinter ested piTsoiis to value the woi k,aiul see that it sliail not be imposed on the people at c.xor- bitant prices. ’I'he society has suceeedeil in prucuriiig- gentlemen to superintend the draw ing, in w hoin the iiubiic has full confidence, and wliose names will give a characti r to the l.otteiy. It is proposed to draw the scheme as soon as the ticki t» can be sold, which, it is likely, w ill be in F'ebruary. Cdiarlotte, Jan. 11, lb25. DIvSLI/rOUY. SCHEME. j'^3G 'J'icki;t.s, at $‘2. XdI tii'u lilanlcs to a Prize. HAPPINESS. J[a))picr is the Ifastaml lowest of tin siTvaiits of Jesus, than the f^rcalcst aiul most ('xalled potentate who kiioweth liini not. »'i defy in thy courts is hot ter than a thou sand in the tents nj wic/i'edness. If tliis Ik) the case iij)Oii earth, liovv much more in Jicaven! 0 that one ;lorious day, whose stui shall never _s;o down, nor any cloud obscure the lustre of his beams; that day when the temple of Clod shall be oj)ened in heaven, and we shall be admitted to him for ever there ! Ni:^V COM.N:AN1)MENT. Tho,se who love the Lord fulfil the neiv rot}i?n(tnd)ncnt of loving one another. 'J'hey take pleasure in the company, in the conversation, in the j)i-osperity, and in the sj)iritual good and peace of the disciplcs and colieirs of Christ.—The liahituai lant^uaj^e of such a soul is—0 Lord, thou art all iny salvation and all niy desire ; I wx)uld not care for heaven were it not for thee ; neithe r would I love myself were I notone with thee: 0 that I may always seek thee, find tlu e, ami love thee, so that I may for ever enjoy thee. Ethelwood, liishop of Winchester, in the time of kins; Eilp;ar, sold the sa cred ji^old and silver helono'ina; to the church, to relieve the |)oor peoi)le durinii; a famine, sayinj;, “That tiiere was no reason that the sensc'less temple of (lod shouli! abound in riches, while his living; temples were ])erishiiig with hunger.’’ IV 1 Prize of $500 (Pbaton and Cotton S.iw l«in) - - - - is JnjOO 1 do ^300 (Family Coach) - is 300 1 do {-250 ^lig) - - is 250 1 do $il8U (do.) - - is 180 1 do ?13G ^lo.) - - is 130 - .... 2 do ^100 Board & Cotton Saw (iin) dcnce ol progress towards civilization, is 200 ‘‘ " Union JMission.—Mr. A'aii in liis journal for August, mentions as evi- 111(1 lots on terms to please a purchaser, vi/ :— P>'of^ -sion in tlie west, ( arfy in the ensu- llircc front lots and tw o back, lying in the Sandy llollow, and adjoining WiPiam J.ucky’s land; Jiso. two lots, the front on Uroatl stn 11, and 3-ick lot, adjoining the .Methoillst Church.— JMso, a two story (Iwelling-bouse on Hroad-st. l.tuated a few roils north-cast frc.m tlu' Couii-, with two lotss On the |irinuses are an Ixcillent Cellar, Kitchen, Smoke-Hom e, Itarn, fti'jlci-, anti e\ er\’ otlu r necessarv out budding. EDWM). M.' ItKON.-sON. AlWuA Vor ^a\c. subscriber offers for a tract of land, containing 360 acres,'u|)on the waters of tiiffar Creek, joining Dr. Jobnson’s. It will be I'lld cither by lots of 120 acres each, or the Fjiole, us the ]>urchaser may be inclined. 'I'liose »vishiii}j tt purchase, can apply to the subscriber, »'r tu any of the neighbors ailjoining t he land. .lo'uN 1)UU'. Mid-h))hunr Co, 22, 1824.—9tf If tlic above land is not sold before February f'oiiiily CiMirt b} ]iri\ati' sale, it wdl be Sold at hu!>lic auction, on Mondav, tlie first d:;v of the FO'irt. ' .’.LI). iiig spring, bueh asdisnganl tliis rei|uest long er than the r(.bruar_\ Court, will find their luites and accounts in the haiuU of aii officer after that time. .laiiuary 13, 1825. 4tl9 VI.I- persons standing iii'iebted to the sub scriber, pa\ni( iit to be made in Plank and vScaiitliiig, 'are liereb_\ retpiesfid to come for- wanl and fulfil their• engagemer.ts. 'I'hose in debted to me citlu r by note or book account, will please call, on or before the 20tli Fi iiruary next, or tlu y may expect to find tlnni placeil in the hands of an officer for ciillection. N should 2 2 3 2 3 1 10 10 1 1 20 5U0 do do do do do do do do do do do do ?80 (Gig and Sociable) is 160 J20 (Uedsteads) - is 40 ^14 (a set of Tables) is 42 irl2 (W indsor (Chairs) is 24 5ilO (two Ladies’ M ork Tables and one Pembroke) - is 30 ?8 (Rellows top (’radle) is 8 $6 \6 Plough.s, 2 Street Lamps, and 2 Lard Cans) - is GO $5 (Hats) - - is 50 ?4 (Camllestand) - s 4 ?3 (do) - - is 3 ^.3 (do) - - is 60 j^2 (25 cast .steel Axes, and 275 pair Shoes) - - is GoO 43 Ido $1 ( Fin Ware, Jewelry, Shoes, !kc. &.C.) - - - is 431 7'J3 that the wife of Ses-sa-JMoineh, one of the settlers at Hojjcfields, requested be fore her death that her intermttnt might be performed with Christian instead of Pagan rites—that this was also tin! choice of her husl)aiul, ar.d that “ there was,” in fact, “none of the crying and lamentation usual on such occasions, no jjulling the hair, nor beating the breast all was stillness, “ at the burial. 'J’he fields at this station were waving with corn. A canoe had been loadetl two or three times during the season, with melons and other j)roductions, and sent to market, fifty miles down the river, where sales were made for cash vStiitc of ISOrtli-Caroliiia. HTHG rot. . ■ ^ Ongin: ?irrKi.F,NHrHG cot.\ri. pviiliams and Clinton, vs. Attachment. Sterling Kussel. Kcturntd levied on one negro man, the propi-r- j _ ty of the def. iichuit. IT it nrdrred bv the court, that advertiscnu nt I’*' made for tlirei months in tlie (','tiiw‘Ki for lite defend uit to appear at the Fe- “’Hiary term (,f this court, in IHJ.'), and there to .nlc'v find plead to i'-siie, oilierui.M- juilgineiit entered against liiiii. • I.sA.SC .\i,E\.\M), Chrf,-. —pr'kco .idv. f-l. oi' Xorlli-(’!iFolina, . ii; f oi'.N I V. . I'' Hlarkwood, AdnPr illiam Frow n, (U e.M , vs. [ Petilien for Rale of r-rt Tirnwn, and otliers. r' Land. [*' i"s ut [ aw n| \\ iiliain I dec’d. J I •i~mg (otlio s.itisf:i( tion of the Co-irt, I *''It Hoberr W atson and his wif ‘ l'.!i/:du tb ■'"i the defendants in this case, ari‘ poi in ’ ^ints (it this S'ate : It is llitl' ol'i'i red ^‘''■'’irt. that puiiru ation be made Ibr si\ 111 the ('ataw D.i .[(Him d. tli(, \- ;;p])ear . l'tbni:;r\ term of tbiseoiirt, in IM-','', .nid ^ '.“'’'d there to ph'iid, answer or (le:ini'M(» the ‘'tberwise jiidgiuent jiro contest') will ‘ ag.iinst tlie'ni. ‘ V'''• Is A AC A I,r,X A \ I)F.a. ('. .1/. ''‘'^—price adv. 1:3 oT Nor( ll-('iiFoliii.l. ^3072 Tickets can be in Charlotte of the under , “ I O see the Osage,” says IMr. \ ai! .'gncd Commissioners, by letter, postage paid,' “for the lirst time COUnt his money, tin nelosing the monevor fnnn their agents in industry, allords no'small 'absbiirv, Statisvillc, t.oncord, Lincolnton, ,, ...p,- •m . n . kdrkville or Lancaster; who pledge then.selve s satisiaction. 1 he Village at Hope .\ liberal jirice will be given for 10,000 good , to ])ay the prizes as set ^forth in the scbem»-,' fields J)rcseut a new scene to the travel Shingles. ‘ i thirty dnys after the drawing, or refund the l,.r through the Osage Territory. ” ]\Ir, SAM’L. HEN'DElfSON, .HEEN KENDRICK, IFOHEW.VILV all persons whatsoever, from trading for a certain note of hand, (dated in April, 1!22.) gi\eii by me, and made jiayable to OliM r Simpson, of l.'ockiiighaiw count} , in this state; as the proj^i't^v for uhieh said note was gi\t n has pro\,tSti'to fn'uns(.iind, iiiiil I am de- teriniiKd not to jia\ it, ^unless compelled bv law. .IOK'DA'n U1LLI\MS0N. ’ Meeklenbiirg, Jan. *.), 182.5.—3wi'tiy Great Osages, that many of tlie men thi season have assisted the women in ciil .1NO. Ho\ I). hid of corn, a thing whicli formerly :iJ '! i.i kl: \ IIfin; •b/i.n ()/„ lo24. ciMrk and (' Alt.o hnient. , , 'ind I ■ ■ p'l t.;)odni; n. ' ' 'i’i"” j.* ''tiiat :'.d\eilise'.iietit In I'l.i'if sjj; woe;s in the Catawlia .loiinial. defei'.rlanls to app- i.r at t!ie l'e!iriiar\ ^ ’'i'-’ ''oiii'f, in- I'li.l tlo'-.-e tri i'i~p!ev_'. J 1''..1(1 to i-s'ie, otherwise iiub;iiieiit will l'> „ '’'''':>f^;»inst biin. ‘ ' XiVVHi E. Vs 1 wish to ipilt tlie imrcantde business, I wish to St II all tin (loods I Inne on hand, (HI M rv low t( riiis. For luitlier infoi^iiatioii. apiil' to the sub.scriber, H\iiig 12 miles nmtli of Cliarlotte. J. roiiWENCE. Jan. 18, 1S?5, 3tl.S Look I ICFC ! IW ILL jiroseciite, with :di the rlg>r of tlu law, .iin p( rsoii who shall i!t. oV liuw I inx tiiMl)er ofi the lands lat( ly in loi ,.,\ng to the 111 ir.-. of Ni'-liola-. (iiboin_\. lu C( ;.sed. w it lioiit ni'. j)( iiiii.-.sion, ("I \ .\L\\\\ f.I.l.. Jan. 12, hS.\i. -ItlO \->irs’F. .\siu'iiv i'lten'l-. leaving 'iiarlotte in tile i.iontli of ,\j)ri!. .\11 jx rsons that |i,i\ I- ( l,(i:i.s against me, w ill jjb a v,- present ilit in li'r ‘i ttbnn nt against tlie lstda_\ ot March . llio-'. 'lidebti (1, Mill sa-. e losis ami trouble, b\ iii,iking pa', n.ent iiiafe.' wiiks. J '.Mf.S T. A.-^IU UV. Cbariotte. .Ian. 1, ‘'t2J ’i lu re w :il be k( |)t a jmkuI as.,(ivtni( nt of I'ar in ss. and lli r art ( le.. in in\, t II the ills' (laN ol \ j-rll, and wdl be sold low tor e:isb on!} . ^(H•k^Llic !>Ook nillvlcFN. ''T'Jii F, su'.)"'crlber Ix gs lea\ e to inforin the ]iul'. .} be in ;;‘tnt.r;.l, t!iat be c;irrii s on tin /Jlmlrrr. in ;dl various hr.un li; >, Mil'i.diiil bin..St If witii tlie be>t of m;it lials. i. v' lll eM cnic w ork in the lu aii si inaniK r and i ' tlie .shortest r.ofce. N. I!. Ml ord', rs fi'r Elank and Co; y 11'ok u ill,lie punctnalK attt luled to. iltf .'lOlIN II. I)!'. C MM I.Wi'.'F. I)(M‘(ls !or :.t tliis (Miict'. N. n. Ex])lanatorj' Hand Hill* can the Comiiiissioners. * 15 \ 'r(‘aclu‘i* WniitiMl. VGENTl.IvM.XN, w ho can come wt 11 rerom- mendeil for morals and capacity, w jl be i;uiployed, on liln ral ternts, to take charge of a few children in a piivate family. Application made to the editor (>f this paper. January 18, 1825.—3tl'J was almost unheard of anionic them. />’. Jiecorder. Mca |)iMi(»ria ,\s Ca])t. Dongald Dablgi-tty t,a}s, (of l)rum-|burk li.)i‘ liu\aiia, dcslinetl, us I'Cjjorlcd t^jjnirunhd Soiilfi .Onierirr:'—The erlitorof thi‘ New York Daily Advertiser has ri ceivcd a I’ai is paper conuiniiii^ an im j)ortunl stuU'Tiiciit, t^ivcti in a pri\al( letter. j>ublislu'(l us autlieiuic, fi-oni whic h it appears-, that there has b“eii luiotiu re\(dt iini(Jii; the lrooj)s ordend to em thv.aeki t.) | to act, ai^ainst Soulli Ahierica. ItAsas OFFER for sale my I louses and Lot, ad-! ii, this w uv tiiat tlie re\ohition dirci I* I^\-^C AfrF.AANL-l'.lf, d!:. > ■'-price ad',. >J. joining .Mr. ,1. Irw in’s, on tli( nortb eoriu r ' of the Public Stpiare. i’l 1st iis tb.sposi d to pnr- j chase, w ill'view the prem:s( s. ■ | 'I o iiiv di btors, (with all due di Terence to I tin ir siipi ri(.r cognition^.) I would pi (pu st, I besee(di, desire, in.sist, iliat tlu_\ wdlbekinti enough to call and see me. 13'.>ttop J. TOKKENCE. Kiehes may he eiitaib'i!, ;>n(l nol)ilily hecoiiH' ii('re'!it;u'\'. W it and wisdom 'an never l)i- m.'tdt; lieir looms. 'I'here ire lew names more respeciable among I he ])atri;i]'chs of .Massacliiisells, than f loveriioii'’ Dudley and .ludgi' Sew ,ill ; ■ ft the I’m nu'r liiul a daiigliter who could scni'ce keen out of fire and water. Mid tlie hitter a son of equal abilities, /lie pnidence of the old g(!illi nin in- . rma! ried llu se wisencrc s. In du(; time fl- r the niarriiige. Judge Sewall, tl.eii 'tlin'j; at the rouneil iidaid in I’osttii'. Mfived n Iftler i:ifo!'inin!; him tlial !i- ',ii;'i;hler-in-Iaw wns (!eii\ ('i'f d of .‘i lim 111 ; l.e roniniUliic^d'M! the hillct to the lo\-ei lif/l', \vho alter pi nisln;!; il, oh- .(■i \-ei! with art h sev( )ll\-. — Unilhrr J'or ^ .dv M.i? r'n:' •s(\va'!.. I am thinkiiiLr ■oiittive to Iiri.vent t!;i ilis fr'iin !>e!nir as crre; ■iliicr.-’ “ I !•. li’Vo,-’ “ I la Il' Ve \vf lidW We . t';rnt;ds( 1 a ifidL : ' ported J 'lall 111' v:ck !i i;'.( ■hr by t^iiii'U',a and Hiei>;f> ro;nmj nc The siilijdiiied is the siiljstanee rd' thi slaleiiit n( alluded to : “ 'i'lirec llionsand men wlin had Ixm asseiii!)l(‘d at Coniima, to embark foi )Ia\ana in the two fii^-ates i)uilt at l'( rol, rose in a bod) uiil rcfiisrd to .\ !^1 ratei'/jiart d‘tliem, il is added, desert ed iriKr tlie crjiniti y, where thev no doiiut from a •■troiio rue lion at^'aiiisl t!ie (.luvern lueiit." fi'r)}. Ji.'rk^dh's t)lrtJi-pI(icp.—I’he follow ing is an ( \traet of a h Ucr from (len. .laekso:), dated lMh.\i:t’;. 1^2 1. “ .As to ilie fjiK s{ioii asked. 1 with plca-'Uri; aiis-.\cr, 1 was hi in in Soiith- Cai’oliii'i, al the jilaiitatlOii wIuTerm .las. Ciauloi'il li\'ed, ahoiit one niih* frnni tt)o Caroiina road, wiieic it cic'sscs the .i\haw ( reek—W'.is Iiiunon the l.'dh dl,Match ill the year IT'iT, and leiLlhe Si;ite in the } v:m IT' 7',; ni'fhr namrs i^^ri'ir i j)fin fruit. When iVult is ;i!;oiil h'llf ii|ie, cover ihe side (■>;],.-■vf.j Vi the sun wi)!i sfrijis dl' s;,(.cl^s ol'\\ ;iv, jn a 1 V (i'i:-ired sh;.i)c or I'drin. v. iiiel, hin'!,.)-^ tli" sm, iVom ioni.iMg tlid [ art . co\'( r.'d,, aial wiieh llic iVeil jsiipc ainl \\a>; i'eriKA'ei', it wi!l lie iU li.e IK.'l.'iUej' (les;.-.^.J_ yKOM THS PHIL All KIPHIA 6AZI.Tri. RUHMN(; OF WATER. Our town, (or at least a part of it.) has hem kepi in a state of excitement for throe ('ays and a half, by a discj\ e- ' y which has been made of a mode of tea ter for fuel! 'The. proprie tors of coalmines and woodlands are all n alarm,—(by Monday we may i-xj.ect that the panic will s|»read among llic woodsifwyers and coal heavers;).— the piestion whether it will he advisable to let the Liberties have the Sehuylkill ater, now we have this new ns(‘ for it, Ircailv begins fo Ik* diseussi.Ml,—and ars ha^e been expn'ssed lest our pro fessor of .pyrotechny should carry his . ;u t so far as t.) set fire to the Delaware; ! As he has, however, given his v\or(l ind honor, that, Ik iVire he attemps any thii'g of this kind, he will give suitable notice, so that the ships may he remov ed, no apprehensions on this score need, for the ]iiesent, at leasi, be e.dertaine*'. In the existing state of publie fei lu g, those, perhaps, an^ most rational who talk of p(;titio'ning the ('otuicil to assess addilionni tax on such as burn the Schuylkill Water as well as drink it! S(;riously and soberly,—.Mr. Augus tus Day, who resides at Ps'o. 121 North Third street, has invented a stove, by which, it has been calculated, a roonj may be ke^it warm for a whole flay, imd no more than four rents worth of iel'.igh Coal he constmied in (hat period. It Is of small size, and in shape an in verted cone, with several longitudinal openings near the' apex. On a grate within, rests a small quantity r»f coal. pan'ol wal(',r placefl beneath the open ings, ensures a constant supply of va- ])or. In j)assing through the ignited ■oal, the a(jueous vapor is decompo.scd, iuid we haAc I hat powerful heat whicb is produced by the combustion of oxy- den and hydrogen, 'I'he covtrr of the stove is attached to a moveable section of pipe, which is raised anl Imvert'd by a fixture similar in principle to that of a suspended lamp, and hy this coni i ivance Ihe fire is regulated. So powerful is Ihe heat, that a .'•m.dl fpuuitity of water thrown into th(i .stt)ve, is immediately decomposed, and 1 he conibusi ion d' its comiionent parts follows of course. Of this we have ourselves been witness. A ludicrous mistake happened some time ago at a ftmttral in Mary-hvbone. 'I'he clergyman went on Avith the ser vice, imtil he came fo that part which 5ays, “our deceaserl brotlu'r or sisie-, “without knowing whether a male; or fe- mnle. Me turnel to otit! of the mourn ers, and asked whether it w;is a brother or a sister.^ 'I'he man very intioce'dly replied, “ no relation at uit, airy only an ae(juainlance.’^ Af;Rim.TFHK is the most ccrfain source, of strength, and vveallh, and in- drpendence. (/ommeice flourishes by circnmslanees precarious, contingent, Iransitdry, almost as liable to change, as the winds and waves that waft it to our shores. She may well bo termed the, younger sister; for, in :dl emergen cies, sht* Jdokfj to agriculture, hcjtli for defence and for supply, 'riie earth, in deed, is doubly giatel'iil, iii.'tsmuch ar she not onlv repays forty-lold to the cuhivator, i)iif reciprocallv impi ovrs its improver, rewarding him v\ ith 'dren{>;th, and he.dth, aid vigor. Agricnlturt, llierefore, i.s the true f>J/irin/ .in'litu)n; and in ln'r hrave and liard\- jjeasantry* she oilers a h‘2:iliniate and ti uslv ■-word to thosi; rulers that duly appi'tciatt,; her value, ai'.d eourt her alliajice. I!nnnri,(ihl('.—A I’aiis paper furnislu's the lollowiiii^ renuirkahieauec dole. .About 100 years ai^o, a man ai^crl 18. vvus con demned to tiic gallics for liundrcd vt ars and a day. 1 iic man luis suili i crl in full the s( !it( ti' P dl the law, and lias nfiw i-e- turned to L\ons in fraiice, u1i»tc rluini- ii!g an estate !jei(jn;;ii';; to his f unily, the propi ietor, M. lit i tliolon. u ho had thoii(;'lit piirrliasf' lair and safc,a;crcrd„ hy the ad\i( i‘ of hi'i iav. \er, to si ttlc tlie ( dnteiitidiis iiiatter by ;';ivirig the real pro prietor stoiling ('nearly 20,(IOO dollars. '1 iiis w diidcrfiii old man, at the ac'e ot 1 IP, has la!td\ oHi red los haiul to a woman and is shoitly to be married. [ Mmnf IJajjti.'it ikrald. In a rt rent duel hclut *'n f.vo ;ne jt’ them shot av.ay the ikirf of the dihci's oat. His secdud o!> .cr\in;,^ thf- t' uth of i/is aim, di-c ]u! ( d. thjt hafl hi? Irieiid hcen eni;af;^e(l wiili a ciiinf^ he, i wc'ial vo.-y c ht‘ ! j c. v