I VOL. I.] rUBI.ISIIEn WEEKLY BrLE:\lLF.L BINGIIAAf, CJIAllLOTTE, X. a TVESmr, AVGVST 2, 1825. [XO. 44. r XflBiE liOlI-AHS A TEAK, > PAID IS ADVANCE. i;o paper will be discontinued, unless at the ,:;,cMtion of the editor, until all amarages are TiiJ. AuvEnTisEMEXTs will be inserted at the usual r>tcs. Persons sending- in advertisements, arc- requested to note on the margin the number of ;:,^Jrtions, or they will be continued until forbid, ind cliarg-cd accordingly. Medicines, Paints, Oil, ,, ,, j ... , , M. TIIOS. 1. JOIINHOX, of, II AS jus, rcccivod from Pl.ila.U-lphi,, a„d P(i ISjM Ncw-Vork a t,^ciicral assortment of articKs Alum, Alcohol, Arrow Hoot, Arsenic, Acid Nivric, Acid iluriatic, Antimonial NVine, Anderson’s Pills, Ether Vitriol, IJark Hofl, Do. Yellow, 1)0. PuK-, Do. Calisaya, Horax, II the Western part of North-Carolina.- SCHEME. Tickkts, at Not tu'O lUan/cs to a Prize. i I’rize ot i^jUO (l’ha;ton and Cotton Saw tiiii) - - - - is 5UU 1 do f'.'.'iO (Family Coach) - is 300 1 do f-’jO ((.ig) . . is 2.50 1 do ^■ISO (do.) . - is 180 1 do t>130 (do.) . . is l.iU '2 do iplUO (Side Board Sc Cotton .Saw (iin) is 20O ■2 do fSO (Clip;- and Sociable) is 160 2 do (Hedbteads) - is 40 ." do Jfl l. (a set of Tables) is 42 2 do 5P12 (Windsor Chairs) is 24 , o do S’lU (two LadicsMN ork Tabks and ' Hrinistone Hoi. one 1‘embroki-) - is 30 j JJriti.^li Oil, do (iMkms top Cradle) is 8 ' liati man’s Drops, CIO (6 Ploughs, 2 Street Lamps, and ^ Halsam Copaiva, 2 I.ai-d Cans) ■ is 60 Halsuni Tolu, ?.5 (Flats) - - is 50 (Candlcstand) . s 4 (do) - - is 3 (do) - - is 60 , i>2 (C5 cast steel Axes, and 275 jiair C.-domel, sIkxs) - - is 6U0 Cantharides, 5l ( I'in \\ are. Jewelry, Shoes, Jkc. Castor Oil, * * - is 431 1 Castor Uiissia, Cinnamon, $3072 ] Cochineal, 'I'irkets ran be had in Charlotte of the under-1 Cohimbo Had. >'.!rnc(l Commissioners, l)v letter, jjostagt- paid, i Do. Pulv. jnclosin;C the money ; or from their ag-ents in I Cream Tartar, ^uliNbury, Statrsville, Concord, I.ineolnton, ' Cuijtbs, Yorkvilli- or Lancaster; \vho plcdg-t- themselves ‘ Chelti-nham Salt.c, tT pay tilt! prizes as set forth in the schcme, j Calcined ]\Jag-nesia, thirty da_\s aft. r the drawintr, or refund the Camomilv.- Mowers, in his line, warranted fresh and g-emiine,' which he proposes to sell to Physicians and otliers, wholesale and rctiul, on :is rt*usonal)Ic tci-iiis ;i can be purchased in Char!e.,ton, viz do do do do do I’lue Vitriol, Cardanmn Seed, Car!)onas FcitI. (^anella Alba. :i do ru'iiey to purchasers of tickets, pro\ided tlie ichcmc shall not be draun. SAM’I-. IlEN'DKKSON', (.WKLN KKXDUiCK, .ISO. 1U)YD. N. R. Explanatory llund liiils can be had of lie Commissioners. *15 Castile Soap, Carijon. Animonia, (,'orrosive Sublimate, Cannclla A!I)a. Davies’ Powdi-r, Digiialis Purpurea, Epsom Sal‘3, Ciauber Su’ts, AARON AV HEELER, I Ess! Pc-])permint, ''oach, iSVi*-/?, Chair S,' Ornmnental |> \ I V'l'r.'ll i.euions, l.yAll.lJ, I I'los. R( n^oin, T1 ETUHXS his thanks to his friends and the Vlys. Sulphur, public, for the liberal encourag-emcnt wliich j'owler’s Solution - has already rfceived, and respecllully solieUs (.entian Rad. rontinuanee of patronage. He is prepared ' Ammoniac, jdo all kinds of Painting- in his line ; aiuicus- (jy,,, .\rabic, ;mners may depend on having- their work neat- t;„ni Assafa'tida, ) executed, ami w ith desjiatch. Ciii'n Mvrrh Uj'Painting in the country will be done on (j,un Aloes,' sln'rt notice. N. 15. (Jhl chaii>s re-paivted and re-gilt. Vhurluttr, Ortober A, 1824.—Itf lA' •Vva*\\\A,'uYo\Vmv, MKCKl.l',M!LK; r()UMV. f'liperior ('nvrt c/' J.nu', Spring Term, 1825. JANE PLKliY V.s (.ray Pirr\.— Petition for Divorce. — It appearing- to the s;i*isfaction if the eoiirt, that the defendant is not a resi- Jtntof this state- therefore, that ad- j (■jmv.tic Mrtisemcnt be made ihn e months in the Ca- piUs ’ '.iwba .lournal, tliat the defiinlant come forward Mi orbctore the next SuiKnor Court ol Law, n,',b urial Ointment, t) be held tor the county ot, .Mecklenlnirg, at ^utmuLS t!ie CMirt-llouse in I'liarlotte, on the Ttii .Mivn- (),,*(,(ie]'aoc ‘:-w after tiu- 4th Moiula\ in Seplomber next, • :>n'l plend, ansu ( r or d inur, oliierwise the pe- 'Jtiou will be taken pro coiifesso and heard e.\ l’'‘i'te. Tc.sti-, lii; rcHisoN, (7/.-. .S. r. 'in51—j)ricf ;u!\ . j'l. Ol. .Minthae Pip. Manna I'lake, Pearl Parley, Piiospiias hoda;, J Pan gfn ic, Quick Silver, Quassia Hasped, Khubarl) Hoot, 1)0. Powder, Red Precipitate, Reidletz Houckrs, Soda Powders, Senna, Nitras I'ot.Tssic, Sulplu.s I’OUISST, Pow dt-red Savin, Seneca Snake Hoot, Serpentaria Virg.niana, Secale Conuitiim, , Kail. \ aleriani. Had. Sciihe, Sarsaparilla, (iuijjhatc Quinine, SaLto, Hed Scaling Wax, Sugar Lead, Stoughton’s Hitters, Spt. Lavender, compd. Spt. Mtri, Dulci. Tartar Emetic, Salts ’I’artar, Creta Preparata, Pearl Ash, • Mace, li’ose Water, l’\ a Ursi, Lac Sulphuric, Eug-bsh Mustard, Turner’s Cerate, Hasilicon, Oil Cloves, Oil Cinnamon, Spt. Mimlereri, Spt. Hartshorn, Scainmany Alejjpo, Wafers, in boxes. ■ pj/y rs, L'c. rirouiid hite I.ead, Dry Yellow Ochre, Spanisii Urown, A'erdigris, Venetian Hed, Crome Y'ellow, Chinese Vennillion, English Umber, Itose Pink, Terra Deseana, Hed Lead, Prussian Hlue, Stone Oclu'e, Lamp Hlack, Gum Co{)al, Cum Shellac, Spt. I'urpcntinc, Spanish biting-, Maeeauba SnuH, Happee ilo. Sd\er Leaf, (iold do. I'.ronze, Silver & Gold, Oil, Shop Eurniture, of evt- r} description. , Oi. of Anis. OTj" ’• be Doctor yet continues the practicc of Medicine, as heretofore. ("harlofie, .luly U', 1BC5,— 42tf j Gum (iand)ogia, (imii Camphor, i Gum Opium, (iuin Guaiacuni, , Gum Kino, Henry’s M;igncsia, I Ipecac. Pulv. .lahtj) Pulv. .lames’ Powder, Itch ointment, 1 audanum, NORIir-CAROL'lXA (For the bemjit of the Oxford Acadtmy.) SECOND CLASS, To be drawn positively in November next, and completed in a few minutes. B. YATES U A. MMNTYHE, Munam 1 1 2 2 18 13 IS 186 186 1-488 13950 Sf HKME, Prize of $20,000 10,000 5.000 1,990 1.000 5;0 100 50 25 10 5 15,870 Prizes, 26,y-0 Blanks, 20,000 10,000 10,000 .^,980 18,000 9,.’>00 1,800 9,300 4,650 14,880 69,750 ?ir1,360 42,8-10 Tickets ? 171,.*60 ■| his is a Lottery formed by the ternary com- hm.ation and permutation of 36 mimljer's. 'i'o determine the prizes therein, the 36 nunibers will be severally jilaced in a wheel on the day 61 the drawing-, and five of them be drawn out; and that ticket having on it the 1st, 2d and 3d draw n Nos. in l!ii ordi r in w hieii drawn, v.ill be entitled to the prize of ^2ty,UUU, ;md those five other tickets w hicli shall have on them the same Nos. in the follow ing orders, shall lie entitled to the prizes affixed to tliem, resj)eclivel\-, viz.: The 1st, 3d and 2d to S10,000 2d, 1st and 3d to 5,(;00 2d, j(l and 1st to 5,0o0 .3(1, 1st and 2d to l.‘>90 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,990 The 18 other-tickets which sh'dl have on them three of the drawn numl)ers, and those three the 2d, 3d and 5tii, the 2d, 4th and 5th, or the 3d, 4th and 5th in someone of their sev eral orders of combination or pernuitation, will each be entitled to a ])ri?.e of iJl,0(JO. Those 18 other tickcts which shall have on them three of the dr.awn numbers, and tiiose three, the 1st, 2d and 4th, the 1st, 2d and 5th, or the 1st, 3d ami 4th, in some one of their sev eral orders of combination or pi nnutation, w ill each be entitled to a prize of 500. Foil THK CATAWllA JOt’RNAI.. From the ll.an-est of Love, nuatured in the R.ays of the Sun of Uig'liteousness, a g-leaning-, for warded DT ni-MPHnr.T nrvTrn. rapt in the silence of the night, LJty all the western world. When shining-, glorious, heavenly light, A wondrous sccne unfurl’d. Mortals, awake ! with angels joiu. To ehauiit the solenm lay ; Let gratitude with love combine. To hail the auspicious day. In Heaven the rapturous song began, O sweet! seraphic fire!— Through all the shining- regions ran, And strung, and tun’d the lyre. Swift through the vast ex])ansc it flew, And loud the, echo roll’d ; The theme, the song, the joy, was new, ’Twas more than Heaven could hold. , Down through the portals of the sky, The imi)etuous torrent ran. And angels flew, with c.ager joy, To bear the news to man. Hark ! the ehcrubic armies shout! And glory leads the song;; Good will and peace are heard throiighout 'I'he harmonious, heavenly throng. H.'ill, Prince of Life ! forever h.ail! Hele(mer, Hrother, Friend! 1 ho’ earth, tho’ tiuie, tho’ life should fail; 'I’hy praise shall never end. imrUMKNTS. Cb-EEK LVDLVN.S. The last Millcdgeville Journal furnish es us with tho toliowintj additional clocu- mtnis. 1 he letter of Gen. Gaines tends e.i. II ue eiiL.ue.i uj ;i (>i 7'oow. j sircnijthcii llie Opinion which we have _rrhose 18 other tickets which shall have on*^ foj. some time entertained, that the trca- thein three ot the lraw|i numbers, wdl each !>e i enftled to a prize of SIOO. j ty ceding- tho iatids of the Creeks, was Those 186 tickcts which shall have two of the ' unfairly made J and that the Indians, not drawn numbers on them, and those two the 2d ' ■ i • " and 4th, in either order, will each be cniitled to yhave just causc of complaint. ^ I ♦ 1- I 1 11 1 appear loo, we think, that (iov. I liose l.S(> tickets w hich .shall have two of ... - i • the draw n numbers on tliem, and those tw o, the i ^ rcccnt exertions to have 3(1 and-1th, in eithei order, wdl each be cnti-' the land surveyed, contrary to the nro- tled to a prize of lf25. ^ • i* i All otliers, being 1488, 1,living two of the itreaty, acted without the drawn mimiiers on them, will each be entitled i consent of the Indians, althoufrh he as to a prize of ?10. ■ In a,i , , , , , , ’ And all those 1.3,950 tickets, Inning but one ' "Inlosh, declared that such con- of the drawn mimhers on them, will e-.4ch be entitled to a prize of f5. No' ticket w hich sliall have dmwn a prize of a sui)erior denomination, can be entitled to an inf( rior prize. Frizes payable 30 days after tho drawing, and subject to the usual deduction of 15 per cent. ^yhoIe Tickets, - - . . . J.5 00 Half do. 2 50 Quarter do. - - - . - 1 25 Packages of 12 tickets, embracing the 36'"^'''^ ** tlie l.T(.nt numbers of the Lottery, which must of neces- sity draw at least f21 25 ni-tt, with so many chances for capitals; or shares of packages may be had at the same rate, \iz ; Packages of whole, . - - 00 Of halves, 30 of Qviarters, 15 Orders for TICKETS received at this of fice. sent had been given. HEAD-QUAHTEHS, E\STi:nN I)KI‘AHTMKNT, ") MonticiHo, Gt'o.july 17, 1825. $ CiK.vn.F..MKx : Cu])!. I'riplett will hand you u copy ol Maj. Cien. (laines’ letter to Ciovernoi- Troup, of the 10th inst. w hic h the General requests you to insert Yvv\u‘c\l\\ii \ium\. \ Tu( S(!;iy, the 23d (hi\ ol'.Vi'',-ist next, at the '(jurt-llou^e in Cliarlntt'-, Will in- •‘'nid. a valuable tr.iet of LAXi), imw in the pi^s- ''>■•1(11) of S.iii!U(-l I’orti r, lying- on tliL- w'atei-s > l.(uig-Creek, alxmt nine imles frein ( iiar- ‘ ■tte, containing- abou' three h'liulred aci-( s. •li;s tract i.ini allv all woodland, tiu re being ■ ’ niore than tifty a-ri s eleaied. it is Wi II a- '••‘lited to tiio cniture ot cottnii, corn, w heat, ' •:unl ir, reinarkatih well tiuibei'eil. (ine Inill '! the pureliase money to be ji; id in tlivee "‘'■'lll'h.s, and tlie residue ill tlft(.e!i llionlh- ti'im ■ ‘'-tl.iu' uf the sale ; the purchai^er gniiig Inind ‘‘•'■I s-cuvit) . f*ue attention will l>e given, by .lOilN (JLACK, Ji / H.irnifr.rs nj M M. I.. DAVIDSON, 5 J'-l'ie 21. 1, 2.')._‘,ii-;r Coivch llurncs.s fi?^lIE snbscri!)cr lias opened a sliop fiu' the I ti al)o\e business in the house one dofi,r h-- I h'lV Isaac S’liencer i'v Co'.>. ('‘an'iage .Making I .s!ic;i, v.liei’e be ii.tends k.ipiiig eoii-lanl!\ on i h.'di-1, at reduced prices for c.t'.b or .i shm-t :-i t'.it, I all ai tich s III hi-, ll.ne of busiiiesi, vi,', : JCoail ' and .ler.->ey \\ agon I'lanus.'-, (.ig Harness, ])lain land plat.iil; v-agon and gig ('olla:s, i-r. ike.— I Hep.iirs dene at the ; h'n-lcst notice and on the I mubt re..si)iiable terms. i;i.i.\s w x TLiNtnoN. C/t,tr/al/>\ Jiuu lyj.-).—.38tf JOIi.N ^\^llor and Jjiidhni Habit Maher, ||A\ 1N(. !)een ;;olic;te.I liy some of the Tii"'-t res|)cctable eiti/t ns oi tile \ iliac,x- to eoin- iioe tin- aliove bus.iie.ss m thi-i phice, iias at |'-''h‘di Conse nt, d to their kind iM’oposal?^. He pMinv )i\eil, and reach’ to do all I ir.il.i ot wovk Ills line, and w arr.uits t,-) give entire s:iti>t;ie- as his experience in iiiomI ol tlie pr:n(-ii):d -‘'ii.sos in l-nirojie a ml America, gives him entire '01111(1(1100 in Ills o\\ n abilities. l!e tender-^ Ins ’^^spects to the eiti/.i, ns ot ( barlotte and it'* '.'Ciuity, and hopes Ibr a moderate shale of ^•“■ir patronage. .O' He can l)e fo'.ind, at all I'.ours ct lhe d:-.y, ■ -‘I’Pl'ing ;it Dr. Hv-iiiier>on's ’I a\u-n. tiariiieiitb cut out a‘. the ,;ustum.ti” r..l(.s. '‘>y 9, T.iscr CIL[i)t M.UiI.Vti, II.1.1AM -l l.\ KliUDUSi: ¥ H coiiiinenced tin- aho\i husincss in U I tlie low n oi'Ciiarlotfe, re‘>pec(rull\-solleWb a '■hai'e ot public patrona;*,e. His work \iill be iu:itl\ and dui-ab!_\ constrocti d, and w ill be diil.iosed ot (HI accinnir.odatiiig term.-i. Si.'. ri.i;s and \\ Hi riN.r ( iimks, made to or der, can i)e h:id on ‘■h.ort notice. Charlotte, l i b. 5, 1825. Iytr3 .hist I’uMislttMl, k ND ter n.ale at this Ofiice, in a pamphlet tdni., ■'^trielnI■. ■; (ni a pii.ce written by \Jr. Da\id ill nki I, entitled Hea-\( niy Flod (i I’l'gi ner.itujn, or, 'l ieatise (Jii Holy li..iil.''iii.” i:\ .lu-ini .\liMiiii-, /'. /A.'/. Price, 25 C'lits. l)cliv(‘ry Honds, - For at C:'.'. :c ci' llie r.'iul. THE Xtn*V\\ ri'IHIS work has now arrived at the twlnti- A Kfii voLr.MT., and receives a wide and in creasing patronage througbotit the Cnited States, in its leading object.-i and cliaract' i it has a double purpose ; /r.s/, that of containing- criticisms on v.orks of ta.->tc, literature, and j wl'.at may i)e calkd the most eh gant branihes of learning-; and, .vcco;u//y, that ol being a de- ' jiository (it‘discuisloiis (.11 topii s (,f general jhiI- j itlcs, legislation, scieiic(, om- liiteriial n latlons, I social institutions, and,Jii short, u hatc\ er (i iiies (low n to tlie immediate iiiti r. ^t,-. ol tin. coniiiiu- nity. it Is a spec;:d design, ►, i'.ir as po-,vilde, to .uiv(- th(- w(.rk a strictly national aiid Ann ri- can ch.u-.icter. { f'e'i ral of the constant ci.nu-ibnt^n-s ure men Ilf httir^, who lri\e li-a\elled and studied in foreif,ii jiarti, an I heconie t.iinilia.” witii the ! Itiiguagis, and liti. r.itni'i- of tiie old C()iiiiti'.(.s , otliers iii-e devoted to literary and scientific pursuits as a ]iroi'e-,s;on ; wliile cilhers are cim- spieiKins among-tlu legi.-.!ators et' tlr- country, at tlu- h.ir, or m tiu- highest c(n;i*.s t^i jii.itli Owiej^lo the st( ady snjiport of a large i.huiIh r of g' litleinen thus qnalilicd, who ii side in dif ferent |iarts (j1 the l.'nion, the work has nut w ith a degree of favor and •.nece.s-!, both in the l,'n!t(.d Slates and ahroad, wiueti no sin.dar piibhcaiion in this coin.tjj, has enj(/\e!l; i.ir lia.-. Its pi-(/sp( riry at aii) i'orniei- ;)ern-!l been so rapi !ly increasli.g' ; s at jji-eseiit. '1 lie ,\c>.'!h Ji/t(rlc'i/i Uninv i.s ])ii;-!ish'.d iii I’osKni, (piarterly, in al.ii.g- two voiun.es a .'eai', of about -l.jO pai;-. s eacli. 1 lie .si|iiscri|ition pr.cc is fivr dulhirs a year, to ill- paid !)V new su!-scriber-> in ai.v.mci , and i.ttirAaids in .\j)i-il, w In 11 tiie second nuu.ber for tile _\e:.r sli ill Ik' I'eci iv( (1. A siiiis- ri'H r may begin with nny \(ilnmc or number ; and, a-, m i diticni, oi' tlie back nntu bers are coiutaiitly repiintin;';, fiill sa-> of the work can ;.t iny time be suj)j,lied. The nuiiibei', as they ar, will be sen* !>’. mail to .'i!'.y part of t!.c L nited .^t.-itc.s, if lic ,-ireii, sii!i .ci-ihers paying po-,tage, ai.d takiii'g liie risk of con\;\anee. /f,.-/. 1, 1825. -It.ll (j j' j-idi.'an-ij)tiviiis for t!ie a’l.-i-.'." \:ilii.dd'.- aiul truly Natioual ;>rl;. be r' .' t'-is o!li','.- '1 he object of i,Mving; publicity to this lelttf, at this time, is to counteract cer- Vaxwfalse and iufnnnus reports concernin^q- the udjustnienl of Indian difiktilties, cai- culuted to deceive the pul>lic and ap^c^ra- vate the misfortunes of these heiple.ss and deluded beings, who evince a dispo- sitioi) to re-uiiiie their destiny, and to comply wiili the wishes of the general g-oMM-nmont. Very respectfully, vonroh’t scrv’t. , F. G. W. HU'I LEH. Jo the Editors of the MMdgtvillc papers. HEAD-QVAHTEj:S, EASTf.Jt\ IlllMUTMKNT, '} riiiif Itivtr, Juhj luth, \H'25, 5 Siu : The excessive heat of weather, added to tho many ituoiivenii-iices and in- terruptidTis w hicli 1 have daily encfjunter- ed in the course oi‘ iny visit to'llie (.)reek N'atioii, has deprived me of the pieusiire of u riliii;; to your Lxcellenry as often or as iuliy iis i have been desirous of do- in^^ 1 have now the honor, without enter- itr.j inln detuiis that could an(jrd bul lii- lle interest, to communicate to you the result t.f my coiifeieiiees with 'ihe lu- (li.iiis. .\fu-r iiieeiiii;- in this state the (.hiefs of the Mclnio'.h party, uu(\ at liroken .\riow those (d‘ the ojijuisite (lar- ly, iiiid lu-uiiiKj theii- res|jet.tive staie- meiits, with tlie evidence I'oi- atid aj^aiiist cjLh parly, i li.i'c ur;>,ed tlieiii to an ad- JMsimuu of difrei.-incs ; to winch thev !ia'.e miilnull) i.s eiilrd. i tie Melni(jsli purty flemanded retalia tion b^r tlu'ir I illeii Chiefs with the im mediate resloruti(;Ti of jn-operty liiken (ji- destroyerl. i lieii- demand., were founded on the Mb article of the 'i'reaty of i-’tb- ruary lust, v\hi(-b [iromises cti otir part prolC(-tiou l(j “tin; enii.tM-utinn; jiarty” a- '^aliist tiie v.iiites and all othi.-rs ; which parly they (the followers of (let:. Mclii- io.sh_^ as.sume tlieiuselves exclu.sively to be. Whether this provision of the trratv vvus or w:is not intended to protect the ( reek Intiiatis aijainst themselvo':. or to |irote(l a c()ni|);u-alive!y S'-iall p^u't ol' licr.^ 111" bC-Jv (.'ft.He were quostiotis w-hich I w-as happily not called upoirto deciilo ; as in the event of hostilities having^ subsided, my instruc tions simply re(juired me to make pcace upon just principles and to retpiir‘ the conj])lainants, as well as the opposing; l)arly, to abstain from acts of rrtaliatioii or violetice. Tlie reputed hostile partv consists of all the principal- chiefs, and of nearly forty-tiinr fiftictUs of the whole of the Chiefs, head men and warriors of the nation ; among- whom I recognise many who, to my certain knowleIg;e, havf' been tor twenty years past (ami I think they have been at all times) as friendly to the U. States as. iiuy ofour Indian neigh bors could have be('n known to be. I met them at Broken Arrow, the us ual place of holditig the Oi-eat Coutiril of the nation. I could nut, therefore, hut view this supposed hostile party as iii fact and in truth the Cretk Nation; and altogether free of the spirit of hostility- ascribed to them. I have received from them, in Council assembled, the most deliberate assuratice of their determina tion to be jjeaceable and friendly towards their absent people, as well as tovvard.s tho United Slates. They regretted the necessity which they contended existed for the sti-ong: measures they adopted against Gen(;rul McIntosh and ot hers, w ho they aflirni for- leited and lost tlieir lives by havinj;; vio lated a well known law of ihc nation. They have engaged to restore all projier- ty taken and t«* puy for all that has been desti-oyed contrary to law ; and they have promised to allow a reasonable time for ihose who have borrowed ;ind run ofl* with money out of their national Trea- stiry, to reimburse the same. The Coun cil strongly and unanimously objected to the late trealj- as the oflspring of fiMud, entered into contrary to the known law and determined will of the nation, and by persons not authorised to treat. They relused to receive any part of the con sideration money due. under the treaty, or to give any other evidence of their ac- quiescence in it. In conclusion, they ex pressed the hope that their white frirnds would pity their deplorable condiiion, and would do them the justice to recon sider and “undo that which has been wrongfully done.” I have, pursuan,t to my instructions from the Ueiiariment of VVar, endeavor ed to convince the Council, but without success, of the fallacy of their objeclion.s to the Treaty, and todissipalr? their de lusive hopes that it can ever be annulled. 1 have assured them that in all our Trea ties wilh the powers of Kurope, as well as with near fifty Indian nations, there has not been one iiustancc to my know ledge of a li-caty having been revoked, or annulled, alter being duly ratifietl, ex- cejjt by the free consent of all the parties to it, or by wan I yesterday met in Coimcil,noar Joseph Marshall’s ferry, the Chiefs of the McIn tosh party, and communicated to them the proposition of the Council at Hroken Arrow, to which they have acccded. They promised to return to their homes, as soon as they are advised of the an-ival ol ilie United Slates troops, ordered from Louisiana and Pensacola, lo the Creek Agency at Chatlahoochie. The Chiefs of both parlies iiave dislinclly and solenmly as.sui-ed me lhai they will remain at peace wilh each other, anrl that they will in no case raise an arm against the citi’^ens of the United Stuies.—Under these circum stances, it is my duty to notify your Kx- cel.ency that theri; will be no occasion for calling mlo service any part of the mili tia or volunteers of tin; slate over which you preside. '1 he cei lilicate of which I enclose hero- wilh ii cojjy, marked A. added to the de claration ol the Cbi(‘ls in (’ouncil, of whom Joseph Marshall was the principal and interpreter, jjrove that your I'Acel- lency has been greatly deceived in sup posing that the M( Iiitosh party ev(*r con sented to the survey of the ceded terri tory being conuiK-tif.ed before the lime set lorlh in the lieaty for their removal. Tiiis fact givifig altogether a new aspect; to ihe suljject of the proposed survev of the land, added lo a strong conviction on my mind that the attempt to make tho surveys would be a positive violation of the lreat v;uiKl will, under existini.; causes ofexcitemcnt, be certain to produce acts ol violence upon the persons or propei-ty (d utK^ileiiding Indi.nis, vvlumi wc arc bontid l(j protect ; it becomes my duly to reiiKjnslrate against ihe surveys beinp; commenced unlil the Indians shall hav« removed agreeably to Tieaty. 1 cannot doubt that the I'uv t disc lo.sfnl !)y i!n- uc- comiianying certillc i'e, uitii the coneur- i-etii teslimony of the C!ile!‘s in Council, will induce yuur Kxcell.-ncy withoul hes itation lo a!jund(jti tlie pi'oj(H;t of siirvc^y- ing tlie I nid before the month of Seplem- ber. Id2'’). This will he particulurly grniilyit!!-; to me, as it wiil relieve me of the [Kiinful duly of acting-, i,i ronitrf ir.iilt tl-.e vet;- v.’tthoriiier. of w.i cnhehicued jimi

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