TUESDAY, DECEMUKK 27. 1«35. We have received ihe report of the committee appointed iit the lust session f the legislature, lo prepare and report u plun of Public Education. It reconi- nicnds the dividing of each county into school district^, of convenient size; erect- school-houses and houses for teachers, 'n the same j the appointment, by the ounty courts, of a board of school com- niissioners for each county, and by these boards subordinate committees, for each lUstrict; and provides for the support of the schools, and for defraying the other necessary expenses, by a lax, to be levied nd collected in the same manner as oth er taxes. We like the plan recommen ded by the committee, with the exception f some parts of it; but we have not the remotest idea that it will receive the sanc tion of the legislature, unless it undergo uch modifications as will probably de- -troy its utility. We shall publish the report in our next aper; and our columns will be open to Avell-written and temperate discussions of ts merits. We give, in this week’s paper, a sketch f the preoeedings of Congress, as far as hey have reached us; and we shall con- inue it weekly, as much in detail as our imitsw’ill permit. Our summary of con- ressional proceedings will be taken roni the Naliona/ Journal, a paper w >om the divc-rsified talent that it exhib- ts, its various and interesting selections, nd its general manugemenl, is deserv- dly ranked among the most able papers n the country; and we mention it now, s the source to which we shall be indebl- d for the doings and debates of Con- ress, to save the repetition of a w’eekly cknowledgment. The bill more eflectually to prevent reating at elections, has passed its third eading in the House of Commons, by a ote of 6-i lo 47. Unless public ojjinion iscountenance the practice of treating t elections, legislative enactments and cnalties w ill be jjerfectly nugatory. The bill to establish Courts of Equity n this state, separate from the Courts of aw, has been lost in the Senate by a vote f 35 lo 21. some part of the icrrllorij lalchf acquired fjij the Creek Treaty. The' samples of ore earned to Milledgeville afford twentv-five per cent, of pure silver. Virginia.—John Randolph has been e- cted to the Senate of the U. Stales, to 11 the vacancy occasioned by the appoint- ent of Mr. Barbour lo the War Depart- ejit. John Tyler has been elected Governor f the Stale, in the place of Mr. Pleas- nts, his constitutional term of service aving expired. Bcvareof Counterftiis—We learn from he Raleigh Register, that counterfeit \ccn!y Dollar Notes of the State Bank of 'orth-Carolina are in circulation. They re said to be well executed, and therefore ay be easily palmed on the community, t will be well for all, who are offered otes of this desci iplioti, to examine them ^arefully iK'fore they take them. JVt'fc P^/yf/^.—Proposals are issued for v6 addiiionul paj)ers in this state, one o hi; published at (Ireensborough, l)y Vin. Potter, ajul the other at Xe\\!)ern, •y Philip l)ii-\’al. ^Ve wish them every uccess, and better than the brethren f the craft generally leceive. The editor of the Mll'on (lazrt'e seems 0 be a good deal nettled at the election of Speaker of the ]louse of Rejjrosenta- friendly to the administration, and vondci’s if it is so, that the fi'ieiKls of the dministration in Congress are greater in umber than the “ Crawibrd and Jackson len united.” ^V’e did not know bel’ure hat the friends of these two gentlemen (id united in opposition to the adminis- ration ; and we i’eel somewhat obliged lo he editor of the (iazette fur letting the ecret out, although w'e suspect he has ljne it rather preniaturel/. Can he tell i is how far the coalition extends, and what Jue its ulterior views ? A letter from ;l/iil‘dgeville to the edi- ,ors of the Georgian, slates llial Silver 'ol llie liucst (jualiiy” has been foutid in VERY LATE I'UOM EIJKOPE. T he packet ship Manchester, arrived at New-\ ork from Liverpool, having left that port on the 8th ult. bringing also L^idon papers of the 6th. The most prominent ieature in the news thus re ceived, is the confirmation of the report relative to the (ailure of Mr. Samuel Wil- lian)s, ol Loudon, to which we made a brief relerence-iri our paper of yesterday, '1 he amount of his failure is variously estimated. One account makes the de mand on him not less than seven millions sterling; while another brings it down to about, four bundled thousand pounds sterling. A private letter wliicij we have before us, states that about a million sler- litig will be the true amount, or nearly 4.] millions of dollars. The Morning Her ald of Octob^'r 25, says : “The event threw a perfect gloom o- ver the city yesterday afienioon. Mr. was a man much respected as a merchant as well as in private life. It is said the gentleman who has failed, is by birth an .American. It is related of liiin, that on his passage lo this country al)(jui thirty years ago, the vessel which he was on board ol, was .-juudenly run down in the night by atioiher. On the alarm, Mr. W. hastened or. deck in his slui t, and finding the vessel sinking, he sprung up on the bowsprit of tlie other, and scarcely had (lone so before his own ship sunk, and every other soul on board perished.” It is further slated, that a cuinmitlee are ol opinion that the proj)erty will pay Iroin ten lo tilteen shillings in the piund; and, that in eonseciuence ol'Baring k Co. and \Vilson, and .>ir. Timothy Wiggins, of Boston, coming forward and taking up many of the acceptances, the injury will be less than was at Hrstapprehended. The marriage between the Marquis ofVVellesley and Mto. Patterson is given at some lengih of detail in the English papers. Her property is eslimaied at 186,OUO pounds, in ihe 3] per cent, stock, besides her claims ou the British and .\merican governments, and her landed property in the Unitfd Stales. As she is a Catholic, some sensation has been produced among both the Orange and the catholic parties of Ireland, on the one side oy the fear, on the other by the hope, that this marriage will lead to some melioration of the condition of the Catholic population. 1 he market at Liverpool remains about the same as it was by our last advices. The latest Paris papers received at London, state that there has been a total change in the Spanish cabinet—M. Zea and all the other members having been i emoved. it was not known who were to fill the vacancies. W'iib regard to Greece, ihere is liiile that is new. A letter |)ub- lished in a Tans paper of the .’6ih Oct. mentions thut the caiDpaign w asconsider- ed at an end, by the reiui ning of Ibrahim Pacha to the coast and the retreat of Redchid irom before J/issolonghi. There was a report tiiat tlie Alexandria fleet had been deieated by Miaulis. These need" cotitirmation. The repoit of Ibrahim be ing killed by a nephew of Hussein Bay, it appears was a fabrication. ‘ Port Mahon, Oct. 5.—Ti'.e Greeks arc triumi)hant—the Egyptian fleet has re tired to Alexandria ; and the Turkish Heel to Constantinople. The (Jreek fleet have taken nearly 60 transports.’ Mr. Radclifle, liusljand of the laleMrs ZAxP.svir.r,K, onto, oft. 5.—On Saturday morning last, the house of Mr. Win. Scott, about ten miles fi om town, on the Marietta road, was burnt to the ground, aful, awful to relate, IVIr. Scott consum ed therein !—Wc learn that on the pre vious afternoon, ho being intoxicated, ordered his family out of doors and drove them off the premises. About dark,, as he was returning home, having .been to j)rocure more li(|Uor, he called at the house where his family w ere, and request ed admittance, w hich was refused; he then ordered their return home, which they also refused ;—and he departed, swearingand threatening toburnhishouse with its contents and himself within it! It is conjectured bj some that he deliber ately set lire to the house and remained Tn it until he was consumed ; and by o- thers that he became sodrunli. the fire aci ideiitally occurring, he v\ as un able to slop it, or extricate himself: but, from bis previous liireats, and ihef'act ol a favorite bible of his own having been found removed t«j a sale place, with some of his cloilu's partly burnt; wiiile some books of his wife’s were torn to pieces and strewed around the ho.i>e, the for- mer„conjeclure seems most i)rol)able. li it> a shocking w arning for habitual vlrunk- ards. Some of his bones were found on Saturday morning among the ruins, and decently interred. Dttilors ivnv\ r.reiWiovA, As I have been hcatinjc about in this parallel of lalituilc for a consiiit r;i!)li; time, and iiuve encounltrcd variabli' wiiu'.s, together with a ve ry heavy sea, I find upuii close examination, that I ara near an enemy’s coasf, making' no head- Wiiy; and my latitude Ijy account not agrocing with iny. latitude by obsi-nation, has complete ly brought me to an anchor; however, 1 have tlioujjht it most ailvisable, (instead of Ivlnji;' here upon expense,) to scjiiare my yards by tht; lifts and braces, g-et under way, huiI endeavor to make the first port that Inuj a safe fiarbour and good anchorage. Therefm’e^ .On Thnrsday, the 29tli day of this month, I will ofl'er for sale, at niy present d.voliinic, (on the OKI Nation road, adjoining (Ja]>t. I honias *Spratt’s,) witiiont any kind of I’escrve, one ne- that on g'ro h llow, one gill, 12 years old, very active aiull.kv ly; 4 good work Ilorsc-s ; omc planta tion Witli g.M's; (Jorii, i'odiU r, Milch (Jaltle, i'ork, Hogs; un U>gant Terrestrial (iicbe, set in a mahogany (Vaiiic upon brass rol lers; together with betl*> anii er\ neeess;irv ar ticle of househokl and kitchen turniuire ; f.irni- ing iitciisiis, {';c. All those iiidt !>ted lo me by note (,r liook acooinif, will roim* lorw.ird on that day and :icttle, as no longer iinhilgenee will be given ; and all those t(f w hoin 1 stand indebted, will please inv])ari; their accounts ami render tliein at till- sanie time. 'I be sale to cumiii.. lu e at lU o’clock, A. M. when the terms of sale will be made known. IMVl'EU ULIMCK. I‘. S'.—DEl’.'i'OiJS, A'iin/, MO slinlHmg in tlu ranks, as F am ihlrr- luiiied to close niy business and lea\e tbis coun try. December 19, 1815. l\v siibicn ..rs h.'Ving cntv re.i into co])art- JL iiei- liiji, w ll It! fntinv transac t business iiii- ler tliv iiriii of .lulin M’(i;i;,y (,'o. They b i\c jiisl received an assoitinent of t.l.’OCKlill'lS, togetiu r w.tb a few tioods, consisting of ij? ,? Parricide.—Thousands in the common- wealiii are acquainted with John Brown, an old revolution iry soldier, who has served so numy yeui's, and so faithfully us a door keeper to the house of delegates. The unfortunute nuin hm fallen by ihe hand of his own son. On SaUirdav last, the son shot the father; hut as tlie old m,n did not full dead, the son seiz-d an ux', struck him «jn the head, perhaps nearly ,separated it fiom tlie body, and mangled it in a most distressingmatnier. Another ol the sons hearing of tiie terri ble calastrcjphe, approu'hed his brother with a gun, w ho immediately attempted to fly; but the initated son sfiot at him, and merely grazed him on the cheek with one partridge shot. 'I'he parricidc then stopt, and returned the tire, which umI’ii’- tujiately took eflfect on the bodv of his brother, whose life is despaired of: some negroes, who had been proven.-d from interfering by the fear uf hi^ gu.i, tl'.en stern up and urrc'^t^'fl the murderer. On Saturday morning, he was committed *n Util in Nev.' Kent C(Jiiniy. Our im’jriiiuni stales, that the unfor’jinate Pan ic.lde is supposed to have b» cn for some li.n;- de- raniffd. Itn 'irmn ! Knqni, cr. CJiein.)pn\'e and I)e'ju'’ -p Ciinol.—The PhiUidelphiii Auror I stat'’s tlui' tliis work is pruceeilin.;-with inc'-easv d rapirli’y and vigor; thyt l’ii>;e is a fo!ce now enipioy- ed exceeding 1 men : and t!iut i f ihest' upwards of 600 are at \Wj; k nn ilu', low grounds between the* Delaware and St. George’s. Neio articles of Commerce.-0\\ rrlday eve ning, the canal boat Fa!'mei'’s Daughter, of Skaneateles, arrived atAlbaiiV, fiom Jor dan, 190 miles in the interior of New- Yoi k, w'ith a cargo of one tho'i.innd lice midduck^. They vv,-.,- i,„me- ^l., i, a c.ok, wa,l„.r, ircur i,,,! «. n„, diateiy taken on board a vessel houiul to si,-ess, warraiitul of honest cbaractei', and no I enns of sale will be made the Iwllov \eu Knglan 1, Windw ard Islands, and ^ lU'M. .Jamaica, ) Northern and flollanc! t.in, 1,. I* Tencriil'e, ) M.i.leir.i, aiid ^ WINES. Old I'oit, j fbeLse. ' ra li'.T';, and 5-niokcd llcvring.i; Aihin.y a!,' .ii.rl I'ortcT; PerfiH't .ovc “ I,if■ ;(' .\!..ii, ('iiijiav.on, I-eiiK.ii, VCOKDIALS Uaspljerrj', j N()}eauaiid j Peppermiiil, J Sweet Oiaiicvs, Shell Almonds, ConfectlOiiuiies, Sp.tni-;*i Segu's, Candles, Siiaviiig and l!ar boap, &c Calicocs, of the latest and most J'lUthlonahlc privtK; t' Lilack and black figuvcd Silk ; Witii some oilier Article;, in tlie Dry (iood line. A few men’s and ^vomen’s Sliots\ ,1. v'nv w, Iw Tims. A. NORMENT, i’oekel \jvv»k. 1\k\wvV, I ". A l{^to liie sui)scri!K i'’s, li\ ing 8 iiiiles soul 11 ol Charlotte, oil the ii-iiiling roail Irom ( ;iin- den 1(1 Charlotte, snpjxised to bf llie prop. i'‘ of I'l'jasant Itobisoii, ot (iiidfonl eoiintv, N. r. ■J'h'. O A ncr, by proving i)ropcrty and payii.g l')i' this jmL'lication, can have it. ALt^S. ALEXANDER. Dec. 19, 1R25. subscribers have formerl a co-partncr» » sliij) ni business, under the firm of A. I'AT- I'ERSDX U CO. • G. T. FIEAI.’SEY, A. FAITERSON. Chcraw, Nov. 2\, 1325, A Vj*av,ra\u i‘i)v rvvVi‘ . be sold, In ])rivi.te contract, a negro f T WOMAN, and her child three yi-ars old. N. York, for their uliiinale de'Tiu ition. the IVest Indies ! ! IhtU. P tlrivt. IHE MAltKET. Fui/cttrriUe, Ikc. 15.—Cotton, sales M a llaeon a7j; (.'aiulles, nxiiild, 14 a lo; Coli'e'', 1?0 a 21; Corn, C-5 a 7U; I'loiir, ;upor. 3j Flaxseed, 9'J ; Jead, 10 all; .slid,.;; I.iii'e n 1 i-ir 1 n , n. „ 2 25 a 2 50; Molasse.s 50; N.ul., cut, 7 Radclille, author of the Mysteries ol j 8, wrought. IS a 2j ; (.ats, 35 a ; Sug.r, coi'iinoii to pri.vie, 11 all; Salt, l.iverpoo', lO'J, Udolpho, the Italian, the Romance of the Eorest, 8cc. and who died about the \ear 1822, has consented lo pul>lish a ro mance which this celebrated lady left be hind her, which, it is said, will be found quite worthy of her fame. The come* steam Boat,* on her way from Inverness to Glasgow, with between (iO and 70 passenp;ers, came in contact with the .\yr steam baggage boat, al)bul an hour after midnight, between the 19lh and 20th of October, by wliich her stai’- board I)OW was stove in, and she weal down in about .1 minutes. Out o( tlie- wIhjIc numht'r on boaril, it is supposed’!hal on ly 12 persons were saved, 'I'he details are long and hearl-chilling. 'I'he vessel which caused the accident, instead of ivndering assistance, put on additional steam and lell the scene of destruction. A Captain So'.ilhrrlttttd and his wife W(>re on Ixjard. They had been married onlv live weeks. When Mrs. Souther/ui.d be came suddenly conscious of the danger, she exclaimed—“Oh,my (Jod I mvGudl she’s sinking—we’re lost I”—and clasj)- ing her husbaiid round the neck, sunk wiih him into thi! a!)yss of water. ♦ One of the survivors says, sleeping or waging, till' horrors of the scenc wei-e apparent in his mint!, and he would rather amuse himself in any \\»y than sutler himself to fall asieep. j1 frood device.—book is said to I'.ave just ai)pcaifd in London witluiut title •page, designaliod, or printer’s name, consisting entirely of^ a list of men noto rious about town for rimning in de!>t and not paying ; or, as the phrase among ihem is, not caring a'ho siii/'ern. 'i'he first num- her contains 4,000 d such name’s, greatly to the anno) ance of many, who may pei-- ha]js be thus shamed into honesty. It is thieaicned to be coniiiuicd peri'jdically. Terk’s Islaiul, ^^c. 75 a 85 : a 9; 'l'ol)acco, leaf, 4 a 5 ; Whiskev, 40 a 45. Sti'el, A Un ricaii, 8 U'iieat, luQ a 125 ; Cfieriiu', Dvr. 13.—AfJiSle Brandy, in demand, ^0 a 40—I’eacli, 50; Itacou, 7 a 8; Cotton, noiiiinal, 12^ a 1.'!; Coli'e , pr.iiio i;reen, 20 a 2 J; (Jorn, sc.irc, , 70 ii 80 ; I'loni', sup( nine, 7 a 8; Iron, 5 a 6; I.cad, 10; .Mol; sses, 4.) .1 .iO; Nails, cut y a 10; I’owiler, Dapo.it’., (ke;,'-) f-S a 9; Klim, Jamaica, 80 a fl; sin.l, 2 75 a J ; SnL,ar, MiLiCOvado, prime, 12 a l i — ^onimon, 9 a 11 — Loaf, 20a 25 ; Salt, l/i\erpooi, 80 a 90— i urk’s Island, 75 a 85 ; .'sl. t l, Ann ri. uii, 8 .1 9 ; T.illow , 8 a 10; 'W in.at, 100 a 1 25; \\'hiske\, 40 a42. ('tifir!cs/()!}, Ikc. 1 J.—(;otU);i, l,"!^ a 1-1 ^; covu, Cf) a 68 ; bacoij, (j a i] ; appii- brand} , .'>(> a 38 ; w biski v, 27 a 2H ; hi rsAav, .>1 a .>2; iron, -1 ^ a 4 ( ; coiree, ijrlioe green, 19 a JO, inf. to j;ood, 15a 18; sng;ir, hrown, ll-i a 11, ^.ll^'o\ado, 10 a 11, luuf do. Id a 21 ; salt, l.iv. r|.0(il; co;ii’se, 42 a 4J, 'I'urk’s I.dand, 50 a 55 ; iiitda.ises, 40. AiUiAv ^\\wvv \ VI.I, persons indebted to tlie sabscrilier, (i- tlu r !)v note or i)00k arconut, arc ii que.it- ed lo call imiiiediatcly and make p:i\nu rit. DA\IDi^\l!KS. December 24. 18:?5. 3t')5 of the Tntf! ri^llE inhahitnnts of Charlotte and its vicinltv, .1 are respectfully invited to alu.vid at Spring’s old race paths, on Monday, *i;c ..Yitii instant, bi-tween tlie hours of 10 and 12i)cr- haps, to V itness racing iincrpulled in tlie state, betwi.-en the noU-i] horse Ijfikf I’nurliurlicin aii(l Sir 1'ilK.r lini Wizzle, boili old horses, i!,.- one in good case, and the other in no casi at all, al- tbough iloubtless his pedigree may be triC’ il to a iamous steed in the sporting annals of old England, Whose strutting ribs on both sides ■-hi.w’d Like furrows he hini:,elf had plo,ig!iel. N. It.— Distance, (uie mile and rej)i at. runa\\ay. l enns 01 sale will be m;ide known by ap|)lyiiig lo Mr. Isaac llyams in Charlotte, aiid where the projjertv ii!a\ be .seen. -Micil’L. O’l AIfRELI.. 3t65 llERI'.nv give notice, that 'I bos. W liitcside has j)o.sted on my Stra_\ UtMik an iron gre_\ Uorse, bdiiteen hands lliret inches higli, eighr or nine _\ e;ii old, w iUi blue mane and tail. Said Wliiltside lives in tlie I’rovidi'iico settle ment, south ot.(;harlotte about 12 or 15 miles. •INO. D.W I.S, one of the Rangers for the counn (4'Mecklenburg, Noi lh-C;irolina. Dec. 9, ISJj. ;;*7 5 WHOLESALE STORK, Corner of Front and ('hurrh atnrt.i, i htrair. A. I’AT’I’ERSON y i;o. Oflcr f«r sale, a general and extensive kssortmcnfc of seasonable DSlir GOGDiS. Hardware, IV'indow Ghf.w, PaintSf Aaiia, S/ioc.v, //rz/.v, I’inbrellatiy Cation and tl'ool Cords, This establishnu nt being devoted to a busN ness exclusively \V hoi.k.sal::, anil having ar rangements for constant supplies, on iIk most advantageous ternis, is ollere.l v« iih eontidciice, as worth; the attention ami notice of the .S.er- clnuits of tliat part of the interior conntrj, which is connected with this place ;is a markcl for its produce. I’urchasers for cash or approveil paper will b(' ttirnislu d witn assiirtnu iits at bucli prices as Will not fail to be satisfaetoi). Nov. Jl, 1825. 4i6S fl'^IIE subscribers have just received and aro X o|). ning, an elegant assc/rtnu nt of m?V (500DS, (iKOCKKIKS, \c. whi. h tiuy will diNj)o.se ot upon reaseiia d* terms for c..sh. 'I liiy solicit t'>ose v h ( J disj)osedtof vortiieiii with their custoin, tueall ami examine for themselves. .1. I). D CO-, AI-.iO, A fresh supply of ti.e UiOst genun'.e recently /"cci ived, which w ere pure It.is. - in thfi .cities of Ni •.-York, l'hi!a(iel|)liia .. : . .. rle% ton, and w im h the} ofl'er at reason.J1 1. .•ins, to l'n\sieiaiis or ;;ii\ who niu} wish ti/ p.innaso art.ele-s of this kind. ' .Meekl(!iibnr2; ('oiinfy. h'treintHr 1825. ■Middleton l.awing 1 ()riginal Altaciinient, le- r.''. [• N It d on a tr.i-t of l;u;d join- Robert Lawing. Vmg A. Duim and others. S'l' is ordered, b\ Court, that advei tisi nicnt be made for three mouths iu tin- Catawba .lonrnal, for tiie (h I'lmiiiiit to appear at the Fe- luMiai'} term, Ifijo, mid tln're to i-epie\v and ple:id to i sue, otiierwi>,e Jiidgn.ent wdl ik- en tered agaiii.,l liiin. 'I esi. ISAAC AI.EXANDER, c. .m. c. t72—])rire ad\. 1. lo Iliir, i]l ILL Inn, nil tin: .ht di'i/ uf January nr.r/, f,ri,nt i^tur, imr at am tini/ aiift tmi (IJrt.", bil'in^^iiij: tu Ihi ii-tiiti: ,,J Jnliii diri It.SI ft. ■ Adti., Ill hcclvc ii.uiilfi.y, v ,ih .stniri/i/, intt hf n- 'jldred. JOHN 1RW1.\, dum'r. .?/vi4 rpiIE members of the Seientifir ^-’ocii t v will I liiei t ;it tbe bouse of .lost pli Mlack \s 'od, on the 111 ,t .'>a1iirday in .)aiiiiar\, 1826. lly or der ot tiie I’resident, A. (d.ARK, Stc'nj. Dec. M, 18211. JH'Ctis fi;r saje, at thisOfiU e. / fair fVdrniim^. friHOSE ir.ilt bt( (1 to tl.e hrm i.f Oialmm F M ilkin-oii, and to the subscriber |ji-e\ions to the I \!sti la I ol said liriii, are I'espectliilh ri ipiesli.ll lo c ill and u.ake settlements beiweeii now and th'- lir-.l .Satiiid.iy in .fanu.iiv ne.\t. Those V. !io l iii lo fi.inp!} witii I i.is n.o’k rate r •- qiies', W ;|1 eoiillrm a i,i lief thi.l Vln y wunl tin ind'ilgeiicc 'i..it the law aliov. s tlu in'; tin s wdi llii iari.i'i li i'eit ii.UiScriinjiiaVely, by a tap on ^boa! CrCMIAM. .>104 J'hr futlou ing is a lift of the '.ledicims ■ Ah oliol. Lee’s Pill i, Acpiafortis, Licpiorice IJ.'ill, Arrow Hoot, Laudanum, Arsenic, Manna Flake, AlOl'i, Magnesia J.ump, Arb Cva CrsI, do C.dciaed, Anderson’s I’illu, Mad.ler, Antimony I’ulv, Muriaied Tinct Iroil, Antique Oil, Muriatic. .\eid. Acet;ite i'otasli. Oil l'e])j)erminl, U..teiiuin’s Drops, “ Cloves, 15.ds:iiii ’lone}-, “ Cii.n.imon, Hals am (Jopiva, “ Juniper, Hirk l*cruv. Red, “Vitriol, do. Yellow, Oxide. HisniutU, Hark Cinnamon, O|)od. Idoc, Horax, IMu.ss.e Acid, Hlne .Stone, l*areg(/rie, Hritish Oil, I'earl Ash, Canella Alba, I’ulv. .I..l ,p, (-'aroonato Ammonia, do Uhul).irb, (.'ort. Cascarilla, l*i.\ Hurgunda, Cubcbs i’ej). 1 u!v. .Vntiinoni;dis, (.hi lt;'.iiham Salts, do ipecacuariha, Cantharides, I'dl l*.,xes. ( astor Oil, in vials, i’eai l Harley, do. A ])ts. do. pts. viu'u k Sil\ir, lo. (jin.rts. Rs. d S uiders. ( ream I'artar, iicisin Y Ihiw, »4(;ves, do \\ hite, t’ohiiiibo Root, -spts. I.uvendcr eompd,' ;>t 1. \iirj, I'oiiles, t austic l.unar. . araw ay Seed, do i;i >.als. abniiel, d,i I’owders, . i’s.;. H., rgamot. : r is. \ (,i. A'l inatic, do Leinni,. stoNglif(;n'.-» it.Ui rs, 10'' do I’eppirnnnt, V ..ds, (1 Ciiin uuuii, • lo. ni qit. InittleB, Ej soin Salts, •pts lliiii.-Jiorn, (ilaiiber do .-ijiiols I'oi. Seninc, E\n;iei id.iti.mim, 1 owler’s Solution, D i i;!.. Ink, !• !»r. Sulphur, .Salt i\tre. I'lie Stone, Si i.i'ii .nr Qti.Mi^r:, Cum Ammoniac, •S'f/'iy /' V /"ariuaii, “ Opium, Sal. Eratus, “ Arabic, Tapi oca. “ Kino, i'.irt. i'.nt tic, “ Scammoii} Tart. Sult.s, StC. Cum CopcI, do Shellac, do 'iVrra d'Scienna, I’russian JUiie, \ erdigris, lu distilled. Stone Ochre, idue, I inber 1'urk, Drop Lake, Copel ViU'nish, Yellow Orhre,' Red i.ead, • I.it barge, V ermillion, Annatto, S[)aiiish 'Vhltiiig, Sugar Lead, I lecemiier 6. White N'itriol. S[)aiiisii IJrowii, \Miite l.ead, Crom. bellow, Patent Vello\r, (■old Leal, Silver do Rose I’ink, Rotten Ston.'’, II. I'encils, Paint llrushes, Si)j>nge, fine, Waters, Niitini gs, Scotch and ■Maccoboy Siiulli Lamp Itlack, Couj-t I’lasler. filif DR. J. D. BOYD iNi'OI!\:s hisfneiid-, that he has re. iiit,\( ilbis .MeCicini-s to the Connt- ing-rooin of the h.ore hoiisi , foriiierh- occupied by .lolin Hoyd, but now oc- >*'\vd‘ & Co. 'I'be !»otor still conliiities the practice of* rh}sic, and w ill attend to all applications will» as iinie.h iiroiiiptitiide as possibl*'. Cbarlott(, Di c.(), 1825. Olif \iv\wi\ Vov Svi\v. ri'’HIE subscriber has one binnh’i-d acres of I good L \M» I'or sale, ail in the woods, fi\(^ 11.lies w ( si of rlmrlotte, on a iiorlli fork of Su gar Creek, Will situa'e l and as p>'odiiCti\e as all} in tiie count' , for cfition, coi n or w l.i at ; and an e\(". Ili iii st"i am ;u,d schI fo;- a Cotton Maclii:i(d:'. ^ lu .Mill. I or fiirlher tieiilar'-', ap|)K on iIk i iein^'i .)*.\ATliAN 'VMl.LIA.MS. Dcc. IH,'.'), ,',!(■ J 11'.;!!’, will be hired, for tin; term of lw ( h r* 1. niontlis, Ol! .Moiid;iy, ilie 2d !.iv ( f .fainin- ly next, :it tlie house of Mrs. (>. Diiikins, ;t numlier of valTiable NEl• |{()j;.>, ;oi.l some good I.ail'I to rent fort be .«aine S.MI I II, iiuaryl’n, I)e . 7, 1 8^5,— V.' V l\VVttulS, J-'oi'iiah, at tiiis Ofnee.

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