VOL. I.] CILiBLOTTE, JV'. C. TVKSD.ir, AVlilL 5, 1825. [NO. 27. PfBI.IHUED WEF.KLT lU LEMUEL BINGHAM, iT TUnKF. DOLI..iaS A YBAB, PAID IM ABVANCE. Vop-ipcrwill be fliscontinueJ, unless at the i|c.‘:cr«.tlon of the editor, until all arrearages are ipiid. AnvEP.TisEMETiTs wlll bc inscrtofl at the usual rutes. Pcr.sons sending in advertisements, are ic.iiu'«tcd to note on the marpfin the number of 'n'ons, or they will be continued until forbid, a:ul chargcd accordingly. State of Nortli-Carolina, cabarhits rou.NTr. (-ourt of Pleas and (Quarter iifssions, January Term, 1825. Wilhanv L. WeddinKton ) * „ ° ( Attachment levied on James Means. j lands. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the court’ ■ that Jaim-s .Means, the defendant in this case, IS not an inhabitant of this state : It is im/eml, therefore, that publication be made three months m the Catawba Jouniul, notifyinj? said defend ant, that unless he ajjpear at our next court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, to bc held for said county, at the Court-House in Concord, on the third .Monday in April next, and plead, answer, or demur, judgment pro conf. sso will bc taken against him. DAN’L. COLEMAN, C. C. C. 3mtoO—price adv. For the bcnejit (ind encounigcment of ME( IIAMH31 in the Western p.irt of North-Carolina. The t'ollowing .scheme is the result of a intM ting of the Charlotte Henevoient .Me- hunical Society, for the purpose of de\ising vays and uu'ans to exchange the labor already vxpcnded in manufacturing, for another stock d'materials, that they may continue cheerfully in the exercise of their occupation, by whieli alone they have been instructed to make a sub- ---p ]mc. The great want of vrnt f..r the labor 1 t..e sat.sn.ctmn of the co.irt, i o .. .1 that Janies Means, the dtk-ndant in this ease. ^tutc of Norili ('arolina, CAnABnus ror\TT.' Court of Pleas aiiH (^uurt'rr Sisiions, January Ttrin, 1825. Joseph Young^ rs. ^Attachment levied on lands. James Means. ) if the very limited nianufaciories nf tlie we.st-I • i i trn part of North-Carolinu, is severely bv ! j j'* I"'is tiieretore r.ose who liave been taught to rely on theiV | be made three months ssi'.in alone for the support of then- faml-1 ‘ i '"S defend- ‘i.ij; ami such indigence will doubtkss keep I p, ’ . !,**/onr next ( ourt of .‘\cry branch of mechanism that lalmrs under it, in an awkward and cramped conflition, that must third \!nnH ‘ ”'>^*^1, on the Ktani that energetic spirit, u .thout winch *t is , ' t’ ’ ?' ‘T,'’, possible f.r the art to flourish. tnT ^ ‘ , • . 1- , L .1. ^ ' apainst him. liic socw ty teels sanguine in the hope, that , D \\M COI EMAV Crr ri'n'Iemen who are notin the habit of embark- . * ‘I/ ' “ * » - • m lottery schemes generally, will be.influ- cnccil by cliantable motives to encourage mech- unisni at tlieir iioors, and thert by ha\e an op Lincoln *ls;riniliural Society. A T a meeting and Cattle Show of the Socie- ty, at Lincolnton, on the 9th November la-st, it being the first meeting of the kind held by the Society, and the d:>y verv unfavorable, consequently few persons attended never theless, there were a few articles and animals ex hibited, and premiums awarded, as follows : 1st. To Mrs. Cath;»rine Iloylc, for the best piece ot domestic Carpeting, a pre mium of $2 00 2d. To Jacob Reinhardt, Ksq. for the best Kull Calf, .... 5 00 3d. 'I’o Major Lawson Henderson, for the best Mule Colt, . . . 2 00 4th. 7 o (;oli Uaiiiel Hoke, for the best 2 horse plough 5 OO The next meeting of the Society, Cattle Show, &c. will he held at Ijncolnton, on the second Tuesday in May next. Preniiums will be awarded to the best of the following arti cles, provided the Society adjudge them to be w ithin the regulations observed by the Society, 1- For the best plough, drawn by one . . ... . 00 2. For the best plough, drawn by two borses, 5 qo 3. For the bestColt, of the horse or mule kind, not less than six, nor more than 18 months old, .... 5 00 4. For the best Hull, or Heifer Calf, not less than 6, nor more than 18 months old, 3 00 5. For the best Roar, or Sow Pig, not less than 6, nor more than 18 months old, 3 00 6. For a ratio of the greatest quantity and best quality of wool shorn from five sheep, 2 00 7. For the best Cotton Coverlet, and for the best Cotton and Wool Coverlet, tach 2 00 8. For the best piece of Domestic Flannel, not less than lU yards, . 2 00 9. For the best jiiece of Blanketing, not less than 5 yards long, nor one vard wide ■ 2 00 10. For the best piece of Carpeting, not less than 10 yards in length and one or-1 yard wide . 2 09 State ()i‘ Nortli-C'arnlina, portunity of profiting themselves foOO for Febrvcry Tirni (f Mccklmburg County Coitrf^ in advance, and affording their countcnanee Lewis’ Adm’rs. ■) for'the encouragement of the best interest of I vs. vj.evied on Land, t’le western part of the state. And for the se-1 John Lew is, j ■ curlty of tliose who may embark in this scheme,! -- -y appearing to the court, that the defendant " i tiio society propose appointing several .lisinter- > | j, i„i,al,itant of this state : It is or- i >' kited persons to value the work, and see that it that piiblieation be mnde in the Cataw ba ! best piece of plain domes- uull not be imposed (.n the people at exor- journal, for thrve n.oiiths, that the defendant ’ ^*oth, mixed of cotton and wool, not bitant prices. 1 he society has succeeded in appear at the lu xt court of tins countv, on the ' yards ; and for the best piece procuring gentlemen to supennte'ud the uraw’- ^jomjay of May next, and renlevv and ph ad of Tw’illed Cloth, mixed as above men- ing, in whom the public has full confidence, to issue, otherw is( judgment will be entered by ! e>ach . 2 00 ^•'.d whose names will give a character to the , him. I The citizens of Lincoln countv vhether he Lottery. It is proposed to draw the scheme .as _ 1>A.\C ALKXANDFH, C. M. C ionging to the Society as men.btVs or not, will 3mtjJ. Price ad\. J*4. j be entitled to compete for the above premi- - ^ —_ I Stato >r NtH'tll-Carolifia. ! 'I'he following pcrson.s, being Directors of the soon as the tickets can bc sold, which, it is l.kcly, will be in February-. Cliarlottc, Jan. 11, lb25. SCHEME. 1536 Tickets, at ?2. hht tico Blanks to a Prize. Thfre is a lone of good feeling and liberality in the Circular oi' the Hon. J.\mf.s B. Reynold.^, a mcmlxT of the House of Ucpresentalivcs, tVom Tennessee, to hi.s constituents, which would justify its rti- tire insertion in our columns, if we iiad room. But we can only spare enoug-li for the fullowinp; extract from it; which shows that, although the friend of Clen- era! Jackson, Mr. Heynoklscan view w ith candour the acts of otiier.s, and render justice to their motives. We believe, if all the opjiononts of the President were as candid as Mr. Re\nolds, they would unite w ith him in his declaration, that he knows of no improper means “employ ed in the elevation of ?.lr. Adams . iVrt/. Journal. “The Presidential election was a sub ject in which all of you felt a deep aticl sincere solicitude in the result. Honor and gratitude were the great leadiii.f, motives in your determination : Hoiun to the state who had cherished and ex alted their favorite and adopted .soji : (iratitude for the signal and glonoub seivices he had achieved to the Union, in the most gloomy and des])onding j)e riod of it. 'I'ht* Klectoral Colleges hav ing failed in making a choice, it became tiic duty of the House of Representatives to elect the President of the United States from the three highest voted for by the People. On counting the votes, in the presence of both Houses of Con gress, it appeared that General Jackson had 99, Mr. Adams 84, and Mr. Craw ford 41. The House then immediately proceeded, in obedience to the provisions of the Constitution, to ballot by States ; and on the first balloting, the votes were, for Mr. Adams 13, Cieneral Jackson 7, and Mr. Crawford 4. Mr. Adams hav ing a majority of the States^ was declared elected President of the United States for the period of 4 years, commencing on the 4th of March, 182.5. If any improj)cr combinations or Cor 1 Prize of 1^500 (Phxton and Cotton Raw (;in) ... - is f500 i do f^OO (Family Coach) • is ."00 I do J?‘250 (t.ig) - - is 250 1 do #180 (do.) . - is 1^0 1 ilo fl.50 (do.) . . is 130 February Ttrm if Mnklenhnrp: County (Wr/.l>‘‘rticularly sohciu d to give their , ,■ r 'c^lononegres, Jiily,.Sam, Johnston, Andrew Hovle, John D. t.raham, (). I' W Ilham Dougl.'is.s. 3 Frank, Jmle and Mary. , W . Holland, W m. Johnston, John Coulter, and J | should most mevitably have ex- I T appearing to the eourt, that tb.' defemlant Win. J. Wilson. Maj. I.awson Henderson is | posed it to public view. But, in the ab- is not an inliuoitant of this stati i dered, that publication be made in the •: It is or- appointed agent to reccive specimens of mine-1 sence of all proof, w ho, I ask, has made . he J'atawba raIs, fossils kc. and to correspond with 1). Olm-1 ^],c arbiter of mens’ motives and ac- Joiirnal, fi.r three months, that the defendant stead. State Ceologist, at Chapel.Hill, on the and nronounce them iiif im.iiis ajipear at the next court of this rounty, on the subject. Therefore, all persons having any I ! ' ,i . rr . l " i- 4th .Monday in Miiy next, and replevy and plertd specimens of the kind, are invited to deposit; llH n>e on subji'f I . 1........ . .1 !i L * .. 11. :♦ K If 1 /I i»»f i* »•#'*;! f1r- # »i i n t r»i» 'i/' i i n i n i to issue, otherw ise judgment will be entered by the .same with M.ijor Henderson. ' ' '■ ' l!y order of the Societ\ , : do $100 (Side Board & Cotton 5aw (.in) ' default against him is 200 ISA,\C ALKXANDFH, r.J/. C. 2 do J80 (Gig and Sociable) * do $20 (Heil.-.teads) 3 do fl4 (a sit of Tables) * do $12 (Windsor ;hairs) do $10 (tw om 1 do fB (R JO do JG (G Plough 2 I.ani Cans) iO do $5 (Hats^ ■ - - is 60 1 do $4 (Candlestand) - s 4 1 do $,3 (do) ' ‘ - - is 3 *"J do $3 (do) . - is 60 "'■-‘'J do- $2 (25 cast steel Axes, and 275 pair Shoes) • - is 6U() do Jl (Tin Ware, Jewelrv, Shoes, &c. &c.) - . is 451 and a( be- ts of deep interest to the country, arting untier the same solemn obligations of liotior and duty, which I)inds us all to Heavenf 1 hojie the charges are unf(imid(‘d. Men of great talents, who have, her«‘tofoi-e, stood high in the regard and aflections of their 1 the grave and churcli-\ ard, and for the purchase terms. | CJijoy t/iPm^ ought not to be put down of a BKLI., are reipiested Vo make payment, so , SKTTF-KS and WKFrLNG CH AIKS, made slight gi ounds, or jealous suspirions. VAHDKY McBEE, Sfc'u. _JI(7rrh 29, IVindsor Chair JMakitip; Business. mtJ5 Price adv. ?4 Aotirc. I that a bell ni:.y be purchased and put up with as little delay as possible. JOHN IHWIN, Treasurer of the Ptourd Commissioners, March 18, 1823.—J5* ^33 J.3072 ’T'irkets can bc had in Charlotte cf tlie under- ition all persi for a note of hand, p:\ai)le to l.iiicolii Stew- J HKRF.B.Y caution ail persons from tv.iding '•ped Commission. rs, bv letter, postage paid, I o'| I'ee. mber ne.vt which "’Closing the monev; or from their agents in ,I nm determined tu.t to pax, as sa.d Stew- ^alisburv. statr.wvlll.. f’nnrnr.I . I.ineolntoii. , lias not comi)lie.i with the stipulations agreed ^ilisbui^, Statesville, Concord, Liiieolnton, jnot compile.! w ith the stipulatu Torkvillc or I,ancastcr; who pledge themselves o". or which the nete was asMgned, witli IJuck- •o.pay the prizes asset forth in the scheme,' lunty. IJesides, 1 have other thirty days after the drawin.ir, or refund the 1 reas-ons, -'’ncy to purehasers of tickets, provided the' "'1‘Ciiie shall not be drawn. LFKOV SFChMST. SAM’[.. HFNnri?soN, ^ork>illc iJook |>ni(lcry. (iHKF>N KKNDKICK, T^jTHK subscriber Iv. irs leave to iijfonn the pu!'- JNO. JtOYI). I 1 lic ill gt m r:il, tii.it lie carries on tlie linnh- F.xplanatory Hind Uillb can be had of, all t> variniis hnmclies. Having to oriler, can be had on short notice, WH.LIAM cri-VF.HHOUSE. Charlotte, Feb. 5, 1825.—onit32 But if it is possible to fix guilt by evi dence, the business ought not to rest in new’spaper. essays and the n’.uiniurs of the disappointed; for miu li as 1 esteem and honor some of iheiii, I ’vould not Coninil •15 supjdied iliniself w ith tlie hi ht ot niateriids, he Wlll rxi elite work m tlie lu atest ni.inner and on the sliorteMt iioiiee. N. H. All ordi rs tor Hlank and Co])y Hooks /> , .1 V ill be piinctuaile attended tn. Chair i\* Ornar/ieniai] cj.f joiiN ii. or. cajm khkt. IMIMEi; I n.TUUX,-, his thanks to },is friends and the * r.,,ui- 1V 1 . K be let out, at Puhlir Auction, to t hv 1r"'"' T lowest bidder, on Satiirdav, the 9tl, A,. : ' ' n- xt, tl... repalnng .f TWADK isTKF.K.T, fn tl uanee of patronag-;. He is p>. ,;aml , ^ . I- 1 kindsof ‘•‘‘ntmgu.hi.lme; anuoi - A description cf t !■, , V on h.ivin,,- their wuk neat- ' X(mti'il, and with d*'sp:i*eh I'T jM’ainting in the country will be done ■‘■''•"t lidticc. If Old Ciiairi rc-pa'.nted and re-:;uilt. ''hurhflc, O. toUr ■]; IHj-l. — ltf (»rk OH 'l'rad(‘ Srrc‘t. l!,I, be let out, at Public .\uction, to the April from hollow the I work to be done, ic. will be made known, b\ pphmg to till'coii'niis'iioners of (diailottc M'm-c/i 2r>, i8:j.—:t'J7 \LI- persons indi bted to the subscriln r, are invited to call and settle tlieir noti s and ae- I counts, bv paying the cash, as I ha\ e coiiimen- to settle in I \vorking inr cash only. I still r main at tin tte, N f ., .;airi(! plare win A NY person desiroij: the village of ( harlntte, N 1 c;,mi! plare win r- I have worked for the la'* and save the troulib' an I exp* nse , contiinii tin; l^ondon and I’hila- of buiMinR-, will do w. 11 to r-dl on j ,|,.ip'|,|a fl,sliions. N. H.—All persons sending ' ,ip])rentices to ino with work, are ri(ju Mcd to give them an order, as oth» rwise 1 shall not do their work. JOHN’ M. SLAUt.llTKH. Murcfi 20, 182.':.— >t:s » i. '‘'vi, lui 3.Ill ni.T tu terms to please a jiurcha';* r, vi.; : — ‘•'■'-front lots and twof.a- k, Ivin- in I and adjoinin;;- William 1 .uckv'si land ; . ‘tw ) Mroail strei t, and -K lot_ •\1 ,'^k lot, adjtiining the Methodist Chur-'b. ,,, ’ story dwelling-liouse on Hrf,ad-st. north-ea'.t from the Ci-urt- • T'-M?. " premises are an ■ ' liar, Uiti hen, Sinake-iiouiLVl’>arn, ••1 an'l1-^ iith+^r neeei.rarvont buiMin;;. Vd'W 'D M.'ir.ioNsr.iv' Just for sale at this OtTice, i;i a paT*iphlet form, “strictures on a pu ce wntti >i b\ Mr, David Ht^el, . ntitled Hrarmly rlonrl ot Peg'lu ration, or, 'I'reliTlsc on Holy Paptisn " Pv .Tosjra Moonr, I’’ P V. Vr:'' ''Sc' .*' A rnnis large, elegant, and i moment to hul l them fii>ni i 1. well bri-d joung horse, i tlx'ir high ofliceK, in ibe rnrinner pointed will stand the ensuing season ] |,v liii.' constitution. I had no lavors, atthe, aiiv of those eiiiineut following places to wit :-at Kobe,t " ’s, „l„;„ught sureeVd to the Presideu- 12 nules above Charlotte, Mondavs and 1 ues-, . , , • davs; in Charlotte, at Dr. Hen.leVson’s stable,' ^'-1 t, no oHu e. Wednesdays and ThuiNday-.; Fridays and Sat-' M> duty and obligations are exchisiv'ly urdav«, Ht Wobert !. Dinkin’s, U mih s below youi’s. w hile in your serv i(c. Charlotte, on the Ohl Nation Ford road, public j Adams is a man ofcMninent and dayse.vcept.d, when he will bc in Cbarlotu- ; ^ ^|isti„gulslied talents,and 1 li iist will huM’ and wil l)f’ 111 to nuircs at tlic* modcriilc- nnce ' ' i t . i , of Six Dollars the single leap; Twelve Dollars ' l»;^'>'.rabl>, prosperous, and happy ad- theseas-.n, p.iya'de the l.st of January, but to IHinistrullOli, (lui ing the term ol Ills ej, i> be (liseharg. d'witii ten, if i>aid wrthiii'the sea-' lion, i‘oi-the Ix-neiil and glory of our coni- son ; and Fifietn dollars to ins'ire a mare with ' nion country.” foal, (ireat care and precaution will he taken to avoid aceidents; but no liubillty. The sea son will commence the lUth .March and end 15t!i June. DF.SCHIPTION'. Mississippi is a be.aiitifiil chesnut sorrel, near sevtMitecn hands high, live years old this spring, well proportioned, and possessing great muscu lar power. I’F.DHlPF.r.. Mirhissippi was got b\ the celebrated running horse .Napoleon, who w as got by Sk_% scraper, w iio w as .uot !)y tin- fiinftus imported horse Dare Di vil, and was desce'idod from the great run ning horse F.cli])se. Napoleon’s dam was‘lie e'dehra^'-d ma'-e Slow-aiid-F.asy, who wa.s got l)v the celebrated horse Paronet, her dam !iy ('ei)hahis; her gran-dam by Fearnought; Mis- si.ssippi's dam w us g(.t by the celebrated rnnning hors.- l)oui)le-h'ad, w ho was got !)\ the old sfir- r l Diomede. Doiibli'-head’s [ifrfonriance on the Teniu ssee turf, w as uneipialled by an} horse tliat ever run in that s’ati', and warr.ints the as sertion of his !)elng a thorough bred liorr.e ; her dam was got by the running bor^e Old P>elare, out of a purtr.i r and Fearnought mare. ( HAI.LKNt.F,. Mi'.sis-u'ri has not jet had an opportunitx of distingnisliiiig hiiTiself as a riiniu r, and (it coi'rsi,; has Jifithing to recommend him but bis ;>edigrcc ; but if any person wi,-.lfes to test that iiirt, lie r':n c)ut-riiii anv (-'allion foaleij and rais- ed_lnthe state, fri'in oni -fonr’h ofu mile to four miles, c irrving tlie v.eijd:t f4 iils gmi.m am; saddle f.n cafli, t' r tiie amoi.i.t of In', scoon, or one tl.oH^nd dollars. ]>)(. A’a-ch \ 1'; '■ —M Prcaidcnt Monroe's Jivrnuata.—.Xr.King the papers communicated tjtlie ( oiiimil- tee of Congress, to wlioin w as refei red the President’s message relative td his accounts, was a document containing a detaiierl statement rd' hi, transartinns with the (iovernment from the coninn'nee- menl of his pu'ilic life. 'I’his rr/m;: -.iiows satisfactorily to our minds that .Mr. Mon roe has just claims on the (iovernment ; and 've ha'c no doubt but thosir claims w ill be jiroinptly and properly altenth'd to. 'I’lie document takes up seven co lumns anrl a half of the National Intelli- getn er, and is there ion' too long for our columns at ttie present moment. In the mean time we make tlie following extract to show the unceremonious manner in which the feelings of Mr. Monroe have been handled. Unit. Patriot. Eitrnct from th? stntemnd nf PrcaiJciit rcc to the C'l/nmiUcc. Having presented, above, avlew ofmy elaims on the (>o\einment, in my se^^r- .'.’Trn‘^'.>ion‘ to Europ*’, 1 liavc now to in vite a like view of anv which the govern ment may have on me, w hich I do from the same pei iml, that of 17lM. to ti e pi c- sejit time. I wish every transaction of my life, in which the public have any in terest, to be investigated, and with the utmyst rigor. 1 here is no occurrencft which may not he sifted to,the bottom, by authentic and original documents, or by living testimony. Let both be a])])eal- ed to. All my books and papers, bank uitd others, are open to \our inspection, and in cjuestions ol'doubt, if there be any, let those of the opposite pai t) be referred to. I am induced to ln\lte this incjuiry by .'('asons which ap()‘ar to me to be con- I lubi\e. Dim ing the two last sessions of Congress, Committees w*‘ie appointed lo in\estimate the sale uf public lots in this city, by Colonel I.aiu', la’e superiti- lendetit of Public. Huilding^. to whom that busiiK'ss had been rummitted. 'I'h© Chairman «ii those committe' s. occupied lumself, in each sesr.ion, bv an investiga- ,io»i of my conduct, not as a purchaser ofjiublic lots, for I had nexei’purchased any, but in th('disl)ursement of the Curni- ture fund, and in othei- transactions d‘ a . private nature, to uhich the jiower of th«* committee did not extend. Altliougk ap|)rised of Ibis irregular proceeding, and of its «jbject, I nc".ertheless disre garded it I was awiire that ermnerjuf; inipressions might be formed, atul.suspi cions excited bv it, to my prejudii e, but still this was a nudtilication whi( b I could not avoid, and was doomed to suf fer. Knowing the ground on which I stood, in the discharge «»f my public du ties, as to intenti(Mi at-least, I cott'-oled myself with the reflection that it could only be temporary. A message was at lenjMl; sent to mi' by Uie Chairman of the coiumitlee. to in- (julre whether I would attend ihe Com mittee lo give such 'Xplanations as might be re()iiired on thove points; whether I would give the eX|dan:itions, in writing, in answer lo a letter who h lu'. might address to me, for th(' purpose. My reply u-as exjilicit, tliat 1 would nei- th(‘r attend the committee, nor answer any letter which he might address lo me, on the points to which lie had (".tended his investigation ; that If the committef' wished exiilaiiation, touching any part of my pu!>lic condu( t, thev must sei k it thrriugh Congress, and before the nation, where I was willing and fii'epaied t(» meet them. W'itli w hat afterwards oc curred, you are well a( |uantec|. ]l is for tbes' reasons that I invite jour altc'ntioil tt) this subject, anr! that I wish your iti- f|uiry to be exti'nded to e\er’y Iriisf that F have held fi-om my counlry, that I may ha\e ati op port uni tv, before my rei ii( irient to giv‘ all the explanations which any ease may n*(|uire. The .flfrirrni dnlnj))/. — Despalt lies h.u'W laUdv ber'n recei\c(i, jl the f)|Tice of lhr^ .Amerii an Coloni/ation Sot ietv in \V.' ,h- iiigton, and also at t!ie Xavv De[);.i-t- melit, li om the Colonv at 1/ibe? i;i, vvhieli are in the higln'st f!e;M-ec satisfai tor\.— Ihe ( oirniv is uihIiM’ goorl einTn-'iif^ and israjiidly imi)ro\ ing, as pi.iv be udg- ed lr(*m some of the f;ieir, h're;d’ r sta ted. I he utmost resj)eei hiis been paid to the ins! rii( lions of the Soeietv. .\ small utiil(;rm militarv force is establish ed lor the p;-eser\;i'ioii ofnolire. kc. arid tlie militia are periodii ;di\ railed ou' in the nuiiilier rcfjoisiie foi'sen'ries. Siiici'. the o'rgani/.alioM of the !>-narM, there has not been a siu'rle instance ofiln* public .stores iieing pillaged, as had iVefjiMntlv happened befure. tht‘ whole, lliC reports present a piciire of an e\( ellenf pro\ iin i.il {TO\('rnment in sucressful oj)er- ation. Besides the pu'dic builditigs and improvenn , which ai'e exiensive, oni', store housi', ;d)oui a do/en frame hotise':, and nearly forty log buildings have latel\* lieen built, or are buildino, all coveicd with shin!.;les r)!)tained in tin' settlement. I wo houses f)f worship are building, «>n“- by the .Metliodisis, flu' fither bv the 15.ij)- tist*'-. lilt re is a school forl>f)\s, anoth er for girls, a thii'd, an evening schor)l lor ad nil's. The disco verv of indii^^enoUH ( ollee on that coast, sample*; fjf v hit li have been foru urdcd to tlie United States, is lull ot auspif iotis promise to the inter est.., (d the C»lo?iy. Indir;o i^c'ars fuliv tt ti cuttings in th» \enr, atul its cnlntre. is extending. 'I'he ]>opuhiiion of the; (Colony is abou* of whom about three- fouitlis ar.‘ grown persons. Three ha\e only dinl in the last six months, and tho;.e fi om dd age, Sec. John Quii’.ry Adams was horn in that part of Hraintree, now called Quincy, CMass.) on the 11th ofjylv, 1767. He is, therefore, nearly jS years (dil. We lenj-n (savs a N. York paper'' that Bishop Hobart h.is preached at Iionu ' It is said that lie is the only Ihrctiiril" di vine, who h.is hmi-rlir/ 'I’st'nc'.ic". sincC I the Apostle P:;ul.'' " —

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