FUUr.ISHKU WEF.KLT Bit LEMUEL niNGIIAM, gr THHSK DOLLARS A TKAB, PAH) IX ADTAXCE. No paper will be discontinuetl, unless at the iiscration of the editor, until all aiTcarajjes are paid. AuvKRTisEyEWTs will be inserted at the usual ■ rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and clvargcd accordingly. * Bond’s Estate. The subscriber having obtained Letters ot Administration upon tlie estate of John Hovd, deceased, takes this method of informing nliose wlio are indebted by note or book ac- cour* tliut payment must be made on or before thf Fcl)ruary court of Mecklenburg county;— tlu/sc wliofail to attend to tliis notice, will iiave to settle with cost. Those who have any demands against said deceased, are rccjuestetl to make them known within the time prescribed by law, f>r this no tice will be plead in bar of recovery. The Administrator further notifies those who are indebted to said deceased, that during his absence from Charlotte, the notes and books of Jno. Ilo\d, deceased, will at any time l)e fouiid ill tiie hamis of Wm. Smith, of Charlotte, who is fully authorised to make settlements and ^rant receipts. PAUL BAUHINGEII, Jdm'r. Nov. 26, 1825.—3mt7J ¥\l¥.Sll (iVvODS. The subscribers have just rtccived and arc opening, an elegant assortn-ent of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, kc. which they will dispose of upon reason;ibU. terms for cash. Tli y solicit llio>,e wlio feel clisposcil to favor them with their custom, to call uud exaniihc for themselves. J. IX BOYD y CO. ALSO, A fresh supply of t!ic most genuine Jilcmtinrs nna 2)aents, recently /eeeived, whicli were purchased in the cities of New-York, rltiludi-lpliia and (Jliarles- ton, and which thi y oficr at rc asoiu.bli' t rii.s, to Physicians or any wlio may wish to purchase articles of this kind. 'J'fic fjltawing is a list of the Medicitics .• WINDSOR A N O T.ixcr CHAIR MIKIXG, W1LLIAH CLL\ EKIHH SK HAVINli c(»mmenccd the above business in tiie tow n nf Cluirlotto, ri siH ctl'uil) solicits a share of public patroiiaj^e. ilis w ork will be Tii'ally and durably constnictiil, and will be disposed of on acconin;(»duting terms. Skttkf.s and Writing Chauis, made to or der, can be had on sliort noticc. Charlotte, Feb. 5, 18J.». . Iytr3 A NK\V INVENTION. WE herei)y give notice to the citizens of Mecklenburg- coiint\, that we have pur- ehased the right for ni iiuit'acturing a. Machine, called the PATEN I' CORN' SIIELLEH, and will soonJiave them on haiul lor sale. ' or tlit •implicity of its con^truetion and its utility to corn planters, it is uneciualleil by any other in- Tcntion. Perba))s w e may be tiiought to exag gerate, whm we s;ty it will shell a bushel uf corn lu three iiiiituftM, and by a little excrticn in two minutes. Hut we invite all t(» come and examine it, witness Its operation, and satisfy- themselves as to its great utility, it can be seen at the subsciibers* shop, opposite the jail. ITIEO. M-ERi{ll-LS, WM. COUNWELL. Charlotte, Oct. 29, 1825.—57ff ^\a\e ^r«vU\-Vjavv»VVi\a, Rut her ford County. Superior Court of Law^ October Term, 1825. M’oody Burge ^ ivv. \ Petition for Divorce. Elizabeth Burge, j IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant, Elizabeth Burge, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore order ed by the court, that publication be made three months in the Haleigli Register and tiie Catawba Journal, giving notice to the defendant that she be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for Rutherford county, at tin- (^ourt- llouse in Ruthertoiilton, on the od Monday af ter the 4th Monday inMareh next, then and there to answer, plead, or demur to said petition, other\\ise it will be taken jiro confes^o, and judgment accordingly. \\ itness, James Mi.rris, Clerk of said Tourt, at oflice, the 3d .Monday after the 4tli Monday 1 of September, 1825, and in the 5Uth year of the independence of the-United States. JA.MES MORRIS, Clk. 3m74—pricc adv. f t. ^CuTUv-VJaviAvua, 31 It’llCounty. 9ourt(f rUm unit (Juartir Stisiotia, November Ttri", David Starns, Org’i,/.tta't. h vii d on land ; r.t. Cand Joseph aii'l ni. Yai boro Henry Varl>oro. j siiimnoiu d ;is giiariiishees. 1.\ this case, it a|)pearliig to tiie cnurt, tliat - the defenilaiit is not an inlrjljitaiit of tl.is State : It is onielVil, that tin; procei'diiigs ill tin.-, ease be stayed, anil that advei liseiiH iil lie made f'lr tiii’i e inonths in the Catawl>a .lournal, tliat tlie defendant appear at the next court ol l*K us and (^uartu-Sessions lor the county of Meck- IciilMirg, uii the loiirth Moiid.iv of Eeliniarv, and re|)ievy and pleavl, otlierwise J mig rant hy default will be had against him. •V.st. IS\AC ALEXANDER, ClaL oni7.)—pr. adv. 51. ot A*DYVu-V^‘\vvAvua, Cabarrus Superior Coui t. Catliarine Coodmanl vs. V Petition for divorce. Caleb (joodinan. j Ir appearing to tlie satisfaction of the court, ^ that till' dcteiidant is not ;m inhabitant of tliis ^tate ; Onlcnd, that piililiiatloii be maile tor 1 'u'ee months in the //’.'//•// ('iinillniun and ./iiitriiiil, notifying saiil defendant, that I ’"dess he ai»])i ar :it the next Superior Court ol 1 1-aw to be held lor the county of (jabarnis, at ’ne (^oiirt-llousi' in (Joiieord, on the 6tii Mon- du\ utter the 4th Monda\ in March next, and ' Vload, aiisw eror demur to s..id jietitlon, judg- ""'lit ])i() confi sso will he taken against blni, “'>d it will be h( aril e\ parte. J AS. i,. SPEARS, Clerk. 5y—r,|„ pr_ Alcohol, Aquafortis, Arrow Root, Arsenic, Aloes, Arb Uva Ursi, Anderson’s Pills, Antimony Pulv. Anti([ue Oil, Acetate Pot;i«h, Bateman’s Drops, Balsam Honey, Balsam (Jopiva, Bark Peruv. Red, do. Yellow, Bark Cinnamon, Borax, Blue Stone, lVritir.li Oil, Canella Alba, Carbonate Ammonia, Cort. Cascarilla, tJubebs Pep. Clieltanluim Salts, Cantharldi'S, Castor Oil, in vials, do. i ])ts. do. pts. do. quarts, Cream Tartar, Cloves, Columbo Root, Caustic Lunar, Caraway Seed, Calomel, Ess. Bergamot, do Leihon, , do* Peppermint, lo Cinnamon, Epsom Salts, (.iiauber do Eol. Sennse, Fowler’s Solution, I'lor. Sulphur, File Stone, tium Ammoniac, (Jj)iiim, Ara' ic. Kino, Scainmony l.ee’s I'ills, Liquorice Ball, l.aiuhiiujin, Manna Flake, Magnesia l.unip, Io Calcined, Maddvr, Miiriatf'd Tinrt Iron, Muriatic Acid, Oil Pep])erniint, “ Cloves, “ Ciiinairion, “ Juni|)(.r, “ \ itriol, Oxide Blsniutli, Opodeltioc, Prussic Acid, Paifgorie, Pi arl Aslv, Pulv. .lalap, do Uluiharb, 1*1 x Buri,^un(i:,, I’ulv. Antiinonialis, do ipceaeuanha, i’lll Pv.xes, l‘i;srl Barley, t^i'iok Silver, Red Si'iuh rs. Rosin Yellow, do V\ hlte, Spts I.avtnder compd. Spts. Nitre, boitK s, do in vials. Soda Powders, Spts. Vol. Aromatic, Stoughton’s IJitlcrs, in vials, do. in (jrt. Iiottlcs, Spts. liartbhorii, Sijuills Extract Elaterium, Durable Ink, Salt Petre, Si LI’ll ATI, Ql IM\E, •'>«•«///’.V Vonaceii, S;d. Eratus, I’aploca, Tart. Emetic, Tart. Salts, i>Aiiir5;s, &c. bite Vitriol. Spanidi Brown, W bite Lead, Crom. Yellow, Patent Yellow, (iold I.eaf, Silver do Rose Pink, Rotten Stone, C. II. IV ncils, Paint Brusiies, Sponge, hue, alers, Nutmegs, Scotch aild Maccobo_\ SnufT, Lamp Black, Court Plaster. Gum Copel, do Shellac, tlo Terra de Scienna, Prussian Blue, Vcnligris, do distilled, Stone Ochre^ Clue, Umber Turk, Drop Lake, Copel Varnish, Yellow Ochre, Red Lead, Litharge, Vermillion, Annatto, Spanish Whiting, Sugar Lead, December 6. 61 If l^ceds for 8ulc iit this Oiliccr Of the Slale of yoi'lh-Carolinu. ACORREC I Map of the State in which he resides must be a ilcMrablc object to every iiKiividual. Whatever 11.ay be a man’s ooeupa- tloii inlifi’, it frcpieiil!y bieoim-.- Important to him, as a matter ol’pecuniary interest, to possess a correct knowledge if the relative situation of the dillerent sections of countr\. In the pres ent eiiliglitened state of societv, the suliseriber is convinced that, apart {'roiii ;.ll con. idi rations of interest or con\enlei-.ee, tliere are ver) few of our clti/,('iis w ho do not feel it an allair of per sonal pnile that they and their i hlKlri ii sinnild In; able t’.) s[)eak wltii i'ainiHarlt} of lliosv,' p.;r‘is of the State l\ing'at a distance from tli..iii, :.s Wi ll as those in their iinmedlate \rciiiity. The subserllu r tin. refore Hatters iuniself lluit the fol low ir.g ]iro])osals w ill he reiel\ed with |)leasur' by a l.ii'g^ Jiortlon of tiie inliai)itai.ts of his na tive State. lie proposes to pu'.illsli a correct M\i> of tih. Si vi'K or Ndirni-CAiioi.i.NA, nieasuriiiy (j feet ‘J inehes in length by .j fei-i 6 inches in w Idtii, laid (Hit upon a scale of li\ (.■ inlle^. to the Ineii. The matirials will lie of the be^t kiiiii, and tiic en- gra\ lng executed in supi.i K-r st_\ !e. But coi'rectiu'ss of ilelmealion lu lng the most important cireunistance, has claliiud lln suli- sci'iber’s chief attention ; to the altalniiieril of which iniixirUint o ject, the Maj) of each coun ty has been separately executed by R. II. U. UiiA/ii.ii, llsq. with the assistance of geiitle- nu n of science residing in ililli ri nt jiartsof the State, and iroiii the public siirv c\■;, ;uulha\c been likewise re\i'.id and correcied by llie se veral I'ouutv sur\e\ors, or .some i»lhcr eonipe- teiit pirson. In eaeli county. Tkim’s—For .Maps, varnished, (-(.iored, ami mounted on rollers, or pul up in jji/ilable form, each. JOHN MAt IfAE. Fa\ eile\llle, N. (!. Dec. 1, ItJ'J.'v. Siil)Scrlpllons Ibr the above Map will be received at this office. subscribers have formed a co-partiu>r- X shi)i in business, xuider the firm of A. l‘AT- J ERSON M I'ti i)\\ ihii t;Hunei\\vivV. JUST |HiI)Hshed, and for sair at tlils (.(lice price IJ.J cents, “A Sermon on the Atone meiit.” li> S»Mi 1.1. C. Cali;wi I.I., A. ,M. ElUi’v Tji-k(“is’ W a mint.5 For 3uJc, at tliis Ofiice Cheraw, Nov. 21, 1825, G. T. IIEARSEY, A. PATTERSON. AVH OLE SALE STORE, Comer oj Front and Church stnetfi, Chcraw, A. PAT I'ERSON CO. OfTer for sale, a general and extensive assortment •of bcasi.nable itii'sr c CODS, tiardwurc, IVindow C/f/s.'i, Paints, S/.oes, lUdft, VrnhrcHas, Cotton and tioo/ C(/rd,y, This establlshmenl being devoted to a busi- n«'ss excbisiv/'ly \\ nru.KSAi.r^ and having ar- rangeii.ents fi-r constant supplies, on the most a(h antagcoiis t rni^, is i,( i retl w itli confidei.ee, as worthy the aileiition ; :!d notice of the Mer chants of that part of (he inti rior conntrx, whl. h is coniuctid with this place as a market for its prodiH e. Purcl.aser . fer r ;sb or apfirovecl pajjcr will be furnislu'i! wil, assi rtmi.nts at su h prices as will not f.il! tone satisi.ictiii'W Nov^l, 1825. ' 4165 EK,. J. K. iiC VK .M OIIMS hi-fi liii \ ed hi.s .Mi l lids, th:;t he has re- leme.s to t'u- ('ount- r (iiii (it the SNire iioiisi , it'.r,. i rl\ ipicM ii', .folin i'i(A(l, lict niiw oc- cup.f.i i,y .1. 1). Boul'i'^ Co. The Doctor still Conti,.ne-i 'lu practice of Pb\sic, and will att-’iul to :,l' : p|dieations with as i.nich pron.j tltude as pus', !>ie. Charlotte, Dcc.G, UiJ.;. dif Vovki‘t U \*uu^u\. E.MMo till subscn.>er','. :.\ Ing 8 miles south ol t.harlf.tt^, on til' I;'.ni.iig roaii 1i;oni Cum- den t-. Charlotte, snpp. Mil to be the ]ir.-.perr\ of Ple;.'s;uit R>b;soii, of .ul.ford countx, I he owner, by iji'omi!;.; pro]ierty and p.ijlng for this puhhcati(.,n, can iia\ 1 it. AUGS. Al.r.X '.\DER. Dee. ID, 1825. . |,;,5 ''t^'^’II.L he sold, by I. eontnct, a negro T J \\ OM.sN, imd her child tlui e m-. rs i/kI. She is a good cokk, w .i^iier, iroi.er air ■ aiii- sti\ s.5, warranted of honest (hintl.j, . ul no runaway. Terms of sate w lit L., mu. i.now ii b_v a|jp!y:ng to Mr. Isaac H; .m.s iii (^iiarlotte, ami V. luri the propirtx uia'. tie s.m is,i( ii’i,. o’i amm ll. S\va>. ^ . T IIERFJSV give notice, 'fi ' ^ I’*''*' hlteside h;.'. jx;., • i' , J ' 'i'; fy >tray Book an iron .n'l'i \ • ioiirteen hands three ii,dies ^ ei^tit or nine \ e..is old, w ith blue ni.,i,i-aii ■ t Said Whitesu'.e bvisin the !’ro\hK n-. .-r 111-. meiit, south of Charlotte ai.out 12 or 1 i m JNO. D.V\lf«, one of the IJ;,!,:,.'-. for the couuiv uf Mecklenluiri!;, North-t a;o!-i a Dec. 9, 1S2.5. ' • ' S. V*\ I li I.IT I 1 K-i'Tl \ 1 I ;.l , J rcci 'n'cd— Dbls. Mu.sco\ aiI., .-vl I. A I.', / *J 12j liags (;olit e, 23 hlnls. 1st quality Molasses, 150U hush’ls l.iverpool ^alt, 20 hbls. I.oa; ami Lump J>ugar, ‘20 i • pper, 20 d'l ^ j)lcl , 15 lio i;.!. e liinger, 10 qr. c;;ms Sneet Malaga 2U h.Lls. j\. E. Rum, 10 do Northirn (iin, lU do 'Fanm. r’.-. :ll, 20 tons Sw edi s li-oii, 1 do Share .M./iiiil.s, 2 do Sheet Iron, 2000 lbs. Blistered Steel, 10(;0 do (ierman do 500 do Cast-Steel, 175 kegs wrought f-i rut Nalls, &, Brads, oO boxes (lol and Cotton ( ards, 50 do 8-10 and 10-12 (.lass, loo bajfs ht.ot, 75 kigs FFl'and FF Powder, 100 reams W rapping I’ajier, 50 do Writing Paper, ;> tons l.o.e^wood, 3 bhds. Copperas, 200 lbs. 'Bengal Indigo, 200 do Spanish Indigq, 1500 do Madder, 2500 do Alum, 15K) do Salt Petre, 25 coils Bale Rope, 50 picces Cotton Bagging. With an assortment ot Patent MEDICINES, and PAINTS, dr_\ and in oil. AUo, a complete assortmeiit of fVool ,M(ichine Cards, ahvavs on hand. 1825.—2mt65 ul* ^‘ovtAv-CaYc.Wua, “ iMeckloiiIjtirj; Coniity. JS'ornnhvr Sessions, 1825. Middleton Lawing^ Original Attaciiment, le- r.'. vied on a tract of land j(;in- Robcrl Lawliig. j Ing A. Dunn and others, fi r i.-> ordei’i (I, by Court, that ad\ertisetm nl f be made for three mohtlis in the Catawba •lournal, for the deteiidant to ajipiar at the Fe- liruary term, 182t), and there to riplew and plead to I'-sne, otherwlM- jiidginciit will he en tered against him. Test. ISAAC ALEXANDER, e. m. e. trJ—price uilv. 5rl. Just J^iblisliiMl, VND Cor s.de at this Oflice, in a pamphlet Ibrin, “Mrictures on a piece written !)V Mr. Da\III II'.'iikel, entitled flea\euly l lood i.f IJegeiufatlon, or, 'I reatise oil Holy Baptism.” .los^rii Mtjoiit, r. J). M, Price, ccnts. edknezeu academy. ishitig to i^aiii an important object, in the good classification of thf students who t ntci- Klienezcr Academy, its I'cach- trs would ocrui)y public attention, at this timt', while they announce, among- o'.her things, tlieir requebt that parents would emleavor, as much as ])ossible, to enter tlieir sons only at the beginning of a (juarter. Entering without concertcc! views, studtnis unnecessarily iiiuitiply classes, and diminish their jirospec: of the greater benefit, in being w» 11 classed. It is ho|)cci that ull entrances, iiereultei’, will be so timed, as to be dated eai h in January, April, July, or Ocloi)er. Tbosi* who are conversant with the interior of our Academic and Collegiate Scminut-ies, know well the iniportance of such legti- lalions. Tiie first riuurter in 1826 will commence on theOtli of January. 1 he 1 eachers ol this .\cademy would avail themselves of this occasion also ti, aiuiounce, to the jjtiblic, its pros])erous condition, \ consuleralile etdargf'nK'nl of its buildings has been lately made, and IS still ping o!i. On tlic grouud floor of the maiti buildiug are tiii’ee tuition rooms, and a Post-()Hi; e ajiariment ; and above iliesc at e a Library atid -Apparatus roon' in the buil) of the belli'y, ainl a Luge spaic iiiui.iied to be impio\cd fur ai»atl- iiients tor L he-Si s in tlieir hours of siufh . Ol the tuition rooins. one is \eiy sp.i- cious, and is named l-'oijf!tv iIt,U. On its Intel loi- il IS (iesii.>i)ed lo iiisei lbe .S)i-op- s,es ol ail liie I'lguics and biagiams per taining to ;he Sci( iices, wan a \ lew of laciliia:iiig a coiieaicnalion of ideas in any branch of Science. A new sei of (iiube',on an original jilan, u iih Manuals ol Cicography anil As.tionoMiy cortcspon- deiu, l.a\e been ordered IVoin Europe, and are daily exj.ec led. Two Debating bocuiii-s and a Liide Class are now in operation. At our l.AainiiiatiofiS and LxiiibiUons ..le siuuenls present original pieces ol iiicii- own comjiosition ; and, on such occasions, those who are ready for an honorable ui.sinissal, itrc publicly named, and pic.seiiled wuh such cerlili- ica.cs as tiieir standing demands. It is al.io 111 coiuenipiaiion 5o examine me stu- ui iil>, iieit'aiiei, on the suojects of the .\i uden.tcal Lectures. These rcgula- iii>. s slni!!*ily slimiiiale the suulents, both iomeniui un! moi al excellence, in .short, >. oatever is nci ( ssary to make ilic good • liolar and gooU i.uizen, sliall ijcenitred i'lio the cuursc of a studcni at i',bi;nc/.cr .fieniy. .. }ei tiiere has been no rcccrneoi that , .. I ‘-I .iiion whicii Itas given a large .1 " cuU\ grow th to this Academy, in -i.i \eaii. oi Its c.iutinued .slatidint'.—, i.eni. V ei' Uiu! jniblic opinion shall rt; vcrl I hi. iu!, iii.ii il din s not recognize ihls as | .1 sul).slatrial JDeiuInary of K itiing, we, i\iii aw ail Its auaid, anrl retiie to ..notii- tf s,iihe:(‘ (if iai>ur. We .see nolhiiig of liiis tevcisi; as veU The number of stu- dciiis a'luclied to the Academy is lifiy- ii\e, ai l! vLe number IS intreasing. 'I'lie l esuiii i Iof u.«, num!)ei-s are nuilliply mg, . lid j.iu;r.ise us along and large stijjporl. W lu ll iinislicd comjdetely, our Acuuemy will jirescnt an impo.Mng't',f/tWwy, which, no excrliiins shall be spaied, lo support by its cl.diacfcr. In aii’.ii jpalion of our fair j)iosj)ects, and to meet |iri-seiiL upjilicalions, C apt. Lliaries M. >*art has jjurtiiased, for a Boarding J-staldisl.inenl, the buildings and premi-.e.s lately o\vned by -Mason and liailej, and located wiiliin a lew hundri'd yards of the Academy. He will board a large nniulier o!' studcnls, and will regu late the Lsia!)hs!'.nient by strict rules!— On the picmises of the'Academy, and wuliin a (juarterofa miic, theie are sev eral houses where sUidenls can Ijoard and be also tuid'er the in.'^pcctioii of the Teach ers. 'i lie pulilic need not he under any apjii (du'.n.sion (hat the Academv has sus- l;eiided its exerciscs, if we should be si- ant in the jiuijlic prim.-, for the lapse of a year. As our Legislatui c„ at its last .ses sion, iiljci ally gr.lilted us tiie the » schcat- ed i.M’operiy of Vork District, till it a- niounts lo S 10/^00, we could not be oth erwise than highly stimulated lo a//c/ir- rcrdiiie, which would vest those funds, when evol\L'd, in a subslanlial ai;d j,rr- nidiifiit Acadnuy. i\n annual notice should he Kulfu ient to keep our Acadcmy before tlie jiuldic eye. If iheie he any mateiial alleraiion in the affairs of the Academy, n(jtiie will be giv(>n in due lime. Jioarding still continues at S70 per annum, and 'I'uition at S2 l. 'i p.e health (d our selllemenl preser\cs its uni form ciiaraetei . i*i oj;osing these partic ulars of the Academy to the public, wc solicit its conlinued j)atronage. F.FEAZAR HARRIS, ) >MI.LIAM M()FFAT, f y;«, .lAME.S C. CAiiEY, ^ Yiir/i J)i\irirf, S. C. Nov. 5,. 1825. To the precediiijr, ih,. subscriber would add, iiy slating, that the arrangemenl whi( Il iiiiiot'uced two other Teacliers in to this Aoideni) was not inletuied to fa vor uiiv dcsiLjn on IjIb ^art, ty withdruw from very active duly in the Academy. The subscril)er W'ill never allow any clas.s to be insulated from himself. lie holds the prerogative of calling- for the recita tion of any class in any department, whenever ho thiid;s proper. His aim is to pervade the establishment, directly and indirectly, with his presence, his labors, Hiid his system of education ; not to press il with the lcad weight of an incubus. His assistants shall always desei-ve the public trust, by their talents, learning, assiduity, and good clVaracter, as the pre sent assistants do. Mr. Mofi'at was educated partly at this Academy, and knows its mode of education well. He has taugiit in this vState w'ith success, and is now placeil here with general ap])roba- tion. Mr. Caiu.y was lately a Teachcf in the Raleigh .Academy, and holds tes timonials of a llaiterifig nature from va rious per.so.'ts in N. C. to whom he was known as a Teacher. Mr. Mulfat and .Mr. Carey are both capable of teaching the Lalin and (ireek L-atiguages, and sev eral of the Sciences ; and tlici. Dejjiirt- ments are sk'-lchcd accoid.ng to their |j.iiticular exceljcncies. If a vacancy should, at any time, take place in the De partments wiiich tiiese gentlemen fill, the united efToris of the I’rustees and the subset ilier will be directed to such a choice, as wiil fill iheir places fully to the satislariioii oi' the public. As the sub- scril)er has allowed no intersection of rm- nt/icr sphere of usefulness, with that of a I'eaeher of this Academy, and in so do ing h.is succeeded in rearing it up to its preseni size, he. will indulge ihc hope, that the same cuncciitration of eflbrts, for the future, wiil continue its grow th, and base it immovably in the cheerful, steady patronage of an enlightened pub lic. K. JIAKRIS. Communications directed to Ebenezer -Academy P. (). and addressed to any of the 'rrustecs, named below', will be duly noticed. R. Ji. Walker, Presd^t, ltd'. ./. Ilarn's, Sec7'ctat\y. J. CurHanl, Ksq. Mr. Ji. no.thc.rs. Col. T. IViHiaina, il//'. ./. U. Harry., J)r. K. Jcnninij;s, I'd})!. J. *fTndcrson> November 5. i^i)Us\aV)Ws’ Wavvauts, i'or sale, at this OfHcc. COMMON I.AW. Two objei lions may be made to the common ly >v as a system ol jurisprudence, *vliich ar-; jilausihle, and deserve to be considered. It may be said that its prin ciples ate vague and iincei luin, and that it gives the judges, in efi'ect, the power of legislation. To the lii st it may be re plied, as we have said above, that the greater mim!)er of contested questions re gard the application of a principle, and not the piinciple itself. iUit much of the uticertainly of law arises from the nai row limits ol our knowlerlge, and from 'he unfavorable imperfection and arriljiguity of language. In tiie iniinite variei> of human actions, no legislator can for.-see or provide againt particular cases, and oven classes, which aie continually aris ing. He can only establish general prin ciples ; and w e are not certain, that a gcn- ei al principle can be laid down in terms more accurately than it can be collected Iroin a series of judged cases* The En glish Statute of Frauds, reputed to be the joint production of Sir MiKthew Hale, Sir I rancis North, and Sir Lton'ine Jenkins,and which has been reenacted in nearly ihe same words by almo.si every legislature in the Cnion, is a memorable instance ol Uie imperfection of language. L(jrd Xoltingham used to say of it, that every litie was w(nth a subsidy; and the profession and the public have generally ac(]uiesce(l in the ojiinion of Lord Ken yon, tliat ‘it is the wisest law in our statue book;’yet it has, without doubt, occasioned as many lawsuits^ as there are words in it, and it may probaiily oc casion as many more.—A’. A. licview. I he following commutiication to the Legislalure of N’ermonl, by one of its members, is as excellent as it is certainly T//m/?/rin its character: ^ Mr. Hki.i. informed the House, that he was reipiesteil hy his llxcellenry. to inviie the members to call and lake a social gla-s of wine al Cotlrill’s Hotel, and tliat this invitation was predicated upon the circumslatice ol his i:\cellenc\'s being about to^ jeliniiuish ihe (uiIkrnatorial Chair. — The. Hotinc conci/rrcd. I lie sage Chilo, hearing a person say that he had no enemy, asked him, if l,e had then no friend ; thiiikiiig '.hat friend ships and ciimilies »tci es'-arily JiiHowed, and were '.;r rndcm on cach oihcr.

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