VOL. I.] ('ii.inurrr;:, .v. r. ruKsn.iy, lEuiir.uir i:>, is [NO. 20. ! PIT' s;n,i) wi.k;. c.v I r.vLF>n Ki, ni\(;nAM, Lt Tllll' t 1UII.LAUS A I'!.II!, ;aIO IN AIIVANCK. I S I r .will be d'jc outjniicil, iinK ss at the of iIk‘ editor^ until all :irrL;u-iii>-cs are I" ‘ ... I >.;-v raTisF.'iE.vT-; will be ins' lit i lit tlie usual ^ WLotitV^fp lor the hcni'fit andenrtnn'f/a-eiHcnt of MKdlAM.SM in-the Wi-steni part of'Nortli-Carf.lin.'i. ^pilK foll^wincp sclii UK- is ilu- ros.ilt of a incc tnifC "f t!ie CharloUc lU■Me^.,1, t,t Mr- 'iian.c;.! Sontty. for tiu- i)uiposr of cU visitv,- I>i i-MiM'i S', !i'.iiiiir in ail\i rtisfiuents, are I v*n(l n'li'uns to cxcIkuii'-c tlic !.il)or alrc.i-.h '\|)en(li(l It. L !') iH't:' on llu' margin tin- nunibt'r ol ''rtlu y w ill l.'c conliiiut.-d until tbrljid, aciH);-diu"lv. aci Tun f> 11(1" in;;- \:iliial»li- l!(K»l\S are for sak- 't tins otiicf, at nduc eil prici-s : Ailii I’i*State. I’apers, l(M('ls.; (liilii ’s IJis- ^orv I'i' (.rricc, do , Mars!i:iH’s J ,ifc of \\ ash- 5 do, .iid’s Xu vvoftlv M i rid. 5 li‘, ;,'isoii’s 1{ >m.in l!( jMiliiie, ,• di; lial- lam's'luldli'•Vice';, 1 do; Vox’s lli-Uoric a! Udik, on Ilistorv; l’.uro|)t.- iVoni ItiOJ to IMj, lli'tory of Nonh-Caiolii.a. 2 vo!'.; .M> - p„ r I't" lii.atn I’i't, do; Court and ( :i)in. i t,fJaiiKsl. I)V Miss Aikin, J do , lit ;Liijour’.s jikiU'liis of the I'. St:iltn; (,'it.Ji-aiiliiiand's i'r.iMl’'; l’nr!>'sdo; 'i ra\l Is of ,\li lii y. J\ols.; M, Ki ll/''-'s NOy aires; lloldionsi’s A l!i;irii;i, 2 I lU.; liy l.ady Morg-ai', J do; !.',ff uf .Mn- tiiit'i ii of Seott':. J \oU.; M:nl;uii 'ainpMi's" Mir.ion’s v.if Mary .\ni('iiu-tti'; NJi nioii-'-( f .i-- rl;:Oli« >> de l.aroclu- J.unpu l;!!’- ; I! '^'r:i],hic4l (;k>:i of fiii’iu nt sMi. n a;)d !• '11 of U itirs; ( apt. 'I'lu-ki \'s )'\pi d tion to 1; )'!iiU'}’s llreiuland; Ca|.t. 1’urtcr‘s Icinvi.al; .li urn.ii ot' I ,;w C:is r\ \ f.!s. ; N;,po. [.I,,I ill r.\i!e, 2 vul.s.; L ft cf i’:itrick iimrs ; l.!c oi I'lilton ; l.ifi' '1 ri i'.ni I ; .Meiiupirs (it S jjoaiiii. \ eliol'-) ir-'- lli*( t lou-;; I i. i riott.'.s do i’rax (.]■:, ‘J voK.; 1 dV of Cinv- ir, 2 Mils.; I’afii *3'I'eui ; I i n ^ i a’*'}' r.\ I; ; i( (it tlu' liritiah l',inpii\'; I’it- M.iti.st.i> of the I’niti-d St:itifi; Military lul N.ival !)■. lajdaincV I,‘i positovy. ot till- l’it\ ot'l,(.ndon; do ot tlu i u'li'-: I.rr.poriiim of Ar>i and .'^eiinCLs; Mri't- Ifn j;Mi;tly hound, Ji\o!s.; Mvit.sli >\ ri*> V'. y\oIs.; ,>S Nos. I\ rcy Amc- ( I..1K Mirt o;t lh(; Slasc 'I'riidi', Jvol- IS on I’olif.cal F.fonoiiiy ; I'.r-kitu ( ll J S()l|tlK\'s l.lt'f fit \\'l'sh\ , ; I, t;-' f t’al'. Ill ; do of Kno\ ; r.ishcp'l :i\- ‘•■’I.III.’,', 'vois.; ( h;:l!i(r's do; ( In.lui- I i.d !)'C{)urs s; Miristian Moi'aK; :i c '•liM -tr' l; i ri I ui..sou’s ,Mn,:.,.u.ine ; I’io- s. i'.i iio ; I'l.iltimori (’onspimcy ; M;i\ o’s ; Wilson on (ii-.immar; Art of pro- I'. ;■ l ie ; ( o!)i)( \ rar'.s Tls.dmre in A- M.'.’vriird Mdicitndf; Sporting' Anie- C.V’iU'j)i Iphmi; Horace IK Iphini; cTi (.' ’iii-( rniu^ the ilisi ;tse f thr I'fi thr.t; "ianuf:ifturini{', for .-in^tiH r sto( k of ni:iteri:ds, that they may continiio ehfcrfMlh ui tiu- p. ivisf of thrir occuj)ation, hv whii'ii ;doneth(.'y have hicn instriieti-d to vi iko a .siih- si.sti nee. 'flu- ;;'n. :it want cf vt nt fo;- the l:;l.oi ot tlu- very linntc-d nianufaCTorif.s of the west- ern part ol .\orth-('arolnia. i.s sevendy fJt hv thosy \\ 1)0 |;a\f l)tH*n to rvh tlicii' lindessiAH aluu'.- for the support of'then-fan'i- lii s; arul siu'li indig'i iirc v ill doubth ss kei p cviTv hranrh of nieclianisni tluit labors undi'r it. in an awkward and eranip-d ccnidition, that nmst retard th.it ener^r,.tj,. spirit, without which it is uh[)ossi!)ie for the art to flourish. I he society feels saniruuie in the hope, that ?:enrlemen who are notin the habit of embark- m_;;' in lottery sclieuu's j^eneraliy, will be iidhi- eni'i d by eliarit.ihle nij*i\ es to eucnuraf^e uieeh- anisnt ;it their doors, and .thereby lia\e an op. portuiiity of pro!iti'i;r thein'ielv«s I'obU for Ml ailvaiiee, and aliordiii};' their count.iunu-i f'.rthe entoiii'ai^'iMnint of liie bo.st intirest(,f thr ue-tmi pan of ilie state. And for tli sc- (•iirit\ of tliosi-who ni.ay i miiark in thi'» sehemi', tiie '■oriety p:o])ose a|;po tit.iii;' sevt ral dis.nii r- ( ted ])ersons to \ alii'- the work, and >^ee that il shall not be in'ipoM d on till people at exor- I-tant pri.'i s. The soculy h:is sueeei (led in !>roriiri!!g' g'eiitl. nu n to si;])( rii,ti.|ul tin- (iraw,- i:i,r, iu whuin the piibhr h:i> full ennlidei;Vj;\ 'url whose nanie.s wlll;,i\( a cluiraeter to th'(V I.ott(. ry. 11 ;s proposed to ih'aw the sclu me ai soon a.-i the tickets can !)c soM, wlucii, it i.i liki ly, w ill b' in 1 Cbni.irx. LhudoU-.-, Jan. 11, l.'-j'j. sriiivViK. i'.lO ’I'lCKi/l's, ;it >2. JSnf ■/!('(> Jl/>;ill's I') (■ Prize. (I’li.cti u rnd (jottor I II.' \ I .S (Jt tlu 'I'oni (iui!)’s \leTvor al, No ll'iition, .? \ (’Is. \ eh I t ('us|ii(Mi, '1 he I’ri-.atet r. F'nis. Anastasnis, lli-ath lu-(l ('oiifrssior.s of' !\ liihTiisi _\, Se\iniy-.s \, liaun.iekiuivn, IV - '■! cf the l’e;ik. Kin;,' nt' thi !’■ ak, t 'astles in At, I’eiiOwi n, sir .\iidri"'v dii-. 'i'lu- An- in]'iurv, I'ortunes of .N.j,. I, (Ineutm Iliirward, Fntad, Kiiiint>'S!uarke, (.r a 'i’.di the New ' |lV‘'rlil, 'I'iih s ot the Manor, .liisliM.a, St. Iton.iu's ] ''tii.'peetn of the I'onst, I'irate, l.‘)^;':'n, Ken- 43 ''i(,"tli. The ('a\ alier. The W ilih rue?..', Tales i U- \I' I andlord. The ,\bl)ot, \r. ,\c. ■ ■\1'0, I'.n^lisli, Diiteh, ;uid ()j>;up'.e dri-'.''d ->) ’ Qii.li , (if .I superior (piaiity, lUank (.'.'ril.-, l-U'j^., ! 1(1 small, te. isc. v '' ‘ iiu'b The thoroi/gfi bred and rcU'hrult'd nn- ?//;?"• Hor^c. I ' '''■■ ■ to P rri " of fiOU (I’li.cti u rnd (jottor S,\w (•in) - - - - is do 'i.JiiO (f.uinh (joaeli} • is .;U0 do SJ3U ( ■ g) - - is 2.)0 do flHU (do ) • . is 1 IS'J do ^l.jo (do.) - . is Lil) tit) i-lOU ^SiiK- I'lOart! C; Cot.'. :i Saw (lin) i'i t;o (f'iiT III ^ .^ocia.'.le) is do .>-'0 (Hed^tiads) - is do >14 (a Sc. t of Ta!)h si is do rlj indsor (hairs') is ilo ilu [two l.adies’ W ork Tai II one I’einbroV'. ) - is do fH (Itellows tup Cnidle) is tlo Jo ((' I’loug-hs, 2 Str>.tl L. I,art! C;una) Stufc (,} (’jji-oliiia, '•TIP, Janui'.ri^ c M'. Ann ; cor\ rv. ( cf Plu:.^ «/>-/ (^n,a>;,r T-rm, .Ti.seph Voun"^ , •-\ttachnu-i.t k‘\led on iar.ds. .lauifs Means. ) I I "iip‘.'arir.;r ti, (],f. c iti^c.n^tini'. of ^|u-c.'iiirt. fl th.it .tames .M ans, the det" iidan1 ir> tp.is ctse. >.i not an iniial>it;uir of this st;i‘e ; It is tlu retore vm/, that publieatiou be m..de three months ui In.- C;.t;iwha .l.)i,rnal, notifyin,t;-said di feud- N-i'. to it unless he appe.ir at oiir next Court of Pieas anil Ciua’'vr Se-sion--, to |,i. lu-!d f.,r said eotiii‘y, at tile Court iJou-.e m Concord, on the thud .Moi.day In Aj r,l :u\t, and pleid, answer, or (lemur, judg-n.L-iit pro ccnfvsso will be taken ai;-;un.',t him. ))AN-I,. COI.IvMAN, r r. c. HintGO—price adv. 4 State (>l ^oi’fli-Ctirolina, :• \r,Rrs ( (■vvri of P(t(/:i aiul (^liK/rfir A(JauuaTy Tirm, liSJj. I'lliam L. Wcudin^toii■) , f Attar'jmrn'lc\)cd on .Tanu's NJraris. ^ lands. ir appearing' to tiip sati.-furtion of the court, th^anies .Means, the defendant in this r;,s,.. IS nti*^ inhabit;iiit of this st;ite • It is ortlcrnl, tb.Ti tore, tlu(t publiration he made tliree Uionths III the Catawlui .louriial, notil^n;^ said dcfeud- fiiit, that utiles, he appear ;it ^r next court of I’leas and (,*:iart..r si-sio„.. ti:/l,'. t„ !d for said county, at the ( OMrt-ll'jiis'. in Coii.-ord, on the third .Moiiih.y in AjU'd ueM, anil ph ad, ans^\er, (u- din.i«^ii(lL;'mt lit pro contv.-.so w .ll be taktti ai,'-;uus^iim. ^ D'wi:. (oi.ivMAx, r r c. r.;i;t,,')—prl'.e adv MCI I. r* Is I r.N m un k. ovntv \\ illiajiis and Clinton. ^ , Ol ,- .!ial Attui Iiincat. SI.Ti'.n;.^ b’ti .a.! ) Ui tiu'uid le\iid on one ni qto ntan, ’he proper- or.i'.'n d !>y‘?he courl. that advert-iseim nt ' bn m.dle f(ir liiree nuuiths in the (licirhti •h iirniit, for t!i'' di lendant to appear at the I'e-1 , . brnary term of this coiii't, in lS?,i, and there to 1 i"';' liiuj’- tlu' result reph \ y atid plead to is'ue, otheru iso iudi^nieut eiwry ti\ e \\ csterii Stat«'s to .Xdaiits : L isiaiia, Kt'iiturky, Ohio, Missouri aiul ntoM Tin iialkk.h nKoi''Trii, )i:h. 1. 0 are I’aMiiTd with the ftdlouini^ rx- tra t (d’ a letli-r fVoiii a Menilier cd'Coii- Urc'ss, at \\’asliiti,:;ttjt!, lo his IViciul in il>i's City, liatetl the ‘J.Uh iiistatil : “ I'hc Kul)ic()n lias heen passctl, and .Mr. Crawlorcl and Gen. Jackson arc both beaten. I Iiavo Tio plcastiro inniakinir thr coin- tnimicalion ; but have, notwithstaruliiii;', v.'itli the vi(‘\v t)f piittini;' to iTst your soli- (■'.Itnie on llic subject, ailed inysclt’ of •he ('arliest opportunity to i’;ive you iiilur- riuillon ol'a ddinitive. I may almost sa\, of an njlrifd t'haracter. In iny last, I hellevt', I told yoti, that fien. .lackson was cri'tainlv heaten. and lltal the jiarty who h«'!d in their hatuU ihc issues ol' the eiertion, were li dancini', l)ctuce!i Mr. C'l'uulord atu.l Mr. Adams. 'I'hat information 1 den\rd from ati un- (]uestit)iiable sourro, with the at eoiit|)uny- int;- dech.rallon, that Mr C'iuy’s ft ii-nds hat! come to the determina'ion td' makifii" a Irank disrlt>sure to the friends of Mr. ('rawfoi'd ol tluiir cotirse, should ihey ui timatcly tal;(' up Mr. Achims;and that this iiiformalion :;’iouId be;;iven in t/'i/r ll»it fi'i’ .Mr. (.'ra\\ I'crtl’s friend') to act with tlu'ir eyes cpei’,.—Vc'.'.i*rday e\euif.(;- the '■eiitleuu'n of tlie mc^s in which 1 live, wei'i' M aited upon iiy •*'' ‘ ,,i‘ Ken- !iir].y, and forniiilli; i.oiifie d (d’ the ult i^la^e determinai ion of his (hdevfalltiii to s'ap- p.orl Mr. .Vdams. At the ^ame lime, iul’ormln!:; us, that he was nd .lulhori/.ed to Sj eak lr atiy other , but that they I'lad lie n consulted, and that, they would I'licli, tlir.’jMCvb their oun jr,,:in, comiaii- nicalethe f.id to us. 'I'his e\en'., thoiii'ii coii.fideti!I_v (‘A[iei';ecl b^'soive. andfeated by all. has produced st ir.atioTi l.eie, afid there ( visls, us i'.ir as 1 know , but oiU‘ (;.uv will will be tS'.tcl'i il ag'ainst him 1'^"t. 1\ \, AI. i: V AN1) KIJ, C/O'.v. .imJl.—price .011- 4U 42 L’4 s and 3d 8 I tl H, and 6u a.lv H:'r 5_r ami s hi GO {liai.ifii by Capt. Samuel ^^■3■,hini:;tor,, of Va.' ,^II,l. stand tlu do ?J (llats^ - - is flo i-'t (Camih stand) • «» tlo 5,) (ilo) - • is do f.) (do) . . is do ;rJ (25 cast steel Axes, and 2 Shoes) - - is 6uU Ido fl (Tin are, JeWelrv, Shoes, isC. i^C.) - ■ . is 4.n fJu7'2 ^kets can he had in Chariolte of the under- il C(iniUii.*;si()iuTs,. by htl(.r, po.tap- ;viid, s i.i;- tlie moiu y , or from their aj;'eiits in 111,';, ''t;ites\die. Concord, I .incoltitop, \ille or I .aticaster ; who ]dedire tlu inic!\i s the Jiri.'es asset forth in the s.dum's IHitiois.'—(..'lay’s interest wiil al:i(» carry Maryland ; to wITk h, it is i^etierallv be- lie\('d hefc, New-Yoi'k ma.y be a ided. Thf'se. wilh ihc six N'ew-l'niri.nid Slalt s, will settle the conl('st. In the last ;,lrti'j,- II.1 expense ■ ^ euiiTtaiii a ^loii!);, but II to c;dl on ^’irl;^illia would vole lor Mr. \dams, I rather than either fien. Jai ks(,ii -hould I percli.iser, \ 1/ — ■ succeed, (,p >li>, Callioi.n tome in ihi oiigh I' the \'ice-l*residei)cv. ” 'I’he li(dtunot:e /V/Z/'/oZ savs : ‘•Our inloinialion Irom WashiM'i^ton put it !)eyoiul doubt that .Mi NV ]u rsoii desirous to settle in \ dlag-e (,f Charlotte, .\. C. the troiliile biiildiiij,''. w ill do w ubsenbir. who (.‘iler.i f'or s;ile his honsc and Ic ts nil terms t., pleasi tliree front lots and t w o !i;i. ■Hollow, and adjoininf,^ W l]i:.i;i l.uck\’s land; I also, two lots, tlu tr'.i.t in llroa(! street, atul I back lot. adjoiiiiu^ tlu Methodist (jhurcli.— j Als(). a two story dwi I! ng-houM on l$road-st* is such as t pair, situated a feu rods in,rth-east t'rom I'li- Court- Adams will be. the next pre;.iide!il. Our V Ii,x.,.w. 1. ^ I • . , * House, with two hits. ()u the pn nuses are an readers mav rest pet i’ectlv sali.slied, that m'* .Jl wc speak advisedlv upon'the si.biect.- St.'ibk'b, and e\er\ otlicr nccess.ir\-onf liudd.n;;'. ! ,. . . • , * KDW ’I) M.’nnoVsoN I H'lormatioti is deri'.(sl not oiii\ Imuu j the friends of Mi. .\. bat fiom those who •VuWev. ' ! liave heietofuj'c bupporleti other tatidi- T. .■v-iiriir oiti'ii ls luasinp rh'n’ntte dates.” in th(' uiontb of .-\pril. All persons tliatl • J 'IV'' I I'I' ■'''.'liul tiie Spr iig- sea- ? f sf>n, comuieiieiiii,' 1 iie 1 st I M( *’* 'hirrli. at \(.rk .iile ?*■«./ other w... k : and at M i MerkU'nbur^- rount\. e\ei'» other (ni alfeviiaft ly, (publn ifa\s f xc , ill tile I lid of till' season, whith w ill be (ui the '' of .liib' next. "|ll,l) MKDI.I'.V will !)•■ 1.1 to n..ires, ..t du ' .U'at( rat. of tin (io/!i;n the season—note' "1 ue ri’fpiin d af tin’ sam*' time, jiaj .ibl.‘ *■ ' I'd of the scasnii—si.r tlie singh ■1. t 'he paid il* th.- tun..' ot''' r\iee, crtl,e cimMini ■' ''V Ij lie ronsider. 1! :'s put il’. t!ie St ei.ti—1 * (it,Uur>> to im.iir.- a are to be ni fo;i', t ' a i M,i,n as it I..; (!i.,eo \ ria d she is in ti1 !;i ii’e is [nirted w th, tiie mont \ to lu eonu ;jar.H' a.s tlui'urli she had n'.t 1 ii 11 |,.,ut Ml. !'y i xcrt'on w'.il !c r.'c.I b\ *iie subscvi ' !■'' • nt ,ieeld> nt.', but lie Will iK-'t lie ae ' ' i'ov atn-. I)l'.( Kli’TKW, ' Ml:li. . .. e. ,J 1)1 a'll if'd >rl.>r\ '' ^ "lid 1 iialt iiii;'i. of line term .iiie h'^.ire '.■ iH i;; and .ci'i a' I'mse'il.ir powi r n.iiK.i;.',!., :t'M.'jiiiv v.,is”'. I l.\ o',I i'.iip.vsef I.:. (i;,m i.v'th.- im.iMtrd il-.'s, | | * 1'" I ..ll.dl ree. thiviy d;i'.. al'ltr the draw in,t;-, or iifund the luoiK \ t'l p;ir;.'haser.'(.t' tK'k(.ts, ]'i'ovicied t!ie seiieuic .sli.;ll nut be draw ii. s • ^ ’I . ii!:M»r.i;s",-, I ^ (dll.KV KI',M»I!I( K, .l\n. lio\ I). N. IV r.xpl.inatnry iiaiul ISills c.in be h.ul of I 'be ( (lUMiissloiii : s. r b;ive (laittii ae.aitu t me, \. ill pleas'- presi nt lli. ui tor setth nil nt a^raui.st th. l>tday of M.m b . tho -.e iiKicbli .1, wiil save co‘,t i aiid trouMe, by making paynii nt in a f'evv weeks •lAMI S T Asr.l KV. riiarlotle, ,Ian 1, i.',.; Thert' uill be kept a u'ood a sortmcnt e.f H ir- uess. ;i;, 1 dtht!' artu l( s in m\- Imr, t.ll till lii'st d:iy of .\]',i'il. a.ad \nll be Sold low lor cash oiiK'. Stolen, till- snl’s 8 trvdhsS.t. lohf. .Inn. eo;. Mi!i r:dil'. a..-, e L;'n \ dU '.idi 1. til 11 \ , t \ e t' ' ' ineii il> In i.ul ’. Tlii> lna'l I :i. MU' 1 i'(.i;i A ii^'iisla ; all.. In i ; i p.. r;i.,tt d him tu ruli , w inli I w her, uor.r Ches- S. ( . dark b,i\ M ir , i.;'i|t ( \ ■ ; also, safliile I ; ml ills s.tddli -b:' . liii'iu _\, [i.ipi r>," h il In .a man liaiiit d j a.'.’. in: > d III ^ ( I's. i .’^1 ([r. su'«sc;'ih( V I»e;'. 1e:ivo to '.iif.n-m t lie pub- ;1* he in ;.,''cm ral, t'l.ir In’ ( irr. ^ mi the Ilunli- , /h'l.in .'ill Its \;iri(i .-, hr.Ml In s. II imiij;' j Ml:i]>hi 1 hitiix If w ith 'I;, li.'-.t ( f n.ati r.aK, be wiilexceutf- w (ii k in the u( atc.it uiauni r ;i;ul en I ' M’ the slmrt. s‘ noliee. and uliei'iMs tin' :u is lo ie j V. 11. \ 11 I I'd.'•> fill' i’.'i i!.'» and Ci.'p\' r.ook, I I ree atid i li!ii;lilei''' 1 pie will!'. jjuiuiii.ilK alt. ;.di .1 to. jpi'obai’i'-n ati 1 tta'i ud'‘, ! ii !'5 ' .M'Ci.kci !i;,iibia:i; atid'ii;i: i ,dl\ Trnm the New-York Amerieun. Tlu' rollouiii!;^ l'( sobiiii iiis v\ el t‘ jKiSsrd ^ tnviiiiiMt.ush by tlieSiiiate ij\‘ Mtibsmltii j .sc/Av, mhI will (hutbiless |)a-s th(> House I ol'lit iiresentativcs v itlii»i.i a di^seniient voire. Siiuil.ir resoiuli'.’us \^(•l'e p.,ssi’d bv the le;"i" latu'-e d' Sout!i t.'aroliiia. ’! hese tribulvs of I’i I'liii;;- and ie ;pe‘ !. art; ftil'v inei itid by tie- si r\ i-'e- ;iud v.ortli (d‘ .Mr. Moiii'oo, i.iid i;,e u i ,d'i;ii and pro ir y ol his admiui ;i r: ; ti/ii; ^\ iieicus tlie te. ln ( f td’.K e (>f .1 \'\II , Mo.\i:oi , i'l'C'.id.'ul 'if the i Tiittd S'.tatev, iite(nvhe *tli da\ ol .March iiex.t: ijitetr. by a ol'ilu-ir ap. it;i| s. \ I ;i (II I 11, d d.'.rk a'ld ; In., ;;r;iii l d' It ;;T:iiid d.'im 1 '.id l{;H'kit.. i'ear: 11.111 lib . h. i s'.lilt, ai.d m ar I t ike m\ !ii.t •'f I ha\ itn;' prei lied s.' I h ' turn' d into ‘.iu- w not SI Mi'e In e:i a' 'le :r,\ intormation ( t' tl 1 W hoe' I r w dl ap.|iri i I ill Jail, SI riir.‘ !i ' pi b'imr 'ew II' ■1 th'.' 1 II I 1 1 d.'lll'. I'oill >e d s.iiil t: ' , a hl-.t. Ila S eoeI'.t' , h • hii u r h iiiij' r. ! ■ i.res all pi t's' s , conn's^ on or !i(.; f-.'it- ’ed '■! 1'. ' “ I him '!tee lu: .bar 'h ill'" {'-III Leu: jvermiiei.t ( iiit.ii is rii'lit i.'id ;)■' ( ;, '! f h ■:d i I.; to ohi y ■•'oi.rt ,11 tiiiS pi 'I'll' ;■ ;iiii» ^ .imi p ixi.'to',- n r ( , ,.k' S' id. !..( Ills, in 1 ill ■ th.e: ilaiu:. .,1(1 t, n.iiii aiin till. .Ai'.i.i.a;! 'lollaf' I'e'i l’it'*y cuts w'll hi. , n tt".'iii each piTso.i I'erson.i a li'i ch 1 r; jj. (im- ir.'h. - it. :.f!t : i- 1 Ui I'-IO'l > , S" tti:,i 1 ol t u . at h: ■ r .1 A.Ml..'i t •1 1 Wi ( ir,s (.f an lis. iil(, { U llHi riiiir, i hii t ,l!v 'I a e\ '^iv.n;,' , ;i I''(*;■! ’.‘i I' 1 .a. t d V li ,.m. 1 IK,s.. :'iii| |.-:ivi. til,'111 \, ,tli 1 ■■''e W ith t'ii..l, Can lo lie 11 . a \ .'V'l ;'iid ii.'i., sow n a yoo.l |'..stiiraL-e. 'until mi'.l- 'i.ijih of it iiof saniil upon \'i!' ier '>''>trict, 1\:,, 1, i:. i;;2j.~o-:' - (r.iMiiK ''' 'b.' und' riiL;'m l, r V 11 I!1I|S(|||.| vrr.. 't.t'y t’':.- '"od 1 \. o s^■a'f^n ; m ( '... I mi a lioi'se of sii 11 i i.ir !■ p'lw er and .dc; me .nrp:, i-nlt, -ir, r:irit. '■ .//«(/// //, i;r/, ,.v, l>- /!■ him! I - I.,IIS c ' "•■■'U'* U. .S,,; 'I by none i.i iieralh' I,ire.' ( 1.1.' in!> Mnl i-l'.-!- ,~we :'M, iiiali.a. ’■d a-. 1 Inal no'\\ ni (immo.dn •'/l .•■/I'T, Ir,.p J. ti i to t'u AAIULN Ctiai/i. AV.''-//. Clrjir i.\' (J,‘jit n/a' rM.N'rtj:. ■; i i: I C];N^ bis 'haul.-' to- h . tV; ] ) piii.lie, for th''lili. r.d eiiC in"..!. he ha' .dread\ ri'i ei\ i d, and .1 ccn*imnt'ce nt' p.itromu'' •o do :dl kind,.: of I'aiiitiii!.;' in li tinu.'i'- liiay il. p' tld O'l ha'. I;,;;- j\ cMH'n.' d. and w I'h de>pa’idi I'lii.iii’,; iji tiie ci.'U'itiy ..!i('>v' i'(,tii-f. S. p.. )ld r!i iltN r,‘.pai!it( '7, • 1. h . .l iP. 2s :: Oi* ('hair 11V '«•; .(i!!!. •d'KF..\/IK. ^Jakillir ItMr .ill t inu's be rei ( i\ ed b j iI ii po's sti I't; aii.l sa' i iherei'ii. ( . i.'i.siii'n 'r’la' 1 ir, 1 \ itu'i (1 t lia' .1 '. 1; .M o • j ! lie I luted S ■'•( . b.r ! ess.'tiiiai ; lid itr;..,: t . ! I oip ': \. ii'i I !! a dUt V 11 ! Ilietr , I if til' i.' 1 . >|iei I and I '' .'ill. tlH'SC who in at ( oj'd- 111. adrii'iuis*. I' !ted to their ', und i;r: 1 at e 11 ne p i>-, ii'i ' ' ion: 11" il. finement of manners Tiiight be expected. \ssassinatitnis, tlie courage of cowards, IS the order of the day. .A pliysician, protected by the tiarkntvss of the eveninj^, murtl’Tcd a member of tlie ieij'islatuie, to ;^ratij'y his tnale\olence—the son of the ^aneriKjr of Kentucky, is foimd w ith the blootly ii;arments upon liim of a stran.e.ef, whom he harl decoyed, nmrtlered and robbed. Judi^es anil district attorneys, |)orish in prixate comb.it—and the Imin- bler c!aS'.'‘s ol societ\, lollow ckjse in the rear of tliose savaijfe examjiles. Siu( ly lIh' West has f^ained little in ci\ili/atioii since its early history. The wild beast'^ that inha!)iteil it, might ’plead instiiicifor ;heir ferocity—the tnuch abused ami in sulted ravages, no ci\ili/ed nation dares to rebuke, seeint;; that the most civili'/.ccl encouraived them to seal]) their prisoners, lor the ( atise ol udigion. Hut we of tiie present day, what exciis(‘ shall be niade lor us—notie—none. Let iis ll.itter oiir- sidves as much as we j)lease, as being the Ifiitre of ci\ili'.'.alion, where ravs are to tt) emanute iti all directions fur the bene fit ol mankind ; let us send niissionaiies iiitt» the wllde.'»iess to iinteach the savage the \ ires which man, in a slate of refine- mi'nt, has taii!|;ht liim. Hut befoi-e they enter on the sphere of their exeiii(»ns, let them slop, iitul eiidt'avor to correct those \ ices wliii h all the advanla);es of society have proved inadctpiate to overcome. C7uis. Courier. Prr/H/i Flid off' St. I)omi>ie;o.—Capt. Crane, cf tlie ( riteiioTi, states that b.e saw-in a Jamaii a paper of 27th ult. a par- ai;ra|)h, staiinji; that the s( hoonei' (Jorj.jf', ('a|)t. Jones, which had arrived at King- st(jn, from this i)ort, had been spoken by th‘ ('(dfuiibian I.rig , ('apt. .\ndcr- son, and iiifoi nied that a I'reiu h Heel of consideralile force was off Si. Dominp-o, :ind tiiat he had been chasetl bv a Span-. ish fiigate. C'ajit. f. states, in ((mlirnia- tion of the correctness of tb.is ;nleHiip nee, that iij)on meniitjniug the f.n t to the Col lector at Crooked IsI.ind, he informec’ 'liiM that informalit)n corrolxjraiing il hatJ been received tlu're. i\'orJ\ilk Ikncon. Il !•; pcrliap'!, s.'iN s frjo rpp(> F('nr Kf- rorder, not vcr’.’ KciU'r.'illy known, ei- llicr in or oiif f the slalo, that Cot- fon l''aetor\, eaprililc of eijiitainiiio; .n- bi'iil lO.OOt) spiii(|lc,.5, is now fn'ctiiip;, and is in a sfalo of iorwiirdness, on an t li»;il)l(‘ seile known hy the miiiic of ('rar,s ('rci'/,\ in tlie town of F.iyeltc- \ilh'. 'I'his lniiidinr, which is th(; pro- p(M(y of Mr. Will. J^. Al’Xeil, mer- eliaiit of tJial plaei', .'ind a creiit Icninn in I’roviih'iiee, ,'U. I.) we understand will be conipli'led e.irly in the next.smnnier, and tiie maeliiiiery put into opL'ration. Mum—AV(> h-arn from t'lc .lournai that Mr. VVills, who l!.t( Iv dii.d in I'lul- rid' Iphia, has beipu atin d the whole of liis t-s-. tate to f:baiilalde |)iii'|i()'a ', To live Monthly M'l tiiigs of'die S*iciets of' I'riends in thatc.itv. In- li.as left >,000 dollars each ; to the Orphiir* Asvhim 10,(yU') dollars—llu v ahialdc house No. (•(.>. Ch' smit st'.a I t, IS iiovv the projit t iy of that; So( icty. The lumses No. HJ oid \o. (;lie:- nut ..treel, are l( ft tojlu, three dispcnsiiries— the I’hdadi Iphiii, and die Northern ami Sonlh- ern. I ive tlioiis.inii doilars al'.’ be(pieat|icd to the Ti'ii lids .\s\ him fnr l.neatic s. The Mag-da* h n As\ bun r' c( ii es .>,0(ji) d. Mars ; -ind the (Mul* adelplii.i Society for 1 Ikcsiablishm-nt and sup port of Chai'ilv .Schools, fthe \\ ahiut sir. et So« ei(l\,: ivceii..s 1,.';00. 'Ihc n sidlle r'f his VS- t'ltf, \ ;dm d at 100,dollars, Ik Ii s h ft to tlii^ \| I'.or and Councils of llu Cit\ ot' IMi lad. Iphia, Inr Ml' ( ' iMi .liim nt of a llosp'.i'il fdtili fniii- l.u - ard to !i,- (all. d It II. ' //.,y. fii!iil. ' W ills, Mi\s the ,liairii;d. w a-, .a grt.ccr iM C li( s it st r. et, and his t'oi' iire u as inbiT tc.l fl'om h ' (Ill( r, lio, in t he ( apa( ,t . s ol a sail or—;Co. aman—workmnii in hat n .ikitif,, anij l.'.lv a ^,v.u I r, acipnred b\ . ronome and in- l.histiy 'III tni ans of t'oiindin;,' tlu: hanty whicli i dl er iiohle his mum'. a;i(.\ (• ,\ (III. illd ' 11 rm: 111 b. •1'. -■ •a 'In n'- t li;': l.jt'c, T' ^pei t- ■Il ' p i!reiia;:e. 11 , ,1.1'.I,. i\ I on -t I'm 'v d, (Ml ;ii'i i,ii,iii(iil:itiii' Mvnrr,.'^ ;t,.i w in i'i\c. ( mad to oi’iU i', I'.m b.' ii.1'1 I 'I s! ,'1-: iii'tic' . w 11,1.1 V (1 i,\ i ';i;or.-sr,. I bar!, ‘te. W 1 j. ~.,;i ‘.,J ynx b lb I iieir V. o'.'k 111' will uid r. I ai:i III \i» will ini'.irm tin I I til m.' bj m 1! ,ind i.i't lie 111 out I ooil, Sy tin t( ti’h f;'i 1 tbi m in th.- Iiaii.b h i III.' *1,0 .' '.. ho m,i\ I ni. I'.’ t'tai ill.'!-', i l 1i, s^'‘i . ' to !)■■ Hi !'-d ’.f;. I • 'i i';;s’ . I h"!)!.: t, ^ph.: who 'i”e ir- ' t.'f 111 . f 1 e-> Si as( n, ( f il.r l.an.U el ('. .Vt ibis itis;aiif, or th( \ fd' an oft'Ti r . ■ is!:tiii>.. ' . I’lesidi .■adeied ; SI ,’ V K I ^ 111 I ' !V r bitn tl.e t' olis.ilei',. I lon. .'/llnn/)'i'if , ?ss(ii.'^iiidhnn. —'I'he Peiisaro- a (l.i/cMe ol the 8ili insl, mentiojis that • ''S', i iiii a* Il iiipl. \y'a ’ iit.ifje on t he Monda v j)ia I ih d.- oj.- (.1 I i; •i ll, pro . e (d 1 iK' t itirct'S'-fid aditi roe, I'l esi'b'i'. ' '!. r V b'ise ,,dl;' iiig ( 1 l)i\ ill.' 1 ;)l eC(M’\ , 'K, il, U' slia.ll I'l t il (■ I V. i;b l;ini ' 11'' *• 1 islatii! e t'-i" i'l : V. and ba 'ipi'.:. Jtisiili‘i'i\ 'i i,.i; 1 is II,ir 1..' I. (ji " i.'d ; es^dnliutis to the I’l Mall .laii; i'll a' f>\ i(i( !i:.' !■ Iiilure i.eallii, . atul Mon- ; uii- i -s n i .'.ce;;rli( t ■ '.ia'ii.uaiea'.' ’-ddeiii til ti.e L I;||., :v III i( —J r"'pu s? to ;iii\ oi my rom nie. > i!i M. S'ri'r " f ^'fll■'■ . (,pii la! il .11 oi' 1' mo! e iiist'ir. e-. e a’liu ii’M-'-.l p:Mi 'V Idrli !'. ‘ f ; i;iu i':' I'.(I ' ( i i )i) d’ll'.^l ev I S !i us I’lauM ' M 11 .1 11 s:c'.> ', ■ 1,: ..i^ I — riie dense celv lutnishe' Violeiici , tlia.i! y ■'\e( k i'l il;. hr W. ,ti I II I! the hi ;i I ;, i'.n . Ill op( II (lav liidit. in one of the str'i's ()t tiia* place, !ty i’eter .Mln, jr. ’’iiin .Mav(;r of t!ie lown, to assassinite ( ol. W hi'i', one of the Cotnniis'iioners I"!’ ascei'Uiiuitip; l.atitl Clainis in WesL 1 h.rida. , 1 be ( a!:--'' of the attack is sauj to ha'.e been the diseoveiy and exposi- li'ol bv ( nl. \\ i'lile. of ;i s( heil'.e (d’ iVaild, iuviliich .\ 1.1.1. w iI !i o!r,ers, is ass^M'ted to li.i'. ' liei'ii eti'ra'.'-t (1, to possi’-'.s theniselv es, tabrii'i.led title'- il'iuble iiropi'itv , td ,()iue (it ilu in the (iiiin'rv. .So. Pair tut. most I' h'.ii n troni \'» al'"rbi/rou!;'h, tliat .'Ir. I’jhow'., Ihiti her. '.I lliai ii"ighh(uir-* ilcod, W .,||()I l.u I I lvl: \ last 1)\ Mr. M. Him \i . also of liiui \ u mil y, v\ iili a epi 11, .;idi d w i! li bin 1, sluit, and expir ed soo;; idii'i. A pii y f f liKjitest was suniiiiiiueil, v. Iio ; ei'i; lii'd a veidict of I.-'ji:' I'r:i ,/r,-. M f. j', sii I t e nde ri'd liini« -"df '.I ihe C oi>.|iei' oi t!i ' l)istri. ! niul . oi,uiiiM.".| tl. e.il, f.>;'I, W ( ;.,ivc .11 .t" S')i11 ■ 1/1 the t, 1 ■ d t.) tills tiK'I.inr i',..lv . "t li'ibu !v,;i. 111. tit. iUsl.'tir. s v liii h .uU. bn reirairi CW. C'Jti»•?'/,

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