CIURrMTTE, X C. TIJ:SVAV, OCrOBER 4, 1825. [NO. n U-.TSHKn WF.KKI.Y Ry LEMl la. niXCIIAM, AT TIIIIKK IIOLLAKS A YKAK, PAIlt IN AIIVANTE. No piiper will he disronliiuu d, niilcss :it the ai'^rrution of the editor, until all unv:irag'cs are ]>;iiil. AiivKtiTisKMKVTs will be insortcil at the usuiil rates. Persons sendinj^ in ailvcrtisi nu nts, are rrqiiestetl to note on the niarjcl'i thi' miiiiher of insertions, or they will he continued until forbid, xnd cliarjred aocordinij^ly. P1M)P()SAI.S, mu rruLisHiNti, wekklv, i\ the town of fat- KTTKV 11, l,K, .? ni:/j(;/ors p.iper, Trt 11K. e vi.i.Kh -I lit X uviA’wwv TuAt eoM); ITK.I1 IlY KKV. liOHKirr. II. JICUHISON, A.M. importance of periodical ])tihlications I has loi;^ hii n felt and acknow hilired. 1{_\ inti llij.;-eni-e is ditlnsed, error correcteil, ] rejncliee r>moved, \lc(. re strained, and \ irtiie .\0I!TI|.Al!Ol.l\V "li o 's: (For the bemft of I he Ibj'onl Jlcmkunj.) M'.roM) ( I.ASS, To he drawn pesitiM ly in N(.m mbt r next, and eoniphtetl in a fi w minutes. B. YATKS y A. MMNTYHK, Munvrcn^. sciucMi:. Prize of J'J(),OtU 10,000 5,000 1 ,‘J‘.)0 1,0('0 6^;0 ll/i; i'J 2.5 10 5 l.'.fvO I’rizoR, 2C.,'.'7U Hl.aiks, 20,000 1(),0(JO IC.OOO 3,»^;o IS,(art) 9..'(/0 1,800 9.,>(;0 4,()j0 l-i.HHO (■.9.730 ? in, JOG A livftt Yule^ VuYiu I'm* sale. _1. sale tliat tract if land, “ ' ' **'V'w (commonly called the •5;^^ ])t r tract,) lyin}^ in York dis- lit, Sonth-(’:ir lina, o^i the Catawba river, and containinff about m ThniLsuml aiul Sixfi/sh' ^^irrs. !‘he (piality and local situation of this land war rant.tin- subscrihi'r in reconimendinfr it totthe .tton j)lan1er; anti he rc(]u«s1s all those who ish to \t St funds in that kind of property, to xamine it. A further disi ri]Uion is lUi nted unnecessary. 'I'enns nniy lie known, on ajipli- it ion to the sutiscribi r, li\inj^ near centre ineetinj^-house, Iredell counh . * A.-.I. MOUKK. r\uf.'ust 2,1, -ll/'O AVINDSOIl AND KUrr VllMU .M.IKIXG. 4J,8iO ’I'icktls ■| his is a l.( Ui-ry formed by the t. man '(>m- binalion and p ni.uhiton ul' ,.() mimber'«.. ’I'l! det»rminethe pri/i s tiu rein, t!;e .1(1 tn'inlu rs l\i 1 ishid, to an extent worthv of I’esi'iird. As' "'II sevi rally d in a «in el on t lie d,i_\ :nrn feel a dee|) interesT in wiiatevir relatis to ! ■* ^1'*-' draw in,u\ ai;d li\i- of ihi ni 1 r n out ; llu ir iiolitical ri;;lits and ti ni[)oral prospi'ritv, f'd that tickit havii^;' (in it tin- I/.!, ^li at il .nl M'liielis ot worldly news iia\t, in all ei\ih/eil ,'1'"^" in tlie onu r in w l.:eli ilraw r, w ill be onntries, bei n sought w ith eagi riu ss and sup-; entithd to the pr;/.i-( ( t'Jv),(K;( , and tliose ti\ ]'orted with lil)i ralily, Ihit as the claims of.U lunah, the interests of the Soul, and the soh innilii s of l-'tirn'.tv , t..r Mirpass in maf;-nitude all other tliint;-s it is rea- M)iiablo to expect that ri. lii.’'ons pu'jiicatioiis would rise up, gaininjy patnMiaj-v auion^- men and exerting a benedciai infliuiicO in ti.riiunjc their characters. Ilappilx, the pri si nt a^i is bcj'innin^ to answer this expictat'on b\ u growinj;;'anxiety for i\lijj^'ious knowiedf^i , and a lovely tlisplay t>f bene\oh nt ent* rpris>. e live at a t'lne when plans ter pnldic }>-odd are boldly conceived and ft arleSbly i xecutnl. To j other tickets w hit h sb: 1! i.a\ i e.n tinm the sau'e \t,s. In the follow (:r. i r, shall hi i ntllled to the pri/t s aflixevl to tbi, nt, ri et i \ i I_\, vi/: The 1st, ;>d and 2d to >10,(H)0 2d, 1st :md .»d to .i,(M/0 2(1, jii and 1 st to .i.i (;0 3d, Island 2d to 1,‘.'’.'0 oil, 2d and l>ttu The ISotlur tiekit-. wliicli shall lia\ e on them three (/t the drawn nnnibt rs, and those threv the 2d, 3d and .>!li, tlie -.d, -Itli and :)th, or the -(1, 4th and oth in some one ot tlieii' si \ - eral ordt r-. i.f eoinbiiiai ion or ]u rmiitation, will bles.s others is becominir t!a an.bitien of the . ^„titled to a j.rl/e ol >l,0(iu. highest and the recompense of the low t St. To 1 '|hosel« otiurtick stop the ^n-owth of human miserv by opposin;,- them three of tiu (.raw n the march of human corruj)tion, is now attempt- •! in almost every land. 'I'o carr_\, “ far as the I iirse is IVnind,” the tidini*s ol' j)eace ai.ii the means of purity, unites the strength of a thou- ^,mll hands, and cng'aifes the prayers of ten thousand hearts. These etVorts are not without success. 'I'he ause of truth prospers. 'I’he kinj^dom of ri}-h- t' ()Ur>ness advances. The wt.rks of darkness v,i\e wav, and viniutnil)ered triumphs of the p()S])( I promise the ajjproach of better times. Hut the work is oi\Iy bej^un. Millions of the family are yet covered with darkness, piiit, and pollution. 'I'housaiuls in our own ountry kiuiw nothin}' of the way of life. To Citi'istians the cry for help Uiust be rais ed. Thev are the honored iustrnnients by w hich shall ha\ e on liumbers, and those till 1st, 2d and jth, or the Isl, 3d and -itli, in soii.e one of tin ir se^- eral orders.t*f con J)iu.ii mn ( r |>i iinut.ition, wdl each be entitled to a pri/e t)l Those lb otlurtiikits which shall have on till in thru, of the drawn nuniLeis, will each be entitled to a ]iri/e ot i loO. *riiusi’ 16() ti( ki t> w Inch shall have tw o of the drawn numlu rs on tin ni, ami tin.m two the 2(1 and it 11, 111 eitiicr omt.i-, will i at h be ciititli d to a pri/.e t)l >iO. TlniSi Irititickits which shall ha\ t‘ two ol the ilraw n nuniberson tin m, and two, the 3d anti 4th, in titlur c.rutr, will each be enti tled to a pri/.e ol ^2J. All others, beinfc 148H, ha\int;‘ two of the diawii numbers till tilt m, wiiliaehbe i ntilU il whicli C’urist will set up liis kinj^iltim in tiie to a’-r;/.e «j1>10 world. Ilis standard tiu y are prlvih gtd and And all tlio’se I3,yj0 ticki ts, ha\ in); but out re|uired to follow, anti to no so witlunit dis- (lr;iv.n rs i.n tiam, wdl each In may, and fig-ht under it without defeat, they t „titled to a j-rlze of r5. must art iii amrcrf. 'I o secure this the_\ must tickit which si,.ill Iuim- drawn a priye of know their relative strength aiitl niovi nients. ^ f,npi.)-()!• (Ii iu)iiiinati()n, can hi inti'hatoan In a w ell-ori^-ani/ed army there are w atchn.en jnJi nt.r i)ri/e. I0 look out ftn’ danger, and messeii^vers to re- I’ri/cs j-ayal’le 30 days ;.f t( r tin draw inj.;', and ))Ort the at^ts of each di\ision, and the success to tin usual m tiuelion t)t Ij ].« r ei nt of t very attempt ; so, in the host »f the Lord ‘ \\ hole Ticki ts, «/U ‘ ihi^v must be heralds to bear tidiii.i^s t)t what; lialf do. 2 jO ■i cliiini^, and sent'nels tt) p:uard a^^.aiist hostde I Qnarter do. ..... 1 23 I’ack; j;t > t)f 12 tickits, cm rat inj^ the 36 nnr.ibi rs ot tin I,t4t(i_\, \i iiieli ol nice sitv thaw at >,jl .3 intt, with so nian\ chai cestbr capit.ds ; tii .'):_aits ol paeknges may be hatl at the saMie r.iti, ^ 1/ : I’.ii Kajii s i)i w boll, ... Of halves, (!l (,iii:.rti I'.-, 13 (^j' tiitltr. tor 1 K.Kl'.’l S rtceivetl at this of flee. in\.isions. 'fhe army of Christ is not drawn up ill (nil- field of battle. It is scatteri.(l o\ i r the wlidlf earth, lltuce the necessity and usriul- 1UV-; oi relifjlous ]);ipers, by which Clirislians in • V country mav know what is «flt cted, what^ to be dont, anti how to co-t-pt late v. ith uli i.iliiu in doinj,; it. TIure is lU) other way i I i',il lii to make known the wants (d eveij s : on of the Chureh, and to insure court ntra- to.Lii;,! vig’ exertiuns amoni,^ the friends '! /.iiii. Accortlin};'1y, iu all parts of the ' hi'.’.cli. and amonjf all denomin.itions of Chris. | •iv„N sub publications are fapitily niult:i)lying-1 :nil flui i-fidl} supjjortid. I N'irili-t aroiina, containii'.}' a population of .'"t than six huntlred thoiisand, and many (';■ iiil^iiiii^- ( hurclies, has 7;ul unc niich jiajj.r. " li\ this knnentable deficiency' No slate in t'li- urr'Mi, of I'tpial importance and respecta- •'liity, but .^uppo!•ts t)ne or naire. I lie t vpcriinent is nt)W tf> be maile, whether ''if 1" 'ipK- of our state are wllhn)^ to patrom/e "I'ii a pnldlcatiun. ’I hat they are richly able T ' w I'll pn tt nd to dell}'. 1 t;e (d ttii'o! the »rii will ustj e\iiy r'u.i. 1-1 make it a faithful tif ri I g-i- '!■' hit. Ill;-( nee, and an impartial aiho ati i.f ''''lis',.111 I'.iicti’iiie and \ ital pit'.', lie wlllh.ive f'ii lilni a choiee select.tin of tlie hi st pa- I" Vi ai'.i |j^a/,iii's in this eoiiiitry, and some ot tl.c ,1 ■! ,v iorei.n'ii journali, from w liu h he > ;i' lil tlme>. to ijc able to j.uv si nt an 111- ' : ^ a’.J.-'traet of useful iiilorniation. lie a! 1 !ie rvded by orl.i'inal comniiinlcatitnis ' I,. (,i' the iiit)st tlistlng-uisiietl nth men I' riiln.L,' anti reH'^ion adorn and '■ c.iiiiiot be st pi.r.iti d w itiieiil iii,;^'' lidlli, the columns of the Teh-.irraph I' ' ' !l!!(d ill part with sehet htii'ary ])uets, ■ ,^'i'd to 1:k !-i ase the kiiowledji'e and ,i;r;,li- iii luc bLUlJil I, HI! ( m)ti hn ill if y,\A liAMh.M ill the e.s1erii part ol .N(,i th-Carolina. hllih.s.ii. iTt.ji; ’J')ci»i'i >, at :''i. A7// hrn lilt/uks In a i'rize. 1 I’ri/e of U (iMi.vton and Cotti.n Saw (ilhj - - - - - is 1 do (I'aiiilh It hj is ,,OiJ 1 do O' K) ' - - i' 0 1 tlo ^1^SU (ihi,j ' - . - is l .'J 1 do ; 1. >0 (do.) - - is 1, i(^ 2 do >1l-u (_M(ir I’loard ( (.tton .''.iw ' 'I.- ' I ■ 1 r.\ 1 all it-> I'lMilers. And as ( hns- m in\' o‘ tiieir tlear st pri\ilej^t s to I .1. e..nstlti.tlol) ot our W M- and baj)- , n.i lit, ami are ih t pl\ liiti rt sti d ,n 1'', :i faiiluiil ditail of |.ol.tiivl .|id Iwri l|,^’n, w ill at all tunes Ini- ■. ■,,.:l,iii' reivarks on .Vi^ ' t^atid Ddiiiestic Ktt)lloln\ willoeca- • Ir-.t r!i d. ' l.^t.uut 111,1*-,” tlu iiiiprovi-meiit, ' I'd liscfi. hir^,s of tlie l'> 111.lit Si V. Will iiii'^'aiid Miici IT ad\oi:di'. I Ip'r will be larvae, neatly pl'ini.d, and '■ I', t\jie. Mo ad\ l i'ti.-ii laeiil.s ill ije tii' t nnmlitr will be issned.,as soon as a Ml iieni!n r of oijl.iimd. I’fic , thrt e (lollai s a _\ i ar, or tu o thd- ■I lll’lv (lilts, it’jiaid ill ad\aiice. '.ft ri/l-, .ii'/i/ 1, 1 h2.'>. Sinlis'. r:pli"Ma rcccn ed at tlii.s ofllce. !dt ) 2 do i'^') iititl Socl 2 do 2y I i:;.d leiMis) .) (h) >1-1- (a SI t (.1 ’1 altl 2 do ^ 1 J N\ iiiilsor ( h. !,.•.) 3 d"') ^iU (^tv.'o I anil s’ Work '1 Olli' !'■ hll.l'oki ) - 1 do (111 How s top ( f.idh. ) 10 tlo ^(i (0 iMoiijili-., 2 ; 2 ;.,.rii ( alls) 10 th) io (lialsj 1 do i- i (Candh st;iiid) 1 tlo >,'! (d>) 20 do Idoj '.Ou tlo j2 (2,i t I.:iinp«, and 't stt 11 Axe S hot ',) •131 tlo ;sl ( I III \\ are, .h w t .Vc.) - - DrSUI/rORV lie was struck on llic sidf of the luiicl* his hat was torn tu pu'ces, and his neck, side and Ici^ hlistfit‘d, and tin* toe of liis FAUHKS. coniiiififlv burnt out. No doubt lln-n, IS >.0 nnicli good sense 11,„,| ,|,e |,„,.,.-’s'lnnK'S l>.'.-.. als„ ii.n .l.'d. rollovviii!:' extract, wo take IVnni a wi writtfn articif upon the suliject of partifs, that we eaniestiy rccoiunuMid it to an at- tenllve perusal. [(los/ien liqj. “ Tliore are persons who cotidenin par lies for iheir violence, l)ecause they wtiuld ever have matters conducted in a j.;entle and sniilinij; way. It is true that kind ness, friendship and l)enevolence ij;ive hi.i;li charms to life, and il is an error to believe these are inconi|iatible with tlie existence of parlies. I^len who hold dii- ferent ojiinions upon a much more im- ()ortant subject, are in their condiicl to wards each other, t^overtied by theirbesi charities. \’i(jlence and party arc no more synonymous terms than arei)i}^otry aiul lelii^itjn. besides those who fly from what thev call harshness and fur\ A\ II.I.IA.M ri.M’.HIIorSK 5 ctimnit lU'cd the abtjM business in I the tow n of ( harlotte, respectfullv solieits | panii.s, make but a sorry exchutifre.— d,are of pubhc patronaire-. 11 is work will be .j-, UHend their principles. lu atly and (hirahl\ constructt d, and w ill be tl of on accommodating' tt rms. Si;TTr.Ks and Winrivc; (’iixiiis, ntatle to or der, can he had on short notice. ( harlotte, I't b. 5, 1823. I\tr3 a Y»aAUiA\,V. Vl'AMII.Y of ,\( i,Toes, of a fil- low, his \tife, and st\fral children, wtnild • dis])osed if iipon the UiOst aeeon’ii.odatln^ rms, by a|pl_\ii!j;- tt) >N . J. I’olk, or to Dr. amut I ilemh rson. ■Inly i), lS2.i.—tf. oV* ^S*v>Y\V.-V'uYtA\\u\, ( Ar.Aiu’.f.s corN i'v, Court of Picas mul Quarfrr Si'saious, July 'J'ry/ii, 1823. .loseph Vonny; vs. V Scire I'aclas. The heirs of .lohn Keid, tlicM. j r aj)pearinj,f to the Court that Sanmt l Ueiil, lli iiry K’eiti, aiul Sharj) iieitl, liL't'sat law of the said .lohn Iv’eitl, th ceastd, are not inhabit- mts of this Stat^' ; Ordered thertfore, that ]jub- llcation be n.atle huir wtt ks in the Catawba journal, iiotityini; the saltl Sanniel, Ik iirv’ and Sharp lit id, that unless the\ a’)|)t ar at our iRXt 'ourt of I’leas and Uuarti r Sessions, to be held for the ci.iinty of C.ibarrus, at the Court-1'.ovisc Ctmeord, tm the third Monda\ of OetobeV .1, tin n and tin re to answt r f.r plead to is.^ne, jntl.unu nt e\ parte as to them w ill be renthretl, accordiiij^ to seln facias. DAN‘1., COI.KMAX, C. C. C. ■1wt33—1’rlee adv. j-l "3 . that both mijjht have lived ; for tbe lior-.e certainly evittced more si.t^ns ol life im mediately after the acci’dent than the boy. As occurrences of this kind fre- (jiietttly happen, peojile will dt) well to I member this lemedy, as i* aflnrds the only chance foi' i estoring lifi*. '1 In* air should be thrtnvn in by a small pair of bellows, instead of the mouth, as il is then pure, and has never underi^one any clian'j;e in the respiratory ortjjans, to uii- Ut it for the purposes of life. (JiD. Missioruiri/i Jlvf;. 15. pnncijiies, hasten to bow bi l'oie this or tjuit i;real luminary which may };liller in llie polit ical firnameiit. It is vain to say that an American citizen will wash his hamls ol ))olilics. lie cannot. He is by educa tion and from duty a politician, and he must serve one tji- other alternative;—if k’‘p 'fl ihe rain liad concealed ila in he WhUe the Oconee riv-r was verv^fuil last week, the wheels of an ox cart sti-ik- inti; with violence the flat a' Holt’s ft ri y, brokt' ihe chain that fasteneil lo ihe shore, and suddenly drove the l)oat inlf> the l u- pid curren^oflhe river, the i\eti beiiij^ in the Hat and the cart in ihe river, 'I ! e bodv of the carl was jusl aliout Hoaii. (dV frtjin llu' ax!e, v\ hen a ne?';"f) bc.y t>ii shore, v\ !io drove the oxen, loiti the lei 1 y- man there were two childien in the curt —fa blanket thrown tner ihe carl lo is not the num 1 ^Jdrlij—he mubl be come some man's man. ( I HIOI S DKMAM). The Chilictjllie Suppoi ier presents us with one no\» ll\. A man by tli'* iiime of (iabiiel (iraiie, t«> super- natiiral revelation, has wiitien lo the ed itor of llial paper (lemandin;^- from him, from view)—'I he ferryman, an albhtic your.j;^ nej;ro man by ihe name of I'ox, itnmedialelv spraiit^ into lliecart to save, at the emineiil hazard of his life, the two children, who were while ones. 'I'he body by this lime was separated fi om the w heels and |)assiii(*- down the stream.— I'he nei^ro muii seized both the childien, and inii^ht possil ly have sncce( ded in mid as- ^\vx\c i\X m \A\-V'uTV)\\\u\, (•Ai’.Anurs ( oi'N'i Y. Court of Pkaa uii;/ Quarter HcssioNS, July 'J't'rui^ 18 James Allison and .lost ph \ eiiiii^ > c. • T- • ‘ Scire hacias, The heirs of .lohn Hi id, dec’d. S ipptarii!}-- to the Court that Samuel IJeid, I T ap I lltn and declaiiiiu ihal he received au-1 tl-ioritvso tJ do, Ihe .sum of three huii-‘V‘-^' ^ died 'and iiftv dollars. '1 he editor puis 1stniy.^led hard, j?ot loose and was drowned. Ihe lerrvman vv hile holdintj lo Uie cart, which was carritd rapidly down ibectirrenl, frecpiently rolling; over, j)laced the other child, a girl of about four years old, on his back, and told her lo iiold fasl. She did so, and in this way on u grave face al his cleiiK.iid, serlb the low slate of h*is funds. In the ship \\ illiam Penn, a gentleman of IMiiL.delphia brought out from Peru, a young Candor, 'i bis bird is supposed ti,(.y were carricd b; the stream about lobe the largest of the feathered iribe ; f,ve miles, when jrassing tiigh some when full grown, its wings extend 22 feel, U,nbs of trees that overhung ihe river, from tip to tip. It is a voracious bird, the nian caught a twig, and by iis assis- aiitl subsists eiilirely on prey, and has lance extricated himsell and brought out been known lo fly off with sheep and the child in safelv. young childrcn- Ancics only. -It is I'oiind among the AlilleJaevillc Kecorder. The king of AshatUee, besides com manding a population of above 1,U0(),H)0 of subjects, and an army of -lisouo or r)0,0(X) men who fight well, and have scientific nolions of wur, and are admira bly disciplined and e(iui])peil—is a bar barian, vv bo, bke the Czar Peter, aspires, , to a rivalry vv all then,ore pcdishetl royal a foot or nryWtiti, ami Sharp lb id, heirs at law if bn>thers m ihe hixuiy and m.ignihcei.ce pusitionlhe aid .lohn K'eitl, tl( C( ast tl, are not inhabit- ul Ills domicile. ‘ To loosen stoppers of decan- turs and other bottles when accicieii.tly slopped too light, as practised by glass cullers, frum one of whom the dii et lion came : •• \N ill) a fealher, rub a drop or two of olive oil around the slopple, close lo the mouth of the boiile or'decainui, the ants of this Stati : Onlert d tin rtfore, that pub-1 When the last mission was at Coom- lleation he made four wttks in the Catawba assie, the king was busily engaged in e- heat will cause ihe oil to spread down ward between the stopple and the neck. le.tirnal, notilv iii};-tla-said Samiit I, Ilenrv and ' - 1 When the hollle or decan ur grows 111.-, .piH-ur .1 ««r- ,,«i:warm. Kcntlj- strike the stupple on one hal l) IJeitl, that iin . , • , , , ( (inrt (.1 I’ll as and (Quarter ‘Sessions, to be held destined, consequently, lo eclipse every lor the e. nnty of ( ah:irnis, at the ourt-llonse thing vet seen ill weslerii Africa. His in oneoit!, on ihe thlid Monday of October accouill of it to Mr. Dupuis shows evi- m xt, till 11 and tlu re to ai.sw 1 r or pleatl to issue, I dt-mly the working of the impulses above lit e\]iai te as to tilt m w ill be reiideretl, - ' ... according' to seirt faeias. D.w’i,. ((ii KMAX, r. r. r. 4wt.Vl—I’rice adv. 1 73 tSVvvVci uv\\\-V.'uvi>Uiuv, Ai!Ai’.i;rs coi N'rv. Court of Phas am! Quarter July 'J'iriu, l«2j. Josejdi Yonnj,'-, Assi. "I V Scire I'avius. The lu irs t/f .lohn Ib id, tlec'tl.j alluded lo. ‘Do you kiio^v,’ said he, ‘captain, why 1 sent for vou." 'I'hal building you see is to be made very grand, 'i'he inside shall he gold, ivory and brass |)aii; so you must tell my great master I do ii for his sake, that the peo ple may know it was tpeal day when I saw your face, and that all the black ctjuniries may know that I am a great king here. Now while men kiitjw me, I must live in a great house as while kings ; then I shall not be ashametl w hen 'inl lilts of thl.s St.lie : ()!iieri d then foi e, that piib- l.eatioii be inade four Wi-i Ks in the Cataw . a .lournal, notlf\ ini>'the said Sanaa I, 1 it nr\ ruid Sh:ii |) b’fitl, that nnh ss tlu y a j)])ear at tnir m xt Couvt ol^ I’ll as and (iuarter St .ssioiis, to be h Id lor the eoiint_\ ot' ..i i.rru.^, at llit; ( ti'irt-llonse ill Conri rd. on the iblrd .Moiidav tif Oeti.iier nt \t, t hi n and till ri- to aiisw I !• or ph ad to isMiie, jiidj:-iin iii I X pai'le as to ihein will be ri mhriti, .It t oI’uili|4' to scire flit las. 1)AN'I ( OI.I.MAX, ('. !v. t.).’—I’tic e ad\. '.-I 7.) I’ appiarlnt!' to the Coiiit that S:imn 1 Kiid i lieiirx lb ul. and Shai j) lb id, heirs at law of I ii'm; people colii'J,’ He had procured the said .lohn I’cai. ilcceasid, are not inh:ibil- 1 . .. r . i-i m;. . , .. .. 1, i-*i- .... ,v. - .. 1,1 . .1 1 wtjiknien Irom Id Aliiia, iiiioi r uliuse (lireclitdi l;is own siibjeels lal)oured, bill in so awkward a lu.tiiner as lo I'xcile the riilictiie of the monaich hiiiist lf, v\ ho ex claimed, ‘Aslumlees fools at work!'— 'i'hey made up, however, in n !'\i)c!s, what was wuiiliiig in skill ; anti .Mi--j; t'd lo Mr. Dupuis the siii|;ular image of ‘aleginn of demons allempiing in iiioi Ue- ry a Huble t)f mudt'rii iiiveiiiioii.’ On atiolhcr oecaiiioii the king’s views were sllll more fully expressed by his saying, •I mir.t have every thing suilablc and live like a w hile king.’ M m. .1. M1 CKl. .\lt xar.i M,i it(. coi \ i Y. e? (.0 ami ~7f> I'.lit' i,. (,!'( , Sluu s, \( is 4,;i ar^ Orl.n-inal Attachment ^ h'v il d In tlu ) Kli k ai ,il)7 J iindi r- pait Tickets r;'.n bt' h;itl in Chi'rlotte of th sl^'-ned ('ommiss oti'ts, b_v httir, |)osl;i Ineh'sliiN- tiic n oni \ ; or fi-oni (lull’ iij i-nts in ^alidllll'\, Slate>\ille, olieoid, I ,llii olllloil, \ I rk \ die or I a lie.I stt r ; w Im ph i’;;e tli' 1' si l \ i to pa\ the pl./is as SI t furili In tl:r ‘i In nii , t!i;t1\ tl:i\s aiN r the d''a\\ lli.;', or I'iliil,d thr nit'lli \ to ])l,i cliasi I's ol' tu ketpiotldid the si luiiie sliall ii(.)t be thawn. S.VMM.. n|-,M)C,b’;OV, (.itrr.N i'i,.M)WU K, r.;vi), N. H. I'xplanatorv' flaiitl lid!-, can In ol t he Coihmissioiicr;.-, ‘ 13 tiids of .las. David Marlin ^ Klik and W in, l.ueky. J'i’ Is orderei’ h\ C( i:rt, that ad\ erlisenit nl be Il ai'i’ for t hi'i e moiitlis In the ( ata w ba .lonr- n:il, for tlie th friulaiit to appi ar at tile .\o\tin- bt !• 'I'l rm of tills ( .iii't, ill liS2.‘i, and there to I l ph v_\ ai; I pii .id to issue, otiii i w ise jutlgmenl will hi t iiU li d a!,alnst him. 'i lIs \ \c Ai,i:\A.\ijr.if, cliik. 3mt()0—I't il r adv. > 1 ^i'YUVUW V»U f I >T ])iiijllsh d. pi'l I' 1 J ' •! nt' nieiu.” h\ Stvi i.i. W.Vi ;'!i.l fer ' de at this ciliee, , *‘ \ St rn (111 on tlu Vtone ( Al l 'V t.l.L, ,\. NJ. .hist I'uhlislicd, ^M) for sail' a this Olhee, in a p'imphh t 1o! ;ii, tru'tiires ui a pitce v r.i* n b , I'aud Ilenkd .^1 IK 1 .du n, 01, J US] I'll Mooin entitit d l!ea\ 1 iiiv I iood i f Ti'f atlsr on i'aiiti.^in.’' 1‘. ,V. I'l ij,., ft.lit'.'. A few days since, we witnessed an in cident of an alarming cliaraeler, iho’tj| iVetjueiil oei'iirrence. 'The carriage dri ver of a lady from Alabama, u as, er Wilh one of ihe hoi'ses, slruek lileless to the ground by li;;ht!uiig. 'I'he boy vvasslunding a few feel Irom a tree brid ling the horse, and both fell appiirenlly (lead.— The boy did not cxhiliil any signs of life—the horse was seen lo wink a few^^imes but did not move.— Happily, some of the ladies in company i had presence of mind suflicient lo order ' some one to blow into the boy’s niouiit, and as soon as his lungs were innaled he brealhed. 'I'his, though ap;jar('iilly a liidici ous and iriiliii};-thing, w as ccruin- ly llie iiu.'aiis, togeilier wiih IViclion, of Iihc bov side and on the other, vviih any light vyooden instrument; then try it wiih the hand. If it v^ ill not yet move, j)lace it again before the lire, adding, if you choose, anoiher drop or two of oil. Af ter a while strike it us before; aiul by persevering in this process, however lightly the stopper may be fastened in, you will at length succeed in loosening it. nKi) iic(;s. We have, heretofore, given a variety of recipes lor the destrucli(jn of ihost; a- bominable insects, all of which are prob ably more or less eflicaciotis. Hut a genlleiiuni of this cily, who has tried all or iiHjst of them, says that a strofg (!(•- coclKjii of loliacco or tobacco juice, is by far the most powerful, and will prodncft the most lasting elTecls ; that ])repara* lions of (jnicksilv(*r, caniphoraled spir its, s])irils of lui |)enline, red pejjper, kc. See. will mc’rely puzzle the insecis foi- a .s/iurt tinir, but io!)acco causes them to de sert their haniils for a tomi; time. 'I’he le;i\es of lobacco, strewed under car- pi!ls, between sliavv and feather lieds, . he says will keep them at a distance. .\nd a sirting e\.lract which may be had of itjbaccoiiisls, will be Ibiind l!ie best aiitidou* against them that can be obtain ed. We b(diev(' that tliere may be much truth ill ihis represeiilalion, and doubt wlu'liier aiiv crcaturis, suw lufjorco c/ie}trr.i and the insecis called tohavco ironus, c an en dure the juite of tobacco. I A(vr Kni'/anrf Furmcr, An Trlshman fights before he rea.son.s, a Stotchmaii reasons before he ligliis, an Eii;.;Iishmun is not j)ani( ular as to the order of precedence, but will do either lo J commodate his custoxuers. A mod ern (leneral said that the best troops would be as ibllovvs : an Irisliinan halt* drunk, a Scotchman half starved, and au Englibhni;m with his belly full.