VOI-. I.] ciLU{Lorn:, x- ('■ tvhsday, AvitiL o, i«2r,. [NO. 29. By LEMUEL BINGHAM, EiT THREE DOLLARS A TEAR, PAID IN AWVASCE. »•* ^•o paper will be discontinued, unless at the d;jcriition of the editor, until all arrearages an* |pai>i' Advertisejikxts will be inserted fit tlie usiial jrates. Persons sending- in :ulvcrtisements, arc InqiK'stcd to note on tiie margin the number of linscrtions, or they will be continued until forbid, Isiul cliarg'ed accordingly. ^ ULoiitV'St for the benejU a/)tl enroin'agcintiU of AifclClIAMSM in t!ie Western purt of rs(;rtii-Caroliiia. The following' schune is tlie result of b nuctiiigof tlie Charlotte Mcnevuli'iit Mt- hMM'Cal Society, for Ihc purpobc of di*\ising x.iNS and means to exchange the lat»ur iiir-uily xj)cinU.d in manufacturing, for anuthcr stock (/f mttcriuls, that they may coiitinuc cln.crtu!iy in tin. I XiTcise of tiieir occu])alioii, b\ wiiicii lone tl;ey have bci.n instructed tti n.ake a sub- i'^tvrnoe. The gr^at want of vcnt l\>r tlie labor {.t’ the vcrv limited m.mu lac lories of the wcst- n ].;irt ot'North-Carolina, is seven ly tVlt f)v i ;n' V.Iio liave bocii tauglit to rely on their oKSb.on alone for the support of tiicir iami- b; aiui su(. h indigence w II iloiilith, ss keep \t n i.r.i’.ich of mechanism tlial la!)ors iinder it, iiawktt ;iru and cramped,conilit'on, that must rd that i-nt-rgc'tic sjiirit, without which it i> inposbibie I'ur the art to flourish. ,,,, Ihe society feels sanguine in the hope, that ,‘^V- , i:.tlcmeii who are not in the habit of on.bark- ‘ ^ 1;; iii lottery schemes gi'nerall}, will 1)^; iiiflii- by cliaritablc motives to encourage nicch- vnitni :>t their door;, and thereby have an op-. i.(Mtunity of i)rotiting tliembclvcs 500 for I in a*dvancc, and atlording their countenance j \ or the encouragement of the best interest of* ' Ik \vcsti;rn part of tlu state. And for the se-1", . A' tir.ty of those who ni:i\ iPibark in tlil> scheme,' 10 society propose ajijiointing sevt ral disinter-' I a\ luson, tstul persons to value the work, and see that it ” ’ Jullnot be imposed on the people at exor- J"; |i)i,t;int prices. The soCiCty h.is succecded in ' procuring gentlemen to superintend the liraw jini;', in whom t!ie public h;s full coi.hdence X*\st o£ liellei’s Remaining in the Post Offu-e at C/tarlolte, on ihe 1st day of 1825. A. J. Rev. A. Anderson, Joel B. Alexander 2, Mrs. Jane Alexajider, Charles Alexander 2, Francis Alexander, Chas. W\ H. Alexander,.lames Kirk, Paris Alexander, Kli/abeth Knox, Robt. or Wm. Jamison, lacob Jnlien, Samuel Jamison. K. Mrs. Sarah Kendrick, John Allen, Uev. Elisha Askew. n. John IJ.arnett 3, Stephen Rellue, .lose|)h Hlackwood, .lames Moyes, -Nioses He’aty 2, Klizub« th lieiitly, Jiihn UlaT, ■ .lohn 15 lack, Sarniiel iii aty, Matthew Main, Alli'ii Haldwit), I'l-ton Hyram, Ucorge Marnett 2 .loseph III St, AVilh.ini r.eaty, Samuel lierrvhill, (;.’ .Ionas C.ohen, William Cox 4, r.rastus Case 3, .'S/ariah Coburii 3, Thomas Capps, SaiTh ('ar.'^on, Uobt. M. Clark, Itobt. Kirkpatrick, William A. KaiT 2, L. William l.ees, Robt. J. A. Lowrie, John I.ittle, Miss F.ydia M. Lowrie, David Lawing. M. Catharine Martin, Daniel M't.ill, Phileonion Morris, Henry Marks, Dr. Chas. M‘Kenzic, J:inies N.outgoniciy, Winslow M'itee,-^* H> njumin Morrow, Jas.'ll. M'C-Ielland, Roderick M'Cauly 2, Samuel Montgomery, Mr. M‘liinni.s, John ?«l‘tiuay, Alexander .M‘Koe, M alter & Jas. Miller, John M‘Cord, J. & S. M'llum, C_\rus M‘[,ure, •lolin .M‘J,aiighlin, Kiss I'.li/abeth Cowan, tien. Michael M‘Learv. lohn ('air, Jonas Clark, Isanc Cam|>b II, lin.i whose names will gi^ t a charactt r to the , |l,c>U(.ry. Isoon as tlie |r.kt!\, will be in l-'ebruarv. Chariotte, Jan. 11, 1825, Kobt. W. iMickworth j James Dun.vody, James Dill, It is propo.sefl to i.iaw the scheme as ! le tiekels can be sold, which, it is sniK.ME. i.i30 'Pk kf.ts, at 52. AV// tnx) Jj/t/nhs to a Prize. Prize of ?500 (Phaton and Cotton Saw (•in) - - - - . is J5U0 do if.iUO (Faniiiy Coach) - is o -'O do iJiU ((>ig) - • i.H 2.V0 do flSU (do.) - - ii IMO do $130 Oto.) - - is UjU do ;plOU (side Board Cotton Saw (iin) Tunis Hof>d, i? 2 JO r.o ?80 (Cig and Soci.iblc) is 160 f2U (IJeiUl. ai!:.) • is 'lU il4 (a set of Tallies) is 42 $12 (Windsor Ciiairs) is J4 {^lO. (two l.adiesi ork Tal)les .ind one P(.n,!)V(ike) • is oO $8 (Bellows toj) Cr.idl' ) is 8 $6 (6 Plougli.-', 2 ' treet Lamjis. and do K. John J. Krw in. F. W,ll;am Fllnn Nathan Fit/g( raid, Sarah J. Freeiuan, Ihiyh i'orbis. Rev. I'la.’.c tireer, Samuel Crah im, ^ J:iHies F. liilnioTe, U ilham l*of(irtli, Thomas (lallov. .ly, Brittain Garret. M. \. Caleb M. Norwood, James Nowlan, Jesse C. N(#4. 1*. Klislia Peny 2, LiinMbrd P.-xschall, J. i’ortrlst, James I’orter. R. Joseph Reid, M m. Redfonl, , Kzi kitd Uohinet, M.Ias .1. I’('b;iison, Samu l 1‘. Hipley, - John Rodgers, Reed Js. Wavis. S JamesSpears, Jacob Spain, ^!ary Ann Smartt, Sect’y. I’lialanx Lodge, .lessc Scott, John Stockinger, Catharine Shinn, (it rgc \\. S])ears, Andrew Sj)i'ings, rdward Sn ith, ShMf. of i!i cklenburg, I. B:i!aam 'I'homas, Samuel Tyylor, Janu s 'Fdirenre 4, .Idhn M. Thomas, 11 \ ram 'rurner. V. Mrs. Abigriil ^'all 2. W. John Weeks, 2 I.aid C-iiij) ■ is (3.1 30 do }5 (Hats) - - is 50 J do ^4 (Candh'staiul) - f 4 1 do f3 (do) ... is 3 2'j do S3 (do) - - ii 6i> 1^00 do #2 (25 cast steel Axe.s and 275 jiair Shoes) . - is 6uu 431 do ifl (Tin Ware, Jewelry, Si\oes, .Vc. &.C.) - • - is 4J1 [79: Col. lk‘!u-y Hoover, Dr. Saijil Henderson, John llendtrson, Taylor Hutchison, D.iiiiel l!\ams, l-lani Huntir. Iteiijam'in llarfgrove 3, Ro'ot rt At il>on Samuel Harris, A. >') heeler, Jiilm Hayes, Thos. Ilairls, .\l' xan.ler Hogan, Jaiiii s Henderson, J.iir liowc\, J;oiu s lutehison, Thoii as Houston, Capt Hartgrove. 151 Bev. Sam. A\'iir.amson, John : llace. M' S. P. V,. W ilson, Win. A\'ilson. Y. Jacob Your\. AU'xanckr i}. Yelton. WM SMITH, /'. M Tickets can be had in Charlotte of the umlt r- 5'P'«d Cornnilssioners, i'\ letter, po-^tiige paid, loldsing the money ; o'- from their agents in t^alisliiiry, Statesvlle, Cfmcord, l.inecfliiton, lorkviiie or Lancaster; who pledge tlieinse!\i s it'i p;iy the prizes asset fuilii in the sclieiiic, ft.tlv li.iys after tlie dra»\'Mg, or iLi'uti'l tlie I'lnney to purchasers of tickets, jiroviihd the selitiue shall not be drawn. SAM’!.. in;Ni>r.Ks(»N, (.IM'.KN Kl',.M)inCK, J.NO. IIOVI). J'-Explanatory lland.iJills can be hail of Ninioad * •'' Commissioners. 1 llai'i iuj; •15 j (111 tiji' .No;th I’lilv; I’hilij) «n liidigestK.n — ; Latrolie’s to S. Af- Lw t il’s .Uedical Com- rica ];.inioil ^ ' Ski trhes of I- loriila ^oach, CJuiir OrnanHutaJ \sus\vT\ yr..\ih W a'--oii*s i’liiiip the rilMF- following Hooks, among matiy others, 1 may be had at this oHice, at reiluced pri .lohnson’.-) A\'firks, 12 \. Da\li's’ do Sni'tii’s W ealth ,f Na- ( uiminghani’s do tioiw 'Mrs. 'I riinimr’s do Sa\’s I’oKtical I-con- Mei'le’s Trasell r oni\ liook f t Cum’n I’rayer, ! Modi rn r.iiropc ' ( legai l\ bound I li' Uhsm ’s I . M;itf s Pockt t liil/ies j Ml nioirsiTtl..- Coui-t of I’hill.i.n's F,\ id/'t’Cf' I , (i'li i n !’,li/;.bet li ,\i \> i.iiid (iii on'ti'acts t/.i rl;;iiil N \\-^o^k Digist 1(1 a'iftiv l'‘-|)ii.assv- (III l'.\ i(li nee AARON AVIIKKI.KIJ, and .111 Marshall’s Life AA'.-ish- in;;'ton Beii’.s O’K rative iur- gety Simpson’s I'urlid (iibx ii's Sur\ r\ ing Hhur's I,( ciures Aiiisu (ll■tl^^ I lictlona- PAINI’MH, 1?^r,TrR\S his thanks to his friends and the ‘ pi'.hlie, fortiie rii)eral eiuduiMgenicnt w hieh S''* ' lias already received, and respeet1ull\ sol.rits | Public ( Inracters, 18(5 rv. :u,d a va:ii ty of ‘■''iitinu iiu'e of patronage. He is prepared .Moore's W crks I at n and. l-.ugli.^h ^ do all kill Is 0I’ Paintiiis;' in his line ; and l U'- ''^'lii.Ts may depend on hax iiig tin ir work neat- } ^I'cnted, and with dcspateh. , .'i’Painting in the country will be done on notice. I’l. )|(1 chairs re-pain1‘d and re-gudt. ),Uir -1. —Iti' A NY p-i , ' ■ \ t!;e vil! ‘lid ■^^«25of buddii!'.''. w on ter, it’ Charlf.tti . i\. C. iu)h- .and i\p(.n-i (1(> V.'- !! t.i .1.1 ( n ■\'!m I :ii rs 1' .r s.;h !i's b ui m- to a r.M'elr.-i r, '.1/ ; — id t',-. (I l''n,L,‘ in ti.:- ini'v olni'i^ W ill i,:l i "rl \'s I . •.•d ; le tr'o:it (ii; li’o.n 1 'i \ i ing li!'' 'it thoili-; ( *1 :r '1.— du I li’Ti/.;, .I’sf .lii Kr i-'.'. .1 I'-''!!. ( i.n'- Oil tl.c ni iTh'si", ' ' Iv’V'l' ii, ;''i'ok.--Ho(i-1 . I!:i " . . y:;i I'l- , I'l dm! ii'iili’'I'/;. h'JV. •L-'m iU:'.;- "''J'. ilo SI h' oi I’oiiks on the Aflcc- Mi i'm's (.;i/i tti ( r J('_\Cl’s Pliilosophy .laiiiii 'fu's 1.1 g.c DiiiK'a I's ihi Small liooks tor child- ii n (lu: Tin kr. he., f. r. li\ inn’s lalw ai d tunis Ml iiioirs «if Bcv. An- dre'.N l uliir I,'!c ( f Cahill > ni( 'ill’s Skeletons >.airin’s Seni.iins . VAviok ^?^F.VHF,US his servici s to tin | uMic gnu r- 1;. :di\,as col'ectrr ot'n i'i:e> s. b(.iids, iioti'■ ah'i ueeoiiiit''. Hi w i'I aiNO pi..st and note ac- mints, at till' usual l ati s j)er ci ntiiin. He \i ill ■.t'-'ir! to crying of ‘.;ih s, hiring of nt gro( s. . . — A . the .'iib'-ci i'i( r intcndi to di vote ■i s ; iiie to the aHo\c ho-.liiess, In.- n sp*. cttwl!_\ i.r.i’ts a share of pni d.c patronage. Tlio-'i V, 1; i iii!i\ t'ei I disposefl to patronize him in the ' (i\e biipiiii ss. 11.a} la st assured, that no ev ;-- .i'vis on his ;nrt .'tull in v anting to \|n di'i - Mleinints and makers turn:. '.Mtli all ]i'j^:j'bli ;itc!l. - t’. s. All f.r Vrs v'.ll b-' r'r i\ :• ! •.n.l j;\inetiiall\ a’*-. . 1-d 'I lAvst ot \ie\tevs in the Post-Ofhci., I.incolnton, S. C. 1st April, 1825; some of which will be sent to the t.eneral Post (Ulice as dead lit ters, it they are not taken out before the 1st of July next, Mrs. Agnes Kcmbralo, James Altoiii, tnocli Kelly, Hcv. Daniel Asbcrry, L. Abediiego Ailan(S, Jacob.Leonard, AN Ml. J. Abernathy. William Lee, R- Klijah Lewis,' Michael Beam, John l.in, f-ovin Uates, John Long, John Boyd, J.Tcob Longcreer. Robert Blackburn?, m. Robert Barber, Henry Mecc jroy 2. Henry Barkeley 2, Marmduke Maples 2, Mrs. Mary Baker, Alejtanihr M‘Lean, Benjamin Jieal, Frederick Moose, Mrs. Catharine Baker, John Murphy, William Biles, Kdvvard .NPtiraph 2, Mrs. Sarah Barber, Christian Moonv, AVilliam Bost, James M'Collister, David Bookout, A. U. M'Kee, lilman Blalock, Rev. I>aniel Moser, Caleb Bradley. B. M‘i;cc. C. (). IJcubcn Copelan. John Oats, jr. * Clerk .Superior Court, i». Abram Cook, John Phifer, W m. Crowder, Adv I’arker, J ptha Clark 2, Robert Patterson, D. Cla> fon, Daniel Projjst. Samuel Collins, H. David Castner, Paul A. Reece, John Carpenter, Charles I.V-ggens, H.irvey Carrier 2. Stephen 1,'eed, D- (iideon Robinson, Fllsha Dyer, David Itobiiison, George Deal, John Rees. WiHiam Deal, S. F.sther Davis, Patrick J. SpaiTOW, Arch’d. Dellingham. John Saddler, K. Abel ii. Siiuford, Charles Edwards. John Shrum, F. John Sitles, Rev. Josiah J'reeman, Henr)' Selltrs, John Ford, John Stiiniej, Samuel Franklin, John Scgman, A\ illiani Fish, F.nos Slu rrill, 'l lionras Ferguson. Solomon Skill. C. '), John Garner, M’llliam Thompscn, Nelson Ciutrj', Valentine Taj lor, William (iibbs, John 'l’hom]'son, John Grisse. West Triiit, H. David Thornburg, Joseph Fluit, Miss Sophia Tucker, Wilie Harriss, ' John F. Tompkica, Wm. Henderson, Janies Taylor. John Ilovis, sen’r. ^ W. (ieorgc Herman, ' Jacob Wise, John Hannan, llastinps Ward, Kllzabeth Henklc, John \\ hitener, Robert Hoskins, George White, Peter Houser, Joshua Wilson, Hi nry Hoyle, Ishani White, l?euben Hamilton, George M ilfong, Margaret Hndsoii, Janu r, Wibon, John Houser, Robert W.hon, Romanly JIart. AA illiain AN ilxm, J. Fricler'ick A\i!lianns, Mrs. \ancy J. Johnston,John W h ti sidi s, j Mart n Isahour, James W'n.y, Drury Jenkin.s, Sairin ! W. I!s, | David Jenkins, Jaiii's AA'iihi rs]>oc:i, j AVilham Jones, Isaac W ill--’. ' Henry Jones. I K. I'.dmund A’oimg, George Kerd, George A iint, Andrew Killian, ^’^s. Aim \ itnt. | ;it30 D. RFINHAKD'F. /*. .V. I JflllHS larg.', eh gaiit, r.od , 1 \V(.ll l)ifd young ,horse, will st.ind the ensuing season f;j_*H^.in >h'ekleirljiirgcoiin'y. t!ie I’ollow ing ]daces, to w it :—at Itobirt W dsoii’s, 12 miles above Charlotte. .\’(iiidays ainl Tues- (!;>\s; in (‘'.larlotti, rJ Dr. Hi ndi rxni’s'staMe, A\ ednesd i} s and Thiirsda} s ; ir:da_is and Sat urdays, at Ikobi rt I. l)inkni’>. n.iles bi, Iow Charlotte, on t!ie Old Nat un I'ovd roail, piiblie (Javs exci ])!( d. when he v. dl be in (liarlottc; anil will li- h t t'l niaris at the mudenite price of Six Dollars the single h-:ip; Tw' ivc D«dh.rs the seasim, pa_\;thje the I 4 of .Imi.nirv, butte be diseharged w.th ten. it' paid within th.e se.i- son ; and i ifteen liodars to iii'»i;re a 111.>re w ith foal, (ireat laii and preca',ti( n will he taki 11 to avoid accidents; but no liabil ti. '1 Iw .sea son will conuiience ti>e lOlli March aiideml loth June. DF.SCHIPTION. Mismii'Trpi is a beautilul chesnut sorrel, near seveliteeii hands higii, li\ e years old tins spriog, w III jiroportioned, and jiobsesiiiig great 11.useu- ar power. IM.DHiHI.F.. Mismssti'pt was got by I’le celebrated running horse Na|)oleon, who was got by Sk\s'-r.ip'r. w ho w ;is got by the famous iii'pijrteil horse I »are De\il, and was descendid from the great run ning h'ir:.e I.eiip-'e. Nap(deoii’s dam w,e. tin cele!)iated niare Slow-and-I’.asy, wiiov.asg-ot bv tiif c kiirated horse Baronet, her dim l.\ Cephahis ; her i:r;in-dain by rearnoiight, Mis si^sippi’s dam w as j^ot by the celrhr;iti d ruiinin;, horse Doiiidi.-head, v\ ho w .is g)t b\ tin old sor rel Diiniiedf*. Doubh -he.ad’s p( rfi.rm.iiiee oe ihe Ti nii' ssee turf, was uneijiialii '! I i aii_\ hoi-'i that i \er run in that state, and v.arraiits t!u.‘ as scrtion ( f his being a tliorourii bn d ho,' e ; In 1 dam was got b\ the running horsi Old lielare, out of a jjarti'.er and Fearnought mare. ( HALI,FN(.F,. Mi^c’ssirrt lins not vi t had an oppoj-luniti of disting'iishii'g liiniself as a niniK r, and i eiiurs" b'l.s iiothii.gto reronimend liim but h ■ jjed'rree ; but if iny pi'rson w ish( s to test tha' i.u t, l e can ou‘-niii :my stallion foah'd and i ,1 ^ ed III ilie state, from fint‘-ff)urt!i of t mile to fon- mill;-. -.u-rying tlie Weight of his ),rr>i m an' saddle on i.ich, fortl.e amount of liis s asoii, 1 ■ niie thoT.uid dollars. A> M. lloi.\N. M:irli 1, —^it?L I)('li\('pv liornl'. Vi”' al.’, -i' - f'il'.c State of Nortli-raroliiirt, Ci»iiARiirs rorNTT. Cffitrt of Phan unj Qtiartr Si .'•niuri/i, January Tlviii, 1825. AVilUam L. Wcddington, ° ( Attachment levied on James Means. 5 lands. TT aj)])earing to the .s.itisfactiim of the court' that James Means, the defendant in this case is not uii inhabitant of this stale : It is Wmv/, therefore, that publication be made three months in the (Catawba .journal, nttifv.ng siiitl deteml- ftiit, that unless he appi ar at our next court of Pleas and (inarter Sessliuis, to be ln.lv! fur said county, at the fJourt-House in Com ord, on tin third Monday in April next, and ph-ad, answer, or demur, judgment pro confes.so will be taken agiiinst him. DAN’L. COLKMAN, C. C. V. 3nit3U—jirice adv. Vitale ol* ISorih ('aroliiia, C I HA IlMI S rol'N TV . Court of Plena uivt t^hmrh r Stuiiiortf:, Jantiari/ 'J'dlil, Joseph Young 1 VK. ^.Attachment lc\led on land:.. James .Means. 3 IT appearing to tlie r."?isf?clion of the court, that .fames Means, tla- deieiidant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this state : It is therefore ordfrtft, that [mblication be made three immths in the Catawba Journal, notifying said defi nd- ant, that unless he iip|)ear at our next Court of Pleas and Quartir Scssion.s, to be held for said county, at the Court-House in (joncord, on the third Monday In April next, and pk?(i, answer, or demur, judgment pro confesso v^ill be taken against him. DAN’L. COJ.EMAN, C C. C. 3mt30—price adv. f4 of Nor?!j-( sirolnia. Ptbruary Ttrni vf Mcc/iltniriirg Cviinty Coiirf Lewis’ Aiiiii’rs. ") vs. \ l.evicd on Land. John l ewis, j IT appearing to the court, that the defendant is i.ot an inhabitant of this stale ; It is or dered, that puhlieation be made in the Cata« ha Journal, for three months, that the defemiant appear at the ni >:t eourl of thl.. eountx, on th« 4lh Mondaj of Ma\ next, and repleiy and pUad to issue, otherw ise jutlgment w ill.be* entered b\ default against him. Ti.st. ISAAC ALFXANDKK, C. M. (!. 3mt35.-Price adv. ft. Sinto oi‘ ]VorfIi-( Fdntary Ttrm of Micklvnlvvi' Conri. AVilliain Salters 1 Or.giiial \tta( |.mi nt, k v- ^.ied (U! .) uigres, ,li;l\, Sam, Williani Douglass. ) Prank, .linli aiu.I M.ir'.. ]T ;ipi.. urii\g to flu court, tiial tii.' defen.ia'it i,-'. not Ml inha itant ot' this stall r Ii i-. (jr- j dered, that pubhcatitiii lie ni; ue I;i tl;e i al'iwl'.i Journal, for ti lei iiKMitiis, tl^j t),, ,leo iiil.nit I appear at the next couii of Ih ■. eoiin;’.. 0.1 tin ■*h MoiKiay in V iV ne.'.t, and n |.le\ ; ud i.b .'d | to issui, ot'icruise ju(Igh.i:iil will l.e\nli red Lv | default ag.iiii'.t liiiii. 7V.v/. I > A .••• f; A Ll;x \ \ I) F\i, C. M. (. 5mt35.— IM-H e aiU . 1. '‘oficf. \I J. tlii'se, whose subserptii ns fV,i- hi'hling till' I-In I re i I ill ( iirh tie :!ic \ 11 niir'r'.i, and those who took peu > h.r t'i.- vi.;,r einiinj' A';- gi.st. IR24, are i.oius;I’ c; IL il ce (oi- imii,, di. ate p;;Mriei,t. .Ms'', subser.l.i is I'm- eiieUjsiiii- Ihein aM and c:,urc!:-yard, am' for the purchase of a l!l.: .1., are re(|nesteii to in.'kt paj im nt, so tii.'it :i III II m \ lie peieiuised and put up with as litt !e deb’.v as possible. .’OIIN lIIAt ?V, 1 f fiisurir nf htf rSuuni ('(irinuixbiuinrs. M.ireh 18, 1825.-25* York\ilU* Hook r'lniK siibscribi r b( gslea\c tniiilorm the pub- 1 lie in gemral, tl.al he r.irjiei 01, the llniilirii, ill all its vaiii.iis br.inrhes. Iia\iiig‘ Sli|)|jlied hims. It’ vith tue bf-t r;f mat ( r;;*!;,, lie will exeeute. work 11, the ni atest iiiMiin r ;iiid on the ‘^hortest liotici . .N.'l!. All orders fur Blank and Copv Hooks will be |)Uiiitiiall\ attended to, ‘.Hf .lOHN 11. in; CAHTKIM.T. VSri’F.RIOlf ,l.\('K,as a foul gcttir, will stund the 1 nsiiiii;.' priii;- si asi n f t i,(l 1 ^ i.n tiie first ot,Aiii;iist III >.t);if in\ si.,I li, imd be lit to mares at fvi li. II rs the se;ison, .Mid ten dollars to insure a niaie m lu:d. (.reat 'I're will be taken to prevent aecidents; but v. ill not bi liable tor any. JAS. DINKINS. _M. rch 1825 — V'\vp*.v\\ V'vt‘s\\ KKXinucK .iHr.nxri'iiY, 5 I \\ I’, just !■( Cl ;vi d a I ' e and ele'-.-Mit I E stock ot (.0> II)S, -oi , j 1 ,ii:g alii.ost 1 \ erv rliele lisiK.llx kejt ',1 t.';i ^.ii l lOUI'.Irx S’lil'l'-, togctiier w ith a li'lli.ln r o! i iit'j. i;. ; vi bi I . aedeil 11) tile ' rij il'ii sloek, w .il inal.e t, p-'ihal)'.. e(]'., l to MU o; tl e ])hvee. 'I in \ I' s[,i ( 1 r.l!i iir. it I- 1 iieii- ei.^ton;i rs, a:a! the |;U' lie ;r’-n' to e;ti| e\ail i|i their .,'0();;s, a!;il ie tilt jirii'i s. 'I l,e\ aho liaM r rneiii'-i I'. I' W.tii tin- l.eyie, I be S'- '! Ml s oat I utKi;: i.' t!"'> l::i'.e in n.to.iu’e reeeiv. o, \, ii! lOt be d -'■.iIilil'iK (1. I in:.>, 2*29. J/ 7//I'/.■ ('/)(!J fi ■/■i/ti: liKsincss. rMi: r .u!)si 1 ilx 1 ieivii.L, r f :i tn( I.n d ti.e :di(,M 1 bils;in.’,''S ilj»tl e 1(,v ji i I i '(i‘te. n spei't- •;!!•. s .1' !s ;i ijj' jie!l c |, ■;! rolii'.ge. lii;i "i.'.K V dl be n. atlv an.l'lui'.ii>lv coii-tn et, 1,1 Will be ii;>poM-.. (t (M aecoiiUiioilatiiig ■ rm.. SK'I TT.LS .md A\’;i r!N(. ( II MRS, made o (irder, ean !'i- had on '.’k.m m.tiee. \\ II I i 01 ( 1 i \ I ujiol, ‘•r ' ’/ir’: -• r b ! '.J •- .! ,J MR. Cl.AY TO HIS CONSTFFUKNTS. To the penjile of the (!oni'reat>ioniii ViHtrirt coj/iposr't of the counticH of Fin/ette, l^ood- foiit, and (Inrke, in Kcnhicky. 'riu' rt'hilioiis of your roprrsentative iittd of your tieiglihof, in wliic li I luoo so ■ong stooil, ami in w hich I hitvi'(‘Xpenen- ccd so nuuiy biroiig proofs tjf \nii' vuiifi- dence, alluchmert am! ft ieiuLsiiip, ha\ iiig^ lUst been, tiu* (iiu'.(I'riiiinateil, ;;ml ilie other stispviuli’d, 1 avaii tii} st If of t lie oc- I’asioii oil taking, I ho|jc a tenipurary, h'ave of y(ju, 10 expri ss my unreiguod g!.'itittidf for all your favors, and to as- suK' V(jii that 1 will ( hriish a fond atid iiiireasiiij; i ocol!c( lion ol'ihein. 'riu‘*‘X- iraordinary circnmstamcs in which, du- rini'; tin* lalo sos.sion of C\;jigrcss, I have In’cti pliuod, and lh(* untnfritpd atiimad- versiotis which 1 haw hroiighl upon iiiy- I ir, for an hoiK' .t and faithru! dischai of niy public duly, fonn an additional motive for this appeal to your candor and lustice. ’ H’, in llit* ofTn e which I have just left, 1 liavr, ahused your confi{!(Mici and I)('trayt‘tl your inlcrt sts, 1 cannot de- .spi've your support in that on tiie duties of which I have now fiilcred. On the contrary, should il iifiprar that I have he(*n as.sailcii \\ illiout just causf, and that niisguiflcd /oal and intcrcsK^d passions liavi' singh'd tiu' out as a victiiTi, I cannot doniil that 1 slitill continu(^ to find, in the enlighli iu‘d trihnnal of tiio public, that ( h‘M ing couiiK iianct* and imjjurtial jiidfj;'- ment, without which a public servant eannot possibly discharge with advatUngti the trust confidcd to him. It i-? known to you, that niv natrio had been presented, by th«‘ res[)cctal)le state* of Ohio, Kt-nlticky, Louisiana and Mis- •,ou-ri, fo'- thcofVi( (?of I’lf‘sid«*nt-, to the consideration of t!i»‘ Aint'iuan public, and that it liad altr.-icted some al'eniiou III other (|uarters of the Urdoti. W hen, ea. Iv in Niovcniber last, I took liiy dcp.ii - inre fioni the district to rc[)air to this City, the is;:ue of tlio Presidential IJei> lioti beiore the people was unknown. Mvents, h'jwe\«T. had then so f.ii trans- piied a^> to lender il highly pi(>bab!e that Herr w.ouhi be no elec tion by the people, iiid lhat 1 should !>• excluded from th(s House of Kepresentutives. It became, lIvMcl'oie, my (!nty to c(;nsider, anr! to n.::iie iij) an opinion on, the respective j.ia Icn' ioiis tA' t!u‘ three ri^etuIc.'iieti that r.ili’;*'' I"' i' 1’.irned, aihi al tiiat early pe riod 1 slci'ed to Dr. Drake, oik' of the Pi't.I'esaors in the .^Ii'dical S( bool of I’ran- s;. Iv;-nia L tii.v .-rsit\, .lud to Joliii J. Crit- I iiileii, !'.s(|, of l l .tnkloi t. my (letermi- 1 !iun to MipjK.'-i 'Ir. A,lams in |)refer- ( .1'('to (ien. J.:ckf,on. I '.vi ole to C harles I I.;ini>ioiifl, of ( iiii intifiii, about the s;.iiie til. e, a.nd intniiorn-d lei-lain objec- tiotis to the ( let lion of .Ml. Crawford, (iiiiKjir-- v\ hit ll was that of his continued i!i liealtb.) llial appeared to me almoiit iHsu]iera!)!e. During niy journey hither, and up to near ChrisliMis, it lemained uiiLCrtain whether Mi. (lawloial or J w otild hr retiinied to the ! louse of iepre- seiitnlixcs. Up to near ( in isimas, all our inl'orination made il higlily probable t hut the vote of I.oii isiaua w ould !jo g'iv eti U> me, and that I shouhl conseMueiitly b(^ relnrned, to the evclusiori ».f /ir, ('raw- ford. .And, whilst that ])rjbabiiily war, stroiii'-. I conimunii uled to \Ir Senator .lohnstoti, from Louisiana, niy rcsohiiiMn not to allow my name, in coiisetjiience of the small tiiiiiiber (d \otes by wliii.h it would ht“ ( . rried into the House, if I were returned, to tonstitiiK^ an obsLirie, fur one moment, to an Mlectiuii in liiti Mouse of IJepi esentaii\I's. Durini!; thi; m(>ntli of December, and the ;(reat(M- part of .lamiary, strong pro- ri-s''.ions ')f liigli ^on^il!(M•alion, and ol uti- boutided admiruti'.'ii of me, were made lo my friends, in the grc.lest profusir»n, by some of the adixe fi’iends (d' all the i e- tn.necl catidida!i“.. l,\ei'v body profer;- sed to regiet, ai'o r I w.is excluded iVoni the House, l!i;,t 1 IkkI not been returned to it. I seemed lo be the favorite of e\e- r\ body. Dc'.c riliing mv siliiation to* di;.l..iit Inend, 1 ■-aid lo him, ‘I am en- j |ij\ing. uhilit a!i\t , the po'thuiiius hon- 'irs\\hi( !i are usualh awarded to he ven erated dead.’ A person not ac(jiiainted wilh liuiiKMi nature would have ix tui sur- liiiscd, in listening tr> tlicst- praises, that the object (d'lhem had not been elected by general h(clamation. None ni.ide more or warmer m. tiifestatii.ns ol'these senti ments (d’ esteem and admiration, than sonc ol thelVif n(is of (Jt net al Jackson. None neicso re .ei\eil as those of Mr. .\dams ; uiider an opinion, (as I have b urnt since il'.e eli eii mh. which they ear ly imbibed, tiiai tlie ucMern vote would be i,nl\ inll'.ii IIIcd liy its own sense of public iiUt\ ; .ti,d that, il its iudgnicnt jjointed lo any oilier ikari .Mr. \dams, iioiirmg \N hii ll they ('(jiild do would se- cuieit to him. 'I he^.'* [ roll ssii ns and n'laniii -.i al ions were taken bv roe foi' u hat they were worlh. I ktiCA- lli; t ;he sun- lie-.uis would (juicUty di'.apjji'ar, alie’.' my opi’ii.’j h^otilj l,»e ascgi'ladicd, aUtl iha'l