PUIII.ISHED WEF.KLT r,vLKMl KL niXdlTA.n, TllKKK UOLLAKS A TEVH, P.VIO IX AIlVAXrE. Xo paper will he discontinued, unk-ss nt the oi!>cr«tloii (>t‘ tho editor, until all urrcariiijfcs arc AnvEnTisEMiM’s will be inserted at the iisiiul rates. I’cTsons seiuliiig’ in advertisements, ai'e -iilucstLd to note on the marg'in tlie number of .js^rtions, or they will be continued until forbid, u'kI churjjed acconliiig-ly. For the benefit and envouragcinent of .ME( HAMSM in the Western part of \orth-Carolin.->. TUF, Vollovving- schi me is the result of « nueliiii,'' of the Charlotte benevolent Me- cl\anic;'.l soiicty, for the purpose of cfevising’ •v:ivs and means to exchange the labor already expended ill manufacturing-, for another stock ,)f materials, that th y ma\ continue eheerfully n the exercise of their oecujiaiion, by which ulone fluy have been instructed to make a siib- •i^iU iKe. I lie jjreat want of \ent i'or the labor Ml’ t!ie very limited manufactories of thi- west- .rn part of North-C.'aroliiia, is severely felt by •.liosj Aviio have lu i M taught to rely on their proiVssiou aloiu* (or the support of their fiimi- 1,1!.; ami sucii imlijrence will doubtl ss keep evury Immeh nf meciianisin that labors uniler it, la aiiawkvvard and rram|)rd condition, that must ;vt.ir.l eiKVi^etic spirit, without which it IS ,:ii|)0'bi!de f(,r tin- ait to tldi'riNli. 'I’iie SUCK t\ te Is sani'uine in the hope, that ff(nti(.,'iu n w ild ale nut m the habit of i inbark- pii liiltcr\ selu iiiLS j'.'ciRrally, will be intlii- A rtliiahic Books. follow mg- Hooks, among manv others, (-7'. Oflice, at reduced pri- Johnson’s Works, 12 v. Davies’ do Smith s Wealth ot Na- Cunninpham’s do . ^Irs. 'rriiiimer’s do •'lay s I ohtical Econ- Meikle’s 'rravell. r Hook of Com’n Traver, Modern Europe eleg-antiv bound ‘ Kamsay s U. States Pocket liibles Memoirs of the Court of Phillipp’s Evidence Queen Elizabeth New land on Contracts Simond’s Switzerland .New-Vork Dit^cst liarring-ton &. Heaufoy Espinasse on Evidence on the North I'ole Philip on Indigestion Latrobe’s visit to S. Af- Ewdl’s Medical Com- panion Sketches of Florida Bell’s Operative Sur- Kostcr s 1 ravels ji^erv \\ atjon’s Philip the 2d Simpson’s Euclid and 3d ('ibson’s Survevine Marshall’s Life Wash- Blair’s L ctures in|cton ‘ Ainsworth’s Dictiona. Public Characters, 1805 rv.anda varietv of Moore’s Works r.;itin and EneTisli Byron’s do School Bm>ks Edwards on the Aficc- Morse’s (iazi tteer , Jovce’s Philosoi)hy Memoirs of Hev. An- Jamieson’s Log-ic drew Fuller Duncan’s do Life of Calvin Small books for child- Simeon’s Skeletons rrn Saurin’s Sermons Quills, &c. &c. &c. largT, eleffant, and 1 K>—i \vt 11 bred young horse, will stand the ensuing’ season in Meeklenburic county, at the rjii'L'-lb) r'.arltable iiioli\es to eiicotin.i^'e mcch- i following' places, to wit:—at Hubert Wilson’s, jiiijHi at their diiors, and tbeiebj lia\e an op- 1‘-’miles above Charlotte, Mondays and Tues- pcrti.iiitv of j.roiiting- tlieii.seU’c!; >jOU tor''*»'s; in CJiaJ-lotte, at Dr. Henderson’s stal)le, ill aiUaiiee, and aliordihg tlieir coui.teiianee " cdnesdays and Thursdavs; Fridays and Sat- Ji vtlie encourai^Tiiietit of the be.'it interest of'at Robert 1. IJinkin’s. 9 mileu below we-.ierii part of the state. And for the se- Charlotte, on the Old Nation Ford road, public .r,t\ Ilf ti'.ose who may emiiark in this scheme, i ‘lays excepted, when he will be in Charlotte; Tlif-iocietv |U'(.!pose ap))ointiiijf seve ral d.sin'er- '*'"1 "‘‘H mares at the moderate price e.-lul pusuiis to vahie the work,.iiul see ti.at it Dollars the single leap; Twelve Dollars I iK.t be imposed on the people at e\or- thesvason, payable tlie 1st of .tanuary, but to b.t;ip.t ])riees, 'I'he society has succeeded in be dischargid with ten, if paid w’.thin the sea- proc'.iriiik^ jjentleir.en to superintend the iiraw- Hftctn dollars to insure u mare with III-, in whom the pubhe has full conhdence, tireat care and precaution will be taken *;ul\\liose names will e a character to the to avoid accidents-, but no liability . 'I'he sea- Lottery. It is pr posc’d to draw the schmie as - son will commence the 10th Marcli and end 15th iom M tlie tickets ean be sold, which, it is Juiic. Lkci}, will hi in I'ebniary, DESCRIPTION. Ciuriotte, Jun. 11, lb:J5. Miseissippi is a beautiful chesnut sorrel, near seventeen hands high, five years old this .s])ring, We ll proportioned, and possessing great muscu- ar power. PEDIGREE. Misojssirri was pot by the celebrated running' hoi'se Napoleon, who was got by Skyscrapi r, w ho was got by the fanious imported horse Dare Devil, and was descendeel from the great run ning horse Eclipse. Napoleon’s dam was the celebrated mare Slow -iqid-Easy, who was got by the celebirated horse Baronet, her tlam hy Ce'phahis; her gran-dam by Fearnought; Mis SCHEME. TlfKETS, at S3. No/ hca nUnih's to a Prize. 1 Prize of f5uO (Phccton and Cotton Saw liiiO - - - - is jiiOU 1 do ^.,)U0 (Family Coach) - is JOii 1 do ?250 (**ig) - • is ‘JjO 1 do ;fl80 (do.) • - is lyU 1 10 10 1 1 :u 200 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do IfiloO (do.) . . is loU • , , , 1- , , ■#100 (Side Board S; Cotton Saw Gin) '^as got l)y the celebrated ninmiig is 200 horse Double-head, who w as got by the old sor- $80 (Gig and Sociable) is 160 (Bedsteads) - is 40 (M4 (a set of Tables) is JIJ (W indsor (,'hairs) is 124 JlU (two Ladies’ Work Tables and one Pembroke) - is oO ?8 (Bellows top Cradle) is 8 i (ti Ploughs, 2 Street Lamps, and 2 I .ard Cans) - is 00 $5 (Hats) .. is 50 84 (Candlestand) - # 4 $3 (do) . . is 3 (do) - - is 60 rel Diomede. Double-lieael’s performance on the 'l'ennes.see turf, was unequalled by any horse that ever run in that state, and warrants the as sertion of his being a thorough bred horse ; her dam was got by the running horse Old Belarc, out of a partner anei Fearnought mare. ' CHALLENGE. Mtssipsippi has not yt t had an opportunity of distinguishing hinise lf as a runner, and of coursi has nothing-to recommcnd him but his pedigree ; but if an} person w ishe s to test tliat fact, he can out-run any stallion foaled and rais ed ill the state, from one-fourth of a mile to four ^^Shoel^)^^'^^'farrpng the weight of his groom and 4',l In t’ i" ; saddle on e ach, for the amount of his season, or 4ol do U (la, Ware, Jewelry, Shoe.s, .^c. i'.c.) is 431 one thousand doljars. March 1, 1825.—6t31. WM. Hot.AN. Sfi-av lloist*. T| KOKE into the enclosure of ^ tlie subscriber, living on the ?3072 Tickets can bo had in Charlotte of tin- uni!er- ^'?ned Commissiniurs, !>}• letter, postage |)aii1, enclosing the nnuK v ; or from their.agi uts in ^^iiry, Statesv.iU, Concord; J.urolnton, ■ Catawba'rivt'r, near tlic" Mountain 'orkvilK-ori.aiieieiter; who piedM-r thenisJvesi ^ ^ S()K1M:1, ''•pay the pn/i s, as set fortii in t!ie selunu, .. (lays al'ti r the draw in.r, or reli.iid tiir nmiwy to i)iir has. r.s ol‘ tieke Is, ])i’'vu!eil tlie ‘'•^lieni'j shall not be drav. ii. sAM’i.. iir.N (.UI KA !• lADIilCK, .INO TV^|)1. n:itorj Ua.id l!dls e.in be iiad of Coinn.ibsionei s. *15 A .VR(KV~\\^l Klh: L i: U, Poachy Chair Oriiiiiui ntnl his tliank ’ to his fnenils and the ' li'ihhe, for tile lilu ral i ni'our;igem('nt wiiieh •c h:is ah’eady rt '-i, ivi d, ami respi ctfiil’^ se.hcits * '''iiliiiiianee of p.ilrona;’’e. lie' is prip.iied all kimls of I’aiiitin,;- in lii:> hue , .uideiis- '‘■rit-rs M,ay de|)end on ha\ing their work i.eai- ' il, and with despateli. ill the country wil! be done on •‘“''It notiee. ’■ 15 Old cba!-; re paiiited .ind rc-guilt. i;’2K--ltt liORsi’, si\\iarsold, and fifteen hands higii. He ii'.is a Idaek mane and tail, both hind fret wli'te, a sn.;i!l star in his fon head, some white oi. his shoulder., aiivl old shoes on his fore fi i t. 'I lie' ov, IK r ( all lia\ i- tin' same, hy jn'oviiig |)i'op- erly and p:i\ mg charges. DAVID I.AWING. ,}iril 1-1, 1825. .jt.)li> VvvWVv'X, Vs; Pl’.niOR .TACK, as a foal getter, will s*;ind till' I nsuing sj)ring st-ason (i nding on t'u- first of \ugust next' at m\ st;.l K, :iiid v.ill tie let to mares at fi\ i d(>lh rs tlu- st ason, ;uid ten iloila'i's to insure a mari in fo:il. (ireat care V. ill be ta!u n to prevent accidents ; but w ill not be halile fer aiiv. JAS. DINKINS. Mirr/i fO, 1825. —I'Jt.irv. A I \NV person desirous to settle in tile Aillagi't'f Cliarlotti', N. &and s;ue the trouble and expense' I'd buil.litn>-. will (h) w( 11 to lali on .' , w ho oliers for sale his house P'it-e-liai-., r, \i.’. : — _[*•'' ror.t lot, and twoliaelc, Ivini;- in ll..- Sand} itd joinini;- William l.mk;,'s land; biri- i'^" '"' '’t ‘>n l'>'o:id >\:'t i t, and Ai o ’h'' Mi thodist Church.— j ‘l du eHiiij,--iiouse on Rread-st. li'j,' ' nc:!l! last from the Ct.iirf- i-.^'lj^’ l"ts. OnJlie premises-are an Iviiehen, Smoke lloii >e. liarn. ^nd evcrj-otlii rii, ('issar^ out Ini'li-;i'ig. L!)U ’D, »].' JJRONt-.ON'! W‘\ev V\v\i*Vv Tenders his ;'crvices to till’ puh'ir gener- aliy, ;is collector of'uionr\.>, bond-, noti ;in 1 aecmints. He will also ]/cst and note ;k'- ( inints, :tt the usual rate-s pi r ei ntum. He wdl ;ibi attend to cr\ ing- of' .s di s, hiring' of tu ;^'ro, h, iVe. f^jc. — .V.s till- suljscrdjer intends to dc.fjle his time to till' a!)ove business, he ri sp, e‘fiiil_\ solicits ;i share of juildic patronage. Tli«)se w!iu in:i\ fVel disposed to patron /e him in the ;d)o\ e‘ bus',m ss. may rest ;is>iii'rd, that no e\cr- tion-i on his jiart shall hi' wanling to e>;pelite sett h UM and make ntui iu with ail possible desp:iteh. All erdi vs will !)e thankfi.ily r' ei ived ;ind |)unctuaiiy .ittcnded to. 11,,1 \ND tor ie at this OfHce, In a psmphh t tbnii, *'>itri; tiires on a piece wn'-.t ii 1'} Mr. 1) i\id'leid.i 1, i ntitled l+e.ivt n'lv l luo l >.t Iv’t gi in r;'.tii.i’i, or, 'rriat.:,e cn Holy :n. M-’Diti', i' D M. Pnc- , Dissolution of ravtnevship. The firm heretofore existing under the name of Vurntvell Nichols, lias been dissolved, by mutual consent. W'H.LIAM CORNWELL, GEORGE NICHOLS. Charlotte, .^pril 8, 1825. 3t32. V V ‘c\kli\g, The above business will be carried on by the subscribers, at the house well known by the name of Mason’s Old Tavern, in the town of Ch'irlotte. 'I hey hope, by punctuality and attention to business, to meet with patronage. Applications by order, or utiierwise, will meet with prompt attenticn. GE(iR(.E NICHOLS, JOSEPH PUITCHARI). 25, 1825. 3t32 WILLIA.M COiJNWELL, r.iniXET M.iKEU, (1RA1 EFl 1. tor the encouragement which i he has received, in his line of business, from the citizens of Charleitte, and his friends from the adjacent country, informs them, that since the dissolution of the firm of Cornwell Nichols, he has recei\ed a hand.sonic supplv of the best materials for carrying on the above bus iness, and assures his customers that he is now ready to supply them with any work of the fol lowing kind, viz : .Mahogany or lilack alnut and Curled .Maple Bureaus, Sideboards, Carved Settee.s, Tables, Bedstt ads, AVriting I)e sks. Cra dles, and every other article in his line of busi ness; which shall be completed witii neatness and despatch. All kinds of Furniture carei'ully repaireel, on the most reasonable terms. ij’ All kinds of cemntry produce will be ta ken in payment, at the niarket price, for work, ^ The subscriber would take an appren tice to the above business, of a steady, nioral character; but none need apply except they can come well recommended. WM. CORNW ELL. ('harlolfe, JprH 22, IS25. 3t;^2 l>vs. llendiJTfton & BuyiV Have associated themselves in the practice of MLDIVINE for the village of Char lotte. .'Ipril2^, 1825. 3t."2 Those that have standing accounts with me for work done in 1824 and previous, are hereby notified that unless they make jiax nieiit or settlement between now and* the May county court, their accounts will then be ])lae*ed in ail officer’s hands for collection. Al-EX. GRAHAM. Charhitte, Jpril 19, 1825. • 3t32 DESULTOKY. In u late 'l our in India by a British Colonel, wc find the following descrip tion of a remarkable spectai le, an Ele phant Fight at Oude. Adt. Gar, “ An elegant breakfast (says Colonel r.) awaited our arrival; after which we passed to a spacious verandash on the east side of the palace, wliich looked down into the area^prepared for the com bat : the latter was nearly surrounded by a paling of bamboo, eighteen or twenty feet high. Soon after we wei e ail seated the crowd were admitted, and ptesenlly filled the circumference of the theatre be low us. Two very large war-eh'phants were now brought forward from oppo site sides, each preceded l)V its favorite female, whose presence it appears is ne cessary to arouse the anger of these no ble animals. The conflict of this pair, however, gave liuie sport, one of them appearing very shy, and infe'rior to his opponent in strength j they were there fore withdrawn. Another jiair now ad vanced, led as the first. Theseaporoaclied with a slow and majestic step, until they caught a glimpse oi’ each other; both then raising their ti unks, and uttering a shrill and angry cry,rushed with the most tremendous impetuosity together, pre- . ,1 *• , disease, the tic dol'uire i\.” He senting their heads to reccive the nr.stj . , , T, /• II I 'i-i • ii' known, that the word “iucnral'Ii shock. It w as awfullv grand. I he am- , , , 1 • 4i • r. . foi'iunalelv, entii-clv out of place in ihin mals, thus stopped in their iif’st career, I . . still continued to strive by every possible endeavor to make themselves necessary > and ambitious people endeavor to ntake themselves indispensable. A democrat when on foot, an aristocrat when in his carriage, such is a Parisi.m ; nay, such is a Frenchman ; nay, such is man in every coiimVy. True policy says no thing; it does. There ought to be two kinels ; that of speech and that of action; the one serving to conceal the other. Pol itics is the ai t of governing men accord ing to time, place, and circnmstunce. It can therefore have no absolute rules. It can never be lea'Tied from books. The book of a statesman is the human heart. I’oliiical economy is tlie best, if nut the only p(jjitics for the nineleeni h «-iitury. .\sieriain what you produce, and what yoti ronsunie ; disc.oM'r what are your wants, and vvliat arc your t (’sou!-ces; reck- oti the amount of your i»hysi\.l an 1 intel lectual feirce ; compare your importat'ons and your exportations ; bahiiu e all these things; and the result will fui'uish you w ith a con'.|)Iete s\stem of both internal and external ptdiey. From the Boston A'edical Intelligencer. lie DOLOU RECX—-rUIL'I UL/.’. It has been annoiiiKcd in several news papers that his Lordship, llic- Duke of WeMin!;ton, is sufl'ei iiig se\ endv b v ‘‘ t 'i.it To the Members of the Conufij Commtlfee. fl^HOSE gentlemen who have been appointed JL to represent the militia companies in the county of Mecklenburg, are requested to attend in the town of Charlotte, on the 20th day of May next. Business of importance will be pro posed for their investigation. HUGH PARKS. .Ipril 22, 1825. 3uV2 FA YE rr K viiZi:. exertion of strength and art to force their adversary back, or to attack him in Hank. Their heads, however, wetc still firmly pressed together, and they alternately, re ceded and rallied. One was of rather a smaller size than his antagonist, but he ajipeared to make up for this deficiency' by his greater spirit. He retreated a lit tle for a moment, l)ut it was only to re new tlie charge with increased rage; a- gain they met; the same tremendous con cussion look place, and these attacks were I connection. There is, indeed, n >w arul then a cuse which resists our most pow erful and well directed remedies; but this is true also of interinitlent fe\ep^ rheumatisjn, and fifty other roinplainf, which none but a cra/v man or dunce, would call incurable. Nineteen rases in twenty of the tic doloureux are perfectly manageal)le. The seat of the disease and its nature are thoroughly understood, and the mode of treatment is far from b’ing compllcafe. Let the pati(‘nt’s constitutional pf*cu- s«e. al rm,c»iei,.’atcd. until ih a last an.l' 1'“”''''’* asrrrl.,ni«l, tlir slat,- also or the di;.restive organs, and the cause of the de'-: tigement. Indications nf riire. most desperate one a tooth of the smaller elephant was broken in two with a lotid ci-ash. Still he was not dispirited, and would have persevered longer in the con test; but being now so decidedly inferi- sufTicientiy clear will b(‘ sngt»ested by such investigation, and abanrloning all lo cal apj)lic:itions, which, whether potent or to his advcrsarv, the fire works were l«‘l" '-,are crpallv it,ra„al,l,. nf reacli- cast between tlicra which e.ided the con.- ■«““' --'"'M'laint. le.-tlie ill- telligent |)ruclitiotier look w»-II to the "‘^rhettobleanimals kept for this sport 1 five cases in a huncli-ed will yiehl, and 1MPORTEHS of yjtiV GOODS, are now rc- cci.\ing tlieir Spring Supplie.s, from Eng-, land and New-York, which, with those on hand, \ w ill com])i'ise' an jL'xtf'iisive assortment, and af- j ford to country merchants an op|)ortunity of! making good selections. \ liberal credit v.ill be given to respon.siide dealers, whom they in-' \itf to make tlieir jiurehases in this market. Mdi-rfi 25, 1825. 'itJl ] Wa\\iV V>. \ VRK now receivinfr their Siirnij.'- Importation of Ji.iiin-iwiH/-: u dii-ee't from I’ngliuul, ('ompriying a gi ik ral ;i:isort- mer.t of siieli (.oods as are U‘ii:dl} kept in eminlry stores, w liich tin \ will ofli r at w hole sale', to responsible' di aU rs, on ;i liberal ere.iil, /V'V/I'r/vV/r, Munh 2s, !,S25. 4t.>l ^(111 »•(*. A 1 I. tlK.-e, whose su!iseriptir,ns for budding the el'ifieli ill -lii'lotte are \ 11 :iii])alii, and tiiose who look pev.s lor tlie i ar 'uding Au- j;-u-.t, lf’21, are earnestly e ilh-d ou f,i- imiiiedi- ;iie paMiK'nt. .\Iso, su'.iseribers for enclosing tlie e.rave and cliureh-} ard, :md for tin- [)ure!iase of a I’.KI.I., are r«.cjU' sted to make payment, so t’i.il a beil ni y be piirchased ai.d jnit U]> w ith as little d^!a\ ;.s possii.le. JOHN UiW IX, Trrrsvnr of the Board Coniiiti.saioiKr::. Mariii :H, 1825.—2.)* Ulmlsnr ('h/ir jSiakiDtj; Jluuinfus. f jin r. snbsei ibi r having ecmiiK nri d t!ie ;dio\ •' f! busiiKs.s in llie town of ( h.iili.iti', n-spiit tiiih' solii its a sli..V'' of pnbliC patioiu.g'e Iji.., work will i;i: 111 ally and durably (on.-'ro.-u d, and will be di.spoLCvl of on aeecnin;od..iing terms. SI. TTEI'S an.l AVRIT!N(; ( [!,'. II!S, iriadi to order, can be bad on short notn i-. V. [I.LIA M cr lA l.lfilOrSE. (■’■larlot’e, r. b. 5. U-25.—.'m'oJ ^'oikviHc Hook niiidcFv. 7pl!:: 5ul)serih( 1'bi i;s K ave to infer’", ti'ie pu!.- J liC in gini r.d, that hi eann '- on tb /A /- !i,nr! r\’, ill all iv. varioii,; !.: ;ii| 'lu s. Ila.ii.i su;.)-,|iid liimsi'lf v.-;t!i M,.’ !'i'! of matitiuIs, In V 11 i X" eiiii' w OI k in tile i,e;'.a ,t in.ii;ne y ainl on till' sl.f-n'' n iVe> . %. I' 'V'l (,i-d. I', for Bl'ink •md Ctjj'y iiook will be }n:i.etua!l’, ait-. ;.d'd to. V.f joil.‘. 11 l)L AR'J r.HT.T. are unfit of course for any other purpose, and are almost ungovernable by their rnahiivls. They are fed to bring them to this furious state, on high-seasoned food arid spices, wliicli in a manner intoxicate them, aiid render them I'uiioii.s beyond description. “The mnhauta^ or conductors, sit upon the elejihanl’s back during the contest, and too often fall victims to the mad rage of their own animal or the opposing foe. 'I'here is u large pad like a mattress sli-ongly fixed on the animal’s back, and co\creci over with a coai'ae netting'(d' ihick white cotton ?'ope ; to this the wa- haitt clit?j;s, and as the (deplianfs apjiroach to the atutch, the rider grafiiially recedes toward', tlie tail, where he utuiilly is at tlie mouu'iit of the sliock, stimulating the already fiirions animal with liis voic«- and the sharp goad with wliii:Ii the elephant ia always driven and guided.” rOTdTlCAL MAMM«.—rnioM tkf. rnr.vrn.) It lias been said in liti'rature, lhat“(ie- iiiiis i:. long coiilinued jialience.” Ii is ii'iie i!i politics, 'i'ime is a ‘ tiitesinan’s pritulpal assistant. 'I'ha'. i'i the most lUiliL'jipy jjijpuh'.tion of a state whose ac;,ilih is not in proportion to its intelli- iH iice. Ignorance, rich or poor, is con- !e:it''!l. Nature has proviiied for the I ontinuance of the v, '/rid, by imparting a ;p ealcv loi C'J to the parental than to tin: liiial instinct, 'i'luis the chain of beings is [lerpeti'.ated. So, in the body p(ditic. think of the rising generation l ather th.ui ■ d that wlilcli is [lassed. (iovern for the lulure;it is the secret of duration. In :;o\ernments, h'.'iiest people oideavor to oial.e ti'.tni.clvc:. iihtf.'.l; tlcvcr pcupic half these by th(‘ mere adminisleution of u drop or two of croton oil, succeeded by afew weeks’ use of the carbonate of iron. Of about twenty cases of this painful afTection which it has fallen to oiir lot to manage within the last five years, every one has been cured, and that too without an instance of a subsecpient at tack. If, thecefr>rc, the view we have ta ken is correctly tlujiigh the fioble lord may suffer even yet perhajjs by the disease, there is no reason v.liy H e profession should suffer in the es imation of the public, as it certainly must if it is sup posed to permit hr dotourrur to pass as in(vrafi/.t\ anrl as it certainly ought if there were any grounds for such a sup- po'.itifjn. ' , fivlio.—Hy the Ii ainin, fiom Calcutta, pujiers (jf that pi.ice are re(;eived i > the 20th Nov. containing the (jfTu;ial ac counts of the succes-iiul progress of the Hritish arms in Itifiia, and the conse(|uent. subjection ol the .Mahoons ((iovcriiors) who had op[)osed tlieir authority. It was i-eport(-d that a revolution had oc- ctirrel at .Avj, headed by the King’s bi'other-in-lan and the Queen, v. ho caus ed the Ring’.'-, head to be cut olT in the [lalace ; and that on the same day, the . young I'ri".ce, heir of the Lmpire, stot tn- ed the palace w itli his adherents, and put to dcatii the brotiier-in-law and thc(^ueen. \ mutiny had broken out at liarrackporc in the 26!h, 47th, a;id (')2(l leglments, a considet able part of which arranged in a line ati.l refused to (du y the ofiicurs, and swearin ;lhey would not surrender. 'I’he whole troops were then drawn out, and I fire was opened on the mutineers, who ri turned it in an irregular iiiunner and • hen iled. About Kio'of them were kill ed, and t he remainder were pursued, and iiiariy oi them taken. Upwards of 100 hiiU been coudcmiied to death.

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