VOL. I- ('IUHIOT'1% X. C. TVESVAY, TEBRIABT 22, 1825. rNO. 21. rrni.isiiEU wki;klt BvLKMUEL bjxgiiam, T "UB£E DOLLAKH A VEAIl, PAIU IX ADVANCE. »>* No paper "’‘*1 discontinued, unless at the j.jcrir'iioH of the editor, until all arrearages arc- iia. AavEUTiSEMEXTs will be inserted ."it the usual •jtfS. I’ersons scn(>ilnj;- in advertisements, we •t quested to note on ilic marj^in the number of iiisi'rtioiis, or tliey will be continued until forbid, iiiJ charged accordinrjly. [IFIE following valuable HOOKS are for sale [ at tlii-s ollicc, at reduced prices : \mcrit :ui State Papers, lOvols.; (Jillie’sllis- ;orv of (irceco, 3 do ; Marsliall’s 1/ife of Wash- in'Acii, 5 ; Higland’s View of the World, 5 !o; l ergusoii’s Roman Uepuhiic, 3 do; llal- la;r.’s Middle At^cs, 4do; Fox’s Historical Work; Doliiiglimke on History ; Kiirope iVom 18U'i to lbl5; History of Nortli-Carolina, 2 vols.; Me- iioirsof X\ dlkim I’ilt, 2 do; l^oiirt and Cabinet }■ Ja nes I. Iiy Miss Aikin, 2 do; Jkaujour's kctcliL'S uf the U. States; Chateaubriand’s rruVL'ls; Turk's ilo; Travels of Ali Iky, 2 vols.; ilcKv-iizii’s Voy;i}ros ; Iloblioiise’s Albani;i, 2 olj.; Italy, by l.u'ly Morgan, 2 do; Life of Ma- , UiKcn of Scotts, 2 vols.j Mailain (Jaiitpaii’.s ilenioirs of Man Antoiiu tle ; Memoirs of Mar- hioness de l.amclie Jaccnielino ; Hiograpiiical Skctclies i>f eiiiiiu nt Lawyers, Statesmen and a lit'letters; Capt. 'I'uckey’s Lxpedition to AtVica; (I’liilcy’s (ireenland; Capt. I'orter’s ToiifiKil; .louniui of Las .Cases, 8 vols.; Na])o- ic'H in I'\iie, vols,; Life of Patrick Henry ; /tL' of I'liitiiii; I.ife of Fennel; Memoirs o{ polVon ; Niehol’s Uccollections ; Herriott’s Stiiig'i,d> s; do 'I’ravels, 2 vols. ; Life of Cow- |ter, vuls.; Kuflli ’s i’onr ; Ten Years’ K\'le; lsiiiivcs of the Hntiah F,nipire; I'lt- n’s S^talistics of the L’nUed States; Mil.tary lid Nava! Letters; Delaplaine’s Repository, 2 ; I’olice of tlie City of London ; do oftlte rliuines; Kmporium of .\rts and Sciences; lirit- ish l\)Lt», elegantly bound, 2,5 vols.; Hrilish I’.oso \\ riters, 8 vols.; 38 Nos. I’l rcy Anec- lotcs; Clarkson on the Slave Trade, 2 vols.; t'onversations on Political Keonomy ; Krskine’s Speeches, 2 vols.; Soutlu y’s Life of Wesley, 1’ do; Life of Calvin ; do of Knox ; Hishop Tay lor’s Serntons. 3 vols.; Clialmer’s do; Chaini- L'oniniercial Discourses; Clir;r,tian Morals; llasonic Minstrel; Freeniascn’s Magazine ; Pio- neirs; Kcho ; Baltimore (Jonspinu y; Mayo’s M\thologv; M’ilson on Grammar; Art of pro longing life ; Cobbet’s Year’s residence in .\- mtrica; Maternal Solicitude; Spc'rting Anec- dotLS; C:«sar Delphini; Horace Delphini; Bell’s l.etttrs concerning the .disease of the Urethra; Loves of tile Angels, Tom Quib’s Memorial, No Fiction, 2 vols. Velvet Cushion, The Privateer, 2 vols. Anastasius, Death bed Confessions of Lii'ly (iuernsey, Sev(jUy-Six, H;uinockburn, Pe- Viiil of the Peak, Ring of tiie Peak, Castles in the Air, Pen Owen, Sir Andrew W ilie, The An tiquary, Fortunes of Nigel, Quentin Durward, 'i he Kiitail, Koningsmarke, or a Tale of the New ^Vor!li, Tides of t he Manor, .lustinia, St. Wonan’s AVi ll, Spectre of the Forest, Pirate, l, gan, Ken- ilwonh, The Cavalier, The Wilderness, Tales of My Landlord, The ,\bbf)t. kc. 6:c. Also. Lnglish, Dutch, and )pa(|ue dressed Q'lills, of a superior (juality, Blank Cards, large and bmall, Jtc, S;c. 77/e thorough hri^ihmd cvlebratcd run- ////?”• //(ir.se (R;vised by Capt. Samuel Washington, of Va.) 1 .L stand the spring sea- ▼ f son, eoiiinu neing tile 1st For the benefit (uid evrnvnnremcnt of MIXHAMIS.M in tlie Western part of North-Caroliiia. rilHK following scheme is the result of a ■ meeting of the Charlotte Iknevoknt Me chanical Society, fur the purpose of devising ways and means to exchange the labor already expended in mamifaetnring, for another stock of materials, that thi'y may continue cheerfully in the exercise of their occupation, by whicli alone they have been instructed to make a sub sistence. The gicat want of vent'for the laboi of the very limited manufactories of the west ern part ot North-Carolina, is severelv felt bv those who have been taught to rely on their profession alone for the supjiort of their fami lies; and such indigence wdl doubtless keep every branch of mechanism that labors under it, in an awkward and crampt-d condition, tfiat must retard that energetic spirit, without which it is mpossible for the art to flourish. 'I'he society feels sanguine in the hope, that gentlemen who are notin the habit of embark ing in lottery schemes generally, will be inHu- enred by charitable motives to encourage mech anism at their doors, and thereby l.iave an op portunity of profiting themselves ^.^iOO fur in advance, and aflbrdi^ng. their covmtinance for the encouragement of the best interest of the western part of the state. And for the se curity of those w'ho may embark in .this scheme, the society propose appointing several disinter- esti-d persons to value the work, and see l!iat it shall not be imposed en the pv-op’e at exor bitant prices. 'I'he society has succeeded in procuring gentlenu n to supiriiitend the draw ing, in whom the public has full eonti(K nee, and whose names will give a character to tin- Lottery. It is jjroposeil to draw tiio .sclu nie as soon as the tickets can be sold, which, it is likelv, will, be in rebniarv. ‘Cliarlotte, Jan. 11, 1825, 8( hi:me. l.'i.iO 'I'iCKKTS, ;U Not tiro lildnh's to a Prize. Prize of J'JUU (Phaeton and Cotton Saw (.iin) - - - - is $iOO do jioOO (Family Coach) - is 300 1^2jU ((lig) - - is 250 :^1.S0 (do.) . . is 180 fl30 (do.) . - is 130 JilOO (Side Board & Cotton Saw (iin) is 2U0 f80 (Gig and Sociable) is 160 !^2U (Hedsteads) - is 40 J14 (a set of Tables) is 42 #12 (Windsor Chairs) is 24 $10 (two Ladies’ ork Tables and one Pembroke) - is 30 $8 (Bellows top Cradle) is 8 State of Nortli-Ciirolina, ’ CAB.iinHrS COUNTY. Court of Pleas antf Quarter tlissions, January Term, 1825. Joseph Young‘s jw. > Attachment levied on lands. James Means. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that James .Nk'ans, the defendant in this casi*, is not an inhabitant of this state : It is therefore nrdrred, that publication be made three months in the Cjitawba Journal, notifying said defend ant, tiiat unless he appear at our next Coui’t of Pleas and Quarter Se'^sions, to be held for saitl eoiinty, at the Court-House in Concord, on the third Monday in April next, and )dead, answer, or demur, judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. ' DAN’L. COLEMAN, C C. C. 3mt30—price adv. $4 State ot* Nortli-('nrolina, c.\HAHitrs eoi NTY. Court of Pleas and Qiioi fer Seftsions, January Tn-m, 1825. M'illiam L. Wcddington) ... , , ° f Attachment levied on James Mcari-?. ^ lands. IT apiK aring to the satisfaction of the court’ that Janu s Mcuiis, the defV ndant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this state ; It is orderai, therefore, that i)iiblir;ition be made three months in the Catawba .lournal, notifying said defend ant, that unle.ss he appear at our ne^t,couit of Plea.s and Quarter Sessions, to be held for .said county, at the- Conrt-Ilou.se in Concord, on the thinl Moiuhiy in April next, and [ilead, answer, or (kuiiur. Judgment pro confe.sso will be taken against hini. DAN’L. COLEMAN, C. C. C. jiTitoO—price adv. j^4 POIJTICAI., MU ( LAY. The determination of this grntleniaii to support Mr. Adams, has produced no small excitcjnent at Washinj^ton ; and the calm which previously prevailed in the political worhl, has been succeeded by a violent commotion. Mr. Clay has been rudely assailed, and even threats are thrown out of a resort to force—the peo ple are called on, in lany^uatjc by no meatis equivocal, to “ ri.q^ht themselves,” and to “shake Artaxerxes’ throne to its centre!” But this is all froth and foam, and will have no eirect on the peoj)le. If they have been wronged, they will “ rif^ht ihoui- selves but It will be in a constitutional way. These violent spirits are not the and itijurious imputations against him, and whicli the author avowed his readi ness to substuntiate l>y proof. These, charges implicated his conduct, In rogiird to the ])ending Prpsidential Election j and the respcctubility of the station wiiich thft tiiemher holcls, who thus openly prefers them, and that of the people wliom he represents, entitles tiiem to your atten tion. It niiijht, indeed, be worthy of consideration, whether the character and dignity of the House itself did not re- ([uire a full inve.stigation of tliem, and an impartial decision on their truth. Tor, if they were true—if he were capal)lc and base enoug-h to betray the solemn trust wlilrh the constitution has confided to him—if, yielding to personal views and considerations, he could coinpromit the highest interests of his country, the House would bo scandalized by his con- tianing to occupy the chair witli which he had !)ecn so long honored in presiding at its deliberations, and 1)> merited in stantaneous expulsion. Without, how- people, jior do they speak tlie setuimcnts, nor have they the confidence of the peo-1presuming to indicate what the pie ; ail their exertions, therefore, to pro- conceive it ought to do, on do do do do do do do do do do of \ortl»-’an>Iiha. ’MKtKLK^m uri fOlNTr. Williams iind Clinton, > i- Original Attachment. Sterling Uiissel. j Ucturned levied on one negro man, the proper- ' ty of the defendant. fT is ordered by the court, that advertisement be made for three niontiis in the ('ntnichu Jouriiul, for the defendant to appear at the Fe bruary term of this court, in 1825, and there to replevy and plead to issue, otherwise judgment will be entered against him. Test. ISAAC ALEXANDER, Clerk. 3m21.—price adv. #4. (luce coiil'usion, will be unavailing. No matter which of the caiulidates may be elected ; he will be chosen in the manner pointed out by the constitution ; and the people will readily submit to laws which they themselves have imposed. As to Mr. Clay, the people are too well acquaint ed with his' character,' his manly inde pendence, and high sense of honor, to believe that he has actetl from unworthy or dishonorable motives ; and we do not believe they will countenance the violence and abuse with which he is assailed, for exercising fearlessly anl independently 2 Lard Cans) is 60 10 do $5 (Hats) is 50 1 do $4 (Candlestand) s 4 1 do #3 (do) is 3 20 do ?3 (do) is 60 300 do ^2 (25 cast steel Axes, and 275 pair Shoes) is 600 43 Ido $1 ('I'in Ware, Jcwclr\ , Slioes, £^c. See.) - - is 431 793 ^3072 A l?arji;aiii. A NY person desirous to settle in Jiffyi die village of Charlotte, N. C. jHprandsave the trouble and expense l^lvfi'Of building, will do well to call on the .subse’riber, who offers for sale his house : Hollow, and adjoining- William Lucky’s land; i also, two lots, the front on Broad street, and ' back lot, adjoining the .Methodist Church.— ' Also, a two story dwelling’-house on Broad-st. situated a few rods north-east from the Court- House, with two lots. On the premises are an excellent Celhir, Kitchen, Smoke-House, Barn, account of its own purity and honor, he hoped that he should be allowed respect fully to solicit, in behalf of himself, an iiKlulry into the truth of the charges to which'he referred. Standing in the re lations to the House, which both the member from Pennsylvania and himself did, it api>eared to him that here was the proper place to institute the inquiry, in order that, if guilty, here the proper pun ishment might be applied ; and if inno cent, that here his character and conduct might lie vindicated. He anxiouslv ho ped, therefore, that the House would I)C plea.sed to direct an investigation to be made into the truth of the charges. Emanating from the source which they did, this was the on/i/ notice which ho could take of them. If the House should his nglu of ch..ic,-a right which i, .he T eoZr,,;; he birth-light of the humblest as well as of the most exalted citizen. In order to make our readers acquaint ed with the transactions at Washington, after the cot>rse which Mr. Clay and his friends would pursue had been made known, we publish the following articles: From the National Intelligencer. A CARD. I have seen, without any other emotion than that of ineflable contempt, the abuse which has been poured out upon me by a scurrilous paper, issued in this city, trusted that some other than the ordina ry mode pursued by the j)ractlce and rules of the House would be adopted to appoint the committee. On the conclusion of his address to the House, the Speaker left the chair, which was taken by Mr. 'I'aylor. Mr. Forsyth, of Ga. then moved that the communication which had been just made to the House by the Speaker be en tered on the journals ; that a select com- inlttee be appointed to investigate the business, and that that committee be chosen by ballot. Mr. Kremer, of Penn, rose to express his entire acquiescence in the course ta* ken by the Speaker. He was notdispo- Tickets can be had in Charlotte of the under signed Commissioners, by letter, postage paid, inclosing the money; or from their agents ‘Uid by other kindred prints and ])ersotis, _ Stublts, and every other neces.sarv out building. "I regard to the Pr»'sldential Election.— j serl to shrink from the consequencesTof EDW ’D. M.'bronsoN. The editor of one of tho.se prints, usher- his communication. He wished the in- cd lorth in 1 hiludelphia, culled the Co- quiry to be made; and he was prepared •NOilCt. lumbian Observer, for which 1 do not j to meet it, let the stroke fall where it suliscribe, and which I have not ordeix'd, I may. .Ml persons that | has had the impudence to transiTiit to me | After a short debate, the further con- Salisbiirv, Statesville, Concord, Lincolnton, have claims against me, will ph ase present them i liis vile naner of thp In • ^ f .u r ler con- Yorkvdle or Lancaster; who pledge themselves for sellKment ajruinst the 1st day of March ;' n m ^ ‘■-Ommittee to pay the prizes asset forth in the scheme, those imlebted, w ill save co.sts aiitl trouble, bv ' • i . i • r ttt puiport- was postponed until to-nioiTOW. thirty days after the drawin.n', or refund the iniiking jiaymeiit in a few weeks. * | "'f? *rOm this City ori KfUn.w, FEn. 4. mone\’ to ])urehasi rs of tickets, provuk d the scheme shall iiol be drawn. S,\M’L. IIENDF.USON, I.IJELN KI.NDRICK, JNO. Bni). N. B. Explanatory Hand Bills can be had of! .. the Comlni^siol|ers. *15 The House resumed the consideration of the motion to appoint a Committee of 7ROM the snbscrilxv, no:ir Cli^'s- \orKHl!‘ l^»ok BiudcMy. of March, at York\ille every other week; and at M;ij. Mor- lows, .\kTklenl)uri4' county , e^ ery otiu r week ; and K') on alteniately, (juiljllc tiays excepted) till tliL' cml of the season, which will be on the StoI(*H li-t of July next. ’ WlLh MKDl.KY w ill be let to mares, at the .moderate rate of tn, dollars the season—notes ^ tervdle, S. C. .lark l>;;y Man "■illbe recpiivi'd ;tl l!ie sanu time, ])a\ able at hlind in ilie I'iglif eye ; al .o, ^a(hll the end of tlie season—tlie si.igl, ,wV'br.dle, aniL'j^lrs s:.d;!;e-l)ag tol)c paid at til.- time of service, or the ^i''" ' I'J'bes n.uiu y, p:.p -tiiirc u’ill |>f il ;is (dit !)\ l!u* si*:iNon—| * liorNC, iVc. wnv sfoltn by :i iiiUii ikimicu i to iiiMire a mare to' be in toal. to ' ■•(dm Join s, eons.uen.bly ;i.!\ance.! in yeats. “'•due ;is soon as it is d-seov^ red slie i> in ina!. * p’’ -he:i(U d, t liiii \ ,s;.--e, li\. t. el \en or i .i;ht j !'the mari-is piii'ted uitb, til? nioi'.c \ 1 I t'eroiir-' 111 Ik I li.s n an !:a.i n a\ llel v. ,di 1 • , 't'l'thesameasthou-li .l.eiia.l iioi been p.irt-'b-mn .\ugiista; an.!l.ei,ig n. Iwot, loftui/S^I.L siibscnbrr ha\ii,g removed from • [ nvrn.itti'il It tn to ndt, wlilK* I walkrt!. iibscri- ' "• ■>'* ! li!.. S. ( '. on ri;in s(!;i\, tlie ,id in- a:;d luar .lark, I ilisnnnintid and let .hiiii J.VMKS T. ASBUHY'. 1 25th instant, by a ineiiiber of the Cliarlotte, Jan. ], 1823.—yt22 House of Hejjreseniatlves, belonging to There will he k( pt a good assortment of Mar-1 I’eniisylvania delegation. I believe , Investigation. After a loiii’- and aniina- nes.s, and other articles m niy line, t,11 the first j It to be a forgery ; but if It be genuine, 1 | led dehate, in the course of which mo- -lay of April, ;i,id will be^suld low f.)r^aslM.nly. j pronounce the member, whoever he may tions were made to amend, to postpone L /. 1'^^’ caluniniator, a indefinitely, and to adjourn, the co'.ninit- >0K ilastard and a liar; and if he d.ire unveil tee was tinallv ordered, by a vole of 125 niHK suhserber begs leave to inform the pnb-j himself and avow his n;ane, 1 will hold' J lie ill gen. ral, tl.at h- carries on the /W.--j i.j,,, responsible, as I here admit myself nmdrn; in al vanoi.s l-ranel.es Having. , . , , • , siii)niu d niiiiself w;th the best of inati'rials, he i w.ll ( xi. cute work m the neatest maimer and on til'- silOl'li st IK t,ci-. N. H. :\ll oiders for JUank and Copy Books piinetuullv atteiideif to. joiLN 11. DK CAIM FRKT. vill t.- NOT UK. 1 egulate the conduct of nieti 31st January, 1825. if honor. H. CLAY. this Ci.1 with. i'Vcry exertion w ill be us( d by th err to pr-\i-iit aei ldent', l.nit be will not be ac (ouiitable for am. DESCRIPTION. ^ii.i) Mp.ni.Kv is a li(.-antitiil irlrtr, 1) hands ‘Indies and u jialf' high, of fiiu’ fbriii .iiid figure, ot hrgc bone and gi\ at nr.iseul.ir powei'. pli»i(;kle. iLn Mkiu.ky \\ asg(t bv the old inijiorted M'lido/a; bis d;un by the imported horse I’eii- |-'-‘''('ia; his grand ilain bv Lindsiiy's .\rabi:iii ; K>’:‘iid dam by old i-\-.o noMgl.l, u ith a '■‘'iS'i 01 old Uockiiigham and the Arabian Raii- jtr. ® n. Fifty e.ents will bo cons'.diTi 1 due to ,^’■’''om from each i)i-rson at the time of put- '■'i? a ni;uv. ‘ I hoso persons who clioose to senil t!ieir •'Su's, -\vitb the snbsi riber niitd "■) prove with foal, ran do -o nixm very mod- terms. He has a very plentifiil supply of iiragc^ ami has sown a good (inantitv of small fc-'-i'ii lor pasturage. .. , ’ E. JENNINGS, 'ork District, I'eb, 1, 1825.—Gt23 , CERTIl'ICATE. ^ ' the unilersigned, eertifV that Jf ih/ Mul- two seasons in Charlotte;—we ""is'.ilcr him a horse ofsiqierior form, both !is P'^'^er a:id eh-gance, and as a foal )|..'"'’ikno\\ledg\ gi'Uerally large and uncommonly - Ih ndrrson, miUarn Snr^h, r’ J. .ind( rsDii, r.. Juhv L.c,. ' •’"•s H, ,! ,'iinuk st.lht, 1ak(.' ni\ horse am! r’.de i;to the vil!;ige, aial lia'in.e’proeeedf-d sonn; (iivl.iie'e aln ail ol bun, he tiiriied intotlie weoils, rode ofi, and I Iro'e ni.it since liet n able lo e.iti li him, or to obtain an\ iiiiorni:'1ioii of ilie roiii ,e lie ha-; taken.— \\ hoe\er u ill ap]Ila liend said tbi-. f, hidii'e hini ill jail, seoore ni\ prepift\, ;n!il e iiitiiriiia- tiiMitoniein Sahsbui’}, soibat I get iln m ;i;;ain, shall reeei\e a ri-\\ aril of lueiity dollars; or ti .1 dollars for either the hor: e or tliii l'. JAMES CAVENDER. Fell. 5, IK^J.—,]t21 Ol I’api-rs soutli and wc«t of Ih !>v giving the abo\ e one or t wo insertions, m.iy contrilinti to the apprehension of an urigrat(.-ful \ illa.n. Coachj ('hair (Jniuiiirntal IV.IN i K!?, T',) F.TFRNS his thanks to his friends and tin 1 1 public, for the liberal. lu onr.igeiiH fit wl.iel 111' has ;ilr'-.id\ reeeivi d, and res]ieet*ul!y sol.nt a contiiiu’aiK-e oi' patronage. He is prep;ii'-il to do all k'nd.s of i’ainting in )iis line; andcn^- lomevs ntav di'pend on h.»\iiig their uoi'k la ut- ly I xeenti d, and with d> spiiieh. ; Painting in the cinintry will he done on sliort n.'jtiei'. 15. old r]i;iirs re-painted 'ind rc-gnilt. C/'iiir.’oHi, (lr!,>hr -1, 1834. —Itf eoniity, d( sires all persr.ns indebted to him 1 'liul, by rel.‘) (-U( e to to elo:,e their account.--, on i;r before the I -brii- j Columbian ()l)serve|-, ary court lU this place. | ;r ie b,,ok.sand rK.p_ers v|.llnnK,innn^ ull. whirl,, it. sr..ms, of Doctor 1>. I . Caldwell, w ho is authorised to make S( tt!e iiii ills, \e. b’OBT. M’KENZIE. ('iiiirlotle, Jan. 2(-', IRJj.—3tJl to 6'.). Erfrarf from IViishini'tniu Jrtn. 27. ‘‘What I wrote to you list as rumor, has been converted into certainty : Mr. Clay and all his friends have lormally gone over to the Aflams standard. 'I'hi; ANOTIII.It ( ,\RI). know ledge fd‘ this ev»-nt has profliiced n (ieoro’e Ki'eiiier, oi' the I louse of Hep-j g throughout all the polit-. re.sentatlves, teudors hi', respeels lolhej'^-d circles, and ('■i\e’n intensity to the I lonoVable “ 11, (.'duy,* and infi/rins him, j'^"’dest. 1 he Jaekson Interest Ijegin to th(‘ ’Editor d’ tb(' I hcstlr t!ienise!\es, and ad\aii( es are made he iiKiy ascerlain , hi'twi'eu the (letiei'al afid the Serretarv of V\ iiid.sor Cliuii* Mukini'- lJusi- T ■ above t .^])'-et- 1M‘SS, l^HE sn!jsrrib(-r havim;' conuni need tb bn si III ss in tilt tou II of ('hurhjlte, i fully s(dii-its a share i/t pnidic iiatroiiage. Ilis u oi’k will be in at!\ and (birald\ cinistruiti d, aii'l will be disposed of on aC(-oniUiodating tern I s. SL'l' rrf.^ am! W Rl i INC ( II MRS, made to’ord'-r, e;in hi- liad on sliort no*ic( . w I! i.iAM ( ri,\ r.Kiiorsr,. Cliarlotte, ]•.!). .t, IHJj.—^int.’iJ A' X ()TI(' I'. — I ri ipn st ;.ll \!errliants nc.t to di " ,'t!ioii AM’L ilENL'EUbON. in'! oi-i!er I'roin me. 1-Jj. !j lb2;-.—3u’2 01 ICC. I.T. persons indebted to the subscriber, are iiotJin! to (ull and si-ttle, l)elw een this ;(iid the tn-'t of .\pi-il, or their accounts will be piu- et d III the bands of an ofi'c r for i-olb-i t.on. J. t.. T(Ji{REN(.E. 1825.—3tJ2 \ |}|)r'Htic('s \\'}iiitcl. sppri nticrs, fVoin 1 ) tn l/yeji'-sof a!''-. 1 udl !i-l-d.eii to the Caningi .Makih,^'- ii'i- . ni S-. i! a[>; lieutiitn lie made s'lon. Sofli a- ■ u I 11 ri-ton Jliep.dcd t( r sf/)rii :0|| .hdii 'lr\, V. dl ini-et v\itli n;i(;i!)l'- ( ti''oi:r;.gt n.i Mt. .i!i apidiing to tl.,- sld)^cr:!)^-rs, 'si'LN'j}:!? ‘'v m:;i:rills mueh (oiii er?i to “ 11. ( l;i lime, (ieo. Kremer lud 1 a letter of ihc has iitl'oi (led so in :lie im an lilmsell' re;idv the Iri-;i',u!y,—ilii.s will |>ersonal and long cherished hatred, bow itself to the mandates of aitiMlion. The Hall of )-{e- present.itiv es I'C'-.eiidiled abee-hl\ (*, when lo prove, to the s.itisf ;i- lion (d‘ i:niire;u-jpi' p^flii"; lo swarm, the next dieeil iiilnds, (-miUi.;!) to s;>ii'-|v tlitni d ,altei’ liie Clav muvemenl was t I'.e ui'cni aey (d tin- staienit nts wiii' h it* ju 5 ih'* htimol \oices ccju versing'in ef>ntained In that lelle:’. to ;!'e xte’it tin,! U'-'i inu!( r loiu' was like the sound of the they oneern tl.ecou: -;' and ( oioIm ’ of,'■'' '•an belore a i,^athei-lng storm. All the •*li. ( la) .” 15ein'.>^ a l!i'pre-«i nt.i’r, e (d |a\enu( s am! solus were Idled with groups, the People, he v. ill not I'eai io aloud j tclliii'; di- ini]uli-ing the news, and calcil- und spai e not,” v. Iieii prlvUei;-es are at, st; Uieir li.-'hls and J'roreodiiii;^- /;/' (''Jin^rcsy. IIOLSK OF RJ,l'l;i>!;\ i'\ 1 I\ K'^, 'I !i I i..,;)^, I 1-,!. .I. Afler the usna! i)ii:.ine'-s d‘ tin; moiii- ing v.as irafisuc.teil, tin.- Speaker, (".Mr. ( lay,) rose ir(jni iils f, and rt (]ue'!ed lie indul.^-enre oi' the Il'.use for a feu nioments, while lo: ;.-.! e'l its a'.tentitjn lo .1 subject in v\!ilr h h,' I'eli hiiji icli'deepK concerned, A tuite had appe:re(! tliis morning, In ihe Nailonal InieUioa-nrer, und'T the n.iuie, aiul u;t!i ilie aniiiM'ltv, as lie pre-^ ■.iiini'cl, of a meni'.'vi'ot'lioii-e. iVoin | i'ennsylvatua, -;Mr. Krei'-.ei-,_) v.Iiicti a-j 'o[jt>‘f|. as hi i o’vn. a pre' ious let'er p I'l - i lis'u’'' ip a:). ,!)er t -Imu -.eri-oi:, iting ihi' eonse(nu'n(.es. Some sav all (lonl)l is now over; olhers still predict a ’out; stru).'gle. 11 is curious to o!)sfrvc the new .grouping (d‘ faces : men wha u (-re seldom seen logetlior, art'now arm- ln-ar:n, or hnsily whisijerini,' (\er letters, or new spaj.v r articles. Mr. Clay appears elieerln 1, talks inucli, and has the air ol'a man relie\ed IVoin a Inn den. Mr. Cr,iw Itjril eaiiie ;’,us morning lo ihe Hall, and renuilned thoi'e ioi- more tliati an houi’.. lie lo';ks belter t !ian u as e\ peeled hy any one, and tlirnigh tlu re Is a silivht appear- anee of deieel al'oul his sigiit, atid hi.s step Mothi’iTi and (das'.ir, he appears in pel i>'/ t liealih. I iIs 1! tends Ijoi ked a')oi!t liliu, I'.’id tln-i'e was a gri'at sli^kini; of luii'ds. He-(i-iyiiversed eoiis;ant!\, ' aiid, !u/!t!'h gr.ive, ap;'eareil i.nii'saled hy the ...I