prnT.ISHEO \VEEKT.r lU LEMUEL J. THKKE nOlLARS A YEAH, PAID IN ABVAXCE. Kop:i])er will be discontimtcfl, unless at the r./tion of the editor, until all arrcaruges arc CILiRLOTTE, X. C. TUESDAY, .WGUST 23, 1825. '17. AnvEiiTrsEMENTs will he insertcil at the usual iitcs. Persons seiidin.5 in advertiscniL'nts, art^ re.]ucsted to note on the ir.arpn t^ie number of ,-,;ci tions, or they will be continued until forbid, charg-cd according-ly. tSlatfc oi‘ ^roY\A\-V^‘al*iAiwtx, Mr.CKi.i'.Nnrito countv. Mcdicinc.% Paints^ Oil, Csc. BR. TIIOS. i. JOTIXSOX, !!vperinr Court of Jmw, iSprhig Tcrvu 1825. ¥ f rcci'ived from Pliiladelph.ia and I- , 5 ■ New-Vork a |,ancral assortment of urti'li. s ■3 ANK I-’l'-HlJV r.-f. Gray Perry.—Petition for |9 Uivurte.—It ap])caring to the satisfaction Hi’ the court, that the defendant i.s nut a rc si- aeiit of this state • Ordered, thercff're, that ad- Yt rtiscmc-nt l)C made three months in tlie (;ii- T.wlui Journal, that tiie defendant ronie forward r i or l>ei’ore tlie next Superior Cc.urt of Law, tjbf held for the county of .Mccklenlmri;-, at. . .. • t:.eCourt-House in Charlotte, on the 7th Mon-j ‘ rivaltiv the 4th Monday in September ne.xt, i:i’l plead, answer or demur, otiu rwise the pe- f.'ion v.ill be taken pro confe.'-bo and lieavd cx rwte. 'J', J. M. IUJTCHISUN, Clh.S.C. ,3m51—])ricc adv. $4. I^encral in his line, wairantcd fresh anlgenuine, which lie ])roposes to sell to Physicians and others, wholesale and I’ctail, (M as rcasonal)le terms as can be purchusediu Charleston, viz Alum, Alcohol, Arrow Root, Acid Nivric. Acid Muriatic, Antimoniul Wine, Anderson’s I'ills, Kther Vitriol, Hark Ued, Do. Yellow, 1)0. Pale, Do. Calisaya, IJorax, Hrimstone Rol. Itritish Oil, Mateman’s Drops, Halsam (,‘opaiva, Halsam 'I'ohi, iblaVii v)V* Xi)vU\>V!‘.\\H)\iv\a, MLCKLli.MSl Uf. fOLN 1 Y. C-y.irl of Equ'Ui) for Mtd''rnlnir{; coiiiiiy^ Mmj Si.'i.sioiin, IS2.-s. Samuel Hoac'i, I N this ca'^e it. i? ordered, r.«. f I that publication be maiie I Andrew Heron, T six weeks in tlic. Catawba! ^ Jnn'es Moo>-e. ' .lournal, that uidess Aiulrew I t-^rj‘i'nion K' ron and James Moore, two of the defendants 1 ^‘‘rl'oiuis Fern, in tiiis case, appear at the next Snjx rior Court! Alba, of Law and Equity, to be held for this county, ■ J. on the seventh Monday after the fourth Mondav 1 t a'lthandcs, in Hcptember next, and an.wer, the bill will be 2''’,,. :.ken pro confesso and heard cx parte as to' ti'.cin. 1). H. DUNLAP, c.M.i. J;'n'^mon, bt49.—price adv. J‘J. A l'\uvwcc i*ov Viav'^vvVus. Cochineal, Columbo Had. Do. Pulv, Cream Tartar, Cubebs, ^1111' subscriber has upwards of five thousand 1. lolIars worth of stock on hand, consisting i Cheltenham Salts, r*‘ upper, sole, and harness leather, wag-f^on j Calcined Magnesia, [:• '.rs, of all descriptions, and coar»e slioes. j Camomile Flowers, .\!l of the above articles he will sell low fur i Castile Soap, c . ih, or to approved custonier.x, on a short , Carbon. Ammonia, dit. 'I'hose who wish to purchase, will do veil to call and examine his stock. CA1J:U M. ^OR\VOOD Auj»'ust 5, 1SC5.—jt-17 N. R. Hides, at the customary p!*icr:, v-ill he Kceivcd in paymejit for any of the above arti- clcs. Corr’sive Siihlimatc Cannella Alba. Davies’ Powtler, Dig-italis Pnrpuna, Epsom Salts, (llauber Salts, Elix. Vitriol, Ess. Peppermint, Ess, Hi rgainot, Ess. Lemons, T'los. P)c n/oii>, Elos. Sulphur, Eowlt r's Solution, Gentian Had; i\m\ \iol l*uv ri^IlE subscriber oFers t'cr sale hoii.-e and Jot in Lincoln- £ ii ton, situated 0!i M:ii;i-strert. coutli of the Court-House, and adjoining'' (;um Anunoniac, Andrew Uuinsour's. The lot is bcaulilu!|> '•i-u- (.iui'i .\ial'ic, ited, eh vated aiul healthy, and will lie sold low (;uin Assalbctida, for, or on a short credit. Any one wisii-^ (iuTu M\rrh, in^ to ]niichasc, can learn the ti rms. on a[ii)li- t,i,iu Aloes, . ration to the subscriber, or to Martin C. Phifer, (ium tiambog-ia, Lincolntr,n. WM. CLf-VKlUiOUSE. , (ium Camphor, Charlotte, Aug". 5, IbU.).—otl7 (ium Dpiuin, - — I iiuaiacuni, ’VuWm'Vwj; ViusVwoss. ; (;um Kmo, • PH E subscriber has removi-d his s!u>p from ^ Salisbury, and permanently located himself ]>„]y j:i Cabarrus cour.ty, six miles sonth-west of Con- povdcr conl, and one half mile south-east of Poplar 'i,Vh niniiiiciit ' Tent, where !ic is prepared to do all kinds of j .nubnuni * '•vork in the newest and most fas]ii(/nable style. " ’ }le has made an enLraf^enu iit with the most tclebrated Tailors in Philadelphia, for rec.'i\- n;,^ the fashions n gnlarly from that eni])orimn ta^te and fashion; and lie wlil at all tinn .i have it in his power to com])Iy with any onlt rs ^liat may be sent him, at short notiei-. Me will ^iso regularly receive the latest ta^hions of La- j 'iics' dresses and habit'., and will be enibied at! ir.y time to cut. and if la cinired, tw niake them, In a style equal to anv in this p.irl ot t!ie i oun- •Tv. THOMAS V. CANON. -Vupiist 5, 1325.—.'t;ri' 01. .Minthae Pip. Manna I'lakc, Pi arl Parley, Piiosphas Sods, Parej>-f)ric, Quick Silver, (iii^ssia Hasped, Uhubarb Hoot, Do. I’owdcr, Ih'd Prcci;iitate, Seidletz Powders, Sovla i'owders. Senna, Nltras I’ota^sT, Sulphas i^otassT, Pow den.d Savin, Seneca Snake Hoot, Serpentaria Virginiana, Secale CornutTun, Had. X’aleriani, Hail. Scilhe, Sarsaparilla, Sulphate Quiiiiiir, Sa^'O, JJed Scaliiiij AVas, Sugar Lead, Stoughton’s Bitters, Spt. Lavender, compd, Spt. Nitri, Dulci. ’I'arfar Emetic, Salts Tartar, Cr>.ta Preparata, Pearl Ash, Mace, Hose Water, U\a L’rsi, Sulphnris, English .M'.istal’d, 'l'\irner’s Ci rate, )’asilicon, OilClov.'s, Oil ('innanion, Sj)t. iViiidereri, i-pt. Hiulfhorn, Scammany Ah-ppo, Vafers, in bo,\e.s. r.iiy'rs, cr. Ground White Lead,. Dry Yellow-Oelirc, Spaiii'^h Hrown, Verdu;Tis, \'eiii tiiin Red, (’rcnu Yellow, (;hinese \ (.rniiliicn, English rmbcr, liose l*>nk, ’I'trra Deseana, Ped Lead, Prussian Pluc, Stone Ochre, 3 amp lii.ick, ;um Copal, thim Shi llac, S|)t. '1’vu‘pi ntinr, S])anish W lii’ii'i'', . Miiceauba Snull, Kiippee do. Si her l.eaf, iold do. ItronLce, Silver Gold, oii; Siiop Krriiitir.’e, of evc- ■ ry desci'iiition. F'or Ihc benefit and cnaniragcnicnt of IMECHAMS^I in the Western part of North-Carolina. Ticket.';, at ?2. Not tico rjlanks to a Prize. 1 Prize of $500 (Phoston and Cotton Saw Gin) .... is joClU do #;>00 (Family Coach) - is 300 do S250 (tiig) . . is 250 do !fl60 (do.) . - is 18U do J13U Olo.) - - is loU do $100 (Side Board St Cotton Saw tiin) is 200 do JRO (Gig and Sociable) is 160 do ^20 (Bedsteads) - is 40 do $14 (a set of Tables) Is 42 do SI2 (Windsor Chairs) is 24 do 510 (two Ladies’ M ork Tables and one Pembroke) - is 30 do J8 (Bellows top Cradle) is 8 (10 S6 (6 Ploughs, 2 Street Lamps, and 2 Lard Cans) - is CO do ^5 (Hats) . . i-i 50 do ?4 (Candlestand) - s 4 do $3 (do) • - is 3 do (do) - - is 60 do $2 (25 cast steel A.xes, and 275 ]>air Shoes) - - is 600 431 do $1 (Tin Ware, Jewelry, Shoes,, &.c. &c.) ... is 431 793 53072 Tickots can be had in Charlotte of the under signed (Commissioners, by letter, postage paid, inclosing the moiiey ; or from their agents in Salisbury, Statesville, Concord, Lincolnton, Vorkville or I.ancaster; who pledge themselves to pay the prizes as set forth in the itcheme, thirty days after the drawing', or refund the money to pnrch.asers of tickets, provided the scheme shall not be ilrawn. SAM’L. HENDERSON, C.HEEN KENDRICK, JNO. BOYD. N. B. Explanatory Hand Bills can be had of the Commissioners. •15 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 10 10 1 1 20 300 PROPOSAI.S, FOn PCBLI8HI.NG, WKK.KLT, IN THE TOWN OF FAY- ETTKVII.I.K, ‘ ^ liELHilOUS r.ll'EH, TO U1 CAI.LF.i) TIIK X OYl\\-CaYvA*nv.v CONUfCTKl) nv REV. ROBERT. H. MOHHISON, A.M. The importance of periodical publications has long been felt and acknowledged. B\ them intelligence is ditliised, error corrected, prejudice removed, vice restrained, and \irtiie cherislu d, to an extent wor1h\ of regard. As men feel a die]) interest in whatever relates to their political rights and lem]Miral prosperity, vehicles of worldly news have, in all civili/ed countries, bei n souf>ht with i iigi riuss and su])- ported with liberality. But as the claims of Jehovah, Hie interests of the Soul, and the solemnities of Etern.ty, far sTirpass in magnitude ali other tliing-^^, it is re;>- sona!)le to expiret that ri l gious jni'diratioi.s would, rise up, gainings patronage among nu n and exerting' a beneficial inthience in their cliaracters. Ha|)])ily, the ])resi nt age is beginning to answer this exijectation by a growing anxiety for religious knowhi'ge, and a lovely display of benevolent i nterpri.s . \\ e live at a time when pbms Cor i)itblic good are boldly conceivid and fearlessly ( \eentid. To bless othi-rs is becoming thi ambition of the highest und the recompense of the lowest. To stop the growth of human misery by opposing the march of human corruption, is now attemi)t- ed in almost every land. To carry, “ tar as the curse is found,” the tidings of peace and the means of purity, unites the streiigtli of a thou sand hands, and engag'es the of ten thousand hearts. These elforts arc not w ithout sniecess. The cause of truth ijrosjiers. 'Fbe kingdom of rig-h- teousness advances. The works of darkm-ss give way', and unnumberi'd triumphs fif the gospel promise the ajiproach of better tinu'S. But the work is only l)egun. Millions of the human family are yet covered with darkr.ess guilt, and ]iollution. 'I housands in our own country know nothing of the way of life. To Christians the cry for help must be rais ed. They are the honored instruments by which (,’lii'ist will set up his kingdom in the world. His st.'uidard they are privileged and ricjiiiredto follow, anfl to do so without dis may, and fight under it without ilefeat, they must act in amra t. 'I'o secure this they must know their relative strength and movements. NOli'I'ir-t.VltOl.lXA !L: © W. iii 'r » ’ (For the hcncft of the Oxford .'Icculcm if.) SECOND CLASS, To be drav.'n positively in November next, and j In a well-organized army there are w’atctunen co’mpietcd In ."i few minutes. | to look out for danger, ami messengers t(i re- ■ j)ort the acts of lach division, and the success B. VATL5 C A. MMNTYHE, S(’1!KME. 1 Vv\zn of* >JO,OOU .20,000 1 10,000 10,000 5.000 10,000 n 1,090 3,980 18 l.UUO 1 .H,(;l,0 1« 500 y,:.uo IH i(/0 1,800 Ihii 50 ‘1,300 18G V'S 4,650 148R 10 1-1,^80 13950 . 5 c'.y, 7o0 AND 1.5,870 Prizes, 26,970 Blanks, ?171,3tj0 4?,810 Tickets of every attempt ; so, in the host of tlie l.ord iiere must be heralds to bear tidings of what Is doieg, and sent'ncis to guard against hostile iuvasloiis. Till-army of Christ is not draw n up in fine* tield of battle. It is scattered over the whole earth. Hence the necessity and useful ness of religious j)apei;s, by which (diristians in evi ry country may know what is effected, what reni.iinsto be done, and how tf) co-ojiiTate with each other in iloing it. 'I'here is no other way in which to make known the wants of i very section of the Chureli, and to insure concentra ted and vigorous exertions among the frientls of Zion. Accordingly, in all |)arts of the Church, and among all deno'Tninatioiis ofChris- tiaiis. such publications are rajiidly multiplying and cheerfully supi)orted. North-Carolina, containing a popuhition' cjf more than, six tiuiifh’ed thousand, and many tlfiurishing Churches, has 7iiif onr fnu'h }ui}nr. Lunar Caustic, Lee’i, Pills, Magnesia Lurrip, >U reurial Ointment, Nutmegs, (j)i'delcloc, Ol. of Anis. ' _ (Xj* 'I he Doctor yet contlnnes t’le practice of Medicine, as her totere. Charlotte, July 16. Ib2.i,—!2ti. , '1 his i.s a Lottery foririod bv the ternary com bination and pernlutation of'36 numbers. To Why this lamentable deiici ncy ? No state in I determine the prizes tiurelii, the 36 numbers ihe union, of etiual imi)oitance and respecta. I will be sevirally placed in a wheel on the day ; I»>‘' supports one or more. iof the drawing, and five of ilieni be (1i:>wn out; i The experiineijt is i.iow to be made, whether and that ticket having' on it tlie 1st, 2d and 3d the peojde of our state are willing to patroiu/e drawn Nos. in the ordf-r in wh'ch ilrawn, will be eucIi a publication. That tiny are richly able entitled to the prize ( f ?2(',C'00, and those live none w ill pn tend to di ny. otiier tickets which !,liall have on thini the Slime I 'riu' eilitorol the Ti.i.Kf;nAi'H will use eve-ry Nos, in the following orders, shall be entitled to > exertion to fiial.e it a faithful jnornal of’ ilic prizes allixed to theiii, resjieetivcly, viz: The 1st, 3d and 2d to ^'10,t>00 2d, 1st and ;)d to 5,i»('0 2d, 3d and 1st to 6,l-'00 ."il, Island 2d to 3(1, 2d and 1st to 1,990 The ISotlur tiikits which ;.!i.ill have an lliem three of thedi'awn numUii's, and those The “Sfulliern I’i'c.i iier" Ins': ■ i''''nily for deliverv to t!ie siib. ( ribfi's tiir si im. >:mc jia.M—tlie’Mi!i.-.'"ri''er . ai'e la ([ue. tei! to ■oine torwat'il, hv tiv Coniils Couit, ."lul re- '■ivo tiieir liook,'. 'I'l.i f.ilitor is in del.', ior '■le printing snd paiJ'.-r, and v.'->!ies1o seltli. his “''CoUiits, ;i!j soon as |)OSiiMi . '1 !ie I'On'i.S ai'e ill Mr. Miiiih's store. Tliosv beol. • vUiiiii .a*e i.>t ■^ken aw.iv by the aixiv.- tiihe, will lie sohi at riiblie, Ani'tiiin to tlie hi'dn-i :'. .ml sub- ;'^ribers v.ill be lu id ivMi-.ii^ible " i:.e i.aU 3nce, on all s;.lt undi r the sabsenptioii piicc. Augii.4 hs.’j.—3t ,7 AAiiON V> .SV:;-//, Chair i\’- Oniaiiinital IVVt.'S'i’Kil. .1.3 P-’l i;is thanks to l:is treT. Is and the pul. lie, ior the Tlie., I'..1 eneoiil'.i I’.as liln a'.iy i\\ eiv ■ d, and respi 'Uitimiance of [Mirin WlM)S()lt T.isrr cii'tis! M.mxo. WITT.IAM ( I I \ IdUIorsE I ni'A'^’lN'’ comiUi lU'* d i!ie above bhsnc'-s in ' fi I the tow n of Ch.ii'l.'tte, n.^iiei tfullv s-li. It^ I a bliarc of public p.itronage. iiis wor'.; will be j neatly and durably con-trncted, ami will be I dispo’si d ef (Ui acroinii.o'litm),- terms, ! ;uul ^ ilMlt' i tit r, ran i;c Itntl *:i ‘•liorl notice, i Charb.He, Fe!.. lo25. three the 2d, 3d and .5111, the ^d, -Ith and 5th, i ons intelligi nee, and an inipartial advo'ati- of Christian doctrine and vit:d pi' ty. He will have bifore him a choice .seb (tion of the lust |ia- pers and mag;: zinfs in this c(/un'ry, and some of the able.-.t foreign journals, fVorn . w hieh he hopi s at all times to iie able to pnsi nt an in teresting aistr:i'l of iisi I'mI iiiforni ition. Jle will al io be aided bv 01 ij;iiial eomniumcation.s bv some ot the mo,st distiiigui&bed genliemen , m.tde to or- He ■tiK lit w 'ii'e!i liilly solicils is I iKtVi d ‘‘’''do all kiIl(!^ of rain'ing mi In '■■'Miers may (.lepeiid. on having tlicii' work m,at- •; ' XI cut. r|, uud W nil tlespaU It. I’.tinMi',; 111 the ci.iiiitiy v,il! be d.oiie on ‘■'■ 'ri notice. •' B. 0!J tl.:.'.rs r.'-paint -.1 re-gilt. ^ r-'J.;.— 1;!' ND fo! Divid H g neration, =i.v:i M ri.hll'-iUMi, 11ll-. );'i.'e, in a jyiniplib't j i."i , 11 :i pi. ee w 11 by j 1 ..‘I'll d I i :i' 1 .'ilv I lood «.'J I r. :: I'l.. ..j v.ia . I Vu\u‘a\Au ImwiV. g\\ Tuesd.'iy, the ■:.,d d:iy of August next, X ^ at till Conrt-lieine in Charlotte, will be sold a valuable tr.e.t of LAND, now in the pos- seyhion (,f Samuel Porter, lying on the wiu. i's 'if I.onv Creek, alnait nint.' luiles froin'Cbar- loite, e'.'ntaining ubont three hur.di'evl ai'i'i >, 1 Till:- tr.u'l is nearly ali woo iiaiid, In ii;;; I not more than fifty acres cleaM.d. I' \ > v.\ II a- !(laptid to t!ie culture ot' cotloii, eiirn, w heat. 1 i'.". and is remarkably well t.n.liered. One^bah I (if the purchase m"!iey to be paid in tiiii i iiiontbs. and. llie r> sidiie in iitu e;i monti the tlii,e of the ; llu jiureliaser gi\ii., and secur.ty. Due attention will be given, by JOHN P.f-ACK. .'V ( r.rt^rvUn-s oj ,M. I,. 1> \ N ID^sON, 5 AkvV/ .Ti;-.',e 21, ‘l^;7 A 4 VVMII.V (d' Nccroes. rons'^tii.g of A. low. 111. wiiV, aii-I sever:d ebibha n. would 1 I (.iispo'. (I of ujion ’be n : I'les, I)', apjdy .iig ’ • inierseii. the .)'l, -lib aii'i ■'lb in some one of their sev eral orders of combination or pi rmiitation, w ill ea»h be entitled t> a ]>rize of ^ 1,000. Tl'o^e LS other tickets whieli sliall have on them three of the drawn nnniber.-. ami thnye tbre.-, the Lt, 2d and 'Itb, the 1 2d aii.l .■>!h, or t lie 1 ,f, 3d and H li. ill some i.ui. 11 ' lu u' '-e\ - I ral orih rs of 4ate A . h arning and religion adorn and promote each otle.r, and_ coiiioi be sipanitirl v.itboiit nnitilatiiig both, the colnmns ot the 'I'l legraph will be filb-d in [-art wltli m h (t literaiy ])iiccs, ilesigned to ini re.ise ilie knowled:;e anil grati- i\ the i:i'ti (d' all lt^ n ad. rs. .And ci.ns- ti:.n-)Ow e many (4 tie :r deanst j>i iv lle;; s to oinbiii.iiiini or pi nniit.ilion, dl ! , j,,, (ou.i ;ti;i inn ofonr v.Im and h.ip- e'.’.cb be enfiticcl lo a prl/.e ot rj'jo. j . and ar'- de ply In'i i-( s*r d in '1 hose IS o'du r tif.'kits* V. hl( b sludi baveon. prospuit', a tliilhtol htall ot' them three of the dra’.Mi nuiu!)ers, will each be .hnnLslic and t'.,reign, will at all tiim ., entitled to a (in/.e of ^10!). '1 hose 1 l b tickets w inch sh dl have two of th( A pprnpri ilo rrnn rks on .•*,grli nitnral Im- Iraw n ii'imbers on tbi n., and tlm^i two the Jd ^ n,, |,is ;i,id ln,n > ,,tie i.eunomy will occa sionally lie ihsCi'ted. And •' his', bn' net b ast,” the Imjirovi inent, di^rnily and osi '1 Ine > ot tlo I t hi Will find a wdlin;,' and sinci re advoe.'.ti ai.d -Ith, in a 1- l iilier order, will eath be cniitled to I'l'oni bond fel- t accommiKl'itii.g rho-e 13i) tickets wl'.icli shall have two of ihe drawn minibi-r.-. 011 tin in, and those two, tlie .ul and -Ith, in i itl.i r on’.i r, w ill i ai li be enti tled to a ])rlze ot' .\1I other-., bein.c MPiB, having two of the diawn numliei's ni them, wdliaehbe eiitith d to a pi'izi '.f ^ .\i ilall those ] .1,r'.)0 tlike' ., having but or.e of tin- (ir.iv.n nunii>'rs i.n tiiein, will each be entitled to a prl/,e oi' No tieki t whleh shall h.iv e drawn a pri/'- (d a sii)>erlor ili'iioininalion, can be i ntitled to an ini' lior j.'ri/e. Pri/i jiayable 30 d..ys after the tlrawing, ami sVibject tt) the u>ii;d diduet'iin i.t 13 |'rr i i nt. liole Tickets (Hj Half do. 2 '0 (inart'.-r do. ..... P.ack.ig. ,'. (vf 12 tii kfts, ( mbraeliig tiic .V; nnm! ers (>t the Lottii"., v. bicli inu't if mci s- s'.ty draw i^r live.* r^Jl n.' , wirli -o ii.oiv chances for candaU ; erslnres ot p:irk,ue:> n.ay be had at the .‘alia; rate, vi,; : I'acki.j^i s of w iiole, ■ - - '.'i) Of halves. , ) Of >.iiart( rs j 1 I O •(!'. 'C (V - I W ir V ,.t d.;, of- iieatly prints d, loul No ad\ ( rtiM. iiient.. w ill be p;i])i r will with the l,e:,t tv p adiiiltted. The fir t rnin.bev will be issind ris soon as a snfT.cii i.t iiuiii!.' r (f -.idiserihei-s i, oblii.m il. I'f.i-', tiii'ee liidh.r-. a ''-nr, or t\vj dol- Ia:■^ and t.iiv ei nt . it puid in aUvaiice. J in/i H' i , Jt'ly 1. 1 JJ. *,* Sul):,crlptio!\s reci r.eil at this offire, (’oilcli 'J'l'iniHiiH!.*; Harness rij'iHE -.11’ ‘.'.■il M abo'.el.ll'. |.,\v h.-e ^p" .'•bop, a b re b hu'l 1. at 1 e'be e ai! ... tie]' . jli aid J' r- y V. niid , vw K'e T) Ill s done :i I r has I,pen* 1! a shop f.r the le .■> in till 1,01 ■ e oil' b • c( r '.. Co'.,. ':,rri:i!;-e M'lkin:,' Intei.d.-. k( I ping on .'.’,n;i\ on ■ 'b (.It eii tl,! .1/ : H.K- iis l.i.e of bu'-ln. : > I'll tlai'i.i .., !!arm i-s, |d:iln ■i.,( and ia»I!, 'vC. .vc,— ill.- vli.ii'iit niitice and on tin iiin THE C.XTAVV Hi jolh.sai.. JVVKNILE ESSJYS—M). 3, THE ADVANTAC.r.S OF T.EAHNINC DIS( H'LLNE. “ nni'tn'titi .'•f d vim j.ri iiuivi t iusihun Ji'irfi'jtn: iiiliii.', jiii fcia rolcrt.iif.''—iioh. But I c.trning ;idvances the dinate forci'. And rig'ht disi iiiline strengtlw iw the breast. WIh'ii I taken view of binn.di natuir, and (ibservc tlie various luovenuuts of the htmiaii niiiul, on u!I si(!cs I aio in volved iti dilViculties wbii h seem insnpc- raldc, hecanse of the w olid*', |'uI vv oi !»mgs ol’tlir liunuiu intellt'ct. 'I'he uudei stat d- iii'T (d'ii'an )>t i scuts to the )!hih»so]d'.ei'a ,>ro!>U'tn tOf» deej) for liint to fatlmni. Of •il! the woiidei's ioniuctei, with niii- sys- leni, till' power bv w hic b v\ e rt asoii sc iiis '() be inr)sl voiidci I'ui—we e;u. I cMer uti- iler^taiu! the operaiit.fis id’ tlie senses of seoiti:,, Iieanii;;', because tbev.e ilimgn are (lativ belMi e our e\es—but bow eati we I'easoii, seeiiis lo us a />t!rtiio.v. Vet, man coiitiuues (he same I'lumave id ai'e; •‘Xcept wlie'-e IMiicatioii ieiio\ates him. The ieaitied Horace fem-.ik'-, as it is in our motto, w hen speaktiiiv "I ra! tendeiic,) lhai the i/fVpiiiu;; have to follow the Steps (d ti.eir ; III est. is— “ In jincrriy, rvf in njuis pnlruni {'irft!; tier imhrl/fiii Janriv, J’rii^fvirufil a>piilii; culiiiiifiri/n, Jhrfrina Md vim prnvinvti in\i.tnm Jurtiijuii cult us- pictara rolmruut."* lie endeavors lo prove ihal iliecc is in all animals and in Man, a nattiral inlu«1 itatu c of tin; pai'i'iit’.s (lualiltes, hut whi. I in must l)t> ciil'ivated, ii\ order that ils lu'auties may appear, atid that its us« may ho palpable. To prove that Learn ing efl’ccts lliis, we need otdy c.oin[)ure ourselves with the .\horig;in('s of our hu])- py rotmtry—these sava;^es jxissess “in nate force” as well as we do, bul have not ihe advardai^es of llducalioii ; neilliei in rei^ard to them cati w o say ‘Ti!;lil eulliva- tioti stictigtlieiis Ihe heart.” For Mi(* want of this, they ar».‘ an rat tt of mortals. 'I'he beauty uf the savaoe inlelleet n(itvnil!;i^ and ours in a v’lllirnlcil state, may weli be compared wi.h iht; iieaii'ifiil monunient and the hui,e block in the finally of marble. 'I’be liiu- te\- lurt.’ and sniM\-like whiteness is naturuliy in the marble, yet the hands of i,.e ai lifi- ccr must pass over it, tiiat tliese I’uie tex tures and beaut.’fnl ' olors i.’.ay *-liire vviili proper liistic. So with tlie niiletteied savage.—'I'he treasure .of a stron;,^ mind is hid-v. ithiti, and can only he l/i output out by Kdumtioiu We see tlui‘f sotii, of the forest, bra\e even to di’speration, and patient even to siilleniK’ss. If hue priiu'iple.s uer‘ wrought on properly by I.vnntinf'y what a mi;;hly nation iiii;.;lit they be !' J*y this comtiai ison we luay see that nothini,; embellishes a man more, and riiak»‘s him an insiruineni lil more; general utility, than lUhh oHin). If it were not lor this Eilnriilinii of wbii.h tt\e Poet s])eaks, where would be on;* codc of wholesome laws and i emulations, bijiU ec( lesiastieal and tialioiia!, whieli arc so afimirably cab nlated to ;,nide os t),i/ thin world iti teiiijjo'-al hajipim . , pi epatc for I he h ipjiiiie's v. Ii.i li aw aits us in the next } \\ e c atiuot be^iei value Ka'nr/ilioii^ lliaii b\ ( omiiarinij one l,ap[)V oiidition with that of the Aborii'iiie.'j of America. Learuiti.ipio: only |)iom'.' es the innati; lorce, bill /ii'/it J'in pfint sireiuMliens the heart. \'v hat hnt this Kilnrrlinn and right Dirjipiinc atiimatfd the inati^tiiuiiiuons (icei o lo the pet lo. iii- ance. of hi ■. diniciill duty, and pi'oinj)leil him in tlic iwidst (d his (laiii^er, to per- I’orm the duly vv hi'.h lie fiwcd lo his co'in- try. Ilis iiiinr! wu . .>o ( I'iliivhicneij, unil his heai t was so st i' ii;;tiieiieil by n^ht ('in'lir/tl,on /t.'.i/ijiiiiic, that he couid. stare daii|;er, and i \t ii death in the luce. It was a suijstantial JCd:n n'iun and jn)f)d I)isrip!iii(\\\\\d promj)t( d \N’a.‘,hiiit;to’i ic/ dt i'end bi-o oiiiili ). Had be nol posses- -,ed tlie .e advantag* s, wha would have pievented him from acting the jiarl .jf some of our 'i’oi y n if»hbors ; and tlius aiditii^ the inva .ion (d' his ( (juniry It. is well known that (len. MarK/ii atlrlbu- ted 'I'ory isiii to h;n'iriinrc. '! h(.' ciiliiva- lioii of our intelh i i p. not only usrf'td, but it is !h/iui-(iL'c in Ibe hi.d'.cst uegi ee, jis it IS ( iilargiii;.; and iid'ormiii;;' lhai part of onr ii.'itui e, whieli dist i!i;Miishe ; us most I'roni tbebinlal paitol the cicaii0!i; and whii h may will be termed the Jjirine ];ai t of .Nlan. “I'lien lujw l.aid.ibh- lo cnl-- iivate this lleaveli-born prii.iijde! At.o- 'her reason tliai may he i;i;;ed, why we si'.ouhl p.iv peculiar rci'arrl lo t'li . Divine pail ofonr r.alu.'c i , becati f ilali.rie v-ill '.III vive tlit w rei k of iiine. 'i’lii rru m i|s i.if lldnrution are i,iaiiy ijnrl !';r-e; t. Many men il has raiseil I'l'oin tlie flarke.-,t obscuiity to piace.i of lifjiior ; and aiiioiu' the liap- most t'." -onu'.le lei a.;,. 1.1.1 W \ I f INL, ro.v. ,Ui, iiv’j —.vClt' • Th( re is in bnllr; and in liorsi s the spirit of ih( Ir 1 itb' I's, or mi'cs. .Ncithi r dot s tin f ro- loiis i;.g!i gei • rate the ttil,e dove lint, h ;irn.!ij; tin ini.M' f.orcc, and eul’n xt;or. i'.r..i:i;t!.'.iiii lilt liciu’..

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