ClLiU LOTTE rriiSDAY, DICCKVliEll 20, 18i5. [NO. Pl'HI.ISiIKU WKKKLr Bv LK.MLEL UINflllAM, THH££ UOLLAIIS A YlUll, I’AfU IN AUVANTE. » ^.t No paper will be discoMtiimed, unless at. tlit iscrution of thi; editor, until all arreanig-cs arc aid. Auvkhtisemf.xts will be inserted at the usual utes. l*crsoi\s sending' in ach ertisenients, are cqUL-sted to note on tlie niarj--in the number of nsu rtioiis, or they will be oontiimcd until forbid, nd churg'ed accnrding'ly. rs'iUVct'. ilK subscribers, actinjj Kxeciitors of Doct. ( liiirics Harris, deceased, desire ail persons iidebti d to said deceased, to conic forward and lake payment as speedily as pohsii)K-; and all ersons haviii}' deinaiius af^'ainst said dfceascil, re requested to present tiieni within the time i-escribed by law. All persons having books borrowed from said eceased, are re^viested to return tiieni to the xccutors. LYDIA llAUiiiS, SAM. IIAUIMS, 4162 hOHT. McKENZlK. (jl^r'l'he Editor of tlie Western Carolinian will lease ^ive tl;is four insertions in his paper, and brw ard his acco int for pa> mcr.t. nTinusor F.iscr CUJIB ,M.]KIXG. W11,1,1A M C U LA' K1: II o i: P V. tlf AV!N(i rommenced the above 'Dusiness in H I the t'jwn of (Charlotte, respectfully solicits I sh.ire of i)ublic jjatronag'c. llis work w ill lie liiatlv anti durably cun.slnictc.d, and will be |lisi)o’sed of on accoiiuianl.itiiijj terms. Skttkf.s and AVmutinm fnuns, made to or- Ijiler, can l)e had on short notice. Charlotte, Fib. 5, 182i. lyt~3 3. T. & 3o\\w 1A\>\\\U, H AT-STH E KT 1'a Y KTTKVI I.LK, Ojfer for sale, just received— fy K IJhls. Muscovado SUGAK, / •/ li-’o bags CoH'ce, 20 lihds. 1st quality Molasses, 1500 huslj’ls l.ivcrpo’ol Salt, 20 bbls. I^oaf and Lump Sugar, '20 bags I’epper, 20 do Spice, 15 do Kace (iinp^cr, . 10 qr. casks Sweet Malaga M'ine, 20 bbls. N. E. Hum, 10 do Northern (;in, 10 do 'I'anner’s Oil, 20 tons Swedes Jniu, 1 do Share Moulds, 2 do Sheet Iron, 2000 lbs. H'istered Steel, 1000 do Herman do 500 do (,'ast'Steel, 175 ki gs wrought &. cut Nails, Jk. Tlrads, 30 boxes \\ (ol and ’otton Cards, .50 do 8-10 anil 10-12 I.lass, 100 bags Shot, 75 kegs I FF rnd FE Powder, 100 reams Wrapping P.tper, 50 do Writing I'aper, 3 tons Logwood, 3 hhds. Cojjperas, 200 lbs. liengal Indigo, 200 do Spanish Indigo, 1500 do Madder, 2500 do Ahim, 1500 do Sail I’ltrr, 25 coils Hah- Kope, 50 pieces (’ot1(>n Hag'ging. M ith an assortment of Patent MEDICINES, and PAINTS, dry and in oil. Also, a com))lete ass( rtmcnt of Wool Ala chin c Cards, always on hand. Dclohrr, 1825.—2mtr>5 Fwi; r'n:v!s.LE. FUOV THE .N ATJONAL JOL n> AL KXTIIA. to the cqtuty and magnanimity of France, in Ih half of'till se clain.s, tiieir justice has not been, it could not l>e, .denied. It w:is hopcil tliat the accession >f a ui w Som leign to the '! l.rone would ha\e afioi’ded a favorable opj)or- ti.mty for |)r.senting theni to the consideration MESSAGE of the pHKSji.KNT (IF tiik I'MTr.n of his (.ovu-nnu nt. 'I’hey have been pixsentcd Statks, con.municated to tlie Smate and {•*'“* urged, hitlu rto without cflect. The re peated and eariu'st representations of our Min- I ist( r at the Court of f ranco, remain as yet even I wil!i( lit :iii answir. Were the demands of na- ■4ions u])' n the justice of each susceptiiile of a(lju(!i'..tion !>} the sentence of an impartial trivim;;!, tluise to wiiieh 1 now refer uouid long sine ha\ e been settleil, and aiii qiiate indem nity would have been o'tained. There are liouse of Representatives, at the ecimn ence- ment of the First Session of the Nineteenth Congress, FcHuif-Citlzms of the f^envle, and of tilt Jlnufc of litpreacntulh'fft; In taking a general survey of the cuncerns of our beloved counti), with reference to subjects interesting to the conwiion welfare, the f.r.-t .sen timent w hich impnsses .tself u])on the niiiui, is ofgmtihide to the Omnipotent llisptnser of ali Good, lor tlie contiinKince of tin signal bless ing's of hi.s Providence, and cs])r.tially for tiiat licallh which, to an unusual extent, has prevail ed vvitiilii our bordeis ; ..nd for tiiat abundance which, in the vicissitudes «,f the seusons, has iieen scattered w il!i profusion, ovi r our land.— Nur c.uglit we less to asmbe to Him the glory, tiiat ut are pennitlid to tiie bounties oi ills liaiid 111 p ;.ee and traiupiillity ; in peace with ail tlie other nations of the earth, in tran- (|uillily among ourselves. There has, indeed, rr.rel\ been a period in the history of civili/ed man, in w hicli the general condition of the (Christian Nations has been mark i d so exten sively !)y peace and prosperity. Europe, with a few i>artial and unhappy exceptions, has en joy id ten years of, during .vhicli all her Go\eriiments, w !i: tever the tiieory of tlieircon- ma} have betn, are suect ssively taugiit to feel mat file t nd of tliiir institutions is the ha|)])iiiess of tlie people, and that the ex ercise of power aiiiong men can lie justified on ly by the ble.ssiiigs it confers upon those over large aniounts of similar claims upon the N',th- erhiiuls, Naples and Denmark. Ftir tliosc upon Spain, prior to 1819, indemnity was, aftir \i ars of patit nt forbearance, obtained, and tho^e upon Sv\edenha\e bet n lattly compromised b\ a private sett lement,in w hich the claimantstlicm. ,si Ives have acquiesced. '1 he lioM rnnients of Denniark and ol Naples have bei u recenth' re minded of those y et existing against them ; nor will any of them be forgotten while a liopi may ho iiuiu'ged of ol»ta'.ning justice. In the nii ;ms within the Const tutional powerof the Execu tive, aiui without n sorting totliose mi azures of self-redress, whii li, as w ell hs the time, circum stances and oeeasion, which may require tliem, arc w itliinthe exclusivt competency of the Leg islature. It is with gi\ at .satisfaction that I am enabh d to'bear witness to the liberal spirit with which the ]{ef)ublic of Colon.bia has made satisfac.iion for well-established claims I'f a similar charac ter. And among the iIoeuiii nts now eoninni- nicated to Congress, nill be distinguishi d a Treaty of Commirce :nul Navigation with that Kepulilic, the ratll;l■atl(>^^, of wiiieh ha\ bei u exchanged Kinee tin- Iasi reci ss oi tin Legi>!a- ture. 'I’he negotiatien ot similar treatuswith all the inde])endeiit Soutii ,\nu iiean States, li;i w hom it is extended. During the same period, our intercourse with ! been cimteinplated, and may vet he accomp’lisii- all tiiose nations has been pacific and friendly ; cd. ’l lie basis of them all'as proposed In the - it so tontinues. SJiiicc tlie close of y,ur last ^ Cnited States, has been lain in two iiriiKi'ples ; session, no rn terial variation l;as occurred in • il,e one of entire and unqu:dilied reciprocity; relations with any one of them. In the the other the mutual obligation i.f the parties, l'vv\cuV & 1 N ' ■ 2 ...1- I Ai ‘ IX A »1 luuij, 1 v/i IV ^UI4*- 1|]l;ui liU’ IIIUM la \ UlL U iiU( lOil. I ill IJrilUM- I, \ LN^LMl )N. 1 •, 1 , i' ' tion h;'\e reeentlv been sanctioned bj acts of' pks are, indeed, indis])ensable to the efli ctual K«rL herel.y give notice o the citizens ot ■ sponsible country driers, on as hbi ral terms o effect of whicii, upon tiie in-1 -niancipation of the American hemisphere from Mecklenburg county, that we have pur-, credit as arc given by any house .n the .Unted ure.ts of other nations, a,id i^articuiuHy upon | the thrildom of coloni/iug monopolies and ex- 'i-k'*'.. . • 1 * ours, has not _\et Ijceii fnll\ devcloi-id. In the j elusions; aii event r..pidl\ reali/.ing in the ijro- . ‘ comprises almost e\ ery ar- recent renewid ot the diplomatie mihslons on , jrross of human afl'airs, and which the resistance tide, of i.reign or don.e,>,tic maniil..eturc, Hiat is ,^^tli sides, bctwem the two gove - Meekh nbiirg county, that we have pur :hased the riglit for manufacturing a Nhichine, jailed the PATEN T CORN SliELLEH, and i\ ill ".oon have them on hand for sale. or the fnnpli(itv of its con^truelion anil its utilit} to ;orn jdanters, it is unequalled by an\ other in- rention. Perhaps we may he thouglit to exag- ferate, w hen we .say it will shell a bushel of !oru in ifirt e and liy a little exertion in ;wo minutes. Hut we invite all to come and ixar.iine it, witness its operation, and satisfy 111 niselves as to its great utility. It can be seen it the subscribers’ siiop, opposite the jail. IMEO. MEI{KILLS, AV.NL CORN WELL. Charlotte', Oct. 20, 1825.—oTff liutlicrfonl Couiily. • ^iipcriiir ('outI of Lai(\ (Jiiober I'cnn, 1325. I M ood \ P.urge S T 'vs. \ Petition for Divorce, plizaljith Purge.3 T appealing to the satisftiction of the court, that the defendant, Elizabeth Purge, is not U istherefori order- required in a Country Store in North-Carohna. Novemi)er 1, 1825.—5ti'i,* .vr lionth lourna governments, as-; still opjiosed in ccrtain parts of Europe to the Siiraiices h ve iu en given and received of the , acknos\l dgmi nt of the Southern American Ue- continuance and increase of that nu.rual ci,nfi., publics as independent States, v, ill, it is believ- denee and cordiality by w hich the adjustment cd, contribute more i ffectually to accomi)lish. of many points et liifien nee l ai. aln ai y i T|,e^time has been, and that not remote, w hen been ellected, and winch aHords the sun st • some of tliose States might, in their anxious de- pledge ti>r the ultimate satisfuetor\ luljustnient sire to obtain a nominal recognition, have ac- j of tiiose w hieh still i'cmaiii open, or may here-. cepted cf a nominal independence, ch'gged { after arise. with burdensome cojiditions, and exclusive coni- 'I'he ])olicy of the I'n'ted States, in their nuirial privileges granted to the nation from j coinn.crcial intercourse with otlur nations, has whieh they have separated, to the disadvantage : alw ays been of the inost liberal character. In the of all . thers. Tlu y are now all aw are that such ! niutiikl exchange oftiu irresi)i et ve productions, concessions to ann European nation, would be (commonly called the Lei per tract,) l} ing in they have abstained uitogetiier from prohibition luconipatable with that independence wh-ch I York District, South-Cari liua, on the C^itawba —they have interuicted titeniselves the power t’uy have declared and mi.intained. ' river, and containing about of hn ing taxes ujion expm'ts, aiul whenever Aniongthe measures w hich hav e been sugges' V'/or./,, ^^''''’'-1 their own shipping, by spe- ted to them by the new relations with one an UHL 1 /lOltSiUia ana Oia (S. ^.1^1 preli rence.s, or I .xelusive privih ges in their other, resulting from the recent changesin their The cpiality and local situation of this land war- own ports, it has l-een only with a view to c mlitjoii, is that of assembling, at the isthmus rant the sub.scriber in reconnneuding it to the coiinterviul simd; r favors and exclusions grant- of Panama, a Cong’ti ss at whi'ch each of them cotton ])lantcr; and he requests all those who ed by the nations w ;tli whom we have been en- should be represented, to dehberate upon ob- welfare of all. The Re- Mexico, and of Central deputed Plenipotentia- by the act ot (. ongreas of the ries ti/ such a meetir.g, and they have invited A FIK.->'r K.XTK F.MtM. i^llE suijscriber \iill sell, at puldic Sale, on the 31st pf December instant, at "'Yi the store of II. Houston,^ Iredell county, N. C. that OF cotton i)lantcr; ami he requests all tliose wlio en oy me naiions w ;ui wnom we nave oeeii en- should represented, wish to vest funds in that kind of propi rty, to gagvil in trafhe, to their own people or ship- jects importai t to tlie wi I’eNaniine it. A further dcscrij)tioh is deemed ping, and to the disrdM.ntayi ol ours. Immed- publics of Cnlomliia, of . unnefessarv. Terms will bo made know n on i iiitel} after the close i t the last war, a proposal America, h;.ve alr»-ad\ li In inhabitant of this St;ite Id by the court, that publication i)i' made three j;iy c;t'sale, or on apiilicatioii to the subscri- was fairly niai isin the Raleigh liegister and t!ie Catawba living near centre meeting-house, Iredell I 3d of .March, 1815, to all the maiitiine nations tin. United ••s*..tes to he also represented there al, giving notice to ihe defendant that she I count}’. A. .1. M’ORKE. i to lay .-iside the svbteni ol retaliating' re.'-tric- by ti'i ir Uiii’isters. 'I’lie invitation has been ac- ■ ' ‘ ' ' Dee’ember 1, 1825.—4tG3 j tions and exclusions, and to ])laee the ship- ci pti f!, and ministers on the part of the United ^ . ' ping of both jjaitic* to the conin.on trade, on a Stati s w ill be commissioned to attend at those U j I he editor of the /, \orkville, of equality, in respect to the duties of delii.erations, and to take ,,.irt in them, so far as ' * ’'I.- .11.. _ I compatible with that neutrality from t is jieitlier our intention, nor the desire other American State.s, that we should ■ and appcarat the. next Superior Court of Law, |o be held for Rutherford county, at the Coiirt- llouse in Rutlierfordton, on the 3d .Mend:!} af- the 4 th .Mond.iy in March next, then and | i ‘‘”‘1 ^ , tonnage and import. This otKr w a., pa t,ally, n.a\ be re to answer, pleail, or demur to said petition, .* successively accet,ted bv lire;,;, i iitain, wluciiit erwise it will be taken pro, and ‘urn as above, m the advertisi nu nt in iis paper, Sweden, the Ni tluvlands, the llaiis, (.ties, of the c nt uee,u-.iinglv. | sale; and forward Sardinia, the Duke of ()lde„ln;rg, and ' depart. 1 «-> I thi ir resneetive aceoiiiits 1o llic Pnct.m.'isfut ■ ■ . ■ . '.. . btherw i |ud„ „ itiiess, James Morris, Clerk of said Court, kt oiriei, the 3d Monday after the -1th Monday bf September, 182.5, and in the 5l/th yearof the Independence of the Cnited States. .lAMES MORRIS, tlk. 3m74—price adv. their respective accounts to the Post-master at Mt. Mourne, for jia\ tnent. vA* JVoY\\\-V^‘aYuViua, Mecklcnl)nr^ Coutily. €ourt (f ]*lcus aiul Qtiaii' r Sni-iony, jyoverubtr 1825. David Starns, Org’l. Atta’t. levied on land ; vs. Cand .!ose])h and W ni. Varhoro Ilcnry Yarboro. j summoned as gu irnishees. L In this case, it ap])eanng to the court, tli ^I the defendant is not an inliabitant of this JliAvu Es\u\e. TniV subseribi r ha\i:.g obtained I.etters ot Administration upon tiie estate of .lohn Hoyd, deceased, takes this method of informing those who are indebted by note or book ac count, that payment must be made on or hi fore the Fe!)riiary cowrt of .Mecklenburg county ;— (hose w ho fail to attend to this notice, will havi' to settle w ith cost. '1 hose w ho have any demands against said deci-ascd, are rcquesti d to make them know n within the time prescrdied i»y law, or this no- ! tice will be plead in bar of recovery. The Administrator further iiiitllies those who State: It is .'irilerei!, tliat the jiroceedings in tiiis to said deceased, that during his rase be .stayed, and that advertiseu ent be made .ii.stnce from Charlotti, tiie notes and books of fm'ti..''^'^' nionths in the (’..tawba .lournal, that j,,,, deceased, v.ill at anytime be found the defenria..'^ appear at the next court ot Pleas ii;n,(is of W n». Swiitli, of ( harlotte, who Russia. It was u'm) adojited, uniiir ci rt.iin ; The (Commissionersunderthe Seventh Article modiiications, in e ;/ lute i oji mere ai conveii-'of the Treaty of (ilii nt have so nearly cimiple- tion with Frar.ce. And b_v tlie aet of Cor.- ti d their labors, that, iiy tin Rejxirt recently re gress of 8t!i .laiuuu;v, 1H2-1, it has received a eeiveil from the Agent on the part of tlie Ciii- new confirmaticn, with all tiie nat.un.s who t .d St.ates, there is rea.son to expect that tlie had acceded to :t, and has he' n ofli nd aga.ii to , comini.ssicm will be closed at their m ,\t session, all those who are, or may heri;ifter be, wilhiij^ ‘ aj)poiiited for tiie 22d of Ma_v oJ the ensuing' to abide in recij.n.eity b_v it. I'.ut ..II tlies^'reg-I year. ulatiiius, whetlur establi.slied b) treaty, or by ' '1 he other Commission, ajipoiiited to ascertain inMuieii)al enui tini nts, are :.'!ll snl.jeei to one , the .nib mnities due for slaves carried away from itnportant ri .•-triction. '! he remev :.l (,t (i:seriin-' the I'niled btates, after the close of the late iiiatiiig duties of tonnage and cf iiii] ort, is'■ war, have mi l with some diftieiiltv, w hu h has limited to articles of the j;rowtli. produce, or' dilavi d tlair jiro^ress in the inquiry. .\ refer- iiiannfactuie, of the couiitrv t.i whleli tl.c ves-j eiice has lu eii made to the Ilritish Governnu nt is fully authorised to make settlenieifts and grant receipts. PAIM, HARRINGER, Mm'r. Nov. 2^', 1825.—3mtr2 J'C\C(iiri', a few days since, a negro V- Hil l, hi Iw 1111 18 and 20 y ears old, by the name of l>etse_V ; W bo says sin; !)tlongs to Tlios. Portland, of .Mary and (iuarter Se^sinns I'i'V the countv of^ Meck- lenliiirg, on the fourth Monday of I eliruary, 1826, and re])h vy aiul jde.ul, otberwi'-e judg- r.Kiit bv default will i>e had ugainst him. Test. ISAAC Al.EXANDP.R, ( !er/c. 3ni73—i>r. adv. (A Xi>\*U\-i->AYu\u\u. (’;ib:iri'iis SiipLM'iur (\niit. C.'itharin'' t.ioodman ) ^ Petition for luvovce. Caleb Goodman, j I T appeapvu’to the satisfaction of the court, th it the State; Itnh..-, . three niDiiths in the '/i >/' /'« ( inylinian and | ( o!/;////, ;V. ( C(//(/(/>//(/nolit v iiiL;'said, that 1 Jjir. 1, 18J5. 5 3i('iJi* tinless he appear at tlu. ""i;'‘'r;'; ‘I!! ( r ; Tlie Fredericktown, (Md.) Examiner will ],aw to be hehl for the county ot ( abarrus, at I ^ . the Court-ilouse in Concor.l, o;i the 6l!i Moii- ilav after tiu' 1th .Moiidav in Siaii ii next. !)tlongs to Tiios. Portland, ot .Mary.* Jand, who was mi bis way to Alabama Vw with a drove; of ni ;rois. Thi' owner _^ii^can get herb) applvng to till-si;l;seri- .'apvg to the satisfaction ot tiie court, 8 miles south of Cmieord, near ti:e road le defendant is not an inhabitant of tins i'l om Salisburv to Ch:irlotte. i/vA)■((/, that j'uii'.ii ation be made tor ^ CAI.’l'.HP ALEXA.NDl'.R. . i pubhsli the abovi- two wn ks, ar.d forw ard tin eoiint to this of’iee tor pavmeiit. plead, answer or demur to said pitition, judg ment pro confesso Vv’ill lie l.ikeii against him, and it will be heard t x iiarte. ,1AS. (i. SPEARS, Clerk. __59—3in—pr.jxilv. '■‘-K ______ .iiist 4 ND for sale at this OiHee, in a pamphlet furni, “ S'.rietures on a piece written bv l}Ir. David lleiikel, eiitith d Heavenly 1 lood ot [l{e;4 eui rati:in. Of, Treati-e on Holy llaptism.” , JusLi’U M'joui;, i'. I)- -I/. Pric^', ~5 cents, j ^AvvvNVid T.■'RDM the heus^ rf Amin t\ Mc- Cuniu 1, in \tuk I.'istriet, on "t ~Oth iiltliiio, ;iii about 4 _v i a:-' oid. rea'Onabh: reward will l.i p.ild ii\ ti.i •-ui’scribi r to anv [n ron who will ii livi r .s,.a! til!_v tome at mv house, or to .Xiuhcw .M'Con- IIel', York District. LAIIID n HARRIS. Dec. 3, li2J.-3l&2 scl bi longs, or to sin li ur'dcles as are most us-1 ually firr^'i sl.ip|ied from her port.v U vviH de-: serve the st lions coiisideraiioii of Criigriss, | whetlur iven this reinn.uit of rislrn.tiou may j not be safi ly ah; mloncd, and wlu i!u r the gen- j ■ai tei'uier of erp.ul eoinpi titioii inadj.- in tiie act of fith .lai.i.ary, 1 h... 1, n. not be extended' to include all ait.rle.^ iit' im i( iiaiuiiM not pro- hibited, ol'w hat country stiev er tiiey may bi the ])rofliiC(; or ii.ariifacture. Propositions tothi.s elfert have niieailv bun nia!li to ns by more than one Kuropt an g(.\i r’;;ii( nt, and it is pro,- liabU'.that it (Kice i sta!)!islitit bj lei;isiation or coinpait with any (ilstiii,i:;ui.-.hi d mar.iiiiie State, it would n comnii lul it.'-ell'by the e.\pi i .i nee »'l its adv aiit;i^i tiie g' lieral aeressioii of ;dl. ■| he Com i. nt io:i m' ('onimi rci- and Nuv igation between the I nited M.des and I ranet, coii- cliidcd on tli« J 1th of.lime, IHTJ,, in the UT'.diTstioiding and intent (if ii»th jiarties, as ap pears upon its f.ii'e, only a teinporaiy arrange ment of the p.ointxif dilierence In t\u.i n tliein, (if the most imniedi.iti ai.d pre ssing i.rginc}'. It W..S limited, ill t!ic fir.4 iiistaie'e, tn two)ears, fVoiii the 1st of Octo'ier, 18L'2, but w ith a [iro- visii;n, that it should fiirtl.i r coi.tiiiiie in forte, till the conelusii'ii of a gt nt ial ;ind dt-iimtiv e treaty of c»mmerce ; uiili ss tii uiinatid b) a no- •ice si \ months in adv ance, of l itherof tlie par ties to the (.l!u V Its (/peratiim, so far as it ex ti i'ded, has 1)1 . 'I mntiudly advuntagt ous ; am it still eiii.tir.iii s ill force, bv commnn eoiisi nt I’.iit it hit unadjusted several olijeets of gn at iiitei't st to till: eiti/i iiNaiid siibjeetsol both e(/Uii- trie';, and partii ularlv a mass of elaiuis, to eon- siih r.lble aMiOlint, of citi/eus of the I'll.ted .stall s upon the t i0v« nimi nt (.f I i„iiee, iia!'. ui- iiitv l'(;r properly taki ii or destrov i d iindircir- ( umsl:iiu es of the lliOst aggravated and ; oils ch:ir:ieter. In the long |ierioi! during v^ lin l l oiitinuiil Slid cyrinst ajipeals lui'w 1' made on the siibji et, vi hieli, it m:ty be hoped, wi tend to hastiii the deci^iini ot the (Jommission- crs, or SI rve as a snb-.titiite for it. -Vmong the poviers specifically graiited to Coli,4ia ss b_\ the l Oiistitiition, are tiiose of es tablishing uniform laws on Jlie subject of Itank- rupteiis thi(,ii,;;!ioii1 the Cnited States; and of pi'Dv.vbiig l-r orgaiii/.ing, arming, and disciplin- ii'g the .Militia, and for };ov i rning sin h part of them as may hi iinploud in the si rvice of the I nited Mail s. Tin niai;uitu(h and toiiiph X't\ of the interests aflected b\ legislation ujjoii thf se subjects, ii ay ai eount for the fact, that, long and ehin as both of them have occupied the atlentioii, and animated the debates of Con- j.;ress, no s_v sti ii.s hav i y et been ik v ised, for ful filling, to the satisfiiction of the communitv, the duties prt sciil/i d by th se grants of power. To conciliate the chiiin of tin individual citizen to the enjounei.t of pi rsonal libertv, with the ef fective obligatimi of private contracts, is the difficult problem to be solved bv a law of liank- ruptey. I hese are objects of tlie deepest inter est to societ} ; fleeting all that is jiricioiis in the existi nee of multitudes; of persol|^,, many of tliim iu the class! s csvintiailv dependent and liel'i.K ss ; (if the age ri ipiiring nurture, and of the St \ I ntitled to proteetiyn, from the free ageiic) of the parent and the husband. 'I he organi/atioii of the .Militi.i is j et more indispen sable to the lii'ertiesof the country. It isonij iiy an ifleiiive .Militia that w e can at once enios the reposi ot peace, and bid defiance to foreign ag^rission ; it is bv the militia that we are eoii- stitiiteil ail armeil nation, standing in perpetual pano|dv t diti nee, in the ju'eseiiee of all the other nations ol the earth. 'I u this end, it would bi nei v^sarv so to shape its orgaiii/atioii, . ■ to gi'. ( it a more united and active eiiergv. I beie :ire lavis tor establishing an uniform mil- .tia t!iix'e^d;out i.l.c l.'mteU iitutw.^, imd for arm ing and equipping its whole body. Put it is a body of dislocated members, without the vi ‘or of un’.tv, and having little of unifuiuuty, but the name. To infuse into this most iu poiiant institution the power of which it is siisn o' tile, and to make it available for the defence the Union, at tiie shortest notice, and at tin small est expense of time, of life, 'and of treasure, are among the beiiehts to be exjiectcdfrom the persevering ileliberations of Congress. Among tltc iiiic(|nivocal indications of our naiiottal i)! osperity, is the floiiri.sli- jtijj state of onr Ihianccs. 7'he revenues of the present year, fi oin all their prin cipal .sources, will excecd the antici])a- tions ol the last. The Inilance in the 1 reasttry,on the lii st of January last, was a little short oi‘ two millions of dollars, excin.sive of two millions and a half, be ing the moiety of the loun of live millions^ authorized by tht' Act of 2(5lh May, 1824. 1 he receipts into the 'I’reasury from the lirst of Januaiy to the thirtieth of Sep tember, exclusive of Ihe other muiety of i!ie same loan, are estimated at sixteen millions five hundred thousaiul dollars ; and ti is expected that thoseof the current quarter will exceed live millions of dol- hii s ; fonnin};' an aggregate of receipts of nearly twenl)-two millions, iiuleperulent of the loan. The expendilnres, of ihc vear will nut exceed that sum niori* than two millirins. Iiy those expendiliire.s, nearly eight millions of the principal of the i)ublic liave been discharged. More thati a million and a lialf has i)een devoted to the,debt of {gratitude to the warriors of the Uevoluiion : a neatly e- (juai sum to the construction of fortilira* tions, and the acquisition of ordnancc, and other permaneiil jireparatives of na tional defence : half a million to the ijrad- uul increase of the Navy ; an equal sum for purchases if'I’ei rilory from ihe In dians, and puynuMit of annuities lo ilieiu : and upwards of a million fur o!)je of Internal lm])roventent, authorize.t by* special Acts of the last Congress. If wft add lo these, four nullionsof dollars for payment of interest npon the jiuhlic debt, there remains a sum of about sr\en mil* lions, which ha\e defrayed the whole ex- jiensc of the Administration ol (Jovern- ment, in its Legislative, I'xei tiuve, and .luditiary Departments, including the support of the Military and Navai Estah^ lishments, and all the occasional conlin- gencies of a Cjovernmcni co-exieiisive with the Union. 'I'he amount of duties secured on mer chandise imported, from the commence ment of the year, is about twenty-fiv® millions and a half; and that wh^ch will accrue durinj^ the current quarler, is es timated al five millions and a ha,lf; from these thirty-one millions, deducing the drawbacks^ estimated at less tl^an .seveni millions, a sum exceeding iwenty-four millions will constitute the revenue of the year; and will excced the whole expend itures of the year. The entire amount of public del)t remaining- due on the lirst of January next, will be short of eighty-onc millions of dollars. Iiy an Act of ('ongress of the third of March last, a loan of twelve millions of dollars was authoj-izod at four and a half per cent, or ati exchange of stot k to that anuMini of four and a half jn-r cent, for a slock of six percent, to create a fund for extinguishin}!^ an ec|uaJ anionnt of the public, debt, bearing an interest of six per cent, redeemable in 182(1. At* account of the measures taken lo give efl'ect to thi# Act will lie laid befori; you by the Sicre- tary of the Treasury. As the object wliich it liad itt view has i)een partially a(xom])lislie(!, it will !>e for the consider ation of O'tigress, whether iK* power with which it clothed the l’,\e(utive should not be lenewed at an early day of fhe presen I Session, and under wiiiwt mo' dilicatiotis. 'I'he Act of Congress ol’tlie 3d of March last, directing tlie Sci i t iai y of the-'l'reas- urj to su!)s( i il)e, in tl,e naim' and for the use of the United .Stales, fur otie thoiisaJid live hundred shares of the capital stuck of the Cihesa|)eake and Delaware C'atial Company, has been e.\t ruled bv the ac- lual subscription for the amount spcci- lied, aiid such other measur**s have bei'ti aiio])tefl by that ollicer, under ihir Act,as the lullilment d its inlenliotis reiiuires. 'I'he latest accounts receivid of this im- porlanl undertaking, aulhoi i/.e the belief that it is in successful progress. ‘ The payments into the Treasury from ])roceedsof the sales of the Public Lands, during tlie present year, were cslintatcd at one million of dollars. The artual re- cei])ls of the lirsl two iiuarters have fallen very little shurt of that sum : it is not tx- jx cted that the second half (>f tht; Near will be e(]uall\ j)roductive ; but the in come of the year from that source may' now In; safely esliniaicil at a million and a h;df. ’i'he Ai t of Congress of IStli May, 182 I, to provide fur the extinguish ment of the deljtduetu the United .States by the i)tirchas(.'i s of public latnls, was limited, in its dperation of relief to the jjtirchaser, to tlir tenth of A jiril last. Its efVecl at ihe end of the quarter duriiu; whicli itcxplied, N\as lo rcducc that debt