acuvf. lllCill. i i.’OM r.i Hon:. Jisr. Ks. — W'c have re ceiv'd our ) i'r' fi!( ui'Luiulon papers Ly till- i.tie arri'.a!, to the cveninj^^ of the 1 ;i!i, and ;uron!it3 jVum Liverpool ilie U'lh May. The coUon i»urket hud iDerii r:il!ier ilul!, owinti^ to the ieci:iil ar- i)i’l;irp;e (pumtil'n's of that ;irli( le.— 'I'lie p-.ihiic wii'c i;ls'j in u lu!!}j,uid L'ta*'". 'I'he report of a sjjeedy dissohition ol’ pa.i liur.ieni is ULjaiii rimtr;idir.‘''d in tl)C ..melon j)apers. The ^\’are!^JU.sed Lorn hill hud passed tlie lloiist of Coniinoiis. A propusiiioii to increase the jn(ii.^es’ suhu ies, Ind Ijcen sanctioned by ihc king, and V. as a!)0’.il to he laid before parlia ment. I'wo thousand pounds hlerlinp; Inul been ■voted to Mr. Me Adam, for his iiiiproM-nient itnoad nialvin^. Sir Jolin Newport, arconipanird by an unusiial T>uml)er of nu-inbers, had taken np the Catholic hill tothr House of Lords, Avhere it was l eatl a iirst linie, and the ICth of May iixetl f;)r a second readiiu;-. 'I'he kinp;of l*rus!,iahad a'-.nicfn*:! UH),- (K'O to (ien. Zastnow, -to defi ay thj ex penses (if his mission in fiUcnding- the coronalio!! of the ) inj,>- o'' I runce. The claims of the JJritish merchants for spfjliations ijy privateeis ol’ Spain, •were exp?cti?d to be itr.mediaiely enforc ed. If I'ei dinand could nut pay in mo ney, it was supposed tiiat leprisals would hr ordered. Amonj;st the ])a]icrs which have liren lcli\cred to Parliament, is a list of peti tions for i)rlvate bills ]irese!;trd dui int; this session. 'I'hey amount to three hun- tlied and sixty-seven ; of vliich twenty- t\x are for rail-ways; one liundr. el and seven f(ir new loads ; twenty-one for }^as omj)ut.'if.s ; eleven for water companies, • ind eit^hl for minins; comj)ai)ies I—The Leeds “Mercury” lias made a calcula tion, by which it a])])ears that the rail- 'loads now in c()nlemi)lation would, if carried into efl'ect. consume iron to the •value ('f twenty-eijjlit millions ! Tlie Toad planned betwern Liverpool a’ld liir- ntingham ulon'* would re^juiie sixty thou- «and tons of iron for the rails alonf, lu- nnountinj,' to 840,000/. Grecce and Ttin'cejf.—We liavc publish ed below an r)/?fnV;/article, confii niinj^, substantially, the previous accounts ol ihe advantai>es j!)iained by the fireeks over the l'.^yi)tians at Modon. Letters of a subsef]uent d ate had been receivefl- ’n London, from Zante and Constantir.o- T»!e, in which'a very difi'ereiit story was told, and all the advant;u;es clatined I’im' the Turks. Ailvertin?^ to these clrcum- :5tanccs, tl'.c London Courier of tlie 14tli !N2uy, (the la'est j.aper received) rc- anarks— *• Wc feel it proper to rocal the atten tion of our readers to the official inlorma- lion which we yesterday ?;ive relating to atlairs of Greece. 'I'liis document ii;ay he considered as the most important, f.ecausi; it tends to allay the fears cx- jji essed npon thi^ subject, by a Viiortiinj^ paper.—lt;*ppeaird ljy our news of yes terday, that the (ireeks had obtained a u‘cisive victory over tiU' troops landed at Modon, and that the Cirecl; fleei had actually sailed. I'roin the suina au- ihentic soun e, we fuither h-ai-n, that the '•! i:ef!; depu^ier. in Loudcm h.ave informa- lic'n from Zante ticjvn to the of A- pril, which ii several days 5uV>se(juent "o the unfav orablo icj)orto aihideil to, and It iiiakei no mention of th'-in, or of an) tiling; that in the shghtcs'. .l( ;^rcc corrub- ci-at'js therr..’’ —.Ml accounts frov!'. this devot- »'d kin;>dom indicaie the r.|)proa:'!i of a j ivil u ,ir. and liie dissxtisfaction seemed "u i:;cr(.;!se as the i-'rencii \\illidre*v from Tlie country. Tiie Birjiop of T4'rtai;-onj. iiad issut'd a decree ^^hich lTt no dotii)l I'liat tl'.e in(|Hi;.iii n w:as to’i^ restored: a f;ii'cun»hlancf v.hicii ha'i caused, •’•ri-u a- la'.'m throui^hout T’c jjr.•. i!ic“■. '-lune\ v. :i.s so scarce '.hat the '> rru'ii‘. wi c I)!ii,;ed to be indelj'ed to i!i;ii\iiltia.s fo.' ’I:e hui’.sb necessary to pay th.' t’.O'.p.s. 'ill! t.i;F.i:K:v ,u \r. Jl.—,\c:'ounl^ iiu\t In t. II re' C’\ (‘,l at lioston dire.'t from Sn'.\i'- ii.iitilly continniu!.'" lh‘MU;i’eat .fihe I'syp- •lutis in !\v(j ac'.ic/'is \viil'. the (iicek.- at I'vlrnlou, .'.nil (jf tlie saillnt; /l .lie j/atrioi •' el i:\ [)ursii;' cd’ il;at (ji’ t'le inviiiicrs.— (iieek !s, 40 i:i iiiunijer. were : 0 Mour t!;e f i'.eniy w hen the last .;ccount> c,.:n(; a\r ;;y, 'hat the;:- adva:.ef had cip- tu-'ed a iiri;;- of \\ar aru soiue (;t!i'-r \i-5- ; els bel.)t!;,tn;; to the Li’: i’, an;-! tr.e iifv. ^ cl'!;t :u rai T;;';a;:,emei:t lia'in;’; ta'.e:. ^)Iace V, us )iou!’lv cv;'efl>*d. I’ati us h:ul j.ot siiiTe:uier ''l, hiil ll v-as tlos.'ly bf- • I)\ -ica ail'! h;!id. 1 I'.e op. i.,ii .'n-- N.iie under the i’nniedi..te d;i i., 'lOii (l i-1 e.'.idt'iil ( o!idurio 1v>!.o had •;:\le.'e(l ti'.a: a lH lu'l; sl-ii|) "i v. .>r. w iii'Ji ;'ipi- .1 !iiC Iiaibor i' I'alia". vhoe.Id i.ol t,v ;:l!o-,,( (i to litter. (' 'iocf.lioni .ir.d i;:-- |.a: ' v,:-u -!:.'. 'u d of t:'(’asc>i', v.ere clr ■m - ]'. coiiliiii.d III toa.N.’ail thi;i'’iriul. 'i !it,‘ Sanii'ils !;.nl ‘'C!;t a drjiU’al'. n ii; L'v''.ra i'.r si ij : s tiiey r rn a';a(l; li om th-.' ()t’.on'.-iii li. ct, "V'hirh \\ av prat U’d to till III. '1 i.e lu'k- id. ihel h.;d ])ar[.*_v ei^!. • out f; om (.on- s .:nuii(.|>!.. A Mj'.Kidicn ol V. e I (■ liaiiv I'-vijC' ^e.i lu 'iijn' T/ic Bui'TiAr.p H'ur still raf;rs, as we learn by t!ic last arrival, and is nrosecu- tf-d Oil sidei; v. ith extii patiirj fero city. A i'.M’er IVom :;n assistant surj^con in the iwiiish army ^stales, that their enemies i^ivr no (piarter, bui. actually in- llict on t.-.eir devoted \ictiiiis the Iioitois and pains (;f g i iiciiixion. “ W'e, 1io\t- eve', ’ coiitinues the ^ame letter, ‘‘iti our turn, mow them dov. ii in thousands, and take their sto; kaiLs, fir mud foi ls, as fast as we ran (.nrt up v.ith them. Some- timis forty or fifty of them, when ap- ])roached by our troops, will stand sione- still, blind tiieir eyes, and be shot.—This lias iVccpu:-.'itly ha’ip.ened. At other times excessive numbers will make a rush out of a pin'^Ie, un 1 succeed in ci'ttlnj^ off some ci’our triic-ps—but if they see a tol erable body of l'^ui-oj)eans, they make olf direct i'or the jungle. A shell was thrown some w’eeks as^o, and about iifly or sixty men, woinen anti children, f^ot clos.'! to it, amused for a lew' seconds at tl'.e i'usce w hen it went ofl’and killed all aroUnd.” Balt. jJm. Letters from Constantinople, of the l.'jih March, have been received at Leij- horn, the followin;' are their o« nt» nts :— The latest accounts received here fnmi Sauris, in Persia, by extraordinary couriers, anriounce that the insurrection af^ainst the Lnglisli, which has broken oiit in the north of India, has become so serious, that the latter haTt* experienced enormous i 3sses of every kind, and are in danger of losin;^ a great jiart ol their linest possessions in lhat country. The whole country of I5urmans, 'vjth a popu-lj^(.j.y,„,j^„jj.j |,y several distinguished ts.tinTi nf c;'iy millions, was l.i a Slate rf i-Qrii iiuuini UOM i'.STIC From Ihc lios’on Si'iti'Siinii. The Jiuii/cer lllH ('• ir^nouus.—Xumer- oiis distin^uishi'd strangers arrived in tlie city during ’i'liiirstlay, to^e'.her witn several militaiy coiiip.inies Irom the tifighhoring towtis, and eat ly y:"'.e:day mottling nur r.ti»*et.-i and jiuidic wa\s v.ere, as indeed they had been,io. two or three days jirevious, ciowded v.ith jieo- ple. Our j)ul)lic houses were hierall> cr.immeu, and manv, very i.ian*. were o'.jligrd to seek loilgt.igs in the surround ing country towns. As the day advanc ed tiie crowd inc.rcased, and curiositv be came intense in the saine ratio. Lvery street was tilled with the jiassing multi- tutk\moving in various directions; w he.’- ^e\er the eve turned, it encountered a dense mass of ii\in,^ bodies : and wher ever the ear listened, tlic sound ol martial music was heard. In short, we were wholly inu)idnled with soldiers, musi cians, citizens, carriages, horses, kc. ?cc. At al)out half part 10 o’clock the pro cession moved from the comriion, esco.'t- cd by sixteen companies of infantry and ,o’ie of cavalry, belonging to this city and the adjoining towns. The bells in this city and those in Charlestown were iicpt tolling during the moveing of the proces sion ; salutesi were fired in the morning and during the day. The order of procession was not ma terially altered, and the route directeil in the order was str.ictl;’ followed. 1 he worthy and patriotic veterans of the bat tle were corncyed in carriages immedi ately alter the escort, one of whom we observed with a poucli used in the bat tle, another with a d'-um, Stc. (Icn. Lai AYKrTK wai conveyed in a beautiiul barouche with four eleg-ant white horses. Called an c.^prlL tin rnvp,-— .rpplicalion of “Lyr.chV. 1.:,^./’ lation of sixteen millions, w as iu a state cf ir.surrection, and the rcinforctments of all kinds, which ihey have receired from (’o- chin CIvina,insured,in a manni'r,the suc cess of their revolution. Things have come to such a pilch, that thousands of mer- cliants and rieh individuals wi re return- itig to Calcutta, and were making prepar ations to depart for I’.urope. This ac- couT.ts for - he immense purchases of silk and cotton which iiave l)cen made, and will yet he made, this year in the Levant, for English account. VVe may expect that the silk oi' the Levant, of tiie new crop, will be boufjht up at high prices. An I'^nglish house bought uj) last week all the silk that it could find in Constantino ple and the environs; these large jiur- chases began the day after the arrival of an express, sent heie from London.” The Nif^er—“ Tcnninn/ion—the Sea."— The Duinfries Cuitricr, of last 'I'uesday, contains arid conveys this satisfactory, this pleasing, but to us certainly not un; expected intelligence. Lieutenant Clap- jierton of the H. N. a native of Annan, one, and we believe the only survivor of the four individuals sent to exjilore Cen tral Africa, has reaciied Mourzook, the capital of I'ezzan, on his return from the interior. In a hasty letter written to his relatives, and dated in the town mention- ’d on the 2i5th Deccniber last, he states the important facts, namely, lhat the Niger is not evapo: ated in burning sands or in low sw amps ; that it does not flow into and is lost in an i'lterior lake ; hut that it pursues its course lo. and termin ates In the sea.—Glasi'OV) Courur. lN rr.RF,ST!N(; l KOM PERU. piin.ViiKi.i’itiA, jr^E ir. Fxtract cf a letter frcm h person of the higlicst r. sp ctubility, dated Kiiiy;bton. Jamaica, lltli M;» \, lyjj. “I endeavoured to give you the earliest iiileili^ence of the grand liuttle of the '.Uh Decemlier, in Peru, i have now infmite s?tiof;icihjn in being the first to announce lo you, Suc’t’s total defeat of Olanetain Ujii'e.' l\'ru—(Ma’ieta atul one aid-de- Caiiip a'lKiie escupinj;. \ have transmit- !( d tills iiifwi niution to. IMe\ico and fo Liiulon. I ;*iiist the c; 1ej.s, and ‘iVt ..t I', j; ts •. e; •• 1 hv ti.e V; ( iiti i’the Ai(;:ra I.. ;dl The Uieck^ \,erc hsi "I'he military were in nne order—in deed we never saw them make a better ajipearance. The Masons made a most sjilendid appearance. They wete from all the New England States, and we be lieve some from tlui other States. A similar and so large a procession of Ma sons was never seen iii this country be fore, and we believe there has not been so great a number assemt)led on any oc casion in any jiart of the world, since the building of Solomon’s Temple. 'I’he number is not exactly known, but is pre sumed to be between four and Jice thou- srttid. When the whole procession, which, without doubt, exceeded seven thousand persons, was in motion, it made a most s|)lendid appearance, and we hazard no thing in saying, was never equaled in A- merica. The houses, windows, doors, and roofs, in the streets thro’ which the procession passed, were tilled with spectators. No elevation of any kind w here it could be seen, rciiiained unoccupied. The procession arrived at Bunker Hill, Charlestown, at about half past twelve. After the necessary arrange- nienls, the (irand Lodge of Massachus etts then proceeded to lay the corner stone in ample form. Alter which, the company assembled at the place designa ted, »o hear the address of the lion. Dan iel WebPter, I’resldent cf the Associa tion. Tiiis address is very highlr spoken of. The masterly eloipience of the Speaker, when addressing lien. Lafayette, drew tears from every eye. Thc^ (leneral, the veterans of the Uevolution, tlie speaker, and indeed the w hole assi.'mlily, were af fected most sensibly—w hilc not a dry eye was to be seen ; a whisper was not to be heard'; ail was still as night, and the au dience appeared attentive as if the soul \\ as in deep comrruinion v. itli the heart. But w(• must be brief. After the address of the President was concluded, which occupied an'hour and forty minutes, a large number of citizens, stra”.ger.s, iin ite.d guests and others, par- , , r '• 1 ! I • ! 'Jok of an excellent collntioii, orepurcd A riend o tiime who lell Li-i , m c- -.i u i ir i! , - I 11 hv Mr. Smith, (n Jiunker liili. lii.i on the 1-til Maith. reaciiei! l-’anania i •ti , , , , I . .11 1 he odes, Jxc. written 'or the occasion, ul!. ; on tlu? U;ih he (lesi)atched . , , „ were sung w ith great eln'cl. lneiira}- er was maili by the I’ev. ?»Ir. 'I’iiaxter,' \\ lior li.'! y years licl'ore, uiTiciated on the same ‘pot, a') Chaplain ol’ the jlnnrican Suaria.o'i. .'ifricnn Colony.—\\‘e h;'ve rereivrd froiii Lilieria tiding'; of a consoling na- fure, so far as they go. Our intelligence is up to the 'J.^-Mli of .March last, at which time the inhabitants were in grjod health atid spii its, and a f.’,eiieial spiiitijf har- iiioiiy ]ii'evailing. 'I'hey express their w ariiie-t Colonization Sokietv. The sui‘rou!!:]ing country, to the distance of one hundred miles, has been explored, and it is IVuind to be a- biindaiit in trojiical isroductions, and co piously stipplieil V. illi streams, on which, .it some I'lltur-' dav, manufactories wil' l;e foiihdec’. '1 he inhabitants have be gun alreaily to make iniiuiiies on tl.t.' suiijerl of gold mines, and lo llatier tliem- sel\es with the hope that their lescar- che.T will Uv)t prove iinprodni ii\e. But this is not the (jiily subject that interests the emigranl-1. .\nollier Africaii writes that he i-; busily eiig.iged in the cultiva tion (;f coH'ee, and he iVlieitati'S hinnseif this season on the piosjicct of an aliund- ant crop. The morals of the peopli ha\e much iiiijiroved—thev are engaged in I.Miilding, plouvjiin;-;, ;>ud planting, 9»id there is, tlu'O’.u'iiout coP.ntv, tliev are "i ejoicinj; in the idea tiiat i’ro\i- d«‘nce, bv tlie nieans of such humble in strument's, designs hereafter to build up a great and mightv nation—that they are destined fur the advance guard oi civil- iz ‘*ion, and tliat Africa herealter is to be recorled in the archives of glorious his- {(j, V—i,bat she is lo have her orators, uoels, legislators, and law givers. * • . Ualt. Jiiiencan. rvtr;,ct cf JI Lttt-r from Cmr.’iiodore Lewis \\ a’TiiiirtDn, to the S..crotavy of tlir Na\y , ua'.ed “ I . S. Shi]) Adams, Tiioiupson s lahuid, oth June, Since the capnire made by liie Sea Ctflll, w e have heard nothing of pirates, or their depredations. ^ _ The (.irampus lias arrived from St. 'J'homas’, and her Commander reports, lhat there are no apprehensions cuiertain- ed in that quarter. The Fox was stationed for some tunc at Havana to give convoy to our trade, but was never called on lor the purpose, although notice was regularly given.— This shews the complete security leli at p re sc lit. Extract of a letter from an oiriccr .ittached to \iie Joliii Adams, to his friend iu M toii city, dated at Key West, June 8tli, lii2o. I write you in excellent health—all well on board—It is, however, extreme ly sicklv on shore. 1 am acquainted with several of the oflicers on shorf, w ho are sick with the fever, which, 1 understand, is very malignant. 1 wo or three per sons die in a dav. Our commander, (Captain Nicholson,) is verv attentive to his junior oiVicers.— He directs tliat all the Midshipmen, when not on duty on deck, will come into the cabin every morning and study na\i- gation, or ilo their day s woik: and he suspends every Midshipman whom he hears swearing, or usiiig disrespectful ianguage to any ofi/ er on hoard. lo me I ':ou!ier. siatini;’, iHat a I’reni h ci'iiiv T had cct'.ie in fiom tlie Miuadron (M']'Callao, I.) j’urw.M'd ih"-^a!'lies i'rom i!.e rreiiih adiuiial to the ministry of I'reiic.ii pL-liey in the I’aeillc, a passu(;e luid hei ’i refu'-ed ; tin* account of the bat- .!■ si.o/i be( ame [luLlic. ^^’ileu my iViend left i.ima, C allao still held out ; l»odil Haltering himseH'(llaneta might \ et get ahead. It is now tliuii;!-ht he will retire on ijo..rd tlie J'len. h squadron, and leave the gai'ri>on lo ii.s late. *• i’o'i: ;n II Nhips were blockading Ho- ilii 'i'he gi'eali st haimony prevailed be- '.V. ern tlii 111 an.I il-.e j jiglish and U. States’ !■ rc e. 1 he i 11 ni h w ere prohihited inler- lourse wi:h Piodil, ami gieat jealousy otcasioncd. rreni the ?,i v.-Viiik Ar:iriran ^^'e learn that .Mi-. List, j'ormrrly a membe!'of the Chamlier ol Deputies ol the king of Wirtemherg, has rei i ntly ar- i'i\ed iii'ie with lus family from llavi'e. _ i'foiii aitjii ehi tision of Mr. List's iidlu- j eii( I in till ( hamh r. ar.d fearing to lind ! it^i 1) in a luinoiiiy, tl\' minivjrv first im- j n^'isi.hcd and then exiled this i.u!i\idual. I t iius diivi'n I’loMi his ir.'.iive iand, Mr. j List ha' , as he e\pre.sved himself tc us, 1 “ chfMti lor his li.ture i(/untry. the I ni- I t. d Slates, whcie th»' 1 91’ 'v-'ui.n) is i lit ver i'clt. ” Mas rejiorted for liasing made use ot dis- ri'speciful language to Siid.shipman , and was immediately piit ashore; he has procured a passage to the United States. Lmnirb nf the 7UW Frigate Hrandf/t'dne.— On Thursday morning, about liaH past nine o’clock,' the Frigate Buvmivwim,, ])ierced for U guns, was launched from tlie Navy Yard in this city. A number of gentlemen, among whom w as the Pres ident of the United Stales, w’as on board, at the time of ihe launch. This vessel is represented as one of the host, in every respect, ever built in this country-,(which produces the bebt ships in the world,) and rellects much credit on the construc tor and builder. The concourse of spec tators to witness the launch was very great, and yet, we are gratiiied to learn, UiaL not the slightest accident occurred. JS'alioi'Ml Journal. COT’NTr.UI'KlT liANK NOTHS. On Saturday last, a Counterfeit Note of ten dollars, purporting to be of the Bank of X'irginia, was presented' at the Bank. It lias since been ascertained, lhat several of the same sort are in circu lation. The Counterfeit Notes are suf ficiently well executed to be imposed on the public ; but on a close exa.iiination, it will be discovered that the engraving is inferior and coarser than on the Cien- uine Notes. The oniameiital work (par ticularly on the left margin) is very de fective. The Counterfeit Notes are shor ter than the Clenuine ones. Those that have been seen at the Banks, are njarked B. payable to W. Bolling, and dated 2Jd February, 1819. 'I'he Presic'.ent’s name, is an (Migraved fac ftimile. The Cashier’s is written with a pen. Some villain is probably in Hichiiiond. engaged in circu lating these s|n,ui0us Notes. : Compiler. ^ The Lirih^ston Code.—The Code -of Civil Law, prepared for the Stale of I.,ou- isiaiia, by iMr. I'.dw aril .Livingston, hav ing been jilaced in the hands of all the magistrates and other otVicers of the State, was publicly and.formally promul- galeil at New-Orleans on ‘the 2oih of .\Liy, to go into eft'cctin on*' month IVom that date, and accordingly it hecuiiie the law of the Stale on Monday last, the 20tli insi.—Louisiana thus enjoys the honor of havini:; made the first elfective move ment in the work of legal reform, and was fortunate in possessing a citizen so well ijualitied to i’ulfil the important de sign which the Legislature of the State had ihe ^usdolll lo adopt uiid j)er;>evere in. Af//. /nl. case of a certain Dr. BradlnirtK 'i l*'’ broke into his dwelling, and were V dragging him out of b.'d, when the lor seized his dissecting knife, uiui about liim with such good elTect tha'ij.,' fell lifeless on the spot, being stabbe;'/','' the heart—a second since died, ati-i third is supposed to be mortally \voun ^ ed. JIamilton Jldverimr. ^ Execution.—The three brothers nnnci Thayer, who murdered .Tohn Love, wtr. executed at Bun'alo, N. Y. on the l7thin»i'' in the presence of from 20 lo ;]0,000 si.^ tators, who had assembled from all nart- of the country to witness thi.-; app;dii„r! speciatlc. The eldest brother wast the next 23, and the youngest 21 years ol' age. The two first have left wivts and children. The father, who had 'oeeu confined in prison as an accessary to the murder, was the same day dischur'H'f! oa his own bail. An elderly man was lately killed i| Greene County, Tennessee, hy a tree i'ul- ling upon him as he was i)a:^sing it. ll is said that a few years ago his shoulder was broke, and otherwise co;i^ sidcrably injured by a limb from the saine, tree. The T.egislature of Massachusett.s liava passed anil act, granting S3each, and Si for every 20 miles, to the oflicers avid soldiers who were in the battle of Bunk er’s Hill, at'd who sh.all attend the ceiv- monies of laying the corner stoni. of tho Monument. The Bo.-iton Ccntinel of the CLM inst. savs-, “ A sharp iiev. spapcr ar is carryini^ n'l in >\'ush'!ng'ton, In tw i.fii t'lio Si-en-lary ot tlic Na vy and ('oinniDilore Porti.T.'’ Tlie Editor of tlie Oiitiiir! is nil'itaken. Tlic Sicr. tiirv of till- Navy liHS had no eoncirii in any iuvvs[u- per war vv itii Com. I’ortcr. Am!, evtr^iunlina- ry as it may sound lo >!onie of fiiuse vilio liav* vioJi iitlv and pTossly assailed the SiiTttfirv (,f the N’av \,-aiul accused hiiu of harsliiiess in liis eoiuliie* towards ('om. Porter, vve vv ill vcntnvs to assi rt that the Commodore lias few wuinior, or more Hrm friciuls, than the Sn iTtary of the Navy has jirovi'd himself to lie, oiitr_\injr ions; will !i frit-ndship was vahiahl>,, ami linn- I1C8S ncccaiaiy. Ac/. Jcunid. So>'rrri^n ('ttrefor Mutrimnnid!diiJirnl’ics. Si. Lot is, Si vv 1.1.—.\ gentleman and his family a few days since ascending the .Mississijjpi on board the steam-boat 1’, Putnam, an nnfortunale diiliculty took plai e between him and lii5 wifi' ; unwill- ihg to hear the IVowns of the fair, or sur- \i'.e his hajipiness, he determined to put an end to the unnatural slrile of love.— lla\iiig deliberately strippeil fjllTiis c.oal, he leaped into thi' river, was inimediali.- ly carried under the wheels of the boat, and never after seen. Here we would have mourned with the wid.iw, but she marritd lU'Xt day, and gave the world the strongest |)roofof her attachiuent lo matrimonial life. A lilOODY A! TA!H. Sevrn ciiizi'iis of Fayette county, Indi- ai’.a, on Friil?v nigh’, nn-:':!-!';')!: to make DINNER TO MIh Cl.AY. A dinner was given lo Mr. Clay ou ^Vcdnesday, 1st June, at Lexington, Ken tucky, by the citizens of that town and Fayette county. The Reporter says Uiat the respectability and intclligcni e,as well as the number of the assemblage, have not been surpassed on any similar occa? ion in that state. The following is ex tracted from the letter of invitation of th^ Commitiec lo Mr. Clay : “You became our Representative at an important and critical juncture ol our country; during the whole time, yoa. have been the inflexible advocate of ra tional liberty, and the steady supporter of public justice. There has occur red no session of Congress, out of the. many ycm have been a member, tliai your political acts were more coniiilt’U'- iy in accordance with our wishes and views of national prosperity and repose, than the one which terminated the ar* dent and responsil>le relationship lhat subsisted between us.” We select the follow ing from ainons; th(^ toasts given on the oi casioii, vvhicii are fuU-of point and sentiment : 'J'hc Prc^ideuinf Ihr Cnileil Stuff'. r.i-just and fear not; ^ Let all the ends t hou ainis't at In- thy cmin..y r, Thy (iod’s. and Tnith’s : th-n if thou lah ritoufair'.l a blCjS.sril iiiarlvr.^ ^ The Con.stitntion.—If tml peitii^'* }*’■ the most perfect political edifice ever reeled.—Its parts are cemented bv the blood of our fathers—the soTis will mix v.ith its '-uins, il it ^ (J>ir respcvtid (ihinl. !.' Inrrd fiilo"' ruid lute ri>rcfirnt(diir, llmri/ rejoice in the oecasion ol the world, and c)ii/>/fiiliralli/ to hii ■ our ‘undimir;Nhed i onrulence in ccrnqitible inleirrily. and our unfjua j.a' apnrohatif)!! of his con.Itir.t ii uiii hi\/ ' '- iG his most importa”.- " presrntative. _ Tiic third (\v>.':rr.!.'i!nvn/ I Oj /w^7/—ll is now speaking its in langnagfi not to he misunfleisiO'^'' misreiiieseiited. Let Demagi'i.,'' ' ton. , Knytnrkji—X soil as fertil(' and pali i(»tism as in vegetaiicu. ' sters \n dirt we rcjily, that the tioiis of her Ci.w .give grfiwth to in'ellei !. morals ‘i"'* principles, as well a-, body—h“'^ I'or the same at home. Tho's Je//h\son—A patriot and >• 1- itician. May his last days he as t; .i'"l as his first were useful. . l.,o„c Sf.r,\ hero of two v ai's - the Cinciiuiatus of kentucky. Lnn"T!ni!;f>!t.—By a reckoniii.T ^ ^ from the best Dictionaries, the following languages, thei'O j,, 'JO,000 words ill the Spani'h : the l':nglish ; :.V,o.i« in the Lawn: the Prencii ; l.i,ooo in tlie , in the Creek ()■).) in J;':';;" ;tn in ^ Y V _ i..,„ivni" 1 words may t;e ge:u\ .iliv ^ aiiv r,u'>;li''hniaii who uiu!'.'''j'*'■ La’■•I- I .'?r,ch- „] t' \