pniii.isnEn weeklt r,v LEMUEL RINGIIAM, jX TUKEK DOtLARS A TKAH, PAID 1» ADVANCB. .*** yo paper will be discontinued, unless at the ;cri/lion of the editor, until all aiTearages are pii 1- AiivEnTTSEnEWTS will be inserted at the usual rites. Persons sending in advertisements, are ([lasted to note on the margin the number of .irtioiis, or they will be continued until forbid, ,1 cl’argcd accordingly. Uoiitrvif r ihc benefit and cncoura^cmcnt of 3IEtUAXlS>I ia the Westtrn part of Nortli-Carolina. SCilii.ME. 1536 Tickkts, at 52. Kuc fu'O Blanks to a Prize. I’rizc of $5UJ (Phston and Cotton Saw Ciin) - - - - IS {“iOU do $oOO (Familv Coach) - i250 (Oig)' - . ?180 (do.; ?130 (do.) do do do ouy is 25U is IMU i:,o CiLiRLOTri:, c. rvi!:siKir, ji ly se, i82s. A BAWGAIX. A FAMILY of Negroes, consisting of a fel- ^ low, his wife, and several children, would be disposed of upon the most accommodatitti; terms, by applying to W. J. Polk, or to Dr. Samuel Henderson. July 9. 1825—tf. Ttmn OiHViuance. By an ordinance passed on the 12th 'March, 1825, by tlie Town Commissioners of Char lotte, for the purpose of raising a fund to repair the Streets of said town, for the year 1825, a tax of two dollars is levied on every white male person, from the age of 18 to 45 vears, who has resided within the said town thirty days. And two dollars is levied on all male persons of col or, from the age of 1C to 50 years; and a tax of ten ccnts is levied on every hundred dollars worth of real estate within the limits of said town, agreeably to tlie state assessment. No tice is tlu-refore (jivcn, to those who are liable to pay taxes agreeably to the .said ordinance, to come forward and make payment to John Irwin, Treasurer, on or before the 20th .luly ; on failure to do so, warrants will be issued a- greeably to the jjrovisions of said ordinance. By iinlrr of the Conimissiuntrs. July 1, 1825.—3t-12 cr ol 01 iiii DUl Ir isr* iJlUO (tilde Eoard h Cotton Saw tiin) is 20U J no ?8'J (f;i^ and Sociable) is ICO ‘J (!') ^2U (1/L'ilitcads) - is )U .) do (a set of TabK s) is -12 '2 (!o ^12 (\Vin(!s(n-Chairs) is 2i do ?10 t^two Ladies’ Work Tables and one I'enibroki ) - is o'J I (io (15cilo\vs top Cr.idle) is 8 1v) CO ^6 (6 I'loughs, 2 .''irect Lamps, and 2 Lard Cans) - is 60 1) do ^5 (Hals) - - is 50 I do ^ (Caiullfstand) - h 4 1 (!) (do) - . is 3 i JO do (lo) - - is 60 I 3l/J do ji2 (25 cast steel Axes, and 275 pair i Shoes) • - • is 6 JO I 4'1 do $1 ( rill W are, Jewelry, Siioes, 6^c., iic.) . - .'is 431 $3u72 . Tickets can be had in Charlotte of the under-1 siirncd (.'inun;ssi«iiu rs, bj Utter, postitgc paid, 1 iniIo-.uig tlie iiioiuy; or frcin tiieir ajjtnts in | Isulisbury, Stati.-,s\ i'lle. Concord, L..itoiiitoii, i Yorkviilo or l.anc.tstcr; who pledj^'e tliciiisclves to pay the pn/es as set f».rtl> in the scheme, ’ thirty clays at'ti*r tlic dra\\ in.u, or rcfuiul tiie ' nioi.ty to purclirisers of tickets, ];rov:dcd the «:liciuc siiail not be- draun. SAM’l.. IlKN'DF.ItSON, (■la.K.V KFADKICK, JNO. N’. R. Explanatory Hand Uills can be had of the Comn.iaaioners. •15 \ \ \ ON the 29th of January last, my black wo man, nanit. d I’ei^gy, was enticed away from me, by Samuel Townst nd, Patrick Monroe, Jo- sopii Orslon, and^othi-rs; was harbortd and coiK'calfd by the 'said SanuKl Townsend, and taken into his possession under pn-lcnce (it ob- tainini,'' her freedom; and on tlie ITtli of March last, was carried oH' by the above named Josepli Orstop, who goes in the capacity of a pedlar. Said I’ejfijy is now in the 17th }ear of lier age, of middle size, al)0ut fix i- fi ( t four or live inch es hipii, handsomely hnllt, of yi lluw complex ion, very likely, familiar and very free spoken; she sometimes calls herself Peg-gy Ilajjin, and has of late pr. tended to say tiuit she was free born. Peggy may be knoun by any one who converses with her, by her telling who has rais ed her, and of her leaving her ciiild Ijchind, whose name is Fdiza. It is supposed she is sold or conccaled in scmie part of the country. Any person finding where she is, anti giving in furmation by letter, directfd to tiie su!)scriber, living in llarnwell district, or to Mr. Isaac Fra zer, in Col'.imbia, S. C. shall n ceive a reward of twent)-five doll.irt,, and if t'.e said (‘rston and Pegg\ be found together and af'prc!i ndcd, 80 that the villains can be i^ronglrt to bistire, aiiy person or persons, so apprchr'nding tlu ni, shall receive a reward of liftv S.'W. KKARSEY. June 25, 1825.—"1*13 AAh’ON WJIEKLEK, Coach, Sign, Chair Ornuntcn/al PAIXTKK, 'Returns his thanks to his friends and the -i-'l public, for the liberal encoiir-.genfent which he has already received, and resi)ectfully solicits » continuance of patronage. He is prejjared to (h) all kinds of Painting in his line ; and cus- tsmers may depend on having their work neat- 1} executed, and with despiitch. Painting in the country wil! be ilone on short notice. N. B. Old chairs re-painted and re-gilt. Charlulfc, Odolitr l, 1824.—Itf \a‘V\vvs rIEMAlNINCi in tlie i'cst OfBce at Lincoln- I. ton, N. C. 1st July, 1825, some of which will be sent away as di ad K tiers, if tlu y are not taken out before the 1st October nt xt. State iii MKfKLKNHl'HG COl’XTY. !:'vperior ('ourt of I.nic, Spring Term, 1825. IANE PEIfUY r.v. Gray Perry.— Petition for Divorce.—It appearing to the satisfactiem ct' the court, tiiat the dcfenlaiit is not a resi dent of this state • Urikrrd, therefore, that ad- veTtiscnie nt be niaele tiiree nioiiths in the Ca- tiwba Journal, that the dJi iidr.nt come forward iti or before the next Superior Court ol' Law, 'o be held for the eounly of Mecklenburg, at 'ie'Courl-House in Chnrh)tte, on the "tli Mon- liay after tiie 4th Monday in Sepleniher next, ini ])li.;id, answer or elenuir, otherwise the pe- t.t,on will be taken pro confcsso and heard ex Pii-tc. 'IVstc, IJ. M. HUTCHISON, Clk. S. ('. ,)in51—pric;; ;idv . ji l. AiiwaA. "VN 1'ucsilay, the 2;>il day i)t'A'; ne.Tt, " at tlu- ('r’lurl-di.u^e in Ch.trlutic, v.ill he a v.duablo fr.irl dt I, AN I), now in tlu jms- Sfbsioii ot's.ur.ui l I’tiiter, i\iiig ui tlu' waVvs Cre i about iiiiie iiuie.-^ Iroiii t liar- 5-'tte, eontaining a!)Out tliree hundred acre^i. This tract is nearly all woodland, the iv be ing ■'•ot iiifn-e than til'ly ae res clei.reil. U is well a- I'-'p'ed to tlie cuiture i/f ee)lliu. C( ru, w lu at, aiul is re niurkahlv well tiinbere d. OiU' half the purchase inoiiey to h^- in three ^'('nths, and llu' rc.siilue- in lif'tee ii aioiitiis tiniu tiine of the .sale ; tiie purchaser giving bond Security, bue atteiUion will be given, by JOHN lU.ACK, Si ( F.xrcntim nf W.M. L. D.W li;^ON, 3 Jk.iiii Sinii/i. June 21, 1825.—yt-i7 j(ni.N I., 'Pitilor and JakIus' Ilubit hee n solicite'd by some of the most respe ctable cit i/.eiis of t!i villa}>e to coin- |*'‘'-'>ce the above business in this place, has at consented to their kind projjo^als. He “iiow fixed, and reail) to ilo uii kiiiels of v. ork •n Ills line, anel w arrants to i;’l\e entire salisfac- as his experience in of the principal ill Luropeand Auieriea, gives him entire ''^■'fidence in his ow n abilities. He tenders hi;- ^■-■^pec*.-, to the citi.’. iis of Charlotte and its I'ciiiity^ and hopes for a moelcrale share of 'iiur patronage. .CO' He can be found, at all hours of the da}, ■' applying ;it Dr. Henderson’s Tav ern. .* tiariiients cut nut at U\c ton’i’.iv rate-j. J->y iS'.'i — Itl i- 1 A. J. Wm..I. Abernathy, W illiam Jones, Moses .\bcriiatliy. Isaac Johnson, Sami. H. Abernathy, David Jenkins, Peter Adlenian. K. ' ' B. Agness Kimball. Jacob Hrem, 2 1.. Joseph Brindle, Kichard Long, Joseph Raker, David Lintcli, ' Abram Rennet, John Lutes, Joseph Rennet, John Lincbarger, John .\1. Bradley, Eli Lutz, Abram Bollinger, Fred. Lincbarger. Wm. Rost, M. Eliza Rrielges, Mrs. M.aVy J. Moore, James Boggs, Wm. Martin, (’atliarine Baker, Wm. Marshall, Caleb Rradley, Elizabeth M'Culloch, M m. C. Bog-gs, Edwin Maxwell, Peter Bess, Peter Moony, John Blackwood, John Moody, ' David Bookont, Abner M‘Afee, Mrs. Mary Baker, Joseph Montgomery, ! Samuel Blackwood, Rev. Joseph .Moore, 1 Mrs. Eliza Be vans. Ts'athaniel Michum, C. John Moose, Tlenry Carrier, 2 Abram Maiinj', Adam Castner, J% 11. M‘Ree, 1 Abram Cook, * N. ‘ Abner Camp, John Newton, . Jeptha Clark, (). 1 llcuben Cowan, Robert Oates, Ambrose: Cobb, 2 A\ 111. Oate s. .lonas CastncT, P. John Carpe nter, Reuben Paul, ,hi' es Colvin, R. Ji'hn Cline. M'chael Rudisil, ! D. Jud'.th !! it)b, ; .Tacob De ets, Jacob Rh.iu lin.rt, ; Ilnry Di'lien, El./.^l'ctli Kobii.son, ! Elislia D\ r. .m Rhodes, 2 i ' *'• Jo'.iu liuclis.l. 1 He nry F.ddlonir.n, "S. 1 Curistiun Kaker. P,e nj. Si'.errill, I'. .K i e nnah I .tas. or Thos. f'crguson , rud.iis Siiii'h, i Richard I'e athcrston, Jue ob Suiiia. 1 .hinus i'l.lls. r. t;. A\'m. Thompson, Andre w Cardncr, James 'l'a> lor, '.Jrs. .lane liibson, Dana 1 Thornbag, .John l.len, Ale-.\ander Vickers. . .lohii ItaiTet. W. U. Isaac V ills. r.lizabe th Hoover, A\ III. WiLon, .lose-ph linit, Simeon h W m. White John Hovis, Sen. Hi nry Hoyle, Joseph Heiward, J. H. Harr\, Jacob Ilaener, John Houser, W I lie llarriss, Margaret lliulson, Krederi' k Hauiis, 3t43 James W ither'^poon, - Jdsluia ilson, l’ri.-)C;lla ^\■llson, (ief^rge \\ arascr, Ceor^i- \\ iltoiig-, John Wear, John ^^arlek, Win. White, Heirs ol'!,(o. Wigoncr, D. UKINHAKDr, J‘. M. Just J*iil)lisli(‘(li VND for sail- at tiiis Office, in a primphlet form, •“ Mrietures on a pie ~e wrt'eii by Mr. David Henkel, entillt d Heavenly flood cf i;egeiu.rati(ui, or, on lloiy li.iptisiu.’’ I!y Josi.iMi MooiiK, r. 1). M 1‘ricl-. I'o cents. Delivery I’oIiHs. Per at Oihce of tl;( Jour.::ii Medicines, Paints, Oil, DR. TIIOS. 1. JOHNSON, nAS just received from Philadelphia and New-York a general assortment of articles in his line, warranteil fresh and genuine, which he proposes to sell to Physicians and others, wholesale and retail, on as reasonable terms as can be purchased in Charleston, viz : l)K8L'l/rO|{V. Alum, Alcohol, AtTow Root, Arsenic, Acid Nivric, Acid Muriatic, Antinionial Wine, Anderson’s Pills, Ether Vitriol, Park Red, Do. Yellow, Do. Pale, Do. Calisa) d, liorax, Hrinistone Hoi. I’ritish Oil, Pateman’s Drops, Malsam CJopaivit, Malsam Tolu, Hlue Vitriol, ('ardanion Seed, Carbonas Ferri. Canella Albi. Calomel, Cantluirides, Castor Oil, Castor Russia, Cinnamon, Cochineal, Columbo Rad. Do. Piilv. Cre am Tartar, (’uhebs, Cheltenham Salt.":, (’alcineel Magnesia, Camomile Flowers, (^a.stile Soap, Carbon. Ammonia, Corrosive Sublimate, Cannella Alba. Davies’ Powder, Digitalis Purpurea, Epsom Salts, (ilauber Salts, Elix. Vitriol, Ess. Peppermint, ' Ess. Hergamot, Ess. Lemons, Flos. Benzoin, Flo+i. Sulphur, Fow ler’s Solution, lientian Rad. Cum Ammoniac, (iiim Arabic, Cium Assafcetida, Gum Myri’h, Gum Aloes, Gum Gambogia, (ium Camphor, Gum Opium, Gum Gtiaiacum, (ium. Kina, Henrj’’s Magnesia, Ipecac. Piilv. Jalap Pulv. Janies’ Powder, Itch Ointment, Laudanum, Lunar Caustic, Lee’s Pills, Magnesia Lump, Mercurial Ointment, Nutmegs, Opodeldoc, 01. of Anis. OC/' The Doctor yet continues the practice of Medicine, as heretofore. Cliarl(tte, July 16, 1825,—42tf. . 01. Nunthae Pip. Manna Flake, Pearl Barley, Sodi, Paregoric, Quick Silver, Quassia Rasped, Rhubarb lioot. Do. Powder, Red Precipitate, Seidletz Powders, Soda Powders, Senna, Nitras Potassje, Siilphus Peitassjc, Powdered Sarin, Seneca Snake Root, Serpenturia Virginia, Sicale Connutum, Pael. \ aleriani, Rad. Scillx, Sarsaparilla, i^ulphatc (Juiithic, Sau'o, Reel Scaling Wax, Sugar Lead, Stoughton’s Bitters, Spt. Lavender, caniph. Spt. Nitri, Diilci. 'I’artar Emetic, Salts Tartar, (’rita Preparata, Pearl Ash, Mace, Rose Water, Uva Ursi, Lac Sulphuris, English Mustard, 'rurntr’s Cerate, Basilicon, Oil Cloves, Oil Cinnamon, Spt. Minde reri, Spt. Hartshorn, Scammany Aleppo, V^■afers, in boxes. PJL\TS\ &c. Ground \\ hite Lead, Dry Yellow Ochre, Spanish P.rowji, Verdigris, Venetian Red, Crome Yellow, Chinese Vermillion, English L'mber, Ros( Pink, Terra Deseana, Red Lead, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Lamp Black, Gum Copal, Gum Shellac, Spt. Turpentine, Spanish Whiting, Maccauba Snutli Rappee do. Silver Leaf, Gold do. Bronze, Silver & Golel, Oil, Shop Furniture, of eve ry descrij)tion. . Coucli Triiniiiin;j^ ilaincss 31 king. rj'^HE subscriber has cpeiu d a shop for the' X a! ()\e biisiin'ss in the house (Uie d(i(w low Isaac Spencer &. Co’s. Carriage .Makini; shop, where he intends ki epmg (,e)ns1antl\ ou hnnd, ut reduceil price s for ca->li ora.short cridit, all articles in his line of busim-ss,\ iz : l’(ia( and Jersey agon Harne ss l.ig ll;tnu >s, [)laii and plated; \\ag>ui and gig (!(dlars, Lr. Uc.— Ifepairs done at the shortest notice and on tli UiObt reasonable terius. EI.IAS WA'l'LINtiTON. f'harlotfr, June 28, 1825.—38lf \Mx\l)S01i KIJVTF ( UMR M.IKIXG, \M LLIA -M C UI,V E |{ H O U S E .WlNli commenced the above business in the; tow n of Charlotte, respi ctfully solic it a share of public patronage. Mis work will be neatly and durably constructed, and will b disposed of on accommodating terms. Settkks and Whitim; Chmus, m.'irie to or der, can be hud on short notice. Charlotte, Feb. 5, 1825. Iyt73 H gvicvi\i\ivu\ itt\. 4 MEK I INti of tlie Mtcklenluri^ Ji;r,'rulfu i V ral SocUtj will be held on the last Suturda\ in this n.onth. A punctual attendance of th members is expected. JOSEPH SMI'IH, .Vi-c’v. Jult/ 11, 1825.—3l43 [NO. 43. the question which he was charged to in vestigate had been prejudged at Wash ington, hefotT his departuie from that city, and that consequently tlsc fjovern- nuMit of(;eorgia cun no lont'er, conslst- emly with its flignity, hold int( rccui se witii that ofl'icer, of which as you will see by the en( losed letter, he has had due no tice. Kesjiectfully, O. M. TROUP. .Hon. J. BABBocn, Secretary of Witx. KXr.rt'TIVF. nKI’ART.MF.NT. > Milledu;ci'i/lt\ June'2i^, 1825. 5 Sin: I cull your attention to a letter purporting to tie yotiis and addressed to the Agent in extenuation of your e.onduct for the act of susp»-nsion, and published in a jiaper liere ralU'd the Patriot. If this letter be aiillx'ntic, you will consider all intercourse iietweeti yourself and this governtnent suspended from the moment of the receipt of this. G. M. TROUP. T. P., ^ Special Agent Creek Agency. S pRixcKTov, In/linn Nnfion^ ^ 4fh Jith/, 5 Sitt: I take advantage eif the first po.s- sible monient froin incessant and arduous duties, to do myself the honoi- of receipt ing to your'excellency the three last let ters. Voiir letter of the IStliJune was re ceived, freim the ConiniissioiuM s ( f (Jeor- gia, on the 2.')th ult. It was tpv deter mination to alVord the Conuuissioners of fk'orgia, (of whose appointment 1 hud . j b«‘t>n previously aiiprised) all the aiteii- L>r Kuvn ui.;..,us n,„st !„■ p, „„„uncv(l possililo. i\o con, m,m,„n cl circuni- n,,. u„i„„, and stance n.ui c Livui aWe lo the i-xpynin, nl .jemand.d. I liav,- s.,, s., far as my can e^cl )c i,\pi cut in occui. 1 he last | . Ixn [■(■trret hopes "I - I lerclorcs rest with HS; anilil itshoiiUl be proclaimed lhat | our example hail hecome an [ si.mers on several points of proc.iur,'. apinst the expennient, the knel ol pop-1 You mav rcailil • imagine that ™- , , ‘''■■‘'“Sh- pressions of your Rreat personal honor ’ •* I , Mere not at all weakened by the receipt “1 hese are exc.temenls to duty s but „f „ Hxcelle.icy, ilated ,1c hey a. e n.,t suBges .ons of doubt. Our j-,,, ?„ f h,sMory_andourcondllioii,alllhatis|{one,uc„,.„„ „-„|v,nt delay an Tror MR. WEBSTER’S ADDRESS, Issued yesterday from the Press of Cummings, Hilliard &. Co. We copy its concluding remarks, as a sample of his style :—Boston Patriot^ July 2. “And, now, let us indulge an honest exultation in the conviction of the bene fit, which the example of our country has produced, and is likely to produce, on human freedom and human happiness. And let us endeavor to comprehend, in all its magnitude, and to feel, in all its importance, the part assigned to us in the great drama of human affairs. We are placed at the head of the system of representative and popular govern ments. Thus far our example shows, that such governments are compatible, not only with respectability and power, but with repose, with peace, with securi ty of personal rights, with good laws, and a just administration. We are not propagandists. Wherever other systems are preferred, either as be ing thought better in themselves, or as better suited to existing condition, we leave the preference to be enjoyed. Our his'ory hitherto proves, however, that the popular form is practicable, and that with wisdom and knowledge men may govern thenisehe.s, and ihe duty incum bent on us is, to jireserve the consistene:y of this cheering example, and lake care that iioihing may Weaken its autheirity with the world, if, in our ease, the ie- before tls, and all that surrounds us, au- kly I ifito ,/hich you had fallen,” «.n one particular 1 , • • I I* r * I .. 1 . iiiv. II > tJii JUiil lall^ lU 11 til 11- 11 ill limidl ihoi ize he belief, lhat popular (rovern-1 „.Iatii,K lo the Indian ,\L„ ; a„a nu-nls, thousth subject lo occasional van- .^rerdinKK ll,at a sensi^.f justice, alions, perhaps not a ways for the bet cr, ! ,|„.. i,|„,i,. in lorn,, may yet, n, ilieir generalcharac-; ,i„„, ter, be as durable and permanent as other , expect of systems. We kiio.v, iudi'Vd, that in our; , . .. ... - , . ...... ..w. permit in lorn,, may yet, in ilieir generalcharac-. ,i„„, ,.„,,_„p|,ear in the same let- me. Your Kxcellency .vw that I did not intend to c^ounlry ay other is imposs.b e. 1 he ■ specifications, .ftcr ^r,nc7yeoll-ree (.over„n,ent adheres to u-iuM-of the the Americai. soil. It is imbetldcU lu it; joth June, your iletermination not to fur- inimovable as its mountains. I „-,5|, “,\nd let the sacred obligations which i refeiretl lo, I adverted to have devolved on this generation, and on th(. circumslances,.meiTly with a view to us, sink deep into our hearts. l liose Uhew why 1 had, previously to the re- are daily droppini; from aiiion^- us, who „| ,„f |e„cr. thoui-lit I had ari|;ht established our liberty and our Bovcrii- „ „et them. Your decliniiiK to pre- ment. 1 he great trust now descends lo | specifications, which was a mailer and worthier hands have gathered .them all. Is’orare there jilaces for us by the side of Solon, and Alfred, and other foun ders of states. Our fathers have tilled them. But there us a great duty of defence and preservation: and tliere is opened to us, aLso, a noble pur suit, to which the spirit of the times strongly invites us. Our proper business is improvement. Let our age be the age of improvement. In a day of pence, let US advance the arts of peace and the works of j)eace. Let us develope the re sources of our land, call forth its powers, build up its institutions, promote all its great interests, and see whether we also in our day and generation, may not per form something worthy to be remember 'd. Let us cultivate a ti ue spirit of union tiid harmony. In pursuing the great ob jects, which our condition points out lo iis, let us act under a settled conviction, ..nd an hal)ilual feeling, that these twen- \-lour stales are one countiy. Let us extend our ideas over the whole of the vasl held in which we are called to act. our (d)ject be, ovh col’.ntuy, ouk uHoi.K coi .\ rnv, AND .\oi HiN(; ni’T ouu rov.'. i uY.—And, by tl.e blessing of (iod, may that couniry itself become a vast iud splendid Monument, not of opjires- ■ ion anti terror, but of Wisdom, of Peace, aid ol Liberty, upon which the world may gaze, with admiration, forever!” OriTClAL PAPERS. KXIfl’Tlvr. DK.r.VHT.Mr.NT, CI.O. ) MillvdgrviUc^ June \^25. ^ Sir: A paper of this niorning printed at this place- containing a letter purport ing to be addressed by your Special A- r^eni, to the Agent for Indian Affairs, in ('xtenuation of his conduct iti suspending liim from his functions under your in- Mructicns, is forwarded for the informa tion of the T'1-esident. If in writing such a letter tlie Special Ageiit has so acted as 10 hnd himself within ihe letter or spirit of tho^iC iustrucUwii3|it is obvious ihut cerely entertain, for your jiersonal char acter, as well as for your exalted station in society, if I had again requested them of you. I acknowledge the receipt of your com munication of the 2^?th, which has given n.e pain as a man, but which causes tio uneasmpss on my part as an agent or of ficer of the Cieneral (lovernment. It has given me pain as a gentleman, because I think I can perceive that you feel com pelled, (I presume from a sense of public duty,) to transfer the jiursuit by the au thorities of ('.eorgia from the/«(//«/» A- gent to the Agent of the United States (ioverninent. It causes no uneasi- n«‘ss on my parf, as ati oflicer or Agent of the (iovernnient, because I cannot sup pose for a monient that my Government u ill censure me for doing an act of sacred duty to the Indian Agent, at the same time lhat 1 performed, in suspending him from his functions, an act of courtesy to yourself and CJovernment, which you thought necessary to the ascertainment of unliiassed testimony. Had 1 entered into feelings of fleniineiation against the Indian agent hrforc his trial, or suspended him without doing him present justice by a frank expression of the reasons which actuated mein doing so, I should indeed have apprehended the disajiprobation of my Govf'rnment, (to which aione I look in the discharge of my duties,) because lhat government is administered by men pre-eminent for temperate and reasonable rouncils, and who ceiuld not be induced, by any considetations, to violate the rights guaranteed to evei y citizen of our country, however humble, by its constitu tion, atid by the immutable principles of justice. Your Excellency calls on me to avow or disavow' the letter to the Indian Agent of which you appear to complain. W'ith the exception of a few typographical er rors I avow it us my letter. I send you a corrected copy. It is such a letter as my sense o( justicc imperiously called on me to address him in perfui’iiunga Iiarsji

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