MK. t !.\VS Al):)i;!'.S‘: CONCI.l nr.D. 1 am not uu d\r I’.ial lhi;> cl;'U‘HCt.* cflKiii- \v;is i-ctulc: fl lu'ces'iury l)y any (fcv-. Sru’t loi'wai'd ai;'i.iisl ihi' (iciifi..!. ^^>rtuiniy 1 never jikuIc any siu h i liar,t's ■V a.;:ainst him. I v. ill not suppose lhatiii the nubsnqjcs citcci, lit' iiUendi-fl to inipii’c to me the mi'icontlucl which lie (k:,.i il>c‘S : .'I’d }o!, takiji.o; Uio context oi his Irtler to-jf'llicr, and couprnu- it )nei’s address, it cuinHji bo disi^uihed that otliPfs may suppose lu* intondcd to reier ^0 me. I am (;iii*c sine lliul il lie did. !:e could not Ii;i\ '‘ I’ornied those \Hilavoi-- ;d)le ajMiiioivs upon any personal o!)\cr\aiiniis of my conduct made h\ iilniscli’; for, a supposition tliat tiicy v.’('ro f.iiJiided upon his own knoulcd};e, I'Duid inipiy that .my lodj^iujV'’ and jny perijoii had i)ccn stihjectcd to a system ol o'-jjionai^n, \vhf)lly ir>coin])atible v\ith the open, manly, and honorable conduct oi a gallant soklit-r If l.e desi;n‘jd any in- sinualior.s at^ainst in^*, I mustb'dieve that^ Ik* made tin. ni upon the inforniatioii d oihei.s, of wlioni I can only say, that they h ive (liceivtd his ci’ctlinity. and aic en tirely unwoi! hy of all credit. I entered into no cabals; I iield no secret conclaves; 1 enticed no rnun to \io!ate pledii^es ;^;iven or iiistrin:ii(jtis reeci\ed. 'I'he inriiiijers from Ohio and from the \Vesten\ States, v> it!i \vi)om I voted, were all of riiein aS ro;ni)ete!it as I was to form an iipitiion on the pendinf;; election, 'i'he MNVrthtu’s ami the .Metcalfes, and the other ;;ontleinen from the West (some of whom liave, ifl have not,bravely “made an eflort to repel an invadin;': f.e”) are :.s incapable of dishoncjr as any men breathin';: as disintensled, as nnanibi- tivMis, as'excliisiVely d( \oted to tin- best interests of the crjuntry. It was (piile as likely that 1 should be inliurnced by >ln-m. as tliat l cotdd c(;iili(d tlu ir votes. V Mir o!)ject was not to imp.iir, but to j)re- >rt ve IV(jni all danger the jtuvity of our rejiiil)lican institutions. And how I jiros- Trated the maxim vhich n\aintains the supremacy of tiie jieople’s w ill, 1 am en- lirtly at a loss to comprehend. The il lusions of the Cienerai's imaj^ination de- i.t ive him. 'J'he peoi>!e (>f tlie IJ. States had never decided the election in his fa vor. If the peo;)le had villed his c leclioii, he would have been elected, it was be cause tliey had nut wi//ed his election, nor th'jl of any other candidate, that the du ly of makin;:,^a choice ^levolved upon the liotise of Kepresentatives. The General remarks : “ Mr. Clay has never yet risked himself for his country. He has never sacrificed his repose, nor made an effort to repel an invadinfj^ foe*; f)f course, hx^ cor!Scienc^ assured him it was altogether wron.a^ in any other man to lead l>is countrymen to battle ar\d Vic 's. —The lo^ic of this con iusion is very stiikin-j. (.Jen, Jack.son flights Ij^tter tliau he leasuns. When have I i'ail'^d to concur in awardinj' appropriate lionoi's to those who on the sea or oi; th(‘ Jaml have siisiained the ijlory (jf our aril)s, if 1 could not alua>s aj)prove of the acts oi' some of tiiem P It is true, tiiat it has hei'n my misfortune never to l:ave rcpellrd an iiivadtnr,^ foe, nor to'have led mv conn'r\men tj victory. If 1 had, I sliould have left it to others to j)roclaim and appreciate the deed. 'I'he (ieneral's desiiny and mine have led us in diH'ereiit directions.- In the civil employmetils of iny coutitry, to which I have been confi ned, 1 ro'^rel that the little ser\ice whii h I have been able lo render it, falls far shot t of my wislies. Jiut w hy this de- 'uiiticiation of those who have not repell ed an invadinij i'oe. or led our armies to victory r At the very moment when he is invei^biiii:; iir^ainst ;:ti o!)je(..tion to the eleetiu!. to the i'residMi':y, fotinded upon tl'.e e>('h; >i\e military naiui t' of liis mei-- its, dots he not jjereeive that he isestal)- '’lisliinp; its validity by proscriljini; every man who has not ‘•ureessl'uliy founht tiie public enemy t And that, by sucii a "i ii; » ril ])roscriptron, and the re(|i;irenieiil of successful military servi( i? as the oidy eur.'lition of ci\il [ireferment, the ii\evi- ;abk'efVect would b>' the iihinuiK.'estab- iishmeni of a Mliita' y (lov( nunenl ? If the contents of thi‘ J'.'ttor to Mr. Swart'.vout were surh as j'ls-ly to excite Mir;)fise, tiiere were other ircuii^staiM'es not «-;ilri.!aU d to dimmish it. l)f all the iill'/. iis of th(; Ui'.ited States, that e- 'Uije- '!ian i; one oi' the last to whom it ne- eessarv to address atiy viridic;;li';Ti ('i' den. Jackson. 1 h' had r^iven ainmdaiii evidet.ce of his entire «ievotion to the canse of the (icnei'ul. He was here after the election, and was one of u committee vho invited the (ieneral to a |uit)lic din ner proposed to be i;iven to him in this place. My hitter to Judj^e Brooke w ;is published in the pajiers of this City on tiifr IJth of I’ebi'uary. The Ciein.Mars note declinin;:^ the invitation of Mr. wart wont and others, was pul)hshed oii ‘he 14th in the National .lonrnal. 'i'he prtjhability therefore is, that he did not I(M\c this City iin'il aOer lie lind a j'ullOp- [)'irtunity !o recei\\ in a pei-sdn d inter- Aiew with the (ien'Mal, anv ^e|bal obsei- valions upon it u hich he mii;'ht Iiave tho't ■■»io])ei' to make, 'i lie lett'M’ to Mr. '■>v. art won I bears date the J.Ul oi 1 ‘ bru- :ii v. if receiviil i)v him in must have 11 a( he.! liitn, in the ot’dinary course ol the n*aii, on t!n' JMli (r J’.Uh. \\'hetiier iiiU '.i'!* (1 (/.■• t ot as a ‘’privat'' rommunic’iti'ji!,’' and ;iot I'or the “public K\e,” as alieiv'd h\ hiiri, theie is mucii ’.-r.i';ainiiiy iii It.I:f'.hat i'.s pubijca- tioTi ill ■ Yo.on i-^e Itli ?.L.vh. I was ilien tnade, lil;e Mr. Kremer's ad dress. with th(^ view to its arrival in this City in time to el'i'eet my nomination to the Senate. In point of fact, it r^ ac iietl here t!u‘ day bei'orc tlie Seiiale u' li oi> that r.omi'iation. l-’i'llow-citizens, 1 am sct’.sibh' Miat '^en- crf-lly a pul)lic oilicer had boliev aljsiaiti from any vindicatioti of his cotiIucl. and lea\e it. to the \.ndor and justice (d his countrymen, under all i'-. attci'.dint^ cir cumstances. Such li:iS been ti e course which 1 h.ave heretcfoie prescrilied for myself. 'I'his is tlie lirt,t, and 1 hojv' the last occasion (jf mv thus appeiu ini; Ijelorc' you. ■ 'I'he se pa rat ion ulTu li has just ta ken place between ns, anfl th.c venom, il not the vij'or (jf the late onsets, Upon my pnljlic conduct, uiil, 1 hojie, be allowed in this in>!.ance to form and ade(iuate a- polo^y. It has been upwards of twenty years siiice I first enteted the public ser vice. Nearly throc'-iotirlhs ot that time, with sotne intermissions, I have repre sented the same diitrict in Congi’ess, w ilh I)tit littli! variation iii its form. i)urin;; that loni; period you have beheld out country paislni; thi oui>h scenes of peace and war, of prosperity and adversity, aiid oi’party divisions, local anil '^jencral, ofteJi }!^reatly exas perated a;aitist each other. I have been an actor i»i U)ost of th'^e scenes, 'i'hroui^lumt the whole t;f them you have cluni;- to me with an airertion- ate coididence which has never been sur passed. I have found in your att;ichment, in every embarrassment in your p'ibiic career, the i^reaiest C'>n:ioIati(jn, and the tiiost ;nc(u’rai,^in!^ suj)port. I should re- !.>:ard the loss of it as one of the most af- ili( thi.L;- public misfortunes wh.ich could Ijefal me. 'I'hai 1 hate oi'ti*n misconceiv ed your true interests is liit^hly prol)a!de. That 1 have ever sacrificed then) to the obji‘( t of-^)ersonal a;.,^);raiuruement, I ut terly diny. And for the purity of my motives, however in otlier respects 1 may be unworthy to ap[>i'()ach the Throne of (Jract; and iSlercy, 1 ajjpeal to the: justice of my (hnl, with all the confidehc“ which an Ilow from a consciousness of perfoct rectitude. Your ol>edicnt servant, II. CLAY. WuxhiiigtoVy J^Jnrch 29, 18JJ. BATTLK OF BUNKKR’S MILL. From Cooper’s 7ieu' work—Liond lAuculn. [rONCI.fDKD. ] 'SV'hile this triHiii^ by-play was en.'irt- ed, the great (hMiiia of th(? day was not at a stand. 'I'lie smoky veil which cltinfc nround tlie brow of the eminonco was lifted by the :iir and sailed heavily away to the south-west, loavinii; tlie scene of the bloody stniq2;ju aa;;iiii open to the view. Lionel witnessed the {^raveand meaniniii; >j;laiiees\viiich the two liuten:mts of the Ivin;^ exeh nif^ed as they simiiitaneoiisiy turned their ^ from • the i'atnl spot, and takiiia; the one' jiroi- iered by liurp)vne, he rea«l their ex planation in the ntimbers of the dead that lay prol'usrdy scatkTecl in front of I he redoubt. At this instant, an olUrer i'rom the field iield an earnest coninum- ie'-.tion with the two le;,df;rs, when, hav ing; delivertnl his orders, he hastened back to his boat, like? one who felt him self employed in matters of life aiul death. ‘ It shall he done, sir,’ repealed Clin ton, as tlie other departed, his own hon est brow Sternly knit under hig;h niiir- tial^ exeitement—‘'I’he artillery have .their orders, and the work will be ac- eomplished without delay.’ ‘'i'his, major Line.oln,’ cried his more so])]iistieatcd comjianioir,’ this is one of t!ie try ini^ dtities of the sohlicr! To I'lijht, to bief'd, m' even to die for his priiicej is his iiapjjy privilecje ; but il is someiimes his ui.rortin.ate lot to be ll'.e insiriimeiit ol ’veni:;eance.'’ liioiK'! waitf'd l ul a moment; for an e\plan:it:on—tin.' ilamins: ‘ balls were soon seen l.iiviii;;' their wide circuit in the air, :!iitl earfyiiKj; liieir desolation a- moii'j'the close and ii;'1ammnble roofs of tile ojipositc town, lii a very tew hiin- titi'S a d :!••(' nl.u’h srnoke :irose from l!ie desijied dwelliiit^s, aiid forked (lanK's playeil acl.l\'el\ ahmcT-the, heated shiniide^, as tiioiitrh liotiiiu; in their iiiimoh'sted pc)-,>essjnn (if the. place, lie roi^arded t!;e «raUierinjj destiaiction in pamfiil t il'Mu e, .nnd on be:’dins;his looks towards his companions, he i'ancieti, noiwitiistamiinij the lanicna;re of the’(»- Iher. that he read I hi' deepest refjret in liie Tverted eyes of h:m aho had so im- iiesitalingly issued the fatal mandate to d:>ti'ov. it' Fcei’O'; 1ii;r> ihrsc we are nt{,emj)tins: to l"seril;e, hours np|)(!ar to be minutes, and tune Dies as imjjereeplibiy as life slides from heiu.r.lh (!ie i’ect of a*^e. 'I’he disordert'd ratii^s of the Ilritish Innl been arrested at tlie hasc of tlie hill, and worn ajjaiii I'ormiiit; under the eyes of liieii- leaders with admii’aJde disei[)line and extraordin'iiry ore. I'resh battal ions from Hostmi man lied with hi:;li niilitary pride into the lines, and every lliiitir lieiiiketn*'! liiat a seemid assault was ai hand. AViien the monM'iit of stii- pid nmayi ment which snceeeih'd the I'c- trea* cd'i’.e jdvhI troo])s Lad j)a>ssctl, the hatterics poured ot:i their v,- -ath w uli ivn- foldl’iuy on tiicic encmje'. .Snot vveie iiicessanllv *:Ianeii)j:’ up ti^c a‘- (divily, madly j.l.'isvliin^ across ihc ‘jrasiv siiri’aec, whih' lilaok at d threat- enlnj; shells apjieared to hover al)0M’ the work like the monsters of the air :i- b(/iit. lojitoon upon their piev. Mill nil lay qtnet. and iinmovable v.'itbiii the low mounds of earth, as ii nune there had a stake in tne is.^l!e ol the bloody day. For a few monuMits only, the tall fi'tiurc ofan ae;ed man wiis .seen slowly movintr aton^ the summit of the ram]»art, calmly re^ardin," the disf)ositions ot the Jhi'ilisb ;i:;ener9.l in il.(! more di/iant part ol iiis Ijne, and al ter exohan^ina; a few words with a L"en- tleman who joined him in his dan;i;er- ons look-ont, they (lisapj)eared to»;et!ier heliind thr {grassy banks, liionel soon discovered the name of Prescott, ol Pepperell, passiiiii; throng;!) the crowd in low murmurs, and hi.s i^lass did not deceive him when he thought, in the smaller of the two, he ha 1 himselt de scried the p-aceful form of tiie unknown leader of the “caucus.” War- ren. ] All eyes were now wntchina; the ad- va ice of the baUiilions, which once more drew ni>i;h. 'I’iie ii^i;ht ol the liritish, once niore disappeared in the orchard, and, the colunuis in frotd, of the re-ioubt aiiiin opened’willi all the inrposin«r i-x- •ie.tiie‘oS of their hisih disciprini!. 'I litMr arms were already glitr.nrin;:^ in a line with the gr?en fices of the mound, and Lionel heard t!ie experienced uarriour at his side, mt!rni.u;'in^ to liimsed', ‘Let him hold bis fire, and he will j;o i:i at the t of the bayoitet.’ But the tj-i.d was too sjreat for even, the practised eourace of tlie royal troops. \\)i!ev suceeded volley, and in a fewniinutps t!u*\ h id aijain curtain ed their ranks l.'Chind the misty >;creen produced by tiieir own lire. Tlien came the tenihle llash from the re doubt, and the eddyinp;'volumes from the at!verse hosts rolled into on.edoud, envTdoiiinj; the combatants in its t'ohis, as if to conceal their bloody work Irom the s[iectators. Twenty times in the short space of as many minutes, nii'jor Lincoln fancied he heard the incessant roll of the American musketry die away before the heavy and rea;ular volleys of the troops, and then he thoujrht the sounds of the latter ^rew more faint, and were given at longer intervals. ’I'he result, however, was soon known. Tiie heavy black srnoke which now' even clung along the tjround, was broken in fifty ))laces, and tiie disorder ed masses of the British w ore seen ilriv- en before their delilierate loes in wild confusion.—The Hasliiiig sword.s of thi* ollicers in vain attern,.te 1 to n'islthe torrent, nor did the lli;:;*it eease willi ma ny of the regiments u \ii th>'v haii evi-n. reached their boats. At i!rs miwiient a hum was heard in iijse the sud den rush of wind, and nteii ga/ed in ea-^h other's faces with U'idis'j:u;sed ;una7:e- inent. Here anti th('-.,-a ii.w so.i nd of ex ultation escapedsotiit: U'>ij;ii ir h-.! I:p,a;id niany an eye g!(;ameit w';'i i triuinnh tliat could no loieg'T Ix; ['n. til this moment (he ti e'Mgsiii' Liom I j had vacillated bi t'.v;.cn the pri le ol country and his miiit;;; y sj^irit, but los ing all other feeli:igs in ti.e latlei s! iisa- tion, he now loo! (-i tierc ly ai»outhim, as If he would set k the man- v. ho dare exult in the repulse of his comraiies.— 'I'he poetick ciiieli.iin was still at his side^, bitin.^' his nether lij)in vexa’ion ; but his more tried com]>anion had sud denly disappeared. Another quick glance fell upon his missing form in the act of etitering a boat at the foot of the liill. Quicker th'Mi thought liiont i was on the shore, crying as he Hew to the water’s edge : “ilohl, for Ciod’s sake, hold! Ro- meinber tliat the -JTtli is in the held, and that I am its major.’’ “lifceive him,” said Clinton, with that grim satistaction with which men ■tcknowledge a valuabh; friend in mo ments of trial ; “and then row for your lives, or what is of tnore value, for the. honour of tlie British name.” I'he hrain of Liimel wliirled as the boat shot along its watery hc-d, but be fore It had gained tiie middle of the stream he liad tin^e to consider the whole (rf the ajipalling scene. 'I'iie lire had s];read from house to house, atid tht* whole village of Charlestown, with its tour htte.dred buildings, was j'ust bnr't- ing into Mames. The air seemeil iilled with whislling brdls, :,s they hurtled a- bove his head, and th! blaidc sides of the shifts ol war were vomiting their sheeN ot llaine with unwearied indiistrv. Amid this tumult the Knglish and Iris companions sprung to land. 'I’he form er rushed into tiio di>ordered ranks, and by hi.s presence and voici* ree;d!ed the men oi (me re;^imf nt to fhfir duM-. But long and loud appeaU to tiieir s[iirit and their aiicient 1 one v. ere i:( c('ssar\' to re'iuie a moiety "f their fo£iner cnri- fvV'iirc to^v.en wi.o Iiii't '>'''''1 thu-.ud.- Iv r-'ii!'* '!- and who now looked alf)U'j; rh’cirVhiim.xl and exhausted ranks, mis- s:-)-- in nianv-instances more thaii liaL of riie well-known ciniutenance.s ot f( Ilow'. ^u the iTiitl't ot their laltei ing troo’'s stood tii:.‘ir stern and unhendit’g ehW‘^’, hut of all tliose g:'y and gallant voulhs who had hilloued him m jus train from the ]>rovince-hotise mor ning, notone remained but in his blood, lie alone seemed undisturbed in that disordered ciowd ; anil Ids mandates went forth as usual, calm and determin ed. At length the panick in some de gree stdisidcd, and order was restored as the high-spiritetj and mortil-ied gen tlemen o'’ the detachment regained tlieir lost authority. Tl'.e leaders consulted together, apart, and the disj ositions were imnitdiately renewed tor tiie assault. Alilitary simw was no longer alTected, but the soldiers hud down all the useless implements of their trade, and many even cast aside their outer garmcnt.s, tinder the heat of the broiling sun, added to the heat of the connagratioii, which I.'egan to dii- itself along the extremity ol the peninsula. Fresh compaiiies were jila- ced in the columns, ae.d mo.s't of the troops were withdrawn I'roin tlie mead ows, leavi'ig merely a I’ew skirmi,shers to amuse the Americans who lay behind the fence. When each disposition was completed, the final signal was given to advance. Lionel had taken post in hisregiincnt, liut marchingon the skirt of the eolumn, he commanded a view' ol most of the scene of battle. In his front moved a battalion reduced to a- handttil ol men in the jireviou*' assault^. Behind tliese came a party of the niarim' guards from the •hijiping-, led by their own V(!terpii major; atid next I'ollow- ed the deject'd >>’esbit> and his corps, among u liom I^ionel looked in vain for the features of the good natured Bolwarth. Simil-ir colu.'vms marched on their right and lel't, encircling three sides of the redoubt by their battalions. A few nuuiu'nts l.rouglit him in full view i>f that humble and uiit'inished mound of earth, for f!ie possession of which so much blood had that day been split in vain. It lay, as before, still as if none hrca’hed witliin its bo som, though a terrihck row of dark tubes were arrayed along its top, ftd- lowingthe movements of the ajiproatdi- ii’.g columns, as the eyes of the ima ginary charmers of our own wilder ness are said to watch tiieir viciims. As the ujiroar of the ariiliery aa::iin g!-ew fuiiiter, the crash of filling stie' ts, and the ajipallii;g sotinus of it.e conflagration, on tiieir left, he- c.ime tr.ore audible. Immense volumes of bli’ck smoke i.>sued tVoni the mould- et'iiig 1‘tiins, and bt Hying outward, f)!d beyond fold, it over-huiig t'le work in a hideous cloud, cr.stir.g its gloomy shadow ncross the jilaco of blood. A strong column was now seen as cending, as il irotn out the burning: tiAvn, and the advance of the wliole became (|iiiek and sfiirited. A low call ran l.irougii the platoons, to note the naked weapons of their adversa- rii.'s, ami it was follijw'ed by the cry ol ‘to the bayonet ! to the ba\ (met i’ ‘Hurrah! for the Hoyal Iri^h !' shouted M’, at the head of the dark column from the coidlaLcration. ‘ Hurrah !’ echoed a well-known voice from the silent mound ; ‘ let them come on to Breed's ; the ' pco- |ile will teac!) 'imu the law I’ -M(mi think :d such monien'ts with the rapidity of li^htnin^, ami Lionel had even l.iiicied his comrades in pos session of the work, when the terri ble stream of fire llasiied in the faces ol the men in iront. ‘ Bush on with the—th,’ cried tlie veteran Major of marines—- pu^h on or the ISth will get the honour of the day I’ ‘\N’e cannot,’ murnmred the so!di(>rs ol the—til ; 1h(,ir lire is loo her.vv !' ‘'I’hen break, and let the mari’iies pass throuic'i you !' I he le('b!(* battallo!! melted awav, and the wairiours ol the (h'Cj) trained to conflicts hand to hand, sjU'ang for ward, with a loud si,out, in,- pi;,. CCS. 'I'he Americans, exhausted (.f tiieir amnumition. now sunk sullenlv hack, a l(«w linriing stoncjs at thei'r toes', in (u-sjjerate in(li(.':nation. 'J’he cannon of the British had bt en brouLdit to eidilade their short breast W(uk, which was no longer tenable; and as the columns approached clos, r to the low' rami)arl, ;| became a mutual pro tection to the ad\'erse parties. ‘Ilurral, : for the lioyal!' again sliouled M', Vushin- up the trilling ascent, wl)ich was but little more tlian his own height. ‘Jluiral'i! repeated Bitcairn w;-,-\-. ing his sword on anotiier ai.vie ef the wo]'j»—‘ tne da\ s ovir own.' One n'iOic shef t of flame issv.ia ■ of tlie bosoin of the 'work, arid those brave men wlio Imd emulav'! the examples of their oHicers, ;v swept away, as though a \vh’iihvilj liad passed along. The grenadier his war-cry once more before* U jjitched headlong among his entmij w’hilc Pitcairn fell back into the aiir- of his own child. ^ The cry of wartl 47th,’ rung through their ranis and in their turn this veteran battal’ ion e^allantly mounted the rarnpari' In the shallow ditch Lionel the (lying marine, and csiught the dy ing nnd de.spairing leak from his cvc's' and Tn^another Instant he^'fouud llinj* self in the i)resence of lus foes. company followed company ^imo defenceless redoubt, the Americans sullenly retired by its rear, keepin.. the bayonets oi the soldiers at ba? with cluhhed muskets and sinewv anus. When the whole issued unon the open ground, the husbandmen re. eeived a close and fatal fire from the battalions which w'ere now gatlierin" arnund them on three sides. A scene of wild and savage confusion then succeedecj to the order of the fighf^ and many fatal blows 'vere given and (akon, the J/iclcc rendering the use ef lil t* arms nearly impossible for sey- eral minutes. Lionel continued in advance, pressing on the tootsteps of the retiring foe, sie|,. pint; over many a lifeless body in his diHicult progress. Notwithstanding the hurry and vast disorder of the fray, his eye I'ell on the form of the graceful stranger, stretch- d lifcle'^son the parch ed g;rass, which had greeiiily drank hii hiood. Amid the ferocious crie.s, ar..-l fierccr passions of the moment, tlie young man jiaused, and glanced hiscyn around him with an exprej-sion thatsaiii, he thought the work of death should cease. At this ijii,>menl the trappin;«io: his attire caught the glaring eye-balls of a dying yeoman, who exerted hiswast- iiigstrength to sacrifice one moreworthv victim to the manes of ^lis coiuitrvmen, The wliole of the tumultuous sccne van ished from the senses of Lionel iit the ilash of the tntisket of this man, and he sunk beneath the fec't of the coiiibatints, iitsoi.siblc of further triumph and ol’ovc- ry danger. 'I'he fall of a single ofTicer insucha contest, was a circur.istance not to be regarded, and regiments passed over him, without a sitigle man stoppins t5 iiKpiire into his fate. When the .\.ncr- if'ins had disengaged themselves front tlie troops, they descended into the hol low between tlie two hills, swil'tly, anJ lifve a disordered crowd, bearing oif most of their wounded, and leavini; but few ju'isoners in the hands of tlicir iocs. 'I'h.e formation of the ground favored their retreat, as hundreds of bulietJ whistled harmh.'ssly above their hp:ids; and by the time they gained the acclivi ty of Buiiki'r's, distance was added to thrir security.' Finding the field lost, the men at the fei'C(' broke away in* i)o!y. iVoni their [)osition, and abandon ed jlie meadows ; tin? whole niovimrm confiisi'd ma^sL•s behind the crcst of tlie adiaeeiit heiicht. 'I'he shoutingsolilicr)' I'ollowcil in their footsteps, poiiringin fruitless and dist;int volleys ; but on tiie summit of Bunker their tired pl.itoor« were halted, and they beheld thetliror.p; move fearlessly through the trfmcndnis liri' that enfiladed the low p^ass, as injurel as though must of them bore charmed lives. 'I’he day was now drawung to a cio'^ W ilh the disap}iearanceof theircnemifJ) the sliips and batteries ceased theirciiii* nonade, and jiresently not a musket lu.'ard in that jdace wliere so licrcc ao'*-' tost liad K) hug raged, 'i l'^’ commenced foT til’ving the outward neiieeoii which they rested, inordfrt® maintain their barren cotu'uest. and no- tiling further remained for the arhii'V'- uieiit of the royal lieutenants but to?) and mdtirn over their \ ictory. [The loss of the British in thisaf’ti'" amounted to 1200 men—tiie loss about 500, ineluding prisoners. 'THE Hi:V. Mlt. I I.KTCIir.R- Mr. I'letcher prcarhiti!; tvpe of Christ, he was in the most animated desrriptifHi ol day cd’ the I.,(H'd, when he suihh’nh p^‘ ed, ('very feature of his temuK »' was marked with jp. atul strikim^ liis hu'chead J. of hi s hand, he cxriainicd, .*■',vv man that lam! belo\ed l^rethrcn.' cuts me to ihe soul, as it does at t ii mcnt, to reilert that whih' I d/ eii(!ea\(jrin:>-by the forcc ol hcauty of holim'ss. and even by of the l.ord, to bei^ of volt to wa. peac(>able paths of rii^htcousncss.^ in ri'S|)e( t to many of you who if’J (;‘os|',(d. oidy tyin.q; milistfiHCS roiui^ u'“cks. to sink you deeper in P''' ' 'i'he wlude clm’rch was Vas some tinu’ b( f‘)rc his sul'jec*