VOL. U.] L IUIILOTTE, .V. a TUESDAY, XOrEMIlER 29, 1825. [NO. 59, I'I*n?.ISII Kll WKKKl.Y Hv LK'.U'KL niX;;iIAM, rr TlIllKK 1KM.LAUS A YKAIl, I’All) I\ AnVAXCK. »)* Ko paper will I)C* discontinucil, \mlcss at tlie (Viscr«Uoii of the- editor, until all arrcariig'cs arc p'.ilil. Ai)vr,uTiRF,Mr,NTS will he instrlcd at the tisual r:i*es. Persons scMdlnfj in ailvcrtiseiiiciits, arc rt (lursti-d to note on the niarj^-i:! the number of ii.scrtoiis, or tliey will be continued until forbid, Hiul cluir^a-d accordinj^ly. PliorosAs.s, fnn PC DLiRHixi, ■w i;k,:;lv, i\ tiik tiiwn of fa»- l/ITK VILLI., llELIdJorS PdPFJU To 111. l ALLKJ) TUK ovV\\-l.' ftvuWuu X roNDrert.ii nv iu:v. i5o;u:in'. ii. mouhisok, a.m. inr,iort:iiK e of pcriolical ])iil)hcat:oi;s i Ii IS lon^ beeii felt and tieknow Kdi^ed. Hy lU lli.yreiice i.s (lilfusei!, error eorrectid. NOimi-CAROLtXA (For I he bcnfjif of the Oxford Jlcadtimj.) SK(’ONI) CLASS, To be ilrawn positively in No\eml)er next, and eoinpleted in a few niinutt.s. IJ. YATKS & A. MMM YUK SMIKME. Manai 1 I’rizc of !?20,000 20,000 I 10,000 10.(H/0 2 5,000 10,(;00 0 1,990 3.9H0 18 l,oou 18,000 1« 500 9,.?00 18 100 l,St^O 1.S6 50 9,.>00 i8r> 25 4,(i5J 14H8 10 14.KK0 .3950 5 C^9,750 15,SrO I’rlzcs l?r.,‘.70 lUanlis, $171,5(50 5i7i,.*r.o 42,840 Tickcts 'fhis i.s a I.ottiry fonroil by tlu- tu-iiary roni binatioii and peniiiitation of .56 numbers, 'i’t! y.r.'u'ice nmoved, vice ri.strained, and virtiir I ,i(.t,vuiine the iiri/es tlu'n in, the :l(i nunilxrs . lu ri.lud, to an extent worthy .,f regard. As| vvill be severally placed in a wheel on the dus niiuti'.'l a deep .ntcresi in whatrvir relates to; of the drawing', and five of them he drawn out ; th’ir political r prl.ts a!id tcini.oral pro'-perity, | j,,ul that ticket liavinR- r.n it t!ielst, 2il and Jd ^eil.l i■'^i nt uorluly news iiave, ii\ all ei\ili/ed I drawn Nos. i?i the onUM’ in wliich ilrawit, M ill be rountries. !>een soii',ht v.ith ea.t^\ rncss and suj)-1 entitled to the prize c f ?:(»,00U, and tlu>si; live polled V. illi liberality. otlier tickets wliirh shall have on them the s;uiie lliit as the claims i.f .!eho^ah, the Intc.vsls of [ ,\(is. in tlu' fellow ini;- on’.irs. shall be entitled to the aiid the so'.t niuitiea of I'term'.} , tar the pri/es affixed to theni, ri spi rii\ U\, viz.; The 1st, ;’nl and 2d to >10,000 2d, 1st at)d oil to 5,(;00 2d, 3d and 1st to .■>,(/00 3d, 1st anil 2d to 1,990 od, 2d ami 1st to 1,‘jyu ^--.-i/winf: anriieir for relmiuus kiin\ ledgi.^ :md | T tickets \\,iieh shall have on h)-. Jy display of bene\..ii nt enterpris- . M e , ami tho'^e li\c '\t a tinu‘ *\\ h:-n plans tor p\d)lir j;-ood are i -i*. -'t!' -''-d jth, b.,kl!v conceived an.l Icariess'v esccted. 'I'o ‘ V‘^’ f'’ •*''! sev- hlr.s' otliers is becon,inir th, 'ami.ition o; tiie I ‘ «"'-‘»natu,n or pern.ntat.on, will h'.-ii. st and ti>e recon.pe’nse of the lowest. To , stop t!u‘ ^Towt}! of liumau misery by (pposing-■ » hose lb otiicr tiel (.is whicli snail have on iho niarcli of huiVia;i covniijt^c’.t, is now attemjU- ed ill ainiost evt rv land. 'I’o e:irr\, “ far as \ Mirjj.iss in iiuii;iiitude ali otiicr thiti^Lrs, it is rca- SDiia’ie to expect that vel:ij;'ous |m'jiic!>tions wmild rise up, .i;-ai:iii'.>^ patina|,-e au'.ong' men .nnd I xu'tini^^ a hem. lit lal iiifiueiici- in f(.niiin(;' tii' lr cliaracters. Ihippily, the present ag'e is bi K'i'*''"'i^' !ii'‘‘>wer tins e.xpectaticn ov a 3. V. & MA\\\ 11A r-ST IIKKT, I' A T KTTKV ILL K, (\(fer for sale, jvst received— Khls. Mnseovado src.AH, 4 12.i b:»"-s Cofi'ee, ^ 20 hhds. 1st (piallty Molasses, 1500 bush’.'s I.lverpool Salt, 20 bbls. [.oaf and l.iimp Sugar, 20 bags I'epper, 20 do Spiee, 15 do I'ace (jinj;-er, 10 ir. casks Swti* Midag-a Wine, 20 bills. X. -F,. |{um, 10 (h) Northern (iin, 10 do Taiuu r'.s Oil, 20 tons Hwedes Iron, 1 do Share Moulds, 2 do Sheet iron, 2«')t)0 lbs. I'.'istned Stod, llK^O do (.ii-ni.an do 5(.'0 do Cast->ti ( 1, 175 kei^s wrought cut \ails, &. Brad?, .‘>0 boxes Wool and Coilon Cards, 5i) do S-10 and iO-12 (dasa, 100 bai^s Shot, 75 keg-s FIT and I'F I’owder, loo ri ;ims rappiii"’ P.^per, 60 lo U iitln;^ l^iper, .I tons I.ejcwi.od, 3 hhds. (topp.-ras, 2(»0 !bs. I’.en^-al Indig'o, 2U0 do Spani>h lndi;^o, 15U0 do Madder, 2500 do Ahiin, 1500 do Salt l’( trr, 25 coils I’alc Hope, 50 pieces fotton I$app;'iii£f. V. ith an as.sortnieiit of I’atent '•>KUICIXKS, and I’AlN'i'S, dry. and in oil. Also, a coniph te as'i( rtnient of JVool ,M;{i'Iiiuc Curds^ always on hand. Ucioht.', iyJ5.— 2nitTi5 JUVKMl.K ASSAYS No. 4. jjaroplirasc of I 'irgil'n Fama. Kxteinplo Libyx inagnas it Tama per urbcs, fvc. .'fJiuiii 4. L. 173. Quickly r.vil Heport goes through the great cities of L_\bia. \ in the iK'nulifiil linfs ailuded to> Uivcs us u li;^;uralnc clcscri|>tion dtr. Slander he rans'es anuiut>; the uut>.i (d evils. 'I’liis tlcniuusU’ali's to us, liial JCvil Report u as i)i e\ ak ni in liis day. I'ui lium the iiiusl just decl ictions thaf we can draw IVoui the suldinu* of old, we arc led to l)elie\c‘ iluil «f liitni, ujurespeciaily Virgil, u l ole i'ur llic ^cn er.a til ()!’ n^ankind in llieii' day, and sijine '.1' ihelr rules.ini}^lil wii'.i propi ;ct\ he j'olhjw et!, even in our day. Fania, ii’aium ipio non alie.d velocius ulium ; F.vil Ueport, anevil, than wjiich no other isiuorc sw ift. H‘ov })!ainly, !)v refloniti;;'', can wc riCC and li'el liie irutli of tiiis fxpression — Ilowv.eli does ti:is t'.ccord '.vitir lliu line ol’ a iiiur;' ino:lcrn I’oel :—‘‘On fagle’s wings im.jiurlal scandals lly.” \\ liy are llu’se iliin'-s ll)us .- 'I’iie lir.st grand e\- citih.u; cutise, I i)i esunu', is tlie dcjjriirifi/ of hi;;v.at; nuiure : the ])1'{)iii.micss lha man has to endruvu:’ to rist- at the ex pense, or up(;n ti'.e downfall of anoilie'r ; and als(j his apiness to make, i;is jiuIl;- ment, or himself, tlie grand crilerion In uhii h to jnd.^-e o lu”’ men’s lu'arls and their actiun.i. ‘•QuH kly iiepu; i. spreads the yre.it ciiics ,• i,;, ia:” A comparison well calcniated to ' tiieni three of the nra\>n nuu'.biis, ami those tliree, tl'.e 1st, 2d luul -itli, ti.c Is', 2d and 5di, found,” ‘the tidin-s of jn'ace ami the ""‘Idu ir ses- iiR-.ias oi'purHv, unites th.'- strength of a tliou-' »>t/'''n'i>'nation rr peruuit;.tioii, w'dl Hand iiandis :»iid engages tiic pravcrs of ten ‘■■•'‘'''l I'-n/c of :5UU .\VVV\r\^. rglJIK f'o-partnersliip of the s:;’)scribcrs, liero- JL toll,re carried on in tl.c name of Jltnjdh i.'i j slio.w tin- sv, ifirit'ss of blander ; lor ,\li ica, Itaunn'J, is this day di: .-iolvid. Ail persons in-1 ,,, sf/mc parts, was llieti \t‘i v jjopulous ; o.bUd to the sail, conccrr, will make payment j j. to Cither 01 tne s\d)!-L-nberi; an.l it i.s rxpecteil , ■ , , . , that pa\ment will be niuile with the pciliaps, now, lU/i one \esii^e ol - ■ •* - i-.i - ' ■ I • I ■ ■■'•■',.1,(111 I all i.'e U aeeil, I'hose KS oth.er tiekt ts hich shall have on them three (-f the dra.w n liunibcrs, will each be entitled t v a ])i-ize of ’I i;o.-;e Itio tickets w h.eh sliall have two of the drawn iuniil;ers on the;: , and t!u,>e tuo the 2d and 4th, in either order, will ( acli be entitled to a ]);-i/e of i-bO. 1 iio.^f li]6 tickets which sliull have two of the tlra-.va unuibcr.-i en tliem, and those tw o, the 3d and 4th, in eithi :- ei'uer, will vach be enti tled to a pi ;ze of i>25. All others, ijelng 1-188, having two of the diawn iiiinitii-'-i; (III %vlll euen be eiu'.lleil t)i'>i!.s:ind hearis. T!i^:;e elfort.s are not without surcess. 'I'he oa'.isc of trulh prospers. 'I'iie kingdom of righ- t joubiu'ss advances. The w rks of darkness give v\'a\, and unraimbi r'jd tviumplis of the ■ospcl promise the ap])roacli of better times, li'it t!ie work is cndy begun, ^'lillious of the !i'.;r.ian*faiviily are yet covered with daikiiess, guilt, and pollnf.oa. Thousands in our own coi’.ntry kuo-A- nothing ol tlie way of lit'e. 7'o Christians the cry for h*. Ip nnist li^: rais ed, 'I iii'v are iiu“ hom-red » islnimi.i.is by whicli Christ will set up his kingdom in the ^ o;ld. nii ,rtandard tl.oy i.re privileged and i ,-juired to follow, and to tlo so without dis- niav. and li,,dit u'.ider it without defeat, tiiey ■ . nust act in ciiurn-f. To sccure this tluy mustj . ] ].'i -.'i :now th'-ir relative sin iigt’i and n'anen.euts. a well-oi'-ganized ariuy'there are watchi.icn bok out for tiar.ger, and messengers to re- Jiurt the acts of each iliv ision, and the suecf. ss every attempt; .so, in the host (f t!ie Lord r-o must be heralds to bear tidings of what lining, ami si iit nels to guard against hostile nva"i(i;n. 'I’lii' army of Christ is not drawn up field of l):,ttlc. It is scattered over tlu- , , ■ , , vh')!e earth. Htnce the n.ccssitv and useful-j l-^>ttery. w Inch mu.s. ol i.eccs- .sofrehgi(nispapers, bywi.ich^ hristiansin'«',*y‘‘>-‘'y. ^21 .j mtt, with so many rv counti-v may know what is etlectcd, what ^l'^\'vces .or capitals ; (,r shares o. packages maj d how to co-operate w 1th it i.s iieci ssaiy to close tli aliiiirs of the con-1 cern as early as-possible, Sluuild there i>e any j Mobilit'ite viu' unsettled accounts against the concern, they are ■ b requested to be reiuluiil without delav. 1!K\,I.\M1N II.V.MMKT, JOHN IJOiUN.^ON, Charleston, Oct, 1, v»V V'v i*. sqii^: acquiret eumlo;— She grow 3 by ijiOlion, and acquires strength by going. li(>'.v beautiful, and how Inie the cx- pre'-Mu!) 1 So obvious indeed is h, llial L-veiy (Jj.'t i u 1' in society must cerlainly ha\e been cun\inced of the Let. K\ii Kep(jit, or the overtiirow^ of a num’s And all those 13,‘.)50 tickcts-^ havinj; but one of the (U-awn nunibirs in them, wiileachl;e No ticket which sliall have drawn’a prize of a suju rior denomination, can be eniith.il to an ii*;’. rior j>ri/c. i’riz 's ]»aya!t1eoO days after the rlraw ing-, and subject to the usual deduction of 15 p. r eei.l, , * V* hole'i iekets, - oo . Half »lo, . . : . . 2 30 j 'T. Quarter do, - - - . - 1 25 Packages of 12 tickets, emi/racins,'’ the r)r>' . :n..;;is to be ('.one u-li of!!, r in do'r.g it. There is ;-.o other way II which lo in.iVe know .i the w ants of evt ry . rtipu of the Ciiurch, and to insure concentra- I d and" vig'^i-ous exertions among the friends r /-i6n, .\cordingI}, in all parts t the i'.urch, ami among all denoniinati(;ns of(.'hris- i.. sucli pii!j!i-ations are rapidly multiplying ud .-li' i rfaMy supported, N.M'tli-il.iroliiui, containi-ig n popuhition of iu re than six hundred ihoei.saia:, and many f.irisitiiig Churches, ha.H itaf niic yurh /kijht. h\ this lamer.tabie deticiency^ So slate in 'le nnicii, of ecpial in.po; tance and re.^pceta- .i'fv, but siipjio! ts one ca- more, I'iic e'.perinieht is now to he made, whe ther ; p.'ople of oiir state -.re willing to patronize ii a piil)ii(-ati(ia. Tiu.t they are lichl} able 1- \,ill pv.tt n I to dei’v, riu; edifor Ol tlie \pii will us‘ every ,v riiop to make it a taithtui journal (if rel-.g:- ii inSi'lligeni'e, and an impartial a(l'o :ite of !' ■ fian doct-.’ine and vital piety , ile w ill hav.- 1 1-,-e liiiii a choiee 'ich'ction of tin- bi ^t pa- ■•s a.iil m..ga/,in. s ill thiscountrx, and -ome ‘.lie ablest foreign ji.itnrd-i, from which I'.e ■j at all tones to iie aliie to prvseut an in-1, ;iiig ah'tr;iet of u-.efid iiil'i.rmat.(,n. lie I ■ ' .le aided bv ('riginal .'ominuuieation.i (f tile most dibtinguisiii ii gentlemen j . • , -‘V.te. I i;':i!:!g r.nd religion adorn and proaio^e j l,,.r, an 1 cannot in- sep^’at'd u.thoiit! .MV l.otli, the coh::nns (d'tlie Tehgi.ijdi j liih .l in part v.-itlt !eit l.terary pieces, I ■d '.o I'.i 4P*'''*' kno>\ledne anil }’;vati- r ... ct' i.!l :•■•, r. a'ii :•■*. .Vml as ('!iri^-! A-e Hi-in;. of tiu-ir dciire'^t pr,vile,U'". to I , ■,. d- eons'lltuiion of oar v. ,.-e a,i.l h..|l■ ;■!;;..l•,l', au'l ;i’-e .;e.-;>lv int. re-.t> li in a i.ii'idul (u t..il ot' 1 (ilitif-ai I .id f.ir .„n, w ill at aii time s I be had at t.ie sanu- rate, \iz : I’uckages of w iiole, ... (Ii' hal\ ( s, ;;u Of (iuarler.s, 15 n:j Orders for •i'I(,Ki:TS received at this of- lice. mxilsoii FASCr (lUSH .VAKIXU. \\ If.I.lA.M Cl I.VF.KIlorsK AVlNi; coinmenee.l the abo\e bn.siiussin Jl B the tow n oi Charlotte, r( spectiiiily solicits a >ii.ire of ]')u!)lic patronag.-. His w(.'i'k will be neatly ami duraldy cor.slructed, and will be disposed of on accummo.latiiig terms. Skttkks and Whi'iim; ( iiaiks, made to Or el«. r, can b.- Ii.nl on '•iiort r.otice. Charh.'tt.-, l\h.J. I,^j5. iTw.' A livrt\ vu\v‘ Viwiu iuv su\e. ■hi r cih rs for . ll sale tliat tr.'.ct (d' li'U.I, (^eomnion'x called the I.e.'- '*Vv pel- Iraet.j 1\ing in \orkdis-^ tr.ii, .v.iuth-C.,r lin.i, on t!ie Cataw:.,. ri\iv, a'.'nl containing about (Jiir Thoiistmd (indS'j ltj-yix, icns. ■| he rpialiiy and hi( al ■■'‘li;.'. ea (.fiiiis land ar- •:.nt ti ^ul/sc •;,tlon planter i\i.-,li 1 I \ . '.t ll ■,\,iinine it. 'iine.'^. -''iry. .:,.tio.i 10 '"lie ■i!.'l r in V. r, ;,.Hu Iioii,;..- it to till ■11(1 be r. (|u> -.I- ail tiio^.;- w bo ii.K in liiat kind o) ;)r(i]i. rt\, to fillther di .^i-ri])tii.n i.i dot n e.i 1 I r;i.s n,;'._v b.^ know n, on a| pli- i-.u'i-er'.lu r, living ntar centre i;\ ilell cMin: \. A. .1. '\v()i;:;r„ at.- v,',i,ar!;s oft Agrlenltural Iiv.- uiid t/.cni >!..■ ileoin.,n.y w ill occa- i!';t I a--t.” th'- improvi. mei t. iisi i’.iln.^ s oi the !'. m.ue rM \wlll uV .Xlu*Wi-V \\\uViMw .\.|g'M - buvU‘ •: 1 ci;i.r.\iti i;:; ( !H'v. \\'m, .1. Alexander) Cii^inal Atla. lin'.en'., r.\ V h \ ie.l ;ii th.' haiul:. ol .las. !>.ivid .\'artin. 3■‘""i ■''•' k.-- __ ’T' i.'. ordered by Ci.iirl. ih.'vt adverti-.i iii. nt be 1^ a . 1 s;h,-.."e a,.'.0':.U. ^ | [;■ I.,,; ll.- for tlo-ie monilis ir.tii; C;,‘.i-,', i.-a .h.nr- 1-wdl be I r -, M' ;i'!y ;.rinteil, ; n.l ! jmi, f(,|-lii,- de*. I'd-iut to a_ j). a-at ;h.- .\(iM-in- .1 y-'> alvei'’: eiiH nts w dl be i;(.r j'erm "t tin:- ( i-tirl, in and liu-ri- to I rep'.\\ an. 1 jdi .-.I to is-i:e, otlu rw ise jmignu nt nuin )' 1- will hi- i' i n il n i vi.nn as a j ,;i !,(• i nter* il ag.-.in-t hiiii. !-.ir.i)^-r Of'; i'i-.cr.l)i i s i-. oii’.i-n'.1. T( I-'\ vr A 1.1 .VXDl'.Iv, Clei k. .. th:-. .- .lolla;- -V y.two dol-I ;hn!.i./-rrie. a.iv. - I. _ _ V, •',/1'.’1 ‘' ' ’ S?ci’n (‘rv ■V - ' r. •' ■.! ■/ t;,]-, ( ; I'or suic, ;a liie Uliicc of the THK subscriber liaMiig taken th-. i'riek Store lateh occup ed b'. .Mr, A. iiiei, next door , • to .',;r, Cilarles o’Ninl^, in I>ing->tre(.t, ii.tmds character, iar outruns the r.eelest courser, contii'.uii'g tl.e same I lie «>l b•islnc^s as iu reto- i''or, thoui^h the at'.imal mii>;i)l iceep puce fore, and !:o:>e.s f-jr a eo!itinuuuce-ef his !i,i n.ci-, id-t, yet presently the animated sys- custouKr... ast!u y n.ay r. ly tl.. ..tncl..st at-, i,becomes exhai'isicd, and rccjuires tention ai.d puncli.aht\ to their business, l or .,. . •* the purp.ise of wincing up the . onceru of .Mr, ' mchsiH-n^aOi> necessary l.'obin.s(mai'.d him-,. If, a!idk.ei inghisbu‘?nies-i n'^-ainiM!- Ks stren.ivth. \\ DcreaS, distiiict, lie will (--irry it on tiiider the J irm of, ^ iibove (pioled linca, Ii. llunmul U i'u. 1 “It siM Cails uiui a!;iiiiy, and uc(‘uiie.-i I[A?.iMr/r. ^ stieiigth by goiiij^.’' '1 h«.‘ more exteii- T . sivei\ il circulalos, tl)c more powcriul il CO In witiiiirawme-n.’. connexion (,'t nu.Mness , • 1 • 1 1 with .Mr. Haminet, icaimot, consistent wn!, mv ; ii being- according lo our de- fe’elings, but express mv".-ntire.salisfaetion witii IKlturc to rellsil besl lh.it which his conduct, Mr. 11. has lived with :i.e as Clet-k ,'.ends the most lo evii. We are iiiucii and Co-partner fur upw ard.-; ()f ilcnn ymr.s ,■ iu ' mure di- postd'lo hear atl e\ ii report than the w Ik le tune I have everfouiui hiiii attentive, ruo(i cme; and when men mii'.ijle in so- and ot the strictest integrity, and r.comn:ei.d a u communicative spirit universally continuance 01 the public support he has Inth-1 * , , , , , * . , erto received. ' 1^' *-''ails, anil ihonijh they may not add in JOHN K’Or.iNSON. I ''->*'ds lo the irue report, yei their looks Chavic.ston, S. C. Oct. iS.—litCo j and geslures bespeak aildilioris ; aiul by C:, I he Vtirkviik- Lionel r, Catawba .lonrnal, I Ihe lime a few lalllers haiiuie i'., it i)e- and W esti rn t arohmaii, will insert the aliove ! comes, ihou;:;!) small at lirsl, very enor- weekly tor one month, and si iid on their bdls j luuus. ’1 iiis is one of the ways “ it ac- fpiiies sueii;..flli.” i’arva metu primo; for p.;y nu nt. \iVv\U\i‘v, Wuvwi'srt, ^te. ri'SiiK suhs.iib. r h.ivlKg h,cau-d li.m-s. If.it the j throu;?h fVar. JL I an-\ aiil iormerlv owiied ll '' ” " \v t/od, has (ju band, and g-i-neral as..ortment oi I Caleb M. .Nor- j 11 ci.i.tinni to keep tiu r, w ;igi;i. Jhirness, gi.i; and carri.ige lian!i.s?, I'.ik and coa.-sc Siio. .1, ihe best l.incohi made wagon Ilaiiiiv, wlneli will he s(dd jow for (asii, or e\(hai;ged I'or hidi's, .s.iildleb an.l harness repairid (tu luod- crate terms, •lAMKS T, A.'i-l liV, Ch rh.ttc. Nov. 7, lrt>5,— 2t.)9 / iiy sm.ill ? Lesl iis reports should liol be he:j'd or crediv.ed. V u\ w\ V I WV.V Will*, -inox sese attolit in aures. Soon filie raises hersv If in tlie^ale^. 'i'his met.ij)hor i-> used 10 .show wi.h whjL I'orce an.l eiier[;V il'ajjpears lhal Jli'ii Jxqjor!, \\l.'.ich, so liitie jusl now, si'en.ed lo shrink from ifninin view, now sounds ill tlie breeze of ihc common al- mo-phere. A M’.W i.W I.A i ioN. 117k hereliy give notice to tiie citizcns of .Mei kit iibiirg coimty, tbiit i- li.ive p'.r-, li,gi-v.iiiti;r.^ue si !o, et caput inter nubii'.aeondit. -."I d the lighMnr nnMiutacturintf a Machine, | . ■ lied the i>ATi:,\ T ( SllU,I,:;|J, an.l II soon l.avi- till 111 (11 hand h.r ,>.h-. nr dn round lo shew its ■-iiiii.liiiiy Ilf its (-unstnutiOii and iv- n'ilitv t.i eoni plant, rs, it is unequalled by a.iV (.th. r in vention. relhajis u e may !)l tlioaglil to exag- m rate, w lu n we say it will shed .1 in.-lK I i/l I . Ill in //,;.(( iiilnvhti, and ova l.lil.- i xerlion in t.v o iniiint. s. lilt w.- invite- a.i to 1 di.v .uul e.k.iii.iiie it, witn. ss it-; op> ralii'ii, and s.l1l.^ly tin. mselvas to its gi'i at Utihtv . it can be sei ii at the subi.cribers' siiop, oppos.te tlie jail. liir.O. .'.Idiiiil.LS, \\ M. (OILWV i l.L Ciiarlotle, Oct. 2',', l.Sjj.—57l'f iipon tin- groiiiiil, and iiides her Iiead In.' clouils. 'i'l) n'.- V-vv k sMAi.l, tractor I.and, lyingr.e: Steel Cret-k llu-eting-lloi; , w ii -1./ tw entv div (■ arn s of go(ul tiiaM. laia and a e.ood imaiiow. l-'(.rtiutlu r pa ilS, (ijjplv to .tONAS C. irciMSiLI,. Oct. 12, lf*2.T;.-r.!t(,;) .n:«t i;uiMi \Nl) .lnr sale at this Ollice, in a panphicl form, “ >lrictur( ■; on a j)iv ce written by Mr. Dav 111 ll'-nki I, (-ntiih-.l litaM-nl} 1 l.iod ( i I'l g.-m !-atii;n, or, 'i ieatise on IIolv liap'i'-m.*’ i’.v ,liiHt.,'n ViiMiiii, I'. ii.M. Frh-'-, 25 ci.nt,'^. ^3 U ^ I a V S ’ V/ V. V V U lit , For vale, ;.t tl.ii {n’.ice. il cm ps 11,5011 ihe- j.nlcuucd mcekiu'ss ; out this is its maiiie- uvie. And wiien il hus ohi.uned a heai'- ih;.,, and is cuiiseious cd' Hue aUeiiUon, ilieii il 1^1 ows lioiii, and seeiws lo luiiiijli- wail tlie ciuUds. i'liis will prove my lormer asseriioii, liial man is moii- prone ’(» hear i-\ii tiuiii i^ood. \'v lien he s.ivs tiguralivi-i}, •’ciM-puig on the ij-rtnind,” he nu'.J.-. the assumed humbleness, or llx' secret w iii'unrs of yi’tyyf;/-/,- when lii-savs, •• ca[)iil liitei-nai)iiia loiiilii,” he nieaiii ils loliiiii Si, or iis ajjpan nt liardiiiood. 1 l.en loi 1 may (.1^ Uiis \ !r;.^ii's mel- v.plioi' Used lo elticidale his subjict. Illam terra pan ns, ira irr.lat.i Deonini, K.\tremaiii i^nt perhibent) Ca'o l,iicelado([Ue s.iiorem 1’rogeindt; Fai cnt eaith irrilattd l)v the rage of the (lods, liroiluced 111 r (a.s they say) tlie last sifter of (.'eii.i and Fneela.lus. Here t!u'_ i oet, endeavoring to sliew t!u' i)asem ss of her hirlh, iiifoi iits u^s that the parent I'arih was ihe mcolieir'i f -ui!-, : ■ cue. nioti'der, and the \vi;:'h oi' the (..Oils il*, sir-., lie does i;ul expieiia iir.;i- selfiii the usual manner, in this place.— IJe does not say the Earth oo;k?,';-(y/bv ihc /wicer of the Ciods j but he say s, I)v the H'rafh of the Ciods, hrou'. ht f.n th. Thi.s monster is put in the femimnes:cn('cr. This is somewhat strange; but whethei* be means that females are ..the greatest prodij^ies in orijjinating, or in propaga- ling such things, I leave for others to de- I' rmine; or, whether he means that the lirsi sight or hearinsj of hoik is similar, I am unable to say. podibus colevoni et pernicihus alls. Swift of feet and j)cj-niciou.s wings, Tiiis part of the description also a!>)-cc‘r very well wiili the term slander; and frail man, wlu> is th.* instrurneni used fo; the gene:-al difl'usion* of slander, is tnucli more active, while actings for his ini'a- mous mistress, ilian in service wliich a- lune ought lo give him true pleasui-i'.— 'I he labor which the tyrant slandci- c.ills lijion man to perl'ortu i-. more in unison with his deprave'] nilu:-e; tiierefore he |)ei-ffjrms it w ith sw if. feel and pernicious iiasle. Monstnim horrendiini ingcns; cui q;i(,t sunf corpore plunia-. Tot vigiles ocidi subtu', (miraliiie ilictu) 'I'ot lingiia-, totideni ora sonant, t t sui.rigit luires. \ horrid monster, huge; who, just so many feathers as shu has on iurbody, lla.^ s m uiv ■i'at( htul eyes beneath; (wonderful to rtiate) a-, many tm.gues; as many mi^uth.s soanU, sh^ pricks up as many cars. ^Vlly so many eyes as fea.hcrs.^ That she may see all things, or bt' seen and distovered by more. This is a very pro minent feature in slander^ viz: 'I'li^t she iiKiy see ail mtn’s uc.ions, and tiierr'oy' 1)1- enabled to subsist and not occui... an nihilated. Il must needs have fooa ; lor, says the iiisi)irel Soloi)ion, when ui-..uinfw on the same poiiii, and usings a similar melaiihor, “A\ ]u re there is no woou ihc lire goeih oui; and where there is no lalcUurcr tiie strife cea&eih.” 'i'hus wc may r.ee the ::jc ul‘ so many plumes, anil also of so many eyes under the I'ealiiers. No wonder lhal Virgil, when ihus iar ad\anced in his description. e\claiun-d, “niirabile diciu.” ll wus inciispeii.iiiijly necessary lo this nietapiioric crca'uic, lhal it should have as many iony;ues, in proj)oriion, as eyes; as many mou iiS, as tongues ; as many eai s, uS mouths. \\'hy.^ 'I’liat ii mi.glit speak forth whal those eyes nu^hi see, and those ears might hear. For it is the na ture of slander to be coniiiuinicalne.— I'Ll ..I*' how coiild it fill its otlice t w Inch is 10 censure /J;/i-e/_y / as the (letiiulion of the term sig;niljes. Noctc volat Cttdi medis, tcrraque per umbranr, Strideiis iicc dulci declinsit lumina son-no. H_v mg-ht, she flies in the midst of iieav. n, ami througii tiic siiadow of the earth, making a hiss, ing noise ; nor inclines her eyes iu sweet sleep How dark and uiidermininij are the works of slander! liy night it walks through Ihe middle of the elhcy, uid ihrou^l: the shades of the eartii. Wiiy docs it then walk? that it may not be know 11 how much it does, nor in what tune, nor how iar and witie it wanders. Nei ther, says the i^tt, does it close its eye.-? in sweei sleep ; lo show that of ail spii its 11 is the mosl restless, IJy night, and in the dark recesses of the earth, ii per- lorms its works, to shew that iis works are the mosl hidden and inlriguiiig. 'I’iiis is the strongest reason why its works are because il .seeks ine. darkest,ami mosl obscure .seclusion w here in to perform its cxecrable.work, Wn,.t is the lierivatiorf of the w ord truth from f/, not, and to lu’ coi-k\ d- cd. It fears not the light, but f.-ai i. y comi's forth, ihat^ils work may ix- i,i, maiiii'esl,” I.UI'C s.'dat cu.-.tos, aut siumni c.ihn.nc teet', Tiirnbiis aut altis, et nia^-nas t.-rntat u.-'ie.,. In tile day, she sit.s a w atclu r, . ,'h.r oa top of the highest roof, or the lo-Vy turrut.-., .uui frightens the great cities, \\'iiv^sii as a speculatn.\ Miat si ;* may observe w'latis (hjiie .ii.,n'j;ig niei,, and wii.ii is elit-cu-d in tiu- m i.ijdes f kings and great cities; in oni. - i„, may have niort! siisteiutiic., iiuji e lue. 1 ,r her destructive lire, wlueii igli:.-;].; grcal ciiie.i. Tam ficti praviijn.' teiiav, (,n.;, i nuncia As tcnacions of falndou'i and ]>. rverac rep.,rt, as a ri poit of truth, Why leiKici.;us of what is f.d i- ^ i.l evil lhal 1. may divnige ii, ..iivt nii '■( ll^elf. ll.TC tum ninltijilii-i pnpulos scrinoi i' r'-]-/,. U' e.is, et p..riter fa', t.iat j'le ini. i-t . . i, ,r. she tlien, rejoicing, filled tin )) 1 \u. .a- riou.s disc.i.urs-; aii>: eipi.dly pi-oel ..i.n- , ; don.', and tilings undone. How (loos il rejoice slari.h-i-, >.''0 iias a s’.oik (.f ni'ws, vvhe'!:. ■ f. ■' >v inu-r Having long ‘.at ::iid i.e l iii ‘fi’-'.rlv n V esses to see v. h..! sl-,i- e .i. 1 1 .s- covt r, and now Inv ing (duaiiu.-d l:-_— .(■)- ji'ct, sh',‘ i-.-juiec i. heciUise du’ is ; n lo iin.tkc iVcbh Vi Oiincij in the l.umriii