V\IMUA)TTK: !::•!»A V. I'l'.I'Kl’AU'V 8, l.'-.'J. '’[,,1, u ii 'i- Mr. l!:ir!)oi!r, c h.ilrii;;i:i r.f tlic I', iiii:.!'’'I’ i'M'i itC" !iUs |Kirt(. li ill II t') till- Sir.iiti-, for the j^ujiprc ‘ of 1>,- . -v iatlic Wfiit lii li(-S. \\ (.• liii\r I'.: • r;){;;n to It ill c.ikmu; Init tlic rollowin^- briit' ii HL' :ni of its ('i iniCtcr. it w i!l L)i-froiii Mr. Monroi on t'le siiiiK- siil)jcct, piiljiisiu'd in tiii, .irH-r, ll'-'-t ''if report of thi- com mi (♦•..■o is in ,.,iiisoi!:i!icc with till' n coinnif’.Khtion of the Scc tiyii 1st of this Itlirniithnriscsthc huihlinf.^ ,f-.i iniinbi r of sloops of «;ir, nf>t ('vcccilin;; ti-n, I fiirv III t 1- ss tlianlu t iif v i^aiis c:icli, to lie ^ inpioycil Section ‘Jil, jrivts iitlioi'itv to liic conimaiuli-r.-. iind crewj oi 1,'iii- jui Stiitc-s’ vi-^cls, to luiiil oil tiK isimid of (,'u- |:.i, or any other of llie Sp:i:iish Wcst-Imliii isl- iiiis. :inl [iiirsuc ;md cupMir • the pirates. 'I'lie .inli,,r't\, j’ivi.-n to ur (.•oinojnf.wi'.r, in tills scc- , 011, is ul)soliitri) n-. cc.oary, ;is it is :i well cs- i;J)l.»!icil fact, t!iat tlie local u'.itiioriti'.'s in tlie ;i).ui!.sli i:.!;iiil' protect the pirutcs und sliurc tlivir |jlii:i(l'^t-; ur,(l :is lonjr as tlic i)ir;itcs are tl,!is sheltered aii'l ciico'iniijcil wltli iiiiiinnity, ail otlur nieusiires to siipjirv's-.; tiuin will l>c in- i liLi tiiul. Section .!Iil uutlior'.ses tlie I’res.iileiit, ill c:iM' the pir.ites slioiil.l cscupc from the piir- iit i,f imr oiriccr i uiul crews, ;ind fuul refii},'-e cilv or );oii of tlie Spunl:-.ii ishmds, to l;iiT tile s;iid port iM' ( lt_\ in a stute of hlo k- iiil ciuisj it to lie invested, until the pi- r:itis s’i:ill be secure.1 and punished, or s.itisfac- :ule. See’ioii l!!i autliorises ariiied nu r- VLsse'.ato re-eaptiire any ve,->si.l or cari;'o [,i»eii by ttu‘ pirate^;, and briiiLT tiiem in for aiiju- il:cut!oii; anil fi\' S tlie aniniiiit fifsalva^-e to tie awarded to the reca; tors. Section jili I' ivi.^to im rcluinl \ i ssi 1 wli'e!) shall captui'e a pi- 1 vessel c,r boat, tlirce-fourtlis ('♦' its value, ction {'th prescr'lKs tlie lj(/iid-to be ivi\eii by ;iii arinc.l iiu icl'uiit vckSel, bi t'orc it reO(.i\es a ■li'ar.uii'e i>r permit from tlie cu:.tom-bonse.— section is ren.lered necess.iry, in orikr to prevent an abuse of the avi'.luu’ity i^iv».n to iiu'r- liaiit vessels to arm. Section "tli authorises ;!ic‘ I’resideiit to establish ami order suitable Instnict ons for tli‘ better .n'ovornin:^ and re straining amed merchant \essel‘;. ’I'lie remain ntler^c -nJ ca:.se cf ilic-; to p.ij niorc altciition lo ihi; “ bond.” nj o.aIucIlvs uliii.lj luinuiii exertions -ati o\c‘rcotne, sIi-U now omcusc u failuiT 'VC sluii! probubly have but fow com- p.iunis tn inukc he;-(';.riei-, cf i1r> inv;;u- ->nty in lli,.- u, rh-1 uf tiro nuiiis; In'cuust- it IS cloiihtlo.s.strur, tluit very iVw fUihires iKive been cuu;;od by “ obstuclcs witich ^•‘tiniun c-a>rtions” couhl uot ovorcomo. c cn tuinly cun i ccolli ct a nun.btM- of inslanccs cl failui’es wliich very nioder- cilc e::crtionsmifrht ciisiiy huve prevented. l>ilM,5,|K,,:se,| ,h,. 1 ,, lu piescnlativc.s, nppropruiliii.t- 150,000 opinion of the nieetinr, that .Mr. Ad dollars for contmuiuj; ihe Cumberland ’tbc ’ peonic ol'tlu> bo conveyou in a sufkv or 1:."'’ ‘"‘S i-apidiy as the contract reotiiVes. two liorsrs to a carl du nut !m\c sutVi- cient torce. four .should lie applied. Tlie ii'aiisportutlon of t!io niail must not be mauc a .secondary object—those who con- ^•der u in this li-ht, will vt'rv soon be at iiDt-rly to bestow their undivided alten- Uon to the conveyance of passen^'ers. A meeting- has been held in TrtM.ton, •Ncw-Jersey, at which a lunnber of citi zens, as well as ni«‘nibcr:> of the LeKi^>la- tui c attended, for the purpose of enterini'- into some arran,u:ement for s;ecnrinj- to liouseoi Kepresentatives. AccordiniWv, iTbohitions were adopted ('.Kpressive’td' ry puihetK- larj iai!:e, tl'.e | - It seem- story of their laineiitaijle fat( od that they we..- b.-others o. ,a:.K a.ui lani:l\ in \ enice, atid bavin;;; in iin; course XOTICK. . ; . A i. Tt't jii-i od that they wei.- b;-others of rank and,rpMK s,d,scriber having^ n^iovcd fi-.m M.s j 1- cour.ty, desires all persons liidebt- ’ ' . i.im I in fli.-itt 4 I • .1 .. t um!)er!and I'oad, and another, authorising; the Secre- Uiry ol the Treasury to purchase stock in the Chesapeake and Delaware canal company, to the amount of 300,000 dol lars the foi nier j)assed by a vote of 97 to 72 tl'.e latter, by a vote of 1'to 71. I hc passag;c of those bills shows, that a majority of Conj,M’ess firmly believe that they ])osscss a constitutional ])ower to make and promote ititernal improvi 1 he minority say, that the constituiion ‘•ives to Conirress no .such power; that its exercise is dangerous; that it leads dircctly to “consolidation;” yet it is certain that Conjjress has exorcised this power as far back as JcfTersoti’s adminis- ti'alion, to }-o no farther, and received the sanction of that distinguished statesman, \.!’.() certainly cannot be charged with be- in;^- friendly to the liberal use of doubtful oi\ronstructive powers. It cannot, there fore, bo said, that Congress have come to a hasty conclusion, or that the question I'.as not been fully investigated ; for the contrary is notoriously the fact: it would seem reasonable then to infer, that in ap propriating the public funds to internal im provements, Congress are only exercising a power which the constitution has con ferred upon them, to jjrotnole the gene- ins: sections make provisions for plaeinK'-on the i ral good. Majorities, we know, are icnsionlist such of the oiilcers an.l (ivu-i of sometimes wrong; but ai’e minorities al- irnicd nierciiant vessels, as ina\ bf woundeil cr ; t . i i • i \\u\s r.gill.“ and when anv measure or .i>;ililed in anv enfr:!;;ement with tiie pirates;; • i , . , 111-.'' . i’ .1' -I 1 I principle has leceived the saiictiiju of a il also loV tile su])port ot the widows and or- , . . . _ [liuns of such as maybe killed in a rencounter , ^ of \oars, we v,.th the pirat. s, or pursuit .iftrr them' j ^pfak in refereiu e to this country, where Thi'liill will probably uiidi rg,i some mod fi-! discussioti is free as air, and when* the ■ a'ions hi fore it becomes a la>' ; but wf trust pow oi- to correct error or reforni ai>use, m.iin features will be r taine.l. \\ are un- j is ami)le aiul uncontrolled,—is not the in- 'l.rnoohbritionstoSpain. to forbe.arany lon-i fcrence a strong one, that tlio /m/jo/vVy, ; she eitlier wants the power or the will, to I I ’ nol ilie majonhu is in error.' We :;iii- prntei't our nu rchants and seamen on her ov. n i i i. ' > • . , . , ■ , , , , , , cerely believe, that it is essential to the '• ja.sVs and in her own harbors; and no other al- triiative remains for us, but oitherto submit to I that Congress tli^ di'pri.dalions and murders of tlie pirates, or] j.'Ossess the power to promote ob- tuki tile sword of justice in our own bands. ai;'i p'lriue and punish t'.iese monsters in wick I imiiiove- piiiiaiiiy in lavoi-(il Mr. Adams, ments—on no other ground could they ‘'•‘•‘itanding tien. Jackson obtained have sanctioned these approijriaiions. ‘ ^si;jned The minoritv sav. that tb.. T.^ and a '• !iu ^^ and cruelty, w herevc r they can lie found. bi I li'iiis'.ni^- tiie latter, w e should not stop a mo !!Hr,t to iiKpiire what (,tlu r nations would think ''Tit, or whether Spa n, feibU', andde};;onerate, 1 i!espica!)Ie as she now is, would resent it the protection of our citizens, tlie ^ilin'uitv of K'lHernmeiit, and self-defence, w hich is par I'i'i'iiiiit to every other consideration, r-(piire that measures, of a d> cided cliaracter, should be resorted to. Spain cannot complain, with tlie least color of justice ; and the j^ovt rhnient "ill pr:i''eil with sullicient caution, io jjivveiit roihsion w ith other powers, or an\ iafrac lion of their rijjiits ^^(-'ventoen pirates were exoA'iiticl ^'>i't l^)yal, Jamaicii, in tlu hitler pai ^'J'ciiiber. We observe n: an I'ngli I iiiie imiong them—thev wei’e inoiith ^■•■>'niarlsand I'renfhir.cn. I’iu 'O w retch- '>tatf>d on the gallows, that i' w ,is in '■fHise(nieiio(> (d the f.n'liitit s idl’urded ij\ '■ nulhonlm nf (Ui!,ci, f-)v tlu- c!is|M)>;il „i’ •’ plunder, ibai tiiey weie lei! to en- i'l tlie law h's^ and desperdlt' tradi I'lrucy. Tills is i!:',o'J;ei’, to Int.- man;. '-I'liniiij;- proof,” v.e have, lliai (lie pi- are protected by the ollicers ol \’>in. in their ch'predatiiM.s and miirder .'('t we ;;re still to piirsi;e !’alf-'.va\’ atid ‘Ciu riK\..uns, ;ind perr.iit tliesi orn, and their ei;u:’,ily guilty ;,!n t- ' • set us at ileiijiK'c'. b' cuum', fur- by adnjiting tlie dei isi\c rii( .,s'i!'e =^'p(noi::dy cajie 1 |\,r by the exi .-enc ^ ’'‘Ccaoc, \\c may ;1V( nd “l!ie I'ahli ‘■; '''linand !” Sn.'h s;;iK-aniishn':,s, ; w. |d Say, pusi!!.;r,iniity) in s!i»‘li a case ^ do hope, l;;r t'.ie honor ;.iid dii^nit ^ ‘ |>!,!'Cis, v. ill not he exbibiied in that Tl f ;“r\iiar fm.u tlie rcstrnr.rtcr fieii' niai! coiitracto;I'/.ued, i.i con 111 niir.u'ioils f.iihiie^ nnib, ,>.1! ^^^.,Ken jectsof general utility—to make roads and canals, w ith the consent of the slates thro’ which they pass, thereby uniting more strongly the diiVereiit j)ortiotis of the country with each other, and removing all inducements to separation—and, in short, to do whatever the U'c'fnre and mtfc- ft/ of the country may ref|iiire. If Con- gM i'ss do not now possess this |)ower, the constitution shouhl l)e so amendofl as to confer il on them. There may be danger (fa " consoHih'donl)ut there is Jiiore danger to be ap'jire hended of a srparalion. CIKCULAK I() ('OXTUACTOUS. I’osr (Huck I)Ki>AnT'u;>r, Ijth ,Ianuar_\ , 1S25 3 I lie Postmaster (ieiuM'al iias (/iserved, ■ ith ^real regrel, that- the e\erlio!is (d’ collie contractor:', on ijnpi^rlant mail routes, have not eipi.illed iiis e\])e ialion, or till’ ex|)ectalion d' ihe public. This is Ihe season when, to avi/id fail ures. the utmost exei'tioiis of ail concern ed in th(‘ Iranspoitalion of the Mail, are necessary. No ob-iaeles w hii'ii human e\erlions i.an overcome, shall excuse a lailuir. .\nv wan* of i iiergy in this ir- spect. will hist be noticed l.ty ihe highest p''Ci;niary penally, and for a second fail- III e, the (•inli’;t''i will be forfi'ited. 'I'here \\iil be no departure from ihi:. rule. Of this, tlu'se ln'J^l interested iiuy be fully a iMired. On all roads which liecoiv.e so deej) as to n tiih r the rajiid proi^-i es; t f stages inipra' iicabh', conlractors are re(,;iesled iu place the mail in cmei'ed siiii.ie:, or in oil."r \eliieles heller suited for t!ie ])'.ir- pi.sc, ar.d in this mantier to cov.titiiie 'Jie ti'aiis'ii'i talion of i' until t!ie r.';...ls w ~ Slate for the ne:a President—a,ul tlial they ‘feel it their duty to protect their representatives from attempts at intimi dation on ihis important ({uestion, and y.1.1 support them as far ;i.s we aie able, in il firm and honest endeavor to make siich_appoin.tnieni, as accordiiigr to their jest judgment, will most corresjjond w'ith the honor and interest of the );alion.’ An :il)h‘ address to their representatives, was drafted, in which it is shev.n that the re sult of the electoral election disolaved a decided i)hirality in favor of Mr.'Aditms, ^ ,J mu,liitudo ol others persons.’ ft ctm.itoii Jtcjjorlci'. Clr,'.-. L w.wkttk.—^\■c hav>', seen a let ter from Cien. Lafayeltc to Mr. Macon, one of our Senators in Congress, (u hich iu* onclosod to (lOv, Iroia which we make the follow ing extract : ‘‘ A very extensive, and not very easy plan for my grand journey has been fra med ; from which it results tlrat on my leaving this place af'ler the ccleijration of (ion. ^yashington^s birth-day, with the determinati-fon of being on ihe 17th of June at Boston, I shali have upward' o! .5,000 miles to travel, and only thirteen days rest to distribute in my visits.” The (ieneral further observes, that this plan is not yet entirely settled, and that he will write to Gov. IJiirton as .soon as he is able to state precisely the day he will l>e at Raleigh. When this letter shall be received, we will inform our readers when they may ex[>ect to see tlu; CJeneral in our city. —Rakigh lh"islvr. can gathei'' from the papers, been verj generally cele!)rated throughout the country. In this cit\', a [>iirty was given in honour of the dav, bv Maj. (ien. IJuowN, w'hich was attended by a hii'K^e niimlx'r of ihe iiiembei s (d’ bolii Houses ol (..oiigress, ih(* lli'adsol Dejiarlmenis and |)riiu;i|)al (ifhcers (d’ the governnirni g-enerally, and a numerous company of military and naval ofVicers and citizens. S:t!. JounuiL According tn a i(': ent onumrraton of the inhabitants of the city of Washing- loti, it ajipears that the present ])0|)ulation amounts to 1 exclusive of those in the fort, liarracks, and navy yard, being in the pu!>iic service. So great is the difViculty of procuring seamen in New York, iha’l the ship Con stitution, Caiitain McHea, was compelled to leave that city for Norfolk, w’ith oidv the cai)t:;i!i, two mates, and a rigger. 'I’he Capt. arrived safely in 56 hour.s at Norfolk. The lloston Centincl contains a list of the number of the maiuifactfyries in tlie slate of Massachusetts, together v. ilh the amount of capital of each. It a])pears from this stalement, that there are onv hundred anti nixti/ u/ii\ with an aggregate cajiilal of S- Ivifi'^ocn. /•Vow/ iSV. ThmitiL^n. — l.’y an arrlv.",! at Norfolk, in .17 la\ s from Jeremie, a is asc(>rlained that the markets a: tl.ut poi'i were dull for all kinds cd’Anie 'n .in ji.o- diice: while at I’orl au Pi inc." it was at a fair |)ri( e and imjiro\ ini- i'lie Lei;is- latiire (d the Island h.id L\ en lonvened, lor tlie purj)Ose ol proliI'juitit;; the impor tation id all 1‘reneh j under the iias'' of any nation w iiate\ e;-. «. — J/t"lr'al. S h.'Hii ;,i —’^f'he i:’!jiiber ofsluden's olicrihiifc lue mrdii al !■ cli.nv. of Harvard I'niv; i-.,i'.y in Ho-.iori, amoi-ii s liiis winter to i.’ie bunded and t'.vei;iv- eigl’.t. The e': lA'uc.ii c-ir^je; ;.ti.'n ( i .\ew Voil:, ..iiiiM.uli'd i m.,; eX'.eeding /,inc iiVnthrd d of their travels mlrusted themselves with one ol the natives Ijr the purpose of vis iting the cutai omb, the perlidious villain had left them to perish. The danger to which Mr. Hill and his friends were ex posed, instantly alarmed them. Thev had scarce read the tale, when looking up, they beludd their inhuman guide, as sisted by two others, whom ihrv had seen near the spot, dosing- the entrance of the vault. Thev were now reduced to the utmost distress ; ihey however drew their swords, determiiK'il to make a desperate eflort to rescue themselves from u situation so appalling. Wiih this resolution they, were .g'ropini^ al»out at random, iu the dark, w hen they were startled at the groans oi some one .seem ingly in the agonies of (Jralh. 'J'hey lis tened to the dismal sound, and at lenrlh by the glimmering liirln |V(,n; the top’of the calacomi), they saw a man just mur dered, and a little l)eyond they beheld his inhuman murderers, dying with thi; ut most precipitation. They’pursued them immedialely, and ihough not abb- to come up with them, they had the good fortune to reach the ojieiiiug thn/UM'b hich the wretches escaperl .'mt (,f tile cavern, just before they had limc to roll the stone on llse lop of it. A I’rcnch Abbe, remarkaide for his parsimony, happ.end to be in company w here a charilal)le suijscidptiori was i--o- ing round ; ilu* plate was I)rouiyht to him. and he contributed his louis il’or. The collector nol observing it, came to him a second time. “I have j)ut in,” saiil he. “if you say so, I will believe you,” re lumed the collector, “ ihough I did nol see it.” “ I did see it,” cried'old Fonien- elle, who was present, ‘‘but did nol be lieve il.”—Such is the importance of character. to close their accounts, on or before the I't l.ru- ary court in this place. i he books and papers will remain in the h.ai-L'j of Doctor I), r. CaldwidL who is au*!ioris«,i to make scttlcmcnt.s, &.c. Roni’. M’Kr.Nzir,. rharlottc, Jan. 28, 183;>.—;lt21 M iiulsur Cliaii* liiisi- ness. subscriber havin^-commonccd the a'loi »■? 1 business in the tow n of (.’Iiarlotte, respt rl lull\ sobcits a share of public iiatronafij-e. !li-j work will be neatly and durably construeldl. and will be disposed of on accoinmodatine terms. SKTTF.KS an.l \V|{I II\(; I’MAIRH, muh: to order, tan br- had on short notice. NMIJ.IAM 1 l.vi'ltliorsi:. harhitt.-, Feb. ..^nt.TJ “Sir Henry Saville,” says old Aubrey, could not abide witts; \v r.en a voun;'' scholar was recommended ,o him’ for a good will—Out ujKm him, I'll have nJ- thing todo wiih him : give me the iilod- ding student. If I would hxdv for wiiis, I would goe to Newgate—ihere be the wilts.” Foresii^/tf.^Thc overthrow of some persons’ foriimes and the sudden rise «d' tliose of others, are worthy subjects of The 8th of Januaty has, as far an wo ‘■'^*^''*'lion: coiiseipiently, says a I'rench oh ' server, I never give alms to a beggai w iiliout saying to him, “ I'l iend, think of me if you hapjien to become xMuiisier, a Director, ora Deputv.” I he lal‘ melancholy mutiny on boaro the sliip Cl. jje, has (jperated like a fire brand at the tail of Pegasus, and set man) an unlh'dged poet to scrambling uj) thi hteejis ol Appollo’^^ mount. Among lhi> irr.ic.s which the event has elif iu-d, wi h ive been fivoied with a ‘ poem,’ the itio /v// of vvhich we puldish for tin; author’:, satisfartion, viz. “ May this a warnmij be to all young in. n ul’io f.iilothe sea, let J (jur e.irre.'tion be e\ ( r so surveir, IJear with patients ami dount niuiiiieer,” ^\nn/uckt.t Jiiijiiiirr. Sf. Potcrshurg Conrention.—It is .sf.ated thal the iiumber of slaves fo: whiidi claims for indemnity have beei' jiresfiiled to'the Hoard of eommissii.n ers, now silling; at Wnsliin^lon, is frou :5,t)00 to .'JjTOO; and that llu; i lainis, iuelusivo of oilier property coming- with in tho provisions of the tre.dy, aimmni to m.'ai’ly three millions ol (lolIar>. MAKKIi.l), In ,\ns(ni county, on Tuesda'', the 2'jth oi January, by (he i:i \. ,los. ph W I'lliams, Mi'. stall ('utiibeil,on, to Mis:, r.dly Ilart\, both of that count). »>• Dlld), At New Haven, on tin- Mb ult. F.i.i Wihtnkv, Iv..), ai-'.'d .i'J w ars. In t!i, ,1, alh of tins emi- !i nl man, nol onlv Ins l.imily ,tn.l friends, but s(. ie*y, and the Aim ii.'an p.opi, lia\e sustain ed a luM\\ Idss. 'I'be nation v ill b. ar its trib- ot n lit. b. en inc:dei,i..ijl_\ b. n. \U I bis |)raetii al -.luli 'I'hr ( .ill ./r'/v/ S'.lutt—'1 he ce’’ 1 i-on Hill, wl'.en in I-gep,', hud ’he curios- itv I ) e.'wimine a catacom'). lie was ar- leid in his eXov.;;tion lie two g( b\ oV;e-oM!ie na- ailinil of stage;,. Whatever l;e tlie co dition of the louti , j j trip :,i;.'t: losi. j fives of til'* coi'idry as a guide. 'I'liey The sudden rise c.f wa!"r-ro'.:r!'e:; mav | length arri\ed al tiie sii.i'. ■■ml, withUia iSMtge of llie mail; l)ad readI taking any iiolire ol i '-oni| be ' tlemen, and coi’.ductetl I fives of t h a slop t ci.iiiH'l » ai;se \ the proper mea ( (' '.s.ijA- eiHTg\' Ti'.eri' aiv ’■ with si:. f'V ■ il- .juantit;' .-i’ I.a; or si\ miles a:, i . 1 Mr,. I-- ■,' j ■ th' ‘ faiiure of a ti'i]), if .pj)li'jd, V, ilh ll'.e ne- nry rfiL'd.; lu-r** a s p.'’.s.-"r,gers unrl a 1 i .inn.'jl travii : l;iit ’here i . r.o v la're wer.' .’i'M’g aboul t'.e j. e;l !)v i'ope s itr.o the vault were tlu'V 1 >v, n llian ;1 x^i; h :: : peclacle 1 iietr. V • J '• h.'TVo;, 'I'wo 1 l-ai'e:' :tly lar.el ‘r clea‘1 w Lo nd- No . IA> \-.b pre- i I'f-k r.!i lay 1 i>’)v \ il ■i'-in i', 1\ ...lilt ot a hap!) • I'i'.'i an.l aeijuii'ein. iil til)-, invi nti.Mi h.is c(,iii.,: on i!;.- »'(;iion i; i ow iii;;- ' liijhest e;urt ,ii liie n ■a.d ell:.’ n ef. i .• f d .111 tlie bi i!( !i, t!i..t ll.e I, \‘t'hitni'_\’s iii'.i ntion r. '.u:v!r 1-, (,f uiiilioii'. til ■ ■■'! t hat t !..■ pop" \ ' t( s N ill i;,. !„ 1 n."..- ".I .I. , ari; ionuiii'r I'i.ii I, V. hel'r ( ol! >■, V • I'.i!, Ill 1 thai ll.e i: 11II!' ' .i!)v ' a :'e;/inn'- .;iil e.: '■ lu I III o her I. o'li; II. 11’ ll.e' h lo il. '.t \i". !. :n f.tet:)r . f i i.iJ., 1!. I uncon i!.').i i ' 'i v liC' iit .1 • . .Mi' f ' -n! i.'i t he .■ondi'ion I ! ! ill .1 fair m lo in' a-, ..u i., Ark w : .;;lit, .;;.d . K'p V. !..':i hero. L iinl I ..ii'jii Ins n'. nins an.l 1 • .1 n w a'> an i ar- ppli^ :ition ot till -.c povv - . nd it IS notori.ius tiuit ■ .: reil an iii\ alua!)I>, boon ' (''-.s. \ .ludj^e .,f the n, '':'Uise!t a native ■s.-' ' 'j !i:«s de. lar. il ■ In lit ill n\ e.l tr.in: Mr. ' 'e I '.tiiiiate.l only by '!■II. II it i!, ci,n- ■ HI thi; cotton f^^row - ■A it. ina\imiini—that 1 u ill continu’: to be 111 lie a st;ip!e j'i'odiie- '' s |)laii t 11 n 1st oe- i;:ii., \ d, bot !i on t lii.s il V. .11 ,)'•* aiipi a;- t.io liifi. V li.sl-. ena -r.a- a lid I ii..'. I.V. as one o| ^di . . . and In ne- ■■ ' ■ iitiali) lo anil I', ,r- '■'! I. Mis iiauii' has !. ; ...th thos •U att, I 'Old \. id :■ .• ■n.: . ..r.j tor.;'ot:en. Di'A Til ()• \|. IIAi;i'r.i{. !‘ 1..'' im | ,n, n.di .hif\ to anno itu'e I ■ ‘iidil-:i .ie.itb ( f r..! i.’i.iiMiv I. iiiiu.di, i >. I !', K, V. ho \ est. I'd'i;. .I.:"., red i:;t of ij,,. I'. .' . t.)(|uent ad.!r.'s /s • .jury en.ji.unu 1 d. in tile ll.nr_\’,^ ...m.c-,,,' i i,, .j t,i .' t nii-hl as. !.-•(; ‘'ol .o.ii d h- :du , i . at I le A'- -li.ldv—t'.|i:. ii ri..' at,, i,; , I,,., I I !im ill Kunicsr, VNI) will infortn those people who are in debted to me by note for li.'ef hut s. ason to call and lilt th. ni out of the haiids of m’ •N’orwoo.l, by the tenth of this instant, or thev will fi!id till 111 in the haml.', )f an otficer; at: w hich tim-' tho.se v. ho may beiudebt. il !iv ixiok account, may rind th« iu in the hands i.f sai.f •V.iruood, subject «o in- lift, d without ost until the fiftcentl. iii>.t;int. I hope tlial every perMin who is eapahle uf reflectuitr. will consider that, cash alom- lull (r.ahlc m.' to pnrcha.-.e h. ef ;i!i.l tiot follnu lb. , .alile, that eaten brca.l IS soon forg'otlen. JOUV iir.NDidtso.v. February 2, l.SJ.T. — iwr F/r'FF.IJS of Adininistratioii havin|>: this day I been };'ranted to the snliserib. r on th. .-staft; Ot /achari ih Moss, di ceased ; be will s. ij, ,11 Monday, the Mtli inst. in the town, of Char lotte, \. ('. the foll.iw I’jr |)n,p, rt\ ■ fourJio;-'es. and c.nr wagon an.l j.;' ais, th.‘ pop.r" ofs.i.l d' ‘-e;is. il. (J. r.i.M.s, Adrn’r. I'el). 1. 1S2,').—'Jl'JO -I re.piest ill 'U rchants not todi r; V"II‘'F,. i.ll b\i r any of my ser\ant, (.^-oods, witli.i,,t an order from me. - - - Feb. .1, 18-Jj. • I »««»!. ^ u M II* til I SA.M’i. llK.VDKKbON, Stolen, T^KOM the sul)scrl!)cr, nearChcs- tei'ville, S. a d.u'k bay .Mare, blind in the rij«-ht eve ; abo. sa.Ulhi and bridle, an.l his s.i.l.lle-har, contaimni!: all his clothes, money, papers, iV’. I h.' horse, }^c. were stolen hy ’aman na’med .lohn Jones, consi.U'rabI) advanced In \earr, >,n-ey.headed,thin visa^fe, tive feet seven or’ei-h* inches in height. 'Fhis man l.a.I travelled wuh' mo from Augusta; and beinjr on fi)ot, ! often p. rmitted him to ri.li-, whil.- I wali^ed. Wbeu II. ar(;bcsterfieM. S. C. on ■Flmr.sday, the ,h1 in stant, anl m ar dark, I dism.nmted’and let him take my horse and ride iato the villa/;'c, and havinjc proceede.l some distance ah. ad e,f bim, he turned into the woods, n)de o|i‘, and I h.Hil not since been aide to catdi him, ir lo obtain any mf.irmation of the course he has taken — Whoev. r will appn h. nd said thiif, In.b,-,. 1,';^ in jail, secure uiy propem, an.l ^^ve informa. tion tome in Salisbury, so that I ,,.-et themaj.'ain -had receive a reward of twenty .lollars ; or t.'n .lollars for either the lior.se or I’bief. JAMi:s cam:m)i:u Feb,5, r,t21 f.jllowinj,- valuable HOOKS .ire forsalo ■- at this olVice, at redmcd prices : American Stat.' I'apers, I^moI.s,; iilli,-,s ||is, toryof (ireece, .") .lo; M.irshalFH I.ifr „f \Va h- i'«.i;ton. 5 do; H;j,rU„a>s View of the Worhl, Ci • lo;^ l-eri^usoii’s Woman ii |)uhlic, 0 do; |i:d- I'lm’s Mid.lle Aj^’. s, .idii; Ko\\ llistor'cal \v.(i !; I'.ohiiglodke ,m lli.,t(.rv ; I'.nrope from 1«' 3 to l«I.); lliMorv of N'crth-Carobi.a, J Is Me- iii-irs oi' W illiani Fill, J d.i; C„nr1 and Cabinef. it .1.0:1. s I. by .M.ss Aikin, U do; lli ui.jour’s -.k.tcb,'Hot the i;. Sha. s; Cliateanbnand’s I ra\. I-.; j'ark s do ; 'I'rav- Is of Ah l!e\, 'J vols McKen/.i.''s Vi-s.ip-.s; llobhoiise's .Albania, 2 \(ds.; It.ily, !,y I ady Mor}ran, 2 do; I.ife of Ma ry, (M. en of Seolls, 2 ; .Madam Campan^ M. inoirsot Mary Antoin. tl.'; Memoirs of .Mar chioness .b^l,aroc!i. Jacipu hue • Il.onTaphical ^k.tcliesof einiiKiit I.av.vtrs, Stalesim n and men ot lett.r.; ( apt Tuck. y’s Kxp. , tnm to Africa; O’Udey’s t.r. I niai.d ; ( .ipt, Forter’s .louriial ; .lonrnal of |,;.s Cases, t; vol-. N ipo ieon in F.xile, 2 vols.; l.ife of Fatrick’neury l.de of Fulton; l.ife;f Fer.iud; M. moirs of Napoleon; Nirhor.s H.collections ' i I.'Tiott’- Stnifii-d.s; do ■Fra\eb, ; i.if,, of Co^- p. r, J\oK. ; Kalile’s'l our , 'I 111 ^ . ars’ K\de l{. sonre. s of the ISritiah F.Il.pire . F t- kin’s StiitisI.es of the rnit'rd St.iii.^, Militar'*- an.l .\a\al l.i tlers; DeL.plaine’.-, i:,'p;,«ito,.v', j Nos., I'.dlc.' of the Citvof l.ondi.n , do ;f tbir ■| iiam.'s; Kmii.)rinmof ,\rt.an.l ^ic.enres: llrH i-.li Fo. Is, elegantly bonin!, '-Jivol... F.riti i) I’rose Wr.lers, « vcd^. ; :,H .\os. Fefv An- ".".e.i\ f,ir 111.-nation Ik.s dot.-s; (larkson on tlie Slav CouMTsations on Fol tieal F 'p. e.'lM s, J \ols. ; Si>ulli. :'.h r !• i, Trade. 2 \.,1 , I.OII.V; Fa si. in-:-. . : - I.lie of \\'e",l.'\'. J .lo ; Fife of CaUiii i do of Knox ; Iii>diop 'F.iV lor’-, Si-rmons, vols.; ( baln.er’s do ; ^ lialm I r’s ComnK rcial Disco-.mi. s r r hi-i-.tian Morals, .^1avonlC Nlinsli t I ; Fri . tnasoii', \i.i;;-a/.UK-, I'lo in. IS; F.eho; lialtimore Con .|ilr:t’cv; ^t;l^o^^ \1\tliolofy ; U iison on t.i-.imiii.ir, ,\it of jjr') lont;inn- life ; Cobbet’s \. ar’s IV .irleiier; in A !n«rica; Maternal Soliritud ' , Spo ini;;’ An.'• -I.i'. s; Ca-sar I).di)hini; Horace ll.-ipl.inV, Ib ir-, l.i'ttei's concerninj,'- the dis> as.- ol tl,,. rii'tjn-a l.ov.sof tiie Anp Is, •|’om \l, inor. d, .\o Fiction, ■> vols. \elv. t Cuslnon,'I'In l>iv, ale. r. voU. Aaastasins, Death bi 1 ( ..vons d' Fad_\ (iu. rnsej, S. v. niy-S.\, UaniWieklii;;-!'., l'. - '. ril (,[ tlie IV ak, Kmi};- of the Feak, ( ..^'l..s;■I th.- A r, FinOu .-n, Sir Aiiiln .v Wdii. I h. An- iKjuaiy, Foi-tnne., of Nijr,.], (iurntin I Inru .ir.l, th ' F.nU.I, K(lnin^^snlarke, or :i Tale of liie nrl.l, laiesot t^e Man.ir, .1 ustiiiia, St. Uonari’.'-i . II. Spi-ctr.- Ill tlie Forest, i’ir .li'. l,..Kao, t.- n- dv.ortli, Fh.' Cavainr, ’tbe U iidenie's-., t ak.i ot My l.ani'brd, 'l b.' Ai.bot, ?ie.'\c. Also, I'.njjlisb, I)i;frb, ami (ip.i.[ue il'i.-s'-'t of;i Slip. oK^li^v Uhiiik Cards, 1 .rj---. ;-e..| ^jn di, ,Vc \. I'ppi'.'i.t.c, s, fiom I.i t.i 17 y. ar. of a,;'e. wd! Iw t.iki'iV to the ( '.rria^;'.'’’.('.k.i ill: I'-'-', il .ippl . ..tioii hi- n .t.b,-M cn. Se'-h .i; ' M'' WI II r-'fm iiu ndK'd fi.r si bn.f, :.nd '- II t w th oiii:,;.!,. ,u „tiVage- •nt, 0:1 ap[d\ 11.,;- to t'li,. vi'.ii.M r il- r., ; FI N( n; \ii.!'i;iLLr'. ■1

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