VOL. 1.] CJI.iniOTTi:, X. c. TVESVA1-, AUGUST 9, 1825.- run 1,1 SHE I) wKFKtr P.v l/EMUKI, r.IXdllAM, I 71(i[l,E IKILLAU3 A TEAK, PAID IN AUVANCf. » ';o paper will be discontinwod, unlrs*; :.t th-.- ,; ,crlion of the editor, until all urrcanigcs arc I Ai«vi:uti‘!Emknts will !»e insortcrl :it the usual I :/.cs. Ft noiis stMuliiig’ ill aih ••ilisement'f, art- j tostcii to note on the ni.ii-j^in tin- iumi!)(.T ol‘ ,, ri'on;., ortliLy will be couliiiufil until forbid, I..;! accordint'ly. I i , jrw iii I /Vr (hr benefit and encduragancnt of MIXIIAMS.M in tlie AVi btoni part of-Nortli-Carolinu. SCflKMK. Tick at 5-. ^Not fu'o lilitnks lo a Prize. 1 l’ri*e of iSoi) (i'iia;toii ami Ct.tton S.iw ^iin) • - - - is juO 1 ill) (Family (Joacli) - is 3U0 1 lo >23'J - is 250 1 (to V1«’^0 (*''•) - - is 1«0 1 (U) M.50 (io.) . . is K'(j •J do (Silk- I5oard i Cotton Suv. (.ir.) j is JO(J C do fRO (riip and KociabK ) is 1(>'J | '2 do (Ikdsteads) - is *U> :1 do i'ii (.1 Sft rtf 'I'ahli s) is '12 j J do ;ii2 tWiinlsor Cliairs) is ‘Zl | 3 do ijlO (two l.ailius’ WOrk '!'.ib]i.s ;uid | one l\iiil)rokr) - is > i I do (Hcllows top Cradle) is 8 \J ao (t) rluiii’;''>, J S«lrn I I,:;iiips. aiid 2 l.;ird Cans) - is OU 10 do ^5 (Mats) - . i; 1 do >'l (C'andlcstand) ' • s 4 I do (do) - - is o ?() do - - i'5 00 I .wi) do ^2 (C.S cast i.tcx-1 Axes, und ~7o piiirj ShoisV - - is C'.iO j 4 -1 do fl ('rmWare, Jcvvtlrv, ?ho s, t^c. , t^c.) - . -■ is 4.>1 j |7'.'3 53072 I i ickc ts can be had in Charlotte of tlie iindt r- Isig'tuii ( 6inn',;si.i(iners, Ijv ktlLi', j)os;;i^;t: paid, li-xiosinf;;' the money; or from tht ir aj;ents in '-biivy, Sfati svjiie, Concord, I.iiiecdnton, llorkvilh' or Laneaster; w iio pledjrc tlunis'clvcs I to pay the prl/cs asstt forth in the sehriiu*, It'iTty days after the drawini:, or retund tl»c ITi.oney to piireli;iscrs ol' ticktts, provided the ; |*cheu;c shall not be drav\ n. j SA'i’l.. ffF.NDrb’SO.V, I 0WT:1',N KKMJKICK, | JNO. iUlYl). 1 N. n. F,xplanr.tory ilaiiJ JJdh can be had of |llie Coniinissionti's. j 1.15 j AARON Wiir.KLKU, I \Coac/if Chair'S; (Jinianicntal PAiM’i:i?, i r) KTUI{XS his thanks to his friv^iuls and the J public, for the liberal encoiir.tK- nt w hieli Ihc has already reccivcd, ap.d rvSpi.ctfully joheits |x continnance of patronug-o. lie is ]'rej'arcii Its do nil kinds of Painting in his line ; rnid l u.-- Itwmeri may depciul f>n havir.;. their wuk i.eat- llv executed, and u'itli (le-p itt1i. | iJJj’Painting in the country wil! be done on j liliort notice. N. n. Old chairs rc-pninled and re-r,ilt. Churlottf, Octuln.r1SJ4. — Itt' | feViiVe- ^'ovWv-VwviA'wiu, I MlXKLI'Mlt/HG l'OC'.T\. 'I'pcrinr Conrf nf Law, 7 (’•«>, 18 ?5. AM-: PLUKV i'.v. t.ray I’erry.—retit.en tor IJivorce. —It ai'[.'earip; to tli(,- sat. .t.ietioti let tile court, tb-.d the defi iidaiit is net a r«."i- li(l_it of this state - Ihdtrni, then fore, lli .1 a'l-, |\tftisement be m.ule three iimnths iii tbi 1 t'wba Journal, that the dejtiidant eonie furw .-iu k'!i or Iteforc the ncM f^upeiim C'ou'.l of I,au, be hi Id ior the county ot' Mei kh niMirjy, at | kle Court-House in I'harlotte, on tiie 7th jn fi-1 IriuV after the 4til Monda\ in Sep'.enibi r next, | id plead, answer or demur, otherwise l!ie pe-1 Ittion V.lU" be taki n pro conh s^o and iieard ex iP*rte. Tiste, .T. M. iir rciiisox, Hk. s. v. oin51—pr.ee adv. J>1. NORTH-CAROLINA a, © Ilf IJ; . (I-’or tke benefit of the Oxford .Icadmij j SECOND CLASS, To be drawn positively in November next, and completed in a few minutes. IJ. \ATES a A. JIMNTYHE, Manc^crs. 18 IS 1.% IGf. 148S 1.^950 Prize of ^:i),uoO 10,000 5,000 1,99') I.U'.m) lOlJ 50 2.S 10 20,000 J 0,(100 lO.UUO 3,'JSO 18,UuO 9„'>0U 1,800 9,. >00 4,(i50 M,«80 C9J50 ?in,>;bo ?171,,560 POKTJiY. li V/awOi. iV Tii» sduv, the 2.)d day «-f Au.cnst tic _ f \l the Coiu't-Ilou e in ( 1 aridtt. , w ill |9 id a \a!u;d)ie tr.iel of l.ANi), now in the p 1> 'Men of Sannu 1 I’oi ter, l\ir.;.;’ on tin- I*'f lain^ Creek, aliout nn.e ii.;Ii s ll''^te, containiyi;' at>cnit tlTie l.undrtd :.er ■Tais tract is neavly all vvOfHlhmd, thue iu niore. than fifl\ acr* s eii ari d. I‘- isvvtii ■dipted to the culture ot' citt''r, (iTii. '• he and is remark.ihly 'veil Imil ereii • M.i- ii lot thu puri-h.ise uion y to he ;> i d in tii: I'l'^iiths, und the residue in htU( n ;i • nth-' tn liiiic of the sale ; tiie purcha i r ii'i\ing' b; fHi'i security. Due attention will be ;;i\en, :iV JOHN lU.ACK^ ( /:.ivr',;-s AVM. L. 1).\'> i .S /A,'. ,V 'i June Cl, It;*,'.).—i;t ;.!f 15.H70 Piizes, 26,'.»70 Hlanka, 4J,S4'J Tickets 'Ibis is a l^otti-ry foimed bytheternarv com bination and permutation of’o6 numbers. 'I'o dettrtnine th"' ])rizes therein, t!ie numbers Will be severally placed in a w lu-el on the day ot the drawini^-, and live of them he drawn oi.t ; anil that ticket ha\ip.' on it the 1st, 2d and .'ul drav, u Nos. in tlu- order in which (h’awn, w ill he entitled to the prize of !*20,()'j0, and those five otiier tickets which shall iiave (ui tliem the same No.-^. in the fullowin^^ orders, shall he mtith-d to the pr./es aflixed to tiuiii, reiptetively, vi/,: The 1st, ,Sd and 2il lo ;J1U,000 2d, 1st and .Id to 5,l/.'0 2d, Sd and 1st to od, 1st and 2d to l,iOO 3d, 2d and l^tto 1,‘i‘JO The IR other tickets w'i'ch shall h.ivc on t'leiu three of the drawn numbers, and those tln\e tlie 2d, .Id and 5th, the Jd, 4t!i and .oth, or tiie. .Id, 4th und oth in some one of their sev eral orders of combination or iigrnuitation, will each he entitled to a ))rize of ^l.UOQ-. 'I hose 18 other tickets which shall have on them three of the drawn luimliers, and those tiiree, tlie 1st, 2d and 4tli, the 1st, 2d and 5th, or tlie l-.t, ."d and ‘Itli, insome one (.1 iheir sev eral orders of combination or pernintalion, wil! each be entitled to a prize of ^500. These 18 otiur tickets v.hich shall have on them three of the drawn numbers, will each be entitled to a ]>rize of $100; Those 186 tickets which sh.dl l',ave two of the driiwn numbers on theni, and tho^etwo the 2d and -Ith, in either order, w ill cath be cniitledto a pri/c of ?50. Those 18() tickets which shall have two of the drawn nuuiberson them, and those two, the Sd and 4th, in either order, will each be enti tled to a prize of 525. All others, being 1488, havinrf two of the drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to a pri.''-of ilO. Andaii those 13,950 tickets, having-but one C'f tlu* drawn numliers on them, will each be entitled to a prize of *5. No ticket which sh dl have drnwn a prize of a superior ilenoaiinalion, can be entitled to an infi rior ]>rize. J’rizes payable 50 days after the drawing', and subject to the usind deduclion of 15 pt r cent. Whole Tickets, ^5 00 Half do. ..... 2 50 Quiirtcrdo. ..... 1 25 r.'u kajres of. 12 tickets, eml>racing- the 36 iuim''er'i of the l.oltery, v.hich must of neci-s- sily ilrav at leust f21 25 nett, w ith so many (lia"ci s for capitals ; or shart s oi'packag'es may be h.ul at the same rate, a iz : I’.u'kafres of w hole, - - - ';.C0 Of halves, 30 Of (-iua'-ters 15 Cji’ Orders lur '1ICKETS received at this of- f:ce. i’ojK’li 1 Harness 3!akiiu^\ rj^IlE subscriber has opened a .shoj) for the A abov e I'.usiness in ilu house one doty'h-,- Jow Isaac Si)ence'r C(j’.s. Carrii-^^e M-.kin.i;; Sltop, where heintincis I-.iepiuj;- (onstanily on h.-vm!, at reduced price,-, lor cash or a short.credit, all aiticlcs .11 bis line of business, \ iz : Koad •ii.d .lei;e) ai;'oii ilarness, liarness. pluin am! pl,;ted; waj^'-ou and {;‘ii^ Collars, biC.—, l.V.p-'o/s doni- .at the shoriest notice ami on the iiiust r..,sonable terms. 1,1 I \S A'l’l-lNC. l ON. ('iiarlo.’f't .hue ,'y, I.'iJ.').—. bif TIIE Hr/rHOSPECT OF I.HE. Riches chance may take or g-ive ; l>eau*y live a day and dies; Honor hills us while we live ; • Mirth’s a cheat, and jdcasure flics. Is there nothinf^ worth our care. Time, and chance, and death, our foes? If our joys so fleeting- are. Are we only tied to woes f Let brig-ht ViRTtK answer. No ; Her eternal powers prevail, ■When honors, riches, cease to flow, And beauty, mirth, and pleasure fail. CONTEN'I’. We need not travel, seeking- ways to bless ; lie that desires contentment cannot niiss ; No fjardcn walls this precious flower embrace. It common grows in every desert place. Mcdicincs, Paivts, Oil^ &c. DR. TIIOS. I. JOHNSOX, nAS just received from Philadrlpl.ia and Ncw-Vork a general assortment of articles iu liis lino, w arranted fresh and genuine, which he ])r.'iposes to sell to Physicians and others, whole.sale and retail, on as reasonable tctms as can be purchaacd in Ch.arleston, viz :— I family of Ne;;r(u s, cor.';!, t'ni;- of a fel low, his wife, ami sevi ral lidilreii. .' ' ui.! fiirposed of upon the me;,’, .-let-oui:; i daM.i; I -'•’'ii--', by app]yl;ij^' to . J. i’olk, or to iJr. I '■‘I'liii.l ileuii'-raon. July y, 1(^2.;.—tf. Pu!)lis!R*I, And for sale at this OfVh-e, in a pan phh-t t torm, “^tric,tur^ on a piece v.nin n i*y I;'''’-lUsi'l Henkel, eutii’eil lle."\inly l-ioodoi I;'.'’ Hiration, or, Ti-iatiio on lioiv’ r.:ipt;.v,u.'" ’■'fi.ni Mooiii, /’. Ji. M. Pri.-;-, 2.'. ci nl.^ Delivery ]'oii(!'J. 1 or ivs'.e, 0.in.c of the Ml r KM.M’l !'.fi C ()V.N1 V. (\vni (f K:!Jii!;i J"'!' Mich'itituitri' coitnfij, MilJ/ S, iiS2;‘'. Koac'i, ) £ N this case it is ordered, t!i:!l piii,>lieation be made SIS w I ( ill the ('atuw ha Jouni.d, that unh ss ,\ik.i-'. \v 11 ere n a IK I .•allies Moire, tw o 1 till- dele I id a I its ill ihis case, :ip|M ar a1 the tie\t Siijiel lor ( uiirt (.1 l,.r.\ and l-'i,*i.it_v, to he held t'oi-this eouiity, And /J’ Heron, t si .VtoolV. ' .l ntii Monday after tin- fourth \'on.ia\ ill pti iii'iLr IU Nt, and .insu i r, the bill w ill he i;iKen pi'o I orifi sao and lii ard e\ parte us lo theui. * !)■ H. IjI N 1, a P, C . .'1. !■. Cl’ 19.—p-.’ice adv. Alum, Alcohol, Arrow Hoot, Arsi nir, Acid Nivric, Acid Muriatic, Antimonial M ino, \!iderson’s Fills, r.tiicr N'itriol, P.ark I.’ed, Ho. Yellow, Do. Pale, Ho. Cahsuyu, Hora;i, lirini-.tf pe Kol. Mriti. !i nil, I’atv man’j Drops, rial.-.ain Copai\a, Palsam "I olu, Pine Vitriol, Cardamon Seed, Carlioiias I'erri,, Can-llu Alba. Calomel, ('antharidcs, Castor Oil, Castor Uussia, (’in.iiaii.on, Cochiiual, Colombo I’ad. Ho. I'lilv. Cream Tartar, (.lubebs, Cheltenham Salt«, Calciried M.^gnesia, Camomile Flow ers, Castile Soap, . ('arbon. Ainmonia, Corro.sive Sublimate, ('annella Alb.'i. Davies’ Powder, Digitalis Purpurea, Kp.'-om Salts, (dauber Saltr, l.iix. Viiriol, Kss. I’l ppermint, Ess. Uergamot, Kss. I.i.-mons, Flos. l!en/oin, rio.1. Syljjlinr, I'ow h r’s Solution, t.eiitian Had. tiUin An.moniac, (.11111 Araliic, (iiiin Ass'ilijLtida, timn Myrrh, i.uin Alo( '.iin (.ainbogia, tlum Campl'.or, (iiim Oijinm, (luni (.iiiiiacum, iiim Kino, Henry’s Magnesia, Ipecac. I’lilv. .i.dap I’ulv. . .lames’ I'owdt r. Itch Ointment, I.audamini, Lunar ( austic, l.i-e’s Fills, Mugiu ,-ia Luiiip, .\>eictirial (hntiuent, N til ilieg,s, Oliodcldoc, DKSUI/rOKV. From the Haltimore American. In tluj year 175."), the travelled from Philadelphia to Me\v-Eiif;luud hut oiire a fortnight during; llic* winter sea son, and notice was ^iven by the I’ost- iiMstor oC thatday, “that the New-Khu,- Innd mail would e;o once ;i week the year roinid, whereby correspondenc*' iiiiii;iit be carried on, and answc'rs oh- taiiied to letters between pltihtdclj'hia and Botiion in three treeks, which nseil in the wititer to re((uire .v/.r weeks.’’ Iiilellipjence ol tiiis kind becoittes pe- ctdiariy interesting at the piesent mo ment—we are swept alonp: so swiftly by the cm rent of iitiprovc-nienl, that unless we lix our eyes, as in the j.res- ent case, on some particular point, we sliall I'emain insensible to tlic rapiilily of its coiiise. The Editor of ibe Louisiana Gazette, on tiie subject of the transportation of the mails, makes a remark worthy of notice : “ It is (says, he) mortifying to us here, as the second commercial city in the United States, that w’hile every fa cility is embraced for the rajjid transpor tation of the mail on the nortiiem routes, that wc should be left to the mercy of tance, even when possfvsetl (,C ' most commercial a(Iv;n;taues, dufi rcptrd to the ciHM)ur:u\Tji,i-' * o: :,..j mechnnical arts. For I ho’ ti;.‘ c\’"i ' l.i- tion of j)ro(luce, a! 1 the in;? r Mon (if merchaiKiix.e, may !i rm th'' I ,t i fca- turesofsnrha p!;u’i’,|li( vai -oii.ai fsol fiie- chanism are invariahly c.iliou in ri(pi'si- tl»)n, and ai'(.‘ iivlispiuisalile t'* render the profj;ress of conmif rcial (ipcr;:tions saf(' anilc:t.>y. I’o an iiilacd U>wn, chanios me (-qt’ally inijiortaiit a.s • [se- where. 'I’hey constitute a lar^f and respectable portmn of sofiotv in all countries, but in our tfiwns aiid vill.i_u>-t s, they are almost a leadin" coi>stit(it nt part of their ^rtjwth and popidation.— 'I’o alibrd amjilc s}ij)port to a class of citizens su hii^hly-iiscfnl and nf('(--!s:iry is certainly the duty of those c-np;a;-rf! in (dher ])ursiiits. Sonie branches of nu'chanism ha\e to sustain no competi tion front aliroiid, the natun; of their busimss [ir(;veiitiii2: any such inroads itr interl'ert’nce ; ol Imts are however std)- ject to be invaded by the importations of similar articles of forcip;n jnoduction, made foi sale, and often by \\,v\v apjja- rentl}! lower rales inducin^ a prefirencc (iver Ihose ofotn own production.—Al- th()ii};ii tiad(‘ and comnuMce in :dl their various branches shotdd be free and un shackled, a re»;ard for the growth and Uuu'iiwux. TH .VN .iviay fi'otii the suliscriber on il 3 the Jfith lib. a IK i.;to gif!, n imed v'fr* .'? M1I.I.\ , ratlu r light emnph .xion, ; l’!i. l*'Vnri:ade, and in h'r'l7th N.ur. Shewa*. I i'iii'd to me by the hi-t I'l !,ri;'.ii-y Coiiiity Court, until she slitadd arrive r the a.^e u!'t'.’, I n*y-one y ar.->, ami e f'lfiii i liarOoriiig her und-. r tlie •,K.';df- of t!ie htv, as it \.ill positi\il\ he p'. ‘ il' I'oi'c'e .'ig.iinst any (;iie so coinfv. V lil appi’i heii'l and C'iiiMie her, -o ■K ;■ sh.iil be'!iani!.‘-''!-ie!e i \\:m, Li.'i Jv.iy V,! . - I' u. ol. Miiithae Fip. Manna Flake, Pearl liarley, Pliosphas Sodi, I’aregfiric, (iuick hiK t r, tina.'^sia Hasped, Pliuha’-b Poot, t;o. powder, P il Precijtitale, Siidi lz Pnv. ih.rs, .^nda Powders, Senna, Siilplias Potas-re, Poudered Sa\in, Sonecti frii.-ike Uoot, Serpentaria A iig.niany, Secale Cornutum, Pad. >'ah riani, Pad. Seillit, Sarsaparilla, iVf,’ }pha Ic IIIin »■, Sa;;-o, Hed Si allng Wax, Sugar Lead, Stoiigbton'.s P.itters, Spt. Eavetuler, eompd. Spt. N'itri, Dulci. 'Fartar Emetic, • Salts Tartar, . ( reta Preparata, Pearl Ash,. M.ace, Pose M ater, L’va Ursi, I,uc Sulpliurin, I-'.nglish Mustard, 'I timer’s Cerate;, I'asilicon, tJil Cloves, Oil {^iniuuiion, Spt, Minder* ri, S)it. llartsliorn, Seammauy Aleppo, \\ afers, iu bo.'?es. A■7/.^•7'■V, t’c. fJround W bite I.eail, .Dry Y» llow'Ochr., Spanish lirov.'n, A'lrdigri., \\ netiaii Pcd, Cro’ne ^ t-llow, Cliine'.e \ 1 raii’lion, Fnglisii I'uiinr, Po:^ Pink, 'I't rra IH .seana, P.il l.v.-id, Prussian Hlue, Stum Oebre, l amp Klaek, (lUm ('i.pal, (lUm SIk llac, S,)t. 'I i.rpt iitine, Spanish N\ h'.tii'i;-, Maccaiiija hnull, Papjiee do. Silver Leaf, (tiIiI do. I'ronze, hilvrr & Gold, Oil, hiiop I'urnitiire, of e\ e- J') ile.-jcrijjtion. every Speculator who chooses to tamper I . . with and detain the mail rider. 'I'hc ! ol om- own towns and vdla- loss to this state by this cause, alone, | nllord a reasona- within a few weeks, has exceeded an l immense amount.” ^>houk\ at least «i;ive them a preference. Directly under f.liis article we 't; A with another on the subiect of Florida,' experience will have convinced statin- that the population of that lart-e i and extensive tract of country, which, i ° '>i^*t’PGfident of any o- upon its cession contained hardly 5,000 ‘ considerations : they will learn souls, has, bv cmip:ration, nearly in-| '*■ oorgauis which creascd ten fohl—and,at the next session ' ''’ill in the end turn of Congress, the most strenuous efforts will be made for its admission info the I'nion as an independent State. Its fu ture imp()rtance lo tlie American con federacy is inc;dculab!(!—tiaviii}:; a sea- cnast C(jiia!ly as larae, in extent as the whole United States were bei'ore its ccs-, sion, iind ^vith a nundjer of the finest liitrhtMirs in the world ; which, from tl'.cir local .situatlf-ns, havins; the eiitinj be found to have been made to €ell. DR. PWUJEAU. A ccrfain lady waited on this jusfly celebiatcil physician, in p;reat trouble abotit her dauf!;hter. What ails her?” says the doctor. Alas, doctor! 1 can not tell ; but she has lost her liurnor, her looks, her .stomacli ; iM.-r strength con- if II,.' Ciilf oi- jM«ico, i.ml „r "’"ir, ‘'“"'"'t i II,e W,,.|-l„,!in i,la„(!s-|„Tsi-i,l lin „li-1 '7; “."''-'V';; ""I''''-): I ,..-l of li„. r„sl in,,,,,, 11,1,c U, II,11 l:„i-| 'I"''!"' !//'"' w would fain ilo, I twl SU.ICS h, a coi„n„ rcial|,„i„torvk w, j h'-i'.^ p’"l » match as ,,. wi ll as a llicsln' ormnxirUuit niilila. v ' *'‘0 will not 0|Hn,lic„i,s in lin,o of war. Tun couif-' ’ ‘‘ Hifie no other, lies have al,•,.„!(■ Iiixn apportion.-,I olV """t- |slx'Vvuuhl be livllioL. sisliitiv,- Ciinn.'il' ll„. wh.iUi ■" """7,- 'J'’' ' po|,i,li,lion of wliidi prohahly is uwr 's wha trouhk.s us ; f.ir t.l„',r is a 40 000 souls I yotni^-'gentleman we doubt she loves. The T,.r.il„rv of Floriila (conlin-' consent th,. I.. uisia.ia'K.litor) will beeo.no I I""''n.a.lam, r-pli,;s a now.;,rul rival lo this Slal,., in ..„r R'/’Vtly. (hci'iK an,o„K all princiiial sta|,l,', sus»r-wl,ich, from |V* |»»'■,l>»^l.) tl';:;> H.c case is the of bettei to 'siiciriTcissii'.i'.'k.J'i’n 'scas'im'ras ,rinci|ial sta|il,', sus»r-wl,ich, from h'*''“'I''*tl';:'> tlii-nas.i is he fertility of ils soil, piumises to he'w'>"''I n'^fiy "'e f better c,„ality ; an,l, from the mil,I- i .y"'' 'V"” '' >»ve h.ir marry less of its climate, ,m,l not hei„s snb-1 I'.'-'' jcct ours, to reward the ]>Iauter in a rich har vest.” 'riLC-folIowipn; remarks on iho same to- j>ic piutakeof the same character F'roin a paragraph in the Oeor-ia Pati- riot, and from oIIkm* information, we should cotKdtide that Governor I'roup We are informed that the exports ' JVlill(-dc;eville about the time Gen. )f Apalachicola exfiected to srriv^i there. from Mobile to the jioit ofA| alone, this year, accordiii'i; to the Cus- toni-lioiisc retui-ns. c.xceed five thousand W(; should hope that the Governor would have had more rcijard to proprie- (.d. cf Anis. (jJ- 'I he Doctor y t rt,ntinues the practice of ?\l' dicine, as lie;-v‘otore. ( harhiiti-, .lul} 1C>, ISr'.T.— 'i''tf. ,^M) TAXCY ClUUii MIKLVG, wyj.MM cri,M,iinoT>F, IT AVlMt eoin::i'-)',i.'i d t!>e abwv-e hiisi’ii->4 in .£ J6. the to\' n of Ch:trloMe, ’•c sj.'ei-tl'nlly s.ilif i’-. u „!iiire of public p;itrona;,>c. Hi', work v i!i he neatly and duiauly et^i,.-,lrncti.’r!, d will be di.->p0''ed r.f ciii ,1' conin.oda’:n;,- Si.TTiTs and Wrcri''. ('iivn.-, i., ul.- t) or- ’ .r, e. ’i b-- h d el', t barrels. I-'rom this ])ort there must b(>|^y.‘’^‘* the fli^nity of the executive double that anif)iuit. Furthf-r—there i^ ’ havt; left the seat of flov- have bf(‘!i raised upon ptdilic lands, and ’ f'‘'inient, in order t(. avoid an interview ^ shijiped iVdiii that port, two j "'ith tlie (dlicers of the GeiKM’al Govern- bal(*s of cotton, besides other j-rothice. | ^ it might Oil the lo\v jrroiindf, near the se.-i-c;:ist, his own ft.’clings, would not, wc Cid.a, or narrow leaf tohaceo, is cidt i-1 be aj.proved .of by ani/ v,it('d lo gi'i-iiti r atU aiitagf. tliaii in the , I’*” ’ 'vould, indeed, be a strange Maud of Cuba, and of etpial f|„ality. n.essagc, 'I’he estahlishm.-nt of a naval 4l.-p,it at 1practieally say- Pensacola, and ils being the futiiie ren-j “'J'"’ “ having exlia;isted the ar£>;u- de/vmis of the \\’est-'lndia sqiiadion, will probably aw.ikcn the g.-ye-ral ^ov-1^e should siipposrj was not ernment to the impm tance of fortil\ ing the sea coast. This fact has always struck us ris concltisivt', that if ever this cotintry luub'itakes ihe subiiiKiilioii of Tiiba, ih.it i.sjjnd inui.t Le conqu(-red in Fi(»riii;i.” alculaltd lion. to insure mucii eoninienda- t^hfguatu Chron^ie. SAI.K OF SIIF.F.P. The Sa\()ii Sheep imported bv Messrs. G. IN f . .Seat-le, were sold on "i biirsduv by public aticiioi), at 15ri;;hton, by Messi .s. Coolifln;e, Poor and Head.—I’he The following observations are from the Nad,-I .oni'lu-titors for tlie‘pt'.rchasc \i!!e' (ten.) \\ big, and w dl apply with c^u.i! w,is large, manv of whom were from the propritty to iiiost other pi, ce MPlMjPT YOUli .MKCHANK S. Tlic.-iv is scarce any thing wdiieli tends more t.'i the impr(yvenie;it of a town, than a I’air and lilie:;d ■'Ujij ort afl'orded !o mechjnic«; of every desci'ip't ion. l *o- pnL.tion is licc'e-s.'iiy tt) tin? prosperity of tnn ii or conntiy, and that [iopul ition he’t'g oi an honest a.nd indii.striuus char- ■ictci-, ii-!id'-rs it'^prof-j.'i'i jty more cer- tiiin, niii:i-ri;i,r.ni! nil var \ il’''. Se:irceai,\- j • ■ V l a: ij' : ^ i-t 1. f ti to ir.'\ h im]io;-- from the neiglil)oriti;r states, and the price for which till* sheep were sold, sfiows the hi'>h estimalion in which they are lield. 'i'he hi[;lu-M price f'iven f,,r a siii^-lo ' iieep was four h'mflrcd and lifty dollars. Aiidthcr uas Sold for ll’i cli-llurs, ami the aserai;c imce of the whole, includini:^ luinbs, we I.L ile\c w;is near 1 GO dollars t-aeli. '1 he ptirclueeis were mostlv, it' not all, f.i I’.tb nieu e>.j>crieti( ed in raisinr*- (d‘sheej), and well acrjuainied with their v,,!;ic. 1‘- m;ty be pie.sumed, thcrerure, uLul ’-Iu bc tli'.ucc uni:oul.s, distributed

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