VOI,. 1] I'U.miorri:, .V. c. ti esd.iy, sevtkmiieii 20, 1S25. [\0. 51. mil.ISIIEll WF.F.KI.T nvl.KAlT KL niMJlUM, -iilUKK IXIL1.AKS A Y1:A11, PAID IN ADVANCF,. o|> Xo paper will be discoiitimicd, uiiloss at the (Vi,nv,tio!i of llie editor, until all urrcarug'cs are \iTvkuti‘;f.mkvts will be inserted at the usual I'crsons sendin>; in udvcrtisenients, are to note on the niarg-ia tiie nunii)er of or they will be cohlimiLd until fori»id, „a iliarj^ed accordinj^ly. • *’'IIO C '.n f’onie well reconuuended for stca- * T il\, honest and industrious habits, ae- (i::. ii'i d.with ti.Cfures and writes a f^’ood hand, Iu;ar of a j^'ood situation in a niercantih- i.i Ilf, l'> ali]d\iiii^ at t!iis ollice, One of IG or ;,■) M urs ot'a^i- would 1)0 prei'erred. Au"'iist IHJj.—lt,)l XoWee. 'lY''lF.I,besold,alpid)-.!g ? ▼ lie sale, on 'I'ues- .(hiy, till' -’Otli of SeptLiii- _*^birnext, the plantatioiv, V,;. n i:i tlie snl)s-ri!)».-r lives, tsin^;’ on the road I tdinf;' ti'oiu (■harlitli', N. ('. to the Old Nation I r.l ii'i'lie C^itawha rl\er, about seven uiihs i;,,! (it s.lid I'.inl, eontainin;;' i)/H Jlinidrif/ (ind J'ifli/-firr,'hr(‘S» V -'i c(iniiorl:ib!e inijjroxI'liu nts. .\n_\ person V ‘> i>erchasi, willilo w i Ml !l.e 1)!\-Uilse oa tiie-UaS oI .lOIIN (iOODlJiClI. A'ic;'!ist 1 1-5.— X(>ilTlI-( AHOIJXA ^ ^ m Ui 'T ^ f hot- the benefit of the Oxford Jcadcnui.) SKL'OXl) Cl.ASS,, I'o be drawn positively in No\ i nilu r next, and completed in a few niiiiutt.s. B. YATES y A. MMNTVin:, Munairm. IS IS 18 IHC) IHil MKS S( IIK^IE. Priiic of ^>20,000 10.U(KJ .'1,000 1,990 1,000 500 100 51) 10 :o,ooo 10,000 10,0(j0 iN'-thO 1K,0(J0 1,K00 ‘•,.'!00 4,6.jO 11,H80 o'.i,r.io $171,.)(>0 SI 71,.*60 Coach Triinijiiiiq; llunicss .'Milkin'^*. stihsrribei'lias (i])eiu'd a siiop for the abovi- l)nsiiR'SS in the hoiisi' one doiu' Ix - low Isaac Sjicneer Si Co’s. Carriage Makini,^ Shop, wluTc 111' intfiuls kcepin.t^ constantly on hand, at roduci d prices for ea^h orii >liort credit, all arliehis in his line of husitu ss, \i/. : Koad and Jersey Wa.u'on Hann ss, (.ii;- Ihirm ss, plain and plati d ; waj^'on anil }>-ij; (loilars, Kc. i^c.— I’epairs done at the shortest notice and on liie Uiost re.tsonahle terms. Ki.iAs \vati.im;ton. ('fiarliit/i', Jiiiir CS, 182.).—;'6tf 1MM)1‘0S.\LS, roll rvui.isiii.N(i, wi.i ki.v, in tmk town of r.u- i. i' i't.\ 11 i.r., .? luiLu.iurs ■ii» 111. I'Ai.i.Kii Till; ‘t\v u\ V\v.\' g\'a\>A\, criMircTKii iiv HKV. HOIIKKT. J!. MOIMMSOX, A.M. 13,KZ0 I'ri/e^ 26,yro lUaiiks, 42,H10 Tickets ’I hib is a Lottery formed by the ti-rnarv com- j B has lonj^- been felt and ackiiov. ledt^-ed. 15, bination and pernaitation oi .3t> nnnibers. 'i'olthtm intelliu''Mici- i?, diiVused, eiTor corrected determine the ])ri/.s therein, the .16 numt)i.r-> 1 pvi.;iiii!ici'removed, vice ristraineii, and virtue will be sevi-raliy placi-d in a wheel oiiliie .hi\ j clu ri'-iu-d, to an extent \\orlh\ of rei.'^ard. .\s of the draw ins;-, and five of tlu in !)c di\iw n o'.il ; ; men tei 1 a (K ep inteiVNt in w liatever relates to anil that tickit ha\iii^’ on it l!iel>t,«M and. .)d | tiuir political ri,trhts and tLinporal prosperit} importance nf jn-riodical piiblicalions V,-. 1 ha dl iind 'i'l. riii.i w ill ht math know n ale. V.U\1‘Y\vU\\\\\V.‘\\\. r|HlK sub'-criber iKnini,'- purchased drawn Nos. in the ordir in whic h drawn, will i>i entitled to ihe pri/e of ?JO,0uU, and iho^e )i\e ollii r tickets w liich shall lia\ •• on them tin- sanie Non. in th' follow ini^- orders, shall be wntitli d to the pri/.es allixed to tiiL-ni, n spi (tivel), vi/.; The 1^1, jd and L\1 to >10,0(j0 Jd, 1st and .id to j.OuO 2d, jd and l"tto 5,O(.'0 ;’.d, 1st and Cd to 1,990 ;>d, Jd and 1st to 1,990 TTic IR other liektts which shidi lia\e on llitni three of the di'awu numbers, and those thin tiu' Jd, Jd and .lh, the Jd, ‘Itli and jth, or the .1(1, -I'.h and jth in some one of their se\ - r.d ordLi's of coml)ination or i>ciniulation, w ill J.()( IWlKN'rs. lotte, formerly occupied as a I’ulilic ilousf liy Mi ssrs, Cowan Si \ ail, in- ,i",iis tlu'. puhl'C, that he will open the house, ,• il,.’ la .. pt^on of companx, .lurinK' the last ea. h hi- i nt.tled to a pn/.e ol ;^^00O. .1 km (leiolur, w hen hi- w dl in-prepan d to I 1 liosi- ItS (.th> i'ticki. ts w Inch shall ha\ .eeiniiU)d.iti all w ho m i\ jih a'l to call on him. • liOlU.Kl' WA f.-'ON. ■ An^’usl IP, lt!].T.—(.ijjj 1 •Vva'Wv-VuvvAvwa, M: ( Ki i'.Nnrii(i cf)t. N rv. S'ijurUir Cl,IIif if I.mr, Sjiriii^ I’lnii, 1HJ5. ( am: ri',!!UV r'. liray I’l vn .—I'elition for l);\(,n i'. —It appearing: to the sal'staction 11 111" ci'urt, that ihe lii Le!id;'.nt is i;ot a re.si- of this state - (/,i'iv,i!, tlu ri»tbre, that ad- \I r;i'-i mi nt lu- madr three imiMlhs in the ( a- T.iVi !)a .loui-ii:d, that the (K tend:ii:l conu torw ard Dll (,r In fui-c the lu.xt S'qu riiT Court of l.aw, lull lull! for t^,c'count\ of Mi'ckleidiiiri^, at I ( 'Mirt-I Iotise in rli:irlot1e, on the i Ui Nlon- i!.i\ alii r the 'ijh M(>nd.i\ in Septi-mber ifi xt, -.ind 1:1 ;iil, answ i-r or (h niur, otlu rw ise tin- pr- ti'ioii will bo laki'ii jM'o (-ontesso and heard e\ •],urt,e. Ttste, 3r M. IlCTCHIrON, lf>. S. .jm.» 1 —])ricc ad\. >1. vehicK-s of Vvorldls ik ws havi-, in all (-i\ili/i-d (-onnlrii s, bt-i n sou^-ht with eai^'einess and siip- porti d w ith libi rality. I’.nt as the claims ol'.le’iovah, llio in1er( stsof thr ^i/^d, and till- siiii-mnities of F.ttrnlly, far 'surp.iss in n,ai;iiitiide all olher things, it is rea- sonalde to ( X])ect that r(-lii;ions puhlications would rise up, piininf^ patnmatre ;unontr nii n and exi I'tinij,' a heneficial iiiibience in toniiin|;‘ iheir charaeUfs. Iiap|)ily, the pivseiit ai’-i- is bc'i;-innin,u- to answi-r this txpeclalion by a i^row intr anxiet_\ I'or r( li.irions know led.^•e, ;md a Io\eU ilispla) (il'benexoh-nt entirpri.s'. e Tim- al'a time whin plans for puldic .n'ood are boldly conceiveil and fcarlessl) executnl. To bliss others is h(.coniini>‘ the ambition of the ' hii’hest and the rec(/nipense of the lev. I St. 'I'o n snail na\e on ' jrrowth of human misi ry hy opposinj>- , ' the man-h oi' liiimaii eomij)tlon, is now attnnpt- I (.-(! in almost ( ver\ land. 'I'o carry, “farasthe I ciu'sc is iiiuiid, means ol' purity, unites the stren.uth of a thou j s-.iiid haniN, and eiiyag-es the prayers of ten : thousaiul hearts. ll\i.ni three ol' the drawn nin three, the 1-t, Jd ai.d -Itli, tlie 1st, Jd and otli or the 1st, 'Jd and ith, in some one of their sev- t v.d onh rs of eombiiKttion or perimitatioii, w ill i-aeh lie i ntilled to a prize of 500. Thosf 18 other 1i(-ket.s which shall have on tlii-m tim e of till- ilraw II numbers, w ill each be ; * m-i „ , ,, cvkmi The.se eilorts arc not without succcss. I he ent.tledtoaini/.iotMOu. ,! .-ause of truth prospers. The kin.^-.hmi of 1-1^1.- teousiiess adxances. The works' of davkmss Guv. Trovj) h) the I'rcsitlviit. F.m'.ci tiv PrvMrr-Mi s r, (li.o. Mllii (l^nlik, 26lii Jtii'if, lhJ.‘>. S ■ Sin—111 i;i)niniuuiciitiii; tlu’ reju)rt of llic (lotnniissiomM-s dT ihr Slalc, a])poiiii- (.'(1 iiikIoi- rosoliilions of tho I .r^ishiUiif, to Uiko testimony in the case of llu' .AiM'"' lor liuHaii All’aii's, and to iiivcstii;:ite the causes of llie lati* disiiirbaiues in ihe (>ix'ck Nalion, il ho more satisfac tory lo’ you lo receive il n illioul-cotii- uicnt. The report may iiuleeil be said to carry with it its o\\ n cotnmeniary : nevei'thidi'ss a few reinai ks eiticidalory of certain pans of il noieasih iindei slo(jd by persons removed iVoni the set ne ol aclion, may not be deemed objectiuna- blf. 1 think form the context of the rejiort. hut one imj)ressi(n will be made upon every fair and unbiased mind—llia^ what ever may have been the inoiives which o-overned the condiut ol the Ai'i’Uls on tiic pari of the I'niled States in makiin;: llie lute in\eslii;ations in the Xalion, the resulls of those invf^-lii^alions have been such as to \sai-iaiit a beliel that il ihe motives had been the suppression, and not the tievelopement cd‘ truth, no (Aliei' results could have followed—'1 he reliisa! (jf tlie Miijsionaries ^afler much of jjaller- inj;’ and ])t evai ication) to verily tin ir sUiU menls hv tKilli or alVu iiialioii, is the more remarkable, lor il is believed that these same Missionai'i(‘s some IH or Jo niotitlis atjo, were (luite williii!^ to stii)- sciiix' a paper c-.mlainin^’^ a loiii; slrinij of char.^H-s ai^ainst the Ai--('nt, which ou^lU to have been siiiVicient to remove him from ollice, and which they would i.avc substantiated t)v their oath—Now that they are in danger of beint;^ ousted of their livini^s if the treaty is carried in Tiiose 18(i tit-kiw iilcli shall have two of tin dr:iw n niimbi rs on tlu-m, and tb.osi-lwo tlie Jd and -Itli, in ei'iu-r onlLr, «ill i-acli be entitled to a pri/e of >50. 1 hoM- IHl) tickets which shall have two of ihiMlraw n num'u rs on tin iii, and those two, the .111 ami -ith, ill eitlur oiiicr, will each be enti- th-d to a pri/.i- of >J5. All others, brin.tr havinp: two of the ihawn numbers on them, will taclrbe eiititlid lo a prize of >10. And all those l.'),9.iO tickets, havins-’ but one the tidinj.';s /f ptace and the j ciVcct, they make common cause with the A^ent to rti])iiire tlie treaty, and will .swear or afljrin to notliinj^ u).jainst him. ’i'he terror of Lewis indiicecl !)v Ihe nu'tiaccs of the friends of the At;eJit, and which dt'lermined him to withhold j^'ivt- way, and nnmmibered trimiiplis of tiie i his tesliiiiony, and his eventual llii,dil to !.;■o.^pl! jjromise the :;])proarh of bat r tiim-s. o-i\ini’- it, alter measures had been IVut the work is only hcKuh. i co’erce liian, will be snlhcient perha])s to satisfy yon how very inaiispi- felvUe wt ^*vu*W\-Vv\\nAvu‘a, i.ixroi.x corxiv. i'oi'r/ rtf PUas anil (^nn.irr Sessions, Jidy Session > A.kA. Moyle ^ ISJ; .IfI)(.MKN'lS and \Vm. f.attimore, Admr. r.xecutions granted ot'(.1 o. l.attiniore, de- l>> .lustices of the Mil; and the siimi I'laci-b>r said county, the' same. .I.iims fU \ led on !aiuLs‘l)i,-lon;^- human fa mi ly art.- \ i.-t covi-i-ed with ilat-kiii. ss, iniilt, and i)olliition. Tlionsamls in ourowii,.. - . • • eountrv know nolhii,- of the w ax of life. j i ious lo the views ol the (. ommissioner,. To Cht-istians the e. v for Ik Ip must be rais-1 " us the stale of thilir^^s prevailing in ihe cd. They are ihe honored iiistniments by ' nation—I he same hope ol hreakini^- the wl-.lch cl’irist will set it]) his kiiiLrdnm in the | ircaly, and of maintainint^- their footing; world. Ills standard they are ih ged amC imiifd om> yyd all ol them, the reel of the drawn nuinhi rs i n ihtm, will each be | n (piirvd to follow, and to do so wuhuut dis-^ ^yliite. man, the Christian entitled lo a,.rl/e of j max, and ii.ulit under it w ithont deieat Heathen, in a common bond of iiiferior iirl/e. ’ ■'> w l!-ori;'am/.e(l army there are watcliniin j j examination ol Ilamldy, the.lnter- " prizis p;i\abh-30 daxsafti r theih-iiwiiiK-, :tiid , U) locik out for ilan;‘-er, :tnd messi nprs to re-1 ^,^1 confKlential IViemi of t'lie A- sid)j. ct to tlie nsiial deiluction ol l.i per Cl lit. j port the acts oi each i i\isn)u, am ocnt, lormaMv reported lo \ oti bv V Oii , I- 1 , vs (Kj Ofivirx attempt; so, m the host ot the l.onl h ' . i • Half do ’ - ■ - - - Ithire must be V raids to bear lidin.,s .f w bat ou 11 ( omniission.'l-s as a In.se quarter iliV ..... 1 J5 ^ ^ l’ackaf;es of IJ tickets, i tr.l rafiiiir the '>() mimber-i of the l.otti rx, uiiii b must i.f necis- iiit!,' to the i st;iti' ct (.iori;'e Lattiliiore, de- c^ ased. \"nistr('n;_;' r.v the same A\ III. Mae!c-;in tlie ^ Ulii ; IX \\ m. ic .1. I). Maihan r.'. the same. J It :ipt)i-arin!v to the- satisfiction of the court, ''r.it h’ooei't l,:ittiiiiore, one ol tlu- lu irs of the ■■uil ‘.i( or,L;-f l,;itMhOi i, (h Cl asi-d, is not ;iii in- u.l'i'.iht ot this state : It is therifore Ihiintii • \ ihe I'oiM't, th;it ])u!)hea'ion he made four • c i ks .'-iieeosslvi 1_\ in the Cataw l>a .lournal, '.lit tlu said |{o!ii-rt appi ar a1 the Countx iiiii! ol rh ;.s and ijiiai'l, r M-ssions, to he held bi:- l,m-olu countv. at the fuurt-Ilouse in Cin- ' olhtiHi. (.11 the lourtli Monday atli.rthi- fourth \h/nil:i% ill .'srpti.-mlu-r tu \i. tlu n ;iiid there tij to iv^iii', or judi.;imnt-. will ix eiiVeri d uj) biin. to;.;i 1 hi r with tiu other lu ii-s of dn- Sai l (n'or,C(' l.attlmort-. di.ci asrd, in tlu- • IS,-, ;iSo\( -lati-d, ;.ml till bmd h \leil on be li.i dl to 1)1- sidd to satlsi'v s',i,| j'id;.;iui nis. u iii.i ss, \ \iii’)i;\ ,\ri!r.i’. c. r. • ii5Ui> slty dr;iw at least :^J1 J5 m tt, witii so maii_\ ch’anci-s'for e;iiltals ; or sbare.s of paek;.|;-e.s m;i\ I be had «t tlie saim- fair. \ i/ ; |’a' k:ie,'i s of w lioli', - - - (H'babes. Of (^iiartirs. (Tj- (Ji-iUfs for 'I K Ki'.'l'S received at tins of fice. Fur the hem ft nid eiiemn'c-emen. AiKlJIAMSM ill the (.stern pari of Norlh-t.'arolina. S( IIK\iK. 'I'lrKl ls, Hi S'v. \iit two 111 tilths to (t I’e/ze, n W I! 1,1 \M I t l.\ KIMKM sr. V\ i\(, ( (nir,iir-ic d t!ic ;d)0' . I.usiness in 11 r,', II ul ( li;il-lolt.-, n s|H C'.liiiix soih 0- .>i puid.i- I'.iiroiKi.u' • 111' V, ork \»ill ij> aiiil ihii'.ililv I oiiMi\:i'ii it. and will hi. " ' d of on acconimodat t' l I..s. I .1- , ,11',1 W liiTiM. Cin;!i-. n.ade to or- ‘ .:i 'i,- ! Ill oil ‘■linrl niil.i i'. 1.io"c. v b,... ;s..>5. 1' f. 1- i !'\MII,V f c>>;isi-.vii,!: ^ b.w. b;-. w,:;-. and s-M-i:d cbdi.ren. wouM • ■'I'-j-.-d (.1' irp'oi tlu- n.ost b.tin}.;' i''.'b\ applxmi;- to W . .1. I’olk, or to Dr- ’ 'I'll I I ii iiiil r-.oii. •*'.b K;j,i.-ti'. .Ills! i M> lor s;di- at this Ollice, in *I"-, ni. “>li ',rtures on a pi'>'i '''i''’ l>a\iil Ik-nkel, . ntitb (1 ll( a\enl} I '‘'V m ration, or, Trealisi-on lid) l!^> ■*' -b.si;!'!! Ml.I.in:. /’. /A ->/. I’nei tm’ihb ) i i-i'l- is doiii|.r’ seiitinils to ^f^uard ajrair.st hostile iinaslo'iis. The army of Cbrisl is not drawn iij) in one held of J)aftli-. It is scattered over the w hole i arth. lleiice tlu iiece'sity and usi i'ul- lu-ss of n-liyiou.^ pajiers, b_\ which Christians in c \ ( rv ceunirx ma) know what is elb-cli d, w hai n iiKiins lo be done, and how to co-opi-rate u ith ( ach other in doinj^' it. Tlu re is no otlu r w a_\ in which to mak'- known the want-, of exery si-i lion of the Church, and to insure f-i;iic ntra- by voni iiid un- worlhy fellow, was disrm;^Mrished lor its i'n'e!;iilarity—'I'he o!jjeci ol tiuit exami nation was to lay a broad loiuidation lor the ruptiiie of tiie. treaty, t)y shewing- !l •to !)'.' llie oirsprini:^s of t)i ibery am! cor- 1 ii])lion, and the most en(i tiiotisly \vi( l-.ed contrix ar.ces, and to traduce tin: hai ac- ters and discredit liie testimony of ;;(Jiiie of the most I ('si)eci.ai)le im-n amout',- ti'-;.— Consl:;»l>h‘.s’ I'or tale, at thia 01in.w, 1 I’ri/ (• of ^•5i.'U (I’b.it'in and tiiji 1 Sil'V » lin') - 1 1 do ,;oo ( r.m.ib, (. uai ii) - .'•/il (lo - is J.)0 1 do !si;,0 (do. ) ■ 1'- ■) l.^'i 1 ?].:i) ^iio. ) * ”* i!o ^luO 1 e Hoa'i'il Collen i'ii'A (.inj is :.oO J do '^'11 ((.1;.^' and ^oe i;ddi) is l(iO J do -te.iii- '• - is ■HI do sM \a -1 I 1 1 T.ib !. 0 is •1J ■J do ^l J il :i! .ii;- Cii, al;'- 1 i' ^ 1 do jiO 1,1 wo 1 aoa s’ oi'k ■ t ) '! .I'iii- 1 s ,aod Olll I’l il' ii''.>' J 1 do ^,'i (111 lb .eO ( , 1 10 ill) >() (t' l*i' Jt r.i I ..11', irci t ’ is s, a ill! I'O 10 (h) ) (ilals is .)0 1 ilo >1 ,( .iiid ~:ali.!) 1 do ^ > I' '.o' - is r-n JO (bi b'' ,:uO lio ( :•> - isi -■ii-i 1 A.\i :it.'I -.t pair >iiO( "'l - is 1 ' .o ■b'.l do ^1 1 1 in Wan, .1 s;ilr. -, isC. 1 - i.-j ■I.' i “0 t ■ : /I.’ Tick el Is can b(- h: id ill il- ,rli''*e (■rMic nii'b-;'- s-'J'Ul 1 1 oir.n,’' ’mil rs, b; 1 1 O.i I-, 1 ,*.1 ;.o'( pi.id. 1 m b .-il!" • tl.e liioili X ; or i;'' nil till i!* n'.s ill ^., II- .bill ' k, "‘.te,\. iil , 1 '.i-ol'f:, l.'l ei ihiton. N 1 ,|-i, :\db !■ ol 1 III .(■ ,, r, V ill ' I'bo:: e til. ;i isell to I' \ Ibe pi-:,'i 1 1- .s. t In i-'l; 111 the ,'i bemi , lliiH i;. ,._is at;, r i' !.i dr-i'.- II.,.:'. '• r ri b 1 :d till.' ■ d tlu 111 O 1. o pitieii'i^’ ;-s of IK- kl.s, 1 |,n»' i(i, sllll me : sbidl not iu ■ lilaw r. \ M‘l li'Aiir.i;- M.V, t.lil'K' ■v Kl.' • i.b'li K, .l.\C. ' * 1 , \) N , K, Kxj tiiii»t''' -X !U".! I*;!’-.' al; b.i! ul Il , Con I'.-'.'.'Ilel" ti-d ami xi,oi-ous (-Ncrtions amon,:;- the frli nds , j, v.onh! o! Zion. Aeceru!nf>l\, in .d i'‘“snelian iii')truuiciit lu ae.C(jmidi di (,luir-h, atid lo' oir,;-ail denominations ot Cbiis-1 '‘"-i'' il-.ns, siich pnbiie;itions ai-e rapidly muItii)l\iir.C, Ml' !' -V , ,^nd eheirrnllx supported. j \\'beii \ oliolo, a pniK ipal Iiiel in the Novth-Caroliiiii, i (uitah'.i'i};- a |'0])ulailon of cotiiK il. made a talk detailin;.; circniii- more than six hnn'lred tii.-usand. and niany ' st-aiiees connected with the l.iti- tie"')ti- lionrlsiiinL;' Cbi:r( lies, h;.s /;/./ i m yh'h * ;,ii(,us al tlie Indian Spriiit^s, I'ol. \\ il- Wbv this hin.eiitable (Uf.ili ney r \o st.ii,- ml (•o,„m isMoiivis, who IV. as presetil and wlio bad also been a j.j.j close o!i'..ei ver id’ oi cnrrences at the ironi.'.e Si.i'ini^s—said to (leii. (laifi'.-s lliaL he , '! b;.t llu \ ale III iil_\ able , kneu (/f liis oVvli kliow ledllie state- i ;.l . 1-. ti nillo (!( Ml . ^ li;(-|i'.S u! \ idl'jjo 1J he I ,ds'. , lilt; ( ieli( 1 al ali.weriij lhal lie 'luuihl !i(jt heliexc the e()ii,:^i ( (.'jated xxoild il i' wi-re to s;-.N so. X oil iil iia'. e ;iu oppoii uiii t y (d >ee- j !u fore him p, rs and mrii^-.i/iiK 1 of the :i!iii st ti.rel^;!! join iial-. from I hop .O st.ile ill I thi- iiiiM-n, of iij'i.'il import;iiice and n spi eta-. bditx, i)iit s'.ipporls one or more. 'Ihe experliiient is now to In- m.-idc, w! tin- pi iipie ot our S'ate I.v. w illll i;- t'l pi none \i 111 I'I'l tend t' ’rill ( oi’or of lie- f-^i !-t;oi' to mid.e it a l.i o',i:i l:iU !li|;- nc’.-, ;im'. a i hi-is’ 'an dll' ' rii.i ;i!.d x i-hol' i M U !l_\ . I'l, 1.1.:; •’ •, I'M W il! use l \ I !-\ f.iitbf'ed j(iirn:d i.f h an iiiiiianKd :'i!\o(: ‘ ' j .. ' " al pii . Ii w .il iiaxi- i - of the bl --t p;i- j !ils eollli'!-\ . ;ir, 1 .S(.!li(- I x\ liii'b be I s al all tin.es to be :il b to pr. s n1 a'l ir | I t. i-e.'tinj^ absln.it of ii.sitiil ii.loriii-i'ion. 'lie Iwdl :dso be allied b\ (■•r'-.nal c( n.muiiicatle.i.s j h.y son.'.- I t' tiie n.osi i.:-,t;.iL;'nishtd ,^i li'.h m- II j 1;', tbl^ sl:';c. , , I As learninc;'i i.d r'h.un'ii a(b,rn ainlj,i'oii.(,;, , ,,| each oihi r. :ind n.utilat.ii.u' i)(.l!i, V. :il be I.lied In ili -,!,uned to liier \\ tl'ie ta-'e ot all I's n - !' f I'l'.-'- n,:; lhal llii sc i.-lnti-iiieuts of tin- IiidKiii eiiief aie in dii'i ( I t.oiitiadi'iioii to the si ;ilemeilt s 'd li|i Coi ii 111 Iiolii IS ol th(- aiid llieir Set i i-;;ir\ , (d ielid- \\ ili.te lit at Ihi rnited S'.a! ( ol.W illi:i!i UK -f^. a! V. !1 ■» hiiii'-cil. ( f all tb'- ’ (-'. e; y l e^- pe(.ia')i sioners by (Jen. Ciaines to announce to the Indians accordins^ to their inslruc- tiotis, thr resolution of this ijov«'rnmeiit lo make ihe survey, and to represent to them the harmlessness and innocency ot the act. whilst llu* (leneral announced the resoliilion of his own ffovrriinienl tt» prevent il, was a further wront^done th« slate and a disrespeet matiifeslecl ol the aiithoritv whii h iraxe that instruction. A •.M'tillemati of clear intelleli, jiiirtr morals, honoralde haraeter, and great pnideiiee, is sedected by the (lovertujr t> liidd a talk with the Indians—lie per forms lhal duix—in.ikes his repoil, and that n nort is at once disiredilcd on tint naked xx ord ol tiie Imlians. (leiiei'.d M'lntosh writes three several lellet-v lo the (i(Jveriior, stibsi ribed by his own proper hand, Kivini!; his assent to the Mjj'xev of the country—The liiendly ( hil ls, (Marslutll included,') repeatedly a'-siii e liie (lovernor that they, one aiul all, consent to the survey—certificate', is (d)Iained IVom this same .Marshall, ami a w bile man lo prox e that (ien. M “Intosli refiiseij his assent. (leneral (laines im- medialidy comes to a conclusion that his assent was nex er j;i vi-n. 'I'Ik' admission of free cornmunicatioa with lh(‘ Indians lo every other descrip tion of persotts, and the denial ol it to the (!eor!',ia C-ommissioiiers, was a fur- iher XX I'O 11 ij; done to (ieori'ia. Indeed, sir, il would appear Irom the reports of the Commissioners that all •)!• anv descri]ition of testimony would In; wiilin^ly receixed on tlit' one side, and paniculaily that description of it wbicli would exculpate the ,-\”;ent—excuse the hostile Indians, prexent the snrxry of the land, or elVect the abroi.';ation d tlie; irealy—and that on the other side, exery tbiiiij was to be discredited (jr receixed at best, with many (grains of allowance, and every act or pi'oi ('ediii^; of the C’om-^ missioiiers of the United Slates, or ol the constituted aiithorilies of tin; state, resolved into corruption and depravii\. W hen (ien. (iaines states in one of liis lellers ttj the (!o\‘t'iK)r, that the lioslik': |)arly oulnnmbered the friendly, in llui jiropoi'tioii of somefhini; like fifty toone, it is not easy to understand him—If il be true as the (leneral seems to ludievethat hr'has |>a( ilied and reconciled the two parties, there is no loii}i;er any M'lntosli partx—IJiil i!' tlie(ieneral mt ans there- xvas any sik h dib|)roi)orlion between tiitJ strt noth of the |)arlLes, whilst M‘Intosli lived, he is widelv mistaken. If M‘Iiitosli had surxived to this moment, the pr»jba- bility is his party woiiRl iiuve be‘n struiijj;- est. Sufl'er me to add a few particulars which make ihe condition of the friendly part) most |iitiable—Indepeiidenliy of no atonement beiiii^ oll’ered for the blood of .MMntosh, tiie money accordiiuj to the construct,i(jii of ihe treaty in taken froiii the poi.kets of the w ixi s, chihlrt n, broth ers and friends of .MMiitosli. and paid o', er to the hostile c.hiefs, who murdered him contrary to every pi incijjie of justice and slipulalion of tr'aty, as if y(>iL inten ded il as ihe reward of tjallaiil and meri- lorious acts commanded by yourstdves. And thislhe friendly t hirfscannot butfeel iiiost dee[)ly. Nobody a((jiiainted willi the Indian ( haracier can ever bcjiexe ihaL (ien. (iaines will make either a safe or permaiiriit paedit .uion until the on’erin;.; of bl(M(d for blood,-has fiillilh'd the law and the usa|;i' of ihe countrx — .\n ej)hem- eral |)eace may be jialt bed up by forcti or meiiai e, l)iit ephemeral il will be, makiii;; in the end the cataslroplic the iiioi-e h!(>fd\'. 1 bail xu itten you d’ a rei tain person- ai.^e of ihe slat*' ol Sou; li-Caro'itia Jiav- i:i’; iiiieriii'di'lled in iliis inaiter, ac.i or- dii,!*; to iiifoi I'latioii, cominiitiieu'ed lr> 'X'i',1 and sulniiilled to ine ; tht're is ii ( haiii ol I orriiboraliTc i ii-ciun- st.jiies as xoii xvill sei-, to eslablish the f.ti Is lhe;e ailed,,',t-d aii'l riiiiniii;j llirou;;!i the I ni i11' iiiiis 1 ol exideiici-. 'The (d)j'-c;t niidoiibtedly was ihe annullment of ihe I iidiaii ,(1 r* hcIm'h :iinl ] ca 11 i.i't lie SI- p;ii'.il id w i! lioiit the (-olnn.iis (.r the T( ii.. i'apb pleci. (-olnn.iis (.r liu' Ti w ;lb -1 h (-1 1:1' n.i - ihe know b i\.,i :i 's n - !' :•-. t'ale the ad ow I.- man;, of tlie;;- ib a' est j.r. h I oi;--tl‘,iirion I-! '.'I!' \. 1 (,\i riiiii' !i>, and ;!)■. i!- > pl> iii' rosi'i I'l''. a laid.till '11 1.1,1 III iiu h(i i i;,n, x'l Hi at '! !iap ,1'. (lol.l' '1m I). 1-' IV A ppropi pt-o'.. i;n 111 ' alid I loi sioii.ei} be ili'er’ed. i An.'.’ •• la t, bill 1 •)' * I’.i^ nl'. I ii'id e.'i iiih'i I ('111 I 'I V. 11 ii i;;' an 1 j 'i h ■ r V. ill 1a I ai'llil",e.l. .1-1; on I'.('()liOlll\ h'.i-d lin- 1 he I'l fiisal o!’ (ii ti. fiaiiies to pertiiil separ. 'e i \.ii;i;out i' ii ol the (hull in 1)11 s(-n e. as ihi- o:;i\ iiMj'le (d ( tr.K.'- iii:;- 'he 11 Uui. a’ld aller hax iir^ ii.Oi''- liiaii once ])r(/i!iis(-d ii; i.-) as u::a (.oub'.alde as 1L x\ Il II 1 f .M-li 1 akeu for la'.', i'o In' hiiab'o h Illie'.J C( ■. tiiulersfo(jd 1 !iat tin |,i(j(!i.( e no law ;.Mtliorisin, il. \ I ( .e .!i:ed ll,( ias^i-s !)'. i”ipi-'ii ( im.le ill\ pi '.I'O :;.-lnu ill • ■ r.i-sl n-.im, eiit numb'-; l';i.--, ti.r ; ! Ill’ ' C- 'I r X'. II! ^ .,1 'ib-.e s. 1|-1. j’li.iiiii — I i;e V. hoh ' i-\ i .1 h (.• :.S X 1)11 X, ill r.e • ( Oln_ j pro'- ';s tlie c',.l ,ierii e (-f the lav.. Ill,, j 'ihe I'l I'l .d (/I (11-II. f 1 ai 11'^ lu 1 tiu' ('otiimissi'in'’s ol (.ior''Ki I 'o u ])ai">ic!i);,U:;ii ei l!ic ii.(i;a;i ■' ' 111 all m:d!''i s 'eii' hii!:; the in '. . (l>-oi;;li', w a I'Jii‘: iiO!,e I') Iiidi.'.iiS ( (iiiM tlie e A e e 111.1 (J, I ( iaiM''s liilisl li.r. e !Ste|ll.e ()I e Il ie iiiUI'dei' as ji! - e h'Hlv (dj!;e ;di'el'.'(:i-.->", ai.d an iii'-: anllioi ill I 'i h'; in' I.r. V i' t: lu Wlialex'T I.nax'cry cr folly may siiij- X*. iiii til'' X lew to di'i.iti'ioll t he ireal’., will id (OMi'.e be uiili'eded :il \\ ashln|^- Ion; but indeed, sii, 1 \ery iiiui h doiihr, liide s ' '11 have hooked xv i li a si rutiiii/.- il,';- cm: l'> tiie, history i-t’ tlii-. luatler, \.i,etiier ',,!!!'■ of tht; s(df-;n!ei ested ujj- |,ii:-_iii I s ol till- In at;. !:,..y iiol lead xoii i!r,(> ei I o-r. i 111 i.N'a tii.it tiie mapuily of the ( ir.ii'i; ( rei-lv iia'ioii is ;.doiie coni- p!-',( 1:! to i.K'.ivC u, M'('at\. is ilie ino:-.; f ill 1 ioo-, ilial ( oiild be eulerli-iiied il is s» l'.j‘ from tiMO i'l tie (ienerd. liuu iinles'i iiv lueii ai i.'i'.ii'ii'. il ri''\er hajipeiis to ti!iein;.ii pa;"i'.'.Iar. ' ' u h'.ve only til'- nol'.-i d' (^d. liax^kins, X'.IiO 1- . 'a'.llOi'itV \Oll ( ..l.lllll ('.ispilt-', ll> be '.al'.''.ii.'d lli: ' aei.'jrd'.ri,:', to the !a'.*'S land ii‘.':,i's of 1.11-' na’'Oil. il.'- ninsi iiu- I pi,1 la'll ; iii;rK; ailairs it,-...’.-, i'lt; xiial in- :i 1' '.Is ai 'J d.-i(-i mined tin! b;. a ii'ajc;'iiy !)i;l b. a inir:oi ily. and, frc;'.eiillv xery siiudl !i. nor.I" ol llu‘, n..iioii. la ilic •V, iioli-1 ou:" '' oi' ill-, loii;^ resi i.-'ice anton^ lie U'.>';i' lU'. tuobi pyj;-