VOL. I.] CUARIUTTK, X. C. TVKl^DAr, MAY 21, 1825. [NO. 34. PCBT.ISHEn WF.EK1.T Bv LEMUEL RIX(;iL\M, THHEE DOLLAIIS A ITKAII, P.UD IN ADVASCE. jio pi.per will be cliscoiitiiuicd, niilcss at tlu; ^iscrvlion of tlu; t-ditor, until all arrcumg'cs are pn" AnrEnTisr.MENTS will be Inst rtf-d at the usual ntcs. rcTsoiis sciKlin}:^ in ailvcni.scments, arc xijiicstt'd to note oil tlie marj' iti tin; numhcr of jisi rtions, or they will be continued until forbid, iP.il clKirffcil accordini>-ly. 0 UoittV^p for the hcHcfll am! cuvourd^cmenl of Ml'AUXMHM in the (.stern part of North-Carolina. 1111K tbllovviiig- sclu Tiu; is the result of a , metiiiig'of, the (.'harlotte IJenevolent Me- 'liaiii'-’iil »ociel\,tor the purpose of devi.sing’ u:ivs and means to e.\ehan}‘e the labor already I \|Kii'.led in uiaiuifacturinj;', for another sloek niui^i-v;ids, that they nia_\ eontiniie cheerfull} ill tlic eMTi.-\ic of their oecup.itici'., by whirh ,c tlicy have l)een instructed to make a sul>- siSteiKi.. I'iie ^re.it want of \enl for the labor 1 f ihi- very limited manufactories of the w est- , rii part of North-Carolina, is sevt rely fi lt bv thdso V.ho ha\e!)cen tauj’ht to rds on llu ir p'ot'ession alone I'or tin.' biijipoit of their fami- li'. s: and such indig'ence will doubth ss kt ep very braiH-h of niechanisni that labors under it, ,,i unawkward :ind cranipi-d condition, that nmst Ma:d that mcryelic spirit, v. ilhout v\hich it is .poisiide lor the art to flouri-ili. The society feels sanjjnine in the hope, that NOR'ni-CAROLIXA 3E* © ® n fhir the hmefit of II,e O.rforil Jlmikimj.) FT^IIR First Class of which will he drawn at ■- Ralcif,ri, the 22dof June next, and com- pictf.a in a few minutet:. «. YATi:S U A. M'lNTYHE, Managers. 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 r, ‘IfiM 7,vm SC’TIEME. Prize of 6,000 6,(J0() 4.000 3.000 2.000 1,5, >8 l,t;()0 600 'ZUO 21. 12 10,000 6,0U0 4.000 3.000 2.000 i,.5:„s 6,000 ",000 1,-200 o,7'J4 X7U 31,200 ?r9,iro tr'.i,i7o 15,(300 lUank:-. 24,3(i0 Tickef>! 'I bis F.ottcry is formed by the tcrnarv combi nation and pmintation of 30 ii.imbers'. I’ri/.es payalile ^j'.) days after tlu; d-rawiii!,'', and subject to the usual deduction of 15 per cent. ■\Vhnle 'ric'kel.s, c j. lialf do. '2 Quarter do. 1 ,* I ICKKTS anti SHAIJKS, in the above I.ottery. for sale at the ofbcc of the Cutau'ha trcatU nu n who are not in the hahit (>f endiark- i Journal, where adventurers are iinited to call i.Ci. loltery sclK-mes j^vneratly, will iidbi-1 secure a chance for ^10.000, at the verv aii'U ny Ciiantahle motivfs to eiiC(iura}’,e nil rh- , . „ » > » at- i-nc vtrj iiiiim ; t their doors, and thereby have an op portunity of ])roiitinjc themselves f.500 for in advance, and aHordiii}*- their countenance tiir tiie enconrag-i-ment of the best interest of the vvestern part ol’ the state. And for the se curity of those wlio ijiay eml);>rk in this scheme, tiie society propose apj)ointini^ several disin’er- «sti'd pi rsons to value the work, and see that it .Miall not be imposed r>n the iicople at exor bitant [)rices. The socii-ty has suc;eeded in procnrinj,^ gentlemen to superintend the diaw- iii^, in whom the public has full conlidence, and w hose names will-i^-iye a character to the [,(ttery. It is propose(l to draw the scheme as ^uiMi as tiic tickets can be sold, which, it is likely, will be in l-’cbriuirv. Cllaa-Iotte, Jan. 11, 1«25. low price of S4. SCHEME. i5.>6 TKKE'r>^, at JVu/ two Blanks to a Prize. 1 Prize of $500 (Phxton and Cotton Saw liin) .... is I do S'.loO (Family Coach) - U 3('0 I do ^i250 (tdj,'-) - ii 250 I do ;^1S0 (ilo") - - is UvO 1 do 130 (do.) - - is 130 2 do iplOO (Side Hoard Si Cotton Saw (iin) is 200 2 do $80 (dip' and Sociable) ii 160 Memoirs (if Hcv. An- 2 tlo $20 (lu'dsti ads) - is 40 (Irew Fuller "> do $14 (a set of’Fables) ' is 42 Life of Calvin 2 do $12 (Windsor Chairs) .is 24 j Simeon’s Skeletons ^ do .$10 (tw o Ladies’ W ork Tables and ' Sermons one Pendjroke) - ' is 30 1 do $8 (Ri Hows top Cradle) is 8 0 Uo $6 (ti Plong-h.s, 2 Street Lamps, and is ()0 is 50 s 4 A'aluahle JJooks. milF, followini^ l5ooks, amonp: many others, i may be had at this Office, at reduced pri ces: .Tohnson's M’orks, 12 v. Davies’ do Smith's Wealth of Na- Cunninghain'.s do ^i')ns \ii-s, TrinHiifr’s ilo Say’s Pohticul Econ- M ikle’s 'I'ravelb r Hook of Coni'n IM-aver, Modern Europe eleganllv bound laiusa\’s r. States P(;cki t llildes Memoirs of the Court of l*hillip])’s Evidence (iucen Elizabeth New land on (.’ontiacts Siniond's Suit/erland Kew-'Vork' ])ii,a-st Ijarring’ton Si Ileaiifby F'spinassc on Evidence on the North |*olo iMidip on Indiijcstion Latroijc s visit to S. Af- Ewtll’s .Meilical Coni- I’ica panion Sketches of Florida IJell's Operative Sur- Kt>ster‘s 'I'ravi Is Watson’s Philip the 2d Simj)son’s Euclid and 3d >ihson’.i Survc\in^ Marshall’s Life Wash- Hlair’s l.eciiin s ^ iniyton Ainsworth's l)ictif>na- j Public Characters, 1895 rv, and a variet\ of I Moore’s Works j'.atin and Eiji^^iish I Huron’s do School FJooks Edwards on the AfFoc- Morse’s (.a;'etteer tions DKSUT/rORY. SISMONDI ON TIIF. rKOCilSESS OK NATIONS. The last luiniber of the Jici.'ue Encydo- patdiqut contains a rapid, hut singularly interesting', review of the progress which h;i* been made in the science of govern- ning of this ccntury, tlicir towns were yet small and poor; thf'y now vie in ex tent, in population, and in be.'inty, with the capitals of Kuropc. At tho bi'ij^in- nint^; oi' this century, the Lnited States bore with difticulty the wcij^ht of their national debt; now their funds arc no lon.^er cpioted at the London Mxchange ; their debt is reduced to almost notliing, and they are indel)tccl only to thetnselves. At the beginnini!^ of this ccntury, their commerce, their industrv,and even their ment, during the last 25 years. It is from th»; pen of Sis.vio.vui, one of tlie a- - blest writers in Kurope. A translation t capitals ; , at uresetit- notwithstanflmo- tlu* iminiMi- been prepared by Mr. Duponceau has for the Port Tolio j and lor the acconi- niodation of those who are not subscri bers to this Journal, a few copies have beeti published in the pamphlet form, to which the translator has prelixed a pre face. We should presume that the names of Slsmondi and J)upunceau would, of themselves, be a suflicient attraction lor these pagesi which, in a short compass, present a philosophical and animated pic ture of the present state of the civilized world. The following extract will show how justly the historian of Itaiinn Litera ture ostin>ates the condition of the people of these states.-—Dailij Adv. “The Umtkd St.\tks of /Ymehica re present the progressive tendency which the |)romo_ters ol one ol these opinions are striving to give to mankind. Since their enuhicipation, and particularly du ring the last quarter of a century,.'their go\crnment has sliown no hesitation in its firm resolution to march forward, to favor with all its might the progress of knowledge, virtue and liberty ; and the rapid increase of the prosperity of the United States has surpassed ajl that lias ever been known on the face of the earth. In order to judge of this, we must not lose sight of the point from which they start ed. 1 he founders ol the colonies were fu gitives of all political and religious sects, each of which had been persecuted in its turn ; they carricd with them the germs of every aniujosity, they were fdled with xi present, notwith.standin.g tho immen sity of their undertaking, their own cap itals are sulficient to support tl;cni : they overflow in the trade of Kurope and In dia; they thron;; in the slates of Ameri ca that n*ere lauiy Spanish, and impart to them all the arts of rivilization. This is what tiie Americans have done during the last 25 yeais ; they have advanced, anti are ;:dvan(.ing; is it then to be won dered at tliat we should wish to advance likewise. From t!ie National Gazette. The two literary works which have exclled the stiongest sensation, and are soufjht wi:ii jiiost avidity, in Paris and London, are (ieneral Segur’s “ History of Napoleon and tlie Grand Army in the Canipaigii of Jiussia,” and the jjersonal Memoirs of INIadanie de Genlis. Many thousand copies of the former were im mediately purchased, and translations of it made in several languages. We have not seen tlie work itself, but merely ex tracts in the London Journals. Only two volumes of tiie Memoirs of Madam de (ienlis have ai)peared, and tlie narrative is brought down in them no later than the death of \’oltaire. 'I'liese we have perused in the I'.nglish translation. Our opinion of them (oincides entiiely w ith the following, wliich is pronounced in the London Literary Gazette : “'I'he work is entirely a production of very consideral)le interest; though tliere are many parts which in.spirc langor, es pecially in the English Header, nnacquain- ted witli tlie families and persons of a multitude of the characters, of fifty and xhibited at Albany, during the late ses sion of the legislature. Amon}> the most ingimious of the hitter description, we have examined, and witnessed the oper ation, of a !ai)our saving; machine for va rious purposes, invented by Mr, Low kes, ol Catskili. The machine occtipies a- bout the same sjiace as an ordinary f.m- ning mill, and coinl)incs the finalities oC corn slieller, a straw ciittcr, a corn mill, (lor grituling) a fanning; mill, and one or two others which we do not recol lect. Tho whole is worked l>y a boy \7 years old, by treadles, after ihe'manner ol a loom. A jiatent has been taken out, and !NIr. F. has sold the right for a sin gle county for 4(H) dollars. We hope he will Im; rewarded for his ingenuity. X I*. Com. Adv. Prom the Norfolk (\’a.) Hcmld, April 18. Mr. KdUor : I am told that at our elec tions lor Delegates, tiie candidates have in some (1 hope very few) instances so lar lorgot wliat was due to their own characters, and to tlie moral welfare of society, as to seek to innuencc the votes of the electors by distribiuiii}!^ Tuiuor at tiie tavern bai s, to ail who might vote for them—in other words, attempting to i)uy votes at the rate ol half a gallon oC rum or ajiple-jack per dozen, oi- the pri vilege, per siiij^Ie one, of gettin.g glori ously coniid without pay. Now I say, the catididate who would resort to suck des])icable means to aid his election, proves by the very act that he is unde- .s»>ryingof public respect and confidence- If it were po.ssil)le (and God forbid ic should be!) that there could be as many tii)Iers and rum-su« kers in a county ca pable of selling their glorious I>irth-right tor a glass ()1 grog, as would carry tho election of a candidate j^ainst the sense of the sober ]Klrt of ihcifrjmniunity, all I can say is, he might be their rejiresenta- tive, but certainly never .should be mine. : IIL’CKSKIN. deep resenlmcnt, fraught with fanaticism, ^ ago, who figure in of everv d-vscrintinn nnd disMo..vl Its ]>ages. of every d-.scriplion, and disposed to 1"'"' “ every kind of exaggeration. For a loni; 1 ..r - . • ■ I ners ot the upper ranks m France nine grapiiic rej)resentation of the man ,• W....C rca.ukc'cl l,v ll.c scum ufi i;"'* '! ‘''f,'unks m l.ranco-d ll„. lisi, |M,|,„luU„„, bV iudivkluuls '"f 7“'“ofIhelul yu,ul ...(1 fur llR.i,. c..in,c,: at a l^.ler 'I'-' " 'V‘' 1.;.. ..... t._ .1' _ 1. volution, and possessed no stamina to re- Joyce’s Pbilosopliy .lamie.soii’s Log'ic Duncan’s »lo Small hooks for child ren Quills, ?cc. ?ic. kc. do do do do do is fiO and 275 pair f-00 S\5\\e ^S*ovU\-l'ttroV\i\a, Mtcklcnbvr^ Vounfy, Fvhrnart/ Term, 1825 I’taniel (iallant y Orig-inal Attaeimient, Icv- L's. Lied in tbe bands of \\ illiani Thomas .Miller, 3Nedy, (larnisbee. I']' a)'pearin,Lr to the court, that tlii ilefendant is iK't an inhabitant of this state : It is Or- /(m/, that pulilieation be made in tbe Catawba time they were recruited by tiie scum ot the English transport(‘d f period, tiiis country became tiie refuge ol i •. ' fortune-seekers, of intriguers and adven- ‘ , ! turcrs of all nations ; the colonics receiv-' ^ contemplate a more fuc IVom the sovcranicts cl' Europe the I ?' "“''f ' most fatal of all institutions, .VWu; a 1 "f .^“>'“'1' cxhihit. A- part of their jjonulatioti* is dispersed iu I absurd, or crinii tl.e forest, or iu it'.m.eTise prairies, I.evoud ; ."T. pai'a.I'.-, ut, the .each of courts of justice, or of social i "1 Intc lecl- With silch eletneuts, Um and lives, as il the only objects ol life i-jl do 2 I .ard Cans) $5 (Hats) $4 (Candlestand) ?3 (do) $3 (do) $2 (25 cast steel Axe Cl . i’ 1* i .loiiinal for six weeks, that tbe defendant ap- *,1 ([Ml Mare, Jewehy, • boes, ^c. i the next court of tliis county, on tbe - 15 K>1 j Itli Monday of May next, and r.;pluvy and plead to issue, othorwi.-ie judgment by default will be entered against him. •rtsT. ISAAC ALEXANDEIf, r. M.c. Ot.'.i )(TJ _ '' irkets can be h;ul in Charlotte of tin ninl'-r- "t^ned ;omnii''sinners, by letUr, ))(rst:i)V' paid, I'leidsing- the money; or from liieir agents in 'aiisbury, Statesville, Ci'noovd, l/mc(dnlon, ^I'l'kvillc or J,;uicasti r; who j)led;;e tbems.;lve!. l>:iy the ])ri;us as t forth hi tiie sscin nie, fi'fty d;iys afti-)' tie; lra\\in;:', or refuinl tlu; it'oiK v to‘ pnrehasirs of tickets, jiiovii'.Ld tbe -'Iienic shall not be draun. SAM’k. IIKNnr.I.'SON, (;i;i’.i:\ KE.NDim k, r .LNO. 15. Explanatory Hand lluls e;m t.‘'.e Coinmibsioiiers. M5 AARON w ^oavhf iS/i(u. ('Inf'ir Onia/iitNta/ l»AIN!'i:iJ, )F,TT1K*\S liis tliaiiks to liis irieiids an 1 tbf.’ State of >torlli-(’}ir()Iina, J'tbruar;/ 'JWni of Mecldinliur^ Count>j Courf Lewia’ Adm’rs. 1 vs. ^ l.evied on Land. •lohn Lewis, j T T appiannp;- to tlie court, that the d "( ndant C iH not. an ii'!iabil;int of this .'-tati-: Ii is or- di-Vi-d, that piibiic:ation be made in tiie Catawba h.id of: •louiI'al, ti»r tbrce montlis, tli;it tbe !-?'L-ndan1 I ajipfia' at t!ie next covirl of this coiuitx', on tlie I •nil ,Moi\da> of May lu \l, am! n ]>li \y and ]/!rad I ti) issue, otlu rw isi-jiid;.^ineiil ill be enteix-d i>\ ili'faiilt a'.;;ain.'t him. 7'.,/. ‘ ISWC AI.E\'ANI)Ei;, C.M.C. ,')mt35.—Pricc ad'>. > I. j)i'oiection Americans would have been under our, . - - , . . European governments, the most vicious j •> m- of all people ! they arc entitled, ou the ' “‘'’'"''’.‘‘'"V . >!'« ambitious coutrai'v. to rank amon^-st the nw.st virtu-! 1’''''";““ 'T'"« f ous. There are fe« nations an,on>Mvhom I>" 'vretched corapa- the srutiiiient of vvliat is ri.,.ht, just, aud '"“"’’.'■'I'‘ i;; mH''"'s|>«'t the earliest and J ’ . happiest ol her years. Nor does she her self shine in tiie sphere with that light wbicii would (‘xcite the admiration of rational creatures. Making allowance lor the dilVerence of fasliions and opin ions between England and I''rance, she d(H‘s appear to have been, a wife and mother, more orrupied with giddy ef- iorts at puljlic display and attraction than deserving in the higiier and bettei relation in whicli she stood.” i imijlic, til •• li.-i •ral cni iiura.n'i'iri' I'.t uhieli ady n-eeiv > t!, and 11 -.pt.t ttull_\ snhcils j ‘ ''Mitinnanee ot |'atrnn..:.;e. lie is pn pared ' '* do ull kiiiils oi I’aiiitin;;’ iii bis lin ■ Mier.s may iie[)i lul on li.nin,^ their wcir’iv m at- | *'Nenited, and with de.'-jiateli. j i >0'I’aiiuing in the country will be don ' 'It hotlcij. ' •'>. n. old chairs re-pain*ed and r'‘-g'iiilt. /iiirinll/', Ortnfnr A, 1S2). —Ill' A NY per-on dc.vivons t: ! ■!• - A. tlic; \iii. ,cot Cliarlo Stale ot* ^>oitli-('arolina. Fthniciji TLnn oJ ^hchUnhnris, Cininti/ Cunrf. M illiain Salters niipiial Atta' hnK i;t, b-\- in pare'j I ' it'd in nei;r s, ,1 iil_\, S?im, aini j William Uouglnss.j I'laiik, .hnlr ami .Miiry, 8T appciirint;' to tlie eoiiit, th.at the dcf luiaiit is not an iidialiitiiiit ot tlii-- state: P. is or- 1 r^ i!, tli:.t |jiiMicalioii lie n.aile in t hi- ('.ita'.i iia lonrii:'.!, lor t!ii(;e nionilis, tli:il t lit-d; f'l nd:iiit t|)nt ar ;it the next e nn t of this cmuhI v , on ihe Mil >i)ii iay in .May ik '.I, aial if j)b vy and p'n ail •I >i;i, o' in ! w isi- jiid};ment u .11 !.e i nt'. rt,il 1)_\ .1' t'.iu’i af.'^aiii.st him. T,.-l. ' AF.LXANULK, C. .1/. C. ,)ii.'." ■.— Pr'cc adv. ^ i. Nolic 4 I.!, th.rise, v.hoso subsevi|'lion.-i f(»r bniidin;;' , * the cliiire!! in Cln-lotte are \ f> Mtpaiil, ;nil t! :e1tU' in ot^C, N * '• and save tin- ‘rinddf iiuu I'xj'x’isc i.\T.^f'f bnil lini;', v.ill >io \\ u in call on ' ^nli.M njiu's t'oi- saiv' i.is ii('i:M- ^ ‘ lots on t-ri,i, to ;di :tV- i t)i'ri’b.i.f, \■.— 'hoiit !(/ts an.l t wo hacV. !\in;;'iiM nf S.iivlv • t liosc u hn took peu s f■ In: \ (. a” i ,\u- 1 '‘on-, ;i.; 1 ad'ioiMiMu- \'( iUiaii! Lue’v\’s huul; Ij^ai-t, U. !, :.r»j earnest!' . alli d i :■ ror in iii« di- ' tin. troist nil >!. oad s';\( t, ar.d ale li.eiil. A!m), suliscr:l.i is for i.eio, ^ bt, '1.1 ;--iin‘;iijr tl.c M. I'lotii'.t ( ii'inh.— ''In. ;,ra\ e and ( hnreli-^ ard, and for tli'-piirel.ase ri'.n.i r.tiyi'v llin,i,"-h"n'.e on I?ina.l-st. | of .a HI’.!,I , ire vi.iinc'ti.d to ni;ii;tr j) yji.ent, so '''‘■'’'■d .1 ii'w rod i.uilii ..a..l iVuin I'u- onvt- iii..t a In Ii m _\ !»* [i':re!,ased in.; ut) v :*ii ' VVi' • '*n tb( pT'tmi 't ■> ai’e an us hllle del.ty as jios.n b'lit r,-!;;;!-, Isit h'n, Smoki -ilni|.,L, H:irn. .I’ll .i-iift'i,." ii't (Mil h'!di-!ii!|.;’. Trrn'-’irrr I! t’; l.DV.'LV M' MaaI. J honorable, is more universally .spread ; wiiere crimes are more rare; where do mestic virtues are more in honor ; where religion (which, however, has no oilier sanction than every man’s conscience) exercises a more general inlluence.—No doubt there are yet to lie found ti-aces of t!ie stain whicii tiieir founders fixed upon tliem : but tiiey are every dav rapiriiy disappearing. In tiie. same maniier in ti.e career of intelligence, it must not In- forgottvn tlial the ,\iuericans are imt just begwniing ; they must have been coloii- isS, i.;;!ieiiitiii'ers, iiuiiiunics, tra'iers, iicfore they had leisure to (h'\()ic l(j tlie I j)ursiiits of j)Iiiloso])liy or iiteraUire. W(' cannot yet ex|K'(;t IVom tiiein tliose mas terly j.)!'od'ci( lions. Ashich at once cliai ni and eniig'lilen mankind ; Inil tiu-v ir.ive luui tlie sagacity to a]>j)ropriate to tiiein- seives all the arts and sciences (d‘ I'urope: liu'v have s]jiea{ro\er the whole (d' liieir' population, I'liore reus(>n, more positivi* knowledge, more apiness t(j imbibe cor rect ideas, tiian is found in liie niass of the jieopir jf any of tiie old nali()iis of Eurc^pe. Tin; iilierly of America has (le\eloped and streti;;! iiened itself with its knov. ledge and vii uie. No citizen of r.ny oilier coiinlry has ;aj many l ighls aiul so inany S'm ui ilies: and tlio-.e i-i;';hts ha\e nc\c!' jjioduced . the a!;iises v. ilh ahivli we aie c:(jn.slantiy llueiitened : no poj;iiIar cr)ninvotioi..s, nf> in.siiiri;ctic)ns, no f•,i^ i! \vai a ; 'lu y !ia\i‘ '‘iijoycd perfect .^(•luriiy in l!ie inidst of |ieil'ect liijeriy. W'iiat is now tlie result of tlii-, treble jn’o- ;Messi(/!i At the be!rinnii)(; of the pie- senl ciiitury, the American i)0[julatioii amoMiiled to four oi live millions ; i!ie\ are now eleven millions.f At the begin- ■loiiV ]nrii-rl jii.; ll’J ii;v, I*. ''i i’C ov'/inal s;iy,, “ 'ie w!i''li i.i c \ itli'ntly a laist.alie, o’lr po;)M!ati>ii so si'i:;it(.a!, is, \Liy coM.j^ureu to tii.- v. j;reritf-t J>art;’ 'I'lu: jiortion o! )!i llie eiintra;\', I! \ \‘ 1. iron. • l-i.e Pr' • ii.anv- rt of t;,c T'nit. Criie!!'/ in Ct!t!e.—Th^* New-F.ngtanil I'arnier contains a leltei'from Mr. I'ea- body, of Saieni, on t he suliject of a disease common among o\en, whicii is produced Ijy severe Ijeating- (>n the head, in a man- nei very itileiiigibie to every one ac(|uain tt‘d'wii!i ilie anatomy of these aniiiiais. I here is in each ( heek b(jne of the ox a large irregular cavity above tlie ratige (j1 tiie teetii, snllicienliy capaciou.s to contain hail' a pint. Tin; external jioidion ol bone covering this cavity is al)out two lines, or two tentiis of an incli in ihick- ness. '1 lie iii'.ei'tial bones are also thin 'i'his cavity, in a heaiiliy state, is empty .\ blow ol no gM'cat vifd' iice may easily !>real; tiie bone over tiiis cavity, and slow but fatal disease is the almost inevi- lal)h; conse(|uen' e. J^ven if the bom (jiiiy injured, liie a.tiitnai is in danger of sul’i'erinij sciiously from it. Swellings, lumors, I;c. usually denote tlie injury in that pai t ; and it they do not appear until !wo or tiiree weeks ;ifler tlie blow has !)een inllicted, th(“ iiroljaidlily is suli greater that tliey will end I'alally. Such a stalement as this siiouid be borne in mind by those wih> iiave the managa'ini nt of o\en ; atid it is probable UiJt numer(jus similar w atniiij'-s might bi- gi\en by sclcntilii m-n, caieulate(l to alarm thost.>->vlio pra( lise c:rueity on oilier kinds oi useiul and abused .ouiuals. In^r:> uus mid //.>'/ /,' u ri n!!'n.-—Several muelline , call ula'.cd lo ' I!u; I.i!)ijui' (’!'in'Ul’.f.;V‘ hiV.; Ir-,") DISTUHBANCK.S AMONG THE INDIANS. 'i'he storm which has been gathering; over the Creeks, since tiie late treaty with a part of their nation, has at last burst in full fury, utul threatens th«‘ most: terrible consecpiences to that unfortunate peo|)le. That those ul u distance may rightly understand tlu; causes and ciia- racter of iliese disturbances, it may be: necessary to make some preliminary ob servations. It is well known that a large moiety of tin: Indians iiave long been opposed to the princiide of ceding their territory. Beginning to appreciate the advantagt'S of civilization, and to jirefer the agricul tural to the savage life, they were ma king improvements on tiie soil, and cul tivating the arts of peace. Feeling the same attachment to tiie sjjot «>f iheir birtU and the graves of their futliers, as people: of more civilised climes; and relying on the promise of the Utiited States that; they should not he removed but witli their own consent, they were determined not to part with their land, and had threatened death to any of their chicfa* who should propose such a measure. VVlien it was known, therefore, that l\I‘Intosh, head chief of the Cowetas, and a lew ol his followers had taken it upoii themselves to make a treaty, wilhout the approbation of their nation, and had ac tually ceded away the whole of their land, sold their country, and stipulated for the removal of the whole tribe beyond the Mississippi, which, for a time, they could iiot Ijelieve, their rage and animos ity knew no bounds. .-Ml who had .si;>,li ed th(? treaty were dechired outlaws, and their lives tliieat(»nrd on tln-ir return. Il was at this junctu’^e that ('ol. Eamar was despalciied into tlie nation l>y his l!x- celienry («ov. Troup, tlireatening theia with vengeance if lh»>y ofieied lo harm, his goofi cousin, (Jen. M‘!ntosh, and the- others w iio had signed the treaty. La mar came l)ack, aiul stated, that the Indi ans were peaceal>le and satisfied ; and that those who had pnlilished the co!i- Irary were guilty d’ mis,'epresentalion» and were trying to stir tin; sa\ages up tcj misciiiel. . For some time M‘Intnsh and his ad herents seemed afraid to go back ; Iiut the jjroniise of assistance and protection, iiad so lar lulled tljeir appta iiensions, that they \entwred to tiieir hunies. Fatal se en I'ity No socjtier was it known t!i;*t. tliey had relurrit d to tlie naiion, than hos- uliiies were c(;mmi'iiced ag-ainst tliem. On Saturday morning, 1st May, aiiouf; an hour betore da\ligli!. an atta* k was made by a parly d'sev eral hundred, whi> surroiindi'.l the hoire of M•Ititosh, set lire to it, shot him, and threw his body into the flames! 1 wo other c hiefs, Elom- mo 'ruMnnnugge, und C’ol. Hawkins, lie- ing among those wiio had signed the lri:aty, were also killed. 'I’hey tlien con^v menced plundei ing and destn' viii^ prop erly. .Al'intosli had a large ',um of mo ney in his house, st'ver^i thousand dol* la: -, t.d' viii'Ji. in !;iii-, v.e'o burr.f, tij,>