(i! Iv\ A li ‘v'^S I'iAi iil/i . >r,.\Arr.. TMi iisnvv. nr.('.,~ J.— !M-!% Joiu’s ol Ro- ■waii ])’ ■''' II '•'! 1’i‘l tl'i* liL-tlor |)n>u-c- tion ul' }-’n')lii: Bruises owned by iiulivid- Iials or corporations and |)i csci ibing llie punishnuMil lor Ijiii nin^ I lie saiiii'. Mr. I’ickcU, iVoni the Jufiiciary C'om- iTiillfO, icporled u I)ill to jjrov ide lor tliu security ol‘ persons purciuisiii!; slaves, sold l)v virWie ol excciitioiis issued 1)\ Justices of the I’l-acc—wliicli bills were read the fist tiine. ’I'he bill to aiitliurize the buHdinj^ of a Tull lirid;-;e over the rl\er Cape I'ear and to inrorj)(jraii' a company tor tliat pur pose, and the bill authoi i/in},'- tlie 'I’rits- '.ees (*f the Salisi)ury Accadeiny to raise by w ay of lottery y.l(),00;> were oidered to be enrolled. Tlu y are therefore laws. Mr. ilill of I'raiikliri from the roininit- tee on 1-ducaliuii. it‘j)orled a bill tocreaic ;i fiUKi I’or the esial)lishinenl of Common Schools ami for the .supimrt iiiert of— •wi.icli was read the first linse and ordereil to be printed. ! ni.c. 2.1.—Mr. I’ickctt presen- tcd a l)ill i» extend the provisions (jf an i;( I passed in 18JJ,i?raiilin; further time to perfect title# to lands—which was read the lirsl time unl passed. The eii;;rossed bill to repeal the loth section of an acl passed in l.soi'., direc'.- iny, the maiuier in which ihe cle: ks of li'e Superior C'ourts shall lie a|)!)oiiu'd, Jx.r. vas reail the second tune and indelinilely j)osipoiu-d on motion ol Mi'. Speight ol t-iieeiie, \ eas Tl, .\a\s I'J. MoM)\v, 1)1 e. ‘2G.—'I’he bill to amend an IK I t '>ncerniiur the town ol Sahsbiirx, passi'il in 1n:2, cii.:p. .)-M, and for otliei- ]iui‘poses, was oi'fieii'il lo be enrolled. li is I hrlclui e a law. '1 lie Senate rvsolved itself into a coin- rniltee of the whole, Mr. I’icketi in tiie Chair, to take into consideration the hill to create a fund for the estal)lishment and sui)port of common Schools, kc. which vas rej)oited with ati ameiiilment to the ]lousc b) the C'hi^irman, and on iiu^tionol Sneed, oiMered to lie on liie ial)ie. 'I’lu' l)ill to amend an a( t passed in i "K.s concernin'^ H(^ad‘', and th(' bill to amend an a. 1 |.c*-sed in lK'2-1, aiithorizhii^- the lijvpoiiiiment of Commissioners to rtii. iitid ni;.rk tiu' tli\idin;j^ line beiween Lin- coin ;'.nd iliuke, \fe’e indefmilely posl- ])UIH vl. ■P i-r,c. C7—.Mr. Hill of Stocks, ( • iiintitu • 'Ul liu pi t'pDsed • !(> ;i r I 'US'i11:.ion ol ilic Lni- , .i;, ’ !''(• cleLlloii ol ar 1 \ 100 i‘'i ..ihi',:, ifpwiied .nirotlU' . \ ii-ion, 1 ii'.' II sul)m i.'.i-il Icj;’ ilu’ir coti- . >■. i;i-.i)Ul ..i;;ci,!;:ncnl—>\hich, ■loi’Mi. i'icketI, w .is oidered to IV" I ■ tC'i )>!*• . rill' I M i.i ■ ■>i(.l” on II lir an : tbrii in -vvhicli Ctjsts ol's;;its dccid'-d in ll.i;- Sii- i j)rime (N>nrts siiall hereafierb'’ coilected and paid ofer, [ Provides that Shei ills in all e.MCUtions from the Suprenu’ Court siiall i>ay into the oliice of the Suiu-rior Court from whence an appeal was taken, the costs due in said ('otirt. j Mr. Sw ain, I'rom the Select rommitlce on the subject, reported a bill to erect part of the counties of Buncoin!)e and r>uike into a si‘j)arate and distinct coun-^ ty. 'i'his bill wae read the first timi‘ and indi fmiielv postponed on molitni of Mr. Dii'ikc. Mr. S])ruill from the select ronimittee on the subject, reported that it is iiiexpt - client 10 est:iljlish a J\iiiie»itiary at this lime. Mr. Swain ]>vesenled tlic petition ol John Mac Rae of I'ayi;ttevilU', staliinj; Ir is about to publish a Map of tl’.e Siate, and asking; for a loan ol .’,();)(.> lioilai s ti- enable him totn'ect the work, lielerred to a select committee. L niavoiuble reports w'ero made on (lie petition of William lltoker and otheis, and lh(“ memcji ialof liie otbcers ol ihc Sunday School L nion of Orange. Kuii»\Y, Die. ’.'I.—ISIr. 11 ollanil prese'n'; ted a bill to aiin-iul ihe ‘.uh section ol an acli)assi'd in 1777, dir-ciinLij the meiho'l or(;lectiii;j: Meinljers of Assend)ly. ! i^ro- J’.y the brin’ .Morce.!, which ar.ived at Xew-York from Cadi/. p.ip«T.s to the l‘)lh of XovemI)cr have, Ijeeii receiv^^d. The iullow ln;^” aro extracts: No\. 1 —I'.xti'act of a jirivate letter from I rieste, elated tiie ltb inst: Missolon^-hi siistair.s and dennds itseil valiantly. Several Austrian vessels ha\e been taken by the (ireeks. 1 he brig Se- vero, iJiie oi our best vessels, on her re turn from Smyrna with thirty ’I'urkish paSMcnij^'is, fell in with an armed (ireek \esst i. ' An eni,^a:^cnKni ensued, in which she was captured, ihe crew jjiit to the sword, ani! tin; bii,^suuk. I)iily tbiee ol tiic 'i'urkish passini^ers were preserved in the ho[)e of obtaining u l^irye l aiisom for them. (iihndl:n\ (H. jr.—VesU'rday 9 Spati- isli merclKint \ essi'Is wert; captured l>\ tiie Colombian ci uis'-rs. one alone esi aui'ci, and owed her s.jvation to our balic rie-i, whicii were oijeiu'vl upon tiie privn'ee.’s. It is Ilf) lon;;er possible to bear these re-j mourn her loss ,he tarried uilh her brother over In tiie miirniuK Mr. Leonard cume to her and rei^ucbteil !it i- to ;^o liom^*. peared vcrv pleu..^n. that morning. S.ie went imniJdiately home. 1 he children va:nt to M'hooU and left Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Harriet, (about ten years old, v\ho w as unweW,) and the babe about one vear old. Mrs. i.. j^ot her bench and tubs io go to washinj;, w ben Mr. L. came in wiili an axe behind lici-, and struck her on the side of the head—she raised her liand to her head, to deiend it Iroin the blow, us he struck her with the head o the axe, and l)roke her tjny;ers—she le 1 senseless to the lloor. He then strtjck iv r twice on the side of the lace, which knocked her jaw in, and bruised her ^llockingly, and said ‘ ci—n you, 1 guess v(iu are dead now llien took his axe and Carried it out and laid it in the back shed —he came in, took his razor IVoin the mani.el pii'ce, stood facing Harriet, who lay on t'be lied, drew the razor twice a- cross his throat, then Jell to the lloor. As soon as he fell, Harriet went and took Uie Daije out of the cradle, and ran cr\ing murder! Mrs. L. has seven children to His corpse was Carried )■.; II ['i’('scnt (! .1 l)iil to anieiul ,i!'.iilhig Siici iH'-. and dirccliiiL; i III ollicc anil ciiiip(iiinij I hen; t/i (■ siiilit I'lit se'iiri'.y the dis ci. r. of ilu ir. pu.Mii, duiii ’. V, 1 iM',.-.i) w, ui'c. J.S.—.-.M r. I'ii kett.from tlie .iiiduMurs (omiii:! :cv. to whom was refeiii'd the oili h’niriiii;- the tiiue wilhin vliii b pi os. rutious for lei'taiti olVences slvii! be com:ii' Hi '1, rejniried '.hesjim v’ii h '■.un it V aim 11 ! ii'i-n's, v, iui n wej'c a- gieed III .111 i li.f Ijiil leaci tin- third lime. 'i lie eit_^:o'Scd liill to encoura,t;c lin- piii^'icaPon of a liis'i,rical and scn'i\tiii> vviirko:! this Si.i'.c. .’.vas rrad the second time. Tl;is hiil, as 1' ine irom llic II ouse t)f CoMiiiiou'. aiiiiioi iM d Mi .Miir- phev i() l\ii -e bv liilu r \, ! ni' su i.i ol fort'u' piii j>osc (jf f ai r', no.; lus \ it \vs in to rlVi. cl. motion of ;Mr. Spi ighl (d‘ (ii cri!‘, t !'■ bill .IS amended i)y striking;- out fii, I'lOiisair/ and mserl ing •/;/'- ttm t'.iiiiscii'l. .Ml'. Hill of I'raiddin mo\- e'i fi:- Its iiidiiiiiUf postp(jnmi'ii’, whicli va^ negali\i'i'. Mr. ard moved to a- luendtl.c i)di ftiiiher l)y empowering the Ciovernor 'u raise bv lotiery ihe fu st men tioned sum, and loan the sanie to Mr. ■Murjdiey without interest for six years, tipon conditi(jti that he give security for tin- piil.iic ation of the woi4: and that A\ hen tile u (ji k is comi»h-'ed. cojjlesofthe sai'ie sli')i|’fi be tak> u i)v I’m- Slate to the \a!'ie of ^J(),CK)0. On this amendment t'-i' \ou-swere equal,.ind tlie Spi'aker de- :i(hd in the negalivc. IMr. I'cjrney mov- 4 (1 a In w set lion w liiuh u as agi eed to. li m- iting'tl.r cla-si-s of th«- Lollei y to//;/VV di a\\'ings. '1 !>,f bill tin n pas.M’l its sc- cj|id I'cairuii,'’, Vi'as .1, Na\s 1. 'i he bill w.is tin n ri'ad the t'.iird time, and ^ ]\i r. ilill mo\t(l ^1) o'l'l a tiiii'd 'ion. | ,1 II ImL.—Capt. llo!)r(ni of tin.’ whale tlial tin-betiriil^ ol liu- arl‘.lion,u ii..i vcsi i ship plane til Xcw-Loiulon, has w ru in Ml. Mui-piu y lin'd lie (..n\i slo i.u-I nm home, that on the iJlti of August, he (1(.\I" nor, lor ih;' ii.se oi I'lr S,.iU', >di i |t]l in wilii a school of Sprrm Whales; rit-i:’ -'I po.ssc^- loii to ail doi unu lil'.. la . j i.f luw('ri;d his Ijoat and soon fasteiu d to -Cwiif t 11 P ',; til.' doir-aid his!((i ">. he i ui\ ■. one :—ihe line got rouiifl the loggeriieud ]). SM -s i.i !>!s (irai 1. piovulrd m- tnr be-L.jul look the boat dow n, and w itii it Na- ii,if li.i' (ouipir:ioii ol the woi k—w hieh ] .luii I’lsh, the steersman. 'I'he boat a;)- nibly. poses that the polls may i)e ojiened at 10 o’clock in the morning, inslead of the hour now !,pecilli-d. | Mr.(iordoi! preseiitt'd a bill which W'as 1‘ead three limes, lo amend an act passt-il in 181,', for- tin- better regulalioii of llu- low n of WiikesIjMi'u.’ Ml-, iJoiioho from the conimiltee on Internal Imi)i'j\ement, to VJioma resoiu- of i!n- House oii tlie sultjeel was ri-- f(.-rred, repjrteil a bill directing the Ijoard of Inlernal Impro\emenl to maK(- con- Ir.iCts with such persons as may liereai- ler undertake any of the public ini|)r.pve- menis in ttiis state and to lake b(ml and security for the perlormance of ihe same. W illiam New loti Tal ks was elected Colonel of Cavalry of the i llii iJrigaiie. 'I'he bill prescribing the duly of llu- Atlorney (ieiieral was read the secoiul time and amended by repealing ilie paris ol a I. is under which the Solicitor Cicner- i.i i.s appointed, so as to ai)poinl two So licitors for the Ihird aiul fourth circuils, and ihe bill as ainended pusbeU its inii d leading. s.\'ii:ku.vy, pkc. 2 1.—Mr. I’icol from ihe select committee, rej)orted a bill an- inji'i^ing a l(/au to .1. .\l;ic Kae to aid him- in tiie pubiicalion of a .Ma]> of this Slule. Mr. W ilsi.n, a bill lo aim-nd ihe lii.51. section of ^n acl passed in 1; J0, con cerning the marriage of infant feiuaies. MONDAY, l-l.Cl.MliKl' 2C). Tlu! Ijill lO make an ai)pi opriaiion tor ( li.-aring out the I'lais 1)1 low ilmitigKHi, was read the second lime. Mr. iJf.'on moved for Us iinleliniie posipoiicmeiii, w iiicli was liegaliveil 5J 10 4.'>. 1 lie bill io,[)ieveiit pro;ra''ted lltiga- lioii by eiiK.i'giiig Ine jun'sdiclioii (d Jus- lices ol the I'cace, was taken up in com- niitlee of me whoU, Mr. Mai un in tne chair, and rei>orieti wiih suiulry amend- ineiKs lo the House*. After some de!)ate, Mr. I'lcot moved for its indiliniie post- poiirment, w hich w as carried 62 lo 47. ..I!'. Mariiii from the selecl comuiuiee to whom was referred the bill lo compel ceriain oiiloers therein named, to make oui llK ir fee i)ills in dollars and cents, ri ported the bit! w unout amendiijeni and recoiiiuieiideil ils passage, and the bill w as read the firsl time. Mr. Scotl from the Judiciary commil- lee, lo wiioni v. as referred the resoluiion iiisirucLing them to einpiire i’lto the ex pediency of .so ameno.r.g llio j)reseni laws a^i to pre\enl, as lar as possible, I’l'ivolous and iiudKious prosecutions go ing into court, reported that it is not ex- jii uient lo legislate on tiie sub_^ecl—which report was concuned ;n. n r.sDAY, ni'.c. «7.—Mr. A. Moore, prc- senietl a bill 10 alter the lime of electing ihe niembcis of the (ieneral .Vsseinbl\. Proposes that they ije iield in Novem- oer, instead of Augu.si.J Mr. Stedman presenied a biJl to' pre vent persons from educating sla\es.— Ui-jecled on ils lirsl reading. w i:i)M.si);\Y, 1)1 c.28.—^The bill tocreate a lund for the csuiijiishmenl of Common :ichools, was received from the Senate aiKl read the lirsl time. I’he bill lo legulale the hire of slaves was indclinilely posli)oned. 81 to J.ii. peat-'d captnro. I and iniried on a hill—her corpse wascar- ship (;overnor Strong, rn-d lo the meeting hou .e, where a ser- ly drojiped C u,i. Daniel C.oihn. which arrived here mon was preached by the licv. Mr. cratic Pres.s, have led lo susp.c.ous oi ihe ' ... . . .■ .Sprague.” nianaL>'eme ■\S a- 011 to I to I Ills.^ion w as made to lie | jicared in about Jo minutes, and he with '':r and an iiiiieiM!mcnt |)i'oj)osi'd ' I hr ii!;iiiug' i)'.( at of till' Loiter) 1 1 n I Ui/i iis of Nortli-C ai'olina. biM boHi V, I lf I,J icd. 'i'he bill passed ils ,]d rea(.i!.g lo _ i. llOt.sK (II (OMMONS. 'I iirnsD, M J,.— .\ir. W. W. .Tones pK srii:«-d a bid to ni.dii- an appi oj)riation i'o: ri' aiing’ out the llatsuciow ilming- tuli. -Mr. \\ iison, a liill for the bcttei regn- tion of till' (!ounty Coiii ls (d’ W dki-s. Mr. StoM fi'f>m tfie Jiidiciarv toininii- tcc, reported a bill dirccling lliO niamiei- bui bclore the ooat could be turned liu. uiiale look both down again. W hen the wiiale rose the second time the unfoiiu- naie man was cul loose, of course drow n ed. 'i he line was found wound I'ound Ins linger and that holding only by a part of ihc skin. He was one of the best men on board. 'I'he jj’ibiic m.i) ere long, look for an- o.her ••W’v\i.Ki,v Xo\i-.i.the author is said U> be engaged in a work, the scc'ue ol w hich is laiil on liie shores of 1- ife. r. X Gci:. iVoui *M.iis('i!les, willi a cargo ol wiiie and oil, for New-Orleans, parted her ca- !),'(• in a !;ale and w.'iil ashore near the Casile of Sail I'elipe. It is supposed that '.he has expei'ieiiced some damage. We ha\e receivetl the inosl disastrous accounts of a famine which now prevails in liarbary lo such an eXieiit, tnal the wretched inhabilaius of Tangier drop down dead in the streets. A subscrip- lion has been opened here for their re lief. I-'rom Ruenos ;\yies, papers have been reci'i\ed at New’-\ork, to the jjUi ultimo, inclusive. A great battle was loughl a '.horl lime pre\ious!y, between a lorce ol 2000 Brazilian cavalry, commanded by Col. DiMitos Manuel, and an ep.ial lorce of the Monte Videaiis (or Hatida Orien talists) under tlu- coinnK'.nd ol (ien. La- valleja, in which a decisive victoi’v was gained by the latter. I he Brazilian ar- mv suslaiiu'd a loss ol 40i) men killed, and 470 taken prisoners, including 52 ol- licers, with 2“ >0 stand of arms, 10 pieces of artillery, S.c. 'I’he loss of the Orien talists was comparatively small, amounl- ing lo thirtv killed and seventy wound ed. Fi'orn Buenos Jj jits.—In addition to the batile between tiie liruzilian and Hand.i Oriental ti ooj)s, we learn, by the last ar rival at New York, that the government of Ijiit-nos Ayres was alioul lo issue a manifesto, claiming the right lo the ju- risdiclioii o*’ Montevideo, and avowing the inU-;iti.in of aiding the Patriots ii.i their ctlorls to w rest it from the domin ion of the Emperor; aiul that a serious war was, therefore, likely lo ensue be iween the two govermiu'Jits. .\ Hi-azili- aii S(iuadrcn of 15 sail lay before Buenos Ayres. l-'rom tlic N.Y. Commtrc’ud Advertiser, Dcc. 16. Sunru'Icr of .S7. Jikhi de Uloii.—We have the salivfaction to announce tiuit the Spaniards have been forced to aI)andon the last strong hold they possessed on this side of liie whole continent of.Vmet-- ica. I'he C'astle of St. Juan de Uh>a, which has for a long time annoyed the cciinmerce of Mexico, and commanded the entrance into the |jort of \'era Cruz, was siii'iendered lo the Mexicans on the 17th nit. 'I’his agreea!)le intelligence is !)y Capt. I’osdick, of the ship l'r;incis. Irom New-Orleans. He was boarded on t!ie 4th inst. oil’ Havana, by the Mexi can brig of war Victory, Caj)t. 'I'hotiias, from \'era Cruz, bound to Havana, with a Hag of trui-e, having on board (Jen. Coppinger, the late (Jovernor, and the of ficers of the Castli-. 'I’he troops compos ing the gari'ison, who were reduced to a few men, were on board of u transport, which separated from the brig the day before. nosrov, Di'c. 12. Discovi.ky 01- Sit.VKU Minks.—Captain I’oiii), of the brig Colon, who arrived at this port yesterday, inftji ins that a few days pre\ions to his deparluie, a large (piantity of silver was found on the sur face of the earlh, a!)oul 1 !• miles from C’o(iuiml)o, by a muleieer, who made known his good lorlune at Cotpii.nbo, and bad been olfrred thirty thou-.aiid ilol- lars foi- the discovery. It was re[)oried j about the time the Colon sailed, lli.il four I or live valuable mines had ijeen traced from the sd\ er found on the sut face,which promised lo be almost iiu-xhaustible. One of these was discovered by Mr. I’rosl, an American merchant at Coqiiimbo, and it was siip|)osed he would obtain a grant to w ork it, as others had done. Peoj)le were Hocking to the place from Cotpiimbo in search of silver, so that it was dilVicull lo gel any business transacted. J lor rill Mui'ikr anil Siiirirlc.—I'-x tract of a letter Irom a voung lady in Springfield. .Mass. dated Dec. 17.—“Yesterday my eyes i)eheld such a sight as 1 never hei'ore wiinessed—it Uas tin; corpsits (d‘Mi-, and .Mrs. Leonaril. 'I’iie circumstances are as lollows : Last Tuesday, Mrs. Leonard at tended meeting in the evening : on ac count of the ill irciiiinettl of her husbatid. Th(‘feelings of the inhabitansof the centra! part of Washington were painlul- ly exciU'd, on Saturday last, between and 4 o’clock, P. M. by the sjdd--n death nf Dr. TiioM.v s WKnii, who lately kept a re- spi’ciable Druggist’s Siiop, near Lrown s Tavern. Ho died by his own hand, hav ing shot himself through or near the heart, wiih a horse-pibtol. No cause has been assigned lor this act ol desperation. The deceased was on a highly respecta ble family, some of whom reside among us, and whose distress of the occasion mav be well conceived. At//. Inltl. The Democra'.ic Press mentions an other i-obi)ery of a wagonet', near Phila* di-lphia, by two villains, armed with iiuives and pistols, ol 75 dollars in mon- ev. He enlreated them to allow him something to bear his expenses home, as he had lifiy miles to travel; but their gen erosity extended only to 75 cents. Beu'are of counterfeit 100 dollar rwles.— Counterfeit 100 dollar notes on the Far mers’ Bank at Winchester, were detect ed at the bank on 'I'uesday. 'i’vvo notes of that description were contained in a package sent from the Mechanics’ Bank of Baltimore, and upon first sight were pronounced by the olVicers to be base counterfeits. 'I'hcy are signed P. X. Nicliolns,’' u'hereas the branch bank at IVin- ci'ics/tr nerer issued any 100 dollar notes irith tlirit si/jnatarc, but all signed Benj. Jlatcticr. Two other striking defects in the notes were visible to the ollicers ; but the dif- i'erence in the signatures is enough to put the public on their guard. IVincltcster Hcpuhlican. FIIIE AT TllK CAPITOL. ■w.\sniNcvroN, dkc. 2,i.—About IwMv’e o’clock last night, Y'incent, the sergeant of the guard on duty at the Capitol, j)er- ceiving an unusual light in the apartment of the Library of Congress, alarmed the Lil)rarian, w ho instantly came to the spot, and, on opening the doors, perceived a part of the gallery, (of wood,) which runs round the apartment, to be on fire. He immediately removed the books in the alcove adjoining; and, the alarm being spread, the citizens proini)tIy assembled. .\n engine and hose were brought, and by the very active exertions of the fire men, aided by a number of Members of Congress, wlio vied w'ilh one another in tlieir exertions lo save the Library, the llanies were extinguished in less than an hour. V'ery few of the Books, and those of lit tle value, are consumed. Many of them, of course, arc injured by the wet, and by a hasty removal ; but the loss is trilling, to what might have boen expected. '1 he ceiling of the Saloon is partly destroyed. Sc one of the alcoves,of this beaiitii'ul apart ment. It is believetl that the iii'!- ui igin- ated from a candle, left in the gal!ci-y by a gentk-man who was reading there till a late hour, and whicl;, being up stuii was not •Hoiiced when the Library was closed. AV//. Int. Dr.STIM r i IVK FlIM-.. A conflagration inot-e »'xtfusive in i’s ravages than any which had 1,'een previ ously exp(.-rienccd iii this ( iiy for several years, comnieticed on Sunday moriiiti;;-. I)elweeti 12 and 1 o’clock, ami continued burning unlil nearly 4 o’clock, before ils destructive progress could be arrestvil.— with some of the adjoining 0 buildings^ were destroyed. Another wooden dwel-' ling house, belonging to Captain S.\lti's, and nearly adjoining the one destroyed, was preserved, by the unremitied cxer* lions of the Hose Company. Several 0. ther houses adjoining the scene of conflji. graiion, were repeatedly on fire, but were finally saved by tht exertions of the citizens, aided, by the Hose, Engine, and Axe Companies. It is not ascertained how the fire origi. nated—no one slept in the front building^ in which it commeticed, nor was there any lire or candle in it afier half past g o’clock in the evening ; the flames wero discovered by a w atchman about haifpast 12 o’clock. The night was severely cold, the wells in that neighliorhood, which are by no means numerous, were generally low, and soon exhausted j and unfortunately, it was low tide at the lime the lire was raging—these circumstanccs added much to ^le difliculty of arresting i;^ progress; and it is matter of congrat ulation, under all these fliscouragemeiits, that ils ravages were not more extensive. Charleston Courier, The Castom-Housc—Some hints recent ly drojijjed by the Editor of the Deiiio- cratic Press, have led lo suspicious of ilie management of li'.e concerns of the Cus- lom-Houses generally; and the follow ing, copied from the Press of'riuirsdav last, is of loo Si rious u nature to be por- miiied to go uneontradicifd. If the thin^' be as slated, it is high time the correc tive was applied : if ii be not, let the state-' mcnl bo dtcisivcly refuted. rim..\i)i.i:i’iii.\, rr.c. 15.—It is now said,' and coiilidently said, that the China Mcr- chaiu who lately failed in this city, has tak.cn, or caused lo be, taken, without huv- ing given the re^juired securities, front the Custom House Stores, seventeeu thousand one Ivindred and eighty pack ages II Can this !).- possiI)le ? Half Un> ;.inount, or one half cjf that half, would, be ficarcely credible, vet the w'hole amount is boldly airirmed. It is further said, wo hope for the jiurpose of ascertaining the extent of puijlic crcdulity, and not be cause it has any foumlaiion in truili, that certificates, ]>roper Custom House Crr- lilivates, were obtained to accompany thc> seventeen thousand packages thus takea from the Public Stores. Strange and in credible as are those rumors, yet others still more strange and, incrcdiblc, tuft currently circulated, listened to with, avidity, yea, and credited generally.— 'I'hcre will be no end to these stories un til the public, from authority, are saiis- lied as to the real state of things. hope Congress will not be long before they instiiuie an inquiry upon so liberal a scale, as not merely to em!)race this ease, but the w hole system of collecting- the revenue. Press. On this subject, the Baltimore (la- zette of Saturday alTords the followings additional information : “ We ran see no good reason why it should not be staled iluit the name of the Merchant who has failed is Edward rhomi)Son, as that fact is well and gener ally known in Philadelphia. We also think, that justice to the respectnble Col lector of Philadephia, ti veteran ofiicer of the Kcvolution, requires that il should be explained, as we are-informed is the fact, that he is not justly chargeable with any impropriety of conduct oflicial or other wise, in regaril to ihe removal of any mer chandise before the duties payable there on were secured. The Philad-clplvia edi tors, we hope, will not neglect this act of justice. [It is Sail! that the government will lose the enormous sum of Sy00,000 by the fuil- urc of Mr. 'I'hompson. j The pul)Iic have been api)rised of the loss of a ])ackei containing money, that was mailed at I'ayetievillo for Newberti, N. C. on the 'Jth of April. 1821, of its long disappeat-ance, and of ils rc':enl i’l’- cove ry. \\’e are happy to have it in nur power to stale, that ils detention is ascertained to have been the ell'ect of accidmit eiitii’i:* ly- ♦Letters of inquiry were addressed, understand, !)v tin- Post Master (leiieriil to all the ’.*o.',l Masters on the st-vcral routes between tht^ two places, from an answer lo one cf which il appears, thui oti ihe removal of a Post Oliice desk i;i ()(,to!jer last,the packet w as found iinopcti*. ed beiween flu; desk and the wall, and was iiumeiliately forwarded lo the of its des:inati tn. ^^'e further I('arn,that the mnnagcmrnt of this oliice ha:; always exhibited dili* gence aiui lideruy, and that the chara tor of tlu‘ Post Master is held In high I'S- It commenced in a fruit shop, occupi(;d |*■*>' by Mr. Jno. Y'igneau, near to the corner !j"i'’hed cilizens ol this Slate. of Lamboll-sl. 011 the \Vesi side oi' King- sl,—'I’he wind being at ,\. !•;. t|,(; flames were c.arried immediate!v over a mass of wooden buildings, extending to South- Buy, and the entire scjuare bounded on the I'.ast by King-streel, on ihe Soutli'l)v Soulli-Iiay-slreel, and on thp North by Lamboll-street, w ith the exc»*ption of foui- dwelliug-houses, nearest to Legare-slreet. was enlii-ely destroyed, llesides the I)uildii)gs burnt in this square, :> dwel ling houses on the Last side f)f King-st. nearly opposite to where the lire origina ted, and the large mansion of Capt. 1’. Sm I ts, on the South side of South-Bay- strect, locciioied by .Mr. IIogkk IlruioT.) his ncig!\bors, and by distui- lie. ynf. Journal. Criminnl Lair.—The Lcgislatuve of ^'ermont have ado])(ed a new criniini' code, abolishing capital punishments m every case but murder in liie first d('!;rre, atid arson of dwelling houses, caiiii'ig death. The penalties of other crimes con sist chielly in impiisotmienl fora greaiei or less jH-riod. lialci/^h PfS' 'I’he total cd’ the cotton crop of the L’nited Slates, for the year ending I, 1H2.), is to be bales, bi‘ing a" increase of f.O.DD I bales ou tlie crop ol 4)recediiig